The recipe is very tasty tomato in its own juice. Simple tomato recipe in its own juice without sterilization

Tomatoes B. own juice Combines two elements in themselves - a delicious fill that can be used instead of sauce and, of course, marinated tomatoes.

What can be cooked by the old grandmother's recipe! In winter, such a dial becomes especially relevant and first flies off the table. But the old proven times the tastes are sometimes bored, and the soul requires something new, fragrant and unusual. And then the time comes to get tomatoes in our own juice.

Simple recipe tomato in its own juice for the winter without sterilization

Tomatoes in their own juice are a delicious and useful snack in winter time. The tomatoes themselves can be used in cooking, and the received marinade to drink instead of juice - it insists and becomes unusually tasty.

Today I will share with you the recipe of tomatoes in its own juice without sterilization, as well as without unnecessary impurities and additives. This recipe is quite simple in preparation, and tomatoes are obtained whole, smooth and beautiful.

We need:

  • 3 kg are not very large smooth tomatoes, can be plums;
  • 2 kg of overripe fleshy fruits of tomatoes;
  • three large spoons of salt without top and as much sugar;
  • 120 ml of vinegar.

How to cook:

Tomatoes need to selected juicy, small identical size and degree of maturity, and overwhelmed meaty tomatoes of any size are suitable for the preparation of juice.

It will be perfect if small tomatoes are about the same size. They must be well to wash and pierce the skin in several places to the toothpick, at least about 4 holes need to do. This will ensure the integrity of the fruit, they do not burst when pouring them boiling juice.

We put them on the shoulders in pre-washed jars.

Next, we need fill. For her you need tomato juice than it will be cleaner, the better. So it can be obtained either twainting the tomatoes and rub them through the fabric to the state of mashed, any kitchen combines or juicer. I choose the second way, it is much more convenient and more economical in time. In extreme cases, for the preparation of juice, you can lick tomatoes on the grater and skip through the gauze.

The resulting tomato juice is poured into the pan, boil it, and then add salt and sugar, pour vinegar. Be sure to try the fill - if the juice works out, the meaning of making the salting disappears. At this stage, the marinade can be corrected by adding salt or sugar, acid. Cap the marinade and make it a spoon to the bottom.

After that, ready-made juice with tomatoes with tomatoes, and cover them with covers, which are boiling water in advance.

Gently cover the jars with a lid, close them and turn up up the bottom. Waving a blanket to complete cooling.

Tomatoes cooked on this recipe in their own juice are well stored both in the cellar and at room temperature in a dark place.

Here are such appetizing tomatoes in our own juice. Cook with pleasure!

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - recipe with tomato paste

The recipe for the preparation of tomatoes in its own juice based on paste is characterized by its simplicity. For him, you do not need to cut and peat tomatoes, especially if there is no combine or juicer in the house.

To prepare tomato juice, we will need:

  • 150 g of tomato paste;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • bay leaf;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar (you can add more to taste):
  • one teaspoon salt;
  • black fresh fresh pepper;
  • a piece of burning pepper.
  • we also take 1.5 kg of small smooth tomatoes.


  1. First, we need to boil water.
  2. Put up tomato paste In a bowl and pour a few hot water into it, we mix well - the tomato paste is poorly dispelled in a large amount of fluid.
  3. We add tomato cleaner into a saucepan with water.
  4. We lay in the future juice of spices, salt and pepper, we try to taste, if you wish, we adjust with the help of additives. Leave juice boil for 5-7 minutes.
  5. At this time, we rinse the tomatoes well and cut off their ass, piercing the tomato fork on the opposite side.
  6. We prepare small banks - we blow them in advance with boiling water or sterilize over boiling water at least 7 minutes. Fill in the cans of tomatoes.
  7. Pouring is already ready - they pour it to the neck of the cans scored by tomatoes.

It remains only to roll our winter workpiece and send it to the storage room. In winter, you will surprise the pleasant taste of this salmon!

Recipe Tomato in its own juice with citric acid

Lemon acid is an excellent preservative, which does not have harmful additives and not harmful to our health. Such a conservation method will pleasantly surprise you with simplicity and speed. And the banks, canned with citric acid, never explode.

At the 3-liter can of tomato, we take:

  • small tomatoes - about 2 kg;
  • 8 pieces of black pepper peas;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid powder;
  • 8 pieces of fragrant pepper;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 laurel sheets;
  • several Bulgarian peppers;
  • for the preparation of the fill, we use 4 kg of overprained tomatoes.


  1. For this recipe, we will try to reduce their efforts and will not polish the fill. We will apply the sleeves in the bedside and send them to a large saucepan.
  2. Now we need to put banks for sterilization by 10 - 15 minutes and proceed to the preparation of fill.
  3. Sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes put on fire, boil 10 minutes and add pepper and garlic to them.
  4. We try to taste marinade, put citric acid, salt and put sugar, if the tomato fill is not sweet. Marinade must boil for about 10 minutes. In this sewage, in addition to whole tomato, they will also be cut as for sauce.
  5. In jars on the bottom lay pepper and laurel, put the tomatoes, trapped on both sides.
  6. Pepper cut to Quaternarians and launch it into the remaining expired places.
  7. Marinade fill in prepared banks and immediately ride them, closing the lid lid.

It remains only to wait when our salting will cool and enjoy her interesting taste!

Sweet tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

Soldering two in one, not requiring a lot of strength in cooking!

For marinada, we will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 - 3 pepper peppers,
  • 3 carnations.

How to cook:

To begin with, we will blanch tomatoes. I bring to a boil 2 liters of water.

On each tomato, we make a cut cross.

Gradually, omit all the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes, let out every batch shovel and omit in cold water.

Clean the tomatoes from the skins - if you blanched them correctly, it will not be any difficulty.

Banks fill with tomatoes, fall asleep salt and sugar, put the clove and pepper.

We prepare the pan in which all the banks will fit, put them in it and pour water so that she reached the neck of the cans. Sterilize banks should be under closed covers for 25 minutes.

After that, we ride banks and remove them to cool.

Cooked tomatoes are distinguished by a sweet and gentle taste, stented aroma of cloves. When cooking, they are very sitting, so one of the cans is better decomposed for all the rest, scoring them to the top after sterilization.

Tomatoes in their own juice with horseradish and garlic

We sunk sweet tomatoes using purchased tomato juice - 2 liters. In any case, you can take any kind of juice at your discretion.


  • solid, slightly unripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • bulgarian pepper - 250 g;
  • stranged - a quarter of a glass;
  • garlic - a quarter of a glass;
  • salt and sugar - 4 tablespoons with a small slide.


  1. Finished juice pour into a saucepan and leave back.
  2. Throw salt in the marinade, sugar, seasonings, at your request, gently mix the mixture and leave boiled 4 to 5 minutes.
  3. Tomators are placed in rows in a jar and sprinkle their tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Rhizome Khrena grind with meat grinder or grater.
  5. Also we do with garlic.
  6. On the specified number of tomatoes, we need to take a quarter of a glass of already grinding garlic and shit.
  7. In each jar, it is necessary to put on 4 tablespoons of crushed shit and garlic
  8. Pour banks with tomatoes with cooked juice and pasteurize them for 15 minutes.

We ride the resulting salty and get wonderful tomatoes "in the snow" in our own juice!

Have a nice appetite and new recipes!


Tell VK

There is one universal dish, a wonderful snack that uses specially popular in the winter. We are talking about tomatoes in our own juice. What it is? How to cook it? Everyone will learn in this article. Let's start cooking tomatoes in our own juice or tomatoes in Tomato.

Tomatoes in their own juice are such marinated tomatoes, brine for which tomato juice is served. In the classic version, in addition to salt and tomatoes, no other ingredients are used, which makes this snack much more useful than similar billets, filled with a large number of vinegar.

According to the consistency, these tomatoes are very tender, and how much to taste "Marinade" from them - fingers losing!

This is usually used both as an independent snack, and as some addition to the main dishes. Also, soups are prepared on the basis of tomatoes in juice, vegetable stew and various sauces.

Below are 5 popular cooking recipes at home. We are preparing for the winter and not only. Just with tomatoes or with the addition of additional vegetables, with spices and spices or without them. Also here and a couple of videos, where everything is detailed and describes.

Tomatoes in Tomat Recipes

Classic tomatoes in their own juice (without salt and vinegar)

This recipe can be called the simple and most natural, since we do not use vinegar and even the usual salt. Tomatoes in tomato everything for natural taste.

As already spoke earlier, these tomatoes are suitable for stew, sauces, tomato Soup And other things, as there are no additives that affect the taste.

We will be prepared with sterilization, if without it, then stored only in the refrigerator and not for a long time.

Tomatoes in tomato Ingredients on 0.5 liter can:

  • Tomatoes - 400 g.
  • Tomatoes for juice - 300-400 g.

How to cook tomatoes in your own juice

  1. Tomatoes ideally should be small, such fleshy varieties. They and the form will keep, and just tastier in any conservation.
  2. The same, what goes for juice may, on the contrary, be mint, non-zeroshist, even unreliable. We skip them through the juicer or through a meat grinder. In the extreme case, you can just take tomato juice in boxes.
  3. The resulting mass is placed on fire and is brought to a boil. Next, cook on medium fire, constantly stirring, remove the foam. Total cooking time is about 45 minutes.
  4. We return to solid tomatoes. We rinse them and make a shallow cross-shaped incision at each top.
  5. Pour boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Further we drag the water, with tomatoes we remove the skin. Someone is preparing with her, but, as for me, this peel then resembles a cellophane package.
  6. The bank is sterilized, put the peeled tomatoes into it. If you wish, they can be chopped into slices - it will get so bigger.
  7. Pour boiling tomato juice, cover with screw lids and put on water bath. Sterilize about 15 minutes in practically boiling water. Next, we twist, turn the jar, cover with a towel and leave until complete cooling.

By the way, earlier I published an article about how . This is the case if you have many immature tomatoes, well, or simply, if something delicious and original wants.

Simple recipe tomatoes in its own juice for the winter without sterilization

I consider this option not only simple, but also the most delicious! And all because besides tomatoes there are still Bulgarian peppers and different spices.

For convenience, we use tomato paste. We divorced it and get juice, and in it already we will cook tomatoes. Yes, all the ingredients will be held long cooking so that later it does not have to sterilize.

Tomatoes in tomato Ingredients:

  • The fleshy tomatoes - 6-7 kg. (immediately for several cans);
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 14-16 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 20 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 15 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Carnation - 2 tbsp. spoons;

We start cooking tomatoes in our own juice

  1. Bulgarian pepper clean from the core and finely chopped out. You can even skip through the meat grinder.
  2. Pour water in the pan, stir there Salt, sugar and tomato paste. There are also pouring and carnation. Turn on the stove and wait for boiling.
  3. At the end, pour 3 spoons vegetable oil, preferably refined.
  4. To put crushed peppers into a large pan, washed tomatoes (whole), gently pour hot tomato juice to them. I mix a little and bring to a boil again.
  5. We include minimal fire and tomatoes for about 15 minutes. While the tomato mass coperates, sterilize jars and covers with boiling water.
  6. Fill with tomatoes along with the tomato fill of the can, immediately tighten with the covers. Further, everything is standard: flip, bite and wait for cooling. Then we remove into a dark cool place.

Spicy tomatoes in tomato juice

And here is the whole raisin in the addition of a large number of spices. Also here we will bypassed without vinegar and other preservatives. Sterilization and long shelf life will be provided with careful cooking and just rinse with boiling water.

By default, we ride one-piece tomatoes, but if you wish, you can cut them and slices.

We need:

  • Small tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Tomato juice - 3 l.
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Bay sheet - 6-8 pcs.
  • Black peas pepper - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Carnation - 1-2 Art. spoons;


  1. Tomators rinse with water, then in each to make a few punctors for a fork or toothpick. This is for the heating they do not burst.
  2. Boiling water, pour her to the top of the banks, cover top with the covers. Let it still stand so far.
  3. Now go to juice. Pour it into a saucepan, add all spices and spices (pepper, laurel, salt, sugar, carnation). Stir, bring to a boil, cook for about 5-7 minutes.
  4. From the cans merge hot water and immediately pour boiling tomato juice. Filled, rolled out covers. Here, actually, and that's it! It remains to be removed in a dark place, cover with something warm, well, the jars themselves should stand the bottom.

Piquant with the addition of garlic

Just, fragrant and slightly sharply - everyone! If you wish, you can also add sharp moltot peppers.

Required products:

  • Beautiful fleshy tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes, which are not a pity - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 12 teeth;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sunflower oil (odorless) - 1 cup;
  • Vinegar (70%) - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Black pepper pepper - 10 peas;

Cooking process

  1. My good tomatoes, cut out the fruits, cut on the quarter.
  2. The rest of the tomatoes twist through the meat grinder (can be in a blender or even in the juicer). We pour into a saucepan, add salt, butter, sugar, pepper. We turn on the middle fire and wait when it boils, while often fit and mix.
  3. So far we put on the banks for the tomatoes and cloves of garlic.
  4. Tomatoes boiled, boiling 15 minutes, at the end add acetic essence, mix and spill on banks.
  5. We cover with the lids and for the warranty additionally sterilize about 15 minutes (in the microwave, a double boiler or simply in a water bath).
  6. Turn the covers, turn the banks, bite the blanket and wait for it to cool.

Recipe for tomatoes in its own juice for the winter (original with onions)

Here the same is, but with a small nuance, which will pleasantly surprise, anyone who has decided to try this snack.

The whole chip is that we start our lok every tomato. As a result, it is impregnated with onion juice, and the deceit itself retains pleasant crust.


  • Tomato - 3 kg.
  • Tomato juice - about 2 liters;
  • Salt - 50 g. On each liter of juice;
  • Lavra sheets - several;
  • Garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 large heads;

How to make this workpiece

  1. Tomatoes clean from the fruits plus make another small recess for a piece of onions.
  2. Garlic's cloves are a little nourishing, also cut onions on small pieces.
  3. Glass cans pour for 5-10 minutes with boiling water, then water water and begin to lay tomatoes in them. We take the first, insert inside a piece of onions and a piece of garlic. We do so with everyone.
  4. The remaining pieces of the bow sprinkle the contents of cans.
  5. I will bring the juice to a boil, dissolve salt in it, then quit pepper and bay leaf. How boils, cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Now we remove the covers, quickly spill on the jars and immediately close. Since sterilization will not do, then storing these banks after cooling should be in a coolness, preferably in the cellar or in the refrigerator. So longer we preserve and do not scatter.
  • As it was somewhere at the beginning of the article, choose tight varieties of tomatoes and preferably a small size if you want them to save their shape and after several months of conservation.
  • Remove or remove the peel - the personal matter of everyone. Someone does not like this skin, because it then becomes very dense, prevents. Someone is not fundamentally. To make the skin quickly filmed, pour the tomatoes with boiling water for a couple of minutes, while making a shallow incision on them.
  • In addition to red, you can use green tomatoes. The cooking technology does not change from this, but the taste becomes another, and someone such an option may even like it.
  • See video how to cook tomatoes in tomato

Tomatoes in their own juice - one of better options canning tomatoes, which are thus obtained very tasty, natural, retain their beneficial features And suitable for the preparation of various dishes with tomatoes. We close tomatoes in our own juice for the winter.

Tomatoes in their own juice, the recipe for the winter of Elena Timchenko

These tomatoes in their own juice are very tasty, here you can eat canned tomato, and tomato juice drink. Tomatoes are two in one.

Tomatoes in own juice Simple recipe

Very simple and practical recipe in which there is a use and large, and soft, and a bit of crushed tomators. What will be needed for cooking:

  • Large, ripe tomatoes for juice
  • Small tomatoes
  • Salt and Sugar.
  • Polka dust pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • Carnation and cinnamon (not necessarily, it's an amateur)

Tomatoes are sorted - large, crumpled, soft tomatoes will go to juice, peeling tomatoes - in banks.
Separate for juice tomatoes scroll through the meat grinder, pour juice into the pan and put on a small fire. Three-liter juice add five tablespoons of salt, six tablespoons of sugar, five peas of fragrant pepper, six laurel leaves. After the juice boils, remove the foam, boil the juice until the foam stops forging (12-15 minutes).

At the same time in another saucepan boil water. In the prepared banks, lay out tomatoes, pour boiling water and cover with covers. Put a thick towel from above. Let tomatoes stand while tomato juice is boiled. Then drain the water, pour the tomatoes with boiling juice and immediately roll up. Turn over, bite the blanket and leave until complete cooling.

On the 3-liter bank there are two kilograms of tomato and a liter of tomato juice.

Tomatoes in their own juice slices: cooking juice and close

Lazy way to prepare tomatoes in its own juice

To prepare tomatoes on this recipe we will need:

  • Tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • One middle beet;
  • One dykon radish;
  • Garlic and greens.

Tomatoes rinse and make several punctures toothpick. Now we make a fill for tomatoes: Daikon, beets and a pair of tomatoes grow up to a puree in a blender with salt, sugar, garlic (2 tablespoons or taste).

Also add a pen and vinegar there (two teaspoons). We bring the fill to the boil, we boil ten minutes and pour her tomatoes.

Tomatoes will be ready in three days. See the video process of cooking:

Recipe for tomatoes in its own juice for the winter without vinegar from

Ingredients (3 cans with a capacity of 1l):

  • 3kg small tomatoes,
  • 2kg large tomatoes
  • 60g salt,
  • 50g sugar,
  • for aromatization - peas of fragrant pepper or cinnamon.

Rinse small tomatoes, folded with a wooden toothpick in several places, tightly put into sterilized glass jars with a capacity of 1l. Arbitrarily cut into large tomatoes, put in a saucepan enameled, cover with a lid and warm up, not bringing to a boil, then wipe the tomato mass hot through the sieve - it turns out tomato juice. Add to juice Sugar and salt (calculation: for every 1.5 liter of juice 1st. Sugar and salt), add (optional) to 1 pinch of cinnamon for every 500ml juice. Pour juice into the pan, bring to a boil, remove the foam, pour the boiling juice into banks to small tomatoes. Put banks with tomatoes into water, cover with covers and sterilize 8-10min in boiling water, then roll upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket before cooling.

Tomato juice made from large tomatoes, can not be wiped through a sieve, if its homogeneity is not too important, in which case with tomatoes it is necessary to remove the skin, screaming them, then cut and scorch, then pour, after which you can add passed through Press garlic and fragrant pepper.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: preparation subtleties

  1. If tomatoes, prepared for the winter in their own juice, in the future you want to use for the preparation of various dishes, then before booking in banks with them you can remove the skinBay boiling water for a few seconds.
  2. To bookmark in the bank you need to use mine tomatoes of the same degree of maturity (or all brown, or all red). These tomatoes should not be soft.
  3. But those that are used for cooking pouring, must be fleshy, juicy, very ripe, soft.
  4. If you want to get delicious canned tomatoesCheck that they and in fresh form were tastyAnd too acidic and after the workpiece will be sour.
  5. Any spices, except salt, you can not add, and Salt acts as a preservativeTherefore, without it, do not do in the process of cooking canned tomatoes in our own juice. Cinnamon, sugar, pepper is not necessary. Too much salt is also not worth putting - add exactly as much as indicated in the recipe.

Preparation for winter tomatoes in its own juice, you get 2-in-1: delicious canned tomatoes and tomato juice, which can be used for borscht, gravy or drink just like that!

It is more convenient to harvest the tomatoes in our own juice in small banks with a volume of 0.5-1 liters.

Ingredients for tomatoes in their own juice

Two 0.5 liters and one 0.7 liters needed approximately:

  • 1 kg of small tomatoes;
  • 1.2-1.5 kg of large;
  • 1.5 - 2 tablespoons without salt vertex;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.

The number of tomatoes on juice pointing with a margin, because the juice is better to cook more. Its quantity for the fill of tomatoes may vary: depending on how compact tomatoes are laid in banks, juice may need more or less. If it is not enough to the pouring, it is not very convenient - you have to urgently make an additional portion. And if the juice is more - it can be rolled separately or drink just like that - the juice turns out very tasty!

Tomatoes for canning better take small, strong - for example, cream varieties. And for juice - on the contrary, choose large, soft and ripe.

Salt for blanks is suitable only large, non-iodined.

Cooking tomatoes in its own juice

Prepare banks and covers, sterilizing them convenient for you. Tomatoes will carefully wash. Small tomatoes will decompose on banks, and they will prepare tomato juice from large.

There are two ways to produce juice from tomatoes. In the old manner: you can cut tomatoes on the part - quarter or eighth, depending on the size. Pour a little water into the enameled dishes, put the tomatoes for slices, peel, and then wipe the tomato mass through the sieve. But this is a very time-consuming way, so I prefer to make tomato juice in modern - with the help of juicer. Now there are many different models, check if your tomato is suitable.

Tomato juice in enameled dishes put on fire and bring to a boil. We add salt and sugar, mix to dissolve. Hot tomato juice pour tomators in banks, not reaching 2 cm to the edge. We try to make tomatoes covered with juice.

Then there is also a pair of options. The first is to sterilize the blanks. On the bottom of a wide pan put a cloth cloth or a folded kitchen towel. We put banks covered with covers, so that they do not touch each other and the pans walls. Pour water on the shoulders cans. We bring to a boil and from the moment of boiling by sterilizing 0.5 l can of 10 minutes, 1 l 15 minutes. And immediately rush the key or screwy lids.

I like the second way: the bay of tomatoes juice, cover the cans with covers and wait until they are cooling to such an extent so that you can take into hand. We drain the juice back into the pan (it is convenient to use a special cover with holes so that the tomatoes stop with juice with juice) and bring to a boil again. Re-fill the tomatoes with boiling juice and give cool. Finally, we carry out the procedure for the third time, pour tomatoes and immediately roll up the key.

We put tomatoes in our own juice down covers and cover with something warm to cooling. Then we remove to storage in a cool place, for example, storage room or cellar.

In winter, it will be great to get a jar of tomatoes in our own juice to treat in summer fragrant tomatures and delicious tomato juice!

Tomatoes are an indispensable decoration of the dining table. And it is not so important what way they are cooked: pickling, soling, schu, etc. Each hostess knows that there are a lot of options. Recipe "Tomatoes in its own juice" - one of the most simple and popular. It is not necessary to implement special skills, and the list of necessary ingredients is minimal.

Canning tomatoes in its own juice

When you choose the appropriate recipe, proceed to cooking. To begin with, consider the foundations, regardless of the list of ingredients. So, well, my tomatoes. We dry them. Next, we prepare tomato juice (we consider ways to see below). Based on the reviews, it is recommended to do it with a margin, because it will be very disappointing if this product is not enough. And the surplus can be used somewhere or just a drink. Also important stages are the bookmark, sterilization and spin of vegetables. Read more about this below.

Tomato juice

Tomato for canning can be prepared in an in one way. Let's get acquainted with some of them:

  • The first method is the easiest. We take tomatoes. Remove the fruit. Tomatoes cut in half and grind in a blender.
  • Second option. We cut tomatoes for 4-8 parts. We take a large saucepan, pour some water into it and lay out the sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes. The container is kept on medium heat, which is reduced when tomatoes boil. All this is boiled over two hours and periodically mixed. Next, we give to cool the resulting tomato mass. Then, to separate the skins, wipe the puree through the colander.
  • The third way. In the tomato, we remove the fruit, grind, heat, but in order not to boil, we carry through the sieve. Required spices add to the mass and put on fire again. If you need to use fragrant pepper, cinnamon, then they should be tied in a gauze nodule and omit in the pan. Tomato mixture is boiled 20 minutes with stirring. Seasonings in the nodule take out. You can add the chopped garlic as desired and boil the whole lot again.

Our tomato is ready, proceed to the Tomato Bookmark.

Bookmark vegetables in banks

The recipe "tomatoes in its own juice" implies that vegetables should be laid out in sterile banks. Therefore, first, my capacitance is fine. Then they are screaming with boiling water or sterilize for five minutes (this option is more reliable). Lay out tomatoes. In advance prepared tomato juice, add salt (per liter per liter) and it is boiling a bit. Pour the tomatoes with hot juice, cover with metal covers, which are recommended to pre-boil.


Tomatoes in their own juice must be sterilized before sunset. It is done very easily. We take a saucepan of quite large size. We bring the required amount of water to boil. On the bottom of the pan put a rag, folded several times, or a wooden grid. At the same time, banks must stand firmly and not touch the pan.

Sterilize the container. Bank (liter) should be in a boiling water of 20 minutes, and two-liters - half an hour.

Get banks and twist them.

Marinated tomatoes

Consider how to cook marinated tomatoes in our own juice. For a three-liter bank, we need the following products:

  • small tomatoes (dense) - 2 kg;
  • surpired tomatoes (soft) - 2 kg;
  • purified garlic and horseradish root - by ¼ Art.;
  • pepper sweet - 250 g;
  • sugar and salt - 5 and 2 tbsp. respectively.

Cooking process

To begin with, overripe tomatoes wash and cut into large pieces. We lay out in the container, bring to a boil. When they are completely soft, carry through sieve. In juice puree, which we got, add salt with sugar. All are well stirred and put on fire. Garlic finely cut or press through the garlic, rub hell on the grater, we skip sweet peppers twice through the meat grinder. All this is added to the boiled tomato juice.

Overcoming tomatoes piercing wooden toothpick several times. We put them in banks, pre-sterilized. Pour the tomatoes with a boiling tomato, cover the lids. Sterilize 25 minutes. We ride pickled tomatoes in our own juice (see the photo below), turn the bottom up, we wrap.

Option without sterilization

The recipe "tomatoes in its own juice" may be not so difficult. So, we will use:

  • small solid tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • soft juicy tomatoes - 3 kg (for juice);
  • pepper peas (black) - 8 pcs.;
  • dill and parsley - 2 twigs;
  • sugar and salt - 1 tsp. and 1 tbsp. l. Accordingly, the liter of juice.

My tomatoes. Then my and finely cut the greens. Fruits for cooking juice cut into large pieces, put them in a saucepan. Drinking to a boil, add greens. Cook somewhere 20 minutes on a weak fire, stirring periodically. Tomatoes as a result should be soft. With the help of a sieve in a wailed mass of tomatoes, separate from the juice of cake.

As noted in the reviews of experienced culinary culinary, tomatoes for twist (small) need to be powered by a toothpick or fork to prevent their cracking during conservation. Then they put them tightly into sterilized banks, add to each tank 2 of the black pepper peppers, pour boiling water. Cover covers and leave for 20 minutes.

Tomato juice once again need to be touched to a boil. We add salt with sugar and mix. Alternately pour water from each can, pour tomato juice, cover with a lid and ride.

Tomatoes in their own juice turn the bottom up, eat and leave until it does not cool.

Recipe with horseradish and garlic

The billets "tomatoes in their own juice" can be used for this recipe as an excellent sauce suitable for meat and a variety of garnings.

Calculate on a three-liter jar. We take (ingredients are calculated by 2.5 liters of fillings):

  • tomatoes - about 1.5 kg + for fill;
  • garlic - ¼-½ tbsp.;
  • carrot - 250 g;
  • sweet pepper - 250 g;
  • parsley;
  • horseradish - ¼-1st.;
  • sugar and salt - 5 and 2 tbsp. respectively;
  • easy pepper (peas) - 5-6 pcs.

As usual sterilize banks and covers. We take whole fruits, without damage, and piercing them with a toothpick. We have already spoken, it is necessary that they do not crack when pouring boiling water. At the bottom of all cans put a parsley, and from above - tomatoes.

For the preparation of tomato juice with tomato, we remove the skin, grind them on the meat grinder, in the kitchen process or blender. In the same way, it is necessary to grind horseradish, garlic, sweet pepper and carrots. Garlic and peppers take taste.

Tomatoes pour to the top of boiling water, cover with covers, then a blanket or a warm towel. In this form, keep them 5 minutes. Water drain. For the second time we pour boiling water. We leave for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, you need to prepare tomato juice for fill. We take a tomato mass, add pepper, sugar, salt. Let's boil. We put crushed vegetables. Boil on low heat, while the foam will not cease to form at all.

Melt water from cans. Pour immediately boiling juice. We roll around with covers, put the bottom up, burst into a warm blanket.

"Lazy" tomatoes

Soldering tomato in its own juice on this recipe is made easy and simple. That is why they are called "lazy". Laying seasonings and sterilization of vegetables are not assumed. In addition, such blanks are perfectly stored.

Put tomatoes in the clean bank, pour them with boiling water twice, each time we withstand for 10 minutes. We fill in the third time already brine, which is preparing like this: Mix water (5 l), salt (half of the glass), sugar (0.5 kg), bring to a boil, then pour 6% vinegar (a half cup). We ride banks.

A few more recipes

Everyone knows about the utility of tomatoes both in fresh form and in the workpieces. There is an opinion that if you eat one tomato per day, it will be a kind of cancer prevention bladder, lungs, prostate glands and other organs. We offer to familiarize yourself with several useful options for salting tomatoes in our own juice.

Dietary recipe - "tomatoes in our own juice." It does not use salt, sugar and vinegar. As you know, there are people who are prohibited by these products for health, or they need to be used in limited quantities.

So, tomatoes are cut by slices, which are placed in half-liter sterilized banks. I spend their rings of sweet pepper and crushed greenery (dill and parsley). You can shake periodically banks for greater capacity. You do not need to fill tomatoes. Sterilize the container of 15 minutes and ride. This is how natural tomatoes are preparing in their own juice.

Tomato recipe Dolkov

These tomatoes have an amazing taste, and most importantly, according to reviews, they are well stored without vinegar. On the bottom of the banks put garlic teeth, bay leaf, a small bulb, black pepper - 2-3 peales. Tomatoes cut down slices, lay out in a jar and fill with hot marinade (2 liters of water, 3 tbsp. Salt, 6 tbsp. Sugar). Sterilize 5 min. We add vegetable oil (one art. L.). We ride and wrap for 2 hours. The peculiarity of these tomato is that they are useful for people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe for purified tomato in its own juice

We take red tomatoes, scraping them with boiling water, remove the peel, tightly fit into the banks (sterilized). Top putting dill, currant leaves (black), garlic. Pour marinade (boiling): liter of water, salt - one Article., Sugar - one Ch.L., citric acid - a quarter of Ch.L. The billet turns out even tastier if you take water, but tomato juice. Such tomatoes are quickly eaten, and juice drank.

Storage of blanks

Store, just like cooking tomatoes in our own juice, very easy. For this, banks must be put in a cool and dark place. If your house is not hot, then this conservation is well stored in the storage room at a medium room temperature.

Subtleties of preparation

Such blanks - tomatoes in their own juice - require compliance with some simple rules. Judging by the reviews of experienced hosts, the most important of them are as follows:

  • First, if it is assumed that tomatoes will be used as an ingredient in the preparation of different dishes, it is necessary before laying in the banks to pour them for a few seconds with boiling water and remove the skin.
  • Secondly, when we can serve tomatoes in our own juice, choose small fruits for this and necessarily the same maturity. It is important that they are not too soft. The exceptions are the tomatoes that will be used to prepare the fills. In this case, they must be juicy, fleshy, rather ripe and soft.
  • Third, so that tomatoes do well, you need to check their taste in fresh form. Obviously, too acidic vegetables will be as such in the form of blanks.
  • Fourthly, you can remove any spices from the recipe (cinnamon, pepper, sugar) with the exception of salt, as it is a preservative, necessary in the process of a billet of tomato in its own juice. But it is also important with this component not to overdo it. Therefore, observe the proportions specified in the recipe.