A gift to your beloved for 3 months of relationships. What to give for a month of relationship guy

The first month of relations is the most romantic. During this period, everything is remembered, because the feelings only "originated" in two loving hearts. That is why it is necessary to come up with an interesting gift for a loved one. So that he liked a surprise, be sure to show creativity.

It is difficult to specifically say for a month of relationship. Close carefully to your young man. Think about what he is he? What does he like? What is he fond of? Having answered these questions, you can come up with an original surprise.

Ideas gifts guy

Tip: Do not do expensive gifts. A good option is a romantic souvenir. If you make it with your own hands, then your boyfriend will definitely appreciate the skill. Does the young man have a car? Then you can give it the original toy on the suction cup, which will perfectly decorate the salon and will remind him of you.

If the expression "Music is life" matches your beloved, then it will delight the stand for disks. Such a surprise with your favorite music and such a gift will not remain unnoticed.

What to give a guy for a month of relationship? A pair pendant can become an excellent surprise: you put one afternoon, and the other is the beloved.

If your young man collects coins, calendars and something else, you can give another exhibit. He will surely delight him, but remember that truly unique things are expensive.

Football Soccer - excellent gift For a fan. Try to choose the game in which the favorite team is played.

What to give a guy for a month of relationship? Of course, a beautiful, delicious cake. Insert one candle in it - the symbol of your first date. Light her, tell your young man something gentle. And you will definitely see sincere joy in the eyes. Cake - a great opportunity to make a desire for two. Such ceremonies are always bringing closer even more. In addition, a sweet surprise is a great idea of \u200b\u200ba gift to a friend. He, too, should like such a pleasant surprise.

A beautiful mug is an excellent present on this little celebration. You can order the decoration of the cup by his name, a funny inscription or your joint photo.

What could be wonderful romantic dinner? Arrange such a surprise for your lover, give him a minute of joy and happiness, feed it with delicious disasters. Be sure to think in advance about the fault (it is advisable to choose red), because this particular drink is the symbols of love.

What to give a guy for a month of relationship? T-shirt with a fun inscription. This present is not only pleasant, but also useful, because a new thing is always good. You can buy a couple of T-shirts at once: one one is, another - to him.

If your date fell on the day off, then spend it together. Buy tickets to the cinema or a concert. You can go to the amusement park and ride the carousels, and other attractions. And remember the main thing: in your only nascent relationships, the gift itself is important, but the pleasant moments that he will deliver.

A gift to the girl for 3 months of relationships should be romantic, and sweet, and at the same time relevant, original, but not too expensive. We have prepared a selection of cool ideas for you. For convenience, we stripped them into classic, original, inexpensive gifts or presents impressions. Read and choose the best option.

Classic gifts

If you can't come up with an original gift, you can always use one of the classical time-tested ideas.

Soft toy. You may not want to buy a banal teddy bear. In this case, you can find a toy in the form of a hero from the game, a cartoon or anime that you like the girl.

Sweets. Almost all girls love sweet, it remains only to find out what your beloved is chocolate, cakes or originally decorated desserts.

Flowers. No need to look for a reason to give your favorite bouquet of flowers.

Bijouterie. 3 months of relations are not enough long time in order to give jewels, but quite suitable for high-quality and original jewelry. You can pay attention to wood bracelets or polymer clay, Pendant in the shape of a heart (for example, choose pair products).

Paired items. The meaning of these items is that they show the relationship between two halves of a couple in love. You can buy mugs, t-shirts, pendants. With this gift you will emphasize that the relationship with the girl is very important for you.

Inexpensive presents

Serious and expensive presents are not quite appropriate for this date. In this case, the main thing is to emphasize the importance of the moment, and for this it is inexpensive cute surprises.

Frame. It is permissible to present the girl a frame for photos decorated in a romantic style, for example, decorated with hearts. It will be better to pre-insert a joint photo into it and write several touching phrases on the turn.

Song. Several options are possible here. If the guy has a good fantasy, as well as a good voice and rumor, then you can perform under the windows of your favorite serenade of its own essay. No abilities for singing - not trouble. In any case, it will estimate such efforts, or you can seek help for your friends. The choir under his balcony is likely will never forget.

Plant in the pot. If the girl loves indoor flowers, then as a gift for 3 months of relationships, you can present a beautiful pot with flowers. Plus the gift is that such flowers are not covered in a few days.

Souvenirs with photography. A mug or a t-shirt with a portrait of a beloved or romantic inscription can become good and affordable by the option. Printing selected images on any surface today provides many firms, it is inexpensive. Printing selected images on any surface today provides many firms.

Original surprises

Balloons composition. Give your beloved girl for 3 months of relationship composition from balloons. It can be just a huge bunch of balls or balls, folded in the form of flowers or any animals.

Gift Certificate. Each girl tries to follow his appearance and look always on top. Therefore, a gift in the form of a certificate in a shop of cosmetics or clothes will greatly please your favorite.

Quest. Your girl loves quests? Arrange her quest, at the end of which you will wait for it in a certain place with a gift and warm words. No need to do a lot of tasks - it can get tired. Think over the whole script, you can rely on the two dates, places, phrases for you.

Bouquet of candy. Such a bouquet retains its attractiveness even after all sweets are eaten.


Surprise and please your favorite girl in this important day, making it unforgettable.

Romantic evening. It may seem banal, but most girls secretly or clearly dream of such a surprise. You can order a table in the restaurant, which she had long wanted to get, but everything was not there. Or organize everything yourself - the main thing, remember that for one girl a romance is wine, candles and pink petals, and for another - dawn over mountain peaks and thermos with hot tea.

PHOTOSESSION. Favorite will definitely appreciate this unique chance to feel like a real fashion model and get romantic photographs of professional quality.

Hike in the park with attractions. Dip the girl in childhood. Check-in on the steep slides will give an unforgettable joint feeling that you will then remember for a long time.

Roller skating / skating. Invite your beloved for a walk for a useful and interesting pastime. It may be roller skating or skating, depending on the time of year.

Unusual walk. If the girl loves fairy tales, then order her a walk around the city on a limousine, or on a carriage with horses. And you can complete a romantic evening, launched Chinese lanterns into the sky.

Choosing that give a girl for 3 months of relationships, focus on her tastes and preferences. Surely during this time you have managed to get to know each other better and know what she likes and what she is interested in. If you get in with a gift "in the apple", then on the relationship it will only affect the better.

When a guy and girls start a relationship, every day spent together becomes unforgettable. And what to say about more serious dates. For example, a month from the beginning of the novel. Maybe many years later this date will seem insignificant and shallow, but now it is important moment For both partners. And it is quite reasonable to celebrate a similar event with a mutual exchange of gifts. The guys most often resort to a classic solution in the form of flowers. What can the girl answer? In this article we will find out what to give a guy for 1 month relationships.

Classic options

There are several standard options that can be presented to a similar date. Although they are not original, but tested by time and will not cause your partner a negative reaction. Here are some examples of what you can give a guy for a month of relationship:

  • Books. In this traditional present there is nothing wrong. It is only necessary to learn the favorite author of your man.
  • Wallet. Pretty neutral gift. On the other hand, your guy pulls it several times a day. And it will make him think about you much more often.
  • Decoration. This is another good example of giving a guy for a month of relationship. Only it should be very neat and minimalistic. No fashionable decorations. A neat bracelet or pendant is what is needed.
  • Eau de Toilette. Many guys do not like to choose perfume, so get rid of them from such "torment". In addition, it is an excellent opportunity to "make" partner smell as you like.


It is not necessary to give some physical gift. Sometimes the best option Will become bright emotions. Especially if they are tested together. So, what can you give a guy for a month of relationship in this case?

  • Football tickets. The young man will definitely appreciate it. And if he is a football fan, then the best present is just not found.
  • Gift certificate for some attraction. For example, flight in the aerotube. Such entertainment combines a feeling of freedom with a wild splash of adrenaline.
  • Movie tickets. Usually the girl invites you to the movie the guy. Imagine how it will be nice to get this present from you. It is not necessary to go on some kind of melodrama. It is quite suitable for a comedy or a fighter.
  • Participation in Live Quest or role playing. Together to build in the role of characters is very fun and exciting.
  • Concert tickets. Especially if you have a shared favorite group.

What to give a guy for a month of relationship original?

Consider non-standard options for presents. They are quite inexpensive, but at the same time very original and stand out against the background of traditional gifts for such dates.

  • T-shirt with an unusual print. Buy a white t-shirt, come up with the original drawing (inscription) and give it to the firm engaged in the seal on the fabric. The main thing is not mistaken with the size!
  • Toy on radio control. Every guy in the soul of a child, so he will definitely get a helicopter or typewriter on radio control.
  • Equestrian walk. It is better to spend it together in some picturesque place.

Present with their own hands

If you still think about giving a guy for a month of relationship, we advise you to remember the famous proverb. Well, the one in which the Present made by his own hands. And there are the following options:

  • All guys love to eat delicious. Therefore, a wonderful gift can be the dish. If your partner loves sweet, then bake the cake. Do not know how? No problem! You can snatch a little. Buy ready-made cakes in the store. It remains only to smear them with cream and decorate the dish.
  • Do you know how to embroider? Wonderful. Use this skill to make your man a gift. You should not embroider a whole picture. But the inscription "1 month", taken into a luxurious frame, is quite suitable.
  • Men love things from genuine leather. If you attach a little effort, you can independently make a bag for keys or stylish keychain. With such a gift, your second half will not be ashamed to seem in humans.
  • It is not necessary to worry if you have not decided not to give the guy for a month of relationship. In the end, you can simply arrange the evening of tenderness and love for him. He accurately appreciate this present. In addition, it will make you even closer to each other.

Invalid presents

So, now you know what to give a guy for a month of relationship. But there is another point that you need to mention. It is important not only to be able to pick a present, but also know what to give is not worth it. Otherwise, instead of positive emotions, your partner will receive only disappointment.

Avoid giving:

  • Too expensive things. You are still too little encountered. It is better to postpone the presentation of such presents for the future and focus not at the price, but on a pleasantness.
  • Tools for body care. The toilet water mentioned above is quite normal. But the shampoo or gel for the shower do not need. Your young man may regard it as a hint on his uncleanness.
  • Ball balls and hearts. Most guys do not like to indulge in romance. So such presents will be more suitable for young girls.

Honeymoon - so they say about the first month after the wedding. The first month of the beginning of the relationship is no less important. Lovers have already understood that they are good together, but they still do not know each other enough. Attention and gifts are an integral part in the successful development of relationships.

A gift for one month requires a creative approach. So, what to give a guy for a month of relationship?

Option number 1. Homemade gift.

From the moment of dating there was not so much time, and you probably did not have time to tell the young man about all my hobbies. Gift options in this case can be:

  • knitted thing
  • culinary dish

Here you can bake some kind of cookies in the form of hearts. For example, "puff ears", or prepare heart-shaped muffins.

  • drawn picture
  • stitched Cove
  • cleather
  • song / Poems (executed or written)
  • trinket

The advantage of such things is that they do not bear big material valueBut at the same time make it clear that the person is important for you, and you tried to make him pleasant by putting a piece of myself as a gift.

Option number 2. Items of wardrobe.

The first gift at the date of relationship should symbolize proximity and unity. An interesting option in this case can be:

  • paired T-shirts
  • 3 mittens for 4 hands (sold specifically for lovers)
  • interesting socks

The main thing here is to show fantasy. It is possible that the choice may fall on T-shirt with your favorite MCh logo, a new shirt with an interesting print, etc.

Option number 3. Means for caring for themselves.

You can make a pleasant young man, giving him something to care. Such a gift will not only be pleasant, but also practiced, so it can always be useful. Below will be possible options:

  • shower gel
  • shave set
  • eau de parfum

In this case, special attention should be paid to how the gift is presented. In no case cannot be allowed that the guy thinks that he is considered to be nonsense or do some unequivocal hints.

Option number 4. Romantic gifts.

In modern society, there is an opinion that romance is not about men. It is not necessary to show strong feelings and remember such little things as a month of relationships. However, if a man is really in love, this very love creates strange feelings, forcing me to become defenseless even the most steep macho. A gift from the girl is nice and even interesting, since no matter how much the choice is it - he will surely be correct. Rarely when the girl gave something unnecessary or just what could disappoint the beloved. In cases when it comes to the soul of romance, you can make the following:

  • romantic dinner

A good gift that is wondering how to give and get. And best of all - to organize it together. So you can not only make each other pleasant, but also spend time together! Modify the menu in advance, choose some new and interesting dishes, buy products and try everything together. Then, in the evening, with candles and charming music, sit quietly together, without phones and other distracting factors, just enjoying each other's society. This time is simply invaluable ...

  • photo frame with first photo joint

Photo on the phone is great, but the photo that can be taken into the hands, which will always be somewhere nearby, inserted into a beautiful frame - it is much better. It is possible, for example, to show ingenuity and make a frame yourself, for example, in a papier-mache technique. Such a gift will undoubtedly be very and very, by the way.

  • t-shirt with joint photo
  • cake with meeting date

Option number 5. Gifts-hobby

When choosing a gift, you can take the attention of the Hobby MCH and give something from this area. For example, a collection figure of a car or a motorcycle, a brand, if it is fond of numismatics, or a set of knives. It all depends exclusively from the hobbies of a man and what he is really interested.

Option number 6. Gifts for work

  • original diary
  • organizer
  • business card holder
  • purse
  • credit Card Case
  • notebook
  • a pen

All this can come quite by way, if the MC is engaged in business or works in the company. You can consider a gift for other areas of employment. The main thing is to present it with the soul.

Option number 7. Technical devices

  • USB carrier
  • MP3 player
  • Bluetooth headset

Gifts from the high price category, but if your young man does not miss you to make you a pleasant, think about it and also give something functional.

30 days from the date of dating - a short time for relationships. Nevertheless, it is also important. You can please my beloved with a gift, listening carefully to his words. Perhaps he will accidentally say that all the time loses the keys - then the key is exactly what is needed. If the MCh lacks a convenient T-shirt - everything is clear with the gift too. Attention is that it is at the heart not only a successful gift, but also harmonious relations in general.

The month of relationship is a small period for which it is usually if you give something a guy, then humble and inexpensive. How not to cross this trait and not spoil let the small but holiday? This article will help you to sort out the difficult situation. We will tell that it should be safe to hand out a boyfriend that you should consider when choosing a present, which should not be bought and that you can first give. In addition, you will find a few ideas about what will be appropriate to make with your own hands.

A young man needs to buy not a very expensive thing, it is recommended to spend a maximum of 2000 rubles. Otherwise, the guy may think that your relationship is already too serious, and then the risk of his sudden disappearance from your life. He can also calculate that in this way he hints at a retaliatory and more expensive gift.

The present can be comic, romantic, practical, original, most importantly, so that it is not too big. Your task is to take care and show yourself to a careful girl, and not surprise the partner. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, within a few weeks listen to what the young man tells you. Perhaps he broke his favorite mug, lost the key chain from the keys, broke a lighter. Then it will be appropriate to replace the desired thing to the new one.

And the last rule - you should not count on a retaliatory gift, even if you chose something expensive. If you do not get it, you do not need to be capricious, blaming the boyfriend in greed, show discontent.

Ideas for gifts

The most popular gifts are:

  • diaries;
  • trinket;
  • mouse pad;
  • lantern;
  • a pen;
  • cup;
  • t-shirt with his photo or inscription.

If the guy has already given you gifts, then you can choose some computer accessories:

  • mouse;
  • webcam;
  • microphone;
  • headphones;
  • keyboard;
  • mousepad;
  • a flash drive on which you can make engraving, who is presented from whom.


Young people who care for themselves will be appropriate to hand toilet water, electric shaver, shaving set. For lovers of literature, any interesting book will be relevant. Here we have collected. You can choose an option for a fiction connoisseur, political science and other destinations.

You should not give shampoo, a shower gel, a liquid soap - so you will hint at him that he cares about himself. The same applies to hairbrows and mirrors.

From cute gifts you can select the photo frames in which you can insert your shared snapshot. A good present will be a photo album. In the cold season, it is worth paying attention to gloves, sensory or mitts. They are very convenient to talk on the phone. Also, the guy will be pleased to get a beautiful scarf, which should be sewn from natural fabrics. Best color - Brown, black, dark blue.

Gifts are looking here. We have prepared a list of how it is possible to relax, which is delicious to prepare that original hand.

Very memorable option -. Read what the inscription is worth choosing, on what it can be done how much money will be required for this.

You here, if. Here you can get acquainted with what he will need in the car.

What to do, ? There is an answer! You will learn what business gifts will delight him and how much they are about.

What can be done with your own hands

If you want to show originality or there is no possibility to buy something, you can make a gift with your own hands from those offered on this list:

  • Embroidered picture. You will need the canva, a simple pencil for its markup and sketch outline, the hoops, a frame. You can embroider a money tree that promises big income and well-being. Here is a sufficiently detailed master class: Mastera-rukodeliya.ru.
  • Accessories leather. If you love and know how to sew, make a leather key chain, purse or phone case. You can work both manually and on the sewing machine. It is best to sew from the skin of python or nubuck. Here you can find detailed instructions on creating a cover: yaprofi.net.
  • Sweets. Those who are tasty preparing, it is worth paying attention to baking. Find out the guy, what cake he loves the most and bake him. You can find a suitable recipe here: Kedem.ru. Cheesecake and tartlets are obtained. For decoration you can use mastic. If you do not want to mess around for a long time, decorate ready-made chocolate. Buy two tiles (black and white), melt the second and write this glaze on the surface all that wanted. Then be sure to immediately put it in the refrigerator.

Embroidered with a crossed picture based on the works of Shishkin

In the extreme case, you can make a photo collage from joint photos.

If there are problems with finances, you do not need to be upset - you can simply arrange a surprise guy. You can fulfill all his desires all day, to care for it, have fun, joke, walk. Arrange a walk in the places that you like most, or pick up the roof of the house with a beautiful view of the city. Do you know how to sing? Great, perform his favorite song.

If your budget is about 2000 rubles, then look at this video with a selection of photos of different goods and their descriptions by a professional speaker:

Believe me, exactly what will be the gift - it is not very important where your attitude to a guy, care and attention. If you see a smile on his face - you did everything!