What is esotericism and what it studies: initiation and the occult. Scientific esoterics What is esoteric how you are interested in it

Esotericism is various mystical knowledge about the world, life and human body. Literally means "inner". Esotericism in simple words studies the soul, helps to go beyond thinking.

A scientific explanation of events is not enough for modern society. People do not leave the thoughts of immortal existence, spirituality, freedom. Esoteric sciences and practices will open up a new unknown world. They will talk about inner abilities, hidden nature.

Stress at work, family problems cause many thoughts about life, death, purpose. Advertising and literature make it difficult to find truth among information. Despair sets in, and then turns to esoteric practices. They give new knowledge, sensations that the material world will not allow to experience.

Esotericism is a conscious life, where every word and action is evaluated. It removes attitudes, restrictions within a person.

The main goal is to change the personality. A set of methods is used for implementation. Particular attention is paid to intentions, thoughts, desires, which are manifested in a physical form.

Many practices, concepts of esotericism cannot be explained or understood. They act, bring results. Success befalls those who know how to leave human life. Disconnect the head, follow the instructions. Consciousness and esotericism have no boundaries. By rewriting the reality program, you get latent possibilities.

Types of esoteric practices and science

Secret knowledge has been comprehended for centuries, guarded, passed on by representatives of different nationalities. Age-old wisdom helps to understand yourself. Esotericism is applied in real life. The main thing is to master a variety of practices and methods. Teachings, religions, concepts are taught by many schools, movements, groups. There are differences between them, but they all have a common goal - to know the nature of man.


Scientists do not understand why a person recovers, gets rid of a fatal diagnosis in a few sessions with a specialist. Science cannot explain alternative medicine, healing, esotericism. In the treatment, herbs or drugs are not used, only energy.

The gift of healing is endowed with exceptional people. Many refuse it or lose it due to bad thoughts, motives. Recovery takes place at the level of the soul, where the source of illness is hidden - due to wrong emotions, feelings, beliefs. Karma upsets the balance in the body, changes the psyche. The healer must be pure inwardly, sincerely desire help. The names of the saints who possessed this gift are known in history.

A healer is a conductor of creative energy. He passes it on, distributes it with his hands along the human body. The patient's faith is important. There must be confidence in the subconscious. This will speed up the result, enhance the impact.

Magical esotericism and healing are closely related. Science can be learned under the guidance of an experienced mentor.


This is the law of life about cause and effect relationships.

Everything that happens is endowed with meaning. Repetition of one event throughout your life is a lesson to be learned by heart. People do not pay attention to fateful signs, they talk about accident. Lessons accumulate, form karmic debt. It is possible to provoke the next "learning" by a wrong reaction and behavior. They create a large number of troubles that a person experiences. Truth in the distant past - the root cause provoked a number of future lessons.

There are no bad events. This is a gift from the Universe, salvation from death. Esotericism and karma indicate weak points. Which are created for personal development, eliminating vulnerabilities - disappointments, resentments, anger. By improving the ability to see clues, one can become the chosen one.


A doctrine that recognizes the existence of hidden forces in man, in space. Comprehended after special mental training. In esotericism, all abilities can be developed and studied.

In religion, esoteric knowledge and occultism are attributed to the tricks of the devil. Believers accept no other explanation for the paranormal and the supernatural. The occult is strongly condemned.

Occultism is difficult to explain in words. It is based on the application of laws, postulates and methods that facilitate the solution of life's problems. Each school has its own practices, ideas, but they are related. The main goal is to understand the inner nature of things, to disseminate information.


Mysticism is a supernatural phenomenon, a spiritual practice. Translated from Greek means secret, hidden. It is aimed at trying to communicate with higher powers.

Wise are those people who have fully cognized mysticism, esotericism, and spiritual essences. They become part of the other world. In it, you can understand, explain the nature of what is happening in terms of esotericism. Don't look for the meaning of the event in reality. Try to understand the nature of events in the depths of the mind.

Religious mysticism, esotericism helps to keep in touch with God. Non-religious - belief in karma, fortune-telling.


Science began to develop in the early period of human existence. The main idea is that uniqueness lies in every moment. With knowledge of the features of space, time, day of the week, you can make predictions about the development of events.

Astrology views the world as a single system. The cyclicality and rhythms of the universe are related to each other. Under the influence of the laws and forces of nature, the planets move, the development of biological bodies. A sequence study helps to establish the causes of situations. Their unique features, predict the future.

There are many branches in modern astrology. All of them are closely intertwined with the ancient sciences, religions, methods of cognition of the spiritual essence, the formation of personality. After studying books on astrology, you can understand the subtle connections between different spheres of life, esotericism. Put things in order in life, gain confidence, peace, see events in a different aspect.

Features of initiation in esotericism

The phenomenon of hypnosis is of interest to many scientists, ordinary people. During a trance, you can show hidden abilities. It is difficult to enter the deepest level of the subconscious without special knowledge. A specialist helps to perform this action.

If the information is already embedded in the collective unconscious, it has been preserved by healers, clairvoyants, and sorcerers. Through initiation, they can pass it on to other people.

After the session, the subject does not remember the information received, as well as when exiting hypnosis. It can develop new skills, talents, qualities. To teach to understand the laws of the universe, to switch consciousness to a sensitive perception of reality.

Initiation in esotericism regards a person as a being with information. She divides its structure into subtle bodies, aura, meridians. This is the magical force responsible for the mentality, the upper chakras.

Solar plexus in esotericism

The solar plexus is the center of concentration of nerves that have a close connection with the sympathetic system. It helps to control the organs that affect the functions of the human body, his emotions. The brain matter is concentrated there.

Acting on the solar plexus, esotericism can unbalance for a long time. If there is light, harmony in it, then all systems work stably. It supplies energy to organs, parts of the body. The hidden light will awaken special prana, thoughts. Regular practice of esotericism helps to get rid of fear, insecurity, depression. Get development on a spiritual level.

Special years in a person's life and what life is for

People, according to esotericism, overcome 12 stages that correspond to the signs of the zodiacal system. Astrologers have calculated a point of life moving at a speed of more than 4 degrees per year. The beginning of the road is in Aries, the end is in Pisces.

21-28 years old. A turning point. His task is to teach the formation of values ​​on the experience of others, to improve the inner world. Studying spiritual practices gets rid of bad thoughts. The fracture is 25–26.

28-35 years old. The appearance of a large amount of energy. With the wrong direction, there will be a tendency to drug addiction, alcoholism. Books, esotericism, religion help to cope with temptations. At 32, the tipping point begins with the manifestation of the ego.

At 37-38, karma tests for endurance by tests.

42 years. Difficult time. This is the golden ratio when there are attempts to change relationships, life.

49-55 years old. There comes a critical moment when serious diseases appear. Breaking from unfulfilled desires.

At 63, there is a final choice that could change dramatically.

Everyone determines the meaning of life for themselves. Self-knowledge, esoteric practices help to look at the world through culture, knowledge of ancestors. Comprehend the unknown, the secret. Death in Slavic religions is not the end of life, but its continuation, improvement. Metaphysics proves the immortality of the soul.

How to switch consciousness and ground in esotericism

A person with a good connection knows how to control the subconscious, makes a choice of the path. Acquires a strong relationship with the body, earth. This is what earthly life is based on. This saves a lot of trouble. Gives a chance to recognize good and evil, negative attitude.

Grounding methods:

  • meditation, relaxation;
  • close contact with the ground;
  • play of imagination;
  • exercises.

Esotericism captures, captivates. Runes, numerology, astral, mysticism fascinate with secrets and secrets. Guides help to cognize them. It is necessary to find a specialist who will not harm the subtle mental body. Will not cause destruction. Delve into the world of the unknown gradually.

Many of us are aware of the complexity of the human mind and the versatility of the psyche, but not everyone knows how they can be controlled. Humanity has always strived for self-knowledge through various teachings and secret knowledge, among which esotericism acquired the greatest fame. This ancient teaching excites the minds of many, frightens some, but, in any case, leaves no one indifferent. Today you will learn about what it is and what it can teach.

What is esotericism or we cognize the laws of the Universe

Once a person reaches a certain maximum, a critical point in his life: starts a family, moves up the career ladder, etc., and then stops in his mental development. Gradually, disturbing thoughts about the future and about his place in the world arise in his head. In those moments when such thoughts appear, in fact, a person begins to search for his Path, a true place in the Universe.

An acquaintance with the large amount of information found on the Internet, libraries and on television begins. A person, as they say, grows wings behind his back and there is a steady desire to know a miracle, but it does not happen. And then quite often there is an appeal to the esoteric teaching.

What is esotericism? This teaching arose a very long time ago, back in the time of Pythagoras, who, in fact, gave it its present name. The term "esotericism" literally means "inner territory". Many centuries ago, esoteric teaching was considered secret and only those who passed a certain rite were initiated into it. Esotericism is a spiritual teaching that is not limited to the knowledge of the material world, but includes the knowledge of the truth, of its spiritual origin.

Esotericism is, perhaps, something more than just a teaching. This is a way of knowing the world, the obligation to monitor not only the state of your physical shell, but also control over your thoughts, desires, as well as their strengthening and embodiment into reality.

Sources of esoteric knowledge

Esotericism is hidden knowledge that embodies all the age-old wisdom of people, sources of knowledge of the world, oneself and life. Knowledge that has an esoteric origin includes:

  • Astrology. The ancient doctrine of the stars, knowing which, you can predict future events and determine the quality of time by the location of the star bodies.
  • Numerology. Knowledge that makes it possible to accurately determine the chronology of certain events in a person's life, relying only on numbers that have a certain meaning in his life. Knowledge also implies the ability to determine the fate of a person by the date of his birth.
  • Palmistry / chirology. This knowledge implies the ability to read the course of a future person and his personal qualities along the lines on the palm, as well as the shape of the fingers and hands.
  • Magic. This is a very ancient teaching, knowing which, you can control the world with the help of your spirit (subtle body), developed in the learning process. Magic implies something more than reality, it is beyond the comprehensible and goes into the category of the unknown, the supernatural.
  • Yoga. The well-known Indian religious and philosophical doctrine, which implies control over the physiological and physical processes of one's body.
  • Ancient knowledge (Kabbalah, Vedas, Freemasonry, etc.). A system of ancient teachings available to the elite.
  • Tarot cards, runes. Tarot is one of the ancient systems of divination that allows you to lift the veil of the past and open the doors to the future. Runes are another divination system that developed in parallel with the Tarot cards.
  • Clairvoyance / clairaudience. Clairvoyance implies the ability to see and hear the future, using the power of your intellect and mental abilities. It is believed that clairvoyants are the owners of the "third eye", which makes it possible to see the past and look into the future, communicate with the dead, etc.
  • Feng Shui, etc. The ancient Chinese doctrine of how the forces of the earth affect a person, as well as how to use them for your own good: to attract good luck, health and wealth.

All the systems considered above are closed from public access, passed down from generation to generation for centuries and are of great interest to the common man, but at the same time they are rejected by official science (with the exception of astrology).

Esotericism is a science that embodies all these systems, which is why it is of such great practical interest.

Relationships and differences with other knowledge

At the mention of the word "esotericism" many have associations only with fortune-telling, shamanism and nothing more. In fact, initiates consider esotericism to be the science of the spiritual, although official science rejects it. In general, all knowledge existing on earth is usually divided into only three categories: Science, Religion, Esotericism. Each of the categories should be discussed separately.

So science. In the general sense of this word, it means the study of the material world through physical experiments using special devices and mathematical formulas. Yes, science has explained many physical phenomena occurring in our world, but it does not provide spiritual food and moral satisfaction. It also does not deal with spiritual matters (soul, God, etc.).

Religion. This is exclusively spiritual knowledge, which gives a person the opportunity to know true feelings, such as faith, God, love, etc. A person believes in this knowledge without any physical evidence. A person can turn to God, while feeling inspiration, a surge of strength, energy. But religion does not imply feedback and, moreover, the study of religious issues at the level of science.

Esotericism, like religion, considers spiritual issues, but goes much further, not only touching on the issues of Good and Evil, Fate, but also carefully studying them (as a science). This teaching is a kind of symbiosis of science and religion, which reveals the capabilities of a person and teaches them to use them.

Despite the obvious differences, esotericism has certain similarities with some sciences, such as psychology and philosophy. The connection between esotericism and psychology is obvious: as in psychology, esoteric teaching examines the issues of knowing oneself, the world around and finding the true place in it. Do not forget about self-hypnosis, control of your own thoughts and auto-training, which are an integral part ... no, not psychology - esotericism.

With philosophy, esotericism is simply inseparable, because it is based on an understanding of human nature, relationships, place in society and even the redirection of one's own destiny. In general, esotericism operates in philosophical terms and is built on similar principles, but more on that later.

Sometimes esotericism is mistakenly associated with magic or even occultism. The fact is that magic is only a small part of the esoteric teaching and is most often difficult to comprehend, but, nevertheless, accessible. Esotericism is knowledge that can be comprehended.

Basic principles of esoteric teaching

Regardless of which school represents esoteric teaching, it appears as knowledge based on two main "pillars": energy and spiritual laws.

In general, working with energy is the foundation of the foundations of esotericism. After all, energy is what gives a person hope, strength and the desire to strive for something. The amount and power of energy that a person possesses directly affects his ability and ability to control them. Esotericism teaches a person to accumulate energy, to keep it in himself, and if the first two goals are successfully achieved, to use the energy supply wisely.

So, the first stage is the accumulation of energy. This can be achieved through exercise. Moreover, exercise does not mean a regular trip to the rocking chair, but systematic body workouts that require the mind to be connected: the study of martial arts, yoga. Such training allows not only to strengthen the power of your body, but also to clear your mind, restore control over breathing, consciousness, etc.

During the period of energy accumulation, it is very important to control your rhythm of life. We are talking about well-defined time intervals set aside for sleep and work, constant meditation, work with your own consciousness (self-hypnosis), etc.

At the stage of saving energy, it is important to learn how to keep the energy reserve inside yourself. In this case, we are talking about controlling emotions, understanding the signals of your body that speak of a lack of energy or its excess. The main task is to learn to recognize and control your own body language, as well as to manage your psychological state.

At the stage of using the energy supply to achieve certain goals and disclose their abilities, special techniques are studied. Each esoteric school has its own, but they are based on one core - the ability to redirect your energy in order to hear, see and understand what many do not know how.

And finally, the knowledge of spiritual laws. Esotericism works with them very actively and, unlike religion, implies not just blind acceptance and faith, but also active study, as well as practical testing. It is very simple: when you feel physical damage as a result of falling into any situation (for example, a car accident, falling “out of the blue” with fractures, etc.), it means that you are wrong about something. If you are right, then you will receive a reward (this usually manifests itself in the form of success at work, in personal life, etc.).

The problem of our world is that many have forgotten how to control their subtle body and simply do not feel the energy flows. Esotericism not only describes in detail the reasons for what happened, but also teaches you to radically change the situation in your favor.

As you can see, esotericism is a rather complex, interesting teaching that requires deep and detailed study in order to understand its foundations. If you perceive yourself not just as a physical shell, but also as an energy vessel, esotericism may turn out to be exactly the knowledge that you need. Good luck!

Esoterics studies the hidden universal laws of the universe, applicable to any sphere of existence... They are called hidden for one reason: their knowledge does not lie on the surface, and their knowledge is impossible through standard research methods using logic and bodily channels of perception. Esotericism is the knowledge of the world beyond touch, smell, hearing ... To see the hidden, it is necessary to use the appropriate methods - intuition and subtle vision.

Most noticeable is the coarse and obvious. And behind the gross and more pronounced in form, the subtle fades into the background of human perception. As a result, most adults do not pay attention to information coming through subtle channels, because everything that does not receive development degrades over time.

As a child, we are more open to subtle information. But as we get older, social patterns make us more like others. And we already know exactly what is right and what is wrong; what can be and what cannot exist. The brain does not like to revise its picture of the world. Once he has accepted a model for himself, he will resist its revision, so as not to do the repetitive work. But taking something for the ultimate truth, are we not closing our way to further knowledge? It was not for nothing that Descartes spoke about the main method of knowledge - doubt. Doubt is the eternal companion of the one who seeks when extreme conviction is a cessation of existence and evolution.

The path of the esoteric is the path of the evolution of one's own soul. The laws set forth in a metaphorical form by the greatest spiritual Teachers are the Knowledge given to help humanity on this Path. These Laws are simple and complex at the same time. They are manifested both in the simple and the small, and in the complex and large. In itself, this is already a description of one of the laws of the world - the Law of Analogy, which was formulated by the ancient Initiated Thoth Hermes Trismegistus:

“What is above is similar to what is below. What is below is similar to what is above. Similar but not equal. "

For example, the solar system is similar in structure to the structure of an atom. In the center is the Sun, the nucleus of an atom, relatively motionless and heavy. Around - the planets - electrons, mobile and light. Of course, when I talk about similarity, I am not talking about absolute identity. The difference in the course of time in planetary systems and in microparticles is incredibly large. And therefore, space at different levels will manifest itself a little differently.

From left to right: an image of an atom, solar system, galaxy.

All the microparticles that make up our planet Earth, at the microcosm level, would fit into a tennis ball. People from their own level see dense matter, while from another level matter is emptiness by more than 99%. At the same time, despite such differences, all are interconnected. And every event that happened on one of the levels is reflected on all the others.

From the point of view of esotericism, atoms, like planets, represent the physical layer of reality - the world of dense matter, the knowledge of which lies in the field of tasks of official science. The essence of esotericism is in the study of subtle patterns existing in the form of energy and manifested in the metaphysical principles of the Universe. This energy is invisible, like a magnetic field, the existence of which we can infer only on the basis of observing its impact on the environment. Although the magnetic field is, again, a phenomenon derived from the world of forms.

Each person, like the planet, has a magnetic field and the physical body that gave birth to it. But a person is not only a body, right? At a minimum, everyone experiences emotions and produces mental images. And this is the space in which emotional energy moves is called. The space of thoughts, in turn, is called the mental world. And the human soul is manifested in all worlds.

Esoterics and the Phenomenon of Consciousness

Each world corresponds to a body: astral - a sensual body; to the mental, intellect. Esotericism in this context is looking for general patterns, a subtle essence that unites different layers of this multidimensional reality. Indeed, in addition to the body, emotions and thoughts, there is something else that unites this into a single system. And this is exactly what is called Consciousness.

From the point of view of esotericism, everything possesses consciousness, even stones and minerals. Therefore, to point out the difference, I write the word "Consciousness" (in the sense of self-identification) with a capital letter. Consciousness, also compared with the soul, is outside the body, emotions and logic. Moreover, it is in no way amenable to cognition from the corresponding levels. And therefore, trying to find an answer to the question "Who am I?"

Thus, we come to one of the main questions of esotericism "Who am I?" The search for an answer to this question is the eternal search for Truth. One can approach the Truth closer or move away, but in its Absolute it will never be achieved. This does not mean that it is completely unattainable. They say that in order to comprehend it, you need to become it. And even, finally, having comprehended it, it is revealed that the cognized Truth is not final, and further the path of knowledge continues. And this is another universal law - the Law of Vibration:

Nothing is at rest. Everything moves, everything vibrates.

A simple esoteric truth: where there is movement, there is development. And development is life. Death is only an illusion, the path of the soul is eternal and endless.

Esoteric can be called anyone who is able to somehow see the action of these and others, similar to them, hidden.

The esoteric sciences developed in the same way as all others, for example, physics or chemistry. If initially they were dealt with "in a complex" - a chemist quite naturally studied alchemy, an astronomer - astrology, etc., then later the paths of these sciences diverged, so that we now have to deal with many narrow disciplines. However, the boundaries between them are blurred, so that new disciplines constantly arise at their junction, and the field of esoteric sciences itself is in close contact with other areas of human knowledge, which could be united under the name of human sciences.

There are a lot of such sciences. Even their alphabetical list, from anthropology to linguistics, would take up as much space as this entire article. Nowadays, a person who decides to study one of these sciences is compelled not only to “learn more and more about less and less” (narrow specialization), but also constantly turn to “neighboring” sciences. So, a psychiatrist often has to study sociology, and pedagogy, and philosophy, and an astrologer can not do without palmistry, graphology or Tarot.

To get to know better esoteric sciences , for convenience, we will divide them into three groups. At first, these are disciplines that use objective data about a person, that is, those parameters that he himself cannot change: date of birth, shape and lines of the palm, handwriting, etc. These disciplines include, first of all, astrology, graphology and chirology (palmistry), as well as fingerprinting, which, in essence, is nothing more than one of the branches of chirology.

This also includes phrenology (establishing character by the bulges of the skull), physiognomy (the same for facial features), as well as numerology - determining character and predicting fate by the numerical values ​​of the letters of the name and numbers of the date of birth.

These are also related to non-occult disciplines that also use objective data: forensics, paralinguistics (the study of facial expressions, gestures) and many diagnostic techniques - for example, iridology, which determines the state of health by the iris of the eye. Ultimately, psychiatry should also be included here, the conclusions of which are also based on objective manifestations of the personality - reactions, statements, etc., which are quite difficult to simulate.

The second group of occult sciences operates subjective data, that is, the material that a person provides about himself. These are mainly some images of the subconscious that the person himself usually does not know how to interpret; here the specialist acts as a "decoder". This includes all mantic disciplines, that is, various methods of divination.

There are a lot of fortune-telling methods, ranging from fortune-telling on cards, sticks or coffee grounds and ending with the exotic methods of ancient and semi-wild peoples who predicted the fate of the flight of birds, cracks in the tortoise shell, or the nature of the smoke rising from the altar. In fact, you can guess on anything, because the answer to the question is already contained in the subconscious of the questioner, otherwise the question itself would not have arisen. Divine symbols only help make this answer understandable.

The interpretation of dreams (oneirology) is also included in this group, since dreams do not belong to the objective, but to the subjective world. This should also include Kabbalistic numerology, which studies random combinations of letters and numbers. From the side of the non-occult sciences, psychology adjoins the mantic disciplines, which is also engaged in the study of the data that a person gives about himself, communicating something, and hiding something. These signs of psychology are most clearly expressed in Freud's psychoanalysis. It is clear that psychological tests that are so widespread today also belong to this category.

And finally, the third group of occult sciences - magical sciences, the main goal of which is not the study of a person's character and not the prediction of fate, but the impact on both. Magic was practiced by both professionals (priests, sorcerers, shamans) and ordinary people. The three wise men, who, according to the Gospel legend, came to worship the baby Jesus, were also none other than the Babylonian magicians who learned about the birth of the Savior from observing the firmament.

There are several types of magic, differing in purposes and methods of influence. Professional magic has long been subdivided into white (theurgy) and black (sorcery, witchcraft). The difference between them is rather ethical than technical: if the first is aimed at reducing evil in the world, then the second has the opposite goal.

Natural or "folk" magic is simply an integral part of our life. "Any action done intentionally is already magic," said Aleister Crowley and was right, because a person's awareness of his intention already causes changes in the world around him, facilitating the implementation of this intention, if it does not violate the cosmic balance, or complicating, if it violates ...

We list just some of the esoteric directions:

- bioenergy
- cosmoenergy
- anthroposophy
- living ethics (Agni yoga)
- Reiki
- Kabbalah
- channeling
- I Ching
- theosophy
- runic magic
- astrology
- palmistry
- tarot cards
- numerology
- extrasensory perception
- Feng Shui
- Qigong
- Fourth way
- Taoism
- Dianetics
- and etc.

Eniology(enio - "energy-information exchange" + logos - science, doctrine) - a new integral science about energy-information exchange in nature and society, in the center of which there is a man with all his properties and abilities; the science of energy-information exchange in the Universe, the study of the laws of interconnection between the earthly and other civilizations, man and the Absolute, Earth and man. This is a new complex interdisciplinary science about unknown phenomena of nature and society (for example, torsion fields and UFOs) and their scientific interpretation as a result of rethinking modern natural science positions and many thousand years of human experience in the world of subtle interactions of living objects and inert matter.

Eniology is based on the concept of the existence of a cosmic information field that connects everything in the Universe and on Earth. The object of her research is the substances that form matter: matter, energy, information.

The peculiarity of eniology is that it uses both logical and imaginative thinking, the extrasensory capabilities of a person in understanding the world, seeks to scientifically explain and reveal esoteric knowledge, make it as accessible as possible to different segments of the population and practically use the newly acquired knowledge in the interests of humanity.

Distinguish the following eniological infections :

- Consensus. The simplest and least harmful for a person is the "slap". How it turns out can be judged by the name. A joke can easily be directed at a person with a not careful, envious thought, hidden ill will, slyness, perhaps a rude word. The joke goes away on its own, but it takes from one hour to a year.
- Damn it. This type of influence on a person is similar to a joke, but its consequences are much stronger, it is impossible to get rid of it yourself, and this influence does not go away by itself. You need to contact a specialist. A curse sometimes arises when one person actively, in his soul or verbally, wished harm to another.
- Damage. In terms of the degree of impact on the human body, damage is much stronger than the evil word and curse. Corruption cannot occur spontaneously. More often this is a specially performed ritual, which has as its purpose to harm a person. Less often, damage can occur in the case of illiterately performed religious rituals, if the qualifications of the priest are low, or he has neglected his duties.
- Coding. This is the introduction of alien programs into the subtle-energy structure of a person. To encode a person means using special techniques to force him to do what he should not and does not want to do. Moreover, this is not necessarily a magical effect. You can also encode a person using purely psychological techniques. In particular, NLP methods. A special case of coding is a love spell. A person is hung with a program of sexual interaction with someone with whom he initially did not intend to interact and did not want to.
- Zombie ... Zombification, in contrast to coding, is the removal from a person of his own programs, turning him into a kind of “biorobot”. The training of suicide bombers is a special case of zombie coding. A person's own programs - marriage, parenting, work, creative programs - are withdrawn. All that remains is the program of serving the idea. Moreover, in this case, zombies are also performed only with the use of exclusively psychological techniques. Another particular case of zombification is the so-called "crown of celibacy" - the withdrawal of the marriage program from a woman. But this can only be done with a magical ritual.
- Energy outflows ... Actually, this is not even an eniological infection, but what is called psychological vampirism. An energetically weakened, sick, insecure person who does not have a solid support in life either provokes another into a scandal in order to get a portion of energy from him, albeit not of the best quality (solar vampirism), or endlessly complains about his problems, “weeps in vest ", trying to evoke sympathy (lunar vampirism). You have probably come across such people more than once. After a scandal or after you have given out a portion of sympathy, you feel as if squeezed out, de-energized, while your interlocutor clearly perked up. This suggests that he received his portion of energy.

Channeling- this is receiving information from the "Higher Mind" through the "channel" through the "earthly man", providing a "communication channel" to superhuman entities.

Channeling has existed in human spiritual culture for a very long time. It was widespread in all pagan and shamanistic religions of the world - from America and Australia to Greece and Africa. Shamans who went to the world of spirits, and priests who summoned the gods, asked them a variety of questions and received answers, which were then put into verbal form.

The content of any religion and any esoteric teaching can be received by a person only from the carriers of the Highest Reason. The higher mind reveals to man something that was previously unknown. He can materialize a sacred book for people or incarnate in a visible form and personally teach people. Or it may be like this: the Higher Mind (be it God, or the spirit of the planet, or the Teacher) chooses an intermediary from among people and through him turns to the rest of humanity.

The shaman, falling into a trance, “speaks with the spirits” and conveys their instructions to his fellow tribesmen. The prophet sees the "heavenly book" and makes extracts from it. Another prophet “hears an inner voice” and writes to his dictation. The medium temporarily lends his body to the “spirit-mentor”. Back in his body, the medium learns that he has just given a two-hour lecture or typed several pages of text. All of this is channeling in a broad sense.

"The fourth way" - the system of possible human evolution, known to us thanks to Georgy Ivanovich Gurdjieff and his students.

The "Fourth Way" combines elements of the other three classical ways of "awakening" ("the path of the fakir", "the path of the monk" and the "path of the yogi"). Gurdjieff himself called his teaching "esoteric Christianity."

Taoism- Chinese traditional teaching, including elements of religion, mysticism, fortune-telling, shamanism, meditation practice, science.

Taoism is a teaching about the great Tao, the universal Law and the Absolute. Tao has many meanings, it is an endless movement. Tao in Taoism is a kind of law of being, the cosmos, the universal unity of the world. Tao reigns everywhere and in everything, always and without limits. Tao gives origin, name and form to everything in the world. Even the great Heaven follows the Tao.

Taoism sets before a person the task of achieving the fusion of his soul with the world order of Tao. How can such a merger be achieved? The answer to this question is contained in Taoism - the teachings of Tao.

Dianetics Is a modern science of the mind, helping to restore its full potential, as well as to realize that a person is not his body or mind, but is nothing more than a spiritual being.

The goal of Dianetics is to help a person achieve the state of Clear (from English for "pure, clear"). This is the state in which all negative influences are devoid of power and no longer dominate a person.

Initially, a person is not sick, stupid, vicious, incapable. All this he gets as a result of the painful influence of the environment. This impact is recorded in the mind and then can affect both the mind and the body of a person, moreover, negatively. Such moments form chains and the earlier moments on the chain make the later ones stronger, which in turn empower the earlier ones. The earliest moments can go far into a person's past lives. Dianetics is designed to help a person discover such moments and take away their power over him. This is done through communication. Anyone who receives a Dianetic procedure is not put into trance, hypnosis, shock, anesthesia, and so on. Common mental abilities are used, such as the ability to remember.

The result is an increase in intelligence, absence of diseases, depression, energy, excellent memory, intelligence and the ability to achieve much more in life than an ordinary person can imagine, an incredibly high degree of resistance to any pressure from the outside and a happy, successful life. Clear cannot be called "normal", since the current level of the average normal person compared to Clear is the level of a bitten apple compared to an orchard. A clear is a person with his initial enormous potential, which is available to him and which can be used at will.

Qigong does not belong to a religious direction, is not associated with ideology, but rather a science of Life in the broadest sense. Qigong Is a holistic system of knowledge and methods of practice, which includes exercises, meditation and different breathing methods aimed at human development, his recovery and treatment, expansion of consciousness, understanding of his life tasks and his mission. Qigong also promotes the development of the energy body. Through qigong practice, a person establishes close energetic contact with the flow of the Earth Force, which is one of the key prerequisites for success in spiritual development.

Qigong is silence in which all contrasts and conventions disappear. In this silence lies a volcano of activity that erupts. Not rest in rest, but rest in motion is true rest.

Qigong practice is available for people of all ages and health conditions, and no artificial measures are required to change lifestyle, daily routine or diet.

I Ching, or "The Book of Changes" deals with the space around us, in which information is encoded using the Yin and Yang lines and 8 trigrams in 64 hexagrams based on them. The I Ching is a means by which one can not only understand the language of the universe and thus gain access to information about the future. Each hexagram represents a certain message - the fortuneteller's skill consists in the ability to correctly formulate a question and decipher the answer.

Feng Shui(literal translation "water of the wind") is a part of ancient Chinese philosophy, the basis of which is nature. Quite often, feng shui is identified as a form of a certain kind of prediction based on geographic features. However, this ancient Chinese teaching mainly studies the relationship between nature and aims to create such living conditions so that we can live in harmony with the environment.

Feng Shui is nothing more than the art of harmony. Based on the doctrine of energies, or, as is customary in Chinese culture, the doctrine of life force - Qi, Feng Shui teaches to competently and harmoniously organize the flows of this energy inside and outside, in your body, soul and in your life.

Feng Shui calls for living in harmony with nature and not in any way the other way around. Such a position in life will not only benefit the person, but also the environment around us. Philosophical teachings also reveal that our lives are deeply affected by physical and emotional conditions. If we surround ourselves with symbols of death, contempt, and indifference to life and nature, as well as noise and various forms of ugliness, then we will begin to destroy ourselves. If we surround ourselves with beauty, gentleness, kindness, sympathy, music, as well as various expressions of the sweetness of life, thereby we will ennoble not only ourselves, but also the environment around us.

Those who understand the teachings of feng shui know about the five basic elements and about the two types of energy - chi and sha (sha is energy, the opposite of chi), they can detect the flows of these metaphysical types of energy and direct their flows in the most optimal way. Today feng shui has become a kind of architectural acupuncture: specialists in this ancient Chinese teaching, when creating landscapes or constructing buildings, use special "metaphysical sensors" in order to detect the flow of good and bad "energy". Feng Shui experts talk about which side of the world the bath should be located, how the doorways should be located, where the mirrors should hang, and where it is strictly forbidden to hang them. And also, feng shui experts will tell you about which of the rooms you need to place green plants, and which one must definitely put red flowers, which side of the world the head of the bed should "look" to, and so on. They make their recommendations based on how they feel the flow of chi energy, depending on the electromagnetic fields, or guided by a completely different form of energy, depending on what specific goals are pursued by the customer. For example, if you and your loved one are having problems in the bedroom, then you should call a feng shui specialist. Most likely, he will advise you to move a few things in the bedroom, or even the bed, so that the chi energy can move in a certain, correct way. Only a person with special knowledge and instruments can give you complete and correct advice on what changes need to be made.

In general, the teaching of feng shui has recently become quite popular in the west, according to its postulates, a large number of interiors are being designed. Today, feng shui specialists provide services, while the cost of such services is quite high. Even famous people like Donald Trump use feng shui specialists to properly install doors in the house and determine the places for various things.

Feng Shui specialists use the I Ching predictive system. One of the applications I Ching- this is a check with its help of Feng Shui of an apartment or a house: by asking certain questions in a special way, the specialist receives precise instructions in what place the problem is. Each of the lines means a certain room and, evaluating the elements of each line, their strength in the day and month of fortune-telling, collisions and mergers of animals, you can easily and quickly determine the area of ​​the apartment that needs to be corrected from the point of view of feng shui.

Reiki- a system of natural healing through the laying on of hands. Reiki is a Japanese word with two syllables. The syllable "Rei" denotes the versatility of the method, this is the level of Spirit and Soul. Ki stands for vital energy. Thus, Reiki is the universal life energy.

The universe around us is filled with this energy. This energy source gives us life. Reiki is a natural healing energy. It flows in a powerful concentrated form through the hands of the one who transmits Reiki. The use of Reiki promotes healing and harmonization of spirit, soul and body.

The Reiki healer does not give his energy to the patient. A healer is a conductor of divine cosmic energy. It is transmitted through the healer without any effort on his part. The Reiki healer does not take on the burden of the patient's karma, since healing is not given by the healer, but by Reiki itself. The dose, flow rate, nature of action, organ or system that needs healing are determined by this energy itself. It penetrates various materials: clothing, bandages, plaster casts, etc.

Tarot- a system of knowledge known to mankind since ancient times. This is a system of ideas about the hidden laws that govern the world and the life of every person. The Tarot system is so universal as a tool for understanding the world that it is credited with an unearthly origin.

Fortune telling on tarot cards is a very ancient occupation, and there is no such nation on earth that would not know fortune-telling. At all times, I wanted to know what will happen in the future, what awaits a person, and this desire is very natural, just like water, food, clothing, shelter. However, only the body can suffer thirst and hunger, forcing a person to seek means of satisfying them, then the uncertainty of the future is painful for the spirit and there is nothing worse than uncertainty, say the proverbs of many nations.

Fortune telling by Tarot cards is the oldest and most popular card system in Europe. Until now, many serious researchers of this art continue endless debates about where and when the Tarot deck first appeared in its traditional form (22 Major cards and 56 Minor cards).

The overwhelming majority of researchers agree that the sources of knowledge that are hidden in the Arkans should be sought in the mysteries of Ancient Egypt - the ancestral home of the main secret cults of Europe. Be that as it may, ancient Europe, then medieval, and later modern, became the heir to old knowledge, sometimes not even really understanding what treasure it possesses.

Sephirothic magic is an Atlantean invention, borrowing the basic theory from their creators, the Jetuns. It is based on the use of the consciousness of the Earth to carry out influences within the framework of our planet. Investigating the consciousness of the Earth, the magicians of Atlantis discovered ten energy centers (sephir), which were connected by twenty-two channels (the Great Arcana of the Tarot). Trying to influence the world around them with their consciousness, magicians found out that interaction occurs much more intensely if the magician's consciousness resonates with one of the energy channels or with the sephira. The thought of the magician, tuned to a certain frequency, could be imbued with energy passing through the channel, which made it more material. But besides this, the use of the energy of the channels influenced the type of impact itself - the energy of each channel was capable of producing only a certain type of work. Having studied this process in more detail, the magicians of Atlantis have found 22 states of human consciousness, corresponding to the frequencies of the channels of consciousness of the Earth.

After that, various ways were created to tune a person's consciousness to these states. For the most part, these were devices that alter the state of human consciousness with the help of external energetic influences. But after the death of Atlantis, most of these devices disappeared without a trace. And then the setting tables of the Arcana were created - a description of the sequence of actions, as a result of which a person came to the desired state.

Later, these instructions were encrypted in the Tarot Cards. In the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, descriptions of actions that shift a person in one of the four Elements to a certain position are encrypted.

Tune in to the energies of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the magician is able to produce an effect characteristic of this Arcana. For example, the 15th lasso can be used to attract material values ​​or increase the energy of the "silver thread"; 13 lasso in order to kill someone; 17 lasso for healing; 5 lasso for controlling the consciousness of people, etc.

Bioenergy - a scientific discipline that studies energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc. (Dictionary of Natural Sciences.)

Bioenergy - (1) a discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations in the process of the existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole; (2) the branch of knowledge about a single information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity. (Encyclopedia of Esotericism)

Almost all people think: "Bioenergy is something like extrasensory abilities, which are possessed by exceptionally gifted people." People, having seen an evil person, reasonably believe that his energy is also evil, bad, and only something bad, negative should be expected from him. For example, evil eye or corruption, "energy vampirism" (energy selection) and similar things. A kind person radiates goodness, often serves as a battery, he is ready to give energy.

Although the concept of bioenergy has entered our everyday life, it has remained completely incomprehensible. Every housewife, every schoolchild who sometimes watches TV can explain that each of us has some kind of shell - an aura - maybe even several of them. They will also say that the aura can be healthy, or it can be sick. Everyone wants to have a healthy aura.

Usually the aura extends to a distance of 10-15 cm from the physical body and consists of a number of energy layers, which are called energy bodies, or "subtle bodies".

In scientific bioenergy, the aura is usually called biofield, or bioenergy. It is this energy that is used in many types of esoteric teachings. It is called differently, for example, ki, qi, khi, prana, etc. In physical terms, it is an electromagnetic shell (electromagnetic radiation of different ranges) of the human body. This type of energy directly depends on the health and well-being of the physical body, in addition, bioenergy is consumed quite quickly, to replenish it, you need to perform certain exercises for its recruitment and accumulation.

The nature of the bioenergy field has already been studied quite well in scientific circles. But there is a certain mass of people who consider this to be quackery. Most scientists have the following point of view: the bioenergy field is the carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergy field organizes the existence and life of matter.

If we consider the individual energy-informational field, it is a part of the unified energy-informational field of the Universe. In a very simple way, everyone has their own field. It is influenced by the surrounding world, but it also itself affects the surrounding world.

In esoteric bioenergy, three types of mystical energies are distinguished: bioenergy, psi-energy and cosmic energy.

Bioenergy- this is the energy of the etheric body, thermal and electromagnetic energy released during the life of the organism. Prana, qi, chi Bioenergy is the energy of the etheric body, thermal and electromagnetic energy released during the life of the organism. Prana, qi, chi - are called differently depending on the tradition.

Here we are talking about weak physical fields that exist around any living organism and do not represent anything mysterious. These fields are created by the physically dense, etheric, astral and first mental bodies of the entity. Each organ (cells) has its own structure and a set of material bodies. Their activity is monitored by devices and can be detected by extrasensory examination.

But there is another field - the psi-field generated by the brain of a person or animal, which controls all the functions of the body.

The physical, etheric, astral and first mental bodies of the organism create one system, which is a living organism, living matter, life ... Life stops when this system is destroyed and life appears when it arises. A special place in this living system is occupied by nerve cells, more precisely, the nerve center - the brain ...

Psi energy (aka mental) - This is energy "charged with some information", for example, thoughts. Bioenergy- it is the vital energy of the organism, which feeds both the body and the psi energy. The only difference between them is that psi-energy contains some information, and bioenergy is, so to speak, pure energy that can be used for anything. Bioenergy is the energy of the body, and psi energy is the energy of the senses.

A simplified view - the biofield and the psi-field are not separated; believe that there is one field called the biofield or psi-field.

Cosmic energy - this is a special invisible light - electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 1023 hertz, a wavelength of 10-14 meters. In a special way, he strongly influences all creatures and conveys a lot of information in himself.

People knew about the biofield in the distant past. Since the biofield cannot be seen with a simple eye, in order to display the fact of its existence, a halo was depicted in ancient drawings, a glow indicating that invisible that surrounds the human body. Quite controversial is the assumption of the existence of diseases transmitted by energy. Nobody can confirm or deny this fact with great certainty. Higher, subtle energy forms rather even concentric spheres around the human body.

Many claim to see the human aura. Looking thoughtfully at the person, they shake their heads and say: “One has a black aura, another has a blue one,” and so on.

A person who does not know how to independently replenish energy reserves is forced to resort to the help of others. Either this is an unethical method - the selection of energy (vampirism), or understanding the laws of the Universe and the ability to interact with them.

There is also the bioenergy of things. The energy of the material inherent in the object plays an important role. Secondly, the energy of the person who made the thing (induced energy). After purchasing any thing, the energy of the subject will be either negative or positive. It depends on the good or bad thoughts, wishes that accompanied the transfer of the given subject.

Any thing in itself is not "bad" carrying destructive energy. One or another charge is carried only by the feelings, thoughts of the person who gave us, sold or produced this thing. One way or another, we come to the conclusion that almost everything depends on the person himself, on his thoughts, on his feelings, on the attitude towards himself and others. Every person has a bioenergy field. Every second of our lives we influence our environment with our behavior.

In the social sphere, bionergetics is represented by egregor. Egregor- This is an independent energetic entity with some intelligence, about the same level as insects. Those. the creature is not intelligent, but following certain rules of behavior. Egregors are created by people themselves, and their strength depends on the number of people and their coherence. When several people begin to believe in something, or follow some idea, they create an egregor that absorbs the energy they release, and can also give it back. People usually call Egregor "team spirit", they feel that something dominates over them. The larger the team, and the more it experiences strong emotions, the larger and stronger the egregor. Egregor will try to prevent the disintegration of the team, and, if possible, will help to increase its composition.

When everyone, or each individual member of one interest, is attracted to this interest, or are very happy about any achievements in this area, they give energy to the egregor. When a person gets pleasure from interest, he enjoys it - he gets energy. Through energy flows egregor "pulls the strings": he regularly reminds of interest, pushes to release emotions, as it is beneficial for him. To get out of the egregor, you need to lose interest, which is not so easy - the egregor will prevent this.

To save energy, you need to reduce its consumption, and this point includes egregors: you need to learn how to enter and exit them and not allow them to influence you. Influence is very easy to track - it’s a craving for an activity that motivates you to do it, such as watching a TV series, listening to music, going to concerts, and so on. Of course, almost all activities cause addiction in other ways, but also without egregors, the matter is not complete here. Having found the craving, get rid of it with a clear understanding that you are in control of yourself, and that you do not need this occupation now. Lose interest in him, find various reasons for this: for example, the series is too simulated, at a concert you are prevented from listening to extraneous noises, and so on. Thus, you can enter and exit the egregors. Remember that when you penetrate into the atmosphere, you get pleasure - you are charged from the egregor, so you can enter the egregor when you need energy, and leave it when you no longer need it.

In addition to the release of energy, egregor can influence other people, because, as already mentioned, this is the simplest organism, and we can also influence it in the same way as it does to us. The simplest method is with the help of belief in something that is within the scope of interest, i.e. “Powers” ​​of egregor. All people included in the egregor are connected through this egregor. Do not forget that people themselves create egregor and fill it with their energy, and therefore its meaning is simple - to be a connecting element, to give energy from the general reserves when it is necessary for someone. In order not to create egregors, it is not necessary to make interests into cults.

What is esotericism is the topic of this article. I will tell you what it means to be esoteric and exoteric. I will show with simple examples what can be achieved in life by studying and comprehending esoteric knowledge.

This is my topic, I work in it and work every day. I have already accumulated knowledge, I want to share my experience with you.

Esotericism is the inner essence of a person. The body of knowledge about the nature of people, about their purpose. You can consider esotericism as something closed to the uninitiated, some mystical teachings of secret content, something otherworldly, or you can just ponder the meaning of the word Esoterica - where Ezo is insulation, and terra is earth, something hidden or hidden underground. Those. NSZoteric is everything mystical inside a person, which is not his physical structure.

All esoteric teachings are built on incarnations, that is, on incarnation here and now and on reincarnation, that is, re-incarnation. Of course, modern science and religion will reject reincarnation, but for esotericists this is in the order of things, since all our incarnations are associated with karma. What is karma?

What is Karma in esotericism?

Let's try to answer this question. Karma in esotericism- this is the baggage of events, deeds, sins, manifested as energy, which as a train reaches for a person and pursues him in incarnations or incarnations.

For example, one person lives easily and simply, which means he has pure karma. Another person has already been born sick or an orphan, or is subject to constant restrictions. It's all about the karma that we brought with us to this incarnation.

Esoteric laws operate according to the principle of the law of conservation of energy. And if one person inflicts sinful harm on another, commits a criminal act, then in the next incarnation he becomes a victim of such an act and works off karma. If a person has destroyed another's house, then he will be born homeless. Harmed the health of another, will be born sick. If he took someone else's, he will be a beggar. He harmed nature or enriched himself by destroying natural resources, then he will be born somewhere in Africa in the desert to learn to protect nature, etc.

What is enlightenment in esotericism?

If during life a person monitors his energy state, in other words, does not sin, but is engaged in esotericism for the purpose of self-development, then he reaches a certain state - enlightenment.

In ancient Russia, your lordship or your excellency spoke about such people. Because the person's etheric body shone.

Now you will not find such people. Too much esoteric knowledge has been lost. In our world, it is customary to go and ask: if about health, then to the doctor, if about God or soul, go to the priest, mullah or rabbi. In addition, there are schools, institutes and all this completely rejects natural science as a science. Esotericism for these structures is nonsense, Satanism, stupidity, lies.

Thus, the modern world order is a slave-owning system, zealously keeping its foundations, carefully hiding esoteric and exoteric knowledge.

If everyone is literate, then how to make money on them?

But just as the rising of the sun cannot be stopped, so the growing interest in esotericism cannot be stopped. Now there is a turning point, and knowledge is like a fire near which you want to warm your soul, not your body. Various constructions arise, religious, mystical, theological, esoteric. They arise as randomly as you like, reflexively, situationally. This is yoga, and meditation, and dreams with leaving the body, and places of power, and chakras, and all sorts of Slavic movements.

All this is happening in our time, right now. This is how nature comes to life after hibernation and begins to grow a kind of garden with burdocks, thorns, flowers, weeds and everything interspersed, and what is just not there. There is no clear system, no foundation. Affects the lack of ancient knowledge stolen from people by the ruling pseudo-elite.

As a result of the destruction of knowledge about our existence, by destroying the traditions of our ancestors, continuous wars that humanity waged with each other, for no apparent reason, but for the sake of the "nobility", the rewriting of history, all this gave rise to chaos in the souls of people.

How to find the necessary esoteric knowledge?

There are quite a few esoteric teachings now. It is often difficult for a person, and sometimes it is impossible to understand all the intricacies of the teaching at once. And sometimes people are hooked like a fish, becoming hostages of pseudo-teaching. Most people don't even grasp the essence of this or that teaching, they just follow the teacher. They go to seminars, coaching, to places of power.

And here I want to draw your attention to the fact that you need to ask yourself the right questions before starting to study and comprehend anything.

  • First of all, it is necessary for the soul, through its inner state, to pass information. This is the most important thing so that everything that you hear from a guru, teacher, trainer lies inside you in an understandable way. I have a course "Learning esotericism online", you can learn more about it. Here's an introductory video, watch it now for FREE

Esoterics training FREE

  • During training, comprehension of esoteric knowledge you should be pleasant, interesting, exciting. As children run with passion into the yard to play with friends, so you should have a burning desire to comprehend and walk next to the person who brings you knowledge.
  • Anything you hear you have to check. Do not blindly trust anyone. The more curious, inquisitive approach you have, the more benefit you will bring to yourself. In my classes, I always cite many examples from life, I tell the stories of clients how someone and what has changed in life after training. And at the same time, I ask you to check all my techniques on yourself, be sure.

Got homework in which you need to remove 5 headaches for people - remove 10 and see how the laws of the universe work. You need to practice with changing the mood of your colleagues - train and make sure that the technique works and that now your enemy has become loyal to you. Although my students often tell me that they are not just loyal enemies, but want to immediately communicate, help, be friends. "Wonders!" someone will say. But no, just knowledge and the right technique, everyone can master it pretty quickly.

  • Ask yourself questions:“Why do you need to study esotericism at all? What specific tasks do you want to solve with its help? " This will determine your success.I always ask my students to clearly formulate and write on a piece of paper what specifically you want to work out in yourself in the classroom.

How to solve problems using esotericism

After training, everyone gets exactly what he wanted from me. If there is no goal, but only curiosity, then just satisfy it.)) If the goal is more concretized, “I want to find a soul mate, having worked through the problematic moments that interfere with this” or “I want to earn 3 times at the end of my studies more "or" I want to get rid of lower back pain. " Learning will help you achieve exactly your goal and it always works that way!

Esotericism implies communication with your inner organization. She gives you the answers hidden inside each person, you just have to learn to listen and hear yourself.

If you are going to a place of power, ask yourself why, what will it give you, what do you want to learn from this trip, how you see yourself now and upon arrival. Maybe you shouldn't go?

Some are interested in how to develop their own or parapsychological abilities. Those. how to jump over your head and become a super-human. In esotericism, first of all, you need to come to terms with your inner world. First you need to develop your sensory quality, and then only psychic. First, their psychological abilities, and then parapsychological. On the course "Learning esotericism online" we comprehend knowledge gradually, step by step we go to ourselves.

You can start changing now. Live according to your conscience, organize your thoughts, find the answer to the question of who you are. Esotericism is the path to oneself.

God created such an algorithm by which we are born, develop, cognize ourselves and the world around us. You all know that at the moment of conception there are two fluids from dad and mom, and in a fairly short time a person grows up with complex systems - nervous, vascular, endocrine, lymphatic, organs, bones, and this is a colossal amount of information and it is stored in one cell.

When a child grows up, he is busy with self-knowledge and knowledge of the world around him, but then he is sent to a kindergarten, school, vaccinated, fed from fields treated with pesticides, he was christened or cut off, in general, driven into frames, put on blinkers, turned into a controlled, dependent, intimidated essence and forced to work all my life. This is how the image is replaced and little of the divine remains in a person.

The path of knowing oneself is the path of knowing God and only the one who walks can master it. Let's get on the course! In this article, I described in detail what esotericism is, I hope it will be useful to you.If you have any questions, please contact me personally

I, Manoilo Oksana, are a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my site.

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