Collective monograph on economics "Socio-economic and legal framework for the development of the economy." Monographs details for transfer of remittances

We invite researchers, graduate students, doctoral students, applicants, faculty team of universities, leading practitioners to take part in the publication of collective monographs

A certain date of completion of the reception of articles for accommodation in the collective monograph is not established. Materials are accepted constantly.

The collective monograph is published immediately when set 10 authors.

Minimum amount of article -20 pages. Maximum volume is not limited.

Language: Russian, English .

Editions are assigned to the relevant library indices UDC, BBK and the International Standard Book Number ( ISBN.).

Collected articles will be registered in a retail basis

RINTS (Russian scientific citation index)

1. Materials decorated in accordance with the requirements and sample

3. Scanned (photographed) receipt of payment of org. Contribution. The calculation of the cost of publication and payment is made only after receiving materials of the editorial board. Publication of articles will be carried out only after payment of the organizational contribution.

In individual files, but with one letter, you need to send an article and information about the authors. Files call by name (for example: Averin B.E.-article, Averin B.E.-questionnaire). In the subject of the letter, specify the conference cipher Km-ek and surname of the first author. Upon receipt of materials, the Organizing Committee after carrying out the technical control of materials for compliance with the requirements, the cost of the publication and by email within 2 business days directs a letter with the approval of the publication of the article and the details for payment.

Control dates

Taking materials


With set of 10 articles

Accommodation on our website

Financial conditions Publication

The placement of the material in the monograph is carried out on a fee basis in order to compensate for the proofreaders, publishing and postal costs


For residents

For non-residents

Publication 1 Pages of typewritten text (regardless of the number of co-authors, drawings and tables in the article)

Is free

Getting 1 additional printed copy of the monograph

Getting an electronic version (on request)

Is free

Payment is made only after the approval of the materials to the publication


1. Details for payment:

Recipient: LLC "Aterana"

Inn 027 4171 625 KPP 027 401 001 OGRN 112 028 004 8460

r / s №407 028 108 060 000 01662

Payer Bank Bank: Bashkir branch of Sberbank of Russia №8598 Ufa

Beach 048 073 601

CORT account 301 018 103 000 000 006 01 in RKTS NB RB

Purpose of payment. " For participation in the conference Specify the last name of the author. Without VAT».

2. Filled receipt can be downloaded on the site aeterna.- uFA. ru In the "Payment" section

3. To obtain details to pay for the organizational contribution to participants from other countries it is necessary to refer to the organizers: [Email Protected]

Requirements for materials

1. The article must be implemented on the current topic and contain the results of an independent study.

2. . Responsibility for the coverage of materials, the authors are carried.

4. Volume of materialsdirected by the author to the collective monograph, not less than 20 pages. Materials volume less 20 pages Not taken to consideration

5. Requirements for registration:

Text format - Microsoft Word (* .doc, * .docx);

Page format: A4 (210x297 mm);

Orientation - Books;

Fields (top, bottom, left, right) 20 mm;

Font: Size (Kehal) - 14;

Font type: Times New Roman;

The line interval is one and a half.

Transfer not to install.

6. Figures and tables are allowed in the text.. The names and numbers of the drawings are indicated by drawings, names and table numbers - above the tables. All graphic objects must be black and white.

7. The literature used (without repetition) is drawn up at the end of the text called "List of used literature:". The text is denoted by square brackets with an indication of the sequence number of the source on the list and through the comma - page numbers, for example:.

8. At the end of the article, you must specify the copywriting sign (©), indicating the author (authors), and the current year.

Materials design sample

B.E. Averin

K.E.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Moscow State University

Bashkir State University

Ufa, Russian Federation

Investment climate of innovation in the region


List of references:

1. Chkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


© B.E. Averin, 2014.

Place of study or work

Academic degree, academic title (if any)

Position or course

contact number

Article title

Theme of article

Number of page pages

Number of additional copies

Source of information on the publication of the monograph

Address to send a collection (index required)

In the monograph, the transition from the qualitative economic descriptions of economic events to the quantitative, the structural level, on which the economy in reality and really functions.
Intended for scientific worknikov, graduate students, senior students of economic faculties and all interested in the problems of the economy.

The concept of axiomatization of the economy.
Mathematics played and plays a significant role in the economy. The economy without computing equipment and application software is no longer possible. In the economy, there are long-established economic structures, objects of economic interaction. Economic information is one of the most important characteristics of the economy - the economic patterns and properties of the economy objects, requires a scientific approach, development and study of its operational properties. Checking economic information on correctness is relevant in the economy, since without its solution, planning the development of the economic system has risks. V. Leontyev checking economic information to correctly assigned a special place in his writings.

Operating with all economic information per cycle of production as the time between two cycles and the implementation of production products is an urgent task for the development of the global economy, as well as forecasting economic crises and the proposal of methods of their elimination as a result of identifying weak interactions in economic parameters with some economic relations between objects Economic interactions. The allocation of the economy into science requires the axiomatization of the economy, i.e., building an economy on elementary concepts with that. In order for the axioms of the economy, the definitions of these elementary concepts. D. Hilbert believed that the axiomatization of mathematics and its associated sciences are necessary for the development of these sciences. It is necessary to determine the objects of axiomatization.

List of low-prolonged and new terms,
conventions, symbols and abbreviations
1. The concept of axiomatization of the economy
1.1. Differences in the axiomatization of natural and social sciences
1.2. Axiomation objects in the economy
1.3. Discretion of economic actions
2. Axioms of the economy
2.1. Axioms of continuous production of acts, time in time for the livelihood of individuals, groups of individuals
2.2. Axioms of interaction of individuals, groups of individuals on the exchange of acts, benefits
2.3. Axioms order
2.3.1. Axiom order for individuals
2.3.2. Axiom order for groups of individuals
2.3.3. Structure of groups of individuals and objects of economic interaction
2.3.4. Continuity of the production of goods
2.4. The individual and his acts as the driving force of the economy
2.5. Axioms Congrunce (equivalence)
2.6. Axoma Caution
2.7. Time Axioms, Measurements
2.8. Consistency and mutual independence by the axiom of the economy. Of completeness axiom
2.9. Operating properties of quanta of economic interaction
2.9.1. The operating properties of CEV.
2.10. Formalization of laws of economics
2.10.1. The nature of economic laws
2.10.2. The principle of uncertainty in the economy
3. Encuability of the calculation of the quanta of economic interaction using the Turing machine
3.1. Automated recording of quanta of economic information on the MT tape in time and the space of its formation
3.2. Algorithm for recording CEV for infinite tension of the Turing machine
3.3. Algorithm for recording external economic information from the MT1 peripheral machine to the Federal Machine MT2
3.4. Algorithm for the entry of the internal CEV on the infinite Ribbon MT
3.5. Algorithm for writing internal quanta of economic interactions in OEV
3.6. Algorithm for recording quanta acts of individuals on endless ribbon MT
3.7. Enumeration, computability of economic interactions
3.8. The concept of computability and enumeration of the transformation function F from (E) in Q (B) for quanta of economic interaction
3.9. The concept of computability and enumeration of the function of the transformation F from (E) in Q (c) for internal quanta of economic interaction
4. Managing and managed economy parameters
4.1. Control parameters defined by external keV
4.2. Control parameters defined by internal keV
4.3. Control parameters defined by the structures of acts of individuals
4.4. Handling economy
4.5. Checking economic information on correctness
5. Requests for the Economic System
5.1. Requests defined by the structure of external keV
5.2. Requests for computing machine
5.3. Requests defined by the internal structure of CEV
5.4. Calculation of technological coefficients for objects of economic interaction
5.5. Requests for the economic system associated with the structure of the quanta of acts of individuals
List of references
Name pointer

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Center for the development of scientific cooperation (Novosibirsk)

Currently, all scientific directions are developing quite dynamically. Publication of research results is an extremely responsible and important step for the scientist. A lot of new appears original ideas, theories that deserve the closest attention of the scientific community. In addition, the presence of a certain number of publications is a prerequisite for the protection of dissertation works. One of the most authoritative forms of submission of scientific research materials is the publication of a monograph.

We invite you to take part in writing collective scientific monographs on economic themes:
1. Economics and management of enterprises, industries, complexes: problems and development prospects (CIFR - EK-1)
2. Effective business organization: Modern model (EC-2)
3. Financial management of the development of the economy (EK-3)
4. Cluster policy as a tool for the formation of an innovative economy (EK-4)
5. Market dynamics and consumer behavior in a market economy (EK-5)
6. Global Trends of Modern Economic Development (EC-6)

The results of scientific research on economics, management, marketing, taxation, innovation management, logistics, foreign economic activity, personnel management, AHD, pricing, strategic management, finance, budgeting, accounting, management accounting, taxation, AHD, IFRS, audit, pricing and etc.

Hardcover, full-color cover !!!

Monographs registered in a retail basis RINTS (Russian scientific citation index) and will be published on the electronic library website ELIBRARY.RU.

Editions are assigned international ISBN indices.

Monographs are sent according to the main libraries of Russia and abroad.

Application reception date
On the placement of materials in monographs
March 30, 2018

Monographs are sent to authors after 1 month from the date of the end of the reception of materials. The editors reserve the right in coordination with the author to transfer material to another monograph corresponding to the content of the material.

1. Harutyunyan O.K. , Professor of the Department "Public Office" of the Academy government controlled Republic of Armenia (Republic of Armenia, Yerevan), D. Economy, Professor
2. Mingaleva J.A. , Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the enterprise of the Perm National Research Poly technical University (Perm), D. Economy, Professor
3. Yanov V.V. , Head of the Department "Finance and Credit" of the Volga State University of Service (Togliatti), D. Economy, Associate Professor
4. Mergaliyeva L.I. , Head of the Department " Economic theory and business »West Kazakhstan State University. M. Utemisov (Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk), D. Ekon., Professor
5. Minakova I.V. , Head of the Department of World and National Economics of the South-West State University (Kursk), D. Economy, Associate Professor
6. Chernov S.S. , Head of the Department of Production Management and Energy Energy Energy of the Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk), Head of TsGNS, K. \u200b\u200bEconomy, Associate Professor
7. Belousova S.V. , Head of the Laboratory of Economic Methods of Management of the Department of Regional Economic and Social Problems of the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk), K. Economy, Associate Professor

Requirements for the design of materials
Text format: Word for Windows. Page format: A4 (210x297 mm). Fields: 2.5 cm - from all sides. Font: Size (Kehal) - 14; Type - Times New Roman. Article title - Printed with capital letters, font - fat, alignment in the center. Below the double interval with lower case letters - the initials and surname of the author (s). On the next line - full name Organization, city. After an incidence of 2 intervals follows annotation (no more than 500 characters), followed by 2 intervals - text, printable through a single interval Paragraph indent - 1.25 cm, width alignment. The names and numbers of the drawings are indicated by drawings, names and table numbers - above the tables. Tables, diagrams, drawings, formulas (only in Equation or MathType editors), graphics should not go beyond the specified fields (font in tables and in drawings - at least 11 PT). Links to literature in square brackets. Availability of literature required. Transfer not to install.

Materials volume less than 20 pages Print is not accepted. When publishing in the monograph more than 30 pages, it is possible to form a separate chapter.

Details about the authors need to be issued in tabular form, indicating F.I.O. author; Place of work, position; Degree, scientist; address working and home; mobile phone; E-mail; The name of the monograph in which the material is addressed; article title; number of pages in the scientific work of the author; required number of monograph copies; payment amount; Address (with an indication of the postal index and the recipient name).

In individual files you need to send an article, information about the authors, a scanned payment receipt at the addresses: [Email Protected] , [Email Protected] . Upon receipt of materials, the editors within two days sends a letter "Materials received" to the author. Authors who sent materials by email and not received confirmation of their receipt by the Organizing Committee, please duplicate the application.

In order to compensate for organizational, publishing and printing costs, the cost of publication in the monograph - 170 rubles. For 1 page at the volume of material up to 30 pages, inclusive. When publishing materials in more than 30 pages, subsequent pages are paid at the rate of 140 rubles. For 1 page. Tables, schemes, drawings, graphs, formulas are charged additionally at the rate of 50 rubles. per page. Payment for sending a monograph to the author - 300 rubles. (For foreign countries - 600 rubles). Supplement for additional copies of the monograph - 550 rubles. (taking into account shipment).

Example: You need to place an article by the volume of 35 pages in the monograph. In materials 2 pages with tables and formulas. 3 additional instances are required. In this case, the amount of payment will be:

30x170 + 5x140 + 2x50 + 300 + 550x3 \u003d 7850 rub.

Order copies of publications for their co-authors, supervisors, scientific consultants in advance.

Details for listing money transfers:

Preferably payment on Western Union systems, Golden Crown and others on the natural face of Chernov Sergey Sergeevich, Novosibirsk.

Yandex-money 410011548221071, qiwi - +79139157901.

Information about the conditions for publishing research results and requirements for the design of materials can be obtained on the site., by phone the development center of scientific cooperation in Novosibirsk:

8-383-291-79-01 Chernov Sergey Sergeevich, Head of TsGNS
8-913-749-05-30 Pavodenko Pavel Viktorovich, Leading Specialist TsRS

or by email:
[Email Protected]
[Email Protected]

Reviewers: Adamovn.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, CEO Institute of Study Studies and Wholesale Market Conjuncture
Karzaevan.n., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Analysis and Audit, FGBOU VPO "Russian State Receiver University Him. K.A. Timiryazeva "
Kerimov.E., Doctor of Economics, Professor An Accounting Accounting, FGBOU VPO "Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanova "

Business Controlling: Models, Development, Problems, Solutions: Monograph. -M.: Publishing House "Economic Gazette", 2012. - 488c.

Increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy requires changing the priorities of the development of domestic business. The formation of maximum profits in the short term does not always provide an increase in efficiency in the medium term and improving performance in the long-term. Under these conditions, the projects of development of the real economy are not implemented in accordance, but in spite of the ideology of "rapid enrichment". Ensuring the economic security of the country requires the achievement of the stability of the economic environment, expanding the planning and business forecasting horizons, attract long-term private investments in the real sector of the economy, increasing management flexibility. Controlling-metodology of information and analytical support and methodological support for adaptive management based on anticipation. It is focused on creating a single information and analytical space for various groups of business stakeholders and levels of organizing its maintenance (controlling units). Application of an analytical model of controlling in management allows you to make proactive management decisions, providing unity of interests of all interested parties and groups of business participants, regardless of the level of organizing it: Holding type companies, individual strategic business or balance units, business processes and jobs. Research of dialectics category Efficiency and controlling, as a business efficiency management tool, is devoted to the first section of the monograph. 3 In the second section, the relationship between controlling and management accounting is considered, identified the most widely used controlling controlling, the goals and objectives of its organization in modern business are identified, the main provisions of the analytical model based on business analysis tools are formulated. In the third section, the features of the application of the budding controlling model in a holding-type company are investigated, disadvantages have been identified and proposals for integrating non-financial indicators of development into the system of budgets. In the fourth section, applied directions of the development of the developmental controlling model are formulated, the approaches to the organization of the reflexive monitoring system of different functional areas of business are formulated, the prospects and directions for the use of controlling in the proactive management of various areas of business are defined. The book is focused on scientists, managers and owners of commercial organizations united in the desire to create a model of sustainable economic growth and adaptive business. It can also be recommended for the listeners of master's programs in the direction of the Directory preparation "Economics", "Management", as well as for listeners of business schools and retraining programs of the leading personnel of the national economy.

Need to urgently publish (print) scientific monograph?

We will perform everything necessary work By publication, assign ISBN, DOI, UDC, BBK, author's sign. We will also carry out the proofreading of the text, the preparation of the layout, print the circulation on high-quality paper, let's give copies to the book chamber for mandatory distribution and deliver you 10 copies of the finished monograph, and will also place an electronic version in RISC and other EBS (Znanium, Lan, University Library, and DR .) At your request.

We continue the action!
The date of publication is 30 calendar days.
Cost - from 15 tr.

With the 15-year-old experience of the publication of scientific monographs, we can guarantee compliance with the deadlines and the international level of work performed.

In most publishers, the duration of the publication can be 2-3 months, since the bulk of your book simply lies and is waiting for an employee to do it. If you promised a smaller time, then it is most often achieved by the publication in the author's edition, that is, no one works on the text in principle.

we not published Monographs in the author's edition. We always work on the text and design of each book. And optimization of publishing processes in its own editorial and publishing system allows full cycle Works without delays for up to 30 calendar days.

Where to get started?

Send us the text of the monograph by email on [Email Protected] . The volume should be no more than 320 pages, including drawings, tables and formulas, it is approximately 576,000 characters with spaces.

So, the letter must contain (in one file):

  • Manuscript file
  • Annotation and keywords in Russian
  • Information about each co-author: last name, name and patronymic full, organization name, position, degree and scientific title, as well as email address, SPIN and ORCID identifiers if available (this is important for the correct indication of the authors in RISC)
  • Two reviews of doctors or candidates of science

After that, we conclude a contract with you to the publication of the monograph and the license agreement, which will define all the parameters of the publication and the conditions for further distribution. Then we will proceed to work.

What do we do:

  • Let's carry out the proofreading
  • Conduct the proof of annotation and keywords
  • Translated Metadata into English
  • We assign ISBN, df codes, bbk
  • We assign DOI
  • Prepare for typography layout of the cover and text and agree on it with you before printing
  • Printed the circulation in the printing house (on white paper in a soft cover)
  • Upload data to RISC
  • Let's give 16 copies in the book chamber (Branch "ITAR-TASS")
  • We deliver 10 copies of the monograph
  • If necessary, we will transfer the monograph to distribute via ebs (electronic library systems)

As a result, you will receive an official publication that can be specified in the list of your scientific works. This will be confirmed by unique ISBN and registration in RISC, which will allow you to quote the work of both Russian and foreign scientists.

We know all the features of the publication of scientific monographs. But if you have additional questions, we will be happy to answer them.

The monograph can be published not only by economic specialties!

The monographs on the action can be issued both by the Publishing House "Creative Economics" and LLC "First Economic Publishing".

or call 8 495 648 62 41 .