What vitamins are needed for the growth of the child. How to feed a child for active growth and development What foods a child needs to eat for growth

Children sometimes grow by leaps and bounds, adults are happy. But this does not mean that a developing organism can not be helped. What foods are needed for the growth of a child so that he is healthy and full of strength?

Heroic porridge

No wonder grandmothers with admonitions made us eat porridge in childhood. Oatmeal is indeed the main food for growing children. Like no other cereal, it is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and a whole scattering of vitamins and minerals. It is better for children to cook hercules in milk with a fat content of 3.2% with the addition of 70–100 ml of water. You can sweeten porridge with a banana, dried fruits or strawberries mashed with sugar. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on your oatmeal to stimulate growth too.

Beef is not greedy

What products for the growth of a child must be on the menu? Beef is the leader among meat in terms of protein reserves - the main building material for bones and muscles. Add to this the high content of iron, zinc, vitamins B 1 and B 12, necessary for proper development. For children, beef should be boiled or stewed, for example in tomato sauce. And you can serve mashed potatoes or pasta as a side dish. But remember, red meat is eaten no more than twice a week.

Symbol of life

Chicken eggs are an excellent product that affects the growth of a child. First of all, thanks to the easily digestible protein. However, the yolk is also valuable. It is full of vitamin D, with which calcium is absorbed much more efficiently. And without it, strong bones and teeth are out of the question. The yolk also contains phosphorus, magnesium and potassium essential for growth. One boiled egg for breakfast or dinner a couple of times a week is enough for a child.

curd health

The list of products for the growth of a child will be incomplete without cottage cheese. Milk protein is absorbed by the child's body easily and without residue. Its active substances improve the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, which is important for healthy bones and teeth. And in the cottage cheese there are valuable amino acids necessary for the development of the nervous and digestive systems. Ideally, children should be given fresh medium-fat cottage cheese in combination with honey, fresh fruits or berries.

amphibious assault

Speaking about what foods contribute to the growth of the child, many doctors think of shrimp. They are rich in iodine, the lack of which can lead to developmental disabilities. And due to the high level of vitamin B 12, the brain works better. The best option for cooking shrimp is to boil them in salted water with dill. By the way, it is best to give them to children for dinner, because they calm the nervous system and guarantee an angelic dream.

Magic beans

Another product that ensures the growth of the child is beans in all their diversity. Plant protein is just as important for development as animal protein. And there is plenty of it in beans, peas and lentils. They also contain a range of minerals for bone and muscle growth. If the child ignores this product, beat with a blender 200 g boiled with 20 ml of olive oil and fresh herbs. This pasta will appeal to even the most intractable picky eaters.

tropical happiness

Among the products that are useful for the growth of a child, a special place is occupied by bananas. This is a real storehouse of potassium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine and iron. They are responsible for the proper development of the heart, blood vessels, bones and muscles. In addition, bananas are a healthy fuel for the body, which improves attention and memory. They are ideal as healthy snacks. And bananas are added to fruit salads, cottage cheese casseroles and milk porridges.

Branch immunity

To food for the growth of the child belong. They have a combination of nutrients that stimulates the growth of muscle cells and strengthens bone tissue. The abundance of iron, potassium and magnesium has a beneficial effect on blood formation. And in red fruits, beta-carotene is also stored, which is necessary for weight loss, poor growth of nails and hair. It is most useful to eat apples fresh and with a peel. However, in the composition of smoothies, salads and pastries, they are also good.

Growth Elixir

Since ancient times, walnuts have been considered a product that promotes the growth of a child. They are rich in omega fats, indispensable for the development of the brain and nervous system. Vitamin E, calcium and phosphorus are actively involved in the growth of the whole organism. It is useful to gnaw nuts just like that, add them to salads and desserts as a delicious decoration. You can also make nut milk. To do this, grind the kernels of 10 nuts, fill them with 100 ml of water for 3 hours, strain and add honey. Nuts can also be added to yogurt and cereals.

Sweet life

By the way, about honey. This unique product also helps children grow at an accelerated pace. Due to its presence in the diet, calcium and magnesium are absorbed much better, so children do not have problems with bones and teeth. Honey itself abounds in microelements that nourish and develop all body systems. To do this, it is enough to replace them with sugar in the usual dishes. And honey is a source of energy and good mood.

Understanding which foods affect the growth of a child, you can easily fill his menu with the right ingredients. But first, make sure that none of the listed products causes allergies in the child.

Serving utensils

Beautiful high-quality dishes play an important role in the correct and convenient serving of dishes on your table. In addition, beautiful tableware certainly contributes to a good appetite! A wide range offers you. The products are durable and lightweight and can be used in the dishwasher and microwave. Cook with pleasure!

Friends! Hello everyone! I wrote about various general points of increasing people's height, and today I want to talk in more detail about how to increase the height of a teenager. After all, as you know, it is during adolescence that the main increase in growth occurs, but what to do if a teenager has a small stature for a long time, the body grows slowly or growth has stopped altogether?

Sometimes being tall is so important to teenagers that they go to great lengths to get what they want. Now injections of somatotropin are actively promoted among adolescents in order to accelerate growth. They are mainly promoted by manufacturers and doctors themselves (some of these doctors will say anything for a green paper), and parents and children willingly agree to these risks. Why risks? Read my article about . Some girls are ready to undergo leg lengthening surgery at the age of 14, and some do. This can all help, but I still advise you to increase height safely. Ditch health - the mind does not need much. But to develop SMARTLY ... You can accelerate the growth of a teenager naturally and without harmful consequences using the 15 tips below. Try them out before trying to grow with hormone injections, surgery, and the like.

1. Ride a bike. It would seem, what does the bike have to do with it? However, it has long been noted that riding it is extremely useful for increasing growth (I recommend reading an article on this topic), as well as swimming, volleyball, basketball.

2. Work out on the horizontal bar. Exercises on the horizontal bar are considered to be universal exercises for the health and physical development of the human body. Regardless of your age, you can use this method freely and easily. All you need to do is hang on the horizontal bar, stretching out with your whole body. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds and repeat this exercise 6-10 times a day or more.

3. Perform kicks. From the name it is clear what needs to be done. Standing on the floor, hit with the lower part of the leg, for example, on a punching bag. This will help the cartilage to grow and the bones to lengthen. Such exercises are regularly performed by athletes in martial arts.

4. Do stretching exercises. When you wake up in the morning, do stretching exercises. Such exercises are incredibly useful and effective in the morning, since only in the morning the body has its maximum growth. It is a fact that during the day people lose several centimeters of height due to the effects of gravity. If you do the exercises in the evening, then you will have to spend 20-30 minutes of stretching time just to return the body to its natural height, and only then begin to work on increasing your height. This can be avoided and go straight to stimulating growth lengthening by stretching in the morning.

I won’t write stretching exercises here, just visit the “Form” section of the site and choose what you like.

5. Maintain correct posture. You must always maintain a straight posture. Poor posture can affect your height in an unfavorable way.

Follow simple rules: sit up straight, do not stoop when walking, do not let your shoulders slouch, and so on. By doing this, you are taking an important step to maintain a healthy spine and strengthen your back muscles. Another key factor to look out for is having a good pillow and a comfortable mattress to support your spine while you sleep.

6. Control your breathing. Breathing exercises are best done in the morning. This is good both for your health and for effectively stimulating growth. Learn to completely fill your lungs with oxygen.

7. Get out in the sun more often. For the active growth of adolescents and children, a lot of sunlight is needed (I know that in our Russian conditions this thing is problematic, so look for the sun in the warm parts of the country or abroad if you have a shortage of it). Get out in the sun in the morning and sunbathe in the early morning sunlight. Early in the morning, sunlight is more actively converted into, which is necessary for the human body in order to grow and develop. And also the warm morning sun will keep you in good health and mood throughout the day.

8. Do self-massage. After daily activities, you will feel better at the end of the day if you massage special points on the body, which will also have a good effect on the production of growth hormone. Most of these points are located in the neck and head of a person. In the future I will try to write about acupressure separately, so subscribe to updates so as not to miss it!

9. Get enough calcium and zinc. Get enough calcium in your diet. In addition to foods rich in calcium (greens, milk, etc.), it is advisable to additionally take mineral complexes with calcium to stimulate bone growth in adolescents.

Regarding zinc, studies published in the journal Age & Aging in 2013 show a possible link between zinc deficiency and short stature and stunting in children, especially boys. For normal development, you need a sufficient amount of zinc, which is found in pumpkin, zucchini seeds, oysters, crabs, peanuts, and wheat.

10. Eat carbohydrate grains. They will provide you with energy, fiber, vitamin B, iron. Grains also contain high-quality calories that will be useful to a teenager during intensive growth. During puberty, all adolescents must go through a dramatic linear growth spurt. They should consume more grain at this point. Good for the diet of oats, brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta and so on.

My advice to you: anything you can cook yourself, cook it yourself. I have seen many times how teenagers and children who come to their beloved grandmother in the village for the summer, and eat their own bread, milk, and so on, leave there, having a height of 10-20 cm higher than they were. I experienced it first hand. At the age of 15, he came to the village to visit relatives, lived there for 3 months, ate village food, grown and cooked with love, and after that he became 10 cm taller. Before that, he had not grown at all for 3 years, he sat in the city and ate dead food. Is it about food? Yes, for the most part + the peak of puberty. In general, it is also quite possible to learn how to bake bread yourself (here is a website for you - learn) and cook other similar products. And most importantly, it will be of great help to you on the path to higher growth.

11. Eat fruits and vegetables. We continue to talk about how to increase the growth of a teenager and next in turn is another important nutritional tip - include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. You've probably heard from doctors that fruits and vegetables should make up a significant part of a healthy diet. They provide the body with vitamin C, A, E, folic acid, potassium and so on. Deserves special attention, which in the form of beta-carotene is found in many fresh plant foods, such as carrots, pumpkins, melons, and so on.

12. Avoid saturated fats, alcohol, drugs and the like. Saturated fatty acids can cause excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and problems with insulin. Obviously, this can lead to a deterioration in the health of the growing organism.

You also need to avoid alcohol, drugs, and anything that is sure to be bad for your body. If you want to add a few centimeters to your height, then do what will help your body in this and avoid those habits that will be harmful to your health.

13. Drink water. No one will deny the important role of water for human health. Drinking enough water and staying hydrated is another key tip for your growth. Water is rarely talked about and often forgotten about. At the same time, if the body is 20% dehydrated, you will also get 20% less benefit from exercise and nutrition. When your body is 100% hydrated, you will also benefit 100% from exercise and nutrition. To illustrate the importance of water, remember that when someone enters the hospital, for example, after an accident, the first thing doctors do is give the patient water. Why? They just know that for successful treatment, the patient must receive enough water.

Many people exercise, eat well, eat vitamins, but drink almost no water and do not understand why they do not see any positive results. The reason may be just the lack of water in the body. Multiply body weight by 35 and divide the result in half- it is by this formula that you can calculate how many milliliters of water a person needs per day. If your weight is 60 kg, then at least 1050 ml (60x35/2) of water you need to drink daily. If you train and lead an active life, then you need more.

14. Use fractional meals. To speed up the metabolism in the body, some sports doctors recommend six meals a day instead of three meals a day. The result of such a diet will be an increase in the production of growth hormone, but on the condition that you do not overeat.

15. Get enough rest. The body rests, regenerates, rejuvenates and grows best during sleep, as growth hormone is actively produced during sleep. Plus, when you sleep, your body naturally stretches without any active movement on your part.

Take this advice seriously, because once you stop giving your body enough rest, you will no longer get the full benefit of the other recommendations above. Children and teens need 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

That's all I wanted to write to you about how to increase the height of a teenager. Here is a collection of tips for stimulating the growth of a young body from people who have tried these recommendations on themselves and have achieved positive results. It is possible to accelerate the slow growth of an 11-16-year-old teenager in a relatively short time. And the sooner a person begins to make efforts in this direction, the more chances he has for success. After the age of 18, it is more difficult for people to gain height, however, for them, the above tips will also benefit.

I will be glad if this information turned out to be necessary for you. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Vadim Dmitriev

Hello dear readers! In this short article, but no less important and valuable, I want to tell you about what vegetables for human growth especially helpful.

Vegetables are an important part. They saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and many other useful substances. In this article, you will learn about the 10 healthiest vegetables to include in your diet.

When compiling this list, the first thing I looked at was the composition of minerals and amino acids. Further, the presence of such important vitamins for growth as A, C, group B, and then everything else. I want to remind you that the benefits and composition of certain vegetables largely depend on the soil on which they grew. If you can find the products on this list grown in rich soils, then the effect will be much stronger. Let's start!

10. Rhubarb.

Some people consider rhubarb a fruit because of its sweet taste. It is actually a vegetable that can be eaten raw as a main course and dessert. Rhubarb has a powerful root system, so it can absorb and accumulate various useful elements from deep soil layers.

9. Celery.

Celery is an excellent sodium and magnesium food. These minerals have a great influence on the absorption of calcium. Fresh celery can be added to salads, or you can drink it in the form of juice in half with carrot.

8. Spinach.

A very healthy green vegetable. Native to Asian countries. This plant is rich in iodine, calcium, iron, vitamins, dietary fiber, which contribute to the proper development of the body. It can be consumed by adding to cocktails or salads. It is good to combine spinach with carrot juice.

7. Turnip

This wonderful vegetable was very popular in Russia. Dishes from steamed turnips are still known and it is in the steamed form that it is recommended to use it. Both the roots themselves and fresh leaves, which contain a lot of calcium, are beneficial.

6. Broccoli.

Many scientists consider broccoli and all types of cabbage to be the healthiest vegetables in the world. They contain all the same nutrients that are found in other vegetables, but in a more concentrated form.

5. Lettuce

A very popular leafy vegetable in the west. It contains a lot of easily digestible calcium and magnesium, which will contribute to the development of human bones during the period of active growth. It can be consumed separately, but it is better together with carrot juice, like spinach and celery.

4. Beets.

This is the best source of such trace elements useful for human growth as iron. Beets contain iron in an optimal form for absorption. Beetroot juice can be diluted one to two with carrot juice (let this mixture stand for 15-30 minutes before drinking), and also use beets in salads.

3. Pak choi

The third place is occupied by the Chinese cabbage pak-choi. It is considered the champion among all types of cabbage in terms of vitamin A content. Like all vegetables listed here, this cabbage contains essential vitamins and minerals that help a person grow.

2. Potato

In second place on the list of vegetables useful for growth will be potatoes. Although I thought for a long time where to put it - on the first or second. Potatoes contain all essential and non-essential amino acids. Thus, in its amino acid composition, it is almost as good as animal proteins. How to use: in the form of freshly squeezed juices.

1. Carrot

tops the list vegetables for human growth, of course, carrots. There are not many vegetables that contain more growth vitamin A than carrots. Carrot juices, carrot salads should be the basis for anyone who wants to grow up.

That's all I have for today. Now you know which vegetables contribute to human growth. Use them in your diet, exercise and natural methods for increasing height, and adding a few centimeters of height will be a very real task for you. Good luck!

Sincerely, Vadim Dmitriev

All children want to grow up quickly. Staying small is something out of scary tales like "Little Muck" or "Dwarf Nose" for example. True, a good wizard appears in fairy tales, and everything ends happily. But it happens that a good wizard appears in life - an endocrinologist, and then the dwarf begins to grow and turns into a beautiful young man.

What affects the growth of a child? First, of course, heredity. If mom and dad are short, it's hard to expect their daughter to have the height of a fashion model. In addition to heredity, growth determines many other things: nutrition, daily routine, and even the psychological atmosphere in the family.

The child should eat a lot of dairy products, as they contain calcium - a building material for a growing body. Every day you need to give the baby vegetables and fruits, because he needs vitamins. Especially useful carrots containing beta-carotene. In order for this microelement to be better absorbed, raw carrots must be rubbed and seasoned with sour cream or butter. Protein products - meat, fish - are also necessary for normal growth. If the child is thin, eats sluggishly, it is useful for him to give caviar (of course, in the absence of food allergies).

Those children who spend a lot of time outdoors, play outdoor games, and go in for sports grow better. By the way, if you want your child to be taller, when you choose a sports section, give preference not to power sports, but to basketball, volleyball, tennis.

Sleep plays a special role, it is not in vain that they say that children grow in their sleep: 70% of the growth hormone - somatotropin - is produced at night. If you put your baby to bed late, he sleeps restlessly, wakes up often, the production of growth hormone is disrupted.

How to ensure that the baby falls asleep early and sleeps soundly? It will be necessary for a while to subordinate the way of the whole family to the interests of the child. Turn off the TV early and see the guests out. In the evening, play only calm games with your baby, tell a story before going to bed, read or sing a lullaby. You can listen to relaxing music together.

Very important for the growth of the child and the general atmosphere in the family. There is such a thing - psycho-emotional short stature. It occurs in children not only in dysfunctional families. You can feed a child well, dress him, buy him excellent toys and at the same time not really love him, but pay off with expensive gifts to make amends for his guilt.

When a child lacks true love, warmth, his growth slows down. Recently, psychologists have calculated that in order for a family to have a favorable psycho-emotional atmosphere, it is necessary to hug and kiss loved ones at least eight times a day.

When to sound the alarm

The child grows fastest in the first year: its height increases by about 25 cm. Then the rate decreases: in the second year, the baby grows by 8–12 cm, then by 4–6 cm annually.

If in the third year of life the child has grown by less than 4 cm, it is necessary to show it to the endocrinologist. Sometimes parents do not pay attention to the fact that their baby is lagging behind their peers in growth, and they realize only in adolescence, when it is already difficult to fix anything. If they turned to specialists in time, they would help the child grow up.

Fortunately, most short children have what is known as constitutional stunting. It turns out that their parents grew up in much the same way: for a long time they went to the closing lessons in physical education, and then suddenly they waved and found themselves in the top five. These are boys and girls with late puberty. They do not need any treatment, they will catch up, and even surpass their peers by the age of 16-18.

But in some cases, a special examination - carried out only in a hospital - reveals a deficiency of growth hormone (GH) in the body. GH is produced by the pituitary gland under the control of the structures of the hypothalamus. Its deficiency may be genetically determined or associated with disorders in the endocrine system. Previously, the fate of such children was a foregone conclusion, they were doomed to dwarf growth: the boy did not grow above 140 cm, and the girl - 130 cm. Today they can be helped.

magic drops

These children need treatment with growth hormone. GH, which is synthesized by a genetic engineering method, is identical to natural, has virtually no side effects. Only a specialist after an examination can prescribe growth hormone. The treatment lasts for several years, until the growth zones are closed (this is determined using an x-ray of the hands) and the growth effect stops. GH is administered daily using a special syringe pen, the device of which allows you not to lose a single drop of the precious drug.

GH deficiency is often combined with another endocrine pathology: dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, so treatment should be carried out under the constant supervision of an endocrinologist.

GH preparations are very expensive, a course of treatment for a month costs a thousand dollars, but Russian children are treated with GH preparations free of charge. What are the results? During the first year of treatment, it is possible to achieve an increase in height by 8-12 cm, in the second - by 6-8, the third - by 4-6. In the first two years, the body is saturated with the hormone, then the growth rate becomes the same as in healthy children. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is.

Moscow endocrinologists have a patient whose height is now ninety-five meters, although without treatment he would not have grown above one and a half meters.

With family short stature, the effect of using GH preparations is lower than with growth hormone deficiency, and they need to be administered in larger quantities. In this case, you can increase your height by only 6-8 cm. If the height of the parents does not exceed 150-160 cm, the height of the children will be about the same.

Parents often ask doctors if the second child will grow poorly if the first one has a growth hormone deficiency? No, the second one can be born absolutely healthy, but before planning a pregnancy, you need to contact a medical genetic consultation.

by the way

To determine the approximate height of a child when he becomes an adult, you need to add the height of the mother and the height of the father, divide the resulting amount by two, and then add 6.5 centimeters for a boy or subtract the same amount if we are talking about a girl.

Our reference

Muscovites can be examined for growth retardation at the Endocrinological Dispensary, tel. (499) 246-27-66, residents of other cities - in the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, tel. (495) 124-02-66.

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According to statistics, 3% of children in the world have stunted growth - a pathology in which there is a significant lag in the average. This indicates serious disruption of the endocrine system and can lead to dwarfism.

Several factors influence the healthy growth of the baby:

  • Heredity;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Healthy lifestyle (parents and child).

Food is in second place for a reason. The body of children up to 12-13 years old is actively growing and requires more vitamins than the body of an adult. These vitamins are found in foods and help the endocrine system produce growth hormone. In the article, you will learn what you should definitely add to your child's diet so that he does not face growth problems.

You will need:

Chicken eggs

They belong to food products that contribute to the production of energy at the intercellular level. It is necessary for a growing organism. They are rich in vitamins B and D.

Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium, which affects the formation of bone tissue and teeth of the baby.

Eating one egg each during breakfast and dinner, you can saturate the body with useful trace elements such as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium.

For normal development, eggs must be in the child's diet regularly.


The growth process requires iron, zinc, proteins, which beef contains more than other meats. Protein is the main building material for the formation of the skeleton and muscle mass.

Beef for a child is served boiled or stewed, but not more than twice a week.

Sometimes kids end up eating beef because it's tough. By clicking on this link, you will find out.


To increase the growth of the child and ensure his normal physical development, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates is required, which are abundant in bananas. The combination of fast and slow carbohydrates saturates the body with energy.

Bananas contain elements due to which the hematopoietic system, bone tissue, and muscles develop properly. These are fluorine, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium.

Eating bananas improves concentration and memory development. You can just have a snack with these fruits, or you can add them to cottage cheese casserole, milk porridge, fruit salad.


The unique combination of vitamin complex and dietary fiber, which are part of the structure of oatmeal, have the ability to actively increase the growth of the child.

Hercules porridge is rich in useful trace elements: magnesium, iron, fluorine, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, potassium and vitamins A, B, E, K. All of them form bones and muscles.

It is better for kids to cook oatmeal with the addition of milk with a fat content of 3.2%. For taste, you can add dried fruits, strawberries, bananas.


The growth and normal development of a child is impossible without vegetable protein, which is just as necessary as animal protein. Peas, lentils, beans satisfy this need to the fullest. In addition, they contain mineral complexes from which muscle and bone tissues are built.

For a child who does not like beans, you can beat boiled beans with olive oil and herbs. Mashed potatoes are happy to eat even capricious kids.

Cottage cheese

The child's body absorbs milk protein well.

Thanks to the active substances that make up the cottage cheese, metabolic processes improve, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of bones and muscles. Calcium and phosphorus are responsible for the health of bone tissue and teeth, amino acids are involved in the formation of the digestive organs and the nervous system.

The best cottage cheese dishes for kids - with the addition of fruits, berries, honey.


Omega fats, contained in excess in this product, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain. Vitamins, phosphorus and calcium are very useful for the growth of the child.

Walnut kernels can be simply consumed or used as an additive to desserts, yogurts, cereals, salads.


Great in the product helps to grow bones and joints. The milk of large animals contains more growth components.

The most useful is fresh milk from under a domestic cow. But you need to be careful and be sure of its quality.

It is necessary to give milk to a child in early childhood and primary school age.

During adolescence, milk can do more harm than good as it increases the risk of hip fracture.


Red apples are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant.

It is desirable for a child to eat unpeeled apples. The peel is rich in quercetin, which makes muscle cells produce energy. They can also be added to salads, pastries, smoothies.