Horoscope - Sagittarius. Horoscope - Sagittarius Horoscope for October 16 for Sagittarius

The day will bring many problems over which you will have to puzzle over. It will be especially difficult for those who strive for success in work and study; on the way every now and then there are obstacles, and it is not possible to overcome them immediately. Errors in financial calculations are not excluded, but they can be quickly corrected.
Nevertheless, success can be achieved. To do this, you need to tune in seriously, focus on important matters and not waste time in vain. The advice of old acquaintances, experienced people, time-tested allies will be useful.

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Love horoscope - Sagittarius

You have always firmly believed that there is only one way to achieve the desired amorous goals, but today you may be overwhelmed by some doubts on this score. The stars will remind you to consider all the alternatives available to you. Therefore, show flexibility of thinking, and you will be able to develop for yourself an even more promising plan of action.
It's time for you to take a close look at how you and your passion communicate with the people around you - these observations will help you learn a number of useful lessons that you can subsequently apply to your own relationships and create an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding in them.

It is better to solve family problems as soon as possible, the main thing is that there is a desire and a positive attitude. Purposeful work on yourself will help you to eliminate conflicts and misunderstandings in relations with relatives, and an interest in communication will bring you closer, first of all, with the younger generation and your soul mate.

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Family horoscope - Sagittarius

If you decide that everything is allowed in your relationship with a companion or life partner, then you will begin to allow yourself too much - and the situation in the family will not improve from this. Show better tolerance, patience and diplomacy and be prepared to compromise.

Business horoscope - Sagittarius

Jupiter, the lord of fortune, promises you his support in the professional field, but Mars threatens to make you too impatient. Yes, you want to reach your goal as quickly as possible, but you need to know when to stop. Keep calm.

Health horoscope - Sagittarius

Healthy skin is the key to attractiveness! To keep it clean, firm and radiant, avoid overly refined foods, in particular, white bread and sugar. Also, do not get carried away by sour fruits and vegetables - tomatoes, oranges, lemons - that contribute to the loss of valuable minerals in the body.

Mobile horoscope - Sagittarius

You know which path you need to take in order to succeed, but you are not confident in your abilities. In this situation, it is worth figuring out what you are ready to go for and what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of success. Know that the sooner you make a choice, the faster you will be at your destination.

Beauty horoscope - Sagittarius

Today you will very subtly feel the thoughts and feelings of the people around you, and this will certainly bring you great benefit in communicating with them. You will be able to choose the best approach to any person you need and resolve all conflicts and difficulties that could exist between you.

Sagittarius horoscope for October 2017

Common horoscope for Sagittarius for October 2017

October 2017 will be a period full of events for representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. Now you will find answers to questions that have haunted you for a long time. The stars recommend that you decide for yourself what you want and concentrate on these desires. If you exert yourself and believe in yourself, now you can achieve a lot.

A Sagittarius woman can boldly begin to implement ideas for starting her own business. If you are a creative person, then know that the stars will greatly favor all your creative endeavors.

Horoscope work and finance Sagittarius for October 2017

Also in October 2017 for the representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign, the professional sphere promises to be productive. Those Sagittarius who are involved in legal affairs, work in banks or educational institutions will be on the crest of the wave. As the stars say, the situation at work will change frequently. To keep up with the events taking place, Sagittarius need to carefully observe everything around.

Try not to overlook small details. It is they who, unexpectedly for you, can help in solving important issues in the career plan. It is possible that you will encounter conflicts when communicating with colleagues. In most cases, it will be within your power to nullify the problem. But for this, for sure, you will have to show calmness, and perhaps at certain points and deviate from your own principles.

The financial situation of Sagittarius will not cause cause for concern. At the very least, it will remain stable, but the fair sex has a high probability of the appearance of a wealthy boyfriend who will start charging you with expensive gifts. But before accepting the gifts of a new acquaintance, the stars advise you to sort out your feelings for him. Otherwise, in the near future, you risk finding yourself in an awkward position. Try to be honest with yourself.

Love horoscope and Sagittarius family for October 2017

As the heavenly bodies say, until the lonely representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign, finally, put aside fears and doubts, and take a step towards the person who has long attracted you. If this does not yet exist, it is highly likely that the same one will flicker on the horizon of his personal life. October 2017 is a great time to start a new relationship.

For those of you who are already in touch, the horoscope recommends talking with the chosen one about the future. This period is great for a romantic mood. Don't miss the opportunity to spend time with your loved one. Pleasant "platitudes" such as walking under the starry sky or watching a lyric movie will significantly bring you closer together. Use a favorable stellar forecast for the good of your relationship.

Sagittarius health horoscope for October 2017

It is recommended that Sagittarius be especially careful about "dealing" with the cold. Hypothermia can easily provoke problems with the urinary system. Also at risk in October 2017 are the reproductive system and the kidney area. If you have any chronic ailments, chances are high that they will again make themselves felt. It is recommended not to wait until the disease manifests itself, as they say, in all its glory, but to resort to preventive measures in advance.

Favorable and unfavorable days October 2017 Sagittarius

Auspicious days of Sagittarius October 2017 - October 6, October 13, October 16, October 21, October 24, October 29, 2017.

Bad days Sagittarius October 2017 - October 2, October 9, October 23, 2017.

Thanks from Aquarius, I will be fine.

For you now haste and impatience are completely unacceptable, although there will be a lot of things to do. Do not neglect the help of people who sincerely wish you well. Try not to break your irritation and bad mood on colleagues and close people. For new acquaintances now is not the most successful period.

This day is favorable for both professional activities and personal relationships. Now is a very good time to raise your relationship with your beloved (or beloved) to a new, higher level. And for lonely people, perhaps there will be a chance to meet a like-minded person.

The day will be loaded with various tasks and meetings to the brim. Fatigue will come, but it will not ruin the mood and extinguish the desire for further professional growth. In terms of money, you may now be a little wasteful, but this will not seriously hit your wallet.

In the personal life of many family representatives of this sign, this day will be a period of struggle. If you do not like something in the behavior of a loved one, then do not withdraw into yourself. It is better to try to explain in a calm manner what touched you.

This period will help you concentrate and start planning new serious cases. This day is more suitable for preparatory work, but what we manage to do now will greatly delight you. In the family circle - peace, quiet and God's grace.

A good time for both professional activities and love relationships. You will be able to take up any business with renewed vigor. If some meetings break down, it means that it should be so, and you don't need to go against your fate. Spend more time with your loved one.

Now you run the risk of wasting your energy reserves. This may be due to conflicts arising from household or professional grounds. Try not to waste your energy on quarrels, as soon you will need energy for more important purposes.

An unfavorable day for new business. Do not waste your aspirations on trifles, but choose one direction and strictly follow it. Various negotiations will go well now. Take more time for a walk, a trip out of town. Initiate meetings with friends, organize joint entertainment events.

If you receive business proposals today, you should treat them with attention, since they will contain a rational grain that will give a good sprout. During this period, you need to replenish your energy supply. To do this, be more outdoors.

On this day, pleasant meetings with old friends await you. Now is a good time for new romantic acquaintances. The meeting can happen due to some mysterious coincidence. Therefore, try not to be surprised at anything and be open to change.

Now is a good period for you for your professional career. Therefore, if you are counting on a promotion or salary increase, then you can safely go to your superiors. And if your current situation or place of work does not suit you, then you should look for something else. It is possible that the search will be crowned with success.

This day does not prepare any negative situations. Rather, on the contrary, interesting and unpredictable twists of fate await you, which may even change your future for the better. Try to communicate as much as possible now, since the key to success, most likely, will be found precisely through connections and acquaintances.


At school she was called a “fat cow”. But just look at who she has become!

What is October 2017 preparing for the Sagittarius Woman?

This month will be favorable at times at work and in personal life. It will bring many interesting moments and exciting events. Sagittarius will feel how their life is changing and will experience strong emotions. Of course, the representatives of this sign will make every effort to implement the tasks set by them and their own ideas.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius Woman

The use of natural magnetism for lonely zodiacs will be prevented by their lack of confidence in their own attractiveness. Sagittarius need a fighting spirit, because no one can resist their spell if they really want it. Therefore, calmly accept signs of attention from fans and choose your future life partner.

Married girls will drip in the past. This will complicate their marriage and cause a negative reaction from the lover. You should not stir up old grievances, because this will worsen mutual understanding with your spouse.

Love horoscope for October 2017: Sagittarius A woman will feel that with her bad mood she creates trouble in a relationship.

Finance and work

People born under this sign will be given many opportunities in financial and professional matters. In October, the main thing is not to miss them and make every effort to translate them into reality. Sagittarius will show themselves excellently in active interaction with colleagues. Therefore, group projects will go great, and their contribution to the work will be appreciated by the whole team. By the end of the month, some career changes and revision of the salary level are possible. Such successes are associated not only with professional qualities, but also with banal luck.

Health and recreation

Sagittarius women should take care of the lower back area. They should also avoid drafts, dress warmly and do not freeze. It will not be superfluous to contact the clinic in order to check the condition of the genitourinary and excretory systems. In October, there is a high probability of exacerbations and relapses, especially in those who previously had any problems or diseases of the kidneys and genitals.

  • Auspicious days for Sagittarius women - 8, 11, 14
  • Unfavorable days for Sagittarius women - 3, 6, 23
Published: 2017-09-21, Modified: 2018-10-22,

A suitable day is expected for making any decisions, including the most difficult ones. Prudence will help to negotiate with people and find a compromise. There will be many opportunities to achieve the desired success. on October 16, 2017 recommends not to sit idly by.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Aries

For Aries, work, health, a series of household, business or other troubles, responsibility for a pet may come first. The stars advise to concentrate on the essentials, otherwise the state of health will deteriorate or the quality of work will suffer. There may be a rush due to the end of the project and the need to meet the schedule. Annoying obstacles are not excluded: minor breakdowns, poor organization of the workflow, bureaucratic delays, disagreements with colleagues and services, medical errors.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Taurus

A day will add energy to Taurus, which, coupled with natural practicality and perseverance, forms a good basis for achievement. External circumstances can interfere with the streamlined process. The situation is unstable, it will be necessary to dose loads, adjust plans, change instruments or methods for each new turn of events. Getting around obstacles and finding the best solution will not be difficult if you already have experience overcoming similar obstacles. You should be more tolerant of breakdowns and failures of children and students.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Gemini

Gemini will spend the day in suspense. The main challenge for many Gemini will be to survive the marathon and not break right before the finish line. Up to night, complications, rush jobs, misunderstandings are likely, including in your home or office, in familiar territory, in a well-studied economy or process. Psychological problems can be added to external problems: irritability, disbelief in success. The risk of injury will increase. You will have to go to the end: it will be difficult to take on a new business without finishing the old one.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Cancer

For Cancers, the day will add efficiency and ingenuity, give the necessary impetus in an interesting or related direction. The general course will be taken correctly, but success may be modest due to a combination of circumstances. A simple task can take twice as much time and effort as you thought. The likelihood of problems on the road, in the course of technical and search work, during medical procedures, receiving ordered goods or services, increases. Obstacles can be seen as a test of agility, flexibility, skill.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Leo

Leos will have to concentrate on practical matters that can take on urgency. The day is suitable for clarifying and revising the budget, can be used for cleaning, cleaning, sorting things. Purchases are undesirable, except for the necessary ordinary expenses for housekeeping, food, medicine, urgent repairs. It is recommended to be careful and vigilant even with small payments and calculations, since the probability of making a mistake increases, viewing a critical error.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Virgo

This day brings vanity into the life of Virgos, requires endurance, flexibility, dexterity, skill. Troubles can be caused by the need to complete things in order to prepare for a new role, trip, study. The likelihood of minor injuries, fatigue, and nervousness increases. Problems are possible due to inattention, irresponsibility, disregard for their health or the result of work. You can face fraud, or a consequence of your own negligence, gullibility, dual position.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Libra

For Libra, the day will remind you of unfinished business, put on the look of flaws, debts, hidden shortcomings. If there are any, especially in large quantities, you will have to forget about comfort and tune in to a thorough elimination of errors. It is advisable to complete the process of work, repair, cleaning, treatment, to close debts. You should not leave enemies behind you if they have the ability to secretly harm you. If the service is of poor quality, it makes sense to demand rework or compensation for damages.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Scorpio

Scorpios today will achieve good results even in the presence of obstacles, for example, in adverse external conditions. In any case, the work will not be in vain. The day helps to overcome doubts and contradictions, cope with multidirectional tasks, test tools and equipment, make useful amendments to plans, test prospective employees in business. A plus to technical skill will be accuracy and organization, while working in a group - skillful coordination of efforts.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Sagittarius

Sagittarius should avoid wasting energy and wasting time, choosing the right focus of attention. Doing several directions at once will increase the fuss and reduce the quality of the result. In the absence of direct employment, you may be worried about something, annoyed. The day is suitable for medical procedures, cleaning and other unpleasant, but necessary work. It is worth considering the potential conflict situation: disagreements are possible during a production meeting, family council, business meeting.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Capricorn

The stars advise Capricorns to remain optimistic, but be careful. Despite the good prospects, too bold steps may be premature. It is advisable to demonstrate diligence and accuracy, follow the rules. You should be especially careful when performing work remotely and in cooperation with foreigners. Conscientiously overcoming the difficulties of this day, you not only work off debts and get rid of excess ballast, but also form the prerequisites for future success.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Aquarius

Aquarius should not plan active communication, romantic events, public speaking. The situations of this day are of particular importance if you hand over cases, change course, take office, take on commitments. Before taking on new cases, you will have to thoroughly deal with the old ones, eliminate ambiguities, glaring flaws, critical flaws. You may have to do the rough work: cleaning, screening out unnecessary ones. Do not put off unpleasant treatment procedures.

Horoscope for October 16, 2017 Pisces

Pisces should be prepared for someone else's uneven mood and defiant behavior. A client, a close person can demonstrate quarrelsomeness and aggressiveness. Provocations of competitors are possible. It is undesirable to be annoyed in response, to seize the initiative, to do part of their work for others. The day will show the degree of vitality of a romantic union or business cooperation. If it is not high, you should not habitually make a vicious compromise and deprive yourself of the chance to find a more suitable partner.