DIY farm layout. DIY small farm

Lyudmila Vedernikova

Game layout master class"Farm"Designed for teachers and parents.

Purpose - introducing children to pets, habitats and training game modulation.

Game layout« Farm» will help children get to know pets better, find out where they live, who takes care of them, and what they eat. After all, children have the most vivid impressions from communicating with animals, and therefore it is necessary to teach children to behave correctly with them and take care of them.

And so the work began to boil:

Stage 1 - production layout: cut a cardboard box to the required size, make a roof and connect it to the back wall layout, make a small fence and cover everything with newspaper (we used paste, then roll the logs using a round stick of the required size, while the logs are drying, cover the bottom of the box with thick green drape fabric, now glue the logs onto the roof and walls, as well as the partitions inside layout, we make a staircase, dried it, painted it.

Stage 2 – placement animals: chickens at the top, animals at the bottom, feeders, bottle drinkers. That's all, the children are very happy!

The farm was a success!

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For work you will need: - a large board (plywood); - leg-split; -thick cardboard; -cocktail tubes; (for bars) -salt dough; (for door).

Hello girls)

I’m sharing with you an interesting idea: how to quickly and inexpensively make a very cute farm house for playing with your baby

I have been planning to make a farm house for a long time, and since our theme for this week is “Home. Its parts” and the repetition of pets, then urgently my husband and I made such a house in 2 days.

I found the idea on the website “”

We will need:

Box with half opening lid

Glue transparent moment

Sisal (for hay)


I used a mobile phone box as the basis for the farmhouse (thank you very much, it’s so great to receive New Year’s packages, and even cooler to receive these packages in boxes like these, which you can then use for your creative ideas).

The lid of the box should not be removed, but should open halfway in one direction. To fix the lid, I had to lay thick cardboard plates inside, after greasing them with glue.

For the lid I used strong cardboard from a shoe box. Having previously measured the size, I cut out the blanks (there are no photographs of the blanks, I’ll copy them from the site where I got this idea, the quality of the photo is not very good, but you can see what should happen)

On the website, the girl covers the house and the roof with white paper, I didn’t do this.

We bend the cut rectangle in half, glue the back wall of our roof, this is what happened

We make “log” blanks from a magazine using a skewer. We twist the sheet onto a skewer so that the edge does not unwind, coat it with glue.

We glue the “logs” using transparent “moment” glue. My husband brought very good glue from work, I don’t know its name, but it’s odorless and sticks “tight.”

When all the logs are glued, we paint our truss with brown gouache. I cut it in 3 layers so that the magazine letters would not be visible. My husband decided to make the roof bright yellow-violet.

The lawn was made from a green sheet of felt. I bought the felt with adhesive on the back side, so I didn’t even have to glue it.

Since our chicken coop is located on the roof, we needed a ladder, which we made in the same way as the logs. We painted the stairs with the same brown paint.

The hay was made from sisal.

The only thing is that I haven’t varnished the house yet, this needs to be done, because the gouache from wet hands will paint Ksyusha’s palms, because children love to hold their hands in their mouths ((

The final touch was to put the pets and the farmer uncle in their places. And this is what we got

Tomorrow my daughter and I will play in the new house, I hope she will appreciate the efforts of mom and dad

Thank you for reading

My son is still picky! To get him interested in something other than painting furniture and wallpaper with pencils and crayons, you need to put in a whole lot of effort. But sometimes I still manage to find an approach to it.

At only one and a half years old, Andryushka adores animals, and he is especially partial to dogs. We are just approaching my grandmother’s house (she has a dog), and my son is already squealing with joy. And how funny they play!

Andryusha and I, of course, study animals: their names, the sounds they make, what they eat. We even have a special educational poster, but, unfortunately, it does not impress my son. The most he can do is listen to riddles about animals and smile at his older sister’s correct answers.

This fact prompted me to create “Home Farm” - a kind of board game or educational aid for my son. I also took advantage of the fact that in addition to the “artist”, there is also a “box maker” in my little man - my little son loves all kinds of boxes: shoe boxes, juice boxes, egg cartons, matchboxes, etc. He rearranges them, inserts one into the other, puts in them everything that “does not fit well.” So, it was decided to “link” “Home Farm” to this very topic - boxes, or rather, matchboxes.

You will need:

  • matchboxes - 10 pcs.
  • cardboard sheet - 1 pc.
  • adhesive tape
  • scissors
  • white landscape sheet - 1 pc.
  • pictures of animals
  • "voices" of animals printed in words on a piece of paper
  1. Cover a sheet of cardboard with self-adhesive film. If the cardboard is beautifully designed, you can skip this stage.
  2. Cut out pictures of animals that will live on your farm.
  3. Cut 10 rectangles from a landscape sheet to the size of a matchbox. Glue them onto matchboxes. Glue an animal figurine on top.

  1. Inside the matchbox, place and glue inscriptions with the sounds that animals make.
  2. Place the matchboxes on a sheet of cardboard and glue them. Home Farm is ready!

Game options:

  1. Tell the child that now he will have his own “home farm”. Show and name the animals that will live on the farm.
  2. Tell what sounds the animals make while opening the boxes.
  3. Tell what animals eat.
  4. Tell your child that now you will take care of the animals together and feed them. Invite your child to feed the animals. You can use small buttons, beads or cereals as “food”. We used tube vermicelli. I was afraid to give peas to children, they were too small.

Attention: while feeding animals, carefully monitor your child so that he does not put a bead or noodles into his mouth. Be there all the time!

My little picky guy really likes feeding animals. He puts noodles into boxes as if he is on a mission to save the Earth. From the outside it looks very funny. He also likes it when I talk in a “baby voice” instead of an animal one. For example: “Andryusha, oink-oink, I really want to eat. Feed me, please! This way he knows which box the “food” should be placed in.

Surprisingly, five-year-old Sonya liked Home Farm just as much! They fight with their brother over noodles: everyone wants to feed the animals first and give them more food. If it weren't for the size of the matchbox, it would have been difficult for us.

Personal experience


You are a very good mother and a creative person.
But when you take a photo, ask someone for a good camera, or at least don’t shoot against the backdrop of crumpled sofas and other household items.

05/20/2014 08:28:04, ruble

good idea, cool. I’ve noticed that little ones like these homemade products more than store-bought toys. They would love to take it apart at that age, throw it, poke it. but I’m not capable of such feats as creating a game on my own... it’s easier to buy mine! How do you find time for this?

05/17/2014 00:02:54, .smiling

Comment on the article "How we study animals: homemade game "Home Farm""

More on the topic “How we study animals: homemade game “Home Farm””:

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DIY farm model made from paper tubes and cardboard. Master class with step-by-step photos

This master class is for teachers and parents.

Purpose: for group activities and individual play for preschool children.
Target: introduce children to domestic animals and their babies, teach them to name and compare them by size; develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech; enrich vocabulary; develop a love for animals
- teach children to distinguish by appearance and name the most common domestic animals;
- develop speech, thinking, memory, attention, observation;
- cultivate love for pets, their importance in human life, curiosity.

The cow treats everyone with milk:
“Drink, please! Be healthy! »
Grunting merrily near the barn,
The piglet plays with the mother pig.
The hunting cat jumped from the roof -
Mice are in a hurry to hide in their holes.
We call a dog a devoted friend,
She bravely guards our home.
The horse is always ready to help -
Carry loads or plow the land.
We will shear the curly sheep
And we will spin threads for a hat from wool.
The goat likes to climb into the garden:
There is a lot of tasty cabbage growing there.
The little gray donkey is small, but strong:
He carries heavy luggage.
The chicken lives in a warm poultry house,
Cackles loudly and lays eggs.
The duck calls his babies Quack-quack! »
Come on, ducklings, swim like me! »

Yulia Yumova

We will need:

- shoe box
- gouache
- glue transparent moment
- magazine (for blanks)
- skewer
- cardboard (packing box)
- fabric (for lawn)
- sisal
- scissors
- Pets
- feeders (in my case, a barrel divided into 2 parts)

For the basis of the farmhouse, I took a shoebox, the lid of which is not removable, but opens in one direction. To fix the lid, I had to lay thick cardboard plates inside, having previously coated them with glue.

For the roof I used cardboard from a packaging box, having previously measured the size, I cut out the blanks

Covered the house and roof with white paper

I made the “log” blanks from a magazine using a skewer, twist the sheet onto the skewer so that the edge does not unwind, and coat it with glue.

I glue the “logs” using transparent glue

When everything was glued, I painted it with brown gouache.

The fabric lawn was also glued with transparent glue

Since I placed the chicken coop on the roof, I needed a ladder, which I made in the same way as the “logs” and painted with the same paint, partitions were also made

The ladder took its place, as did the feeders, decorative bushes, a haystack made of sisal (I had two of its colors, yellow and green, which I joined together), all this was well planted with glue.

I painted the house with construction varnish twice, when everything was dry, the pets had a housewarming party and took their rightful place in our group

Thank you all for your attention to my work.

A long time ago I wrote an article about. These were the simplest boxes, which were designed to diversify the baby’s sensory experience and develop his basic motor skills (folding, rearranging, finger grip, handling a spoon and scoop, etc.). But sensory boxes are not only a great exercise for your fingers, they are also a wonderful platform for role-playing games and themed activities. In a sensory box, you can recreate a small world with its inhabitants and characteristic environment, play out simple life situations and thereby consolidate your child’s knowledge on the topic being studied. Thematic boxes will be discussed in this article.

Such boxes will be of interest to children from about 2 years old. Perhaps something a little earlier, something later, be guided by the interests of your baby. And children over 3 years old will be happy to take part in creating sensory boxes with you.

I would like to note that if you are making a themed box for a child under 2 years old, then try not to add too many details, because... A small child needs more space to turn around, and constantly falling fences and trees can frustrate him.

1. Sensory box "Farm"

The Pet Sensory Bin is a great first themed box. As a rule, children simply love to feed someone, and this box is simply a blessing for the little “breadwinner”; you can pour as much food into troughs and cups as you like. During the game, you can unobtrusively repeat the names of pets, remember who eats what, who eats what helps a person, etc.

How to make such a sensory box? I used buckwheat as the soil, but beans, peas, pasta, lentils, brown or. Or you can mix several different fillers at once, it will also turn out interesting.

It is advisable not to make a pond out of real water; it risks quickly mixing with the entire contents of the box. Options for filling the reservoir are hydrogel, blue, decorative glass stones, or yarn, like ours (only, please note that not all yarn is convenient to play with, some constantly cling to the legs of animals).

It's great if you have sheds and pens for animals from ready-made kits, they will perfectly complement your farm. But if you don’t have any, it’s okay, a shed can be easily made by cutting off one wall of a milk carton or any other suitable box. I made a trough for animal feed in the same way. I painted both cardboard boxes on top with acrylic paints in two layers, and although this did not completely hide the factory inscriptions about the expiration date and place of milk production, for my daughter this was completely unimportant, the main thing for her was functionality, and the boxes did an excellent job with this.

And, of course, you will need set of pet figurines (Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom), you definitely can’t do without them here

How did we play with the box?

  • The most interesting thing is, of course, feeding the animals by pouring cereal into their trough. Sometimes I was even surprised at how long Taisiya hung over this seemingly completely monotonous task, but apparently the normal human desire to take care of someone takes its toll.

  • They put the animals to bed, placing them in the barn for the night;
  • They sent the animals to graze, drink at the pond, and even swim;

  • Children came to our farm, where they enjoyed riding horses and donkeys;

  • Sometimes you had to corral some naughty goats who were jumping over the fence, etc., there are a lot of options for the game, they depend only on your imagination and the age of the child.

2. Sensory box “Beach” (“Summer”)

Another great platform for role-playing games is the “Beach” sensory box. I think it could easily be called the “Summer” sensory box because swimming in the lake/sea is perhaps one of the most vivid summer experiences for children.

This time I made the pond from hydrogel (aqua soil). For variety, our resort shore is made half of pebbles and half of decorative yellow sand for aquariums. Stones can be taken from river, sea or decorative ones. Unfortunately, I didn't have any of the above on hand, so I took gravel from the playground (but, I should note, I returned it there after the game!).

Everything else is also made from scrap materials: sun loungers are made from empty matchboxes, a kiosk is made from a small cream box (painted with acrylic paints), umbrellas are skewers for canapés. Oh, yes, I also bought decorative tiny shells for aquariums.

What we played in the beach box:

  • Sunbathed;

  • We bought ice cream at a kiosk (the seller, however, constantly went out to sunbathe or swim, it was not easy to catch him);

  • They collected shells;
  • We played beach sand (we had small children's dishes (a mug and a spoon) as molds and a scoop)
  • Fleeing from a raging crocodile, etc.

3. Sensory box “Sea”

This marine sensory jelly box is very simple to make and has a very unusual feel. All you need is water, gelatin, any dye (food coloring, gouache, liquid watercolor), and a little patience so that it all hardens well.

Don’t look at the fact that in the photo Tasya is already so big, you can safely play with jelly even from the age of 1. But the fact that at 4 the child will be happy is also true. Children really like to tinker with this unusual consistency, explore it by touch, pick holes in it, find hidden figures, and just splash on it, in the end.

I try to hide the figures in the jelly so that some of them are completely hidden from my daughter’s view (they are completely invisible in colored water), and some of them temptingly show their edges so that I really want to get them out. For starters, so to speak

A little advice: in order for the figures to show their edges and not fall in a limp mass to the bottom, some of them need to be attached to the bottom with plasticine in the position you need (this must be done before the jelly hardens).

While we are taking the animals out of the jelly, we remember what they are called and their main features. We have a set of marine animals from the company Happy Kin, the one with the shark and sperm whale. The set is simply excellent, the quality cannot be faulted. Here is another, in my opinion, a good option from the company Wenno.

4. Sensory box “Arctic” (aka sensory box “Winter”)

Of course, the Arctic and winter are not exactly the same thing, but I believe that playing in an Arctic box with a child is a great way to show him life in the conditions of “extreme winter”, in the Far North. I wrote about this box in detail in an article dedicated to thematic lesson “Arctic”, but I’ll repeat myself a little here too, so that everything is in one place.

The most burning question for winter sensory boxes is - what to make snow from? In fact, there are a lot of options, here are some of them:

The ocean here is made of jelly again. In order for the jelly to retain its shape, it will need to be kept in the refrigerator between games, but this has a big plus: during the game, your ocean will always be cool, which fully corresponds to its Arctic nature. Moreover, thanks to the jelly consistency of the ocean, ice floes (they cotton pads) stay on it perfectly.

In our games, the polar bear hunted for fish, attacked a seal, set up a den for himself,

Polar scientists who arrived on an icebreaker tried to get acquainted with the local Eskimos and photograph the animals,

The Eskimo arranged his home, rode a reindeer and also fished.

By the way, the igloo, as you probably already guessed, is made from a paper cup, with cut-up cotton pads used as snow blocks. We did it together with Taisiya.

5. Sensory box “Antarctica”

Very often, the concepts of the Arctic and Antarctica are not distinguished at all. I myself, until I started working with my daughter, was firmly convinced that a polar bear and a penguin were swimming somewhere on neighboring ice floes, which is exactly how they are often depicted in pictures. Maybe, of course, for a three-year-old child there is no fundamental difference, but I decided that since it was time to educate myself, it was right to do so (so that later I wouldn’t have a mess in my head, like my mother), so we had a separate box dedicated to each pole of the earth.

This time the snow is made from starch (400 g) and shaving foam (200 ml); for the iceberg, I froze ice in a bowl in advance. I wasn’t able to come up with a lot of different details in Antarctica, which is essentially a wasteland, but it was still interesting to play (and more than once). Plus, we liked just messing around in the pleasant snow-starchy mass.

  • Our penguins and seals fished, and also rode off an iceberg and jumped into the ocean at full speed.
  • The little penguin kept getting lost, and then, with our help, he found his way to his grandmother.

  • Scientists and travelers arrived in Antarctica. To shelter from the icy winds, they hastily built themselves a shelter from refined sugar.

And this, by the way, is a sensory box “on the road”

6. Sensory box “Dinosaurs”

Dedicated to all dinosaur lovers - the world of dinosaurs in your home, almost like the real one. I will not go into detail and again describe all the components of the box, I think, having familiarized yourself with the previous copies, you have already perfectly grasped the essence.

We have already made this sensory box together with our daughter. She was almost 4 years old at the time, and she enthusiastically set about creating the box, throwing in her own design ideas. At that time, we had already repeatedly read an absolutely masterpiece book about dinosaurs - “ Such different dinosaurs"(there were others, of course, but this one is beyond competition), and I think it was thanks to this book that game scenarios in the sensory box poured out of my daughter like from a cornucopia: and how predators attack herbivores,