Avar Khaganate: history of origin, defeat. Avars and the Avar Khaganate Slavic lands as part of the Avar state

Beginning of Russian history. From ancient times to the reign of Oleg Tsvetkov Sergey Eduardovich

Formation of the Avar Khaganate

Yet the successes of the Byzantines in the Balkans were temporary. In the second half of the VI century. the balance of power in the Danube and the Northern Black Sea region, based on the Byzantine-Antian alliance and setting the nomads who were once part of the Hunnic Empire against each other, was disturbed by the arrival of new conquerors. Central Asia, like an immense womb, continued to spew out nomadic hordes. This time it was Avars.

Avar warrior

Their origin is still a mystery. According to Theophylact Simokatta (who, in turn, quotes a letter from the Turkic kagan Diangu to the Byzantine emperor Mauritius dated 598), there was a rather amusing confusion with the name of this people. The fact is that the real Avars (a-ba, according to Chinese sources) were a strong Turkic horde, which established at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th century. dominance in the North Caucasus. But they allegedly had nothing to do with the "Avars" that appeared in Europe. These latter consisted of the Sarmatian tribes of the Uars and the Chionites (or, in other words, the Hephthalites), who lived at least from the 4th century BC. on the territory of present-day Northern Kazakhstan. The threat of enslavement from the powerful Turkic Khaganate, which was then uncontrollably spreading in all directions, forced the Huars and Chionites to cross the Volga. The first people they met on the other side were the Barselts, Onogurs and Savirs, who had previously fled beyond the Volga under the onslaught of "real" Avars. Seeing the newcomers, these tribes allegedly mistook them for their old enemies and “honored them with brilliant gifts, thereby hoping to ensure their safety”; and the Huars and Chionites, realizing “how favorable the circumstances are for them ... took advantage of the mistake of those who sent embassies to them, and began to call themselves Avars”, which was facilitated by the consonance of the names “Avars” and “Uars”.

Despite the fact that modern scholars no longer attach great value to the message of Theophylact Simokatta, believing that the Avars of the Danube were still not impostors, but part of a real Avar horde, the origin and ethnicity of this people have not been fully established. As evidenced by archaeological research, in the Avar burials on the territory of modern Hungary, for the most part, Caucasoids rest, however, a small layer, apparently dominant, has pronounced Mongoloid and so-called Turanian (Central Asian) types of skull structure. Taking into account these data, it seems most likely that the Avarian tribal association was formed from the ruling elite - the Mongoloid Avars and their subordinate Iranians, possibly with the participation of some Turkic-speaking groups.

The leader of the Avars, Bayan, took the title of kagan. At first, under his command there were no more than 20,000 horsemen, but then the Avar horde was replenished with warriors from the conquered peoples. The Avars were excellent riders, and it was to them that the European cavalry owed an important innovation - iron stirrups. Having acquired greater stability in the saddle thanks to them, the Avar horsemen began to use heavy spears and sabers (still slightly curved), more suitable for hand-to-hand equestrian combat; iron and leather shells covered the chest of the rider and horse. These improvements gave the Avar cavalry significant impact power and stability in close combat. In addition, in military affairs, the Avars widely used the art of subject peoples: the captured Byzantines made siege engines for them, the Slavs built river ships for them, and the Lombards built sea ships for them.

This text is an introductory piece.

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The history of many states, going back centuries, is overgrown with legends, tales and, alas, less often - chronicle evidence. The Avar Khaganate, a Muslim state that arose on the territory of Western Dagestan in the thirteenth century and lasted until the 19th century, was no exception.

Relations between the Khaganate and the Golden Horde

It arose on the site of the ancient Christian Serir, which fell apart as a result of contradictions between Jews, Christians, Muslims, and pagans.

Islam became the main religion in the Khunzakh Khanate. This state reached its greatest power in the thirteenth century and not without outside help. In 1222, the Genghisides sent a military detachment under the leadership of Subedei to the raid, including the Caucasus region. The Avars initially declared their support for the Kharezm Shah Mohammed II in his fight against the Mongols.

Chronicle sources are extremely scarce regarding the events of those years. But some sources believe that the Avars not only recognized the power of the Mongols, but also became tax collectors for them in this region. This version is also supported by the fact that the Avars secured their alliance with dynastic marriages with the Mongols.

Such influential patrons contributed to the strengthening of the influence of the Avars in the region. But in 1395, having defeated the Kumyks, he headed for the allies of the Mongols hostile to him - the Avars. According to legend, the inhabitants of the villages fought bravely, but the forces were unequal, Tamerlane ordered the survivors to be trampled by horses.

Then he went to other areas, leaving mountains of corpses behind him. After the devastating attack of Tamerlane, the state was in decline, but by the middle of the fifteenth it had expanded its possessions to the west and north. Having gained strength, the state stopped paying taxes and became independent. At the end of the fifteenth century, the Avar language becomes the language of interethnic communication between different tribes.

Khaganate laws

As for legislation, Umma Khan I, nicknamed the Just, compiled the Code of Laws of the Avar Khaganate. This document regulates various spheres of the life of the state - household, administrative, family and household, the rights of the nobility, regulated the recovery from debtors, in particular, the seizure of the debtor's property was possible only with the permission of the administration. They also introduced rules for the settlement of blood feuds by paying off the victims, and attention was paid to the protection of private property.

War for independence

In 1629, feeling threatened by the Iranian shahs, Umma Khan turned to the protection of Russia, expressing a written readiness to swear allegiance. After his death, a whole series of changes of rulers on the Avar throne begins.

In 1741, Nadir Shah moved a hundred thousandth army to Dagestan, he was waiting for the Avar Khan to come to bow to him. But the Avars began to prepare for defense.

The plans of Nadir Shah in his army were unpopular. The inaccessibility of the Avar Khanate, as well as the courage of its defenders, inspired strong doubts about the successful outcome of the battle.

Having defeated the detachments that tried to surround the Khanate from all sides. A decisive battle took place on the territory of Andalal.

The best troops of Nadir Shah met with the Avars near the villages of Sogratl, Megeb, Oboh and Chokh, where they met a worthy rebuff. The fight was fierce.

Women also fought alongside the men. Both sides suffered huge losses, but the stubbornness of the Avars made it possible to defeat Nadir's army. Encouraged by this victory, other villages conquered earlier by the Persians began to rebel against Nadir.

In order to avoid collapse, he began to retreat from Dagestan. The news of his defeat was greeted with great enthusiasm in Turkey, it pushed back the threat of a Persian attack. Satisfaction was also expressed in St. Petersburg.

power struggle

At the end of the eighteenth century, tribute was paid to the Avar Khaganate by the Georgians, the khans of Derbent, Kubinsky, Baku and others. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Ummakhan V, who had the nickname "Mad" or "Great", the ruler of the khanate, assessing the capabilities and strength of Russia, turned to Emperor Alexander I with a request to take him into citizenship. But he was refused because of a campaign against Georgia, which was an ally of Russia.

In the campaign against the Ganja Emir, Ummakhan fell ill and took to his bed. He did not leave an heir, because the brother began to rule the khanate, who decided to marry a widow to strengthen his own power.

Inviting him to the house, the khansha ordered him to be killed. She herself put her son-in-law on the throne, pushing her husband's illegitimate son from the throne. After his death, an acute crisis of power began in the state, which continued until Dagestan joined.

Inter-teip disagreements, lack of land forced the Avars to settle - someone went to the plain, someone under the protection of other khans.
By the beginning of the nineteenth century, most of Chechnya was under the rule of the Avar khans.

Accession to Russia

The Avar khans sought to establish good relations with Russia, and as a result, in early April 1803, by decree of Alexander I, Captain Meshcheryakov took the oath from Sultan Ahmed Khan of the Avar, and all the Avar people to the allegiance of the Russian Empire.

After that, letters were granted to the khan, and 5 thousand silver per year were also assigned. But for many decades, the relationship of the newly acquired citizens with the empire was ambiguous. There were military clashes.

The struggle of the proteges of the Russian tsar against the rebellious khans and civil strife tore apart the khanate for almost sixty years. As a result, the khanate entered Shamil's imamate and existed there until its defeat in 1859.

After that, it was finally annexed to Russia.

The peoples who left the historical map in the last millennium often did not leave behind written sources. The only evidence for their existence is archaeological evidence. This is the case with the history of the Avar Khaganate. Much in the life of the people and their state remains mysterious.

The emergence of the Avars in Europe

The Avars settled in the Carpathian region. This was facilitated by the Great Migration. On the territory of modern Hungary, the tribe had a strong political power. Information about the Avars was preserved only in the chronicles of Byzantium and the Frankish state.

It is known that in 568 the Lombards moved to the territory of Northern Italy, forming Lombardy there. Avars came to their former place on both banks of the Danube River. It was they who at one time helped the Lombards to oust the Germanic tribe of the Gepids from the desired lands.

Avar envoys first came to Europe in 558. They wanted to enter the territory of the Byzantine Empire. To do this, the envoys asked for help from the ruler of the Alans. A little later, the ambassadors arrived in Constantinople. Sources note that men wore hairstyles with ribbons of different tones woven into their hair. It was a distinctive attire for nomads. The Avars' ambassador offered the Byzantine emperor military assistance in exchange for land grants.

At that time, the main rival of Byzantium was the state of the Franks. Another danger was the appearance of the Slavs in the Carpathian basin. The Avars became a profitable ally for Constantinople.

Before you find out when the Avar Khaganate was founded, it is worth understanding the territory of the tribe. At first, the Avars were offered land on the site of modern Serbia, but they refused them. They asked to settle in Dobruja, which lay along the banks of the Danube. The plain was more suitable for the nomadic people. But the tribe did not stay here for long. Then there was the already well-known alliance with the Lombards and a settlement in Pannonia. The formation of the state began.

Avar Khaganate: creation

After fixing on the new territory, the tribe created its own state association. It was called "Avar Khaganate". Bayan is considered the first known ruler. Neighboring tribes also fell under his control: Gepids, Slavs. By the end of the 6th century, other peoples joined the kaganate, for example, the Kutrigurs, the Zabenders.

Since Byzantium was occupied with the war with the Persians, the Avars with the Slavs carried out devastating raids on the lands of the lower Danube. They were owned by Constantinople. In 591, the Avars were driven out of the Balkan lands. Military skirmishes between the Khagan Bayan and the Byzantines were of an alternate nature.

In the 7th century, a state was established on the western border side of the Avar Khaganate. It lasted thirty-five years, but brought a lot of harm to the Avars and Franks. It was founded by the Slavs in alliance with the Frankish merchant Samo. The collapse of the warlike state was associated with the death of its head.

In the middle of the 7th century, a crisis occurred in the Khaganate itself due to the termination of the previous dynasty. The Kutriguro-Bulgarians were aiming for the throne. They raised an uprising within the state, which the Avars managed to suppress. As a result, the Kutriguro-Bulgarians were ousted from the lands of the Khaganate.

In the seventies, the Proto-Bulgarians settled along the Danube. They created a separate state association called Great Bulgaria. The Avar Khaganate maintained friendly relations with them. The country existed until the 9th century. There is evidence that the son of the Bulgarian Khan Kuvrat moved with his people to the lands of the Avars. This was due to the appearance of the Khazars in the southern Russian steppes. The tribes mixed with each other, which could not but affect the ethnic type of the Avars. The Khazar and Avar Khaganates existed at the same time. Only the state of the Khazars lasted until the 11th century.

Origin of the people

There are several versions of the origin of the Avars. According to one of them, the tribes came from Central Asia. There they were known as Juan-Juan. According to the second - the tribes came out of Central Asia.

Many researchers believe that the Avars were not isolated, they were an ethnically mixed people. This is evidenced by the found graves. In some, large burial grounds were arranged with a separate burial of people and horses (the customs of the Mongoloids), in others, legs and skulls of horses were found (typical of the Iranian peoples).

The study of the skulls also showed that Avars with Mongoloid and Caucasoid features lived at the same time. The Avars entered into a marriage alliance with all peoples. They could well have mixed with the Sarmatians who lived on the territory of Hungary, as well as with the Slavs. They called themselves obrovs.


The society is known thanks to the research of burials, which are located on the territory of modern Hungary and neighboring powers.

Approximate hierarchy in society:

  • the kagan was in power;
  • katun - the first wife of the ruler;
  • tudun, yugur - governors of the ruler who ruled over certain lands;
  • tarkhans - tribute collectors in the country;
  • leaders of tribes, clans;
  • warriors are the largest part of the population.

Judging by the late burials, a strong stratification began in society. There are many graves with scarce inventory. Wealthy nobles were sometimes buried in wooden coffins. Ordinary residents were wrapped in material that rotted in the ground.

The Avars did not have a developed institution of slavery. For domestic work, they could use captured warriors from other tribes or ruined fellow tribesmen.

Settlement and occupation

Several hundred settlements have been found that date back to the 7th-9th centuries. The most impressive excavations were carried out near Dunaujváros in Hungary. The remains of thirty-seven dwellings were found there. They looked like semi-dugouts with wooden walls. Inside each house there was a stove-heater. Many dwellings are equipped with grain pits. In such settlements, the Avars lived during the cold season, when they returned from summer pastures. In warm weather, they grazed cattle, moving from place to place, so they used easily portable yurt-like structures.

The Avars were engaged in semi-nomadic cattle breeding. Gradually they settled down, turning to agriculture.

Horses played an important role in their lives. The animals were of eastern origin, they were fast, suitable for movement on the steppes and sandy soils. The tribe also raised sheep, chickens, goats. The remains of the shell are found during excavations. From plant crops, millet, wheat, and later - rye and oats were grown.


The Avars knew runic writing, but there is no evidence that they used it for correspondence. Symbols were carved in order to protect themselves from troubles or to designate the owner of a particular item.

The language can only be judged by the names of kagans, ambassadors and titles. They are of Turkish origin. However, it was not the Avars who could give such names and titles, but those who wrote about them.


Almost nothing is known about the beliefs of the peoples of the Avar Khaganate. According to the sources, they were idolaters, they had shamans. Judging by the burials, they believed in the afterlife. The deceased person was left food, weapons and a horse. For a ritual purpose, a quiver with ten arrows was left to the soldiers.


Representatives of the kaganate were famous for their ability to cut bones. They also created carpets, fabrics, carried out artistic processing of gold and silver. The creations of the Avars have not been preserved. During the excavations, decorations were found, but they are attributed to the work of the masters of the East.

Men wore belts with plaques. These attributes are different. The quiver, the sword of the leader were covered with gold, the rest of the soldiers - with silver. Vegetation, figures of people, an image of a struggle between animals were used as an ornament.

The Avars made pottery, including on the potter's wheel, and fired it in kilns. But the ornament was almost not applied to it.

Franco-Avar War

Charlemagne became the leader of the Franks in 768. His power began to grow. They conquered the Saxons, part of the Slavic tribes. He began the forcible introduction of Christianity among the population. For the Franks, the Avars remained the most dangerous opponents. Two strong states tried to live in peace, in 780 they exchanged embassies.

But this did not prevent the Khaganate in 788 from concluding an alliance against the Franks with the Bavarian prince Tassilo. Allied troops were defeated. This accelerated the defeat of the Avar Khaganate. Karl decided to deal with the unfaithful neighbors as soon as possible. He took up the fortification of cities, including Regnsburg.

In 791, the army of Charles opposed the Avars. The Kaganate was attacked from two sides: Pepin (son of Charles) led troops from Italy, the leader of the Franks was heading along the Danube. The Saxons decided to come to the aid of the Avars. They raised an uprising, flooding the rear of the Franks with blood. But strife began within the kaganate. This led to the death of the kagan.

Fall of the Khaganate

In 796, the Avar ambassadors swore allegiance to Charlemagne. But until 803 there were protests against the Franks. At the same time, the Bulgarian Khan Krum attacked the lands of the Khaganate. So the Avar state was completely defeated. The conquered people accepted Khan Krum as their ruler and assimilated with the Proto-Bulgarians.

The defeat of the Avar Khaganate (9th century) endowed the Franks with western lands, and the Bulgarians with eastern territories. The winners drew the border along the middle Danube. The remnants of the conquered people dissolved in stronger states.

However, references to the Avar kingdom are found in sources from the middle of the 9th century, for example, in the Treaty of Verdun in 843. In it, the kingdom is called part of the empire of Charles.

The history of the origin of the Avar Khaganate is connected with the Great Migration of Peoples. The state association forced even Byzantium to reckon with itself. The state existed for two centuries, preserving many settlements and graves on the territory of modern Hungary and other neighboring countries. They are also mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" as a proud people who were waiting for death.


The history of Attila's heirs - Irnach and Dengizikh - is the history of the collapse of the Hunnic association. It begins approximately from 461 (testimony of Priscus).
Already to the horse. 5th century AD, when, according to Western and Armenian sources, the Huns return to the East, they appear there under a different name. Procopius and Moses Khorensky call the leader of the White Huns who defeated Peroz "Kushnavar". The name of this commander combined two words: Kushan - a term used by a number of Armenian historians to designate nomads, i.e. Kushans of Central Asia, and Avaz=Avars, the name of the famous successors of the Huns in Eastern Europe. The origin of the term avar is not entirely clear. Note that the Dnieper was called the term Gunnovar, which combines the two names Huns + Avars. In an abbreviated form, the terms Avars and Huns were preserved in the tribal name Varhonites, which is a change in the phrases yap + Khuni. The appearance of this name in written sources falls at the beginning of the second half of the 6th century, (approximately 557). Prisk mentions in 461-465. the Avars, who defeated the Savirs, who, in turn, forced out the Saraugurs, Ugurs and Onougurs, and sent an embassy to Constantinople.
E. Chavannes believed, on the basis of Theophylact’s data, that Uar and Khuni were the names of the two most ancient Uyghur princes, who put the kachalo to two clans, on the basis of which the Varhonites subsequently arose: from the two most ancient Uyghur princes". Varhonites and Avars were "pseudo-Avars". Real Avars, or Avars proper, Ed. Chavannes sees in the kermichions. Markvart believed that kermihion consists of two words: Kerm - a worm and Khion - the name of the Zhuanzhuan, known in the East in the 5th-6th centuries. AD Since zhuanzhuan is the name of an insect, which the Chinese contemptuously called the Mokulu tribes, this contemptuous name has been preserved in the West in the Iranian form Kerm + Khion. Ed. Chavannes assumed that the broken in the 50s. 6th century Zhuanzhuan Turks arrived in the West, where they formed the Avar Union and differed from the pseudo-Avars in their name "Kermichions".
V. Thomsen showed that the tribes "apar apurym", mentioned in the ancient Turkic runic texts, are the Avars who migrated from Central Asia to Europe, but it is hardly necessary to assume the migration of all Zhuanzhuan to Europe. It must be reckoned with the fact that along the path of the alleged migration there were semi-settled massifs of the tribes of Central Asia, in particular the Kangyui and the Hephthalites. The reason for the migration of the Zhuanzhuans could be the defeat of their Turks in 550. But the Avars were known in the West already in the second half of the 5th century. (in 461). The same should be said about the Uighur tribes, whose names with different attributive prefixes were known in the West earlier than in the East. It is necessary to accept in this part the statement of V.V. Radlov that all varieties of Uighurs - Kuturgurs, Uturgurs, Saragurs and Onogurs - are tribes and divisions of the Uyghur tribe; their names are of Western Turkic origin. The term avar is the Greek pronunciation of the term abar. The Russian chronicles know the obrovs, the Arab writer Ibn Khordadbeh notes (along with the Khazars) the Abars or Avars.

Avar society, apparently, consisted of four main elements:
1) local, 2) Hunnic, 3) Turkic (Ephthalite), 4) Zhuanzhuan.
The Zhuanzhuan after their defeat in some part were probably included in the Turkic hordes of Central Asia, whose connection with the south of Russia is indisputable. One part of the Zhuanzhuan became part of the Turks of Mongolia, the other fled to China. In direct connection with the Western Turkic Khaganate, the Khazars arose. This penetration of the Mongol-Turkic tribes into Eastern Europe does not remove the possibility of the autochthonous emergence of the Avarian Union as the direct "heir" of the Hunnic formation.

After the collapse of the association of Attila, numerous tribes reappear, which broke away from the Huns and for some time represented completely autonomous formations.
The main tribal formations that were associated with the Hun-Avar association. Here, first of all, it is necessary to single out: 1) Uturgurs, 2) Kuturgurs, 3) Sabirs, 4) later Bulgarians (for Eastern Europe) and 5) Hephthalites or White Huns for Central Asia.

The gur tribes that appeared on the territory of Eastern Europe with their various attributive prefixes (kut - happy, he - ten, ut - fire (or grass), sary - yellow), are the hordes of the Uyghurs, at the end of the 5th century. (492) defeated to the West of Altai by the Zhuanzhuan Khagan Deulun and his uncle Nagai. Since that time, the Uighurs (in Chinese, gaogui) were divided into several parts, and one part of them migrated to the West. They gained their independence after the defeat of the Huns, when private tribal names appear in the steppes of Eastern Europe in general.

Uturgurs and Kuturgurs were called Huns-Cimmerians and made up two branches of the Hunnic tribe. The Uturgurs lived in the area from the confluence of the Don into the Sea of ​​Azov and up to the Cimmerian Bosporus. Kuturgurs occupied a place between the Tisza and the Danube. The Uturgurs penetrated the Crimea, where they encountered the Tetraxite Goths. Kuturgurs in 551 entered into an alliance with the Gepids against the Lombards.

Emperor Justinian, striving to appease the Kuturgurs, entered into an alliance with the Uturgurs, who, after the victory of the Tetraxites, defeated the Kuturgurs, taking many of them prisoner. Rome greatly contributed to the conquest of the Kuturgurs by the Uturgurs. Having recovered from the defeat, in 559 the Kuturgurs, led by Zabergan, crossed the Danube and defeated several Eastern Roman provinces. Justinian succeeded in rousing the Uturgurs again under the leadership of Sandilakh against the Kuturgurs. The struggle of the tribes among themselves weakened them; the Avars thereby obtained the opportunity to subjugate them and make them their subjects.

Sabirs or Savirs (Uighurs) formed into a “nation”, in the words of Y. Klaproth, from several clans. All R. 5th century (456 is indicated) they lived in the North Caucasus and were part of the Avar Khaganate, where they were under the direct control of the Urogs or Onugurs. Prior to that, back in 516, they penetrated through the Caspian gates into Armenia, also occupied Cappadocia, Galatia and Pontus, up to Euchatia, which, however, they did not conquer.

In 528, the Sabirs participated in the uprising of the Mazdakites, like the Hephthalites, but were defeated by the Byzantine troops under the command of Dorotheus. In 531, the Sabirs, again passing through the Caspian Gates, attacked the Byzantine possessions in Armenia, on the Euphrates, in Cilicia and Kirrestika. In 555, 2000 Sabirs under the command of Balmakh, Kutilsiz and Iliger, in alliance with Byzantium, oppose Iran. At that time, the Sabirs were still an impressive military force. By 558 they were defeated by the Varhonites and settled in Albania, and in 585 they were conquered by the Byzantines. The last mention refers to 585, when the Sabirs form part of the Byzantine troops, but as early as 622 they participate in the troops of Heraclius against Sasanian Iran. The final stage of their history is the submission to the Bulgarians.

“The Bulgars called servants and slaves Siberians or Serbs, and in this sense the word Serb was not only used by the Bulgar Slavs, but also by their neighbors, the Serbs, which is why in the ancient Serbian laws a simple person, a subject (plebeujus, rustiens) is not otherwise called a Serb. Even now (1837), despite all sorts of changes, the Serbs and Dalmatians call the peasant sebar, sibor, zipor, etc. Thus, from the proper and popular name of Sabira, or Sebira, a common (common) Serb (villager, villager, peasant) was formed. This type of change in the semantics of tribal names is repeated. Such names arose in general quite often, because the labor of a farmer, in the view of a barbarian nomad, was the lot of a slave first of all.

A significant place in the tribal composition of the Avar union was occupied by the Bulgarians.
The Danube Bulgarians were captured into the orbit of the Hunnic conquest and temporarily subjected to the Hunnic, later Avar influence, which was reflected in their language in the form of the Turkic vocabulary.

Juan period:
522-552 - khan A-na-kuei;
552-554 Khan Kutty.


The Byzantine Menander reports that the Avars “after a long wandering tried to establish contact with the Romans through their envoy Kandikh, demanding tribute from the latter and promising him (Justinian) protection of the Roman possessions.” Menander further notes that "the Avars made war on the Uturgurs with the Zalas (of the Hunnic tribe) and crushed the forces of the Savirs."

The further history of the Avars is connected with the defeat of the Ants (557 AD) and the murder of the Ants envoy Mezamir for his impudent treatment of the Avar Khagan. The Avars were also in conflict with the Western Turks, their Khakan Silzivul.
In 558 - 560 years. The North Caucasus and the eastern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov were invaded by the Avars under the command of bayana(Bayan) who took the title of kagan.
Most of the settlements ceased to exist in the 6th century. The reason for their death, in particular, those located on the territory of Ukraine, can be seen in the events associated with the struggle of the Slavs with the nomadic tribes of the Avars, which ended with the subjugation of the former.
This event, difficult for Slavic history, was reflected in the Chronicle: "See how you fought for Slavs on the primuchish of the Dulby, drying the Slavs and violence to the Duleb wives." First of all, the Avars destroyed the fortified points of the Slavs. So the Zimnevskoe, Khotomel settlements were burned. In the ash layer at the site of Zimno there was a charred tree, deformed dishes, charred grains of cereals, burnt human bones. On the slope of the mound, below the fortifications, a skeleton of a man, obviously, the defender of the settlement, was found. The attackers were undoubtedly the Avars, as evidenced by the finds of three-bladed arrowheads characteristic of the Avars, some metal ornaments of the Avar type.
After the subjugation of the Sabirs, Uturgurs and Kuturgurs, the Avars attacked the Antes, who sent the ambassador Mezamir to them. The latter was killed by them on the advice of a certain Kotragig (559-561).

In Pannonia, between the Danube and the Carpathians, the Avar Khagan Bayan founded a state association Avar Khaganate(558 - 823).
The Avar Khaganate was a multi-ethnic power, in which the main population was Slavic. Often Byzantine historians identified the Slavs with the Avars.

European Avar Khaganate:
552 - 558 - Khan Kandlik;
558-602 - khan Accordion;
602-630 - Reign in succession of two sons of kagan Bayan.

The capital of the kaganate was hring on the territory of Timisoara.

Administrative management

The supreme power belonged to the kagan, who was elected by the people's assembly. The governor of the kagan was a tudun, who was probably the ruler of a separate part of the country, and a yugur (possibly the chief priest). On behalf of the kagan, tribute was collected in the country by the so-called tarkhans (most likely - to know). Behind the tarkhans - down the hierarchical ladder - were the leaders of tribes and clans. The role of tribal elders was significant in the life of both each tribe and the kaganate as a whole. At least half of the above terms have a Turkic etymology. The same stable Türkic background can also be traced in the analysis of the Avar anthroponyms that have come down to us, which, however, cannot serve as convincing evidence in favor of the Türkic-speaking of the Avars proper, who came out of Asia. The latter - the "physical" Avars - represented the dominant elite in the kaganate, while being in a minority compared to the "ideological" Avars (that is, those who did not have Avar roots, self-identified with the Avar ethnos and defended the interests of the kaganate), not to mention those who did not identify themselves with Avaria in any way, did not show the slightest interest in its strengthening and elevation, but still had to pay tribute and obey the will of the kagan.


The economic system of the Khaganate was weak and based on nomadic pastoralism; agriculture among the Avars was not developed, and there was a kaganate at the expense of dependent tribes.
Slavery among the Avars was not widespread. This is indicated, in particular, by the fact that at the end of the VI century. Avars, capturing about 10 thousand prisoners, killed them all. It is also known that most of the captive inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula, settled by the Avars in Srem, soon became free. These settlers, who had in the VII century. of their prince appointed by the kagan, were considered by the Avars as a separate "people". In fact, they turned into one of the military-tribal divisions of the kaganate. The quality of jewelry testifies to the high level of development of jewelry art among the Avars. The Avars were good bone carvers, made magnificent carpets, embroideries, fabrics, and were engaged in artistic processing of silver and wood. Throughout Europe, the famous Avar belts with rich metal fittings were in great demand. The art of the Avars, in many respects, was a continuation of the so-called "Scythian animal style" with its small plasticity and stylized images of fantastic animals, as a rule, in dynamic poses, among which the griffin is often found.
Researchers have noticed a certain Byzantine influence on the jewelry art of the Avars. In general, judging by the things discovered by archaeologists, the Avar culture has both proto-Turkic and Iranian, as well as Chinese features. The successful development of jewelry among the Avars was affected by the fact that it was in demand in the Khaganate, since the Avars concentrated in their hands a huge amount of products made of precious metals, including coins of Byzantine coinage.
From Ser. 6th century The Byzantines paid tribute to the Khaganate in gold. The total amount of the annual tribute reached 80 thousand gold solidi, and starting from 599 it increased to 100 thousand. Over time, these amounts became insufficient. In the beginning. 7th century Byzantine emperors paid the Avars "for peace" annually 120 thousand solidi. Until 626, the Avar Khagan was paid about 6 million solidi, which corresponded to 25 tons of gold. This myriad of coins did not enter circulation. Probably, the Avars melted them to make jewelry, a small part was divided among the leaders.


The quality of jewelry testifies to the high level of development of jewelry art among the Avars. The Avars were good bone carvers, made magnificent carpets, embroideries, fabrics, and were engaged in artistic processing of silver and wood. Throughout Europe, the famous Avar belts with rich metal fittings were in great demand. The art of the Avars, in many respects, was a continuation of the so-called "Scythian animal style" with its small plasticity and stylized images of fantastic animals, as a rule, in dynamic poses, among which the griffin is often found.
Researchers have noticed a certain Byzantine influence on the jewelry art of the Avars. In general, judging by the things discovered by archaeologists, the Avar culture has both Iranian and Chinese features. The successful development of jewelry among the Avars was affected by the fact that it was in demand in the Khaganate, since the Avars concentrated in their hands a huge amount of products made of precious metals, including coins of Byzantine coinage.


In the clothing and weapons of the warriors of the kaganate, a mixture of Avar, Germanic and Byzantine styles is often traced, which looks quite logical in view of the multi-ethnicity of its population. The backbone of the Avar power was primarily a well-organized plate cavalry. The very concept of "chivalry" in Europe goes back to this type of horsemen. The Avars first introduced Europe to iron stirrups and blades with a one-sided blade - the prototype of later sabers.

military tactics

The military tactics of the Avars had much in common with the tactics of the later Mongols: exhausting the enemy with endless maneuvers without accepting close combat ("raid - rebound"), accompanied by salvo shots from long-range bows, followed by the unexpected introduction of heavily armed elite plate cavalry, designed to demoralize and cut through enemy formations. These actions were often combined with the suggestion to the enemy of false ideas about the proximity of his victory and the helplessness of the enemy, who was allegedly forced to evade and retreat all the time. The Byzantines carefully studied these methods and recognized them as the most effective, having borrowed from the Avars not only their "revolutionary" stirrups - which allowed them to deliver powerful chopping blows and, in general, to stay steadily in the saddle - but also the type of such a formation, when in front - equestrian archers without heavy armor (skirmishers avoiding close combat), as well as Avar pikes with belt loops and some elements of felt protective ammunition. Among other things, the Avars skillfully used the Slavic infantry, powerless against the Avar-type cavalry, but fought well in the forests and swampy areas.

The power of the Avar Khaganate over the Slavs was drawn to the middle. VII century., When the Avars suffered a series of major defeats from the Byzantines, Czechs and Slovenes, and finally after the defeat in the battles of 635 - 641. with the Bulgarian Union of Tribes, headed by Kurbat.

The Avars demanded land from the Romans for settlement and sent a special embassy to Justinian in 562. However, the envoys were delayed, as a certain Ikunimon betrayed them, saying that the Avars conceived an uprising immediately after moving to Roman lands. The delay of the ambassadors is also noted by Menander as the reason for the Avars' dissatisfaction with the Romans and their Khakan Bayan's attempt to defeat the Romans.
Shafarik points out that “the Avars, by the way, also leaned so stubbornly on the Eastern Antes, so that, having instilled fear in the other Western Slavs, it would be easier through them to open their way to the middle of Europe, the Panonian Danube, this paradise of nomads and robbers. tribes."

Their camp, divided into nine large circles, surrounded by a moat and embankments (567-568), "occupies both sides of the Danube, from where they terribly smashed and crowded the surrounding peoples for too 250 years." Safarik also suggests that at this time (in 563) the Dulebs were subjugated during the invasion of Hungary by the Avars. Dulebs lived between the Bug and Styr and penetrated into Hungary through the Tatra Mountains near Dukla. It was one of the oldest and most powerful unions of Slavic tribes that retained their significance despite the defeat inflicted on them by the Avars. It is obvious that its formation occurred after the collapse of the Hunnic tribal union.

The Avars manage to receive tribute from the Romans for a number of years. They could not spread their expansion to the East, since there, in particular over the Hephthalites, the Western Turks dominated. Naturally, after the refusal of the Romans (in about 565) to pay tribute to the Avars, the Avars oriented towards the West.

Thanks to the constant relationship of the Avars with the Romans, we have received indications that the Avars communicated with the Alans, in particular, they asked the Alanian king Saros to facilitate their access to Constantinople.

Byzantium knew that the Avars were under the rule of the Turks.

Due to the multi-tribal nature of the Avar Khaganate, it is difficult to establish their ethnic origin, especially since the ethnicity of the Zhuanzhuan has not yet been established, some of which became part of the Avar Khaganate. It can be pointed out that in the Avar Khaganate there were Turkic-speaking tribes, Slavic, and probably Finno-Ugric. Mongolian elements are also noted. So, for example, the name of the leader of the Avars "Bayan" is nothing but the Mongolian word rich. In the tribal name "varhunits" the ending "t" is one of the Mongolian plural forms. It is possible that the Mongol elements in the Avar alliance were brought by the Zhuanzhuans, whose Mongolism is now more or less established. Byzantine and Western European sources (for example, Menander, Paul Deacon) connect the Avars with the Huns, pointing (Menander) to the similarity of the Avars with the Huns, in customs and language, or to the genealogical connection of the Avars with the Huns (Paul Deacon). Byzantine historians were struck by the obviously oriental custom of wearing braids by the Avars.

All this only proves that the Avar Khaganate, regardless of how many newcomers were included in it, continued the history of local tribal formations at a new stage of the barbarian semi-state. Written sources say little about the economy of the Avars. As already mentioned, back in 562 they sent an embassy to Justinian with a request to provide them with land for settlement. It can be assumed that they were going to switch to pastoral forms of cattle breeding, i.e. coexisting with agriculture. The camp on the Danube was their main headquarters. Here the opportunity was created for the settling Avars to engage in agriculture, especially since the Kaganate included Slavic tribes who knew agriculture long before that. However, even in con. 6th century Avars, as a rule, were pastoralists.

Konstantin Porphyrogenitus reports: “Equestrian warriors gathered from other cities of Dalmatia every year and about a thousand were sent from Salona to stand guard on the Danube River for the sake of the Avars. The Avars lived on the other side of the Danube River, where the Turks are now, and led a nomadic lifestyle. Those who came every year from Dalmatia often saw cattle and people across the river. One day they decided to cross over to find out who lives there. Having crossed in this way, they found only the women and children of the Avars, while the men and youths were on the campaign. This evidence points to the common economic basis of the Avars and Huns-pastors. The Avars were pastoral nomads who expanded their economic base through plunder and conquest. The conquest served as an exchange with the agricultural peoples, obtaining slaves, tributaries and new territories.

Thanks to the embassy of Maniach in 568 and the return of Zemarch, the Romans directly contacted the Turks and learned that the latter considered the Avars to be their subjects. Since that time, the Avars were called pseudo-Avars.

Byzantium's refusal to pay tribute gave the Avars a reason to go to Western Europe, where, according to Gregory of Tours, they had clashes with the tribes that inhabited Thuringia, fought with the Austrasian Franks, led by their king Sigibert, even capturing him on the Elbe.
In 570, a certain Aspsych was sent from the Avars to Byzantium. Only after a successful battle with the Byzantine commander Tiberius, the agreement proposed by the Avars was approved and implemented.
Fearing military clashes with the Asian Turks, the Avars enter into an alliance with Byzantium and enjoy its protection. This arouses the indignation of the leader of the Turks, Turksanf, who told the Byzantine ambassador Valens (576) that the "Varhonites" were subjects and slaves of the Turks. The Turks considered their subjects not only Varhonites, but also Uturgurs.

In 578, the Avars, at the insistence of Byzantium, oppose the Slavs who attacked it and their leader Lawrence. Under the pretext of hostilities against the Slavs, Bayan breaks into Pannonia, and the struggle with Byzantium for the city of Sirmium is resumed. The Avars used the moment when Byzantium was distracted by the war with Iran. The struggle for Sirmium ended successfully for the Avars. Peace with Iran was concluded by Byzantium in 591.

In 582, the Avars captured the strategic Byzantine outpost of Sirmium, and the following year, Singidun devastated Illyria.
In 597, the Avars captured Dalmatia, flooding it with Croats.
In 599 they besiege Tomis on the Black Sea coast.
Around 600, the Avars, together with the Horutan Slavs, settled Inner Norik.
The Avars, together with the Lombards, opposed the Gepids and their leader Gunimund. They occupied the territory of the Gepids, and later defeated the Lombards.
The defeat of the Gepids, the allies of Byzantium, was carried out by the Avars together with the Lombards, demanding from them "a tenth of all the four-legged and if they defeat the enemies, then the Lombards should give up to the Avars half of the booty and all the land of the Gepids." At this time, the Avars united many tribes. Bayan agreed to leave the Byzantine possessions, demanding a relatively small tribute from the Romans, but offended by the undiplomatic behavior of the Roman envoys, “ordered ten thousand Unns, called Kontrigurs (Kuturgurs), to cross the Sava River and ravage Dalmatia, and he himself, with all the army that was with him, went through Istres and had a stay within the Gepids.

Further attempts by Bayan to demand tribute from the Byzantines are known. So, for example, I will note the embassy of Targitius, who demanded tribute that Justinian paid to the Kuturgurs and Uturgurs, “since Bayan currently owns these peoples, you will also give us (Avars) Usdivad, Giped and his people; no one will deny that these are Bayanov's slaves. In his second embassy, ​​Targitius demanded the city of Sirmium and tribute for all the years. The embassies of Targitia were unsuccessful and ended in a war between the Avars and the Byzantines.

In 618, the Avars, together with the Slavs, besiege Thessalonica.
In 623, the Western Slavs, led by Samo, raised an uprising against the Avars. After the victory of the uprising, the former Frankish merchant was elected prince. He waged successful wars with the Avars and the Franks - in particular, after the victory in 631, he won the lands inhabited by the Lusatian Serbs from the Franks.
In 626, the Avars supported Persia in the Iranian-Byzantine war and, at the head of the Slavic armies, laid siege to Constantinople. The Byzantines defeated the Avars due to the fact that the Slavs could not provide the Avars with assault ships of the proper quality, and then, offended by the kagan, who was angry about this, they left the place of deployment. The Avars, without the Slavic infantry and assault boats, were unable to take such a well-fortified city as Constantinople.

As a result of the defeat of the Avars near Constantinople in 626, the Kutrigurs separated from the Khaganate.

In 631, the Avars temporarily suppressed the uprising of the Kutrigurs. Khan Alzek, after an unsuccessful attempt to seize the throne in the Avar Khaganate, leaves the Khaganate with his horde.
By 632 khan Kubrat uniting the Kutrigur, Utigur and Onogur tribes, he creates the medieval state of Great Bulgaria, finally ousting the Avars from the Northern Black Sea region and the Lower Danube.
By 640, the Croats had driven the Avars out of Dalmatia. It is probably to this event that the following words from the poems of George Pisid refer: A Scythian (i.e. Avars) kills a Slav and dies himself, so they fight in blood until mutual destruction.

Franco-Avar War

The final defeat of the Avar Khaganate suffered in the battle. 8th century as a result of the Franco-Avar war.
In 788, the Bavarian Duke Tassilon III managed to conclude an alliance with the Avars against the Franks. However, in the same year, their army was defeated and Bavaria became part of the Frankish state. Then Charlemagne developed a plan for the final reprisal against the Avars. This marked the beginning of a long struggle between the Franks and the Khaganate.
In 791, the Franks launched a major counter-offensive against the Avars, in which Slavic detachments also took part, including the Karantans (presumably one of the ancestors of the Slovenes, Croats). The Frankish troops set out in two columns: one, under the leadership of Charlemagne, captured the Avar border fortifications in the lower reaches of the Rab, the other, led by Charles's son, Pepin, moved from the Friuli lowland and, having reached the upper reaches of the Sava, captured the Avar hring here.
Already these first failures led to internal unrest, which resulted, among other things, in the murder of the yugur and the kagan, which allowed the Friulian margrave Eric in 796 to inflict a decisive blow on the Avars and take the capital of the kaganate - the main hring of the Avar tribe, which was probably located in Transylvania (Ring). The Franks won a complete victory, which eliminated the political independence of the Avar Khaganate. Wagon trains with treasures accumulated by the Avars over the centuries went to Aachen. The situation was aggravated by the active anti-Avar position of the Proto-Bulgarians. Despite the hopeless situation, the Avars - in the vast majority - did not want to either admit their defeat or migrate to a safe place, but, on the contrary, fiercely resisted, as a result of which the losses were so catastrophic that they could never recover from them. Almost all the nobility perished.
Nevertheless, the Avars did not resign themselves to defeat for a long time. In 797 they rebelled, and the Franks were forced to repeat the campaign, again crowned with success. At the end of 797, the Avar ambassadors again swore allegiance to Charlemagne. However, the uprising rose again in 799, and in 802 Frankish officials were killed. Separate performances of the Avars against the Franks took place until 803. In 803-804. Bulgarian ruler Khan Krum captured all the Avar lands up to the Middle Danube. The Avars themselves within these territories were clearly quickly assimilated, probably due to the kinship of the ethnic groups of the Avars and Proto-Bulgarians. In 798, an archbishopric was established in Salzburg, which preached the Christian religion to the Avars. In 805, the kagan himself accepted the new faith. In the same year, the Bulgarian Khan Krum conquered the lands of the Timochan from the Avar Khaganate.
In 814, on the eve of the Frankish defeat, the Avar was headed by the tudun Kazhd, who later took the name Theodorus.

Disappearance of the Avars

Turning the remnants of the Avars into their vassals and placing a baptized kagan at their head, the Franks granted them, within the Eastern Mark, part of the region, with a center near Savaria (now the city of Szombathely, which belongs to Hungary). Soon, the Quarantans began to penetrate here. Their onslaught was so intense that in 811 the Franks were forced to defend the Avars. The last time, as a separate tribe that was in vassal dependence on the Franks, the Avars are mentioned in sources dated 822. Six years later, during the administrative reforms of the Frankish state, they were turned into royal subjects. During the ninth century the Avars are gradually dissolving among the Slavic and German settlers who have flooded into the Transdanubia.
In 899, the Hungarians captured Pannonia, with whom the remnants of the Avars merge.

To, with his assistance, ask the Byzantine emperor to let them into the territory of the empire. Soon the Avar embassy, ​​headed by a certain Kandik, arrived in Constantinople. Appearing before the emperor, the ambassador said: The Avars have come to you, the largest and most powerful of the peoples. He can easily repulse and destroy the enemy, so it is beneficial for you to make an alliance with the Avars: you will find reliable defenders in them". Emperor Justinian I concluded an alliance with them in the spring of the year, and sent the Avars against the Kutrigurs, their kindred Utigurs and the Eastern Slavs, with whom they successfully fought. After that, the emperor concluded a new treaty with them of the year, allowing them to settle on the deserted lands of the empire in the Danube region A few years later, the Avars, led by the Khagan Bayan, entered Pannonia, where, after the collapse of the Huns' power, the warring tribes of the Gepids and Lombards settled. The Avars entered into an alliance with the latter in exchange for a promise to leave Pannonia in case of victory. The Gepids were defeated and in the year the Lombards left for Italy, ousting the Byzantines from there.At the same time, Pannonia became the center of the Avar power - the kaganate.

After the fall of the Gepids, the empire immediately occupied their capital at Sirmia, which caused, however, a long Byzantine-Avar strife. Having captured Sirmium in a year, the Avars began to seize the possessions of Byzantium in the Balkans. Emperor Mauritius was forced to start a protracted war against them, which went on with varying success, but on the whole unsuccessfully: the truces concluded from time to time were increasingly unprofitable for the empire. The protracted Byzantine-Persian wars of that time gave the Avars the opportunity to devastate the Balkan lands with almost impunity. Byzantium, after the victory over the Persians in the year, ousted the Avars from the Balkan territories for some time, but at the same time paid them an increasing tribute for peace. In the century, the Byzantines paid tribute to the Khaganate in gold in the total amount of up to 80 thousand gold solidi per year, and starting from the year - up to 100 thousand. At the beginning of the 7th century, the Byzantine emperors paid the Avars annually 120,000 solidi. Up to a year, the Avar Khagan was paid about 6 million solidi (25,000 kg of gold). This myriad of coins did not enter circulation: the Avars probably melted them to make jewelry and vessels; a small part was divided between the leaders and fell into the treasures.

The Avar expansion also went to the west, where, having conquered the Croats and Serbs, in a year, in alliance with the Slovenes, they went to war with the Bavarians, and then with the Franks. The Franks suffered a series of serious defeats from the Avars, so strong that even the king of the Franks Sigibert II was in Avar captivity. He managed to be released only for a promise not to support Christians subject to the kaganate, and to marry his heir Dagobert I to the Avar princess Rachel. The newlyweds received a seaside town, later named La Rochelle, as their inheritance.

The land was plowed with a wooden plow with an iron coulter. On the territory of Hungary, such a coulter has been known since the century, and in ancient Moravia even earlier. Wheat was reaped with a sickle.

In most of the burials, good quality clay vessels were found, a significant part of which was made on a potter's wheel in the late Avar period. Some vessels were imported from nearby places, not from far away, since clay products do not withstand long transportation.

On the territory of Hungary of that time, the remains of an iron-smelting blast furnace for the manufacture of raw materials for weapons and agricultural implements were also found.

Goods were produced not only to meet their own needs, but also for exchange. In the Avar burials there are many things imported from other places. Among them are gold, silver and bronze earrings, bracelets, rings, buckles, hats, colored glass beads. Obviously, silk fabrics and other material for clothing were brought in, which have not survived to this day. They paid for all this, apparently, with cattle, horses, skins, and wool.

From Latin sources, trading and market places are known, where Avars appeared with their goods - itinerant merchants and artisans. The burial of one of them was found in the vicinity of the village of Kunsentmarton. Among the finds was lamellar chest mail: the roads in the country were not always safe for travelers.

Merchants came to the Avar Khaganate from afar, from the East. According to some reports, important trade routes to the West passed through the Carpathians. According to the custom of all nomadic peoples, the Avars levied a duty on trade caravans. As a result, the prestige of the rulers of certain regions of the country and the kagan himself increased significantly.

The Avars themselves did not mint their own money. Some researchers believe that the Avars were engaged in counterfeiting Byzantine gold coins. However, no more than a dozen such fakes were found throughout the territory of the khanate, and this is not enough to finally resolve the issue, especially since counterfeit money was also found among neighboring peoples.


Archaeological evidence indicates that the Avars knew the runic script: they carved and scratched out various spells to protect themselves from troubles, and nominal signs of property (tamgas) on various objects. However, there is no evidence that this script was used in correspondence or in the creation of literary monuments.

Little is known about the Avar language. We can get some idea about him only by personal names and titles, although the names and titles could not be of Avar origin. Moreover, few of them survived: the names of the ambassadors were Kandik, Solak, Kok, one of the shamans was called Bocolabra. Probably, these are names of Turkic origin, as well as the titles of kagan, tudun, yugur, tarkhans.


Very little is known about the beliefs of the Avars and other peoples of the Avar Khaganate. One source mentions a chief shaman; another testifies that the Avars were idolaters.

It is clear that the Avars, as it were, doubled the world: in addition to the earthly, they thought for themselves the afterlife. Together with the deceased, food, a horse with weapons, were usually placed in the grave so that the warrior could continue his journey and battles. The underworld, according to shamanistic beliefs, consisted of several levels located one above the other. The dead could get to the upper level only after various tests. Arrows helped to move upwards - that's why they were placed in a quiver next to the buried.

Before the funeral rite or during it, the grave pits were "cleansed" of evil spirits with the help of fire or burning coals.

Different peoples, according to their beliefs, buried people with their heads to one or another part of the world - towards the center of the world or in the direction from which the resurrection was expected. The Avars did not have a single orientation - they were too diverse; burial took place with the head both to the east and to the west. In many cases, magical acts were performed on the dead. After the burial, the grave was opened, the skull of the buried was taken out and spells were read over it. The fear that the deceased might return from the next world prompted sometimes to bury the dead flat on their stomachs.

In order to preach Christianity among the Avars, a bishopric was established in Salzburg as early as the year. The conversion of the Avars to Christianity accelerates at the end of the 8th - beginning of the century, along with falling under Frankish rule.

Art of the Avar era

The Avars were good bone carvers, on horn plates. According to the chronicles, they made magnificent carpets, embroideries, fabrics, and were engaged in artistic processing of silver and wood. None of this has survived to this day, but beautiful metal jewelry has survived - Byzantine-style earrings, bracelets, rings, rings; colored glass beads and necklaces, apparently made in the East. Free warriors - for centuries wore belts decorated with metal plaques. Horse harnesses were covered with the same plaques. In the late Avar period, plaques were made using the artistic casting method. It is difficult to find two identical ones among them. Large cast tips with floral ornaments, figurines of people or depictions of animal struggles were fastened to the waist belts. The swords and quivers of the leaders were covered with gold, ordinary soldiers - with silver. Even the iron stirrups were artistically forged, and some were inlaid with silver.

He calls this city the capital of all the land that he claims and considers his by right.