Colon cancer treatment is free. Japanese diet - remove salt from food and fat from barrels Japanese weight loss method salt-free diet

The Eastern people know how to maintain a slender body throughout life. The Japanese observe a special food culture that allows them to be healthy for many years. The dietary systems of this people, aimed at reducing weight, are tough, but they give excellent results. One of the popular options is the Japanese salt-free diet, which offers a strict menu with no sugar and less salt. Are you wondering how quickly your figure will change after such a diet?

What is the Japanese salt-free diet

The nutrition system is very strict, so its maximum duration is 14 days. The salt-free menu is recommended by doctors for diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels and heart, inflammatory processes. It is not necessary to completely refuse the seasoning, otherwise the food will be tasteless, and this will cause a great desire to feast on something forbidden. Reduced consumption of sodium chloride will help you quickly get rid of excess weight, remove toxins from the body, rejuvenate the body and restore water-salt metabolism. The Japanese diet without salt can be practiced a maximum of 2 times a year.


You are offered a diet for 7 and 14 days. During this time, you will lose 6-10 kg. A few days before the start of the Japanese diet, you need to adjust your diet - exclude harmful foods, give up frying in favor of boiled, baked food, drink more water, lighten dinner and organize it 3 hours before lights out. Salt-free diet for weight loss requires the following rules:

  • Eat 4-5 small meals a day. You should get up from the table with a feeling of lightness in the stomach.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • Salt liquid and semi-liquid dishes 10-20 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Sodium chloride must be added to the meat 10 minutes before cooking.
  • Pieces of fish should be rubbed with salt before cooking.
  • Salads are seasoned before meals.
  • The amount of sodium chloride should be such that the food does not seem completely insipid.

Approved Products

If you prefer a sparing diet option, eat all healthy foods. A more stringent system introduces severe food restrictions. For 2 weeks you will need the following food:

  • drinks: coffee beans / ground, green / white tea - 1 pack each;
  • eggs: chicken (20 pcs.) or quail (30 pcs.);
  • meat: beef / rabbit (1 kg), chicken breast (1 kg);
  • low-fat sea fish (2 kg);
  • extra virgin olive oil (0.5 l);
  • vegetables: white cabbage (2 heads), carrots (2.5 kg), eggplant / zucchini (1 kg);
  • fruits, except banana (1 kg), medium lemons (2 pcs.);
  • kefir (1 l);
  • tomato juice (1 l).

Prohibited Products

On the Japanese salt-free diet, you can’t eat dishes and foods that contain sugar, bakery products (except for wheat and rye bread), pasta, fast food, convenience foods, smoked meats, and fried foods. It is forbidden to consume alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks. Do not add sugar, milk, cream to coffee, tea. Some sources do not allow the use of salt at all, but the lack of sodium chloride leads to disturbances in water-salt metabolism, loss of minerals. Therefore, a small amount of seasoning should be in the diet.


Salt-free nutrition is indicated for chronic diseases only when it is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The Japanese scheme introduces serious restrictions on food, its quantity and the ratio of BJU, therefore it has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • lifestyle associated with heavy physical exertion;
  • high blood pressure, pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys (a large amount of protein with a reduced amount of salt puts a strain on these organs);
  • elevated cholesterol.

Japanese salt-free diet menu

There are a lot of food options. The easiest way is to stick to the usual balanced diet, but add a small amount of salt to the dishes. However, such PP has nothing to do with the Japanese weight loss system. A salt-free diet for 14 days is not at all like proper nutrition, so you can’t resort to it often. A special menu has been developed for pregnant women, aimed at removing excess fluid from edema, preeclampsia, it is also very far from the Japanese scheme.

For 14 days

Almost every morning you need to drink a cup of natural coffee. In addition to it, some product may go. If you are tired of coffee, organize a tea party. The breakfast menu will only list the product, but remember that it comes with coffee/tea. If there is a dash, then, apart from the drink, nothing is provided. A standard portion of meat, fish - 200 g, kefir, tomato juice - 250 ml, fruit - 200 g, salad - 250 g, olive oil - 1 tsp, cheese - 30-40 g.

diet day

2 chicken or 3 quail eggs, fresh cabbage salad with olive oil, tomato juice

Cabbage salad, grilled sea fish

Unsweetened cracker

Steamed fish, cabbage salad with olive oil

Kefir, baked beef

Unsweetened cracker or biscuit biscuits (50 g)

Grilled medium sized zucchini (use a few drops of oil for frying)

Boiled beef, cabbage salad, 2 hard boiled eggs

1 tsp honey

1 hard boiled egg, 3 fresh or boiled carrots, parmesan

1 egg, carrot salad dressed with lemon

2 portions of boiled fish, tomato juice

2 servings of boiled chicken fillet, cabbage-carrot salad with olive oil

1 hard boiled egg, 1 fresh carrot

Grilled or boiled beef

Low-fat fish, fresh carrot salad, two eggs

2 servings of boiled chicken fillet, carrot and cabbage salad with lemon juice

1 carrot, 2 eggs

Salad of carrots, lemon juice

fish, tomato juice

1 egg, soft cheese, carrots in any form

Slice of rye bread

Eggplant or grilled zucchini - no limit in quantity

Beef/veal, coleslaw, 2 eggs

Slice of rye bread / biscuit biscuits (30 g)

Cabbage salad with olive oil, grilled fish

Beef, kefir

Boiled cabbage, 2 eggs, tomato juice

Rye bread cracker

Fish, cabbage salad with olive oil

Beef, kefir

For 7 days

The Japanese salt-free diet for a week repeats the first half of the above menu. To lose weight on it, strictly adhere to the proposed diet and do not replace products with others. Do not increase the volume of dishes, otherwise the result will be worse than expected. When leaving the diet, gradually introduce new foods so as not to provoke a stop in the digestive tract.

Video: salt-free diets

The two-week Japanese diet is in great demand among those who want to lose weight quickly. Most losing weight is attracted by the fact that the salt-free Japanese diet has a ready-made menu for 14 days. All dishes are painted in great detail, and the results that this food system brings are impressive.

Advantages and disadvantages of short-term diets

It is the short duration of the diet that is very attractive for those who want to lose weight, since it is much easier to endure two weeks on a strict diet than to limit yourself for a long time. The diet is short-term due to the fact that the diet is mostly unbalanced. That is why it is not recommended to stick to the Japanese food system for a long time.

Benefits of the 14 day diet

The indisputable advantage is that the Japanese diet has a scheduled menu, that is, you do not need to rack your brains and come up with new dietary dishes every day. It is enough to follow all the instructions and weight loss will not keep you waiting. The specialists who developed this system promise a loss of 5-8 kilograms in two weeks. This is also an important factor when choosing a diet for fast weight loss.

Japanese diet rules for weight loss

In order to get rid of extra pounds, you must perfectly fulfill all the conditions of a salt-free diet for two weeks:

  • Completely eliminate alcohol, salt, sugar, confectionery and starchy foods.
  • Throughout the diet, the consumption of beverages such as coffee and tea is limited. One cup per day is allowed, and coffee must be insoluble, but natural. If for some reason coffee is not consumed, it can be replaced with a cup of good tea without sugar, preferably green.
  • During a salt-free diet, in order to obtain the best result, it is necessary to establish a drinking regimen. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of pure water per day, which will help flush every cell of the body. Drinking plenty of water will speed up the process of removing toxins that are formed due to the breakdown of fats during weight loss. During the diet, it is recommended to give preference to mineral water to normalize the balance of salts in the body.

The Japanese diet is based on the use of low-fat fish and meat, as well as vegetables and fruits. There is a restriction of fats and carbohydrates, in connection with which the menu has a calorie content of about 1200 kcal per day. The preferred methods of preparing foods during weight loss are: boiling in water and steaming, as well as casseroles in the oven and on the grill. Often you can find information that fish can be fried. This assumption is slightly dissonant with the general concept of a diet that offers easily digestible healthy foods. There are many ways to cook fish without frying it.

The key to the success of the Japanese diet for weight loss is the exact adherence to the diet, scheduled by day. The proposed schedule prescribes a menu for the first week of weight loss. The second week you need to eat according to the prescribed menu, but in reverse order, that is, the diet of the eighth day will be the same as on the sixth day of the diet, the ninth day, as on the fifth, etc.

Salt-free diet menu for 14 days

1 and 13 days:

  • Lunch: thermally processed white cabbage, two chicken eggs, a glass of tomato juice / tomato. From this set of products you can cook a very tasty lunch. For example, with a little water and oil, then add chopped into it. You can make a salad of boiled cabbage and tomato, use a little vegetable oil as a dressing.
  • Dinner: Fish. You can cook boiled fish, for this it is good to use mackerel. It will also turn out very tasty when baked on the grill or in parchment in the oven.

2nd and 12th day:

  • Breakfast: natural coffee, crisps
  • Lunch: Fresh vegetables, butter, fish. An excellent option for this lunch would be baked trout with a salad of fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner: boiled veal 200 grams, kefir. You can make a kefir-based sauce for veal by adding various spices to it. For example, chopped mint, dill and garlic. Veal can be boiled with celery roots and stalks, this will make the taste of meat more interesting.

3rd and 11th day:

  • Breakfast: freshly brewed coffee
  • Lunch: Zucchini and other vegetables, green apples. Lightly fry a large zucchini in vegetable oil and simmer with a little water, add dill and a little dry garlic. An alternative to stewed zucchini can be
  • Dinner: 2 chicken eggs, fresh white cabbage, vegetable oil, 200 g of veal. A good dinner option would be a salad of thinly sliced ​​white cabbage with boiled veal. Season the salad with a sauce prepared from the egg yolk mashed with vegetable oil.

4th and 10th day:

5th and 9th day:

  • Breakfast: Grated fresh carrot salad dressed with a little lemon juice.
  • Lunch: big fish, a glass of tomato juice. Pollock stewed in tomato sauce will be a hearty and tasty dish for lunch. The sauce is prepared from tomato juice and herbs.
  • Dinner: fresh berries and fruits, no more than 300 grams.

6th and 8th day:

  • Breakfast: black natural coffee
  • Lunch: Half a small boiled chicken, without skin and fat; vitamin salad of finely chopped cabbage and grated carrots.
  • Dinner: Fresh carrots, 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs.

Day 7 and Day 14 (optional):

  • Breakfast: tea
  • Lunch: Veal, serving about 200 grams. Veal can be used to cook steak in the oven or on the grill. just don't use salt
  • Dinner: Dinner on the seventh day can be any of the previously proposed, except for the option scheduled for the third day of the diet.

It is necessary to leave the salt-free Japanese diet very carefully in order to prevent overloading the digestive system:

  • All foods that were banned in the process of losing weight should be gradually introduced into the diet.
  • To maintain the achieved weight, it is recommended to eat fractionally, in small portions. During the diet, a natural decrease in the size of the stomach occurs, and in order to continue to be saturated in small portions, you should not stretch it.
  • Continue to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The described version of the 14 day Japanese diet is suitable for people who want to put themselves in order in a short time. A scheduled diet is good for people with weak willpower who cannot keep track of their diet for a long time, since the motivation is only enough for two weeks.

Indications for following this diet may be health problems, such as salt deposition. Since the Japanese diet is salt-free for 14 days, excess salt deposits begin to slowly dissolve and be washed out of the body. To speed up the process, first of all, it is worth establishing a drinking regimen.

P.S. As a snack, you can use unsalted available at the link.

Salt is a product without which today we cannot imagine our diet. Meanwhile, we absorb it in incredibly large quantities: instead of the prescribed 5-7 grams per day, we consume a triple dose. The result is fluid retention in the body, which manifests itself in bags under the eyes, swollen ankles and a swollen stomach. Edema provokes a set of excess weight and an increase in volume. And after a while, cellulite is on the way. The Japanese salt-free diet, which has recently gained particular popularity, helps to get rid of all this.

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Basic principles

Lack of salt

The main principle of salt-free fasting is the ban on salt. It is impossible, under any pretext, to salt what you eat during the entire diet. Accordingly, you will have to abandon store products, in which it is present in one form or another, and cook everything yourself. There should not be any marinades and pickles either.


The Japanese salt-free diet is designed for at least 7 days, although you can often find two-week fasting based on it. If this method of losing weight is new to you, it is better to try the weekly option.

The developers recommend fearlessly eating the following foods as part of the diet: slightly stale bread (both wheat and rye), cookies (but not rich), crackers, vegetable broth soups, beef (low-fat varieties), fish, poultry. Mandatory during this period, rice, cereals, boiled and raw vegetables, fruits, berries. Do not forget about eggs, milk, jelly, compotes, tea, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese and dried fruits. So that food without salt does not seem fresh, add onion, lemon juice, garlic, fragrant herbs instead of spices to it. Any meals on a salt-free diet will need to be steamed.

Prohibited Products

Salt, sugar, smoked and fried foods, spicy dishes, pickles and marinades, pork, lamb, goose, any confectionery, fish or meat broths, and alcohol are prohibited for the Japanese salt-free diet. Agree that the list is rather meager compared to the previous one, so for many this can be a definite plus of fasting.

Drinking regime

You need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Carbonated drinks and juices from preservatives are excluded.

If, in terms of its simple principles, a salt-free diet suits you, study its approximate menu for a week in order to at least imagine what you will have to eat in the next 7 days.

Menu of the Japanese salt-free diet for 7 days

If you have chosen the weekly option, a sample menu that you can refer to is as follows.

1 day

Morning : green tea, cottage cheese.

Dinner : cabbage salad with vegetable oil (200 gr), 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes, tea.

Evening : boiled pollock (150 gr), cabbage salad (100 gr), tomato juice (glass).

2 day

Morning : green tea, oatmeal.

Dinner : boiled rice (150 gr), carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice (150 gr), tea.

Evening : boiled veal (150 gr), fat-free kefir (glass).

3 day

Morning : green tea, cottage cheese.

Dinner : vegetable broth (150 gr), beetroot salad with vegetable oil (150 gr), raw egg, tea.

Evening : 2-3 green apples, compote (glass).

Day 4

Morning : green tea, cracker or lean cookies.

Dinner : green salad (150 gr), boiled low-fat fish (150 gr), 2 hard-boiled eggs, tea.

Evening : fruit salad (150 gr), yogurt (glass).

Day 5

Morning : rice porridge, green tea.

Dinner : boiled veal (150 gr), buckwheat (150 gr), jelly (glass).

Evening : fruit cocktail (150 gr).

Day 6

Morning : green tea, cheese with croutons.

Dinner : boiled chicken (150 gr), cabbage salad (150 gr), tea.

Evening : carrots (100 gr), 2 boiled eggs, yogurt (glass).

Day 7

Morning : green tea.

Dinner : boiled beef (200 gr), any fruit, tea.

Evening : beetroot salad (150 gr), tomato juice (glass).

The 7 Day Japanese Salt Free Diet Sample Menu will help you plan your weekly diet while you lose weight with this unique and effective method. The main thing is not to forget to get out of the diet correctly so as not to harm the body and not lose the results achieved.

Let's go out right

The exit from the Japanese diet should be gradual. Start adding salt little by little, and nutritionists recommend using either sea or iodized salt for food at first. Pickles and marinades should not be eaten for a whole week after the “salt-free abstinence”. Fatty meats and fried foods should also be included in your diet gradually, in small quantities. You can’t experiment and stretch the hunger strike: if a salt-free diet is already calculated for 7 days or 14, then so much must be maintained exactly. Otherwise, you can seriously disrupt the metabolism in the body.

Under what conditions is it contraindicated?

The absence of salt in the diet will instantly affect the functioning of the kidneys, the state of the vessels, and the activity of many other systems in your body. Such drastic changes can negatively affect the health of those who suffer from some serious diseases. Therefore, the Japanese salt-free diet has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when deciding on this method of losing weight:

- hypertension;

- diseases of the intestines and stomach;

- pregnancy;

- lactation;

- mental illness, neurosis and depression;

- diabetes;

- hormonal disorders;

- problems with the spine;

- adolescence and childhood.

If you are not sure if the Japanese diet without salt is right for you, it is better to go through a preliminary medical examination to identify contraindications and consult with doctors and nutritionists.

Nutritionists speak about this diet ambiguously. Someone considers it too tough, someone considers it to be a real panacea for excess weight and cellulite. However, no one denies those shortcomings that are still listed behind it.

Disadvantages of a salt-free diet

1. The fats lost as a result of the diet are returned as soon as salt in the usual amount reappears in the diet.

2. Without salt, dehydration can begin in the body, which manifests itself in weakness, constant drowsiness, dizziness and nausea.

3. The morale of the starving "Japanese" also leaves much to be desired: violations of the water balance in the body affect the nervous system. Therefore, irritability, unreasonable breakdowns, tearfulness - all this takes place during a diet.

What results to expect?

Everyone's body is very different, the causes of excess weight are also due to different factors. Therefore, the same results from the "Japanese" should not be expected. There are cases when 5 kg were dropped in 7 days, and all 8 in 14 days. And for some, the method turned out to be completely ineffective.

When choosing this method of losing weight, you need to consider that the Japanese salt-free diet, although safe for the body, is rather difficult to tolerate, as it requires certain restrictions in food and will not forgive you for weaknesses.

Of the wide range of nutrition plans offered by modern traditional and alternative medicine, the most popular in Russia is the original Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days. This method of losing weight owes its undoubted leadership to a guaranteed result that lasts for a long time, short terms and cheap maintenance.

The captivating name of the Japanese diet suggests exotic products and specific oriental cuisine. However, the technique is called "Japanese" not because it is based on stable food traditions of the inhabitants of the skies.

Trust me, no fancy exotic fish or spices! The food system owes its name to the Tokyo Medical Center, so don't be surprised if the diet contains foods that are alien to traditional Japanese cuisine. But isn't that a plus? Feel free to go to the nearest store and buy everything you need.

To get started, study the table of products that are included in the mandatory diet of the Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days. If you find a minimal intolerance to certain products in the table, a banal reluctance to eat some components, it’s better not to even start. Pay attention to the large number of fish in the table!

List of products for the menu of the Japanese salt-free diet:

  • Grain or ground coffee - 1 pack;
  • Tomato juice (considering the shelf life of packaged juices have limits, buy a limited amount for each meal) - 1 l;
  • Kefir - 1 l;
  • Classic green tea without additional flavors - 1 pack;
  • without additives of the first pressing (can be replaced from time to time with olive oil) - 500 ml;
  • Chicken eggs - 20 pieces (can be replaced with quail eggs);
  • Unfrozen fish fillet (you can choose the type yourself) - 2 kg;
  • Unfrozen beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • Chicken fillet (white meat) - 1 kg;
  • White or Beijing cabbage - 2 heads;
  • Fresh carrots (do not buy imported ones - they are grown in greenhouses on growth vitamins, which automatically deprives them of useful elements.) - 2 kg;
  • Eggplant and zucchini - 1 kg (you can choose one vegetable depending on your taste preferences);
  • Fruits (the menu can include all fruits traditional for the Russian table, except for bananas and grapes) - 1 kg;
  • Lemons - 2 pcs.

The Japanese diet for 14 days is not suitable for people with kidney and heart failure, with stomach problems (gastritis, ulcers). You can not start a diet during pregnancy or lactation, in the absence of willpower. Be sure to consult with a professional (even better - a personal physician) before starting a diet!

The essence of the original diet

It was experimentally proved by the developers that during the passage of the original Japanese diet, a complete restructuring of metabolism takes place and the lasting effect of the proposed diet will haunt you for at least 2 years without any additional effort. The effectiveness of this method of losing weight is the highest in 2015 in Russia, according to nutritionists.

The components of the diet are carefully selected to stimulate, accelerate and optimize metabolism.

  • Duration: 14 days.
  • Frequency of use: no more than once every 2-3 years.
  • Price: the purchase of all components of the diet will take 2 thousand rubles (at the prices of Moscow stores).
  • Results: 5-8 kg weight loss. The result is stored for 2-3 years, with the correct exit from the diet for 14 days and compliance with contraindications.

Despite the innovative approach to menu development (the diet remains unbalanced and does not fully take into account the needs of the human body, does not contain the full range of essential minerals and vitamins), its creators still retained several pillars of traditional medicine that increase the efficiency and productivity of any method of losing weight:

  1. The menu of the Japanese diet is almost identical to the first rule of a nutritionist: "eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy." Small portions of the diet allow you to eat little by little, chewing hard, and you don’t have to be a doctor of the highest category to understand how this has a beneficial effect on human digestion.
  2. The entire diet is subject to strict limits. All except . Drink, drink, keep drinking! Live under this ambiguous motto for two weeks. It is necessary to drink water both during the day, and in the evening, and at night. You can drink exclusively filtered, boiled or table-mineral water at the rate of 1 glass per 10 kg. your weight and at least one and a half liters a day.
  3. The Japanese diet for 14 days is a prime example of the classic salt-free way to lose weight. This means that it is strictly forbidden for those who want to lose weight to add salt to the prescribed menu. Liquid substances are absorbed by salts, which means that they hardly leave the body. Otherwise, the whole result will go down the drain. After all, the purpose of the diet is to speed up the metabolism. The exclusion from the menu of salt, along with sugar, alcohol and flour products, stimulates the detoxification of the body, contributes to complete cleansing and toning.

The diet from Japan bears the proud banner of one of the most elaborated among specialists. Top-level specialists worked on this method of losing weight, based on the results of the achievements of both modern science and the experience of traditional medicine. To achieve the desired result - quick weight loss - it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions, follow the menu and maintain the right diet.

Full menu table

You can guarantee the result only with strict adherence to the prescribed diet, which is presented in the menu table. You can't change menu components, even if you think the products are interchangeable.

Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days - 8 tips for preparing foods to follow the diet:

  • Boil eggs hard-boiled, no "mogul-mogul" will help us;
  • It doesn’t matter what kind of coffee you drink, the main thing is without the addition of milk and sugar;
  • Salads from the products proposed in the table can be seasoned with olive or vegetable oil. Foods that need to be fried should be cooked over low heat (literally until stewed) in vegetable oil;
  • Beef and chicken, when boiled, stewed, or parked, cannot be salted and can be peppered as desired;
  • It is recommended to squeeze tomato juice on your own before drinking;
  • Kefir should be consumed throughout the entire period, and although a few liters are enough in total, do not forget that fermented milk products deteriorate very quickly. Purchase a small package before use.
  • The success of the whole nutrition plan depends on the freshness and quality of the products. Try not to buy imported vegetables, follow the motto "the closer to the garden, the less likely it is to be poisoned by gene modulators." Isn't it time to go to the market and buy a couple of kg of carrots from a grandmother from the village?
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of water. Do not forget that a good half of the human body consists of water.

Getting out of the diet

It is necessary to leave the Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days evenly. If you want the result of a strict diet to stay with you for a long time, please follow the provisions of this method of losing weight at least half. You can not stop drinking, exercising out of the Japanese diet for 14 days. Water is the key to good health, and a step towards a great physical condition.

In general, there are many types of Japanese diets. The most popular: for 7, 13 and 14 days. The difference between the first type and the others is that weight loss (by 4-5 kg) is achieved by removing liquid elements from the human body. The difference between the second and third types of diet comes down to the endurance of a person who wants to lose weight.

The results promised by the developers have never let anyone down before. Dear readers, do not forget that any attempt to lose weight is stressful for the body. Its strict framework and restrictions will lead to a dead end even the most purposeful representative of the weaker sex. The Japanese diet has been tested on their own experience by Russian women, show business stars and theater and film actresses. Do not exhaust yourself with other restrictions, proceed to the proven method of losing weight!

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