Holiday friendship in summer in kindergarten. Friendship Day in kindergarten in summer

Friendship Holiday Scenario for Children preschool age

Borodavina Irina Mikhailovna, music director MBDOU kindergarten №38 GO. Samara.
Description of the material: The material will be useful to educators and musical leaders in organizing leisure with children of preschool age on the street. A bright and colorful holiday will not only teach friendship, but also leave positive impressions and emotions in children.
Purpose: Formation in children of kindness of kindness, joy, friendly relationships, creating a positive emotional attitude in preschoolers.
- to form the ability to understand and evaluate the feelings and acts of others, explain their judgments,
- Stimulate joint musical and artistic activities, develop emotional responsiveness.
- Enrich vocabulary, fasten the ability to participate in a joint game, lead short dialogues in situations of creative and game communication,
- create conditions for the development of communicative skills of children,
- to educate the need for friendship and friendly communication with each other, in the desire to do good and give the joy to people.
Funds: Ball, seven-flower flowers, tape recorder with children's songs and fun music.
Registration of the site: The playground is decorated with balls.
Participants in the holiday: Leading music leader, Senior Educator, Cloown, Svashkin - Educator, Children.

Holiday travel:

Children are going on a playground for merry music.
1 child.Hello! Hello! Hello!
We're glad to welcome you!
How many light smiles
We see on the faces now.
2 child.Today the holiday collected us:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday friendship has come
And in the circle of the guys all invited.
3 child.May brought a fun holiday
Cocking music around.
We are this holiday today
Happy friendship let's call.
4 child.Kindergarten meets a holiday,
Go away to dance, people!
How many fun, different
Stop in a noisy dance!

Leading. Today we have a fun holiday dedicated to friendship. After all, it is B. children's garden We have the first friends and girlfriends.
Child.I love my kindergarten
In it, full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
It is a pity that everyone does not count.
Maybe hundreds of them can two hundred.
Well, when we together!
Song "What is kindergarten?" (K. Makarova)

Leading.I want to check if you know polite words.
Game "Board Wordless".
1. If you meet a familiar, even on the street, at least at home,
Do not be shy, do not breathe, but say the pogrom ... (Hello).
2. If you ask anything, then do not forget
Light your mouth and say ... (Please).
3. If you do not want to choose,
I really ask you, be wise,
Polite word Request Start:
Be ... (kind), be ... (kind).
4. If the company met, not hastily, not in advance,
Then in a minute of parting, everyone says ... (Goodbye).
5. If, in a word or affair, anyone helped you
Feel loudly, boldly talk ... (thanks)

Leading. I want to know if you can distinguish good actions from bad.
Game "Good - Bad"
The lead calls an example of a deed, children applause are the correct: broke clothes, defended the weak, quarreled with her mother, heated and fed the kitten, threw a branch from the tree, broke the toy, broke the vase, helped the baby to dress, shared candy, offended the girl, thanked for the help) .

The music includes a clogger.

Vita-Zabi. Hello everyone! Yeah! I need here! (rubs hands).

Leading.Where is it "here"?

Vratka-Zabyaka. Where ... yes here, where many children. I will make my assistants from them.

Leading. Yes, who are you?

Vita-Zabi.I am a clogger. I heard, do you have some kind of holiday?

Leading.Not some kind of friendship holiday, the holiday of real friends. And we came to have fun.

Vita-Zabi.Is this these kids kids - friends? Do they know how to be friends? Oh, mocked! (laughs).

Leading.Wait, wait, a clogger, to find out if our guys really know how to be friends, you need to check them in games, in dancing, in songs.
Vita-Zabi. Check yes? You are welcome! (Pulls the ball). Here is the ball. Who can't catch it, he did not grow up and, it means that they did not learn to be friends!

Begins randomly, deceiving children, throw them the ball.

Leading. Well no! Will not work! If you have to play, then truly.

Vita-Zabi. How is it really?

Leading. This means - according to the rules. Now look, we will now take the ball and will pass it in a circle, and you catch up. Agreed?

Game "Pass the ball in a circle"
Vidka-Zabjaka: Well, all, I do not play. It's not fair. Now, if I played alone with the ball, and you all run after me, it would be great!

Leading: And you want to play with the guys interesting game "How are you?". Let me and you and you guys teach you.

Vita-Zabi. Well, we still see who will teach someone. What, I don't know such a game, or something.

Game "How do you live?"
Children show movements, what is said in the text.

How are you? - Like this! (exhibit thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (in place)

How are you floating? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How to be sad? - Like this! (sad)

And shawl? - Like this! (curves)

And threaten? - Like this! (threaten each other finger)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
A clogger plays wrong, the presenter asks her to see how to play.

Leading.Guys, I know with whom you need to introduce the scoring to the doctor so that she stopped peeling, but became kind and fun. With a clown of Svadkinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need loudly, sculpts from the heart. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The clogger is hiding on the sideline, boils the ears.
Under merry music included Clown Monjaxkin.

Myshashkin.Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me. True guys?

Children. Yes!

Myshashkin. Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Myshashkin, we all met together today and decided to have fun.

Vita-Zabi. Yes, how! Kids-shorts!

Myshashkin. And, the clogger, are you already here and are harmful again?

Leading. Imagine, Svashkinkin, a clogger, says that our boys and girls are still very small and do not know how to be friends.

Myshashkin. And I think quite the opposite. For example, do you know the clogger, what to do in the morning?

Vita-Zabi. Of course I know! They still ask. Get up in the morning and you start to do all sorts of nauseas, lying and rolling.

Myshashkin. And here is not! We will now teach you what you need to do in the morning.
"Cheerful Charging"
Vita-Zabi. This in the kindergarten you are so adults, and come home ... There you can not do without me, what to do without me so pretty, you will be harmful?

Leading. But our guys are not only friends in kindergartens, but also friends and dads are friends and always try to obey them

Vita-Zabi. Eh, you! It did not work out of you of my helpers. Why am I so bad?! Why no one wants to be friends with me?! (Crying).

Myshashkin.And you still ask?! Yes, you look at yourself: Is it possible with such a harmful face that is never smiles, find friends?

Leading. But Monaskin's right. Only to kind, the funny person still stretches. Listen to what kind of good, good song will sing our guys.
Song "You yes I"
(Sl. M. Pleazkovsky, music. V. Ivanova)

Vratka-Zabyaka(claps in your hands). What a song is wonderful! I still did not hear anything!

Myshashkin.Friends, a miracle happened! The clogger's doctor said the truth for the first time!
Vita-Zabi. How? Can not be! What is it with me?! Who will I now, if I lie to spend? (Hump).

Leading.You will become good, kind and fun. We give you a new one. Want?

Vratka-Zabyaka(confused). Well, I do not know ... Can I? ..

Myshashkin. You can, you can! And we will help you with the guys.

Leading.Guys, and let's give a new-stop clogger good name - Dish-hooker ..

Myshashkin. But from now on you should do only good things and always smile. Agree?

Vita-Zabi. And how do these good deeds do? I dont know.

Myshashkin. But one of them for starters. I got along the way different colors. But they are unusual. Each of them is placed a mystery. Here are the flowers, and these - me. Now we take turns of the guys to make riddles. Agreed?

Vita-Zabi. I'll try.

1. He produced leeches,
Karabasa sold.
All the solutions of swamp tina.
His called ... (Buratino - Durramar)
2. He walked through the forest boldly.
But Lisa Hero ate.
Pobedka sang on the farewell.
His called ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)
3. Poor dolls beats and torment
He is looking for a magic key.
He has a terrible look.
Who is ... (Aibolit - Karabas)
4. He lived in a bottle of hundreds of years.
Finally, I saw the light.
He has grown beard
This kind ... (Santa Claus - Old Man Hottabych)
5. He looked like a tail,
But he was returned by guests.
He grims like an old man.
This sad ... (Piglet - Donkey IA)
6. He is a big shaloon and comedian
He has a house on the roof.
Bushube and Zakonyka,
And his name is ... (Dunno - Carlson)

Myshashkin. Well done boys! And you said (addressed to the clogger) that our children know nothing. Would you be able to guess such difficult riddles?

Vita-Zabi. Now I really see that the guys grew up and wondered. Do you know why? Because I turn into a melon-lavishness.
Dance "Friendship" (group "Barbarika")

Myshashkin. Well, the cheerful lavier, did our holiday like you?

Vita-Zabi. Still would! After all, I became completely different!

Leading. And in this you helped our guys.

Myshashkin. And with us with a cheerful laughter, it is time to go to our fabulous country with laughing. And as soon as we hear your prime friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Myshackin and a clogger. Until!

Under merry music heroes leave.

Galina Mutina
Thematic day "Friendship Day"

Themed day.

Subject: Friendship Day.

Conversation on the topic: "What friendship? Why do you need friends? "

purpose: clarify the presentation of children about friendship; Easify respectful attitude towards friends.

Explain the proverbs: "There is no search for a friend, but found a secret".

purpose: Develop thinking, the ability to explain the meaning of the proverb.

Reading the story V. Oseev "Three Comrades.

A gift to a friend. Drawing on theme: Portrait of a friend. "

purpose: to raise a desire to make a nice friend; Develop the ability to draw a portrait of a man.

Didactic game "Good and bad".

purpose: Secure the rules of behavior.


Observation of the appeared colors that have sowed children a few days ago.

Movable game "Classics".

purpose: Secure the rules of the game, the ability to jump with moving forward; play do not quarrel together.

Games with sports toys

1. Rope

2. Basketball Ball

3. Soccer ball "Score in the gate"

4. Towns

Work: Cleaning in the gazebo.

Individual exercises with children 5 years - chopping ball with foot

Games with sand "Cake friendship» .

Independent gaming activity.

The second half of the day.

Reading a fairy tale V. Kataeva "Flower-seven-family".


The game "Find Clay".

purpose: The goal of learning children to understand the schematic image of the area, the ability to navigate the map and find the treasure in the specified location.

Sports game "Badminton".

purpose: Teach children 6 years old to play badminton; Develop the accuracy, accuracy.

Stock "Give a smile to a friend".

Outdoor games

1. "We are funny guys".

2. "Save a friend".

Song song: "A true friend".

Friendship strongwill not break

Does not open from rain and blizzard.

A friend in trouble will not quit, not asks,

We will argue and make me

Do not pour out with water, everyone is joking around.

IN noon or midnight, a friend will come to the rescue,

That's what a real faithful friend means.

A friend can always help me

If something happens suddenly.

I need to be someone in a difficult moment,

That's what a real faithful friend means.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Classes "Friendship Day" Friendship Day The course of occupation kids enter the hall. Song sounds "When my friends with me." Host: Today we have unusual holiday. And before.

Friendship Day on February 14 "Friendship Day" in senior group "Lesovka" Educator: Nonupoyeva Olga Viktorovna. Tasks: Educational: develop a coherent speech, to be.

"Friendship Day" - in MBDOU Kindergarten "Smile". In the music hall, the children went under a funny song "Friendship - I and I"! I spent it.


Thematic day "The Day of Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug" Purpose: expand the presentation of children about native edge: Stories, Symbols, Attractions. Formation in children sense of responsibility.

Prepared and held: Korneva N. Yu., Klyagin D. B. Purpose: Development of cognitive development of children of preschool age.

Tasks: - introduce the holiday of humor and laughter with the holiday of humor and laughter; - Wear a sense of humor; -spur benevolent relationships; - Add joy.

Entertainment for middle group

"Holiday friendship"

Description of the material: The material will be useful to educators and musical leaders in organizing leisure with children of preschool age on the street. A bright and colorful holiday will not only teach friendship, but also leave positive impressions and emotions in children.
Purpose: Formation in children of kindness of kindness, joy, friendly relationships, creating a positive emotional attitude in preschoolers.
- to form the ability to understand and evaluate the feelings and acts of others, explain their judgments,
- Stimulate joint musical and artistic activities, develop emotional responsiveness.
- enrich the vocabulary, fasten the ability to participate in a joint game, lead short dialogues in situations of creative and gaming communication,
- create conditions for the development of communicative skills of children,
- to educate the need for friendship and friendly communication with each other, in the desire to do good and give the joy to people.
Funds: Ball, seven-flower flowers, tape recorder with children's songs and fun music.
Registration of the site: The playground is decorated with balls.
Participants in the holiday: Leading music leader, Senior Educator, Cloown, Svashkin - Educator, Children.

Holiday travel:

Children are going on a playground for merry music.
1 child. Hello! Hello! Hello!
We're glad to welcome you!
How many light smiles
We see on the faces now.
2 child. Today the holiday collected us:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday friendship has come
And in the circle of the guys all invited.
3 child. May brought a fun holiday
Cocking music around.
We are this holiday today
Happy friendship let's call.
4 child. Kindergarten meets a holiday,
Go away to dance, people!
How many fun, different
Stop in a noisy dance!

Leading. Today we have a fun holiday dedicated to friendship. After all, it is in kindergarten that our first friends and girlfriends have.
Child. I love my kindergarten
In it, full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
It is a pity that everyone does not count.
Maybe hundreds of them can two hundred.
Well, when we together!
Song "What is kindergarten?" (K. Makarova)

Leading. I want to check if you know polite words.
Game "Board Wordless". 1. If you meet a familiar, even on the street, at least at home,
Do not be shy, do not breathe, but say the pogrom ... (Hello).
2. If you ask anything, then do not forget
Light your mouth and say ... (Please).
3. If you do not want to choose,
I really ask you, be wise,
Polite word request Start:
Be ... (kind), be ... (kind).
4. If the company met, not hastily, not in advance,
Then in a minute of parting, everyone says ... (Goodbye).
5. If, in a word or affair, anyone helped you
Feel loudly, boldly talk ... (thanks)

Leading. I want to know if you can distinguish good actions from bad.
Game "Good - Bad"
The lead calls an example of a deed, children applause are the correct: broke clothes, defended the weak, quarreled with her mother, heated and fed the kitten, threw a branch from the tree, broke the toy, broke the vase, helped the baby to dress, shared candy, offended the girl, thanked for the help) .

The music includes a clogger.

Vita-Zabi. Hello everyone! Yeah! I need here! (rubs hands).

Leading. Where is it "here"?

Vratka-Zabyaka . Where ... yes here, where many children. I will make my assistants from them.

Leading. Yes, who are you?

Vita-Zabi. I am a clogger. I heard, do you have some kind of holiday?

Leading. Not some kind of friendship holiday, the holiday of real friends. And we came to have fun.

Vita-Zabi. Is this these kids kids - friends? Do they know how to be friends? Oh, mocked! (laughs).

Leading. Wait, wait, a clogger, to find out if our guys really know how to be friends, you need to check them in games, in dancing, in songs.
Vita-Zabi. Check yes? You are welcome! (Pulls the ball). Here is the ball. Who can't catch it, he did not grow up and, it means that they did not learn to be friends!

Begins randomly, deceiving children, throw them the ball.

Leading. Well no! Will not work! If you have to play, then truly.

Vita-Zabi. How is it really?

Leading. This means - according to the rules. Now look, we will now take the ball and will pass it in a circle, and you catch up. Agreed?

Game "Pass the ball in a circle" Vidka-Zabjaka: Well, all, I do not play. It's not fair. Now, if I played alone with the ball, and you all run after me, it would be great!

Leading: And you want to play an interesting game "How do you live?" Let me and you and you guys teach you.

Vita-Zabi. Well, we still see who will teach someone. What, I don't know such a game, or something.

Game "How do you live?"
Children show movements, what is said in the text.

How are you? - Like this! (exhibit thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (in place)

How are you floating? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How to be sad? - Like this! (sad)

And shawl? - Like this! (curves)

And threaten? - Like this! (threaten each other finger)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
A clogger plays wrong, the presenter asks her to see how to play.

Leading. Guys, I know with whom you need to introduce the scoring to the doctor so that she stopped peeling, but became kind and fun. With a clown of Svadkinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need loudly, sculpts from the heart. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The clogger is hiding on the sideline, boils the ears.
Under merry music included Clown Monjaxkin.

Myshashkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me. True guys?

Children. Yes!

Myshashkin. Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Myshashkin, we all met together today and decided to have fun.

Vita-Zabi. Yes, how! Kids-shorts!

Myshashkin. And, the clogger, are you already here and are harmful again?

Leading. Imagine, Svashkinkin, a clogger, says that our boys and girls are still very small and do not know how to be friends.

Myshashkin. And I think quite the opposite. For example, do you know the clogger, what to do in the morning?

Vita-Zabi. Of course I know! They still ask. Get up in the morning and you start to do all sorts of nauseas, lying and rolling.

Myshashkin. And here is not! We will now teach you what you need to do in the morning.
"Cheerful Charging" Vita-Zabi. This in the kindergarten you are so adults, and come home ... There you can not do without me, what to do without me so pretty, you will be harmful?

Leading. But our guys are not only friends in kindergartens, but also friends and dads are friends and always try to obey them

Vita-Zabi. Eh, you! It did not work out of you of my helpers. Why am I so bad?! Why no one wants to be friends with me?! (Crying).

Myshashkin. And you still ask?! Yes, you look at yourself: Is it possible with such a harmful face that is never smiles, find friends?

Leading. But Monaskin's right. Only to kind, the funny person still stretches. Listen to what kind of good, good song will sing our guys.
Song "You yes I"
(Sl. M. Pleazkovsky, music. V. Ivanova)

Vratka-Zabyaka (claps in your hands). What a song is wonderful! I still did not hear anything!

Myshashkin. Friends, a miracle happened! The clogger's doctor said the truth for the first time!
Vita-Zabi. How? Can not be! What is it with me?! Who will I now, if I lie to spend? (Hump).

Leading. You will become good, kind and fun. We give you a new one. Want?

Vratka-Zabyaka (confused). Well, I do not know ... Can I? ..

Myshashkin. You can, you can! And we will help you with the guys.

Leading. Guys, and let's give a scoring to a new good name -Becho-laughter ..

Myshashkin. But from now on you should do only good things and always smile. Agree?

Vita-Zabi. And how do these good deeds do? I dont know.

Myshashkin. But one of them for starters. I got along the way different colors. But they are unusual. Each of them is placed a mystery. Here are the flowers, and these - me. Now we take turns of the guys to make riddles. Agreed?

Vita-Zabi. I'll try.

1. He produced leeches,
Karabasa sold.
All the solutions of swamp tina.
His called ... (Buratino - Durramar)
2. He walked through the forest boldly.
But Lisa Hero ate.
Pobedka sang on the farewell.
His called ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)
3. Poor dolls beats and torment
He is looking for a magic key.
He has a terrible look.
Who is ... (Aibolit - Karabas)
4. He lived in a bottle of hundreds of years.
Finally, I saw the light.
He has grown beard
This kind ... (Santa Claus - Old Man Hottabych)
5. He looked like a tail,
But he was returned by guests.
He grims like an old man.
This sad ... (Piglet - Donkey IA)
6. He is a big shaloon and comedian
He has a house on the roof.
Bushube and Zakonyka,
And his name is ... (Dunno - Carlson)

Myshashkin. Well done boys! And you said (addressed to the clogger) that our children know nothing. Would you be able to guess such difficult riddles?

Vita-Zabi. Now I really see that the guys grew up and wondered. Do you know why? Because I turn into a melon-lavishness.
Dance "Friendship" (group "Barbarika")

Myshashkin. Well, the cheerful lavier, did our holiday like you?

Vita-Zabi. Still would! After all, I became completely different!

Leading. And in this you helped our guys.

Myshashkin . And with us with a cheerful laughter, it is time to go to our fabulous country with laughing. And as soon as we hear your prime friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Myshackin and Kombinac . Until!


  • musical equipment;
  • phonogram "Songs of the Leopold Cat";
  • memo "Basic laws' laws";
  • proverbs about friendship;
  • a poster with a heart-drawn heart to which pockets are glued;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors, pencil.

Structure occupation

Sounds "Songs of Raccoon" from a smile .......

Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
On the day of Spring Rada
See you!
I'm glad I welcome expensive guests
I want to meet you soon!Slide 1.

- You see, you smiled. So, you have a good mood.?The topic of our classroom "Friendship begins with a smile."Slide 1-1k.

Are you ready to go to the amazing kingdom?

- We will go to the beautiful kingdom of friendship.Slide 2.

Today we will discuss some serious questions.

  • How do you understand the word "friendship"? (Answers)
  • Who is a friend? (Answers)
  • What does it mean to be friends? (Answers)
  • Is it good to be without friends? (Answers)

I agree with you. Today I will talk about friendship again.

For introduction to the topic uses game exercise"Find yourself like this." Previously put the number of groups on the tables.

Step 1. Students get up in a circle. The teacher asks them to cover their eyes and not talk to each other. Teacher pins small drawings on his back(Sun, cloud, flower, heart and one drawing of thunderstorm clouds).

Step 2. The teacher gives the task to children: find "to yourself like" and take its places behind the tables. It is impossible to talk at the same time.

Step 3. Children are determined for which table they will sit down.

Step 4. The teacher draws the attention of children that one student remained and discusses with them the question: "How he feels the one who remained alone and without friends."

- loan place in any group. The question of the group to which the student approached.

- Show how to welcome a friend, express approval,

Work in groups. Write off on leaves answers to questions using 1 word

What kind of music do you hear when you think, talk about friendship?
- How does the friendship "smell"? (Your feelings)
- What is she on the mouth?
- Taste?
- What weather would you compare "friendship"?
- What animals can you bind the word friendship?
- What colors will you take to "draw" friendship? You can draw the circles of these colors.

- Consider answers. Each group reads answers to questions.

Conclusion: all friendship is associated with kindness, responsiveness, soft, light, etc.

So what is friendship?Slide 3-1k.

Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust. Affection, community of interest. Such an explanation of the word "friendship" is given in the dictionary of Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov.

But how do you understand the word "friendship" your peer.

The student reads the poem "Friendship"

- What is friendship?-

I asked the bird.

- it's when Korshun

Flies with a blue.

I asked the beast:

- What is friendship?-

- it's when a hare

Fox do not need to be afraid.

And after the girl asked:

- Friendship - what is?

- this is something huge,

Joyful, big.

It's when the guys are all right away

All playing together.

This is when boyfriends

Girls do not go away.

Everyone should be friends in the world:

And beasts, and birds, and adults, and children!


Conclusion: When people are friends, they want to be together, they are interested in each other, trust each other.

- And who is called real friends? (children's responses)

Real friends understand you and respect your interests.

Feeling and emotional experience of a friendliness

- Where does Friendship begins?

... from a blue stream
River begins,
Well, the friendship begins ... (Shake the word) with a smile.

Mimic gymnastics

- Smile to each other.
- Take such an expression of a person who should have a friendly confused person.

Fizminutka (Children perform in pairs)

You fuck and i'm thrusk (Show)
You have a nose and my nose.
You have red brittle and my brittle brushes,
You have sponges of the thieves and I have a sponge of scarlet.
We are two friends, we love each other

Continuation of the conversation

- And who are you friends with?
- Are you friends with your parents?
- How do you think it is possible to keep childhood friends?
- Would you like your friends to be with you throughout life?
- What do you think you can be friends only with people? Are you friends with animals, nature, books?

- Who can be called a friend?


Friend is an interesting book that you read.

- A friend is a mother who will help in a difficult moment.

- Friend is a teacher who helps to look at the mystery of knowledge.

- Friend is toys that listen to me when I feel bad.

- Friend is my naughty puppy.


Look in the dictionary of Ozhegov.A friend is a man who is connected with someone friendship; Supporter, defender someone.slide3-2K.

Guys, do you have friends? Raise your hands, who has? And you can explain why you call your own relationship?Quiz Slide 4.

(Statements of students)

The teacher reads excerpts from the writings of students about friendship:

1) Friendship is the most necessary in life. True friend is the one who will help in trouble, one who sincerely rejoice with you in the bright minutes of life.

2) This friend is a person who can trust all his problems. A real friend becomes a close relative. I have a friend. We often say that together - we are strength!

3) Friendship is one of the brightest and most significant feelings for a person. True friendship arises between people who are tremendous to each other.

What a reliable and Cream word - friendship! You can be friends with everyone with someone alone, but still the most important friendship begins in the family. After all, the family is the beginning of life, we were born here, we grow up, growing up. No wonder one of the proverbs says: no better friend, than a native mother. How do you understand her?

And what other proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know?

Game "Find the end of the proverb"

  1. Do not have a hundred rubles, and ...... (I have a hundred friends).
  2. Man without friends that ... .. (tree without roots).
  3. Search, but found ... .. (Take care).
  4. The tree lives roots, and man .... (Friends).
  5. Friendship is not a mushroom, in the forest ... (Do not find).

Teacher: And here is another german proverb: friendship - this is a tree that should be water. How do you understand her?

Danish proverb: The road to the friend's house is never long.

Guys, no wonder I said that the main friendship begins in the family. It is in the mother's family that you read fairy tales, friends about friendship. What fairy tales and stories about friendship have you already read?

Quiz Slide 4.

"Who is friends with whom?"

  1. Green crocodile gene and ... .. Cheburashka.
  2. Gullible Pinocchio and ...... Malvina.
  3. Funny teddy bear Winnie Pooh and ...... Piglet.
  4. Friends-musicians: together lived, robbers were driven, concerts were given.

(Cat, Rooster, Dog, Donkey)

  1. What girl helped his friend Kaya from ice captivity? (Gerda)
  2. Carlson bought into bed and, clutching his head, said: "I am the most sick man in the world." Required medicine. The baby gave a medicine that Carlson replied: "friend saved a friend's life." What kind of medicine gave baby carlson? (Raspberry jam).


Guys! Now you are just learn to be friends. And so that the friendship is strong, you need to comply with the laws of friendship. There are many of the laws of friendship. And now in groups you will read the laws of friendship. But this is just some of them I hope you will definitely add them. In the meantime, read in turn. (each group for one law)

(Students read on a chain and attach to the board)


the laws of friendship

  1. One for all and all for one.
  2. Domestly, do not offend friends and everyone surrounds you.
  3. Respect each other and help each other.
  4. Rejoice with friends.
  5. In trouble, do not leave friends, do not bring them, do not betray, do not violate your promises.
  6. Take care of friends, because a friend is easy to lose.
  7. An old friend is better than two new ones.


See what a big heart is drawn on a poster. This is our heart, ready to love and help each other. It is not easy, but magical. In this heart-pockets you will lower the palms cut out of paper with wishes - to yourself, to a friend, class. You will open them with your teacher.

Song "Friendship" sounds. Children cut out their palms from colored paper, (or on ready-made palms) wishes on them.slide 5.


So let's, let's be friends

Let these verses be remembered more than once.

If a friendship is always routed,

That any desire will be fulfilled.

So I came up class hour by the end. Help each other in a difficult moment, look for good friends and faithful friends. Let's stand up and say each other words of the famous hero, the kindest and patient Cat Leopold: "Guys, let's live together!"slide 6.

Thanks for the active work!

Summer musical and sports entertainment "Friendship Day" in the senior group.

MARINA VITOROVNA VICKOVA, MBDOU Educator "Kindergarten" Golden Fish "of the Astrakhan region of the Chernoyarsk district.

This event will be useful for educators, music leaders when conducting summer holidays with children of senior preschool age.
Purpose:formation in children of ideas about kindness, joy, friendly relationships, creating a positive emotional attitude in preschoolers.

Tasks: - clarify the submission of children about what it means to be friends.
- shape communication skills with each other,
Rail a friendly attitude towards peers and adults. Create a joyful mood, festival feeling in children.
To the music of V.Shainsky "Freshly walking together", children are included in the music hall and become in a semicircle.

Children (chorus)
"Good morning, sun!
We are glad to you.
So we woke up
Together gathered:
And Katya here and Kolya here,
And Vova here, and Masha here ... "
We all welcome you!
Leading: Guys! Today we are going to celebrate a wonderful holiday, damage Friendship. Do you know when this holiday is celebrated?
Children.July 30th.
Leading: That's right, well done.
Leading: Children Do you think what friendship is?
1. I have friends:
Lena, Tanya, Sergey.
With the Lena Song, I sing
With Tanya, we go walk,

2.Ah Sergeka all day
We are not too lazy to tease!
At school, we live together:
We learn together, grow,

3. I know about everything in the world,
About other such children
How they live and what
Do not be lazy to them.

4. All be friends need -
Anya, Vite, Nastya, Dima,
We all - best friends,
We can not use each other.

5. We are smart and growing,
In school we have fun.
Let the teacher believes -
We will not let her down!

The song is fulfilled: "We all divide in half" Music V.Shinsky.

Leading: Yes, guys, when people are friends, they are always ready to come to the rescue of each other, they try to make good actions for their friends. Now we will play the game.
Held didactic game "Rate actions." On the tables there are squares of two colors, yellow-positive heroes, and red-negative heroes. The educator shows cards with the heroes of fairy tales, children should call the hero, and determine what category it is to attribute it depending on his actions. (For example, a gray wolf is a negative hero, because he sewed a kids).
Leading: Guys tell me, and what kind of friendship should be in your opinion? How do you think?
Children: Strong, faithful, kind, real, "not spilling water."

The song is executed: "If a friend went into the way."
Children read poems.
Friends with the sun breeze,
And dew - with grass.
Friends with a butterfly flower,
We are friends with you.
All with friends in half
We are glad to divide!

Only quarrel to friends
Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a light world,
Friendship - sun at dawn,
For the soul, a cheerful feast.
Friendship is just happiness,
Friendship - people alone.
With friendship
not terrible bad weather
With friendship -
Spring life is full.

Friend will divide pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even evil weakness
MiG melts and leave.

Believe, keep, go to friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

Leading: Yes Children, friendship is a valuable gift, you correctly noted this in the poem. I see that you are friendly and brave.

Funny dance "kindness" is performed.
Drop the poem.

We quarreled with a friend
And sat down at the corners.
Very bored with each other!
You need to make it necessary.

I did not hurt her
Just a bear held
Only with a teddy ranges
And she said: "I will not give".

I will go and come back.
I will give her a bear, apologize
I'll give her a doll, give the tram
And I will say: "Play come on!"
Leading: If friends, girlfriends quarreled, which sometimes happens, then they must be confused. Children Do you know myrilinka? (Yes).
Children tell myriliques.
1. The sun will be released because of the Tuchuk,
We will warm the warm ray.

2. And we can not swear,
Because we are friends.

3. Finger by finger
Tight take
Before fought,
And now there is nothing.

4. Do not touch, do not touch
Well, quickly remember!

Leading: Well done, children, wonderful murilies told. I am sure that
You will be a friendship, because to live in the light of a very tight without a friend or friend.

Executed dance: "Murmed".
Under the music of E. Uspensky "Whoever helps," the old chapoklyak appears.

Shapoklyak (sens a song). Hello, but I came to you here. (Rubs hands).
Leading: Where is it "here"?
Shapoklyak: Where, where. Yes, where many children are here. I will make my assistants from them.
Leading: What helpers?
Shapoklyak: I need assistants to help me make bad actions.
Leading: No, no our children do not want to make bad actions, they are not assistants to you in this matter. Our guys love to be friends with each other, help each other.
And today we have a wonderful holiday dedicated to the Day of Friendship.
Shapoklyak: Is it these kids - more friends? Do they know how to be friends? Oh, mocked! (laughs).
Leading: Wait, wait, Shapoklyak to find out if our guys really know how to be friends, you need to check them in dancing, games and songs ..
Shapoklyak : - Check, yes? You are welcome.

Now we will check what are you friendly. You need to loud answer my questions.
Do you guys all friendly? (Yes)
Will you quarrel? (Not)
Will you be silent? (Not)
Will you dance? (Yes)
Will you play? (Yes)
Can you sleep to bed? (Not)
Host: What guys you are well done! They answered together.
Shapoklyak: And now we will find out how you can help each other. Game-competitions will help us.
1 Competition "Tie and Deletions"
Players tie and unleash the ribbon.
2.Igra: "Who will bring the ball to a friend faster"(Two children compete).
Shapoklyak: Oh, yes you guys really showed that you are friendly, merry and know how to support your friends. I also wanted to find my friends.
Leading: We offer you our friendship. Our guys now read poems for you about your favorite friends.

1. I love my friends,
Compliments do not regret.
He, she, you and me -
Together a friendly family.
We will be friends
And we will not rush.

2. Suddenly to play
We will jump and jump.
Songs together with rop
Walking to the street let's go.
There are oxygen
We are not afraid of frost.

3. Well, and if we are friends,
It is impossible to blame for us.
If it suddenly came,
Always reserved each other.

4. Very cool we live.
We will not be discouraged
We will do everything for five
And then any business
We can do everything boldly!
Come to our group
We will be friends with you.
Friendship needs to be treated
So fun in the world live!
Shapoklyak: What guys, well done, such good poems read about sink friends.
I also wanted to make friends with you. Accept me?
Children: Yes!
The dance of friendship is fulfilled.
Leading:As I am glad that the guys in kindergarten are friendly.
After all, when the guys are friends, it's happiness.
If everyone is friends in the world -
People, beasts and forests,
Horics friendship is circling
So will be kindness!
Performed song "Smile."
All children go to the music to the group, where they are waiting for a festive treat.