Plastic windows with horizontal sash. Types of opening of plastic windows

There are several types of opening. plastic windows.

The most popular will be: folding, swivel and swivel-folding. Less frequently ordered sliding, suspended, medium-speed, sliding, oblique-sliding, lifting, combined. Windows that do not open deaf. There are still deaf windows with a false sash. They, as well as the deaf, do not open, additionally have imitation of the sash.

The possibility of additional ventilation systems

Replacing the windows in the house or in the apartment, there are much better sealing areas around the window, and the window itself is perfectly compacted with careful manufacturing and assembly. As a result, the humidity created in each residential room can no longer leave. Therefore, it must be ventured regularly to reduce humidity and prevent the formation of mold. Ventilation must be executed several times a day, preferably through fully open windows and when the heating is turned off. Depending on the outdoor temperature, it is usually enough less than 5 minutes.

Let us dwell on each type of window opening.

Probably no sense to tell about deaf window. Everything is so beautiful as it looks. It is just a design without moving flaps. The deaf window is the most economical option for glazing, as it does not require expensive accessories.

On the other hand, constant ventilation through slightly open windows is less efficient. Ventilation should always be performed with outdoor air, which contains less moisture, never with air from another residential space. After closing the window, the cold air heats up very quickly. Regular ventilation may be a problem for many users, because they are simply not used to it from their old windows or due to the high concentration of wet air through the non-dried masonry, a large amount indoor plants And other factors.

The advantage of deaf glazing is that it can be glazed with large areas. Usually the deaf windows are used to glazing the technical premises.

Swing and swivel windows Known to everyone. They are installed in almost every apartment. Open inside or out. Their popularity is due to convenience and practicality.

Systems that reduce the risk of mold are used here. This is especially true for kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms, where humidity reaches especially high levels. Fresh air is absorbed by perforated seal over the sides of the window. It enters the space between the sash and the frame, where it heats up and rises. There are no drafts, because the air flowed rises through climb air and over the surface of the top seal of the wing directly to the ceiling of the room. Here, the incoming fresh air is mixed with unused warm air.

Folded plastic windows Have a high level of security. Therefore, they are preferred in children's rooms. They are open only on top and very comfortable for airing the room. But they have one drawback associated with washing. They are not so easy to penetrate from the street. Often such profiles are used in glazing entrances for security reasons.

Thus, the room is effectively ventilated and saves energy. The system works automatically and cannot be blocked. However, it can be completely removed without a trace. Gas devices consume air indoors. The novelty is that an elastic valve is inserted into the air flow, which prevents air and water from entering during severe wind gusts.

The external profile is profiled and perforated and therefore is characterized by extreme rigidity. Perforation of the internal profile replaces the insect grid. The entire system is easily cleaned and supported, with an additional advantage of fast and easy installation. End details are available in different colors, manual or motorized operation of the ventilation system is also available.

Swivel-folded window Combines the functions of both the turning window and the folding. Such windows are popular in apartments. To select the opening mode, it is enough to rotate the handle to the desired position and pull.

Sliding windows are most often used for glazing the loggia and balcony, as they do not occupy a place when opening. Fasteners drive each other, saving space. Among the minuses of these windows is bad thermal insulation, so you can often hear about it that it is "cold" glazing.

Moisture-sensitive valves are available in two versions and three different colors. With the help of a special cover, the attenuation of the sound of 37 dB is achieved. The system responds to humidity and regulates the amount of air flowing, respectively. The ventilation element can be closed manually to prevent air from entering the element in very cold weather. This option turns out to be in places where extremely low temperatures occur in winter.

The autumn began and with her "return home". If it were not for the current cold air, it was made through the cracks in the window and ended in that he raised the blanket to the ears. If you do not know where to put more weather strips, definitely change them. External buildings have two main parts - profiling and glazing - and we must pay attention to each of them to ensure optimal insulation. Do you know that about 80% of the window value is associated with profiling? Or what if we speak in terms of isolation, then the percentage is the opposite?

Types of opening plastic windows photo

Figure schematically shows various types of opening plastic windows


The manifold of plastic windows on the market allows consumers to decide both typical tasks for glazing their housing and non-trivial. But it is important to remember that when installing pVC profiles It is impossible to neglect the quality in relation to the design.

He plays to do homework And learn about the materials for profiling and glass types. He is very stable, it is perfectly held outdoors, it does not need maintenance, and you have an infinite number of colors and finishes.

Well, it's just that it was not the material that so well passed the temperature that it could be isolate better. Solution: Profiles with a gap of a thermal bridge, which include cameras inside and plastic parts that avoid this between cold or warm.

They are durable, easily clean and do not require maintenance. Therefore, they are becoming increasingly popular, especially after they have introduced many more colors and finishes in their designs and are made of materials and processes that respect the environment.

We offer buyers a variety of options for plastic windows that differ in a form, a color solution, the type of opening of the sash and their number.

Forms of plastic windows

Today there are several types of forms:

  • rectangular. Classical and standard variation;
  • triangular;
  • round. Original products that give individual home or cottage individuality and efficiency;
  • arched. An interesting design of plastic windows, becoming quite popular;
  • polygonal. Such products are ordered for homes with an unusual design.

Opening options for plastic windows

Window structures are classified according to the method of opening the sash:

This material that is traditionally used in external carpentry products due to its excellent isolation qualities and natural beauty, although the periodic maintenance needed to remain in ideal weather conditions, made it refuse to appear new practical materials.

Mixed, best of every world

He is currently returning to justify himself with treated forests that offer excellent outdoor behavior. Tropical varieties most stable outdoors are even more expensive. Do you want to enjoy the beauty of the tree at home without any flaws?

  1. Deaf. A simple variant with a low cost. Such windows do not open. Install such window systems are recommended in rooms where air conditioning is available.
  2. Swivel. This option of opening plastic windows involves revealing horizontally. The advantages include acceptable cost and convenience when careing.
  3. Folded. The windows of such a design come off from above. They are ideal for premises where there is no possibility to open a completely sash horizontally.
  4. Swivel-folding. The most functional, practical and universal version, which provide the ability to open the window and from above, and horizontally. The designs are extremely convenient to care and ventilate the room.

The selected number of flaps depends on the width of the opening. The most common option is two-dimensional models.

Today, no one would think to install the window without double glazing, although you know that there are many types of glass?

Although the most common option is two identical glass with an insulating chamber between them, depending on the climate in the zone of your stay and the orientation of the house there is best options, such as the use of glasses with "enhanced thermal insulation" and even with inert gas in the air chamber. The offer is very wide, and also includes glasses with solar control, protection and even self-cleaning.

Depending on the type of house, in which installation is planned, and other factors experienced masters choose the optimal option for installing plastic windows. Montage B. panel houses It happens faster than in stone buildings. Also, competent masters offer the following fastening of plastic windows:

  • with the help of anchors;
  • using plates;
  • combined method.

When buying PVC windows, it is recommended to order a mosquito net, slopes and other elements of external and interior decoration - Often such a "complex" is cheaper.

As for the necessary investment, keep in mind that the glass accounts for a maximum of 20% of the ultimate window price, so it is better not to skip. In addition to the selected materials, the window opening type also affects the price. The most economical are traditional swing doors, although more expensive models with inclination and turn offer additional benefits, such as the possibility of ventilation of the premises without the need to open the door more than the top. Sliding doors are the most expensive option, although large balcony doors They are vital, especially in sliding versions, much easier during opening and closing.