What tricks to use to win over a Taurus man? How to Conquer and Charm a Taurus Man How can you push a Taurus man away.

Taurus can be called a conservative sign in bed and love relationships. He never has many novels. And it is simply impossible to imagine a Taurus who simultaneously meets several partners at once. Representatives of this zodiac sign quite often keep their virginity before marriage. And in marriage, Taurus, as a rule, remain ideally faithful to their partner. It is difficult to call them experimenters. But the calf in bed is a very gentle and understanding lover. It is difficult to call him a passionate partner, but at the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign always strive to satisfy the person who is nearby.

Male Taurus, as a rule, are physically developed. Therefore, sex with them is active, and some partners are sometimes even afraid of this activity. Taurus men can't stand to be dominated by someone. And so they immediately seek to take power into their own hands. The love horoscope of Taurus suggests that this sign knows its own worth very well. He has a superbly developed intuition, so it is very difficult to deceive Taurus. He does not tolerate any pretense, especially since he has very good sexual opportunities.

Sex with a calf cannot be called boring and insipid. Due to their thoroughness, the representatives of this sign also approach this issue in the same way. True, if Taurus is in love, he can succumb to persuasion and take some new actions for himself. But, if he does not like it, sooner or later he will refuse to participate in such matters.

Sexuality of the Taurus Man

He loves to make love very much. It may sound strange - who doesn't love? But there are people who use sex for stress relief, for possessiveness, for masculinity or just for fun - they don't enjoy it. Taurus enjoys. In many ways, Taurus is the perfect lover. He is sensual, understands his partner. He does not need to be persuaded and encouraged.

Taurus from a young age, he dreams of women. He is strong, and his desire is to reach the goal. He knows how to approach any woman. He is insatiable. But don't worry. He will find a way to help you satisfy him. His foreplay is almost a theatrical performance. No intercourse "in haste". Only when he feels that the moment has come. He prefers it to be slow and easy rather than sloppy, thanks ma'am. He has a wonderful imagination. Do not think that he will lead you down unknown sexual paths. He will follow the tried and tested path, but he will design it in such a way that the results will not disappoint you.

Some believe that Taurus is a little primitive when it comes to the act of love. He wants everything to be uncomplicated and clean. Such a lover is getting harder to find. Taurus can overcome anything. His great advantage is strength. If he sometimes lacks imagination, he compensates for this with his ability to go forward. You will have to take matters into your own hands if you want to try exotic positions.

Remember that you cannot control Taurus, you can only try to make assumptions. Perseverance on your part will make him turn his back on you. Taurus is an earth sign and very stubborn, and subtle hints will lead you to your goal sooner. Since the Taurus man loves comfort, a fur-lined bed, soft light and quiet music are his idea of ​​a sexual paradise. Another thought that can give special pleasure: invite him to put a few drops of liquor on your bare skin and lick them off. The Turks call it "yalomak".

A man reacts to body odors. A woman's scent has a stimulating effect on him. He can even lick the sweat from her body, although he will certainly like the "yalomak" more. He likes to rub massage creams into his girlfriend's body before getting down to business. He might start by kissing all her toes in turn. Do not try to stop him, he has his own ritual, and everything has its time.

Purity is not necessary for the sexual pleasures of Taurus. The addiction to dirt - the weakness of some Taurus women - is also characteristic of men, in any case, to a greater extent than men born under other signs. In extreme manifestations, Taurus may insist that the partner share these addictions.

How to impress a Taurus man in bed

For this man, love is made up of a number of factors. This is not just blind adoration, but something deeper and stronger. And the intimate sphere plays an important role in this. That is why his chosen one should think about how to make the satisfaction of her man complete. Understanding this issue will help to achieve not only harmonious relationships, but also the opportunity to stay with him forever.

Surprise a Taurus Man

He loves everything unhurried, so you should surprise him with your desire to be unhurried, peaceful and gentle. In addition, he will like her constant freshness, and an attractive look for moments of intimacy. You can choose special underwear, or you can wrap yourself in a gentle, bewitching aroma. Then he will have something to be surprised at, the main thing is that her doing to surprise does not turn into a routine.

unexpected moments

He likes the comfortable state in moments of intimacy, but her unexpected desire in a special setting will create even greater attraction for the act itself. To do this, you can think over the surroundings, put on special clothes and wish intimacy at an unexpected moment for him. This will surprise him and desire his partner even more. Surprise in intimacy for him is not just an adrenaline rush, but also a silent declaration of love.


This man loves gentle touches, as his sensuality is at its best. And to understand how to surprise him, you have to use experiments. His body is extremely sensual, so you should gently touch different parts. This will not only surprise him, but he will also like it very much. And such a partner will take a strong position in his life, he is unlikely to want to change her to a more attractive one.

The most important thing!

The assessment of pleasure for him is one of the most important when choosing a partner. Surprising this man is not difficult, but a woman will have to look for different methods for this. It is enough to use different techniques, to study your partner, to bring him real pleasure. Only in this case, she will touch his most important and tender strings of the soul. And this will allow not only to be with him, but also to become a loved one for life. Thus, if you follow all the above recommendations, you can easily give yourself and him great pleasure.

A woman, at some point in her life, may notice that she is in love with a Taurus man - this stubborn bull-headed man who was born between April 20 and May 20. These people are very stubborn, and it is quite difficult to attract them. If you are practical, calm and feminine, then Taurus is the perfect option for you.


Part 1

Grab his attention
  1. Be a woman. While you need to be strong and confident in order to gain respect, you also need to show your feminine side. The Taurus man loves to be surrounded by femininity. He really appreciates beauty and expects his woman to be beautiful. If you want to attract him, then take the time to look good!

    • When you have achieved this, be feminine. The Taurus man wants to be with a woman of exquisite taste - one who loves good wine, good music, and good art. Be sure you dress appropriately, you won't give up too soon!
  2. Be clean. Taurus wants to see a housewife in a woman. As long as you are neat, organized and emotionally stable, your man will be crazy about you. Taurus hates clutter and a hectic lifestyle. Prove to him how it comes naturally to you, and he will be amazed.

    • If you are inviting a Taurus man home, then organize your home! He will appreciate your attention to detail in everything - right down to your spice rack. He will notice how much time you spent organizing your life and he will consider you a kindred spirit.
  3. Handle money wisely. He is careful about money, and will not understand if you use it uselessly and impractically. If you seem financially literate, you can get his attention. He is very practical and knows the value of things. And, of course, do not treat them casually!

    • As said, they know when the quality of a thing is worth its price. You don't need to save, but know when certain things are frivolous and unnecessary.
  4. Be honest. If you can't be true to yourself, you won't be able to attract a Taurus man by pretending to be someone else. Be honest with him. He will appreciate your honesty, as this is one of the important character traits that he really wants to see in a lady. He will not trust you right away, and therefore will not tolerate the slightest lie.

    • Be honest and don't plan ahead. If you are not very clean, look neat. If you are not very feminine, then do not pretend that you are not. Be yourself. If you don't like it, then he won't like it either. You can't pretend all the time, he'll find out eventually. And if he finds out, he will obviously not be happy about it. So don't pretend that you are someone you are not in the first place!
  5. Be practical. Taurus men are family men who prefer to be in the comfort of their own home, with good food and good company. If you are a good cook, then you will win his heart. They are simple and calm, so try to avoid abrupt changes or spontaneous plans. Stay practical.

    • Don't worry about doing something wrong. Invite him to dinner that you cooked yourself. He will be impressed by your ingenuity, your skill and your femininity. The woman who invites him to dinner, who is attractive in her own right and is a good cook? This is a win for everyone!

    Part 2

    Relationship building
    1. Take the first step. Many Taurus mistakes are due to the fact that he is cold and stays away. This is not because he is not happy with his surroundings, but because he keeps his emotions inside and tries to be practical at all times. Therefore, he may be interested in you, and you do not even know about it! You may have to take the first step or wait a while!

      • You don't have to do anything extravagant - take him out to dinner again and he'll be impressed. No need to be intrusive, just invite him for a cup of coffee to show that you like him..
    2. Be sensitive. The Taurus man loves a cozy, pleasant, friendly atmosphere. He loves to just stay at home with his woman - that is, you. A beautiful dress will attract a man in public places, but in private, it will attract him even more. The Taurus man will appreciate you knowing that this is just for him.

      • Show him that you are physically interested without putting on a show. Touch him on the shoulders as you pass by, gently massage his hand, don't touch him until he has no choice but to get out of his cage.
    3. Respect him as a leader! Taurus men are always leaders. He wants to be with a woman who will support and respect him, who will be strong and self-confident, but will not take over in a relationship. However (when trying to mislead), you can show your independence from time to time. If you do not want him to consider you a spineless person, then you need him to show some amount of respect for you.

      • After all, Taurus wants a relationship where there is mutual respect. The idea is to respect him as a leader, and he, in turn, respects you. In a conflict, take the first step towards and he will answer. He has enough problems with his own temperament, but much less than anyone else.
      • He also loves to plan. If you're obsessed with brilliant ideas, then don't start implementing them before you think about them. Then, most likely, he will lower you to the ground and do it much better!
    4. Be calm and don't push him. The Taurus man loves to feel adventurous. He must consider all factors of the game, including relationships. So here you need to be patient and relax. Let the relationship develop without pressure on him. If he doesn't like you, he won't stay!

      • This applies to his personal time too. The Taurus man gets stuck in his everyday life. And if you interrupt him, he will not be delighted. If he needs to do something, then do it. But after he finishes everything, he will be all yours.

    Part 3

    Make it last
    1. Consider the character of a Taurus. It is important to sit down and try to be realistic. Taurus is a protector, and a jealous sign, like its opposite, Scorpio. If your sign is Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini, then you may have to forget about Taurus, as you are not a good fit. His overbearing nature will seem suffocating to you. Make sure your sign goes well with it!

      • You have to take Taurus for who he is with his need for routine, his need to be a leader in every way! It can be a relationship that lasts a very long time.
    2. Develop in everyday life. Taurus loves his daily routine, and his woman should be a part of it. So make some time for yourself! Make it part of your daily routine and vice versa. The more you connect with each other, the more difficult it will be to break this connection.

      • It doesn't mean, no matter how hard you try to imagine it, that you have to be involved in every aspect of each other's lives. No no no. It just means that you should have hobbies and activities that both of you enjoy. Get excited on Friday. Arrange bowling competitions. Walk on Saturday morning. Each of you must have your own life! But the rest of the time you have to spend together.
    3. It doesn't mean, no matter how hard you try to imagine it, that you have to be involved in every aspect of each other's lives. No no no. It just means that you should have hobbies and activities that both of you enjoy. Get excited on Friday. Arrange bowling competitions. Walk on Saturday morning. Each of you must have your own life! But the rest of the time you have to spend together.

      • There are subtle ways to do this. If two people are fighting, don't just step back and say, “You're right, dear. Forgive me". (Unless he's right, of course). It would rather look like this: “I don't understand what I have to do with this. Can you explain this to me?" With a Taurus, being tactful will take you a lot, a lot of time.
    4. Know that you will have to pull it out. If you are looking for a man who will adore you, then Taurus is not like that. Of course, he can be affectionate, but if it does not take up a lot of his precious time. If you can accept it, be patient. Show him that you are comfortable with him and take care of him, and then he will reciprocate.

      • Don't be discouraged if he doesn't show the care you expect! If this is a problem, then talk about it. He will appreciate honesty and directness. Give him some time to come to a decision. It's worth the wait, you know?
    5. Work on trusting each other. Along with indifference and slowness in decisions, Taurus can be a little distrustful. He believes in the mantra: "If you want to do something right, do it yourself." This also flows into romantic relationships, where he uses it to do his own thing. However, over time, if you show him that you are a reliable and responsible partner, he will see the point in protecting you. Then you will know that you have won the heart of a Taurus.

      • If you have such qualities as honesty, practicality, diplomacy and calmness, then you will not have any problems. Trust will just fall into place! Let him know that you are so loyal only to him, and if he trusts you, he will respond in kind. It only means that he is participating in this game to win!
    • Remember care and attention. Taurus are not expressive romantics, but they will prove their love to you with actions, not promises. If you treat him well, he will notice it and appreciate it, even if he is silent about it.
    • If you know you did something wrong, then apologize. He will appreciate it.
    • Taurus men are slow because they are loyal/true lovers. They tend to keep some moments in their hearts so as not to ruin the moment and lose you. The moment you reach the heart of a Taurus man, he will love you forever.
    • Being attractive includes taking frequent showers, neat but not overly bright makeup, a toned body, smelling good, feeling good, looking good, and generally being good.
    • Have patience. The Taurus man will take a long time to decide on some steps in a relationship until he decides whether you are the “one” or not.
    • Tauruses are very slow and do not like change. If you broke up with a Taurus man, then he will still keep warm memories of you after a few months, even if he is dating someone else.
    • Engage in art, dance, literature, or theater. Taurus is a creative person.
    • They love to play mind games. They will challenge you by raising controversy and will sit back and watch you get angry. If he put on shoes on the wrong foot, he will be disappointed and lash out with insults. Don't give up, the stronger you are, the more he will respect you.


    • Don't try to play mind games with a Taurus man. He will not entertain you. Be honest and direct instead.
    • Communication is very important. Try talking to each other more to see what's best for both of you.
    • Taurus is one of the most stubborn signs, so don't force him to do anything or you'll feel him poking his horns from behind!


Taurus can not stand to be on the sidelines. Keep this in mind when you start making long-term plans to conquer it. Once you have a Taurus, be prepared to play the role of second fiddle yourself. According to Taurus, either he looks like a real male, or it's a rag. Let the Taurus know that you need help. He must feel that next to him is a fragile woman who needs, if not protection, then constant guardianship. Taurus is ready to take off his last shirt for relatives or friends, and a beautiful woman will become even more interesting for him if he “invests” his participation in her. Just don't overdo it: you don't have to look like a completely helpless doll. Gently hint that you could use a little help in some area of ​​your life. This may be writing a report, preparing for a difficult exam (as a humanist, higher mathematics is bad for you, and vice versa). Gifted versatile, Taurus will be happy to once again demonstrate their erudition. Then the Taurus man himself will not be able to figure out whether it is pleasant for him to be near you because he appeared in a favorable light, or whether it is your personal vibes.

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. This is the planet that is responsible for the sensitive perception of beauty and beautiful things. Therefore, the Taurus man reacts with increased interest to typically feminine qualities. Softness, sophistication, underlined forms - all this excites his imagination. Do not experiment with makeup, hairstyles and manicures. For Taurus, proven means of seduction are enough. He has long well-groomed hair, best of all -. Makeup should focus on your most attractive features: eyelashes, lips, a gentle blush on your cheeks. The absence of colors will not be a plus in the eyes of Taurus. Avoid monotony, solid pastel colors. You should not hit the other extreme either - do not overdo it with bright lipstick, too deep necklines, too short skirts. This can be regarded by the Taurus man as pretentiousness, vulgarity. Cheap effects are not for him. Please also note that Taurus will prefer an inexpensive, but high-quality and stylish “no-name” thing to fakes of famous designer brands. The same applies to gifts, if you want to please him with a sign of attention.

The Taurus man appreciates not only physical attraction, but also spiritual closeness between partners. In communication with him, do not limit yourself to flirting and flirtatious tone. Have intimate conversations with Taurus - his views on life, family relationships, leisure, films, music will do. It is important for Taurus that his companion not only look brilliant, but also be an interesting companion. Even better, if you become his main listener - understanding, sensitive, in a word, irreplaceable. Conservative by nature, Taurus needs a like-minded person. It is important for him that the closest person supports him in everything, converges with him in his views. Even if you disagree with much, do not enter into an open confrontation with the Taurus man. This is one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. He will remain with his opinion even when the whole world tells him that Taurus is wrong. But if it settles in Taurus's memory that you supported him at the moment when everyone turned away from him, this will make him invariably devoted to you.

Like most men, Taurus loves well-groomed, interesting, attractive women, but he avoids vulgar ladies. Taurus have a delicate taste and pretense can be distinguished from natural behavior. Therefore, you should not play someone else's role in order to attract the attention of such a man.

Features of the character and behavior of the Taurus man

Taurus man laconic, does not like sudden movements, knows how to control himself. His stubbornness is often confused with patience. Sometimes it creates the impression of a closed person. He rarely gets angry, but if you start to put pressure on him, he becomes stubborn and unbearable.

He loves money and knows how to earn them. He always takes his duties at work very seriously and performs them impeccably. For this he is appreciated by his superiors. The Taurus man always makes a lot of money. He is a great businessman, and if one day he decides to start his own business from scratch, then he will definitely succeed.

Taurus man is in good health, minor ailments bypass him. But, if it so happens that he falls ill, then the illness will squeeze all the juice out of him. To improve health, Taurus needs to be outdoors more often and lead a more active lifestyle.

Those born under this sign are monogamous. Taurus' feelings are strong and real. He does not know how to give gifts and compliments. But their he will prove his feelings with his courtesy care and affection throughout life. Strong and large families are created with Taurus, they are excellent parents. They are strict and fair in their upbringing, but they will always love and pamper their children.

What kind of women do Taurus like?

At its core, the Taurus man is a leader, so they suit him homemade, devoted and open women. Bitchy and rude natures are not for him.

Taurus is a gentle and caring man, he likes attentive and loving lover. In a woman, he appreciates natural, natural beauty, and not defiant makeup, colorful clothes.

In his wife he will appreciate the ability to cook delicious food, keep comfort in the house and just be a good hostess. Kindness and responsiveness are those qualities that are very important for a Taurus man: a woman should love children, respect the elderly, love communication with animals and nature.

How to Win the Heart of a Taurus Man

Be honest and sincere with Taurus, deceit and secrecy, he will never forgive you. Let him feel comfortable in your company. Give him freedom and peace, he will appreciate it.

The Taurus man does not waste money. Therefore, on a first date, do not expect expensive gifts from him, but when you visit a restaurant, behave decently, do not order very expensive dishes or drinks. Otherwise, Taurus will not consider it necessary to extend your relationship. Do not regard such savings as greed. In fact, he has a pragmatic attitude towards life, and in the future he himself will begin to thank you with various gifts.

Also, the Taurus man will not forgive you for lying, making fun of his shortcomings or harsh criticism. Don't flirt in his presence with other men, since Taurus is very jealous and does not want to share his chosen one.

You can tame and keep Taurus with sex, because, having aroused passion in him, you will "bind" him to you forever. In love joys, be sincere with him, bold and daring but don't overdo it. The golden mean between an innocent nature and a femme fatale will suit his taste.

People of this zodiac sign have developed erotic abilities. The Taurus man in bed is an affectionate and sensual partner who knows how to deliver true pleasure to his other half. Women of this constellation are gentle, but at the same time demanding sexual partners.

As a rule, Taurus are endowed with an attractive appearance, charm and inner strength, which, like a magnet, attracts members of the opposite sex. Sex for men of this sign is one of the priority things, as it helps them to assert themselves and feel more confident. For women, lovemaking is a source of energy and cheerfulness.

People of this sign are incredibly strong and hardy in bed, they can please the second half with several sexual acts in one night. Despite the passionate behavior in bed, Taurus is quite conservative, not requiring incredible erotic experiments and actions from a partner.

How to satisfy Taurus in bed is not a very difficult mystery. It is enough to engage in passionate, but "standard" (without surprises and impromptu) sex with him. Few of them will appreciate any form of perversion and deviation from the classics.

Of great importance for the "bulls" is bodily contact with a partner. Mutual erotic caresses increase the degree of excitement and give inexpressible sensations to both participants in the foreplay. Their erogenous zones are the neck, the area behind the ears and the collarbone. Knowing this, you can disarm and drag into bed almost any representative of this zodiac sign, paying active attention to sensitive places on his body.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, born under this sign, are distinguished by directness and openness.

A Taurus woman in bed, without any modesty, will tell you where to caress her and how to kiss her in order to give her maximum pleasure. And the more she likes you, the more she trusts you. A high level of trust, in turn, contributes to her greater emancipation in the sexual bed. Fulfilling her erotic fantasies, in return you will receive the fulfillment of your own.

From here, the answer to the question of how to satisfy the Taurus woman emerges by itself: show mutual openness and be attentive to her requests. For men, such a lady is just a godsend: if she really likes him, and she feels protected next to him, then the man will not have to think and guess what is on her mind. She herself will tell everything, the partner can only fulfill.

Another very important nuance of sexual intimacy for her is the environment in which everything happens. Such a lady loves unusualness, romance, luxury - anything, as long as it is not in everyday life. At least burn candles in an erotic costume, at least arrange sex for her on the beach or in the bath.

The sexual partner under this constellation is sexy, assertive, domineering. He is very loving, so he will like it quite simply. To arouse his sympathy is one thing, but how to satisfy a Taurus man in bed? Here are three tips for women:

If the calf wants to please the woman himself, he becomes as insinuating and courteous as possible. He will achieve any charmer who aroused his interest. If this does not happen, such a man will feel a severe defeat, a blow to his self-esteem.

Love and relationships

A man needs more than quality sex but also a stable relationship. In the family, he occupies a dominant place. If you want him to stay with you for life, love his mother. For Taurus, the mother is the main woman in the world. A woman who is accepted and loved by the mother of Taurus is forever doomed to be loved by him, even if she herself wants to break their union.

What is Taurus in family relationships? All his life he strives to have a strong family, equipping his life as comfortably as possible. He likes to come home, where a faithful wife, beautiful children and a delicious dinner are waiting for him. He is a homebody. Spontaneously making a decision about a trip to an unknown destination is not his style. Rather, he will prefer an interesting book or newspaper to this.

In conclusion: the “bull” husband can be briefly characterized by three points:

  1. Excellent lover.
  2. Caring family man.
  3. Power partner.

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