Girl-genius level IQ is higher than Einstein and Hawking. But the future profession she chose dubious

Have you ever thought about who is the most intelligent, talented and comprehensively developed person in the history of mankind? You can confidently call Leonardo da Vinci, but it is far from the only genius of our civilization. High intelligence - a stick about two ends. He can be both the greatest gift and a real curse for the person who possesses them. However, each of these people is a present person, despite difficult fates and complex relations with the surrounding individuals, fading against the background of such bright "stars." But do not be upset, the brain can be developed and "pump" with knowledge and skills. Therefore, perceive this list as motivation!

The most famous person is Albert Einstein

"Disheveled" symbol of the 20th century

Born in Germany, Einstein became a symbol of science and progress of the entire twentieth century. His last name has become nominal to designate smart people. He is one of two theorist physicists who can be called almost anyone (the second, most likely will be Stephen Hawking). For his life, he wrote more than 300 scientific articles, but also known as an ardent enemy of nuclear weapons (he regularly wrote to President Roosevelt letters with warnings of danger use atomic bombs). Einstein also supported Jewish scientific development and stood at the origins of the Jewish University in Jerusalem.

IQ physics is difficult to calculate exactly, since during his life such studies was not carried out, but his familiar and followers talk about the figure in the range from 170 to 190 points.


Nathan was a real welductor with IQ 210. He had an incredibly severe childhood - parents often applied violence to him, His peers were traveled, and to all of them, he was subjected to regular sexual violence from his governess, significantly superior to him at the age of She was over 40 years old, and he was 12). Perhaps these events were the reason for the development of mental abnormalities: Nathan has become the idea of \u200b\u200bperfect murder to the majority of Nathan. To realize his dreams in 1924, he united with Richard Lab. Their goal was cousin Laba, who barely shouted for 14 years.

Despite the fact that all the facts proved the defendants' blame, both avoided the death penalty and Leopold released soon enough. After liberation, Nathan went to Puerto Rico, where he taught mathematics at the university. His crime was the inspiration for Alfred Hitchcock, which created the film "Rope" on the basis of the event (considered one of the best in the famous famousor filmography).

One of the most famous women of modernity

Her IQ is 200 points. Nadezhda was born in Moscow and throughout his professorial career declared that his success was obliged to family and country. Hope knows 7 languages \u200b\u200band more than 40 dialects. At the moment, she teaches in Turkey.

Barnett during lecture

As a child, Jacob received a disappointing diagnosis - autism. Doctors were sure that he would not even learn to independently tie shoes. Nevertheless, by 18 years he became a doctor of science in the Canadian University of Waterloo. Its IQ is at the level of 170 points.

Parents Jacob went against the system, teachers and doctors, giving their own child home education. That is what allowed him to achieve such dizzying success.

Rosner during the work of the bouncer

IQ Richard is 192 points, making it one of the smartest "lazy people." He did not become known as a scientist with a world name, but managed to work as a writer, a bouncer, naked model and starred in several commercials. As he himself reports, he is interested in all areas of human knowledge, but only to absorb them. For greater understanding and assimilation of the knowledge gained, it consumes various additives and preparations that stimulate the work of the brain.

Pole with a presentation of his research at CERN

American scientist Croatian blood, Pole is one of the leading specialists of the CERN Institute. Its IQ is 182 points, if you believe the latest tests. In addition to a variety of research in the field molecular physics And the physics of elementary particles, Nikola teaches at the universities of the United States and Canada, and also works in the Brookheivna laboratory (New York).

William Jay Sidis

The smartest person in history on one of the earliest photos

Cet Sidis, Boris and Sarah, from the very beginning family life They wished to give birth to a child-genius. And they succeeded. The coefficient of mental development of their son, William, reached a mark of 250 points and above. Already half a year the boy could explain simple words Like "Chair", "Table", "Food" and so on.

In the first class, Sidis Jr. has already spoken in 8 languages \u200b\u200band knew the whole school curriculum. The genius deprived the child of childhood - already at 9 years old he was taken to Harvard, but he was allowed to attend lectures and was allowed to study only three years later, in 12 years, since the child, according to the rectorate, could not be emotionally mature (even despite the obvious genius ).

I would have passed, William led a nomadic lifestyle, brightering for all sorts of work, traveling under different names. His Peru owns several books, boring and uninteresting to the inability. However, he laid the beginning of the study of black holes in one of them (for the beginning of the twentieth century it was a real breakthrough in scientific thought).

People who knew him remembered that Sidis was infantile and deeply unhappy. He died at 46 years old from hemorrhage into the brain.

Allen in its own aviation museum

Mr. Allen can be called a living embodiment of Tony "Iron Man" Stark: a millionaire, genius and philanthropist. Paul was born in Seattle. Its IQ is 170 points. Allenu belongs to several sports teams.

Polgar during the World Chess Tournament

The world-famous chess player, by law bearing the title of grandmaster from 15 years (it became one of the youngest owners of this honorary title). Its level IQ is 170 points.

Africa's genius at his villa

He is called "Bill Gates of the Black Continent". Philip has left the school for 14 years to earn money to ensure himself and his family. Nigeria did not stop civil wars and tearing contradiction society. However, this did not stop the gifted young man: he received a scholarship in Oregon University at the age of 17 years. IQ Nigerian genius is 190 points.

His ideas related to the development of an innovative approach to building data transfer tools have made it possible to create new supercomputers. As Emeagali himself said, inspiration he scolded in the work of bees on the creation of honeycomb. Studies of this scientist also allowed to increase the efficiency of petroleum production.

Tao Tao shows an unusually high IQ level for this world.

Terens in the work environment

Born in Australian Brisbane in the Emigrants Family from Gong Cong. He spent the first full scientific research at the age of 15, and at 21 he received a doctoral degree in Princeton. In 24, Tao received the position of Professor at the University of California, becoming the most young carrier of this title. His IQ is 225 points.

Chris during one of the interviews

Langgan is considered one of the most famous people of North America. Already at 3 years he calmly read adult books. What is noteworthy, he abandoned his studies at the university, as it was confident: teachers will not be able to teach him anything new.

Like many geniuses of our list, he managed to change not one job: he was a fireman, and a bouncer (for some reason men with a high level of mental coefficient love this occupation). He tried many types of activities, but did not stop on any. Slava Langan brought the scientific work "Cognitive theory of the model of the Universe". IQ Cristofer is 195 points.

Mizlav can collect Rubik's cube in 10 seconds

Croat, Professor of Mathematics, Mizlag has an IQ of 192 points. By the way - only one of the billion has this coefficient above 190. His passion is tests and puzzles. At the same time, his wife claims that despite the genius, her husband behaves in many situations as a child. For example, he can hardly put a sim card in the phone slot. Nevertheless, Cheta betrayed himself as an ordinary couple with ordinary problems.

Checks on lectures

Another representative of the Croatian people, Ivan is a specialist in testing a mental development coefficient. His IQ is 174 points. He developed a huge number of methods laid out on his own site. Eveke is confident that modern IQ tests are subjective and do not meet the requirements, since truly smart people can cope with the most complex tasks, but at low speed (and vice versa).

Kim during the conference in London

Kim early showed his genius: At the age of three, he spoke fluid on four languages. Its IQ is 210 points. The gifted young man was born in South Korea, then he was noticed in NASA, where he worked for 10 years. Later he returned to his homeland, where he still lives. According to Yong Yan, special people do not intelligence, but the ability to rejoice in simple things, without which no one can do it: family, work, friends.

Hirata in the walls of NASA

Chris became the youngest owner of the Golden Medal in the International Olympics in Physics. This native of Michigan is most interested in astrophysics and colonization of other planets, in particular, Mars. At the age of 16, he received a bachelor's degree in California University and in 2001 received a position in NASA, engaged in a favorite thing. Four years later, in 2005, Chris graduated from Harvard with a physics degree in physics (at that moment he was a little more than 20 years old).

Now Hirata teaches physics at the University of Ohio. Its IQ level is 225 points.

Photo taken before the fight with a supercomputer

One of the most famous chess players of the world (and maybe the most famous), Kasparov is famous for his match with a DIP BLO, developed by IBM. In a series of two fights, one won Harry, one - supercomuter. It was an event of unprecedented scale - for the first time the car defeated the operating world champion in chess. IQ Kasparov is 195 points.

Hawking in weightlessness

Like Einstein, Hawking - the star of theoretical physics with world name. He is the symbol of the celebration of the human mind over the barren and his incredible brain know almost everything, from Mala to Velik. His bestseller, " Short story Time "is considered one of the best works on quantum mechanics and the theory of the Big Bang.

At the age of 12, Hoking was stunned by a terrible diagnosis - amyotrophic side sclerosis. People live with such a disease no more than five years, but Stephen not only overcame the depression, married and started the children, but also made an unprecedented breakthrough in theoretical physics, having popularized this area of \u200b\u200bscience. Now the genius shouted for 70 years and he is not going to stop in his scientific research to the end, despite the impossibility of moving and communicate with others without special funds. IQ Stephen Hawking - 160 points.

Walter on a comicone in San Diego

Businessman and genius technicians, Walter O'Brien born and grew up in Ireland. Its IQ level is 200 points. As often happens in the case of gifted children, Brian was considered an autistic at school. However, tests have shown not only the absence of autism, but also a colossal level of brain development.

At the age of 13, Walter hacked closed NASA servers and kidnapped the shuttle shuttle drawings. As he later declared, it was done for fun. Now the genius is engaged in IT developments and trains programmers in their own school.

Photo for the author's column in New York Magazine

The holder of the highest level IQ according to the Book of Records of the Guinea for 1986, Marilyn is known for its writer talent. Its level of mental development coefficient amounted to 225 points. Robert Javick, a brilliant husband, created the first working artificial heart. The constant scientific research of the family couple and their success earned for them the title of "the smartest couple of New York".

Sketch of autoportist Geniya Renaissance

The significance of the genius Leonardo is difficult to appreciate - it is famous for its work in the field of astronomy, anatomy, engineering. You can simply not mention about his artistic talents - every first-grader knows about them. Yes Vinci ahead of his time for centuries, giving inspiration to many generations of scientists. During the revival, there were no tests for IQ, but modern researchers were calculated that Leonardo coefficient was approximately 190 points.

Nikola Tesla

One of the most famous photographs of the famous physics

Another genius, ahead of his time and generated a million mysteries around his personality. The level of mental development of Tesla also remained unknown, but it is assumed that it hesitated in the range from 200 to 210 points. For the 20s of the twentieth century, when the inventor died, such indicators were incredible. You can say with confidence that Nikola was the smartest person of his time. It owns hundreds of patents that gave the beginning of cell phones, remote controls and wireless charging.

Wales after successful protection of the justification of Fermi theorem

Professor from Oxford, who received his scientific activities noble title From the hands of Queen Elizabeth II. He substantiated the last theorem of Fermi, over the decision was fought best minds Throughout three and a half centuries. The mental development coefficient Andrew is 170 points.

Photo of Gina with a ceremony of awards of the film academy

One of the smartest US women, the Oscar owner for the best female role and simply spectacular person, Gina Davis is known in Russia as an actress. But this does not end it on this. She fluently owns several languages \u200b\u200band is actively fighting for women's rights throughout the world, in particular, for the active participation of weak sex in the media.

Wunderkind in his room

Perhaps the most gifted man on the planet Earth. Its IQ is more than 250 points. Born and lives in Singapore. At the age of 7, he received the right to test testing for the knowledge of deep bases of chemistry and successfully passed it. Everything else, Einan remembers more than 500 decimal places among the "PI" and compounds orchestral musical compositions.

Humanity develops, our brain develops, so scientists foreshadow the emergence of an increasing number of people whose level of mental development exceeds the average indicators. It remains only to hope that we, ordinary people, will remain a place in this rapidly intelligible world.

September 15, 2009, 11:36

The concept of the intelligence coefficient introduced the Jewish scientist of German origin V.STERN in 1912, which drew attention to serious flaws of mental age, as an indicator in Bina's scales. Stern offered to use as an intelligence intelligence from the division of mental age into chronological. IQ was first used in the Stenford-Bine Intellect scale in 1916. At the present time, interest in IQ tests have repeatedly increased, in view of which many different unreasonable scales appeared. Therefore, to compare the results of different tests is very difficult and the number of IQ has lost an informative value. The intelligence coefficient (eng. IQ - Intelligence Quotient) is a quantitative assessment of the human intelligence level: the level of intelligence relative to the level of intelligence of the average person of the same age. Determined by special tests. IQ tests are designed to evaluate mental abilities, and not the level of knowledge (erudition). The intelligence coefficient is an attempt to assess the common intelligence factor. Formula IQ. IQ \u003d WH / KH × 100 where HC is a mental age, and the chronological age. For example, a man of 20 years old from the genus whose intellectual age is 22 years old, has IQ 22/20 × 100 \u003d 110. That is, a child in 12 years and a graduate of the university may have the same IQ, because the development of each of them corresponds to their age. Aisenka test provides maximum level IQ 160 points. Each test consists of a variety of different tasks of increasing complexity. Among them test tasks On logical and spatial thinking, as well as the tasks of other types. According to the test results, IQ is calculated. It is noticed that the more test options passed the subject, the better the results it shows. The most famous test is the Aizenka test. Tests D. Waxler, J. R. R. Amthauer, R.B. Kettella. At the moment, there is no unified standard for IQ tests. What affects IQ Heredity The role of genetics I. ambient In the prediction of IQ is considered in Plomin et al. (2001, 2003). Until recently, heredity was mainly studied on children. Different studies have shown heredity within the boundaries between 0.4 and 0.8 in the USA, which means, depending on the study, that from a little less than half to noticeably more than half of the difference in IQ among the observed children depended on their genes. The rest depended on the conditions for the existence of the child and the measurement error. Heredity within the boundaries from 0.4 to 0.8 suggests that IQ "significantly" is hereditary. Environment The environment affects the development of the brain. In particular, unhealthy, limited nutrition can reduce the brain ability to handle information. Research 25 446 people Danish National Birth Cohort led to the conclusion that food fish during pregnancy and breastfeeding raise his IQ. Also, more than 13 thousand children also showed that breastfeeding can increase the child's intellect on 7 points. I will give an example of IQ of famous people. Sylvester Stallone - 54 Paris Hilton - 70 "Ordinary blonde" ( average) - 80 - I do not believe (the blondes, the same as everyone (I myself have a blonde and IQ level with me above average))
Brad Pitt - 95 Daria Sagalova - 97 Britney Spears - 98 Bruce Willis - 101 Alla Pugacheva - 106 John Kennedy - 117 Angelina Jolie - 118
Barack Obama - 120 George Bush - 125
Jody Foster - 132 Vladimir Putin - 134 Arnold Schwarzenegger - 135 Bill Clinton - 137 Hillary Clinton - 140 Madonna - 140. Richard Nixon - 143 Jayne Mansfield - 149 Jessica Simpson - 151 Jessica Alba - 151 Sharon Stone - 154 Alexander Solzhenitsyn - 159 Dolph Lungren - 160 Bill Gates - 160
Albert Einstein - 163 Linus Powling - 170
Marilyn Vos Savant - 186 Onor de Balzac - 187 Razling the joke states that tests on IQ actually check the ability of a person to solve these tests. What is not far from the truth. In essence, the subject requires the solution of certain tasks in a certain way. The actually smarter person, the greater the solutions, alternative to the proposed test creators, he will be able to offer.

Have you ever thought about who is the most intelligent, talented and comprehensively developed person in the history of mankind? You can confidently call Leonardo da Vinci, but it is far from the only genius of our civilization. High intelligence - a stick about two ends. He can be both the greatest gift and a real curse for the person who possesses them. However, each of these people is a present person, despite difficult fates and complex relations with the surrounding individuals, fading against the background of such bright "stars." But do not be upset, the brain can be developed and "pump" with knowledge and skills. Therefore, perceive this list as motivation!

The most famous person is Albert Einstein

"Disheveled" symbol of the 20th century

Born in Germany, Einstein became a symbol of science and progress of the entire twentieth century. His last name has become nominal to designate smart people. He is one of two theorist physicists who can be called almost anyone (the second, most likely will be Stephen Hawking). For their lives, he wrote more than 300 scientific articles, but also known as an ardent enemy of nuclear weapons (he regularly wrote a letter to President Roosevelt with the warnings of the danger of use of atomic bombs). Einstein also supported Jewish scientific development and stood at the origins of the Jewish University in Jerusalem.

IQ physics is difficult to calculate exactly, since during his life such studies was not carried out, but his familiar and followers talk about the figure in the range from 170 to 190 points.

Moscow, January 12 - RIA Novosti, Alfia Yenikeeva. Record IQ possessed American William James Sidis, who died in 1944: from 250 to 300. However, an expert 40 languages \u200b\u200band the youngest student Harvard (came there at the age of 11) did not make any contribution to science. All my life worked with a modest office employee. RIA Novosti dismisers that IQ can tell about human mental abilities and what the results of this test have recognized geniuses.

Determine Intellect

The first IQ-test came up with a German psychologist William Stern in 1912: a set of well-known tasks and puzzles had to determine the potential of development in children. However, the tests for measuring mental abilities followed him, including the questionnaire of the British psychologist Gansa Aizenka, who made the idea of \u200b\u200bthe intelligence assessment itself, were most likely for adults.

Today, most IQ tests determine the human ability to analyze visual-spatial information, evaluate short-term memory and data processing speed. At the same time, the age of the subject is necessarily taken into account.

The questionnaires are in such a way that the average value is equal to one points. It is believed that the result below 70 indicates a delay in mental development, and people who received more than 115 are especially smart. On outstanding abilities and even genius can be told at IQ above 140 points.

However, according to several studies at once, the results of such tests do not always reflect the real intelligence of a person. First, you can train yourself to solve the type of tasks that are used in the questionnaires. Secondly, the estimates of the same person may depend on his physical and psychological state.

Slowly thinking genius

In addition, all IQ tests are strictly tied to time. As a rule, you need to have time to answer for 30-60 minutes. However, it is known that nobel laureate Albert Einstein, who came up with the theory of relativity, consumed quite slowly and did not always have time to cope with all the tasks in the allotted time.

Nevertheless, IQ outstanding physics is estimated at about 160 points. For his life he wrote more than three hundred scientific work, developed several fundamental physical theories - in addition to the theory of relativity, the quantum theory of heat capacity, the theory of induced radiation, the quantum statistics of the Bose Einstein. According to American sociologists, the scientist is among the top five famous people Twentieth century.

Victory of intelligence over body

The same IQ, like Einstein, had another outstanding physicist and the popularizer of Science Stephen Hawking. He was engaged in cosmology and quantum gravity, proved that the Universe obeys general Theory Relativity, and brought the laws of black hole mechanics. His books were dismissed by huge circulations - for example, a "brief history of time", telling about the appearance of the universe, the nature of space and time and black holes, was released by a gravity of ten million copies.

The scientist all his life worked a lot, despite the terrible diagnosis - lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, which turned it into a disabled person.

The most intelligent exposed student

The founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, who is considered one of the richest people of the planet, IQ 170 points. Created by him together with the school friend by Paul Allen, the Windows operating system today is installed almost on each computer. It was thanks to her that the computer became the subject of mass use.

At the same time, Gates did not even graduate from the university. In the second year, he was expelled from Harvard for the unsuitability, since all free time He gave programming. But in 2007, the University's administration handed him a diploma of higher education and even awarded a doctoral degree.



Scientist who refused from a million dollars

In 2010, Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman became the most discussed scientist of the planet. He decided one of the tasks of the Millennium - Poincaré hypothesis, for which the Mathematical Institute of Clai awarded him one million dollars, from which the scientist refused.

In addition to the only Millennium's task solved, Perelman also proved the theory of the soul in differential geometry, hypothesis of geometrization and several key statements in the alexandrov geometry of spaces limited from the bottom of the curvature.

IQ level unknown.

© Photo: George M. Bergman, Berkeley

Hello everyone! I am sure you have a wonderful mood to talk to the scientific topic. Do not worry, we will not disassemble the boring and most not clear formulas and theory. Let's talk about the great minds that the world gave many scientific discoveries ...

Aikey Einstein

At one time, he was considered scientists of non-standard views in science. And, as not sad, many discoveries did not fit and not recognized in the highest circles.

People are afraid of change, and scientists are the most. Making incredible breakthroughs in science, you can get recognition of your merit only after death. Einstein managed to succeed, though partial. He received the Nobel Prize for the opening of the theory of photo effect, but with an additional assurance, and other, no less important merits of the scientist, have remained in the shadows for many years. It was famous for the whole world Einstein theory of relativity ... But here is a paradox - many modern people Interested not even so much discoveries, as a question of what Iikena Einstein?

Einstein has poorly studied at school

Although here is all relative. Just Albert already as a child defined what is important, but what is secondary. He had the ability to accurate sciences, so why bother with unnecessary facts that would be small in his future work?

Not every child can immediately decide, many for it takes more than one year even after the institute. The main problem of a modern child - he has no goal. And parents, choosing for him, often do not ask, wants to do and work in this direction or not.

A little about Einstein's life

A future scientist innovator was born. Although parents sent him to the Catholic high school, Albert did not become a believer, rather, on the contrary. Studying many scientific and popular books, began to skeptically refer to the authorities imposed by society.

Actually, he did not graduate from this school and moved to Italy. Having decided to enter the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, he failed, but, without lowering his hands, was followed by the Board of the Director of the Institute, to finish secondary education at School Arau. And literally in a year I could do.

Einstein was married twice, and he had three children. According to his footsteps, only the eldest son went to science. Self outstanding achievements Scientist:

  • He is the author of 300 books of scientific topics in various directions of physics. As well as 150 books on philosophy, history and journalism.
  • Opened the most important scientific theories in physics:
  1. theory of relativity;
  2. theory of light scattering;
  3. quantum theory of heat capacity;
  4. law on the relationship of energy and mass;
  5. the theory of induced radiation;
  6. quantum theory of photo effects;
  7. statistical theory on Brownian movement;
  8. quantum statistics.

Comparative characteristics

How to recognize geniuses? What qualities does he have to possess? Modern science Created many ways to test scientific research, up to the study of the brain.

Einstein's brain was considered in terms of more than an ordinary person, for this reason his head visually looked much more relative to the body. Especially clearly it was in childhood.

As far as a person is a man, you can learn by passing the IQ test. IQ - measurement of intelligence in humans. This test is rather social and intended to evaluate the mental activity of a person, and not his level of knowledge.

To determine exactly how high the level of intelligence scientist Physics of the Enestite is a mystery. Because a person is constantly improving or vice versa degrades. Measure the IQ level is necessary every 10 years, then at the end of life, you can determine the average level in a lifetime.

On various sources of Einstein's sources range from 160 to 200. But how can you prove that these numbers are not taken from the ceiling?! Did he spend a test in real life? After all, as estimates of the abilities of the IQ-test began to be applied at the end of 50, and Einstein died in 1955.

Perhaps the IQ of the Great Theority was evaluated by his works, but here the opinion can only be subjective, because it is directed mainly to the study of science.

Be that as it may, disputes by definition of IQ scientist living in the 20th century, so far a lot. In any case, Einstein was an innovator of his time, who was not afraid to openly express doubts about scientific occasion.

What is the IQ test

Testing on intelligence often helps determine the degree of child's development or adult.

Here is a man's intellectual estimate scale:

  • 70 and below - is considered mental retardation;
  • The average number of 90 to 110 is an indicator of a normal person, with an average development;
  • Above 110 to 180 - it is considered extremely intelligent with a rich potential for future discoveries, in various fields of science and not only;
  • Above 180 - It is believed that the child is a genius.

Often ingenious people do not find an understanding of others. They think no standard, so they are afraid and avoid. And such a relationship does not lead to good ... a lot of sociopaths with a large level IQ.

And in our advanced century, technologies of such children are born more and more, and it depends on us what they will grow: they will find salvation from a variety of diseases or the newest weapons will be invented and the society will destroy.

List of IQ most famous people

Each, probably, is interesting how high the intelligence of the most famous celebrities. It doesn't matter actors or singers, but more importantly, how smartly the ruling elite is.

Here are the numbers IQ. meaningful people in history:

  • Stephen Hawking - 160
  • US President Barack Obama - 137
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin - 134
  • Nazi leader Adolf Hitler - 141
  • Chess player Bobby Fisher - 187
  • Scientist Isaac Newton - 190
  • Scientist Charles Darwin - 165
  • Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger - 135
  • Actor Bruce Willis - 101

How true is this assessment of the mental abilities of the most famous figures, to solve you. But the fact that they in life have achieved tremendous success in the selected direction are a fact. Whatever great or terrible achieve them, it is forever marked in history.

How to find out your level IQ yourself

It is enough to go through the test. Now it is available on many sites for free, for example, you can pass it here. The main thing is not to beware if you are not laid out of the outstanding skills of a scientist or policy. Perhaps you closer or poetry, and creative personalities think not as scientists.

Not everyone is given to be like a hoking and open for the world the theory of creating a large explosion. But, perhaps, you will be able to disprove it, finding other evidence to create the universe?

Know all the great discoveries began with a dream and a non-standard idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around you.

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