What day to call a succubus. How to summon a succubus at home

Men who are dissatisfied with their sex life often go for risky experiments. You can get unprecedented pleasure in bed by summoning a succubus. If the thought of contacting a demonic seductress does not frighten, then you should study the information about this entity.

Communication with a succubus

In the Christian tradition, the attitude towards the succubus (a demon that takes the form of a charming woman) has always been negative. The ministers of the church are sure: the succubus is the embodiment of the Devil himself, who seeks to make physical contact with a person in order to take his soul.

According to ancient legends, a demonic mistress can draw all the energy out of a man in one night, thereby killing him. The legends also speak of the "companions" of the succubus - the incubus. The incubus comes to women in the form of a passionate, tireless man.

There is no consensus among sorcerers regarding these entities. Most magicians believe that a succubus cannot drain the vitality of its counterpart overnight. The children of hell feed on the sexual energy of their victims, and every sexual act is a colossal energy boost for the demoness. It is not profitable for her that the source of this energy quickly dried up, since the search for a new victim may take some time.

The succubus avoids weak, overly suspicious men. To summon the demoness and enjoy the closeness with her, you should take care of your physical health, increase your vitality.

Preparation for summoning a demonic seductress consists of 3 stages.

  1. Body cleansing. A man who dreams of the caress of a demoness should refrain from self-gratification and sex with a woman for 7 days.
  2. Purification of energy. For three days before calling the succubus, men do not eat meat, strong drinks and cigarettes.
  3. Home preparation. The demoness will not appear in a messy apartment. She can also be pissed off by icons and church paraphernalia in the bedroom.

Reasons for calling

Reasons that push a man to call a demoness:

  • tightness and complexes when dealing with girls;
  • unsuccessful attempts to find a woman in the real world who would meet all the requirements;
  • forced or voluntary refusal of intimacy: there are numerous testimonies of sexual contacts of demonic entities with monks and priests - the energy of repressed attraction acts on the succubus as a call, the demonic entity “smells” desire;
  • the desire to diversify your sex life.

There are cases in history when an earthly man managed to gain the protection of a demoness. The guests from the underworld helped their lovers achieve fame and material well-being, but it is impossible to call upon the daughter of Darkness for selfish ends. Let the only motives for rapprochement with her be animal passion, the call of the flesh.

Spell variants

There is a way to call a demonic mistress without resorting to outside help. To avoid disappointing intimacy with a demon, you need to focus on your erotic fantasies and imagine the desired sexual partner. The texts of the appeal to the succubus are read in the conditions of a house or apartment. All rituals are performed without witnesses.

What are the nuances to consider when summoning a demon:

  • in the process of performing the ritual, no one should disturb;
  • communication with demonic entities occurs after midnight: the ideal time for sexual contact with them is 3 am;
  • there must be no pets in the room;
  • succubus telepaths: when calling the daughter of hell, a person should not be afraid, he should tune in to the wave of forbidden passion and animal joy.

An appeal to Lilith, the patroness of succubi, is considered one of the most powerful rituals. You need to light a black candle, describe in detail on the sheet the image of a girl who has taken possession of fantasies: it is necessary to describe both appearance and behavior. You should also indicate the caresses that you want to feel this night. After that, the paper must be burned in a candle flame with the words:

"Lilith, I pray, send me one of your daughters."

When ash remains from the paper, say the call of the succubus three times:

“Lilith, I am human and no better than you. I ask you to give me your wisdom and love. May everything that has been said be done! "

Other ways to call the demoness will be useful for those who want to taste real passion. On the night of the full moon, you need to take a bath. Standing in front of your bed, say 9 times:

"I command the essence to come to me."

In a half-asleep state, a translucent silhouette of a girl will become noticeable. Further events depend on your wishes and the strength of the entity, which wished to endow you with searing caresses. If on the first night the succubus did not respond to the call, the attempt can be repeated the next day.

During the night, you need to light a black candle three times at intervals of an hour. Looking at the flame, one should present a potential mistress in great detail. After 5 minutes, the candle must be extinguished with a cap. Lying in bed, you can call the damsel in simple words:

"Come to me, queen of delights."

After the third time, the succubus will come.

A call for the foe

Some sorcerers, wanting to teach their enemies a lesson, send a demon on them. The ritual is performed with one intent: to inflict maximum harm on the victim. Turning to Lilith, the magician asks her for "the hungry and fierce daughter of hell," who will bring his foe to the grave.

An inexperienced person may be tempted to destroy the enemy by sending a hungry entity to him, but this method of punishment is dangerous not only for the victim, but also for the performer of the rite. Sometimes people call a succubus for their friends. If a friend is going through a breakup with his beloved so hard that he is thinking about suicide, the demonic mistress will help him to feel the taste of life.

For the ceremony to work, the following conditions must be met:

  • get a photo of a friend in which he is alone;
  • warn a person about the ceremony: when a demonic entity begins to pester him with affection, the guy will be mentally ready for this;
  • after midnight, take a photo in your right hand and read the text of the spell from memory:

“The lord of all succubi, formidable Asmodeus! Send your maid into a dream to (name of a friend). Let her come in the form of a captivating woman. I order you not to harm a person, for he is dear to me. "

Passion and cruelty of succubi

Thinking how to summon a succubus, a person does not understand that he is playing with fire. The customer will receive unimaginable pleasure, but he will not be able to control the situation in bed. How does a guest from the underworld behave:

  • a succubus appears in the form of a translucent creature, lies down on a person and intercourse occurs;
  • when the passion between man and succubus reaches its highest point, the charming woman will show her real appearance. Men who experienced intimacy with a succubus described sharp claws, wings with leathery membranes (like a bat), eyes glowing with red fire. It is not by chance that succubi scare their victims - fear, mixed with pleasure, will allow the entity to receive a solid portion of human energy;
  • a succubus may not appear in reality, but simply come into dreams: dreams will be erotic, frighteningly frank;
  • the demonic essence has complete power over the man;
  • it is possible that in the morning bruises and scratches will appear on the skin - material evidence of intercourse with a demon.

The aftermath of a succubus night

After summoning a succubus, it is worth preparing for possible troubles. One of them is tremendous fatigue, lethargy, a feeling of weakness in the morning.

People who often resort to demon calls complain of memory impairment, headache, depressive thoughts, but the victim cannot refuse this connection.

Other consequences of encounters with demonic entities:

  • difficulties in communicating with friends and family;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • nervousness.

If a succubus has exhausted a person physically and mentally, you should contact a magician who will drive out the demon.

To recuperate, you need to walk in nature more often, meditate. A good way to break your energy attachment to a succubus is to fall in love with an earthly girl. The demonic beauty will lose interest in you.


At all times, there were men who yearn for intimacy with a succubus. This essence can be summoned at home without resorting to complex rituals. People involved in magical practices are sure: it is dangerous to get used to a succubus. Having experienced a new "version" of pleasure, it is worth switching to real women, contacts with whom are not dangerous.

Hello! I became interested in demonology and magic. I want to summon a succubus. I flipped through many books, the Internet, but I could not find the necessary ritual. Please tell me the current ritual. I will be very grateful. And a couple more questions - is the summoning of a succubus dangerous? Can you become obsessed after that? Is it really worth doing this at all? Respectfully respected magicians. Thanks in advance.

Hello Denis!

There are several rituals to summon a succubus. They are all individual, and it is difficult to say which one is right for you. I will tell you, Denis, the most universal rite, which was valid for many people. To do this, you need to take a piece of paper, focus and describe the appearance of the desired spiritual partner. Make it the most attractive woman you can imagine. Do this shortly before midnight. Then, exactly at midnight, burn the paper with the words:

"Lilith, call for me one of your servants!"

When the paper burns, open the window and blow the ash in the wind. This will ensure the delivery of your request to the other world.

After that, lie on the floor, light a candle next to you and imagine a succubus, whose appearance was described on a note, while saying:

"Lilith, give me your power and love, cover me with your body and reward me with pleasure."

On this day, you may not feel anything, but the magical powers have already been awakened, and the succubus can appear to you at any time. Most often this occurs in the borderline state - between sleep and wakefulness.

Obsessed, Denis, you are unlikely to become, but we must warn you - succubi are very jealous, and if you start thinking about other women, the devil may be jealous of you, and then you will be in trouble!

Another disadvantage of calling a succubus is that you cannot always control their appearance, i.e. your spirit partner will appear to you any time you may not need it. If you are not confused by the cons of calling the devil, then you can perform the ritual.


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Darkness falls on the world of the human soul
And sparks of fire arise in the night
That will burn the Universe and fill the Void.
A dragon is born in my womb
My embrace is the gate of death for the weak
And the cup of life is for the brave and the strong.
My blood is the elixir of infinity
My nectar is vinum sabbati
Ecstasy and pain.
They call me darkness and night

I am the passion and love of the world
I am the mother of demons and the Black Concubine
I am the garden of innocence and the alcove of fornication
I am the paths between the shadows
Between nightmare and pleasure.
I am the one who dissolves boundaries
I am the Black Moon
Black Madonna
And the essence of the night

Living death: two faces of femininity Lilith and Az (Geh)

After Ohrmazd handed women over to virtuous men, they fled and went over to Satan; and Ohrmazd rewarded virtuous men with peace and happiness, and Satan provided women with happiness too. Since Satan allowed women to ask for whatever they wanted, Ohrmazd was afraid that they might ask to have connections with virtuous men, which could be harmful. (Theodore bar Konai)

The legends of Lilith stem mainly from the Assyro-Babylonian and Jewish traditions. This dark goddess of the night is also significant in Kabbalah and Talmudic demonology, and as a goddess of the underground stream, she influenced the origins of the Kabbalah in Saracen Spain. We know that Lilith appears in the Book of Isaiah and the Book of Job. Apart from these brief references, nothing is found in the Bible today. We also know that Lilith was the first wife of Adam, the first rebel, and the herald of conscious free will. In the myths about Lilith, we find stories in which Adam first felt jealous, watching the copulating animals, and asked God for a friend. Thus, God created Lilith - a creature similar to Adam, but created from ash, dirt and filth.

Uniting with Adam, Lilith gave birth to many demons that would later torment humanity. And yet, their relationship was not perfect. Lilith dared to oppose Adam in matters of his superiority, especially in their sexual relationship. She did not agree to take a passive role in intercourse, and often asked:

Why should I always lie under you? I am equal to you. "

But Adam could not understand her demands, did not want to listen to her, and above all, did not want to give her what she wanted. Instead, he told her about the Law of God that a woman should be obedient to her husband. Then Lilith, in a rage, shouted the ineffable name of God (Shem Gameforash), spread her wings and fled from Eden to the desert on the shores of the Red Sea. There, in the Land of Zemargad, she created her own "pleasure garden." The Garden of Eden was for her nothing more than a prison without the right to freedom and equality, governed by a patriarchal principle. This was not what she wanted.

Lilith was the first to yearn for freedom of choice, goodwill. When she left the Garden of Eden, for the first time she had a chance to taste Dark and Light. In her Kingdom on the shores of the Red Sea, she gave birth to thousands of demons, more than a hundred every day. Her children were called Lilitu or Lilim, and sometimes it is said that their number was 784, which is the kabbalistic number of Lilith. After she left, Adam complained to God that his companion had fled from him, and God sent three angels - Sena, Sansena, and Semangelof to bring her back. However, she did not want to exchange her newly acquired freedom for imprisonment in a patriarchal structure, and she refused to return, for which she was punished: every day hundreds of her demons died. Angered by this verdict, Lilith vowed to take revenge on God's beloved creation: man. Thus, whenever she had a chance, she devoured the offspring of humans, especially male babies.

Lilith personifies the dark side of femininity: rebellious and wild nature, eroticism and depravity, desire, passion and depravity. It is she who haunts men in their dark dreams, sending them visions of depravity and forbidden satisfaction, and steals their sperm in order to create more succubi and demons. Therefore, it is a symbol of sexual pleasure, but it also denotes the fear of impotence and weakness (how can a man be weaker than a woman?). On the Tree of Night, as the dark Queen, Lilith is the ruler of the second clip - Gamaliel. But her name is attributed to another Qliphotic sphere: Malkuth / Lilith, ruled by Noah / Nahem, which means "pleasant", and the name "Lilith" can be translated as "screech" or "li-lit" - "evil spirit" (among others values). The level of Malkuth, also called the "womb of Lilith", represents the absorption of the energy necessary to move along the initiatory path of the Tree of Night in order to find self-deification. There we find the goddess in her lair, in caves and holes in the ground, in the lakes of her nourishing blood. Noem is known as the demon of prostitution and the demonic sister of Lilith, or the sister of Tubal Cain. According to legend, from the union of Adam (possessed by Samael) and Eve (possessed by Lilith), Cain was born, the first killer and father of the Cainites. He was the first person to reach the highest Gnosis, learning the secrets of the Universe from his true mother, Lilith. Her vampiric nature is represented by an unquenchable hunger, both in terms of life and sexual pleasure, and her connection with the woman's lunar cycle. As the mistress of the dark side of the moon - the mythical den of vampires, she is a combination of life and death, the personification of the combined principles of Eros and Thanatos. Lilith is also the mother and ruler of the Sabbat, where through ecstasy, dark and wild sexual practices, she represents the primal and natural instincts of man and the secrets of witchcraft. It has hundreds of names that can be used to invoke it. According to legend, she showed seventeen of them to the prophet Elijah. Some of them were: Abeko, Abito, Amiso, Batna, Izopro, Kali, Kea, Kokos, Odam, Lilith, Patrota, Podo, Satrina, Talto.

According to some legends, after the death of Abel, Adam abstained from sexual intercourse with Eve, but instead he committed adultery with Lilith. The offspring of this union, by all accounts, was the wise frog. The frog taught mankind languages, knowledge about herbs and precious stones. But the Church rejects these legends, since the frog is considered an unclean animal with a devilish origin. Here we must mention the old Iranian myths, where the frog is one of the forms of Ahriman - the devil in these religions. Ahriman's concubine is Geh, also known as Az, a demon akin to Lilith. Unfortunately, there are few sources about Az, but what we can actually find shows her as a very interesting entity. The very name "Geh" which comes from the texts of Pahlavi, means "whore", "harlot". Thus, she is known as the "Whore of Whores" or "The Queen of Whores", the one who awakens sin, debauchery and sexual pleasure in humanity. In the myths of Ahriman, Az plays a significant role - she is his inspiration and strength, awakening his desires. She was also the one who awakened Ahriman from his three thousand years of sleep, in which he was immersed by his righteous brother, Ahura Mazda. Geh can be seen as the equivalent of demon goddesses / women such as Lilith or the Harlot Babalon. She is most often depicted as a beautiful woman, a fly, a dragon, or a hideous old woman. Her lair is located in places untouched by the rays of the sun, in caves or in the darkest hell. She was the one who taught humans, demons, devas and later fallen angels how to awaken themselves and others, how to copulate and commit adultery. Az is the first woman to use witchcraft to create her children of dragons, demons, and daughters, who were the only creatures of her blood. Similarly to Lilith, she was known to devour her offspring and their offspring, after which she gives birth to even more children, who also devour each other in an eternal cycle. Az is viewed as the unconscious side of a person, based on the main desires: death and life, absorption and copulation. Therefore, Zener views it as an instinctive aspect of every person, unlimited counterclockwise movement, antinomian and chaotic.

Robert Charles Zaehner (04/08/1913 - 11/24/1974) - English academician specializing in oriental religions, professor of oriental religion and ethics at Oxford University, member of the Council of All Souls College, British intelligence officer. (approx. transl.)

“The demon Az is a Buddhist rather than a Zoroastrian idea; there is no trace of it in the Avesta. In Buddhism, on the other hand, the root cause of the chain of conditioned existence is avidya, "ignorance," and its main manifestation is trshna, "lust," meaning the desire for continued existence in time - an intellectual error that then manifests itself directly in adultery ".

In the Zoroastrian religion, Az represents the concept of deification through a conscious dedication to the path of sexual debauchery and predatory vampirism. Thus, both Az and Lilith designate the Path of the Left Hand, as a transition from light to darkness through the process of gaining integrity amid chaos and nothingness. The union of Ahriman and Az is associated with the three thousand year fall of Satan, who was punished by Ahura Mazda, the God of Light. The unconscious Satan might not have been awakened by his servants - demons and shadows - by their stories dedicated to heroic deeds, until Az came to him and said:

“Rise up, oh, our father, for in this battle I will bring so many troubles on the Blessed Man and this toiler Bull that because of my deeds they will not want to live. I will take away their dignity (khwarr); I will stir up the water, I will stir up the earth, I will stir up the fire, I will disturb the plants, I will irritate the whole world that Ohrmazd created. "

Hearing these words, Ahriman awoke from his endless sleep and rose up ready for battle. Zener mentions this description of his awakening and his gift to Az:

And she described her evil deeds in such detail that the Spirit of Destruction cheered up and, throwing off its numbness, jumped up and kissed the Harlot on the head, and the pollution that is called menstruation became evident in her. And the Spirit of Destruction cried out to the demon Blud: "Whatever your desire, whatever you ask, I will give it to you."

In Bundahishn we can find a similar description of "kiss", which obviously means sexual intercourse: "And he kissed Geh on the head and the pollution that they call menstruation became evident in Geh."

From this we can draw two main conclusions. First of all, Az or Geh possesses knowledge of Light and Darkness, Natural Order, knowledge that Ahriman did not possess. Therefore, Az was possibly created with the same knowledge that Zervan possessed - the father of Ahuramazda (the god of light) and Ahriman (the god of darkness). Thus, she is a woman who knows everything about life and death and will be able to teach the ways of self-deification and self-creation. She is smarter and wiser than the masculine element. She evokes respect, fear, lust and passion. Another thing worth noting is that Geh was endowed with menstrual blood and was seen as an impure personification of the dark side of the moon - a vampiric concept. The moon and menstrual blood are symbols of the natural cycle. This refers to the lunar sphere, which in Western esotericism is called the astral plane, the level of vampirism and the seat of the spiritual Sabbat.

In short, Az and Lilith are the goddesses of the astral kingdom, where the magician can participate in the rampage of the Sabbath, the wild triumph of freedom and lust. Through this desire and pleasure on a sexual and spiritual level, one can embark on the path to self-creation and self-improvement, since through the sabbatic union we can experience all our hidden instincts necessary for the full integration of consciousness. Lilith and Az represent night, storm, sex, lust, passion, as well as life and death. As a feminine principle, more perfect than a masculine one, and as those who were the first to experience and possess complete information about the Universe, they have never been and never will be slaves of God or man. They are the archetype of Femme Fatale, the Seductress vampire and the one who brings the dead to life. They are the mistress of the blood-red moon and the patroness of witches. They are a constantly changing feminine principle. What is really important to note is that both of them are aware of their strength and potential and the liberation of these forces is seen as a threat to the social structure and religions of the patriarchal world.

Femme Fatale (French) - femme fatale (approx. Transl.)

Ritual Az

Az, give me power and strength!
Create, destroy, destroy the dualism of this world!
Follow the path of self-deification!
Az, Lady of the Desert of Night,
I offer you my body in humiliation and beauty!
Whore of harlots,
Mother of demonic creatures and creatures of the night,
I challenge you!
You, who awakened Ahriman from his eternal sleep,
I call you by your names:
Az, goddess of darkness, debauchery, wisdom and witchcraft,
You who have the power to evoke and bind,
You who awaken the dead to life
Az - Geh, who tasted the blood of your own children,
Give me the power of self-creation!

Meditation on contact with Az

Imagine you are in a hot desert. All you see is dry sand and a blood red sun that burns your skin. Your senses have been burned by the excruciating fire of the wild. You walk so long that you feel like the relentless sun has burned you to death. Suddenly, in the distance, you suddenly notice a black cave appearing in the landscape of a golden-red sandy desert. You think it is an illusion, but you are going in that direction. As you get closer to it, you realize that the cave is real and it seems to draw you into its refreshing coolness.

The owner of this cold lair is Az, whom you meet inside and who should be greeted with the words: "Lepaca Kliffoth". She hands you a cup filled with her menstrual blood, which tastes like the finest nectar. You plunge into the abyss of darkness - your own mind, in search of the knowledge of self-deification. Az will be your guide along this path. She will reveal her symbol to you, with which you can summon her next time, without having to cross the desert. When you want to invoke her again, draw a symbol in the sand and open yourself to contact with the Goddess. In exchange for knowledge, Az can demand your body, then give it to her without hesitation. Remember that she hates the weak and the doubters! When leaving, thank her and say goodbye with the words: "Ho Drakon Ho Megas".

May it be so!

Vama Marga Tantra Left Hand Path Aer

The modern psychonaut, traveling into the depths of ideas and symbols of the spiritual world, is often faced with an extremely difficult task - the need to re-interpret the meaning of texts that stem from completely different cultural contexts. This is an attempt by Nicholas and Zina Shrek in their book Demons of Flesh, where the authors present the ancient tantric stream of Vama Marga from a new, modern perspective. Their goal was to point to the existence of a multicultural lunar stream, embodied by a tantric deity - Shakti - and restore its original meaning, that is, sexual alchemy. However, the book contains not only a theoretical analysis of the flow, but rather points to the evolutionary potential contained in the Vama Marga in connection with methods suitable for the psyche of a person who lives in modern Western Culture. In this context, I would like to shed some light on the basics of Vama Marga and its connotations with the Left Hand Path as presented in the book.

The Vama Marga root is a sex cult of the Black Goddess that existed in the Indus Valley about 2500 years ago, which was revived again at a later time. Vama Marga is a spiritual system that is often attributed to the Left Hand Path tradition in Western occultism. Bearing in mind that Tantra is a natural exploration of the spirit found in all religions and societies and should not be introduced into Western culture in its traditional Hindu form. Instead, original principles and methods can be used, adapting them to the contemporary context in which the practitioner lives. The traditional Vama Marga in the form in which it was taught by Eastern masters is not recommended for the neurotic Western mentality, as it can cause a wide range of mental disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to give this teaching a completely new form. It should be remembered that this is the science of life, not a dead collection of ceremonies from the past that cannot be changed, and one should not blindly believe in it. The authors of "Demons of the Flesh" often warn against the fascination with antiquity. In their opinion, most of the doctrines that were developed in ancient times are useless for modern practice. Separating the background from the core of the research is important and allows it to be better understood and implemented in everyday life. They see Vama Marga as a system that needs to be renewed and creatively transformed, not as a rigid tradition limited by culture and time.

The main concept that defines the Vama Marga system is the feminine principle, referred to in Sanskrit as Shakti. A woman becomes a vessel for the energy of Shakti and appears as her priestess - a mediator between her spiritual power and the profane world. The sexually oriented Vama Marga was actually the original Tantra School, and the Right Hand Tantra - Dakshini Marga - is its later asexual counterpart. Currently, the latter is the more popular, socially established Tantric school, and the attitude towards Vama Marga is roughly similar to the position of Satanism in Europe. Dakshini Marga explores predominantly symbolic and intellectual initiatory techniques, and puts more emphasis on the meaning of the masculine aspect. However, the old Tantric texts do not mention this form of Tantra and present the system solely as a woman's path - Vama Kara, the Left Hand Path Tantra, based on the recognition of Shakti as the central initiatory force in the woman's body.

Shakti should not be seen as an inaccessible goddess dwelling in some distant spiritual realms or as a philosophical abstraction - it is a universal power that manifests itself through every woman. For the Vama Marga adept, a woman's body is a temple of divine power that animates the entire universe, and her vulva or vagina is seen as an altar on which the power of Shakti is at its peak. To illustrate this dormant power, everyone can remember the story of a yogi who meditated on a female deity for over six thousand years without any results, after which he went to a mystical land in the Himalayas to study the sexual practice of Vama Marga. Despite his initial denial, through sexual union with his female deity, he soon achieved what he had not been able to achieve in all these years. In the original historical manifestation of the Vama Marga flow, its adepts used methods such as sex with members of other castes, drinking wine or unclean food. Rejection of the laws imposed by various systems and structures was the main factor that separated Vama Marga from other, less antagonistic forms of sex magic.

Initiation into Vama Marga occurs through the willful and voluntary violation of widely accepted social rules and taboos, through the rejection of environmental norms and values, through a radical change in all agreements. It is a voluntary heresy against the dominant culture aimed at the spiritual awakening of the Individuality. It has a strictly elite character, which means that the act of getting on the path must be performed with full awareness of the consequences. Vama Marga is a path of initiation through active experience in the world in full, where life, physical reality, and flesh are the means of illumination. There should not be a desire to avoid the problems of the world, but to confront the integrity of physical and mental existence, with its pleasures, joys, fears, and suffering. Vama Marga openly rejects abstinence, asceticism, and contempt for this issue. Even though this path expands consciousness into a state of divinity, this does not mean that it leads to an abstract place in other dimensions. One of the mysteries of Vama Marga is that the spiritual gardens, which are so often mentioned by world religions, exist only within yourself. The aim of Vama Marga is to awaken the spiritual Self in our flesh and in this mundane life.

The profane world is the way of manifestation of Shakti and therefore the Vama Marga adept should not despise physical reality, but perceive it as the correct path to illumination, and the most direct way is to worship Shakti in the form of a female body. Based on this assumption, the Vama Marga sexual tantra teaches how the control of sensual ecstasy in the body is her main instrument of initiation. Vama Marga is thus based on the recognition of the essential difference between masculine and feminine principles. This is the central axis of every aspect of her practice. However, there is no problem here with the question of superiority of either gender. The teachings of Vama Marga assert that the male and female principle are unique and have their own position. The act of sexual alchemy that occurs during these practices is based on a deliberate combination of these opposite but equal principles.

Vama Marga sex magic is often presented as a holdover from the times when sexual rituals were used to ensure land fertility or to increase the population of tribes, and is viewed as a more complex form of sympathetic magic. According to the authors of "Demons of Flesh", this interpretation is incorrect. Orgiastic fertility festivals, widespread throughout the pagan world, in their opinion, have nothing to do with the sexual activities of the Left Hand Path stream. The main difference is that such collective acts of sex magic have been sanctioned by religious authorities as a kind of sacrifice of sexual energy for the sake of society as a whole. However, eros in tantra has nothing to do with the principle of reproduction. These unconscious, natural forces are directed here towards a purely personal, psychic goal of individual self-initiation.

World religions have always tried to weaken and bind female sexual power with very limited reproductive purposes. All other expressions of female sexuality were frowned upon and viewed as incompatible with her nature. This suppression of Shakti energy and its neutralization through marriage and motherhood is one of the limitations that Vama Marga seeks to break in a deliberate manner. The raw energy of Shakti flowing from a woman's body cannot be directly experienced by a novice man. Descriptions of this overwhelming energy are found in many legends around the world. The Greek Medusa, who killed all men with her gaze, is an obvious example of the most extreme forms of the female emanation of Shakti. Also, modern women who begin their journey along the Vama Marga path may have great difficulty in releasing the dark side of their femininity.

This is because the dominant female model is characterized by a calmness and tenderness that is difficult to reconcile with the wild and violent Kali energy released in the Vama Marga practice. The traditional initiation into Vama Marga was always passed on to men through ritual sexual contact with a female teacher who embodied Shakti and carried the life force of the dark goddess. In this technique, the sexual energies contained in the female genital fluids are transmitted to the male adept, the powers attributed to these fluids have a quality similar to the alchemical elixir of wisdom. In intercourse, this essence becomes sacred and sublime, and through this channel, the male adept can feel the power of Shakti. In its pure form, Vama Marga "represents the path of radical antinomianism." Her initiatory method is based on deliberate alienation from God, human and natural laws. The adept moves on a path against established rules, customs and values, which in particular applies to sexuality. However, such actions should not be mistakenly viewed as a kind of political activity, but rather as a divine contempt for the restrictions that bind the uninitiated. Due to the fact that Vama Marga frees from the restrictions of laws and values, it is not recommended for ordinary people, as it requires many heroic actions from the adepts. A weak, unprepared mind, which would experience the terrifying power of Shakti, would not be able to assimilate such an experiment, which would lead to self-destruction of this person.

Vama Marga sex rituals are traditionally prepared according to the particular phase of the partner. And, as in the practices of the Right Hand Path, where the adept observes the rules of harmony with nature, here the adept specifically restores the flow of energy, in an attempt to adapt the laws of nature for his own purposes. Due to the fact that in magic the body is viewed as a microcosm, returning the natural flow of energy, the adept can influence the macrocosm in his own world. Also, by returning the flow from a man to the female side, the male adept of Vama Marga is able to awaken the female deity within himself. The sublimation of self-will as a spiritual principle in Vama Marga means that this path will never be the path for those seeking illumination through peace and tranquility. Conflict is an immanent quality of this spiritual tradition. Part of this spiritual conflict inextricably links Vama Marga to the martial concept. It is personified by the Hindu goddess Kali, who embodies erotic energies and destructive qualities like the Egyptian Seth, the Mesopotamian Ishtar, the Aztec Tezcatlipoca, or the Scandinavian Odin. All of these deities embody the principles of the Left Hand Path and at the same time embody the concepts of the Warrior Mage.

The human corpse is disgusting and unsettling in most cultures. The principle of death, displaced from human consciousness, plays a significant role on the tantric path of Vama Marga, where it is used in attempts to transcend such dualisms as life and death, lust and disgust, beauty and ugliness. The adept should understand that these polarities are simply a product of our consciousness, a blinding illusion - Maya. In Hindu tradition, whoever touches a corpse is considered unclean, and burials are performed only by trained members of the lower castes. For this reason, the cremation grounds were used by the Vama Marga adepts as places for magical rituals and meditation, violating the prohibitions and restrictions of social structures. Usually, the site of the ritual is surrounded by human skulls and corpse-devouring animals such as hyenas, jackals, vultures or crows. The Vama Marga sexual rites are performed at night on warm funeral pyres. In one such practice, the male adept visualizes the entire landscape during intercourse with his partner. In another, he visualizes his partner as a wild Kali, in a graveyard, dressed from severed hands, tearing him apart at the moment of orgasm. This practice allows the adept to approach the fear of death usually suppressed in society. This test for the adept shows him the state of his mind, an instrument for his radical spiritual transformation.

According to the authors of "Demons of Flesh", this form of Vama Marga Tantra is correct for modern practice. In the current age of Kali Yuga, which is often referred to as the age of darkness, destruction, chaos, violence and in general, the time when illumination can only be achieved by the most radical means. Therefore, Vama Marga, with its dangerous and immoral methods, seems to be a perfect system in the modern context. Unlike most other spiritual paths, Vama Marga does not reject the experiences of the surrounding world, both pleasant and frightening. Instead, she tries to turn them into a lighting tool. This is a joyful recognition of all activities, all walks of life. What seems disgusting or immoral to the uninitiated, to the Vama Marga adept seems to be the enchanting Dance of Shiva and Shakti. Therefore, from this point of view, Kali-Yuga becomes a real Golden Age, where in the act of sexual alchemy, everything that is hidden from the uninitiated is revealed in beauty and wisdom for those who dare to follow this path.

In the shadow of Lilith

In Gustav Meyrink's novella Golem, the initiatory path of the protagonist resembles the structure of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. We can clearly identify the specific stages of spiritual progress that the protagonist goes through, and attribute them to the three main sephirothic triads. We can also extract the association with the Qliphotic Lilith by analyzing the initiatory images presented and taking a closer look at the structure of the light and dark sides of magical initiation. The goal that the hero seeks is to achieve the return of Lilith - the shadow of shadows that reveals the light.

Starting from the very first chapter, we gradually enter the mystical sphere of half-sleep: "I am not asleep, and I am not awake, and half-asleep in my mind mixes what I have experienced with what I have read and heard, as if streams of different colors and clarity are flowing down." The state of "in-between", which is described here, can prove that the hero is one step away from reaching a higher state of mind that separates him from material existence, represented by the lowest Sefira Malkut - worldly reality. The next stage, on the border of which the hero stops, is the astral plane, the kingdom of the Moon, or the Yesod-Hod-Netzach triad. At the Yesod / Gamaliel level, the protagonist experiences astral vision and astral travel. His spirit separates from the physical body and enters the lunar sphere: “I don’t know what happened next (...) I only know that my body lies asleep in bed, and my consciousness is separated from it and is no longer connected with it”. The sleeping body remains in bed, while the separate self in the next chapter assumes the material form of Athanasius Pernath, and aspires to a higher form of existence. The fact that the new character is given a name indicates a symbolic death that occurs on the astral level, when the mind must learn to leave the body. To this triad also belongs the mysterious meeting of Pernat with the Golem, a character from Jewish legend, who presents him with the equally mysterious book Ibbur. Even though its content is not directly shown in the story, we learn about the graphic form of the personified words from which Hermaphrodite follows, the symbol of ultimate harmony and salvation - Kether. At this point, the initial stage of the protagonist's advancement ends, and therefore the discussion of his spiritual journey should be interrupted. Why, based on this introductory description of the protagonist of Meyrink's novel, we cannot consider him an adherent of the Left Hand Path seems obvious from the point of view of his desire for light.

For the adept of the dark path, the act of entering the Qliphotic regions must be preceded by an individual and conscious decision. The main character Meyrink lacks this understanding. For him, the process begins involuntarily. He receives a book in which he read about the process of his own initiation. Also, his journeys to the astral level do not take place with the help of a conscious decision. He really is faced with supernatural phenomena that cannot be explained by rational thinking, but all this happens independently of him, the impulse does not come from his conscious "I". As if he were controlled by an external force that he cannot control. In the case of using the Left Hand Path, this initial understanding is very significant to the adept. Here we must focus for a while on the first clip - Lilith, the sphere that is a turning point for every aspiring traveler. Here the adept develops the basic skills necessary for survival on the path down to the Qliphoth kingdom. It is very dangerous to neglect this stage and it can lead the adept to successive failures at the further stages of initiation, and in the most extreme case ends in the loss of the adept in the labyrinths of his own consciousness. Lilith opens the gates to the Underworld, the hidden regions of consciousness. This is the dark side of the moon, the mother of demons, the queen of vampires, the first wife of Adam, created independently of him. Her power stretches through the entire Tree of Night and she rules the Klipa Gamaliel, the first astral level. Here, on the dark side of the moon, we confront our dark dreams, hidden lusts, instincts and True Will. Therefore, the act of entering this sphere must be a conscious decision and this requires some effort from the magician. That is why the hero Meyrink remains only in the shadow of Lilith. He fails to reach the unknown and unexplored regions of the human "I", but he floats towards divine unity on the path that was shown to him. To merge with the Absolute, where all of his individuality will gradually dissolve and be lost.

The awakening of the vampire through the teachings of Lilith

The opinion on vampirism that is presented here is just the author's view. Note that the purpose of this article is to provide direction for the practice of vampirism through the energy of Lilith and under the influence of the Moon. Thus, the content of this article is not exhaustive and practitioners should discover the vampiric art and the true nature of their personal "vampiric" side through their own practice.

Oda Lilith

She is the queen of succubi and demons, mother of the children of the night, Queen of darkness, priestess of sorcerers, sister of shadows ...

She is a black and dark Moon that grows and unfolds step by step, mortally attracts, until it becomes a shimmering and opal ball and is again covered by the dark opaque mantle of night ...

She is a devourer and giver, perdition and liberation, sensual and terrible, with her hypnotic look and mocking hand, she buries in order to awaken ...

She is life and death, clarity and uncertainty, she always illuminates and dazzles the night with her enchanting brilliance, an aroma that intoxicates the night, in a cruel and sweet bite, in a velvet and unique kiss, knowing that there is no return ...

The idea of ​​Lilith

This article is about the entity called Lilith and the various rituals associated with her. In particular, we will analyze her vampiric aspect.

Lilith is known by different names in various traditions and religions of the world. She first appears in Sumerian demonology under the name Lilitu, around 3000 BC. Phonetically, the name "Lilith" comes from later times. Etymologically, the name "Lilith" is formed by the Hebrew root

LIL (Lamed-Yod-Lamed) which means "the night", "the one that envelops", "the one that closes." The Hebrew word for night, Laylah (Lamed-Yod-Lamed-He), has

the same root. Some linguists associate the root LIL with the Sumerian word "Lil", which means "air", "wind", "storm". She is sometimes seen as a storm demon. In the Hebrew Bible, we find her in Isaiah 34:14, where she appears as a demon of the night. In the King James Version, she is a hooting owl. It is interesting to note that this bird is related to the Roman legend of the strix bird, which fed on human flesh and blood, thus demonstrating a clear vampiric aspect. In apocryphal literature, Lilith is the first and barren wife of Adam. She is also mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Talmud. Her name was revived in the 13th century through Kabbalistic writings, where she is often seen as the consort of Samael. Currently, her cult is widespread among occultists who practice dark magic.


The Lilith ritual suggested here is suitable for both one practitioner and the group. We will work with Lilith, in her aspect of the Mother of everything that concerns vampirism and magic associated with the dark power of the Moon. It is important to describe our view of vampirism and our approach to this art:

One way or another, each of us is a vampire by nature, since vampirism is simply the absorption of life energy, regardless of the aspect that this occult art takes or the nature of the vital energies that are absorbed.

Of course, obviously, although there are no extremes or absolutes, some people are more prey or more predators than others, but all are sometimes prey at one time and predators at another. To want to separate these two aspects is heresy because they are two sides of the same thing, each necessary for the other to exist. Separation is a dualistic and all too human point of view. Nature does not reject any aspect, as man often does. A true vampire is one who understands, accepts and integrates it, thus manifesting it without shame or fear. He knows his weaknesses (his “victim” state) and knows how to use them to become stronger (and the “predator's” weakness in which he devours and regenerates).

The one who always pretends to be a predator and is never a victim is not a vampire, no matter how he believes in it. He is nothing more than a victim. His poorly hidden flaws consume him without pity, and he struggles in vain with the chimera representing his thoughts of himself.


The purpose of the next ritual is to awaken the vampiric aspect, which allows you to better absorb the life energy contained in nature, in the universe and become a predator, not a victim (especially in relation to yourself). This ritual is not for capturing energy from someone or harming someone out of a simple desire for domination, but for attracting our own skill, accepting on the one hand our weaknesses and realizing that it is necessary to work hard with them (tools for our evolution); and on the other hand (on the plane of the mental, emotional and physical) to free oneself and stop indulging in a chaotic ego (anxiety, sentimentality, uncontrolled movements ...).

The Lilith ritual will awaken in us certain ideas, emotions and movements of a vampiric kind, such as greed, sensuality, gloom, etc. It is important for the practitioner to know and understand that he will have to face his own darkness without being his victim. To succeed, he will have to be humble towards himself: the one who thinks that these forces awaken and strengthen will not have any influence on his desire to control them, and will certainly be a victim!

Below is a four-week ritual, divided into 4 rituals to be performed at night (1 per week): on a new moon, on a waxing moon at a full moon, and on a waning moon. The procedures for each ritual were adopted by the Brussels Ritual Group (vampiric or otherwise) and remain the same. Thus, the ritual can be modified and adapted by the practitioner for himself in accordance with occult and universal principles.


Like every ritual, the one below contains a specific structure. In most cases, the most experienced practitioners conduct the ritual knowing that each member will actively participate in litany, chanting, invocation, etc. But it is also possible for different members of the group to lead different parts of the ritual, taking into account the occult level of the participants and the purpose of the ritual. In this case, in order for the ritual to be synchronous and have a balanced course, a better attunement will be needed.


Cleanse the space of the ritual using incense, dagger, words of power (mantras) ... Relax your body (physical level), heart (astral level) and spirit (mental level). In this ritual, it is important to be aware of your breathing - inhalation and exhalation, since the practice of vampirism seeks to actively absorb the called forth energy. Of course, this absorption is done at all levels, but it is easier to start through the physical organs, moving from the densest to the subtlest. When invoking Demons and Guardians, draw a circle around the practitioners (to protect and raise vibrations) with the various occult tools suitable for the practitioner: words of power, invocations, dagger, etc.


Entities are contacted by summoning or evocating, depending on the purpose of the ritual. In this context, Lilith will be invoked, but also lunar energy, in accordance with the phases of the moon. In this ritual, we will not passively wait for the energy descending on us, but we will actively inhale the energy provided by the evoked forces, inhaling it completely physically, astral and mentally (again, this is not a capture of energy, but full awareness of what is given to us , combined with passion).


Sending the called entities back

Sending Guardians and Demons Back

Erase the circle

Clearing the place

Lilith and the four phases of the moon

Lilith on New Moon

The first ritual is performed during the new moon. During this lunar phase, Lilith is completely hidden, so it is necessary to penetrate into the darkness in order to reach her. Even if this darkness corresponds to the darkness of the invisible moon in the dark sky, we are talking mainly about the darkness of our spirit, our heart, our entire being, which hides everything that we fear, everything that scares us and that is disgusting to us. Thus, the purpose of this ritual is to become aware of this veil that covers our deep and wild "I" ... free from the materialistic restrictions that are the vestments of the "victim". The role of this veil is to protect against the penetration of the "unknown" (thus it makes us who we are, by choice, not by obligation - the expression: "it is not my fault if it was created like this" means fleeing from ourselves ... ), and from immersion in our inner abyss, from the danger of getting lost in them, not finding the will, courage, determination and confidence that are necessary in order to control our own destiny.

Although this “veil” acts as a shield for those who are not ready to face themselves (although it acts as if it is), this should not be a pretext for stagnation. To achieve a higher level of personal development, especially for a dark magician, it is important to break the veil, gradually and persistently passing through the fog, doing this with full awareness and of your own free will. Beyond the veil lies the entire occult potential of the magician ...

Lilith on the growing moon

The second ritual takes place on the waxing moon. As the name itself indicates, this lunar phase is appropriate for everything that grows and in our particular work, for the progressive "revelation" of vampiric art and more specifically, the "revelation" of our inner vampire. The representation of this "personal vampire" will be different for each person in terms of its visual and tactile presentation, but also in its orientation: for some people it will be more sensual, for others more dark, etc. Numerous aspects of this vampires will gradually manifest according to your nature, personal tendencies and development ...

It is necessary to carefully observe ourselves during the ritual, but mainly during the following days, because if the new Moon gave us an understanding of the "veil" that hides it, then the growing Moon throws away this veil ... Like other goetic and dark arts, the power used sharpens feelings and emotions, and in particular all those associated with greed (sexuality, gloom, domination, etc.). Often, vampirism awakens forces that we did not know existed in ourselves, or which we designated in other terms, and tried to hide this with materialistic rationalism. But this rationality has only an illusory effectiveness against the madness that threatens chaotic practice. Only introspection based on awareness of these acts / thoughts and a firm will to walk this path with passion gives the magician the balance necessary to gain power over himself, both in light and in darkness.

Lilith at Full Moon

The third ritual is performed on the full moon. At this time, the attraction of the radiance of Lilith is at the top. She shows herself to be a completely sincere and diligent practitioner. The inner "vampire" is awakened (which can manifest itself as an independent unit) and takes up more space in the spirit, heart and body in order to achieve fullness. But this requires that this awakening be balanced. This does not mean that there should be no intensity, just the magician must always firmly manage his inner chaos, thus acquiring the right to command the outer chaos. Losing control, voluntarily or not, means becoming a victim (of yourself and the present moment of power) instead of being a predator.

The power of vampiric greed grows and gives fullness at all levels: "increasing" vitality and expanding consciousness. This process is amplified by the accumulation of occult knowledge that passes through the channels of the vampire, and which are transmitted by the evoked forces: the real control of sexual energy and desire (which is rare in the case of the "average man", despite his beliefs).

Lilith of the never-waning moon

The fourth and final ritual takes place on the waning moon. In Lunar magic, this is a very opportune moment for exorcisms. In Lilith's vampiric ritual, we banish everything that makes us a victim. In fact, most people, no matter who they proudly pretend to be, are victims - and those who have conscious and constant control over themselves (real balance and not exaggerated tension) over mental, emotional and physical levels are rare!

Thus, it is clear that awakening the inner vampire involves introspection and humility in order to confront one's own shortcomings, awakening and eradicating them, turning them into powers (this ritual is often the most painful of the four). As the French proverb says, “nous avons les qualites de nos defauts et les defaults de nos qualities” (“we have the virtues of our mistakes and the flaws of our virtues”).

Therefore, it is important to understand that “prey” and “predator” are two sides of the same coin, like magnetic and electrical polarities, night and day, etc. The purpose of this ritual is not to fall into extremism, trying to be exclusively a "predator" (which in any case will be useless), but to find a real balance between the various aspects, in order to have real dominance over oneself.

Born in Belgium in 1976, Svava Aeglun remained in seclusion for many years. Various tests concerning her physical health helped her develop some occult abilities naturally, and her passion for mythology increased her passion for the spirit world. When she was a teenager, she was absorbed in exploring witchcraft in its various forms through the means of several books on the occult and developing its dark side - mainly through listening to music and reading fiction. She did not intend to place her research on a practical basis, with a natural inclination towards Seydr and Bon, to which she added alchemy, Kabbalah and Tantrism a few years later. Today, Svava hosts a number of occult and esoteric events and is dedicated to writing and inter-traditional encounters in the world of spirituality and witchcraft.

On the altar of Saturn: blood in death rituals

Each culture has several colors of symbolic death, mourning, sadness and the realm of the dead.

Most often these are: white, black and red - the first symbols that have ever been used by a person to represent emotions and experiences on the physical and social levels. For example, white has been associated with fertility and sexuality; red meant bloodshed, conflict and war; black was associated with excrement and decay of flesh. Although in the cultural and religious traditions of Europe black was the color most often associated with the sphere of death, red seems to be of equal importance in this matter, which also appears in mourning customs around the world. In many cultures, tombstones were painted red, they wore red robes, the body of the deceased was anointed with red ocher, and mourners painted their faces red or even wounded themselves so that blood dripped from the wounds they received. In India, red is the color of death - funerary deities are painted in this color, the relatives of the deceased wear red clothes, and all jewelry and burial objects have a red tint. Even in the Middle Ages, red often replaced black as a symbol of sorrow, this custom disappeared only towards the end of the period.

However, red is primarily the color of blood, a life-giving substance whose primary symbolism is associated with energy and vitality. Therefore, the use of red in mourning was an attempt to endow the deceased with this energy of life. In ancient times, this was understood literally, and the cult of the dead was often accompanied by the shedding of the blood of the living. People and animals were sacrificed by killing at burial sites, and their blood was shed in order to serve as food for the dead living in the Underworld. Deceased kings and tribal leaders were buried along with their earthly possessions, including servants who were to carry out their duties for the masters and in the land of the dead. Also, sacrifices were made at the graves of deceased relatives and ancestors, since it was believed that in order to survive in the afterlife, they must receive food. And what could be a better and more valuable carrier of vital energy if not blood? In later times, this custom ceased to be practiced, and the blood was replaced with the red robes of the mourners and donations began to be brought in the form of food and drink, which were left on the graves of the dead on their sacred days.

However, it should be noted that all liquid substances such as milk, wine or honey were nothing more than a symbolic substitute for the most valuable donation, which was blood. The gift of blood ensures the continuation of life after death and was a symbol of rebirth on the Other Side, this pacified the gods and spirits so that they patronized man, preventing calamities and misfortunes sent by angry deities and the forces of nature. It also ensured cosmic harmony, such as in the beliefs of the Aztecs, who sacrificed hundreds of people to the sun god, in the belief that if this tradition was abandoned, the sun would die and terrible darkness would fall on the world, and that would be the end of the human race.

The blood sacrifice enjoys a special status - it elevates the ceremony in which blood was shed in the sacred sphere. On the one hand, it is a symbol of life and vitality, on the other hand, it means a transition from life and causes fear of the unknown. The shedding of blood always evokes a certain amount of anxiety and arouses strong emotions, be it fear, disgust, attraction or excitement. Only a few can remain indifferent in such a situation. Therefore, the blood of the sacrifice accompanied the most important ceremonies in the history of mankind. Blood was shed for the glory of the deities of war to calm them down and ensure a favorable outcome from wars and battles. The blood sacrifice was a common element in the cults of the dead, and the gods of death and the underworld were the ones who received this gift most frequently. Blood was used in baptismal ceremonies, consecrations, and all rites that included symbolic death, purification, and rebirth. It was believed that the blood of deceased ancestors and enemies could endow those who drink it with wisdom, courage and other virtues of the deceased. Similar beliefs were the source of ritual cannibalism. In Scandinavian legend, the hero Siegfried drinks the blood of a slain dragon in order to gain its power. The priestess in the Oracle of Apollo in Argos drank the blood of lambs in order to enter a prophetic trance. The deliberate use of blood in a ritual means that the ceremony belongs to the sphere of the sacrum, overcomes the barriers between the world of the living and the dead, between the realm of matter and spirit. The blood flowing in the veins of a person determines our existence - health and longevity. But the loss of blood, the essence of life, makes a person impure, suspended between the spheres of cosmic order and chaos, where all defects, diseases and death are located. Thus, blood is the symbolic polarity of life and death, birth and transition, Eros and Thanatos, united in a union.

The belief in the magical properties of blood was inspired by the belief that this is the place of the soul. It was believed that a dead person could still "speak" to the living through his blood - a belief that was widely used in the old justice system when murder was tested by approaching the victim. When the perpetrator touched the corpse, the wounds opened and blood flowed from the dead body. This method of checking guilt was often used in the Middle Ages, and even later in some countries. This belief has been preserved in folk legends and oral tradition from generation to generation as proof of the mystical power of human blood. As another famous example, we could mention the biblical story of Cain, in which the blood of his murdered brother “cried out from the ground”, demanding punishment for the murderer.

Due to the strong emotional reactions that usually accompany the loss of blood, the essence of life, a person who finds himself in such a position automatically moves into the sphere of social taboo. The menstruating woman was considered unclean, and it was feared that contact with her in some way might also contaminate others. Menstruating women were excluded from collective religious ceremonies, and sometimes it was even expected that they should spend this time in seclusion. What has been seen as "pollution" is actually the peak of a woman's sexual magical power - there is a huge source of energy in her menstrual period. The fear of this energy and the lack of knowledge about how it can be used has turned it into a taboo common in patriarchal societies. A similar approach, however, was shown in relation to people who mourned for close relatives. They also remained in the realm of taboo and were temporarily excluded from normal life. The state of "filth" was usually indicated by wearing black clothes, abstaining from food, talking, and participating in other normal behavior and games. Such persons temporarily remained outside of society, and their presence caused anxiety and fear in the face of death, unknown and dangerous to the established social order. Thus, rituals in which blood is shed are considered illegal and associated with the concept of darkness, chaos and evil. In the "light" magical streams that adopt social and religious laws, this practice is rarely used. Instead, they are attributed to "dark" currents, Satanism, necromancy, demonic evocations, and a wide range of techniques that open the adept to direct experience of the realm of darkness and Chaos. Among them we will find legendary rituals with the ritual of sacrifice of people and animals, bloodshed, vampirism, ritual cannibalism, sexual practices using menstrual blood, bloodletting to summon demons and the shadows of the dead, and pacts with the forces of evil signed with the blood of an adept.

Menstrual blood is believed to contain great mystical power. It represents both life (due to its color and warmth) and death, as it is a "dead liquid", a substance devoid of vitality, which is released by the natural mechanisms of the human body. However, in many magical traditions, it is of great importance and in some myths, it is even depicted as the nutrient from which humanity was created (the Mesopotamian myth of the goddess Ninhursag).

NINKHURSAG (Sumerian, "mistress of a wooded mountain"), in the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology, the mother goddess. Found already in the early lists of the gods. Her constant epithets are “mother of all gods”, “mother of all children”. Many rulers of Mesilim, Eannatum, Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar call Ninhursag their mother. (approx. transl.)

For many centuries, it was believed that the blood of the menstrual cycle is involved in the formation of a fetus in a woman's womb - among the authors of this theory, we can find such scientists as Pliny or Aristotle. It was also believed that this blood contains the mystical power of longevity, but at the same time, it can be a deadly poison. Thus, it has been successfully used both in love spells, for healing and fertility magic, as well as in curses and spells used to cause the death of an enemy. Human blood was the mythological blood of the Mother Goddess, who was the personification of nature and the universe. From her "cosmic womb" all life arose, and she returns there after death.

The creative power of blood is a principle of feminine nature associated with the cult of the moon and lunar phases, which is represented by the triple Goddess: Virgo (waxing moon), Mother (full moon and waning phase) and Old woman / death (new moon) - mythological characters - Diana, Hera and Hecate. Blood magic belongs to the lunar sphere of Gamaliel on the Kabbalistic Tree of Night, where Lilith presides over the astral ecstatic coven. Moon blood is an elixir flowing from its womb, a mystical substance that the gods drank from the womb of the Great Mother, "the womb of the earth", in order to obtain longevity, the power of creation and immortality.

However, Lilith is not only the Red Moon and creative power, but also the Black Moon and the principle of death. On the dark side of the moon there is an eternal realm of the dead, the Valley of Shadows, ruled by the corpse of the goddess of decay and decay. Psychologically, Lilith is the creative and destructive form of the Anima. She is bright, shiny and soft, like the pale glow of the full moon - then she brings ecstasy and consolation. But at the same time, she is black and scary. Her eyes: black and cold, blood dripping from her lips from the wounds of her victims, and her breath carries the stench of death. It is not without reason that she is called the mother of abortions and in legends she is the killer of babies whom she strangles in cradles or in the womb. She is the witch of the night who draws the life force from men when she visits them at night, and her victims remain mortally exhausted or dead. She is the mother of demons who personify all the misfortunes, diseases, plagues and cataclysms that have ever befell humanity. And it is also called "the end of all flesh", since it represents the eternal principle of decay, when the flesh disintegrates and returns to the bosom of mother earth, crumbles to dust and becomes part of it again.

The principle of darkness and death is also associated with the path that connects Gamaliel with the material world - the Tantifaxat tunnel. The symbol of this path is the sickle of Saturn, which means the magic of death and necromancy. It is also the lair of demons that feed on blood and life energy - larva and ghouls. Here crystallization of what is called living death occurs, dying inside at an early stage, hinders further evolution. Through the sabbatic practices of Saturnian Gnosis, the magician is confronted here with the concept of limitation - time, perceptual mechanisms, fear, or death. Other symbols of the tunnel are Saturnian emblems: cypress, ash, nightshade, elm or yew - the ancient guardians of cemeteries and the gateway to the land of death.

The mythological Saturn is a cruel God devouring his own children, but also a Harvest God who was worshiped with orgiastic gluttony. His legend is the story of castration and divine cannibalism. Saturn / Kronos turns against his father, Ouranos, cuts off his genitals with a sickle and takes the position of leader in the pantheon of gods. After he heard a prophecy that said he would die at the hand of his son, Kronos / Saturn devours his newborn children. Thus, he shows two of his conflicting faces: he is the generous patron of the harvest, the ruler of the golden age, and he is also a cruel God who destroys his own offspring. Sometimes he was identified with Moloch, to whom the Semites sacrificed their children. Finally, it was also associated with the time, of which the sickle is the emblem, a weapon that has the same meaning as the scythe / sword of death - an instrument that cuts the thread of life.

Saturn is also the patron saint of Melancholy, the "black sickness of the soul." In ancient philosophy and medicine, melancholic temperament is attributed to the influence of one of the bodily fluids called "black bile" (atra billis). There were theories that tried to find analogies between the influence of the planets (macrocosm) and the functioning of the human body (microcosm). Black bile was one of four fluids, "humours", responsible for all bodily processes and all emotional states (the other three are mucus, blood, and yellow bile). It was believed to have a negative effect on the body and was often viewed as tainted and unclean blood. It was black, "damaged blood" - a substance of great mystical significance, although mostly negative. She was believed to be the cause of a gloomy disposition, depression and insanity. It darkened the light of the soul, led to obsessions, lethargy, disease and, finally, also to death. Among the "melancholic people", i.e. those most affected by black bile can be found all kinds of social outcasts, assassins, witches, necromancers, black magicians, etc. Black bile was the cause of all weakness and sin, since it was believed that when the biblical Adam ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, his blood was damaged and turned black, which also happens to every person who succumbs to the temptations of Satan. Medieval monks called melancholy the "devil's bath" (balneum diaboli) and belief in its negative mystical influence persisted until the 18th century, or even more until the early 20th century, when modern psychology found its way into philosophical thought. They even believed that melancholic people are persecuted by their black temperament even after death, and they wander aimlessly, deprived of salvation, pursuing people, and wandering in places that were dear to them in life.

As an actual liquid, black bile does not exist in the human body, so we can assume that it is a certain kind of psychic energy responsible for emotions and, above all, for their dark and extreme aspects. At the same time, this is a very dual principle, since in addition to the negative influence, black bile was considered a source of creativity, imagination and intelligence. And besides murderers and sorcerers, among the malancholic people you can also find great philosophers, writers and artists. Thus, we could possibly find a connection between the mystical black bile and the Kundalini energy, equally ambivalent in its forms - red and black snakes, symbolizing, respectively, the principle of ecstasy and death. Alchemical melancholy is "Nigredo", the stage of "Dissolution", "blackout" and in Jungian psychology: confrontation with the shadow, with the deepest and most hidden layers of consciousness.

“Damaged blood,” however, also signifies the absence of vital energy that is characteristic of some mythological and magical creatures, ghouls, werewolves, and vampires in particular. The legends of transformation and theriomorphism represent the awakening of a dark, irrational element in the human mind. The form that a person takes during transformation personifies emotions and instincts that lie dormant in the abyss of the unconscious and, thus, they become manifested. These demons exist in the shadow of the astral plane, in the realm known in myth as the realm of the dead. They absorb sexual energy from the astral plane and transmit it deep into the dark tunnels of the Qliphoth Tree of Night. Their "lust for blood" is a symbolic lust for life energy. As astral shadows, they are deprived of this energy and are not able to generate it themselves. Not without reason, the magic of Gamaliel includes astral change of form, lycanthropy, vampirism and theriomorphism, and the patrons of these practices are the goddesses of death and the mythological underworld: Ereshkigal, Hel, Persephone, Kali, or of course Lilith.

However, the God of Death is also the Horned God of traditional witchcraft. Among his symbols can be found, for example, a skull lying on crossed femurs, symbolizing his funeral aspect and his role as patron in the worship of ancestors. It is also related to the ancient tradition of depicting bones in red in the symbolic act of the Resurrection. The red color of blood represents life, strength, dawn and rebirth after death in a new form of life. This custom was widespread throughout ancient Europe and the "red bones" motif also appears in other regions of the world. In the legend of the Aztecs, the serpent god Quetzalcoatl created mankind of their "precious bones", which he brought from the underworld, shedding his own blood on them. Bones represent the beginning, the pure source of being. In some initiation rituals (especially in shamanism) the flesh of the adept is torn from his body so that bones are exposed, from which he creates a new form in the process of mystical rebirth. This initiation process is characteristic of the Chod ritual in Indo-Tibetan Tantrism, when during the so-called "red meal" celebrated in old cemeteries, the adept offers his body to be devoured by the demons.

As the “seat of the soul,” the blood flowing through our veins is a powerful connection between the realm of matter and spirit, as it contains the enormous potential of the Divine within. This is reflected in myths where humanity is created from the blood of a murdered God, such as in the Babylonian legend of the creation of man from the blood of the demon Kingu. Therefore, human blood contains a dark element inherited from the ancestors of demons. This mystical quality is one of the reasons why blood has been used so abundantly in rituals and religious-magical ceremonies since time immemorial. Blood is the key that opens human consciousness to experience alternate dimensions of reality. Its impact on perception is enormous. It allows you to understand the unconscious and its use in magical practice is a challenge to the primitive instinct of fear, death, rage - everything that is included in the Jungian concept of the shadow. Thus, its position in the cults of death has a sacred character, since it opens the gates to the underworld, serves as food for the dead, and means the eternal cycle of transformation of life into death and death into life. The Celts celebrated this conjunction during the Samhain festival - which, on the one hand, was an orgiastic celebration of the new year, and on the other, was seen as the day on which the dead, spirits and ghosts return to the world of the living. At this time, all earthly power was suspended, and the festival took place "at the crossroads" of the worlds: material and spiritual. Holidays usually included the sacrifice of blood, both human and animal. Similar traditions of blood sacrifice, ritual cannibalism, blood drinking, etc. were also distributed among many other tribes of ancient Europe.

Blood spilled in the ritual space creates a special connection between unconsciousness and other aspects of perception. Then we go to the crossroads of worlds and reality, regardless of the form in which the blood was offered. It can be a symbol painted with blood, or smeared with it and burned so that the smoke rising up carries the intent of the ritual like an ominous prayer. Blood can also be shed at the dedication of a temple or placed in a chalice on the altar as a symbolic sacrifice. Traditionally, the blood used in the ritual attracts dark energies from the Other Side. It is "food" and a substance through which they can take shape in the confined evocation space. Therefore, blood is so often used in demonic and necromantic rituals, which was poured out in a circle on the cemetery ground, where the summoned spirits could manifest. Therefore, it is not just a symbolic sacrifice, but also a powerful tool for evocation. The sacrifice of our own blood is the most valuable sacrifice, as we sacrifice a part of our own immortal life essence, which is traditionally called “soul”. Even if we assume that the spirits react the same to each type of sacrifice, there is definitely a difference for our consciousness, because nothing releases such strong emotions and mental reactions as the ritual of shedding blood - then both the body and the mind become a temple of the spirit, consecrated by an ancient tradition. blood victims.

Lilith's Invocation

The ritual was designed for female practitioners. A male practitioner can work with a female companion who will act as a vessel for the goddess's energy and channel it to the temple. Decorate your ritual space in black and red. Place an image of Lilith on the altar - it can be a statue or an image - any image of a goddess, ancient or modern. It can also be any illustration from this magazine. Pour some red wine into the bowl, symbol of Lilith's blood. Standing in front of the altar, gaze intently at the image of the goddess. Repeat her name as a mantra, mentally or aloud, and focus on how the atmosphere thickens in the temple. When you feel that the air is slightly electrified with energy, begin the ritual. If you are a male working with a female participant, allow her to take an active role and perform the ritual while you should remain focused on the mantra and be open to the energy directed by the priestess. The fusion of energies can occur on the psychic / astral level when your minds are in conjunction, or in sexual union on the physical level.

Face north and say the words:

From the dark pits of the earth, I call upon you, Black Goddess!
Lilith, rise and appear!

Facing the West:

From the serpent's lair in the unholy waters, I invoke you, Queen of Blasphemy! Agrath, rise and appear!

Facing South:

From mountains and hills where the fires of the Sabbath burn, I call
You mother of adultery! Mahalat, rise and appear!

Facing the East:

In the black night sky, I call upon you, Princess Screech! Naama, rise and appear! Standing in front of the altar: The gates are wide open and the children of Lilith fly on the wings of a shadow! Lil-ka-litu! LilitMalkah ha’Shadim!

I invoke you, goddess of the moon! Mother of witches and queen of forbidden delights! Come out of the Red Sea Caverns Desert. Come to me, Mother Blud, wife of Samael! The Ancient Goddess who rides a dark crescent moon across the midnight sky! Mother of demons! Virgin and harlot! The Screech Princess who flies through the night and screams in the desert. The Crimson Whore who rides on the back of the Blind Dragon. Sinful witch! Eros and Thanatos incarnate! Marag! Ama! Lilith! Rimog! Samalo! Naama! Hear my call! Come to my temple of flesh! Appear before me

Mother of dark wisdom! Reveal to me the secrets of your unholy sacrament! Awaken my senses! Shells are broken and worlds are dissolved, as you approach, intoxicated by the elixir of the blood red moon!

Marag! Ama! Lilith! Rimog! Samalo! Naama! I became like you: passion, death and ecstasy! Fresh blood drips from my mouth My forked tongue oozes deadly poison My eyes are black as death The stench fell in my breath My belly is the den of a serpent. I am the mother of harlots and I hold the cup of the Blood of the Moon

I am the Fiery Serpent that burns behind the Veil of Illusion, I am the Crimson Wife, who seduces and leads the righteous to the path of adultery, I am the Queen of Sheba and the consort of God, I am the Bride of the Devil who rules the Kingdom of Eternal Shadow

I am the soul of every living being, And I am the end of all flesh, the womb and the grave! I am Lilith!

FOR PRACTICES. Inga Khosroeva's ritual

Love spell in itself is a very dangerous thing, and if you decide to do it or order practice, then you need to weigh all the pros and cons. The situation when a woman goes to order a love spell on a man who mocks her, beats and insults her, but she still wants to be around, is more condemned by practices than a woman who is guided only by favorable conditions that she can receive from a bewitched man: status, money, fame and honor. And nevertheless, the love spell remains one of the most popular works in our time and very expensive. This ritual cannot be paid little, since it will take a lot of strength and energy, and the Forces will not allow you to do such work just like that or for a bun, otherwise you will pay very much.
This ritual is based on an ancient Sumerian belief. And according to those traditions, when a woman really wanted a man, but could not get it, she asked the goddess Lilith in the temple, taking the sacrifice. And they say that Lilith came in a dream to conclude an agreement with a woman: she gives the soul and heart of a man to her, but from time to time she will move into her body in order to enjoy intercourse with this man herself. This is not a love spell, it is much worse, she gives the bewitched man into slavery to this woman.
Lilith, who is addressed in this ritual, is a wayward goddess, and if you do everything well, she will do everything as needed. You should not go afterwards and constantly ask and say that the action from the ritual takes too long, otherwise the Forces may get angry. Practitioners are just intermediaries who cannot order and forcefully force them to carry out their orders.
We will need: a black altar, a statue of Lilith or passionate Lilith (if there is neither one nor the other, put a large red candle in the center of the altar), three black candles in a triangle around the red one, around red or pink tea candles, red semi-sweet wine, a cigarette, photographs women and men who need to be bewitched; incense (musk, walnut).
If the woman who orders the ceremony can be present, then she must repeat the words of the conspiracy after you, but you can carry it out without her. Read the words of the conspiracy 6 times. The ransom-payment for the ritual should be the amount associated with sixes: RUB 6000, RUB 60000, RUB 6666, 600,000 and so on.
You need to put photographs in front of you and name the people for whom you will ask Lilith to do this work. We light a cigarette (you need to smoke it up to half) and begin to read the conspiracy.

“On a dark night, shadows, thicken. Ghosts of the night, gather together. I praise the Demon Princess. Hail! Hail! Hail! Amma Lilith, Lady the Great, passionate mother, master of secret desires. Oh, you bloody abyss of passion, oh, you maddening, oh, you alluring lust. Oh, pull, pull him into the abyss of lust and passion, instill in him a secret desire, drive him crazy. Oh, you winged Demoness, my blood runs through my veins. Transfer my passion and lust to him, pull his soul, give him into my hands, capture him, capture him and transfer to me. Lead, lead him in the darkness of the night, so that there was no urine to endure the melancholy. Let passion go crazy. I wish to manage it myself! Oh Amma Lilith! Ave! Ave! Ave! Gloria! I praise you, passionate, lustful, fiery, black Passion. The Fire burns, fries his heart. Lilith is great, Lilith is passionate, voluptuous, beautiful in body, cruel in soul, oh, Amma Lilith. Ave! Ave! Ave! Gloria! Roast his soul for me, spin your heart on a spit. Let him see me in a dream and in reality rave about me, screaming in pain, wriggling, he doesn’t know anyone except me, let a piece not go down his throat; the water becomes vinegar. Let all the Forces pull him to me, Amma Lilith. Ave! Ave! Ave! Gloria! Oh, red-haired, oh, fire-eyed, oh mother of Demons, mistress of desires, lustful, proud, kindle a fire in his soul, give his heart into my hands. Let him breathe with me, he is looking for me everywhere, my word for him is the law. Make him my slave. He is my servant, I am the ruler over him, the king and the master. Fulfill your request, oh, Grand Duchess Lilith, and I will repay you with my passion. And through my human flesh, come to him, and through me, take possession of him on the desired night, when you wish - here's my mercy. Your faithful daughter asks you. With passion and lust, I give you a farmyard. You are his passion and love to me, I give you my bed at your request, when you want. On this we will decide and conclude an alliance. May it happen as we want! Become my ally, great Mother, if you please give his soul into my hands. I will fulfill my word, I swear! It is finished! It is sworn! It is sworn! It is sworn! "

We drink half a glass of wine:

“To your glory I raise a glass. Our union is concluded: between you and me. I will not break! I swear! Ave! Ave! Ave! Amma Lilith, Gloria! "

The candles can be extinguished, but leave the altar for a while so that the power of the ritual begins to activate.

Since collecting methods of calling, then all that are. Here is another translation from English into the general piggy bank.

This ritual originated in the Victorian era, when the Inquisition had already ceased to exist, and interest in the occult increased greatly.

Step # 1: Draw a protective circle with charcoal or chalk and write a pentagram in it. White chalk on dark floors is preferred. It is important that during the ritual no one and nothing violates the integrity of the lines.
Step # 2: Take 5 black candles and place them in the corners of the pentagram.
Step # 3: Place 5 more candles, protective talismans and seals outside the circle.
Step # 4: If possible, create an outer circle of shredded protective herbs mixed together.
Step # 5: Take it easy and relax. Concentrate on the challenge.
Step # 6: Now imagine that the circle protects you and separates you from the rest of the space.
Step number 7: After this is done, you need to light the candles, lie in the pentagram (arms straight, legs apart)
Step # 8: Concentrate on summoning the succubus (or incubus).
Step 9: When the succubus enters the circle, you will feel its energy.
Step # 10: You will feel her body in physical or semi-physical form, and now you can interact with her.
Step # 11: A succubus should be more easily summoned and banished than an incubus, and more likely to cooperate with her than an incubus.

The ritual is performed on the new moon.
This version has no words or special spells. I highly doubt it works, but you can try. The main thing is not to accidentally set your hair on fire in the fire of candles.

How to summon three Girls or three Gentlemen to your room after dinner

I started with practice, and only then, generalizing and systematizing, I came to the theory outlined in the last article. Practice in general is purely individual and should come not from someone else's experience, but from personal experience. In this article I will describe my version of summoning a succubus. I don’t think it should be copied in its entirety - this is just an explanation of the theoretical calculations, which strongly depends on my personal preferences. While writing, I ran into a big problem: to what extent are these "personal preferences" personal? For example, I deliberately did not carry out complex rituals, did not get rare ingredients, often took what just came to hand and freely changed everything I could. Should this be considered a rule that applies equally to everyone, or maybe the other person will not be able to succeed by acting in the same way? Maybe he will succeed only with strict adherence to the canon, no matter how difficult this adherence is? I don't have an answer to this question yet.
But to the point.