Trichobesoar is a terrible fairy tale about pigtails and bad habits. Speleomedician portal of Russia

Intro - the foreign body, formed in the stomach as a result of the accumulation of particles of substances that are not able to digest (hair, coarse vegetable fibers and so on).

MKB-10. T18.
MKB-9. 938
Diseasesdb. 30758
MedLinePlus. 001582
Mesh. D001630.

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general information

The caviar of the stomach is detected mainly in animals, in humans they are rarely detected: several hundred cases are described in the medical literature.

Conductors may be single or multiple. Their diameter varies from 2-3 mm to 20 cm. In severe cases, they completely fill the stomach, forming its cast. The weight of the stones can reach 1 kg. The consistency is different: from soft to very dense (stony). The formation process takes from several days to 15-20 years.

Foreign bodies are formed not only in the stomach, but also in its diverticulous or esophagus. Sometimes there is an intestine soreness (in the duodenum).

The reasons

The reasons for the formation of accretions in the stomach depends on their composition. Allocate:

  • phytobezoara - stones made of fibers of plants;
  • trichobesoary - from hair;
  • shellac-caviar - from remnants of toxic substances;
  • gemobazoara - from blood clots;
  • pixobesoaras - from resinous compounds;
  • antenobsezoara - from medical preparations;
  • sebaisoara - from fats;
  • lactovers - from lactose and casein;
  • mixed.

In 70-75% of caleranes in humans, a person consists of compressed plant elements - peel, fiber, fruit seeds. They have a rounded shape, painted in brown or green, make an unpleasant smell.

Phytobezoara is found in humans, in the diet of which fruits and vegetables are dominated. Most often, they are formed from the remains of persimmon, drain, figs, dates, grapes, nuts and sunflower seeds. Factors that contribute to the formation of concrections:

  • increased viscosity of the mucus in the stomach;
  • violation of the evacuation function;
  • reducing the secretion of gastric juice;
  • bad chewing of food;
  • transferred vagotomy with pyloroplasty or stomach resection;
  • colonization of the mucous membrane of the stomach candidses.

Trichobesoars occupy a second place in frequency. They are the fool-shaped lumps of hair with mucus impurities and food parts. The cause of their formation is to enter the stomach. There are such malice in children with schizophrenia, which suffer from - obsessive hair pulling. In addition, they are found in people:

  • with impaired psyche that bite their hair;
  • professionally engaged in hair treatment.

The remaining types of stomach accumulations are relatively rare. Their reasons:

  • pixo and Shellac-Caucar - use of nitrolaca, glue BF and polytheus by alcoholics or swallowing chewing gum and plasticine by children;
  • hemobazoara - blood swallowing with portal hypertension and red lolly;
  • antenobseaara - accumulation of undisguised residues activated coal and other medicines;
  • sebaisoara - the use of goat, ram and beef sala without heat treatment;
  • lactovers are formed in premature children in the first weeks of life because of the high-calorie artificial placement with casein and lactose.


Symptoms of caviar depend on its type and size. With a small diameter of the stone, the pathological signs are not observed or a slight gravity in the stomach is felt.

Middle Size Conductors can provoke the following symptoms:

  • stupid pains in the epic area, which are enhanced after meals;
  • rapid saturation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • silent belching;
  • the feeling of the "rolling ball" in the stomach.

In addition to pain and dyspeptic phenomena, large cavities cause:

  • weight loss;
  • fatigue;
  • general malaise.

Possible complications:

  • damage to the edges of the stone walls of the stomach, leading to the formation of an ulcer, in rare cases - to malignancy, breakdowns and perforations;
  • reducing the concrement in the weekend of the stomach, causing severe pain spasms and vomiting with jolly impurities;
  • moving the caviar in a duodenum provoking intestinal obstruction.

Carera in children sometimes cause allergic reactions.


With large sizes of insane person, a person can be detected by palpation of the front wall of the abdomen, but the main methods of diagnosis are:

  • radiography of the stomach - shows the defects of filling round or oval shape with clear edges, as well as a decrease in the size of the gastric gas bubble;
  • gastroscopy - makes it possible to establish the exact dimensions of the stones, their nature, as well as explore the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sulfur differentiate from benign and cancer neoplasms in the stomach.


The areas of treatment of the caviar of the stomach depend on their size and associated symptoms. Small concreters can exit independently with the vomit or carte masses.

Gemo- and lactooths are disintegrated after washing the stomach and power correction, respectively. In the phytobesoara, 10% soda solution and abdomen massage are prescribed. As a rule, after several procedures, they are destroyed and derived naturally. Prokinetics are prescribed to accelerate the removal - substances that improve the passage of food on the gastrointestinal tract.

Unabled to conservative treatment of vegetable origin, as well as trico, sebo, pixo and shellac-caviar to be deleted. The loose stones are first crushed by a laser or ultrasound, and then removed with a fibrogastroduodenoscope.

Solid and large concrections are removed by surgical intervention - gastrotomy. In addition, the urgent surgery is carried out in the event of intestinal obstruction.


After dissolving or removal of damage in most cases, complete recovery occurs.


Basic prevention measures of damages:

  • restriction of rough vegetation food;
  • getting rid of habit to bite hair;
  • refusal of consumption of substances that are not able to digest into the gastrointestinal tract.

LiqMed reminds: The earlier you seek help to a specialist, the more chances to keep health and reduce the risk of developing complications.

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Sometimes a foreign body appears in the gastrointestinal tract - the soreness of the stomach. This is a solid structure of organic origin, which is formed due to the poorly digestible substances in it. These neoplasms are also called concretions or stones. The causes of such pathology in the digestion can be physiological and psychogenic.

People who use vegetables and fruits containing coarse fibers in the same extent subjected to this pathology as mentally ill patients swallowing their own hair.

Bane in the stomach: feature of the disease

Such a pathological tumor is a stone lump of a pale gray shade. Such a foreign body in the digestion organ consists of plowed hair, vegetable fibers, inorganic substances or blood clots. Burnt stones in the stomach have a fatty surface and bitter taste. The child is often presented with vegetable components. The form of education is rounded, the diameter reaches 7 cm. Treatment of siroard surgical.

The causes of the occurrence of damage

If such a stone was formed in the gastrointestinal system, then it signals a violation of diet or severe travelets of the gastrointestinal tract. Human without a person appears as a result of the influence of such factors:

With the help of hair eating, some people compensate for their stressful state.
  • Bad habits. The gastric stone consisting of hair is formed in people who are prone to their eating in order to complain in stressful situations.
  • Incorrect diet. The uneven amount of coarse fibers in food can provoke this disease. In children, when eating persimma, plums, dicks in the stomach and intestines are formed lumps from untapped fruit fibers. Especially brightly it is manifested if the fruit is made with milk.
  • Candidosis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Prematurity. Children born ahead of time are more prone to the formation of insane countries.

Types of caviar

The stony formations detected in the cavity of the stomach are divided according to the composition:

  • Trichoberear. They were described first. Trichobesoars are hair in the stomach. The phenomenon is often noticed in schizophrenics and mentally ill people prone to hairproof pulling.
  • Phytobesoar. In quantitative ratio, this type of concretion prevails over others. Phytobesoar is represented by a compressed fiber. Most often, the basis for him are persimmon, figs, plums, grapes, cherry and other tart fruits and berries.
  • Hematobesoar. Represented by blood clots.
  • Lactobrazoar. It is more often found among babies on artificial feeding. Represented by the residues of dairy sugar and casin protein.
  • Shellacobesoar. It is called a bitumen or haudron concrete agent. It arises from representatives of wild tribes, preferring to chew the resin trees.
  • Pixobesoar. Such a stone appears in persons who use surrogate alcohol and glue.
  • Sebaisoar. It is a fat conglomerate and appears in the gastrointestinal tract due to accumulation, swallowed with food, animal fat.
  • Antenobsezoar. Conductors are represented by coal surfaces.


Children often suffer from eating hair.

This stone in the gastrointestinal system is a hair blind. It includes not only hair, but also eyelashes, eyebrows, other grows of the human body. There is such a concrete, as the result of the obsessive eating of the darous structures. Inherent in this habit of mentally ill people and children. In women, trichobesoars occur more often in almost 90% of cases.


This neoplasm is represented by the accumulation of plant fibers. It occurs in 70% of cases of detection of stony formations in the cavities of the gastrointestinal system. Phytobesoar more often has a rounded or cylindrical shape. It is formed from the pulp of persimmon, figs, plums, grapes, cherry. Such a stone occurs even after excessive eating sunflower seeds. It occurs more often in men, in 80% of cases.


This consolidation is represented by the accumulation of chemical and drug substances in the cavity of the stomach or another department of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often it is an antrakesoper, which is accumulated by activated carbon. It is formed in people with reduced peristaltics, which there are no pushing movements of the gastrointestinal muscles.

Other caviar

Education can be formed from glue.

Stones are formed from any substances that are not able to digest gastric enzymes and hydrochloric acid. The caviar arise from the resin, glue, fat. They are also organic origin. An example is the blood clots formed in the stomach from a bleeding ulcerative defect, or that fell there after swallowing blood.

Symptoms of rayar

The clinical picture is often erased, as a result of its diversity. It depends on the composition, dimensions, weight, shape and duration of stay of the rocky structure in the gastrointestinal cavity. Symptoms of presence of concrections in the stomach:

  • pain in the epigastric region, accompanied by a sense of gravity;
  • premature saturation;
  • nausea finished vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • open with a rotten smell;
  • weight loss;
  • the feeling of rolling something inside.
... Caucar, as a rule, are stunning, if not to say - frightening, during the diagnosis of find in patients with nonspecific complaints of pain in the abdomen and dyspepsia.

Relevance. This pathology is relatively rare in childhood, and in connection with this, practical pediatrician doctors are not familiar with the clinic and the diagnosis of this disease. Meanwhile, caviar often become the cause of severe and life-threatening complications. They cause the formation of the ulcers of the stomach, penetration, perforation, gastrointestinal bleeding, necrosis of the stomach wall, acute obturative fine or thick-body obstruction, anemia, cachexia, allergic dermatitis and other complications. If in adult patients with ethiopathogenesis of damage in one way or another, then children have the causes of the formation of the caviar of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) is still not sufficiently studied.

Hoarfish - this is a special kind foreign languages Forming in the digestive tract, mainly in the cavity of the stomach, from various swallowed substances. The term "rayar" is associated with the name of the rocky goat breed, in the stomach of which they are most often found. In the Middle Ages, gastric damage was attributed magic property protection against poisons, so another interpretation of the term borrowed from arabic, implies an "antidote".

View of capear determined by its composition (see classification). Most often in children there are phyto and trichobesoars. Other types of cavities (shellacobesoara, Sebaisoara, etc.) in children practically do not occur. Separate authors report on the formation of lacto and mixing plates in combination with the defects of the duodenum development, as a result of the evacuation of the stomach.

The reasons. The main reason for the formation of care of the gastrointestinal tract in children is the uncontrolled reception of non-air-cooled vegetable products (persimmon, grapes with bones of pear, figs, nuts, peach, oranges, etc.) and non-vegetable substances (resin, plasticine, etc.). Among the phytobesices in the literature, the most commonly reported on the diospiosbearas forming from the persimmon, which contains a large number of resinous substances (chibols) undergoing coagulation under the influence of gastric juice and contributing to the sticking of persons of persimmon into dense mass. On the recommendations of a number of authors, persimmon should be completely excluded from the nutrition of children, and a number of other non-air-coined products, especially citrus, in early childhood should be used under strict adult control and in limited quantities. After any surgical operations for 3 to 6 months, it is preferable to take fruit and vegetables in the form of juices, since the formation of damage most often occurs in the postoperative period on the postoperative intestinal motility disorder, which contributes to the violation of the diet with the uncontrolled reception of a large number of fruits and vegetables (bananas, oranges, peaches, etc.).

The main reason for the formation of trichobesoars is to ingestion of hair by children with trichothyloman (as a rule, against the background of psychogenic depression). As a result, a "hair tumor" is formed in the stomach, consisting of a tangle of intertwined and glued hair impregnated with food masses and mucus. After removing the "hair tumor" to prevent the recurrence of trichoberear, the dispensary observation of the psychoneurologist and a pediatrician-gastroenterologist with a regular survey of the gastrointestinal trading.

Existing studies indicate a large role of the gastrointestinal anomalies, especially the gastroduodenal zone, in the formation of damasters in children (for example, congenital duodenal membrane, ring-shaped pancreas, megadoiodenum, hyperfixation of a twustful garment at the level of duodenal transition, diverticulus, etc.). Violation of Motoric GTS contributes to the delay and sealing of dietary masses, concentrations in the anomalous section of difficult-scale substances and, ultimately, the rapid formation of the damage. For the prevention of such stones, an early diagnosis of digestive gastrointestinal abnormalities is needed.

Symptoms. Before switching to the clinical picture of damages, it is necessary to highlight the duration of the formation of damages and their possible localization. The duration of the formation of damage in most cases remains unknown, it is determined by its composition, patient habits, features of gastroduodenal secretion and motor skills. Most quickly (for several days) phytobesoaras from immature persimmon (diospoter-facing) can be formed. There are cases of rapid (total within a few hours) of the development of phytobesoars in the use of oranges, bananas, peaches in conditions of gastrostase after the abdominal charters. The dimensions of the damasters vary: from several millimeters in diameter to gigantic formations performing the internal volume of the stomach (typically for trichobesoars). The consistency of them is different from soft to rocky. The caviar is more often in the stomach, less often in the esophagus and a duodenalist, the diverticulous meckel. Cases of migration of damasours in a small intestine with a clinic of acute or recurrent intestinal obstruction are described.

The clinical picture of the caviar is diverse. Usually at the first time, malosymptoms. As the caustion increases, pain and feeling of gravity in the epigastria, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, leading to weight loss, appear. Palparatory for most patients can be determined to determine the tumor-like education in the epigastria. The most frequent complication of damage is the ulceration of the gastric mucosa (gastritis), with the development of bleeding. Large and dense malice can cause perforation of the stomach wall, with the development of peritonitis. Rarely caviar can lead to allergic manifestations (allergic dermatitis, swelling of quinque, etc.).

Diagnostics. In the diagnosis of damage, the data of the anamnesis is of great importance. It should be found out from a child and his parents if it used non-air-coined foods, whether the tendency to chew gum, swallowing hair or wool. Girls should inspect the scalp. Special diagnostic methods allow you to establish true pathology. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) Lokizes in the stomach hyperechogenic education, giving behind an acoustic shadow, indifferent to the wall of the stomach. With endoscopic study (FIBrogastrogastroscopy - FGDS), the phytobesoary of the stomach has the form of yellow-greenish formation, with a rough surface, dense consistency with "toolpitation". Trichobesoars look like a dirt-sergo tumor, covered with hair, filling the entire cavity of the stomach. With a radiological study of the gastrointestinal tract in the cavity of the stomach, a negrogenous filling defect is determined that does not communicate with the stomach wall.

Treatment. Treatment of dense, large damage - surgical. Less dense and small caviar (phyto, pixo, sebaisoaras) can be removed endoscopically, sometimes in several stages. With the sparking of the gastrointestinal tract, the reconstructive operation aimed at the correction is shown. congenital vice Development of gasts. Theoretically, conservative treatment of damage (in the absence of absolute testimony to surgical treatment) using proteolytic enzymes (papain), using inside 5 - 10% sodium bicarbonate, the appointment of antispasmodics and massage of the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, nevertheless, when studying the descriptions of cases of patients with damage The effect of such therapy is not found (not described).

Prevention. Yu.Yu. Sokolov and M.I. Davidov (caviar of the gastrointestinal tract in children / Pediatrics, 2010., № 2. - P. 60-65) As preventive measures regarding the possible formation of damages, they offer: early detection and correction of anomalies of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract that contribute to the slowdown in the passage dietary mass; control over the behavior of children (trichotillania, attempts to use resins, plasticine, correct use of chewing gum, etc.); Reasonable consumption of non-air coherent products (persimmon, grapes with bones, etc.); The authors offer (as mentioned above) within 3 - 6 months after operations on the digestion organs to abandon the use of solid fruits, limited by the use of only fruit and vegetable juices. As for the persimmon, they advise not to use it in large quantities, especially on an empty stomach, when all generating sour gastric juice contributes to a sharp increase in the formation of insoluble chibolis (resinous substances). The latest recommendations are most likely speculative than evident.

The stone of organic origin, which is formed in the body of some ruminants, most often at the core-earth goats, consists of magnesia, sowlessness and phosphorous lime. The habitat of the rampant goats is the middle mountain and the highlands of the Central Asian region. Flora here is specific - dejident, rosehip, Sumy, spiny almonds, wild pistachio, i.e. very dense and chain shrubs.

Naturally, animals during movement on the slopes are forced to literally catch through the spines. There remains a lot of hair on the bushes - not only without loose goats, but also other animals grazing in this zone. Goats along with feed swallow hair beams. On balls, swallowed animals, mineral salts accumulate, the main composition of which is calcium hydrophosphate.

These stones are encountered in the stomach of seals, walrles and some cetaceans. In the auditory bodies of fish also find "auditory stones", or osteolates consisting of calcium carbonate crystals. The word insane, probably comes from the Chaldean "Bel" - Vladyka and "Zair" - poison. The stone of bluish gray or earthly color with a blackboard and reddish tint is not very solid, fat to the touch, in a gripped form it has a bitter taste.

The stone has the ability to intensively absorb the compounds of arsenic and therefore was considered a strong antidote and was highly appreciated by princes. If the rayarone stone is briefly lowering in a wine containing arsenic, it will remove it from the liquid, and in return will allocate harmless phosphate due to healing properties This unpretentious gray-blue stone has been considered precious.

In medieval Europe, the soroar was rare, expensive and very welcome acquisition not only for drugs, pharmacists and alchemists. Slender dignitaries, the princes of the church, Velmazb and Cardinals, Kings and Dads were stripped. The incessant struggle for power forced them to live in constant waiting for the attempt. And the most common method information was poisoning.

Belief in the healing properties of the damage was deep and unshakable. Lawrence Katelan wrote a whole book about him, in which he was told with delight:

"Providence did not give humanity more magnificent, stronger and effective means against poisons. The disease virus is striving for a stone, as Heliotrop turns to the Sun, like a palm tree - to the palm, as Remur ** stretches to the ship, and orbis *** - to the wind. "

Cheeroar usually wore on the neck, but it was possible to warm it in wine for a couple of hours until the wine absorbed the miraculous strength of the stone.

Patriarch Nikon's handle of the staff was walked by a rayarone stone (the so-called fuck-stone), which he macals in the bowl before drinking any drink. And the king's bride used a vodka infused on the stone of a fucking.

The rayar stone constantly wore Queen of England Elizabeth I. Persian Shah sent many such stones by Napoleon. Whether the emperor had a bad mood, or they managed to humiliate the Persian Messenger, but the Great Reformer ordered the stones to the fireplace. Thirty years later, the feasibility of such an act has already been doubtful. On May 5, 1821, an ex-emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte died on the island of Saint Helena after severe and painful illness as a result of poisoning.

I was interested in the sore and Alexander Duma-Father, known not only as a popular and prolific writer, but also as a culinary experimenter, and even tried to create a security sauce on the basis of stone.

The most valuable was the soroar from East India. Travelers were told that the ones of the peasants discovered the sorelessness as follows: both hands put a goat on the belly, who was hoping to find a stone. After that, the stone squeezed out with a strong pressure on both sides in the middle of the stomach.

The price of caviar, like a diamond, rapidly increased according to weight. Small stones per ounce (about 30 grams) accounted for 5-6 pieces. And they cost from 5 to 18 francs. The hoarse, who pulled a whole ounce, was already 100 francs. For the stone weighing 4 oz, 2,000 francs were eagerly given. Making a purchase, it was necessary to be very attentive, for the seductive price spawned and falsification. A certain quality of the dough was stirred with a wood resin, after which the small caviar with this mixture was brought to a large size. The deception could be distinguished in this way: the stone was weighed and then lowered in warm water. If the color did not change him and he did not lose weight, everything was without deception.

According to Dr. Valentini, a stone, which is found in the same breed of pigs from Malacca, has a value of Valentini. In turn, he came called Piedra Del Porco (Pork Stone), or Lapis Malacensis (Malack Stone). And our time among the damasters there is such: on his rim, a small piglet depicts. A Dutch East-Indian company was put on a valuable export subject and sold stones for 135-175 Dutch florins apiece. The discovery asked for them already 400-600 florines. It was possible to take a stone and hire, but for every 24 hours, it was necessary to give one gold as a rent. After all, soroar cured from gout, colic, obesity, and even from jaundice.

Unfortunately, the insane has not yet been introduced in any mineralogical anthology of the world, and in vain. Even the Great Al-Biruni Scientist, the author of the "Assembly of information for the knowledge of jewels" exclaims: "I swear life, this is the most noble of all the gems that are stored in the treasurers, for it is useful for life, and not they!".

The ancient and Armenian doctor A. Amaasiatsi attached great importance to this therapeutic stone, which argued that he became green with trituration. He believed that soroar saves his owner from poisons, it helps with all the types of animal bites, eliminating their harmful effects:"If it is confused with the juice of Fennel and smear the place snake bite, it will help and in the same moment soothes pain. " "If you give a stone weighing in 12 barley grains, it will help with heart weakness. And he gives the power to man. And its dose to receive is 1 Dunk (0.091 g). And the one who eats it daily by Paldanka is escaped from any evil and poisons. Macoar is also useful when the body is hot, for it acts due to the properties inherent in it, and not nature. And know that the nature of this medicine is very hot. "

In the ancient Russian hospitals described "Belugain" the stone, which was found on the sides of the hole, through which the fish is spewing the caviar. It was used with difficult kinds, childhood diseases, urinary bubble diseases and uretera. Sometimes such stones were found in bladder bubble Killed boar. "Kabania" stone was valued even more than "Belugium".

Perhaps the most valuable variety of damage - "pigeon" stone, which is formed in the pigeon stomach. Remember A. Amaasiatsi, the drug drug helps with uterine cancer. "He is one of best medicines With cancer. This is tested. "

Among the magicians of Magoar is considered one of the effective means of attracting love. To do this, it must be dried and confused into small powder. Then find the red apple, cut a piece, magnitude with beans, near the stem, remove seeds, fill the emptiness with the powder with the resulting powder and insert the cut piece into the place. After that, to overturn it with purified apples in a finger width. The sacrament is best done on April 15 at 6 am. In addition, blood, taken from the nameless finger of the left hand, it is necessary to write the name of the favorite person and the word "abuenop", and the beloved should not know about it: do not show her chopped finger. Then you need to give your beloved to eat the fourth part of the apple. But you can leave an apple in heat so that it is dried, and after turning it into powder and put in the dress of your loved one.

We believe that the foreign body is a random item in the body: for example, the bone of fish, which choked, or a button. But few people know that foreign bodies we can "grow" in our own body themselves, sending construction material to them.

The foreign body is formed from pieces of food, hair, chalk. It is called insane. It is formed in the stomach and in the intestine. Of course, a combination of several conditions is needed for the occurrence of calera. And if they are, then the insanity in the body will bloom in a lush color.

What kind of reasons can cause the formation of insoam?

Sick stomach. Incense rarely can grow in a healthy stomach or intestine, if there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, constipation. But almost every person has at least some disease from this list. It is possible to form an insane and in healthy people who are poorly chewed.

Bones, seeds, chewing gum. Building material for caviar can be anything. In 80% of cases, these are bones or seeds, peel, further descending - hair, chalk, resin and swallowed gum.

Dysbacteriosis. Bad bacteria are scales to form an insane. Irazar grows on them, like on yeast.

Status after surgery. The caviar is much more often formed on the operated stomach. After the food operation, the food is worse through the stomach and intestines, it is stirred and converts new layers.

Upset nerves. The caviar often find people with neurotic disorders if there is a tendency to repeat the obsessive actions like bites the tips of their own hair. By the way, the same trouble may comprehend the long-haired domestic animal, which, losing herself, swallows wool.

What is actually a problem?

Caviar can be in the stomach or intestines long years, I do not show myself. But it looks like a slow motion bomb: It is not clear when he explored. By increasing in size, faster than new layers from food residues, mucus, caustials begin to put pressure on neighboring organs, interfere with the passage of food, cause inflammation of the intestinal wall. Incense can bother the intestinal lumen and cause acute obstruction.

In addition, the caviar components are allergens and toxins for the body with all relevant manifestations: skin rashes, hair dull, decrease in immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Unfortunately, the caviar does not have clear, only in their characteristic signs. In case of inspection, these tangles are easily taken for the tumor.

The correct diagnosis is made by ultrasound, gastroscopy or colonoscopy, which determine the presence of a foreign body, its dimensions. But sometimes it is difficult to put the correct diagnosis even with the most careful examination. After all, the symptoms of the tumor and caviar are the same: a small temperature, weight loss, weakness, digestive impairment, rounded formation on an x-ray.

If soroar found randomly, for example, with a dispensary examination, and it does not harm, you just need to observe. If the damasar is large in size and interferes with the body, then it must be deleted.

How to avoid problems?

* Chew food thoroughly. If you have diseases of the stomach or intestines, avoid all sorts of fruits, do not swallow coarse skin and seed bones.

* If a child has a habit of gnawing hair tips, nails, it is necessary to show a psychoneurologist, a psychotherapist.

* Changing taste addiction due to calcium and magnesium deficiency is easy to correct, taking special mineral supplies.

What scarlet grows

* Construction material Forms of fiber, seed peel, bones, fruits and berries. Particularly highly binders, such as immature persimmon and its bones, cherry, containing tanning substances Fruits of dinners, cherries, hawthorn and grapes. Incense can be formed from 1-5 days to decades. Unripe persimmon are very quickly formed.

* Building material: lush hair in people who have a bad habit of getting hair tips and automatically swallow them. This usually happens with neurotic states: someone nibbles nails, and someone's hair. As the cost of profession, such malice is often found at hairdressers.

* Construction Material: Churbs from blood clot, which are formed when bleeding from the nose or gums. This happens quite rarely, but nevertheless it happens. Therefore, never swallow blood!

* Building material: chalk.

During pregnancy, and not only, the need may have a chalk. This is due to the lack of calcium in the body. Such a replenishment of the missing elements is fraught with the formation of caviar.

* Building material: chewing, resin. Those who love to chew the slices of resin from the trunks of trees, there is a danger of growing in the body of the insane. The same applies to children who constantly swallowing the chewing.

E. N. Ogarkov, Gastroenterologist