Volumetric crafts from scrap materials. DIY home crafts from scrap materials with photos

Based on the results of many experiments, it is clear that making unique and non-standard souvenirs with your own hands is a very exciting and interesting job. It promotes the development of flexible thinking, creative taste and aesthetic imagination.

Even small children can take part in such a cognitive process, because making crafts from improvised materials with their own hands takes a long time even for those who are not assiduous and not very obedient.

For production, any materials of natural and artificial origin are used. After all, available raw materials are always available and do not require any waste.

And masterpieces that are made from unnecessary or unsuitable materials are fully competitive with store-bought analogues, since they have no analogues. Such products will organically fit into any interior, which will add exquisite originality to it.

What crafts can be made from improvised materials?

  • a variety of photo frames;
  • coasters for hot cups;
  • many different toys;
  • decorations for every taste and color;
  • key holders;
  • original souvenirs using quilling technique;
  • various candlesticks;
  • skillful crafts for flower beds and garden plots;
  • designer suits and dresses for matinees;
  • design of a playground for children;
  • graceful decorative flowers;
  • interesting decorations;
  • and many other various design masterpieces.

To make it easier to make souvenirs with your own hands, photos of crafts from improvised materials that can be found on the World Wide Web will help with this. There is no need to copy, you just need to understand the technique and do something of your own.

Using the same principle that postcards are made, it is possible to make a bright panel from paper and cardboard. But in this case, to make the souvenir look complete, you also need to think about a frame that can be made from various materials.

Instructions for crafts using improvised materials

Let's take a closer look at the example of crafts made from plastic bags - a kite, which kids love so much. For manufacturing, you need to prepare:

  • 2 polyethylene bags;
  • 2 skewers;
  • scotch;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • fishing line, which can be seen with strong threads.

The process of creating a masterpiece:

Straighten the bag and place skewers on it, as if in a cross, but the longitudinal one should be a third higher, from the middle. Now, using a marker, you need to draw lines that connect the ends of the skewers.

Then, it is advisable to cut out the resulting figure. The skewers are glued to the bag with tape.

From the second plastic bag, you need to cut a piece, 4-5 cm wide, of any length - for the tail of the snake. It is possible to make a tail from several short pieces of bags, first combining them with tape. After this, you should tie the tail to the lower half of the flying kite.

At the end, you need to make a hole in the place where the skewers intersect, and securely tie the fishing line there. Ready!

Step-by-step making of crafts for beginners

To make a craft - a goose made from Kinder eggs, you will need:

  • yellow eggs from kinders;
  • buttons: 1 for the nose, 1 for the tail and 2 for the eyes;
  • ribbon;
  • awl;
  • elastic thread;
  • glue.

The process of creating a masterpiece:

Using a preheated awl, all the eggs are pierced, one opposite hole at a time.

Then the elastic is threaded from the ponytail to the head. Next, you need to put on the nose button and thread the elastic in the opposite direction, through the other hole.

Since both ends of the thread appear in the tail, it is advisable to secure them using a button. Now you need to glue in the eyes and strengthen the button on the tail of the caterpillars. In this way it is possible to produce a whole family of similar caterpillars.

Master classes on crafts from improvised materials

For a cardboard Christmas tree you need to prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • paints, markers, pencils;
  • scissors;
  • glitter, stickers, or something else - for decorations.

The process of creating a masterpiece:

The cardboard must be folded in half and cut where it bends. The halves that came out are folded in half again.

On one piece, on the opposite side of the fold, half of the Christmas tree is drawn.

The sheets are folded together and cut along the drawn line; This is how you get two identical Christmas trees. Then you need to secretly mark the centers of both Christmas trees.

On one Christmas tree, an incision is made from the top to the middle along the midline, and on the second, from bottom to middle. Now, it is advisable to insert the Christmas trees into the cuts, and you get one lush Christmas tree.

To make the Christmas tree more stable, tape is used to glue both halves together.

Pencils, felt-tip pens, glitter, paints, etc. are used to decorate the Christmas tree. At this stage, everything that only the imagination suggests is done.


Every parent who loves their child sooner or later thinks that it is useful for the child to do at least something with his own little hands.

After all, gadgets take up more and more space in children’s lives, while real, exciting activities are of much higher value. That’s why making crafts from scrap materials will be an ideal activity for kids and adults.

Photos of crafts from improvised means

In this article we will tell you how to create crafts for your home with your own hands. Decor made from scrap materials gives your home a unique look and helps old things find a new life.
A craft starts with an idea. It shows individuality. You can make a craft for your home yourself. It is not necessary to have a designer's education. In creativity, it is important to be careful. This is the only way the crafts turn out to be of high quality and beautiful.

What to use for crafts?

DIY home decor from scrap materials enriches the interior. The kitchen is the place that brings the whole family together. In this room you can paint the walls, hang photos, decorate furniture, kitchen aprons, etc. If you don’t have a design education, you can use stencils. An empty wall is decorated with a panel or painting on a kitchen theme.
It is better to decorate the living room with the whole family. Ideas bring people together. We offer as an option to cut out the first letter of the family surname from thick cardboard and decorate it with paper flowers, pom-poms, and beads. The letter is framed like a photo and hung on the wall. Various words are assembled from such letters: love, family, home.

Decorating in the form of vases helps to transform the interior. Old bottles are used for decoration. The elements are wrapped with twine and decorated with flowers. To create room decor, use sofa cushions, covers for which you can make yourself. Such things give comfort.

The bedroom is a place of relaxation. There is no need to overload it with decorations. A few elements will be enough. The wall of the room is decorated with family photos, and a homemade bedspread using the patchwork technique is placed on the bed. The design of bedside rugs should be made in the same style. An original solution is to use fabric birds, which are hung above the bed by satin ribbons.

The bathroom is a place of cleanliness and self-care. You can decorate it with shells and pebbles. A lot of things and accessories are stored in this room, so you can make homemade panel organizers. Wicker baskets screwed to the wall at the bottom can be used as storage shelves. Original towel hooks can be made from various materials: wood knots, wrenches. The main thing is not to stand out from the overall design of the room.

The design of the nursery is determined by its size. To create the interior of a children's room, bright things should be used. It is decorated with homemade toys, photos, bedspreads, wall paintings, and unusual lamps.

On the Internet you can find various ideas for your own interior using scrap materials. For inspiration, you just need to look around. DIY interior crafts from scrap materials can be created from:

  • paper and cardboard;
  • fabric scraps;
  • colored threads and beads;
  • unnecessary CDs;
  • coins;
  • satin or nylon ribbons;
  • bottle caps;
  • any elements made of plastic, wood, glass, etc.

Tip: you can also use larger things for crafts, for example, cabinets, wall mirrors, chests of drawers, tables.

Practical crafts

If you don’t like various trinkets, then you can make practical interior items with your own hands from scrap materials.

Shelving from an old staircase

Sometimes there isn't enough shelving at home. So why not make it yourself? This will be a truly practical craft. The rack is made from an unnecessary ladder. In addition to the ladder, you will need boards, paint, a jigsaw, a brush, sandpaper and glue.

Stages of work:

  • prepare the frame of the structure: cut the stairs into equal parts and fasten them in the form of two pyramids;
  • cut shelves from boards;
  • attach the shelves to the frame with glue;
  • polish the structure and its elements;
  • paint the shelving.

On such a rack you can place books, original baskets, flowerpots with flowers, A4 size paintings and other beautiful do-it-yourself things for the home and interior using improvised materials.

We invite you to create another practical craft for your home - a table from unnecessary wooden boxes. Vegetables and fruits are often stored in such boxes. For this craft you will need 4 of these boxes, nails and a hammer.

Place the drawers on the side surface with the open side facing out and connect them together into a square. Fasten the elements with nails. It is possible to decorate the open space of the drawers with additional shelves. At the end of the work you need to paint the table.

Pallet spice rack

We invite you to create a unique spice rack from an old pallet. To do this, clean the tray with sandpaper. Use a jigsaw to saw off unnecessary elements. You can make additional shelves. The result is a panel with a pocket that is suitable for any interior. Containers with oil, wine bottles, and spices are placed in this pocket. The shelf is painted in the color of the interior.
Crafts for interior decor

A house is a reflection of its owner. It’s nice to come visit a creative person and look at the embodied ideas and unique style. We offer you some tips for interior decor and creating crafts.

Mirror frame

An interior decor item made from scrap materials can be a wall mirror decorated with an unusual frame. It is easy to make from a regular newspaper or magazine. Colored sheets are cut into equal squares measuring 10x10 cm and rolled into tubes of equal thickness. These tubes are glued along the perimeter of the frame parallel to each other. The result is a beautiful mirror design. The tubes need to be secured not only with glue, but with varnish.

Plastic lampshade

To make a plastic lampshade, you will need several sets of plastic spoons, an empty 5-liter plastic container, and glue. The neck of the container is cut off. The handles of the spoons are cut off to form petals. Using glue, the original petals are fixed to the surface of the container in the form of scales. The plastic lampshade is ready.

Fabric jewelry

The interior of a home made from scrap materials will become more lively if you use the remains of bright fabric. You can make various crafts from them, for example, fabric flowers. Using a stencil, circles d = 20 cm are cut out. A spiral is drawn on the circles, which is cut along the entire length. The spiral is twisted from the bottom, gluing it so that the bud does not fall apart. After drying, the petals are straightened. Unusual do-it-yourself decor from improvised materials for your apartment is ready. Several fabric colors are combined into a composition, panels, paintings are made, shelves, walls, etc. are decorated with them.

Candlestick made from old beads

If you have old beads, do not rush to throw them away. They are disassembled into beads to make a hand-made candlestick. You need to attach an unnecessary CD to the base of the candlestick. Glue beads in rows along the edge of its circumference to form a cup. If you put a shaped candle in this glass, it will turn into a beautiful candlestick. This decorative element has a big plus. Thanks to the beads, it shimmers beautifully when the candle is lit.

Festive garland on the window

On New Year or any other holiday, the windows of the house are decorated with garlands. It is not necessary to hang bright lights; we recommend that you make an unusual curtain from scrap materials. To create a garland you will need thick colored cardboard, thick thread, a needle, and scissors. Using a stencil, cut circles d = 10 cm. The circles are strung on threads of the required length. The threads are connected together into a curtain and secured to the window frame.

Jewelry hanger

There can never be too many DIY crafts. A woman's dressing table can be decorated with a homemade jewelry hanger made from scrap materials. It's easy to do. To realize the idea, you will need a picture frame, a small piece of plywood, paint, small hooks, and a jigsaw. Saw off the plywood to the size of the baguette, paint it with paint. Mark the places where the hooks are attached and secure them. With this decorative element you can store your jewelry in an original way.

Canvas box

We suggest you make a box from plastic canvas. Canvas is a material for embroidery and crafts. It has the dimensions of an A4 sheet. The canvas has a varying number of perforations. To work, you will need the workpiece itself, threads, a needle, a piece of fabric and scissors. You can embroider with cross stitch or satin stitch on canvas. Make the details of the future box from canvas and decorate them with your favorite embroidery method. Connect the parts with thread and a needle. The canvas box is ready, it needs to be stored on the shelf. Without a doubt, it will become the main decoration of the interior of your home.

Braided rug

The tapestry technique allows you to create a rug at home with your own hands from any available materials. For example, they cut old clothes into strips. This option is called a “grandmother’s” rug. For crafts, you should choose a durable material and draw the thread by hand.

Prepare cardboard 500x500 mm. Sew it with thread. Having secured the first thread, begin weaving the tapestry. Once you've finished the last circle, turn the rug inside out and sew some rope around the perimeter to cover the ends of the threads.

Pots from bags

From scrap materials that are sometimes accumulated at home, they make a pot for an indoor flower. For DIY crafts you will need paper bags, wooden skewers, scissors, rope, glue gun, containers (for example, you can use a mayonnaise jar).

From paper bags, make blanks in the form of ribbons measuring 70x300 mm. Using skewers, make tubes from the blanks. Secure the corners with glue. Wrap the sides of the container in a paper bag. Turn it upside down. Attach 8 tubes to the base. Return the future flowerpot to its normal position. Fold the tubes up, pressing them tightly against the walls of the pots. It remains to braid the main tubes with the remaining ones in a checkerboard pattern. The pot is pierced at the top, a rope is threaded through the holes and the pot is hung on the wall of the room.

Fabric hanger

Hangers are always needed in the household. We suggest you make several of them. For crafts you will need:

  • wire hangers;
  • satin ribbons in contrasting colors;
  • piece of fabric;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue;
  • padding polyester

Draw the outline of the hanger on a piece of fabric. Leaving a small gap, cut out 2 blanks. Sew the pieces together to make a cover. Wrap the hanger hook with satin ribbon, securing it with glue. Place the fabric cover on the hanger. Fill the internal space with padding polyester. Sew up the hole. Make a bow from a contrasting satin ribbon and secure it at the base of the hook. The fabric hanger is ready. You can hang delicate items on it.

Mirror frame

There is always a mirror in the house. Most often it is located in the hallway, bathroom or bedroom. The decorating ideas are endless. The mirror can be beautifully decorated with newspaper tubes, broken shards of porcelain or tiles, colored glass, shells, buttons, beads, hemp, etc. To fix the elements, you must use transparent silicone glue.


Do-it-yourself room design from scrap materials can be made using decoupage technique. We suggest you decorate a small mirror in a wooden frame:

  • Clean the frame with sandpaper.
  • Cover the prepared surface of the decorative element with white acrylic paint.
  • After the paint has dried, apply a layer of decoupage glue to the surface.
  • Cut a decoupage card to the size of the frame and glue it to the surface.
  • Apply the next layer of decoupage varnish.
  • Sand the edges of the frame with sandpaper and cover with craquelure. The paint will dry out and crack.
  • Apply a contrasting shade of paint to the cracked surface.
  • You can highlight the borders of the frame and put blots on its surface.
  • Cover the frame with glossy varnish.

Decor made from plastic spoons

For crafts, it is better to use a round mirror. Cut off the handles from the plastic spoons, leaving the scoops. Glue them in several rows around the entire perimeter of the mirror. Spray paint the decor. Instead of spoons, you can take buttons, beads, shells, clothespins.

Ring decor

DIY decor using improvised materials can be inexpensive. Cut rings of the same width from plastic pipes. Finish their edges. Take a nylon cover. This will be the base of the structure. Attach the first row of rings to the lid. Attach the second and subsequent rows to the already glued rings. At the end of the work, we recommend that you decorate the decor with sequins. Secure the mirror in the center.

Rope decor

To implement the idea you will need hemp rope. Cut out the base from cardboard. It must be larger than the mirror itself. Place a mirror in the center of the base. Apply clear silicone adhesive to the base. Fix the hemp turn by turn. The result is a mirror that can be used to create a marine-style room interior.

Decor on glass

Do-it-yourself home decor from scrap materials includes painting. To work, you will need stained glass paints, glass contour, glitter, alcohol, cotton swabs, toothpicks and silicone glue. Before starting work, decide on the design. Transfer it to the mirror using carbon paper. Trace the design along the glass. Remove irregularities with alcohol. After the outline has dried, paint the pattern with stained glass paints, distributing them with a toothpick. The paints should dry for about 3 days. After this, the decor is complemented with glass beads or glitter.

Framing with beads

Beads are used to decorate the mirror. Mark the future frame using masking tape. Apply silicone glue to the resulting border. Pour the beads onto the paper and spread it over the glue strip. Carefully remove the tape and let the work dry thoroughly.

Decorate walls using simple materials

The atmosphere of the interior can be changed by paying special attention to wall decoration. To do this, you only need rollers, paints and color. It is not necessary to paint the surface of all walls. Sometimes it is enough to highlight part of it. They decorate the walls in different ways: with paintings, with the help of panels, photos, natural materials, baguettes, paper butterflies, interesting hooks and other improvised materials.

Stencil decor

This method of wall decor is considered the simplest. Stencils are made by hand from thick paper, whatman paper or plastic. Patterns can be found on the Internet. The stencil is pressed tightly against the wall and spray paint is applied.

Tip: apply paint in a thin layer so as not to smear the pattern and avoid smudges!

You can create a beautiful and cozy interior in your home with the help of handmade crafts. Making such original things is not so difficult - you don’t need professional skills for this. The things we make with our own hands are unique, they give the interior of the home individuality and add variety to the environment.

Handmade crafts exude the special warmth of a home. Thanks to unusual creative gizmos, you will have the opportunity to change the interior at will or in accordance with the seasons (for example, create New Year's decor). DIY home decor is varied and purposeful. Homemade beautiful things and useful crafts for the home can be used as original furnishings, decorative elements, or as devices intended for storing various household items.

In order to make things with your own hands, you don’t have to buy expensive materials; you can also use improvised means.

Creating unusual decor is possible without large material costs. Most of you have various unnecessary little things in your house, for example, fabrics, colorful paper, buttons - all this can be used as material for crafts.

There is similar “junk” in almost every house, if you dismantle the pantry or rummage around in the attic, you will find something. Natural materials, glue and threads are also useful for making beautiful new items and homemade little things. But handmade decor ideas at home are also needed - of course.

Many people believe that only people with experience can make crafts and create presentable interior items on their own - this is a misconception. Show your imagination, combine different textured materials, don’t be afraid to experiment, and you will create not only beautiful, but also original home decor.

Even if you have to tinker with the first thing, each subsequent decorative craft will come out better and better, and you will spend less time.

DIY craft ideas for the home

So, what can you do yourself for your home? Let's look at a few ideas for inspiration. Among the proposed options, you will definitely find something interesting for yourself and try to make the thing you like with your own hands.


One of the useful things for the home that also serves a decorative function, which you can make with your own hands, is a key holder.

The peculiarity of this key holder is that its design imitates brickwork. The basis for the key holder is thick cardboard (you can use part of a box). You will also need thick toilet paper or thick napkins. Dense material is needed so that it does not spread when lubricated with glue. Stock up on acrylic paints, varnish and glue (ordinary PVA will do).

Make the back wall of the key holder from rectangular cardboard or a sheet of plywood. Hooks will be attached to the base. Cut out small rectangular bricks from cardboard, the size should be the same, and glue them to the base, leaving a small distance between the parts. Not the entire surface of the cardboard is covered with bricks.

In the central part you need to stick a sign decorated with an inscription, and in the upper part you need to place a beautiful picture.

After this, coat the bricks well with glue, and put a napkin (previously crumpled) on top and a little more glue for impregnation. Using a stick, press tissue paper or paper into the gaps between the miniature bricks to create corners. Give the craft time to dry.

Paint the dry panel with paint (to imitate natural brick, you need to choose a red-brown shade). Use bronze paint to paint the seams.

After the paint has dried, paint the bricks with the same tone using a dry brush (dip the brush into bronze-colored paint, then wipe it on paper until it is almost dry, and only then brush the brickwork).

On a note! When painting bricks, you need to move the brush without changing direction.

To give the key holder a smooth finish, coat it with a clear matte varnish.

The work is completed by attaching the loops, after which it can be hung on the wall or given as a gift to someone. The photo below shows the finished key holder:

Jewelry hanger

All representatives of the fair sex love jewelry; Almost every woman has jewelry that needs to be stored somewhere. An original storage for jewelry will be a hanger made like a painting.

In order to make a hanger for storing jewelry, you will need:

  • baguette frame;
  • plywood;
  • stain (paint can be used as a replacement);
  • hooks and drawer handles;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver and drills;
  • cutting tool.

Cut the plywood according to the dimensions of the frame and coat it with stain, then dry it and apply it to the frame. Mark the places where the hooks will be attached and screw them. All that remains is to hang the decorations on the hanger.

Now you have a place to store women's treasures - jewelry.

Plastic canvas box for storing small items

A simple but presentable box designed for storing various small items can be made from plastic canvas.

Canvas is a material for embroidery. You will need a canvas made of plastic; you can buy it in stores that sell everything for needlework.

On a note! Plastic canvas is usually made in the form of sheets, A4 size. The perforations in the plastic canvas differ in size. Canvases are produced with different numbers of perforations; the more there are, the smaller they are.

In addition to the canvas, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • dense threads;
  • large needle;
  • fabric or beads;
  • scissors.

Embroidery on plastic canvas is almost no different from regular embroidery. Embroidery techniques can be different, the most popular are cross stitch and satin stitch.

The plastic canvas is flexible, but at the same time it is very durable.

Decide what the dimensions of your box will be. Divide the material into parts intended for the sides and the bottom. There should be five parts in total. Make elements for the lid. Make a workpiece whose size is 0.5 cm larger in width and length from the bottom. The sides of the lid should be slightly narrower. You will need five more parts. Then sew the parts with thick threads (you can use braid and even ribbons).

You can embroider any pattern on the blanks. Drape the parts that are not embroidered with fabric or embroider with beads.

Having completed all 10 blanks, begin assembly. The first step is to sew the side parts to the bottom. Then sew all the side elements of the box from the outside and trim the top around the edges. The last step is to assemble the cover in the same way.

We assemble the lid of the box in the same way.

A beautiful box made of plastic canvas is ready.

Woven rugs using tapestry technique

One of the options to add coziness to the interior is tapestry rugs. To weave such things, you do not need special tools. A rug using the tapestry technique can be made from scrap materials: thick threads that are used for knitting (they can be replaced with ropes made from old clothes) and cords.

A tapestry is a lint-free carpet made by hand. The base of tapestry rugs is decorated with ornaments created by interweaving threads. We will create a plot composition in the form of a circle with drawn lines; a thread will run along them, serving as the basis.

All work is done using weft threads. The complex name hides ordinary ropes and braid, from which weaving and decorative patterns are created.

  • choose a strong thread to create the base;
  • pulling the weft thread should be done by hand;
  • To make the tapestry more dense, you can press the threads to the center, for this you use a simple fork.

Stage one. We draw out cardboard measuring 500 x 500 mm. We stitch the cardboard with the thread chosen for the base. To do this, cut the markings drawn on the cardboard and thread a rope through the lines so that it runs through the central part.

Stage two. Let's start weaving the tapestry. You need to carefully fix the starting thread. Weaving using the tapestry technique involves pulling the underlying cord by alternating one thread at the top and the second at the bottom.

Stage three. After weaving the last turn of the thread around the cardboard circle, you need to turn the resulting rug over to the reverse side and cut off the base cords. When pruning, leave about 5cm at the ends. Pull the ends of the laces out of the notches made on the cardboard (there is no need to remove the picture while pulling it out) and tie them into pairs. Attach pompoms to the resulting knots.

Complete the composition by sewing a thick rope from the wrong side in a circle - this will hide the knots and ends of the threads.

Advice. By using different textures and shades of threads, you can make different rugs and then combine them into one. You will get a large rug that can be hung on the wall or laid on the floor.

A tapestry rug placed on the floor will make it warmer and also looks beautiful. Weaving a tapestry rug with your own hands is not difficult: try it and see for yourself.

Ribbon curtain

You can make an unusual curtain from ribbons. Tape curtains are suitable for both windows and doors. Making curtains from ribbons will take a little time; you don’t even need a sewing machine. A fluttering ribbon curtain repels insects well; Previously, such curtains were made from newspapers cut into strips.

To make a curtain from ribbons, you need the following materials:

  • ribbons or fabric strips (with edges that do not fray);
  • cornice;
  • clips or buttons.

The ribbons need to be thrown over the cornice and secured with clamps. Large beads can be strung onto fabric strips for decoration.

The ribbon curtain performs not only a practical, but also a decorative function. The advantage of curtains made from ribbons is their lightness. This is an excellent option for a summer house; a ribbon curtain can also be hung in an apartment.

Flower pots made from paper bags

Many people have paper bags at home; instead of throwing them away, make them into flower pots.

Materials for making flower pots:

  • paper bags;
  • wooden skewer;
  • scissors;
  • rope;
  • glue;
  • plastic container.

Take paper bags and mark them: eight strips measuring 70x300 mm, then cut the paper along the dotted lines.

Place a wooden skewer in the corner of one of the strips and wrap the paper base around it diagonally. You must make a paper tube from each strip. Tape the corners of the paper tubes to prevent them from unraveling. The easiest way to do this is with a glue gun.

Take a plastic container, apply glue to it and wrap it with paper (from the same bags) so that the plastic is not visible. Glue paper tubes to the bottom of the container. Cut paper strips measuring 70x450 mm (you will need large bags) and make tubes.

Wrap the tubes so that they are pressed tightly against the walls of the container. Attach a long tube of paper with glue to the bottom of the container and wrap it around it, you need to braid the main tubes. Wrap all the main tubes, and then change the direction of weaving to braid the missing tubes - this way you need to wrap the entire container.

Make two holes in the sides of the pot (top).

Stretch a string through the holes made; tie a knot at each end of the twine to secure it well. Another woven tube will help hide the ends of the twine. Wrap the tubes protruding above the pot inside the container and secure with glue.

The unusual flower pot is ready.

Handmade items for the home can be used as decorative elements in your home or given to friends.

Most things made by hand are not only beautiful and original, but also useful and necessary in the household. Feel free to start working on homemade things and decorate your home with them.

Video For five more ideas for handmade crafts with your own hands to decorate the interior of rooms, see the video below:

Someone will certainly look at this collection of ideas and say that it would be easier to buy new furniture or decor. But this article is not for them, but only for true connoisseurs of unique style and handmade products. Here you will find 10 of the most beautiful interior items that you can make for your home with your own hands without spending extra money.

The best DIY home crafts from scrap materials for 2018!

1. Decoupage and other DIY furniture repair ideas

Restoring old chests of drawers and sideboards is perhaps one of the main trends of our time. Many pieces of furniture fail over time: the cabinets of tables and chairs become loose, upholstered furniture is dented and requires new “filling.” But chests of drawers and sideboards can stand for many years and bother you with their outdated appearance.

Home crafters and decoupage masters not only found a way to update the design of old furniture, but also created a fashion for using vintage “grandmother’s” chests of drawers in the interior. You will find detailed instructions on painting and decoupage in our article. .

Below are some photos of amazing home projects to inspire you.

Restoration of an old chest of drawers with replacement of handles and hand painting:
Painting and finishing an old cabinet with metal buttons:
As a result, the furniture acquired an original decorative effect in the Moroccan style. Simple, like everything ingenious:

By the way, in this way you can create more sophisticated things for the home:

Decoupage and painting amazingly transform old furniture facades, but not every person has enough time and patience for this painstaking task. Therefore, the best DIY home ideas will also include remodeling furniture using duct tape to look like marble, gold, and other fancy finishes. A minimum of effort - and the most ordinary piece of furniture will turn into the main decoration of your interior.

2. Beautiful things for the home with your own hands: carpets

Perhaps the most pleasant thing about creating things for the home with your own hands is when one of the guests asks: where did you buy such beauty? A stylish rug with a zebra print (or other motif of your choice) is sure to earn such a compliment. And more than once.

The fabric can be any. The main thing is that it is not too demanding to care for: it is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. In this case, the master chose vinyl fabric. It is heavy and durable enough to look like a true carpet. What's more, the quality of vinyl these days is very impressive and is available in a wide range of colors and interesting textures.

All necessary materials and tools:

  • Thick paper;
  • Vinyl upholstery fabric;
  • Scissors;
  • 2 Krylon pens or regular fabric paint.


  1. Create a stencil from paper. Draw and cut out the outline of the zebra skin, then the drawing itself on it. Don't worry about your artistic talent - a zebra's skin shouldn't look uniform or symmetrical. As a last resort, the pattern can be copied from a picture on the Internet or even printed to cut out.
  2. Attach the stencil to the vinyl fabric and trace the outlines of the stripes with Krylon pens (apply paint with a spray or brush). After this, the stencil can be removed and you can continue painting the areas inside the contours.
  3. Let the paint dry and you're done! To make sure the pattern will stick, you can “seal” the rug by spraying it with a clear coat of acrylic spray paint.

Krylon pens create a stunning gold leaf effect on the surface of the fabric. In addition, the paint in them dries quickly and adheres very reliably. If you cannot buy them in your city, then use regular paint for fabrics or walls. As the next hero of our article.

He took a cheap white rug as a base and decided to give it an interesting DIY look with a chevron pattern. All he needed was thin duct tape, scissors, a thick brush and latex paint in two different shades.

Finally, another inspiring example in which a makeshift stamp is used instead of a stencil. The craftsman had a rubber bath mat, leftover wall paint (it was slightly diluted with water to achieve a vintage effect), a roller and an old IKEA wool rug. Let's look at the photo what he managed to cook from these ingredients.

3. Unusual “marble” DIY crafts (photo)

7. Turn photos into wall decor

It's much cooler than just hanging framed photos! Your personal photos or any images you like from the internet can be turned into beautiful wall art for any room. To make this decor with your own hands, you can use any of the following methods.

  1. Find or buy a backing. It can be a thick sheet of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam (as in this case), a board and other available materials.
  2. Print the photo, having previously edited its dimensions so that they are approximately 5 cm larger than the dimensions of the substrate. These “extra” centimeters will be used for folds.
  3. Cut the photo and backing into pieces if you want a modular set rather than a whole painting. Otherwise, skip this point.
  4. Place the photo on the backing and fold the ends. The author of this product used double-sided adhesive tape to secure the photographs. You can attach it with regular glue or other available means. The surface of the photographs itself can also be treated with glue or paste for shine.

  1. Print the image and prepare a canvas onto which it will be transferred.
  2. Stretch the canvas over the frame and apply a thick layer of gel medium on it. These gels are widespread and today they can be bought at any finishing materials store.
  3. Place the photo on the greased canvas and press down. Leave it like this for several hours, but periodically spray it with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Carefully, using your fingertips alone, begin to erase the back surface of the image from the canvas. Remove all paper in this way.

The result is a beautiful one with wear and tear that will only give it a touch of vintage style. All that remains is to apply the final layer of gel medium on it as a protective coating.

For inspiration, we’ll give you a couple more ways to decorate your interior using photos.

We use an old window frame as a photo frame. What do you think of the idea?

8. Creative homemade lampshades for lamps

Homemade lampshades made from fabric, paper, thread and other improvised means will not only decorate your home, but also bring an unusual atmosphere to it every dark time of the day.

Look for the best ideas to suit your taste in our article . The next photo shows a popular creative lampshade made of threads.

9. Succulents - living home decor with your own hands

A succulent living wall is perhaps the most amazing of all the DIY home crafts you can make. Agree: if you saw it in someone’s living room or other room design, you wouldn’t be able to remain indifferent!

Dekorin will tell you how to get such impressive and environmentally friendly decor:

  1. You will need a shallow wooden container for planting and a metal mesh.
  2. To secure the mesh to the container, use an improvised wooden frame, which can be made from small boards or wood chips. Attach to staples or nails.
  3. Prepare any for composition. They easily take root in the most difficult conditions and look most advantageous when you combine different shades and shapes of leaves. Common examples of succulents: aloe, various cacti, young or rock rose (Sempervivum), sedum (Sedum), rockweed (Orostachys), etc.
  4. Fill the container with soil and plant your chosen plants in it. Use any cactus mixture for drainage.

Here are examples of crafts for the home that you can make with your own hands using the above method.

10. DIY home crafts from glass containers

Glass bottles and jars often accumulate on balconies and in storage rooms. What they are not turned into today: lamps, candlesticks, vases, table decor... It’s simply amazing how easily they become part of a stylish interior, you just need to use a little ingenuity, as well as paints, fabrics, threads, paper and other improvised means. Last batch of photos for today. Also read:

10 best ideas on what you can do for your home with your own hands updated: March 21, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko

You can find improvised materials in any home. Some people store them on the balcony, others in the garage, others in the barn. The mentality of our people does not allow us to throw away old things, even if they don’t need them. We'll show you how to put your trash to good use. You will be surprised at what crafts you can make with your own hands from scrap materials. With a little imagination and work, you can turn useless things into real works of art. Perhaps such an activity will become your hobby, and you will be able to decorate not only your home, but also your summer cottage with incomparable products.

Plastic containers

The most affordable material is plastic bottles. At first glance, an unattractive container can easily be transformed into an original decoration for the garden or home. Even a child can handle plastic. It is enough to use scissors to cut out the shapes for future figures and secure them together.

Try making butterflies. You can decorate every corner of your garden with them or stick them on furniture in your house.

For work, prepare the following materials:

  • plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • marker or felt-tip pen;
  • nail polish of different colors;
  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • rhinestones;
  • tweezers;
  • toothpicks.

Step 1: Make butterfly templates. Draw them yourself, cut them out from coloring books, or find them online and print them out.

Step 2. Wash the bottles and apply the templates to the plastic, tracing along the contours with a marker.

Step 3. Carefully cut out the butterfly blanks without damaging the antennae and legs.

Cover the blanks with nail polish, glue the sequins using toothpicks and tweezers, and sprinkle with beads.

Step 5. Color the back of the butterfly with a felt-tip pen or marker, and cover with colorless varnish.

Step 6. Tie a thread to the craft and hang it on a branch of a bush or tree.

Work is done.

Tropical palm trees made from plastic bottles will decorate your garden plot. Even in winter they will delight with their green foliage.

To work you will need:

  • plastic bottles in two colors: brown and green;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

Step 1. Cut off the bottoms of the brown bottles and insert them into each other. Determine the height of the trunk yourself.

Step 2. Palm leaves are made from bottle necks. The leaves should be curly. Shape and size don't matter.


Master class on palm trees made from plastic containers.

Panels for home
To create a craft with your own hands from scrap materials, you don’t need a lot of time and money. Everything you need is at your home. Any unremarkable material will become the basis for a creative craft. For example, such a panel made of tubes will decorate your home.

Prepare the following materials:

  • multi-colored plastic tubes;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • frame.

Step 1. Prepare cardboard and apply an image of an angel with wings to it. You can use a ready-made template taken from the Internet.

Step 2. Cut tubes of the same length in the corresponding colors (see image). Make the edges beveled.

Step 3. Glue the blanks onto the template, focusing on the Angel’s face. The edges of the tube should be directed away from it.

Note. The hair is made from short-cut straws with straight edges.

Crafts for the home from scrap materials that you can make yourself

If you want to decorate your home or garden, we will help you with this. The variety of available means has no limit. In every home there are old things or objects from which you can create a real masterpiece. Just watch how forks and spoons are transformed into works of art.

Have you seen the animated film “Despicable Me”? You have the opportunity to place the main character of this cartoon in your dacha. It is made from old tires.

Summer residents say: “Everything will come in handy on the farm.” They even create original crafts from old tires.

They are used not only to make garden figures, but also into original flower beds and flower beds.

Flower beds, flower beds and flowerpots are made in the shape of animals, birds, multi-tiered. They can be hung horizontally on the wall or installed vertically. People's fantasies are limitless.

If you are interested in such flower beds, we offer a master class on easy-to-make flower beds.

You can decorate your home with the first flowers of spring - snowdrops.

  • disposable spoons;
  • plasticine.

To make flowers, prepare:

  • disposable spoons;
  • green crepe paper;
  • wire;
  • plasticine.

Step 1. Break the spoons at the base.

Step 2. Stick several spoons into the plasticine to make a bud.

Step 3. Wrap the wire in paper and stick it into the plasticine that holds the petals.

Make several of these flowers and you will have a spring bouquet.

Decorate your home and cottage with original crafts. Video instructions and a selection of the simplest but most beautiful crafts will help you in the creative process.