What time is the best material being remembered. Memory development

In this article, you will learn how to better memorize information thanks to reliable ways that have already helped many people in school, reading and learning in general.

If you are reading scientific literature to learn some particular topic (say, investments or internet marketing) or prepare for exams, you will be helped by several rules that will constantly increase your ability to memorize and reproduce the material.

Use these rules every day and increase your educational potential.

How best to memorize information:

Rule number 1: First quick reading, then - detailed

Usually people try to remember all the details from the read material for one sit down, but the best way To learn complicated information is to divide the reading process into two or three stages.

First, run through the text that you need to read (two or three pages will be just right), reading superficially. Do not make yourself remember anything during the first reading.

Now go back to the same material, reading slowly this time. Pronounce difficult words out loud. Emphasize complex words or key concepts.

If you still feel puzzled, go through the material for the third time. You will be amazed at how much information placed in your head!

Rule number2: Take notes

Studying new Material (lecture, webinar, just reading something), make notes.

After some time, rewrite your notes in the notebook, collecting and summarizing all the information. You will notice that you probably recorded some of the information or materials that seemed very important to you during the lecture, but now no interest.

Recommend to the concepts that you recorded, but not clearly explained by writing your thoughts. Watch the definitions of keywords and external resources. Write down the information you found in this form, in which it is convenient for you. This will secure information in your memory.

Rule number3: Teach others

We are best remembered when we learn others. That is why training groups can be very effective if they are properly used. Instead of using your group only for performing any tasks, ask your partner to "drive" you on the material passed, make you verbally repeat what you learned.

Find in the class of a person who is poorly learning, and become an informal mentor for him.

If you can not find such a "student", tell your partner or neighbor around the room about what you learned in the classroom. Do not repeat the material that you already know well.

Select information, with the understanding of which you have any problems, and make yourself explain to someone at lunch or while walking with the dog. This will allow you to really understand the entire essence of the material you learn.

Rule number 4: Speak with yourself

Want - believe you want - no, but listening to your own voice, you can easier to memorize new facts. Write down on the voice recorder, as you read keywords and definitions out loud, and later listen. This trick will make your self-learning more efficient. You will be involved a few senses at the same time - auditory, verbal and visuals - plus you will be more attentive, as reading out loud requires concentration.

There is another funny trick. It is to make a "phone tube" pipe from the flexible PVC pipe tube, which you could bring to your mouth and apply to the ear while reading out loud. Want - Believe it, you want - no, but the concentrated sound of your own voice passing through this "phone" will easily remember than your usual voice while reading the material out loud.

Rule number 5: Use visual tips

Many of us remember everything with the help of a visual channel. You can actually capture the image of the formula, definition or concept in your consciousness, and can easily remember the necessary information during the test or if necessary.

Use this feature of your memory, drawing pictures on cards or using various color markers when you write the information necessary for memorization.

For example, if you need to remember the Latin or Greek root of the word, you can draw pictures that symbolize the values \u200b\u200bof these words. The Latin word "Aqua" means water, so you can write "Aqua" with a blue marker and draw a drop of a drop. The Latin word "SPEC" means to watch, so you can draw a nearby glasses.

Cards are also a useful tool for visual memorization, especially if you use pictures and colors to make them. You can actually remember the word or formula just because remember how you suffered, solving what color it is worth writing this definition - orange or green. Color can cause your visual memory, which will help you get access to information.

Look interesting video About visual notes to help quickly memorize information:

Rule number 6: Use the shocking stimulus

Did you ever have a feeling while studying that you are simply unable to remember important information?

Want - Believe it, you want - no, but the use of some shocking physical incentive will help you understand, and then remember the complex material.

According to the study, conducted on the topic: "How best to memorize", if you put a hand in a bowl with ice water while studying, it will help remember, and then remember the necessary information. This is because negative stimuli activates part of your brain responsible for memory (presumably it happens so that we are better remembering the negative experience in order not to repeat it, but it also works effectively with the usual memorization of information).

You can use ice water, something hot or moderate pain to help you remember complex information. Try to pour yourself by the hand, holding a bag with ice in your hand, or hold a cup of hot tea while studying to stimulate your memory. The main thing is not to harm yourself truly!

Rule number 7: Chew a cheer

Teachers may prohibit the chewing gum in their lessons, because they do not want to rip off her from under the tables, but the chewing process of chewing can help you learn better and cope with tests.

One study studied the effect of chewing gum during test (on the example of graduates). The study showed that the chewing gum helped the disciples to finish the test 20 minutes earlier.

Another study was carried out on eighth graders who passed the annual examination of mathematics. The results showed that the students who chew a gum received an estimate for the test by 3 percent higher than their comrades who did not burst the gum.

How does the chewing helps to remember the information?

The chewing process of gum stimulates the influx of blood to the brain and helps you stay vigorous.

What chests do it better?

It does not matter whether you are booster with sugar or without sugar. The value has its taste. Go to the cheese of mint taste, because the mint acts as a mental stimulator and helps you feel calm and concentrated.

Rule number 8: participate in class work, even when you feel discomfort

There have been problems with a certain concept?

Most of us prefer to sit down somewhere in the corner and stay unnoticed in the class until we decompose all the material on the shelves. But this habit will always interfere with you in the learning process. Raise your hand, ask the question or voluntarily take part in the discussion of the topic with which you have difficulty.

You do not attend group classes? Find someone who understands the topic you need, and consult advice or help. Let you be worried about what you do not understand.

The discomfort that you feel during the execution of these actions will increase your remembrance features. You will receive answers to your questions and can easily remember the material later when you need the most.

Rule number 9: Select and paraphrase what you read

Reading the text difficult to understand, it may seem to you that you already have the letters in front of your eyes. Stress and highlight keywords and concepts while reading.

Pronounce words or concepts out loud while allocating them, and then write down (at the same time rephrasing) the material in the notebook. It will help you to digest all the information, and not just superficially run through it with my eyes.

Rule number 10: Invent poems or songs

Of course, you will not need to do this trick with most of the material, but you can discover benefits in coming up poems, rhymes or memorable songs that will help remember particularly complex formulas.

You may be easier to remember the formula if you come up with a musical design for it.

How do formulas help better memorize information?

Many formulas do not have any meaning for us. They look like a list of random numbers and letters, or seem like a set of random instructions that lack the binder element.

If you turn the formula in a song or verse, you are aware that it once seemed irrational, and this understanding of the material will allow your brain to better perceive information and save it in such a way that it can be easily accessible to it.

Rule number11: Look for Association

Similarly, the association method can help you find a link between dates or individual facts that need to be remembered in a certain order.

Find the way to associate the date and the name so that there is some point in this using the game numbers or words. You probably have ever done something like that when you needed to remember the password or phone number.

Find a way to associate a number named in such a way that it makes sense to you and the question of how best to memorize information will not be so acute for you.

Rule number12: Make breaks while studying

If you are constantly studying for a long period of time, then you may notice that your performance falls as you stay for a long time. Studies prove that during study it is necessary to make a 10-minute break every hour to maximize productivity.

What should this break be?

Be sure to stand, go to the toilet, drink something or snack. It is best to leave the room in which you sit, and move a little to improve the bloodstream. If you have such an opportunity, jump or stretch to get a tide of adrenaline and cheer up. After that, you can again take care of work.

Rule number13: Find a practical application

There are problems with memorizing formula or theory?

The problem is that you probably did not find practical application for this concept in life, so your brain still does not want to memorize him.

Imagine how you can use this formula or the concept for solving a real problem. If possible, play or mentally imagine the influence of this problem in the practical plane. This will help you understand the formula or concept and, if necessary, easy to remember.

Rule number14: Create a physical image

Some concepts are difficult to understand until you see their physical image or illustration of the idea.

For example, it is possible to estimate the importance of microscopic analysis by looking at the image of the DNA chain or the anatomy of the cell. If you can not create a physical image or picture, find the image on the Internet. This will help you clearly present the problem.

Rule number15: Read important information before bedtime.

Our brain continues to work, even when we sleep. Re-read your abstracts before going to bed again, so that your brain can better assimilate the material at a time when you sleep.

Do not read anything that causes you trouble or grieves (so you risk disrupting your sleep). Instead, use this trick to secure the basic concepts and information that you will need later.

Rule number16: Practice breathing exercises

Stress suppresses the ability to concentrate and complicates access to the information you have learned.

That is why you can safely understand the principle, being in the classroom, but then go to a dead end while writing the test. You know that the information is somewhere on the backyards of your mind, but you just can't access her. This is because stress disconnects your ability to concentrate on something, you still have the "Bay or Run" reaction.

To overcome stress, do for three to five minutes.

Find a quiet place, set the timer, close your eyes, and then focus solely on my breath. Inhale as deep as possible, keep your breath until you feel a little discomfort, and then slowly breathe until you feel full relief.

Repeat in the same spirit without worrying about anything and focusing all the attention on how nice to breathe, while the timer does not communicate.

Try above the listed ways to memorize information and find the most effective for you.

Good luck in assimilation new information!

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Everyone will have their small tricks that help memorize more and better. From children's lining book with poems under the pillow before drawing the sketches of his thoughts. Science also describes a number of common features of how the human brain accepts new information.

1. We remember what we see

The brain involves 50% of its resources for the analysis of seen information. In other words, half of its capacity is given to the processing of visual processes, and the remaining part is divided among the other abilities of the body. And vision directly affects other feelings. An excellent example is a test in which 54 wine lovers were asked to taste several samples of a grape drink. Experimentators mix the tasteless red paint odorless in white wines to find out if participants will be able to detect catch. They did not cope, and the red gone instead of white with a bang.

Vision is so important part of how we interpret the world that it can suppress the other senses of people.

Another unexpected discovery associated with vision is that we see the text as separate images. While you read these lines, your brain perceives each letter in the form of a picture. This fact makes reading incredibly ineffective compared to receiving information from images. At the same time, we pay more attention to moving objects than static.

Images and animation are able to speed up your training. Add doodle, photos or cuts from newspapers and magazines to your notes. Use colors and diagrams to illustrate new knowledge.

2. We remember the overall picture better than its private

Studying many new concepts, it is not difficult to drown in the increasing data stream. In order to avoid overload, you need to look back and outline the overall picture. You must understand how fresh knowledge fit into a single puzzle as they can be useful. The brain better assisted information if he communicates between it and something previously disabled within the same structure.

For a better understanding, we give the metaphor. Imagine your gyms - a wardrobe with a set of shelves. As you launch an increasing amount of clothing on the closet, you start separating it in different signs. And now the new job (new information) is a black jacket. It can be sent to other knitted things, put to the winter wardrobe or determine to the dark fellow. In real life, your jacket will find its place in one of these corners. In your brain, knowledge is associated with all the others. You can easily remember the information later, because it is already permeated by the threads of what fastened in your head.

Keep a large diagram or notes in the field of view, explaining the whole picture that you are learning, and every time add new items throughout the hard way.

3. Sleep strongly affects memory

Studies have shown that the full night of sleep between the bunning and the exam significantly improves the results. In one of the experiments, the motor skills of participants were checked after their intensive learning. And those tests who slept 12 hours before checking showed where the best results than those who were tested every 4 hours of wakefulness.

Dunda also adds a positive effect. In the walls of the University of California, it turned out that students who Keerili after solving a difficult task were performed the following tasks better than those who did not bull down the age.

WernerImages / Shutterstock.com.

It is important to know that the dream is good not only after, but before training. It turns the brain into a dry sponge, ready to absorb each drop of knowledge.

4. Lack of sleepually affects learning

Insufficient awareness of the dream and the underestimation of its importance, the most adversely affect the "flexibility" of your convulsion. Science is still very far from a detailed description of all healing functions of recreation, but it clearly presents what its lack leads. Sleep shortage makes the head reduce the turnover, act without sound risk by template schemes. In addition, the chance of obtaining physical damage is increasing due to the fatigue of all the "screws" of the body.

As for training, lack of sleep reduces the ability of the brain to take new information by 40%. So there is no need to torment yourself at night with low efficiency, it is better to rest and wake up fully armed.

The results of research of the Harvard Medical School contain interesting numbers: Sleep restrictions in the first 30 hours after the assimilation of something new can minimize all the achievements, even if you have excellent, after these days with the tail.

Normalize the volume and frequency of sleep during training. So you will be much more attentive and you can avoid failures in memory.

5. We ourselves learn better when we give lessons to others.

This is confirmed by a very indicative experiment. Scientists divided the participants into two equal groups and issued them the same tasks. According to the legend, half of the tests of a little weather was to convey the knowledge gained to other people. It is not difficult to guess that the future "teachers" showed a deeper level of assimilation. Researchers in the middle of the "responsible mindset", which gave such an effective result.

Come to learning from the position of "mentors". So your subconscious mind will make the brain distinguish the subtleties of similar definitions, carefully disassemble the material and dig in the nuances.

6. We are learning better in the alternation tactics.

Often, the repetition seems to be the only correct way to memorize information or hone skill. This method has repeatedly applied by you when the poem or throw in the target from one hand is applied. However, there is no obvious alternation tactics can give a greater effect.

So, in one experiment, participants showed paintings written in different artistic styles. The first group was sequentially demonstrated by six examples of each style, and the second one - in the last reason (different schools in random order). We won the latter: twice as much often guess affiliation to style. It is curious that 70% of all subjects prior to the start of the study were confident that the sequence should give odds to alternating.

Do not stop during training only on the penalty. Studying a foreign, mix the memorization of words with listening to speech in the original or writing.

In its review study, an approach was proposed - learn to read reading. We use it and for the development of memory - we will develop memorial memory important and interesting material for us, and not abstract words and objects.
Especially since this is the main rule discussed in the previous article.

To begin with, we will create ideal conditions for memorization, let's say a poetic passage. Choose the favorite, which we would like to keep for a long time in our memory.

Why start with ideal conditions?

At this stage, it is important to use the entire potential of our memory when all distracting factors are eliminated. Brain activity, as well, and physical requires favorable conditions.
Our task is to cost the minimum effort to achieve the best result.
We define the time when the memorization will be the most productive.

1. The effect of fatigue.
Not the most best timeIf you are tired, upset, concerned and uploaded problems. Otherwise, you are even more tired and unlikely to remember something, especially remember the next day. Also unfavorable time when you are tired of physically or you have an aggravation of chronic disease. Overwork- The main reason forgetting.
Yes, you will also remember in such a state, but only a small share of what they tried to memorize.

2. Daily biorhythms.
All the activities of the human body are subordinate to certain rhythmic fluctuations, like all living in nature. And the most important biorhythm - daily.

The state of our intellectual activity is also susceptible to daily fluctuations, although we can not notice this. In the first hours after awakening the head "Clear", the greatest energy. As the day passes - fatigue accumulates. Memory productivity also falls throughout the day. Sleep restores vitality. Sleep from 22 hours to 6 hours is the most healthy and most complete.

Thus, it is in the morning we own all our abilities fully. This rule, although there are exceptions, for example, Dostoevsky worked at night, almost to dawn.

Peaks of activity alternate with the clock of the decline.
Maximum activity It is observed: from 5 to 6 hours, from 11 to 12 hours, from 16 to 17 hours, from 20 to 21 hours, from 24 to one hour.

Despite the fact that on 24 to 1 hour, one of the peaks of our performance, it is not natural, and in the following days, such people have dramatically reduced performance. Such violations of the natural rhythm of sleep lead to ischemic heart disease, hypertension, chronic fatigue, etc.

Resident activity: From 2 to 3 hours, from 9 to 10 hours, from 14 to 15 hours, from 18 to 19 hours, from 22 to 23 hours.

Scientists have established that the maximum performance is observed from 10 to 12 hours, then its level is somewhat falling and from 16 to 18 hours it rises again slightly. But this is true only for part of people.

About 30% have maximum performance indicators only in the evening hours, and 45 - 50% - the same level of performance throughout the working day. These groups of people are conditionally named "Larks", "Oovami" and "Pigeon".

The performance of "owls" moves away, as a rule, in the evening when the body has to spend additional efforts to wake. And this prematurely wear the body.

Owl- This is the one who gets closely and falls late. In the morning, get up very hard. Continues to sleep on the move another hour or two after awakening.
Zhavoronok - One who goes to bed early, wakes up early, and very easy. In the morning he is in "shock", but in the evening the energy ends.

It does not matter whether you study a new language, learn to cook, master the musical instrument or simply train the memory - in any case, it will be useful for you to learn how the brain absorbs new information.

Each person is unique, but in the learning process, we all show similar psycho-physiological trends. Understanding these patterns will help you to develop the most effective strategy for the acquisition of new knowledge.

Consider 6 basic principles of learning that everyone should know.

1. Visual information is absorbed best

50% of brain resources are spent on spectacular perception. Think for a minute: exactly half of your brain activity occupies the vision and understanding of the seen, and only the remaining part goes to other receptors and the internal processes of the body.

However, vision is not only the most energy consumption of perception. Its influence on the rest of the senses is so large that it is sometimes able to significantly distort the meaning of the information received.

50% of the brain activity is used to handle visual information.
70% of the incoming information passes through visual receptors.
The decoding of the visual scene takes 100 ms (0.1 seconds).

An example of such an influence can be an experiment in which more fan of passionate fans of wine could not establish, which in front of it is a red or white wine. Before the start of tasting, the experimenters were mixed in white wine red pigment without taste and smell. As a result, everyone without exception, the subjects argued that they drink red wine - so much effect external view Drink on taste receptors.

Another amazing find was that the brain perceives the text as a set of images, so reading this paragraph now, in fact, you spend a lot of work on deciphering a set of "hieroglyphs", which are letters, into semantic units.

In this regard, it becomes clear why reading takes so much forces compared to watching illustrations.

In addition to static visual objects, we also pay special attention to everything that moves. That is, drawings and animation are the best satellites when teaching something, and all kinds of cards, images and charts can serve as a good help for successful learning new information.

2. First - the essence, then the details

In an effort to master the large amount of new information at once, you risk creating terrible mixture in your head. To avoid this, save the connection with the general picture: Having learned something new, go back and see how it can be correlated with what you already know - it will help you not be lost.

In essence, the human brain tends to first capture total meaning What is happening, and only then - details, so why not use this natural feature for yourself?

Having received a portion of knowledge, find them the place in the general system - it will significantly increase your chances of memorization. Also before learning something to start can be useful to understand general essence: Knowledge of what will be discussed as a whole, serves as a nervous system with a support for perception of smaller details.

Imagine that your memory is a wardrobe with a bunch of shelves: every time adding a new thing in it, you think to what category it belongs. For example, you bought a black sweater and can put it on the shelf for black things, a shelf for sweaters or a "winter" shelf. Obviously, in reality you can not place one thing immediately in several places, but the hypothetically of these categories exist, and your neurons regularly do this work on the correlation of new incoming information from the already available.

Making graphs and recordings about the place of the subject of the subject in the general picture of knowledge, you will achieve a better learning of information.

3. Sleep significantly affects memory and learning ability

Studies have shown that if a healthy night sleep is followed by studying new information, it has a positive effect on consolidating knowledge. In the experiment on the formation of motor skills, participants who had 12 hours and the opportunity to sleep before the test, showed 20.5% of progress, while the other group whose development of a new skill and his check fell for one day with a difference of 4 hours, achieved improved by 3.9%.

However, the modern person does not always have the opportunity to fully sleep, and in such cases it helps a short daytime sleep. Experiment of the University of California ( THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA) I found that the students who, after the completion of a complex task, were offered to sleep a bit, when performing a similar exercise after a dream, they coped much better than those who remained in a state of wakefulness between the two tests.

Sleep before learning a new material can also be very useful. Dr. Matthew Walker ( Dr. Matthew Walker), led by the study, argues that "Sleep prepares the brain to new knowledge and makes it look like a dry sponge, ready to absorb so much moisture as possible."

Examine any new skill or read about something before going to bed: when you set and try to remember what they learned before bedtime, you will be surprised how much I remembered.

4. Lack of sleep affects cognitive activity

Without a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of sleep and its appointment, sometimes we neglect this natural need, causing its drawback, or.

But despite the fact that the dream process itself is not fully studied, scientists have long been known, which leads its absence: high nervous stress, increased caution, avoiding risk, support for old habits, as well as exposure various diseases and physical injury, since the tired bodies lose their usual tone.

The lack of sleep affects both cognitive activity: the ability to absorb new information decreases by 40%. From this point of view, a good sleep and fresh head in the morning can bring much more benefitthan night vigil over work or textbooks.

  • irritability
  • cognitive disorders
  • dips in memory, forgetfulness
  • amoral behavior
  • unstained Zewnota
  • hallucinations
  • symptoms similar to ADHD (attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity)
  • slow motions
  • fire shakes
  • pain in muscles
  • coordination violation
  • violation of heart rhythm
  • risk of heart disease
  • risk of diabetes
  • growth suppression
  • obesity
  • increased temperature

Harvard Medical School ( Harvard Medical School) I conducted a study in which it was revealed that the following training for 30 hours is most critical to consolidate new knowledge, and the lack of sleep during this period can be reduced to not all your efforts, even if after these 30 hours you are assessed.

Therefore, leave the night gatherings in the past: the most productive time for the knowledge of the new day, when you are cheerful and full of strength, and for the best memorization of information do not forget to sleep well enough.

5. Best of all, we remember the information when we learn others

When we have to explain to others that we ourselves just learned, our brain is much better absorbing information: we are more clearly organize it in our consciousness, and the memory retains the main provisions in more detail.

The group of participants in one experiment was said that they would undergo a test test just gained, while the second group was to prepare for explaining this information to others. As a result, the test passed all the tests, but those who thought they would have to teach someone, remembered the material much better than the rest.

The author of the study, Dr. John Uncomply ( Dr. John Nestojko.), says that the psychological attitude of students before and during training can have a great influence on the cognitive process. " To configure students on the desired mode, sometimes it is enough to give them a couple of simple instructions"He says.

Despite the fact that we are not always aware of this, the need to transfer their knowledge to others makes us use more effective methods: We better highlight the main thing, it is easier to establish links between different facts and attentively organize the information obtained.

6. The information is remembered better when it alternates with the other

"Block Practice" ( block Practice.) - a fairly common approach to learning, named so scientists of the University of California, Dick Schmidt ( Dick Schmidt.). This approach implies the study of the same things blocks, that is, through a multiple repetition of information or skill for a long time, such as, for example, a continuous reading of a history textbook or an extent of one feed in tennis.

Schmidt himself advocates a fundamentally different method based on alternating information in the learning process. The study of this approach in his psychological laboratory is engaged in his colleague, Bob Bjork (Bob Bjork), offering participants a picture of two different artistic styles, while some tests study work blocks, 6 paintings each, whereas others look through the paintings alternately.

As a result, the tests that the paintings were demonstrated by blocks, much worse was able to distinguish one style from another (30% of the correct answers) compared with those who watched the paintings of different styles in the afternoon (60%).

It is surprising that before the start of the experiment, about 70% of the participants stated that they find a block approach more efficient and what exactly he helps them in learning. As you can see, our everyday ideas about the cognitive process are often far from reality and need clarification.

Bjork believes that the principle of alternation works better, as it is based on the natural ability of the brain to recognize images and differences between them. As for the study of new information, the same principle helps notice new and relate it to the available data.

Such an approach can be applied when preparing for exams, when you are improving not every skill separately, but alternately: oral, written speech and understanding of the rumor when studying a foreign language, the right and left submission in tennis, etc.

As Bjork says, we all need to learn to learn. " Almost any work implies continuous training, and an understanding of how you can influence the effectiveness of this process will significantly increase your chances of success.».