Runes for health and their meaning. Runes of health: description and meaning in divination Runes for health and longevity working

Loss of vitality and constant illness - these problems indicate a violation of the energy flow. The rune of health allows you to correct the situation, speed up recovery and remove damage if it is the cause of a serious condition. Ancient symbols are suitable for children and adults.

The impact of runes on the human body

Runes for the treatment of various diseases are used individually and in formulas. Some symbols have a directed effect on certain parts of the body or internal organs, others give a general strengthening effect. Staves are needed for complex treatment. In them, each rune for quick healing acts on the destruction of the accumulated negativity.

Runes in the treatment of diabetes

With diabetes of any type, good results are shown by becoming from and The combination provides strengthening of blood vessels, helps to start regeneration processes. The bundle is universal and suitable for female, male and even children's bodies.

Uruz in a straight position shows healing properties. Strengthens the body, helps to restart the immune system. The final rune is . It strengthens the immune system and protects the body from future diseases.

Treatment for stuttering

The Ansuz rune has several uses. It is used to improve health and ensure the proper functioning of all organs. Ansuz also helps with stuttering. Use the rune as a personal amulet. It is given to children or people suffering. The symbol helps if the patient is frightened, and due to an unpleasant situation, a speech disorder has occurred. The rune eliminates the psychological cause of the disease.

Stavas are effective against stuttering. They have a complex effect, eliminating both the cause of stuttering and its consequences. What an effective position looks like:

  • three runes Laguz;
  • three runes Ass;
  • Ansuz;

Such becoming does not eliminate stuttering immediately. It acts gradually: for its complex effect, it will take at least 2-3 weeks.

Prevention of dizziness

From dizziness, a simple bunch of Eyvaz-Perto helps. In this case, the cause of the disease is crucial. If you can’t find why dizziness is repeated, runic staves will only give a temporary effect.

Eyvaz gives protection from illness. The rune blocks external negative influences. She starts working first, and gives relief from dizziness. Perto in this case enhances the work of the first rune and provides a prolonged result.

Skin cleansing

Working formulas give a person not only health, but also. For people who have been opposing for years, becoming a complex is a real salvation. It guarantees liberation even from chronic diseases.

Becoming for clear skin:

  1. Works first. Eliminates the inflammatory reaction, affects the resulting scars.
  2. Changes healing skin. Hagalaz has already removed the main problems, and Inguz provides skin smoothing, improving its appearance.
  3. Laguz. Additional skin cleansing. As soon as Laguz begins to work, new skin problems do not arise.
  4. Eyvaz. The rune gives beauty. It is maintained externally and internally.
  5. Secondary rune. Responsible for the rapid restoration of the skin.
  6. Plastur. Helps in healing and promotes rapid healing.

To enhance the effect is used.

Therapy for a child

Children have health problems due to the task of the operator to use runes that cannot harm the child. Universal and powerful signs of various respiratory diseases, and increased anxiety help. These signs include Hagalaz. The symbol clears away negativity and starts regeneration processes.

From snoring and poor sleep in a child helps the Symbol burns all the diseases that have settled in the body of the baby. Allows you to remove diseases in the initial stages without obvious symptoms. Working formulas for children include Rune symbolizes weapons and resists any disease.

Restoring good vision

Restoration of vision occurs through the strengthening of the body, after its purification. It would be useful to restore immunity, then the correction of vision will be faster and with a better effect. Working formulas affect the optic nerve, the circulatory system and the body.

Through what runes is the restoration of vision:

  1. Algiz. One of the most powerful runes responsible for recovery. It gives relief from diseases of all organs. Acts as a powerful cleaner.
  2. Laguz. Symbolizes water, its fluidity and ability to adapt. In the stave, it works as a mechanism for restructuring the body. Helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms - blurry vision, blurry pictures.
  3. Kenaz. Rune of energy disclosure. Leads a person to the right path. In treatment, it allows you to choose the most effective therapy. Enhances the effect of neighboring characters.
  4. Sovelo. Another name for the rune is Soulu. She symbolizes harmony. Allows you to restore health, strengthen the body.

Becoming helps in combination with traditional medicine. If an operation is performed to restore vision, the runic formula speeds up rehabilitation.

Removing blocks

To start the proper functioning of the internal organs, a strong runic formula is used. It removes energy blocks that create health problems. They remove blocks for recovery and to prevent recurrence of diseases in the future.

Ansuz is an integral part of the stave. Helps to collect thoughts, take a sober look at the situation. Thurisaz is chosen as the second rune. It weakens the oldest blocks. They disappear instantly. To remove the negative accumulated in the body and in thoughts, Soul is used. It enhances Turisaz, and allows you to destroy the energy of the disease in the past and in the future.

Uruz is doubled in the formula. The rune activates the internal forces of the body. After cleansing, she adds energy to completely overcome the disease. The final rune in the stave is Teivaz. It gives stability to the task at hand.

Strengthening immunity

From diseases, staves are used that strengthen the immune system. One of these formulas is Bull. Becoming consists of Uruz, which gives physical strength, Gebo, which activates internal forces, Dagaz, which changes poor immunity. In addition, the runes Teyvaz are depicted to fight diseases and Inguz, personifying a new strong immunity. Concludes strong staves Algiz - the best defender of immunity.

Runes for health are a powerful magical tool. They help to use the body's own forces and direct them to healing, strengthening vitality. Read below to learn how to use rune magic.

These runes can also be used by a healthy person to be always protected and not be afraid of diseases:

  • - helps to reveal the potential inherent in man by nature. Provides energy and strength for a fulfilling life.
  • - increases endurance and strengthens the immune system, helps to recover faster after a protracted illness.
  • - helps to get rid of energy clamps. Energy begins to flow freely through the body, a state of harmony and balance comes. A person is literally filled with strength for a successful and healthy life. And this applies not only to physical, but also mental health.

Just as in the previous case, it works best to become made up of these three characters.

Runes of directional action

If you need strength to heal a specific disease, use runes that clearly work on solving a specific problem:

  • - fills with energy, even if a person is completely devastated and does not feel vitality. It helps to quickly cope with a headache, relieve a feverish condition, acts on the healing of skin and bone diseases.
  • - a rune with a very powerful effect. It is used, as a rule, after serious operations or tiresome diseases that deprive a person of energy. Helps to fill the energy deficit. Directly acts on diseases of the lungs, liver and nerves. Treats impotence, infertility, frigidity and other diseases of the genital area.
  • - solves all problems related to speech. Treats stuttering, helps to relieve a person of the fear of public speaking.
  • - a rune that heals the skin. It is used in the treatment of wounds, burns and other skin diseases. Promotes regeneration and rapid recovery of damaged tissues. It also has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system.
  • - the peculiarity of the rune is that it is able to heal wounds. But only if they are applied with a weapon.
  • - a rune that heals from depression and emotional experiences. Helps a person cope with feelings of despair. It also eliminates the evil eye, damage, the negative influence of others. Good in the treatment of diseases of organs located in the lumbar region.
  • - doctor of karmic diseases. It is used in difficult situations when it is necessary to remove a heavy family curse, to save a person from retribution for the sins of their ancestors.
  • - a rune that heals from vices and addictions. Most often used to turn a person away from alcohol or drugs. But it also works well in the treatment of gambling addiction, codependency. Favorably affects the skin.
  • does not in itself have a healing effect. But it helps to literally "freeze" the disease, preventing it from developing further. Treats chronic phobias, complexes, fears, favorably affects the digestive organs.
  • - rune of rejuvenation. “Works” in a complex way - it heals both the physical and spiritual shell of a person. Helps to resist other people's influence and interference in your life.
  • - rune-amulet. Protects its owner from all kinds of negativity coming from the outside world. Gives understanding: which people are beneficial and which are harmful.
  • gives a person positive solar energy, helps to cleanse and heal the chakras. It affects the level of the subtle body. As a result, physical health is normalized.

Watch a video about healing runes:

Runes for healing the soul

In psychosomatics, it is believed that all diseases are associated with problems of the mental state of a person. For example, oncological diseases are the result of long-standing resentment, feelings of guilt. Inflamed facial skin is a sign of dissatisfaction with oneself and insecurity.

Omnipotent, they can change a person's life in hours, if not minutes. This effect is achieved through the activation of human resources with the connection of the forces of the Universe. The signs drawn on a stone or other medium have a certain direction of energy that affects both the human body and its energy, and the processes carried out by higher forces. Healing runes, healing staves and formulas can help both in arranging personal affairs and in strengthening health, as well as healing from various pathologies.

Healing with staves

Drawing up formulas for healing is a long-standing pastime of spellcasters of all stripes. Of course, after all, it is better to draw signs on a stone or other medium and make a reservation than to go to the hospital, spending money on medicines and paid specialists.

But in order for the treatment with staves to be successful, you need to know everything about each rune. Namely:

  • The influence of the runic sign on the body.
  • Which disease is most affected by this or that stav.
  • Betting rules.
  • The sequence of the inscription of the runes in the stav.

There is nothing complicated about this, but if you make a mistake, you can lose precious time, which is sometimes not enough to stop a serious pathology.

You should clearly remember the effect of each rune on the human body, as well as what kind of diseases they treat. This is the main knowledge needed by the caster.

  • has a beneficial effect on the hands. The use of this sign gives a signal to higher forces that the pathology is somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forelimbs. She can be anything: simple pain, irritation, burns and even a fracture.
  • beneficial effect on the eyes. There are such cases when already ten minutes after the inscription of the rune, farsightedness significantly decreased and colors returned to the outside world.
  • helps with respiratory problems. Cough, mild forms of bronchitis - all this falls under the scope of this rune. But there is no need to try to cure diseases such as lung cancer with runes. No one says that there will be no positive effect, but this disease is too serious, to be sure of success, it is better to combine the outline of the staves with hospital treatment.
  • solves problems related to childbearing. It can be both difficulties with conception and facilitating childbirth. This rune has proven its effectiveness. It is known that one 74-year-old resident of St. Petersburg was able to give birth to a child after the inscription of the Verkan rune.
  • calms the nervous system and relieves depression. The inscription of this rune is recommended to be combined with the use of sedatives, but in minimal doses. This is necessary to enhance the effect, since the action of this rune has not been fully studied by our spellcasters.
  • - a truly wonderful rune. It allows you to cure stuttering. Not even all doctors are capable of this, but a rune sign can. Isn't this magic?

Of course, the combination of several runes and the compilation of staves must necessarily complement the classic hospital treatment. At the same time, it is very important to avoid errors in the outline, because diseases progress, and it may take quite a lot of time to correct the outline of the sign.

Precautions when drawing wellness rates and formulas

All stavas are aimed at appealing to higher powers. And they do not like jokes and disrespectful attitude towards themselves. It is especially important to follow all the established rules when it comes to health-improving rates. No, you will not lose health in case of a mistake, but precious time will be lost, because you will have to redo everything again.

So, what you need to remember when drawing runes and making reservations for recovery:

  • Runes are runes, and no one has canceled the doctor's prescriptions yet. Even world-famous spellcasters, recognized magicians recommend combining the use of healing staves with hospital treatment.
  • During the drawing of the stave and the commission of the slander, you need to think only about the upcoming recovery. Any negative thoughts can incorrectly affect the will of higher powers. This means that if not complications, then the absence of an effect is possible.
  • No alcohol and tobacco before the inscription of runes! Everything should be carried out in an absolutely sober form and with an organism not contaminated with nicotine. Violation of this condition leads to a conflict with the universal forces, and this is fraught with the development of a disease that the caster wants to get rid of.
  • The composition of the stav should be carried out in a calm, balanced state. If the caster, for example, quarreled with someone, then immediately proceeded to inscribe, then he will not receive the expected effect, since part of the energy will be spent in the wrong direction.

The attitude to the runes should be extremely serious. They are the embodiment of a universal force that can heal any disease, but can also cause harm. Make bets with faith in success and in a good mood, then the effect will definitely not keep you waiting!

The correct interpretation of runes for health can only be obtained by contacting a highly qualified specialist. During fortune-telling, maximum focus on the result is important - you should completely control your own emotions and not be distracted.

Since ancient times, people have turned to the help of magical signs - they are able not only to tell about a person, but also to help, even save a life.

The individuality of each person is taken into account when interpreting the runes, since everything depends on the direction of thoughts, on mood, on mental state. Even life experiences and memories matter.

The associations that arise during the magical action help the interpreter to accurately understand the answer given by the runes.

The meaning of runes on health does not always show the future, but the symbols will certainly tell about the current situation. And, knowing all the existing circumstances, you can understand how to move forward, what steps to take.

Meaningrunes of healthand healing

Runic staves for health

Not only individual symbols have healing properties, but also combinations of runes, as well. They can be used as amulets that bring a long-awaited recovery.

To restore the body after complex procedures or a long stay in a supine position, it helps Kenaz-Perth-Inguz .


This is the strongest combination of magical signs. The energy of the runes is so harmoniously combined that the person using them quickly achieves balance and confidence in his healing.

Kenaz is responsible for the positive attitude of the patient. It helps to pull myself together and, despite the obstacles, move forward, develop and strive for the goal.

The energy of the rune symbol protects from the negative effects of demonic forces. Kenaz directs: with her help, it is easier to make a difficult decision.

Perth accelerates the healing process, tunes the subconscious to self-healing. Faith in one's own strength is crucial in the fight against ailments, even fatal ones. Sometimes, the most hopeless patients got on their feet and forgot about past problems forever.

Inguz symbolizes rebirth - the transformation of personality. It reveals the potential of the body and turns on all previously hidden resources.

Runes for getting rid of diseases (video)

The meaning of runes in divination for health


It is possible that surgery will be needed in the near future. A high probability of fractures, injuries, as well as pathological processes in the body. If an inverted Turisaz fell out, then the operation can be avoided. But serious treatment will still be needed.


In case of diseases, you should not immediately run to the doctor - home treatment will be many times more effective. But the inverted Kenats says the opposite - without specialized help, recovery will not come soon.


The rune serves as a warning of a serious illness. Without wasting time, you need to do all the necessary tests and diagnostics. The sign in an inverted position shows that the disease is already progressing.


A full medical examination is required for all specialists. It is worth doing this at least for the sake of prevention. If the symbol is upside down, it means that your family is hiding something about the health of a close relative.


Despite the heavy workload at work or troubles of a different nature, take a break. Recover well, otherwise the general condition may deteriorate significantly.


It means an unfavorable course of the disease, unsuccessful treatment, progressive symptoms.


The Creator is watching you, so trust him completely. In your situation, doctors are helpless - only divine intervention can save. The inverted Urus, unfortunately, is bad news - your ailment has already completely taken over the body.


The gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable - be careful with this area. Limit your intake of junk food and alcohol. If the rune fell out during a fortune-telling of a pregnant woman, the development of the fetus may be in jeopardy. In the inverted position, Perth suggests that the conclusion of the doctors is incorrect - it is necessary to double-check the diagnosis.


The patient needs female help. It will be very good if the attending physician and nurses are women. But the inverted Berkana, on the contrary, speaks of the maximum restriction of the sufferer's communication with all female representatives.


It means that soon the disease will begin to progress or recede - one of two things will happen.


In the near future, the patient's condition will be stabilized. Reverse Fehu - new injuries, fractures, manifestation of chronic diseases.


Supernatural powers will help. If you address them correctly, then the symptoms, and then the cause of poor health, will go away. The inverted rune Laguz shows that it was otherworldly forces that caused problems.


It shows that a person has an instability of the nervous system, so mental disorders and depression are very likely.


Smile - soon you will forget about your illnesses.


In the near future you will not have reasons to go to the doctors. But the reverse Vunyo warns that caution will not hurt. It is better to play it safe and not expose yourself to danger.


If you do not miss the point and make it a rule to contact a specialist as needed, then everything will be in order. But delaying treatment will lead you to very unpleasant consequences.


Visit a doctor and undergo a complete examination - it is likely that the disease has begun to develop. Reverse Algiz speaks of your indifference to your condition.


A very unpleasant rune that carries dangerous predictions. If it fell out during fortune-telling, then you should prepare for the worst: serious long-term ailments or other serious health problems.

I wish you good health and long life!

Alena Golovina- white witch, psychic,site author


Uruz is one of the most powerful runes - it is an energy rune, i.e. when working with it, you gain strength and energy. Her element is earth, the color is green. Uruz is the rune of Strength . The ancients treated this rune very respectfully. They loved and at the same time feared the Deities associated with Uruz. Yin and yang, female and male forces are merged in it. Uruz gives masculinity to men and femininity to women.

At present, it is very difficult to get a live feeling of Uruz. Civilization has done everything to deprive people of connection with this Force, herded them into cities, thrust them into artificial dwellings, cut them off with concrete and asphalt from everything that is natural for human nature. It is not easy to feel it also because this Force is very deep. It does not rumble, does not smoke, but it exists and interferes very actively in people's lives.

Uruz symbolizes integrity and harmony. Responsible for good health and body resistance. The power of Uruz heals through transformation and restores health through deep transformation of a person. Lack of Strength brings weakness, lack of will, inability to focus effort and, as a result, illness.

Uruz also contributes to success in business and increase income. It is this Power that is lacking in those people who want to do something and do not do it. It can be called very simply - the Great Power of the Earth. She can't pray. It makes sense to be afraid of her. But it is even more foolish not to take it into account or avoid it, because without this Force the movement of life will stop. This power is symbolized not only by a wild tour, but also by a runaway horse, and an offended bison, and a bear, which was awakened in a den in winter.

With the help of the Uruz rune, you can turn to the forces of nature with a request for healing or to move things off the ground.

Uruz belongs to a group of runes, the main meaning of which is magical protection from negative energies and dangers. It helps to renew and increase internal energy, as well as influence circumstances so that they develop in your favor. Attracts new situations. Helps in healing and maintaining good physical health.

Spell: healing, to improve your health or the health of people close to you.

I know the second word

useful to people

Having healing power.

URUZ is one of the most powerful positive runes.

A talisman with the image of this rune is necessary for that person. who decided to turn dreams into reality. Our thoughts begin to acquire a material form and be embodied in the most amazing things.
A creative and powerful, even somewhere animal force, similar to a wild tour (bull, bison, bison!) will sweep away everything in its path and will certainly achieve its goal.
The earthly energy accumulated in the URUZ rune does not have a reverse motion. This is the power of the earth, capturing its owner and carrying him through any obstacles. This is the flesh of divine beings, united together and turned into a typhoon, sweeping away everything alien and paving the way for the Master. Sometimes its power frightens, but once trusting the help of Uruz, you no longer want to knock your forehead on a closed door. Let URUZ open any constipation for you.
Possibilities - having no conventions and boundaries - that's what this amulet means if you decide to choose it. Only one danger awaits the owner of this amazing talisman - having resorted to the Uzuz rune, he loses the right to inaction and amorphousness. The immense power of the runic symbol will demand a way out! Only the future winner is worthy to command this rune.
It bestows sexual and mental energy, enhances magical abilities, helps to heal physical ailments. There is no area of ​​human life where the help of Uzuz is not required. Fight to the end and survive, no matter what, this is the main meaning of this Sign.
It is in this symbol that the male and female principles unite, therefore, turning to the Uruz rune for support, you begin to experience all the diversity of earthly life. You have the strength to reach your potential.
Changes, changes and more changes. It is this that inevitably breaks into the stagnant swamp and rapidly turns the stagnant swamp into a powerful stream, playing with boulders and huge dead trees. Take the Uruz rune as a symbol of renewal, the cycle of death and rebirth. Remember that any phenomenon goes through three stages - origin, middle and exit. It is not only pointless to slow down the process laid down by nature, but also very stupid. Behind every departure of the old, there is already a new one. Addictions to the old castrate the soul and strength, a person becomes weak-willed and cowardly. If you do not swim along with a powerful stream, then premature loss of strength is guaranteed. Only the one who knows how to merge with the stream and does not row in the opposite direction emerges. The task of each person is to harmonize himself with the present in time, since harmonizing himself with the past, which is often a heavy stone around his neck, is unrealistic. Stones must be disposed of. And do not be afraid to peel off the sides of the small coastal shrubs, past which you will be carried by the energy flow.
Runa Uruz is very suitable for both male and female Leaders.
Empty and insecure dreamers who thoughtlessly resorted to the help of this talisman may be drawn into the chaos, the creation of which they themselves stimulated throughout their lives. It's like opening a window in a strong wind. All the papers piled up in a mess on your desk will instantly be scattered in the farthest corners of the room. But if you manage to subjugate this most powerful energy flow and ride it, then you will certainly fly over all past failures and reach the cherished shore.
Everyone who wants to buy URUZ should understand that with this acquisition he ceases to be a simple cabin boy on the ship of life, but immediately, through many steps, rises to the captain's bridge.
Then, with a fair wind at your back, you've won the Jackpot! I wish you success!

URUS or Health.

The sun was already high. Orsana and Wulf stopped in the shade of a large oak tree to refresh themselves. At first they ate in silence, but then the girl could not stand it:

Tell me, Wulf, are you not afraid at all?

Only a fool is not afraid of anything. Of course, I'm a little worried.After all, it is not known what awaits us ahead, but still I think that, according toAt least for now, there are no serious concerns.

Well, what if something happens to us?

What can happen to us?

I don’t know, well, maybe one of us will get hurt, get sick ...

Reach out your hand to the pouch, Orsana, and take out one rune. What happened there?

Straight rune Urus.

You see, it’s about health that we don’t have to worry about at all.sya.


Rune Uruz guarantees us the health and strength of the bull, so in this respect we have nothing to fear.

It is wonderful.

Okay, Wulf, but tell me more about this rune.

Okay, listen. When rune Feu melted the ice, and the fertile field saw the sunlight, appeared rune Urus. It originated precisely from the land where wild animals roamed, and therefore refers to the elements of the Earth. She is as strong and powerful as Feu, but its power is different. She has the strength of a bull who is not afraid of anything and has no enemies in nature, but when she is angry, she digs the ground with her hooves, so that sparks fly. Therefore, if used with bad intentions, it can be dangerous, as it causes anger and aggression.

This is the rune of Mother Nature, which gave it to us so that it would protect our health, add strength in work and perseverance in deeds begun under the influence of the Feu rune. She lives in the earth and sends us virtuous energy from there...

- And why on the Holy Birch, growing over a beautiful sourcecom, a rune is drawn Urus? - Orsana interrupted his story.

- Because the water in the source heals and restores strength to the sick, and this rune does the same. Their joint action enhances this effect. Look, Orsana, we are already on our way. the whole day, almost did not rest, but there is no fatigue, right?

- Really! the girl exclaimed in surprise.

This is because it is the Urus rune that is taking care of us now. However, we must look for a place to stay for the night, because the sun is already setting in the west. I remember from the days of hiking that somewhere here there must be a cave that will serve us as a safe overnight stay.

You know, Wulf, it's not all that great. I lost my rightwow leg. It's okay, of course, but it can get in the to keep going.

Show me.

Wulf carefully examined the wound.

Why didn't you tell me before? Now let's think of something.

The young man took out a bag of ashes from his travel bag, tooka pinch, mixed with water and drew the Urus rune on the girl's foot.

- When we stop for the night, we will do it again. Tomorrow there will be no trace of your wound.

“Thank you, Wulf,” Orsana whispered gratefully.


urus, uruz, ur, urs


tour, wild bull, bison


Increases physical strength, strengthens bones, eliminates hypochondria, treats disorders of the reproductive organs in women. It is also recommended for convalescence, recuperation.

Rune potential:

The space from which everything originates, Mother Earth.

Basic properties:

Unlimited potential and opportunities to release energy. Invincible power, unexpected changes.

Rune Message:

Have enough courage to give up unnecessary things, and this will open up new opportunities for you.

Predictive value:

Change for the better, turn to health, recuperation, getting rid of anxiety and fears. Realism, new chances and opportunities, inner strength, use of existing potential, successful career development. New, necessary conditions for moving forward.

Magic use:

Releases creative energy, facilitates change, makes the period of activity more intense. Adds strength to men and charm to women, helps to win or return love or friendship. Strengthens the ability to concentrate, accelerates the implementation of plans and intentions.

Runa Urus can help you:

- to realize your ideas, to translate them into real life;

- restore and replenish vital energy;

- find the strength in yourself to discard the unnecessary;

- protect yourself from negative influences from the past;

- influence circumstances in such a way as to create the most favorable situation for you;

- increase your entrepreneurial spirit;

- Strengthen your determination and self-confidence.

Runa Urus should be meditated when it is desirable to get answers to the following questions:

Are my actions constructive?

Am I afraid of change and why?

What should I change in my life?

Is my past a brake on me?

- Can I realistically assess the situation and my chances?

- Can I make decisions?

What should my plans for the future look like?