English 4th year of study. Training program

Children preschool age they easily and simply perceive foreign languages, remember words, it is easier to teach them to speak, since there is still no psychological barrier that prevents the reproduction of the sounds of unfamiliar speech. Plus - they are sociable and willingly agree to play cognitive games. However, in order for the study of English by children of 4 years old to become effective, parents should fulfill several conditions and avoid some standard mistakes.

Main rules

The main principle in language learning is the methodology used in teaching bilinguals. Its essence is as follows.

  1. A clear separation of languages \u200b\u200bwhen communicating. So that the child does not have a mess in his head, you cannot mix words from two languages \u200b\u200bin speech, even if there is not enough words or knowledge to build a phrase. In some situations it is worth using English, in some - Russian. Therefore, experts strongly recommend not only transferring knowledge to the child, but also trying to improve their level of a foreign language in order to be able to calmly and freely use the language in everyday speech. To do this, you can hire a tutor, find interlocutors on the Internet - there are entire online communities where foreign language learners communicate with each other in order to improve their knowledge.
  2. Providing the widest possible range of opportunities for mastering new words, expressions, intonations of the language being studied, especially in a non-linguistic environment.
  3. Unobtrusively leading the child to active communication, and not just to understanding a foreign language. It is worth asking him questions, asking him to do something, encouraging him to use the language in everyday life.

So that the child does not feel discomfort when communicating in English, the priority topics for study, in addition to everyday ones, are those that are interesting to him and which you often speak Russian. If the girl loves Disney princesses, learn with her words such as "castle", "king", "princess", the names of cartoon characters, objects that play any important role in the cartoon, landscapes. So that she can talk about her favorite hobbies in English. If a boy likes to play with robots - accordingly, parents should delve into his hobby and pick up vocabulary.

It is also worth remembering that a foreign language should not only be a means of communicating with mom or dad. The child needs to hear other people speak. This will help him to correctly prioritize - he will understand that the language is used not only in order to load him with classes on his mother's whim and make it difficult to watch cartoons. It is great if there is an opportunity to travel abroad during vacation or to send your baby to a special kindergarten. Most often, children refuse to learn English precisely because they can do well without it, and their parents cannot interest them.

The main mistakes of parents

Difficulties in learning a foreign language for children 4-5 years old arise from possible mistakes their teacher, who is usually a member of the child's family.

  • One of the "favorite" mistakes when learning English with preschool children is the organization of classes. Parents or visiting tutors spend half an hour a day, 15 minutes or other fixed time, if possible, with the child learning English. Such an approach can give some results - flexible and tenacious children's memory will retain some knowledge. But, which parents rarely think about, language is primarily a means of communication. You need to start using them from the beginning and all your life. It's like music or sports - if you slow down with progress, you immediately start rolling back. There is no need to conduct lessons, it is difficult for the baby, and it will also strain the mentally tired parents after work. You need to communicate in the language, use it in everyday life. A couple of phrases in English when meeting in the evening, learning new words while walking: “Look, it`s a car. It`s a tree. "
  • Having a single source of language knowledge - mom, dad or a babysitter - will also become a challenge for the child. He will get used to the pronunciation and speed of speech of one person, will learn all his mistakes. In addition, the child will have a question - why learn a language at all, if you can only speak with one person? Therefore, the main burden on the organization linguistic environment, at least at home, falls on the family members of the baby. It is great if the family has older children of school age, English-speaking parents or students. Everyone will have to develop language skills. This should be discussed at the family council in advance.
  • Lack of development opportunities and lack of the necessary vocabulary. Remember yourself at the initial stage of learning a foreign language - how there were not enough words, how difficult it was to build sentences. You know your child best, his manners and phrases used in Russian. Translate them and use them in your everyday communication. Likewise, translate and use your standard words to the child: “Baby, it's time to sleep. Go eat. Let's go for a walk. Now we need to remove the toys ”and others.
  • Pretense and falseness when using English by adults. If your own level of language does not allow you to communicate freely, something needs to be done urgently. Children are very sensitive to the emotional state of adults, and if the mother is uncomfortable with speaking English, for the child it will also become a torment. Therefore, it is worth analyzing your Russian, phrases used in everyday life, finding their analogs or making a translation and try to overcome the psychological barrier to fluent foreign speaking. Learn to express emotions and think in English, use it at home, talking pointlessly - for example, when looking for the right thing, asking yourself questions or going to do something: “Where is my comb? Oh, you need to put the kettle on. So, I forgot to buy a cake for tea ”and other similar phrases. This will help relieve psychological stress and express your state and emotions in a foreign language.

You will have to constantly improve your level of knowledge in order to be able to give your child opportunities for communication.

What and how to study with a child

Ideally, if you manage to create a group of like-minded people - parents whose children go to the same group in kindergarten, friends or family who can support you in learning English with your baby. A foreign language is best learned in a group.

For a qualitative study, it is worth using the following steps.

  • Joint walks, where communication will take place in English. At the same time, it is better to study vocabulary on those objects of which there are many around, - buildings and their parts (windows, doors, roofs), shops, trees, people (man, woman, child, boy, girl), animals and birds (pigeons, crows, cats, dogs). It is enough at the initial stage of training to teach the phrase: "This is ...". Later, on walks, you can already enter the words "far, close, about, narrow, wide, tall, big small" and the phrases "I see (something), we are going (somewhere), he / she does something ( walks, speaks, laughs, buys, runs, plays). The moment that there are a lot of objects or people will allow you to repeat the words during a walk so that the child will not get bored - “Here is a boy running. Here is a dog running. A woman is buying a newspaper. The girl buys ice cream. We buy ice cream. A dove is flying. A crow is flying. A sparrow is flying. The plane is flying. The ball is flying. " Thus - visually and with different impressions - the child will better remember new words.
  • Group watching cartoons with comments: “Look what a beautiful dress the princess has. What a terrible monster! Funny talking kitten "- and so on. It is also appropriate to introduce phrases of a personal relationship:" I like / dislike. I want / don't want the same. I would like / would not like to be the same. "

An important point in learning English for a child will be the compulsory listening comprehension of someone else's speech - announcers, movie characters, adults in the next room. Let him not understand what they say, but the speech sounding in the background still helps to form the perception of the melody of the language, its intonations.

So, learning English is easier for children 4-5 years old than for adults. If your child has already entered this favorable period - take advantage of the moment! Knowledge of a foreign language will certainly be useful to him in the future.

Training program

English language, preschool department (4-5 years old)

Teaching the English language to preschoolers has its own characteristics, which are based on the psychophysiological development of children of this age. Psychologists say that perception, memory and attention in preschoolers are involuntary. Children do not know how to control their perception, cannot independently analyze this or that object. An exceptional photographic quality is characteristic of children's memory, but at the same time the preschooler does not care that everything that he perceives can later be recalled. A characteristic feature of the child's attention is that it is called outwardly attractive objects. Attention remains focused as long as interest in perceived objects remains. Many of the fundamental language skills and abilities are not yet available to preschool children, which is associated with the greater development of the right hemisphere of the brain compared to the left. This leads to the fact that children of preschool age cannot build complicated logical chains, replace words in phrases of the same type, perceive a phrase as a set of lexical units, etc. Therefore, education should be built taking into account these features and differ significantly from teaching in elementary school ...

In Kroshka kindergarten, teaching English begins in groups of 3 years old children and ends in groups of 5-6 years old children. We distinguish 3 stages:

Stage I - 3-4 years,
Stage II - 4-5 years,
Stage III - 5–6 years.

At each stage, the program is built taking into account the characteristics of children of this age.

The main teaching technologies for preschoolers are based on a harmonious combination of 3 teaching methods:

3. Methods of total physical involvement.

Throughout the entire training, the unity of forms and types of work is preserved, while visibility and imagery dominate, since the phrase is perceived by the child not as a set of separate lexical units, but as a block, something single, whole, image.

This program is intended for teaching children 4-5 years old and takes into account the peculiarities of their psychological and physical development. The age from 4 to 5 years is called the age of "why". Children over 4 years of age are able to mentally imagine things that they have never seen. They love listening to adult stories and ask many questions. Thinking makes a qualitative leap: the child goes beyond the limits of static being and begins to live in a world extended in time. This allows you to go to the search for patterns underlying the structure of the world. He becomes interested in processes as ordered systems of events. In this regard, it is necessary to include elements of the laws of the linguistic system in training. At the same time 1) do not deviate one iota from the basic principle of clarity and imagery; 2) be guided by the principle “do as I do”, “speak as I do”; 3) to teach a language exclusively in practice, without the use of even elementary theoretical language concepts (teacher centered method).

Goals and objectives

The main goal of the course is to familiarize children with simple vocabulary that is accessible and appropriate to their level of development, the introduction of elementary language constructions, education and development of the personality through familiarization with the culture of English-speaking countries with the help of children's folklore. These goals define the main objectives of the course:

1. Acquaintance with the basic sounds of the phonetic structure of the language and the further development of the child's speech apparatus.

2. Formation of the ability to understand simple commands of the teacher and respond to a number of elementary questions.

3. Development of elementary language skills and abilities (ability to respond to teacher commands, answer simple questions, learn available vocabulary).

4. Development of linguistic memory (photographic, figurative, graphic, verbal) and creative abilities.

5. Formation of the skills of understanding elementary linguistic phenomena and the ability to compare simple holistic constructions as a block in the native language in comparison with the studied one.

6. Broadening the horizons of children and their general culture.

7. Development of skills and abilities to work in a large group (12-14 people) and in small groups of 5-6 people, the ability to work in a team.

Types and forms of work

The fundamental points of the concept of preschool education are reduced to the use of a wide range of methods, techniques, forms and means of teaching. This takes into account the individual characteristics of children, as well as the peculiarities of their general cultural development and micro-society - the family. So, the main tricks:

a) imitation;
b) creating images: visual, musical, plastic. As a result - the dominance of non-verbal teaching aids in the classroom (pictures, images, music, dances);
c) the use of educational games;
d) riddles;
e) dramatization of mini-performances, which helps to eliminate the psychological barrier in children, increase self-esteem, significance, which assumes the method of success.

Work principles

1. Be sure to use various means of encouragement, both verbal and material.

2. Form u children have a positive image of the teacher, which increases the child's reflexive abilities.

3. Limit the teacher's speech in Russian to 5-10%. (Child's speech in English - 90%).

4. Enter vocabulary systematically:

    The first lesson is 3 words.

    The second lesson is consolidation.

    Subsequent lessons - activation using speech constructions + 3-4 new words.

5. Take into account the short-term memory of children at this stage of development, systematically return to the previously covered material and include it in subsequent lessons.

6. Teach complete speech structures to help develop speaking skills.

7. Give priority to pair and group learning. This helps to establish a favorable psychological climate in the group and removes language barriers.

8. Develop quick response to commands and questions from the teacher.

The teacher uses the following types of work in the classroom:

1. Work on pronunciation.

a) the tale "Living tongue"
b) tongue twisters
c) rhymes

2. Working with a toy.

a) dialogue with a toy
b) toy description

3. Working with a picture.

a) picture description
b) the game “What has disappeared”
c) "Find a picture"

4. Learning and reciting poetry.

a) poetry competition
b) recitation of different genres (optimistic, sad, angry, etc.)

5. Learning songs.

"Show" the song

6. Staging of short stories and plays.
7. Outdoor games.
8. Quiet games.
9. Creative games.
10. Reproduction of situational dialogues.
11. Picture story.
12. Study of letters.

Organization of work in a group

In the classroom, children sit and stand in a semicircle or in a circle, as close to the teacher as possible, which helps them to see and hear the teacher well and creates a warm psychological climate, and also allows them to quickly change activities. The lesson is structured according to a systematic scheme, which should vary slightly from time to time as you progress through the training stages.

Sample lesson plan

1. Greetings.
2. Phonetic charging.
3. Repetition of the passed lexical material.
4. Warm up using outdoor games.
5. Activation of the passed and the introduction of new lexical material.
6. Learning poems and rhymes.
7. Viewing English cartoons.

Course structure and content

When choosing a topic, lexical and grammatical structures, the level of development of children, their motivation and interests, as well as correlation with curricula for the development of cognitive abilities and speech in Russian in kindergarten are taken into account. At the stage of teaching children 4-5 years of age, based on the experience of teaching English to children of this age, it seems appropriate to introduce the following 11 topics:

The increase in the volume of vocabulary and the expansion of grammatical structures at the second stage occurs through the gradual introduction of new lexical units and the complication of grammatical structures (an increase of about 40% in comparison with the stage of teaching children of 3 years old). By the end of stage II, children have mastered about 150–180 lexical units.

Classes with preschoolers should be held at least three times a week for 20 to 25 minutes. It is most effective to organize these classes in the morning (from 10 to 12 hours).

Methodical literature, educational complex and visual material used in English classes in kindergarten.

1. Development of the intellectual abilities of the student, Tikhomirova L.F. Yaroslavl, 1996.
2. Math for toddlers, Serbina E.V., M .: Education, 1992.
3. What in the world does not happen, ed. Dyachenko O.M., Agaeva E.L., Moscow: Education, 1991.
4. Development of logical thinking in children, Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. Yaroslavl, Tringo, 1995.
5. Cognitive development of children, Tikhomirova L.F., Yekaterinburg, 2003.
6. UMK How to teach children to speak English, Dolnikova R.A., Fribus L.G., St. Petersburg, KARO, 2002.
7. Teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bin kindergartens, Chistyakova T.A.
8. Foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school, 1990-2004, NMZh Moscow.
9. UMK English-1 Vereshchagina I.N. M. Enlightenment, 2001.
10. Big dictionary Disney, Walt Disney Production, 1996.
11. Round and round the garden, Peter Gross, 1978.
12. Handwriting, Zaner-Bloser, Inc., Columbus, 1987.
13. Sing out, Zdorovova B., Moscow, Education, 1990.
14. Enjoy English, N. Rowell, Title, Obninsk, 1997.
15. Welcome, E. Gray, V. Evans, Express Publishing, 2001 (with cards and video course).
16. Letterfun,E. Gray, V. Evans, Express Publishing, 2001 (with video course).
17. UMK Bravo
18. Muzzy in Gondoland, BBC English, "Infa-M", 1990.
19. English for kids - 1, 2, Workshop of Igor Shadkhan, 2000.
20. English for kids, Home video, 2000.
21. Set Sail - l, 2, E. Gray, V. Evans, Express Publishing, 2001.
22. Theme nights in English, Diment A.L., M. Enlightenment, 1988.
23. UMK Happy English, Indian Art Press, New Delhi, 1990.
24. Easy Picture Words 1-2, cards.
25. King Size, KoHTyp-M, St. Petersburg, 1992.
26. “Happy English” lotto.
27. Educational set of numbers, letters and signs with magnetic mount.

M.A. Bolkhovskaya,
D / garden "Kroshka", St. Petersburg

* In groups of 4-year-olds, lessons last 20 minutes, 5-year-olds - 25 minutes.
** Dolnikova R.A., Fribus L.G.As kids, we learn to speak English. SPb .: KARO, 2002.

Control is carried out after passing each topic. For this, one lesson is allocated for repetition and consolidation, as well as for identifying words and structures that need additional working out.

Roy and his friends love learning foreign languages. They know the language of the country they are from and the language of the country where they live now. Tell me what languages \u200b\u200bthey speak.
1) Patrick speaks German and he can also speak Chinese.
2) Barbara speaks Norwegian and also she speaks Japanese.
3) Oleg speaks Russian and also he speaks Canadian.
4) Viktor speaks French and now he also speaks Canadian.
5) Kate speaks Mexican and she also speaks Portuguese.
6) Zara speaks English and she also speaks Vietnamese.
7) Sue speaks Irish and she also speaks English.
8) Peter speaks Belorussian and he also speaks English.

Complete the dialogues. Select answers from Part B.
1) s;
2) f;
3) e;
4) a;
5) b;
6) g;
7) h;
8) c.

Make up dialogues and act them out.
1) A: I have already cooked lunch.
Q: When did you cook it?
A: I cooked it an hour ago.
2) A: I have already begun reading a Harry Potter book.
B: When did you begin?
A: I began to read it last week.
3) A: I have already left Moscow.
B: When have you left Moscow?
A: I have left it two weeks ago.
4) A: I have already chosen a present.
B: When did you do it?
A: I did it a minute ago.
5) A: I have already broken my mother’s cup.
B: When did you break it?
A: I broke it yesterday.
6) A: I have already ridden my bike.
B: When did you ride?
A: I rode it last week-end.
7) A: I have already spoken to our new teacher.
B: When did you speak to her?
A: Last Friday I spoke to her.
8) A: I have already sent a birthday card to mum.
B: When did you send?
A: I have sent it three days ago.
9) A: I have already learned the poem.
Q: When did you learn it?
A: I learnt it yesterday.
10) A: I have already done the exercises.
B: When did you do it?
A: I did it last evening.
11) A: I have already made a dress.
B: When did you make it?
A: I did it a few days ago.

What does Capa say?
1) have played; 2) watched; 3) have called; 4) have seen; 5) spoke.

Explain the situations.
1) Jane has burnt the apple pie. Jane has burnt it because she forget to switch it off in time.
2) Samantha has put on her new dress. Samantha has put on the new dress because she wanted to look nice at the party.
3) Little Willy has spelt his name correctly. Little Willy has spelt his name correctly because he knew how to write.
4) Tina has made no mistakes in the text. Tina has made no mistakes in the text because she prepared to the test well.
5) The teacher has let me miss his class. The teacher did it because I looked very pale.
6) We have already heard the news. We have already heard the news because our mom haas called us.
7) Boris hasn’t told us the truth. Boris hasn’t told us the truth because he wanted us to be out of danger.
8) James has won the game. James has won the game because he was really a great player.

This product is not an electronic form of a textbook (developed in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1559 dated 08.12.2014). This is an exact copy of the printed PDF tutorial. Does not contain multimedia and interactive objects.

The textbook, created by well-known experts in the field of teaching English O.V. Afanasyeva and I.V. Mikheeva, is intended for students of grade 8 and is the main component of the educational and methodological complex for the fourth year of study, which also includes two workbooks, working programm, audio app, teacher's book and toolkit to this line. The textbook has been revised in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, approved by the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Sciences and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation... (The CD is included with the printed edition only.)

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