What are pregnant cramps in their feet. What are convulsions for pregnancy and how to treat? What to do with convulsions during pregnancy

Causes - the phenomenon is unpleasant. During they often worry a woman. However, you should know that this is not a normal condition of the body in which the child grows and develops. This is a sign that the body is missing something.

Causes of convulsion

Cramps when in feet occur often, and there are reasons for it, the main of which is the deficiency in the body trace elements: Potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamins.

If in the first trimester of pregnancy their lack arises as a result, accompanied by vomiting and decline in appetite, then in the second and third, due to the increased needs of a growing child.

Important! Promote the development of seizures in the legs smoking and using a large number of drinks containing caffeine, including strong tea.

There are some more reasons for which cramps occur during pregnancy in caviar and legs.

  • Reducing blood glucose level. This is one of the reasons why the fractional is recommended, during which the glucose level is supported during which the necessary organism is supported.
  • Often repeated cramps in future mothers may occur when pronounced anemia.
  • In the last trimester of pregnancy, the causes of the calf convulsion may not be only a shortage of vitamins and trace elements, but also. Sick veins of the lower extremities are not able to cope with the increased load, the blood begins to be formed in them, swelling appear. Impaired blood circulation leads to the fact that muscle nutrition makes it difficult: Nutrients do not fall in the desired amount, the metabolic product is completely output. All this serves as a favorable background for the development of convulsion.
  • Lower hollow vein syndrome Also contributes to the emergence of cramps in the muscles of the legs. In this case, being in a lying position, the woman's uterus squeezes the lower hollow vein. This leads to a weak venous outflow, and, consequently, to icy cramps.
  • Improper use of diuretic drugs It can provoke the effect of washing minerals, which also causes muscle cramps.

What is the danger

The danger to the health of the baby and moms represent not the cramps themselves, but the causes of their occurrence. It is they who negatively affect the overall health of both.

  • With stress situations, nervous breakdown and strong emotions in a pregnant woman violates metabolism and develops a lack of calcium, manifested by convulsions. This affects the health of the mother and the development of the child in the womb.
  • During strong convulsion, women manifests strong toxicosis with frequent vomit, which leads to dehydration and violation water-Mineral Exchangein organism. These changes, of course, are displayed on the health of the child.
  • Anemia causes intrauterine oxygen starvation of the child and fraught with bad mothers of mom.
  • Lack of vitamins In her mother's body causes her fragility of nails, hair loss, problems with teeth, and for the baby - the danger of the delay of intrauterine development.
  • Varicoseduring pregnancy, the tomb is dangerous, the consequences of which will be deplorable.
  • The tense muscles of the limbs can cause the tension of the muscles of the uterus, which threatens the appearance of training fights, and in the worst case can lead to miscarriage or premature childbirth.
  • The most dangerous are generalized convulsions. They are characterized by a complete loss of monitoring women over their body, disconnecting consciousness, serious convulsions. The consequences are unpredictable. During the seizure, the work of the brain is paralyzed, the oxygen supply is stopped in the tissue. This can seriously affect the nervous and mental development of the baby and the mother itself.

First aid

If you have a sharp feeling during pregnancy, the first aid for cramps is simply needless. To cope with pain and get rid of spasms before the arrival of the doctors, the following measures must be taken:

  • remove muscle tension. To do this, strain and pull the patient muscle, repeat such an exercise until complete relaxation. It will help and easily tingling the muscles with a pin or needle;
  • preheat muscle massage;
  • keep the blood circulation in the legs - Gently walk around the room, get up on the mysteries, rolling from the sock on the heel;
  • avoid repeated seizures - lie down with raised upside down.
Keep in mind that cramps against the background of lack of substances - this is not a joke.
For example, magnesium deficiency affects not only the appearance of cramps, but also pain in the lower back, an increase in the tone of the uterus, sometimes there is a miscarriage on this background.

Did you know? Many future mothers change stop. It becomes not only thicker due to changes in weight and edema, but also a little longer. So, perhaps you have to buy 1-2 size shoes after childbirth.

How to treat convulsions during pregnancy

In women during pregnancy often drives their feet of convulsion, and due to the fact that future mothers do not know what to do, they start independent treatment, what to do it is categorically impossible.

As you used to see the doctor observing you. If necessary, you will be prescribed additional laboratory research and recommend consultation of specialists - therapist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist.

Usually the doctor prescribes the reception of medicines or vitamin complexes designed to fill the deficit of substances.
If nothing serious examination is determined, the doctor will give several tips that facilitate the condition and are preventive measures.

To avoid the appearance of a convulsion, pregnant women are not allowed to wear shoes on high heels: maximum 4-5 cm.

If a pregnant woman is forced to stay in a standing position, when a large load is created on his feet, it must perform simple exercises that will help to normalize blood circulation in the ion muscles.

To this end, you can alternately roll down the foot from the heel on the sock and back. You can just climb the socks several times and lower the foot back to the floor.
During the rest, try to raise your feet. You can make a foot massage, and the movements must be carried out with the direction of venous blood along the vessels of the lower extremities, that is, from the foot to the thigh.

In the case of varicose veins, we need to wear special anti-uniform tights and stockings. Take a contrast shower more often. Useful bedrooms of room temperature with sea salt.

To do this, divert 3 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of water. Try to lead active lifestyle: More often walk, perform articular gymnastics for pregnant women, swim. For the prevention of seizures of the calf muscles, it is recommended to wear woolen socks overnight.

Did you know? Tuesday is a popular day for the birth of children. Scientists investigated the dynamics of the birth of children and found: the most children are born on Tuesday. The least children are born on Saturday and Sunday.


  • First of all, special attention should be paid to the choice of shoes, as it should be as comfortable as possible. Heel height - no more than 5 cm.
  • During rest legs need to raise For a slight elevation.
  • Before going to sleep Warm baths With the addition of sea salt.
  • If during pregnancy, such an unpleasant disease occurred as varicose veins, it is recommended to apply special stockings and tightsBut their use must be discussed with their doctor.
  • Try to avoid too much load on your feet, and if necessary, for a long time to be on your feet. It is worth performing simple but effective exercises.
  • Starting from the third trimester recommended sleep on the left sideSince precisely thanks to finding during sleep in this position, it is possible to prevent the transfer of the lower hollow vein.

Important! To night, the legs do not reduce the cramp, you can put them before bedtime to a small exaltation - to put a small pad, roller or a simple plaid, folded several times.

The most often convulsions during pregnancy in the legs arise exactly at night, and in order to remove a strong attack, we need to pull the fingers of the leg several times, in which the pain bothers, after which it is necessary to relax.

After that, there should be a bit of weakening the tension, and the convulsion will gradually release the muscle, and then its lightweight and soft massage is performed, but it is not too much to zealous.

Foot cramps in pregnant women: how to deal with this problem? First of all, it is necessary to try to determine the cause.

Symptoms savorogo legs during pregnancy

Foot cramps are a painful reduction (spasm) of calf muscles. Pain occurs suddenly and seems to permeate the whole body. Depending on the cause, seizures of legs in pregnant women can occur at any time of the day.

Foot cramps in pregnant women: the main causes

The emergence of seizures in the legs during the most commonly related to the following reasons:

1. Violation in the body of the balance of such trace elements, such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamin B6

The deficit of these elements can be called:

  • in the first trimester - frequent vomiting associated with toxicosis, with the result that the body loses a large number of trace elements;
  • in the second trimester - an increased need for a large amount of mineral salts due to the active growth of the future kid to form its bone system;
  • with urine with urine as a result of a diuretic drugs unfinished with a doctor;
  • unbalanced nutrition.

2. Anemia

Anemia can lead to a lack of supply of oxygen required for muscles. It can provoke cramps from pregnant women.

It is characteristic that the convulsions associated with anemia or a disadvantage of certain trace elements occur at any time of the day.

3. Circulation stagnation associated with low mobility

Clear can be provoked by finding in an uncomfortable static position for a long time.

4. Varicose veins

As a result of stagnation of blood in veins, convulsions in the ion muscles can appear. Usually they arise at rest: in the evening before bedtime or at night.

5. Reducing blood glucose

Glucose in the body is an essential source of energy. The fall of this indicator entails the energy starvation of the body, which can provoke feet cramps in pregnant women.
The convulsions associated with this reason are more often arising at night or early in the morning.

6. Lower hollow vein syndrome

From the second half of the pregnancy, the growing uterus can compress the lower hollow vein, which leads to stagnation of blood in the lower limbs, the development of edema, and as a result to the appearance of convulsion. It is characteristic that the feet cramps in pregnant women arise when lying on the back or on the right side.

7. Precooling

The cold leads to narrowing vessels, thereby causing icy cramps.

8. Dehydration

First aid for convulsion

How to help yourself during convulsions?

  • If possible, give my leg an exalted position, slowly, but strongly pull the thumb, or pull the whole stop
  • Try to breathe deeply and calmly.
  • Helps the kneading massage of the calf muscle for heating it. Attract your loving husband. You can use massage balls or handmade massager. You can push the index finger to the center of the oscracule muscle at least 20 seconds
  • Plipks and injections of icy muscles help distract from pain
  • You can try hot shower or heating
  • After the attack you can put on a golf or leggings (better preheated) so that the muscles are warm and better relaxed
  • Can help slow walking barefoot, which improves blood circulation in the muscles of the legs

Treatment of cramps in pregnant women

Be sure to inform your gynecologist about the appearance of convulsion. To identify the cause of the occurrence of this pathology, the doctor may appoint additional laboratory research, as well as surveys from narrow specialists.

If necessary, the doctor will appoint a reception of medicines, polyvitamins for future mothers or additional reception of calcium and magnesium preparations. Additional reception of calcium preparations should be coordinated with a doctor and stop after 35 weeks of pregnancy. Never "assign" vitamins and supplements without consultation with your doctor!

With a reduced level of glucose in the blood, an endocrinologist prescribes drugs to normalize this indicator.

In varicose disease, doctors prescribe wearing special compression linen (golf, stockings or tights) to normalize the vascular tone, restoration of blood flow, removal of the ethnicity, which significantly reduces the risk of convulsion. It is very important to correctly select the size and degree of compression of prophylactic linen.

Foot cramps in pregnant women: prevention

Compliance with the following rules will allow the future mother to avoid painful sensations caused by convulsions:

1. Proper balanced nutrition

  • On the day there should be 5-6 meals in small portions
  • Give preference to complex carbohydrates (cereals, pasta of solid wheat varieties, fruits and vegetables), try to limit the use of "light" carbohydrates (sweets, flour)
  • Include in the diet more products rich in calcium (low-fat dairy, foods and milk, nuts, eggs, various types of cabbage), magnesium (nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, chicken, broccoli, carrots, spinach, raisins), potassium (bananas, Potatoes, salmon, tomatoes, kuraga, raisins, spinach, oranges, low-fat beef), group vitamins in (dairy products, walnuts, red fish).

2. Reasonable physical exertion

Reasonable and dosage physical exertion will help improve blood circulation and prevent venous stagnation. Excellent means for preventing seizures - swimming pool.

3. Proper shoes

Refuse uncomfortable, close shoes and shoes in high heels. Wearing such shoes can lead to excessive staging of the foot and negatively affect the places.

4. Recreation and foot massage

At the end of the day, try to lie down with raised legs. Make a lightweight foot massage towards the knee (you can use special refreshing creams).

An excellent option for the removal of fatigue and feet swelling is contrasting or tonic baths.

5. Avoid hypothermia

With the leaning the body to the supercooling - wear warm socks on night sleep.

A cramp call an involuntary and unexpected contraction of the muscles, which is happening without any effort from human. At least once in life, each of us met with such a phenomenon - who because of a sharp rise in cold water, who in adolescence at night, who after a serious labor day, carried out exclusively on heels. But, perhaps, the best "familiar" with the convulsions of a woman who carry a child: during pregnancy, this is quite common, albeit an extremely painful phenomenon.

Most often, pregnant people complain about convulsions in the legs, convulsions of the icon muscles. However, there are also cases of cases of hands, fingers, abdomen, neck and even faces. Most often, convulsive attacks overtake pregnant women at night - at the time of falling asleep or almost immediately before the awakening. The pain at the same time is so strong that practically "pulls out" from sleep, tormenting a woman in the inability to fully relax.

It happens that convulsions make themselves to know from the early time of pregnancy, against the background of early toxicosis, when useful trace elements are washed out of the body. But more often, convulsive muscle spasms are manifested in the "all of its glory" in the middle and late periods of pregnancy. In the first case, doctors explain this to the increased needs of the baby and more than before, activity. In the late period of pregnancy, convulsions arise due to the increased load on the body and possible nervous pinches. In general, the causes of convulsion during pregnancy can be different, but the main of them are specialists called the deficit of certain substances in the body.

Why during pregnancy there are cramps: reasons

Usually, with frequently repeated cramps, doctors will not helpively ask for pregnant women to analyze the specifics of their own diet and analyze that in what quantities it uses. The fact is that most often the cause of convulsion lies in the lack of certain vitamins and trace elements entering the body, namely calcium, potassium, magnesium and predominantly vitamins of group V.

In the early period of pregnancy, the shortage of the above substances can manifest itself against the background of toxicosis, when useful and nutrients are washed out of the body with vomit masses. In the second and third trimester, as the baby's rapid growth, its needs in vitamins and minerals are growing. Removes the child the substances necessary for it from the mother's body, thereby leaving it without part of the "stocks". In the case when these most reserves pregnant does not fill, with a shortage of vitamins and microelements, cramps appear during pregnancy.

The cause of painful muscle spasms can be and not corresponding to its new position the lifestyle of the future mother. So, you should be ready for the emergence of such spasms at any time to those women who even during pregnancy did not quit smoking, mammies, in large quantities of drinking drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, coca-cola). Again, to overtake the convulsions can be a woman who uses nutrients with diuretic products that make up the useful substances from the body. And, of course, women, negligent food and not paying attention to the consumption of products rich in useful substances.

Causes during pregnancy, in addition, may be associated with some violations in health. Among the states that provoke muscle spasms - pronounced anemia (reduced hemoglobin level), a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels.

Several differences are the causes of convulsive syndrome at later pregnancy. Of course, in the second and third trimester, convulsions can still be alarmed about the shortage of individual substances in the body. But at the same time, there are often several other root causes, like starting (or already existing) varicose veins or a manifestation of "hollow vein syndrome". It is well known that by the middle of pregnancy and then the load on the body of the woman increasingly increases, the veins for which blood is now flowing in large volumes, can respond to pregnancy varicose veins. And already he, in turn, is accompanied by convulsions, however, together and with other symptoms - swelling and quick fatigue. As for the "Vienna Half Syndrome", it arises as a consequence of pressure increasing in the size of the uterus to the lower hollow vein. In this case, there is a violation of venous outflow, which leads to the emergence of convulsion, which more often appear by the end of the second - at the beginning and throughout the third trimester, during lying on the back or on the right side.

Foot cramps at night, cramps in caviar during pregnancy

The overwhelming majority of women, speaking of convulsions during pregnancy, complain about the painful spasms of the muscles of the legs, namely, the seizures of the calf muscles. As a rule, they arise either at the end of the day, or at night, during sleep. Muscles of legs, when the whole body is in a state of relaxed rest, suddenly reduces painful spasm, which makes a woman to wake up from pain. It is not surprising that many pregnant women, go to bed, put a clips clips or a pin on a bedside end - it is believed that the injection in the convulsive muscle allows it to relax.

Foot cramps at night during pregnancy doctors most often explain the high load on their feet during the daytime. Risch to experience the whole "charm" of painful spasms of this nature are also a woman who continue to walk on high heels during pregnancy.

That is why, giving recommendations on the prevention of "night" attacks, specialists are advised during the day to give feet rest and use comfortable shoes at low go. So pregnant does not overload the legs, and therefore the risk of convulsion in the legs during pregnancy, the convulsive cuts of the muscles at night is significantly reduced. At the same time, sitting on the chair, stop throwing her leg, warning blood stiring in vessels. In addition, do not forget about a healthy balanced nutrition, and upon reaching the fourth month of pregnancy, we begin to sleep exclusively on the left side - to prevent the praying of the lower hollow vein.

If the legs still have a convulsion - at night or during the day - you can use the pin left near the bed, carefully injections with her muscle. Help to get rid of spasms and manipulation "Pull the sock legs with your hands on yourself." Then, to restore blood circulation it is useful to massate the spashed leg and just some time be on the room.

Hand cramps during pregnancy

In addition to the legs, often suffer from seizures during pregnancy and hands. The main reasons for the sewage of the hands during the baby tooling are all the same - the errors in nutrition and the disadvantage in the body of certain substances, possibly loss of fluid during overheating or using diurely preparations, long-term voltage of certain muscle groups, internal diseases.

The problem is most susceptible to the pregnancy of women who perform work, which involves monotonous long-term movements of the hands, like musicians or office workers who workers at the computer. But at the same time, classic housewives are also insured against the arms cramps, when, for example, longer than usual, vegetables are cut or clean potatoes.

In order to avoid the emergence of convulsive spasms, in this case, it is mandatory to build work in such a way that to regularly give the hands to relax. 15 minutes of reinforced work should be replaced by the short-term kneading hands with rotational movements of brushes, compressing and squeezing the fist, shaking hands. Help will also massage - it is enough easy to massage your hands in problem places.

If the cramps are repeated, it would be nice to consult with a doctor and check the hemoglobin levels. Yes, and internal diseases should be excluded: for example, frequent spasms in one place may indicate the presence of neuropathy, and the permanent painful cramps of the left hand - to signal the cardiological problems.

Stomach cramps during pregnancy

Often, women begin to worry and worry, feeling convulsions in the stomach during pregnancy. Although, perhaps, to call such sensations with convulsions is unlikely perhaps - probably it will be about involuntary cuts and spasms of the uterus, which, during the tooling, the baby is inevitable.

The abbreviations and spasms of the uterus are possible at any time of pregnancy, and if they are not accompanied by any other pathological phenomena, as uncharacteristic brown or bleeding, deterioration of well-being and sudden weakness - is not worth worrying.

So, cramps in the stomach at the very early period of pregnancy, a few days after successful fertilization, are most often associated with the introduction and attachment to the matt of the fetal egg. As the embryo entrenched in the uterus and begins to grow, causing simultaneously and increase in the sizes of the uterus, such processes may also be accompanied by light cramps (many women do not feel them at all) in abdomen during pregnancy.

Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, you can easily feel minor short-term and ill contractions - from this moment on, the uterus begins to prepare for the upcoming birth and in advance training to shrink. False training contractions are not absolutely no danger: they do not cause the opening of the cervix and do not threaten premature childbirth. That is just the multiplicity of false fights is better to monitor, as well as pay attention to the presence-lack of discharge and painful sensations. So, more often, rather than 4 times an hour, accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen, possible brownish oscillations, false contractions indicate an increased tone of the uterus and the increased risk of miscarriage.

Savorry during pregnancy in late terms: 3 trimester

The problem is most aggravated to the last stage of pregnancy - in the third trimester. And this is quite explained: during this period, the burden on the body increases extremely, the child requires more and more useful and nutrients necessary for the normal life of the grieving fetus, and the maternal organism is increasingly thoroughly and rapidly prepared for the upcoming birth.

The convulsions in the third trimester of pregnancy can be happening in their feet, and in hand, spasms in the stomach and neck are felt. If the internal violations as a possible cause of such attacks are excluded, then it is necessary to take measures to prevent muscle spasms independently. It is useful to revise the diet with the increase in products rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and enough vitamins in it. If the shoes on the heel still stands in the corridor next to the sandals, it's time to send it to the closet to better times. Do not forget to give regular rest during the day, and in the evening it is easy to massage them - you can use suitable essential oils.

Reduce the risk of convulsion will help mandatory useful for pregnant women in the fresh air. Assist in the fight against spasms and light regular loads, especially good in this case yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women, all sorts of stretching, swimming.

Located to sleep, lie down necessarily only on the left side - lying on the back or right side you move the hollow vein, breaking blood circulation with the possible subsequent occurrence of muscle spasm. And follow the condition of the legs: varicose veins and swelling, if any, are almost always accompanied by such an unpleasant painful symptom as convulsions.

Causes for pregnancy: what to do?

With a sharp and unexpected cramps, first of all, a woman is always thinking about to start to remove spasm. To help the muscle relax, you can slightly pour into the muscles reduced with something sharp, with a needle, straightening with a clip. If we are talking about the seizure of the calf muscle, you can pull the fingers of the feet on yourself with your hands, alternately relaxing the tension and pulling it again - slowly, without hovering the relaxation of the muscles. Then, when spasm passed, useful to massage the muscles, warming it and contributes to improving blood circulation. With the same purpose, it is possible to resemble the room, accelerating the blood in the muscles. Low on the bed, well, well for some time to lie down with raised legs - this will ensure blood outflow and warn the appearance of repeated seizures.

Fight with convulsions during pregnancy, reducing the risk of their appearance, need systemically, observing certain rules of behavior and life. First priority, if convulsions constantly make themselves to know, it should be reconsidered. It would be nice to consult with the doctor, determining the joint most appropriate diet and, possibly, additional suitable multivitamin complexes. As a rule, if there is a problem of convulsion, specialists recommend applying a diet in convulsions, which is based on quite complex carbohydrates (porridge, products from coarse grinding, vegetables and fruits). Complex carbohydrates contribute to long saturation and ensure maintenance of the desired levels of glucose in the body. With this nutrition, a sharp decrease in blood sugar is excluded - as it happens when eating flour products from the flour of the first grade, confectionery products and sweets - and therefore, the likelihood of muscle spasms-related levels of glucose is reduced.

During the day, to avoid evening and nightly convulsive seizures, it is recommended to regularly give the legs and hands of rest, slowly massaging plots exposed to seizures. If the work of a pregnant woman is connected with a long stay on the legs, and in this case

asslably legs and stimulate blood circulation - rolling out of the sock on the heel, slightly raising on the socks and dropped again on the entire foot.

Sleep exclusively on the left side, and taking a supreme position, raise your legs on the hill - this is how the best blood circulation is ensured. To minimize the problem, it is also recommended that every evening just roll the legs of the legs of the ball, step from my legs on the carpet.

Cleaning shower may also help with convulsions, salt baths with water temperature. So, the contrasting souls improves blood circulation, and the baths with salt provide good relaxation of the muscles and remove fatigue.

In the event that the fossers of the legs are associated with the varicose veins manifested during pregnancy, compression stockings or claws should be purchased. The size and degree of pressure should be selected depending on the venous system, therefore it is better to specify it with a doctor.

Well, of course, forget about heels: Pregnancy is one of the most excellent periods in the life of a woman, so do you really want to impact it with opposite convulsions that can provoke high heel?

Especially for - Marina Zolochevskaya

Why arise cramps during pregnancy

Quite often, the appearance of seizures in pregnant women is associated with a violation of the content of any trace elements. In the first trimester of pregnancy, this can occur as a result of toxicosis accompanied by vomiting and decreased appetite, and in the second and third trimesters, it is often associated with the increased needs of the fetus in various nutrients and microelements due to its active growth and formation of various structures - bones, teeth gains etc.

If convulsion occurs, it is necessary to investigate calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and blood phosphates. Causes during pregnancy are usually developing under reduced content in blood calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium and at elevated sodium and phosphates. The disadvantage of vitamin food can also provoke convulsive cuts.

Most often in practice, it is necessary to deal with the lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium. Usually the most pronounced convulsions are in the middle of pregnancy. This is explained by the maximum growth rink of the growth of the fetus coming to the middle of pregnancy, and associated with this spending a large number of trace elements.

Often, convulsions are associated with a decrease in glucose levels (sugar) in the blood. During pregnancy, this is especially true, because Glucose is the main energy source and is actively spent not only for the needs of the body of a pregnant woman, but also on the livelihood of the fetus. With incorrect power mode, when food is rarely taken, but in a large volume, with a late abundant dinner, it is possible to reduce blood sugar levels in the night and morning, which can cause convulsive contractions.

Varicose disease also contributes to the emergence of cramps in the muscles of the legs. A growing uterus can squeeze veins in a small pelvis and prevent blood outflow from the lower extremities. And reinforced during pregnancy blood flow in a small pelvis increases the load on the vein. If healthy veins can still cope with the increased load, then with varicose disease, the blood begins to be formed in the veins of the lower extremities, edema appear.

Due to the deterioration of blood circulation, muscle nutrition is disturbed, delivery of nutrients and removal of metabolic products. All this serves as a favorable background for the development of convulsion. Contribute to the development of convulsion smoking and consumption of a large number of drinks containing caffeine, including strong tea.

During smoking, chronic oxygen deficiency is developing, which affects both muscle state, provoking the appearance of spasms. And caffeine can provoke the stress in the muscles and their dehydration, which is a favorable condition for the development of convulsion.

First aid for cramps

If the seizures occurs the calf muscles, it is recommended to try to pull the muscle in which spasm developed. Try to relax and breathe deeply. With the most common convulsion in the calf muscle, you need to pull your fingers on yourself, then weaken the tension and pull again with a slightly bigger effort. Repeat this move as long as the muscle does not relax, but do not force the stretching of the muscles.

After that, carefully, so as not to provoke a new seizure, massage the muscles in the direction of the periphery to the center, warming them. You can be like in order to activate blood circulation. After that, it is recommended to lie down with raised legs to ensure blood outflow and avoid repeated cramps. There is another way to relieve seizures - an injection by a pin in the muscle convergent.

The first thing is to make a pregnant woman in the appearance of convulsion is to inform about this akuster-gynecologist who observing pregnancy. If necessary, the doctor will appoint additional laboratory research and will recommend consultation of specialists (therapist, neuropathologist Endocrinologist).

If serious diseases as a cause of convulsion are excluded, the doctor will recommend measures aimed at reducing unpleasant manifestations.

Pregnant woman recommended: wearing comfortable shoes With a stable heel with a height of no more than 4-5 cm. With forced long standing, simple exercises should be performed periodically to normalize blood circulation in the ion-colored muscles, for example, alternate rolling of the foot from the heel on the sock and back. You can just climb the socks several times and lower the foot back to the floor.

It is very useful to use special massage rubber mats for massage, balls that activate reflexogenic points and improving blood circulation. It is recommended 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes to roll the feet of the legs of the ball or stop from the legs on the foot on the massage rug.

In case of varicose veins, veins recommended wearing special anti-uniform tights and stockings. At the same time, it is very important to correctly select the size and degree of compression (pressure) tights, depending on the state of the venous system. Better if the doctor helps you.

If possible, it is necessary rest with raised legs, So that blood can freely circulate from the stop to the top of the body. At the same time, it is possible to make a light massage of the legs, stroking them from the feet to the thigh (in the direction of the movement of venous blood according to the vessels of the lower extremities) with moderate squeezing of soft tissues to improve the outflow of venous blood.

To activate blood circulation and improving muscle nutrition bathrooms Room temperature with sea salt - 2-3 tbsp. Salts on 4-5 liters of water. They are recommended to do in the evening before bedtime. This procedure relieves fatigue and tension in the muscles of the legs.

As a prevention of convulsion in the index muscles is recommended the exercise: To lie on the floor, raise the legs, bending them in the knees, and strongly resurgently fingers into the wall. Holding the legs in this position, to count to 10. Repeat 6-8 times. You can do this exercise several times a day and before bedtime.

To maintain the normal level of sugar in the blood of a pregnant woman recommended frequent fractional food Because Large breaks in food intake can also lead to a decrease in blood glucose levels and, accordingly, to cramps.

The basis of the food diet should be complex carbohydrates (buckwheat and oat groats, bread and pasta from coarse grinding flour, vegetables and fruits). Carbohydrates in the composition of these products are split slowly, providing a constant flow in the blood of a moderate amount of glucose. As a result, the body receives a sufficient amount of energy, and the level of insulin hormone needed to maintain the normal amount of blood sugar is not much increased significantly.

When using simple carbohydrates (sugar, candy, cakes), a large amount of glucose comes into the blood. In response, there is a lot of insulin, because of which the level of sugar in the blood drops sharply, provoking muscle spasm.

In order to prevent the prevention of mineral deficit, all pregnant women are recommended reception of special multivitamin preparations, containing all vitamins and trace elements in doses that satisfy the needs and mothers, and the baby. In addition, it is necessary to include in the diet products rich in these microelements. Cottage cheese, other dairy products, cheese, broccoli are rich in calcium. Potassium can be obtained from Kuragi, raisins, beets, baked or cooked "in uniform" potatoes. Nuts in small quantities, buckwheat porridge and legumes - a source of magnesium.

If necessary, drugs containing calcium (calcium-sandoz), calcium and vitamin D (calcium D3), Potassium (Asparkov, Panangin) and Magnesium (Magne B6, Mineral Water Donat Magnesium), etc. Follow these recommendations, are additionally Create with convulsions, and they will not overshadow such a wonderful period of your life - the waiting time meeting with the baby.

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Cramps - the phenomenon itself is unpleasant. During pregnancy, they often worry a woman. But you should know that this is not the normal state of a pregnant body, and the call about what he is missing something.

What is convulsions?

Causes are an arbitrary muscle contraction. At the same time, a person feels a strong jelly pain in the field of the shin and foot. In rare cases, other muscles of legs, hands, neck can be spoiled. During the seizure, the sock is drawn up, as if a person, imitating a ballerina, wants to be on the tips of the fingers. In pregnant women there are predominantly at night (during the fall asleep) or in the morning (at the time of awakening). Usually the most pronounced convulsions are in the middle of pregnancy, when the fruit is actively developing, and its needs are growing.

Causes of seizures during pregnancy

The main reason for the appearance of convulsion in pregnant women is recognized as a lack of microelements (first of all, potassium, calcium and magnesium) and vitamins (in particular, vitamin B). If the first trimester of pregnancy their lack arises as a result, accompanied by vomiting and decline in appetite, then in the second and third, as we have already said, due to the increased needs of the growing child.

In addition, they contribute to the development of convulsion and the use of a large number of drinks containing caffeine, including strong tea.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the causes of the calf convulsion may not be only a shortage of vitamins and trace elements, but also. Sick veins of the lower extremities are not able to cope with the increased load, the blood begins to be formed in them, swelling appear. The impaired blood circulation leads to the fact that muscle nutrition finds it difficult: nutrients do not fall in the right amount, the means of metabolism is completely output. All this serves as a favorable background for the development of convulsion.

The "Lower Half Vienna" syndrome also contributes to the emergence of cramps in the muscles of the legs. In this case, being in a lying position, the woman's uterus squeezes the lower hollow vein. This leads to a weak venous outflow, and, consequently, to icy cramps.

Improper use of diuretic preparations (for removing swelling) can provoke the effect of washing minerals, which also causes muscle cramps.

First aid for convulsions during pregnancy

In case of convulsion, it is necessary to ask for extraneous assistance. In principle, it is quite possible to do everything yourself. To do this, it is recommended to pull the muscle in which spasm developed. Do not panic: breathe calmly and deeply. If the seizure arose in the calf muscle, pull the fingers of the foot on themselves. Repeat several times before the loosening of pain. It is necessary to make muscles, thereby heating it and restoring blood circulation. You can pinch the calf muscle or beat with an acute subject (without disrupting the integrity of the skin, of course). When it becomes easier for you, lie with raised legs. This will ensure blood outflow and help avoid repeated cramps.

Keep in mind that cramps against the background of lack of substances are not a joke. For example, magnesium deficiency affects not only the appearance of convulsion, but also pain in the lower back, increase, sometimes there is a miscarriage on this background.

How to treat this condition in pregnant women?

First, not independently. As you used to see the doctor observing you. If necessary, you will be prescribed additional laboratory research and recommend consultation of specialists (therapist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist). Usually the doctor prescribes the reception of medicines or vitamin complexes designed to fill the deficit of substances. If nothing serious examination is determined, the doctor will give several tips that facilitate the condition and are preventive measures.

Secondly, you should keep in mind that:

To avoid the appearance of convulsion, pregnant women are not allowed to wear a high-heeled shoe: a maximum of 4-5 cm.

If a pregnant woman is forced for a long time in a standing position, when a large load is created on his feet, it is obliged to perform uncomplicated, which will help to normalize blood circulation in the ion muscles. To this end, you can alternately roll down the foot from the heel on the sock and back. You can just climb the socks several times and lower the foot back to the floor.

During the rest, try to raise your feet. You can make a foot massage, where the movements should be performed, taking into account the direction of venous blood according to the vessels of the lower extremities, that is, from the foot to the thigh.

In the case of varicose veins, we need to wear special anti-uniform tights and stockings.

Take a contrast shower more often.

Useful bedrooms of room temperature with sea salt. To do this, impese three tablespoons of salt in five liters of water.

Try to lead an active lifestyle: more often walk, perform articular gymnastics for pregnant women, attend the pool.

Also, for the prevention of seizures of calf muscles, it is recommended to wear woolen socks overnight.

Special ration

To prevent the appearance of convulsion or their repetition, it is recommended to use more the necessary organism in this state. As we said, it is predominantly potassium, and magnesium.

Potassium is contained in any product. Her them are rich in: Kuraga and Uryuk, raisins, beets, melons, bananas, beans, potatoes, broccoli, beef liver ,. Also, potassium can be obtained from the baked or cooked "in uniform" potatoes. The daily need of adult patrol is 4-5 grams.

Calcium sources are dairy products, extractive vegetables (broccoli, garden cabbage, rope leaves, cauliflower, asparagus), egg yolks, all kinds of legumes, nuts, figs. Calcium preparations are better taken after a delicate meal.

A pregnant woman is required daily about 450 mg of magnesium. It is found in almost all foods. Especially rich in magnesium whole seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, all legumes, vegetable greens, carrots, green onions, spinach.

You can quickly fill the deficit of glucose, using the so-called "simple carbohydrates". This is sugar, candy, cakes.

Especially for - Ksenia Dakhno