GDZ on organic chemistry Novoshinsky. Is it worth doing to reshebnik

High school students don't like chemistry Due to the fact that for the most part this discipline remains incomprehensible for them. Only a few percentage of students with pleasure goes to the lessons and delivers in all subtleties. The rest are experiencing real torment, recording endless formulas and equations. But schoolchildren can significantly relieve their fate if they use GDZ.

During this year, adolescents need to assimilate the organic chemistry and what is included in this section:

  • the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances (models of molecules in these compounds, hybridization, features of reactions flow);
  • classes of organic compounds (alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkins, arena);
  • derivatives of hydrocarbons;
  • substances of living cells;
  • artificial and synthetic compounds.

Tenth graders Those thoroughly familiar with the cellular structure of the human body, as well as the importance of this science in the life of any individual will understand.

What exactly arise problems

The most difficult aspect in studying this subject is to display the course of the chemical reaction in the equation. The reverse process is also complicated: to understand from the formula, which reaction or substance it means. However, with reshebnik It can be understood not only how hydrocarbons are formed, but everything else.

Is it possible to overcome them

Since the chemistry has always been considered a rather difficult discipline, completely in the essence of which is given only to a few, then the emergence of problems on it does not surprise anyone. However, schoolchildren have one bad habit - Saving their solution for later. Thus, they apply even greater harm, but they understand it, as a rule too late. To not run the situation, you can use "GDZ in Chemistry Grade 10".

Chemistry grade 11

Tutorial (basic level)

Novoshinsky, Novoshinskaya

Innovative School

Russian word

Description of publication

Role chemistry In modern society is huge. She took a special place in the system of human knowledge that was accumulated by millennia. Studying school course eleventh grade, the student will get acquainted with the organic chemistry, the structure of the atom, the connections and patterns of the flow of various chemical reactions. Chemistry Textbook for Grade 11 (Basic Level) Author Novoshinsky Great way will help get this knowledge. In addition to the main material, there are schemes, drawings, tables that contribute to the best understanding of the subject. A large number of wording and terms are highlighted in the text with a special font. The manual corresponds to GEF and is recommended for general education schools.

Why need a reshebnik

Sometimes the student is difficult to understand this or that topic and because of this, difficulties arise. "GDZ in Chemistry Grade 11 (Basic Level) Novoshinsky, Novoshinsky Russian Word Innovative School" It will help to cope with this problem. Detailed answers are available to all the numbers of the textbook tasks. Online reshebnik will help:

  • Disassemble and understand the complex material.
  • Proper to perform the work specified on the house.
  • Deepen your knowledge.
  • Save time to search for the necessary information.

Systematic use GDZ In the learning process, will give excellent results in the form of good estimates and high performance.

Chemistry grade 11

Tutorial (basic level)

Novoshinsky, Novoshinskaya

Innovative School

Russian word

Description of publication

Role chemistry In modern society is huge. She took a special place in the system of human knowledge that was accumulated by millennia. Studying school course eleventh gradeThe student will get acquainted with the organic chemistry, the structure of the atom, the bonds and patterns of the flow of various chemical reactions. Chemistry Textbook for Grade 11 (Basic Level) Author Novoshinsky Great way will help get this knowledge. In addition to the main material, there are schemes, drawings, tables that contribute to the best understanding of the subject. A large number of wording and terms are highlighted in the text with a special font. The manual corresponds to GEF and is recommended for general education schools.

Why need a reshebnik

Sometimes the student is difficult to understand this or that topic and because of this, difficulties arise. "GDZ in Chemistry Grade 11 (Basic Level) Novoshinsky, Novoshinsky Russian Word Innovative School" It will help to cope with this problem. Detailed answers are available to all the numbers of the textbook tasks. Online reshebnik will help:

  • Disassemble and understand the complex material.
  • Proper to perform the work specified on the house.
  • Deepen your knowledge.
  • Save time to search for the necessary information.

Systematic use GDZ In the learning process, will give excellent results in the form of good estimates and high performance.

M.: 20. 0 8. - 4 24 s.

The textbook "Chemistry" was created on the basis of the standard of medium (complete) general education (profile level) and allows you to prepare for any forms of control of knowledge in chemistry, including a unified state exam. The material of the textbook is aimed at generalizing and deepening the knowledge gained by students in the course of chemistry 8-9 classes. The textbook outlines the theoretical foundations general Chemistry: Modern ideas about the structure of the atom and nature chemical bond; The main patterns of the flow of chemical processes, including electrolysis, corrosion; General properties of non-metals and metals; Scientific principles of chemical production and some aspects of environmental protection. Available language of presentation, rich illustrative material, a variety of tasks - all this will help students learn the content of the course of general chemistry.

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How to work with a textbook 3
Chapter I. The structure of the atom. Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev
§ 1. The composition of the atom. Nuclides 5.
§ 2. The state of electrons in atom 8
§ 3. Electronic atoms configurations 15
§ 4. Electron-graphic formula atom 21
§ 5. Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev 25
§ 6. Change properties simple substances and connections of elements in periods 27
§ 7. Changing the properties of simple substances and connections of elements in groups 33
Chapter II. Chemical communications
§ 8. Covalent Communication 38
§ 9. Valency and valence possibilities of an atom in the light of the theories of the structure of an atom and chemical bond 43
§ 10. Complex compounds 51
§ 11. Main characteristics of covalent communication 59
§ 12. Spatial structure of molecules 61
§ 13. Polarity of molecules 67
§ 14. ion connection. Degree of oxidation 70.
§ 15. Hydrogen Communication 76
§ 16. Intermolecular interactions 79
§ 17. Gaseous, liquid and solids 81
Chapter III. Chemical reactions and patterns of their flow
§ 18. Energy of chemical reactions 89
§ 19. The concept of entropy 95
§ 20: Gibbs Energy 99
§ 21. Chemical reaction rate. Elementary and complex reactions 102
§ 22. Factors affecting the rate of chemical reactions 107
§ 23. Catalysts 114
§ 24. irreversible and reversible reactions. Chemical equilibrium 118.
§ 25. Displacement of chemical equilibrium. Principle le chaitor 122
Chapter IV. Chemical reactions in aqueous solutions
§ 26. Disperse systems and their classification 129
§ 27. Solutions 132
§ 28. The solubility of substances in water 135
§ 29. Methods for expressing the composition of solutions 140
§ 30. Electrolytic dissociation. Strong and weak electrolytes 144
§ 31. Solubility product 149
§ 32. ionic product of water. Hydrogen indicator 151.
§ 33. Acid-basic properties of hydroxides 155
§ 34. Modern ideas about the nature of acids and grounds 158
§ 35. Ionic exchange reactions 161
§ 36. Hydrolysis of salts 164
§ 37. The degree of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis in the light of proton theory 171
§ 38. The interaction of metals with solutions of hydrolyzing salts 178
§ 39. irreversible hydrolysis of salts and binary compounds 180
Chapter V. Reaction with a change in the degrees of oxidation of atoms of chemical elements
§ 40. Redox reactions 183
§ 41. Compilation of equations of redox reactions 187
§ 42. Special cases of the preparation of equations of redox reactions 191
§ 43. Method of electron-ion balance (half-formation method) 196
§ 44. Organic substances in oxidation reactions 201
§ 45. Chemical sources of current 203
§ 46. Electrochemical row of metal voltages 207
§ 47. Direction of redox reactions 211
§ 48. Electrolysis 214
§ 49. Batteries 221
§ 50. Metal corrosion 224
Chapter VI. Basic classes of inorganic compounds
§ 51. Oxides 231
§ 52. Hydroxides. Basins 238.
§ 53. Acids 242
§ 54. Amphoteric hydroxides 246
§ 55. Solving problems using stoichiometric schemes 250
§ 56. Classification of salts. Medium salts 251.
§ 57. Sour salts 256
§ 58. Basic, double and mixed salts 259
§ 59. Genetic connection between the classes of inorganic compounds 263
Chapter VII. Non-metals and their connections
§ 60. general characteristics and methods for producing non-metals 266
§ 61. The properties of non-metals 270
§ 62. Nonmetal hydrogen compounds 279
§ 63. Nemetalov oxides and the corresponding hydroxides 283
§ 64. Noble Gaza 287
Chapter VIII. Metals and their connections
§ 65. General characteristics and methods for producing metals 291
§ 66. Metal properties 294
§ 67. Overall characteristics of D-elements 304
§ 68. Chrome and its compounds 307
§ 69. Manganese and its compounds 318
§ 70. Iron and its compounds 327
§ 71. Copper and its compounds 338
§ 72. Silver and its compounds 346
§ 73. Chemical elements of a side subgroup of group II. Zinc and its compounds 350
§ 74. Mercury and its compounds 356
Chapter IX. Chemistry and chemical technology
§ 75. Production of sulfuric acid contact method 361
§ 76. Reaction product yield 366
§ 77. Ammonia production 369
§ 78. Cast iron production. Domain process 372.
§ 79. Production of steel 376
§ 80. Scientific principles of chemical production 379
CHAPTER X. Environmental Protection
§ 81. Protection of atmosphere 382
§ 82. Protection of the hydrosphere 390
§ 83. Soil protection 394
Practical work 398.
Answers to settlement tasks 413
Subject 415

Chemistry grade 10.

Novoshinsky, Novoshinskaya

Russian word

Pupils B. tenth grade Make a conscious choice towards those subjects that they need upon admission. This is the time when they have the opportunity to tighten the knowledge, understand questions that cause difficulties. Many schoolchildren choose the chemistry in the main direction and therefore it is important for them to figure out each topic so that the science seemed logical and brought joy. Pedagogues offer to help students "GDZ Chemistry 10 grade Tutorial Novoshinsky, Novoshinsky Russian Word". With the help of which the child will go to the whole training program In full and will be able to prepare for the exam.

What includes a reshebnik

The manual consists of basic and in-depth levels of the material being taught. The textbook contains all the topics of the school program for tenth grade.

  • The structure of the atom and the nature of the chemical bond;
  • Basic laws of chemical processes;
  • Characteristic properties of non-metals and metals;
  • Scientific principles of chemical production and environmental protection.

Performing tasks a student will be able to control his knowledge with the help of online answers.

Is it worth doing to reshebnik

School program PO chemistry Very volume and requires a lot of time and effort from the student to prepare the subject, so it is important for it to reduce the time and at the same time maintain the quality of the information being studied. Pursuing GDZ A student will fully assimilate the entire material traveled, to independently understand in a difficult topic, spend self-control and make work on errors.