Presentation of chemistry on the topic "General characteristics of non-metals and their connections." Presentation on the topic "Nemetalla" download a presentation in chemistry non-metals

Non-metals: general characteristics.

Remene S.A.,

chemistry teacher Maura Sosh No. 58 KGO

Educational portal "My University" Faculty of "Education Reform"

Non-metal position in PSHE

Features of the atomic structure of non-metals

A small atomic radius

At the external level of 4-8 electrons

Located only in the main subgroups

Characterized by the high value of EO

Physical properties Simple substances

State of aggregation




NOT, N 2, H 2,

Cl 2, O 2, O 3

Nemmetalov color






Nemmetalov color






  • 3 800 0 C - graphite
  • - 210 0 C - Nitrogen

Types of crystal lattices

Molecular grille

Particles in lattice nodes

Atomic grille


Communication between particles

Weak intermolecular interactions

Physical properties

Oxygen azot

Durable covalent communication

Phosphorus sulfur

Carbon (diamond)

Malaya strength

Low boiling and melting temperatures

High boiling and melting temperatures

High volatility


  • Miscellaneous types of crystal lattices

P - Phosphorus

Red phosphorus - atomic

White phosphorus - molecular


  • Different structure of crystal lattices

C - carbon




  • Different composition of molecules

O - oxygen



  • Light - blue gas with a strong smell
  • It has a smell of freshness
  • Appears after thunderstorm

Ozone in nature

Contained in the air of pine forests and sea coast

  • Delays ultraviolet rays that destroyly act on the cells of living organisms
  • The ozone layer is located at an altitude of 20 - 25 km

Independent work

State of aggregation



List of non-metals: about 2 , As, cl 2 , P, n 2 , F. 2 , Br. 2 , C, S

Color Nem



List of non-metals: S, P, Cl 2 , Br. 2 , I. 2

Type of crystal lattice



List of non-metals: ABOUT 2 , In, about 3 , C, N 2 , S.

Comparative characteristics of oxygen allotropic modifications

Signs of comparison

Allotropic oxygen modifications


Qualitative composition

Quantitative composition

Physical properties

Chemical properties

Finding in nature

Biological significance

Fill out the table

At the end of the 18th century A. Lavoisier

i installed that air -

not a simple substance.

a mixture of gases

Composite parts of air




Fill the schema

  • Oxygen
  • Noble gases

  • Carbon dioxide
  • Water couples

  • Microorganisms
  • Pollen plants
  • Sulfur and nitrogen oxides

  • Required for breathing
  • Participates in weathering rocks and soil formation
  • Nitrogen, argon and oxygen get out of the air

1. The III group of PSHE includes non-metalls:

2. The number of electrons on the outer electron layer of non-metal atoms:

3. Nonmetallam do not include gaseous:

4. For what nonmetal is characteristic of the red color?

5. The permanent parts of the air do not include:

  • Make a crossword puzzle

  • The guest from the space came, in the air she has found themselves

  • He is lifeless calling, but life is not created without it

  • Although many substances turn into poison, in chemistry it is worthy of all awards

  • Its units are countless, which it forms in them there are changes to which the name of the legion is in its pure form - black, dark, not fusible and barely burns as a crystal transparent, in which the sun shakes.

Tasks of the lesson: supplement the knowledge of the spread of non-metals in nature. To add knowledge about the spread of non-metals in nature. Examine the phenomenon of allotropy on the example of oxygen, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus. Examine the phenomenon of allotropy on the example of oxygen, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus. Find out the causes of the distinctive properties of allotropic modifications. Find out the causes of the distinctive properties of allotropic modifications. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of substances on an example of oxygen and ozone. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of substances on an example of oxygen and ozone.

Non-metals in nature are found native non-metals N 2 and O 2 (in the air), sulfur (in the earth's crust), but more often non-metals are in nature in a chemically related form. First of all, it is water and salt dissolved in it, then minerals and rock (for example, various silicates, aluminosilicates, phosphates, borats, sulfates and carbonates). In nature there are native non-metals N 2 and O 2 (in the air), sulfur (in the earth's crust), but more often non-metals are in nature in a chemically related form. First of all, it is water and salt dissolved in it, then minerals and rock (for example, various silicates, aluminosilicates, phosphates, borats, sulfates and carbonates). For prevalence in the earth's crust, non-metals occupy the most different places: from the three most common elements (O, Si, H) to very rare (AS, SE, I, TE). For prevalence in the earth's crust, non-metals occupy the most different places: from the three most common elements (O, Si, H) to very rare (AS, SE, I, TE).

Finding halogens in Nature: Fluor-F 2 Fluorite -caf 2 fluoro-F 2 Fluoritis -caf 2 chlorine-Cl 2 Stone Sol- NaCl Chlorine-Cl 2 Stone Sol- NaCl Sylvinite -nacl * KCL Sylvinite -nacl * KCL iod-j 2 iodine-J 2 Sea water, algae, drilling rigs Sea water, algae, Bromo-Br 2 bromine drill waters in similar compounds, along with chlorine in similar compounds, together with chloride chloride crystals - mineral Galit

Allhotropiy of Allhotropia (from DR-Greek. Αλλος "Other", τροπος "turn, property") The existence of the same chemical element in the form of two and more simple substances, different in structure and properties: so-called allotropic modifications or allotropic forms. Allhotropia (from DR-Greek. Αλλος "Other", τροπος "Rotate, Property") The existence of the same chemical element in the form of two and more simple substances, different in structure and properties: so-called allotropic modifications or allotropic forms.

Before you photos of various substances, find Nemetalla among them, try to guess what non-metallo is we talking, explain your choice

Objectives lesson:

  • Get an idea of \u200b\u200bsimple substances - nonmetallah;
  • Get acquainted with the common physical properties of non-metals and the phenomenon of allotropy;
  • Learn to identify the identity of substances to nonmetallam;

Check your homework.

1. Where in the periodic system are the elements corresponding to these metals?

4. Which of the substances named in the poem below do not apply to metals?

Seven metals created light

By the number of seven planets:

Copper, iron, silver ...

Gave us space on good.

Zlatto, Tin, Lead ...

My son, sulfur - their father.

And you should know:

All of them mercury is a native mother.

Studying a new topic.

"Simple substances are non-metals. Allotropy"

  • Non-metals - These are chemical elements that form simple substances in free form that do not have the physical properties of metals.

Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev

Groups of elements



















Gaseous substances Nemetalla:

  • ABOUT 2 -
  • N. 2 -
  • H. 2 -
  • Cl. 2 -
  • F. 2 -

noble gases:

  • Inert gases
  • Each inert gas molecule consists of one atom.
  • Show how electrons in helium and neon atoms are distributed.

He. -

Ne -

AR -

Kr. -

Xe. -

RN. -

  • He. - Ne - AR - Kr. - Xe. - RN. -
  • He. - Ne - AR - Kr. - Xe. - RN. -
  • He. - Ne - AR - Kr. - Xe. - RN. -
  • He. - Ne - AR - Kr. - Xe. - RN. -

The structure of the outer electronic layer of helium and neon atoms


  • I 2 -

Allotropy - the ability of atoms of one chemical element to form several simple substances.

Causes of allotropy:

  • Various number of atoms in the molecule;
  • The formation of various crystalline forms.

Oxygen modifications.

  • O 2 - oxygen;
  • colorless gas;
  • does not smell;
  • poorly soluble in water;
  • boiling point-182.9 s;
  • stable molecule.
  • About 3 - ozone;
  • blue gas;
  • has a sharp smell;
  • dissolves 10 times better than oxygen;
  • boiling point -111.9 s;
  • not stable molecule.

Allhotropy of phosphorus. Red and white phosphorus

R 4

(red phosphorus)

  • (White Phosphorus)

Allotropy of carbon.

  • Graphite
  • Diamond

Border position between metals and non-metals.

  • White Tin.
  • metal
  • Gray tin
  • non-metal

Perform a task.

  • 1 option
  • ABOUT 2 - oxygen, gas;
  • P 4 -
  • I 2 -
  • betta SN -
  • H 2 -
  • F 2 -
  • Option 2
  • ABOUT 3 -One, gas;
  • alpha SN -
  • N 2 -
  • Cl 2 -
  • Br 2 -

Check the answers.

  • 1 option
  • ABOUT 2 - oxygen, gas;
  • P 4 - white phosphorus, solid;
  • I 2 - iodine, solid
  • SI - silicon solid
  • betta SN - White Tin, Metal, Sliding;
  • He - helium, noble gas;
  • H 2 - hydrogen, gas;
  • F 2 - fluorine, gas.
  • Option 2
  • ABOUT 3 -One, gas;
  • P - red phosphorus, solid;
  • C - carbon, solid;
  • alpha SN - gray tin, nonmetall, powder;
  • Ne - neon, noble gas;
  • N 2 - nitrogen, gas;
  • Cl 2 - chlorine, gas;
  • Br 2 - bromine, liquid.

Criteria for estimates

  • 8 correct answers - "5";
  • 7.6 piping responses - "4";
  • 5.4 correct answers - "3";
  • Less than 4 correct answers - "2";

Slide 1.

Presentation of the student's chemistry 9b class of gymnasium No. 24. I.A. Krylova Sergeeva Irina on the topic "Nemetalla. Arsenic"

Clade 2.

Arsenic Characteristics of arsenic element (ARSENICUM) - a chemical element with atomic number 33 in the periodic system D.I. REMEELEEV, is indicated by the AS symbol. Sequence number - 33 kernel charge \u003d +33 Number of electrons \u003d 33 relative atomic weight \u003d 74.92 (≈ 75) Period number - IV Number of electronic levels \u003d 4 Group number - V, main subgroup The number of electrons at the last level \u003d 5 electronic passport 1s²2S²2P63S²3P63D104S²4P³ Electricity - 2,18 (Pauling Scale) Possible oxidation degrees \u003d -3, 0, +3, +5

Slide 3.

Facts from the history are known to be arsenic with deep antiquity: 1. In the writings of Dioscard (I century. AD) mentioned the calcination of the substance that is now called sulfur arsenic; 2. In III-IV century. In fragmentary records attributed to Zozimos (Egypt or Greek alchemist), there is a mention of metallic arsenic; 3. The Greek writer of the Olympiodorus (V c. AD) describes the manufacture of white arsenic sulfide firing; 4. In the VIII century. Arabic alchemist Gebere received arsenic trioxide; 5. In the Middle Ages, people began to face arsenic three-oxide in the processing of arsenic-containing ores, and the white smoke gaseous AS2O3 was called ore smoke; Dioscride Geber

Slide 4.

6. Obtaining free metallic arsenic attributes to the German alchemist Alberton BolshtoTe and refer to about 1250, although Greek and Arabic alchemists undoubtedly received arsenic (heating his trocus with organic substances) earlier than the largest; 7. In 1733, it was proved that white arsenic is "earth", metallic arsenic oxide; 8. In 1760, the Frenchman Louis Claude Gado received the first organic mission of arsenic, known as a liquid of kada or oxide "like"; The formula of this substance [(CH3) 2AS] 2O; 9. In 1775, Karl Wilhelm Shelele received arsenic acid and arsenic hydrogen; 10. In 1789, Antoine Laurent Lavauzier recognized arsenic with an independent chemical element. Albert Background Bolshestt K.V. Shelele A.L. Lavoisier

Slide 5.

Arsenic arsenic substance is a silver-gray or tin and white substance, in a fresh breaking with a metal glitter. But in the air he quickly fades. It is a fragile semimetall steel of steel (located in the periodic system on the border between metals and non-metals, therefore is called "semimetal"). For arsenic, as well as for other semi-metals, the formation of a covalent crystal lattice and the presence of metallic conductivity is characterized. But nevertheless arsenic-non-metall. Physical properties: 1. When heated above 600 ° C, the arsenic is disturbed without melting, and under pressure 37 atm. Melts at 818 ° C. 2. Density (with n. Y.) - 5.73 g / cm³ (gray arsenic) 3. Boiling point \u003d 876 K (Kelvin) appearance simple substance

Slide 6.

Allotropic modifications of arsenic despite the fact that arsenic refers to non-metals, it has 4 allotropic modifications, white, yellow, black and metallic (or gray) arsenic. The last 2 possess the properties of metals. 1. Gray arsenic is a fragile gray-steel crystalline mass with a metal glitter, which in the air quickly disappears due to the oxidation of the surface layer. 2. Black arsenic is the most resistant form - black powder, like most metals, in a fine (very small, which can pass through the sieve.) Condition (remember Mobile silver). In contrast to the gray form is resistant to air, but at 2859 ° C passes into a gray form. Black arsenic gray arsenic (metallic)

Slide 7.

Finding in nature arsenic is a scattered element. The content in the earth's crust is 1.7 × 10-4% by weight. In sea water 0.003 mg / l. This substance may occur in native state, has the form of metallic brilliant gray shells or dense masses consisting of small grains. It is known about 200 arsening minerals. In small concentrations, it is often contained in lead, copper and silver ores. Quite often there are two natural arsenic compounds with sulfur: orange-red transparent real kart ASS and lemon-yellow Auripigmentation AS2S3. Mineral having an industrial value - Arsenopyritis (Arsenic Cherdan) Feass or Fes2 Feas2 (46% AS), also produced arsenic cchedan - lulllingite (Feas2) (72.8% AS), shoots FEASO4 (27 - 36% AS). Most of the arsenic is mined through the processing of arsenic-containing gold, lead-zinc, medical and other ores. Hells Löllingit

Slide 8.

Arsenopyritis Realgar Auripigment is thin (thick. 2mm) Crystal crust of native arsenic on the contact of the Dolomites accommodation with accommodating Gneis (rock). Native arsenic. Vorontsovsky gold deposit. Northern Urals. The kidney of native arsenic on the wall of the carbonate residence in the ore brane.

Slide 9.

Obtaining arsenic arsenic is obtained in industry heating the arsenic cchedan: FeasS \u003d Fes + AS or (less often) with the restoration of AS2O3 coal. Both processes lead in retorts from refractory clay connected to the receiver for condensation of arsenic vapor. Arsenic anhydride is obtained by oxidative firing of arsenic ores or as a by-product of firing of polymetallic ores, almost always containing arsenic. With oxidative firing, AS2O3 pairs are formed, which are condensed in the catch chambers. Raw AS2O3 is purified by sublimation at 500-600 ° C. The purified AS2O3 serves to produce arsenic and its drugs. Currently, for obtaining metal arsenic, the arsenopyrite in muffle furnaces is most often heated without air access. At the same time, arsenic is exempt, the pairs of which are condensed and turn into a solid arsenic in iron tubes coming from furnaces, and in special ceramic receivers. The residue in the furnaces is then heated when air access, and then arsenic turns into AS2O3. Metal arsenic is obtained in rather minor quantities, and the main part of the arsening ore is processed into white arsenic, that is, arsenic trioxide - arsenic anhydride AS2O3. Muffle Furnace Scheme Retorts from Refractory Clay

Clade 10.

The chemical properties of arsenic with arsenic halogens is connected directly; under normal conditions ASF5 - gas; ASF3, ASCL3, ASB3 - colorless easily volatile liquids; ASI3 and AS2I4 - red crystals. When heating arsenic with gray, sulphides are obtained: orange-red AS4S4 and lemon yellow AS2S3. Pale yellow sulfide AS2S5 is precipitated when the H2S is passed into the ice-cooled solution of arsenic acid (or its salts) in smoking hydrochloric acid: 2H3Aso4 + 5H2S \u003d AS2S5 + 8H2O; About 500 ° C is decomposed on the AS2S3 and sulfur. All sulphides of arsenic are insoluble in water and diluted acids. Strong oxidizers (mixtures HNO3 + HCl, HCl + KCLO3) translate them into a mixture of H3Aso4 and H2SO4. The AS2S3 sulfide is easily dissolved in ammonium and alkaline metals and alkaline polysulfides, forming acids - thiomyyshamist H3Ass3 and Tiomyshiac H3Ass4. Sulfur (powder)

Clade 11.

Arsenic-poison in the minds of many words "poison" and "arsenic" are identical. So it has already been historically. Known stories about poisons Cleopatra. In Rome, the meadows of the locusts were famous. An ordinary tool to eliminate political and other opponents poison was also in the medieval Italian republics. In Venice, for example, at the courtyard was kept state specialists. And the main component of almost all poisons was arsenic. In Russia, the law prohibiting the interest-free and amber oil, strong vodka, arsenic and cilibuh, was published in the reign of Anna Ioannovna - in January 1733 the law was extremely strict and read: "Who will continue to the arsenic and other Materials will trade and so far caught or to whom will be reported, the trade will be a cruel punishment and there will be a link to the link without any mercy, the identity will be performed and those who are by pharmacies and the town hall who will buy. And if someone, the diving of such poisonous materials, to repair the damage to people, such a search is not tookmo, but the death will be executed, depending on the importance of the case is not necessary. " Arsenious Poison (Poison "ARSENIOUS) Empress Anna Ioannovna

Slide 12.

For centuries, arsenic connection was attracted (and now continue to attract) the attention of pharmacists, toxicologists and judicial experts. To recognize the arsenic poisoning, criminologists learned unmistakably. If white porphoramic grains are found in the stomach of the poisoned, then the first thing is suspicious of AS2O3 arsenic anhydride. These grains, along with pieces of coal, placed in a glass tube, seal it and heated. If there is an AS2O3 in the tube, then a gray-black brilliant ring of metallic arsenic appears on the cold parts of the tube. After cooling, the end of the tube islated, the coal is removed, and the gray-black ring is heated. At the same time, the ring is distilled to the free end of the tube, giving a white mysterious anhydride. Reactions here: AS2O3 + 3C → AS2 + 3CO or 2AS2O3 + 3C → 2AS2 + 3CO2; 2AS2 + 3O2 → 2AS2O3. The resulting white flare is placed under the microscope: with a small increase, the characteristic shiny crystals are visible in the form of octahedra (multi-faceted crystal). Oktahedra view

Slide 13.

Symptoms of poisoning symptoms of arsenic poisoning - metal taste in the mouth, vomiting, severe abdominal pain. Later convulsions, paralysis, death. The most famous and publicly available antidote in arsenic poisoning is milk, or rather the main protein of milk Casein, forming an insoluble compound with arsenic, not sucking into blood. Arsenic in the form of inorganic drugs is mortal in doses of 0.05-0.1 g., And nevertheless arsenic is present in all plant and animal organisms. (This is proved by French Orphic Scientists in 1838) Sea plant and animal organisms contain on average hundreds and freshwater and terrestrial - millions of arsenic percentage. Arsenic microparticles are absorbed by the cells of the human body, the element No. 33 is contained in the blood, tissues and organs; Especially a lot of it in the liver - from 2 to 12 mg per 1 kg of weight. Scientists suggest that microindoses of arsenic increase the stability of the body to the action of harmful microbes. Mother Joseph Orfil Milk is one of the antifles in the poisoning of arsenic (!)

Slide 14.

Arsenician arsenic is used in dentistry for the treatment of pulp (tissue containing nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels). Worldwide fame acquired Salvarsan, the 606th drug Paul Erlich - a German doctor who opened at the beginning of the XX century. The first effective means of combating LUES (syphilis-venereal infectious disease). It really was the 606th of those tested by Erlich arsenic drugs. Only in the 50s, when Salwarsan has already ceased to apply as a means against LUES, malaria, returning typhus, Soviet scientist M.Ya. Kraft installed his true formula (proved that it has a polymer structure). Other arsenic drugs, more efficient and less toxic, in particular, and others are also used to change Salvarsan: Novarsenol, Mairsenol, etc. Used in medical practice and some inorganic arsenic compounds. AS2O3 arsenic anhydride, KASO2 potassium arsenit, sodium hydroachenate Na2HA4 · 7H2O (in minimal doses) - the oxidative processes in the body, enhance the blood formation. The same substances - as an outdoor - prescribe with certain skin diseases. It is arsenic and its compounds attribute the healing effect of some mineral waters. Paul Erlich Formula Salvarsna

Slide 15.

Other arsenic use The most promising area of \u200b\u200barsenic application is undoubtedly semiconductor technique. Of particular importance in it the arsenides of Gaul Gaas and India INAS. Arsenide Gallium is also important for the new direction of electronic equipment -toelectronics, which arose in 1963-1965 at the junction of solid physics, optics and electronics. This material helped create new semiconductor lasers. Arsenic is used as a doping supplement, which gives "classic" semiconductors - Si, GE - conductivity of a certain type. In this semiconductor, the so-called "transition layer" is created in the semiconductor, and, depending on the purpose of the crystal, it is doped so as to obtain this layer at different depths. (For example, for the manufacture of diodes, it is "hiding" deepened; and if the semiconductor crystals will do Solar panels, the depth of the "transition layer" is not more than one micron.) Arsenic as a valuable additive is used in non-ferrous metallurgy. Thus, the addition of 0.15-0.45% of arsenic in copper increases its tensile strength, hardness and corrosion resistance when working in a ridden environment. In addition, arsenic increases copper fluidity during casting, facilitates the process of wire dragging. Add arsenic and lead, in some varieties of bronze, brass, typographic alloys. And at the same time, arsenic very often harms metallurgists - its presence in ore makes the production of harmful. Harmful twice: first, for the health of people, secondly, for metal - significant impurities of arsenic worsen the properties of almost all metals and alloys Sulfide compounds of arsenic - aurapygiment and realgar - used in painting in painting and in the leather industry of industry as a means To remove hair from the skin. The pyrotechnic realgar is used to obtain "Greek", or "Indian", fire arising from burning a mixture of Realgar with gray and Selutyra (bright white flame). Many of the arsenic compounds in very small doses are used as drugs to combat anemia and a number of serious diseases, as they have a clinically significant stimulating effect on a number of functions of the body, in particular, to bleeding. Laser Diode Pyrotechnics Paint

Slide 16.

Arsenic in the body as a microelerant arsenic is widespread in wildlife. Average arsenic content in soils 4 · 10-4%, in the ashes of plants - 3 · 10-5%. The content of arsenic in marine organisms is higher than in the ground (in fish 0.6-4.7 mg in 1 kg of raw substance, accumulates in the liver). The average of arsenic content in the human body is 0.08-0.2 mg / kg. In the blood, arsenic concentrates in red blood cells, where it binds to the hemoglobin molecule. The greatest amount of it (on 1 g of the tissue) is found in the kidneys and liver. Many arsenic is found in the lungs and spleen, skin and hair; Comparatively little - in the spinal fluid, brain (mainly pituitary gland), germ and others. Arsenic is involved in redox reactions: the oxidative decay of complex carbohydrates, fermentation, glycolysis, etc. Arsenic compounds are used in biochemistry as specific enzyme inhibitors to study the metabolic reactions. Ladon defeat (1), hands and legs (2) arsenic pictures of people affected by arsenia

Slide 17.

Interesting facts about arsenica and whether you know that ... 1. In Western countries, arsenic was known mainly as a strong poison, at the same time in traditional Chinese medicine, it was used for almost two thousand years to treat syphilis and psoriasis. Now doctors have proven that arsenic has a positive effect and in the fight against leukemia. Chinese scientists have discovered that arsenic attacks proteins that are responsible for the growth of cancer cells. 2. Ancient glassworms also know that arsenic trioxide makes the glass "deaf", i.e. opaque. However, small additives of this substance, on the contrary, brighten the glass. Arsenic and now enters the recipes of some glasses, for example, the "Vienna" glass for thermometers and twist. 3. Amazing cyanobacteria live in the east of the American Mono Lake in the east of the American state of California. With photosynthesis, they are not used oxygen, but arsenic, poisonous for almost all other forms of life. Perhaps it is from them that the process of photosynthesis began on our planet, and that photosynthesis, which supplies us all oxygen and energy, appeared later. Arsenic Lake Mono Collecting the sample in one of the puddle, at the bottom of which uses arsenic photosynthesising cyanobacteria

Slide 18.

Wikipedia References Popular Library of Chemical Elements Newspaper "Pharmaceutical Bulletin"

Non-metals in nature. In nature, native non-metals N2 and O2 (in the air), sulfur (in the earth's crust), are found in nature, but more often non-metals in nature are in a chemically related form. First of all, it is water and salt dissolved in it, then minerals and rock (for example, various silicates, aluminosilicates, phosphates, borats, sulfates and carbonates). For prevalence in the earth's crust, non-metals occupy the most different places: from the three most common elements (O, Si, H) to very rare (AS, SE, I, TE).

Slide 3. From the presentation "Chemistry Nemetalles". Archive size with a presentation 1449 KB.

Chemistry grade 9.

Summary of other presentations

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