Story who I want why. The story "Who I want to be when growing up

Svetlana Nrullina
The story "Who I want to be when growing"

When I grow up, I will….

Today is Sunday, the day off. And again you need to do homework. Not want-You writing writing. When I grow up, I will ... nothing climbs into my head. It is very difficult to solve. Maybe a teacher at school.? No, there will also have to prepare for lessons. Or maybe a doctor.? After all, the profession of the doctor is the most noble profession. A whole day is at work, listen to how someone suffers, and then tired to go home, and without seeing friends with friends, goes to bed. No, so I don't want. Grandfather, maybe you will help me a little?

Of course I'll help. To choose a profession, you need to remember that in life you like most. All professions are important, all professions are needed, but there are those that you can only dream. Someone wants be a cosmonautSomeone is to work in a circus, and someone is to become a seller of ice cream.

Grandfather, and who did you want to become when was small?

I like animals a lot. Somehow we are with parents, went to the circus. I'm there even earlier never was. There I saw wild animals that can walk on the front paws, jump into the fiery ring, ride a bike. And all this is the merit of trainers. Before starting to perform, you need to work very much and long. After all, teach animals be obedient is very difficult. It is well known those guys who have pets. And with wild animals is even more difficult. They are hardly getting used to captivity, can permit or even kill the trainer. But it did not scare me and I decided when growing Become a trainer.

Yes, it's true I and now often hear various funny stories about the beasts with whom I get through through stories GrandpaI go to the zoo and in the circus. In zoos, animals simply live in cells and do not fulfill any tricks. And in circus, animals participate in the presentation as real artists. Looking for all this, the audience is surprised, admire and laugh. I would still, because the streets of our city are not so often the bear rolling down on a bicycle does not walk an elephant standing on one leg, the monkey will be running with a rocker? And that's not all that I saw in the circus! But I'm not ready to become a trainer. After all, these animals live in captivity, jumping through fire rings, ride bicycles, walk on a bowl and all this to please us people. In animals, as well as people have a good and bad mood, they can examine anything, can permit or even kill the trainer.

Grandfather, I came up with who I will when growing up ...

I starting with this summer holidays, I will dream of a hydrocarbonate and special cesses with a rubber sole that I saw in Anapa. You probably already guessed what they need?

Do not understand what you talking about…

Grandfather you are stupid. This is the outfit of workers of one of the most beautiful professions - Dolphin trainers!

In Anapa, I saw dolphins and white whales that showed us our own acrobatics, danced in water and above the water, playing flew in fireworks splashes over the enchanted hall. And among these sea athletes, the trainers were parister. I, too want. In this dolphinarium, I was already twice and, apparently, I will come here every time coming to Anapa.

This is the place, from where everyone goes with a smile. There is no feeling of guilt with whom we usually leave the zoo or a circus presentation with trained bears, it appears ease, happiness and desire to do something good for nature!

Grandfather, do you know how much does this show in Dolphinarium last?

How many?

The presentation continues for about an hour, and maybe more, the time there flies unnoticed. And during this hour you get ku-y-yu-chu positive emotions. This is so much happiness gets the coaches of dolphins every day! - I thought after the performance and immediately decided "By whom I. i want to be, when growing.

Who I want to become in the future essay


1.Moy future profession

2. I like this profession

3. The first steps to the future profession.

Who I want to become in the future 4th grade

In the future, I see myself a pilot, or rather the pilot. I dream to learn how to control the aircraft and helicopter. I want to conquer the sky and take big heights.

Pilots are very courageous and bold people, which is particularly attracting me in this profession. The work of the pilot requires a lot of knowledge, perseverance and strength of the Spirit. The profession of the pilot is a very noble and romantic profession.

To become a pilot, I will need to come to the University of Civil Aviation. To do this, I try to learn well and play sports. I also often read books about famous pilots, about their heroism and courage.

Who I want to become in the future grade 6

I want to become a doctor in the future. I want to help people restore your health, treat diseases, save from dangerous diseases. Doctors are needed at any time, their help may need at any time of the day.

This is a very respected profession. Despite the fact that the work of the doctor is very laborious and very responsible, it brings many joys, namely from the result of the work. After all, healing a person from severe illness, saving him from the right death, sometimes the doctors rejoice more than even the patient himself.

To become a good doctor, you need to learn a lot and expand your horizons, as well as lead a healthy lifestyle. As a doctor can talk about health, being unhealthy himself. Therefore, I am engaged in gymnastics and swimming, paying special attention to biology, also read interesting articles about genetics.

Who I want to be in the future grade 7

I dream to be actor theater. After all, it is very interesting to incarnate in the most different images: Today you play the role of a positive hero, which causes everyone to admiration, tomorrow - quite the opposite, you are a comedy hero on one day, and the usual wanderer of life.

The actor profession at first glance seems easy. But it's not at all. The work of the actor requires knowledge of psychology, good diction, grace. For any, even secondary, roles need to be laid out at all, you need to completely surrender. To play one or another hero, you need to constantly wear it in thoughts, soul and heart. You need a clear understanding of the one who you play, work in the way, listen to the mentor.

At the moment I am engaged in a dramatic circle. I madly like to play different people. The last my role is Cinderella. The audience were delighted with the performance. I also love to read poems before a large audience of great poets.

It has been two years since I decided on a future profession. Now I am fifteen and I know for sure that I want to become a master of Master. This is a fashionable profession at present, which makes it possible to show your fantasy and make people beautiful and happy. Since I am creative personality by nature and at the same time I like to communicate with different people, my choice is the work of the Tattoo Master.

When I reported my desire and plans for the future Employment Mom, she perceived heard in the bayonets. Mom is a typical Soviet man with conservative views, so everything is informal, which does not correspond to its traditional stereotypes of thinking, considers hostile and harmful. In her understanding, tattoos are associated with the criminal world, because of which they cause an extreme rejection. I explained to my mother that I plan not only to make tattoos, but also to bring to women permanent eye makeup, lips, eyebrows. But she still said that I did not justify her expectations. In my mother's idea, I should become a doctor, a lawyer or accountant ... I tried to convince the smithful person for me in the fact that the profession of the Master of the Tattoo, as well as a doctor, is designed to help people. In addition, she brings beauty to the world and gives a feeling of harmony with her body. This work will allow me to reveal your creative potential and will provide a worthy earnings. It is not necessary to work in the salons, I can take customers and at home.

When I have exhausted all my arguments, I just said my mother that this is my life and I myself decide how to dispose of it. If I decided to become a tattoo master, then so be. Mom asked me to wait until the end of the eleven classes and then make a choice. My aunt intervened to our dialogue, Mine sister. She said that I could end the tattoo courses on the summer holidays, after reaching sixteen. I agreed. Mom and aunt hope that my passion is not serious, and by that time I change my mind. But they are wrong - I firmly confident in my choice of the future profession.

I am fourteen years old. Unlike many peers, I have not yet decided on a future profession. I have always been a fond of person with versatile interests. Apparently, that is why it is difficult for me to stop your choice on one specialty.

Mom taught me to sew, and in primary school I enjoyed making clothes for my dolls. Love for sewing has been preserved so far, but in lately More often engaged in knitting.

A year ago, I learned to make various haircuts - male and female, casual and festive. Who taught me? I looked at the Internet for training master classes and adopted the necessary skills for work. Now the members of our family and relatives do not have to spend money on visiting the hairdresser - I have all row. I recently made a neighbor hairstyle for graduation, she remained very pleased. Her sister said that there would be no better in the beauty salons, and they would have to pay a lot. In addition, I can apply makeup (everyday, business, evening), as well as making a manicure and pedicure. So, we can say that the profession of makeup artist-hairdresser I am mastered by me. Is that a document - a diploma or certificate - no.

I also love to cook very much. It seems to me that the ability to cook laid in a woman at an intuitive level, and it is still manifested in childhood. I never specifically studied this, but I can comprehend almost any dish so that, as they say, you lick your fingers. Thanks to the Internet, the secrets of the cook profession are disclosed, because all culinary subtleties are described in detail on specialized sites and forums. The key to success in this case (and in any other) - practice and desire for continuous improvement.

When I studied at elementary school, I wanted to become a teacher in the future. Now I understand that this is very nervous work, which, besides, is unfair to pay low. Later he thought about becoming a doctor. But once I became a witness of a terrible case: a young man fell under the tram. He survived, but he received heavy injuries and became disabled. I saw how those who came to do with the unfortunate first help, after which they plunged him onto stretcher and took him to the hospital. This spectacle has become a very strong shock for me. My hands were undergoing, I could not look at what was happening and realized that the profession of the doctor was not for me.

Now I study in the eighth grade. While I manage to maintain high performance. I hope I will be able to finish school with a gold medal and go to the university. But I do not know yet, in what ... When thinking on this topic, I composed a poem, which called "Who to be?":

I decided to write poems:
Be in the future poet
And after school
In the institution it.

Has passed since many years
But my answer has changed.

Then I dreamed of being sewy,
Costumes sewing and troika.
Then she wanted a nurse,
Sit near Coyki.

I dreamed like I'm circus
Throw the ball deftly.
Dreamed of a journalist become
The newspaper itself produce ...

From early childhood so far
I did not solve this dispute.
Who I still don't know
While there is time - I dream.

I hope soon I still define with a future profession. The main thing is that this choice is final and correct that later there is no disappointment and regrets.

The profession of a person largely predetermines all its further life. It depends on the implementation of the abilities laid by nature and the degree of satisfaction with life in the future. Scientific psychologists have proven that people who are engaged in a favorite thing are much more likely to feel happy. Therefore, the choice of profession is very important and responsible, if not to say the fateful, step. Eh, not to make a mistake ...

There are many different professions in the world, which in the future can determine the life path of the child. A great participation in such a serious choice is accepted by the school, so in primary classes, students are offered to write an essay on the topic "Who I want to become and why." It helps not only the guys themselves to get acquainted with the professions and choose for themselves the one that is most interesting to them, but also parents and teachers will allow you to choose a direction for each child, which will prepare for adulthood.

"Once at school I was asked to write an essay

on the topic, who I want to become when I grow up.

I wrote: "Happy man."

I was told that I did not understand the task,

and I replied that they did not understand life. "

John Lennon

General Operational Writing Rules

Each essay must have a definite structure in order to streamline information and facilitate its understanding. Of course, depending on the theme and purpose of each artistic text, the work plan may change. How best to build your thoughts when you write about who I want to become and why:

Introduction. In this part you invite to a conversation, ask the main theme of the future composition to smoothly move to the very reason. That's how the beginning may look:

The choice of calling is not easy, because there are a lot of professions in the world. I, like every person, is important as soon as possible to understand who I want to become and why to direct all my efforts to achieve the goal.

Probably, many children want to become a ballerina or astronaut, and someone even super hero. However, as they grow to replace the dreams come serious reflections on the choice of the future profession. I also often think about who I want to become and why.

There are so many different professions in the world, and each is interesting in its own way. To find your true confession, I first need to understand who I want to become, and then seriously think if my physical and moral qualities succeed in this area and benefit society.

Main part. Here you go directly to the selection of professions. Of course, it is very difficult, and for this you will have to read about different calls to choose for yourself what will serve as life. Write about your best qualities, which will be the best explanation of your choice. Here are some interesting and very useful professions, which can be written in the composition, if you have not yet defined:

I am a very inquisitive person and always pulling to master new information. It came across me to the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I want to become and why. I want to be a scientist. Of course, it is difficult for me to choose a specific direction in which I would like to work, but the items that we study at school are helping me very much, because comprehensively develops me. I think very soon I will find exactly the scientific activity where in the future I will perform a lot of discoveries useful for the whole society.

Journalism has always attracted me precisely that this profession allows you to meet new people, communicate with interesting interlocutors. I am very sociable and well refer to my thoughts, so in this profession I can achieve great success and please your creativity around.

At whom I want to become and why, there was a significant influence of the appearance of a dog in our house. We were very friends, and I always care for her. Unfortunately, it happens that she is sick, and then parents invite a veterinary doctor to us in a white coat (the link, the following doctors wear white bathrobes). I carefully watched all his actions and realized that helping animals was what I want to devote my life.

Arguments.This part of the essay is optional, however, it will bring to your work a great meaningfulness. Try to remember the examples of people who can boldly call the heroes of their case. You can find in textbooks or online interesting personalities who once chose their audience the same profession:

I would really like to become the same great scientist as Albert Einstein. Now he is worldwide recognized, but he studied at school very well. He achieved everything with his persistence, hardly worker and developed thinking. These qualities allowed him to become the greatest physicist of all time.

I consider the famous television journalist Vladimir Posner to be a real specialist of his case. His desire to inform people has become a starting point for me on the question of who I want to become and why. He is over for long years It is not just popular, but also very useful and cognitive programs. I would like to devote yourself to such serious journalism.

It seems that veterinarians are not a very prestigious profession. However, Dome Igor Alexandrovich proves the opposite. He received the presidential prevention of the President of the Russian Federation, the Director of the Chief Scientific Center for Animals in Russia and for its development in the field of disease prevention. His love for animals is truly limitless, this he deserved not only my respect, but also millions of people around the world.

Conclusion. In this part of the essay, it is necessary to sum up a kind of result. You can briefly formulate evidence that this profession is chosen by you not by chance, and you are ready for her:

Let before joining adult life, I still have a lot of time, but I started to prepare for it now. In order for the profession to become a real vocation, it is necessary to understand its importance and significance for yourself in childhood. I have no doubt about who I want to become and why, and I will go to my goal, despite the obstacles and difficulties.

Journalism is not just a profession, it is the ability to develop and improve all your life. In order for the end of the school, I was ready to learn my future profession, you need to start training now. I will work diligently, and then I will succeed.

Be veterinarian is a big responsibility. After all, in your hands is the health and life of animals. I think I am ready for this, because the main thing is that I have a huge love of animals and the desire to help them.

Taking advantage of the plan and examples, you can easily write a good essay on the topic "Who I want to become and why." The main thing is to comprehend everything that it will be on, because it will be useful not only for evaluation, but also to aware of your future life path.