How to clean the apartment from damage yourself. How to clean your house, apartment from the effects of damage or the evil eye

How to cleanse the energy at home with the help of salt, holy water and prayers.

Houses are different: in some it is easy to breathe, in others, as if a heavy burden immediately falls on your shoulders, and you want to leave from there. You probably noticed this when you first came to visit friends. But sometimes it also happens that after a quarrel or an unpleasant visit, it becomes difficult within the walls of your own home. What to do in this case?

How to clean the energy and aura of the house from negativity, damage, the evil eye, evil spirits and all that is bad with salt?

Salt symbolizes the element of earth. A slow, powerful and omnipresent force that turns everything into decay, and as if the Phoenix bird, gives birth to a new pure life. So, salt can help cleanse the energy at home.

Salt and the elements of the Earth - a powerful tool for cleaning the house

How to clean the house by placing salt in saucers

This is a well-known "magical" method of cleaning the aura of the house. To perform the ritual is simple, just place saucers with salt in all corners of the house.

  • Salt must be in an open place, not in a closet or behind large furniture.
  • The dishes in which salt is poured should be made of natural materials: ceramics or clay, transparent glass is also suitable.
  • It would not be superfluous to put an extra saucer under the bed.
  • Over time, the salt will darken, and it needs to be changed.

This method is considered effective, but rather slow. It also has a logical, scientifically proven basis. After all, salt is a powerful natural filter, it is able to absorb moisture from the air and stop the development of bacteria. There are even salt rooms that help to cope with some diseases. Therefore, the magic method with salt in saucers is really useful.

Getting rid of negativity with salt in a pan

This method belongs to black magic, and involves not so much getting rid of the negative as returning it to the ill-wisher.

  • First you need to buy a new pack of salt, and in no case should you take change from the purchase. Therefore, we give the amount for the calculation or leave a trifle.
  • It is better if it is “chervergovaya salt”, that is, bought by a man on Thursday.
  • We take a frying pan, any will do, including the one on which you cook food. The main thing is that it is well washed.
  • Pour into a still cold frying pan about a glass of salt and put it on fire.
  • We stir the salt and watch how fun the salt crystals begin to jump.
  • At this moment, we imagine that we are “roasting” our offenders. The ritual is recommended to be supplemented with such a conspiracy.

  • If the salt has darkened and cracks strongly, then the whole ritual must be repeated all over again.
  • After frying the salt, the pan is thoroughly washed.
  • “Spent” salt is sprinkled in a place where they walk, this is a crossroads, a path, and sometimes the threshold of a supposed enemy.
  • Whether this ritual will help return the negative to the offender is a moot point. But the fact that watching salt jump in a frying pan is fun is unequivocal.

How to clean the energy and aura of the house with a church candle?

Let's make a reservation right away that the Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards the rite of cleaning the house with a candle, as well as any other magical rite. Believers can light church candles at home during prayer, and thus bring grace into their home, but nothing more. Rituals using candles are frowned upon and are already classified as magic.

If, nevertheless, you decide to carry out the ritual of cleansing the house with the help of a church candle, then you need to do it like this:

  • Before the ceremony, it is advisable to do a wet cleaning and sprinkle the corners with holy water, you also need to wash your hands and face with it.
  • Wrap the bottom of the candle with cloth or crumpled paper to keep the melting wax from getting on your hands.
  • Start on the outside of the front door. Circle the doorway several times with a lit candle clockwise.
  • Then take care of the doorknob, keyhole and other fittings, if you have one. Near these small objects, it is customary to make cruciform movements with a candle.
  • After that, the action is repeated with the inside of the door.

Front door - the first energy protection of the house

  • You should go around the house with a candle from left to right.
  • On the walls, make wave-like movements, around switches and other small objects - cruciform ones.
  • Furniture is also worth circling a candle.
  • Pay special attention to the corners, it is believed that it is there that the most negative energy accumulates.
  • After you go around the whole house, return again to the front door, and once again go around it with a candle.
  • If during the ritual the candle crackles, smokes, melts or goes out, then it is believed that it is in this place that the most negative is.
  • At the end of the ceremony, the candle should burn exactly anywhere in the house, and you should feel relieved and satisfied. This will indicate that the task was completed successfully.

How to cleanse the energy and aura of the house with holy water

Holy water is one of the most commonly used Orthodox attributes for the blessing of housing. Moreover, the Orthodox Church itself does not forbid believers to use holy water to sprinkle the house on their own.

However, the complete consecration of housing can only be carried out by a clergyman with the appropriate rank, and it is appropriate for an ordinary parishioner to try to consecrate his housing and things in it on his own, only if it is impossible to invite a priest for some reason.

Holy water is considered to be brought home from the church on the feast of Epiphany, it is she who is endowed with special beneficial properties. You can learn more about holy water and its uses from. And it is customary to store such water in a place of honor in the “red corner” under the icons. To sprinkle your home with holy water yourself:

  • Take a clean water container, better buy a new bowl specifically for this purpose, and in no case use the dishes from which the animals ate.
  • Before you start sprinkling your home, read a prayer for the blessing of the business.
  • Start sprinkling the room from the "red corner" - the place where the iconostasis is located or at least one icon is standing.
  • Then sprinkle all the walls and corners, while reading prayers.
  • You need to move clockwise, and scoop up water with your right hand.
  • Try not to step on drops of water.
  • After sprinkling the dwelling, read the prayer to the Life-Giving Cross.

Before sprinkling the dwelling with holy water, it is supposed to be removed, and all family members to visit the church and take communion. In addition to holy water, the clergy use church oil during the rite of consecration, with which crosses are applied to the walls, as well as candles. At the same time, a special prayer service is held at the beginning of a good deed.

The consecration of the house is an old Orthodox tradition.

What prayers to clean the house?

Since what is called the “energy of the house” is rather a reflection of the soul of its owners, almost any prayer uttered from a pure heart is suitable for its “cleansing”. Prayers to the saints-defenders are considered traditional, about what kind of prayers they are and in front of which icons it is better to read them.

Prayers cleanse the house and soul

After this first prayer, you can begin to read others, including the Our Father and the following lines:

At the end of the ceremony, as a rule, they read the prayer "Life-giving Cross".

How to clean the energy and aura at home with the help of a conspiracy and ritual

To clean the house, the following rite is used:

  • On Maundy Thursday, in the morning, when all family members are shopping, everyone takes a handful of salt and pours it into a clay pot.
  • It is believed that such salt carries the energy of purification, and it can be used for energy cleansing of the house.
  • When a desire arises to clean the house, the dishes that were in the house are taken, preferably cracked, and salt is poured into it, then a candle is placed in this salt.
  • All windows and doors are closed and the candle is left to burn in the room.
  • When the candle is completely melted, it, as well as the dishes in which it stood, is taken out of the house with the left hand and thrown away, then they return and lock the door.

VIDEO: Things that should not be in the house

Negative energy is collected in the house: envy, anger, slander of enemies. Ill-wishers cannot bear the happiness of others, therefore, intentionally or accidentally harm another living being. How to clean an apartment from negativity and damage on your own: first you need to determine the type of evil eye, destroy it and put up strong protection so that the trouble does not return.

The reason for the evil gathered in the dwelling

Negative energy surrounds any person. Home, work, business, harmful energy accumulates everywhere. It comes either from the person himself, or there are two types of such evil. The first is deliberately sent to harm a more successful, happy person. For this, black magic is used. It destroys energy flows, and the victim loses everything that he has earned by honest work.

Another type of negativity reaches the victim's house by accident. These are the wishes of the trouble of the enemy’s thoughts, albeit mental, but they are able to transform into negativity. Gradually, the energy collected in a home or at work turns into problems.

To understand how harmful energy works, you need to see it. It is expressed in constant minor problems that take away strength from all household members. Problems without a cause are another kind of reaction to accumulated energy. It even affects the thinking of household members, therefore, under its influence, their behavior changes. Whether a person believes in the power of negativity or not, it violates his harmony, makes his life more difficult.

General signs

To recognize traces of envy, analyze the current situation. They determine that the family is more concerned about moral or physical well-being. Damage, as a targeted impact, first of all hits health. It destroys the physical body. Gradually, if the impact is not removed, the psyche of the victim suffers.

The main signs of evil brought to the house:

  • minor troubles arise, they are easy to solve, but they do not end, and every day the problems only accumulate;
  • children get sick, small members of the family are the weakest, because of this, their bodies react first;
  • strange behavior is observed in animals; they get sick, become restless and try to leave the living space faster;
  • problems begin at work; the professional sphere suffers from damage;
  • family relationships are destroyed, partners begin to quarrel, and conflicts do not end.

Any negative changes are the reason for diagnosing the evil eye. With its help, you can reveal the true nature of constant troubles and money problems. The financial sector suffers no less than health: monetary losses affect the general well-being of family members.

Likely consequences

If evil is not dealt with, it will not go anywhere. Its main property is accumulation. Every day one energy attracts another. Therefore, problems only accumulate, they create at first a small discontent, but over time they develop into a serious obstacle. A person cannot grow, develop, cognize the world. All her strength goes only to the destruction of small problems. Quarrels between residents become regular. Due to corruption, only through conflict can they interact with each other.

If you do not clean the home, the children will be sickly. They will have to visit hospitals often; such kids spoil their character. Infantile, sick, dependent, in adulthood they are unable to solve anything.

How to clean an apartment from damage and the evil eye: the rituals performed are aimed at restoring harmony. They will not make the family richer or happier, but will only return the environment that was destroyed by someone else's influence. The cleaning of the house is done by the whole family if safe white magic is used, or only the head of the family is involved in the ritual. The strongest person in spirit is able to drive away evil from the home without consequences for his body.

House cleaning methods

Everyone can get rid of damage on their own. This requires faith in magic without it, no action will help. If a person does not believe in rituals, they are a waste of time. The house is cleaned independently if the signs of damage do not go away.

Popular home cleaning methods:

  • spring-cleaning;
  • conducting rituals;

General cleaning is used both as a preparation for future secret actions, and as an independent technique. Before performing any rituals, the conspirator needs to cleanse his soul. To do this, he goes to church. He puts candles at the icons for the health of all family members, and then the person who decides to take such events confesses. He asks for help from higher powers.

To clear the living space, preparations are made at dawn. The man or woman puts on new clothes and goes out into the street. While dawn breaks, the conspirator washes himself with morning dew. He is baptized on 4 cardinal points and pronounces the words of the prayer "Our Father". After preparation, the simplest and most effective method is chosen, how to clean the apartment from negativity and damage.


It is necessary to clean the apartment from negativity no less than three times a year, on the waning moon. During this period, you can get rid of everything that weighs down, prevents you from living comfortably and enjoying yourself. Even if no symptoms of spoilage appear, such cleaning will benefit.

Cleaning is carried out in several stages. First of all, the apartment is cleaned of excess rubbish: according to the laws of the universe, in order for something new to appear in the dwelling, it is necessary to get rid of the old. Clean up the apartment after sunset. All residents, both adults and children, can participate in this process.

After all the garbage has been thrown away, it is diluted in ordinary water. At the end, a few drops of holy water are added. The whole apartment is washed with a solution. When the dwelling dries out, they set fire to the church candle. She needs to walk around the whole house. In every corner read the prayer "Our Father". Completed general cleaning on the doorstep. The remnants of garbage are swept with a broom and the words are pronounced:

“I sweep, I clean - I drive evil away from here forever. She won't find her way back, she won't bother me anymore. Amen".

Getting rid of garbage

You can’t clean your home if you don’t throw out old unnecessary things. They can store energy and harm the family. It is necessary to throw away broken, old things. If divination or old playing cards are found, they can no longer be stored.

They throw out broken mirrors, threads that are tangled into one knot. To remove damage from the apartment, do not leave the things of the dead. If necessary, they are thrown away, burned or given to the homeless. It is necessary to get rid of the black scarves that remained after the funeral. Forbidden items include buttons of unknown origin, hair, needles and figurines wrapped in rolls. Such items are discarded unconditionally in order for future secret techniques to work.

Carrying out a special ritual

The ritual is chosen according to the situation. If children or adults are sick, a rite is selected aimed at restoring health. Universal techniques are suitable for people who have encountered such a problem for the first time.

How to clean the house from damage and the evil eye yourself:

  • with the help of a poppy ritual, it is suitable for any home;
  • through a ritual with water, it is a universal conductor and stores the necessary energy for years;
  • through an ancient ritual, it is the most effective, its effect lasts for at least a year.

You cannot replace attributes or ignore them. From the evil eye, only a technique performed in accordance with all the rules will help.

Ritual with poppy

To remove damage, use a ritual with poppy seeds. It allows you to forget about the problems that came to the family in the wake of dark magic. Such a report begins to work from the first day. She gradually returns harmony to the home, the spouses get a chance to restore relationships, and the children return to a carefree childhood. Using the technique, evil can be removed by a man or a woman. It is important that the ceremony is performed by an adult, accomplished person. At a distance, the poppy method is not used. It is necessary to be present in the dwelling where the negative has gathered.

For the ceremony, a small bag is prepared from a cut of natural fabric. After that, a poppy is placed in it. It must be consecrated in the church. The conspirator goes to the temple and hatches the entire service there. In the evening, after sunset, the bag is opened, a little poppy is poured into each corner and a slander is read:

“I fall asleep with poppies, dark as night, small, like problems in this place. I ask for help, I ask for cleansing. As the poppy crumbles, so the problems crumble. As the poppy fills the corners, so there is no more way for trouble in them. Amen".

You can't leave corners without a poppy. It is poured both on the balcony and on the windows. The poppy should not be touched for three days. Only after this is the general cleaning carried out. With a new broom, the conspirator sweeps away poppies; other family members do not need to touch him. On the fourth day, the ritual begins to work.

Ritual with water

Holy water is brought from the church. Preparation of candles from natural wax is done 2-3 days before the ceremony. Additionally, take dried grass. It is better to collect it with your own hands, but if this is not possible, purchased fragrant herbs are used for cleaning. They perform a ritual on the waning moon or on a big Orthodox holiday on this day, cleansing magic is the strongest.

You can clean the house only in private. He closes all the doors, and leaves open only the window on which the moonlight falls. Attributes are placed on the windowsill. A candle is placed in the center, which is the only source of light, and next to it is a glass of holy water. Herbs should lie nearby, they will come in handy at the end of the ritual.

The conspirator opens the window and lets fresh air into the house. After that, he draws a cross with candles in the air over a glass of liquid and reads the magic words:

“I’m talking to you, sister-vodka. Help me cleanse what evil has filled. Liberate, purify, lead the evil to where it came from! May it be so".

The slander is repeated three times. Herbs are sprinkled with charged water and then set on fire. Their smoke should disperse throughout the living space. When the herbs are burned, the prayer "Our Father" is recited over the water. With liquid, you need to go around the entire room, and consecrate every corner of it. The remains of the candle are set on fire for several days in a row until there is no cinder left. It must be dripped under any dead tree.

ancient ritual

In order for the damage to leave the house forever, an old ritual is used with candles, holy water and salt without additives. Pre-sew a bag for salt. With his help, you will be able to make sure that the trouble does not return. The ancient ritual is carried out without the knowledge of relatives. The conspirator waits until the family falls asleep, and only then proceeds to secret magical actions.

Under the light of the moon and candles at the open front door, the words are spoken on the salt:

“I will salt, I will salt - I will drive away trouble. As this salt dissolves, so the trouble is destroyed. She is no longer welcome here, let her leave and not return! May it be so".

The words of the slander are pronounced from memory, you cannot change the order of words or go astray. After that, salt is sprinkled with holy water. The plot is repeated. Salts are allowed to dry, and then half of the grains are poured into a homemade bag, and half is scattered in the corners of the room. Salt can be removed no earlier than a week later. The bag is hidden in a secluded place. No one should find him, then the trouble in the home will not return.

How to remove damage from a house without lengthy rituals - using a simple fumigation technique. Frankincense or wormwood is suitable, these are the most famous herbs for evil among the people. Herbs are brought into the house with their own hands. You can not ask anyone for help or buy herbs in the market.

Wormwood is used to make bags - one for each corner. The bags lie for three days, after which the room is fumigated with incense. It is necessary to carry out the procedure all alone so that the damage does not pass to another family member. Fumigation is carried out three days in a row. At the same time, the prayer "Our Father" is read. It helps speed up cleaning. On the seventh day, the bags are burned in the street.

Not only dust and litter, but also energy dirt can accumulate in the room. How to clean the apartment from negativity and damage on your own? For this, rites with the elements and plants have been used since ancient times - salt, water, fire, smoke and magical herbs. Onions and garlic clean the room well - evil spirits are afraid of them. A special role in the cleansing of the premises is played by the prayer word, which demons and astral entities obey. The sound of bells also has a cleansing effect on space. Consider several rituals for cleansing the house from energy dirt, evil eye and damage.

This dirt cannot be seen with the eyes, but it is well felt energetically. In a damaged house, it is hard to breathe, doors and floors creak, and furniture can dry out and break. In a damaged house, plumbing quickly fails, pipes flow and wiring ignites. I want to leave such a house as soon as possible and never return there.

It is just as hard to be in a house in which family members constantly quarrel and hate each other. The house needs to be cleaned if one of the family members has suffered a serious illness or died. If an alcoholic lives in the house, the room is teeming with astral entities that feed on alcohol vapours. According to the rules, energy cleansing of the premises must be carried out after each quarrel between family members, otherwise the contention will continue all the time.

Any word reinforced by emotions forms a thought form that remains in space. If the thought form supported by negative emotions is not removed, it will constantly be in the space of the house and influence people. The totality of thought forms of households forms the aura of the house, which can be positive or negative.

The aura of the house can be negative and without scandals if family members are constantly in a gloomy or sad mood. It is also uncomfortable and not pleasant to be in such a room. Spoils the aura of the room and the energy of the neighbors, which penetrates through the walls, and the thought forms of the guests who visited your home. An unpleasant situation at work, the traces of which you brought on your clothes or in your thoughts, can become a source of negativity in the house.

So, before the ritual of cleansing the home, you must first wash off the negative. To do this, the body is rubbed with salt in the bathroom, and then washed off in the shower. You do not need to rub salt on your hair, just wash it. If you feel strong negativity on yourself, you can rinse your hair with salt water, while protecting your eyes. Now you can clean the room.

Cleansing with salt and a candle

Cleaning the premises with salt and a candle is carried out on the 11th day of the lunar calendar. On this day, it is also useful to fast on spring water: the energy of the eleventh lunar day contributes to a deep cleansing of the body from toxins. Before the ceremony, you should do the usual cleaning, and then prepare the following items:

  • a deep plate or bowl for salt;
  • a new pack of table or sea salt;
  • a large wax candle (maybe not a church one).

After sunset, fill the bowl with salt and place a candle in the center to keep it firmly in the salt. Place the bowl in the center of the room and light the candle with a match. Ask the fire to cleanse the space of energy dirt and leave it to burn. When the candle burns out, wash the salt down the sink with the words:

The candle must first be removed from the salt with a knife or stick; you cannot take it with your hands. Wrap the cinder in paper and immediately throw it in the street trash can. You can also throw salt into the trash can along with the cinder. The rest of the rooms are cleaned in the same way.

Cleaning and protection on a white candle

How to clean the house from damage from the evil eye yourself? This ritual not only cleanses the house of negative energy, but also protects for six months from the invasion of the entities of the astral plane, as well as from damage and the evil eye. For witchcraft, you need to purchase a white wax candle, a spool of red thread and a sharp little knife specifically for this purpose on a growing moon.

On Saturday, draw a plan of the house on a thick sheet of drawing paper. On the candle, use a knife to make notches to divide it into 7 parts (this is a symbol of the seven days of the week). Place the plan on the table, and place a candle on top - you can attach it to a piece of plasticine or melted wax. Light the candle with matches and say:

When the candle burns to the first notch, put out the flame with your fingers. Leave everything on the table until tomorrow. At the same time, repeat the ritual, and so on for seven days in a row. It is very important not to move the plan and the candle to another place all week. On the last day of the ceremony, remove the candle stub from the paper with a knife, fold the plan into a tube and tie it with red thread.

Place the scroll, stump and knife in a cardboard box or wooden box with a lid and hide it in an inaccessible place. The ritual must be carried out on the second quarter of the moon and completed by the full moon, so that along with the growth of the moon, the protective properties of the candle increase.

The protection will be valid for exactly six months, then the ceremony must be repeated. If you cannot find a wax candle, take a paraffin or stearic one. However, in this case, the ceremony will need to be repeated in a month or two - paraffin does not hold information well.

Cleaning with a candle and pine oil

This cleaning frees the room from energy dirt and small astral entities that feed on the energy of quarrels and scandals. The rite is performed on the waning moon on any day. First you need to do a wet cleaning by adding pine oil (you can use essential oil) to the bucket. If there is no oil, steam pine branches and needles in boiling water for several hours and pour the steam into the water for cleaning.

After wet cleaning, open the windows and walk around the perimeter of the apartment, starting from the front door, with a lit wax candle. In places where the flames will crackle or smoke, linger and baptize with a candle until the fire calms down. Evil spirits like to dwell in the corners, so pay special attention to them.

When you go around the whole room with a candle, set fire to a sprig of juniper, wormwood or St. John's wort from its flame and fumigate the whole room. When you set fire to the branch, blow out the flame so that it begins to smoke.

Take a cleansing shower after cleansing and make a talisman from two crossed rowan twigs. Fix the cross with a white thread and put a seal in the center - drip with wax. Place the amulet above the door or above the window. If you want to read the prayer “Our Father” during the cleaning, perform the ceremony with a church candle. You can also read any protective conspiracy against damage to the house on the amulet.

Important note. When cleaning the room with a candle, drops of wax should not fall on the hand. Therefore, make a small paper skirt for the candle, where the wax will drip. This will also protect the floors from drops of wax.

Cleaning the apartment with the elements

For the ceremony, it is necessary to prepare the symbols of the four elements:

  • air - bell;
  • fire is a candle;
  • water - spring water;
  • earth is table salt.

We begin the ceremony by ringing the room with a bell. We pass along the perimeter of the apartment from the front door and call the corners especially carefully. We pay attention to all household electrical appliances and furniture. If the bell starts to sound muffled, we stop and ring until the sound becomes loud again. At this time, we ask the air forces to help in cleansing the premises from energy dirt.

Next, we clean with a candle. We light a candle at the entrance and walk along the perimeter of the apartment, stopping in the corners and those places where the fire behaves alarmingly. Mentally or aloud, we ask the fire to cleanse the room from the accumulation of energy dirt. If the candle does not burn out to the end, we leave it to burn out in the candlestick at the threshold.

Now pour spring (or defrosted) water into a bowl and sprinkle a bunch of parsley / dill on the walls, corners, doors and window openings. We ask the power of water to cleanse the room from evil.

At the end of the ceremony, you need to sweep the salt onto a scoop and send it to the toilet. After cleansing, you need to take a shower to wash off accidentally adhering energy dirt.

When can a cleansing ceremony be performed? Better on full moon days or after difficult events in the house - damage, death, serious illness or a major scandal.

Sand cleaning

This ritual can be performed in the warm season, when dry sand can be taken on the banks of a river or lake. Type in a plastic bag five handfuls of clean sand, on which there are no traces of a person or animals, and bring it home.

Open the package and put it in the center of the apartment, do not touch it for three days. During this time, it will absorb all the negativity. After that, take the bag outside and scatter it along the way. When you get home, take a shower.

Cleansing with sage and bells

This ritual should be carried out after visiting the apartment by unpleasant people, to expel astral entities and simply to fill the room with light energy. You will need:

  • a bunch of sage;
  • sandalwood stick;
  • bell;
  • fireproof cookware.

Set fire to a bunch of sage and put out the fire - let it smoke. Burn sandalwood sticks, which are sold in esoteric shops. Smoke must be thick, windows closed. When you have smoked the whole room, open the vents and windows and ventilate the air from the smoke. Astral entities will leave with the smoke.

Next, go around the perimeter of the apartment and ring the bell. The vibrations of the bell will drive away the entities remaining in the room and break the negative thought forms that remained in the apartment after the visit of unpleasant people. The ritual is over.

If you do not have a bunch of sage, you can use a pharmacy herb. Then do the following. Put hot coals on a frying pan or fireproof dish and sprinkle grass on top - you get smoke. As the herb burns, pour in a new portion. Instead of sage, you can use St. John's wort or wormwood.

How to clean the house from the bad: from damage, from negativity with the help of salt.

1. Take about a glass of coarse salt and pour it into a pan with a handle. Put used pins or needles there. The number should correspond to the number of people in the family. Put on fire, stir with something with a long handle, so as not to burn yourself. List the troubles and interfere clockwise. Do this until the salt darkens or begins to crackle strongly. To prevent salt from jumping out of the pan, you need to make the fire moderate.

2. Turn off the fire, take a frying pan, turn your back to the stove and think about your left shoulder. It is in this direction that you need to turn around and start walking around the room. You don't have to say anything, just move the pan slowly along the walls, being especially careful to collect the negative in the corners, over beds and dining tables, and also over the places where you watch TV. Go through all the rooms and premises, walking around the apartment clockwise. All doors must be open, except for the entrance.

3. Having reached the stove, start frying again. Now you need to stir the salt crosswise and say: “Where it came from, it went there. Everything that they wished us bad, they took everything back.” Put out the fire and go to the toilet room, turn on the water and flush, pouring salt into the toilet, she went on the water. Wash the pan very carefully.

I. After you spoke to me about salt with needles, I brought it home and immediately did everything according to your recommendations. She fried, spoke according to the instructions, carried along the walls and fried again. Then she threw it into the toilet. When fried, the salt quickly turned black, went burning. I threw everything into the toilet. Parents at this time went about their business and did not interfere. They are my atheists, they do not believe in anything, but they did not interfere with me.

It's been about two hours since then. They were watching a movie on TV, suddenly, as if someone were throwing a crystal vase into the glass. A colossal blow to the glass of the headset cabinet. Father even saw exactly where the vase flew. The vase shattered and glass shattered across the floor. They were taken aback, rushed to the closet, the glass in the closet was intact, and there were no glasses in front of it, as if nothing was beating, everything was clean. It was such an explosion of energy! They thought that the child had thrown the vase, but nothing. What it is? How? There is nothing. Parents say they have never seen anything like this in their entire lives. I sin on my distant acquaintances, they probably could have done something to our apartment, some kind of damage. There are three witnesses to this incident.

The cleansing energy of salt
One way to improve the energy of a home is to treat all rooms with salt water. This requires rock or sea salt - natural salts with powerful cleansing energy. Take a pack of salt (500 g), dissolve it in warm water and then wipe all surfaces in the house with the resulting solution. Such salt water is especially good at neutralizing negative energy. This method also allows you to clear any recently acquired antiques from someone else's energy, such as pieces of furniture, caskets and decorative figurines.
Cleansing your home of negative energy
The best time to cleanse the house is the so-called Maundy Thursday before Easter. Thursday is generally considered a clean day, and it is on this day that energy cleaning should be carried out every week, and general cleansing once a year. How to do it, you will now learn. First, do the traditional cleaning - mopping, dusting and other things, but using the magical properties of salt. To do this, fill the bucket with water and place it on the floor. Take a handful of salt in your left hand and slowly pour it into the bucket, reading the spoken words:

“Thursday salt I pour the devil on the horns, the horns will fall off, all ailments and troubles will go away. May it be so. Century by century from now to century. My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Use your hand to stir the salt in the bucket and start cleaning the furniture, floor and all surfaces and corners. During cleaning, be sure to open the windows in the apartment, and preferably the windows. When you have finished cleaning, wash your hands and take a handful of salt from the same pack again. Read the slander over her in a quiet and firm voice: Roll - do not reach, do not spin at the threshold, do not cling to the porch, do not hang on the gate! Dog, goblin, crow help, roll from the threshold!

Then sprinkle the salt in a strip along the threshold of the front door.
House cleansing
This ritual is performed throughout the year. You need to buy a new pack of coarse salt and, on the last days of the lunar month, sprinkle salt in the corners of the rooms, then gently sweep all the spilled salt to the middle of the room with a new broom, collecting it in the shape of a square. Place small white candles in the corners of the square, let them burn out. Then throw out everything left and wash the floor with fresh running water with a spoonful of vinegar, pour the water over the threshold.
How to determine if there is an unclean spirit in the house
If quarrels and scandals constantly occur in the house, flowers wither, and food burns, besides, failures haunt the hostess in household chores, and even the TV breaks on New Year's Eve, there is a suspicion that an unclean spirit has settled in the house. But why bring things to this point? It is much better to stop the actions of the unclean beforehand and simply drive him out of the house. But how to find out about his presence, because the demon is not so simple, he acts on the sly? In this case, the people have a way.
To determine the presence of an unclean spirit in the house, you need to perform the following ritual. An hour before noon, take an ordinary clean metal pan (Teflon or enamel will not work), pour a thin layer of salt on it and put it on high heat. Ignite the salt for an hour. When heated, salt absorbs all the negative energy concentrated in the atmosphere. When the temperature of the salt reaches very high values, its crystals will begin to collapse, and evil forces will be destroyed along with them. That is why evil spirits are very afraid of this ritual. If there is energy dirt in the house, dark spots will appear on the salt when it is heated. This is the destroyed salt crystals, saturated with negative energy. As the spots appear, the unclean forces will begin to leave the house. You will know this by looking at the pan when the black spots begin to lighten. So that there is no trace of the unclean, take a frying pan and walk with it through all the rooms, looking into every corner. After that, wash the salt down the drain, and throw the pan away from home.
Charm with salt and garlic
So that there is always peace and tranquility, prosperity and joy in the house, such a ritual will help. To complete it, you will need a yellow thread, garlic and salt. But garlic should not be taken from the store and not from the market, but grown in the garden with love and care. If you do not have a dacha, ask neighbors, friends, acquaintances for garlic. Surely there is such a person from your loved ones who grows garlic himself. You can not take garlic only from an enemy and a stranger. Another important condition is that any coin must be paid for garlic, even if it is from your own garden. In this case, leave a coin in the ground, and if you take from people, give them at least a penny. The garlic head should be strong, with a dry husk and always pure white. Put the garlic on the dining table. Prepare yellow silk thread and some salt. Perform the ritual on Thursday.
Take a head of garlic in your left hand and a pinch of salt in your right hand. Speak softly but clearly spoken words:

“How white and strong garlic is, how pure and strong salt is of all salts, so let it be light in our house, clean in our house. Let everything black and evil bypass it, it does not pass through the strength of garlic and the strength of salt.

Then sprinkle the garlic with salt and tie a string around it so tightly that it does not break accidentally. You must hang the prepared amulet from the ceiling in a room where people are not constantly located, for example, in a pantry. If the apartment does not have such a room, then place the amulet on the mezzanine or some far shelf closest to the ceiling. The amulet is valid for a year, then it must be taken out of the house and buried in a park or square. And at home you need to hang a new amulet, made according to the same rules.

No matter how you clean your apartment, no matter how often you vacuum your rooms, no matter how carefully you dust and polish the furniture, there will still be “dirt” that no brush and rag can remove. Every day your home is exposed to negative energies - evil thoughts, chaos, fear, which make their way through the cracks in the walls, are transmitted through the TV and remain where people are.

The accumulated negative energy hangs over the house. It can cause strained relationships between people living together, disagreements intensify, mutual understanding is destroyed, and accidents are possible. Negative energy can cause insomnia, heavy and unhealthy atmosphere in the house. When this happens, you need to clean the house. It is advisable to cleanse monthly, this will reduce the impact of negative energy. It is best to clean the house during the waning moon. But if you understand that it is urgent to carry out the cleaning process, then you can not wait for the desired phase of the moon, just perform the ceremony.

In general, purification eliminates the negative impact that accumulates in apartment buildings and cities. But purification is not an exorcism, you will not get rid of the evil spirits that bother you. It will not help you if a stream of negative energy has been consciously directed at you. In order to send back such a flow of energy, candles, iron, salt, herbs, mirrors, baths, quartz crystals, incense and other tools used in the expulsion of evil spirits are used.

Now let's talk about the process of exile itself. Recall that the conscious direction of negative energy is damage or a curse. Of course, many are willing to believe that someone else is to blame for their failures, it is easier to live this way, removing responsibility for their own mistakes.

The thought of corruption and damnation makes you despondent, relax. This rarely happens. In most cases, the evil eye is the result of a rich imagination. If evil spells are cast on you, they very rarely achieve the desired effect. After all, this is done without your knowledge, and before you can somehow act on you, you need to overcome your natural psychic aura.

So what can we do to make the magical self-defense system work? First and foremost, take care of your health. Get exercise. Believe in your own strength, keep a positive attitude and attitude towards life. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for your past and future actions. Try to regularly perform magical rites of self-defense, reinforcing them with your imagination and concentration.

Unfortunately, watching movies and reading novels that are meaningful and highly entertaining, but confusing, have led people to be afraid of becoming a victim of the magical powers of another person. Fear destroys the spiritual and physical health of a person, and in this state, the evil eye can have its negative impact. Even if no damage was sent to you, a person who does not want to be responsible for his own troubles will gladly shift the blame to evil fate or providence. But, believe me, a person who is sure that he is sick will soon discover the symptoms of the disease. Absurd? Not! It's not just psychology, it's magic. Thoughts have the ability to materialize.

So take care of your physical and mental health. And then, if misfortune occurs, and someone tries to spoil you, you will not become a difficult target. The flow of positive energy surrounding your home will protect you, and for this it is necessary to regularly cleanse your home.

Starting to cleanse your house, open all doors and windows, so you will help the negative energy to easily leave your house. And of course, fresh air will replace the stagnant one. And this is also part of the purification ritual.

Sunlight and fresh air protect the house from negative influences.

Cleaning the house should begin with putting things in order in the house, washing the floors and windows. After all, like attracts like, dirt attracts vibrations that will disturb you. Even if the house is not perfectly clean, but you know where and what lies, your house is in order.

While cleaning the house, imagine how you are cleaning the house of all sorrows and worries. You cannot see them, feel them, just imagine that they are there. Seeing dirt on a sponge, in water or on a rag, consider that they contain this negative energy. Pour out this trouble-filled water. When you're done vacuuming, throw away the trash right away.

When the house is physically clean, begin its magical cleansing. You can use any ritual. They are somewhat different from each other, but similar in meaning. Choose the one you like. Repeat the magical ritual regularly, and your magical household will always remain "home, sweet home" (home, sweet home).

All four elements are always involved in the rite of purification: Earth, Fire, Water, Air. When you are at home alone or with your family or close friends, place the following items on the table:

1. deep or flat plate with salt;

2. incense burner;

3. incense or a substance with a sweet smell - incense sticks, cones;

4. white candle;

5. a cup of clean water.

Light a candle, start smoking incense, then stand in front of the table and open up to the house. You must feel its energy. Try to indulge in the impressions that arise in you. After a while, stretch your hands over objects and say these words:

I call on you, the objects I have collected, the personification of the elements, cleanse my house of evil and disease! I want it, it's my will, so be it!

Taking a plate of salt, go through the rooms in a clockwise direction, throwing a pinch of salt into each corner of the room while saying:

With the forces of the Earth, I cleanse this house!

Imagine how salt destroys negative energy when you throw salt. The power of imagination will help to better cleanse the house.

Throw some salt in closets, pantries, cupboards, attics and basements, and garages.

Then take the censer. Carry it in the same way as the salt. Hold it in front of open doors and windows, in every corner of the room, imagine how the smoke dissipates negative energy and evil. While doing so, say:

With the forces of Air, I purify this house!

After going around the house, put the incense burner and take a lit candle. Repeat the ritual. Moving clockwise through the rooms, imagine how the magical fire burns all the evil in your house. From time to time say:

With the powers of Fire, I purify this house!

Lastly, carry a bowl of water around the house. Spray all the rooms in the house, every corner of it, all entrances and exits with water. Leave a few drops even outside the window of the house.

Imagine how water washes away all diseases and evil with magical energy. While doing so, say:

With the powers of Water, I purify this house!

Put the cup down, calmly stand still for a few minutes.

You will feel peace in your home, you will feel how fresh, peaceful and clean the house is. But if this feeling does not come, repeat the whole ritual again.

After the ritual, close all doors and windows. if you have time, leave the salt, censer, and water on the table until the candle is completely burned out and the incense turns to ash.

Cleaning with a regular broom.

Go out into the yard shortly before sunrise and break the tree branch. Say thanks to the tree for its sacrifice, leave it a coin or a semi-precious stone at the tree's roots in return.

Then collect a few flowers of bright colors, but it is better to take flowers on long legs. Tie these flowers to a branch, like a broom, and then sweep the floor in the house with it. Imagine how a broom made of flowers absorbs negative energy and evil. Before the sun rises, take the broom to the crossroads.

Herbal cleansing.

It is necessary to take equal parts of oregano, laurel and rosemary. Heat the water almost to a boil, remove from heat and drop the dried herbs into the water. Close and let it brew. Then strain and walk through the rooms, spraying the decoction of herbs. You need to move around the house clockwise, while saying:

I banish evil and negative energy.

It is my will, so be it!

Leave drops of herbal tea on doors, windows, household utensils and furniture, spray the house and outside, as well as the yard. Pour some water into the drains. Imagine everything being cleared.

The rite is over.

Cleansing with lemon

On the full moon, take nine lemons, peel them, but be sure to use your hands.

Throw the lemon peel into a large pot of water. Then use your hands to squeeze as much oil out of the peel as possible until you can smell the lemon flavor. Imagine how a lemon cleanses your home of negativity.

Then wash the floors, doors and windows with this water. Pour some water into all drains. Repeat this ritual every full moon.

Determination of damage at home by photo

Few people know that from time to time your home needs to be cleansed of negative energy, as well as damage and the evil eye. For a certain period of time, different people enter the house and leave their energy there, and it is far from always positive. Of course, you can not believe in this, but very often even the closest friends can bring with them objects of negative influence on the owners of the house or even cause damage. In addition, the bad mood of the owners, their fears, negativity coming from the TV, and chaos are concentrated in the house. Not only for such cases, but in general, you need to know how to clean the house from damage. This knowledge will be useful especially to those who have probably determined that damage has been brought to the house.

How to determine damage in the house, and what are its consequences

Ritual of Determination of Corruption

The accumulated negative, induced damage to the house very often causes illness and strained relations between the residents of such a house, and in some cases various accidents can occur at all, such as a fire or destruction.

Diagnosis of damage to the house is carried out both by the owners of the house and with the help of specialists in this field. Most often, damage to the house is induced by pouring dead or charmed water under the threshold, as well as throwing various small charmed objects into the hidden places of the house - corners, crevices, behind the baseboards, behind the closet. These can be needles, pebbles, burnt matches, grains, grains of salt or sugar. Some magicians tend to argue that only a specialist in this field can remove damage, because damage is from the world of magic and witchcraft, which means that only magicians and sorcerers can take it away. You can independently cleanse the house of negative energy, but if you consider it as a guide for damage and curses, then these rituals are quite appropriate. Rites for cleaning the house from damage can be carried out if they often swear in the house, peace and tranquility in the family are disturbed, family members often get sick or suffer from some kind of phobias, fears, etc.

We will learn how to clean the house from damage using the simplest and most affordable things. You also need to understand that cleaning the house from damage is not its protection, therefore, if there are frequent repetitions of signs of damage, then it is necessary to carry out a ceremony to protect the house from damage, the evil eye and negative energy. Damage to the house is removed with the help of candles, salt, icons, herbs, mirrors, quartz crystals, silver and other items that are used to drive out evil spirits.

If there are no icons in the house, and a ritual is planned to clean the house from damage, you need to purchase the icon of the Virgin "Vilna - Ostrabramskaya" or the Virgin "Indestructible Wall", you can just the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the icon of Christ the Savior and the Last Supper.

The most common way to cleanse a house of damage and simply of bad energy, the conscious direction of which is damage or a curse, is to clean the house with salt.

It is necessary to open all doors, except for the entrance, and the window, then take a handful of coarse rock salt and pour it into a heated pan 10 minutes before midnight. In salt, add the number of used needles or pins equal to the number of people living in the house. Salt fry until it starts to crackle or blacken. Then turn off the fire, take the frying pan and turn your back to the stove, think about your left shoulder, turn over it and go around the whole house with salt in the frying pan, mentally collecting energy in all corners, above the beds, especially carefully near the TV. You need to return to the stove again and start frying the salt again. The second time, the salt is fried and stirred with cross-shaped movements. At the same time, the words are sentenced: “Where it came from, it went there. Everything that they wished us bad, they took everything back.” After frying the salt for several minutes, it must be poured into the toilet and washed off with water, or taken out into the current river and thrown there. The pan must be washed very well after this ceremony.

Sometimes, after such a ceremony, strange things can happen in the house that will no longer cause any harm to the owners. It may seem like glass is breaking or dishes are breaking, but in fact everything will be whole. This is an explosion of negative energy of those people who sent damage to the house.

How to remove damage from the house with the help of church things. Carried out in 3 stages

Stage 1. From the house it is necessary to remove all things related to magic, scarves, towels and other things brought from the funeral, you also need to remove various cards, including playing cards, things and bed linen of the deceased person.

Stage 2. All feather and down pillows are sorted and cleaned. A variety of masonry can be found in them - buttons, needles, grains, torn rags and other things with the help of which damage was inflicted. It is advisable to pour the pillows by hand yourself, but you can also contact special services for cleaning pillows. All found masonry must be collected and burned at the crossroads.

At this stage, mirrors are removed from the bedroom, and all things are burned, including mattresses, pillows, blankets, on which the deceased person slept, if there was one in the house.

Stage 3. Invite a person to the house who will be able to remove damage from the house with his rituals. You can just bless the house by inviting a priest.

Stage 4. Every corner of the house is sprinkled with salt and poppy seeds, which were consecrated in the church, in a crosswise motion. Go counterclockwise around the room, so that the last corner is in the east, the so-called entrance to paradise. Corners are sprinkled in all rooms, including closets, toilets, and on the veranda. In this case, it is necessary to lay pieces of incense or wormwood branches behind the plinth. Also, behind the plinth, it is necessary to lay small pieces of the Stretensky wax candle.

After all these stages, for 3 days in a row it will be necessary to fumigate the whole house with incense, while opening the doors of all pantries, utility rooms and even bedside tables and cabinets. While fumigating, read the prayer "Our Father". Then, singe all doorways with a Stretten candle in a cross-shaped movement at the top and sides as a sign of protection against possible re-induction of damage.

Removing damage from the house with an apple and candles

Egg, candle and apple to determine spoilage

An apple is taken and cut in half. In an apple, it is necessary to cut the core in such a way that it is not only in the lower part of the apple. Now you need to take a candle from the church, light it and go around the house clockwise, while if the house has two or more floors, then all the floors go from bottom to top. Depending on the size of the house, it is necessary to select the length and thickness of the candle. While walking around the premises, each corner or doorway must be circled with a candle in a circular motion three times clockwise.

The remaining wax from the candle must be melted and filled with cut apple cores. The halves of the apple are connected and fastened on different sides with five needles. Hold the apple in your hand for a few seconds, mentally trying to give it damage, the evil eye, the negative of the house. Then throw the apple outside.