The scheme for determining the position of the sound in the word. Games and game exercises for the development of speech (Schweiko G.S.)

Elena Yurasova

One of the main goals in the work of the speech therapist is to prepare children with violations of speech to learn literacy. This goal is achieved by solving the main tasks:

Correction of violation soundless;

Development of phonderatic hearing, phonderatic perception;

Formation of skills sound Analysis and Synthesis.

When forming skills sound Analysis The speech therapy work is built in the following sequences:

1. Allocation (recognition) sound on the background of the word, i.e. determining the availability of sound in the word.

2. EXECUTION sound at the beginning of the word. Definition First and last sound in Wordas well as his position(beginning, middle, end the words) .

3. Development of complex forms of phonderatic analysis ( sequence definition, quantities and places sounds in relation to others sounds in the word).

Children with a violation of speech are experiencing significant difficulties in mastering the data. skills and skills. Using gaming techniques In leishes for learning, literacy allow you to increase the emotional, motivational, speech and cognitive activity of the child. Therefore, in its pedagogical activity, we pay great importance to finding new gaming techniquesthat will make it easier and diversify work with children.

I bring to your attention gaming techniques, aimed at improving the skills to determine the position of sound in the word.

The exercise "Find a place sound»

purpose: Fasten ability to determine the place of sound in the word.

Move gaming exercise: Teacher pronunciation the words, baby specifies the place of the given sound in the word and moves the figure to the beginning (middle or end) Tracks.

For the manufacture of the manual, I prepared the cards with the background, the clips fastened on a round gum, on the clips pasted figures from cardboard boat, cars, bees, bunny on the clips. Pressing the clamp, children easily move the card figure.

First of all, children are invited to determine the place of impact vowel in one-step and two-sided words: for example, the place of sound and in words stork, two, poppy,sound and in words / inay, leaf, three.

At the same time, vowels are pronounced broken, intonated, pictures are used.

Work to determine the place of consonant sound in the Word (beginning, middle, end) is carried out using the following exercises:

1. To decompose into three rows of the picture, in the title of which there is sound l: the first row - pictures, in the title of which the sound is heard at the beginning of the word; The second row - pictures, in the title of which the sound is pronounced in the middle of the words; The third are pictures on words in which the sound is in the end of the word. Sample pictures: lamp, skiing, floor, table, chair, bulb, shelf, stick, pigeon, soap, penalty, boat, elk.

2. Pick up the words in which the sound of L at the beginning of the word.

3. Pick up the words in which the sound of the word is in the end of the word.

4. Pick the words in which the sound of L in the middle of the word.

5. Name animals, vegetables, fruits, plants, flowers, whose names begin on the sound of L.

6. Name animals, vegetables, plants, flowers, dishes, toys or transport, in the title of which the sound of the sound in the end or the middle of the word.

7. In a scene picture, pick up words that start with the sound of L or end the sound of L.

8. Game "Traffic light". The paper strip is used, divided into 3 parts: the red left part is the beginning of the word, the middle yellow is the middle, the green right - the end. The speech therapist calls the word. Depending on where the specified sound is heard in the word, students put a chip on
Red, yellow or green part of the strip.

9. Playing Lotto. Cards are offered with pictures on the sound of P and cardboard rectangular strips, separated each into three parts (see p. 134). In one of the parts of the strip (at the beginning, mid or end), the letter R. The speech therapist calls the word. Pupils define the sound of the sound P and close the picture with the corresponding strip.

Development of complex forms of phonderatic analysis (determination of the sequence, quantity and place of sounds in the word)

The speech therapy work on the formation of complex forms of phonderatic analysis (determining the sequence, quantity, the sounds of sounds in the Word with respect to other sounds) is carried out in close connection with learning to read on the basis of a modern understanding of the process of mastering this skill.

The initial task of the process of mastering children reading is to familiarize the child with sound matter of the language: recognizing sounds, the release of them from the word, with the sound structure of words as basic units of the language.

In the process of reading, recreation of the sound structure of the word on its graphic model is carried out. In this regard, one of the important prerequisites for the successful formation of the reading process is the ability not only to allocate and distinguish between sounds in speech, but also to produce more complex operations with them: to determine the audio composition of the word, the sequence of sounds in the word, place of each sound in relation to other sounds . The written word only models the sound structure of the word, transforming the time sequence of speech sounds by a sequence of letters in space. Therefore, the recreation and reproduction of the letter model is impossible without a clear representation of the sound structure of the word.

In the development of complex forms of phonemematic analysis, it is necessary to take into account that any mental effect, as already noted above, undergoing certain stages of formation: drawing up a preliminary understanding of the task, the development of the action with objects, the development of the action in terms of loud speech, transferring action to a mental plan, final formation mental action (P.Ya. Galperin, D. B. Elconin).

In this connection, the following stages of the formation of the phhemectic analysis function as mental action can be distinguished.

The first stage is the formation of phonematic analysis with support for aids, on external actions.

Work is carried out as follows. The student is presented a picture, the name-name of which must be analyzed, and a graphic scheme consisting of a certain number of cells, by number of sounds in the word. As the sounds are selected in the word, the student fills in the chips scheme.

The filled graphic scheme is a model of a sound structure of the word. The action that the student carries out is a practical action on modeling the sequence of sounds in the Word.

The development of phonderatic analysis is based on the previously formed skills of the first and last sound, determining the place of sound in the Word (beginning, middle, end).

Initially, single-stroke words are given for analysis. mac, Cat, House, Onion, Som.So, the sequence and place of sounds in the word oniondetermined as follows.

It is proposed a picture on which the bow is drawn, under it - a diagram of three cells. The speech therapist asks: "What is the first sound in the word onions?" "Sound L," - they answer the children and the chicken closes the first cell. The word is repeated by children and the speech therapist. "What kind of sound is heard in the word after l?" Sound in " time to say the word and listen to what kind of sound is heard after y in the word onion.The disciples determine that after the sound, the sound is heard to, and the last cell is covered with a chicken. Then the scheme repeats the sequence of sounds in the word onion(first, second, third sound).

Using the picture at this stage facilitates the task, as it reminds the student, what word is analyzed. The graphic scheme is controlled by the correctness of the task. If in the process analysis turns out to be empty one of the cells, the student understands that it performed the effect incorrectly.

The second stage is the formation of the action of phonderatic analysis in the speech plan.

Support on materialization is excluded. The formation of the function of phhematic analysis is translated into the speech plan - first using the picture, then without it. Children call the word, determine the first, second, third sound, clarify the number of sounds.

The third stage is the formation of the action of phonderatic analysis in a mental plan.

At this stage, children determine the quantity, sequence and place of sounds, without calling words. For example, it is proposed to select pictures in which five sounds are called. At the same time, pictures are not called.

The process of forming a phonemematic analysis should assume not only the complication of forms of analysis, but also a gradual complication of speech material, an increase in the phonetic difficulty of the word.

The following sequence of speech material is proposed:

a) words from two vowels: aU, UA;

b) monosyllastic words consisting of the opposite (mind, oh, mustache)direct open (on, mu, yes),closed syllable (house, poppy, nose, bow) "

c) two-sided words consisting of two open syllables: mom, Rama, Paw, Moon, Goats, Porridge, Masha, Shura, Hand, Rosesetc.

d) two-sided words consisting of open and closed syllables: sofa, sugar, hammock, meadow, oak, cooketc.;

e) two-sided words with a crossing of the syllables on the junction: lamp, midge, brand, mouse, hill, shelf, bag, sled, watermelon, donkey, pocket, barbosand etc.;

e) single-stroke words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning of the word: rook, doctor, wardrobe, table, chairetc.;

g) single words with a crossing of consonants in the end of the word: wolf, Tiger, Regimentand etc.;

h) two-sided words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning of the word: grass, roof, rat, gri, doctors, eyebrows, plumand etc.;

and) two-sided words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning and in the middle of the word: flowerbed, lid, crumbetc.;

k) Three-sided words: steam locomotive, ditch, cabbage, grandmother, saucepanand etc.

In parallel with the formation of phondematic analysis of the syllable and the words, work is carried out to eliminate reading disorders. So, with a contrably reading, the focus is drawn to the note in the process of reading the student oriented to the public sound level, and then pronounced the syllable. For example, when reading a MA syllable before pronouncing the first sound, the student must clarify that the subsequent vowel in the syllable is the sound A, and only then it is mixed with the sounds of the syllable.

The need for orientation to the subsequent vowel is caused by a spoke feature of the open syllable. The articulation of the first consonant sound in this syllable depends on the subsequent vowel. And therefore the sludge pronunciation of the syllable is only possible when the subsequent vowel sound is defined. In this case, the first sound articulation will not be the articulation of an isolated sound pronounced, which is due to the letter reading, and will be the initial stage of the syllable articulation.

The assimilation of the speech analysis of the word, as well as the skill reading syllables with orientation to the subsequent vowel sound serve as a prerequisite for the fusion reading, contribute to the elimination of the contaminated reading and distortion of the sound-syllable structure of the word when reading.

When correcting reading errors, it is necessary to rely on the formed sound analysis skills. So, when replacing the reverse syllable, a direct open student must perform the analysis of the named syllable on the task of the speech therapist. For example, if, instead of time, the student reads the speech therapist draws attention to the first sound of the spoken syllable. The student determines that this is the sound of T. Then the speech therapist asks the question: "What is the first letter in this syllable?" - "Letter y. It is proposed to read the syllable so that the first sound is the sound of U.

In the process of correction of reading disorders, not only the oral analysis of words, but also the compilation of words from the letters of a split alphabet, tasks with the letters of split alphabet, written exercises.

Types of tasks to consolidate the function of phonetic analysis

1. Insert missing letters to these words: vI L.A, Crimea, Kosh.a, No.Ni.Y.

2. Make the words of various sound-syllable structures from the letters of a split alphabet, for example: home, poppy, mouth, fly, sleigh, paws, bank, cat, brand, mole, table, wolf, roof, lid, ditch, cabbageand etc.

3. Pick the words where the given sound would be on the first, second, third place. For example, come up with words in which the sound to be on the first (bush),on the second
(window),on the third place (cancer).

4. Choose from the proposal of the word with a certain number of sounds, orally call these words or burn them.

5. Add a different number of sounds to the same syllable so that the words turned out. For example:

course pairs

pa-- Couple Ko-- goats

pa --- Cat Parade

pa -------------------- Sails Ko-- Cow

6. Pick up words with a certain amount of sounds, for example, with three sounds (house, cancer, poppy),with four (Rose, Rama, Paw, Spit),with five (Cat, sugar, bank).

7. Select pictures, in the names of which there must be a certain number of sounds.

8. In a plot picture, pick up words with a certain number of sounds.

9. Pick up the words on each sound constituting the original word. The word is written on the board:

Each subsequent word in a row must contain one sound more than the previous word.

10. We form the words:

a) adding the sound at the beginning of the word. For example: mouth - Mole, fur - Laughter, Bang - Bee, Olya - Kolya, Anya - Vanya, Osia - Spit, Meadow - Plow, Games - Tigers, Daughter - Fishing Rod, Point, - Watch, Food - Bed, Cannon - Out;

b) adding the sound at the end of the word. For example: side - boxing, ox - wolf, par - park, floor - regiment, table - pillar, foxes - leaf;

c) changing one sound word (chain of words):

som - Juice - Suk - Soup - Suhes - Saw - Sor - Cheese - Son - Sleep, Spit - Goats - Roses - Rosa - Roma- rama - Mom - Masha - Sasha - Porridge;

d) Rearming the sounds:

saw - Lipa Carp - Park Cat - Who

stick - Mount Foot - Rog Nose - Sleep

doll - Fist Handle - Crues Mall - Scrap

hair - word don - bottom Mara - Frame

The following quatrains can be used in the word conversion work (according to M. M. Lukashuk):

With "h" above the sea I fly,

With "g" in cars I am. (Seagull - Nut)

With "M" you wear me,

With "L" call a dog. (Mike - Like)

With "K" I'm at the School on the Wall,

Mountains, rivers are on me.

With "P" - from. I do not touch you -

In each class I stand in a row. (Map - Parta).

With "B" deadly I am

With "M" Furs I'm devoured

With "r" actor i need

With "C" for the cook is important. (Pain - Mol - Role - Salt)

I am a tree. In the native country

Find me everywhere in the forests.

But stop the syllables in me -

And I will feed the water. (Pine - Pump)

I'm lying on Earth,

I'm nailed to the gland,

But stop letters -

In a saucepan, I will climb. (Sleepers - noodles)

Famous me dish, when you add "M", fly, buzz I will be, annoying everyone. (Ear - fly)

And on the river, and in the pond

I swim in quiet weather,

But insert only "and" and lead

Steel bird to the sky. (Raft - pilot)

11. "Learn the names of wild animals in the following letters: leporad, Ebbeat, Rkokildo, Nekugur, Viemmd, Osnorogo.

12. What words can be made from the letters of the following words: barrel (table, ox), nettle (Iva, Park, couples, Cancer, Ira, Caviar, Arch, Kira), Picture (Tina, Whale, Rana, Thread, Map, Tank, Kira, etc.), Stool (Tour, Drill, River, Burk, Rocket, Keta, Hand, Bouquet, Bar, Tara, Duckand etc.).

13. From the word-written words to form a word chain in such a way that each subsequent word starts from the last sound of the previous one, for example: house - Mac - Cat - Ax - Rot - Plate - Watermelon ...

14. The word-riddle. The first letter of the word is written on the board, instead of the other letters are set. Pupils guess the written word. For example: to.- . . (roof).

15. Playing a cube. Children throw a cube. Their task is to come up with a word, the number of sounds in which corresponds to the number of points on the cutting edge of the cube.

16. Drawing up a graphic scheme of supply and words:

Offer, words, syllables:

17. Call a word in which sounds are located in the reverse order. For example: nose - Sleep, Cot - Talk, Forest - Sel, Dar - Rad, Sorrow - Ros, Top - Pot.

18. Fill the scheme. For example:

In the left side of the flow scheme, the words are recorded on the sound of the r, and in the right part - the words beginning with this sound.

19. Enter the letters in the circles. For example, it is proposed to enter the third letter of the following words in the circles (instead of words you can offer pictures): cancer, sledge, back, leg, grass.It turned out a word book.Name this word.

20. Unravel the encrypted word (or proverb).

From the names of the pictures to highlight the first sound. Name the resulting word.

21. Arrange the pictures under the numbers 3, 4, 5, depending on the number of sounds in their name. Sample pictures: house, fence, frame, roof, doll, wolf, fox, poppy, cheese, braids.

22. What sound fell out of the word? Instead moleopened cat, lamp - paw, frame - Rama, Pilka -Pil, Flour - Flour.

23. Name the overall sound in words, write down the corresponding letter. To read the word that came out of the selected sounds. For example: moon - Table-L.

cinema - needle-AND

lamp - mouse-M.

window - House-about


24. Laying pictures in accordance with these graphic schemes:

Rectangle, divided into parts, denotes the word and syllables. Circles denote sounds: shaded circles - consonants, unclean - vowels.

The speech therapist distributes pictures. Children call pictures, determine the number of syllables in the title, the structure of each syllable. After pre-parsing, the picture is constructed into the corresponding column, i.e. to a specific scheme. Sample pictures: banana, Sugar, Sofa, Mosquito, Rama, Chair, Table, Crane, Wolf, Park, Tiger, Lamp, Boat, Fork, Roof, Pipe.

25. Come up with words to the graphic scheme.

26. Select the word from the sentence that correspond to this graphic scheme.

27. Turn the names of trees, colors, animals, dishes, furniture, clothes, birds, corresponding to this scheme.

28. a) Find the picture, in the title of which as many sounds as in the name of the picture shown on the card.

b) Find the picture, in the name of which one sound is greater than in the name of the picture shown on the card. Pre-determined the number of sounds in the title of the picture shown on the card. Example: to the picture houseselected picture frame",to picture flag - Booketc.

29. Determine the number of sounds in the title of each picture and put the corresponding numbers under them. For example:

30. Determine previous and subsequent sounds in the name of the pictures. For example, children are offered pictures: shelf, boat, fork, saw.Children call pictures. Then the speech therapist gives tasks: to call the word in ko after l hears to, after l pronounced about, etc.

31. Game "Chamomile". On the board - chamomile contours with slots for petals. Children gives the task to choose the petals with the objects depicted on them, the names of which consist of 5 sounds, and insert them into the slots.

32. Using pictures, enter the missing the first three letters in the name of the objects in the scheme. For example, such pictures are offered: spoon, ruler, watering can, ribbon, foot, shop, fork, cat, bank, teddy bear, forty, shirt, mouse.

... ka

. . . ka

. . . ka

33. Enter the missing three letters into the word scheme. The pictures are offered, the names of which both correspond to and do not correspond to the scheme, for example: rule, boat, spoon, watering can, handle, plug, ribbon, paw, shop.

l.... but

l.... but

l ... A.

l ... A.

l.... but

34. Make a word from the first sounds of these words.

35. The game "What is the name of the flower?" Children are offered a conditional image of a flower. Various items are drawn on its petals. The name of the flower can be found if items from the names of items the third sound. For example, on the petals drawn: paw, pig, table,
BUILD - pion.

You can offer to highlight the second sound: watermelon, boat, alphabet, car.BUILD - rose flower.

36. Crosswords from the deposits. For example:


1. Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but stitched, not a person, but tells. (Book)

2. Red tail in the ground is chosen, and the green tail is outside. (Carrot)

3. Who is all night on the roof beats, yes tapping, and mumbles, and sings, lulls? (Rain)

4. The night is not so dark if it shines ... (Moon)

5. In front - Piglet, rear - hook, in the middle - back, on the back - bristle. (Pig)

6. Little, white, on a leaf jump, jump, on the snowshochchka pumpk, tyk. (Hare)

7. We, agile sisters,

Run craftsmanship quickly.

In the rain - lying, in the snow - run:

We have such a regime. (Skiing)


8. Two end, two rings,

And in the middle of the carnation. (Scissors)

37. Guess the rebuses. Close each card number 6, 7 or 8 depending on the number of sounds in the resulting word.

38. Crosswords for a certain lexical theme. For example, crossword on the topic "Dishes".

Answers: 1 - kettle, 2 - cup,3 - glass,4 - frying pan, 5-locust, 6 - plate.

39. Chainvords on a specific lexical theme. For example, chainvord on the topic "Fruits and Berries":

Answers: 1 - peach,2 - strawberry,3 - apricot,4 - currant5 - pineapple, 6 - plum, 7 - orange.40.

40. Corevords from mysteries. For example:

1. It is bounted, bowed, comes home - it stretches. (Ax)

2. Stand in the sister field: yellow eyes, white cilia. (Chamomile)

3. Diving, diving, yes the tail lost. (Needle)

4. House on the street goes,

To work everyone lucky

Not on kurichy thin legs

And in rubber boots. (Bus)

5. Does not say, does not sing,

And who goes to the owner -

She knows. (Dog)

6. In this house tenants

All skilled swimmers,

What kind of house is

To the edges is poured water? (Aquarium)

7. How to face - knock yes knock!

Silence scared around.

Fat thin beat -

Thin something will whistle.

Who is this fat? (A hammer)

8. There is a shock in the middle of the yard:

In front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow)

Angela Gaponenko

The development of complex forms of phonderatic analysis and synthesis is based on the skills formed in preschool age:

Allocation (recognition) of sound amid words,

Elementing the first and last sound,

Determination of a sound place in the word (beginning, middle, end).

Much difficulty for children is the selection of the first sound from the word and a syllable. For example, if the child is offered to call the first sound in the word bag, it instead with calls Su.

Work on the elimination of the first consonant sound from the word (syllable) passes much faster if the children learned to lay out the consonant sound from the end of the word, where he is clearly heard, as well as compare with each other of the word with the sound studied at the beginning and end of the word.

Tasks for the definition of the sound of sound in the word (beginning, middle, end) are very helpful.

The main task: to explain to the child that the beginning of the word is the first sound, the end of the word is the last sound, all the other sounds are in the middle of the word.

I bring to your attention the game developed in practical many years of work suitable for frontal and individual work on the development of sound analysis skills.

The game "Hedgehogs with baskets"purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing, differentiation of sounds for hearing and pronunciation.

Equipment: two baskets, two cards with letters (C and W, Z and F, etc., several items and toys, in the title of which there are studied sounds (rd, sch, s, and so on .).

Stroke Game: On the table there are subjects and baskets with attached letters. The child chooses any object, pronounces its name 2 times (usually with exaggerated sound) and puts in the appropriate basket. If the child does not know how to pronounce the sound studied, then the word pronounces the teacher, and the child distinguishes the sound on the rumor. Another variant: To the table at the board, two children are "Hedgehog", the task is given to disassemble objects, one child - in a basket with another child - in a basket Sh.

The game "Snake"purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing, speech analysis skills.

1 option

Equipment: A snake is drawn on the board, the space under the snake is divided by chalk into three parts (under the head, torso and tail, we will put the object pictures). Pictures have in their title studied sound, located at the beginning and end of the word, or 2 option - at the beginning, middle and end of the word.

Stroke Game: The child takes the picture, says its name, exaggerating the studied sound, and puts on the stand board in the right place. If the child makes it difficult, the word pronounces the teacher, while driving around the snake.

Option 2

Equipment: on the table in front of a child a card with a drawn snake, on a button of a button, which can be moved over a thread, several subject patterns with a studied sound at the beginning, middle and end of the word.

Stroke Game: The child says or listens to the word, leading his finger on the snake, then moves the button to the right place.

3 option

Equipment: On the table in front of a child, two snakes drawn on the cards on the clips - a symbol of the vowel (another option - consonant) sound at the beginning and end of the word, several subject pictures with a studied sound at the beginning and end of the word.

Stroke Game: The child needs to decompose the pictures on two stacks under snakes, depending on the sound of the sound in the word.

Publications on the topic:

Tasks: 1. Forming the ability to perform children sound analysis the words. 2. Develop the ability to determine vowels, solid and soft consonants.

"In the kingdom of sounds." Lesson for teaching audio analysis and synthesis Tasks: 1. Teach to determine the sound of [K] in the word. 2. Continue to acquaint with the concepts of "consonant sound", "solid consonant", "soft.

The initial process when teaching children, writing and reading is sound analysis and synthesis of words. Many children experience difficulty in dismemberment.

Games and Exercises for the Development of Phoneship Perception and Sound Analysis Skills 1 slide. Good afternoon, dear colleagues. My name is Nosov Anastasia Aleksandrovna. The theme of my performance of the game and exercises for development.

An abstract of classes for improving the phondermatatic representations, the development of sound analysis skills and synthesis in the Dow An abstract classes "Journey to the country of sounds and words" for children of senior preschool age. Purpose: Improvement of phonematics.

NOD abstract to improve sound analysis skills and literacy learning "sound [t] and letter" T " F. I. O: Ovchinnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna Position: Teacher - speech therapist Educational institution: MDOU D / C "Birch" Group: Preparatory.

Parents can help their child to make the first steps in the awareness of the sound structure of words.

Getting Started to the formation of audio analysis, it is necessary to clearly imagine a sequence of work.

and do not jump through the steps.

General rules for the formation of sound analysis skills:
- Observe the strict sequence in presenting the forms of sound analysis: the highlight of the sound from the word, the definition of the first sound, the last sound, the establishment of the sound space (beginning, middle, end of the word), full sound analysis;
- Observe the procedure for the formation of mental actions: with support for material resources, in the speech plan, according to the presentation;
- Observe the sequence of presentation of words intended for analysis.

The whole process of assimilating sound analysis skills can be divided into two big periods :
- formation of elementary analysis skills;
- training sequential analysis with the establishment of exact space of sounds in the word in relation to each other.

First periodIn turn, consists of parts:
- allocation of sound from the word, that is, determining the presence of this sound in the word (there is such a sound in the word or not);
- definition of the first sound in the word; determining the last sound in the word;
- Finding the place of sound in the word, based on three positions (beginning, middle, end of the word).

According to the number of operations, the first period is more unfolded, but the exercises proposed further are necessary, since with their help you can bring the child to the ability to carry out a complete sound analysis of the word of any structure. The sequence of the formation of mental actions when teaching sound analysis as follows:
- First, the child says words and highlight the necessary sound, and the child listens to the word and raises the conditional signal when hears the word with the desired sound;
- Next, he must highlight this extended sound and call it isolated, out of the word;
- Then the mental action passes into the speech plan - the child himself says the word and highlights the specified sound from it;
- And finally, there is an action on the presentation, in a mental plan, when the word is not pronounced, and the child postpones pictures with a given sound or comes up with words.

This procedure for mental actions is applied at the stages of forming elementary forms of sound analysis.

When a child will develop a consistent analysis of the word, first it will have to rely on additional auxiliary means: the sound scheme of the word and chips. The scheme consists of squares equal to the number of sounds in the word.

The child listens the word, selects the sounds successively and simultaneously lays out chips in the square squares.

Then the sequential selection of sounds occurs without the finished scheme: the child utters the word, it highlights each sound and puts the chips, and then draws out the scheme by the number of chips.

When a child is easy to cope with the lays down of chips, you can offer him to replace the chips with vowels and put them in the right place in the word. The consonants are designated as before the chips. And only after that, the child is proposed to conduct a sound analysis of the word without support, only on the basis of loud progress.

At the very end of the work on the formation of sound analysis, the child will be able to name the number of sounds and pronounce them in consistently, without prior vague progress. The most difficult task is considered please pick up a word consisting of a certain number of sounds.

What words can be offered to children to analyze their sound composition? Not all words can be immediately given for this type of work. There is a clear sequence of sounds at the first stage and the procedure for presenting words on the second. An absolutely strong position for vowels is the position of the beginning of the word under the emphasis, so every form of analysis should be started with shock vowels. It is well heard in the word Sonorny consistent l, p, m, n, so these sounds also apply in the initial stages. When you allocate the last sound, you can take deaf consonants, since the end of the word for such sounds is a strong position, and they sound clearly, and the voiced consonants are not used, they are treated at the end of the word.

It is difficult to highlight the explosive sounds in the beginning of the word to, r, they are difficult to pronounce with intonation, they merge with the subsequent vowel sound, so they should not be given to allocate the first sound, at least at the beginning of training. Thus, this sequence of positions of the analyzed sounds is recommended for use at the training stage of the elementary audio analysis.

To recognize sound in the word:
- shock vowel sounds (they are under the stress at the beginning of the word, then under the stress in the middle, words);
- consonant sounds (give first to look for only the sonorous consonants of the r, l, m, n or deaf consonants to, t, p, x, c, h, with standing at the end of the word);
- Any sounds in any position in the word (except for yotized vowels, which may contain two sounds and therefore are not analyzed).

To determine the first sound in the word:
- shock vowels;
- Sonorny consonants;
- slotted consonants with, 3, w, sh, h, etc.
- The rest of the consonants.

To determine the last sound:
- shock vowels;
- Sonorny consonants;
- Slim consonants.

To determine the place (beginning, middle, end of the word), the sequence remains the same as when determining the first and last sounds.

Let us give, now the sequence of words presented for a complete audio analysis. General rule When selecting words, it is not to use words in which there is no complete correspondence between sounds and letters. There is no way, therefore, words with Yotated letters I, E, E, Yu, C Kommersant, with bell consistent b, in, g, d, g, 3 at the end of the word and in the middle before the consonants (such as spoon, bed) . As for words with unstressed vowels, they are not taken on early stages, and after pre-working with single words, and at the beginning, double-wing words have unstressed vowels y and y, as the least exposed reduction. It is not worth not to abandon words with unstressed vowels, you simply can simply pronounce their spelling - [goat], and not [Kaz], as we pronounce orthoepia. Children will memorize these words and it will be a proportion of spelling of unstressed vowels.

So, the order of the words analyzed next.
- words from two vowels (type AU);
- words from two sounds (type mind);
- words of three sounds (type cancer);
- words from two open syllables (such as mom);
- words from one syllable with a crossing of consonants (type wolf);
- words from one syllable with a crossing of consonants (type table);
- words of two syllables (type bag);
- Words of three open syllables (type of cow).

To make parents not make a mistake in the selection of the necessary words for analysis, we give sample list words that meet the rules named. Of course, parents can use their words, the main thing is that they comply with the listed requirements.

Sound analysis forms for preschoolers

Words with shock vowels at the beginning of the word (used to recognize vowels in the word).
A: Address, Alla, Anna, Ada, August, author, ABC, Stork, Scarlet, Angel, Arch, Harp, Astra, Atom;
A: Olya, hoop, cloud, common, vegetables, sheep, lake, perch, Order, autumn, donkey, island, rest, vacation;
U: Ulya, corner, coal, rod, dinner, knot, narrow, hive, street, smart, oral, duck, morning;
And: Ira, Igor, Iva, name, iris, frost, spark;
E: Ale, Echo, this, that's this.

Words with shock vowels in the middle of the word (used to recognize vowels in the word).
A: Hall, Mac, Cancer, Park, March, Hour, Crane;
Oh: Post, night, umbrella, house, scrap, som, elephant, sheaf, port;
U: friend, bison, goose, beam, shower, onion, knock, steering wheel, sound, beetle, grandson;
And: mushroom, tiger, leaf, shield, whale, rice;
S: smoke, son.

Words with sonorous consonants at the beginning of the word (used to highlight the first sound in the word).
L, L ": lamp, valley, swallow, lemon, moon, fox, leaf, boat, meadow, onions, skis;
M, M ": Mac, Mom, Mart, Mask, Oil, Peace, Bowl, Sea, Bridge, Fly, Soap;
N, N ": Knife, socks, nose, notes, number, thread, low;
R, R ": Radio, Rainbow, Cancer, Rocket, Rama, Rosa, Rice, Rake, Rails.

Words with sonorous consonants at the end of the word (used to highlight the last sound in the word).
L, L ": table, chair, dust, sailed, wore, mowed, station, penalty, knot, chalk, eagle, football, corner, floor, sill, stranded, distance;
M, M ": Terem, cream, hill, scrap, som, atom, noise, smoke, raisins;
N, N ": Drum, Sofa, Ocean, Glass, Pocket, Banana, Tulip, Crane, Chestnut, Order, Maple, Penguin, Dinner, Store, Peacock, Crane, Horn, Strap, Stone, Stump;
R, R ": Samovar, Bazaar, Sugar, Ball, Tiger, Cedar, Clover, Carpet, Ferr, Room, Coach, Boat, Evening, Peace, Kefir, Calendar, Site, Dictionary.

Words with deaf consonants at the end of the word (used to highlight the last sound in the word).
To: broom, call, puppy, cup, beep, stocking, lock, lesson, rink, hammer, beetle, bow, spider, tie, bull;
P: syrup, dill, carp, sickle, soup;
C: kvass, hour, forest, dog, rice, boxing, nose, pump;
G: bow, bandage, salad, bathrobe, brother, package, ticket, whale, shield;
F: Cabinet, scarf;
X: moss, peas, cock;
C: Pepper, Dance, Palace, Cucumber, Lescent, Father;
H: doctor, sword, brick, beam, ball;
Sh: Shalash, Shower, Lily of Lily, Kid, Redem;
Sh: Cloak, Bream.

Full sound analysis
Words of two sounds: mind, mustache, ah, oh.
Words of three sounds: cancer, poppy, onions, world, hour, house, catfish, cheese, rice, feast, boron, cat.
Words of two syllables: stork, duck, sheep, Iva, ears.
Words of two open syllables: Mom, frame, vase, geese, fur coat, skiing, soap, knives, clock.
Words from one syllable with a crossing of consonants: table, elephant, crane, chair, rag, cabinet, plan, raft, cloak, doctor.
Words of one syllable with a crossing of consonants: wolf, cake, scarf, beaver, march, umbrella, bush, bridge, leaf, elevator.
Words of two syllables with consonants: bag, cat, mask, part, stick, lamp, brush, mouse, teddy bear.
Words of three open syllables: cow, shovel, straw, crow, forty, road, marina, dog.

L. M. Kozyreva "Development of speech. Children 5-7 years old

Development of phonderatic hearing and sound analysis.

Exercise number 1.

Adult gives a child two mug - red and green - and offers the game: if the child hears the correct name of what is depicted in the picture, it should raise a green circle, if the wrong is red. Then shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pro-delivering soundness:

Bamanvavan Baldpom


Bananbavanan Balane




IifitaVinklettTelete Fits


The child lifts the appropriate cruel.

Exercise number 2.

The child is invited to repeat similar words at the beginning of 2, then 3 in the name:

mac-tank-tank-roller stream
tuk-Tukbathon-Bud concrete


Note. When playing words, it is not necessary to know the concepts. The peculiarity of this and subsequent selection of words is that they are available on the sound composition, do not contain work-non-represented sounds.

Exercise number 3.

Of the four words, distinctly spoken by adults, the child must call the one that differs from the remains:

cocoa Canva



booth-Booth Booth Booth

screw-screw-bint screw

minute-minute minute

buffet Bouquet-Buffet Buffet

ticket-Ballet Ballet Ballet

duduk-booth-booth booth

Exercise number 4.

Of every four adult words, the child must choose a word that does not look like the remaining 3:

mak-tank-so-banana, som-com-turkey-house, lemon-car-cat - bud, mac-tank-broom-cancer, scoop-gnome wreath-roller, heel-rolling-lemon lip, branch -Divan-cell-grid, rink-house-motok flow.


Exercise number 5.

Play a slope with a shift syllable change.

ta-Tapa-Pa Para Ca


va-Vaaba-Ba Ba


Exercise number 6.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with one consultation and different vowels.

va-Voi T.P.

Exercise number 7.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with general vowels and different consonant sounds.

faha-Kaka Fa ha
ba da-Gava Ma-on
ma-on-Wai T.P. Same with vowels about, y, s.

Exercise number 8.

Playing sound combinations with consonant sounds that differ from the bells / deafness, first 2 syllables:

pa-Bata yes
bow Bysea


(Same with vowels o, y, s), then 3 syllables:

pa-Ba Pata-Da Tava Fa-Wa

Exercise number 9.

Playing sound combinations with consonant sounds that differ in softness / hardness,
ma ImoMo Mumm Mummies


biabo-Boebo Bes Babi

da-uncle deudy dudi-di

fa Fafo Foof Fufy Fi

Exercise number 10.

Isolation in the sound stream of vowel sound (A, O, O, and, S, E). Adult calls and repeats a vowel sound repeated repeated, which the child must highlight among other sounds (clap your hands when hear, sit down, make a stipulated gesture, raise the visual symbol, etc.). Then adult slowly, clearly, with pauses, pronounced sound row, for example:

A-U-M-C-S-O-E-R-W-F-L-in-Zd-ry-y, etc.

The exercise is repeated until each voice sound is highlighted by the child exactly and confidently.

Note for parents. I, E, E, Yu - vowels, each of them indicates 2 sounds: I \u003d y + a; Ё \u003d th + o, etc.

Exercise number 11.

Allocation of one of the consonant sounds in the audio current. The adult calls and, repeating many times, it seems to memorize a child of one of the consonants. Then the sound row pronounces in which the child should highlight one specified consonant sound - cotton, another agreed movement or a gesture symbol.

Note. The proposed gesture symbols are developed by the author of the benefit. With the help of connecting visual and engine analyzers, as well as in the presence of an emotional factor, they facilitate the differentiation of consonant sounds. Symbols are given in order of the priority of mastering in the class of relevant sounds.

M - Cow Moisten (I depict the horns with the index finger)

H - TV is buzzing when the transfer (finger to the nose)

In - Blizzard WORK, trees shakes (maat hands over Golo-How)

F - from a small ball over the air (rounded palms straighten and press each other)

To - Toy gun shoots (index finger up, thumb at right angles to index)

T - a typewriter works (we depict the signable fingers)

P - burst the flap (the fingers of the right hand squeeze and break)

X. - Gray hands (Raise on the back of the palm)

C - swing the pump (compressed palms moving down-up)

3 - Komarik flies (big and index fingers compressed, circular movements hand)

C - quieter, quieter, silence (finger to lips)

Sound row: A-K-T-R-S-P-I-O-Y-Y-A-Zh-S-C-C-

In-oh, etc.

Note. The consonants in a row should be pronounced short, about the way, every consonant sound is heard at the end of the word: a cat, banana, dill, etc. Do not confuse the sounds with the book: PE, TE, ER is the names of letters, pronounce We need sounds.

Exercise number 12.

Name the first sound in words.

Duck, ear, textbook, smart, street, ears, mind, mustache, iron, coo-lok, rod, too, narrow, dill, urn, morning, teacher, ut-rennik, textbook, scientist, respect, leave, escape, Flew, take away, rip, boast, bite, vinegar, sailed, uro-Жi, snail, washbasin, comfortable, pointer, lesson, pattern, fall.

Explain the selected words. Exercise number 33.

Name the last sound in words (a, o, and, y, s).

Head, game, wall, leg, hat, thread, bench, handle, watering can, window, coat, cinema, long, wing, go away, call, wing, lights, streams, books, pies, poppies, shovels, buckets, Lemons, ribbons, candy, go, call, hunt, kaka-do, brash, shouting, leaving, spinning, come.

Exercise number 13.

Call the first and last sounds in words.

Hut, needle, raisin, street, snail, student, poster, angina, pointer, sorcerer, vegetables, hoops, perch, ok-riki, opera, windows, wasps, donkeys.

Remember 5 items whose names begin with the sound of U.

Remember 4-5 actions, whose names begin with the sound of U.

Exercise number 14.

Name sounds in combinations.

Ai AUi
UI I go

Example. AU: 1st - a, 2nd - y, 3rd - I.

Exercise number 15.

Determine the first sound in words.

Bath, wool, waffles, waves, wax, wolf, volcano, hair, algae, vase, tower, vaseline, car, water, gates, crow, sparrow, boots.

Explain the selected words.

Determine in which of the two words is the sound of V.

Hair - Stripes, Crow - Crown, Tower - Push, Wagon - Pan, Wat - Hut, Wolf - Regiment, Cow - Crown, Waves - Full, Owl - herself.

Mane , Owl, head, cow, sofa, giving, nodding, right, left, new, new, plum, bath, wool, waffles, left, right, fun.

Explain the selected words.

Exercise number 16.

"Press" on the sound of f, allocate it in words.

Surname, Fantastic, Form, Football, Factory, Apron, Flas, Focus, Focuscript, Hardware, Beans, Floor, Fruits, Elevator, Caftan, Plywood, Headlights, Minced, Scarf, Fountain, Form, Flag, Fork.

Determine, there is in the word sound F or not.

Sea, torch, shape, coins, house, fountain, Fortochka, Toad, Baton.

Determine in which of the two words there is sound F.

Exercise number 27.

Determine the first sound, the second sound in the sounding.

AK, OK, UK, IR, AT, from, UT, IT, AM, Him, Mind, Oh, OK, OK, OP, AN, IN, AP, IP, AR, OR, IR, UR, AF, IF, UV, Ah, Oh, them, Wow, Ash, Osh, Ish, Esch, Al, Ol.

Exercise number 18.

Determine which sound we pull in the middle of the word (a, y, o).

Tank, cancer, juice, soup, par, var, gas, nose, husband, ball, tooth, goal, heat, house, ox, shower, hall, com, cat, scrap, elk, bow, poppy, moss, mouth, Steering wheel, salt, sleep, bitch.

Exercise number 19.

Determine which sound (s or and) at the end of the word.

Gardens - kindergartens, umbrellas - umbrellas, bushes - bushes, bridges - bridges, noses - spouts, bows - bows, moves - rods, rafts - dams, mustache - musty, fish - fish, mountains - slides, linden - lips, paws - Paws, holes - mink.

Exercise number 20.

Name all sounds in order.

Tank, Hall, Var, Your, Poll, Games, Gol, Gul, Dar, Smoke, House, Shower, Beetle, Sea, Kom, Cat, Whale, Scrap, Lacquer, Bow, Mac, Soap, Max, Nose, Our, couples, dust, floor, cancer, mouth, fish, rum, self, juice, bitch, son, sleep, soup, soup, current, so, tuk, choir, jester, ball.

Games helping to determine the place of sound in the word

The game "Sounds":

Game Material: Doll.

Rules of the game: Sounds have a terrible enemy - sound. It feeds on the initial sounds (last sounds) in all words. The rapist walks with a doll in the hands of the group and says: ... Ivan, ... Tul, ... lb, ..kno (one hundred ..., stu, albo ..., windows ...), etc. What did the doll want to say?

Gift friends game:

Rules of the game: Crocodile Gena spent vacation in Africa. And from there brought many different gifts to your friends. Each presented such an object whose name begins with the same sound as a friend's name, for example:

Aibolita - Apricot, album, Astra;
Bunny - umbrella, castle, call.

The game "Chain of Words":

Players sit in the circle and in turn say one word, which is binding to the chain. Each next word begins with the last sound of the previous one. For example: Winter - Stork - Tank - Mole - Sneakers - Game, etc.

Games helping to hear consonants soft and solid sounds:

Game "Find your house":

Rules of the game: two houses are attached at different ends of the group room: blue and green. The guys cards with images of objects. All children depict sounds, i.e. "Fly" around the room and utter your sound. Each child becomes the first sound in the name of the subject shown on his card. For example: Mac (M), Bear (m *).

There was a good weather, went to walk sounds. Suddenly the sky was darkened, rain began, the sounds ran to hide in the house, but only solid consonant sounds are allowed in blue, and in green - soft sounds. Who incorrectly defined his sound, he was not allowed into the house. This sound is dying in the rain.

If children easily determine the first consonant sound on hardness-softness, then we introduce "lyrics-traps", i.e. Such which begin with a vowel sound. For such sounds there is no "house".
Games helping to perform sound analysis words

Game "Guess the riddle":

Rules of the game: I make a riddle, and the children write a fiscaset in the form of a sound model.

For example:

Redhead head. - A FOX

The child writes a guess:

green | Red | Blue | red

Game "Name Word On Model":

Rules of the game: draw colored shallow on the board of the word circuit or lay out the circles of different color of the word scheme. For example:

blue | Red | blue

Who will select words that are suitable for this scheme: nose, mouth, poppy, cat, etc.

Models take different things. We play before the winner.

Improving the phonderatic perception and the upbringing of the right phonamenatic ideas with the help of gaming and didactic exercises teach children to distinguish and differentiate the sounds close to the hearing and spoken signs isolated and against the background of the word, distinguish its grammatical forms, form a phonamatic analysis and synthesis; Promote the development of speech skills and functions necessary for mastering diploma. And this in turn will adjust, develop and improve the written speech as a whole.

How gently called mom zoya? (Zosyushka, Zyanka, Zoyu Shenka.)Guess what I did Zoya in the morning. She moved away ... (curtain), bed ... (refrain), done ... (Charging),pigtails ... (braided),bandage... (tied),cleaned ... (teeth).What is the name of the paste that brushes teeth? (Dental.)And powder? (Dental.)Then Zoya went to the kitchen ... (breakfast).In the morning we ... (breakfast).

Two girlfriends came to visit the guests. Come up with names with the sound. (Lisa, Aza.)Guess what they brought with them.

Items are exhibited, toys.

In the word first sound m,last - but.What is it? (Mosaic.)First sound in,last - but,name the Word. (Vase.)Girls brought ... (mosaic, vase, clockwork, toy tv, umbrella)and more flowers ... (Roses, forget-me-not, mimosa).

Hearing and memory development

We decided to play the girls to "phone". You need to transfer the words: bunny, mosaic, umbrella, vase, and now: forget-me-not, roses, mimosa.

Children repeat the words in a given sequence.

Sound-sludge analysis and synthesis

Aza offers to play words differently. Lower the heads on the hands and close your eyes. Aza will pronounce the word, and you raise so many fingers as in the word syllables. Called words.

Now complement the missing syllables in words: moreau ... (PS), that ... (PS), diver ...(PS), Gro ... (for).Now Aza will call the first syllable, and you - all the word: ... (eyes), stre ...(Dragonfly), for ... (Castle), Be ... (Birch), for ... (curtain), for ... (fly), ta ... (Thaza).

Skoy and Aza decided to find out how many syllables and sounds in the word
thai.What do you think, how many syllables in this word? What
First syllable? And the second syllable? Indicate the sounds of this word KRU
Roughs. Name vowels. How many consonant sounds?
Where is the consonant sound s? "


Zoya and Aza offer us to have charging with them and with a crown bunny.

Reading a poem is accompanied by imitation of movements.

Skok-Shark, Skok Bakk, on socks, pull up!

Bunny jumped on the pennies. Paws put on a barrel,

In the drum, it hits loudly, on the socks of the SCOC-SCOK.

There is calling in the leap. And then eddyadka

Paws up, paws down, so as not to fribe the paws.

V. Volin

8. Sound pronunciation in offers. Compilation
Proposals for supporting words. Practical assimilation
Forms of verb call

Tell me how the children played with toys.

Children tell. Make proposals with words mosaic, bunny, vase.

The speech therapist offers schemes for proposals.

Liza suddenly remembered that she needed on the phone ... (Call).And now you, Dima (Mitya),call.

The phone is brought to the child.

What are you doing? I... (call),i... (Call).What did you do? (Called.)You're already ... (called).We will... (call).We... (Call).What did we do? (Called.)

Sound pronunciation s in connected speech

Lisa loves clean paintings. Composure for her clean-ward with the word goat.

In the past, the goat stands on the meadow. Zubya Zu, together we grasp the goat. Zy-zy-zy, goat bell. During, go home, goat.

And here are the zoine cleaningors. We repeat them with her.

The bunny boobs got into teeth. Zoya - Zaikina Hostess. Sleeps in the pelvis in Zoya Zayka. Zu-zu-zu, zuz-zu, my liza we are in the pelvis.

10. Acquaintance with the letter z.

Do you know what is the name of this book? (ABC.)Zoya Azbuka took the letter called it. Look, what does the letter look like? (Three.)

3 - not just curl,

3 - spring, pretzel, chips.


Look at this letter: it is just like a figure of three.

C. Marshak

11. Reading syllables for, ZO, PS, P.Drawing up words from time
retired syllables

Read along with girls syllables for, ZO, PS, P. And now from the syllables that co. would be too make up words. (Koni, Thai, Teeth.)Let's help you post her name from the split alphabet.


What kind of sound we studied today? Who helped us? What is the sound? (Consonant, solid, ringing sound.)What letter got acquainted with? (FROM letter h.)And what figure does this letter look like? (Three.)

Theme "Sounds of hand letter З "

Flying on the star pilot

Material.Pictures of the starrup, "star men", castle, animals (zebra, bison, dragonfly, monkey, grasshopper, bunny, jellyfish), birds (chain, raznolzny, kingfisher, zaryanka), plants (strawberries, stabber), products (raisins, marshmallow ); items (castle, nails, basket, curtain); Color symbols of sounds, letters.

Structure occupation


What planet do we live on? (On the ground.)Who are we? (Earthlings, children of the earth.)And who lives on the stars? (Children of stars.)They send us their favorite sounds. "

Message Topics Classes

The children of the stars sent us star signals: z-zzr s "-z" -z "-z.

3. Characteristics of sounds hon articulation and ac
Stick signs. The designation of their color symbols