Determining the place of sound in a word. Developing the skills of sound analysis

First of all, children are asked to determine the place of the stressed vowel in monosyllabic and two-syllable words: for example, the place of the sound A in words stork, two, poppy,place of sound And in words / frost, leaf, three.

In this case, vowels are pronounced lingeringly, intoned, pictures are used.

The work on determining the place of the consonant sound in the word (beginning, middle, end) is carried out using the following exercises:

1. Arrange pictures in three rows, the name of which contains the sound Л: the first row - pictures, in the title of which the sound is heard at the beginning of the word; the second row - pictures, in the title of which the sound is pronounced in the middle of the word; the third - pictures on words in which the sound is at the end of the word. Sample pictures: lamp, skis, floor, table, chair, onion, shelf, stick, pigeon, soap, pencil case, boat, elk.

2. Find words in which the sound L is at the beginning of the word.

3. Find words in which the sound L is at the end of the word.

4. Pick up words in which the sound Л is in the middle of the word.

5. Name animals, vegetables, fruits, plants, flowers, the names of which begin with the sound L.

6. Name animals, vegetables, plants, flowers, dishes, toys or vehicles in the name of which the sound Л at the end or middle of the word.

7. According to the plot picture, select words that begin with the sound L or end with the sound L.

8. The game "Traffic light". A paper strip is used, divided into 3 parts: the red left part is the beginning of the word, the middle yellow part is the middle, the green right part is the end. The speech therapist names the word. Depending on where the given sound is heard in the word, the students put a chip on
the red, yellow, or green part of the strip.

9. Lotto game. We offer cards with pictures for the sound P and rectangular cardboard strips, each divided into three parts (see p. 134). In one of the parts of the strip (at the beginning, middle or end) the letter R is written. The speech therapist calls the word. Students determine the place of the P sound in it and cover the picture with the corresponding strip.

Development of complex forms of phonemic analysis (determination of the sequence, number and place of sounds in a word)

Speech therapy work on the formation of complex forms of phonemic analysis (determining the sequence, number, place of sounds in a word in relation to other sounds) is carried out in close connection with teaching reading based on a modern understanding of the process of mastering this skill.

The initial task of the process of mastering reading by children is to acquaint the child with the sound matter of language: recognizing sounds, separating them from a word, with the sound structure of words as the basic units of language.

In the process of reading, the sound structure of a word is recreated according to its graphic model. In this regard, one of the important prerequisites for the successful formation of the reading process is the ability not only to distinguish and distinguish sounds in speech, but also to perform more complex operations with them: to determine the sound composition of a word, the sequence of sounds in a word, the place of each sound in relation to other sounds ... The written word only simulates the sound structure of the word, transforming the temporal sequence of speech sounds with a sequence of letters in space. Therefore, the reconstruction and reproduction of the letter model is impossible without a clear presentation of the sound structure of the word.

When developing complex forms of phonemic analysis, it is necessary to take into account that every mental action, as noted above, goes through certain stages of formation: drawing up a preliminary idea of \u200b\u200bthe task, mastering the action with objects, mastering the action in terms of loud speech, transferring the action to the mental plane, final formation mental action (P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin).

In this regard, the following stages of the formation of the function of phonemic analysis as a mental action can be distinguished.

The first stage is the formation of a phonemic analysis based on auxiliary means, on external actions.

The work is carried out as follows. The student is presented with a picture, the word-name of which must be analyzed, and a graphical diagram, consisting of a certain number of cells, according to the number of sounds in the word. As the sounds in the word are highlighted, the student fills in the scheme with chips.

The completed graphic diagram is a model of the sound structure of the word. The student's action is a practical action to model the sequence of sounds in a word.

The development of phonemic analysis is based on the previously formed skills of isolating the first and last sound, determining the place of the sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Initially, monosyllabic words like poppy, cat, house, bow, catfish.So, the sequence and place of sounds in a word bowis defined as follows.

A picture is offered on which a bow is drawn, under it is a diagram of three cells. The speech therapist asks: “What is the first sound in the word bow?” “Sound L,” the children answer, and the counter closes the first cell. The word is repeated by children and the speech therapist. “What sound is heard in the word after L?” “Sound U.” say a word once and listen to what sound is heard after U in the word bow.Students determine that the sound K is heard after the sound Y, and cover the last cell with a token. Then, according to the scheme, the sequence of sounds in the word is repeated bow(first, second, third sound).

Using a picture at this stage makes the task easier as it reminds the student which word is being analyzed. The graphical diagram serves as a control over the correctness of the task. If during the analysis process one of the cells is empty, the student understands that he performed the action incorrectly.

The second stage is the formation of the action of phonemic analysis in the speech plan.

Reliance on the materialization of the action is excluded. The formation of the phonemic analysis function is translated into a speech plan - first with the use of a picture, then without it. Children name the word, define the first, second, third sound, specify the number of sounds.

The third stage is the formation of the action of phonemic analysis in the mental plane.

At this stage, children determine the number, sequence and place of sounds without naming words. For example, it is proposed to select pictures with five sounds in the name. The pictures are not named.

The process of forming phonemic analysis should involve not only the complication of the forms of analysis, but also the gradual complication of speech material, an increase in the phonetic difficulty of the word.

The following sequence of presentation of speech material is proposed:

a) words with two vowels: ay, ya;

b) monosyllabic words consisting of the opposite (mind, ooh, mustache),direct open (on, moo, yeah),closed syllable (house, poppy, nose, bow) ",

c) two-syllable words consisting of two open syllables: mom, frame, paw, moon, goats, porridge, Masha, Shura, hand, rosesetc.

d) two-syllable words consisting of open and closed syllables: sofa, sugar, hammock, meadow, oak, cooketc.;

e) two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the junction of syllables: lamp, midge, brand, mouse, slide, shelf, bag, sled, watermelon, donkey, pocket, watchdogand etc.;

f) monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word: rook, doctor, wardrobe, table, chairetc.;

g) monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of a word: wolf, tiger, regimentand etc.;

h) two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word: grass, roof, rat, rooks, doctors, eyebrows, plumand etc.;

i) two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning and in the middle of the word: flowerbed, cover, crumbetc.;

j) three-syllable words: steam locomotive, ditch, cabbage, grandma, saucepanand etc.

In parallel with the formation of a phonemic analysis of a syllable and a word, work is being carried out to eliminate reading disorders. So, when reading letter by letter, the main attention is paid to the fact that in the process of reading the student is guided by the vowel of an open syllable, and then pronounces the syllable as one. For example, when reading the syllable MA, before pronouncing the first sound, the student must clarify that the next vowel in the syllable is the sound A, and only then pronounce the sounds of the syllable together.

The need for orientation to the next vowel is caused by the pronunciation of an open syllable. The articulation of the first consonant in this syllable depends on the subsequent vowel. And therefore, the continuous pronunciation of a syllable is possible only when the subsequent vowel sound is determined. In this case, the articulation of the first sound will not be the articulation of an isolated pronounced sound, which occurs during literal reading, but will be the initial stage of syllable articulation.

The assimilation of the action of the phonemic analysis of a word, as well as the skill of reading syllables with an orientation to the subsequent vowel sound, serve as a prerequisite for continuous reading, contribute to the elimination of letter-by-letter reading and distortions of the sound-syllable structure of the word during reading.

When correcting reading errors, it is necessary to rely on the formed skills of sound analysis. So, when replacing the inverse syllable with a direct open one, the student must, on the instructions of the speech therapist, analyze the named syllable. For example, if instead of UT a student reads TR, the speech therapist pays attention to the first sound of the pronounced syllable. The student determines that this is the sound T. Then the speech therapist asks the question: "What is the first letter in this syllable?" - "Letter U". It is proposed to read the syllable so that the first sound is the sound U.

In the process of correcting reading disorders, not only oral analysis of words is used, but also the compilation of words from the letters of the split alphabet, tasks with the letters of the split alphabet, and written exercises.


1. Insert missing letters into these words: vi-la, crimea, kosh.a,

2. Compose words of various sound and syllable structures from the letters of the split alphabet, for example: house, poppy, mouth, fly, sleigh, paws, bank, cat, brand, mole, table, wolf, roof, lid, ditch, cabbageand etc.

3. Find words where the given sound would be in the first, second, third place. For example, come up with words in which the sound K would be on the first (bush),on the second
(window),on the third place (cancer).

4. Select words from a sentence with a certain number of sounds, orally name these words or write them down.

5. Add a different number of sounds to the same syllable so that you get words. For instance:

pa-couple co-cat

pa - pair of goats - goats

pa --- parade ko --- cat

pa -------------------- sails ko-- cow

6. Match words with a certain number of sounds, for example, with three sounds (house, cancer, poppy),with four (rose, frame, paw, braids),with five (cat, sugar, can).

7. Select pictures, the names of which should contain a certain number of sounds.

8. According to the plot picture, select words with a certain number of sounds.

9. Choose words for each sound that makes up the original word. The word is written on the board:

Each subsequent word in the row must contain one more sound than the previous word.

10.Convert words:

a) adding a sound at the beginning of a word. For instance: mouth - a mole, fur - laughter, bangs - a bee, Olya - Kolya, Anya - Vanya, wasps - scythes, meadow - a plow, games - tigers, daughter - a fishing rod, a point, a twinkle, food - trouble, a gun - the edge;

b) adding a sound at the end of a word. For instance: side - boxing, ox - wolf, steam - park, floor - regiment, table - pillar, fox - leaf;

c) changing one sound of a word (a chain of words):

catfish - juice - bough - soup - dry - soh - sor - cheese - son - sleep, braids - goats - roses - rose - Roma- rama - mom - Masha - Sasha - porridge;

d) rearranging sounds:

saw - linden carp - park cat - who

stick - paw mountain - horns nose - sleep

doll - fist handle - twisting mol - crowbar

hair - word don - bottom Mara - frame

In the work on converting words, you can use the following quatrains (according to M.M. Lukashuk):

I fly with "H" over the sea,

I use "G" in cars. (Seagull - nut)

With "M" you put me on,

You call a dog with "L". (Mike - Laika)

With "K" I'm at school on the wall,

Mountains, rivers are on me.

C "P" - from. I do not melt you -

I stand in a row in each class. (The card is a desk).

I am deadly with "B"

With "M" fur I devour,

The actor needs me with "R"

C is important for a cook. (Pain - Mole - Role - Salt)

I am a tree. In the home country

You will find me everywhere in the woods.

But rearrange the syllables in me -

And I will serve water. (Pine - pump)

I'm lying on the ground

I am nailed to the iron

But rearrange the letters -

I'll go into the pot. (Sleeper - noodles)

A well-known dish I am, When you add "M", Fly, I'll buzz, Bothering everyone. (Ear is a fly)

Both by the river and by the pond

I swim in calm weather

But just insert "I" and I will lead

A steel bird to the sky. (Raft is a pilot)

11. "Learn the names of wild animals by the following letters: lpeorad, egbemto, rkokildo, nekugur, viedemd, osnorog.

12. What words can be formed from the letters of the following words: trunk (table, ox), nettle (willow, park, steam, cancer, Ira, caviar, arch, Kira), painting (mud, whale, wound, thread, map, tank, Kira, etc.), stool (tour, drill, river, burka, rocket, chum, hand, bouquet, bar, container, duckand etc.).

13. From the word written on the board, form a chain of words in such a way that each subsequent word begins with the last sound of the previous one, for example: house - poppy - cat - ax - mouth - plate - watermelon ...

14. Word-riddle. The first letter of the word is written on the board, dots are put instead of the rest of the letters. Pupils guess the written word. For instance: to.- . . (roof).

15. Cube game. Children roll the dice. Their task is to come up with a word, the number of sounds in which corresponds to the number of points on the rolled edge of the cube.

16. Drawing up a graphic diagram of a sentence and a word:

Sentence, words, syllables:

17. Name a word in which sounds are in reverse order. For instance: nose - sleep, cat - current, forest - sat down, gift - glad, litter - grew, top - sweat.

18. Fill in the diagram. For instance:

On the left side of the fly scheme, words ending with the sound P are written, and on the right side - words beginning with this sound.

19. Insert letters into circles. For example, it is proposed to enter the third letter of the following words in the circles (instead of words, you can suggest pictures): cancer, sled, back, leg, grass.The word turned out book.Name this word.

20. Solve the encrypted word (or proverb).

Select the first sound from the names of the pictures. Name the received word.

21. Arrange pictures under the numbers 3, 4, 5, depending on the number of sounds in their name. Sample pictures: house, fence, frame, roof, doll, wolf, fox, poppy, cheese, braids.

22. What sound dropped out of the word? Instead moleit turned out cat, lamp - paw, frame - frame, saw - saw, front sight - flour.

23. Name the general sound in words, write down the corresponding letter. Read in one word the word that is obtained from the selected sounds. For instance: moon - table-L

cinema - needle-AND

lamp - mouse–M

windows - house-about


24. Unfolding pictures in accordance with these graphic schemes:

The divided rectangle represents the word and syllables. The circles represent sounds: the shaded circles are consonants, the unshaded ones are vowels.

The speech therapist distributes pictures. Children name pictures, define the number of syllables in the name, the structure of each syllable. After preliminary analysis, the picture is placed in the appropriate column, i.e. to a specific scheme. Sample pictures: banana, sugar, sofa, mosquito, frame, chair, table, crane, wolf, park, tiger, lamp, boat, fork, roof, pipe.

25. Come up with words for the graphic scheme.

26. Select from the sentence words that correspond to the given graphic scheme.

27. Give the names of trees, flowers, animals, dishes, furniture, clothes, birds, corresponding to this scheme.

28. a) Find a picture in the title of which there are as many sounds as in the title of the picture shown on the card.

b) Find a picture in the title of which there is one more sound than in the title of the picture on the card. The number of sounds in the name of the picture shown on the card is preliminarily determined. Example: to the picture housepicture is being selected frame",to the picture flag - booketc.

29. Determine the number of sounds in the title of each picture and put the corresponding numbers under them. For instance:

30. Determine the previous and subsequent sounds in the name of the pictures. For example, children are offered pictures: shelf, boat, fork, saw.Children call pictures. Then the speech therapist gives tasks: to name the word in ko after L is heard K, after L is pronounced there is O, etc.

31. Game "Chamomile". On the board - the contours of a chamomile with slots for petals. Children are given the task to select petals with objects depicted on them, the names of which consist of 5 sounds, and insert them into the slots.

32. Using pictures, fill in the missing first three letters in the names of objects on the diagram. For example, the following pictures are offered: spoon, ruler, watering can, tape, foot, bench, fork, cat, bank, bear, magpie, T-shirt, mouse.

... ka

... ... ... ka

... ... ... ka

33. Enter the missing three letters into the word scheme. Pictures are offered, the names of which both correspond and do not correspond to the scheme, for example: ruler, boat, spoon, watering can, pen, fork, tape, paw, bench.

l... and

l... and

l ... a

l ... a

l... and

34. Compose a word from the first sounds of the named words.

35. Game "What is the name of the flower?" Children are offered a conventional image of a flower. Various objects are painted on its petals. The name of a flower can be found out by separating the third sound from the names of objects. For example, on the petals are drawn: paw, pig, table,
Answer - pion.

We can suggest highlighting the second sound: watermelon, boat, alphabet, car.Answer - rose flower.

36. Crossword puzzles. For instance:


1. Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a man, but a story. (Book)

2. The red tail has grown into the ground, and the green tail is outside. (Carrot)

3. Who beats on the roof all night long and knocks and mutters and sings and lulls? (Rain)

4. The night is no longer so dark if it shines on us ... (Moon)

5. There is a patch in front, a hook in the back, a back in the middle, a bristle on the back. (Pig)

6. Little, little white, jump on the forest, jump, pump, pump on a snowball. (Hare)

7. We, nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain - we lie, in the snow - we run:

This is our regime. (Skiing)


8. Two ends, two rings,

And in the middle of the carnations. (Scissors)

37. To guess the puzzles. Close each card with the number 6, 7 or 8, depending on the number of sounds in the resulting word.

38. Crosswords on a specific lexical topic. For example, a crossword puzzle on "Dishes".

Answers: 1 - kettle, 2 - cup,3 - glass,4 - frying pan, 5 - saucer, 6 - plate.

39. Chainwords on a specific lexical topic. For example, a teaword on the topic "Fruits and Berries":

Answers: 1 - peach,2 - strawberry,3 - apricot,4 - currants,5 - pineapple, 6 - plum, 7 - orange.40.

40. Chinwords from riddles. For instance:

1. Bows, bows, comes home - stretches out. (Ax)

2. Sisters stand in the field: a yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

3. Dived, dived, but lost its tail. (Needle)

4. The house goes down the street,

Everyone is lucky to work,

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots. (Bus)

5. Does not speak, does not sing,

And who goes to the owner -

She lets you know. (Dog)

6. In this house, residents

All skillful swimmers

What kind of house is this -

Is it filled with water to the brim? (Aquarium)

7. As they collide - knock and knock!

The silence is scared around.

The fat one will beat the thin one -

Slim will nail something.

Who is this fat one? (Hammer)

8. There is a heap in the middle of the yard:

In front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow)

Find the place of sound in a word


Exercise children in finding the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, middle or end).

Game material:

Cards from the set for the game "Determine the first sound in the word"; chips.

Stroke play exercise in class

The teacher hangs up or puts on the shelf of the boards the cards on which the bus, dress, book are drawn. Invites children to tell what is depicted on the cards. Asks what the same sound is heard in the names of objects.

“That's right - sound and... This sound is in the names of all objects, but it is heard in different places of the word, - the teacher explains. - One word starts with sound and, in another sound and is in the middle, and the third ends with this sound. Now look at the card (one card is given for two or three children). Under each picture there is a strip of three cells.

If you hear the sound that I will name at the beginning of the word, put the chip in the first cell. If a sound is heard in the middle of a word, the chip must be placed in the second box. If the sound is at the end of a word, the chip is placed in the third box. "

Play exercise outside of class

First of all, children are asked to determine the place of the stressed vowel in monosyllabic and two-syllable words: for example, the place of the sound A in words stork, two, poppy,place of sound And in words / frost, leaf, three.

In this case, vowels are pronounced lingeringly, intoned, pictures are used.

The work on determining the place of the consonant sound in the word (beginning, middle, end) is carried out using the following exercises:

1. Arrange pictures in three rows, the name of which contains the sound Л: the first row - pictures, in the title of which the sound is heard at the beginning of the word; the second row - pictures, in the title of which the sound is pronounced in the middle of the word; the third - pictures on words in which the sound is at the end of the word. Sample pictures: lamp, skis, floor, table, chair, onion, shelf, stick, pigeon, soap, pencil case, boat, elk.

2. Find words in which the sound L is at the beginning of the word.

3. Find words in which the sound L is at the end of the word.

4. Pick up words in which the sound Л is in the middle of the word.

5. Name animals, vegetables, fruits, plants, flowers, the names of which begin with the sound L.

6. Name animals, vegetables, plants, flowers, dishes, toys or vehicles in the name of which the sound Л at the end or middle of the word.

7. According to the plot picture, select words that begin with the sound L or end with the sound L.

8. The game "Traffic light". A paper strip is used, divided into 3 parts: the red left part is the beginning of the word, the middle yellow part is the middle, the green right part is the end. The speech therapist names the word. Depending on where the given sound is heard in the word, the students put a chip on
the red, yellow, or green part of the strip.

9. Lotto game. We offer cards with pictures for the sound P and rectangular cardboard strips, each divided into three parts (see p. 134). In one of the parts of the strip (at the beginning, middle or end) the letter R is written. The speech therapist calls the word. Students determine the place of the P sound in it and cover the picture with the corresponding strip.

Development of complex forms of phonemic analysis (determination of the sequence, number and place of sounds in a word)

Speech therapy work on the formation of complex forms of phonemic analysis (determining the sequence, number, place of sounds in a word in relation to other sounds) is carried out in close connection with teaching reading based on a modern understanding of the process of mastering this skill.

The initial task of the process of mastering reading by children is to acquaint the child with the sound matter of language: recognizing sounds, separating them from a word, with the sound structure of words as the basic units of language.

In the process of reading, the sound structure of a word is recreated according to its graphic model. In this regard, one of the important prerequisites for the successful formation of the reading process is the ability not only to distinguish and distinguish sounds in speech, but also to perform more complex operations with them: to determine the sound composition of a word, the sequence of sounds in a word, the place of each sound in relation to other sounds ... The written word only simulates the sound structure of the word, transforming the temporal sequence of speech sounds with a sequence of letters in space. Therefore, the reconstruction and reproduction of the letter model is impossible without a clear presentation of the sound structure of the word.

When developing complex forms of phonemic analysis, it is necessary to take into account that every mental action, as noted above, goes through certain stages of formation: drawing up a preliminary idea of \u200b\u200bthe task, mastering the action with objects, mastering the action in terms of loud speech, transferring the action to the mental plane, final formation mental action (P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin).

In this regard, the following stages of the formation of the function of phonemic analysis as a mental action can be distinguished.

The first stage is the formation of a phonemic analysis based on auxiliary means, on external actions.

The work is carried out as follows. The student is presented with a picture, the word-name of which must be analyzed, and a graphical diagram, consisting of a certain number of cells, according to the number of sounds in the word. As the sounds in the word are highlighted, the student fills in the scheme with chips.

The completed graphic diagram is a model of the sound structure of the word. The student's action is a practical action to model the sequence of sounds in a word.

The development of phonemic analysis is based on the previously formed skills of isolating the first and last sound, determining the place of the sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Initially, monosyllabic words like poppy, cat, house, bow, catfish.So, the sequence and place of sounds in a word bowis defined as follows.

A picture is offered on which a bow is drawn, under it is a diagram of three cells. The speech therapist asks: “What is the first sound in the word bow?” “Sound L,” the children answer, and the counter closes the first cell. The word is repeated by children and the speech therapist. “What sound is heard in the word after L?” “Sound U.” say a word once and listen to what sound is heard after U in the word bow.Students determine that the sound K is heard after the sound Y, and cover the last cell with a token. Then, according to the scheme, the sequence of sounds in the word is repeated bow(first, second, third sound).

Using a picture at this stage makes the task easier as it reminds the student which word is being analyzed. The graphical diagram serves as a control over the correctness of the task. If during the analysis process one of the cells is empty, the student understands that he performed the action incorrectly.

The second stage is the formation of the action of phonemic analysis in the speech plan.

Reliance on the materialization of the action is excluded. The formation of the phonemic analysis function is translated into a speech plan - first with the use of a picture, then without it. Children name the word, define the first, second, third sound, specify the number of sounds.

The third stage is the formation of the action of phonemic analysis in the mental plane.

At this stage, children determine the number, sequence and place of sounds without naming words. For example, it is proposed to select pictures with five sounds in the name. The pictures are not named.

The process of forming phonemic analysis should involve not only the complication of the forms of analysis, but also the gradual complication of speech material, an increase in the phonetic difficulty of the word.

The following sequence of presentation of speech material is proposed:

a) words with two vowels: ay, ya;

b) monosyllabic words consisting of the opposite (mind, ooh, mustache),direct open (on, moo, yeah),closed syllable (house, poppy, nose, bow) ",

c) two-syllable words consisting of two open syllables: mom, frame, paw, moon, goats, porridge, Masha, Shura, hand, rosesetc.

d) two-syllable words consisting of open and closed syllables: sofa, sugar, hammock, meadow, oak, cooketc.;

e) two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the junction of syllables: lamp, midge, brand, mouse, slide, shelf, bag, sled, watermelon, donkey, pocket, watchdogand etc.;

f) monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word: rook, doctor, wardrobe, table, chairetc.;

g) monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of a word: wolf, tiger, regimentand etc.;

h) two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word: grass, roof, rat, rooks, doctors, eyebrows, plumand etc.;

i) two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning and in the middle of the word: flowerbed, cover, crumbetc.;

j) three-syllable words: steam locomotive, ditch, cabbage, grandma, saucepanand etc.

In parallel with the formation of a phonemic analysis of a syllable and a word, work is being carried out to eliminate reading disorders. So, when reading letter by letter, the main attention is paid to the fact that in the process of reading the student is guided by the vowel of an open syllable, and then pronounces the syllable as one. For example, when reading the syllable MA, before pronouncing the first sound, the student must clarify that the next vowel in the syllable is the sound A, and only then pronounce the sounds of the syllable together.

The need for orientation to the next vowel is caused by the pronunciation of an open syllable. The articulation of the first consonant in this syllable depends on the subsequent vowel. And therefore, the continuous pronunciation of a syllable is possible only when the subsequent vowel sound is determined. In this case, the articulation of the first sound will not be the articulation of an isolated pronounced sound, which occurs during literal reading, but will be the initial stage of syllable articulation.

The assimilation of the action of the phonemic analysis of a word, as well as the skill of reading syllables with an orientation to the subsequent vowel sound, serve as a prerequisite for continuous reading, contribute to the elimination of letter-by-letter reading and distortions of the sound-syllable structure of the word during reading.

When correcting reading errors, it is necessary to rely on the formed skills of sound analysis. So, when replacing the inverse syllable with a direct open one, the student must, on the instructions of the speech therapist, analyze the named syllable. For example, if instead of UT a student reads TR, the speech therapist pays attention to the first sound of the pronounced syllable. The student determines that this is the sound T. Then the speech therapist asks the question: "What is the first letter in this syllable?" - "Letter U". It is proposed to read the syllable so that the first sound is the sound U.

In the process of correcting reading disorders, not only oral analysis of words is used, but also the compilation of words from the letters of the split alphabet, tasks with the letters of the split alphabet, and written exercises.


1. Insert missing letters into these words: vi-la, crimea, kosh.a,

2. Compose words of various sound and syllable structures from the letters of the split alphabet, for example: house, poppy, mouth, fly, sleigh, paws, bank, cat, brand, mole, table, wolf, roof, lid, ditch, cabbageand etc.

3. Find words where the given sound would be in the first, second, third place. For example, come up with words in which the sound K would be on the first (bush),on the second
(window),on the third place (cancer).

4. Select words from a sentence with a certain number of sounds, orally name these words or write them down.

5. Add a different number of sounds to the same syllable so that you get words. For instance:

pa-couple co-cat

pa - pair of goats - goats

pa --- parade ko --- cat

pa -------------------- sails ko-- cow

6. Match words with a certain number of sounds, for example, with three sounds (house, cancer, poppy),with four (rose, frame, paw, braids),with five (cat, sugar, can).

7. Select pictures, the names of which should contain a certain number of sounds.

8. According to the plot picture, select words with a certain number of sounds.

9. Choose words for each sound that makes up the original word. The word is written on the board:

Each subsequent word in the row must contain one more sound than the previous word.

10.Convert words:

a) adding a sound at the beginning of a word. For instance: mouth - a mole, fur - laughter, bangs - a bee, Olya - Kolya, Anya - Vanya, wasps - scythes, meadow - a plow, games - tigers, daughter - a fishing rod, a point, a twinkle, food - trouble, a gun - the edge;

b) adding a sound at the end of a word. For instance: side - boxing, ox - wolf, steam - park, floor - regiment, table - pillar, fox - leaf;

c) changing one sound of a word (a chain of words):

catfish - juice - bough - soup - dry - soh - sor - cheese - son - sleep, braids - goats - roses - rose - Roma- rama - mom - Masha - Sasha - porridge;

d) rearranging sounds:

saw - linden carp - park cat - who

stick - paw mountain - horns nose - sleep

doll - fist handle - twisting mol - crowbar

hair - word don - bottom Mara - frame

In the work on converting words, you can use the following quatrains (according to M.M. Lukashuk):

I fly with "H" over the sea,

I use "G" in cars. (Seagull - nut)

With "M" you put me on,

You call a dog with "L". (Mike - Laika)

With "K" I'm at school on the wall,

Mountains, rivers are on me.

C "P" - from. I do not melt you -

I stand in a row in each class. (The card is a desk).

I am deadly with "B"

With "M" fur I devour,

The actor needs me with "R"

C is important for a cook. (Pain - Mole - Role - Salt)

I am a tree. In the home country

You will find me everywhere in the woods.

But rearrange the syllables in me -

And I will serve water. (Pine - pump)

I'm lying on the ground

I am nailed to the iron

But rearrange the letters -

I'll go into the pot. (Sleeper - noodles)

A well-known dish I am, When you add "M", Fly, I'll buzz, Bothering everyone. (Ear is a fly)

Both by the river and by the pond

I swim in calm weather

But just insert "I" and I will lead

A steel bird to the sky. (Raft is a pilot)

11. "Learn the names of wild animals by the following letters: lpeorad, egbemto, rkokildo, nekugur, viedemd, osnorog.

12. What words can be formed from the letters of the following words: trunk (table, ox), nettle (willow, park, steam, cancer, Ira, caviar, arch, Kira), painting (mud, whale, wound, thread, map, tank, Kira, etc.), stool (tour, drill, river, burka, rocket, chum, hand, bouquet, bar, container, duckand etc.).

13. From the word written on the board, form a chain of words in such a way that each subsequent word begins with the last sound of the previous one, for example: house - poppy - cat - ax - mouth - plate - watermelon ...

14. Word-riddle. The first letter of the word is written on the board, dots are put instead of the rest of the letters. Pupils guess the written word. For instance: to.- . . (roof).

15. Cube game. Children roll the dice. Their task is to come up with a word, the number of sounds in which corresponds to the number of points on the rolled edge of the cube.

16. Drawing up a graphic diagram of a sentence and a word:

Sentence, words, syllables:

17. Name a word in which sounds are in reverse order. For instance: nose - sleep, cat - current, forest - sat down, gift - glad, litter - grew, top - sweat.

18. Fill in the diagram. For instance:

On the left side of the fly scheme, words ending with the sound P are written, and on the right side - words beginning with this sound.

19. Insert letters into circles. For example, it is proposed to enter the third letter of the following words in the circles (instead of words, you can suggest pictures): cancer, sled, back, leg, grass.The word turned out book.Name this word.

20. Solve the encrypted word (or proverb).

Select the first sound from the names of the pictures. Name the received word.

21. Arrange pictures under the numbers 3, 4, 5, depending on the number of sounds in their name. Sample pictures: house, fence, frame, roof, doll, wolf, fox, poppy, cheese, braids.

22. What sound dropped out of the word? Instead moleit turned out cat, lamp - paw, frame - frame, saw - saw, front sight - flour.

23. Name the general sound in words, write down the corresponding letter. Read in one word the word that is obtained from the selected sounds. For instance: moon - table-L

cinema - needle-AND

lamp - mouse–M

windows - house-about


24. Unfolding pictures in accordance with these graphic schemes:

The divided rectangle represents the word and syllables. The circles represent sounds: the shaded circles are consonants, the unshaded ones are vowels.

The speech therapist distributes pictures. Children name pictures, define the number of syllables in the name, the structure of each syllable. After preliminary analysis, the picture is placed in the appropriate column, i.e. to a specific scheme. Sample pictures: banana, sugar, sofa, mosquito, frame, chair, table, crane, wolf, park, tiger, lamp, boat, fork, roof, pipe.

25. Come up with words for the graphic scheme.

26. Select from the sentence words that correspond to the given graphic scheme.

27. Give the names of trees, flowers, animals, dishes, furniture, clothes, birds, corresponding to this scheme.

28. a) Find a picture in the title of which there are as many sounds as in the title of the picture shown on the card.

b) Find a picture in the title of which there is one more sound than in the title of the picture on the card. The number of sounds in the name of the picture shown on the card is preliminarily determined. Example: to the picture housepicture is being selected frame",to the picture flag - booketc.

29. Determine the number of sounds in the title of each picture and put the corresponding numbers under them. For instance:

30. Determine the previous and subsequent sounds in the name of the pictures. For example, children are offered pictures: shelf, boat, fork, saw.Children call pictures. Then the speech therapist gives tasks: to name the word in ko after L is heard K, after L is pronounced there is O, etc.

31. Game "Chamomile". On the board - the contours of a chamomile with slots for petals. Children are given the task to select petals with objects depicted on them, the names of which consist of 5 sounds, and insert them into the slots.

32. Using pictures, fill in the missing first three letters in the names of objects on the diagram. For example, the following pictures are offered: spoon, ruler, watering can, tape, foot, bench, fork, cat, bank, bear, magpie, T-shirt, mouse.

... ka

... ... ... ka

... ... ... ka

33. Enter the missing three letters into the word scheme. Pictures are offered, the names of which both correspond and do not correspond to the scheme, for example: ruler, boat, spoon, watering can, pen, fork, tape, paw, bench.

l... and

l... and

l ... a

l ... a

l... and

34. Compose a word from the first sounds of the named words.

35. Game "What is the name of the flower?" Children are offered a conventional image of a flower. Various objects are painted on its petals. The name of a flower can be found out by separating the third sound from the names of objects. For example, on the petals are drawn: paw, pig, table,
Answer - pion.

We can suggest highlighting the second sound: watermelon, boat, alphabet, car.Answer - rose flower.

36. Crossword puzzles. For instance:


1. Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a man, but a story. (Book)

2. The red tail has grown into the ground, and the green tail is outside. (Carrot)

3. Who beats on the roof all night long and knocks and mutters and sings and lulls? (Rain)

4. The night is no longer so dark if it shines on us ... (Moon)

5. There is a patch in front, a hook in the back, a back in the middle, a bristle on the back. (Pig)

6. Little, little white, jump on the forest, jump, pump, pump on a snowball. (Hare)

7. We, nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain - we lie, in the snow - we run:

This is our regime. (Skiing)


8. Two ends, two rings,

And in the middle of the carnations. (Scissors)

37. To guess the puzzles. Close each card with the number 6, 7 or 8, depending on the number of sounds in the resulting word.

38. Crosswords on a specific lexical topic. For example, a crossword puzzle on "Dishes".

Answers: 1 - kettle, 2 - cup,3 - glass,4 - frying pan, 5 - saucer, 6 - plate.

39. Chainwords on a specific lexical topic. For example, a teaword on the topic "Fruits and Berries":

Answers: 1 - peach,2 - strawberry,3 - apricot,4 - currants,5 - pineapple, 6 - plum, 7 - orange.40.

40. Chinwords from riddles. For instance:

1. Bows, bows, comes home - stretches out. (Ax)

2. Sisters stand in the field: a yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

3. Dived, dived, but lost its tail. (Needle)

4. The house goes down the street,

Everyone is lucky to work,

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots. (Bus)

5. Does not speak, does not sing,

And who goes to the owner -

She lets you know. (Dog)

6. In this house, residents

All skillful swimmers

What kind of house is this -

Is it filled with water to the brim? (Aquarium)

7. As they collide - knock and knock!

The silence is scared around.

The fat one will beat the thin one -

Slim will nail something.

Who is this fat one? (Hammer)

8. There is a heap in the middle of the yard:

In front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow)

Determining the position of the sound

in a word




Phonemic perception is the ability to distinguish between phonemes of the native language and to determine the sound composition of a word.

How many syllables are in poppy? How many sounds are there? What consonant sound is heard at the end of a word? What is the vowel sound in the middle of a word? It is phonemic perception that helps answer these questions.

Towards simple forms of phonemic analysis include the ability to isolate sound from the background of a word and the ability to isolate sound from a word.

Complex forms of phonemic analysis are quantitative, sequential and positional analysis (IA Smirnova).

Emphasizing sound on the background of a word - Isolating a sound from a word, that is, determining the presence of a given sound in a word (is there such a sound in a word or not); - Definition of the first sound in a word; the last sound in a word; - Establishing the place of the sound (beginning, middle, end of a word);

To recognize the sound in a word: - stressed vowels (they are stressed at the beginning of a word, then stressed in the middle of the word); - consonant sounds (at first they allow to search only for sonorant consonants M, H, R, L, or voiceless consonants K, T, P, X, S, C, Ch, standing at the end of a word), and voiced consonants are not used, since at the end, words are stunned; - any sounds in any position in the word (except for iotated vowels, which can contain two sounds and therefore are not analyzed yet).

To determine the first sound in a word: - stressed vowels; - sonorous consonants; - slotted consonants С, 3, Ж, Ш, Ч, Щ; - other consonants. To determine the last sound: - voiceless plosive consonants are most easily distinguished from the end of a word; - stressed vowels; - sonorous consonants; - slotted consonants. To determine the place (beginning, middle, end of a word) The main task: to explain to the child that the beginning of a word is the first sound, the end of a word is the last sound, all other sounds are in the middle of the word.

The sequence of the formation of mental actions when teaching sound analysis is as follows: - first, words are spoken to the child and the desired sound is highlighted with a voice, and the child listens to the word and raises a conditioned signal when he hears the word with the desired sound; - further, he must select this exaggeratedly pronounced sound and name it in isolation, outside the word; - then the mental action passes into the speech plane - the child himself pronounces the word and selects the given sound from it; - and, finally, the action takes place according to the idea, in the mental plane, when the word is not pronounced, and the child puts down pictures with a given sound or comes up with words.

Children often confuse "beginning", "middle" and "end" of a word. To help them, in my work I use cards ("fish") to determine the place of sound in a word. The head of the fish is the beginning of the word, the body is the middle, the tail is the end of the word. "Fish" are needed for training in senior group, what about children preparatory group they are guided in the structure of the word, and you can use cards-schemes without "fish".

  • Control. "What is the first sound in the names of the children." Anya, Ulya, Olya, Osip, Ira, Igor, Elya, Edik.
  • Control. "Look at the pictures, name them and determine with what sound their name begins"
  • Game "Who listens better?" Select from the story words beginning with the sound [O]. Olya and Osip went to the lake to fish. Children caught perch and bream. We saw a cloud like a donkey.
  • Control. "Listen to the words and name the sound that is heard at the beginning of the word." Autumn, asters, ears, name, dinner, army, echo.

Control. "Choose words with sound [A] for Ani's doll, with sound [O] for Olya."

A speech therapist shows children dolls depicting boys or girls, and gives them names depending on the topic of the lesson. Each doll is invited to pick up gifts from a number of objects, so that the first sounds in the name of the object and the name of the doll coincide.

Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the answer.

Long and flexible

Hunts for fish

Sometimes as empty as a pipe

But he cannot sing….

(fishing rod)

Control. Find the escaped sound.

The speech therapist reads poems in which there are words with the first missing sound. Children have to guess which word the sound is missing, pronounce that word, and then highlight and name the “escaped” sound. For each correctly named sound, a token is given.

Sample texts for the game: There was a man in the world. Crooked _ ... stubs, And he walked a whole century along the crooked _ ... path. And beyond the twisted river in a twisted _ ... omishka Lived in summer and winter twisted _ ... lugs. And there were twisted Christmas trees at the gate, There were twisted _ ... olks walking without worries. And they had one crooked _ ... oshka, And she meowed while sitting at the window.

Pick up the names of vegetables, fruits, berries that start with a given sound (end with a given sound).

Vegetables: squash, onions;

Fruit: peach;

Berries: gooseberries.

Didactic game "Tell the sound".

The speech therapist pronounces a sentence without saying the last sound in the last word. The child must finish the desired sound. If the sound is named incorrectly, the participant is exited from the game. The most attentive, who has not made a single mistake, wins. Poems and nursery rhymes known to children can be used as speech material.

A ferret walks through the forest, a small predatory animal…. Your voice is so good, you sing very sweetly…. Trying to weave a sly trail, a hare jumped over the snowdrifts…. Pour hot tea into my glass as soon as possible….

Control. "Who is bigger?"

purpose : Learn to find words with a given sound in the picture. Learn to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word). Equipment : plot pictures, which depict objects with a given sound, chips. Children are offered a plot picture, which depicts objects with a given sound. Children are required to tell which objects have a given sound in the name (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end). A token is given for each correctly named word. The winner is the one with the most chips.

Game "Chain"

Rule: to the first word, a word is selected that begins with the sound with which the first word ends, the third word must begin with the last sound of the second word, and so on.

Game "Magic beads".

Games can be oral, with throwing the ball,

This is a variation of the Word Chain game.

but you can do board game with pictures and practice children in laying out a chain without first speaking loudly, only on presentation. We start with a picture marked with a special icon.

The speech therapist starts the game, he first attaches a certain bead. Children name the picture, select and determine the last sound, then find a picture where this sound is heard at the beginning of a word, and attach the next bead, and so on until all the beads are "strung". Then the children say the words again, clearly highlighting the first and last sounds.

The game "Think, take your time."

Children are offered:

  • Choose a word so that the first sound is [K], and the last sound is [T];
  • Answer what word you get if you add one sound to the syllable [BUT].
  • Find a word that starts with the last sound of a word hundred l ;
  • Recall the name of the bird, which would contain the last sound of the word fox and ;

Exercise "Find the place of sound"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.

Play exercise: the teacher pronounces the words, the child determines the place of the given sound in the word and moves the figure to the beginning (middle or end) of the track.

By clicking on the clip, children can easily move the figure around the card.

Game "Collect the wheel"

We select pictures in the title of which the sound [C] is heard. Determine the position of the sound in the word.

Game "Aquarium"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.

If the sound [Ш] is heard at the beginning of the word, let the fish enter the first aquarium, in the middle of the word - in the middle, at the end of the word - in the last ...

The game "Cheerful little train".

Purpose: Learn to determine the place of a given sound in a word (beginning, middle, end), based on loud pronunciation.

Picture material: pictures with a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

Game progress: On the roof of the trailer is a diagram of three squares: in the first trailer, the first square is painted, in the second - the second, in the third - the third. Children need to place pictures in their respective trailers. If a given sound is heard at the beginning of a word, then the picture is placed in the first carriage, etc.

Game "Russell Pictures by Apartment".

Place pictures with a given sound in three entrances: in the first entrance put pictures in the name of which the sound is heard at the beginning of a word, in the second - in the middle of a word, in the third entrance - at the end of a word.

Working with cards.

  • Come up with a word for the given scheme.

game "Paint the window where the sound lives"

Purpose: determining the place of sound in a word.

The game "Wonderful bag".

The child takes a toy or object picture from the bag, names and determines the location of the given sound in the word.

A game "TV set".

purpose : Determination of the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end). Equipment : "TV" and tapes with pictures of objects (for viewing on TV). Description of the game : Images of various objects appear on the TV screen. Children name what is shown in the picture and determine the place of the sound in the word.

game "Anglers"

Children take turns fishing object pictures from the aquarium with a magnetic fishing rod, name them and determine the location of a given sound.

Game "Guess"

Guess which word will come from the first sounds that occur in the names of subject pictures.

Game "Hares".

Purpose: Learn to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.

Game progress: On the roofs of the trailers there are pictures representing sounds. The speech therapist places passengers in the carriages with a given sound, but one picture does not have a given sound. The child - the controller finds a "hare", i.e. extra picture.

PHONEMATIC HEARING - how to explain to a child where the sound is in a word (beginning, middle, end). sound


Tell me how best and more practical to explain to the child: where is
sound (at the beginning, middle or end). How can he not understand what is from him
demand and do not hear by ear


Perhaps the child has difficulty understanding the meaning of the words "beginning", "middle", "end", i.e. with orientation in space.

For the child to learn them, you can take, for example, several (preferably 5) toys, for example, animals, put them one after another (from left to right, of course). Then discuss with your child:

Who stands at the beginning

Who's at the end

Who is in the middle

Who is first,

Who is last.

The next time all this can be repeated, but on other toys.

For the same purpose, it is good to use the illustration for the tale "Turnip" (discuss the same questions).

Or you can take a toy train and consider where it starts, where is the end, where is the middle.

After such preliminary work, you can already move on to the graphic scheme of the word.


And I make a standard fish; head-start, trunk-middle, tail-end: -D

True, a child should be able to do this by ear ...


Then questions to the child

When the word ... "sat down" on the bus, where there was a sound ... point your finger. (if the child does not remember, I repeat everything I wrote above)

And what is that on the bus? Beginning, middle, end?

So the sound ... in the word ... where did you hide? In the beginning, middle. end?

Can this sound ride this bus today?

Why do you say that?


Everything is the same.

I find out if the child understands the words "beginning", "middle", "end". I practice these concepts to the point of automatism on everything that is possible - snakes, trains, pencils and so on.

And then I use the "magic bus" - only the word in which the sound ... is ... (at the beginning, middle. End of the word) can pass on this bus.

We consider the bus (it is large, drawn and cut out), find out where it starts, middle and end. Then I pronounce the word, exaggeratingly highlighting the given sound, when I pronounce the word, I drag my finger along the bus, and I linger in the right place when articulating the sound (for some children, I even knock on the bus with my finger).


When we find out with children where the sound is at the beginning, middle or end of a word, we consider the first sound in the word as the beginning, the last sound as the end, and everything else in the middle, regardless of the size of the word. Does everyone do that?


To begin with, I use the "Turnip" fairy tale. On her characters, you can find out whether the child understands the concepts of "beginning", "end" and "middle" and during 3-4 lessons in a row these characters appear one after another. As far as the child has understood everything, characters are replaced by symbols. My students don't know the problem with this.


Larissa bus to the studio! ;-)


I start off by doing a few sessions with the first sound "What sound does the word start with? Which sound do I pronounce first?" I pronounce the first sound in an exaggerated way. Here's an example. We work only with a vowel sound (under stress). When the children learn to highlight the first sound in a word, I say that the sound is ... cunning, wants to play hide and seek with us. It hides in different places of the word: the last one, in the middle. For clarity, a hedgehog helps us, which runs along the path and stops when he hears a sound. On the board, the track is divided into three parts, the middle one is longer than the first and the last. Or a house, and the children are looking for where the sound is hiding in the house. (Tkachenko's idea is taken as a basis). Playful motivation helps children learn this difficult material, but not everyone's phonemic hearing is sufficiently formed to extract sound from a word, so not everyone is equally easy, but they like the game and we continue to train.


About the "bus to the studio" - the cardboard version has long outlived its usefulness.

I draw well and quickly, so recent years 5 I draw the bus on the blackboard in a few seconds (sometimes with a child, sometimes before the start of the lesson), and for children, before starting to look for the place of sound in a word, I develop fine motor skills and visual analysis - they find the missing details and finish them. Sometimes I allow my child to dictate what I’m going to draw for this bus - for OHP students this is work on a dictionary on the topic of transport.

As I get to work with the camera, I will post the photos in the manuals.


Girls, the word has its own space (quasi-space), it runs in time. And for a small child it is difficult to correlate linear and temporal space, especially for someone who has a phonemic hearing impairment. For them, the word is something crumpled into a ball. We must unfold this lump in one thread. They wrote here about the analysis of visual-visual space (snakes, train, ...), but it seems to me that you need to start with an analysis of the time series. A good example of the "Turnip" fairy tale. And I make it even easier - we analyze the day and the regime moments in them. First we woke up, then we went to the kindergarten, then we came home, it was already dark, went to bed. I put in a ruler pictures with regime moments (not many), explain the concepts of "beginning", "middle", "end" (of the day!). Then I enclose the diagram drawn on a cardboard ruler. Larissa said correctly, it would be nice to draw with them, then they consider it their discovery, they understand better. Then I say the word slowly ...



The order of "catching" a sound in a word is elementary - at first for a while only the beginning and end, then - the middle. And only after a few lessons I expose a number of toys or pictures for the analysis of the visual-spatial series, for further acquaintance with the sound-letter scheme. This is also necessary to support the work of the forehead.


I agree with everyone. If the child does not pick up by ear, then it is necessary to go around - to provide visual support. And they are good in any form. Sometimes I even use a pen or a pointer - whatever is at hand.


And I use cards with a steam locomotive (I drew it myself for each child) or a simple pencil and, pronouncing a word, we move our finger and select the sound we need with our voice.


I begin to form the concepts "first", "last" in six months or a year. I think that the concept of "sound" for children is too abstract and incomprehensible, but the concept of "word" is closer, the degree of its assimilation can be checked with the help of pictures. For example: How many words did I say? (Cat, milk.) A child can test himself by posting pictures. So that's it. I first name 2, and then 3 words, usually very specific (for example, animals), and ask them to arrange the pictures in the same sequence (this is done by 1 person on the board). And then I ask: which of the animals came first, in the beginning? (Both of these expressions are imperative, so that if one is not mastered, there is a hint at the expense of the other). Who did I name first? Gradually, we turn to auditory perception only, without pictures. Then, by the time of literacy training, the concepts of FIRST and LAST have already been mastered. But sometimes I do the same with sounds (put it in the same sequence, I name 1, the last one).