How much does a child gain from 34 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to the baby

In some cases, women in the position have difficulties with the correct calculation of the gestational age. This is especially often observed in those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. It is these women who often think about how many months are 34 weeks of pregnancy, and how to calculate it correctly. Let's try to answer it.

34 weeks gestation - how many months is it?

Before making calculations, it is necessary to say that doctors, when calculating the gestational age, use such a concept as "obstetric month". Its difference from all the usual lunar (calendar) is that it always has exactly 4 weeks, i.e. only 28 days.

Therefore, if a woman's gestation period is 34-35 weeks, then to calculate how much it is in months, it is enough to divide by 4. Thus, it turns out that 34 weeks of pregnancy is 8.5 months.

It should be said that in obstetrics it is customary to consider the start of pregnancy by the last date of menstruation, which somewhat increases the duration.That is why the gestation duration of 40 weeks is taken as the norm.

In order to easily calculate how many months of pregnancy is 34 weeks, it is enough to use the table in which this is clearly reflected.

What happens to the fetus and the expectant mother at this time?

The fetus is actively growing and by this time has a weight of about 2 kg and a body length of 45 cm. At 34 weeks gestation, the future baby begins to acquire its individual external features.

So, the fluff and original lubricant, which remains only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown of the head and buttocks, slowly begins to disappear. The skin is no longer so red and gradually begins to smooth out.

There is an active training of the formed organs and systems. Particularly swallowed by a toddler contribute to the appearance of peristaltic contractions of the stomach muscles, which is important for digestion in the future.

The excretory system is actively working, first of all, its central link - the kidneys. This paired organ releases about 300-500 ml of urine into the amniotic fluid every day.

As for the expectant mother, she feels pretty good at this time. Occasionally, shortness of breath can only be noted, which is a consequence of the high standing of the uterine fundus. Therefore, even as a result of a short walk, there may be an increase in breathing and the appearance of a feeling of lack of air.

The 34th week of pregnancy has gone, which means that the birth is getting closer. From the beginning of this period, a woman should be especially careful about her well-being. Not the least role is played by close people who are next to the expectant mother, who must monitor the condition of the pregnant woman, and in case of any violations (amniotic fluid drainage, premature contractions, bleeding), quickly respond and take the expectant mother to the hospital.

34 obstetric week of pregnancy is the end of the 8th month of pregnancy, the last, third trimester, and approximately 32 embryonic week.

Feelings of a woman at 34 weeks

The baby continues to grow and gain weight, along with the uterus and the belly of the pregnant woman. At 34 weeks, the uterus measures up to 32 cm and is located 14 cm above the navel. It squeezes the internal organs more and more, which manifests itself in constant trips to the toilet, the presence of digestive problems (heartburn, nausea, constipation), shortness of breath and shortness of breath.

At 34 weeks of gestation, the norm for a pregnant woman's weight is +12 kg. If the woman has gained more, the doctor will advise how to reduce the rate of weight gain. Extra pounds for such a period will not lead to anything good, this is just an additional load on the spine and legs. For pregnant twins, the permissible weight gain is 14 kg.

Most expectant mothers at 34 weeks notice that it becomes difficult for them to move, they quickly get tired of walking, they are pursued by a constant feeling of heaviness in the lower back and legs. Some can no longer put on shoes without assistance. At this time, special physical exercises for pregnant women are recommended for expectant mothers, you can sign up for gymnastics or yoga classes. Exercise can help reduce discomfort in the lower back, pelvis, and leg pain.

At 34 weeks, the breast increases in size and the production of colostrum begins. There is a hormonal surge: the mother's body begins to prepare for childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding.

If colostrum does not begin to be secreted, then there is nothing to worry about, because each organism is individual. Some mothers are afraid that if there is no colostrum, then then there will be no milk. This is not so, for many colostrum begins to be secreted only after childbirth, and after a couple of days milk arrives.

The approaching birth makes the corresponding changes in the woman's body: the pelvic bones diverge, which causes pain in the future woman in labor. The amount of amniotic fluid increases, their volume reaches 1 liter. From the beginning of 34 weeks of pregnancy, Braxton Hicks' contractions increase. When they appear, the woman feels pain in the upper abdomen, which, spreading throughout the uterus, gradually subsides. These training contractions are necessary to prepare the body for the upcoming birth, which is only a few weeks away. You shouldn't worry about them at all.

Edema, leg cramps, and the development of varicose veins are still possible. In case of severe edema, a woman should consult a doctor.

What's going on with the baby?

At this time, the fetus is already developed. There are cases when women give birth at this time, while the born child is not considered premature, but is born prematurely. He is quite viable, can breathe on his own and does not need special care.

At 34 weeks gestation, the amount of lubricant that coats the baby's body increases. Now she protects him from the effects of amniotic fluid, and in the future it will help him to pass through the birth canal more easily.

The development of the fetus ends, its weight at 34 weeks already reaches 2-2.2 kg, and its height is 40-44 cm. At this stage of pregnancy, the child begins to grow hair, replacing the fluff. The baby is in need of calcium, which he should receive from his mother.

Fetal movements at 34 weeks

The mother begins to feel the movement of the baby inside the womb at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, by 25-27 weeks the baby's movements are felt most clearly, sometimes causing the mother inconvenience and even pain. By the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes large, and its movements are limited to the placenta. Changes in the baby's behavior are noticeable, but you should not be afraid of a decrease in his activity. The movements of the fetus at this time become smoother. A pregnant woman should listen to the movements of her baby, they should be regular and daily, although not as active as in earlier periods.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: Why does the stomach turn to stone at 34 weeks?

A: The abdomen can be stiff for several reasons: uterine hypertonicity or training contractions. The tone of the uterus can cause premature birth, while false contractions are absolutely safe. With increased tone, the lower abdomen remains firm for a long time, this sensation can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, he will prescribe drugs that reduce tone. With contractions according to Braxton Hicks, the abdomen becomes stony for a short time, in most cases such contractions are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, but women do not experience obvious pain.

Q: What should be the norms of CTG at 34 weeks of gestation?

О .: The norms of KTG are as follows:

  • BChSS (heart rate) - 110-160 beats / min (calm state of the fetus) and 130-190 beats / min (active state of the fetus).
  • The rhythm of the heartbeat (the height of deviations from the heart rate) is 5-25 beats / min.
  • Increased heart rate - from 2 beats in 10 minutes.
  • Reduction of heart contractions - absent.
  • Uterine activity - no more than 15% of contractions from BChS, duration - no more than 30 seconds.

Decrypt cardiotocography using a point system. Each of the above criteria is scored from 0 to 2 points. According to the final assessment, we can talk about the state of the fetus: 8-10 points
- the norm; 5-7 points - oxygen starvation of the fetus, without threats, it is recommended to repeat CTG; 4 points or less - severe fetal hypoxia, emergency delivery is recommended.

Q: 34 weeks the belly sank. This is normal? Is not it too early?

A: In the first pregnancy, the belly very often drops 3-4 weeks before delivery. Thus, lowering the belly at 34 weeks is normal. With the second pregnancy, the belly drops, as a rule, later, 1-2 weeks before delivery.

Analyzes and ultrasound at 34 weeks

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a routine examination by a doctor, pass general blood and urine tests. On examination, the gynecologist will measure the weight and circumference of the abdomen, compare the patient's weight with the previous ones. If the patient has gained a lot of weight and has severe edema, she may be admitted to the hospital.

Also, the woman will have to undergo a scheduled ultrasound scan, if this has not been done before. The specialist determines the position of the fetus, the condition of the placenta and the approximate size of the child. In 94% of cases, the child is located correctly in the womb - with its head towards the birth canal, and only in 6% of cases the fetus is located with its legs down. In the case of breech presentation, doctors note that delivery should be done by caesarean section. However, about half of these 6% babies will take the correct position before 36 weeks.

At 34 weeks of gestation, the gynecologist can determine the following disorders:

  • detachment of the placenta (symptoms include bleeding, muscle tension in the uterus, and a rapid heart rate);
  • hematoma on the uterus (it makes itself felt with pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, low blood pressure);
  • polyhydramnios (the expectant mother has high blood pressure, may have diabetes mellitus, the child's heartbeat is poorly heard);
  • lack of water (its signs are dry mouth of a woman, nausea, weakness, less volume of the uterus, compared to the norm).

Norms of ultrasound at 34 weeks

Fetal size (norm)

Amniotic fluid


What should mom do?

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

Proper nutrition is the key to the health and well-being of mom and baby. At 34 weeks, the baby needs calcium, therefore, the expectant mother is advised to consume more food containing this element:

  • all dairy products (hard cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk and others);
  • vegetables (white cabbage and cauliflower, parsley, celery, garlic, peas, beans);
  • berries (figs, cherries, strawberries);
  • fish (sardine, salmon, carp, etc.).

It is better to take food in small portions. The number of such receptions can be about 6-7 per day. During breaks, the feeling of hunger can be quenched with berry fruit drinks, fresh fruit or a light salad of fresh herbs.

Preparing for childbirth

At 34 weeks of gestation, it is worth deciding on the choice of a maternity hospital and a doctor. The emergency bag that mom will take with her to the hospital should already be collected. Depending on the conditions of the hospital, the list of necessary things may differ.

An approximate list of things in the hospital is as follows:

  • documents (passport, policy, exchange card, birth certificate, results of the last ultrasound scan);
  • 2 shirts, bathrobe, underwear, slippers;
  • postpartum pads;
  • toilet paper;
  • dishes (plate, spoon, fork, mug);
  • personal items (phone, charger, cosmetics, shampoo, etc.);
  • things for the child (sheets, undershirts, blanket, cap, diapers, wet wipes).

Intimate life

After 34 weeks of pregnancy, sex is not recommended. Sex carries a certain danger to the fetus in late pregnancy. There is a high probability of introducing an infection into a woman's birth canal. There is also the possibility that sex can affect the position of the baby in the womb. Having previously taken the correct position with the head down, the baby can turn over and sit on the ass.

In the question of whether it is possible to have sex in late pregnancy, an important factor is the course of the pregnancy itself. If the expectant mother does not have any abnormalities, and the gynecologist gives permission, then you can live a sex life. If a married couple still decides to have sex during this period, then the movements should be unhurried and smooth, and the posture should be as comfortable as possible for the woman.

The 34th week of pregnancy has already come. The kid has grown a little more, and it is getting harder for mommy. With each week, the long-awaited meeting is approaching, you probably have already decided on the choice of the maternity hospital and the doctor who will take delivery. If you are planning a joint birth, find out if your dad needs any testing.

The belly no longer allows mom to move around as easily as before. But right now you need sufficient activity, walking in the fresh air - you need to gain strength before the upcoming birth, to strengthen the muscular system. But at the same time, do not overwork, use the opportunity to read positive books, listen to music, enjoy the changes in your feelings, the movements of the baby.

At 34 weeks of gestation, the baby's weight is about 2200g, and his height is about 44 centimeters.

34 weeks pregnant - how many months? Eight and a half obstetric months have already passed, and very little is left! Mom definitely needs to control her weight; at this time, an increase of about 11-12 kilograms is permissible. Control the calorie content of the diet, while maximizing the supply of the necessary components, including trace elements, vitamins.

What's happening?

Pregnancy 34, 35 weeks is characterized by constant improvement of all organs and systems. The baby continues to gain weight, mainly now due to adipose tissue. His build is already the same as that of a newborn. The skin becomes more and more smooth, the number of lanugo - vellus hairs on the baby's body may already decrease. But the hairs on the head, on the contrary, are getting thicker. The nails are already fully formed. Maturation of the skeletal system continues, and the baby now needs a lot of calcium. The baby will take everything that is needed from the mother's body, so you need to take care of the intake of all nutrients.

The baby has already grown so much that childbirth at 34 weeks of gestation is not dangerous for him. His respiratory system is capable of functioning in most cases, even without special equipment, but nevertheless, the surfactant must finally be formed in the required amount.

Usually, by this period of pregnancy, the baby has taken its final position. The most physiological is the cephalic presentation - such a position of the baby in which the head is attached to the birth canal, and it is she who will be the first to move along the birth canal. During vaginal birth, this is the position that is safest for the baby and for the mother.

If you were diagnosed with breech presentation at 34 weeks of pregnancy, this means that the baby's butt or legs are now located above the birth canal. It is also possible to independently change the position, sometimes special manipulations are carried out to help the baby roll over. Whether this is necessary is determined by the doctor after a thorough examination.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by an active phase in the formation of the cardiovascular system. Now the heart rate of a baby is almost twice that of an adult. Knowing what position the baby is in, a mother can easily put a stethoscope to her stomach and hear the heart beating.

The child's nervous system prepares for his independent life outside the mother's body. There is a gradual formation of sleep and wakefulness modes, and now the activity of the baby is largely determined by the mother's regime. If you watch the video "34 weeks pregnant", you can discern how the baby reacts to bright light, closing his eyes, how he calms down, hearing the voice of his mother.

The baby has its own metabolism. Its endocrine system is already functioning independently, the growth hormone, hormones of the thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal glands are produced. The digestive tract is being improved. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, which contains particles of lubricant from the surface of his body, and, passing through the digestive tract, the incoming substances form the baby's first stool - meconium.

The baby has developed papillae of the tongue, and he can distinguish the taste well. His vision also improves. Visual, auditory stimuli affect the activity of the baby, good music for pregnant women, reading books improve the formation of the cerebral cortex. And mummies are happy to sing songs to their kids, stroking their tummy, recite poetry, and just talk.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Below you will find some examples of ultrasound photos at 34 weeks of gestation.

An enlarged belly gives mommy a lot of inconvenience: it supports the stomach, causing heartburn, squeezes the intestines, provoking problems with stool, presses on the bladder, and simply shifts the center of gravity. This is not surprising, because now the volume of the uterus has become 500 times larger than before pregnancy, and its weight has increased tenfold! The bottom of the uterus is now 34 cm above the bosom, 14 cm above the navel. And absolutely all expectant mothers are pleased with the idea that very soon the uterus will go down, and it will become much easier to breathe, heartburn will decrease.

Fetal movements at 34 weeks

The baby at 34 weeks of gestation continues to grow actively, now it occupies almost all the space inside the uterus. This does not give him the opportunity to fully move, but the baby can periodically straighten up, while the mother feels how the heels and head rest against. These sensations can even be painful, because the baby is already very strong. The baby is already asleep more often, his movements have acquired purposefulness, and many mothers note some relief from the decrease in constant restless movements.

Mom's feelings

Increasingly, the mother feels that her stomach is pulling at 34 weeks of pregnancy. These sensations are usually associated with Braxton-Hicks contractions, or training contractions. They begin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fundus of the uterus, then spread down. Training contractions ensure the preparation of the uterus for the true ones, they do not cause the cervix to open, so if these sensations are not accompanied by pain, not rhythmic, you should not worry.

This period is the time when mommy thinks more and more about the upcoming birth. This is especially true for women who are facing it for the first time. Often even dreams are associated with childbirth. A positive psychological attitude is now extremely important, which will ensure a favorable course of childbirth. If you want to read about childbirth, then only about physiological, natural, lungs. And even better - go to classes at the school of future parents - there specialists will tell you as competently and in detail as possible how everything will happen, what is the role of the dad during childbirth, what breathing techniques you need to facilitate childbirth, how to behave correctly.

Spend more time with pleasant prenatal preparation. Decorate a nursery, choose a dowry for your baby. Absolutely all expectant mothers are unanimous in the opinion that these are the most pleasant moments of pregnancy.

What to Consider

  • protect yourself as much as possible from stressful situations, unnecessary irritants, and explain the need for this to relatives;
  • be sure to watch the baby's movements - in twelve hours you should feel about 10 active movements;
  • pay due attention to your diet: a common phrase that you need to eat for two now concerns the quality of the food, but not the quantity or calories. It is very important to prevent excess weight gain: normal weight is an important factor in the easy course of labor;
  • be sure to watch if you have edema: press your finger on the lower leg in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bone, and if a fossa has formed, then there is edema. Edema very often accompanies pregnancy, because the load on the kidneys is very strong. Moderate edema is not dangerous, but their sharp appearance, which can manifest itself as rapid weight gain, can be a symptom of a dangerous complication - gestosis, and this requires urgent medical intervention;
  • at this time, it is already necessary not only to make a list of things in the hospital, but it is desirable to collect it.

Sex at 34 weeks pregnant

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then at this time, sexual relations are quite acceptable. Of course, abrupt movements should be avoided, there is no need to press down on the stomach. Positions in which the spouse is in the back are most suitable now. In late pregnancy, women often experience unreasonable complexes about their figure, excess weight, and the maintenance of warm trusting relationships now largely depends on the behavior of their spouse. Let your wife understand that she is incredibly attractive, try to be more inventive, and there will definitely not be any problems with intimate relationships during this period. In addition, a woman's hormonal background contributes to an exacerbation of attraction.

Discharge at 34 weeks

The nature of the discharge now needs to be closely monitored. If they are not abundant, light, this is the norm, but increasing watery can be a sign of water leakage, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor. Mom's immune system is now somewhat depressed, so infections of the genital tract often occur, which always manifest themselves by a change in the intensity, consistency, and color of the discharge.

Pain at 34 weeks of gestation

Painful sensations very often accompany the third trimester of pregnancy. The load on the spine is very high, and pain in the lumbar region is noted by all expectant mothers. They can be facilitated by good rest, good massage, regular gymnastics aimed at strengthening the muscles, as well as swimming in the pool.

Training contractions occur more and more often. However, such sensations should not be too painful. Pain in the abdomen and lower back can be a sign of premature birth, so you need to listen to your feelings very carefully.

Mom has already gained quite a lot of weight, and this affects the general condition, causes increased fatigue, as well as pain in the legs. It is categorically impossible to wear high-heeled shoes now, optimally 1-2 centimeters. Comfortable footwear significantly reduces stress and prevents leg pain. To relieve fatigue, pain in the lower leg area, ask your loved one to give you a massage - this not only removes pain, but also so pleasant that an improvement in mood and relaxation is guaranteed to you.

Necessary research. Analyzes

Now visits to the gynecologist have become more frequent. Usually at 34 weeks, women are prescribed standard examinations (s), and if you have not yet done the third ultrasound screening examination, then you will definitely be prescribed one. Ultrasound at 34 weeks of gestation makes it possible to assess the size of the fetus, their compliance with the gestational age, suggest the size at the time of delivery, which in some cases is important for the management of labor. Ultrasound also makes it possible to assess the condition of the placenta, diagnose oligohydramnios at 34 weeks of gestation, determine the condition of the cervix, and also find out exactly the location of the baby.

Useful video

Questions - answers

I am 34 weeks pregnant with twins, my stomach is so big that it has become very difficult to walk. Is this ok, or have I typed too much?

Pregnancy with twins is always accompanied by a greater load: there are two babies, and, despite the fact that each one weighs less now than a fetus in a singleton pregnancy at this gestational age, their total weight is much higher, and it is not surprising that the belly is large. It's quite normal. High activity now seems incredible to you, but you still need to try to move more. Do not overwork yourself from household chores, try to shift them to your relatives as much as possible, but walking on the street, light exercises are necessary to maintain muscle tone - this is important for the normal course of childbirth.

I have 34 weeks of pregnancy, my stomach hurts periodically. With what it can be connected?

This may be due to the Braxton-Hicks contractions - training contractions. Now the uterus is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, and such sensations occur more often, they are stronger. They are normally irregular. If the abdominal pain is severe, you need to see a doctor.

Recently, I often feel like a baby hiccups at 34 weeks of pregnancy! This is normal? I read somewhere that hiccuping is a sign of hypoxia. Is it so?

The baby's hiccuping, which the mother feels like rhythmic twitching for several minutes, is absolutely normal. The baby is now swallowing amniotic fluid in large quantities, and the vagus nerve may be irritated. Hiccuping is not a symptom of fetal hypoxia. But a noticeable decrease in activity, a decrease in the number of perturbations, or, conversely, a sharp increase in the child's activity may indicate trouble and requires a visit to a doctor to find out the cause of this condition.

At this time, a woman begins to worry about the size of her abdomen and the state of the body. Her breasts are filling up and getting ready for future nursing. The body prepares for childbirth and needs special attention.
Week 34 is a period that portends a close release of the fetus. According to the lunar calendar, this period is considered the ninth month. And on obstetric it falls on the second half of 8 months.

At this stage, the growth of the fetus is about 40 cm, and the weight reaches 2100 g. By the end of this period, the child's lungs mature and straighten, they produce a surfactant that allows the fetus to breathe. If childbirth occurs prematurely, then the child will still have to place a cuvez, because the amount of subcutaneous fat is not enough for the first breath. This situation entails the risk of disability.

The child at this stage has the following signs:

  • Child's adipose tissue reaches 7%;
  • The epithelium becomes light red;
  • The hair on the baby's body disappears;
  • The damp mucus is still present on the skin of the fetus;
  • The body is fully functional. There is a heartbeat, the gastrointestinal tract, lungs work, the musculoskeletal system is functioning;
  • The auricles are small, but they are already beginning to expand;
  • Testes go to the groin area;
  • Lanugo disappears;
  • The baby's skin is sensitive;
  • The scalp of the fetus becomes thicker.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the fetus needs sufficient calcium to strengthen the skeletal system. Puncture of the fetal bladder allows you to determine the readiness of the lungs for breathing.

Mother's condition

A woman is prone to frequent contractions and pains. They are growing exponentially. Pains are caused by contractions. The elevation of the neck makes the pain more intense.

It is important to consult your gynecologist for pain relief. Mothers need harmony and a correct diet during this period.


The fetal movement slows down because as the baby grows, there is not enough abdominal cavity. The number of movements remains the same. It is necessary to count them. The norm is 20 movements per day.

The baby's jerks at this time become more intense and unpleasant for the mother. Sharp shocks indicate that the baby is frightened, as a reaction to a loud sound or strong light. You should not get into an anxious environment, as the fright of the baby can cause him to take the wrong position, as a result of which a cesarean section will be required.
At this time, pregnant women may experience dropsy. Its signs are swelling of the extremities and abdominal walls. Many have a fear of childbirth due to a large belly.

The height of the uterus is 35 cm. The displaced organs restrict the mobility of the diaphragm, which causes a feeling of suffocation. At night, mom may be disturbed by digestive upset, and her limbs are prone to cramps.
At this stage, the mother is gaining up to 10 extra pounds. This is considered normal. If the weight continues to grow, then the pregnant woman needs to go on a diet and reduce her intake of fats and carbohydrates.
Toxicosis may develop at a later date. In his favor is the increased pressure of 6 mm rhythms of Art. It is important to consult a gynecologist, because toxicosis poses a threat to the life of the mother and child.

Video - 34 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and what a woman feels, fatigue, caesarean section


Female discharge should be light in color with a sour odor.

  • A discharge with flakes, pus, yellow or grayish mucus indicates an infection that may be bad for the baby.
  • Red, brown spotting discharge indicates peeling of the placenta.
  • Liquid watery discharge is no less dangerous. They talk about the waste of waters and are a sign of premature birth.


During this period, there are pulling pains in the trunk. They are caused by the growth of the uterus. The body produces a hormonal release that softens the tendon tissue, making it easier for the fetus to exit.
Also, pain in the abdomen and lower back can be a sign of premature birth. Especially if they are accompanied by profuse watery discharge. An additional symptom is painful, regular contractions of the uterus - training contractions. In the event of such symptoms, an urgent need to consult a doctor.


In the last stages, a woman may experience insomnia and anxiety in sleep. The following steps will help to cope with this:
It is necessary to change the position during sleep, roll over on your side or back;
Change your pillow. Most likely, it is too high or low to sleep and causes discomfort and difficulty breathing;
You should not eat a lot before bed. A full stomach actively processes the incoming substances, causing inconvenience to mom and baby.
During pregnancy, it is recommended to visit the pool and do light sports. Water relieves the feeling of heaviness, relieves muscles and ligaments. Fitball strengthens the muscles of the back, and walking in the fresh air recharges the body with vigor and energy.


Usually, by this time, all the necessary ultrasound examinations have already been completed. But additional tests may be needed to exclude the development of hypoxia and assess the general condition of the fetus.
Ultrasound in the late stages of pregnancy determines the state of the placenta, lack or excess of water, the threat of the umbilical cord entwining the baby's head. The position of the fetus in the uterus is important. The baby should lie in the stomach, head down, towards the vagina. If the situation is unfavorable, then a cesarean section is required.

During ultrasound analysis, the following are assessed:

The work of the fetal heart muscle;
The dimensions of the umbilical cord;
Connection of the placenta to the abdominal walls;
Cervical condition;
An examination of the appendages for the presence of deviations, etc .;
Characterization of the placenta;
The umbilical cord vascular network is analyzed.

According to the results of ultrasound, the size of the fetus and the woman's ability to pass it through the thighs are assessed.

Salt should be consumed in an amount of up to 4 g per day. It is best to replace regular table salt with low sodium chloride salt. It is recommended to add aromatic, non-hot spices to food to enhance the taste.
For this period, boiled meat or fish products should be the main dish of a pregnant woman. Soups are ideal dishes:

  • Vegetable;
  • Chicken soup;
  • Dairy broth.
  • Corn;
  • Buckwheat.

It is better to refuse semolina and rice porridge.
An important supplier of proteins is dairy products:

  • Kefir;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Sour cream;
  • Sour milk.

They promote digestion and remove waste products from the body. Do not use them at night due to the threat of heartburn.
Boiled beets, dried fruits prevent constipation, and mineral water, steam scrambled eggs and milk have alkalizing qualities and reduce the amount of acid in gastric juice.
It is undesirable to consume large amounts of Vitamin D, as it strengthens the bones of the fetus, which complicates the process of childbirth. To prevent blood loss and anomia, products containing Vitamins K, C, E, and iron should be used.

Preparatory process

At this stage, you must continue to consult a doctor. They often enter data using abbreviations. Their decoding needs to be clarified.

In the last stages, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Maintain a positive emotional attitude. The child is sensitive to the mother's mood and heartbeat;
  • It is necessary to protect yourself from stress and bouts of irritability;
  • The number of movements of the child must be recorded. There should be no less and no more than ten in 12 hours;
  • It is important to control your weight and follow the correct diet;
  • Edema should be prevented by reducing the amount of fluid consumed;
  • To avoid STD disease, it is better not to have sex in the last stages;
  • It is better to make a list of things needed during childbirth in advance.

It is better to complete a test that determines the health of the baby. It takes into account the following indicators:

  • Breath;
  • Traffic;
  • General mood;
  • Volumes of water;
  • Heartbeat.
  • Health is documented on a 2-point scale. A score of 2 indicates a good indicator, 1 indicates normal development, and 0 indicates abnormality.


It is necessary to approach the health of mother and child with special care. It is important to follow a diet, while removing excess water from the body in order to avoid edema, perform simple exercises to warm up muscles and joints, get enough sleep, be in high spirits, monitor the general health indicators of a woman and a baby.