Why does a puppy dog ​​hiccup. Puppy hiccups

Sometimes it happens that the puppy starts to hiccup. There are many reasons for this. Let's take a closer look at this topic. Why does the puppy hiccup?

Occasional hiccups in dogs are usually harmless. This is the same phenomenon as in humans. Hiccups are a sharp reflex inhalation associated with a repetitive contraction of the diaphragm. And why does it arise? Why does the puppy hiccup? I would like to note that hiccups can be both short-term and long-term. The reasons for the occurrence, of course, are different. Let's take a look at them.

Growing pains

Some experts believe that hiccups are normal for a puppy. They call this phenomenon Episodes (short and infrequent) hiccups during the period when the puppy goes through all stages of psychological and physical development are considered normal. The older the beast becomes, the less often this happens.

It is believed that hiccups are a kind of rudimentary reflex of puppies that remains with them from the time they are in the womb. In this way, they can strengthen the muscles of the esophagus and lungs while they are supposedly "under water." If the hiccups last no more than an hour, then there is no particular cause for concern.

Food and Games

Why does the puppy hiccup after eating? As a rule, this is due to the rapid filling of the stomach, when the dog eats food very quickly and greedily. Sometimes such hiccups can occur in a puppy that eats dry food, drinks little water. Then it is worth increasing the amount of fluid in the dog's diet. Experts recommend soaking dry food in water for small puppies.

Why does the puppy hiccup? For example, this can happen if the kid has just finished violent games with other puppies and dogs. This happens due to the fact that the dog's nasopharynx dries up. He just needs to drink water.

You can also grab the puppy by the front legs so that he can stand on his hind legs for a while. In time, such an exercise should take about three minutes.


Sometimes the puppy will start to hiccup when it freezes. Especially in the winter season, this can often be seen. Also, hiccups from hypothermia can be in hairless and short-haired dogs. Therefore, these dogs need to be dressed in special clothing for animals, and even in the apartment. It is also desirable that such dogs and puppies are less likely to be exposed to drafts.


Why does the puppy hiccup often or for a long time? Perhaps he has worms. Think back to when you gave your puppy an anthelmintic drug. If it was a long time ago, then repeat the reception of the remedy. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the dog. You can also consult a veterinarian in this matter.


There may be more serious reasons for the long hiccups. For example, the ingress of a foreign body. Causes of prolonged hiccups:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis, etc.);
  • dirofilariasis.

It happens that prolonged hiccups occur as a result of damage to the central nervous system. For example, a complication after a plague of a nervous type can manifest itself in this way. Observe the dog for other accompanying symptoms. It's better to show the animal to the veterinarian though

Prolonged hiccups may occur in a puppy before a heart attack. Therefore, look at the behavior of the pet, it may need urgent help, and it is better to go to the clinic.

If hiccups occur periodically, it is better to consult a doctor. Usually, metoclopramide (the drug "Cerucal"), a dopamine receptor blocker, is used to stop an attack. The drug will help soothe hiccups if they are associated with gastrointestinal problems. But you should only use medications as directed by your veterinarian.

A little conclusion

Now you know why the puppy hiccups. As you can see, there are many reasons. If the puppy starts to hiccup, watch him, show him to the veterinarian in order to play it safe or not to start the disease.

Hiccups are common in pets. And the owner should not worry if he hears the characteristic sounds after the dog has eaten food or for no reason at all. But veterinarians emphasize that hiccups are more typical of young dogs. So, let's find out about the reasons for this common phenomenon and the actions of the owner in such cases.

Causes of dog hiccups

It is a convulsive breath, and reflex, associated with a sharp contraction of the diaphragm. In a pet, hiccups can be short-term or long-term.

If the reason is that the dog's stomach is suddenly filled with fast and greedy eating of food, then it will pass quickly.

Owners of those dogs that are fed dry food need to know that if there is not enough water to soak such food, the pet may also experience a reflex convulsive breath.

Veterinarians advise inexperienced dog breeders to first soak the food in water when it comes to feeding puppies. So it will be easier to avoid an unpleasant phenomenon.

Puppies often hiccup after violent and prolonged games with children, the owner. After physical activity, the pupil simply dries up the nasopharynx and there is an urgent need to drink water.

Young dogs often experience hiccups due to hypothermia. And this is especially true for representatives of short-haired breeds. Veterinarians recommend avoiding prolonged hypothermia, drafts. This is the reason for the short-term hiccups. If your puppy is forced to be in a cold house all day, then he needs to be dressed.

When a dog hiccups for a long time, the reasons can be serious. This is the ingress of foreign objects into the stomach, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract (acute gastritis, for example), helminthic invasions, dirofilariasis. In rare cases, hiccups can be the result of damage to the central nervous system, for example, complications after suffering from plague. Usually, in such cases, she is not the only sign of trouble. Notice other abnormalities in your pupil's behavior.

Young dogs are more sensitive to external factors, more often they are exposed to attacks of hiccups. They overeat more often than adult dogs.

By the way, practice shows that with prolonged hiccups sometimes heart attacks begin in animals. It may indicate the onset of damage to the nervous system.

What to do when the dog hiccups?

If the dog has a short hiccup after eating, then the owner is advised to simply give him warm water. You can treat your pet with a sugar cube.

When a convulsive breath with a sharp contraction of the diaphragm is observed in a puppy after swallowing food quickly, then you can simply massage his stomach with light hand movements, warm it up. Some dog breeders, with a short hiccup from their pupils, simply take the animal by the front paws and hold it on the hind legs. That is, the dog is given an upright position - and the problem quickly disappears. Exercise, when done regularly, can help eliminate hiccups in a young dog forever.

If your pupil hiccups very often and at the same time eats slowly, does not overeat, then veterinarians advise in such cases to proglist him. This should be done every three months, and if the procedure has not been carried out longer, then it is likely that worms may be the cause of the hiccups. When, after this measure, everything remains the same for the dog, then you need to look for other reasons.

Sometimes it happens that the owner cannot determine on his own, after which the dog has a hiccup. Then it is better to consult a veterinarian. Usually, seizures can be stopped with cerucal. It is a dopamine receptor blocker that soothes hiccups associated with digestive system problems. Other medicines, especially antipsychotics, should be taken by pets only as directed by a doctor!

From the very beginning of the appearance of a puppy in your house, try to feed him strictly according to age standards. Do not give supplements or respond to pleading requests for food from the table. And you also don't need to mix natural food with dry food to add more satiety. Sometimes inexperienced dog owners do this, provoking overeating, bouts of hiccups.

Many breeders often notice that their pet hiccups in the morning. This happens for a variety of reasons with dogs of different ages and breeds, although it is most often seen in puppies. What if the dog hiccups?


There are several causes of morning hiccups in dogs. In order to understand why a pet hiccups, you need to know how long the dog's hiccups lasted.

Short-term hiccups can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Consequences of fast and uneven filling of the stomach. This occurs when the dog eats very quickly, consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time. This is especially common in puppies. Another distinctive feature of such hiccups is that they disappear in a short period of time.
  2. Water scarcity. This happens when the dog is eating dry food and is not getting enough liquid from the food. Therefore, puppies are advised to soak dry food in water to compensate for the lack of water.
  3. Hypothermia. Puppies of short-haired or hairless breeds very often hiccup after walks in bad weather or prolonged exposure to cold surfaces (damp earth, parquet or concrete floors). Morning hiccups can be caused by being in a draft or walking during a strong wind.

If your dog has hiccups for a long time, it could be due to health problems.

If the pet has hiccups, the owner should take the following measures:

  1. Determine the cause of the hiccups. If you cannot do this on your own, you need to contact your veterinarian.
  2. If your dog is vomiting for a short time, he should be given warm water to drink.
  3. Observe the process of eating food. If your dog is eating too fast, but not drinking after eating, you can massage its tummy.

Typically, morning hiccups in dogs are common and not cause for concern. If you observe the appearance of frequent and prolonged hiccups in the morning, you need to urgently contact your veterinarian.

Hiccups are normal in puppies. Dogs may hiccup due to overeating or severe fright. In some cases, it is almost impossible to find an obvious cause. Moreover, dog breeders sometimes do not even notice hiccups in a pet. In fact, this phenomenon is a convulsive reflex inhalation, during which the diaphragm contracts sharply.

What do puppy owners need to know?

Hiccups in dogs manifest in the same way as in humans. Scientifically speaking, there is a convulsive contraction of the diaphragmatic muscles. The diaphragm itself is a muscular septum that separates the sternum from the abdominal organs.

In most cases in young dogs contraction of the diaphragm happens very abruptly. In this case, attacks of suffocation are possible, which do not last long. During hiccups, a characteristic sound occurs, the cause of which is the involuntary and very rapid closure of the glottis. Thanks to numerous studies, it became known that for the first time puppies begin to hiccup in the womb.

As a rule, hiccups in pets begin for no apparent reason. This phenomenon is completely harmless.

Hiccups is divided into two varieties depending on the duration:

  • Short-term. It is observed mainly in puppies as a result of overfeeding or eating food too quickly. Also, dogs may hiccup for a short time if there is not enough liquid food in their diet.
  • Long-term. Some puppies may hiccup for an hour or longer. As a rule, the cause of this phenomenon is the ingress of a foreign object into the stomach, helminthic invasion, or various diseases of the digestive system.

Exists many causal factors which cause puppies to hiccup:

How to eliminate hiccups in a dog?

In most cases, hiccups in puppies passes by itself... It is enough to ensure that the dog has access to clean, warm water. You should also avoid overfeeding your pet and periodically give him drugs for worms.

Uncontrolled irritation of the nerve endings in the diaphragm, which causes its spasm and, as a result, hiccups is a sudden and uncontrollable phenomenon. Most often, the attack ends without the intervention of the owner, as suddenly as it began. However, if your dog hiccups, he is uncomfortable, irritated, and distracted. You need to understand that there are a number of reasons that cause an attack and preventive measures to prevent inconvenience.

Each person felt the discomfort of hiccups on themselves, a tiring inconvenience, didn't they? So why do seizures occur? A dog's hiccups are a sharp breath in response to a "wrong" nerve impulse. Intense inhalation is accompanied by a spasm of the intercostal muscles, as a result of which there is something like "reverse thrust". The body receives a signal to shut off the air. Each spasm is accompanied by a characteristic sound - this is a reflex closing of the epiglottis. Further, a "chain reaction" occurs, the vibration of the chest again irritates the nerve endings, the diaphragm contracts and another attack occurs.

Note! Puppies are more prone to hiccups than adult dogs and there are a number of reasons for this: weak ligaments that hold internal organs, disproportionate distension of the stomach, increased nervous irritability, etc.

Are hiccups dangerous for dogs?

  • The dog hiccups after eating. Possible causes are overeating, swallowing air, dry or coarsely chopped food. Provide your pet with peace of mind while eating, especially when it comes to owners who have more than one animal. Competition is an incentive to swallow without chewing. Food should be served warm, moist and chopped. Bowls, it is recommended to place them on a stand at the height of the dog.
  • After rest or waking up in the morning - refers to choleric people who jump up and run, barely opening their eyes. Most often associated with drying out of the nasopharynx.
  • A puppy that falls asleep in an unnatural position may hiccup in sleep or upon waking up, this is due to physical irritation of the vagus nerve.
  • After active games - the reason is also associated with drying out of the mucous membranes.
  • Fright.
  • Hypothermia - more often, short-haired and hairless dogs are susceptible.

Read also: Perthes disease in dogs - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

If the animal hiccups every day, the seizures are not associated with "natural" causes or continue for too long - you should see a veterinarian. To take a history, you need to pay attention to the work:

  • Digestive system- Possible worm infestation, indigestion, blockage.
  • Respiratory system- the presence of cough, shortness of breath, irritation of the mucous membranes.
  • Central nervous system- loss of coordination, unfocused gaze, tremor, recent diseases (plague, meningitis, enteritis).

Possible reasons also include foreign bodies entering the stomach. If the dog could eat part of the toy, the rope, the ground will need an x-ray. Any intoxication lasting more than 2 hours has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, in parallel with hiccups, tremors, weakness, salivation, vomiting, "cyanosis" of the mucous membranes are observed.