How many wheels does an armored personnel carrier btr 80 have. Heavy armored personnel carriers from different countries

The mid-50s was a difficult time for the armored personnel carriers of all the armies of the world. Since the new tactics of warfare required motorized infantry not only to constantly accompany tank formations, but also often go in front of them. Wheeled armored personnel carriers of those years could not cope with such a task, therefore, in many countries they completely abandoned them in favor of tracked vehicles. The Soviet Union decided to continue the tradition of producing military vehicles on wheels.

The history of the appearance of the BTR-80

At the end of the 50s, a number of Soviet design bureaus were tasked with creating a new armored personnel carrier. This machine was supposed to keep up with tracked vehicles, and even surpass them in terms of cross-country ability and speed. After the announcement of the competition, several interesting specimens from different manufacturers were created:

  • ZIL-153, which had only three pairs of wheels, a body covered with armor and a torsion bar suspension. He turned due to the front and rear wheels, which were movable. This machine was able not only to stay afloat, but also to move through the water, using an additional jet engine for this;
  • An interesting model was presented by machine builders from Bryansk. The main feature of her device was a hydropneumatic suspension, which could change the ground clearance up to 300 mm. This combat vehicle was planned to be armed with a 73 mm cannon;
  • The most successful option was an armored personnel carrier, created in the GAZ design bureau. The combat vehicle, called "49", was already put into service in 1959. In 1961, mass production began. Gorky armored personnel carrier received a new name - BTR-60P.

The BTR-60P armored personnel carrier received an open-top hull made of armor plates. To protect against precipitation, the open top was covered with an awning. The SGMB machine gun, which was installed on the machine, was used as a weapon. It was possible to install the machine gun in several positions, since special brackets were provided for this:

  • When the combat vehicle was moving, the machine gun was attached to the front plate;
  • If the armored personnel carrier was in combat, then the machine gun could be mounted both in front and on the side.

In 1963, the BTR-60P was upgraded, as a result of which it received a fully enclosed hull with 4 hatches for landing. In the same year, the BTR-60PB appeared, which received a conical turret with two twin machine guns.

After 9 years, a new model of an armored personnel carrier, the BTR-70, was created. In 1976, it began to be mass-produced. The main differences between the BTR-70 and its predecessor were the following changes:

  • Two new engines from the GAZ-66 were installed on the BTR-70, which developed 115 hp each. each;
  • Now the paratroopers in the back sat facing the sides, and not with their backs, which reduced the preparation time for firing;
  • There were side hatches for paratroopers;
  • Gas tanks were placed in isolated compartments, which made it possible not to be afraid of severe damage to the armored vehicle during the explosion of one of the tanks;
  • An automatic fire defense system for armored personnel carriers was installed;
  • An independent and separate brake drive appeared, which made it possible to brake if one of the brake systems was damaged;
  • It became possible, when one engine failed, to drive on the second serviceable one, since the power transmission could be turned off from the driver's seat;
  • Now two generators were installed on the machine.

The armament of the BTR-70 was similar to the armament of the BTR-60PB, only the models of the last years of production were equipped with a new turret, which made it possible to fire at a large angle. The BTR-70 is still in service with many CIS countries.

Specifications and description of the BTR-80

After the fighting in Afghanistan, it was decided to release a new model of an armored personnel carrier, the performance characteristics of which would better correspond to the combat missions assigned to this class of armored vehicles. The new model was called the BTR-80. Since 1984, this model has been produced instead of the outdated BTR-70.

The appearance and overall layout of the BTR-80 is practically the same as its predecessor, the BTR-70. The workplaces of the commander and driver are located in front of the body of the armored personnel carrier. All monitoring devices and controls are installed there.

The engine compartment is isolated from the common compartment by a blank partition. All equipment (engine, gearbox, fuel tanks, etc.) is placed behind this partition. The new KAMAZ-7403 engine was equipped with a turbocharger and developed 260 hp. The diesel engine made it possible to significantly reduce fuel consumption, which doubled the cruising range. At the same time, the volume of fuel tanks remained at the same level. Due to the higher torque, the speed of the armored personnel carrier has increased significantly.

Since it is difficult to start a diesel engine at low temperatures, the designers of the BTR-80 installed a pre-starter on the engine that uses an electric torch device. To prevent water from entering the engine when overcoming water obstacles, the air intake pipes were installed very high.

Since two engines were previously installed on armored personnel carriers of previous series, the transmission had to be adapted to one engine.

The transfer case transmits power to the winch and jet engine (which is used to propel the armored personnel carrier on the water). Two parking brakes are installed on the transfer case.

The designers of the BTR-80 tried to make the transfer case in such a way that parts and assemblies from the BTR-70 could be installed on it. In addition, the following units from the previous model are perfectly installed on the BTR-80:

  • Drive axles;
  • Suspension elements;
  • Steering;
  • Brake system.

All these parts are installed on the BTR-80 without alteration, which is what the designers wanted, since making a completely new conveyor line from scratch is a very costly business.

The BTR-80 turned out to be a very maneuverable and mobile vehicle. This is due to the following factors:

  • Powerful engine that provides high dynamics and cross-country ability;
  • Four-wheel drive on all 8 wheels;
  • Independent torsion bar suspension;
  • High ground clearance;
  • A tire pressure regulation system, thanks to which the armored personnel carrier can not only follow tanks on the road, but also significantly outperform them.

The combat vehicle is capable of driving even if two wheels fail. When hitting a mine, as a rule, only one of the wheels is damaged, after which the armored personnel carrier continues to move.

Armament BTR-80

The fighting compartment of the armored personnel carrier is located in the middle of the hull and turret. The armament of the BTR-80 consists of two twin machine guns:

  • Machine gun KPVT (large-caliber machine gun Vladimirov), caliber 14.5 mm. This machine gun is one of the most powerful machine guns ever used in the armies of the world. It combines the armor penetration of an anti-tank rifle with the rate of fire of a conventional machine gun. Able to penetrate lightly armored targets;
  • 7.62 mm PKT machine gun (tank Kalashnikov machine gun), which is paired with the main machine gun.

In addition to machine guns, the tower contains:

  • day sight;
  • Viewing devices;
  • Manual guidance devices.

The gunner himself sits on a special hanging seat, which is located under the tower. The gunner can aim from a large-caliber machine gun at a distance of about 2,000 meters. From the Kalashnikov machine gun, the aiming range is two times less and is 1,000 meters. Also, a heavy machine gun is capable of firing at low-flying low-speed targets, such as helicopters. The rate of fire of the Vladimirov heavy machine gun reaches 600 rounds per minute, and the Kalashnikov machine gun fires at a speed of up to 800 rounds per minute. Ammunition in tapes is packed into cartridge boxes and amounts to 500 rounds for KPVT and 2,000 rounds for PKT.

The landing party, placed in an armored personnel carrier, can fire without leaving it, since the BTR-80 is equipped with loopholes. In total, there are 7 embrasures in the hull, 2 of which allow machine-gun fire. Hatches located on the roof are adapted for throwing grenades, firing hand-held rocket systems and grenade launchers. There are special devices for launching smoke grenades, which allow you to create a dense smoke screen.

The body of the BTR-80 can easily withstand the hit of 7.62 mm caliber bullets and shell fragments. Frontal armor, traditionally stronger, is able to withstand bullets from heavy machine guns.

The air ventilation system provides the crew and troops of the BTR-80 with reliable protection against poisonous and radioactive substances. Thanks to 4 hatches and two double doors, the landing force is able to land and disembark in a matter of seconds. When opening the lower door leaf, a convenient step is formed, which allows boarding and disembarking on the move.

TTX BTR-80 have the following characteristics:

  • The combat weight of the armored personnel carrier is 13,600 kilograms;
  • The crew is 10 people;
  • The maximum speed of the BTR-80 on land is 80 kilometers;
  • The maximum speed on the water is limited to 9 kilometers;
  • On full tanks, an armored personnel carrier is able to travel 600 kilometers or swim 12.

The BTR-80 is capable of solving any combat missions both in the conditions of the far north and in the sands of deserts.

Vehicles based on the BTR-80

On the basis of the BTR-80, a whole series of combat vehicles for various purposes was developed:

  • Armored personnel carrier for commanders;
  • Artillery self-propelled gun 2S23 "Nona SVK", which was developed in the late 80s and supplied to the army since 1990;
  • Repair and recovery vehicle BREM-K, which is designed for repair units of motorized rifle troops. Its task includes towing and minor repairs of damaged armored personnel carriers and special vehicles based on the BTR-80. For this, BREM-K is equipped with all the necessary equipment;
  • РХМ-4 or reconnaissance-chemical machine.

In 1994, the designers developed a modified BTR-80 model, which received the BTR-80A index. The new combat vehicle received all the advantages of the previous model, in addition, the firepower was significantly increased. Instead of a heavy machine gun, a 30-mm automatic cannon was installed on the new machine. Ammunition is stored in the lower part of the armored personnel carrier turret and is 300 shells for the cannon and 2,000 for the machine gun. The gun is equipped with high-explosive fragmentation incendiary shells, fragmentation tracer and armor-piercing tracer shells. The first two types of projectiles can be used for firing at air and ground targets, while armor-piercing ones can hit firing points and armored targets.

To aim the gun at the target, two types of sights are used, day and night vision. During the day, cannon fire can be fired at a distance of up to 2,000 meters with armor-piercing, and up to 4,000 high-explosive incendiary fragmentation shells. The night vision scope is capable of providing an aiming range at night of up to 800 meters.

The gunner has all the control devices, guidance, reloading, changing types of projectiles and other devices necessary for firing at various targets.

The mass of the new combat vehicle has increased slightly, and is 14,500 kilograms. The clearance height of the BTR-80A has been increased to 2,800 mm. The remaining characteristics are no different from the BTR-80.

In 2004, tests of a new model of the BTR-90 armored personnel carrier were completed, the serial production of which was to begin in 2011. Unfortunately, in 2011, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refused to purchase the BTR-90, so this vehicle was never put into mass production.

The BTR-80, which proved to be excellent during the war in Afghanistan, is still the main armored personnel carrier of the motorized rifle troops. In addition, they are used in the Internal Troops and the Marine Corps.

Armored vehicles of Russia and the world photo, video watch online was significantly different from all its predecessors. For a large reserve of buoyancy, the height of the hull was noticeably increased, and to improve stability, it was given a trapezoidal shape in cross section. The required bullet resistance to the hull was provided by rolled cemented armor with an additionally hardened outer layer of the KO brand ("Kulebaki-OGPU"). In the manufacture of the hull, welding of armor plates from the inner soft side was used; special stocks were used to facilitate assembly. To simplify the installation of units, the upper armor plates of the hull were made removable with a seal on fabric gaskets lubricated with red lead.

Armored vehicles of the Second World War, in which the crew of two of them was located near the longitudinal axis at the back of each other's head, but the turret with weapons was shifted by 250 mm to the port side. The power unit is shifted to the starboard side in such a way that access for engine repair was possible from inside the fighting compartment of the tank after removing the safety partition. In the stern of the tank, on the sides, there were two gas tanks with a capacity of 100 liters each, and directly behind the engine there was a radiator and a heat exchanger, washed by sea water when moving afloat. At the stern, in a special niche, there was a propeller with navigable rudders. The balance of the tank was chosen in such a way that afloat it had a slight trim to the stern. The propeller was driven by a cardan shaft from a power take-off mounted on the gearbox housing.

Armored vehicles of the USSR in January 1938, at the request of the head of the ABTU D. Pavlov, the armament of the tank was to be strengthened by installing a 45-mm semi-automatic gun or a 37-mm automatic gun, and if a semi-automatic gun was installed, the crew should have been increased to three people. The tank's ammunition was to consist of 61 shots for a 45-mm cannon and 1,300 rounds for a machine gun. The design bureau of plant No. 185 completed two projects on the theme of "Castle", the prototype of which was the Swedish tank "Landsverk-30".

Armored vehicles of the Wehrmacht did not escape the trouble with forcing the engine. To what has been said, one can only add that the indicated crisis was actually overcome only in 1938, for which the tank received not only a forced engine. In order to strengthen the suspension, thicker leaf springs were used in it. Rubber bandages made of neoprene, a domestically produced synthetic rubber, were launched, the production of tracks from Hartfield steel by hot stamping began, and hardened HDTV fingers were introduced. But all these changes to the tank were not introduced at once. The hull of the tank with inclined armor plates could not be made on time. However, a conical turret with improved protection was delivered on time, and the tank with the same hull, reinforced suspension (due to the installation of thicker leaf springs), a boosted engine and a new turret entered the NIBT test site for testing.

Modern armored vehicles went under the conditional index T-51. It retained the process of transition from caterpillars to wheels, as in the prototype, by lowering special levers with wheels without leaving a person. However, after adjusting the requirements for the tank, which made it a three-seater (it was decided to keep the loader's backup control), and strengthening its weapons to the BT level, it turned out to be impossible to implement a Landsverk-type wheel drive. In addition, the tank's wheel drive transmission was overly complex. Therefore, soon work on the topic "Castle" was already carried out on the T-116 tank, in which "changing shoes" was carried out according to the BT type - by removing caterpillar chains.

The design provides that the BTR-80 can continue to move with the complete failure of one or even two wheels.

The BTR-80 was designed according to the same design scheme as its predecessors BTR-60 and BTR-70: in the front, and there is a control compartment, behind it is a troop compartment and in the aft part of the hull is an engine-transmission compartment.

The airtight, fully enclosed body of the armored personnel carrier is welded from rolled steel armor plates located at large angles of inclination to the vertical. It protects the crew and paratroopers from 7.62mm caliber small arms bullets, and the frontal armor from 12.7mm caliber bullets.

The department of management is equipped with places for the driver and commander of the vehicle. They have periscopic observation devices at their disposal. On the right side of the frontal sheet is equipped with a ball joint for firing from a machine gun. Access to the control compartment is through two hatches in the roof of the hull. Behind the seats of the driver and commander, there are single seats of one of the landing infantrymen and: an arrow of a machine-gun turret. The main armament of the BTR-80 consists of a 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun and a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The machine guns are mounted in a conical turret with pointing angles of 360° horizontally and from -4° to +60° vertically.



CREW, pers.:

Overall dimensions, mm:

length - 7650, width - 2900, height - 2350, base - 4400, track -2410, ground clearance - 475.


14.5mm KPVT machine gun, 7.62mm PKT machine gun, 6 launchers for 81mm smoke grenades.


500 rounds of 14.5mm caliber, 2000 rounds of 7.62mm caliber.


sight 1PZ-2.


hull forehead - 10, side - 7 ... 9, stern - 7, tower - 7.


KAMAZ-7403, eight-cylinder, diesel, four-stroke, V-shaped, turbocharged, liquid-cooled, power - 260hp at 2600 rpm, working volume - 10,850 cm3.


dry double disc clutch, five-speed gearbox with synchronizers in 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th gears, cardan gear, two-stage transfer case with differential torque distribution to two streams (on 1-3rd and 2-4th axles) and a differential lock, but the transfer case is equipped with a power take-off for a jet propulsion unit and a winch, 4 main gears, 4 differentials, 8 wheel gears.


wheel arrangement 8x8, tire size 13.00-18", tire pressure adjustable from 0.5 to 3 kg/cm2 independent lever-torsion bar suspension, hydraulic, telescopic, double-acting shock absorbers, two each for wheels 1 and 4 -th axles and one each at the wheels of the 2nd and 3rd axles, the wheels of the 1st and 2nd axles are steerable.

SPEED MAX, km/h;

on land - 80, afloat - 9.


by land - 600 km, afloat - 12 hours.



elevation angle, deg. - thirty; moat width, m - 2;

wall height, m ​​- 0.5.


radio station P-163-50y and intercom

R-174 device.

To illuminate targets when firing at night, an IR illuminator is mounted on the console of the machine gun mount. Smoke grenade launchers of the 902V Tucha system are installed on the aft wall of the tower, and the TNPT-1 device is installed on the roof, designed to monitor the road and terrain located in the rear viewing sector by the tower shooter. The main part of the landing party - six fully equipped infantrymen - is located facing the sides on two seats mounted in the troop compartment along the longitudinal axis of the hull. For firing by paratroopers, there are seven loopholes in the sides of the hull, made with a turn along the course, and two of them are designed for firing machine guns. The embrasures are equipped with ball bearings, which allow firing without depressurization of the troop compartment in the contaminated area. One loophole for firing upwards is also available in both armored hatches on the roof of the troop compartment. In addition to two hatches in the roof of the hull, double doors are used on both sides of the armored personnel carrier for landing and dismounting. One door leaf folds up, and the other goes down and forms a step, so that, if necessary, landing and dismounting of the landing force can be carried out while the vehicle is moving.

1 The BTR-80 power plant consists of one diesel 8-cylinder V-shaped four-stroke liquid-cooled engine KAMAZ-7403 with turbocharger supercharging with a power of 260hp. at 2600 rpm, working volume - 10 850 cm2. The placement of one engine instead of two led to changes in the design of the transmission units. It includes a dry double disc clutch, a five-speed gearbox with synchronizers in 2,3,4 and 5th gears, cardan transmission. Instead of two transfer boxes, one interaxle two-stage transfer box was installed with differential torque distribution to two streams (on the 1-3rd and 2-4th axles) and forced differential lock. Locking devices provide downshifting and locking the center differential only when the front axles are on. In order to avoid damage when overloading the transmission elements (with a locked differential), there is a friction clutch in the transfer case - a limiting torque clutch. A power take-off box for a jet propulsion unit and a winch is mounted on the transfer case.

2 Main gears of driving axles - with cam limited slip differentials. Wheel reducers - single-stage, with helical spur gears. Wheels with split rims and with tubeless bullet-resistant pneumatic tires KI-80 or KI-126 /3.00-/8". , double acting, two each at the wheels of the 1st and 4th axles and one each at the wheels of the 2nd and 3rd axles, the wheels of the 1st and 2nd axles are steered.The centralized tire pressure regulation system allows the driver depending on the traffic conditions, set the appropriate tire pressure, which ensures low ground pressure and thus high off-road capability, comparable to tracked vehicles.In addition, the BTR-80 can continue to move with a complete failure of one or even two wheels The vehicle is not damaged when it hits an anti-personnel mine, and when it is detonated on an anti-tank mine, it retains mobility, since the energy of the explosion damages, as a rule, one of the eight wheels.

3 Propulsion through the water is provided by the operation of a single-stage water-jet propulsion unit with a four-bladed impeller with a diameter of 425 mm. The exit window of the water jet when moving on land is closed by an armored damper. When moving through water, closing the damper directs water into the reverse channels. The maximum speed afloat is not less than 9 km/h. Power reserve afloat at average operating conditions of the engine (1800-2200) - 12 hours.

4 On machines of early releases, radio stations P-I23M and TPU R-124 were installed, later replaced by P-163-50U and R-114.

Information taken from the magazines "Russian Tanks" and "Technique and Armament"

Today, one of the most common types of military equipment in all the armies of the world are armored personnel carriers. But it was not always so. Their rapid development began after the end of World War II. The military realized how important it was to increase the mobility of the infantry and increase its security.

In the USSR, in 1949, the BTR-40 was adopted, which was an almost exact copy of the American armored personnel carrier Scout Car M3A1, supplied under Lend-Lease. Then, in 1950, the BTR-152 was released, and in 1959, the Soviet amphibious armored personnel carrier BTR-60 was adopted. It was equipped with two gasoline engines with two transmissions, and this car was not particularly reliable. And its firepower did not suit the military. In 1976, the BTR-70 was created, the armament of which was strengthened. A KPVT machine gun (14.5 mm) and a PKT machine gun were installed on it. This machine compares favorably with its predecessor, it also had two gasoline engines, but much more powerful than the BTR-60.

However, then the war in Afghanistan began and all the shortcomings of the BTR-70 immediately made themselves felt. Its main problem was the power plant, which was complex, not very reliable and consumed a large amount of fuel. We can say that the BTR-70 was generally poorly adapted to actions in mountainous areas. Even the machine gun mounted on it had a small elevation angle and could do little to help the fighters against the dushmans who had settled in the mountains.

It was very inconvenient to land from the car, and its security left much to be desired. The Gorky Automobile Plant begins the development of a new armored personnel carrier, which in the near future will be called the BTR-80.

The history of the creation of the BTR-80

The car received the factory designation GAZ-5903. The device of the machine is not fundamentally different from the BTR-70. The developers focused on improving the power plant of the machine. One reliable diesel engine was needed. The presence in the combat vehicle of two engines and transmissions at once gave certain advantages (if one engine was damaged, the armored personnel carrier could move with the help of another). But the complexity of the current maintenance and repair of a power plant with such a device reduced the positive qualities to almost nothing.

A diesel engine from a serial KamAZ vehicle was installed on the new car, which significantly reduced the cost of production and maintenance of new equipment. Thanks to the installation of a turbocharger, the BTR-80 could reach speeds 20 km / h higher than its predecessor.

On the BTR-80, new landing hatches were made, consisting of two wings. The armament remained the same, but the design of the tower was changed. The armored personnel carrier BTR-80 became two tons heavier than its predecessor, but thanks to the installation of a more powerful engine, this did not affect its maneuverability.

In 1986, the machine was put into service and it began to be mass-produced. To date, the BTR-80 is the main armored personnel carrier of the Russian army, as well as many other armies of the world. This machine is actively exported, the BTR-80 took part in many conflicts.

Dozens of the most diverse modifications of the BTR-80 have been created; machines for performing special functions are manufactured on its basis. The latest modifications of this machine are often equipped with an automatic cannon and anti-tank missile systems.

Description of BTR-80

The armored personnel carrier BTR-80 is designed to transport personnel and support them with fire on the battlefield. Although, the fire support function is more related to the infantry fighting vehicle.

The body of the vehicle is made of rolled armor plates. The body of the machine has a streamlined shape, which is necessary to give it buoyancy and to increase its protection. The thickness of the armor does not exceed 10 millimeters.

The BTR-80 is divided into several sections. Ahead is the control compartment, in which the place of the driver-mechanic and the commander of the vehicle is located. Surveillance devices (including night ones), control and measuring devices, a radio station and an intercom are also installed here.

Behind the control compartment is the combat compartment. It houses the operator-gunner and places for paratroopers (seven people). One infantryman sits next to the gunner facing in the direction of travel, and the rest are located facing the sides of the vehicle, three people on each side. The department has loopholes for the use of personal weapons. For firing from a machine gun, the gunner occupies a special hanging chair.

Also in the fighting compartment is a large landing hatch. It consisted of two wings: the upper part opened to the side, and the lower one fell and served as a convenient step when leaving the car.

The power compartment is located in the stern of the machine. It has a diesel engine with transmission, radiators, fuel and oil tanks, generators and other equipment.

The armament of the BTR-80 consists of a KPVT machine gun and a PKT machine gun, which are located in the turret of the vehicle. The KPVT machine gun has a caliber of 14.5 mm and can fight enemy manpower, light armored vehicles and low-flying air targets. The turret also houses the 1P3-2 sight and observation devices.

The BTR-80 is made according to the wheel formula 8 × 8, two front pairs of wheels are controlled. Suspension of the car is independent, torsion bar. Wheels - tubeless, bulletproof. There is a system that provides control of pressure in the wheels. The BTR-80 will continue to move even if two wheels fail.

Characteristics TTX BTR-80

Below are the technical characteristics of the BTR-80.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.
Weight, t 13,6
Length, mm 7650
Width, mm 2900
Height, mm 2520
Track, mm 2410
Base, mm 4400

BTR-80 is a combat vehicle that provides safe transportation and fire support for motorized rifle units in combat areas. The armored personnel carrier was put into mass production in the mid-80s of the last century, is in service and is being manufactured at the present time. The technique has gone through all the armed conflicts that swept in a wave across the territory of the post-Soviet space.

This modification of the armored personnel carrier was actively exported, and is used by the armies of 26 countries of the world.

History of creation

Let's start with the fact that the question of the safe transportation of manpower of military units and subunits arose immediately after the victory of the USSR in World War II. The first steps in solving this problem were taken by the Design Bureau of the Gorky Automobile Plant. It was here in 1940 that a project was developed with the working index "Object 141". It was the design of a light armored personnel carrier, which was put into mass production as the BTR-40. It happened in 1949.

Interesting! By the way, Soviet engineers almost completely copied the American Scout Car M3A1 armored car, which was supplied to the country under Lend-Lease.

Further refinement and modernization of the production model went on. For example, in the 59th year, the BTR-60 amphibian was created. On its basis, the BTR-70 was built, which differed from the prototype in more powerful weapons. This modification was put into service in 1976, so the run-in was actually carried out in the mountains of Afghanistan.

The sad experience of the Afghan war clearly demonstrated all the shortcomings of this machine, by the way, inherited from the previous modification.

  • In particular, the 70s showed problems with twin carburetor engines, which felt uncomfortable in high altitude conditions: they lost power and consumed state-owned fuel very uneconomically.
  • In addition, the design of the loading hatches of the troop compartment, which made it difficult for soldiers to board / disembark, turned out to be unsuccessful.
  • The maximum elevation angle of the coaxial KPVT machine gun did not provide infantry cover in the mountains.
  • The armor protection of the car was insufficient, the jet engine was clogged with river silt.

As a result, it was decided to modernize the 70-ku, building on its basis a more advanced BTR-80. The work was entrusted to a group of designers Mukhin and Murashkin. The car was designed in the design bureau of the Gorky Automobile Plant, the working index is GAZ-5903. Despite the fact that it was about modernization, the specialists carried out a complete reconstruction of the BTR-70.

Among the changes made to the design, the following can be distinguished:

  • Rejection of two gasoline engines in favor of one diesel power plant of greater productivity;
  • Installation of double-leaf landing hatches;
  • Reinforcement of booking;
  • Enlargement of the body;
  • Implementation of the possibility of firing from under the armor;
  • Decreased ground clearance.

At the same time, the designers have completely preserved the layout of the BTR-70, which has become traditional. After passing the tests, the BTR-80 was put into service. This momentous event took place in 1986.

Performance characteristics

  • The generally accepted classification is an armored personnel carrier on wheels;
  • Engine - KAMAZ-7403, volume 10.8 liters, diesel unit with turbocharged fuel supply, declared performance: 260 "horses";
  • Gearbox - 5-speed;
  • Fuel supply - 300 liters;
  • Curb weight - 13.6 tons;
  • Speed ​​​​values: maximum / cruising / floating - 85/30/9 km / h;
  • Suspension - torsion bar independent;
  • External dimension: length/width/height - 7650/2900/2350 mm;
  • Ground clearance - 475 mm;
  • Track width - 2.4 meters;
  • Power reserve - 600 km on asphalt and about 300 on rough terrain;
  • Capacity - 10 people including crew;
  • Reservation - bulletproof armor, 7-10 mm thick;
  • The installed weapons are PKT and KPVT machine guns.

general description

The layout of the BTR-80 is conditionally divided into three modular blocks:

  1. Head compartment with a driver and commander of the vehicle;
  2. The landing compartment, where the operator-gunner and 7 fighters are located;
  3. Engine compartment with engine.

Here it needs to be clarified that about 10-15 people are usually placed on armored vehicles. For quick maintenance of the power plant, inspection hatches are provided that provide access to the main components of the engine.

The hatches of the landing compartment consist of two parts: the upper one leans to the side, the lower one lowers, forming a small ladder. This arrangement greatly simplifies the landing of troops, including from a moving armored personnel carrier.

The body is made of poorly differentiated armor, providing protection against small arms. The streamlined contours of the "body" of the armored personnel carrier are aimed at better overcoming water obstacles. When the equipment floats, a wave-reflecting shield rises in the front part, providing protection for the driver's sight glasses.


Let's consider the main components and elements of the 80s in more detail.

Hull and tower

It should be noted right away that the armor of the equipment is designed to protect against small arms. Artillery fire (even small-caliber), mortar shelling, hitting cumulative grenades and missile systems for the BTR-80 are deadly. From heavy machine guns, protection also does not save.

Inside the hull are seats connected by backs to accommodate troops. The fighters sit facing the body, if necessary, they can fire automatic fire from personal weapons through ball mounts.

On a note! In this combat position, the dead zones remain the rear hemisphere and the front left side of the hull.

Regular weapons

Two tank machine guns are installed on the BTR-80:

  1. KPVT - a large-caliber machine gun developed by the weapons designer Vladimirovy, caliber 14.5 mm;
  2. PKT - tank machine gun created by Kalashnikov, caliber 7.62 mm.

The armament is arranged, the turret is placed on the trunnion in the frontal projection of the tower. The vertical aiming angle varies between −4/+60 degrees. Aiming is carried out through a monocular 1PZ-2 with variable multiple magnification.

This feature allows you to fire at ground targets at a distance of up to 2 kilometers, hit air targets at a distance of up to 1000 meters.

The KPVT ammunition load is 500 rounds in 10 tapes. This includes armor-piercing, tracer and incendiary bullets. This machine gun is designed to destroy air targets and weakly protected vehicles. PKT suppresses and destroys enemy manpower. The ammunition load of this machine gun is designed for 2000 rounds. Sector of firing - 360 degrees.

BTR-80 inside


Thanks to the KAMAZ engine and torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers, the "eighty" can move on asphalt roads and rough terrain. The type of ground affects the speed characteristics and the overall range.

Water barriers are overcome by installed water jets.

Means of communication and visual control

In a calm environment, the driver and commander of the vehicle control the environment through open hatches or sight glasses. In a war zone, the situation changes.

In particular, for the safety of the driver, four devices of the TNPO-115 class are provided, providing a full view of the front sector. For the dark time of the day, two viewing devices are replaced by binocular night vision periscopes of the TVNE-4B series, which work on the principle of enhancing natural lighting.

For the review of the vehicle commander, an electro-optical module TKN-3 with independent channels and night vision is provided. This binocular-type periscope is connected to a spotlight supplemented with an IR light filter. At the disposal of the operator-gunner there are TNP-205 and TNPT-1 viewing devices, arranged in the left side projection and the roof of the tower, respectively. To review the soldiers in the troop compartment, visual observation devices of the TNPO-115 class are installed, located in the upper armor plates on both sides of the hatches.

The function of an intercom for external communication is used by radio stations R-163 or R-173. Internal communication is available only to crew members, and is organized by the regular R-124 radio.

Undercarriage layout

The BTR-80 is built according to the wheel formula 8 × 8, with four drive axles (front switchable). This provides armored vehicles with excellent acceleration dynamics, maneuverability and cross-country ability. Chassis rotation is carried out by means of a power steering.

High cross-country ability is ensured by centralized pressure control in the tire chambers. This feature ensures high mobility of equipment in off-road conditions, which is typical for combat vehicles on a caterpillar engine.

On a note! The implementation of the undercarriage allows the machine to maintain mobility even when undermined by an anti-personnel or anti-tank mine. In such situations, the energy of the explosion disables only one wheel, the rest retain full functionality.

Power plant and main transmission units

The KAMAZ-7403 engine equipped with a turbocharger is installed as the main power unit on the "eighties". Air intakes are located high to prevent water from entering the engine in the process of overcoming water obstacles.

Below the radiator are two water-jet engines, the air intake chambers of which are directed downwards, and are located behind the rearmost rear landing gear.

The clutch is double disc, dry type, articulated with a 5-speed gearbox, with synchronized shifting. The force is transmitted through the cardan shaft to the transfer case. The transmission scheme provides for the possibility of a forced differential lock for movement over rough terrain.

In order to avoid failure of the main components as a result of overload, a critical moment clutch is provided in the “razdatka”.

Features of combat use

BTR-80 took part in almost all local conflicts. The machine clearly performed the functions assigned to it: it was engaged in the transfer of fighters of motorized rifle units, provided fire cover.

For example, in 1996, the BTR-80 took out the wounded servicemen of the internal troops, whom the militants blocked on Minutka Square in Grozny. Then the armored personnel carrier simulated arson, releasing a smoke screen and slowing down. When the Dudayevs left their shelters, waiting for the evacuation of the fighters from the wounded vehicle, the operator-gunner of the "eighties" pressed the militants with fire, after which the armored personnel carrier picked up speed and broke out of the ring.

There were many similar situations in the history of the combat use of the BTR-80, and the equipment has always demonstrated its reliability and endurance.


As part of the modernization of the prototype, the following vehicles appeared in service with the Russian army:

  • Commander's BTR-80K, equipped with additional means of communication;
  • Armored vehicles with a gun-type turret BTR-80A;
  • Modified version of the previous vehicle, adapted for the troops of the Russian Guard BTR-80S;
  • A machine with an elongated body and a YaMZ-238 BTR-80M engine.


Combat vehicles built on the basis of the BTR-80

We note right away that the “eighty” was modernized not only by Russian designers, but also by foreign engineers of the countries where the car was exported. For example, in Hungary, engineering, repair and recovery and reconnaissance vehicles were created on the platform of this chassis.

In the Russian army, the BTR-80 was taken as the basis for the creation of the following types of military equipment:

  1. Mobile command and observation post "Kapustnik B";
  2. Reconnaissance armored vehicle BRDM-3, and its modifications BRVM-K and BREM-K;
  3. Self-propelled artillery installation "Nona-SVK";
  4. Anti-sabotage vehicles "Typhoon" and "Typhoon-M";
  5. Firefighting vehicle "Purga";
  6. Command-staff complex "Kushetka B";
  7. Mobile complex of electronic countermeasures "Infauna";
  8. Armored vehicles for chemical and biological reconnaissance RHM-4 and RHM-6.

In addition, unified chassis were created on the basis of the "eighties", even the civilian all-terrain vehicle GAZ-59037.

Armored vehicles for chemical and biological reconnaissance RHM-4

Cultural heritage

The BTR-80 is rightfully considered the most massive combat vehicle of recent decades. The armored personnel carrier is often starred in films and TV shows dedicated to military events in the Caucasus and the territories of the former Soviet republics.

In addition, equipment often takes part in military parades that take place on the Red Square of Moscow and the streets of other Russian cities. For collectors, prefabricated models are offered, which are produced by the domestic company Zvezda, the Italian company ITALERI and the Chinese company TRUMPETER.


Despite the many advantages, the BTR-80 is far from an ideal machine. Key shortcomings were identified during military operations, where armored personnel carriers of the first series participated. It is noteworthy that the design flaws were not eliminated in subsequent modifications.

In particular, during the first and second Chechen campaigns, the BTR-80 was used by fighters of patrol groups. At the same time, the military preferred to be placed on the armor, at the risk of falling under sniper fire. This was due to the fact that the LTR hull did not provide protection against mines, and a car hitting a landmine with almost 100% probability led to the death or serious injury of everyone inside.

In addition, placing the crew in front of the car is not a very good solution: similar equipment from other countries of the world has an engine here that provides additional protection. Ball mounts for firing from inside the troop compartment do not provide a circular sector of fire, leaving dead zones.

Despite this, the BTR-80 continues to be the main "workhorse" of motorized rifle units and troops of the National Guard.