Passport on houseplants in kindergarten. Passport of indoor plants

Presentation "Passport indoor plants»

Presentation prepared : Educator of the highest qualifying category Kichigin N.A. MADOU №18 "Kindergarten" Ladushka "Gay Orenburg region

Geranium (Pelagronia)

Shine: bright. The plant transfers straight sun rays.

Temperature: In the summer - room. In winter, pelargoniums contain as cool as possible, at a temperature of 8-12 ° C.

Watering: Moderate, since pelargoniums do not like the convergence. In winter, plants watered very moderately.

Air humidity: On hot days you can spray.

Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, and in the garden or on the balcony. It is easy to care for it, it is rarely subjected to diseases, requires a moderate watering and not too nutritious earth mixture, resistant to drought, has a high resistance. They bloom with large and colorful infloresions for a long time.


Shine: Bright scattered light. Good grows near the eastern or western window. In a dark place, the plant loses decorative attractiveness.

Temperature: Moderate. In winter, not lower than 18 ° C. Of course, unpretentious chlorophytum will not perish with adverse temperatures, but it will definitely affect its appearance.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil must be wet all the time. Moderate winter.

Air humidity: In the summer, from time to time the leaves useful to spray and arrange a warm shower. Be sure to spray if the plant is contained next to the heating system.

Motherland - South America. Another reason for the popularity of chlorophyteum is its endurance. Chlorophyteum refers to light-affiliated plants.


Shine: bright. The plant can carry direct sunlight.

Temperature: In the period of active growth of 18-25 ° C.

Watering: Water poured into the pallet in the summer every other day, in the winter twice a week.

Air humidity : Does not play a significant role.

A perennial grassy plant with a short juicy stem, carrying a rosette of leaves. Leaves up to 8 cm. Long, cherry, heart-shaped, wide, and rounded, with a wavy edge, dark green, from the bottom reddish. Flowers are collected in 2-7 flowering inflorescences, on long stained blossoms.

Begonia Spotted

Shine: Prefers bright light. Direct sunlight should be avoided, the light should be scattered.

Temperature: The optimal air temperature in the room corresponds to the gap from 20 to 25 degrees in summer and not lower than 16 degrees in winter.

Watering: Moderate and winter and summer.

Air humidity: She loves soft humid air indoors. But it is not worth spraying the leaves and flowers, in order to avoid darkening or rotting leaves.

Begonia Spotted is a high splashing bush. Leaves are smooth and shiny, dark green with white or gray clips on top. Flowers are white and light pink, beautiful unusual shape. They are located on hanging down the downstream flowering and are collected in small inflorescences.


Shine: Bright light.

Temperature: The optimal temperature in the summer of 18 ° C, in winter - not lower than 12 ° C, since in cooler rooms the plant can reset the leaves. In the summer, it is removed on fresh air.

Watering: Watering is needed with soft water, summer spray. In winter, the soil should be only slightly wet.

Air humidity: Moderate.

The plant is from tropical Africa and Asia. This is a bushy plant up to 35 cm high with quadrangular juicy, almost transparent stems and velvety leaves with colorful, rich shades, and sawdords. Flowers Koleus, throwing a blizzard with small non-splash flowers.


Shine: Uninfixed light or half. Prefers northern or oriental windows. Loves light, but must be contacted from the bright sun. It can be grown with artificial lighting at least 16 hours a day.

Temperature: In the summer: 20-25 ° C, in winter not higher than 13-18 ° C, but can adapt to higher temperatures.

Watering: The plant grows along the banks of the rivers, very moisthed, the lower part of the pot in the summer should be in water, in winter after watering the water is drained. If the soil in the pot hesitates, the plant will ship in the next 24 hours.

Air humidity: Requires daily spraying if the temperature is above 20 ° C, however, can adapt to dry air of the rooms

Chinese rose

Shine: Good scattered lighting.

Temperature: Optimal temperature regime for Chinese rose + 18-25ºС in summer and 16-18ºС in winter.

Watering: During active vegetation and flowering, abundant irrigation is needed. In the fall and winter watered moderately, 2-3 days after drying the upper layer of the soil.

Air humidity: High. Kitaniki will be glad to warm the soul and daily spraying.

His homeland is considered East Asia. Flowers Chinese rose with terry, simple single flowers of various color. Flowers of varietal plants can combine a varied palette of contrasting shades in the form of drive on the main background, concentric rings and strips.

Fern "Nefrolypp"

Shine: Scattered, from the midday rays should be dialed.

Temperature: moderate, spring summer period optimal temperature About 20 ° C, at temperatures above 24 ° C, there must be high humidity, since high temperatures tolerate poorly. In the autumn-winter period, the optimal temperature is in the range of 14-15 ° C.

Watering: In the spring and summer period, it is poured abundantly, in winter, watering moderate, the soil must constantly be slightly humid.

Air humidity : High. It is necessary to spray a plant several times a day.

Nefrolypt Fast-growing plant. Fern is unpretentious and suitable for vertical compositions.


Shine: Prefers half-directed place. Eastern or Western windows are best for cultivation. May grow near the northern window.

Temperature: The optimal temperature for the content of the camneur is in the range of 20-25 ° C. In winter, the plant is better to contain in the coolness, at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

Watering: Water from spring to autumn moderately, as the upper layer drying up, water is cut in winter. With the onset of spring watering increase. Watering produce soft water.

Air humidity: Camery leaves are useful occasionally spray with soft water, especially in the spring-summer period.


Shine: Most species prefers moderate lighting and half, straight sun rays make plant leaves with sluggish and lifeless. Peppercut forms need bright abdomen.

Temperature: Summer: preferably up to 24 ° C. In winter, the optimal temperature is 15-18 ° C. Most species do not like sharp temperature fluctuations.

Watering: Water with moderately soft water temperature, in the summer watering 1 time in 10 days, in winter 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Nevertheless, the soil in the pot should not disappear.

Air humidity: The plant must be sprayed daily, put into wet pebbles.

A perennial plant from the tropists of Central and South America, Ecuador.

Sigocactus "Decembrist"

Shine: Prefers light half and will feel good not far from the window for a transparent curtain.

Temperature : can grow at a temperature of from 2 to 37 ° C, but still the optimum temperature for cultivation is 18-25 ° C.

Watering: moderate.

Air humidity: Useful spraying. In order to wash off dust from sheet plates, a warm shower is regularly used.

Motherland Sigocactus consider South America's wet rainforests. Natural coloring of the colors of the Decembrist: white and bright red. In order for the Decembrist well to feel at home, he needs to create conditions close to those in which it grows in a natural environment.




Air humidity


Ordinary temperature

Attitude towards light




Straight rays

Scattered light

Good drying

Light drying of land


Constantly wet land

Water level in the pallet

Passport room
The second junior group of general collaboration
Directional No. 3 "Sunny"


18 S.
Air humidity
Ordinary temperature
Straight rays
Scattered light
Attitude to
Wet land
Water level B.

Light: Intense scattered. In the spring-summer period is transformed from
direct sunlight.
Temperature: Spring-summer period - 20-24 ° C. In the autumn-winter period
The temperature should be at least 12 ° C. The plant suffers hard
drafts, especially in winter time.
Watering: in the spring-summer period is abundant, in the autumn-winter period
watered moderately, during watering it is impossible to dry up, and
Excessive convergence of the substrate.
Air humidity: spraying, especially in the heating season.
Phili-grassy rhizuisky
Short fleshy plant
leaves, tightly planted each
Friend leaves of dark green color, bottom
Red-purple, length about
15 cm.

Sansevieria (sicky tail)
Light: bright scattered light, transfers both light half and
Full shadow. But for copper plants you need a bright
Intense light So as the shade is lost in the painting of the leaves.
Temperature: Spring-summer period prefers moderate within
18-25 ° C, in the autumn-winter period, the temperature should not
Sleep below 14-16 ° C, in the case of a long decrease in temperature
The plant is ill.
Watering: moderate from spring to autumn - the soil should have time to dry.
Water watering is limited. When watering, especially in winter it is impossible to allow
Water getting into the center of the socket - it can cause the posting.
Air humidity: It is useful to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.
Sansevieria - Perennial Rhizome Evergreen

Succulent lane acetoid leaves. Flowers
Usually in spring, in April - May, small white
Flowers collected in busy inflorescences. By
At night, quite strong fragrance comes from them.

Ficus Benjamin
Light: bright scattered.
Temperature: in spring-summer period 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, in winter, most species
We need a temperature of 12-15 ° C, but they do not badly tolerate wintering and warm
Residential premises.
Watering: Abundant in the Spring-Summer period. Since autumn, watering is reduced in winter
Water moderately.
Air humidity: Plant can carry dry air, however
Speaks well on spraying.
Ficus does not like changes, so better immediately
determine for him a permanent place and
opportunities, not to transfer, do not move and not
alarm In summer, the ficus can be taken on
Fresh air, balcony or terrace. For ficus
Suitable bright place with shading from
direct sunlight in summer.

Geranium (Pelagronia)
Light: bright. The plant transfers straight sun rays.
Temperature: Summer - room. In winter, pelargoniums contain as possible
cooler at a temperature of 8-12 ° C.
Watering: Moderate, since Pelargoniums do not like the convergence. Winter
Plants watered very moderately.
Air humidity: On hot days you can spray.
Geranium can be grown and on
Window sill, in the garden or on the balcony.
In addition to its beauty, geranium creates
Around yourself positive aura. For her
easy to care for, she is rarely exposed
Diseases require moderate watering
and not too nutritious earth mixture,
Resistant to drought, has a high
viability. They flower long
Large and colorful inflorescences.

Light: a bright place, halftime, does not tolerate direct sunlight.
For good growth and development, intense light is needed. Good grows
Drazena with artificial lighting.
Temperature: moderate, not lower than 15 ° С, Most dras
Prefer cool overreep at a temperature of 10-12 ° C.
Watering: Summer is abundant, temperate in winter. Does not tolerate water in
Pot or earthen koma. Drazes are suitable for growing
on hydroponics.
Air humidity: Drazes are resistant to dry air, regular
This is a perennial plant growing up to 3 m in
height, with a thick weathered stem, which
Usually a little branch and is very shared. Leaves
up to 50 cm long, about 1-2 cm width, glossy,
narcolatory form. Coloring leaves
predominantly green, but depending on the variety
May have yellow or red stripes.

Light: summer shading from direct sunlight, i.e. bright place
Easy half. In winter, good lighting is necessarily.
Temperature: well develops only warm, not lower than 18 ° C,
The optimal temperature is 22-23 ° C. Does not tolerate drafts.
Watering: abundant from spring to autumn, winter is more moderate, but soil
Never have to completely disperse. Spathifylum is poorly tolerated
Stagnation of water in roots.
Air humidity: loves very wet air, regularly required
Spraying and kneading leaves. Before spraying, you need to cover
Flowers and buds.
Motherland South America, East Asia, Polynesia.
If this herbaceous plant pick up
Suitable place, it can bloom almost
whole year. In addition, blooming spathifylum begins in
Pretty early age - Already after 6-17 months.
Flowers hold back for quite a long time - more than a month.
Large copies are grown in ads.

Light: bright. The plant can carry direct sunlight. For
Lack of lighting can be pulled out
Temperature: From spring to autumn for Zamiculkas, the temperature is suitable in
range 20-25 ° C; In winter, it is advisable to contain a plant with
The temperature is about 16 ° C.
Watering: moderate from spring to autumn, careful in winter, with
cool content watered after drying the substrate at least
At 1/2 height pot.

Zamiculkas is very beautiful
Decorative Gorgeous Plant
leaves, came to us from East Africa,
Belongs to the aroid family.
Zamiculkas is very slowly rooted and grows

Light: bright. The plant needs literal sunlight.
Temperature: in the spring-summer period in the region of 20-25 ° C. In autumn and winter
It is desirable to lower the temperature to 10-15 ° C.
Watering: in spring and summer is abundant. Autumn and winter rare after
The substrate will dry.
Air humidity: does not play a significant role.
Crassula or "Money Tree" as well
girlfriend and "Mint" - all this
the names of succulent plants that
Belongs to the family of Tolstanka.
Plants have a beautiful tree trunk.
Tree blooms, but this miracle accounted for
To see a little.

Lighting. Windows on the eastern or western side.
Temperature. 18 to 24 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be
Less - 16-18 degrees.
Watering. From spring to autumn, they water immediately after drying the upper layer
Soil, and in winter - in a couple of days after the soil is dry from above.
Humidity. It is recommended to spray twice in the hot season
Day - in the morning and evening.
Singonium is a large evergreen liana
Family Aoid, Motherland of this Plant
It is South and Central America.
Young bright - green leaves have
sweat shape. In an adult plant
Aerial roots appear for
absorption moisture, and leaves become
dissected to base, silver
Colors on which well stand out
Dark bodies.

Lighting. Shadowish
Temperature. 18 to 20 degrees, protect against drafts
Watering. moistureless
Humidity. No spraying is recommended.
Calatea is a perennial
Herbate Plant with Personal
or running shoots. Leaves
Plants appear straight out of the ground on
High and strong stiffs. Highly
Large leaves of Calatei have
oblong-oval shape. Height
Plants are approximately 50-80 cm.
Leaf plates plants are pretty
narrow, with a pointed top edge,
have oval, elliptical or
heart shape.

Mini passport plants for pots with plants,
Prefat up, divide, cut.
Take tubes for juice, cut in half, make
Small cuts from one edge, in a blank insert
The cable card is the minisport of the plant.

Requirements for plant semination Corner of nature.
The corner of nature provides the ability to focus the attention of children on
a small number of plants, on the most typical signs, thereby
Provide deeper and strong knowledge.
A variety of plants with which children are found directly in nature,
It makes it difficult to allocate common, substantial and natural in the life of plants.
It matters and the spatial proximity of the plant corner of nature. Children
get the opportunity to look good at the plants, watch them
For a long time.
When selecting plants for a corner of nature, the requirements should be taken into account
Program presented. Only on this condition can be ensured
Educational and educational impact on children.
- plants in the corner of nature should be externally attractive capable
Attract and retain not very sustainable attention of the child of the preschooler.
- it is necessary to have several copies of one species; Children see in objects
observations are not only common, but also individual signs that will bring them to
Understanding the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms.
- Plants must be absolutely safe, not bringing the slightest harm
Health of children.
- It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life, growth and
Plant development in the premises of the Dow.
- The corner of nature should please the eye, decorate the interior.
Plants need to be placed so that the children can move freely,
To approach them, watch and work in the corner of nature.

Plants Corner of Nature in junior Groupoh.
In the younger groups, are taken into account, first of all, the peculiarities of the perception of children
Objects (kids highlight bright signs and properties.) Children must learn
Recognize and call 2-3 plants, their main parts: leaf, stem, flower.
Children of the 2nd younger group are attracted to the care of plants: water water,
cooked adults (it determines both the dosage), wipe wet
Rod large leathery leaves of plants.
In the corner of the nature of the younger groups placed plants that have clearly pronounced
The main parts (stem, leaves) and bright, abundantly and long blooming: Primula, Begonia,
Geranium Ordinary or Zone, Balzamin, Clivia, Aspidistra, Ficus,
Tradesska, Drazen, Chinese Rosan.
From the named species, during the year, 3-4 plants contribute, and some of them
Must be in two copies so that the children find the same plants.

18 S.
18 S.
18 S.
18 S.
18 S.

18 S.
18 S.
18 S.

Curly semi-staple. The shoots are abundantly branched, naked. Leaves are reduced to tiny (0.5 cm) triangular brown scales. Reminded filamentous leaves modified stems (philoclands) are collected by beams of 3-12. The length of them is 0.5-1.5 cm, diameter - up to 0.5 mm. They are slightly curved, light green, give openwork appearance to the entire plant. Separate shoots are oriented horizontally, forming the similarity of small leaves. Flowers are small, single or 2-4, white. Motherland - Eastern and South Africa; Growing in subtropical and rainforest.

Motherland: Dry areas of Africa, Mascarene Islands, Madagascar and the adjacent islands, in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. Aloe refers to xerophyte succulents. The leaves are fleshy, are collected in the root rosette, in many types with waxing and with spikes or hook-shaped cloths around the edges, other spikes are missing completely. Extract from canned leaves Aloe is used according to the method of tissue therapy with some eye and other diseases, juice of leaves - as an external agent in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns and some other skin diseases.

Motherland: Mexico, tropics and subtropics of Central and South America. Agava is predominantly used as decorative plants in the design of winter gardens, interiors, in the expositions in Orangery and open soil. Large plants are less suitable for rooms, but there are views that differ in small sizes and slow growth.

Shine:bright. The plant can carry direct sunlight.

Temperature:in the period of active growth of 18-25 ° C.

Watering: Water poured into the pallet in the summer every other day, in the winter twice a week.

Air humidity: Does not play a significant role.

A perennial grassy plant with a short juicy stem, carrying a rosette of leaves. Leaves up to 8 cm. Long, cherry, heart-shaped, wide, and rounded, with a wavy edge, dark green, from the bottom reddish. Flowers are collected in 2-7 flowering inflorescences, on long stained blossoms. The crinus dark purple with a five blade twin bend (2 blades in short. 3 others).

Plants ours
Performed: 3 Group
Leader: Smooth M.P.
2017 year

Light: bright scattered light. Good grows near the eastern or western window. IN
too dark place the plant loses decorative attractiveness.
Temperature: moderate. In winter, not lower than 18 ° C. Of course, unpretentious chlorophytum is not
will perish with adverse temperatures, but it will definitely affect his external
Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil must be wet, moderate
in winter.
Air humidity: in summer, from time to time, leaves are useful to spray and arrange
warm shower.
Healing properties Plants: Chlorophytum - Plant - Ecologist. It is better than all cleans
air. For 24 hours, this flower almost completely cleans the air from harmful substances.
Motherland South America. Chlorophyteum is one of the most common
indoor plants. This is not surprising: he is growing rapidly, he has beautiful curved
the leaves, and in the spring and summer on thin stems, minor white flowers appear first, and
then tiny outlet of the leaves.

Light: half. From direct sunlight, the plant should be dialed.
Temperature: For abundant bloom, a temperature is desired not lower than 18 ° C, better than 20
25 ° C.
Watering: regular.
Air humidity: The plant is well tolerating spraying.
The healing properties of the plant: Begonia cleans and heal air.
used in the room to combat microbes.
Perennial herbaceous plant height 2540 cm compact shape, leaves
brilliant, large, length about 8 cm, flowers 3 5 cm in diameter, white, pink,
yellow, red color, neachhrovaya, semi-grade and terry. Motherland Tropical I.
subtropical regions of America, Africa and Asia.
In 1812, Begonia received an interesting Russian name "Napoleon's ear", since
the outline and reddish color of the underside of some types of begonias
really look like a large frostbitten ear.

SENPOLIA (violet)
Light: bright. The plant can carry direct sunlight.
Temperature: In the period of active growth of 1825 ° C.
Watering: Water is poured into the pallet in the summer every other day, in the winter twice a week.

The healing properties of the plant: the tincture of the lathe of the lathe of the scented helps with
Perennial herbaceous plant with a short juicy stem, carrying a rosette
leaves. Leaves up to 8 cm. Long, cherry, heart-shaped, wide
or rounded, with a wavy edge, dark green, the bottom is reddish.
Flowers are collected in 27 flowering inflorescences, on long stained blossoms. Venchik
a dark purple with a five blade twin bend (2 blades in short. 3 others).

Pelargonium (geranium)
Light: bright. The plant transfers straight sun rays.
Temperature: Summer - room. In winter, pelargoniums contain as cool as possible,
at a temperature of 812 ° C.
Watering: Moderate, since Pelargoniums do not like the convergence. In winter plants
watered very moderately.
Air humidity: On hot days you can spray.
Healing properties of plants: Pelargonium cleans and refreshes air. Essential oils,
the plants released to get rid of headaches. This is good anti-inflammatory
means. Geranium is useful to people suffering from neurasthenia, insomnia, hypertension,
diseases of the heart and the gastrointestinal tract. Applied to the pulse on the wrist
the sheet normalizes the pressure.
Attention! We learned that the plant can cause an allergic reaction in humans.
Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, and in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to mine
beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around him.

Light: love a lot of scattered light. The straight sun rays are not suitable for them.
Summer flower is desirable to prevent.
Temperature: Daytime temperatures in summer from 18 to 22 degrees, and winter from 12 to 15.
Watering: patient to dryness than to overcoat. In enhanced irrigation orchid
it needs only during the period of active growth, flowering and emissions of flowers.
The healing properties of the plant: from the petals of orchid flowers make useful baths for
Orchids are the largest family of monocoons. Most species
focused in tropical latitudes. Orchids are known primarily as
beautiful decorative decorative plants.

Light: demanding to lighting. Poor tolerates straight sun rays and shadow.
Temperature: Love cool content. The desired temperature of 1416 degrees.
Summer did not exceed 25 degrees.
Watering: Must be regular and abundant.
Air humidity: periodically spray moisture near the plant, not allowing
finding on leaves and buds.
The healing properties of the plant: the juice from the cyclamen tuber is used in the treatment
In the wild, this plant is distributed throughout the Mediterranean
coast. Cyclamen is obliged to roundly with the names. Literal translation
this flower "Circle", and in the commoner he received an impartial nickname "Diryakva".

Sansevieria (sicky tail)
Light: Bright diffused light, tolerates like lightweight, and a complete shadow. But for
peppercut plants need bright intense light as in the shade is lost
pepling coloring leaves.
Temperature: A spring agent prefers moderate within 1825 ° C, in
autumn period Temperature for a long time should not be descended below 1416 ° C,
in the case of a long decrease in temperature, the plant is ill.
Watering: moderate from spring to autumn - the soil should have time to dry. Winter watering
limited. When watering, it is impossible to get water to the center
outlets - it can cause downloading.
Air humidity: It is useful to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.
Healing properties of the plant: Warm juice from leaves burst into ears to eliminate
pain. Plants decoction apply against itching and scabies. Smoke from burning leaves removes
Sansevieria Perennial Rhizome Evergreen Herbaceous Plant With
strengthery succulent lanceal leaves. Flowers usually in spring, in April
May, small white flowers collected in busy inflorescences. At night from them
it comes sufficiently strong fragrance vanilla.

Fastelline ("Money Tree")
Light: bright. The plant can carry direct sunlight. With lack
lighting can be pulled out
Temperature: From spring to autumn, the temperature is suitable in the range of 2025 ° C; Winter
it is advisable to contain a plant at a temperature of about 16 ° C.
Watering: Moderate since Spring to autumn, careful in winter.
Air humidity: does not play a significant role.
Healing properties of the plant: used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases,
bruises and stretching, cuts and burns. The juice of the leaves is treated herpes on the lips, arthritis.
Applied leaflets to the Mozoles, and in the presentation of the leaves is treated with varicose veins.
Crasus or "Money Tree", as well as a girlfriend and "Mint" all this names
succulent plants that belong to the Tolstankov family. Plants have
beautiful tree-shaped trunk. Tree blooms, but this miracle had to see

Light: scattered, from midday rays should be dialed.
Temperature: moderate, spring period Optimal temperature of about 20 ° C,
at temperatures above 24 ° C, there must be high humidity, as high
In the autumn period, the optimal temperature is in the range of 1415 ° C.

Watering: in the spring age, it is poured abundantly, in winter, watering moderate,
the soil must constantly be slightly humid.
Air humidity: high. It is necessary to spray a plant several times a day.
The healing properties of the plant: has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic,
painful properties. Raars from the roots of the plant are used to purify
slag blood applied to treat headaches.
Beautiful steady fern, the most hardy among indoor crops
ferns. Nefrolypt Fast-growing plant. The most common species
NEFROLOLEPIS Eased with straight leaves up to 60 cm long. Fern unpretentious
and suitable for vertical compositions.

Light: bright light
Temperature: Optimum temperature in summer 18 ° C, in winter at least 12 ° С, as in
the plant can reset the leaves with cooler premises. In the summer they put on fresh
Watering: Watering is needed with soft water, summer spray. In winter, the soil should be
only slightly wet.
Air humidity: moderate
Healing properties of the plant: dried, crushed roots of this plant
use in with food. It activates and normalizes the metabolism process,
stimulates the intestinal work. As a result, fat cells are rapidly burned
The plant is from tropical Africa and Asia. This is a bushy plant up to 35 cm high
with quadrangular juicy, almost transparent stems and velvety leaves with
color, rich in shades, and sawd edges. Most forms of leaves are similar
on speckled. The main attractiveness of the plant make up the leaves, motley, with
a variety of combination of red, yellow, green, brown, spots and stripes.
Flowers Koleus, throwing a blizzard with small non-splash flowers.

Hibiscus (Chinese Rosan)
Light: Light place is needed, not allowing direct sunlight.
Temperature: summer optimal temperature +20 +25 degrees, in winter
permissible temperature +12 degrees.
Watering: very demanding to watering. In the heat, the shrub consumes a lot of water.
Air humidity: Spraying once in a few days.
The healing properties of the plant: the leaves of hibiscus, arranged in a homogeneous mass
impose on various tumors. Cashier from flowers helps with furunculaes and ulcers.
For the first time hibiscus appeared in European Oranges in the XVIII century. In Europe
sailed from the tropics of Asia. Most often hibiscus meets with red flowers.
Flowers are blown in the morning, and close in the evening. At the plant long period

Light: With a lack of light at the tradescans, the stems begin to stretch badly, leaves
on such stems are located very far from each other. Begin to lose color
become faded.
Temperature: Winter can withstand a decrease in temperature to +12 +14 degrees.
Watering: Requires uniform watering, the soil should be slightly humid.
Air humidity: If the room is hot and dry air, a light window, then watering
need more often. Spraying is needed, since with insufficient moisture tips
leaves can be filled.
Healing properties of the plant:
Tradestration has therapeutic properties:
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound-healing,
antidiabetic. Tradechange can be used in the treatment of tuberculosis
America is considered to be homeland tradescania. Named in honor of the British Naturalists
John Tradescanta Senior and John Tradescanta younger, who lived in the XVIXVII V.V.

Light: Light place, but protected from direct sunlight.
Temperature: The optimum temperature in the spring and summer period is 2025 degrees.
It is necessary to arrange a cool overlook, but so that the temperature did not fall below 12
Watering: produce regularly. Do not carry stagnation of water in the pot.
Air humidity: sustainable dry air, but spraying leaves is
Healing properties of the plant: has a unique ability to moisturize air and
reduce the content of formaldehyde (colorless gas with a sharp smell).
This plant is distinguished by a strong barrel and elongated leaves with an unusual color.
In the wild, drazes are found in countries in Africa and Asia. Name denotes
"Dragon Female." This flower is a charm for people born in the year of the dragon.
It is considered a tree of happiness and prosperity.

Light: not demanding of the abundance of light. May grow in shaded places.
Temperature: Loves heat. Summer Temperature 2325 degrees, in winter not lower than 16
Watering: Abundant, with warm water.
Humidity: Spraying and kneading leaves.
The healing properties of the plant: enriches the room with oxygen and ozone, creates
comfortable level of humidity.
Attention! In leaves
This plant is microscopic needle
education. If you decide to evaluate the leaf, it can provoke
irritation of mucous membranes.
The name comes from the word "monster", "monster". Occur from the equatorial part
Central and South America. Total known about 30 species. Height grows to

Khamedoria Safress (bamboo palm)
Light: shadowed.
Temperature: It grows well at a temperature of 1822 degrees.
Watering: moderate.
Humidity: Love wet air, need spraying of leaves.
The healing properties of the plant: absorbs various poisonous substances.
Homeland are wet forests Guatemalls and Mexico. In wild nature
grow out in the shade of other trees.

Light: not so demanding to the quality of lighting.
Temperature: love warm places. It is necessary to create a winter hibernation when
the temperature is about 15 degrees.
Watering: As the soil drying.
Humidity: Spraying with water.
Healing properties of the plant: Almost all kinds are diuretic
action. Used for wound healing, as a hemostatic
funds. Cactus juice removes headache.

Motherland cactus is considered South America. Cacti require very much
little attention. Almost all cacti grow very slowly. These plants
adapted to store in the stems of moisture.
Sygocactus (Decembrist)
Light: Lighting scattered, does not endure direct sunlight.
Temperature: 1820 degrees, not lower than 15 round year.
Watering: Abundant
Humidity: need spraying.
Healing properties of the plant: Mostly the plant helps protect from
diseases associated with kidneys, adrenal glands and bladder,
prevents salt deposits.

Right from Brazil. Interesting with his unusual species. Flowers in winter.
Received its name from the Greek word "zigor", in the translation of the "rocker".
Light: needs sunlight.
Temperature: Comfortably feels at 1719 degrees.
Watering: moderate, cool water.
Humidity: Does not tolerate moisture. The soil must be wet, but not
wet. It is impossible to keep indoors with high levels of humidity.
Healing properties of the plant:
has anti-inflammatory
bactericidal properties. It is used as a means of healing wounds.
Juice of leaves are used for burns, purulent wounds.

This thick-walled flower came to us from warm edges: from Madagascar.
Unpretentious indoor plant.
Light: scattered, without direct sunlight.
Temperature: thermo-loving plant. In winter, the temperature is not lower than 16
degree, in summer to + 28.
Watering: Abundant watering, do not overwork.
Humidity: You need to spray the air around the plant. Plant
swimming in the bathroom.
The healing properties of the plant: cleans the energy of man and dwelling from stagnation.
Anthurium - peculiar, tropical plant. Completed in Andakh
South America. He has a magnificent form of flower and leaves.

The plant is a symbol of wealth, success and money. Symbolizes love
energy and power.
Spathifulum (women's happiness)
Light: not demanding to lighting.
Temperature: In summer, the optimal temperature of 2225 degrees.
Watering: regular.
Humidity: poorly tolerates drafts. It needs frequent spraying.
Healing properties of the plant: Cleans air from carbon monoxide and other
harmful substances. It is a means of mold fungi.
Motherland Plants South America and Asia. Symbolizes women's happiness
family harmony and good relationship.

Chicanova Gulnara Albertovna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: Madone number 6.
Locality: Artemovsky, Sverdlovsk region
Name of material: Methodical development
Subject: "Passport of houseplants for children of the preparatory group"
Publication date: 14.12.2015
Section: preschool education

Location: Motherland - Tropics of Africa Description: Rounded leaves, fleshy, pubescent, leaf edge smooth. Plant Care: Does not endure direct sunlight, drafts, smoke. Spraying does not tolerate. Water carefully, warm water. Reproduction: multiplied with leaves.
Medical properties:

violets can be described in color:

- strengthens the energy of residents;
- stimulates love energy;
- opens a creative stream;
- stimulates spiritual activities;
- Cleans the energy. Therefore, violets are desirable to choose in color according to their needs. Violets can be put in any room.

Royalian Begonia, Rex
. Location: Motherland - Java Island. Description: The most beautiful of the begonia with major non-uniform dogs painted into silver, brown, burgundy tones, lowered by leaves. Care of the plant: in the summer they watered abundantly, winter is moderately. Does not endure direct sunlight. . Beclinations spray air, not leaves. Reproduction :. Propasses the division of the bush and leaf cuttings. Useful properties of begonias: Purifies air in rooms from harmful chemical compounds by 6.9%. The volatile discharge of the plant is suppressed by staphylococcus, reduce the total content of microbes in the air of the rooms by 80%. Neutralizes dust and harmful substances that are distinguished from the synthet board, chipboard plastic and other materials.

Picky tail. Location: Motherland - Ceylon Island. Description: Plant with sword-shaped leaves. On a grayish overall background, the color of the leaves pass wide dark - green transverse strips. Plant Care: Daily Spraying. In winter, water should be poured. Reproduction: multiplied with segments of rhizomes and leaf cuttings. Useful properties: "Picky tail" (Sansevievier) - a very positive flower, cleans the air.
Aloe Location:


- South Africa and Islands of her Eastern Coast Description: Aloe - Evergreen Perennial Plant Family Plant. Plant care: this is a thermo-loving plant. This is a rather unpretentious flower. Aloe loves light. Spray aloe is not necessarily, but the leaves of the plant from dust should be wiped with a wet cloth. The plant does not require too frequent irrigation. It is worth watering only when the soil in a pot is completely back. In the spring-summer period, the flower requires more moisture, so it must be watered 2-3 times a week. With the arrival of winter, watering is reduced to once every two weeks, because during the rest flower does not need excessive moisture. For watering, it should be used in room temperature. Do not forget to check the pallet: there should not be excess water. It is worth remembering that with too frequent watering the roots of Aloe will begin to rot, which ultimately lead to the death of the flower. Reproduction: New Aloe can be obtained by overlap. The cuttings are worth cutting down and planting in the spring-summer period: so they are better rooted. Pre-cutlets need to be dried for several days. Therapeutic properties: In the treatment of patients and preparation of medical preparations, aloe juice is used. In the treatment of chronic constipation, the treatment of non-healing purulent wounds and various infectious guncrowders

Fireman. Location: Homeland - Tropical Africa. Description: Sing juicy, transparent, fragile with swollen nodes. Dark-green leaves, tender egg-shaped, pointed, with gear edges. Abundantly blooms with white or red flowers. Plant care: in the summer requires abundant irrigation,: Balzamin is quite warm, in winter prefers a temperature of 15-20 ° C, in winter - 13 ° C, light-chapin, preferably some of the direct sunlight in winter and shading from the hot sun in summer, watering: abundant since spring Until autumn - the soil must be wet, in winter, watering moderate - the soil should be slightly wetted ,. Balzine does not like dry air, spraying the leaf balsamin better to transplant annually in the spring, and it is not necessary to take a pot of larger, as the reproduction does not like too spacious utensils: multiplied with cuttings. Cuttings in spring, summer or autumn, they are well rooted in water during the week - two. Useful properties: very positive flower, cleanses air and energy.

Location: Motherland - South Africa. Description: Chlorophyteumes are perennial herbs with thickened, sometimes dormant roots and shortened stem. From the middle of the roasting sockets, linear lane acetoid or oval leaves are overlooking up to 60 cm. Flowers are small, white, 3-membered, in the brushes. In everyday life, chlorophytum is called - "Spheres", "Green Lilia" "Nesusna Fata. It grows quickly, and in the spring and summer on thin stems, fine white flowers appear first, and then tiny outlet of the leaves. They can be separated from the plant and root. Plant care: grows well in cool premises. Watering - a moderate winter, abundant summer. Spraying leaves. The plant is unpretentious, although in the summer requires abundant irrigation. Reproduction: breeds and young sheet sockets. Useful properties: Cleans the air from toxins and emits positive energy.

Braided bench
Location: Motherland - wet subtropics of China and Japan. Description: Folk Names: "Strawberry Geran," "Mother thousands of children." A perennial unpretentious herbaceous plant with a roasting rosette of leaves with a height of 10-15 cm, which is formed due to shortening stems. Some stalks form the creeping shoots - the scores that are rooted and their daughters are formed. The leaves are rounded, rarely pubescent, up to 5-8 cm in diameter on long hairy stickers of reddish color. Plant care: an unpretentious indoor plant, shadowish, but it grows better in bright or pronted places, in the summer in air at a temperature of + 15 ... + 20 ° C. With the onset of spring, watering increases and begin feeding with mineral fertilizers. We transplant the plant once a year using the soil mixture of sheet and turf, sand (3: 1: 1). Reproduction: easily multiplied by the division of the bush and child sockets, which are easily separated from the parent plant after rooting. Useful properties: improves the microclimate of the premises enriching them with oxygen, ozone, aeroions. Stabilizes and improves metabolic processes in the body, general human well-being. Medical properties: The leaves of the camneur are imposed in furunculaes and other skin inflammations. The juice of the leaves is buried in the ears with the middle of otitis. All plants are used to prepare bravery and infusions with antipyretic and hemostatic effects.

Passport of indoor plants

preparatory group

Purple Square

Motherland - America, Mexico.
Leaves elongated, with a pointed straight upper and smooth edges. At the base of the laid-shaped leaf, covering the stem, grinding hairs are growing. Small flowers are collected in dense bundles on the tops of the shoots. Among the flower water, it is known as the "purple heart".
Plant care
Tradestration grows well in warm and cool premises. Tradesska needs abundant irrigation in the spring-summer period, while water should not be stood in a pot. Water after 1-2 days, after the upper layer of the earth will dry. In winter, the substrate is maintained in moderately wet state. Water, after 2-3 days, after the top layer of the substrate dries. It is necessary to follow all year round so that water is not accumulated in the pallet. When the content in a cool place (about 12-16 ° C), the tradescania is rarely watered, only after the soil burned. Tradecation can carry a long-term drying of the earth coma, but it weakens the plant. Plants love spraying
Tradecations are breeding seeds, cuttings either by the division of the bush. Feed (in spring and summer) at least 2 times a month with mineral fertilizers .. in the fall and winter do not feed
Beneficial features
The tradescania also cleans and moisturizes the air in the room, neutralizes the electromagnetic radiation.

Medical properties
During cuts and scratches, it is recommended to apply fresh torn leaf tracks to the affected location. Secure them with a bandage from a bandage or leukoplasty. After a very short time, the blood stops, the wound is not infected.