Who is the twin best compatible with? Gemini man compatibility with other zodiac signs

A man and a woman born under the constellation of Gemini will always feel comfortable next to each other, because they are like-minded people. These two energetic natures will definitely find a common language, they have a lot in common. Almost the same interests, hobbies and outlook on life will give them the feeling that they are looking in the mirror at their own reflection. But there is also a flip side of the coin - in addition to similar advantages, they also have similar disadvantages, and this is where a clash of interests can occur. Let us consider in more detail the models of relations of this pair.

♊ + ♊: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The first acquaintance will start easily, because the twins are a freedom-loving and liberated sign of the zodiac, so both will make contact without any hesitation. At the beginning of a relationship, mutual attraction is very strong, the guy and the girl will be simply fascinated by each other. The feeling of happiness will increase after entering into an intimate relationship - this couple has a complete idyll in sex. Having fallen in love with a person so similar to himself, each of them will believe that he has met his fate, but gradually their opinion of each other will begin to change, unfortunately, not for the better.

The main reason for their conflicts is the unwillingness to give in to each other and the tendency to bend their own line. This is a union of two strong and assertive personalities who do not allow anyone to manipulate them. In addition, Gemini is a very dynamic sign of the zodiac, they are able to make decisions with lightning speed and unexpectedly make changes to their plans. As a result, it may happen that they stop keeping up with each other's thoughts and moods, and begin to quarrel. The conflicts of this couple are as stormy as the passion, if one of them overdoes it even a little, defending his case, the relationship can collapse as suddenly as it began.

Only strong mutual love, as well as the ability to appreciate the good that is between them, can strengthen the shaky foundation of this union.

♊ + ♊: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- If a man and a woman, both twins by zodiac sign, decide to create a family, then they have already overcome certain difficulties in relationships. Such a marriage can have a good future if both partners really value these relationships and there is a desire to understand each other, because both of them will need patience and endurance.

After the passion between them subsides a bit, most likely, they will have a difficult period in their relationship. Due to the similarity of temperaments, both the man and the woman had the feeling that they had met an ideal partner for themselves. Taking into account the impulsiveness of both natures, minor skirmishes and everyday difficulties will be enough for the favorite to fall from the pedestal. Unfortunately, quarrels and misunderstandings in this family will certainly be present, since partners are not inclined to make concessions to each other. Indulgent twins can be with weaker people, they even enjoy it, but in the representatives of their own zodiac sign they see a personality equal to themselves in strength of character. As a result, the confrontation in this family will last until one of the couple gets tired of holding the defense, connects the mind, and agrees with the correctness of his spouse, but only outwardly. As mentioned above, it is impossible to bend the twins under you.

Marriage among representatives of this zodiac sign can last for many years, if both sides have a desire to save it. If it comes to divorce, then the cup of patience of one of the spouses has run out, in which case it is really better for them to leave. For others, the break of this pair will be tantamount to a bolt from the blue - their union looked so harmonious from the outside.

Something else very interesting can be said about twins - after they surprise everyone with their breakup, just as unexpectedly they can converge again, and even re-register marriage after an official divorce. Very unpredictable, versatile and interesting people!

♊ + ♊: In friendship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- A guy and a girl of this zodiac sign are very similar to each other in character and life positions, such a friendship can last for many years and be very strong. In addition to common character traits, the absence of mutual obligations and common life plays a decisive role in these relations, that is, almost nothing threatens this friendship. We can say that, unlike love and family relationships, where partners look mainly at each other, this couple's eyes are directed in one direction. When they are together, their potential is doubled. Together they can do a lot: work on one project, create masterpieces, in general, spend time with benefit.

Quarrels with this couple will not be serious, in case of disagreement they will not noisily sort things out, but will prefer to scatter in different directions for a while. They will not be able to live without each other for a long time, therefore, as soon as they get bored, they will continue communication as if nothing had happened. This friendship is worth cherishing - they will not meet people more similar to themselves, especially among representatives of other signs of the zodiac.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign


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More detailed compatibility
sign Gemini with his partner,
including horoscope analysis,
chakras and square of Pythagoras

Typical Gemini in a relationship

The nature of Gemini is largely determined by their patron planet Mercury and the element of Air. Mercury sets the priority of intelligence and communication in the personality of Gemini. And the air element spreads interests, hobbies and ideas across the entire visible horizon, constantly changing their directions, like the wind.

Representatives of the Gemini sign, to put it mildly, are not boring. What in business, what in friendship, what in relationships. They have both sharp humor, and self-irony, and a share of attractive self-confidence, and a store of knowledge about various facts that they can apply at any moment. From that, they attract a lot of very different people, being able to establish contact with literally everyone. Being naturally endowed with intelligence, Gemini seeks the same in others: the breadth of interests and ideas of the interlocutor is important to them. Even if they do not coincide with their own, the Gemini's erudition allows you to keep up conversations on any topic. And curiosity for everything new, incl. to new persons, leaves a pleasant impression on the second.

More often than not, Gemini relationships are born out of friendship built on common interests. If you have something to talk about with Gemini and keep up with their mind, then your chances of success are high. And if you share their constant wandering in the clouds, then the chances are doubled.

Hint 1: in addition to emotions, look for intellectual and creative compatibility with Gemini in
Hint 2: a feature of the dominance of the intellectual principle in Gemini is a certain coldness in emotional terms. If they have emotional compatibility with a partner of at least more than half, then this coldness will most likely be smoothed out. If not, then the emotional dissonance will only increase.

It seems that there is nothing easier than starting a relationship with Gemini: they are always in the spotlight, open to communication, positive and cheerful. However, here lies the first trap: we see only one side of the personality of the dual Gemini. Interesting and varied communication is, like almost everything with Gemini, superficial. And letting someone into their personal space, opening the other side of their complex personality, they will not immediately. And the reverse side is preparing many surprises for unprepared partner candidates.

Gemini's flaws checklist

  • Are you ready to take on the ever-changing decisions of a Gemini?
  • Or can you sacrifice established comfort for a change of scenery and new experiences?
  • Are you ready to do a dozen different things with them at the same time?
  • Do I need to explain that hardly half of these cases will be completed?
  • And how do you talk about spaceships when the nail is not hammered and the linen is not washed?
  • And they will forever flirt with new members of the opposite sex.
  • And they also know how to quickly “merge” when real problems appear.
  • Their violent emotionality will strain and sharpen the foundation of relationships.

The natural compatibility of Gemini within their element of Air:
with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

It is generally not difficult for Gemini to cross the threshold of friendship and start a relationship with someone from their wide circle of acquaintances. And to do this with the same air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius is even easier. With partners of their element, Geminis are more friends or creative allies than lovers. Traveling, hanging out, discovering something new - inspire both equally. And unpredictability and spontaneity do not strain each other at all. These relationships are suitable for partners of any category of age and experience.

The most successful couples of the elements of Air:

  • Gemini Man and Libra Woman
  • Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man

Favorable compatibility of Gemini with signs of Fire: with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Sparks of fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are ready to flare up into a real fire under the breath of Gemini. The anticipation of this fire excites Gemini and the partner of the sign of Fire equally. The fact that this connection will be remembered by both is absolutely certain. But how long the fire will flare up and how long it can be maintained depends on the circumstances. Young and inexperienced partners rarely manage to successfully develop these relationships. Whereas an experienced and wise couple, if available, has a great chance of success. They are waiting for both passion, spiritual interpenetration and exciting, like an adventure, joint - everything that does not allow the fire of relations to die out.

An important circumstance: despite the gender, strong or weak character, and, accordingly, the dominant or second role of the Gemini in relationships, the most important part of the work on “igniting” the fire sign lies with them. Therefore, the initiative, both explicit and implicit, should not leave them throughout the relationship with a partner.

The most successful pairs of the elements of Air and Fire:

  • Gemini Woman and Aries Man
  • Gemini Man and Leo Woman
  • In a Gemini-Sagittarius pair, gender does not matter.

Unfavorable compatibility of Gemini with the signs of Earth and Water: with Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces

It is difficult to imagine non-conflict, by and large, Gemini in a confrontation with someone. And, fortunately, there is no violent confrontation with even signs. There is gradually growing boredom and irritation.

Earth signs are too straightforward, clumsy, narrow-minded, and water signs are sickeningly emotional, vulnerable and demanding. At the same time, all of them together are also terrible jealous owners. Where can the freedom-loving Gemini go?

Oddly enough, at first everything can turn out quite well. This is facilitated by the developed communication skills of Gemini. In affairs and business, the Gemini will converge with the representatives of the Earth - after all, someone must filter their crazy ideas, weed out the worthwhile ones and then bring them to life. And in communication and physical terms, Gemini will be quite satisfied even with romantic water signs.

Even stranger is the fact that many couples in this category manage to last quite a long time. It just looks most often depressing: the Gemini live in their “high” world, flirt and have fun with new partners, and at home in the “low” life, turning a blind eye to the adventures of the Gemini, the partner lives.

Gemini compatibility with 12 zodiac signs

Favorable compatibility with the sign of a friendly element. If a spark slipped from the first contact, you should try to kindle further. It is recommended that the Aries partner has a Pythagorean character of 111 and above, decisions will be better given to him. Everything is in harmony when Aries is for the elder, and Gemini is a source of energy and inspiration. There are quarrels, but they usually die out quickly. Aries should learn to listen to Gemini, to be attentive to them. For Gemini, the main thing is to be able to light Aries.

Like all signs-neighbors from different elements, Gemini and Taurus are at the same time similar in many ways, but also in many ways different. The similarity of Taurus helps Gemini to identify them among the rest of the participants in a noisy party or work team. Usually it is the sociable Gemini who make the first step in this pair. They are attracted to Taurus by what they do not have and will never have - calmness, stability, reliability. Alas, but over time, it is these “three pillars” of Taurus that begin to block the air of the love of freedom and changeability of Gemini.

A typical pair of young lovers. An energy charge, an air flow, an explosion of ideas and aspirations - but all without a single guiding vector. Hence, without goals. It is not at all suitable for mature relationships, also because the role of Gemini in communication is always of the first plan. Even if not the first in fact, then the first in the self-confident opinion of the Gemini. And how can there be two main roles in the novel at once? The twins cannot put up with this for a long time.

The forward neighbor of the Gemini - Cancer - captivates with its romanticism, dreaminess and sincerity. After the first meeting, which inspired optimism in both, the couple discovers excellent physical compatibility in each other. And it would be better to end here, leaving fleeting, but pleasant impressions in the heart of everyone. But just the discrepancy in the hearts subsequently draws a line: the vulnerable, anxious and deeply worried heart of Cancer will be broken on the superficial and fickle feelings of the Gemini.

These relationships have a pretty good prospect for fairly mature partners. It will be difficult for young partners because of the inability to restrain their ambitions and cooperate, not compete. In general, with regard to cooperation, Air and Fire together always have a chance of success. With close temperaments in the physical plane, this couple will also be quite pleased with each other without the desire to look for someone on the side. The most successful role of the Gemini in the union is not that of a second plan, but rather a gray cardinal or a think tank.

If exaggerated, then usually Gemini considers Virgos to be too boring, petty and serious. Whereas the Virgos of Gemini are too frivolous, uncollected and windbags. Even with all this, under certain conditions, Gemini can breathe a fresh stream into Virgo, due to which mutual interest will arise. The intellectual approach of both may even develop this interest into a series of exciting encounters that threaten to turn into something more. But this more is unlikely to bring both the embodiment of everyone's dreams of an ideal partner and family. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away and realize the union in friendship and business.

Problems, perhaps, should be expected only in the material and household and financial-accumulative plans. In other areas, Libra and Gemini are perfectly compatible, interesting and, importantly, understand each other. Suddenly generated ideas by one partner are immediately supported and developed by another. If during the development of one idea something else suddenly arises, it is not a problem to change the direction. But someone still has to be "for the elder" in this irresponsible couple. And the horoscope suggests that Gemini is better suited for this role.

Somewhere during a noisy party or just in passing on the go, Gemini suddenly stops looking at the charming Scorpio. Scorpio generally rarely leaves anyone indifferent, but Gemini finds something special in it. Could it be that Scorpio, almost without hiding, immediately succumbs to their attraction? And then a small competition in wit and erudition, then a test of endurance with an unblinking look - and it's in the bag. Scorpio under the spell of his Gemini Boa constrictor. Of course, this is a short story. And Scorpio will plunge his sting into the Gemini in parting. Question: where will it go?

These signs are created in order to meet each other sooner or later. More precisely, even to be attracted, like the two poles of a magnet - after all, they are located in the same polarity on the zodiac circle. The principle of success in relationships here is this: the more partners have taken place as individuals, the more mature and wise they are, the more they will find in each other what they have been looking for all their lives. Accordingly, 99% of young partners will exhaust these relationships at the initial stage. This pair is either all or nothing.

Twins! Avoid Capricorn! This is your "Boa". If paired with Scorpio, the role of "Boa" belongs to you and you can play with him as you want, then in the case of Capricorn "Rabbit" you will be. But it's unlikely to stop you. There is something hypnotic about Capricorn, his actions and words directed towards you. And now you have already drowned in his eyes and are ready to do whatever he wants from you. Nothing good but your broken heart will end.

Forever young Gemini will like the more mature and sensible Aquarius, while retaining the same audacity, curiosity and breadth of thought. Gemini is a little more active, Aquarius is a little more specific, Gemini is looking for themselves everywhere, and Aquarius already knows in which direction it is better to go. What else these partners will undoubtedly agree on is that both want to live their lives interestingly and richly. It is good if the material side of the relationship is strong and both, and especially Aquarius, will not take it lightly. Then it makes sense to talk about good chances in the long run.

It is difficult to imagine where and how Gemini can come into contact with Pisces, except in work or business. There is a recipe for success here: the Gemini, who thinks in steps and horizons ahead, should be responsible for the strategy, and the material and hardworking Pisces for tactics. In other cases, they can hardly withstand each other's neighborhood. The love version of the relationship is seen no further than the candy-bouquet period with the romanticism inherent in both. Pisces can get carried away much more than their lovers. But while they will plan the family hearth, build to be and build a fence around the Twins, they will step over the foundation in order to finally take a sip of freedom again.

Popular In-contri calculations:

Testimonials and stories about Gemini couples |


I read your recommendations and characteristics of signs, quite accurately, very much about archers. I would like to know how our relationship will end. They are in a very critical condition. Don't have a "I left my partner" box? I filed for divorce, our dates are mine - 05/25/1950 his 12/16/1963. I also found an article about the 13th sign - right about it. Unbearable.

If you write me a review close to reality, then I will describe the whole story to you - Brazilian TV shows are resting. Why am I not calm? Because here in Italy, if one spouse does not agree, a divorce may not be given. I beg your pardon for my terms, mille grazie.

So, something immediately suggests that, according to Sagittarius, you chose all the most negative from the comments and focused on precisely those things that you personally know firsthand. And this is your truth. However, in a particular couple there is always subjectivity in relationships, while in the general objective picture, the sign of Sagittarius, like any other, cannot be classified as good and bad. Signs are different and different people. Everyone has different traits. Moreover, it is sometimes amazing how “bad” a person of a certain sign can be in a pair with a partner with problematic compatibility and how he is transformed into a “good” one in a harmonious pair.

About the "13th" sign, let me refrain from commenting, because This term has nothing to do with astrology.

Let's see your calculation with a partner:

Compatibility average 53%
Physical: 82% compatible
Emotional: 52% - crossing
Intelligent: 30% - crossing
Cardiac: 36% - not compatible
Creative: 68% compatible
Intuitive: 9% - close to maximum
Higher: 92% - crossing

Characters: you 1 - he 5
Family: you are 6 - he is 3
Temperament: you are 6 - he is 2

According to the signs, everything seems to be not bad at first - a pair of your element of Air and its element of Fire in the combination “Opposites attract”. But the successful continuation of this novel is based on the periodic overcoming of crises. Moreover, their strength, as a rule, is directly proportional to the force with which the partners were attracted at one time, just as the positive and negative poles of a magnet are attracted. Speaking formally, yes - a pair of opposite signs on the circle of the Zodiac is compatible. Both odd, the elements interact favorably and help in revealing each other. But the whole philosophy of these relations is that partners must steadily, tirelessly and against all odds strengthen their connection, and not be wasted on the zigzags of fate. And such ups and downs, as in this pair, perhaps, there are no more in any other. Except "Boa constrictor and Rabbit". But there everything is usually a foregone conclusion, while with the "Opposites" the happy end is in their own hands. And heads. By the way, about the heads: for sure, you and other pairs of "Opposites" will confirm that as much experience, wisdom and understanding as is given in these relationships is not given anywhere else. Literally, if a person had experience in such a pair, then he went through fire, water and copper pipes of relationships.

The most obvious inconsistency at first glance in this pair for the majority will seem to be the age difference with a significant advantage of 13 years in your favor, and with all this, it is your initiative in divorce. At the same time, your doubts about the confirmation of the process by your husband. And here once again I would like to note that the calculation does not care about age and, even despite the fact that the partner is 13 years older, this did not repel the man at the beginning of the relationship and continues to hold him now.

Here I would like to make a small digression: many girls ask questions about the forecast of interaction with a potential boyfriend in the spirit, but how will he react to the fact that I have a child, because all men want their children? And how will he react to the fact that I am older, because all men want a younger partner nearby? So there is no generalized "all men want." There is an individual calculation for each couple and each partner.

And, Flora, in particular with regard to you, we see several strong moments of compatibility for your man at once, which manifest themselves regardless of age / children / position and other things:
- you and Air, allowing his Fire to burn more strongly
- you awakened in him a strong physical passion
- you even inspired him and contributed to the emergence of goals in life
- with you, he thought that he was walking along the same life path (highest compatibility, concerning both)

With all this, your Sagittarius man is a born leader with the character of 11111 and is free to decide his own destiny. Associating it, by the way, with you.

Alas, from your female side (emotions-heart-intuition) such an attraction is not fully observed. There is a swaying scale in emotions and somehow difficult in the rest. But your family, it seems, once told you that in this so different from you, but a real man, you will find strong support. And the inevitable attraction of character 1 to 11111, on the one hand, as well as the apparent waywardness and recalcitrance of character 1 for 11111, which arouses his interest, also played a role.

Why it happened in such a way that you were on the verge of a divorce, I can’t predict. We still do not have a Battle of Psychics here. But, judging by the calculation, I am inclined to believe that this sinusoid of relations in a pair of two “Opposites” completely undermined the emotional background, on which, in theory, relationships are best built. Namely, this is for you personally, Flora, the most tense and irritable side. For a man, this is also not easy, but it’s more difficult for you - you, as a carrier, first of all, 2-4-6 chakras, get tired of these relationships much more. In connection with this and the above things about your man's attraction to you, we conclude that your suspicions that he may not give consent to a divorce are not unfounded.

I doubt very much that people your age are just throwing away such decisions, so the only advice that can help you achieve a divorce is to try to make an attempt to provoke a spontaneous impulsive and at the same time angry desire of your husband to sign the cherished piece of paper. Do not forget that he is Sagittarius and 11111 at the same time. It is by truly angering him and depriving him of common sense and any other feelings for a short time that you will get what you want. I wish you good luck, although this alignment can hardly be called successful. One way or another, let everything work out in the best way for you, Flora. And with the advice that suits the situation, you decide for yourself.

We are both adults (he is 41, I am 31) of the same zodiac sign (twins) with 71% overall chakra compatibility, and we have
at the physical level - 100%
intellectual - 100%
intuitive - 100%:
the highest - 100%.
Emotions - 33%,
heart - 50%,
creativity - 11%

Characters: 2-2, family 3-3, temperament I 5 - he 6.

As you can see, all the same, and even temperaments are equally high, which used to often play against me, because it is not so easy to meet a man with the same or at least close temperament. Calculation of rights and this partner really copes with me;)

But something else is interesting, which is why I decided to write. I suspect that the same signs have a physical level for the most part characterized by high physical compatibility, and at least for the sake of excellent sex (since the calculation usually doesn’t really believe in long-term relationships of the same signs), I advise you to try it. No, I’ll say it differently. Guys, who have 100% - it is NECESSARY to survive.

Don't think that I'm not a nymphomaniac and I'm not preoccupied, I'm an ordinary woman, attractive enough, but at the same time, she never has sexual intercourse without feelings, preliminary recognition of a person, etc. I have never had sex for 1 night and I am not interested in it. There were always feelings and there was corresponding sex. Therefore, by the age of 31, I have only positive (but also a little diverse;), I will not dissemble) sexual experience.

So I declare with all responsibility: 100% - at the physical level - is something unimaginably impossible and absolutely different from everything that was not 100%;). It feels like the universe itself is in bed with you and your partner at this time ... I’m silent already about the fact that he and you absolutely know on a whim what to do and how to do it ... Try THIS if the opportunity arises. Absolute delight!

And speaking in general, our history really corresponds to the calculation. He gently but for a long time sought me (his male interest is represented at the maximum at the physical and intellectual levels), so it is not surprising. I didn’t notice him among other fans for a long time (lack of emotions), although when time took its toll and I gave him a chance, I was very surprised why I didn’t see his intelligence for so long, because intelligence in a man is everything for me (I suspect that due to sign of the zodiac, the twins are obsessed with intelligence and are very communicative) and a man who is uninteresting in a conversation, even with 100% of emotions, will go home if I don’t understand him. And so the relationship began. He is crazy about me, which can not help but like any woman. My feelings for him are a mixture of love, friendship, understanding, gratitude, interest and happiness of a woman satisfied in bed ...

Regarding the higher chakra with 100%… There was one very interesting moment. We were just walking. Park, water, birds... At some point, they just looked at each other, smiling, as happy peaceful people usually look at each other. And I suddenly felt an absolute deafening silence within myself and around ... And a feeling of unity with him and at the same time with everything-everything-everything around. Amazing feeling. It lasted only one moment, but somehow suddenly gave a lot to understand. As if we were given to each other in order to develop through each other and thereby develop this world ... Then, already making the calculation and seeing 100% in the highest chakra, for some reason I immediately remembered that moment.

At the moment we have been together for several months, although we have known each other for 2 years. He's talking about getting married, I agree. But we are two identical signs ... True, in adulthood. Moreover, both had no experience of relations with “their” sign before. In general, I always ran as far as possible from male twins as soon as I found out that they were twins. I do not like womanizers;). And then suddenly it turned out that the most faithful man is my twin. I just know that he will never change. He doesn't care and doesn't need it.

So what do you say?

Thanks for the answer, for your site and of course, for the truthful calculation (I was not too lazy to look at previous relationships and everything is right “damn it!”) Please publish, I tried very hard :)

Anna, thank you for the fascinating story and valuable experience for our readers.

Hmm, what can I say on behalf of the calculation of indicators and psychology: couples like yours are not that common, but they have a place to be. And, perhaps, even in my practice, a couple of similar relationships will be typed. One of these relationships is almost constantly in sight and, interestingly, is developing quite well so far.

So, the main feature: the man is already very mature and noticeably older than his partner. That midlife crisis is already over, children do not require such care as before, life has more or less taken place, relative success has been achieved. And it's no secret that many men, having crossed the 4th decade, are trying to enter into a second youth in this period. And a young partner is the best way to remember yourself in your younger years and extend them for a few more moments (which can actually last for several years). Hence the most popular combinations of signs in this kind of relationship: an attractive, passionate and fatal at the same time pair of "Boa and Rabbit" and, of course, a youthfully romantic pair of mirror signs.

In no case am I in a hurry to condemn such meetings, but, from an objective point of view, I do not want to think of anything in such a relationship. For a man in this pair, the main thing is to prove to himself, his companion and others that he is still great, and for a woman it is interesting to get experience, wisdom and care from a loved one who represents an older generation. And every minute of this relationship is valuable. But, I repeat, you should not count these minutes and plan for a strategic perspective. This can only spoil the whole romantic picture. Although, oddly enough, the couple that I spoke about above, having an age gap even greater than yours, also having several strong levels of attraction and also a mirror combination of signs (only the elements of the Earth), has already crossed the "test" line of 3 of the year.

I think many readers will envy your story. To meet a man with amazing compatibility, at the peak of his "second youth" and hence an unprecedented effort, and at the same time the owner of a slightly hotter temperament than yours - isn't it fate? However, with my own pessimism, I cannot help but note the fact that, alas, men no longer have a “third” youth)) Therefore, Anna, be happy now and enjoy every moment. Although it is possible that your relationship will develop from being more than lovers to something deeper due to the impact of higher compatibility. Just keep in mind that by getting hung up on the physical level of relationships, you run the risk of completely exhausting them and not knowing more in each other. One way or another, your analysis is quite competent and accurate, therefore, I am sure that you yourself have already outlined all the conclusions and prospects for yourself.

Very interesting site. Thanks! I counted my parents, it turns out that they are almost an ideal couple: a lion and a twin

Physical 96% - maximum
Emotional 97% - maximum
Intelligent 69% compatible
Cardiac 52% - not compatible
Creative 98% - maximum
Intuitive 98% - maximum
Top 65% - compatible

Characters 3-3
Family 4-5
Temperament 5-4

I can’t say that there are no problems in their life together, but they have been together for 35 years. Disagreements are usually resolved through concessions. Their characters are the same by calculation, but in fact the role of the leader belongs to the mother.
Everything coincides with the heart chakra. On the father's side, there really is a certain callousness in relation to mother's experiences. At least he can't console and sympathize.

I would also like to check my grandparents, they had their 64th wedding anniversary the other day. Is it possible to expand the year of birth to 1927?

Oksana, a couple of your parents are really very, very good. 1927 added.

I am amazed at how exactly everything coincided with my husband!

Very good site! it’s a pity it didn’t exist before, 14 years ago :) My husband and I ended up with a boa constrictor and a rabbit, and I’m a boa constrictor ... what should I do now? We have children, it’s a pity to part, but there are constant conflicts, although we really understand each other, there is something to talk about. However, it is important for me that he be happy, I myself also want to live in joy :(

We got married very young, physics affected))) Dates of birth 01/01/1982 and 06/16/1982. It seems that you have some kind of compatibility, but the issue of creative implementation is stuck, as if we are interfering with each other - accused, claims, insults.

Ainura, it seems to me that with a marriage of 14 years and children, it would not be entirely correct on my part to push you to part. Therefore, I will be brief, trying not to say too much.

You probably already know that the Boa constrictor and the Rabbit are the most difficult couple among all. And everything is kept here exactly as long as the Boa constrictor is ready to endure this relationship, or, perhaps, they are beneficial to him, or if he has not yet decided on a new partner. In any case: the Boa constrictor allowed the relationship to begin at one time and the will of the Boa constrictor to complete them.

Hello! You say that the physical chakra does not last long. How much time approximately? And will we get something? Partner 08/20/85, me 06/06/1988, no higher compatibility. I look forward to your answer with great impatience.


Dina, it seems to me that you are already nitpicking a little, so paying attention to physical compatibility, which at the same time you have 80%. Most would envy the results of your calculation with a partner (whose overall percentage of 61% is above average):

Date of Birth 06.06.1988 20.08.1985
Physical 80%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 57%
Cordial 88%
Creative 89%
Intuitive 10%
Higher 18%
Zodiac signs Gemini - Air Leo - Fire
Square of Pythagoras
Character 3 3
family 5 5
Temperament 1 3

Here I would like to make a digression from your particular pair, in which, of course, everything is ok. One detail is of interest, which is that you, a woman with temperament 1, chose the physical connection from all the calculation parameters and asked a question about it.

In general, as has been discussed more than once, the behavior of people with a deficient temperament 1, especially men, is characterized, first of all, by the fact that with all their behavior they try to prove to others, including themselves, that their temperament is higher. From this, by the way, people with temperament 1 are most prone to physical adultery. Because this "one" makes them compensate for the lack of temperament all the time. And, of course, for such people, often the most exciting, and in advanced cases even painful, topic is the physical connection.

Dina, I’m not hinting at anything, but in your case it’s really, on the one hand, strange, and on the other hand, as it turned out, it’s quite justified to focus on the physical side with excellent compatibility with a partner in all other areas: by signs (Air and Fire is an excellent long-playing combination in the horoscope), with a good combination of chakras / biorhythms with 4 pronounced strong levels and with full harmony in the squares of Pythagoras. In Pythagoras, which is important, the main emphasis can be placed on mutual strong family qualities, which give another bonus to the long-term nature of these relationships. The only question is whether both partners with 5 family members consider each other "ideal" spouses. After all, they are both looking for exactly this in their souls.

Well, since the topic of the first chakra is so exciting, it should be said that physical compatibility, if it is high, acts all the time, but its satisfaction occurs, you know, very quickly. And over time, of course, was the passion fading away. That's what is meant by the term "shortly". It's not 1 or 10 days - it depends on the relationship. And in this sense, relationships where there is strong physical compatibility flare up quickly at first, but also quickly fade over time with not very good feelings for both partners, when there is nothing uniting between them at higher levels. Those. there is no step to go further. Although there is another option: both partners, even those who have compatibility in addition to physical, are given only to her in such a way that they simply reduce the whole essence of the relationship to this. The result is the same as in the first option.

Therefore, Dina, strong physical compatibility is like thirst in a hot desert. Thirst will last until a source of water is found. After that, she, like any physical need after satisfaction, disappears for a while. And the stronger this compatibility, the hotter the desert and the stronger the thirst, if we continue the analogy. But, when the source is always nearby, then it becomes less and less long-awaited.

Hello, dear creators of this wonderful site. So I have chosen for myself according to your method the ideal partner. His date of birth is April 3, 1968. Please advise me where I can find this person. I thank you for your understanding and for your response. My date of birth is 06/05/1976

Alena, for starters, I would like to say that in fact there are quite a few “ideal” partners for each person, so maybe you shouldn’t get hung up on a single date. But that's up to you, of course.

Where to look ... A good question. I understand that I cannot advise you on the easiest way for the current generation - this is Vkontakte, because. The audience is at least a generation younger. Maybe Odnoklassniki? Although, for sure, you already know this social network without me too. But in it, at least, the active audience is still older than VKontakte.

I can also seriously recommend paid dating services. I can't write the names because I'm not an active user of them. However, more than once I heard very positive reviews about such services. The reason for them, of course, is a more adequate audience than different mambas, etc. In them, people pay for communication with the same adults, adequate and serious-minded people, for the absence of perverts and outcasts, well, and for various additional bonuses that are not available in mass services.

By the way, one of my acquaintances, an accomplished and very self-confident woman with the character of 1111, found her third husband through one of these paid services. True, she absolutely does not trust all kinds of astrology and calculations due to the pragmatism of her mind, calling those similar to this site complete nonsense. Which, by the way, did not prevent her from marrying a “Rabbit” man for the third time in a row :)))

So try it - the Internet now provides plenty of opportunities for this. It is important to simply find your audience. But, nevertheless, I would recommend that you look at all the men who are interested there and check them here. Objectively, it is not easy to find exactly 46 years old by the ready date of birth of a free person, suitable for all parameters.

Good day! I looked at several couples, including my past relationships, and saw such a pattern - often in couples where there is an emotional dissonance in the vampire-donor relationship ... That is, someone in a couple has a lot of energy, and someone lacks it ... It turns out that in some couples attraction comes precisely due to emotional dissonance? Or maybe I'm wrong ... My relationship has become a vivid example for me. I - 06/18/1986, partner 03/24/1976 - there is practically no compatibility. I don’t understand what the attraction is due to, if it’s not a donor-vampire relationship, where I’m just a vampire, throwing tantrums at a man and trying to bring him to emotions. If the explanation is correct, then I understand my reasons for falling in love, but why does he return? And the relationship of my friends: partner 06/18/1985, girl-February 11, 85, also emotional dissonance, but then the man throws tantrums and tries to bring his wife to emotions.

In-contri: Nadezhda, you probably noticed that I, too, sometimes, when necessary, look in a relationship who is a vampire and who is a donor. It happens that this helps to understand the essence of problematic relationships, especially with inconsistencies in the horoscope. However, more and more questions come in connection with the distribution of roles in a couple: who gives energy and who takes it. Therefore, I will write it down for myself in the list of site upgrades and will add it to the calculation in the near future. The indicator is still important.

If we talk about your observation that emotional dissonance is accompanied by a pronounced vampire-donor relationship (and vampirism on the female side, if I understand correctly), then, I confess, I did not make such notes for myself, but now I will definitely do it. An interesting hypothesis that needs to be tested. Regarding specifically your relationship, here, it is obvious that no less a role than energy vampirism was also played specifically by your type of interaction between the signs of Gemini (you) and Aries (men). This is the most explosive union of Air and Fire. Only now it's better when it's an explosion of passion and emotions, and not scandals and tears. And to the question of why he returns to you, the explanation is as follows: the first is that without your Air, his Fire is just a spark, it is the signs of your element that give his sign the most opportunities to open up, and the second is that, oddly enough, energy the donor needs to transfer excess energy no less than the vampire needs to receive it. And, if you remember, it has been said more than once that energy vampirism by quickly and easily receiving negative energy is akin to drug addiction. Many couples get hooked on this very seriously. But the consequences of such energy addiction are no better than those of the real one: more and more is required each time. Until the psyche of one of the partners bursts.

Good day everyone! My name is Natalia. I'm looking at all the reviews, as I'm waiting for the master to answer me too (I left a review a couple of weeks ago). Thanks. But after reading the MUSI review ... I want to tell you that I recently met a very nice family. Self-sufficient, successful... And, as it may seem (highlighted In-contri), happy (and since I myself have been suffering from numerology for a long time, I am interested in the person himself and his correspondence to the horoscope, sign, date, etc.). After a while, I found out their dates of birth: 10/30/1969 - a man, 06/07/1971 - a woman (they already have successful children, 11 years old girl and 13 years old boy). But here, due to this compatibility in terms of chakras, they are incompatible for the most part. I think that the blood type and even the presence of religiosity play a role here (an Orthodox man with 3 blood groups and a Catholic woman with 1 group (hunter-colonizer). They have been married for 15 years (she did not change her surname to her husband's surname). "There is no spiritual support from her parents anymore. Her parents live and prosper. Maybe the woman is too smart, cunning, strong?!

In-contri: Natalia, thanks for the interesting problem. Let's try to find a solution. In general, in this regard, I remember how, at the dawn of the site’s appearance, I most of all liked questions in the spirit of “yes, your site doesn’t think correctly at all, here I have such and such [hereinafter two dates] live and nothing, but you have everything Badly". And then you start looking and after all, people have normal compatibility, everything corresponds to the minimum (minimum, I emphasize!) Recommendations, you publish the answer, you are glad that you convinced them. However, some readers seem to accept compatibility only in this form, when everything converges 100% - and the chakras, and the horoscope, and Pythagoras. But this, of course, does not happen. Or maybe it just hasn't come across yet.

So, Natalia, your case is extremely special. Possibly even one of the most special ones to come along. And, if not for your tips, then, honestly, I would have reached a dead end. Because there are no more clues on the surface, except for the Gemini-Scorpio pair, which is the “Boa and the Rabbit”. And yet, I think I got one logical solution. But first, let's answer the question, what is compatibility between partners?

The author of the calculation says that this is when there are no inconsistencies in the horoscope, when there are common emotions and at least one of the three highest levels in a pair, while Pythagoras does not show dissonances. Somewhere I had to read that when all three lower biorhythms are compatible, this is the best option. And someone claims that the more percent in the higher chakras, the stronger and longer the connection. Maybe everyone is right in their own way. In general, everyone agrees on one thing: true compatibility is when there is a strong connection between partners in something. Not necessarily all at once. At least in something.

Let's look for her. First: a strong attraction (at least at the initial stage) of the signs that form the combination “Boa constrictor and rabbit” with each other. Moreover, this attraction of an incompatible couple is even stronger than the attraction of the signs of one element. It is not for nothing that most of the cases of betrayal, analyzed in the reviews, occurred with one of the partners, passionate about their “Rabbit” or “Boa”. And in this pair, the Scorpio man acts as the "Rabbit", and the Gemini woman as the "Boa". So your assumption here is justified. "Boa" is no doubt too smart, cunning and strong for "Rabbit". No wonder one is the hunter and the other is the prey. We also know that attraction in a pair of "Rabbit and Boa" is fatal in nature. But for some reason, evil fate did not separate this couple before and keeps them together now? I believe that your mention of religiosity here is very appropriate.

It led me to the idea to also look at the spiritual diagonals along the squares of Pythagoras. By the way, yesterday I read the contact group and one of the subscribers asked me to add just a comparison of the “spirituality” of the partners. I also thought about it and answered that it should work in too special cases. It turns out, just in such as the pair in question. And what do we see: a woman of spirituality has a maximum of 5 points, and a man has as much as 8. 8 is already pure fanaticism, in places, one might say, a phase shift. Now I don’t even doubt the true religiosity of this couple, and for me personally everything is becoming clearer. “The boa constrictor and the rabbit”, having once been nearby, perhaps even then, on the positive spiritual ground and the negative ground of the attraction of their signs, entered into a marriage. Of course, forever and ever. Otherwise, such people cannot be. Therefore, finding themselves in a world without alternatives, they live a purely spiritual life, their own values. A man, I believe, as a "Rabbit", feeling after so many years the energy of this union, perceives it as his spiritual struggle. And successfully, apparently, he is fighting. It is easier for a woman in this regard. She is "Boa" and her usual scenario is to simply get tired of the boredom and predictability of life with "Rabbit". But, having also high spirituality and seeing her husband's fanaticism, she probably also joined only this time in the family spiritual mission.

No wonder, Natalia, I singled out the phrase “as it may seem, happy” in your story. I don't think we should jump to conclusions here. In fact, we can only guess what happens in reality in this pair. On the one hand, I would like to wish them good luck and further following the common spiritual path, but on the other hand ... I remember more than one review where adult women wrote how happy they were to be freed from the shackles of the “Boa and Rabbit” union years later. In general, the most interesting situation. Thank you, Natalia

Zs: regarding your review, I confess that I have not seen it yet. But, if it is written just as interestingly and the volume is not one and a half lines, then the probability of an answer, as I have said more than once, is very high.

Good afternoon, I accidentally stumbled across mutual friends in the social. network on a girl, I really liked it, so to speak, at some other level of perception :) I looked through your site, matches for all chakras, everything seems to be fine according to Pythagoras, but your recommendation for the zodiac sign confuses, you can say something more specific in this situation? Many thanks in advance :) I am 06/17/1989, girlfriend 06/20/1989.

In-contri: Alexander, alas, the horoscope compatibility theory gives a chance for a more or less serious relationship to only one pair out of 12 possible pairs of identical signs. This is a pair of Pisces partners. Well, in general, there is an opinion that in some cases water signs converge with each other for a longer time than the same signs of other elements. Well, you can try to refute this statistic :) Nobody forbids it.

However, I had to watch meetings, even marriages, but then sad partings of the same earthly and fiery signs. Although those others also started quite successfully. Unfortunately, I don’t have my own observations on the same air signs, like yours. Still, the union of identical signs is not a frequent phenomenon. And if we take into account that it is also fleeting, then, as a rule, the matter does not reach the debriefing on our website or in other sources.

The coincidences for all chakras in your case are not at all surprising - after all, the difference in birthdays is only 3 days. That is, your initial points of the periods of biorhythms (they are also chakras) are very close, which is why there is an intersection everywhere. Perhaps this is another confirmation that people with close dates of birth often become friends. But friendship is friendship, but the fact that after a while it becomes boring in a relationship, that all the actions and reactions of a partner are predictable, that there is not in him that very “half” (i.e., additions to his personality) that many dream of - this is already a problem. Instead, there is only a similar copy, sometimes reflected in a distorted mirror.
And I say this not only to draw attention to my review) I have been fond of astrology, numerology for a long time and your site with reviews and stories is just a godsend for systematizing knowledge and testing it on the real experience of living people.

My story is that I met a young man on the Internet, but since he didn’t particularly attract me (neither outwardly, nor by some exciting communication), I kept refusing to meet him. Then I calculated compatibility, saw a favorable prognosis and decided to take a chance) And what do you think? I moved to a young man after a week and a half of dating, and we have been living happily for 2 months already) The feeling that we have always been together.

My question is - all our infrequent (pah-pah) quarrels occur on his initiative and look something like this - HE: “It seems to me that you are dry towards me, your feelings are not sincere,” and everything like that. Of course, this offends me very much, I explain to him that everything is fine, this is not so and we put up. It is felt, in general, even to me - a girl, intellectual incompatibility, I can’t imagine what kind of male level of perception he is, since this is in general. How to mitigate its manifestations, because our couple is suitable for the minimum recommendations of the author on compatibility. And in general about us, your detailed opinion is very interesting.

Me 06/05/89, OH 07/29/89

Thank you for everything!

In-contri: Evgeniya, thank you. I am also glad that I found in you a like-minded person to study the theory and, importantly, the practice of compatibility.

Let us immediately for readers your calculation. Signs: Gemini and Leo - an excellent productive combination of the elements of Air and Fire, the type of relationship "Big brother and little brother." "Big brother" - you, Evgenia.

Chakras - three high compatibility in emotions, intuition and higher chakras:
Physical 44% - not compatible
Emotional 80% - almost match
Intelligent 26% - not compatible
Cardiac 15% - dissonance
Creative 47% - not compatible
Intuitive 72% - compatible
Top 93% - maximum

According to Pythagoras: characters 4-2 in your favor, family peak and high 5-4, temperaments in harmony 2-3 in favor of the guy. And here, too, we see that the dominant role is confirmed - "Big Brother" is a leader by nature. It would seem that quite a good deal, but we, as usual, dig deep.

So, about “your feelings are not sincere”, etc. What's this? Taking into account the intellectual dissonance, we can assume that a guy, specifically at the level of reason, sometimes cannot appreciate the reciprocal feelings on your part. And looking at his full square of Pythagoras, we see the following: 55 (developed logic) and 9999 (naturally powerful “computer”: memory and mind). All this suggests that the intellectual channel dominates in the guy. He passes everything that happens through his computer and logic. In principle, in ordinary life it works effectively in his favor. However, in relationships that are more emotional, sensual, joyful and take place, including on a subtle intuitive channel, this approach fails. His computer does not digest the flow of data in an alien programming language from your side, so to speak. In general, there is a feature of such people since 9999 (I have only seen three of these in my life - a rare sign) in that they are sometimes a bit like terminators in interpersonal relationships in others and in a couple. They run everything through their multi-processor brain, analyze data, generate reports ... while often remaining cold. Therefore, Evgenia, I immediately recommend that you abandon any logical, in your opinion, arguments or arguments in such conflicts with a guy. His logic and cold mind, alas, are tuned to receive other data (intellectual dissonance - that's it). So it's better to use the strengths of your couple and just hug him in such a situation or in any other emotional way knock on the heart of your "tin woodcutter". This will work to a much greater effect.

Another hypothesis about the initiation of conflicts by your boyfriend. It consists in the fact that it may not be an initiation at all. And not even a conflict. Those. how do you rate it. And this is actually something like begging for signs and confirmation of love on your part. In general, such behavior is certainly not logical for a man. Because, it’s not for nothing that even competent psychologists say that a girl should be brought up with high self-esteem, inspire her that she should be loved just like that, because she is. And the boy, on the contrary, must be brought up in such a way that he knows from childhood that no one will love him just like that, and authority, a good attitude towards himself and, of course, the love of a woman must be earned, earned, achieved. In general, in nature, where there is a dominant male and, accordingly, a non-dominant female, this is very justified and, as a rule, it happens. Your situation is different: the female partner dominates both in signs and in character. Therefore, a man is also ready to be a little “little brother” next to you and somewhere to allow himself to show even such weakness in the spirit of “yes, you don’t love me”, pouting your lips. Be taller, "grow up", as the stars tell you in these relationships. Just accept it as whims, and try to build mutual understanding more on the intellectual-intuitive channel.

An interesting couple, Evgenia, you have. Take into account all the moments - everything will be fine. Moreover, family and the union of the elements give an excellent chance for this. Thanks for the story.

ps: the programmer who helped with the script agreed to help implement another script for selecting partners in the next month. And most of all, I am afraid that people, having received favorable dates in their hands, will then immediately begin to evaluate potential partners from photographs and turn up their noses. Just like you did in the beginning that you didn’t like the guy at first sight. And only then the intersections in the chakras made themselves felt. But most people want to immediately see both the forecast at 100% and the photo of Brad Pitt in contact under the received date. I don’t even know whether to launch or not…

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The site contains information intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Whatever people say who do not believe in the reliability of predictions of the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, they can be easily persuaded. To do this, it is enough for them to carefully study the characteristics of the signs themselves and their relationships with each other. Even the most ardent skeptics will be forced to agree that there is some truth in the information being studied.

Many people build their lives, families and careers based on the compatibility data of the zodiac signs. In order to work effectively, to be satisfied with the positive results of our work in life, family and work, we need like-minded people.

In matters of love, the problem of the compatibility of women and men is especially relevant. It is hardly possible to translate your plans and dreams into a real basis if there are people next to you with whom you do not have mutual understanding. It is even worse when you are surrounded by people who are your complete antagonists, and the most powerful feeling between you is mutual hostility. Such situations can be avoided if you trust the compatibility horoscope of the signs of the Zodiac. Gemini is one of the most interesting signs, its representatives are extraordinary people.

It is difficult to build relationships with Gemini if ​​you do not know the peculiarities of their character and the motivation for actions.

So, what kind of compatibility prediction do astrologers give for the relationship of a man and a woman in Gemini with other signs?

Women and men born in Gemini are quite similar in spirit and temperament, so each of them has the same features that characterize the representatives of this sign:

  • explosive temperament;
  • mood instability;
  • throwing around in search of something (truth / work / friends / love, etc.);
  • sparkling humor and ironic attitude to everything, including the Gemini themselves;
  • undisguised cynicism and the simultaneous presence of the highest degree of romanticism in some life situations;
  • pragmatism, logical thinking and distrust of everything that is not tested in practice by Gemini himself;
  • responsibility and conscientious attitude to any business that Gemini undertook to carry out;
  • constant need to learn something new for yourself;
  • conservatism, etc.

In addition, Gemini are people whose thoughts, words and deeds diverge in different directions. Consent between the Gemini themselves is possible only if one of them (or better, when both at once) is an atypical Gemini.

Atypical Twin

The atypical ones include those representatives of this sign who, with their characteristics, do not fit into the traditional description of Gemini. There are too many factors involved in this question. The Solar Twin, for example, can show an atypicality of his sign if he has a cluster of two or more planets in another sign of the Zodiac. One should also take into account the position of the Moon, and other personal planets at the time of his birth, as well as the dignity of the planets in various signs, etc.

Gemini is one of the most intelligent zodiac signs.

Of great importance in the formation of his personality is the factor of heredity, the social status of the family in which Gemini grew up and was brought up, the level of his education and the possibility of self-realization. All this forms the basis on which his character is formed under the influence of his own life experience.

What are Geminis afraid of?

Representatives of this sign have one weakness - they cannot stand loneliness (does not apply to atypical Gemini!), They are in constant search of a partner who is urgently needed, as a kind of incentive to life. Someone needs to be next to Gemini in order to push him forward through life or pull him back in time from committing reckless acts. A typical Gemini couple is doomed to a short existence. It is another matter if one of them is an atypical representative of his sign - wiser, more mature and sedate, he will become an excellent support for his other half.

The most interesting thing is that, not enduring loneliness and in need of love, the Gemini, however, do not allow anyone to limit their freedom. It is practically impossible to keep a representative of this sign "within four walls" or "at one's feet". Since this sign belongs to the element of Air, Gemini knows how to dissolve "in the fog" without asking anyone for permission.

How to build relationships with Gemini?

First you need to get used to the idea that your Twin is not your property. It is quite possible to rely on him, if he is not suddenly pulled into the mountains or on some other journey, or disappear from the house, which is called "in slippers." Gemini is absolutely not worried about his appearance, although he knows how to dress beautifully and knows a lot about it. Lack of money is also never a problem for him, because he gets it "out of thin air", he is always with money.

If you want to be a true friend or business partner of a Gemini, there are a few things you should never do:

  • do not demand from them what they can never give you;
  • do not put pressure on them with your authority - Gemini does not recognize authorities;
  • do not try to buy, appease or keep by force - it is useless if he has lost interest in you, nothing good will come of your relationship;
  • do not let him be tormented by doubts, even if he asks you for advice, in fact he does not need anyone else's advice, he can cope with his problem without you;
  • do not tell him that he is bad, not the same as you expected - the vulnerable Gemini will not forgive you for this, although he will not harbor evil on you;
  • do not try to manipulate the Gemini - they themselves are great at doing this in relation to other people and will unravel your idea from your first steps;
  • do not try to complicate his situation, do not arrange life dramas, he himself is a great actor, he values ​​​​simplicity (of life / relationships) and freedom most of all in life.

Gemini: compatibility table with other Zodiac Signs:
Partner sign Love (%) Marriage(%) Relationship(%)
Aquarius 100 80 90
Fishes 90 70 80
Aries 90 40 65
Taurus 70 40 55
Twins 70 100 85
Crayfish 80 80 80
a lion 90 60 75
Virgo 100 80 90
scales 100 80 90
Scorpion 90 70 80
Sagittarius 90 60 75
Capricorn 80 50 65

For a Gemini woman, an Aries man must be patient and understanding if he wants a trusting relationship with his wife and a strong family. Their marriage can be harmonious if she does not tire the Aries man too much. He also likes to diversify his life, but he is not always ready to approve the waywardness and changeability of his wife.

For the Gemini man, the Aries woman is the ideal sexual partner. Both spouses are inquisitive, energetic, liberated, active and claim to be the head of the family. However, the Gemini (excellent diplomats!) have all the tools to neutralize Aries and seize the reins of the family. Marriage will be successful as long as the spouse Aries is interested in her husband Gemini.


For a Gemini woman, a Taurus man can become too boring a life partner, which will negatively affect the sexual life of spouses. In addition, Taurus will try to limit the freedom of Gemini's wife; she will never put up with his possessive views. Loyalty on the part of Taurus is a guarantee of a successful union and long-term love between these two signs.

For the Gemini man, the Taurus woman is too conservative. Despite the fact that the many-sided Gemini is attracted to the leisurely and conservative Taurus, the marriage between them can be unsuccessful and problematic. A supporter of traditional views on life - Taurus, it is difficult to come to terms with the behavior of the volatile Gemini.

The variability of Gemini is unbearable in this union

For a woman (like a man) Gemini, marriage relationships can be complex, changeable and always on the verge of anguish, against the backdrop of great emotions. Interestingly, the compatibility of twins would be ideal if their periods of their impulsivity coincided. Both of them are prone to displaying too high emotions, they also easily fall into boredom and apathy, but their moods do not always coincide. All the shortcomings of this eccentric marriage are more than covered by sexual relations in which spouses never have problems.


For the Gemini woman, the Cancer man is too serious. He is not a fan of Gemini's artistry, does not understand his game, gets confused in his own feelings and each time takes offense at a new (even harmless) trick of his partner. Cancer needs stable partner support and love, which Gemini cannot give him because of his changeability and restlessness. He himself often needs to be supported and returned to the reality of being. The marriage between them, unfortunately, will be short, but full of emotions.

For the Gemini man, the Cancer woman is able to become an effective regulator of his indefatigable sexual energy, unless she initially frightens Cancer. She must remember that her chosen one will not tolerate rough pressure. She will need to show the maximum of the abilities of a psychologist in order to cope with her too sensitive and loving spouse. The marriage between them will be successful if Cancer manages to curb the inconstancy of Gemini, and then, in turn, will give his partner in life the self-confidence he lacks.

A very positive outlook for this pair
a lion

For a Gemini woman, a Leo man will be a suitable partner. He is noble, loves variety in sexual relations. The forest will generously look at the quirks of the Twin, without limiting his freedom and desire for novelty. Relations between them in everyday life and in love can develop successfully for many years of a happy marriage.

For a Gemini man, a Leo woman is an ideal partner, provided that he does not get tired of constantly surprising and captivating his partner. She is jealous, but by giving all his time exclusively to her alone, he can avoid quarrels, jealousy, suspicions, intrigues and other family troubles. In jealousy, as in rage, Leo is terrible. If the subtle psychologist and diplomatic Gemini can make some concessions, their marriage promises to be harmonious and lasting.


For the Gemini woman, the Virgo man is too frivolous a creature, while he can consider her a bore and start to get bored in her presence. The biggest problem in their relationship may be the sexual issue. The experimental Gemini will shock Virgo with their bizarre sexual fantasies. A supporter of his own ideas about sex, he will lose interest in a partner, and this is the beginning of the end of marriage between these signs.

For a Gemini man, a Virgo woman will become a good friend, but not a lover. Impulsive Gemini, who value freedom, will not be able to completely subordinate their lives to the desires of the capricious Virgo, who is eager to accustom her partner to constancy. With his active resistance, Virgo decides that he is not worthy of her, the marriage will fall apart very quickly. The conservatism of Cancer and the impulsiveness of Gemini are bad allies.

Everything is going well for this union, both will be happy

For the Gemini woman, the Libra man means the prospect of a successful marriage and a happy family life. Both are ardent supporters of experimenting and diversifying sexual relationships, they are devoid of feelings of jealousy, not burdened by the vice of the owner. Their temperament is on the same level, they know how to successfully complement each other, they will never be bored. Both will find a lot of pleasant things in marriage and will live together for a long time and quite happily.

For a Gemini man, a Libra woman in marriage will be an excellent sexual partner and a reliable second half. Experiencing strong feelings, they will be able to build their own happiness in marriage, bypassing jealousy, misunderstanding, reproaches and quarrels. Mutual passion will be good ground for the rapid development of their sexual relations, in which no one will have a desire to change their sexual partner.


For a Gemini woman, a Scorpio man is well suited as a sexual partner, but his jealous nature will cause Gemini at first bewilderment, and later irritation. On this basis, grandiose conflicts can arise between them, leading to the collapse of the marriage union. A happy marriage between them is a rather rare phenomenon.

For the Gemini man, the Scorpio woman will also be a good partner in sexual games, if only Scorpio learns to trust his partner and does not constantly reproach him for his frivolous disposition. The purposeful Scorpio simply does not understand and does not adequately perceive the variability of the Gemini, who more often does not understand at all what is the main thing for him in life and it is necessary to strive for it. The marriage between them will be problematic and doubtful.


For a Gemini woman, a Sagittarius man can offer a marriage based on permanence, but both of them will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve this goal. Both lack a sense of ownership in relation to their partner, but Gemini's criticism of Scorpio can become fertile ground for frequent quarrels between them. If the marriage is successful, then the harmony of relations is possible at the cost of considerable efforts on each side.

For the Gemini man, the Sagittarius woman would be ideal as a spouse, if not for the constant nit-picking of the Gemini. These signs have a lot in common, they are both restless, changeable, gravitate towards various adventures or travels. In their need to constantly criticize someone, Gemini will choose a neighbor, namely, a partner of Sagittarius, who will not tolerate criticism in his address. Both are uncompromising, they will not be able to find a common language after a serious conflict, and they will not be able to return their previous relationship.


For the Gemini woman, the Capricorn man is too conservative, so he perceives all the actions of the freedom-loving Gemini inadequately and considers them defiant. Practical and down to earth, he will annoy his partner who tries to "ground" him and break his "wings". Their union is possible, but it will not be very long, it will take place against the backdrop of enchanting quarrels and violent emotional showdowns.
For the Gemini man, the Capricorn woman is not a good sexual partner, so there will be little positive in their marriage from this side. Cautious, rude and slow Capricorn is not a couple of sentimental, amorous and impulsive Gemini. There are too few common ground between these signs for a successful and happy marriage, both of them are not too interested in it.

The marriage between them will be interesting, long and fruitful.

For the Gemini woman, the Aquarius man is very interesting with the same thirst for adventure and restlessness of character that are characteristic of herself. Their union can be successful and very long, but their relationship cannot be called even. Both of them are quite impulsive, have a freedom-loving and explosive character. The most interesting thing is that the possibility or the very fact of a quarrel is unlikely to sadden any of them, since they see this as a positive. They need such relationships for complete happiness and self-realization in a family based on friendship, sympathy, complete trust and affection for a partner.

For the Gemini man, the Aquarius woman and her desire to resubordinate her partner will become a stumbling block for the happiness of such a marriage. If Gemini succumbs, the influence of Aquarius on him can be positive. He will become a faithful ally and assistant in all endeavors of Sagittarius, who has the same restless character, craving for adventure, change and an active lifestyle. Both of these signs are calm about everyday problems and are not inclined to dramatize the situation with a broken drain tank or a broken pipeline.


For a Gemini woman, a Pisces man will be a good sexual partner, they will not have sexual problems. Gemini, who often change and quickly forget their own emotions, will consider Pisces, who experience each burst of emotions for a long time, too sensitive. This can become the basis for suspicion and distrust of Pisces to his partner. Their relationship based on love cannot be called stable, but marriage based on deep affection between them is possible.

For a Gemini man, a Pisces woman would be an ideal match if it were not for her excessive sensitivity and suspicion. Although both of these signs are characterized by inconstancy, Gemini is the first to break the taboo on volatility and willfulness, which will become a serious reason for a quarrel. After the truce, the Gemini quickly calms down, and the Pisces still remembers the insult, which, on the basis of insensitivity on the part of the Gemini, gives rise to a new conflict. If the spouses find a compromise, for both, marriage will become just a duty.

People belonging to the Gemini sign cannot stand restrictions, freedom and the realization of their own desires for them is of paramount importance in life. What will come to his mind in the next minute, even he himself does not always know, so he does not like to make any promises about this. It is useless to fight him against his own vices by force and coercion - he will resist. It will not be right to completely take his side and adapt to him either - he will lose interest in you.

Gemini - people born May 21 - June 21. Their element: Air. Ruler planet: Mercury. Gemini is the epitome of duality. The compatibility of Gemini with other signs depends on how much the partner of this sign is ready to put up with his dual nature.

How Gemini behave in a love relationship

Geminis do not seek or value commitments that infringe on their right to think freely. In traditional astrology, the key phrase for this zodiac sign is "I think." Geminis are not eager to put all their thoughts out and value intellectual freedom.

In their relationships with partners, Gemini is multifaceted.

They may or may not seem playful and funny to others because of their vivid imagination. Gemini is attractive in the eyes of sociable and intelligent people.

Those born under the sign of Gemini are able to do two or three things at the same time, while so many of us spend a lot of time choosing the direction of our actions. This property of Gemini is explained by the influence of the winged messenger of Mercury. In Gemini, the mind is extremely valuable.

The importance of their good ideas is as significant as the money in the bank. This applies to the majority of those born under the sign of Gemini.

The main properties of Gemini are the power of the mind and imagination, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, which accumulate with the growth of life experience.

How to Conquer Gemini and Achieve Compatibility

Geminis are curious to know what the world can teach them and what the world can teach them. The twins only pretend to move in a straight line.

The impression they give, by and large, can be misleading. Those born under this sign can change their previously chosen direction at any time with the skill of an Olympic champion in figure skating.

They enjoy moving in several directions at the same time or being on several fronts at the same time, accompanied by a fountain of ideas.

Compatibility of Gemini with other signs complicates their shortcomings - nervousness and their characteristic sense of anxiety.

Another drawback is the inability to concentrate properly. Overcoming such qualities will make life more comfortable for them and more predictable for those who live with them.

Those born under the sign of Gemini are probably more adaptable than those born under any other sign. The generally accepted assumption that Gemini is not able to delve deeply into the essence of the matter is erroneous.

In some cases, those born under the sign of Gemini do not want (and it is good that they do not want) to compromise. This is the realm of the struggle for mental superiority or superiority in the field of education.

Those born under the sign of Gemini make excellent counselors or educators.

Gemini is able to vividly describe in words pictures that vividly reflect life, deeply affecting the imagination of listeners.

Gemini compatibility with other signs

Gemini - Gemini

Can you imagine a tandem of two Mercury-ruled Gemini? Surely there will be a lot of action, communication, the beginning of new projects (but not necessarily bringing them to the end).

The pace of life is high, and stimulating ideas are transformed into actions and inventions that these two people can do with some perseverance and perseverance.

We see two people with a talent for conversation, fine writing, and sales.

They are always up to date with all the latest gossip. They, great specialists in the field of bright conversation, are often invited to secular meetings, because in a couple they simply shine.

In love, they are inventive, prone to experimentation, show willingness and ability in this area. Let's hope that one of them has an ascending earth sign.

Gemini - Cancer

Good relations can develop in this couple if they are allowed to end according to the scenario provided for by fate: here the bells will not ring for a long time.

When Gemini wants to tell a brilliant funny story, Cancer will be consumed by sensual daydreams. Well, what can this talkative Gemini Cancer give, especially in a permanent relationship?

Gemini - Leo

Unfortunately, everything indicates that there are more cons than pros for this couple, at least in terms of long-term relationships. Leos are looking for followers, not "devil's advocates", which the Gemini, with their love of mental exercise, can play from time to time (although this is done simply to stay intellectually "tuned").

In addition, both love to talk, and while Gemini is developing an idea, Leo is thinking about how this idea relates to him (or her), and simply waits for the right moment to take over the conversation and direct it to himself. Spending evenings like this, they may never see the bedrooms...

Gemini - Virgo

This is another talkative team, but their conversations are quite peaceful and provide an opportunity to come to a “common denominator”. Gemini has a lot of ideas, Virgo has a lot of facts, as well as impeccable logic, which helps Gemini to embody Virgo's ideas.

However, this combination will not be brilliant for two reasons: firstly, Virgo can provoke Gemini to look superficial; secondly, their sexual incompatibility is so great that if, going through life together, they are going to build a house, they may well forget to include a bedroom in their project (and not even notice their omission) ...

Gemini - Libra

This is a good potential choice for a long-term relationship; a comfortable, adaptable pair that is strong both spiritually and mentally.

The only negative point of this combination may be the lack of attention of the Gemini to some of the problems of Libra, or the ability of these astrological Gemini to talk too much. But in general, these are signs that speak the same language.

Gemini - Scorpio

Compatibility is questionable. Gemini's style - fickle, flirtatious, free-spirited and argumentative - can be a serious test for the jealous, control-oriented Scorpio.

When battles break out, the Gemini runs the risk of being too lightweight for the powerful, agile Scorpio. This couple is undesirable for a long-term relationship, unless a detailed astrological chart has been developed for each of them.

Gemini - Sagittarius

This is another one of those combinations that, with the right precautions, can be very successful. Gemini's fear of boredom does not manifest itself in this combination, and Sagittarius' wanderlust is not restrained here; in fact, Sagittarius may consider Gemini a good travel companion.

These signs also have much in common intellectually and philosophically, but they have different types of impermanence, which, at first glance, are similar. This alignment can lead to a quick and unmistakable calculation of the partner's infidelity with "deadly" results for the relationship.

Gemini - Capricorn

This is the perfect combination if you are looking for eternal boredom. These signs can get along quite happily, but the kind of accommodating of this kind is useful in business, not love relationships.

The reward for both can be a lasting friendship, until unsuccessful attempts at love and sex - and in this pair they do not combine - completely ruin the relationship.

Gemini - Aquarius

Here is a really happy combination: Aquarius surprises and Gemini's desire to receive such surprises! Sparks fly here, which, in the right environment, become sparks of love.

Gemini, with their need for a resonator for their ideas, will find in Aquarius a person who is ready and able to discuss, reason and argue. And in those moments when the negative sides of Gemini are manifested, Aquarius becomes more positive.

Gemini - Pisces

Some successful sexual attempts may temporarily attract these signs to each other, but this is usually not an option for the long term. Pisces is too emotional, and Gemini may try to use discussion and logic as a weapon against Pisces' admitted vulnerability. L in response to the needs of Pisces for more understanding, Gemini can simply fly away after a while ...

Gemini in love and marriage

According to the love horoscope of compatibility, Gemini is unpredictable and fickle, like the wind. Their mood is extremely changeable, and they can either demonstrate lightness and charm, easily captivating their partner, or be gloomy and withdrawn into themselves.

And in romantic courtship, and in love relationships, and even in marriage - at least in relation to yourself. They are able to disappear for several days and suddenly appear, they can forget about the date and even not come to it at all. It is not surprising that their partners change quite often, and Gemini, as a rule, are married several times. They do not promise fidelity and constancy to their chosen ones, but they are able to bring unpredictability and a bright, unforgettable feeling of novelty into family life.

When compatible in love and marriage, Gemini is not too aggressive and will gladly be second in all areas, including sex.

Gemini Sexual Compatibility

According to sexual compatibility, Gemini hate routine and love everything new, and this fully applies to their behavior in the intimate sphere. In life, they can have many more or less long-term hobbies, up to one-night stands, and sometimes they are able to twist two novels at the same time.

They do not have increased sexuality, but their partner will not be bored: in bed, the Gemini are determined to experiment. Often, the Kamasutra becomes their reference book for some time - at least until they try almost everything in it. However, both in love and in marriage, the Gemini is primarily looking for in a partner not sexual, but intellectual compatibility.

How to make love with a Gemini

Winning the attention and love of Gemini is easy, but keeping it is a big problem. However, this can still be done if you are ready to jump from thought to thought in a conversation with him, like a monkey from branch to branch. Get ready also for the fact that the Gemini will now and then be distracted from talking with you, saying hello to other people, or even trying to escape somewhere. A good way out in this case would be to go with him to a park or other deserted place, where it will be much more difficult for Gemini to be distracted.

If you want to inspire a Gemini with some thought, you will have to wrap it in an unusual wrapper and express it as quickly as possible so that he does not get bored. Only the freshness and novelty of the idea, its unusualness and vivid presentation will make the Gemini make a place for it in its busy memory.

Date with Gemini

Give your Twins an out of the ordinary date, or arrange multiple mini-dates, all within the same night.,

On the date day, read poetry in a coffee shop or stroll through a bookstore, go to a party together, go on a picnic, play a video game, go to a dance, spend the day at the zoo, go hang-gliding, go to a movie theater, take a trip to a casino, go to a a science museum, go for a drink at a cafe or bar, do yoga together, take a midnight walk together, fly a helicopter together, fly a kite together, visit an aviation exhibition.

Where and how to find love Gemini

The best place to get acquainted is an exhibition or a museum. It would be nice if you find out some information about the exhibits in advance, so that on occasion you can show off your erudition. Just do not try to shout down the guide!

Gemini - love failure or finding happiness

It will be easier for Gemini to find a mate if they show themselves to be executive, neat, hardworking people. If the representative of this sign is petty, inattentive to relatives and friends, does not give a damn about his health and refuses to lend a helping hand to those who need it, obviously, he has much less chances for family well-being.

Gemini - compatibility with other signs

Gemini - Aries Compatibility

Between "rams" and "twins" feelings of sympathy and mutual understanding are quickly and easily born. Often here love comes "at first sight." And yet a long and happy marriage is not guaranteed here. The main culprit for this, as a rule, is the very superficial feelings of the "twins" and the fact that they almost always have everything "double", that is, they are produced and exist in double size - friends and girlfriends, work and hobbies, houses and apartments, and also partners in love and marriage. "Gemini" is a wonderful and funny partner, but only for a short, short time.

Seduce and captivate, bind to yourself and captivate your partner - the "twins" are the best masters of the entire Zodiac for this. But how quickly and easily they converge, just as quickly and easily they can disperse. Well-known words from an old Russian song are well suited for this couple: “... without joy there was love, separation will be without sadness ...”.

A distinctive feature of the character of the "twins" - being late everywhere, always and everywhere - declares itself from the first date and does not change until divorce and separation. They are late for work and from work, for lunch and dinner, they are late to go to bed in the evening and get up in the morning, etc. etc.

Surprisingly good agreement between these partners exists when both are united by common ideas and plans, common deeds and goals. But as soon as the question concerns one's own hearth, household or kitchen, everything immediately goes upside down. For the "twins" this sphere of action is the weakest.

When choosing a partner for love, marriage or business, as a rule, the “twins” prefer the “ram” (of course, if such an opportunity exists), since the “twins” admire the Martian strength and energy of the “ram”, their mindset and penetrating power, activity and enterprise - that is, precisely those properties and qualities of character that they lack or that they do not have at all.

Cases of strong marriage unions are very rare, which is also confirmed by statistical data.

Gemini - Aquarius Compatibility

Between the "twins" and "Aquarians" not only friendship and cooperation are possible, but even a very noticeable and funny marriage union - with original ideas, undertakings and plans, with knowledge of the secrets of the art of love and sex. As a marriage union, it is, of course, both lively and lively, frisky and ardent, but, unfortunately, very, very unsecured, because the material side is weak both in one and in the other. Partners are not chasing titles or titles, completely rejecting the accumulative and petty-bourgeois way of life.

It seems that they are specially made for each other. They often love at first sight. And there is nothing surprising here, both are ready to flutter like two nocturnal butterflies, coo like turtledoves, especially under the veil of secrets of moonlit nights, which, most often, end in fun of free intimate contacts. Even the nightingales themselves can envy their voluptuous melodies. Both partners love freedom of feelings and independence of thoughts. Their credo: "The same rights in everything!"

However, he is in no hurry to officially marry and formalizes it with the help of the law only if necessary. For this, the “twin” has to work very hard, using eloquence, declarations of love, analogies with biblical texts, and purely psychological conversations, but just like that, he will not force his “Aquarius” to cross the threshold of the registry office. And there is still hard work ahead to convince the “Aquarius” to get down to business in order to distract him from riding a wooden stick horse or admiring only castles in the air. And often, indeed, it is possible to make the “Aquarius” not only ride a sled, but even start to carry them.

If the “twin” manages to put things in such a way that the “Aquarius” does not feel violence, coercion, if he has a sense of the voluntariness of what is happening, his own initiative, then their life will improve.

In this marriage union, boredom is unthinkable. The reasoning and reasoning of the “twin” of his “Aquarius” endures calmly stoically, sometimes even agreeing with him. But something and "winds on a mustache." And if there were "twins" a little more precise and more careful, the marriage would be very successful.

Gemini - Pisces Compatibility

According to statistics, this marriage union is fragile and short-lived. Harmony is impossible here for many reasons. First of all, the temperament of each of them is tuned to its own way, to its own waves. The "fish" is dominated by sensitivity and sensuality, the "twins" frivolity and windiness. Rich imagination and vivid vivid imagination, as well as excessive susceptibility and impressionability, often cause the "twins" - a storm in a "glass of water". "Pisces" needs peace and comfort, pleasure and enjoyment, a reliable and confident life, harmony in their own home. "Pisces" with their spiritual warmth is alien to the cool atmosphere of the intellect of the "twins". If, for the latter, this marriage union is just another entertainment, then for the “fish” it means nothing but excitement and worries, torment and suffering.

If at first everything goes like “like clockwork”, as well as possible, then over time the picture is already changing dramatically. When the "twin" of his "goldfish" has already studied enough and sorted it "by the bones", interest in it gradually begins to weaken until it disappears completely.

True, on those evenings when, for some reason, the "twin" is at home. Both of them start conversations and conversations not only for long hours, but often even until the morning. But, like all fairy tales, this fairy tale still comes to an end sometime.

If, nevertheless, for some other weighty reasons, they stay together and continue their life together, then quite often the “fish” women have to swim in the sea of ​​their own tears, and the “fish” men in the sea of ​​alcohol. And often they do it together with their partner from the Gemini sign. Only then an ordinary glass is replaced first by a bottle, and then by a vat. And the end result, of course, does not require any comments.