The name Jurassic origin and meaning. Yuri meaning of the name - character and fate

The origin of the name Yuri may be of interest due to its rich history. It contains many extraordinary and even tragic events. In Russia this name enjoys special love and popularity. We will talk about its origin and meaning in our article.

Language source

The origin of the name Yuri can make its owner proud. It is one of the options which, in turn, was taken by the Slavs from “Georgos”, translated from Hellenic as “farmer”. There are three similar names in everyday life: George, Yuri and Egor. This is a rare case. It indicates that the name was loved by all segments of the population.

Patron Saints

Yuri is very interesting. The name was included in the calendar after the canonization of George, a warrior who suffered martyrdom at the hands of the pagans in 303. In Rus' he was nicknamed the Victorious. According to legend, he managed to defeat a dragon (a terrible serpent). This feat is depicted on many icons. Since the 14th century, the image of the hero has appeared on the emblem of Moscow. In total, the church celebrates the name days of 16 saints George and Yuri.

Appearance in Rus'

The name Yuri, whose origin is discussed in this article, came to Rus' with the advent of Christianity. Religious tradition prescribed that children should be named in honor of the saints commemorated by the church on the day of baptism. These names were borrowed from foreign languages ​​such as Greek or Latin. Unusual to the Russian ear, they were replaced by variants that were more familiar in sound and meaning.

This is what happened with the name George. They began to call children from the 10th-11th centuries. At first, only persons of the princely family were baptized this way. The name was especially popular in the Rurik dynasty. Later it was distributed among churchmen, and then it found its way into the everyday life of artisans and peasants.

Name forms

The origin of the name Yuri interests many. This form took root in the Russian language tradition earlier than Egor. The most famous bearers in ancient times were Yuri Dolgoruky, the Galician king Yuri the First and the Belozersk prince Yuri. The forms of the name are very diverse, which proves its extreme demand. The word formations “Gyurg”, “Gyurgi”, “Gyuryata”, “Yuryata”, “Egorey” were encountered. Interestingly, the Christian name George was also popular in Europe. The boys were called Iorge, Georges, Gerge. The Jerjis variant has taken root among Muslims.

Autumn Yuri

Our compatriots can associate the name Yuri with many interesting events. The origin of this name carries a special, even sacred meaning. "Autumn" Yuri appeared in the Russian Orthodox calendar in memory of the event that took place on December 9, 1051. Then Yaroslav the Wise and Metropolitan Hilarion consecrated the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Kyiv.

Autumn St. George's Day entered the history of Russia for a rather sad reason. Until the 16th century, peasants who did not have their own plots freely moved from one landowner to another. This was allowed seven days before St. George's Day and a week after it. However, Boris Godunov abolished this right. He assigned the peasants to the boyars and patrimonial lords forever. This is how the proverb appeared: “Here’s St. George’s Day for you, grandma!”

general characteristics

The name Yuri, the origin and meaning of which has been studied in detail, is a bright and extraordinary person. She harmoniously combines good nature with spiritual firmness, intelligence with straightforwardness, pride with indecisiveness. Yura's arsenal includes hard work, methodicality and thoroughness. These qualities will allow him to achieve success in life. Deep down, he hopes for universal recognition, but is too timid to openly seek this. A man most often hides his true feelings, and getting through to him can be difficult. He hides behind numerous masks, but knows how to make a pleasant impression on others.


The name Yuri endows its bearer with an inquisitive mind. The origin and meaning for the boy is very favorable. He is growing independent and serious beyond his years. Loneliness, as well as the disapproval of his peers, does not bother him at all. Yura is a little stingy and does not follow the lead of public opinion.

The boy does not shine in his studies. But he is distinguished by high responsibility. Always keeps his promises and talks to adults as equals. He doesn’t like to be in the spotlight, but he always defends his point of view. Along with positive qualities, negative ones may also appear - pride, envy and intemperance. Parents should monitor their son's behavior. He will always meet you halfway if he feels that it is in his interests.


The name Yuri, whose origin is no secret to anyone, influences its owner in a positive way. For example, he is ambitious but supports healthy competition. It will be interesting for him to fight a worthy opponent. Yura likes to take risks, and he is lucky. He is rightfully considered a lucky man, but he does not abuse it. The work process excites him. He is a very responsible and methodical employee. However, he loves to brag and sometimes suffers from it himself. He won't turn out to be a businessman, nor will he be a leader. But he will be an excellent performer in production. In addition, Yuri is a very creative person. It costs him nothing to succeed in art. He has good taste and an excellent sense of beauty.


Lovely ladies are attracted to the bearer of the name we are describing. They are interested in the origin of the name Yuri, what qualities it gives to its bearer. After all, one of its owners - Yuri Gagarin - became a real legend of his time. Since then, the name of the hero has caressed the ears of the fairer sex. Yura loves to court women out of sport, but deep down he is a monogamist. A man maintains close relationships with only one partner. He is truly devoted to her. Yura likes well-dressed people with an interesting appearance and bright charisma. He is very susceptible to external gloss, while the spiritual qualities of his partner interest him in the last place. In sex, he cares first of all about himself. However, he is saved by his courtesy and gallantry.

Family life

The name Yuri makes its owner quarrelsome. His origin does not save him. He may be a “farmer” - the breadwinner, the support of the family, but he does not know how to find a common language with his partner. At the same time, family is very important to him, so he is sincerely experiencing another breakup. Our hero needs a calm, patient and loving woman who will smooth out the rough edges in any situation. As a reward, she will receive a reverent father and a devoted husband who will not find fault with little things and demand pickles on the table. However, Yuri has a serious drawback - he is very jealous. He himself will never cheat and will not allow his wife. It will not happen without shouting and showdowns, even if the other half did not give any reason for this. Yuri's vulnerable pride will often provoke him, and his wife will have to come to terms with this.


The name Yura is still very popular among the population. The origin and meaning of this name evokes pleasant associations among people. Boys are called Yuri four to five times more often than Georgiy. Egor has practically fallen out of use altogether. However, the tendency to name their offspring with ancient beautiful names is only increasing. Therefore, “Egor” may well overtake “Yuri” over time. Sweet-sounding and courageous names are firmly rooted in the Russian language. The people named by them accomplished many glorious and useful deeds.

Short and diminutive options: Yura, Yurochka, Yuronka, Yurasik, Yurastik, Yurushka, Yurochek, Yuranya, Yurasha, Yurakha, Yurenya, Yurchenya, Yuka, Yusha.

Patronymics: Yuryevich, Yuryevna.

Analogues of the name in other languages: Belarusian Yagor, Yurka, Yur"ya, Yuras, Bulgarian Georgi, Ukrainian Yuriy, Yurko, German Georg, English George, Spanish Jorge, French Georges, Italian Giorgio, lit. Jurgis, Dutch Joris, Polish Jerzy , Portuguese Jorge, Czech Jiri, Slovak Juraj.

Origin of the name "Yuri"

Yuri is the Slavic form of the name Georgiy, which means "farmer". Despite the fact that this name did not arise as an independent name, it leaves a completely different imprint on its bearer.

His patrons are the same as those of Georgiev and Egorov. The most famous of them is St. George the Victorious, whose day is celebrated on December 9. The Holy Great Martyr, George began his life as a simple warrior, however, having been inspired during the persecution of Christians, he adopted Christianity. Having endured severe torture, he died for the faith, and then became one of the most popular saints both in Russia and in Europe. It appears on the coats of arms of several cities, including Moscow.

George is the patron of Venice and England, adorns the Russian state seal and the coat of arms of Moscow.

Yuri usually combines good nature and cheerfulness with firmness and aggressiveness. They know how to get their way, they are ironic and charming.

As a child, Yura is usually restless, active, often gets into trouble and gets injured, but if you scold him too much, he becomes aggressive. It is very difficult for him to experience injustice on the part of his parents.

Adult Yuri is brave, noble, knows how to control himself and at the same time is completely charming in communication. It's hard to believe that Yuri is calm and self-absorbed most of the time. He will react to everything rather restrainedly, and in addition, he is prone to philosophizing and contemplation. This is far from his appearance.

Yuri looks like an artistic person. He has perfected gestures and manner of speaking, it feels like he rehearsed for a long time in front of the mirror so that those around him would definitely notice him. But this is a wrong impression, because Yuri usually does not strive for recognition. He is not deprived of the attention of women, although again he does not chase him at all.

Yuri does not strive to start a relationship at all, he shows passivity, and women usually take the initiative into their own hands. Yuri does not trust women, looks at them with caution and is very picky in his relationships, although it is difficult for him to refuse a woman anything. Therefore, it is difficult to call him lucky in love.

Yuri has been looking for his chosen one for quite a long time, but when he meets her, he begins to persistently pursue her, and in the end he turns out to be a good husband, gentle, caring and attentive, and since Yuri’s tastes and affections are constancy, he retains his love for many years. Helps his wife with housework and takes care of the well-being of the family. However, since Yuri is usually very attached to his mother, his wife will have to learn to maintain a good relationship with her. In everyday life, Yuri is completely unpretentious, and either his mother or his wife should take care of his clothes, since he often forgets to take care of dressing neatly and beautifully.

Yuri is well versed in technology, he has an excellent memory, and he also excels in any leadership position, no matter what he has to manage. In companies he is always visible, but this visibility is given to him without the slightest effort.

Horoscope named after "Yuri"

Yuri is patronized by Sagittarius and Aquarius, and his planet is the thunderer Jupiter. Yuri's plants are poplar and lily of the valley, and his totem animal is a white bull. His lucky colors are blue, deep orange, steel, brown, and sometimes red. Talisman stones that bring Yuri happiness are emerald, jade, chrysoprase.

Name compatibility

A happy marriage awaits Yuri with Aza, Alevtina, Angela, Antonina, Lilia, Raisa, Sophia,. But Yuri shouldn’t enter into this alliance with Ada, Alla, Veronica, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inga, Tatyana: it’s unlikely that anything good will come of it.

Yuri and pets

Yuri, as a rule, loves animals. For fun, he gets small dogs like Sheltie and Pug. But he is far-sighted, he knows that breeding dogs can bring good income, for this purpose he gets purebred dogs such as Great Danes and Bulldogs, he is constantly interested in which breed is the most prestigious at the moment, and can find his way on the go. He is seriously involved in raising dogs, strictly adheres to their diet, and goes for walks with them himself.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Yuri, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):

  • 1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
  • 1924-1932: 93 (3rd place)
  • 1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
  • 1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
  • 2008: (not in the top ten)

Meaning and Origin: Yuri is the Russian form of the Greek name Georgiy, meaning "farmer". Another form of this name is Egor.

Energy and Karma: the name Yuri in its energy is quite catchy, cheerful and at the same time firm.

Purely subjectively, it looks like a piece of gutta-percha, from which you can make either a cheerful, brightly colored children's ball or a rubber baton. Or you can do both in one person. In a word, a lot here depends on upbringing, although, of course, most Yurievs combine good nature in their character with firmness and the ability to achieve their own.

Secrets of communication: in case of any conflicts with Yuri, it is advisable not to let them take their course and still try to come to some kind of agreement. Otherwise, there is very little chance that Yura will soften over time and regain his goodwill. When talking with him, try not to be offended by his somewhat ironic manner of communication.

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Name colors: deep orange, steel, brown, sometimes red.
  • Talisman stone: jade, chrysoprase.

Meaning of the name Yuri option 2

Slavic form of the name George (farmer). Yuri is a calm, somewhat self-absorbed person. Restrained behavior and a philosophical mindset come into some conflict with his appearance.

Yuri's gestures, facial expressions, and manner of speaking are distinguished by some artistry. Women immediately feel affection for them. However, his artistry is a purely natural property. Yuri does not care at all about attracting the attention of the fairer sex. He can be said to be even a little passive in this regard, and women sometimes have to take the initiative into their own hands. In family life, Yuri is more careful. He takes care of the material well-being of the family and helps his wife with housework. Yuri's wife must be able to maintain an even relationship with his mother; he honors her until she is very old.

He finds happiness in marriage, as a rule, with Aza, Alevtina, Angela, Antonina, Galina, Daria, Zinaida, Larisa, Lydia, Lily, Lyubov, Natalya, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Svetlana, Sofia, Tamara. The likelihood of a successful marriage with Ada, Alla, Veronica, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inga, Tatyana is low.

Meaning of the name Yuri option 3

As a child, he was a restless, very active, lively boy. Starting to walk, he shows extraordinary activity and curiosity. It is advisable to spend as much time as possible with him on the playground, in the park, or at the zoo. In the house he feels like he is in a confined space and is capricious.

He is transforming in the team, but he needs an eye and an eye. He is susceptible to injury, always walking around with bruises, broken knees, and bumps on his head. You should not punish Yuri, otherwise you will make him aggressive. He himself does not know how he finds himself in situations where he necessarily becomes a victim. Unfair attitude of parents can cause nervous shock in him.

Meaning of the name Yuri option 4

Yuri - from Greek. farmer, formed from the name George.

Derivatives: Yura, Yuranya, Yurasya, Yurakha, Yurasha, Yurenya, Yurchenya, Yuka, Yusha.

Name days: January 21, February 4, 17, 24, March 6, April 17, 20, May 2, 6, 26, 29, June 8, August 31, November 16, 23, December 9.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs. Yuri brought spring to the threshold.

  • What the wolf has in its teeth, Yuri gave!
  • The rich are well-fed on St. George’s Day, but the poor endure until the Savior.
  • Here's to you, grandma, and St. George's Day!
  • Yuriev's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments. Yuri dropped the dew. Drive the animal to St. George's dew.
  • If Yury has a birch leaf in a bowl, then for the Assumption (Ilya’s Day) put the bread in the bowl.


Yuri is a whole storehouse of positive qualities: he is noble, reserved, and knows how to control himself even in the most difficult situations. The wise old man will envy his prudence; the young horseman will envy his tenacity, courage, courage. He likes to philosophize, is very artistic and attractive. Women are crazy about him, but he is very picky and is in no hurry to tie himself to family ties; He generally looks down on women, even with some suspicion. Having met love and made a choice, Yuri does not calm down, and his wife has to be constantly on alert.

Meaning of the name Yuri option 5

YURI- farmer (Greek).

Name day: see George

  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Blue color.
  • A favorable tree is poplar.
  • The treasured plant is lily of the valley.
  • The patron of the name is the white bull.
  • The talisman stone is emerald.


Calm, noble, restrained, reasonable, he has amazing self-control. However, at the same time he has artistic manners, he is generally an actor by nature. Yuri is a philosopher and warrior rolled into one, very persistent, brave, capable of achieving a lot in life. He has been unlucky in love for a long time, he is distrustful of women, however, having met his only one, he will not give up on her.

Meaning of the name Yuri option 6

Yuri is persistent in his views and judgments. Silent, reserved. Has a philosophical mindset. He performs well in any profession and in leadership positions. Monogamous Constant in tastes and affections. With women he is gentle and even.

He often becomes a victim of their harassment, since he does not know how to refuse women.

He is cheerful, artistic, and therefore Yuri is always visible in the company. This is his natural quality, and not a desire to show off or show off. Yuri is not at all interested in his appearance; It is the merit of his mother or wife that he is always neat and elegant.

Unpretentious. He drives a car well and has a good understanding of technology. He has an excellent memory and reads a lot. However, the epistolary genre does not attract him - Yuri does not like to write letters, although he has had beautiful handwriting since childhood.

Forms of the name Yuri

Short form of the name Yuri. Yura, Yurik, Yuranya, Yurasya, Yurakha, Yurasha. Synonyms for the name Yuri. , Yrjo, Jorgen, Jorn, Jori.

Short and diminutive options: Yura, Yurochka, Yuronka, Yurasik, Yurastik, Yurushka, Yurochek, Yuranya, Yurasha, Yurakha, Yurenya, Yurchenya, Yuka, Yusha.

Patronymics: Yuryevich, Yuryevna.

The name Yuri in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 尤里 (Yóu lǐ). Japanese: ゆり (Yuri). Armenian: Յուրի (Yuri). Hindi: यूरी (Yūrī). Ukrainian: Yuriy. Greek: Γιούρι (Gioúri). English: Yuri (Yuri).

Analogues of the name in other languages: Belarusian Yagor, Yurka, Yur"ya, Yuras, Bulgarian Georgi, Ukrainian Yuriy, Yurko, German Georg, English George, Spanish Jorge, French Georges, Italian Giorgio, lit. Jurgis, Dutch Joris, Polish Jerzy , Portuguese Jorge, Czech Jiri, Slovak Jura

Origin of the name Yuri

The name Yuri is the Russian form of a Greek name meaning “farmer”; this version is the main one. The name Yuri is. It is possible that after the advent of Christianity in Rus', the Slavic pagan name was given a new life.

Yuri's character

Yuri's boys are very quiet as children. They are somewhat withdrawn, often living in their own world. They are very fond of quiet, quiet activities - fishing, growing plants, caring for animals, collecting. Yuri is focused, thoughtful and not quick to make decisions.

Yuri does not like to attract the attention of others, but people themselves are drawn to him, since the owner of this name is not devoid of charisma. People feel in him a strong, strong-willed personality.

His neatness, pedantry and natural beauty help him find true friends. In marriage, Yuri is faithful and loves children. But all initiatives in family life, all innovations in Yuri’s usual habitual way of life always come from his wife. This also applies to vacation trips, purchasing a car or home, visiting or receiving guests. Yuri is a very homely owner, loves comfort and order.

The secret of the name Yuri

He quickly wins the sympathy of women. He is artistic and some people think that such a man behaves in a pretentious manner. But it is not so. Yuri is artistic by nature.

Such a man does not like to conquer women. It is absolutely the same to him whether he made an impression on the fair sex. He is passive and many women around him take the initiative themselves.

Yuri begins to be active only after getting married. Then he takes care of the material well-being of his family and tries to make it better. He always helps his wife. Such a man wants his wife to treat her mother-in-law well. In addition, he himself honors his mother.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Name color: blue
Radiation: 97%
Planets: Jupiter
Talisman stone: emerald
Plant: poplar
Totem animal: white bull
Basic character traits: will, excitability, intuition

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 89%
Psyche: communicative
Health: prone to loss of immunity. The desire for an easy and fun life can lead to alcohol or drug addiction.

Numerology of the name Yuri

Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines the large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves on the positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Variegated, changeable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The name Yuri as a phrase

Yu (YU = U) Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
Y Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i - Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Yuri

Yu - the desire for truth, the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the ability for self-sacrifice and at the same time for cruel acts, supposedly dictated by higher considerations.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
Y - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

Sexuality of the name Yuri

It is quite difficult to captivate him emotionally, he can stay with you for a long time without showing any outward signs of falling in love, and you will decide that he simply has no heart, but this is not so - he is cordial towards women. As soon as he decides that you are his true chosen one, he will immediately let you know this. Having fallen in love, he will burn with an even sexual flame and surround you with attention and warmth. Aren't these all the qualities of a fairy-tale prince? Yuri asserts himself in the world through love and is afraid to admit it to himself.

“Winter” Yuri loves to have sex for a long time, he is inventive, relaxed, enjoying a woman to the fullest, can forgive her any shortcomings and will never leave her in trouble. But in return he expects the same attitude. If a woman does not live up to his trust, he may withdraw into himself.

Having met a woman, Yuri would willingly immediately go to bed with her, but his experience tells him that very few women react positively to such haste.

Yuri is affectionate in bed, his sexual capabilities in favorable conditions simply drive women crazy. He receives true satisfaction when he is completely immersed in his sensations.

Yuri is characterized by good speech, manners, and strict self-control. His sociability has boundaries that he does not cross with a woman. Yuri is attentive to little things that women do not attach such importance to. He has an excellent memory, remembers all the minor details of intimacy.

Yuri is indifferent to accessible women who respond to the first call; it is important for him to conquer a woman who knows her worth, is equal to him, and stands on the same level of the social ladder as him.

Yuri is closer to “summer” women.

The meaning of the name Yuri for life

Yuri is so calm, restrained in emotions and feelings that many seem phlegmatic. Hidden, self-absorbed. He is inclined to philosophical understanding of life and his place in it. Usually of a strong build, tall, imposing, which completely contradicts his inner content. Artistry is visible in his gestures, facial expressions, and manner of speaking. Yuri cares little about attracting someone's attention, but he never goes unnoticed. Women are not indifferent to him, and he is even and attentive with them. Ladies often take advantage of his reliability. His passivity in behavior is interpreted by them in different ways, the more courageous take the initiative into their own hands, and those who are lucky win his heart and are never disappointed in him. Yuri is monogamous and constant in his affections. A wonderful owner, loves children. His family comes first. Cheerful and simple-minded with friends, always visible in any company. Likes to organize holidays and picnics in nature. He is an excellent cook and has his own signature dishes, which are certainly on the menu every time friends gather at his house. If he sees that his wife does not know how to spend money, is too frugal, she takes the family budget into her own hands and manages it herself. Yuri always has money, he knows how to earn money and spend it rationally. Yuri spares no expense in raising his children, tries to give them a good education, including music or choreography, helps them settle into an independent life, and takes an active part in it.

Meaning of the name Yuri for sex

“Winter” Yuri likes to have sex for a long time, he is inventive, liberated, enjoying a woman to the fullest; can forgive her any shortcomings and will never leave her in trouble. But in return he expects the same attitude. In bed, Yuri is affectionate, his sexual capabilities simply drive women crazy. He receives true satisfaction when he is completely immersed in his sensations. Yuri is indifferent to available women who respond to the first call. It is important for him to conquer an equal, who knows his worth, standing on the same rung of the social ladder.

Compatibility of the name Yuri and patronymic

Yuri Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich is careful and prudent with new people, chooses friends carefully, but is not inclined to measure everyone with the same yardstick , knows how to find good qualities in every person. Charming, sociable, has a well-developed sense of humor. It's a pleasure to spend time with him; in any company they are happy to see him, in every home he is a welcome guest. Yuri is energetic, balanced, restrained in his feelings. With women he is soft, gentle, but careful, rarely gets into unforeseen situations. He is not prone to casual relationships, has a permanent partner, becomes very attached to her, and most likely she becomes his wife. If Yuri marries early, then such a marriage is most often unsuccessful. In his youth, he is too trusting and idealizes his girlfriends. After several years of married life, he understands that he made a mistake in his choice, but may not get a divorce until the children get on their feet. In general, Yuri is a reliable husband, a good master of the house, and a caring father. If he marries after twenty-six to twenty-seven years, the marriage is happy.

Yuri Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is too sensitive, nervous, unbalanced. Cunning and distrustful. Very temperamental, seductive and attractive to women. He has many lovers and treats each of them well. Attentive, prudent, gallant. With all his inconstancy, this Yuri urgently needs a strong, strong-willed life partner, so he takes the choice of a wife very seriously, wants to see her intellectual, collected, decisive and independent, although her external characteristics and sexual temperament do not go unnoticed. Yuri believes that sex plays an important role in married life. He is devoted to his family, a thrifty, attentive husband, a loving father. He is very jealous and vigilantly monitors the behavior of his beautiful wife in the company of men. Yuri is a subtle, highly sensitive nature, merciful, sensitive to changes in family relationships, to the mood of his wife and loved ones. A good psychologist, he has well-developed intuition. Often he fails in his first marriage, has a hard time going through a divorce, and does not marry for a long time. He does not forget his children, but all his concerns are limited to material support and fairly frequent meetings, accompanied by various entertainment for children, but not upbringing. In the second marriage, luck accompanies him, the marriage is stronger. Another child is born, and his wife is involved in raising him. But in the household, it is much easier for the wife than for other women: Yuri knows what to buy for the house, takes care of its improvement, helps his wife around the house, and does not divide work into purely female and purely male. He can cook, especially if he is expecting guests - then he himself works magic in the kitchen, he has several signature dishes that are sure to be on the festive table.

Yuri Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich - a stubborn, domineering, wayward person. Cunning, smart, flexible and diplomatic. He is polite and attentive to women, but he cannot be called a heartthrob. He is more busy with his own life, his own world, in which he feels comfortable and confident. Many do not understand him, they consider him arrogant, withdrawn and distrustful. This Yuri has several devoted friends and is not at all interested in the lives of his many friends. Shows great interest in the spiritual side of life, loves art, theater, cinema, and is well versed in music. He calmly accepts criticism addressed to him, is inclined to analyze mistakes, but quickly becomes despondent from failures and has difficulty surviving them. He is insatiable in knowledge, thanks to his good memory he easily absorbs any information. A strong personality, never loses his individuality. Women are attracted to his intellect, intelligence, erudition, and charm. Yuri is not a conqueror; rather, the woman will have to prove to him that she is the one destined for him by fate. He is in no hurry to start a family; first he builds a serious financial base. Marries a friend with similar interests, the same life values, and a measured lifestyle. He really appreciates her devotion, wants to see her as a like-minded person, a loyal friend. He is not demanding in everyday life, does not interfere in household affairs, and completely trusts his wife to manage the family budget. He is unpretentious in food, can be content with a hastily prepared dinner, and always praises his wife’s culinary abilities. He doesn’t like to cook himself, but he won’t go hungry if his wife is not at home, he will feed the children. He is attentive with children, helps them develop spiritually, but is raised by their spouse.

Yuri Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is too straightforward. He has a highly developed sense of justice, which brings him a lot of trouble. Independent, freedom-loving, energetic and temperamental. He is unusually hot-tempered, but knows how to restrain his emotions and avoid conflicts. This Yuri is ambitious, inclined to overestimate himself, and has a high opinion of his person. The reinsurer thinks for a long time about his every step. Excessively amorous, easily carried away, quickly lights up, but if a woman does not immediately fall at his feet, she cools down just as quickly. He is fickle in his affections and impatient in intimate matters. But the same cannot be said about Yuri when he chooses his life partner. In this matter, he is unusually careful and unhurried; he hesitates for a long time to propose to his chosen one; so sometimes his beloved gets tired of waiting and marries someone else. Only a patient, sincerely loving woman can become his wife. It is impossible to force him into marriage, blackmail him, or try to tie him to you. Such actions will only cause a backlash. He will never marry a woman who behaves like this. Yuri is a good owner of the family; he values ​​family most of all in life; he builds family relationships on mutual trust and respect. Not prone to love affairs with other women, although fleeting hobbies are not excluded. Yuri is a craftsman, he does everything around the house. If the relationship with his wife is warm, without quarrels and scandals, he willingly helps her and is not afraid of any work. Takes an active part in raising children.

Yuri Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich has a subtle innate mind and sparkling humor. He is insightful and critical, he has well-developed intuition. He is quick-tempered, hot-tempered, but rarely loses his temper and is known as a cheerful, carefree person. Proud and brave. He loves women very much, is gallant with them, and knows how to care for them. Intimate intimacy loses all interest for him if it is not preceded by pleasant intellectual communication. This Yuri values ​​intelligence in a woman above all else. He takes only an intellectually rich woman as his wife. He is not interested in good-looking dummies; one-time connections with them do not remain in his memory. The wife of such Yuri, as a rule, is happily married. Yuri knows how to carry love throughout his life, although entertainment with other women takes place, but it does not in any way affect family relationships. He is a very good husband, as long as you don’t put pressure on him or try to lead him. In this case, Yuri is compliant, lenient, able to forgive his wife for any offense, to satisfy any of her whims. He is very attached to his family, loves his home, which he enjoys improving himself. An attentive and loving father. Enjoys authority among children. Children of different sexes are born. For his daughter, Yuri is the ideal man; she chooses a man who is somewhat similar to her father as her husband. The son follows in his father’s footsteps and chooses the same profession as his, constantly uses his advice and knowledge, and greatly values ​​his opinion.

Positive traits of the name

Purposefulness, sociability, curiosity, desire for self-affirmation. Yuri strives to communicate with interesting people, tries to gain life experience and knowledge from them. He is unforgiving and able to forgive offense.

Negative traits of the name

Excessive enthusiasm, arrogance. Yuri turns out to be uncontrollable if someone decides to interfere with him or tries to use him for their own purposes. Capable of rash actions.

Choosing a profession by name

Yuri is haunted by the secrets of the universe. He can prove himself as a geologist, biologist, archaeologist, or design engineer. He has a developed gift of words. He can engage in teaching activities. There are many talented people of art and outstanding commanders among the Yurievs.

The impact of a name on business

Yuri's financial situation is unstable.

The influence of a name on health

Yuri's body is prone to loss of immunity. The desire for an easy and fun life can lead to alcohol or drug addiction.

Psychology of a name

In communication, Yuri appreciates lively interest and ease. He himself likes to add “for the sake of words.” It is necessary to maintain his faith in his own strength, talent, and abilities.

Characteristics of the name Yuri according to B. Khigir

This name is a Slavic form of the name Georgiy, meaning "farmer". Yuri is a calm person, focused on his inner world. As a child, he loves to look at the clouds floating across the sky. He has a touching attitude towards animals; he can pick up a stray dog ​​and care for it. His appearance is in conflict with his reserved behavior and philosophical mindset. Yuri's gestures and manner of speaking are distinguished by some artistry. He studies well at school and college, is diligent and persistent in achieving his goals. Can successfully work as an engineer, plasterer, electrician, trainer. He is respected by his colleagues in the team, but prefers to avoid large and noisy companies. Yuri does not care about attracting the attention of women. They themselves pay attention to it. His natural artistry immediately endears women to him. Yuri takes a slightly passive position and the woman has to take the initiative into her own hands. In family life he is careful. Shows concern for the children and helps his wife with housework. Yuri's wife must be able to maintain an even relationship with her mother-in-law.

Yuri and pets

Yuri, as a rule, loves animals. For fun, he gets small dogs like Sheltie and Pug. But he is far-sighted, he knows that breeding dogs can bring good income, for this purpose he gets purebred dogs such as Great Danes and Bulldogs, he is constantly interested in which breed is the most prestigious at the moment, and can find his way on the go. He is seriously involved in raising dogs, strictly adheres to their diet, and goes for walks with them himself.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Yuri, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: 93 (3rd place)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not in the top ten)

Famous people named Yuri

Yuri Gagarin (cosmonaut)
Yuri Dolgoruky (Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Monomakh)
Yuri Vsevolodovich (Grand Duke of Vladimir)
Yuri Levitan (all-Union radio announcer)
Yuri Grigorovich (ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher (born 1927))
Yuri Nikulin (circus performer, film actor (1921–1997))
Yuri Bashmet (outstanding Russian violist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
Yuri Senkevich (traveler, doctor, TV presenter (born 1937))
Erjan Ramberg (Swedish stage and film actor)
Yrjo Lindegren ((1900 - 1952) Finnish architect)
Yuri Olesha (writer, author of the book “Three Fat Men” (1899–1960))
Yuri Vizbor (playwright)
Jorgen Mohr ((1640-1697) Danish mathematician)
Jorgen Leth ((born 1937) Danish poet and film director)
Yuri Lotman (literary critic, cultural critic, historian (1922–1994))
Yuri Luzhkov (Russian politician, second mayor of Moscow (1992-2010), dean of the Faculty of Management of Large Cities at the International University in Moscow)
Yuri Andropov (politician)
Yuri Antonov (singer)
Yuri Zhivago (the main character of Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago)
Yuri Bogatyrev (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
Yuri Yakovlev (theater and film actor)
Yuri Timoshenko (pseudonym - Tarapunka; Soviet pop artist and film actor)
Yuri Roerich (orientalist scientist)
Yuri German (writer, playwright, screenwriter)
Yuri Vizbor (bard, film actor, journalist, writer, screenwriter)
Yuri Katin-Yartsev (theater and film actor, teacher)
Yuri Solomin (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
Yuri Rytkheu (Chukchi Soviet writer)
Jorn Utzon ((1918-2008) Danish architect, author of the Sydney Opera House building)
Jorgen Jonsson (Swedish ice hockey player)
Göran Högosta (Swedish ice hockey player)
Jyrki Seppä (Finnish ice hockey player)
Jüri Jaakkola (Finnish public figure)
Jori Hulkkonen (Finnish DJ)
Matti Jyrjana Joensuu (Finnish writer, author of detective novels)

Famous names bearers

Yuri Petrogradsky - martyr; Yuri Dolgoruky - Rostov-Suzdal, Kiev prince, son of Vladimir Monomakh; Yuri Vsevolodovich - Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Vsevolod the Big Nest; Yuri Shemyakin-Pronsky - Russian governor of the 16th century, prince, close associate of Ivan the Terrible; Yuri Radziwill - Lithuanian prince, nicknamed the Winner for his victories; Yuri Lisyansky - Russian navigator, captain of the 1st rank; Yuri Panteleev - military leader, admiral; Yuri Gagarin - cosmonaut, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union; Yuri Kondratyuk - the founder of Russian cosmonautics; Yuri Pobedonostsev - Soviet designer in the field of rocket science; Yuri Nagibin, Yuri Olesha, Yuri Tynyanov - writers; Yuri Pan, Yuri Pimenov - artists; Yuri Nikulin - circus performer, clown, People's Artist of the USSR.

Yuri celebrates Orthodox name days

Yuri is a sonorous name. It gives its owner a changeable character. Today such a man reflects philosophically on the frailty of existence, and tomorrow he is having a blast at a party. In many ways, the character of the owner of this name depends on the time of year when he was born.

Origin of the name

The name Yuri is of ancient Greek origin. This is the Slavic form of the word George. Translated, it means “farmer.” Now these names are used as independent names and have many analogues in different countries.

Forms of the name Yuri

Short name forms:

  • Yurka;
  • Yurchik;
  • Yurets;
  • Yurakha.

Diminutive forms:

  • Yurochka;
  • Yuronka;
  • Yurasya;
  • Yurasik;
  • Yurochek;
  • Yuranya;
  • Yurasha.

Related names are Egor and Georgy.

When writing poems about a man with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Yuri - gloomy, guriy, fury, figure, literature; Yura - engraving, overture, bill, miniature.

Photo gallery: name forms

Yuri - full form of the name
Yura - the most popular short form of the name Yurochka - one of the variants of affectionate address to Yuri

The church form of the name is George.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is IURII.

The patronymics formed from this name are Yuryevich and Yuryevna.

Yuryevichs are proud, somewhat lazy and amorous. They do not strive for leadership either at work or in the family. The Yuryevnas are intelligent and erudite. Such girls have powerful energy.

Table: name options in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
EnglishGeorge, YuriGeorge, Yuri
Chinese尤裡 Yuli
Korean유리 Yuri
Japaneseユリ Yuri
GermanGeorg, Jürg, JürgenGeorg, Jurg, Jurgen
DanishJørgenJorn, Yoren
Swedish, Norwegian, IcelandicJörgenJörgen
GreekΓεώργιος, Γιώργης Georgios, Yorgis
PolishJerzy, JurekJerzy, Jurek
Romanian, MoldovanGheorghe, IorguGheorghe, Jorgu

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Yuri:

  • Anatolevich;
  • Grigorievich;
  • Igorevich;
  • Petrovich;
  • Yurevich.
  • yury;
  • yuriy;
  • yura;
  • yury;
  • yurii.

Songs with this name: “Yura, forgive me” by the group “NeAngely”, “Yuri Gagarin” by the group “Bravo”, “How Yura saw us off on our flight” by Lyudmila Zykina.

Video: song about Yura by the group “NeAngely”

Patron saints of Yuri and name day dates

Of the 34 patron saints of Yuri, the most revered is the Great Martyr George the Victorious. This brave warrior lived in Cappadocia in the 2nd century. He denounced Emperor Diocletian, one of the most ruthless persecutors of Christians, of injustice. George was brutally tortured and executed.

Saint George is the patron of warriors and farmers.

St. George the Victorious - patron saint of Yuriev

Together with Georgiy, Yuri celebrates his name day:

  • January 11, 21 and 30;
  • February 4, 10, 17, 24 and 27;
  • March 6, 17, 18, 23 and 24;
  • April 5, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 26;
  • May 2, 6, 10, 26 and 29;
  • June 8, 18, 19 and 27;
  • July 10 and 16;
  • August 3 and 31;
  • September 6 and 21;
  • October 2 and 15;
  • November 3, 10, 16 and 23;
  • December 9, 16 and 31.

It is believed that on the day of St. George the Victorious, May 6, dew has healing powers. In the morning it was collected and used to treat various diseases, as well as to remove the evil eye.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive character traits of Yuri:

  • endurance;
  • determination;
  • communication skills;
  • desire to constantly improve oneself.

Negative qualities:

  • arrogance;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • tendency to act rashly.

Yurochka in childhood

Yurochka is a smart, cheerful, calm and persistent child. He is always ready to answer for his actions. He prefers quiet games, has a rich imagination, and practically does not need to communicate with peers. While fantasizing, a boy can spend a long time alone.

As a child, Yurochka was calm and serious.

The little owner of this name knows the limits of pranks and lends itself well to education, so parents and Yura do not have any difficulties. The boy does not tolerate baby talk; it is important for the child that his opinion is taken into account at the family council. Yurochka is honest, does not tolerate hypocrisy, and is always ready to answer for the consequences of his actions. He is not indifferent to the troubles and problems of others, and helps parents and peers whenever possible.

Yura is doing well at school; he is attentive and diligent in class. True, if the subject does not really interest him, the boy will not waste time studying it. At the same time, he does not give in to any persuasion, since he believes that most of the school subjects will not be useful to him in life. But the child participates in creative competitions with great enthusiasm.

Yura the teenager

In his youth, Yura is balanced and reasonable. He is slow in work and study, but his determination and hard work help him achieve great success. He is an optimistic, responsive and sociable guy. True, such a young man does not believe in true friendship and devotion, he is inclined not to trust anyone, for him friends are those with whom he can have fun, and nothing more.

My former classmate Yura was quite successful at school. It was not clear to him how he could learn a poem during recess before class or copy off his homework. The guy always took his classes responsibly and respected those who shared his opinion. However, he did not show much zeal for those subjects that he did not particularly like.

In his youth, Yura was reserved and responsible

Young Yuri has good manners and is a reserved and polite young man. In his aspirations, the guy respects the boundaries of what is permitted. Incapable of betrayal. This young man is the master of his word, he certainly keeps his promises. He prefers to solve problems on his own. Even if difficulties arise, he will not ask anyone for help.

Yura is a persistent and purposeful guy. He sets high goals for himself and achieves them, overcoming all obstacles. True, getting used to quick victories, the young man may begin to be lazy and stop making efforts in the hope that a successful situation is about to turn up.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult man

According to Boris Khigir, Yuri is prudent, reasonable and secretive. He does not open up to everyone he knows; this man’s trust still needs to be earned. In communication, he prefers neutral topics that will definitely not hurt the feelings of the interlocutor. Yura's courtesy, restraint and delicacy attract the attention of women.

According to Mendelev, this name gives a man a good-natured disposition and prudence. Yuri has excellent self-control, he has a rich inner world. He never stops there. During his life, Yura usually masters several professions. He is an optimistic, open and sociable person; he easily makes new acquaintances, which over time turn into strong friendships.

According to Mendelev, Yuri is reliable, smart and reserved

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima claim that the owner of this name always knows what he wants from life. If he has something in mind, he will make every effort to realize his idea. Yuri is hardworking, persistent, reasonable and responsible. But he also knows how to have fun. Such a man has an excellent sense of humor. Yura's simplicity and ease help him get acquainted and communicate. True, even in a relaxed state he does not lose his vigilance. It is difficult to deceive him, since behind the cheerfulness of this person lies firmness and a clear mind.

The character of Yuri Gagarin largely confirms the above version. Many spoke about the soft and delicate disposition of the first cosmonaut. People, even those born long after his historic flight, easily recognize his charming smile. At the same time, relatives and friends of this man note Yuri’s perseverance, responsibility and hard work. They note the depth of his inner world and thoughtfulness with boundless optimism and cheerfulness.

Talents and hobbies

Yuri prefers active recreation, he is attracted to cycling and spending time in nature with friends. He is also partial to sports, strives to keep himself in shape, and goes to the gym. The owner of this name has a weakness for animals, so he usually has several pets at home, which Yura carefully takes care of.

Sport is Yuri's main hobby

Yuri's career and business

Hardworking and responsible Yuri conscientiously fulfills his duties. At work he is responsible and reasonable. He is comfortable in the position of a subordinate, but a man can also cope with the position of a leader. The bosses appreciate Yura for his diligence and initiative, this gives him the opportunity to develop and rapidly climb the career ladder.

This man knows his worth, so he will not waste time on a low-paying job. Yuri is confident in his capabilities; if he considers that his previous position does not bring him a decent income, he will change it without regret.

In his work, Yuri values ​​the amount of financial remuneration and the opportunity for career growth

Yura often thinks about starting his own business, but he is impatient and prone to doing reckless things. Such a man does not know how to calculate the situation and plan his actions. The desire to get everything at once leads you astray, and this can lead to major financial problems.


An unstable work schedule and lack of proper rest can lead Yuri to nervous disorders. From here, a man usually develops bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol, which are very difficult for him to get rid of.

Yura in love and marriage

Yuri is not without charm; women show a keen interest in him. But not all representatives of the fair sex manage to attract the attention of such a man, since by nature he is monogamous. In relationships, the owner of this name is far from a romantic; he will not shout about his feelings loudly, so his chosen one often lacks compliments and pleasant words from her beloved.

Yuri is a monogamous man, he has been looking for his other half for a long time

Having met his true love, Yura radically changes his behavior. He becomes more attentive and courteous. The owner of this name in love devotes a lot of time to his other half, surrounding her with love and tenderness. But Yuri can only be interested in a woman with a difficult character, whose affection still needs to be won.

Such a man gets married solely out of mutual and sincere love, but over time he understands that feelings alone are not enough to build a happy and strong relationship. Usually the first attempt to start a family turns out to be a failure for Yura. The owner of this name feels comfortable with a flexible and modest girl who does not give him reasons for jealousy. Yuri will become a loving husband and caring father only next to a woman who supports him in all his endeavors and forgives the character imperfections of her chosen one.

Table: compatibility with female names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Olga70% 70% Yuri attracts Olga with his optimism and energy. This couple has a lot in common; they can create a strong and happy family. Partners respect each other, they are ready to sacrifice their interests for the well-being of the family.
Anna90% 60% In this union, passionate feelings are not as important to partners as the preservation of spiritual values ​​and family traditions. Yuri and Anna have a harmonious relationship, filled with love, loyalty and mutual understanding.
Elena90% 50% Lena and Yura are creative people who cannot imagine their lives without bright emotions. They travel a lot and communicate with mutual friends. The union can only be destroyed by lack of stability.
Julia80% 60% The wayward and demanding Yulia is trying to calm down the freedom-loving Yura, who is not ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of the family good. This union can be happy and long-lasting if the girl shows leniency towards the hobbies of her chosen one.
Anastasia100% 50% The partners have completely different interests; they devote most of their time to personal interests and hobbies. Therefore, the union of Anastasia and Yuri is very rarely strong and prosperous.
Tatiana80% 70% Yuri's mood often changes, so it is difficult for the balanced Tatyana to build a harmonious relationship with him. But if the girl shows patience and supports her beloved, their union can become quite successful.
Catherine90% 60% Both are freedom-loving and independent people. They have a wonderful relationship based on friendship. Ekaterina and Yuri trust each other, there are very few quarrels and scenes of jealousy in their couple. A happy family future awaits such people.
Natalia50% 30% The relationship between Natasha and Yura is far from perfect; the spouses often quarrel and sort things out. Such an alliance usually does not last long. Only mutual concessions and patience can strengthen a couple.
Marina80% 60% Between Yuri and Marina, feelings flare up quite quickly. But the routine destroys their rosy vision of family life, which can ruin their relationship.
Maria100% 50% This couple is driven by passion. Yura and Masha quarrel and make up equally violently. As long as there is love between such people, nothing threatens their union, but if feelings cool down, separation is inevitable.
Irina90% 40% The relationship of these people is based on friendship. They understand each other well, so Irina and Yuri can build a strong alliance. True, for harmony and prosperity to reign in a marriage, the head of the family must be a man.
Svetlana50% 20% The compatibility of these names is extremely low. Sveta and Yura strive to realize only personal goals, not wanting to sacrifice anything for the sake of the couple’s happiness. Such an alliance does not last long.
Hope70% 40% Constant quarrels and showdowns gradually destroy their bonds. Nadezhda is irritated by Yuri’s frivolity and unreliability. Usually it is the woman who initiates separation in such a union.
Victoria90% 60% Victoria is faithful and flexible, she tries to support her chosen one in everything, surrounding him with care and attention. Yuri appreciates the support of his beloved and strives to provide for his family with dignity. For a strong relationship, it is important for both to be patient.
Ksenia50% 20% Yuri strives to create a family in which the wife will become the keeper of the home. Freedom-loving Ksenia does not want to spend time cleaning and everyday chores; she is drawn to adventure. Therefore, the couple usually decides to separate.
Daria50% 30% Both partners are powerful and freedom-loving individuals. Daria lacks the care and attention of her chosen one, and Yuri is busy with his self-realization and does not want to change for the good of the family. Frequent misunderstandings lead to separation.
Lyudmila100% 50% Passionate and romantic relationships. Lyudmila and Yuri spend a lot of time together, their feelings are reverent and deep. But this is not enough to create a strong family. Their union usually leaves them only pleasant memories.

The meaning of each letter of the name

Yu - the desire for self-realization, curiosity, the desire to comprehend the truth. Devotion in relationships with your beloved and friends. A tendency to self-sacrifice, but at the same time - despotism supposedly from high motives.

R - strong-willed character and correct perception of reality helps this man to look at things realistically. He never stops there. He is prone to adventurism and reckless actions, which can cause significant damage to his career.

And - a subtle connoisseur of natural beauty. A multifaceted and spiritually developed person. At the same time, he can manifest himself as a tough skeptic and pragmatist.

Y - hot temper, unpredictability, frivolity, irresponsibility.

The name Yuri consists of four letters. Such a man has an analytical mind and is practical. It is important for him to understand the appropriateness of each action. This is manifested not only in behavior, but also in appearance: no extravagant outfits or provocative piercings. He approaches the issue of marriage just as seriously and carefully.

Table: name matches

StoneEmeraldA symbol of knowledge, wisdom, sincerity, peace, the desire to penetrate the secrets of the Universe. Such a stone harmonizes the spiritual and physical state of a person. Emerald also protects against negative emotions and improves mood. This is a mineral for creative people, it inspires and clears the mind of negative thoughts.
ColorGreenThese people are always successful in everything. But their financial situation does not play too big a role for them. They prefer the comfort of home or family recreation in nature to noisy parties. They quickly adapt to new conditions and are not upset by failures.
Number8 Winners in life. These people know exactly what they want to achieve in life. They are able to overcome any obstacles on the way to their desired goal. Despite their high position in society, they are very generous and not indifferent to the troubles of others, and always respond to calls for help.
PlanetJupiterPersistent and hardworking people are capable of achieving success on their own.
ElementAirCreative and talented. They always have a lot of amazing ideas and grandiose plans. But unfortunately, they often do not have enough strength or time to implement their plans. Sociable and cheerful, witty and inventive.
AnimalWhite bullA symbol of perseverance, rebirth, fertility and rebellion. This animal also personifies majesty, power and endurance.
Zodiac signSagittariusFriendly and eloquent, they are able to convince anyone that they are right. They often cannot concentrate on one thing and quickly lose interest in the work they have started. They like to leave everything for later, and in the end they completely forget about the “shelved” thing. They cannot tolerate criticism.
TreePoplarIn China, poplar symbolizes the unity of opposites: femininity and courage, heavenly and earthly. Among the Slavs, this tree personifies self-sufficiency, prosperity, but at the same time, longing for unrequited love.
PlantLily of the valleyA symbol of tenderness, fragility, humility, purity and devotion. They believe that if you pick a flower during the waxing moon, you can use it to intensify your partner’s passion. If you collect a bouquet during the full moon, this will help strengthen family relationships and protect spouses from cheating.
MetalAluminumA symbol of strength and lightness. Represents reliability, flexibility, perseverance. A talisman made of aluminum helps to find harmony and peace, motivates for new achievements.
Auspicious dayWednesday
Important years of life24, 32

When was Yuri born?

Yuri, born in winter, is self-sufficient and resourceful. He never gets discouraged by failures; even in the most difficult situations he is able to find positive moments. Such a man lacks constancy; he almost never makes plans or thinks about his future.

Winter Yuri has an easy-going attitude to life

Spring Yura is an emotional and hot-tempered person. He is attracted to noisy parties, hanging out in clubs and get-togethers with friends, but family life does not attract such a man at all. However, if desired, he can become an excellent family man, capable of adequately providing for his wife and children.

Vesenny Yuri strives for a fun and carefree life

Yura, whose birthday falls in the summer, needs regular communication. He absolutely cannot stand loneliness. Such a man either marries early or leads a hectic bachelor life and gets involved in various adventures. In the first case, he becomes an exemplary family man, in the second, he often finds himself in unpleasant situations.

Because of the fear of loneliness, the year-old Yuri usually marries early

In the fall, Yuri are born who are persistent, purposeful and hardworking. They may seem too harsh and even cruel. But this is not true at all. It’s just that such men are very careful, they try not to make unnecessary acquaintances in order to protect themselves from betrayal and disappointment.

Famous men with this name:

  • Yuri Dolgoruky - Prince of Rostov-Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Monomakh, traditionally considered the founder of Moscow;
  • Yuri Andropov - Soviet statesman and political figure, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Chairman of the State Security Committee of the USSR;
  • Yuri Levitan - announcer of the All-Union Radio since 1931, announcer of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on television and radio broadcasting, People's Artist of the USSR, read the most important official reports;
  • Yuri Nikulin - film and circus artist; People's Artist of the USSR;
  • Yuri Belov - Soviet film actor;
  • Yuri Gagarin - the first person in the world to be in space, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • Yuri Vizbor - poet, composer, film artist;
  • Yuri Entin - Soviet and Russian poet, playwright, songwriter, screenwriter, author of poems for more than 500 songs;
  • Yuri Luzhkov is a Russian politician who served as mayor of Moscow for 18 years;
  • Yuri Aizenshpis - Russian music manager, producer; laureate of the national Russian music award “Ovation” in the category “Best Producer”;
  • Yuri Nikolaev - Soviet and Russian television and radio presenter, actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation;
  • Yuri Shevchuk - Russian musician, lead singer of the rock band "DDT";
  • Yuri Shatunov is a Soviet and Russian singer, former lead singer of the group “Tender May”.

Poems with this name: “Spartak” in the Pamirs” by Yuri Vizbor, “The Secret of Success” by Agnia Barto.

Photo gallery: famous Yuri

Yuri Aizenshpis - Russian music manager, producer Yuri Andropov - Soviet statesman and political figure Yuri Belov - Soviet film actor Yuri Vizbor - poet, composer Yuri Gagarin - the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Luzhkov - Russian politician, former mayor of Moscow Yuri Nikolaev - Soviet and Russian TV presenter Yuri Nikulin - film and circus artist Yuri Shatunov - former lead singer of the group "Tender May" Yuri Shevchuk - lead singer of the rock band "DDT" Yuri Entin - Soviet and Russian poet

Yuri is a good-natured and prudent man who is used to carefully planning his actions. He has good self-control and is able to remain calm in unexpected situations. But as soon as someone hurts his pride, Yura becomes irritable and hot-tempered. The owner of such a name is indifferent to what is happening around him, but if it concerns himself, he fiercely defends his interests.