Plan on the topic of internal politics of the Russian Federation. Domestic policy of the state

Countries are about maintaining connections and stability within and outside the country. The importance of both aspects government activities cannot be overstated. Domestic policy provides support for the government course, promotes peace and harmony, and forms the integrity of the state.

The essence of the concept

Any state strives for self-preservation, development and stability. Therefore, policies aimed at maintaining order in the country and uniting peoples in the world have a long history. Domestic policy as one of the most important functions of the state arises along with this social institution. In a global sense, this concept refers to the activities of the state to establish, maintain or reform the socio-political system through solving problems of a social, economic, and cultural order. Domestic policy is designed to perform the following functions: organize the economic component, maintain the country in a state of stability, establish social justice in the distribution of benefits and rational, safe use resources of the country, maintain law and order and maintain the unity of the state.

The importance of the state's internal policy

Any state relies on its people when carrying out reforms aimed at developing the country and ensuring its integrity. Domestic policy in this case is a condition for the population's satisfaction with their government. Only people who feel the state cares about them are ready to work for its benefit and connect their future with it. Human capital is the main wealth of a country, and people require care.

This is the highest significance of domestic policy. A satisfied population will help the power achieve high results in foreign policy and in the implementation of the most ambitious plans. Internal and foreign policy, are thus closely interrelated. They influence each other and their results affect all areas of life of the population and the state. For the population of the country, domestic policy must be understandable and relatable, only then will it be successful and supported. Therefore, the state must establish special communication relationships with the population in order to communicate goals and plans.

Principles of domestic policy

The state, in pursuing its course, relies on the main law - the Constitution. In addition, domestic policy is based on several principles:

  • the state always and in everything protects the dignity of the individual;
  • the implementation of the rights and freedoms of one person should not violate the constitutional guarantees of other people;
  • citizens of the country have the right to participate in governing the country both independently and through their representatives in government;
  • all people are equal before the law and court;
  • the state always guarantees the equality of citizens regardless of any circumstances, for example, place of residence, race, gender, income, etc.

The internal policy of the state is built on the foundation of morality, justice and humanism. The authorities put the interests of their people above all else and strive to create the most comfortable living conditions for them.

Domestic policy structure

Numerous challenges facing internal politics, lead to the complexity of its structure. In general, it is divided into two areas: activities at the national level and actions at the regional level. These areas have different resources: primarily financial, as well as their own areas of responsibility.

In addition, such areas of domestic policy are traditionally distinguished as economic, social, national, demographic and the sphere of strengthening statehood. There are attempts to identify smaller areas, but in general this typology well reflects the main goals and zones of influence of the state within the country. All directions are even documented and visible in the structure of government bodies of the country and regional regions. Other areas may also be highlighted, for example, security environment, military, agricultural, cultural and law enforcement policies.

Strengthening statehood as a basis for domestic policy

Preserving the integrity and unity of the state is one of the most important tasks that domestic policy solves. This is especially important in large, multinational countries, like Russia, for example. Preventing national hatred and separatist attempts to separate individual regions into independent political subjects is very important, especially today, in times of growing national consciousness among small nations. Keeping a region, like Catalonia in Spain, within a country requires complex actions at many different levels. This area also includes the promotion of national values, symbols and history. The state implements this function together with the media and various social institutions.

Economic policy

The most important is the economic domestic policy, which guarantees the stability of the country. Ensuring free competition and strict implementation of antimonopoly legislation is one of the aspects of economic policy. An important part is maintaining the stability of the financial system; this aspect includes the formation of the budget and control of its execution, as well as assistance to the national currency and assistance to business development in the country. The main indicators for economic policy are the size of the GDP of the state’s external debt. The policy also stimulates the renewal and modernization of the country’s production capacity, creates favorable conditions for attracting investment, and regulates tax legislation. The country must create conditions for entrepreneurs who want to start their own business, as well as promote the retention of young professionals and highly qualified personnel.

Social politics

The Department of Internal Policy is most often associated with social policy. It is, indeed, one of the most important, since it directly concerns every person in the state and is felt by the inhabitants of the country every day. The state must provide the population with an acceptable standard of living, focusing on the protection of socially disadvantaged groups: orphans, disabled people, single parents, pensioners, and the unemployed. An important part of social policy is protecting the health of citizens, which includes the organization of qualified medical care, providing those in need with medicines, organizing sanatorium treatment, monitoring the quality of food and the cleanliness of the environment. Social policy also includes regulation of disparities in incomes of the population, mitigation of the consequences social inequality. In addition, it includes regulation of the education sector, the creation of a system of preschool and school education, and control of their quality. Often the social sphere includes the work of the state in the field of culture and ecology.

Population policy

The size of the population, its natural increase and decrease is a matter of concern for the state. It controls the demography in the country, strives to achieve an optimal balance between different age groups, the number of citizens born and dying. For example, for Russia it is important to increase the birth rate, since there is a decrease in the working-age population, while in China, on the contrary, it needs to be reduced due to too rapid population growth. Solving demographic problems is impossible only by changing legislation. Here it is necessary to carry out propaganda work and use material mechanisms of influence.

National politics

The state's internal policy pays great attention to the problems of relations between people of different nationalities and religions. Especially today, when interethnic conflicts are becoming more acute. The importance of government activity in this area is only growing. Russia's domestic policy is aimed primarily at restoring friendly relations between people of different ethnic groups and cultures. It is also very important for the government to regulate migration processes that can provoke conflicts. Therefore, anticipating and warning them in time is the goal of national policy. The task of the state is to create favorable conditions for the life of all citizens, regardless of their nationality, to stop possible discrimination based on race and to promote the development of cultures and languages ​​of the peoples living in the country.

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Lesson objectives:

  1. To familiarize students with the main features of the domestic policy of the Russian Federation in 2000-2008, the main results of the presidency of V.V. Putin;
  2. contribute to the formation of students’ ideas about the socio-political processes and events of 2000-2008, about the main trends in the socio-political development of Russia;
  3. promote the development of analytical thinking, the ability to work with historical sources, quotes, express your point of view and argue for it;
  4. promote a sense of responsibility for one’s deeds, actions, and words.


  • Zagladin N.V., Kozlenko S.I. History of Russia and the world. 10-11 grade. M.: Russian word. 2007.
  • Student messages.
  • PC, screen, projector.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson form: combined.

The lesson lasts 2 hours (pair).

In the previous lesson, students received advanced tasks:

– group No. 1 (2 people) – prepare a report on the biography of V.V. Putin;

– group No. 2 (2 people) – make a selection of aphorisms (“Putinisms”) by V.V. Putin;

- other students - find out the opinions of parents, relatives, neighbors about the period of V.V.’s presidency. Putin: the beginning of the presidency, results.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Formation of motivation and determination of lesson goals.

  1. Rise to power.
  2. Second Chechen campaign.
  3. Major reforms and projects.
  4. Public opinion.
  5. Results of the presidency.

Basic concepts: Chechen campaign, concept of sovereign democracy, “Putinism”, federal district, “sovereign democracy”, nanotechnology, national project, monetization of benefits, stabilization fund.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

V. Homework.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Slide number 1.

II. Formation of motivation and determination of lesson objectives.

Students are motivated to work seriously in class, since at the end of the lesson a test will be given on new material and grades will be assigned.

Slide No. 2, 3.

III. Learning new material.

Slide number 4.

Teacher: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a bright, controversial historical figure, whose role in the history of Russia has not yet been fully played. For several years, and maybe decades, historians, political scientists, economists and others will break their spears, assessing the results of Vladimir Putin’s presidency. Today in class we will look at the domestic policy of the period 2000-2008, study the main directions, analyze facts, opinions, assessments of V. Putin’s presidency.

Slide number 5.

1. Coming to power.

Andreeva Maria and Shurupova Ekaterina prepared a report on the biography of V.V. Putin. Student message <Документ №1> accompanied by a presentation <Презентация № 1>.

The teacher's story is accompanied by a demonstration <Презентации № 2>

Slide number 6.

Teacher: On March 26, 2000, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was elected the second President of Russia in a popular vote with 52.94% of the votes. On May 7, 2000, he took office. Immediately new President changes the Government, appointing Mikhail Kasyanov to the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The new team had to do a lot on the way to order and prosperity. As Arseniy Yatsenyuk, candidate of economic sciences, wrote: “Vladimir Putin inherited from the Yeltsin era the lost governance of the country, clanism, oligarchy, internal conflicts, separatism, crime, chaos, the war in Chechnya, the lack of a place for Russia in the external coordinate system.”

Slide number 7.

2. Second Chechen campaign.

Teacher: After the signing of the Khasavyurt agreements and the withdrawal of Russian troops in 1996, there was no peace and tranquility in Chechnya and the adjacent regions.

Demonstrated <Видео1> (duration 1 minute), after which independent work of students is organized using the textbook (p. 411): a thesis plan is drawn up for the main stages and events of the second Chechen campaign.

3. Major reforms and projects.

Teacher: In domestic politics V.V. Putin pursued a consistent and tough course towards centralizing and strengthening power.

Slide number 8.

Political-state sphere.

The first major change in the country's constitutional and political system was a change in the procedure for forming the Federation Council.

Slide No. 9,10.

Before the reform of 2000, governors and heads of legislative power of regions, according to their position, were members of the Federation Council; after the reform in the Federation Council, they were replaced by appointed representatives working on a permanent and professional basis. One representative to the Federation Council is appointed by the governor, and the second by the regional legislative body. Governors and heads of regions, having entered the State Council, began to perform advisory and advisory functions under the President of the Russian Federation.

A few days after the terrorist attack in Beslan in September 2004, V. Putin announced his intention to cancel the elections of regional heads, motivating this step with the goal of strengthening the fight against terrorism. By new system Of the submitted candidates for regional heads, the President approves one. The Beslan tragedy overshadowed political transformations.

Slide number 11.

Demonstrated <Видео 2>

Slide number 12.

In party building, the main emphasis was placed on strengthening the United Russia party. On November 20, 2002, Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Gryzlov became chairman of the Supreme Council of the party, on the recommendation of the Presidential Administration. In December 2003, following the results of elections to the State Duma, the pro-presidential party “United Russia” received the majority of seats (at the same time, Boris Gryzlov himself became Chairman of the State Duma).

The legislative activity of deputies was almost completely subordinated to the requirements and wishes of the executive branch - the President and the Government. Representatives “ United Russia” took all leading positions in the State Duma, refusing to give the opposition leadership of at least one committee and practically monopolizing legislative activity.

In the spring of 2005, a law was adopted on elections to the State Duma exclusively based on party lists. Then the State Duma adopted amendments to federal legislation allowing the party that won the elections to the regional parliament to propose its candidacy for the post of governor to the President of Russia. In the vast majority of regions, this right belongs to United Russia. The process of governors joining the party in power has taken on a massive scale. At the beginning of 2007, 70 out of 86 leaders of Russian regions were already members of the party. Beginning in 2005, leaders of large industrial corporations began to join the party.

Slide number 13.

In February 2006 V.Yu. Surkov puts forward the concept of sovereign democracy, which consists in the fact that the President’s policies must first of all enjoy the support of the majority of the population in Russia itself. It is this support of the majority that constitutes the main principle of a democratic society.

Thus, reforms in the political system actually meant a transition from a federal to a unitary state structure.

Slide number 14.

Socio-economic sphere.

In 2002, pension reform was carried out.

Slide No. 15, 16.

According to the new pension model presented in Federal law dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (Article 5, clause 2), the pension can consist of two parts: insurance and funded. The insurance part consists of contributions from the employer, and the funded part from the personal contributions of the future pensioner.

  • Goal of the reform:
  • Increasing the level of pension provision for citizens by moving from a distribution system to a funded one.
  • Increasing the size of the labor pension.
  • Increasing the dependence of the size of the labor pension on the amount of wages.
  • Removing part of the burden of paying pensions from the state budget.
  • Stimulating voluntary contributions to the funded part of the labor pension.

In the 2000s. tax reform was carried out, as a result of which a flat scale of personal income tax was established at 13%, the income tax rate was reduced to 24%, a regressive scale of the unified social tax was introduced, turnover taxes and sales tax were abolished, the total number of taxes was reduced in 3.6 times (from 54 to 15). This reform is assessed by experts as one of V. Putin’s most serious successes.

In 2003, in his Federal Address, Vladimir Putin set the task of achieving convertibility of the ruble for current and capital transactions. By July 1, 2006, this task was completed.

Slide number 17.

In 2005, a reform of the monetization of benefits was carried out. Some benefits began to be replaced by cash payments. This innovation initially caused a wave of outrage among the population. The main advantage of this reform is that citizens who do not use certain types of benefits began to receive them in the form of monetary compensation, which was fair to rural residents.

Slide number 18.

In the same year, the start of the implementation of 4 priority national projects in the socio-economic sphere was announced: “Health”, “Education”, “Housing”, “Agriculture”. Later, in 2008, V. Putin said that the implementation of national projects is more effective than others government programs. In his opinion, this was achieved by concentrating administrative and political resources.

Slide number 19.

In 2006, in his next message to the Federal Assembly, V.V. Putin announced measures to stimulate the birth rate in Russia: increasing child benefits, introducing “maternity capital”, etc.

Slide number 20.

In 2007, the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation was created, the purpose of which is to implement public policy in the field of nanotechnology, development of innovative infrastructure in the field of nanotechnology, implementation of projects for the creation of promising nanotechnologies and nanoindustry.

In April 2010, with the help of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation created during the presidency of V.V. Putin, the first nanotechnological production in Russia was opened - a plant for the production of monolithic carbide tools with a multilayer nanostructured coating, located in Rybinsk.

The economy saw a significant increase in foreign investment: from $11 billion in 2000 to $120 billion in 2007. In 2002, the stage of recovery growth ended in the Russian economy and the investment stage began.

In general, during the years of V. Putin’s presidency, bureaucratic guardianship and state control over business activities have weakened; measures have been taken to support small businesses.

Slide number 21.

In 2007, the American magazine Time recognized Vladimir Putin as Person of the Year, arguing that “Putin has shown exceptional skill in leading a country that he took from a state of chaos and led to a state of stability.”

Slide number 22.

4. Public opinion.

Slide number 23.

Since 1999, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has been the most popular politician in Russia. According to sociological surveys, the number of Russians supporting President Putin grew from 14% in 1999 to 79% in 2007. Data from VTsIOM says that in 2005, 68% of the population approved of V. Putin’s activities, and in 2006 - 87 %. According to the Levada Center, the level of approval of V. Putin’s policies as President in 2007-2008. fluctuated between 79-87% of Russian residents. They did not approve of the activities of V.V. Putin from 12 to 19% of the Russian population.

Slide number 24.

In December 2007, commissioned by the BBC (UK state television), sociological companies Globescan and PIPA conducted a public opinion poll in 31 countries, including Russia, to find out how citizens assess the influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the development of democracy in Russia. More than 16 thousand people took part in the survey. According to the survey, 56% of respondents in the G7 (“Big Seven”) countries said that V.V. Putin has had a negative impact on human rights and the development of democracy in Russia, and only 26% hold the opposite opinion. In Russia the situation is the opposite - 64% appreciated the role of V.V. Putin is positive in this area and 12% is negative. Also, questions were asked about the influence of V.V. Putin to maintain order and security in the world; about Russia's reliability as an energy supplier during Putin's reign; about the quality of life in Russia from 2000 to 2008. In general, more than half of the citizens of the G7 countries negatively assess the influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the situation in the world, while in most other countries they have a positive assessment.

According to a public opinion poll conducted by the British company BBC in 2008, 77% of Russian respondents said that their quality of life had improved significantly during Putin's presidency.

Slide number 25.

What do you think is the reason for such a difference in assessments of V. Putin’s activities in our country and abroad?

Slide number 26.

5. Results of the presidency.

Slide number 27.

Teacher: An important economic indicator of the results of V. Putin’s presidency is GDP. Thus, in 2007, Russia entered the top ten countries in the world in terms of total GDP. The number of residents with monetary incomes below the subsistence minimum amounted to 21.6 million people in 2006, or 15.3% of the population, compared to 70% of the population in 1992 (after recalculating the methodology for calculating the subsistence minimum - 33%). During the presidency of Vladimir Putin, the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation was formed, the emergence of which became possible due to the beginning of economic growth. From February 1, 2008, the stabilization fund was divided into two parts: the Reserve Fund (RUB 3,069 billion) and the National Welfare Fund (RUB 782.8 billion). The Stabilization Fund allowed Russia to pay off all its external debts. Speaking in February 2008 at a meeting of the State Council, V.V. Putin noted: “Our children will not have to pay off our previous debts for us. Government external debt fell to 3% of GDP. Which is considered one of the lowest and best indicators in the world. Significant financial reserves have been created to protect the country from external crises and guarantee the fulfillment of social obligations in the future.”

During the presidency of V.V. Putin, there was a significant increase in the flow of foreign investment into Russia (from 10 billion dollars in 1999 to 120 billion dollars in 2007). According to a representative of the German government, this indicates the stability of the Russian economy.

Sdide No. 28.

One of the results of V. Putin’s presidency was the emergence of so-called “Putinisms” - aphorisms uttered by V.V. Putin on various occasions. Elena Galkina and Olga Sarbaeva will tell us about such statements that have become famous and “gone to the people.” <Документ № 2>.

Sdide number 29.

You and I, guys, will discuss whether it is possible for the first persons of the state to use vernacular in their public speaking? What are the pros and cons? How does this affect people’s attitude towards such a statesman?

Despite this, there were some disappointing results:

– according to Valery Zorkin, in Russia there were 4 million homeless people, 3 million beggars, 5 million street children, 4.5 million people involved in prostitution, that is, in total, this is 16.5 million people who are below the line poverty and lead an asocial lifestyle;

– measures to stimulate the birth rate did not produce results by 2010: the population continued to decline;

– according to a study by the INDEM Foundation from 2001 to 2005. the level of corruption in the sphere of relations between government and business has increased 10 times, and everyday corruption has increased 4 times.

At home, you should have asked your relatives what results of V. Putin’s presidency they noted. Let's try to sum up the results of V.V.'s presidency. Putin. Let's add positive and negative results to the table.

Based on the students' answers, the table is filled out.

Results of the presidency of V.V. Putin 2000-2008

Slide number 30.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What else would you like to know?

Has your personal attitude towards Vladimir Putin changed as a politician and as a person?

Slide number 31.

V. Homework.

This article discusses the issues of the content line “Politics”.

The content of the “Politics” section consists of the following elements: the concept of power; the state, its functions; politic system; typology of political regimes; democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics; civil society and the state; political elite; political parties and movements; facilities mass media in the political system; election campaign in the Russian Federation; political process; political participation; political leadership; government bodies of the Russian Federation; federal structure of Russia.

According to the Analytical Report on Unified State Exam results 2010" Questions testing knowledge of the functions of the state, features of the political system, features and relationships between civil society and the rule of law caused difficulties for graduates.

The most difficult task for the examinees was the one testing knowledge of the topic “The media in the political system.” The results of completing the task on this topic were also influenced by the form of the task (a task to analyze two judgments). The topic “Electoral campaign in the Russian Federation” has always been quite difficult for students. The topics “Political parties and movements”, “The concept of power”, “Political participation”, which gave high results at the basic and advanced levels of complexity, cause difficulties for the Unified State Exam participants at a high level of complexity.

Low results were obtained when completing complex tasks on the topic “Political Process”. Lower results than last year were demonstrated when completing a task on the application of terms and concepts in a specific context (B6), and tasks of the B6 format aimed at testing the topics “Political system”, “State and its functions” gave an average percentage completion less than 10%. The results of unsuccessfully completed task B6 are correlated with the performance indicators of task C5, which tests the same skill at a different level - to apply social science concepts in a given context.

It was concluded that the topics: “Media in the political system”, “Electoral campaign in the Russian Federation”, “Political process”, “Political participation”, “Political leadership” - require more careful consideration, which is what we will do in this article.

1. Topic: “Media in the political system”

1. Media in the political system of society:
a) the concept of “mass media”;
b) functions of the media;
c) the role and influence of the media in various political regimes.
2. The nature of the information disseminated by the media.
3. The influence of the media on the voter:
a) ways of influencing voters;
b) the role of political advertising;
c) methods of confronting the media.

Main provisions of the topic:
The media are a set of channels for the dissemination of information addressed to an unlimited circle of individuals, social groups, states, with the aim of promptly informing them about events and phenomena in the world, a specific country, a certain region, as well as to perform specific social functions.

Functions of the media: 1) informational; 2) selection and commenting on information, its evaluation; 3) political socialization (introducing people to political values, norms, patterns of behavior); 4) criticism and control of authorities; 5) representation of various public interests, opinions, views on politics; 6) formation of public opinion; 7) mobilization (encouraging people to take certain political actions).

The media can contribute to the development of democracy, citizen participation in political life, but can also be used for political manipulation.

Political manipulation is the process of influencing public opinion and political behavior, hidden control of people’s political consciousness and actions in order to direct them in the direction desired by the authorities.
The goal of manipulation is to introduce the necessary attitudes, stereotypes, and goals in order to ultimately induce the masses, contrary to their own interests, to agree to unpopular measures and arouse their discontent.

2. Topic: “Electoral campaign in the Russian Federation”

1. Electoral system:
a) the concept of “electoral system”;
b) structural components of the electoral system;
c) the concept of “suffrage”;
d) stages of the electoral process;
e) types of electoral systems.

2. Election campaign:
a) the concept of “election campaign”;
b) stages of the election campaign.

3. Political technologies of the voter.

Main provisions of the topic:
Electoral system (in a broad sense) is the procedure for organizing and conducting elections to representative institutions or an individual leading representative. Electoral system (in a narrow sense) is a method of distributing mandates between candidates depending on the voting results.

Electoral law is a sub-branch of constitutional law, which is an independent system of legal norms regulating the right of citizens to elect and be elected to government bodies and local self-government bodies and the procedure for exercising this right.

Suffrage (in the narrow sense) is the political right of a citizen to elect (active right) and to be elected (passive right).

In Russia, citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote; the right to be elected to a representative body - from the age of 21, the head of the administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - upon reaching the age of 30, and the President of the country - from the age of 35. The President of Russia and the State Duma are elected for a term of 6 and 5 years, respectively. Based on the Russian Constitution, the President cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms.

Deputies State Duma are elected according to party lists. In the elections of the President of the Russian Federation, the majoritarian system of absolute majority is used.

Russian citizens participate in the formation of electoral bodies on the principles of 1) universal, 2) equal, 3) direct suffrage with 4) secret ballot.

The electoral process is a set of activities, procedures for the preparation and conduct of elections for the purpose of forming a representative body of power, carried out by election commissions and candidates (electoral associations) in the period from the date of official publication (publication) of the decision of an authorized official, state body, local government body on the appointment (conduct) of elections before the day the election commission organizing the elections submits a report on the expenditure of funds from the relevant budget allocated for the preparation and conduct of elections.

Stages of the electoral process:
1) preparatory (setting the date of elections, registration and registration of voters);
2) nomination and registration of candidates for deputies or for election positions;
3) pre-election campaigning and election financing;
4) voting, establishment of voting results and determination of election results, their official publication.
An election campaign (French campagne - campaign) is a system of campaigning events carried out by political parties and independent candidates in order to secure maximum voter support in the upcoming elections.

Types of electoral systems:
1) majority;
2) proportional;
3) majority-proportional (mixed).

Majoritarian system (from the French majorite - majority) - 1) the candidate (or list of candidates) who receives the majority of votes stipulated by law (absolute or relative) is considered elected; 2) when it is used, voting takes place “for” specific candidates in single-member or multi-member districts.

Types of majority system:
1) absolute majority system (the winner is the candidate who wins 50% + 1 one vote);
2) relative majority system (the winner is the candidate who received more votes than any of the other candidates);
3) qualified majority system (i.e. a predetermined majority, usually 2/3, 3/4).

The proportional electoral system is one of the types of electoral systems used in elections to representative bodies. When holding elections under the proportional system, deputy mandates are distributed between lists of candidates in proportion to the votes cast for the lists of candidates, if these candidates have overcome the percentage threshold.
The proportional electoral system combined with the majoritarian electoral system forms a mixed electoral system.

3. Topic: “Political process”

1. Political process:
a) the concept of “political process”;
b) stages of the political process.

2. Typology of the political process:
a) depending on the scope of action;
b) depending on time characteristics;
c) according to the degree of openness;
d) depending on the nature of social changes.

3. Features of the political process in modern Russia.

Main provisions of the topic:
Political process - 1) is a chain of political events and states that change as a result of the interaction of specific political subjects; 2) a set of actions of political subjects aimed at implementing their roles and functions within the political system, at realizing their own interests and goals; 3) the total activity of all subjects of political relations associated with the formation, change, transformation and functioning of the political system.

Structure of the political process:
1) subjects of the process, the active principle;
2) object, goal of the process (solving a political problem);
3) means, methods, resources.

The political process can be divided into four stages:
1) initiation of policy (representation of interests, demands to power structures);
Initiation (from Latin injicio - I throw in, cause, excite) - stimulating the beginning of something.
Articulation (from Latin articulo - dismember) interests and demands - mechanisms and ways through which citizens and their organized groups express their demands on the government.
Aggregation of interests is an activity during which the political demands of individuals are combined and reflected in the party programs of those political forces that are directly fighting for power in the country.
2) policy formation (political decision making);
3) implementation of policies, political decisions;
4) policy evaluation.

Classification of political processes:
1) by scope: foreign policy and domestic policy;
2) by duration: long-term (formation of states, transition from one political system to another) and short-term;
3) according to the degree of openness: open and hidden (shadow);
4) by the nature of social changes: electoral process, revolution and counter-revolution, reform, uprisings and rebellions, political campaign, direct action.

4. Topic: “Political participation”

1. The concept of “political participation”.
2. Forms of political participation:
a) direct participation;
b) indirect participation;
c) autonomous participation;
d) mobilization participation.
3. Motives for voter participation in elections:
a) interest in politics;
b) political competence;
c) satisfaction of needs.
4. Political absenteeism.

Main provisions of the topic:
Political participation is the actions of a citizen in order to influence the adoption and implementation of government decisions, the selection of representatives to government institutions.

This concept characterizes the involvement of members of a given society in the political process. The essential basis of political participation is the inclusion of the individual in the system of power relations: directly or indirectly.

Indirect (representative) political participation occurs through elected representatives. Direct (direct) political participation is the influence of a citizen on the government without intermediaries. It has the following forms: the reaction of citizens to impulses emanating from the political system; participation of citizens in the activities of political parties, organizations, movements; direct actions of citizens (participation in rallies, pickets, etc.); appeals and letters to authorities, meetings with politicians; participation in actions related to the election of representatives, with the transfer of decision-making powers to them; activities of political leaders. The designated forms of direct political participation can be individual, group, or mass.

Features of an individual's political participation:
1) self-determination of the individual in the socio-political space of relatively diverse political structures;
2) self-assessment of one’s own qualities, properties, capabilities as an active subject of politics.

The scope of possible participation is determined by political rights and freedoms.

Types of political participation:
1) random (one-time) participation - a person only periodically takes or performs actions that have political goals or have political meaning;

2) “part-time” participation - a person participates more actively in political life, but political activity is not his main activity;

3) professional participation - a person does political activity by your profession.
Political development personality is one of the factors influencing the intensity, content and stability of political participation.

Forms of political participation:
1) an individual’s appeal to power structures in order to satisfy personal or group needs;
2) lobbying activities to establish contacts with the political elite to influence their decisions in favor of a group of people;
3) direction various projects and proposals for the adoption of regulations and laws by authorities;
4) political activity as a member of a party or movement focused on gaining power or influencing it;
5) elections, referendums (Latin referendum - what should be communicated) - the will of all citizens of the state on an issue that is important to it.

The opposite form is demonstrative non-participation, political apathy and lack of interest in politics - absenteeism. Absenteeism (Latin absens - absent) is a form of apoliticality, manifested in the evasion of voters from participating in referendums and elections to government bodies.

5. Topic: “Political Leadership”

1. The essence of political leadership.
2. Functions of a political leader:
a) integrative;
b) oriented;
c) instrumental;
d) mobilization;
e) communicative;
3. Types of leadership:
a) depending on the scale of leadership;
b) depending on the leadership style;
c) typology of M. Weber.

Main provisions of the topic:

Political leadership is the constant, priority and legitimate influence of one or more persons occupying positions of power over the entire society or group. The nature of political leadership is quite complex and does not lend itself to unambiguous interpretation.

Functions of a political leader:
1) analyzes the political situation, correctly assesses the state of society;
2) formulates goals, develops a program of action;
3) strengthens the connection between the government and the people, provides mass support for the government;
4) protects society from splits, serves as an arbiter in clashes between different groups;
5) conducts a political discussion with opponents, communicates with parties, organizations, and movements.

There are various classifications of leaders.

Types of Leadership:
By scale of leadership:
1) national leader;
2) leader of a large social group;
3) leader of a political party.

By leadership style:
1) democratic;
2) authoritarian.

The typology of leadership proposed by M. Weber is widespread. Depending on the method of legitimizing power, he identified three main types of leadership: traditional, charismatic and rational-legal. The authority of traditional leaders is based on faith in traditions and customs. The leader receives the right to dominance by inheritance. Charismatic leadership is based on belief in the exceptional, outstanding qualities of the leader. Rational-legal leadership is characterized by belief in the legitimacy of the procedure for electing a leader through developed procedures and formal rules. The power of a rational-legal leader is based on law.

Let's look at some of the most difficult tasks for graduates in the “Politics” content line.

Tasks for systematizing material

As mentioned above, graduates experienced difficulties completing assignments higher level- analysis of two judgments. According to the specification of control measuring materials for carrying out a unified state exam in social studies this is task A17.

Examples of tasks A17

1. Are the following judgments about a democratic state true?
A. In a democratic state, a high standard of living is ensured for all citizens.
B. In a democratic state, the protection of the rights of all citizens is guaranteed.
1) only A is true;
2) only B is true;
3) both judgments are correct;
4) both judgments are incorrect.

When completing the task, you need to remember which state is called democratic. A democratic state is a state whose structure and activities correspond to the will of the people, the generally recognized rights and freedoms of man and citizen. It is not enough just to proclaim the state democratic (totalitarian states also do this); the main thing is to ensure its organization and ideological functioning with appropriate legal institutions and real guarantees of democracy.

The most important features of a democratic state: a) real representative democracy; b) ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. As participants in political life, all citizens in a democracy are equal. However, not all states can actually protect human rights and freedoms today. One of the main reasons is the state of the country's economy. After all social function can be implemented in full only at a high level economic development. This is the most difficult task, since solving social issues requires an increase in production, “the accumulation of national wealth.” This means that a high standard of living for all citizens in a democratic state is not always ensured due to economic problems, first of all.
Answer: 2.

2. Are the following statements about electoral systems true?
A. A majoritarian electoral system is characterized by the nomination of candidates according to party lists.
B. A majoritarian electoral system is characterized by the nomination of candidates in single-mandate constituencies.
1) only A is true;
2) only B is true;
3) both judgments are correct;
4) both judgments are incorrect.
Answer: 2 (see theory above)

3. Are the following statements true?
A. The concept of “political system” is broader than the concept of “political regime”
B. Within the same political regime, there may be different political systems
1) only A is true;
2) only B is true;
3) both judgments are correct;
4) both judgments are incorrect.

Let us remember what the concepts of “political regime” and “political system” mean.

The political system is defined as a set of state and non-state political institutions that express the political interests of various social groups and ensure their participation in political decision-making by the state. An integral part The political system that ensures its functioning are legal, political norms and political traditions. A political regime is a set of means and methods by which the ruling elites exercise economic, political and ideological power in the country. One of the structural components of the institutional subsystem of the political system is the state. And the political regime is one of the elements of the form of the state. Therefore, we see that the first statement is true.

Let's look at the second statement. There are democratic and totalitarian political systems. A political regime can be characterized as democratic, authoritarian or totalitarian. The same political system can function in different regimes, depending on the intentions of the ruling elite and its leader. But within the same political regime, different political systems cannot exist. The second statement is incorrect.
Answer: 1.

Low results were also demonstrated when completing the task of applying terms and concepts in a specific context (B6).

Examples of tasks B6

1. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“A classification has become widespread in political science, distinguishing, depending on the grounds and conditions for acquiring party membership, cadre and mass _____________ (A). The first are distinguished by the fact that they are formed around a group of political ____________ (B), and the basis of their structure is a committee of activists. Personnel parties are usually formed “from above” on the basis of various parliamentary ________ (IN), associations of the party bureaucracy. Such parties usually intensify their activities only during ___________ (G). Other parties are centralized, well-disciplined organizations. They attach great importance to ideological _________ (D) party members. Such parties are most often formed “from below”, on the basis of trade unions and other public ____________ (E), reflecting the interests of various social groups.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) unity;
2) faction;
3) elections;
4) movement;
5) leader;
6) society;
7) party;
8) group;
9) membership.

The table below shows the letters that indicate missing words.
Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.

7 5 8 3 1 4
Used materials:
1. Analytical report on the results of the Unified State Exam 2010. Social studies.
3. Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education institutions for the unified state exam in social studies in 2011.
4. Open segment of FBTZ -
5. Social studies. 11th grade: textbook for general education institutions: profile level/(L.N. Bogolyubov, A.N. Lazebnikova, N.M. Smirnova and others.); edited by L. N. Bogolyubova (and others) M.: “Enlightenment.” - 4th ed. - M.: Education, 2010.

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Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Internal Policy of the Russian Federation.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. The concept of internal policy of the state.

2. Priority directions of the state’s domestic policy in the field of economics:

a) improvement of taxation;

b) support for small businesses;

c) legislative activity in the field of business law.

3. Main directions of the state’s social policy:

a) protection of motherhood and childhood;

b) pension reform;

c) support for socially disadvantaged groups of disabled people;

d) national project “Health”.

4. Development of science and education:

a) national project “Education”;

b) Skolkovo;

c) national project “science”

5. Other directions of state policy.

6. Domestic policy of Russia: results and prospects.

Answer: None

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Civil Society and the Rule of Law.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1) The concept of a legal state.

2) Signs of a rule of law state:

a) the rule of law;

b) the inviolability of human rights and freedoms;

c) real separation of powers.

3) The concept of civil society, its main institutions:

a) local government;

b) interest clubs, environmental protection;

c) preschool education centers;

d) public libraries, etc.

4) Main features of civil society:

a) the predominance of horizontal connections;

b) non-state character;

c) self-organization and voluntary nature of participation, etc.

The presence of any two of points 2, 3 and 4 of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Political Behavior”. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:

The correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;

Completeness of reflection of the main content in the plan;

Compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a plan of a complex type.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) Variety of forms of political behavior.

2) Forms and types of political behavior:

a) traditional;

b) innovative;

c) elections are a mass form of political participation (electoral behavior).

3) Normative and deviant forms of political behavior:

a) regulatory;

b) protest;

c) extremist.

4) Factors influencing the political behavior of an individual:

a) political interests and values ​​of the individual;

b) the level of political culture of society;

c) acting in society political institutions and legal mechanisms.

5) Regulation of political behavior:

a) legal;

b) the formation of political values ​​in society through the education system;

c) organization of political subjects, etc.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan is possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of points 2, 3 and 4 of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic “Political pluralism as a sign of democracy.” The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


One of the options for covering this topic.

1. The concept of political pluralism.

2. Manifestations of political pluralism:

a) diversity of political doctrines and ideologies;

b) freedom to participate in political movements and parties;

c) multi-party system.

3. Other signs of democracy as a political regime:

a) democracy;

b) the majority principle;

c) the presence of free independent media, etc.

4. The importance of democratization processes in the modern world.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2 or 3 points of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence