Omorochka to inspire the right thoughts and incline to the actions you need. Omorochka - how to direct and remove a suggestion

Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and suggesting the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subordinate a person to your will, be it an enemy, lover or superiors.

In the article:

Omorochka - what is it

What hassle? This is a distortion of perception, respectively, a troublemaker is a magical way of distorting a person's perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at making a person against his will do something important to you, or refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

In addition, the trouble can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous for you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening at his will, but in fact she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the rite.

Sending the right goals and thoughts to the victim can happen in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals involve only weakening the will of a person. This means that you personally have to negotiate with him, but it will be easy to get him to take the desired action.

In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing the will of a person and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult, in order for the business to succeed, you need extreme concentration and serious magical preparation, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

It is believed that before conducting such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, relax in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But far from always there is such an opportunity, there are often situations when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to the study of the occult sciences, but remember that retribution can be as serious as your goal.

The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Usually these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the effect on the victim to nothing. If you need a long-term effect, you will have to repeat them very often. Far from always the stereotype about nightmarish troubles takes place, parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect the child from bad company.

Omorochka to inspire the right thoughts

In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ceremony with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

Back to front, everything is the opposite, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

You can bring such a mess on the enemy to achieve reconciliation or make him make the wrong decision, on the boss who treats you unfairly in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you need without much effort.

If you do not have a photograph of the object, the next option can be read while being in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

I'm not going, I'm going to the vedmedytsi, I'm filthy,
And before tebe (name), I’ll tell the filthy rich
(state the essence of the desire - what a person should do according to your plan)
I'm going to cherez more, I'll throw a poppy at the more,
What am I going to say - shob bulo everything is so,
I'm up to you from a bisovoy pointer,
And you, before mene, be a kind caress.

Cuffs for all occasions

It is possible to use a mischief not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following rite, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also ways, and indeed affect any aspect of a person’s life. In order to confuse thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road, does not come to any place - it is advisable to take a lace from his shoes. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown tape, you can take a new shoelace.

The length of the lace is approximately the size of a person's foot, the threads for messing up thoughts and the head are approximately the same as the girth of the head. You cannot measure such threads and ribbons on yourself, you will have to do it “by eye”. Well, if there is hair of the victim - so witchcraft will work better. If you manage to get a person's hair, they need to be woven into knots.

Simultaneously with any suitable conspiracy of confusion or another that is excellent in meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or lace. Knots should be confusing, their whole construction should look complex. But at the same time, in order to remove witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to bypass you. Popular wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It is worth learning in advance a few of these words that are spoken in a whisper or to oneself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

Salt toby and water, smoking a slip,
toad on the shoulders, schob about me ne mala ty rechi.

Such words will always save you from the wrath of the boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

I sit on a bastard, I drive a bastard.
I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

Omorochka on the enemy

There are troubles for all occasions, including rituals that can be. If you can't deal with the enemy without witchcraft, try to take away his mind so that he cannot compete with you.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly out of them. When it boils, say jelly:

I will remember your business with jelly,
Bold, bold and bold.
How Yegory fought, won,
So I will crush the enemy, the slave (name),
I will destroy his case.
Kissel, kissel,
Cook all day.
Get up, boil
Fix my case.
I'm first, the enemy is behind me.
My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.
Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!

When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third must be drunk at sunset, and what remains - at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days, and repeat the ceremony. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. The days are counted down at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

You can bring confusion to the enemy in order to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, however, no attributes are needed to read it:

Find, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, look away 33 times. Morbid leprosy, eat purity of thoughts, give a swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

Mischief, taking away the strength of the enemy instantly

There are special troubles that take away the strength of the enemy instantly. No need to be scared, this is not about a negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy applies only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

You need to read nine times, on the photo of the enemy or with the visualization of his image. A candle should burn in the room, preferably black. But if there is no such candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and the time of day:

Twisted, grabbed, suffered
Through windbreaks, gullies,
Ditches, snags
With a roar, a whistle,
Leshy laughter, eagle scream.
Heavy moans, screams.
It hit the ribs, foamed in the heart,
Roar in the throat, in the chest with claws,
It swirled, splashed a yellow-muddy wave into the eyes
Burning sparks.
Yellow around, dark around
Fog around, burning around,
It's light all around, no zgi around ...
Saliva burns drunker than wine,
It burns and chokes, it silences thoughts.
Moan and cry - do not hide your tears.
Laughter grin - a yellow snake,
Curls in rings, ripples in the eyes,
He pulled his forehead with a tight tourniquet,
Heart sucks, soul gnaws,
His back is cold, his ears are buzzing.
Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

This fool takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if you are so disliked that they are ready to spend for the sake of revenge.

Love bug for a man

Love trouble for a man or a woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that she evokes feelings, like, or passion, like black. Submission to one's will cannot cause any love feelings. But it’s quite possible to persuade people to give gifts or make them close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To remedy this situation, braid the braid and do not unravel it for three days. The rite, unfortunately, is only suitable for owners of long hair that can really be braided. On the fourth day, you need to wake up at three in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with these words:

hair on the head,
in my hand I have my scythe, in my teeth I have my mind.
Whatever I say
thus showing her intelligence.
How people listen to church bells
so let my husband listen to my words all the time.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. And even if you carry complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

As mentioned above, hassle It's about changing people's perceptions in their favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than it actually is. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

All women are stupid
They have bad manners
On all the dresses are curly,
I entered, peacock,
Red girl.
Led a look -
Gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.

If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

And my favorite (name) is the best!

Such conspiracies work great on holidays and corporate parties, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

Mischief - how to get the victim to do something

It is quite possible to force the victim to do something with the help of a goof. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen once again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not so.

Attack you with sleep and darkness,
not one by one, but all 40!
I turn your eyes away
I confuse your consciousness
I wrap myself in a black web!
Like flies and mosquitoes to the web
stick firmly,
so my words-deeds-views
your will is being sedated!
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How the earth absorbs water
so do my will!
The darkness fell on you
on each side and from any side!
Get lost, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!
I confuse, I twist, I twist,
do what I want!
In your eyes - blindness,
on your arms and legs - numbness,
to your will - my any command!
How I blow on your face,
so I'll break you right off!
Devil brothers, throw my fetters on (name), throw on, put on,
subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!
Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!

How to remove a frostbite

The question of how to remove the mischief is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of her husband to a rival. Before you start removing the trouble, make sure that it is in it. In addition to quite material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the next method, induced by a rival on her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. It is necessary to serve food and set the table, even if it is modest. For food before the arrival of the spouse, you need to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only servant of God (name) legal wife. Let our quarrels be forgotten, let the slanders of others evaporate, and my husband's eyes be opened. We live together, and the lover of witchcraft does not work. Amen.

Spell food - just for you and your husband. No one else should eat it. This is done three times. If your spouse still lives with you, it will be much easier to remove the trouble in this way. By the way, this simple ritual also removes all the troubles for beauty. If your husband's mistress used such witchcraft, it will be neutralized.

If you are wondering how to remove the trouble from the head, that is, one that is aimed at suggesting other people's thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a rite. Do it only on the waning moon. Well, if you manage to guess so that at this time there is a church holiday - the Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but a large one. For the ritual, you only need fish, absolutely any. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

God help me! Heavenly Father, help me!
How does this fish fly around the scales,
So the mess with the servant of God (name) flies.
As it is impossible to make the mother earth to anyone,
No one can fool her,
So would the servant of God (name)
Don't ruin anyone
Not deed, not a word to cloud.
No one would dress him up in a mess,
The heart and mind will not cloud.
And who wants to spoil it,
Deed, word to cloud,
That my word will find
Peace and happiness will take him away.
For now, for eternity, for eternity.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After cleaning, the fish can be cooked and eaten. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times, strong troubles are not removed from one time. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The rite also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

In general, a frostbite can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for obeying one's will and even protection from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should know how to remove such slander.

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Let's take a detailed look at mansur love spells and one-sided love spells of girls and morochki - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how to make a powerful love spell on a volt yourself - a charmed witch's doll. There are different options for home love spells using volts, different authors - warlocks of past centuries and modern practicing magicians. So, sorcerers often do black love spells with Mansur's volt. They have proven themselves well, give excellent lasting results, but require good developments with devils and a graveyard.

How quickly the love spell will act on a volt depends on the magician - the performer, on the victim, and of course, on the situation. The timing of the promotion of a very strong love spell with the help of a doll is one lunar month, the cemetery ones come into effect later - after 2-3 months. But this is a classic, sometimes a love spell does not give a result for a long time, and then a year later, it suddenly “shoots”, when it is no longer necessary. This is real magic, not movie fairy tales about magic, there are a million nuances here.

Not every ritual of love magic can be done by yourself if you are not a practicing person and only know from books about home casting a love spell on a man's love with the help of a volt. Even with all the nuances of the ritual part, you may not have enough experience and strength. So that you understand the nature of the Mansurov rites, and what you will have to face when performing the black rites of this author, I will give as an example Mansur's strongest love spell through the sacrifice, which is called "Martyr".

A very powerful love spell that can be done on a guy, not for beginners. As far as I know, some strong magicians, who have long and seriously practiced in the warlock tradition, avoid such things, finding other effective ways to influence the victim. So, let's get started, and I'll start with a very strong love spell of a married man "Martyr".

How can I make Mansur's love spell through the sacrifice of a black rooster

Independent love spell love spell strife. Most of them are aimed at arousing interest, love and a strong carnal desire of a man. But, there are those who kindle lust so that the victim loses herself, and obsessive thoughts about the person who independently made a proven love spell at a distance drive you crazy. Mansur's black love spells are just from that category, and, according to reviews, they work very powerfully.

Love spells, like "Martyr", are done on "conditionally loved" people, out of revenge, or, in order to properly teach a lesson for pride, to punish for insult.

  • You hardly want your loved one to suffer, because other induced love is worse than death.
  • If you do everything right, then the ex-husband will be greatly tormented by unquenchable love for you.
  • And no one can console, unless the sorcerer removes a strong love spell.

And the most powerful love spell of Mansur is done through the victim like this.

In the dead of midnight on Friday on the growing moon, take a black rooster and go into the forest to a clearing that has been looked after in advance. Dig a hole and read a love spell for a guy's black love spell through the victim:

On the edge of the pit, press the rooster to the ground, speak further, read the black conspiracy three times for the love of a man:

After reading the words three times, plunge the knife into the body of the rooster 7 times, throw it into the pit, and sprinkle the still living bird with earth.

Read the words of a love conspiracy like this:

In the place where the bird is buried, stick a knife and read the text of the spell:

And immediately leave the place, without looking back, go home, not talk to anyone.

Buy off the demons that same night, completing the strongest love spell of man Mansur through the victim, it is possible at the forest crossroads. When giving, you need to know exactly who you are paying off, because crossroads are gates for different spirits, not only devils appear there. The restless scurry around the crossroads at night, especially the spirits of suicides. Therefore, it is impossible to look back after an independent love spell of a man with the help of blood and sacrifice, so that the devil or another entity does not cling, so that you do not have to carry a settler on yourself, and clean yourself, if, of course, you know how. And do not try to do a really effective love spell at night in a cemetery, without having protection on yourself, otherwise you will make powerful self-damage. Magical protection should be strong, and not some whispers that can only protect from the evil eye.

mansur love spells and one-sided love spells for girls

Only love can lift a person to heaven and at the same time bring great suffering. Quite often, people are faced with unrequited feelings that drive you crazy and make you feel great mental pain. Therefore, many try to protect themselves from such experiences. Magic and special strong love spells will help to win the heart of a lover, which we will talk about today. Love magic helps to connect the fates and hearts of people, even at the request of only one person. It is used more often by girls who do not want to suffer from unrequited love and feelings at a distance. Very strong love spells contribute to the establishment of personal life. If you apply a love spell, which has a strong magical effect, you can not only attract the attention of a particular guy (even if he is at a distance), but also return your lover after parting. However, the consequences of such rituals are more serious. Therefore, if you decide to use a very strong love spell, you must be completely sure of your feelings for the victim.

To make girls stick to a guy

It used to happen that a guy would stay at home, he didn’t have a girlfriend, and that’s it. Parents are upset, they think that they jinxed the share of their son. They go to the healer for help. She whispers - you look and the wedding. And I will teach you some spells to help humble guys.

They put the guy on a stool, fumigate him with smoke from aspen chips and say:

I smoke, I intoxicate, I lure brides to the servant of God (name). Go great glory about the groom, God's servant (name). If he is bright, conspicuous, handsome, good and rich, and taken into marriage. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

They wash their faces on Maundy Thursday (or on Ivan Kupala) and say: Water from the face, the bride to the young man. As people love water, so the girls would appreciate and love me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Call your loved one outside

Stand somewhere so that you can see the window or door of your loved one, clasp your hands in the lock and read the call, without opening your lips, 12 times: I call, the servant of God (my name), not from the chimney, not from the dead earth, not from sea water, not from a wicker fence, not from a twisted gate, not from a gilded church, but from this porch of the servant of God (name) - well done. Call his thoughts, lead his feet, to me, God's servant (name). Amen. I put escorts, guardian angels, on both sides of the servant of God (name). Amen. In a word, in deed I call, I close with a key. Spirit of the servant of God (name), come to me.

If the guy is offended and does not go

Kneel before the burning stove, bow to the floor and say:

Mother oven, send your smoke on all four sides. Bring me the servant of God (name). Amen.

So that there are no rivals equal to you

Place the basin so that the moon is reflected in the water. Bare your ass over the pelvis, as if looking into the pelvis, and say: How does my ass not see itself, so that forever and ever I will not see rivals for myself. Amen.

So that the guy does not bully

Throw a dry twig after him and say: Just as this twig is dry and light and does not harm me, so you will not harm me either. Amen.

Dry at a feast

They pour from their glass of beer, wine to the one you like, saying to themselves:

Drink, drink up, love, don't forget.

To make a friend yearn

As you begin to dance with your friend, look into his eyes and say to yourself three times at the same time: Adam and Eve sinned, they gave birth to children, because they loved each other. So you will love me too. Amen.

Catch up on love longing

Looking out the window, whisper nine times: Servant of God (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.

So that the girlfriends of the sweetheart do not like

Try to be the last to enter where your friends and girlfriends have gathered. Entering, say:

You are dumb walls, blind chickens. And I am a nightingale, a red Sun. I’ll go, I won’t shake the board, I’ll stand against others, I’ll take my heart out of the chest of the servant of God (name) and take it with me. Amen.

On a rope

And this is how they do it dry on a string. They take a white rope, but not transparent, that is, not made of gauze. They tie as many knots in a row on it as it comes out involuntarily. If the number of nodes comes out even, then you can read the slander dry. If the number of knots is odd, leave it until the next day. The spoken rope is thrown where the darling lives. Will love and miss.

No matter how long the rope is, the last knot will be. No matter how you, the servant of God (name), walk from me, and my slander will destroy you. Love, soul of God's servant (name), soul of God's servant (name). Amen.

To please

Treat me with a candy, and say to yourself: How sweet and pleasant candy is, so you would like me too. Amen.

How to untie the love of a good fellow

This is a powerful tool, but only those women who know how to knit can use it. Many people used to knit, now they don't. So, you need to wind a ball of three threads and when knitting read: Three three times roads, three thresholds three times go, servant of God (name), to the servant of God (name). As this thread twisted and twisted, so would my life be united with the servant of God (name). Amen.

To make a guy miss

Bite your tongue lightly with the words: I bite myself, I attach the servant of God (name) to myself. So that the servant of God (name) would be bored, he would not know rest from melancholy, neither in a bright day, nor in a dark night. Everything to think about me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dry for grain

They pour grains to the pigeons and read How you, pigeons, coo among yourself, have mercy, go to each other, dance, so the servant of God (name) would walk around me, look after me, coo around, miss me, God's servant, stronger than the strong (name). Amen.

Attachment for love (for drinking and food)

An evil melancholy lies in the field, heavy as a stone board. It would be overpowered and raised, and longing for the servant of God (name) to send. Oh, he would grieve, oh, he would be sad, sad, tempted, would not have seen enough, would not say goodbye. I would have become for him a red Sun, water in the heat, a wall in the wind, mother's milk, a strong father's shoulder. A broom in the bath, a fire in a snowstorm, an icon in a holy church, may the servant of God (name) be mine. From now on and for eternity, there will not be that person to remove my word from him, drive my image away from him. Thoughts conceived and managed. Neither the devil nor the pop slander would fix it. Oh you, longing longing, mighty sadness, call and drive and lead to me, God's servant (name). Amen.

A conspiracy of a young woman from any trouble

I go out into the new oak canopy, into the wide fenced yard, I look along all the roads, crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You, paths and crossroads, detain my husband (name). You, the bright stars, dim your light-bright light, so that without your light there would be neither a walk nor an aisle. I send on my father-in-law a fierce longing with a twist, a dream with drowsiness, oblivion with unconsciousness, but he was both deaf and dumb due to my fierce misfortune. I send importunate sadness with misfortune, sleep with drowsiness to my mother-in-law, and she would be both blind and dumb to my fierce misfortune. Amen. And now I want to explain what means the masters of Black Magic use when drying. I remind you that my explanation is simply necessary for your teaching, so that you know how to do and how to finish.

Dry on the girl

They read at sunset on Fridays. A snake with thirty spots, with thirty-three stripes, with a fiery sting, crawled along the desert valley, along the loose sands. Go, snake Skoropeya, to the servant of God (name), sting her in her zealous heart with a fiery sting. So that her heart aches, burns with fire, dries her and crushes her, and she dries day by day, hour by hour for me, the servant of God (name). Amen.

To seem the most beautiful to the sweetheart

When you go on a date, splash some water on your face, wipe yourself with a handkerchief, and take this handkerchief out with him. Turn it in your hands so that it will definitely catch the guy's eyes. They slander water like this: Forty girls, forty young women, with each of you in my eyes. My cheeks are ruddy, my hair is perfumed, my body is peahen, my eyes are in control of everyone, my eyebrows are sable, by the way - swan. There is no servant of God (name) me sweeter, bolder, more beautiful and smarter. If I gave him salt and honey. No one will interrupt my conspiracy. I close with a word, I close with a deed. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. If the time has come, and the grooms are not in a hurry to your house, be sure to use this mess. With her grandmother's blessing, she helped many girls to successfully marry. They read the mischief on a new comb. I want to emphasize: on a comb, not on a comb. Because this comb will need to be left in the hair for seven days. Combs are sold in stores, I saw. So, we read: I, the servant of God (name), will put on a comb, invite suitors to me. As bees fly to honey, look at flowers, so the grooms would hurry to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Words on church steps (to manage everything in the family)

Going to get married, step firmly on the entire sole of the steps of the stairs and say to yourself: I step on the first step - I stand up for my husband. I step on the second step - I stand up for my father-in-law. I step on the third step - I step on my mother-in-law. I step on the fourth step - I stand up for my brothers-in-arms. I step on the fifth step - I step on my sister-in-law. As there are five fingers and one fist on my hand, so I will rule everything. Amen.

Love spell of the groom at the church

When a married couple comes out of the church gates, cross yourself and say: As these two got married in the church, they exchanged rings before the Lord God, so would I, God's servant (name), married the servant of God (name) and exchanged rings. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the Lord sends a good bride

Taking care that the son was lucky with his wife, and the mother-in-law with the daughter-in-law, they collected testicles, butter as a gift for the healer and went to her with a request: to beg God for the daughter-in-law - quiet, unobstinate, hardworking and submissive. I will teach you this conspiracy. But you will need the icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin. Put the icon on a clean towel and read 40 times:

Christ at the door, angels in the corners, saints in the courtyard, the Tikhvin Mother of God with me, glorify the quiet meekness in my daughter-in-law. For my son, the servant of God (name). Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. The sheep is silent, and the daughter-in-law is silent. The fish is silent, and the daughter-in-law does not scream. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that young people do not quarrel

At breaking the fast, on Easter, when the young have breakfast, one of the parents should cross himself and say: The Easter egg lies quietly, so the young live in peace. The Easter egg is silent, so the young do not shout among themselves. Christ is risen, and peace and harmony to them. Amen.

To not be denied marriage

It happens that a girl and a guy love each other, but their parents do not give consent to their marriage. In this case, before going to woo, they read the conspiracy for consent.

The plot is read on a towel, which the matchmakers then tie on themselves.

Iron to iron, fire to fire, earth to earth, water to water, and the servant of God (name) forever and ever to me. The falcon flies to the falcon, and I to the servant of God (name) girl. I’ll come, I’ll start, I’ll take the mind-mind of all her household members. Their bad thoughts would go away, roll down, fall down, like the morning dew would evaporate. Matchmakers enter, make my law. As the solstice goes around, in a round dance, so the thoughts of all the household members would go by, and I would stay in the house, I would be the groom, and then I would call myself a son-in-law, beloved and desired. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the bride and groom are not jinxed

They read into the water and give the bride and groom a sip to drink. This will protect them from trouble, which is often caused by envious people through wedding damage.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Come down, water, from the clouds, go around the seven church domes, wax seals, locks, holy keys. Whoever thinks dashing, thinks evil, close his lips, close his teeth, take away his tongue. That word has no edge and end, from an evil person of harm. Key, cross, lock, psalter. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For the boyfriend to be generous with gifts

Your holy body, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and your honest blood for the remission of sins: wake me this thanksgiving in joy, health and gladness; in your terrible second coming, vouchsafe me, a sinner, to stand at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

Conspiracy: I pray to you, Holy Prophet Elijah, God's servant (name). Send me 12 angels with white wings and gilded candles. Surround them oppositely and transversely. Let all 12 go, they will find the servant of God (name), put three nails in his heart. The first - you can’t be greedy, the second - an expensive gift, the third - a generous soul, from the last penny to buy me everything I want. The word is mine. The matter, Ilya, is yours. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Another conspiracy. They take a stalk of hops, put it in their bosom and walk around their beloved. The stalk is spoken like this: You twisted, twisted, did not part with your pole, clung to your pole. Let the servant of God (name) do not press, do not spare his money for me, spoil me and cherish. As a mother does not spare her daughter either bread or brocade, the servant of God (name) all swords on my table ... Bring, as the mother bird carries into the nest, everything that you can buy and get. Hop-father, mother-earth, they hopped his head, kindle his heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The hop stalk is kept at home.

To detain the groom's car (to take a ransom)

Take a pea pod with nine peas, throw it into the groom's sleigh, speak a conspiracy up to three times, the horses will not be able to carry the groom's sleigh, they will stand until you take the ransom.

Thirty measures of oats, distant measures of peas, the bride and groom, the horse does not move.

Charm for the bride

They read on a pin, which is pinned to the hem of the wedding dress on the left side.

Just as no one gnaws the clear Moon, does not put the red Sun in his pocket, does not wake up the sleeping dead, so there will be no spoil for the bride (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen (thrice).

They slander a pin and pin it from the back under the groom's jacket.

No one can harm his male power. They read like this: Seventy-seven lived in one vein. The blood will save the blood, but the servant of God (name) will not be spoiled, the male power will not be exhausted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy plot for newlyweds (so as not to get divorced)

In the old days, a healer was invited to a wedding, they put her in a place of honor, regaled her and tried in every possible way to respect her. They did this so that the healer at the wedding feast would whisper to the strength of the family. Indeed, people lived and never thought about divorce. Now, unfortunately, not every family has peace and harmony. They will not have time to celebrate the wedding, as they are ready for a divorce. I will teach you a good conspiracy that will help save a young family and prevent divorce. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I speak (the name of the healer), according to the word of God, and not according to mine, in the bright wedding chamber of the servants of God (names of the young), baptized by the world, father, mother blessed. Accept, Lord, my prayer! If they ate, drank, and gave birth to children, they would not wave their hands at each other, they would not shout evil words with their lips, they would not quarrel among themselves, they would not argue with their parents. How well the Mother Church stands for centuries, so it would be fine and the servants (names) of God lived. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For young people to have money

When the newlyweds start throwing money for rubbish, let them sweep and think:

How much litter is under my broom, so that money in my house will start quickly and soon. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

For reconciliation in a quarrel

If the quarrel dragged on, try to soften your friend's heart in order to make peace faster. Go to a stream or river, stand facing the flow of water; throwing sand into the water, say: As soon as this water runs, so let my dear servant of God (name) hurry to me soon. Amen.

The mother of the bride should say these words at the moment when the wedding candles are lit:

Lord help, Lord bless. Let your candles shed tears. And only when these candles develop, only then will the husband and wife part. Amen.

Love spell during the wedding

When “bitter” sounds at the table for the third time and the young people kiss, the bride should leave the table, touch the first corner with a ring worn on her right hand and say:

As you, corner, are inseparable from the wall, so be inseparable, husband, from your wife. Amen.

Love spell on the wedding night

On the first night after the wedding, the bride should get up, lay her husband’s shirt on the floor, in which he stood under the crown, and say, standing on it with her right foot: I will stand with my right foot on all of you, my dear husband. As people stand on mother earth, help, Mother of God, to strengthen and unite me, God's servant (name). Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. As mother earth cannot live without rain, so my husband (name) could not live without me. As the earth dries up without rain, aims, so the servant of God (name) without me, his wife (name), God's servant, could not live and be. He would have been bored, he would not have known a moment of peace, he would not have walked with friends, with women, he would not have cheated on girls, he would not have eaten in food, he would not drink in drink, he would not fall asleep at night in his dreams, like a mother yearning for a child. Like a baby misses its mother's breast, like a mother crying and suffering when she is separated from her child - here's my order to you, here's a charmed order. The Lord meets me, the Blessing of the Mother of God. And you (name) for me (name) eternal patience. A key, a lock, and a talisman for my words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Do this while your husband is sleeping.

So that the wedding is not spoiled

Many in letters ask me: how to protect yourself from damage at a wedding? Before the guests arrive, talk about the poppy and sprinkle it at the doorstep. Then all bad wishes will be interrupted by your amulet. They read like this: Which person vechet, who speaks evil, who thinks evil, interrupts my word. As this ser mak cannot be counted, so my amulet cannot be prevented. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From inducing infertility

Chickens lay, cats breed, horses foal. The church blesses the marriage, the wife gives birth to her husband's child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Read in the back to the newlyweds.

A strong trouble for love or a love spell?

Good day. The magician Azal is with you. About, what is a spell and what are morons, we already know, as well as about what these magical influences are used for.

Much in our life is known in comparison. Magic is no exception. Therefore, the question that I propose to discuss today is quite reasonable - a love spell and a foolishness for love. These are different magical influences, but both are used in the sphere of love influences. Then which one is better? How is it manifested and how long does the trouble and love spell work? In general, this is what our article is about today - a foolish love spell in comparison.

Personally, in my magical practice, I usually do not use goofs to create or restore the love relationships of my clients. And not because it is inefficient. The reasons here are quite different.

If a love spell in combination with other magical influences in order to harmonize relationships is calculated by me for this particular person for sure and without options, then the love mess in itself cannot boast of such a result.

In general, light love troubles can act as a great "reason" to start a relationship, but not keep them. Therefore, it is better not to apply a mess on a husband or a man with whom you are in a relationship for a long time - you will not get the desired effect.

How long does the frostbite last?

It is also necessary to take into account how long the frostbite lasts, and in most of their options they have a very short “shelf life” in comparison with a love spell. For example, in the article " How to ignite passion in a man» I was giving a way to use perfume. In fact, it works very short-lived - perfumed with them, there is an effect; not perfumed, no effect.

How does love confusion manifest itself?

The very influence of a strong trouble on a man (or woman) is comparable in feeling to a situation familiar to many. You are walking around the store, and suddenly your eyes come across a very interesting and cool little thing (shoes, handbag, car, watch ... substitute whatever you like). You have a state that you are “sick” with this little thing - you want to get it at all costs. It may be inferior in many ways among its competitors, the same gizmos, but despite this, you want to buy it. Remember how happy you are with such a purchase, how you brag about this little thing to your friends and family. You are proud of it, you use it with great pleasure. However, sooner or later this first charm with this thing passes, and the joy that it gives you also passes. Perhaps soon the place of this little thing in your wardrobe or environment will be taken by something else, more practical, more comfortable and more suitable for you than this thing that fascinated you at first sight. That's it, you "played enough" with her. Approximately this is how the cloudiness manifests itself in the love sphere.

In addition, do not forget about one very unpleasant consequence, which is possible with some methods. Namely - the troubles for a loved one, when their effect declines, can leave a state of disappointment in you. This effect is highly undesirable, especially if your goal is to continue further relationships with this person - be it a man or a woman.

How does a strong frostbite manifest itself?

If the trouble that inspires love thoughts is really proven strong, then we get the following effect. A confused person falls into thoughtfulness. His thoughts are confused, distracted and "obsessed" with the customer of such a magical effect. Regardless of what character a person had before, after inducing such a strong influence, he becomes lethargic, passive, absent-minded, as if “lost”. His eyes are clouded - the clairvoyant will see a characteristic "haze" in the eyes. The person becomes like a zombie:

Well, here a quite reasonable question arises: if you really love this person, then such consequences can leave you indifferent or bring you joy from successful magical work? I'm sure not.

When are such properties of magical influence useful?

Due to the above effects of strong trouble, it is successfully used in situations where:

Firstly, when a person is very aggressive and categorical, does not hear other people's arguments and arguments, insists on his own and, roughly speaking, "goes crazy." In such cases, this effect is used to make a person less aggressive, less stubborn, more compliant, accommodating, pliable.

Secondly, in order to fight off:

  • objectionable or "bad" company,
  • from the whole human environment,
  • from one or more people having undue influence on that person and obsessing over themselves

Such a person, after exposure, will see the world like a horse in blinders - his horizons will be limited only to you. This is essentially a form of illusion.

The above variant of a strong trouble can be considered with confidence like damage(see article what is spoilage). This is a very aggressive and harmful effect on the personality of a person and his future destiny. I draw the attention of masters and novice magicians to the fact that the customers themselves of such an impact will then not be satisfied with the result. Not happy if such an impact was ordered for a love purpose.

Why? Because they liked one person, with all his aspirations and convictions, and now they seem to have only his cast in their hands, his doll - uninitiative and complaisant.

In addition, usually the victim of such a foolishness loses sight of, among other things, his financial side - his work, his earnings also become completely indifferent to him. He no longer seeks to "get and bring the mammoth." Therefore, women who, in addition to the love side, also pursue a selfish financial goal, quickly retreat from such men. They get their momentary benefit and after that they look for new victims, forgetting about their responsibility to this person.

In addition, to create and maintain relationships, one magical effect is almost always not enough - whether it's a mess for love thoughts or a love spell. A magician (I speak here only for myself) selects and applies a whole range of magical influences aimed at creating and harmonization of relationships in a couple

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With the help of a fool, you can silence a person or put him into a state in which he cannot connect two words. You can also lead a person astray or disrupt his plans.

There is a good working conspiracy - soft coercion and trouble at the same time. To make it at a distance and force a person to do something according to your will, read the plot:

“I was in the field, I saw grass. Wherever the wind bends the grass, there its leaf looks. So would you, servant of God (name), do what I need. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Fix, God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen"

Omorochka at a distance

Nodular trouble is used not only to confuse thoughts and plans, but also to confuse the road so that the subject is late somewhere or does not come at all.

To tangle thoughts, it is desirable (but not necessary) to have the hair of the victim. One or two hairs is enough.

To tangle the road, it is desirable to have a shoelace, a piece of the sole, or any other fragment.

Extracted hair and other particles belonging to the subject are needed in order to weave them into a special thread. If it is impossible to get them, you can limit yourself to only a thread - blue or purple. The length of the thread for clouding the mind is the approximate circumference of the head, and for the muddle on the way, you will need a thread two feet long.

Tie seven knots: the first knot is at one end of the thread, the second is at the other end. The third knot is in the center of the thread, the fourth is between the first and third knot. The fifth knot is between the second and third, and with the sixth knot, tie the ends together. All these knots are made as confusing as possible. With the last knot, firmly tie the entire thread in the middle - with a regular (not tangled) knot.

During tying, a plot is read on each knot:

Attack the trouble on (subject's name) - not seven, but forty. I turn your eyes away, I roll with cobwebs, I close up my ears, I weaken my arms and legs. As mosquitoes and flies stick to the web, so your thoughts and will are lulled. Sleep, sleep, stupid head, sleep. Have trouble on (subject's name) from each side, from any side! Lose your clear mind, freeze your soul. I confuse-roll, twist-braid! I turn my head - do as you want! Eyes in the fog, head in dope! Mind for mind! Mind for mind! Mind for mind! (Subject's name)!"

If possible, throw the charmed thread into the clothes, shoes and other things of the subject or tie his photograph with it.

When the need for trouble has disappeared, you should untie the knots in the reverse order.

Omorochka "Night blindness"

There are also known influences to silence. A person is “tied up with his tongue” or “sewn up his mouth” in the terminology of the masters. This is done so that people do not say too much, do not slander, do not gossip and the like. It is interesting that the person himself can be 100% sure that he said everything he wanted. Although at this time, when he seemed to be "talking", he was actually just silent, opening his mouth or coughing. They also silence the person through the instillation of fear, and as a result, the victim is simply afraid to say this or that.

This type of confusion is used so that a person does not see what needs to be hidden. A photo of the subject can be used for chicken fritters, but is not required. The effectiveness of the conspiracy increases with personal contact, if you look at the back of the subject's head or at his face - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nose.

It is necessary to whisper a plot 3 times on bird feathers (the smaller their size, the better) or fluff, for example, taken from a pillow. After each time, blow on the pen.

“Come trouble, from any side! From the sunrise and from the west, come, infection, morbid leprosy, powder it (subject's name). As a chicken does not see at night, does not listen, so (the name of the subject) would not have seen and did not understand! Eyes will disperse, thoughts will spread like kissel. Salt in your eyes - night blindness! Let it be so!"

Throw charmed feathers in the place where the object of concealment is located. If he is not material, then feathers can be thrown into the clothes of a deluded person or on his way so that he steps over them.

A little mess on a guy for his love for you is done just before meeting a young man. Such a trouble will appear immediately upon meeting, you will notice increased attention to you, compliments, or simply go to reconciliation with those with whom you quarreled. In the evening, you need to collect a glass of water and leave it near your bed at night. In the morning, you need to throw a pinch of salt into the glass and read the plot on the glass:

“I won’t get up and pray, I won’t go and cross myself, I won’t go along the road, I’ll go into a black field to a deep ravine, to a damn gully. The devil sits in the ravine, a satanic servant. Damn - wake up, before (Name) hurry up. They broke his soul, his heart - turn to me, as he looks at my face - let the devil remember my word. His heart will stir, his thought will converge on love for me. Water devours salt, and (Name) let the devil torment me. Key, lock, damn quitrent"

Spit three times over the right shoulder. Then you need to take three sips from the glass, wash yourself and sprinkle your clothes.

Wrath on socks on a guy

For this ritual, you need to buy white cotton men's socks, put them on, read the plot on them:

“Mara, Mara, give (name of the man) heat. Give (the name of the man) the heat so that you don’t shiver in sex. Belly on stomach - everything will heal, chest on chest - do not forget me, face on face - yearn for me.

Then these socks must be presented to a man so that he must wear them.

Conspiracy to faint a guy

If you often see the object, but he perceives you only as a friend or colleague, you can try to fool him. To do this, you need to speak some bright thing - at least a scarf, at least a brooch, but always such that it attracts attention.

Of course, you don’t run after the desired object in bright hats with a veil all your life, but it’s quite enough to awaken the primary interest.

“Find (Name), trouble, Come diva to (Name) from the left side, Appear from the near side, from the windy and leeward, from the north and from the south, from the west and from the east. Confuse (Name) head, lead him, (Name), eyes to me three times three times. Morbid leprosy, eat (Name) thoughts of thinness, Give them a delusional fullness. So that from now on I would be, (Name), he is like the sun warm, like honey is sweet, like spicy herb is spirit, like a woman is desirable. I turn into a clear beauty, I appear to (Name) an entertainer. I am married with the moon, I am girded with stars. Wherever I go, so that (Name) meets me, wherever I call, so that (Name) will respond to me, I will ask about anything, so that (Name) will answer me. Every word of mine is for him, (Name), for sweetness, for him, (Name), for joy, for him, (Name), in the heart. In the world, in the feast, on earth and in water - everywhere. To be according to this, according to my word. Truly"

I won’t be modest, the ritual for a mess is one of my favorite and most popular rituals. Mischief on enemies, love mischief, mischief on the right person - well, what could be better. This is a really ideal way to not only get what you want, but also an option for revenge on the enemy. It's harder to take the bug off than it is to put it on.

Omorochka is the best way to get what you want

Feature of magic for a fool

Omorochka with the aim of suggesting to a person the things that are necessary and useful for you is an ideal magical weapon.

Just think, because with the help of such a ritual you can drive a person to madness. Especially the professional work of the magician in such a field can even lead to the suicide of the victim. But this is rare, more often a person becomes, for a certain period of life, slightly weak-minded, if this is inherent in the ritual, or his thoughts and actions are completely subject to the magician who works with him.

Such witchcraft belongs to the category of aggressive magic, what you used to call Black rituals. Not every magician can do this kind of work. I came to the first serious results, somewhere in the 5th year of constant practice. It is very important to be able to fully concentrate on the images, you need to be able to play with energy. Then you can make high-quality troubles for beauty or for love, which should not be.

Omorochka with suggestion as a way of protection

It happens that your enemy is stronger than you in some way, and he can cause harm by his actions, setting someone up against you or plotting a bad deed against you. If there are no life options to protect yourself from the dirty tricks of the enemy, call on magic to help, namely the trouble to confuse thoughts and roads. The troubles are different and their effect is different, but there are common features in these rituals.

Omorochka "Mad Woman"

Madness is good because it does not require strong skills, it can be done by a novice practitioner, the main thing is that he knows how to concentrate on the image of the one who will faint.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform a ritual of fooling a temporary insanity of a person, you need to prepare:

A black candle is required for the ritual

  • black candle;
  • photo of the enemy;
  • a thin blue ribbon (but not silk);
  • victim's hair.

There is one nuance in choosing a ribbon or lace for the ritual. I have already said that the ribbon should not be silk or satin, since this fabric does not hold knots well, they will quickly weaken, but we do not need this. The second condition concerns the length of the tape. It should be at least approximately equal in length to the girth of your enemy's head. In no case do not measure by yourself, do not forget that in magic and rituals there is never clarity, and therefore you should not once again endanger your clarity of mind.

How to conduct a ritual

In general, I advise you to maintain a three-day fast before each ritual, study is also not an easy task. And this applies not only to food, but also to sexual relations. But if on other rituals, namely, I advise you, then for this magical action you will need so much strength that I simply still insist that you endure a strict fast.

Since this ritual is aimed at depriving a person of mental clarity, for the ritual we choose a day in the period of the aging moon. But at the same time, if you need emergency action, and it’s still a long time to wait until the right period, just perform the ritual from midnight to dawn at any time, at a time when the moon begins to move towards sunset.

  1. Clear the floor of carpet or runners. Install a candle, light it and wait until the flame burns brightly.
  2. Place a photo of the enemy on the candle. It is best if the wax drips directly onto the image, onto the head.
  3. Next, you need to pick up the tape and say the following words on it:

    As this ribbon winds, so thought is free. As I tie the ribbon, I will polish your mind (name of the enemy)!

  4. Now start tying complex knots on the ribbon, from left to right. By tying knots, you can weave your victim's hair into them. In the process, we repeat the words of the conspiracy:

    Find, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, look away 33 times. Morbid leprosy, eat purity of thoughts, give a swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

  5. Knot the knots tightly, but so that you can untie them later.
  6. When there is no free space left on the tape, put the photo away from the candle, pick up the candle and seal the last knot with wax with these words:

    Everything that has been done, everything is noticed, you don’t have the strength of the mind, you don’t have clear thoughts, you don’t have your own will, and you no longer have your share.

Further, if you plan to free the victim from the action of magic in the future before the power of witchcraft itself comes to naught, fold the photo ribbon and the candle into an envelope. If you don’t think about taking off the mess, then just burn the candle and the photo, and tie the ribbon tightly to a tree branch, let the wind ruffle and confuse it. When tying a ribbon to a tree, say the following words: Not only my power is your decree and head, let the violent wind lead you, let it harass you now, and my work is done.

From the moment you fill the last knot with wax, the magic will begin to work. But there is one more condition. After the ritual, you need to sit down and concentrate. Think about your ill-wisher, about your victim, imagine how he begins to lose his lightness of mind, doing strange things. I am using the render option. That is, I imagine that his thoughts are curling in front of me, like colored ribbons, I take and begin to tie them in knots, confuse them with each other and fill them with black mud.

Omorochka on the silence of the enemy from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova, a Siberian seer and healer, also offers the perfect option to induce confusion on the enemy in order to confuse his thoughts and take them away from you. Such a trouble with the enemy will help to withstand even a strong conflict.

What is needed for the ritual

In order to perform this ritual, you need to find a lone hump in the field.

Before you begin, mark the place where you start your journey. This is done so that you can go a few full circles and close your turn.

Stand so that the hump is on your left side, and start walking around it, uttering a conspiracy for confusion and confusion in thoughts:

I go, I go, I lead, I lead, I buy the blood of the enemy,

I'm selling it, I'll start it, I'll confuse it, I'll wrap it up in my mess. I'll turn my eyes, I'll put confusion on him, I'll go through with the eye of a needle, but I won't let him into the house. I stoll, I strengthen, I baptize with a ring finger: Ana, ala, ysh, alying Century, year, month, week, hour, Minute, second, here and now! Eh, ele, ye, uno! The king of slavery, the spirit of bondage, I, the servant of God (name), know your formula, I read it in the name of Adonai, I close all approaches and roads for my enemy, God's servant (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

This is a pretty powerful ritual. But in its implementation there are some nuances:

  • you need to read the plot in a barely audible whisper, but not mentally, but in a whisper;
  • intonation should be regally imperious, almost commanding tone;
  • it is important in the process of reading the plot to imagine how dementia finds the enemy, he begins to forget everything and becomes aggressive.

After reading the plot three times, close the circle, that is, reach the place from which you started your turn. Stop and say:

It’s okay for my cause, it’s not worth it, both old and young, and the spirit and the devil, and the goblin himself came.

From that moment on, the ritual will take effect and begin to act. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can repeat the ritual for several days in a row. Remember that these troubles are different in their effect and it is not worth putting their action on the same level.

Omorochka on the suggestion of beauty and love

A love mess or a mess for suggesting beauty rightfully ranks second among all types of mess and it's not just that.

Love trouble will help to capture the attention of the desired partner

The troubles are different, the effect they have is different, there are love spells, but this is not our option. Such a mess is not a love spell, but if you need a certain person to consider you an ideal of beauty for a certain time and listen to you, in everything, you can perform this ritual.

What is needed for the ritual

To make a fool for beauty, you need to know three things:

  • conspiracy words;
  • the room where the meeting will take place;
  • sweet preferences of the victim.

The sweet preference of the victim means that you need to know which of the sweets prefers the one on whom you will be performing the ritual of gossip.

How to conduct a ritual

Such a ritual is best done in the room where the meeting will take place, but if this option is not available, then you can work on inducing a faint and at home.

In the period of the growing moon, take a delicacy that your victim loves in your right hand and bite off a piece.

Having tasted the delicacy, mentally say the following words:

As this sweetness is alluring to you, so I will be desirable for you!

All women are stupid

They have bad manners

On all the dresses are curly,

I entered, peacock,

Red girl.

Led a look -

Gathered all the men.

Wherever I go, they follow me.

And you (name) are the most on fire!

Now take a third bite and say this:

From sweetness and joy to weakness and greed. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From this moment on, a slight trouble for love, and for beauty, will begin to take effect.

Omorochka as black magic using runes

Runic layouts, or rather runic staves, have long been known to us as one of the most powerful and most effective ways of witchcraft. It has also long been known that aggressive Black magic and runes have found their application in the areas of inducing a heavy faintness on a person.

Runic becoming - one of the most effective ways of witchcraft

I will suggest that you familiarize yourself with the two most effective camps. In general, different troubles are made with runes, it all depends on what you want to achieve with your work. There is even a mischief that will make your enemy suffer from love for you, with the help of rituals with runes, you can spoil the reputation and health of the enemy.

Camp one: suggestion. Black magic and runes capable of suggestion work simply flawlessly.

Camp two: we induce a sense of guilt. It's no secret that if black magic and runes to induce feelings of guilt are laid out on a person, you can often make his subconscious mind slowly kill himself, or it will help you manipulate your victim, because she will bear a heavy burden, the feeling that she has done something to you.

When using runes, take into account the game of alignment, one wrong line and the rune you draw becomes completely different, and has a completely different goal and will give a completely different effect, and these are troubles that are different in essence already.