How to make the uroin apples Antonovka in a barrel. Casting apples Antonovka

Many owners of garden sites get up to the problem of processing a large harvest of apples. One of best ways Billets are soaking. The uroin apples cooked on their own is not only a lacquer snack, but also a great treat for a festive table, the ingredient of salads, a garnish for meat, filling for pies. The preparation of this delicacy will not take much time and strength, and the ingredients for recipes will be found in almost every home.

Preparation for soaking

The process of soaking apples It is to transform fructose into lactic acid and alcohol. As a result of fermentation, an acidic and sweet uroic taste, which so like both adults, and children. For preparation, certain varieties are required, characterized by elastic pulp, dense leather and noticeable acid. It is best to take autumn and winter varieties: Antonovka, Bogatyr, Anis, Babushkino, Korniechka, Borovinka. Summer varieties take it is undesirable, because because of the loose pulp in the cooking process they fall apart. Also fruits must comply with the following criteria:

  • the same average size;
  • hardness and density;
  • sour taste;
  • removed, not fallen;
  • without a red brush.

You need to take completely ripe copies that are not torn with diseases or pests. Before soaking the fruits, you need to lie down in order to precipitate. Autumn varieties leave for 14 days, winter - by 25-30.

Recipes for cooking urea apples

Oak barrels are considered the best package for soaking, but in the conditions of the apartment, the billets are made in glass jars with a volume of 3 and 10 liters, as well as in the bucket. What a recipe for ureage apples at home will choose the hostess depends on the preferences of family members. There are a lot of options.

Classic recipe in the bank

Casting apples Antonovka At home, perfectly obtained in glass containers. It is convenient to store them even in a small apartment. For cooking you will need:

The intact fruits are thoroughly washed in warm running water. At the bottom of sterilized cans, cherry and currant leaves are placed, after which apples are barely close to each other. Through two rows, leave the leaves again and continue until the bank is fully filled.

For the brine, water is boiled, salt and sugar soluble in it, cool up to 30 degrees and poured apples. From above you need to put the load so that the fruits are under water. For several days, the banks are kept warm to the process of fermentation. It can be determined by the foam, which will appear from above. After that, the billets are cleaned in a cool place for about 60 days.

Sweet apples

So that the fruits get more sweetAmong the ingredients there are malt and honey. Required:

  • fruits - 10 kg;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • malt - 50 g;
  • water - 5 l;
  • cherry and currant leaves.

On the bottom of the container laying the currant leaves, the fruits are placed on top of the tails. Then goes the cherry leaves layer, and the layers are repeated until the bank is filled. Top stacked the cargo.

For brine Salt, honey and malt are dissolved in warm water. Instead of malt, you can take 75 grams of rye flour. When the liquid cools, it is poured into apples, without removing the cargo. Sayer apples reach ready after a month and a half.

The optimal mode for storage is: +15 - +18 degrees.

Low apples with the addition of sauerkraut They will become an excellent addition to fried potatoes, as well as snacks to strong alcoholic beverages. To prepare such a treat, the simplest ingredients will be required:

  • apples - 3 kg;
  • cabbage - 4 kg;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - 80

Slim chopped cabbage and grated carrots sprinkle with salt and sugar and stirred until juice is selected. At the bottom of the tank lay the cabbage layer, then fruit. Repeat layers until the bank is filled. From above there must be cabbage. Vegetable juice poured into a jar. If it is not enough, then you should prepare a brine at the rate of 1 liter of water on one tablespoon of salt and sugar.

For a few days, the workpiece is kept in the room so that it wanders, then remove to the cold. The result can be estimated after 30 days.

With the addition of mustard

Plain recipe for urea apples for the winter with the addition of mustard Those who love piquant snacks will have to taste.


  • fruit - 10 kg;
  • sugar sand - 200 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • malt - 50 g;
  • mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5 l;
  • currant leaves and cherry.

The banks are placed by leaves and mustard, then layers lay apples close to each other. From salt, sugar and water you need to cook brine, enter the malt into it and soak the fruits so that they are covered by about 5 cm. From above, it is necessary to put the load on top.

During the week, the workpiece must be mashed at a temperature of 20 degrees, periodically pouring water. Then the containers are transferred to the cellar or another cold place. You can eat uroin fruits in two months.

Recipe with lingonberry

Many hostess know how to wet the apples of Antonovka for the winter, but the options for recipes are a great set, so you can always find out for yourself something new . Apples with lingonberry will become an excellent snack and enjoy all family members.


Grape leaves sweep the bottom of the tank, top above the apples with fruits up. The layers are repeated, speaking each layer of lingonberry berries. From above the leaves should lie, the oppression is laid on them. For brine dissolve sugar in boiling water. Poured apples with a cooled liquid, set the oppression. Within ten days, the apples are needed in a warm place. When the foam rises, the container is clogged and attributed to the cellar.

Billet in the bucket

In the conditions of the urban apartment, it is impossible to break the apples for the winter in a barrel, but it is quite feasible to make a blank in the bucket. For this, the usual enameled bucket without rust and chipping volume of 10 liters is suitable. The dishes need to be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water with soda and rinse in a large number of running water. The recipe for urea apples in the bucket may include a variety of ingredients. For example, you can make fruits with adding honey.

  • apples - 6 kg;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 3 l.

Prepared and thoroughly washed apples tightly laid in bucket tails up. To make brine, in hot water Dissolve salt and honey and, having cooled the fluid, pour it into fruits. It should be remembered that the temperature of the water in which honey is placed should not be above 40 degrees.

The bay of fruit brine, tops the oppression, which can serve a wooden circle of the desired diameter, plate or cover. In the warmth, the blank wanders two weeks, Liquid poured as needed. The finished snack is stored on the balcony or in another cool room.

ATTENTION, only today!

How nice to enjoy summer fruits in the winter day! Especially after a hard working day, after a long stay in the cold. The recipe for urine apples at home is what life will decorate, give her a pinch of summer and warmth. Especially since the method of their preparation is simple and interesting.

Simple recipe for urinary apples at home in banks

What kind of apples better soak? Answer: soak fruits can be for every taste.

To wet these fruits, you need to find the following:

  • Apples (it is better to choose autumn or winter varieties).
  • Sugar (for 1 kg of apples there is 200 gr. Sugar).
  • Salt (no more tablespoon, otherwise fruits will be salty).
  • Cherry and currant branches (raspberry branches are also suitable).

So, do urine apples simple way It is necessary like this:

  1. Fruits should not have any damage, so you only have fresh and high-quality.
  2. At the bottom of the deep pan you need to put branches with leaves. The second layer is placed fruit so that space remains between them. The remainder of the branches should "be displayed" fruits. You can also do it in the bucket.
  3. Now you need to do marinade, cook it is quite simple. Sugar and salt should be added to the saucepan with boiled water. This flooded fruits and covered with a wooden lid.

Marinade must be addressed in the pan over the week. After that, the clumsy fruits are taken into a cool place and insist about 40 days.

The easiest recipe for uroin apples (video)

Vidium apples in barrel or bucket

Before quickly picking up these fruits in a bucket or barrel, such products should be prepared:

  • Apples (come by Antonovka).
  • Currant leaves.
  • Salt, sugar.

Preparation plan Next:

  1. Apples need to wet together with their leaves and branches, so all this needs to be well to wash and clean from dirt.
  2. Now you need to cook brines. To do this, boil water, one bucket of apples is needed 10 liters of water. Then spices and honey are then added to boiling water.
  3. At the bottom of the bucket you need to put currant leaves. The second layer is laid out fruit, after which you can pour there brine. He must completely pour apples.

The bucket (barrel) is placed in a cool place, and its top is necessarily covered with something heavy. Apples, saues with brine, should appease for 3 weeks.

Casting apples Antonovka at home

For the winter, these fruits are properly preserved in banks. However, first need to be frown.

For this prepare such ingredients:

  • Apples (Antonovka variety). The amount of fruit depends on the number of desired conservation. One bank must roughly take about 1.5 kg of apples.
  • Water for brine.
  • Currant or cherry leaves. You can also take Melissa and Mint leaves.
  • Some acid berries, such as a viburnum or cranberry.

So now you can start cooking:

  1. All fruits must be thoroughly washed. If they have leaves, they should be removed. All leaves also need to be washed.
  2. The container in which fruits will be preparing, you need to rinse with soda, after which it is slightly quiet.
  3. The bottom of the container "covers" with branches and leaves of the above plants. Then the bottom to the leaves need to put a little acidic berries and only then apples.
  4. The layer of apples in the bank should alternate with the layer of leaves and berries.
  5. The top of the banks should be tightly covered with leaves in such a way that the fruit is not visible at all.

Marinade is preparing Standard: It is necessary to add sugar, salt, honey to boiled water (optional). It is not recommended to solit it. For one bank, tediously 1.5 liters of brine. Marinade is poured banks, after which they can be rolled.

Recipe cooking sauer apples for the winter

Sauced apples are one of the favorite winter desserts of people, so they are often done. However, so that everything happens correctly, some nuances should be known.


  • Fresh fruits of apples.
  • Water (for 1 kg of fruit there is 0.5 liters of water).
  • Sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Any spices (to taste).
  • Chreem leaves and currant.

  1. Fruits for chairs should take a medium size, preferably winter varieties. All apples need to be cleaned of dirt.
  2. Quake them preferably in a big wooden barrel, but you can do it in the bucket. At the bottom of the container you need to put cherry or currant leaves, then apples. To properly run these fruits, they should be put very tight to each other. This is the main difference between urinary and sauer apples. When they are soaked, then between them should leave the space, which is not recommended to do while serving.
  3. Pouring for chairs is made of water, salt and sugar. In essence, it is an ordinary sweet water.

Fruits must be forced 7-8 days.

Urinary apples with mustard


  • Apples.
  • Mustard or mustard powder.
  • Sugar, salt.
  • Currant leaves.

Preparation plan:

  1. With mustard, these fruits are obtained by crispy. Clean fruits need to be covered with sugar and mustard powder and leave for 1 hour to appease.
  2. While fruit is insist, you can go marinade. To do this, sugar and salt should be dissolved in boiled water.
  3. Apples poured marinade. They should be covered on top of a wooden lid and put something heavy on it, for example, a bottle of water.
  4. You can eat fruit when it goes at least 35 days.

Recipe for urinary apples with rye flour


  • Apples.
  • Salt, sugar.
  • Water.
  • Rye flour.
  • Currant leaves and cherry.

The cooking process includes such paragraphs of the plan:

  1. To begin with, prepare banks. They must be sterilized by throwing boiling water.
  2. Clean apples stacked in banks together with the leaves of plants. You can also put a little cherry twig in the bank.
  3. In salt and sweet water, which will be used as a fill for the fruit, you should add a prepared pre-flour mixture. For this 200 gr. Rye flour must be pouring warm water and mix. What should be a consistency? The mixture should resemble a fat rj.

Flour must be mixed very well in the brine. Then you can pour them fruit banks.

Recipe of urinary pears at home

Pears should be mashed at the same principle as apples, however there are several features.

Grocery list:

  • Pears.
  • Sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Currant leaves (you can also take cherry).
  • Water.


  1. Fruits pears should be rinsed, remove the peel, and then cut into pieces. You can cut the fruit in half, but be sure to remove the core.
  2. In the deep saucepan made marinade for pouring pears. In hot water you need to dissolve sugar, slight salt and flour mixture. Rye flour can be replaced with breadcrumbs. Sugari as well as flour, poured warm water and mixed.
  3. Sterile banks are put on the leaves of cherries, currants and horseradish, alternating with fruit. Optionally, you can add berries.
  4. Banks are poured cooked brine. Now they can be rolled. Before climbing the cover, it is recommended to quote boiling water.

How to wet apples (video)

These are such simple recipes of urinary and sauer fruits exist. You can go according to the standard scheme and do everything according to the recipe, and you can sulfate and come up with something special, for example, add an exquisite spice in Marinade.

In the season, the harvest apples need to prepare a large number of them. Of these, very diverse dishes can be prepared. But for the winter period you can cook salty fruits. Subsequently, they are suitable as a snack, filling of pies or just a delicious snack.

This recipe, how to pick up apples at home, easy to prepare, fruits must be cut on slices and just fill with brine. In order not to waste time on sterilization of cans, it can be carried out before the preparation start and then use the prepared containers. The covers are better to use polyethylene.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples - 10 kilograms;
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 5 liters.

Solving apples in banks:

  1. Fruits are well rinsed, it is best to use several tanks and rinse fruits in series in each container, so they will be clean and will not contain garbage;
  2. Now you can proceed to the preparation of brine. For him, it is necessary to dissolve salt in water and put on fire, the brine must boil and then it will be completely ready, it will be possible to shoot it from the fire and set aside aside until the pulp and containers are prepared;
  3. While preparing the brine you can prepare the fruits, they need to cut. Small fruits can be cut into 4 parts, and large demands of smaller grinding, they must be cut into several parts. The smallest fruits can be left for whole or cut on halves;
  4. Sliced \u200b\u200bpulp to lay in advance prepared containers and pour hot salted solid, the solution must reach the neck of the can;
  5. It remains only to cover the capacitance by the caprochy lids and remove into the cold.

How to wet apples in a bucket

This recipe for the salinity of apples is classic, it is according to such a recipe for a long time apples are harvested. Its advantage is that the ratio of the ingredients is checked by many generations of the owners. Such a blank is stored for a long time, and the mixture is very tasty.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 bucket;
  • Sugar sand - 170 grams;
  • Salt - 170 grams;
  • Raspberry leaves - 10-15 pieces;
  • Currant leaves - 10-15 minutes;
  • Water - 1 bucket.

How to soak apples for the winter:

  1. Fruit rinse, cut rotten parts;
  2. The leaves of currant and raspberries must be rinsed well and dried on a paper towel, there should be no extra water on the leaves;
  3. When the leaves dried can be laid out the leaves of raspberries on the bottom of the container, in which fruits will be soles;
  4. Next, it is necessary to decompose the fruits on the prepared containers, it is important to put the fruit fruit upwards, you can put the fruits with several rows of each other, but they must be tightly rammed, so they will not pop up;
  5. Between fruits need to lay currant leaves;
  6. To bring water to a boil, and then dissolve salt in it, sugar and pour the hot brine with the pulp, the solution should be a little more level of the pulp;
  7. Capacity cover with gauze or towel and put in a dark, cool place, there must be a mixture for 2-3 weeks;
  8. The pulp can be sprayed in a shorter time, so after the first week of salting the flesh must try and evaluate the taste as soon as the flesh will acquire a fairly salty taste to immediately move to the next preparation stage;
  9. When the flesh was settled, you can shift it into glass jars, add some brine and close with covers;
  10. You can store such blanks in the refrigerator.

How to salute apples in jars with cucumbers

The combination of apples and cucumbers is the most advantageous. They complement the tastes of each other and perfectly arrange at the same time. In such a recipe, it is important to use fruits with thick peel, such fruits will not harm the brine and remain dense. It is important to pick up the rafts of the same thickness so that they are equally absorbed the saline.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples - 5 kilograms;
  • Cucumbers - 5 kilograms;
  • Grape leaves - 5 pieces;
  • Lemongrass leaves - 10 pieces;
  • Sugar - 50 grams;
  • Salt - 50 grams;
  • Water is 1 liter.

How to sore apples in banks Recipe with cucumbers:

  1. Apples collected for the pickling must be left for 5-7 days at room temperature, then rinse, dry;
  2. Cucumbers need to soak in cold water, timeing time can be different, it depends on the magnitude of the fruit. Little cucumbers can be soaked for 2-3 days. But the cucumbers will already require at least 5 days for soaking. Then you need to wash, wipe the towel;
  3. Wash the leaves, put it dry, you can use a paper towel and dry leaves with it, in any case, the leaves should not be wet;
  4. A glass jar in three liters to sterilize in the oven or over the ferry, then dry. If a capacity of greater tank is used, the number of ingredients must be proportionally increased;
  5. Fruits must be put in the jar so that they alternate with lemongrass and grape leaves;
  6. Separately put a saucepan on the fire, pour water there, sugar sugar, salt and wait until the water boils;
  7. Hot mortar pour containers with flesh, cover with a lid and wait 5 minutes;
  8. After that, the solution from the can be merged into the pan and bring to a boil;
  9. Hot mortar pour the flesh and wait 5 minutes;
  10. Then again the solution to merge and bring to a boil;
  11. Now finally pour the flesh with hot brine and roll with covers;
  12. The bank must be turned over, put under the warm blanket and wait until it completely cools;
  13. Then you can remove the container to storage, and you can only taste in 40 days.

Recipe for urea apples in barrel

Apples can be squeezed in glass containers, but the most correct will sleep these fruits in a wooden container, for example, barrel or tub. Such a pickling will be properly cooked, which means it will be better. What to say about the aroma, from wooden dishes fruits acquire an interesting fragrance. Therefore, the blanks cooked in this dishes are so tasty. Find out how to pickle apples in a barrel, you can from our recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 kilogram;
  • Stone salt - 10 grams;
  • Water is 1 liter.

How to salute apples in a barrel for the winter:

  1. The fruits go through, rinse, tightly put into a wooden container, you can use an enameled pan, and shut off to glass jars;
  2. You can add raspberry leaves, any currant, cherries or other fruit trees to add. You can use the usual straw;
  3. Separately boil the water with salt, fully cool;
  4. Cold brine must be pouring the flesh, boil, leave cool, then boil and do it again and do it 3 times;
  5. Then leave the mixture to complete cooling;
  6. Brine merge, well strain to remove all trash particles, you can pump the mixture through a dense fabric, pour back to the jar;
  7. Leave to appear 4-6 days, the temperature should be room, in the process you can add a brine to the bank, it can be absorbed into the fruit and it will be necessary to add it;
  8. When the pulp salvates, it will be possible to shift it into separate containers and close tightly.

The workpiece can be placed in a cold place for longer storage.

Recipe Surium Apple Antonovka

For the preparation of saline apples on this recipe, it is necessary to use the "Antonovka" grade. These fruits are dense, have the necessary sourness, and the flesh will not become too soft. But you can use other varieties, the main thing is that they are dense and unsweetened. It is also worth choosing the fruits of a small size so that they are placed in the container for the pickling. Such fruits can be cristed in winter. And from the flour they will have an interesting flavor and taste.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples - 5-10 kilograms;
  • Rye flour - 200 grams;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 10 liters.

Antonovka Apple Soldering Recipe:

  1. Apples go through, if necessary, cut off spoiled parts, but it is better to use whole fruits, so they will preserve better and will not lose form;
  2. Now it is necessary to make brine, for it in a separate pot of mix flour and salt, pour boiling water, very well mixed with a wedge until the lumps are dissolved, you can use a blender and skip the mixture through it, thus it is necessary to achieve a homogeneous mixture;
  3. Then the mixture must be completely cooled to donate the sediment, and then skip through a gauze or fabric to get rid of the sediment and possible lumps;
  4. You can fill with a cooked solution with a container with fruits, cover the plate of suitable size, and to put the oppression from above, you can use a smaller jar filled with water. You can also use a clean stone. As the oppression can be used any item that is conveniently installed on the pulp;
  5. The workpiece is cleaned in a cold place, the ideal option will be a cellar or refrigerator, the place should also be dark so that the mixture is not quickly spoiled;
  6. The mixture should be salted for 1-1.5 months, by the beginning of winter the flesh should already be ready and it will be possible to try;
  7. After that, it is possible to remove the oppression, close the cans with dense lids, and if the pulp sheds in a barrel, it is unfolded on some small capacities. Only then the workpiece can be stored.

For the pickling, it is best to choose the fruits of late varieties, they are not sweet and more suitable for this type of workpiece. Late varieties have a dense skin, which is not damaged during the pickling and fruit remains dense and integer. Such fruits are nice to eat.

Our cooks prepared for you and other recipes that will allow you to decorate your table. Marinated, which can be added to salads - all this will not only be a decoration of the celebration, but will like all your households.

Excellent snack with unique taste - uroin apples. Simple recipes With herbs and leaves of currant, cherries, with honey and mustard.

Apple urine - a very ancient tradition. There are many recipes of urea apples - with cabbage, wort, honey, rowan and even straw. Usually fruits urine in wooden barrels. It is said that apples from the barrel even smell in a special way. But, living in urban environments, the oak barrel is practically antiques, so we will use banks for the preparation of ureaged apples.

  • apples - 10 kg
  • water - 5 l
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • currant leaves - 1 beam
  • cherry leaves - 1 beam
  • raspberry leaves - 1 beam
  • mint - 1 beam

Prepare the following products: apples, water, salt, sugar, branches and leaves of raspberries, currant, cherries, mint (you can take Melissa). Apples for urine are not suitable. I took a Snow Calville variety - they are ideal for urine. Apples swear, removed fractures. Even insignificant damage can spoil the entire jar with apples.

Prepared Cherry leaves, currant, raspberries and mint. Washed them.

Prepared three-liter banks. If there are larger cans, you can take them. Washed the glass container, leaning boiling water. At the bottom of the bank laid a thin layer of leaves. They laid out the apple layer. Apples should be placed tight towards each other, not swim throughout the bank. If you have apples of different sizes, put on the bottom that more.

So, layer behind the layer, laid the fruits to the shoulders cans. Do not cease with leaves, otherwise, due to abundant greenery, apples can spoil. Mint (Melissa) Try to use at a minimum. The whole jar will have 1-2 twigs. The latter layer in the bank must be a layer of leaves.

Preparing marinade. On 5 liters of water, we will need 200 grams of sugar and 1 tbsp. l. Salt. Marinade should boil 5-6 minutes, after which it is completely cool. Pour the apples to the edge of the jar. We close with a gauze cut and set aside for a few days. The remaining marine does not pour, but stored in the refrigerator. As the fluid dry out in the bank, pour marinade. Absolutely all apples in the bank must be covered with marinade. A few days later, fermentation will begin, a foam will appear that will need to be removed. Capped by plastic covers can be taken into a cool place, for example, in the cellar. Washed apples will be ready after 1.5-2 months.

Recipe 2, step-by-step: uroin apples with mustard in a saucepan

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • black currant leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 10 pieces;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt - 1.5 h.;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l. (approximately 100 g);
  • grains mustard - 0.5 h.;
  • carnation - 5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 h.

Select ripe apples without damage. Wash

Prepared apples to put in the enameled pan, trying to lay as close as possible, tails up.

Leaves of black currant and cherries wash and shifting apples in a saucepan.

To fill water on fire, add salt, honey, carnation and cinnamon to it.

Bring the fill to a boil, remove the resulting foam (from honey), turn off the fire, cool a little, minutes 15 minutes, and pour apples hot fill.

In order for the uroin apples to be delicious, it is necessary that the pouring covers them completely.

Cover apples with a plate, without cargo. It is important here that the apples are constantly under the fill and did not float.

Leave a saucepan with apples for 3 days at room temperature so that the apples are a bit wandered, and then take them into a cold place. After 1.5 - 2 months, the uroin apples will be ready.

Recipe 3: Apples were died in a bucket for the winter (step-by-step photos)

  • apples of autumn or winter Sora - 1 bucket.
  • sugar around 400 g
  • salt 3 tbsp.
  • malina, Cherry, Melis for several twigs.

My apples running water, clean the leaves and rotten parts. Try to choose whole fruits, without damage.

Put the branches in the harvested container, leave half.

Put all the fruits on them.

Now stroke fruit from all sides by branches so that the apples are completely disappeared. To be a pleasant fragrance, you can take a few twigs of mint.

Preparing marinade for apples:

First, bring 1 l of water to boil, after adding sugar with salt, mix well.

Wait until the liquid is cooled, then add cold water so that the volume turns out on the recipe. For our bucket, apples will need about 5 liters of water.

Pour our fruits on the very top.

On top of the laying plate, put the cargo on it, so that the press turned out. Every day, for a week, add a slowly marinade. Then you need to move the barrel to the cool place for 1.5 months.

Recipe 4: Washed apples in banks for the winter with mint

Apples were dyed in banks for the winter - an excellent appetizer for both the holiday table and for family lunch. The process of its preparation is incredibly simple, and besides this, due to the absence of heat treatment, the apples closed for winter retain most of their useful qualities. This is a big advantage, because in the cold season, our body lacks the vitamins and trace elements, because of which the immune system suffers. The regular use of urea apples allows you to replenish the stocks of vitamins and strengthen the immunity, as well as enjoy their wonderful taste.

To prepare such a snack at home without sterilization, it is necessary to choose the right apples. Not every variety can be calmly stored in the banks all winter, so it is better to choose later apples of late varieties that are usually collecting in the middle of autumn. They are more hard and elastic, so they will be able to be stored longer.

Sweet urea apples are very well combined with fragrant herbs, such as mint or black currant leaves. It is also very tasty to eat uroin apples with sauerkraut or cucumbers. In addition, you can add other ingredients, for example, horseradish or other spices.

We offer you a simple recipe with photo tips, with which you can quickly prepare delicious uroin apples in jars for the winter without sterilization. They will surely like you with their unique taste, and your guests will appreciate your culinary talent if you treat them such a yummy.

  • apples - 1.5 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • malt - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • mint - to taste
  • currant leaves - 2-3 pcs

It is better to prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance so that they do not have to deal with their search during cooking. Apples choose in such a way that there is no damage to them, and so that they are not rotten or overwhelmed. Also pre-prepare spices and greens, which will be used in the process of cooking uroin apples.

Rinse apples in running water to remove dust and dirt, also rinse the jar in which you will close them. Start filling the tank with apples, trying not to the tampering them too much. Greens and spices should also be rinsed and put together with apples.

The next case must be made brine. To do this, in a separate container, mix sugar, salt and malt, stirred all this until completely dissolved, after which the liquid obtained pour the can with apples. Close the capacitance of the caproic lid and leave for a period to the week so that the mixture began to roam.

After the mixture wanders, you can roll the uroin apples in a can with a lid and send to the cellar to keep a snack for the winter. The dish is incredibly tasty and fragrant, and on the table it can be served on a beautiful plate or saucer.

Recipe 5: Casting apples Antonovka in cabbage with carrots

For 1 kg of apples, it is necessary about 1-1.5 kg of cabbage. Salt and sugar can be varied in principle to their taste. Then I will explain how, and you will become understandable.

  • Cabbage white - 1.5 -2 kg
  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Carrot - 300 g
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. with a slide

Cabbage is shining, and better, if not very thin. But not large sacrament.

For uroin apples, I am a bus cabbage like in the photo:

Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.

Add salt and sugar.

And now we click and peat vegetables with your hands so that they will let juice.

We try the cabbage to taste and decide what to add - salts or sugar.

I always do this and never once this way of tasting failed me.

At the bottom of the dishes in which you will wet the Antonovka, lay the cabbage layer.

On cabbage - apples. The slots between the apples carefully close the cabbage and lay the cabbage layer from above.

Juice, which lasted cabbage with carrots, also pour into apples. If there is little liquid, take a bit of boiled water, add sugar and salt (not too much), stir and pour on top.

Apples with cabbage should be in a liquid and the juicy cabbage, the greater the own juice.

Apples when urine is better to put under the press: to cover with a clean towel, and on top of the goods and store 10-14 days in the room.

After that, apples need to be removed into a basement or another cool place and wait a couple of weeks.

Only now the uroin apples whose recipe I described you will be ready. You can store the uroin antonovka for a long time, until spring.

Recipe 6: Apples Washed Antonovka with Honey and Carnation

Apples in this recipe will be ready after 14 days. "Antonovka", but you can try other solid types of apples.

  • Apple (Sort "Antonovka".) - 20 kg
  • Honey - 600 g
  • Salt (without iodine.) - 200 g
  • Cherry leaf - 300 g
  • Carnation - 20 pcs
  • A mixture of spices (a mixture for mulled wine.) - 1 pache.

Take 20 kg. Apple variety "Antonovka".

Moie them carefully.

I used this container.

My leaves of the cherry.

Will out the bottom of the cherry leaves.

We fall asleep apples in the container, not forgetting to add the leaves of the cherry.

Take a fresh honey of a new crop.

We use salt without iodine.

We dissolve 600 grams. Honey with 200 gr. Salts and mix with 10 liters. Cold drinking water.

It turns out such a pleasant in all respects Tuzluk, which pour apples and leave for three days at room temperature. After put in the refrigerator or another cool place.

To give a piquant taste, I decided to add this mixture.

You can also add 20 pcs. Carnation to taste.

14 days of waiting and you can enjoy the amazing taste and smell of honey apples.

Recipe 7, simple: uroen apples for winter in banks

The process of cooking this workpiece is very simple and does not require large financial costs. And what will happen at the exit - you will definitely like you and your loved one. In addition, the uroin apples are an indispensable snack, and for the kids - delicacy.

  • 5 liters of filtered water,
  • 200 grams of sugar-sand,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • fresh apples.

First, we roll apples or get them on the market.

Then we swore them carefully. Painted apples will need to be postponed to the side.

Good apples wash under a large jet of water. Climb tails or cut in apples the middle does not need.

Washing apples are laying tight in three-liter banks. If you have a small family, then banks and 1 liter are suitable.

We prepare marinade. We pour water into the container.

Sugar and salt sugar in it. I bring marinade to full boil.

Finished marinade fill banks with apples to the edges.

We cloculate banks with covers and remove the uroin apples for storage for the winter.

Recipe 8: Apples Washed for Winter with herbs and leaves

Alternative to Jamam, jams and compotes - uroen or pickled fruits. I am pleased to present you a very simple recipe for uroin apples. Prepare this dish will not be enormous, and ingredients can be purchased at any store, market or just to rip in the garden. In such apples, all vitamins are preserved. Cooking uroen apples!

  • Apples Grade Antonovka 10 kilogram
  • Rowan leaf 8 branches from 15 to 20 leaves on each, or to taste
  • Cherry leaf 8 branches from 15 to 20 leaves on each, or to taste
  • Melissa branch is about 5 pieces or to taste
  • Oregano branch approximately 5 pieces or to taste
  • Estragon on 10 kilograms 4 branches
  • Basil for 10 kilograms 5 branches
  • Mint for 10 kilograms 20 leaves
  • Anis 5 stars
  • Cover by 10 kilograms 5 branches (spicy seasoning, resembling pepper fragrance)
  • Pure distilled water 10 liters
  • Salt 100 grams per 10 liters of water

There are three types of apple uroakers, simple, sour and sugar. Today we will prepare simple uroin apples. First of all, for the urine, you need to choose the right grade of apples. Latest varieties are most suitable, such as Anis, Titovka, Pepin, Antonovka who begin to ripen at the end of August and ripen until the end of January. The taste of such apples was sweet sweet, they are dense and juicy. Apples are thoroughly rinsed under running water from extra contaminants, we remove damaged fruits. Listers and frozen can be left. We shift into a deep enamelled bowl and give a track of excess fluid and dry. Now the correct selection of spices.

We take the sheets and branches of Rowan, Cherry, Melissa, Oils, Estragone, Basilica, Mint, Anisa and Charber. We rinse them under running water, shake from extra liquid and put in a bowl. On the stove included, on the strong level we put the kettle full of water and bring it to a boil. Wrapped with boiling water all the above plants, thus getting rid of harmful microorganisms, merge water from a bowl, we give branches to cool, again they shake off the excess water again and let it dry.

On the stove included, on the strong level, we put a deep enameled 12-15 liter pan, filled with 10 liters of pure distilled water, bring to a boil, sprinkle 100 grams of salts and boil about 5 -7 minutes to completely dissolve the salt. Then we give the brine to cool to room temperature.

While we prepared brine, apples were dry. We take another deep 12 -15 liter enameled saucepan and put on her bottom on the rowan branches, cherries, melissa, souls, etragon, basilica, mint, anise and char. Top to put the layer of apples and again a layer of branches. Thus, layers lay all apples, herbs and branches with leaves. Cooled brine pour apples so that it is higher than them about 5 fingers. One meter of pure sterile gauze fold halfway, put on top of the apples, put a large flat clean plate on it.

Now we will prepare the oppression, for this it is necessary that neither be heavy, I am a lover of cleanliness and sterility, so we take a clean three-liter jar, we recruit regular flow water into it and put on a plate, gently adding it down, now the apples will not pop up. In any case, you have a brine, do not pour it out. During the urine, the apples absorb a large amount of water, so periodically in a saucepan with fruits will need to pour the remaining brine.

Let the apples stand and increase bubbles at room temperature 1 - 2 days. Then we defend them 8 - 10 days at a temperature of 15 -10 degrees of heat. And after, a saucepan with apples we endure to the cellar into a cellar or on the balcony and insist for 30 to 40 days, periodically pouring brine and watching it to always be higher apples at least 5 fingers. Until the fermentation process is not over, the room temperature should be from 0 to -1 degrees.

Finished apples can be left in a saucepan or put into smaller clean capacity, pour brine and store in a refrigerator, cellar or a cool well ventilated place.

Surium apples are served on a plate as a separate dish or as a side dish side dishes. Very often, uroin apples are used as a vessel for baking different species Meat minced meat. The taste of such apples was sweet sweet, the aroma is breathtaking. I hope you enjoy the uroin apples cooked on this recipe. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 9: Ureated apples at home in banks

X Otitis save apples on as long as possible period, while retaining his maximum useful properties? And if you add more and the piquancy of taste? Intrigued? The most useful way to preserve apples is the urine. Uriced apples are an excellent alternative to most drugs, which came to us the impact of centuries. So you can save apples, without loss of vitamins until the end of the beginning summer period And even before the emergence of a new crop.

  • apples (winter varieties) - 2.5 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - 15 g
  • salt - 15 g
  • currant leaves - 10-15 pcs

First of all, deal with the preparation of apples: Omoot them and dry.

Collect currant leaves, thoroughly wash them away from dirt and dust, smooth from extra moisture and put on the bottom 2 liter banks.

Apples cut on the slices, cleaning from seeds and damaged areas, and then put a fairly tight in the prepared jar.

Separate brine. Dissolve in cold filtered water indicated earlier amount of sugar and salt. Pour the apples with the prepared brine, close the bank with a caproic lid tightly and remove in a warm place for 20 to 25 days.

The uroin fruits and berries are prepared in our country from time immemorial. Yes, and now many hostesses are happy to make such blanks for the winter, especially in rural areas, where there are own gardens and socodes.

For example, uroin apples are a wonderful product that retains most of the beneficial properties of fresh fruits throughout the winter. They can be simply as dessert, but you can add to various salads and cold snacks. Particularly relevant such apples are especially relevant to posts. For urine, any apples of solid varieties are suitable, but still, the majority uses "Antonovka".

Let's look at the recipe for the uroin apples Antonovka with flour from rye and clarify the details of their preparation. We also clarify how to water apples with honey.

Preliminary preparation

To get a quality product for long-term storage, choose dense, healthy fruits, without imagining or damaged barrels. Any such damage can thoroughly spoil the final product.

Watering these fruits are recommended in wooden tub. But, of course, not everyone has. Therefore, in the conditions of an urban apartment, you can use a bulk enameled tank and glass jars, for subsequent storage of the finished product, if there is no cold cellar, pantry, or an open loggia.

It is recommended to shake the bottom of the tank, covered with boiling water rye, or wheat straw. It gives apples a beautiful golden color and a pleasant aroma characteristic of the uroin fruit. If there are no straw, it is quite suitable for currant and cherry leaves.

Well, if everything is ready for the urine, we will begin to prepare:

Recipe for urea apples with rye flour - classic number 1

For this recipe, you will need: 5 kg of apples - 10 liters of water and 700 g of sugar. You still need: a glass of rye flour, 5 tbsp salt (do not take iodized, it is not suitable), currant leaves and cherries. To give the finished product, a pinkish color and an additional aroma take another hand in a lingonberry or cranberries.

We will use a 15-20-liter wooden or enameled tank as a container.


Capacity for the urine carefully wash with soda, and then scold with boiling water. Wipe with a clean towel. Also very carefully wash the fruits, berries and berry leaves.

At the bottom of the prepared capacity, lay out a thin layer of currant and cherry leaves. Use approximately half of all leaves.

Now put the layer of apples, add a few more leaves, a little berries. Then still make several layers (apples, berries, leaves), and so to the top. The last layer of apples are covered by the remaining leaves.

Pour water into another bulk saucepan (about 10 liters), boil. Pour the entire volume of sugar and salt, continue to boil on very weak heat. Now, stir the rye flour in cool water so that there are no lumps. When sugar and salt completely dissolve, pour a little water with flour, constantly stirring. Boil another 5 minutes. Turn off the plate, allow the gas station to cool.

Fill all with warm brine. It should slightly cover the top layer of apples. If the brine remains, do not thread. Remove into the refrigerator, it will come in handy later.

Cover with clean cloth on top. Put the wooden circle on top, or a lid smaller with a diameter than the container itself. Set the oppression, for example, heavy stone. Do not forget to wash it and scream.

Capacity with apples Leave in the warm room for 2 weeks while fermentation is underway. Clean the foam daily. If you need to, pize the fresh brine (from the refrigerator) - the apples quickly absorb it. It is very important that all the fruits are in the liquid.

After the time expires, take the tank or cellar, where it is cold. The storage temperature should not exceed 4-6 ° C. Apples will be ready in 40-60 days.

If you do not have a basement or cellar, put the uroin apples for clean banks, pour the brine and remove into the refrigerator. It is necessary. If you keep them warm further, they will be shown, become soft and tasteless. Wait long to wait for the finished product?! Well, such he recipe for ureage apples with flour ... True, do not doubt, then you will like the result.

Ureated apples with rye flour - recipe with honey and mint number 2

We need products: 5 kg of apples - 10 liters of water, picked up honey, 3 tbsp salt. Let's take a half-cup of rye flour, cherry leaves, currants and several twigs of mint.


The bottom of the trained tank lay out the layer of leaves. Put the layer of clean apples. Then again leaves, sprig of mint and apples. So lay out the layers until the apples end. Place the remaining leaves on the top layer.

In another bulk saucepan, boil the water, add the salt, pour the flour with a thin flowing, constantly stirring so that the flour does not glue into lumps. After 5 minutes of lightweight boiling, turn off the stove. When the brine becomes warm, dissolve honey in it, pour apples. Store in the refrigerator, it will still need.

Now cover everything with a dense cloth, put a wooden circle, and from above the cargo. Keep in the warm room for 2 weeks until the apples are actively "roaming." Each day, remove the foam, which appears when fermentation, pour fresh brine. Then take to the cold for further storage.

Periodically check the apples. Remove the film from the surface, pour fresh brine. Be sure to wash the wooden circle or the lid from time to time, which is used instead. Finished uroin apples in honey fill you can enjoy 1-2 months. Wait long? But, such a recipe for the preparation of ureaged apples at home. You are patience and pleasant appetite!