Famous people named Anastasia. What are the famous people named Anastasia? All singers named Nastya

Nastya is a noble and gentle female name. It is popular not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, it is one of the five most common. Girls with this name are distinguished by beauty, intelligence, kindness and justice.

Anastasia is a model of charm, childish naivety and femininity. Despite the dreaminess and romance, this girl is very assertive, diplomatic and persistent. The energy of the name directly affects the character, but much depends on the lifestyle and upbringing.

What does a name mean for a girl

Girl Nastya is loved by everyone at home and at school. This is due to the complaisant nature, the ability to communicate politely and not offend others. A good-natured child is in great need of encouragement and support from his parents. A cunning and evil person can easily offend a simple-minded girl, because she believes that the world is filled with kindness.

Since childhood, Nastenka believes in miracles, loves fairy tales. Therefore, he often confuses reality with an imaginary world.

Despite the kindness and complaisance, the name for the girl Anastasia promises certain difficulties. The child is dependent on his mood, he will not do anything if he does not want to. At school, she will pay maximum attention to the subject if it is of interest, otherwise she will not waste her precious time. The same goes for helping parents around the house. Nastya's health is strong, but she has problems with her appetite. You will have to show a considerable amount of fantasy to make the girl eat soup or healthy porridge.

Character of an adult woman

Over time, the girl becomes more confident, trusts people less, learns to fight back. Sometimes people perceive such behavior as aggression, presenting it as a rather cold person. However, thanks to this, the girl copes well with difficulties, is able to reason sensibly even in extreme situations.

The firmness of character does not prevent the girl from dreaming, showing tenderness to loved ones. She immediately feels falseness and reacts sharply to injustice and lies.

Anastasia is one of the most popular female names in Russia. It means "resurrected" in Greek. And Nastenka is also the heroine of Russian fairy tales, so a girl with that name seems to be destined to be “the very best”: the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender.

The owner of such a beautiful name does not deceive expectations - pretty Anastasia is loved both in kindergarten, and at school, and at the institute. This name attracts people.

The dreamy girl has a well-developed imagination. Little Nastenka loves fairy tales very much and hopes that her whole life will be the same beautiful fairy tale.

Father's favorite, she lives in anticipation of joy, and every new day is a holiday for her. Trusting, with a subtle mental device, Anastasia can become a good artist.

Anastasia Vertinskaya

According to the youngest daughter of the famous singer and composer of the last century Alexander Vertinsky Anastasia, her father taught her and her sister to understand art. He believed that regardless of the choice of profession, his daughters should be comprehensively developed. Parents instilled in girls a love for music, Russian literature and foreign languages, trying to give them the best education.

Subsequently, Anastasia and her older sister Marianna became actresses. Their children also continued the family tradition by choosing creative professions. There are many actors, directors, TV presenters and designers among the descendants of the famous dynasty.

However, parental love is not always constructive. Sometimes she becomes the cause of the deepest mental trauma of little Nastya, who sincerely believes that her father is the main man in her life.

The father of American actress Nastassya Kinski, Klaus Kinski, surprised many in 1964 by naming his newborn daughter after Nastasya Filippovna, the heroine of Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot. Klaus adored little Nastya. He called her "my princess", showered her with gifts of toys and rolled her in his luxurious Rolls-Royce.

The idyll came to an end when the girl was eight years old. The father fell in love with another woman and left home. “He found himself a younger girlfriend, and broke up with his mother like a bored doll,” Nastasya will say many years later. She kept waiting for Klaus to come back, but he didn't even call. Despite attempts to forget about the betrayal of her father, this pain will remain with her for the rest of her life.

In 1976, fifteen-year-old Nastasya begins an affair with 43-year-old director Roman Polanski. Kinsky recalls this fact of his biography with embarrassment and regret.

At a very young age, I had a rare chance - to be controlled by geniuses. People like Roman Polanski... But I allowed myself to criticize directors and even give them advice, because of which I quickly got a disgusting reputation. And as the years have passed, I understand very well why many people hated me so much.

As a rule, Nastya gets married early. Despite the fact that Anastasia prefers strong and courageous men, you can win the girl's heart by playing on her inherent sense of pity - Nastya is very suggestible, and she is very easy to touch.

Anastasia is a caring wife, does not like coquetry and flirting, does not look for adventures on the side. She is very devoted to her family and gives all of herself to the children. Nastya gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband, and even tries to turn enemies into friends.

The red-haired star of Russian musicals in an interview with Hello! admitted that with her husband Sergei, they decided to get married a few months after they met. This young man, according to Nastya, appeared in her life during a difficult period.

“It so happened that my partners deceived me, actually stole the money that was allocated for a new project. I was at a loss, did not know what to do next. acquaintances for a conversation, I met Sergey there, "recalls Stotskaya.

He didn't pay any attention to me, he didn't care that I was a celebrity. I remember, I noted to myself: what a handsome man, and so shy. Then we met a couple more times, and once in a common company went to rest. Then we began a romantic relationship. After some time, I became pregnant ... We signed before the birth of Sasha, but we did not arrange a magnificent celebration.

Despite the fact that even in her youth Nastya will learn how to sew and cook. in the future, having matured, she will do homework only when she feels like it. However, she always likes to decorate the room with flowers and dainty trinkets. The owner of good taste, she loves to present friends and relatives with original gifts.

The famous Russian actress and designer is not only a namesake, but also a relative of another well-known representative of the famous family - the younger sister of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. Anastasia Tsvetaeva has been living in Israel in recent years. She is engaged in the creation of her own designer jewelry, which she not only sells to clients, but also gives to friends.

Because of the general attention, the owner of the name Anastasia sometimes grows up too spoiled. In many ways, she is an idealist, and easily becomes a victim of intrigue and deceit. And in cases where you need to fight for your happiness, you can even give up. Besides. Nastya is characterized by an inability to take decisive action and defenselessness in front of evil and cunning people.

A few years ago, all her jewelry was taken out of the ballerina's house, including the famous diamonds given to her in different years, as well as money. After the robbery, Nastya admitted to reporters that material losses in this situation are not the main thing for her. The main experiences of the star are related to the fact that she is afraid for the life and safety of her loved ones.

Volochkova then stated that she was full of bright thoughts. Despite the human malice that she and her family had to face, she remains open to the world and continues to trust people.

Despite her feminine appearance, Anastasia is a strong and charismatic person. She is able to defy fate when it comes to the lives of her loved ones and her own life.


Another famous Anastasia is a talented American singer, the owner of a bright image and a unique voice. Her repertoire includes many unsurpassed hits. The popularity of this bright performer has long ceased to surprise anyone.

But in recent years, Anastacia has been inspiring fans not only with her work. Having won breast cancer twice, on July 20, 2013, the singer wrote in her microblog that she was completely healthy and ready to record new songs. With each new day of her life, Anastacia continues to inspire hope in the hearts of millions of women.

Details Personal growth

Anastasia is a proud and loud name, it is not without reason that there are so many beautiful owners of this name among historical figures and among modern celebrities.

The first place can be safely given to Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva, the first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Among historians, there is an opinion that she is the only one who knew how to soften and calm down the tough temper of the king. After her death, Grozny's cruelty and harshness intensified.

F There is a legend that after the execution of the royal family in 1918 Anastasia Romanova, daughter of Nicholas II, survived. At the same time, all the women who declared themselves to be the surviving princess were sooner or later exposed as liars and impostors. Anastasia, along with her entire family, was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1981.

Modern show business boasts many talented and beautiful Anastasia bearers. Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is surrounded by magnificent admiration and worship for her talent and appearance, and at the same time she constantly becomes the center of various gossip, scandals and rumors. Few can remain indifferent to her.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva is a famous young actress, the heroine of many music videos, a promising rising star. And for lovers of the Silver Age of Russian poetry, this name first of all reminds of her namesake, the sister of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, writer and author of memoirs.

The star list can be continued almost indefinitely. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Anastasia Stotskaya, Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, Anastasia Melnikova…

The youngest of them, perhaps, is Anastasia Zyurkalova. Now the girl is studying at the Kiev Theater Institute. Karpenka-Kary, but her professional choice was preceded by a long history. From childhood, the girl was interested and devoted a lot of time to photography, drawing, and swimming (the mother of the actress is a world champion in gymnastics).

Almost by accident, Anastasia was chosen for the main role from more than a hundred applicants for the casting at the Bayrak studio. As the actress herself says, after this first role, her choice of profession was firmly a foregone conclusion.

Over the following years, she starred in several films by Oksana Bayrak, and the role of Aurora in the film of the same name was written specifically for her. The 21-year-old promising actress is already the owner of several high-profile awards:

"Teletriumph" in 2004, a prize at the IX All-Russian Festival of Visual Arts in the nomination "Best Actress", a special prize for the film "Aurora" at the festival "Kino-Yalta-2007".

Now it’s clear what the name Anastasia means: apparently, everyone who bears this ancient name is doomed to success and glory.

The meaning of the name Anastasia(option 1)
The meaning of the name Anastasia is "resurrected" (Greek)
Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is predestined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender.
Anastasia is loved in kindergarten, at school. She will not deceive expectations - she will never be malicious and vengeful, on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows dreamy, loves fairy tales, she has a well-developed imagination. But he eats badly, which often upsets parents. Grandmother will also have to make a lot of efforts to teach her to clean up toys, fold books, put things in order in her room. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only according to her mood, although in her youth she will learn to sew and cook. She likes to decorate the room with flowers, she likes elegant things.
Trusting, with a delicate spiritual constitution, Anastasia can become a good artist, kindergarten teacher, psychologist. He has the gift of prediction and foresight due to the finely developed intuition. Get married early. Her chosen one is strong, courageous. Often military. It is useful for Anastasia's husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will achieve his goal - it is enough to skillfully play on Anastasia's developed sense of pity.
Anastasia is a devoted and caring wife - no coquetry, no search for adventure on the side. She gives herself to her children, gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. He has good taste, prefers an expensive, well-published book or a beautiful vase to a fashionable dress. Likes to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends. She lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.
Often sick with laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis. She has a weak nervous system.
"Winter" Anastasia is restrained, smart, a little stingy.
"Autumn" - restrained in emotions, carries everything in herself, not very sociable. Can become a teacher, researcher, lawyer. The name is suitable for patronymics: Denisovna, Mikhailovna, Milanovna, Mironovna, Savelyevna, Leontievna, Grigorievna.
"Summer" Nastya is friendly, more sociable, responsive.
"Spring" - romantic, amorous, prone to tears. Nastya can work as a fashion model, fashion designer, referent, actress.
The name Anastasia comes to patronymics: Filippovna, Emmanuilovna, Teodorovna, Telmanovna, Stefanovna, Borisovna, Bogdanovna.

The meaning of the name Anastasia(option 2)
1. The personality of Anastasia. Flying high.
2. Character. 96%.
3. Radiation. 95%.
4. Vibration. 88,000 vibrations/s
5. Color. Green.
6. Main features. Will - excitability - speed of reaction.
7. Totem plant. Tobacco.
8. Totem animal. Post pigeon.
9. Sign. Scales.
10. Type. In general, Anastasia belongs to the type of choleric, has a quick reaction. They are very mobile, cannot sit still, hence the comparison with a carrier pigeon.
11. Psyche. Life with them is not easy. The mood changes quickly - from unrestrained fun to deep depression. You should constantly pay attention to them, otherwise they will take care of you ... and this is much worse. By the nature of Anastasia, they are introverts, immersed in their inner world. They look too self-confident, but often this is only an external impression.
12. Will. Not capable of decisive action.
13. Excitability. Strong, even too strong. It takes a lot of effort to calm them down if they get nervous.
14. Speed ​​of reaction. Anastasia reacts violently, acts impulsively.
15. Activity. It can be overwhelming, but it can also be calm. Relatives should control such girls, but in such a way that they do not have the feeling that they are being watched.
16. Intuition. Nastya is gifted with amazing intuition, restless, mobile and fickle, like cigarette smoke.
17. Intelligence. They are able to synthesize, quickly grasp everything, understand everything, but often get bogged down in trifles that they do not like and reject. They have a good memory, but remember only what interests them. From childhood, they need to be taught discipline.
18. Susceptibility. Very nervous. Today Anastasia is full of joy, tomorrow she falls into despondency. They tend to play with feelings in order to manipulate others. They like to have friends around them, but change them very often. Defeats lead them to despair, which quickly passes.
19. Morality. Subtly feel moral principles, but more than once betray them, not finding satisfaction in what they have done. Some moral opportunism sometimes leads them to violent adventures.
20. Health. Generally good, but often Anastasia's own carelessness leads them to accidents. Be especially careful when driving. Frequent leg fractures. You should pay attention to the kidneys.
21. Sexuality. They often make decisions too quickly. There is too much distance between their activity and the inertia of the people around them.
22. Field of activity. Anastasia May be a flight attendant and a journalist, sales representatives.
23. Sociability. Their house may be full of friends.
24. Conclusion. These "carrier pigeons" lead a very intense and sometimes tumultuous family life. But in their company it is difficult to get bored, especially since Anastasia is very charming.

The meaning of the name Anastasia(option 3)
Anastasia is the feminine form of the male name Anastas.
The name is of ancient Greek origin and means: resurrection (returned to life). Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is destined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender.
Everyone loves her in childhood, and Anastasia will not deceive expectations - she will never be either malicious or vindictive, on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows dreamy, loves children's fairy tales, she has a well-developed imagination. But he eats badly, which often upsets parents. Parents will have to make a lot of efforts to teach Nastya to clean up toys, fold books, put things in order in her room. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only according to her mood. Although in his youth he will learn to sew and cook. He likes to decorate the room with flowers, loves elegant things.
Trusting, persistent mental device, Anastasia can become a good artist, kindergarten teacher, psychologist. He has the gift of divination and foresight thanks to his finely developed intuition. Marries early, prefers strong, courageous, often chooses a military man as a husband. It is useful for Anastasia's husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will be able to do it - it is enough for this to skillfully play on Anastasia's developed sense of pity.
She is a devoted and caring wife, coquetry and seeking adventure on the side does not attract her. She gives herself to her children, gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. Has a good taste. They love to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends. Anastasia lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.

The meaning of the name Anastasia(option 4)
The secret of the name Anastasia is very stubborn and contradictory. If a person does not like, they will get rid of by any means. Cunning, petty, greedy. Specific - everything is always thought out in advance. Stubborn.
To achieve the goal, Anastasia will go "over the corpses." Usually do not work in production - brilliant actresses. They like to be in the thick of things, people. Travelers do not spare money for themselves. Try not to dress in the same way.
Sexually preoccupied, but able to break off any relationship once and for all. They don't regret what they missed. Outwardly they look like their father, but inwardly they look like their mother.
Anastasia gives birth to children of different sexes. In general - unlucky.

The meaning of the name Anastasia(option 5)
Anastasia's name means - from the Greek resurrected, colloquial. Nastasia and Nastasia; vernacular Anastasia and Nastasia.
Anastasia is the embodiment of charm and grace. Her feelings are quivering and changeable. She is distinguished by a subtle mental attitude, unmistakable intuition. She is able to prophesy, predict the future. She has a powerful analytical mind: she can baffle the most sophisticated thinkers. But at the same time, Anastasia is lazy and cold.
Anastasia is focused on herself, only a little on her loved ones, the rest are indifferent to her.

The meaning of the name Anastasia(option 6)
The origin of the name Anastasia is resurrecting (Greek meaning.).
Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
The planet is Pluto.
Color - dark green.
Anastasia's auspicious tree is jasmine.
The treasured plant is an orchid.
The patron of the name is the Siamese cat.
Talisman stone - malachite.
Anastasia is the embodiment of charm, grace, change of mood, caution, nervousness, readiness for love or alienation. She is distinguished by a subtle mental attitude, unmistakable intuition. Able to prophesy, predict the future, foresee events. At the same time, Anastasia often has such a powerful analytical mind that she can baffle the most sophisticated thinkers.
One problem - Anastasia is lazy and cold. No one, except for herself and the closest people, exists for her.

Derivatives of the name Anastasia (Nastya)

Anastasiyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya, Nastyunya, Nastura, Styura, Nastya, Nastya, Nastya, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Syusha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastasoshka.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs about Anastasia (Nastya)
Nastya-Nastenka - a red fur coat, a black-browed one herself, a beaver's edge.
They missed Nastya when the gates were wide open.
They came to Nastya grief and misfortune.

Dates of the name day of Anastasia, Nastasya, dates of the day of the Angel(in parentheses are the dates of the name day according to the old style)
January 4 (December 22)- Great Martyr Anastasia the Solver.
March 23 (10)- Venerable Anastasia Patricia, of Alexandria, hermit.
April 28 (15)- Martyr Anastasia of Rome.

November 11 (October 29)- Martyr Anastasia the Roman.
November 12 (October 30) - Martyr Anastasia of Thessalonica.
December 26 (13) Righteous Anastasia.
July 17 (4) Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Anastasia.

Famous people named Anastasia
Anastasia Vertinskaya (actress)
Anastasia Liukin (gymnast)
Anastasia Ermakova (4-time Olympic champion in synchronized swimming)
Anastasia Volochkova (Russian ballerina)
Anastasia Romanovna (first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible)
Anastasia Tsvetaeva (writer)
Anastasia Vyaltseva (Russian pop singer)
Anastasia Mintskovskaya, usually just Anastasia (Russian pop singer)
Nastya Poleva (Russian rock singer, soloist of the Nastya group)
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (Honored Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter)
Enestecia (American pop singer)
Stacey Keenan (American film actress)

origin of the name Anastasia. The name Anastasia is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Synonyms for the name Anastasia. Enesteysha, Anastasi, Nastasia, Nastasia, Anastasia.
Short form of the name Anastasia. Nastasya, Nastasia, Anastasya, Nastasya, Nastya, Nastya, Nasya, Nasa, Nata, Nana, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Tasya, Stazka, Staza.

The name Anastasia is the female form of the male name "Anastas" and translated from Greek means "return to life", "resurrection", "resurrected", "reborn", "immortal". Folk Russian form - Nastasya.

Among the Orthodox, saints with the name Anastasia are especially venerated - the Great Martyr Anastasia (Anastasia the Patterner), who is the patroness of pregnant women and prisoners, and Anastasia Rimlyanina (Anastasia the Elder) - the patroness of livestock. For the name Anastasia, Orthodox name days are indicated.

Anastasia has been desired children since childhood. Nastya is very trusting, kind and completely forgiving. Little girl Nastya loves fairy tales very much, she has a well-developed imagination, she knows how to come up with both a game and fun. Diligence is an integral feature of the owners of this name, but in childhood you need to stubbornly instill it in a girl, as she likes to dream and this constantly distracts her. Over time, it is these qualities - diligence, diligence, perseverance, brought up in childhood - that will play an important role in her life.

Anastasia is a good craftswoman - she knows how to sew and knit, and cooks well. Having matured, she will strive to keep her house clean, she will be strict, but fair in this respect to both her husband and children. She does not like to keep anything extra in the house. Everything that has already become unnecessary, she will either give without regret, if it can be given, or throw it away. Nastya loves to surround her comfort with flowers, paintings, carpets. In her house you can always find a beautiful box and an unusual trinket. But with Nastenka, all these things will be useful, serve her in the household.

Nastya is philanthropic, she is a very sincere and sympathetic person, pity and mercy are not alien to her. Many devote her to their own secrets, she knows how to keep secrets. Most often, Anastasia chooses those professions where she can help people, can give her warmth, take care of someone. She can become a nurse, a kindergarten teacher, a psychologist. Also, fantasy continues to live in adult Anastasia, therefore, it happens that Nastya chooses romantic, sometimes dangerous professions. They can become artists, circus performers, rescuers, climbers. Anastasia is always ready to sacrifice her desires, her time in favor of another person.

Anastasia is a very strong-willed person, unbending, firm. She cannot be bribed, forced, she can only be convinced that she is necessary, but only if this is really so. Nastya will not run for you to collect cranberries in the swamp if you are able to do it yourself, but she will pick up cranberries, and bring mushrooms, and bring water, and cook porridge for the old woman, even if she does not ask for anything.

Anastasia always wants to be protected, she is dependent on the one she loves. And that is why she only marries a strong man who can support her and her family. Most often, Anastasia gets married early. Women named Nastya are caring, faithful wives and loving mothers.

Name day Anastasia

Anastasia celebrates name days on January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, June 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11, November 12, December 26.

Famous people named Anastasia

Anastasia Vertinskaya (actress)
Anastasia Liukin (gymnast)
Anastasia Ermakova (4-time Olympic champion in synchronized swimming)
Anastasia Volochkova (Russian ballerina)
Anastasia Romanovna (first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible)
Anastasia Tsvetaeva (writer)
Anastasia Vyaltseva (Russian pop singer)
Anastasia Mintskovskaya, usually just Anastasia (Russian pop singer)
Nastya Poleva (Russian rock singer, soloist of the Nastya group)
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (Honored Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter)
Enestecia (American pop singer)
Stacey Keenan (American film actress)