Sobchak candidate from what party. Ksenia Sobchak - Presidential Candidate

"I learned why, the party Sobchak is doomed to failure.

Future plans

She told about his desire to create a batch of Sobchak in the course of the interview with the Rain TV channel. According to Sobchak, its role is the role of a person who will show the result of the line "against all".

My role of man who, showing a result of a line "against all", then can form a great movement, a party that will later be able to participate in the Duma elections. Movement that was not so long in Russia

Sobchak added that he came to the politics "seriously", and reported that he was going to nominate his candidacy and the next presidential election, in 2024. "This is the way, work within these six years - with the organization of the party, with the artistic elections, with the organization of support," she said.

Not everyone agree

Experts are skeptical on Sobchak's election strategy. President of the Minchenko Consulting Holding expressed his opinion.

"It depends on what the result of Ksenia Sobchak will receive in the presidential elections, if it comes out to them," Evgeny Minchenko responded. In his opinion, it is difficult to imagine who can enter the Sobchak Party.

"If we look at the people who head her headquarters, mostly that are quite marginal characters who do not have their own authority and recognition. These are purely technical people. I am extremely skeptical about the prospects for this kind of parties, "he said.

We will remind, earlier announced plans to participate in the presidential election of 2018. She proposed to consider his candidacy as an alternative to the column "against all", which is not in bulletins in the election.

In November, it became known that it would run from the party "Civil Initiative".

The elections of the President of Russia remained less than two weeks. During the debate, candidates are trying to show themselves in the best light, and competitors put forward a variety of complaints. Including - about relatives. For example, a candidate from the LDPR Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that Ksenia Sobchak would have achieved anything if it were not for the fame of her father - Anatoly Sobchak, an ex-mayor of St. Petersburg.

Life and service for affordable genealogy "in the archive" begin a series of publications in which they will tell about the ancestors of presidential candidates - and we begin with Ksenia Sobchak.

Photo © RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

Ksenia Sobchak was born in 1981 (now she is 36 years old). She grew up in the family of politicians. Her mother Lyudmila Nastov and now is a prominent position - it is a member of the Federation Council from the Republic of Tyva.

Father line

The father of Ksenia Anatoly Sobchak was born in 1937 in Chita in the family of a builder (Alexander Sobchak) and an accountant (Nadezhda Litvinova). Two years later, the family moves to Uzbekistan, in Kokand - there, Grandfather Ksenia received a new job.

Alexander Sobchak before the war occupies the position of head of the park of mechanization construction work In the construction and apartment department in Kokand. In 1941, Alexander Sobchak (Grandfather Xenia) gone to fight. During the war, he distinguished himself on the 3rd Belarusian front - he was awarded to "the Order of the Red Star", medals "for the victory over Germany", "for the valiant work in the Great Patriotic War," "For Taking Konigsberg."

While the grandfather was in war, grandmother, father and his two brothers continued to live in Kokand. A neighbor and a close friend of the family was Uzbek, an important chief in the city executive committee. Once at night, he went to them and said that he received the Stalinist directive - all Poles had to be sent to Siberia in 24 hours.

And the Sobchaki by nationality was just listed by the Poles. The neighbor said that he had several empty blanks of passports and, if the Sobchaki agree, he could fix their nationality. So they turned into Russians on one night from the Poles.

Anatoly Sobchak himself, finishing the school, came first to the Tashkent University at the Faculty of Law, later turned to learn to Leningrad. After graduating from the university, he worked as a teacher.

The Sobchak politics came in the early 90s. At first he was headed by the Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad, and in 1991-1996 was the mayor of St. Petersburg. Its further career was no longer so successful: he was criminal proceedings, he ran out of the country and only at the beginning of the new millennium was able to return home. In 2000, he died in Svetlogorsk from severe illness.

Photo © RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

It is known that the great-grandfather of Ksenia from Father - Anton Sobchak. It was a dumpless Pole, impoverished Shutchik (Polish fine nobleman). He worked as a driver. By the way, Anton Sobchak was also engaged in politics - consisted of party cadets, and then helped to establish Soviet power in Central Asia (in the museum of the city of Kokand in Uzbekistan even hung his portrait).

In the Stalin's years, Praded Sobchak was repressed - he did not forgive the gentle origin and bourgeois past.

The great-grandfather Ksenia from the side of the father was called Anna. It is known that she was a Czech by nationality, knew Czech, Polish and German.

The probable father of Anton Sobchak and Prapraded Ksenia - the seed of the oppolutional. A record of a person with such a name and the name is in the information database "First World War, 1914-1918. Project of the Union of Renaissance of Pedigree Traditions". It is known that he was a representative of the Roman Catholic confession and was born in the Warsaw Governor-General (it was part of the Russian Empire).

Mother Line

Ksenia's mother, Lyudmila Nastov, was born in Bryansk. And grandfather and grandmother (on the maternal) candidate in the small German town of Herzberg after the war were married.

Grandfather Ksenia on the mother line - Boris Pouring. He graduated from the Smolensk Artillery School in 1942 and immediately went to the front volunteer. At the end of the war, he had the title of younger lieutenant, the "Order of the Red Star" and "Order of the Patriotic War I degree." By the way, he consisted in the Communist Party.

It is known that his wife Valentina Khlebosolov (grandmother Ksenia) was a concentration camp. In Herzberg, Boris Nasta served by a military commandant, and Valentina Khlebosolov worked in a translator's commandation.

In 1949, they returned to the Soviet Union and settled in Bryansk, where Boris Nastov had relatives. First, the head of the family got a job in military partBut then he was appointed director of the House of Culture. After the end of the historical and defectological faculties of the pedagogical university, Boris Podovov became the director of the Bryansk school for deaf children. Valentina Vladimirovna got a job by the administrator in the cinema.

Photo © RIA Novosti / Oleg Lastochkin

Lyudmila Nastov's higher education received in Leningrad - and then worked as a teacher at the University of Leningrad.

The first time Lyudmila Nastov married when she studied in LSU in the second year. Her ex-spouse was a psychiatrist. Relationships did not work out, and the pair broke up in 1975 for Anatoly Sobchak Distas was married in 1980. For him, it was also a second marriage. In student years, he married Nonn Gandzük, a student of the Philological Faculty of Pedagogical Institute. Herzen. At the same time, their daughter was born - Maria Sobchak.

The party is about 700 thousand rubles each month about 700 thousand rubles, RBC said another interlocutor in the party. Significantly more than the party had to spend on the organization of two congresses, especially the first one in June last year. According to Gudkov, he cost a party of 1.5 million rubles, which he and Sobchak made in half.

Gudkov told RBC that the party is funded and the sponsors are looking for her members and leadership. "Due to the fact that the party of change has not yet been registered, the sponsors are not in a hurry to actively support our political force," he admitted.

Political Council of the Moscow Branch of the Batch of Changes voluntarily pays partners - the various local projects of the party are financed, the politician added. According to Gudkov, there are about 750 applicable members in the party. "In addition, many things we do by agreement with our allies. For example, you can say "Thank you" by the Sakharov Center, free of charge giving us a lecture hall, "said Gudkov.

The refusal of the TV host from the financing of the party, apparently, is associated with the variety of its political plans, RBC said Polittechnologist Peter Fastrov. She denied the information about his nomination in the governors of St. Petersburg, and its position in relation to the party is directly related to its personal political plans, an expert is sure. "It's one thing - to go to the elections from not very large, but the promoted political party, the other is to keep the lifestyle of the secular lioness and lead a talk show," says the fastest. - Then these spending are irrational. "

Perhaps the rejection of funding is connected with the plans of the Gudkov himself and his supporters to go to the elections in the Moscow City Duma. According to Bystrov, the head of the party has chances of winning, but among other seven of his supporters of "strong candidates no". "In this regard, and the failure of Sobchak from the financing of the party is explaining - what is the point of investing in the campaign of obviously indished candidates," the expert added.

Two teams did not work

Ksenia Sobchak remains a member of the political council of the party, but she does not agree with leadership with leadership, RBC told RBC to the party the interlocutor. "Timur Valeyev from Sobchak team is its main technologist - did not find a common language with the Gudkov team," he said. In fact, supporters of Sobchak and Gudkov in the party shared two teams, the source added. Because of this, the discretion and financing from Sobchak ceased, the source of RBC believes.

Valeev refused to answer RBC questions.

Previously, Gudkov supporters declared their intention to run into the Moscow City Duma. The politician reported that they agreed on the division of districts with the "apple". The beeps himself will go to the polls in the constituency number 5 (Filevsky Park, good-poinniki, part of the district of Schukino).

Gudkov Chairman of the Party, created on the basis of the "Civil Initiative", at its first congress. The former head of the party Andrei Nechaev and Ksenia Sobchak entered the political council. Documents for renaming the party were submitted to the Ministry of Justice, but in the fall, the Office refused to change the name and charter and registration of Gudkov as Chairman.

The congress of the Civil Initiative Party on Saturday put forward TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak as a presidential candidate. Earlier, the Political Council of the Civil Initiative Party, which is headed by the Ex-Minister of Economy Andrei Nechaev, unanimously supported the nomination of Sobchak. Nechaev said that Sobchak became a member of the Civil Initiative Party, she entered the Political Council of the Party. 96 people voted for nomination Sobchak, seven - against, three - abstained.

Sobchak, speaking at the congress, said that he was in politics for the sake of "Truth and Freedom". "We must return to the Russian political life the truth about which they forgotten, and the freedom that we have lost. True and freedom - these are two things for which I go to politics, "she said. She admitted that several months thought before the final decision to participate in the presidential elections: "I no longer wanted to just watch, I realized that you need to participate, not only and not so much in the presidential race, but in political life our country".

According to her, Russia should be a parliamentary republic: "Only a multi-party, freely elected parliament must determine the internal and foreign policy of the country, to appoint a government, regulate relations between the regions." Sobchak stated that he would go to the election with the program "123 hard steps" by adding that it shares and supports the Civil Initiative Program. According to her, the program is based on the rights and freedoms of citizens: "In this program, 123 points, each of which is devoted to the person and its freedoms and rights. When we offer to discuss issues economic Development, budget regulation, environmental safety, anti-HIV or military reform, we think first of all about people, for the sake of freedom and whose rights are all done. "

The Sobchak program has several chapters that are devoted to internal and foreign politics, economic development and social policy. She proposes to cancel all the laws that limit the rights of people "depending on their political or religious views, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, professional activity or place of residence." There also refers to the transition to parliamentary democracy, for which it is necessary to change the Constitution. In the future, Sobchak offers the "reform" of the Constitution. She proposes to cancel the municipal filter on the governor's elections, return the column "against all" in the elections of all levels, simplify the registration of public organizations. The program states that Vladimir Lenin should be buried and to legally prohibit the justification of Joseph Stalin and the repression of the 20-50s. XX century. She considers the necessary reform power structures, the transition to the contract army and ratification of the International Convention to Combat Corruption.

Sobchak believes that "unified security guarantees and protection against state criminal prosecution of persons who occupied the highest state posts in the country and their family members should be developed. In addition, she opposed lustration on signs of belonging to any strength and declared the need for personal responsibility for crimes, which will be established by the court.

"To increase the efficiency of the Russian economy, large state corporations and state monopolies must be gradually privatized with rigid antimonopoly restrictions," the program says. Sobchak promises to raise a retirement to a level of at least 40% of the average wage. It offers "radical changes" in the regulation of most industries and services, in particular, the simplification of "up to the cancellation" of the safety regulations, fire instructions and requirements of sun-poidnadzors.

The program refers to the reduction in the number of universities with state accreditation by strengthening the requirements for their work "to improve the quality of higher education", the integration of Russian universities with Western universities. Sobchak spoke in favor of same-sex marriages: "It is necessary to make changes to the legislation, legalizing the conclusion and termination of voluntary civil unions between adults, regardless of their gender and religion." The program also refers to the change in legislation aimed at combating domestic violence. "It is necessary in practice to establish and protect the equality of floors in public and economic life in the country," it is written in the program.

The last item of the program concerns the Crimea. "Crimea, according to international law, is the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps most of its inhabitants today are Russian-speaking citizens of Russia, who perceive their republic by the subject of Russia, "the program says. It is necessary to hold a referendum in the Crimea, agreed by Russia, Ukraine and the international community. The referendum must precede the year of discussion and agitation.

Retracting from the "Civil Initiative", Sobchak will have to collect 100,000 signatures for registration. Organization of regional headquarters and fees in Sobchak headquarters is engaged in the project "Open Elections" Timur Valeyev. Headquarters are planned to be opened in 50 regions. Many activists of the "open Russia" Mikhail Khodorkovsky helps Sobchak in the regions.

According to the surveys of the Levada Center, the electoral rating of Sobchak 1%, according to the data of the WTCIOM - 0.3%. According to the FOM (the survey was conducted on December 10, 2017. Among the 1,500 respondents from 18 years and older in 53 entities, the staticness does not exceed 3.6%), only 6% of Russians relevant to the fact that Sobchak decided to nominate his candidacy, 70% belong To this negative. In early September, "Vedomosti" wrote that the presidential administration was thinking about the woman in the presidential election to become a rival to Vladimir Putin. One of the interlocutors close to the presidential administration, assumed that Ksenia Sobchak could be the ideal option. Then Sobchak categorically refuted its possible part in the elections. However, in mid-October, Sobchak announced the intention to participate in the presidential election in the letter ,. In his letter, Sobchak said that her nomination "may be useful and for the opposition, and for the whole society." The tactics of the boycott of elections in the event of an inapt of them "prominent opposition figures and, of course, first of all, Alexei Navalny" Sobchak does not consider "the right way to demonstrate his disagreement" and offers an alternative - it is ready to act as the colleague in the Bulletin against all "and Get the voices of all dissatisfied.

Sobchak promised to take off his candidacy from the elections, if Alexey Navalny will be registered as a candidate. Navalny said that being civilized by Russia over 35 years and not in places in prison, Sobchak can nominate his candidacy for elections. At the same time, he refused to comment in detail by its nomination, explaining that the discussion and criticism of each other would be on the arm of the Kremlin.