Direction Man and society List of exemplary topics. Writing on the topic: Man and society

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What is a separate person in an infinite network of public relations? This is the main element of society that interacts constantly with him. Since childhood, we socialize, adapt and live on the rules that the public dictates us. It is not at all by chance another ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle called a man "public animals". But society does not always have a beneficial effect on the individual, sometimes under his influence he loses his individuality and not only.

So, in the story of the Kuprin "Olesya" the heroine becomes a victim of public prejudices. The peasants believe that she is a witch, as he lives in the forest and collects therapeutic herbs. People hate the poor girl only for the fact that it is different from them. In an attempt to close with the team for the sake of the beloved, she leaves a secluded edge and goes to church. Then the crowd pounced on her and almost killed. So an attempt to enter the system of public relations almost ended for the heroine of the tragedy, and such an appeal often makes the person to submit pressure and become the same as everything. Olesya from such a fate was escaping, but not everyone can apply this radical method.

Nowhere to escape the inhabitants of the night, the heroes of the play of Gorky "at the bottom." If we consider each of them separately, then we have a good person, and nothing in his life foreshadowed such fate. But all together, the bottoms of the bottom formed a cloacu, from which not to get off anyone. For example, satin was a successful and prosperous person, until he punished the offender of the sister, having received a punishment as a prison sentence. Even there, a man kept dignity, served the term, but he discovered him in the wild that he was not considered for a person now, and the society of normal people turned away from him. In order not to die of hunger, he remained only to continue to go along the curve path. So, one social group ruined him with his indifference, and the other tightened him into his vicious networks, not giving it to be cleaned. Satin - the victim of society, which thinks by prejudices and templates.

So, often there are situations when a person is not able to live normally in the current system of public relations. Sometimes he struggles with a point of view and behavior of the majority, but most often forgets his personal opinion and broadcast collective installations. However, certainly, people should strive to change society for the better, while not afraid of his part of the reproaches and censures. Only then can progress you can achieve.

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Society is a powerful force. A person cannot live outside society. However, a huge number of laws written to protect a person from society indicates that not everything is normal in relations between citizens and society. We are afraid to go out in the evening, we are infinitely threatened by fraudsters from social networks. Entering life, we are already scared by those dangers that threaten this unkind, and sometimes and frankly evil world. How to live your life in your plan? How not to break under the blows of fate?

In the famous comedy, A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", the main character of Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky, endowed with the mind and freedomiff, the person is open and honest, it turns out in a hostile environment of the "Famus society". Having lived within three years In the departure, meeting, obviously, with small people His time, reading a lot of books, he believes that society moves forward, thanks to progress. He expresses his ideas directly, assuming like-minded people in a familiar from childhood. However, everything is so simple. Progress did not touch the representatives of the highest light of Moscow in their development. They remain adherents to the rules who were guided by their grandfathers, they believe that "the Father and Son of Honor" and "who is poor, that ... not a couple." In this world, they make a choice in favor of wealth, not love: "... be bad, but if a thousand thousand people are three - that and the groom". Their house is open "for called and unwanted, especially from foreign." These postulates allow flattering and not far silent to make a career, and maybe to enter a rich family, thanks to the conviction and the ability to please!

As a result, the society announces Chatsky Crazy, because it does not want to take it implicitly. Chatsky chase from this circle, although he is very right. Leaving the Famousov's house, permeated with a lie and hypocrisy, the hero is leaving, having belonged by Millon Torzania, crushed by arrogance, he remains faithful to his convictions, although his heart is broken.

Hero of another classic work - Evgeny Onegin - despises society. In the eponymous Roman A.S. Pushkin showed three circles of the nobility: the local, Moscow and St. Petersburg top light. Onegin is not shown only in Moscow. How are his relationships in these circles? The St. Petersburg light immediately accepted Onegin, thanks to him the ability to "go outdoor", speak French completely and the ability to dance. "What is Bole? The light decided that he was clever and very mil! " Yes, Petersburg light does not tolerate only open and funny imitation. Here Onegin feels quite comfortable. At a very different way, his relationships with a local nobility. Already at the very beginning of the young horse, all his behavior shows disrespect for guests who are trying to visit him. On the name of Tatiana on napkins draws cartoons on primitive provincials. He is indifferent to the opinion of this society. But he, fearing to be these people convicted, takes a challenge of Lensky to a duel, instead of sober up his young friend and prevent death. So, the ridiculous fear of being a condemned society turns around for Onegin tragedy.

Society may affect the life of any person. Nobody is insured against discussions, condemnation and various kinds of reassigns. We can all be in a hopeless situation and from how society behaves, a lot depends. Its influence cannot be ignored.

The topic of the relationship of man and community of people is one of the most relevant, both in classical Russian literature and in modern world. Society is part of the world that lives develops, has certain time frames, values \u200b\u200band traditions. And the unit of society is no one like a person. He cannot choose the combination of people specifically for himself: he becomes part of the society since birth. It was he who subsequently forms a person, its interests and the image of thought. But is it capable of turning the lives of others? Can she develop outside of its structure? How does social pressure on individuality affect? In this selection, we collected arguments from literature for the final essay in the direction of "Man and Society", which can help answer these questions.

  1. In his novel-epic "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy reveals the duality of the nature of the Russian highest society of the early 19th century. On the one hand, the reader watches the life of the Supreme Light of St. Petersburg and sees the whole world, with its laws and moral stands oriented to Europe. However, in all high relationships, Tolstoy emphasizes one bright detail - unnaturalness. Short smiles, ladies in beautiful dresses, but cold and deadly pale, as if created from marble, and emptiness and indifference are hidden behind all this impaired magnificence. Discussion of foreign news on the Great Takes to a person thinks quickly, and he soon disappointed in the external magnificence of pompous gentlemen. On the other hand, Tolstoy draws portraits of such noble and sensitive representatives of the highest estate as Pierre Duhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostov and others. A lively mind will be warm in them, there is interest in peace and people, they are opposed to the dead men from St. Petersburg salons. However, they all felt strangers in the highest light, and even more than once they were deceived and disgraced. Their individuality, who favorably distinguished from the serm and hypocrisy of society was able to formed only in the distance from him, thanks to exclusive families or upbringing abroad.
  2. His romantic ideal sick of M.Gorky in the work of the "old woman Izergil". He was embodied in the beautiful young man Danko, which the author opposed the image of the young man Larra. Larra, the son of an eagle and a woman who is not capable of true love, pity, self-sacrifice. Life, great value, stored by a person, becomes for him by the hell. It is not able to understand her fragility and frequency. Egoistic Larra can only get, but not to give in return. And the bitter emphasizes that Larra never gains freedom, since true freedom must be divided into other people to establish harmony. Danko, on the contrary, does not regret anything for society. He is open to the world and, without thinking, sacrifices his life for the sake of salvation of his native tribe. He knows that it is not waiting for gratitude, for all his existence is aimed at human benefit. In the ministry, Gorky saw the meaning of life.
  3. M.A. Bulgakov in the novel "Master and Margarita" is sharply set by the issue of the relationship between society and a separate person. His hero is a true genius writing an amazing novel. However, after the publication, the Master does not acquire national love, but on the contrary, persecuted in print. And from whom does he get these full revision rage and pamphlets? From the society of miserable graphomans from the massolist, pseudo-peckers and envious. Urban and insidious represents the author of the group of "people of art", knowing about him not by obstacle. And in the end, this is the most society of endless attacks and trails forces the masters to destroy his wonderful creation and brings him to a madhouse. He is no longer part of this bad assessment, and the beloved Margarita becomes all his society, and the soul acquires eternal peace.
  4. Any society must definitely develop. In Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" demonstrates Zaradnoye Famusovskoe society - a gathering of hurried people, miserable and ignorant. Guests of Famusov, as hyperbolized Westerners, are eagerly from delight when French people from Bordeaux, Parisian modists and rooted foreign passing people drive them. They are opposed to Chatsky, implacing their disastrous worship of the Western world and non-acceptance of his own path. He is a bark, hot, seeks to learn something new, impatient and passionate. It is he who becomes defense of freedom, art, mind and carries a new high morality to the Famówov world, however, the Morusov's Poor World does not accept change and rubs any rustles of the new, light and beautiful on the root. Such is the eternal conflict of the progressive personality and the crowd, which is to conservatism.
  5. The Bunlet Spirit is filled with the main character of Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." Pechorin does not accept many well-established public rules, but still trying to find a common language with his world. His personality, as the identity of many others, is formed under the action of several forces: the first is his will, the second is society and the epoch in which it exists. Internal torments forcing Pechorin to seek harmony among other people. He breaks the masks from them, gives them inner freedom, but always every one of them suffers. That is why the hero of every time remains alone, immersed in deep self-analysis and the search for his own "I". In such a society, he simply cannot find himself and realize internal potential.
  6. In the novel M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin "Lord Golovy" on the example of one wealthy family showing the life of the noble estate. The gorgeous family, as the immediate cell of the highest society, reflects all its most monstrous vices: greed, idleness, ignorance, laziness, hypocrisy, stupidity, inability to work. Arina Petrovna Golovleva managed his life, thoughtlessly accumulated wealth, and together with this morally and morally divided his offspring. She constantly used the word "family" in speech, but seeing all the well-htched good chosen children, Arina Petrovna realized that he lived for the ghost, and there was never a real family in her life. So "Higher" society, greedy, helpless and lazy, will certainly find his death in their own sins, as history has shown.
  7. The world of the story of A. and Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" is a straw-beam, a stingy paint, disturbed. Here people have no more names, the main determinant is the camp number. Human life has lost its value, and the habits of the inhabitants of the camp are more like the animal: everything they think about is to quench their biological needs, so as not to die. Among them, Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, and he himself had to brighten a long time, lose human qualities. However, he, in line with all the difficulties of fate, is rejoicing every day to every day. Its small good luck turn into large on the scale of closed space of the camp. A concluded eight hundred fifty four four did not cry and did not spoil. He is still capable of sympathy and pity for neighbor. In contrast to Ivan Denisovich, camp warders were supplied, who provided their own excellent life, turning prisoners into slaves. They put themselves above the inhabitants of the camp, thereby disturbing human laws, excluding themselves from human society.
  8. Opposes the hero of society and A.P. Chekhov in the story "Ionch". At the beginning of the work, Dmitry Ionchych Standers appears before us, the Zemsky doctor who is opposed to the heroes of the city of S., People and ignorant. Especially good is visible on the example of the Turkish family, whom older visits. The whole family strive to shine with their imaginary "talents", which in fact do not exist, and each of them is stupid. Turkins are static, there are no development in their images. But the elders are not trying to change something, but on the contrary, he himself slowly begins to adapt under the world. Under the action of external strength, it also degrades, descends to the moral bottom, he is fond of the accumulation, it will fulfill, stupid, ceases to be interested in anything. And at the end we see just just ionchcha, a person without behalf and without a rod, removed under the low standards of the city of S.
  9. In the novel MA Sholokhov "Silent Don" The main character takes place a long way in search of its place in the restless society of revolutionary times. Grigory Melekhov is told, trying to understand what camp he to join and whom to support in a brutal fratricidal war. "Mad World" scares the hero, internal torments torment him. In addition to this, love peripetics appear. His feelings for Axier, forbidden, but deep, pushing Melekhov on serious actions - he throws a family, there is a contraction with generally accepted standards to decide, finally, all the turmoil and the storms of the soul. He who was tired of constant thoughtful and disorders, I want peace and peace. That is why, by returning home, Melekhov throws a rifle into the water. However, a short-sighted society does not accept his search, sticks the yarm "traitor" and pursues an unarmed and broken person, not knowing compassion.
  10. F.M.Dostoevsky in his novel "Crime and Punishment" shows that the decline of society pushes ordinary citizens. The fact that Rodion Raskolnikov decided to kill the old-year stake, there are several reasons. One of them, of course, has roots in the Personality of Rodion. But a society, mired in poverty and sins, played a significant role in resolving the student. The Skolnikova himself stood like a poverty, and he, susceptible to other people's suffering, went to a terrible crime. No longer makes sense in society, where the main value of money, simple pieces of paper, and have long forgotten about high morality. Ordinary girl Sonya Marmaladova becomes the path of the prostitute to earn money for the family. And her father, without thinking about relatives, heeps everything in the Kabaks who have pronounced the rotting of human shower, while the sweatshirts are drunk by their wealth earned in the lives. ordinary people. So the author shows that it is impossible to live in society and be free from it: his problems automatically become yours.
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The final essay on the topic "Man and Society" with arguments from the literature is presented below.

"Is one person able to confront society?"


Society is a whole system with its way, laws and values \u200b\u200bof estimates. Each of us is part of this big whole, capable of either absorb us entirely, or put the opportunities of successful coexistence.


Is a person confront society, public opinion or is it a deliberate battle?


"One in the field is not a warrior," says the ancient proverb. It is difficult to confront the opinion of the majority, for this you need to possess a special gift of convictions and charisma.


In the story of M. Gorky "Staruha Izergil" we see a hero who can lead to those surrounding people. On the one hand, Danko subdued people to their will, leading them to salvation, convincing in the best future at the cost of their own life. But on the other hand, what did he get in response? As soon as he brought them out of the tenacious, the crowd immediately forgot him, trampled the last sparks, reminiscent of his burning hearted heart.


One person is very difficult to confront the whole society. But this is possible, and there are such people and will be. They have a unique gift of convictions, a special warehouse of character.


People who can change the world include many state leaders, war leaders and religious figures. But there are those among ordinary people.


"And one in the field of the warrior, if he is Chatsky," said I.A. Goncharov. Indeed, in his plays "Mount from the mind" A.S. Griboedov portrayed a person who could expose the defects of the whole generation, in which he himself existed. Chatsky appeared to people living on the already established rules and turned everything upside down. Then he left, not the necessary and not necessary for anyone.


Possessing fearlessness and a special character warehouse can be affected by public systemAt least in the nearest environment. However, this may threaten loneliness.

Thesis number 3.

There are people who, by refusing attempts to change the world, continue their lonely existence, removed from all. The company does not accept such people, and they have no strength to fight him.


Such people belong to Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the main character of Roman A.I. Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich has a number of positive qualities, he is spiritually highly developed, but cannot find applications to his talents. People surrounding him live according to the laws alien to him - they are lying, they are able to go on their heads for the achievement of the goals. Oblomov does not accept such rules, but it is not able to cope with him and at least somehow adapt to the laws of life. Therefore, he is self-made and lives with a practical hermit, spending days on the sofa in a felling gown.


Society is a strong system. It can easily absorb a separate person who is not similar to the rest if she is not able to confront him.

General conclusion (conclusion)

The laws of society are such that we are all, each of us - part of one large whole. We are forced to live according to uniform laws for everyone, even if something does not suit us. There are courageous people who ventured to go against the obstacles or head new directions in development. But only the strongest should be saved against the flow. The rest of society breaks and carries for loneliness.

All arguments for the final composition in the direction of "Man and Society".

Man in totalitarian society.

A man in totalitarian society is usually deprived of even those freedoms that are given to everyone from birth. For example, the heroes of the novel E. Ramyatin "We" are people deprived of individuality. In the world described by the author, there is no place for freedom, love, genuine art, family. The reasons for such a device lies in the fact that the totalitarian state implies unquestionless submission, and for this it is necessary to deprive people of everything. It is easier to control such people, they will not protest and question the fact that the state speaks to them.

In the totalitarian world of a person, the state of the state is set up, grinds all his dreams and desires, subordinates its plans. Man's life is not worth nothing. But one of the important control levers is ideology. All residents of a single state serve as one major mission - send spaceship "Integral" to tell about their ideal device. Mechanically verified art, free love deprive the person of genuine ties with the like. Such a person will be completely calmly betrayed anyone who is next to him.

The main character of the novel D-503 with horror detects terrible disease: he had a soul. He seemed to be awakened from a long sleep, loved the woman, wanted to change something in an unfair device. After that, he became dangerous for the totalitarian state, since he undermined the usual order and violated the plans of the head of state, benefactor.

This work shows the tragic fate of the person in the totalitarian society and warns that the personality of a person, his soul, the family is the most important thing in everyone's life. If a person is deprived of all this, he will turn into a soulless car, submissive, not knowing happiness, ready to die for the sake of the urgent goals of the state.

Public standards. What are social norms and orders for? What is the violation of public norms.

Norms are the rules that exist in order to maintain order in society. What are they needed for? The answer is simple: in order to regulate the relationship between people. There is one very famous statement, it says: the freedom of one person is pumped where the freedom of another begins. So social norms serve just so that no one can encroach on the freedom of another person. If people begin to violate the generally accepted rules, then the person will begin to destroy the likely the world.

So, in the novel "The Lord of the Flies", U.Golding is narrated by the group of boys who were on a uninhabited island. Since there was not a single adult among them, they had to arrange life themselves. Two were applied to the position of leader: Jack and Ralph. By voting, the Ralph was selected, which immediately offered to set the set of rules. For example, he wanted to divide the duties: Half the guys should follow the bone, half - to hunt. However, not everyone was happy about the orders: over time, the society splits into two camps - those who personify the mind, law and order (Khryusha, Ralph, Simon), and those who represent the blind power of destruction (Jack, Roger and other hunters).

After some time, most of the guys find himself in the Jack camp, in which there are no norms. A flock of insane boys screaming "sip dir", in the dark confuse Simon with a beast and kill him. The next victim becomes Hryush. Children are becoming less like people. Even salvation at the end of the novel looks tragic: the guys could not create a full-fledged society, lost two comrades. All wine is the absence of behavior. The anarchy of Jack and his "tribesmen" led to a terrible result, although everything could work out otherwise.

Does society be responsible for each person? Why should society help disadvantaged? What is equality in society?

Equality in society should concern all people. Unfortunately, in real life it is unattainable. So, in the play M. Gorky "on the bottom" in the center of attention is the people who are "on the side of the sidelines" of life. The company consists of a hereditary thief, a card cheeler, a prostitute, the operating actor and many others. These people for various reasons are forced to live at the night. Many of them have already lost hope for a bright future. But do these people cause pity? It seems that they themselves are to blame in their troubles. However, a new hero appears at the night - an old army that shows sympathy for them, his speech produces a strong effect on residents of the night. Luke gives people the hope that they can choose their own life, which is not all lost. Life in the night is changing: the actor stops drinking and seriously thinking about returning to the scene, Vaska Sidel detects the desire for honest work, Nastya and Anna dream of best Life. Soon Luka leaves, leaving unfortunate inhabitants of the night with their dreams. With his departure is connected by the collapse of their hopes, the light in their soul fade again, they cease to believe in their strength. The culmination moments becomes the suicide of the actor, who lost all faith in another, distinguished from this, life. Of course, Luke was blown out of pity. Lies, even if salvation, cannot solve all the problems, but his arrival showed us that these people dream to change, they did not choose such a way. Society should help those who need help. We are responsible for each person. Among those who find himself on the "birthday" there are many people who want to change their lives, they just need a little help and understanding.

What is tolerance?

Tolerance is a multifaceted concept. Many do not understand the true meaning of this word, narrowing it. The basis of tolerance is the right to express thoughts and personal freedom of each person: both a child and an adult. Being tolerant means to be not indifferent, but not to show aggression, but to be tolerant to people with another worldview, customs and traditions. The conflict in an indispensable society is based on the novel to "kill the casting" Harper Lee. The narration in it is conducted on behalf of the nine-year-old girl - the daughter of a lawyer who protects a black guy. Toms accused of a cruel crime he did not commit. Not only the court, but also the locals against a young man and want to arrange a massacre over him. Fortunately, Attikus's lawyer is able to see the situation. He until the latter protects the accused, trying to prove his innocence in court, rejoices every step approaching victory. Despite the essential evidence of the innocence of Tom, the jury condemn it. This means only one thing: the incomplete attitude of society cannot be changed even by weighty arguments. Belief in justice is finally underlined when Toms are killed when trying to escape. The writer shows us how much the opinion of the individual consciousness is influenced by an individual consciousness.

With his actions, Attikus puts himself into the dangerous position of himself and his children, but still not refuses the truth.

Harper Lee described the small city of the early 20th century, but, unfortunately, this problem does not depend on geography and time, it is deep inside the person. People will always exist, not similar to others, so tolerance need to be studied necessarily, only then people will be able to live in peace with each other.

What person can be called dangerous to society?

A person is part of society, so he can succumb to its influence or influence him. A person, dangerous to society, can be called the one who violates the laws, including moral ones. So, in the Roman D.M. Dostoevsky there are such heroes. Of course, first of all, everyone remembers Skolnikov, whose theory led to the death of several people and made his unfortunately close. But Rodion paid for his actions, he was sent to Siberia, while Svidrigaylov was not accused of crimes. This vicious, dishonest man knew how to pretend and seem decent. Under the mask of decency, the murderer was hiding, whose conscience was the lives of several people. Another character, dangerous for people, can be called a nudge, a fan of the theory of individualism. This theory reads: everyone should take care only about themselves, then society will be happy. However, his theory is not so harmless, as it seems at first glance. In essence, he justifies any crimes in the name of the personal good. Despite the fact that Luzhin did not kill anyone, he unfairly accused of Sonya Marmaladov in theft, thereby putting himself in one row with Rolcolnikov and Svidrigailov. His deeds can be called dangerous for society. The characters described are a bit similar in their theories, because they believe that for the sake of the "good" you can make a bad act. However, it is impossible to justify the crimes with good intentions, evil gives rise only evil.

Do you agree with the statement of G.K. Lichtenberg: "There is something from all people in every person."

Undoubtedly, all people are different. Everyone has its own temperament, character, fate. However, in my opinion, there is something that unites us - this is the ability to dream. In the play M. Gorky "on the bottom" shows the lives of people learned to dream, they simply live their lives day after day, not understanding the meaning of their existence. These unfortunate inhabitants of the night are "at the bottom" of life, where the ray of hope is made. At first glance it may seem that they do not unite them with other people, they are all thieves and drunkards, dishonest people who are capable of meanness only. But reading the page for the page, you can see that the life of everyone was once another, but the circumstances were driving them at the ambassador of the crutches, which were not far away from the guests. With the advent of the new tenant, Luke changes everything. He regrets them, and this warmth awakens a glimpse of hope. Residents of the night recall their dreams and goals: Vaska ash wants to move to Siberia and heal an honest life, the actor wants to return to the stage, even throws drinking, dying Anna, tired of the torment on Earth, acquiring the idea that she will find peace after death. Unfortunately, the dreams of the heroes are crumbling when Luka leaves. In reality, they did nothing that could change their position. However, the fact of what they wanted to change cannot but rejoice. The nightnits did not cease to be people, despite the tests that fell into their lives, and somewhere in the depths of their shower live ordinary people who just want to enjoy life. Thus, the ability to throw together such different peopleFavoring fate in one place.

Onegin's identity was formed in the St. Petersburg secular environment. In the prehistory Pushkin noted social factors, influenced by Eugene: belonging to the highest layer of nobility, the usual circle education for this circle, training, the first steps in the world, the experience of "monotonous and motley" life, the life of the "free nobleman", not burdened by the service, is a busty, carefree, saturated with entertainment and love novels.

Conflict man and society. How does society affect a person? What is the conflict between man and society? Is it difficult to preserve individuality in the team? Why is it important to maintain individuality?

The character and life of Onegin is shown in motion. Already in the first chapter, you can see how from faceless, but requiring the unconditional subordination of the crowd suddenly appeared a bright, outstanding personality.

Onegin's chief is his undeclared conflict with the light and with the society of the noble landowners - only at first glance seems like a fad caused by the "boredom", disappointment in the "science of passion gentle". Pushkin emphasizes that the Oneginsky "Inimitable Strangeness" is a kind of protest social and spiritual dogma that inhibiting the person in man who deprives him of the right to be himself.

The emptiness of the soul of the hero became the consequence of the emptiness and the idleness of secular life. Looking for new spiritual values, a new way: in St. Petersburg and in the village he diligently reads books, communicates with few people in spirit (author and Lensky). In the village, he even tries to change the order, replacing the barbecue with a light lifting.

Dependence on public opinion. Is it possible to become free from public opinion? Is it possible to live in society and be free from it? Confirm or refute the statement Steel: "You can not be sure of any behavior, nor in my well-being, when we put it dependent on human opinions." Why is it important to maintain individuality?

Often, a person is in the deepest dependence on public opinion. Sometimes you have to go through the long way of liberation from the Okok of the Company.

The search for new life truths Onegin stretched out for many years and remained unfinished. Released from old ideas about life, but the past does not let him go. It seems that - the owner of his life, but this is only an illusion. His all his life is pursuing his spiritual laziness and cold skepticism, as well as dependence on public opinion. However, it is difficult to call Onegin victim of society. Changed lifestyle, he accepted responsibility for his destiny. His further life failures are no longer possible to justify the dependence on society.

What is the conflict between man and society? What happens to a man torn off society?

Do you agree with the fact that a person forms society?

The conflict between man and society appears when a strong, bright personality cannot obey the rules of society. So, Grigory, the main mountain of Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", - an outstanding personality, challenging moral laws. He is a "hero" of his generation, which made his worst flavors. A young officer, endowed with a sharp mind and attractive appearance, with disregard and boredom refers to the people around people, they seem pitiful and funny. He feels his unnecessariness. In the futile attempts to find himself, he brings only suffering to people who are not indifferent to him. At first glance, it may seem that Pechorin is an extremely negative character, but, consistently immersing in the thoughts and feelings of the hero, we see that not only he himself, but also a society that gave birth to him. In his own way, he stretches towards people, unfortunately, society rejects the best impulses. In the chapter "Princess Mary" you can see several such episodes. Friendly relations Pechorin and Grushnitsky turn into rivalry and enmity. The pearshnitsky, suffering from a vulnerable pride, is submitted: he shoots unarmed and hurts him. However, even after the shot, Pechorin gives a chance to the Pearhnitsky to do adequately, ready to forgive him, he wants an apology, but the pride of the latter turns out to be stronger. Dr. Werner, who plays the role of his Secundant, is almost the only person who understands Pechorin. But even he, having learned about the publicity of the duel, does not support the main character, only advises to leave the city. Human petty and hypocrisy firmly, Gregory is doing unable to love and be friends. Thus, the conflict of Pechorina with society was that the main character refused to pretend and hide his vices, like a mirror showing a portrait of the entire generation, for which his society and rejected.

Can a person exist outside society? There is safety in numbers?

A person cannot exist outside society. Being a social creature, a person needs people. So, the hero of the Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" Grigory Pechorin enters the conflict with society. It does not accept the laws by which the society lives, feeling false and narrow. However, he cannot live without people, and, without noticing himself, instinctively stretches to others. Do not believe in friendship, comes closer with Dr. Werner, and playing with the feelings of Mary, with horror it begins to realize what falls in love with the girl. The main character intentionally pushes people who are not indifferent to him, justifying their behavior with love for freedom. Pechorin does not understand that people need him even more than he. His finale searched: a young officer alone dies along the road from Persia and not finding the meaning of its existence. In pursuit of the satisfaction of their needs, he lost vitality.

Man and society (how does the society affect a person?) How does fashion affect the person? How are social factors affect personality formation?

The society has always dictated its rules and laws of behavior. Sometimes these laws are simply wild, as we can observe in the story O. Henry ". "The savage of the Manhattan's Born and Brought by In Wigwams, Mr. Chandler tried to live according to the laws of society, where the main criterion for the assessment of man was" meeting on clothes ". In such a society, everyone tried to show the other that he is worthy to be in the highest light, poverty was considered a vice, and wealth - achievement. It did not matter what kind of wealth was reached, the main thing was to "let dust in the eye" pretending, vanity and hypocrisy reigned around. The ridiculum of such laws of society and shows O. Henry, showing the "failure" of the main character. He missed the opportunity to become a favorite beautiful girl just because he tried to show himself who he was not.

What is the role of personality in history? Can the identity change history? Do we need a leader in society?

The higher the person on the steps of the public staircase, the more obvious the predestination and inevitability in his fate.

Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that "the king is a slave of history." The contemporary of Tolstoy historian Bogdanovich primarily pointed to the defining role of Alexander the first in victory over Napoleon, and the role of the people and Kutuzov dumped at all from the account. Tolstoy put his task to debunk the role of the kings and to show the role of the popular masses and national commander of Kutuzov. The writer is reflected in the novel moments of the inactivity of Kutuzov. This is explained by the fact that both Kutuzov cannot manage historical events by their will. But it is given to him to realize the actual course of events, in the implementation of which he participates. Kutuzov cannot understand the world-historical meaning of the War of the 12th year, but he realizes the meaning of this event for his people, that is, it can be a conscious conductor of the stroke of history. Kutuzov himself is close to the people, he feels the spirit of troops and can control this great force (the main task of Kutuzov during the Borodino battle is to raise the spirit of the army). Napoleon is deprived of understanding of the events, he is a pawn in the hands of history. The image of Napoleon personifies extreme individualism and egoism. Ansman Napoleon acts like a blind man. He is not a great man, he cannot determine the moral meaning of the event due to its own limb.

How does society affect the formation of goals?

From the very beginning of the narrative, all the thoughts Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya and her son were directed to one Delhi - the arrangement of her material well-being. Anna Mikhailovna for this is not bent neither humiliating begging, nor the use of rough power (scene with a mosaic portfolio) nor intrigues and so on. At first, Boris is trying to resist the will of the mother, but over time he understands that the laws of society in which they live, obey only one rule - the right is the authority and money. Boris is accepted to "make a career." He is not fascinated by the Fatherland Service, he prefers a service in those places where you can quickly advance with minimal return on the service staircase. For him, there are neither sincere feelings (refusal of Natasha), nor sincere friendship (coldness to Rostov, who have done a lot for him). Even the marriage he subordinates this goal (the description of his "melancholic service" from Julie Karagina, recognition in love through disgust, etc.). In the war of the 12th year, Boris sees only court and staff intrigues and is concerned only how to pay it to themselves. Julia and Boris are quite suitable for each other: Julie flashes the presence of a beautiful husband who has made a brilliant husband's career; Borisa needs her money.

Can a person influence society?

A person undoubtedly affect society, especially if he is a strong, volitional personality. The main hero of Romana I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Evgeny Bazarov is an excellent example confirming my position. He denies the public foundations, seeks to "clear" for future, properly arranged life, believes that the new world does not need old rules. Bazarov enters conflict with representatives of the "old" society - brothers Kirsanov, the main difference of which is that both live in the world of feelings. Evgeny these feelings denies and ridicule them in others. Accustomed to fight everyday difficulties, he is not able to understand either Pavel Petrovich, nor Nicholas Petrovich. Bazarov is not subject to public laws, he simply denies them. For Evgenia, the possibility of unlimited freedom of personality is indisputable: "NiHist" is convinced that in its decisions aimed at alteration of life, a person is morally uncomfortable. However, he is not even trying to change society, he has no action plan. Despite this, its exceptional energy, character hardness and courage infect. His ideas are becoming attractive for many representatives of the younger generation of both the noble estate and the estates of the allocations. At the end of the work, we see how the ideals of the main character rushes, but even death is not able to stop the strength, which he and the like he wokes up.

What does the inequality in society lead to? Do you agree with the statement: "The inequality humiliates people and will inhabit disagreement and hatred between them"? What person can be called dangerous to society?

Inequality in society leads to the split of this society. A striking example confirming my position is Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." The main character of the work of the Bazarov is a representative of the division of allocations. Unlike all the nobles, he possesses a figure of a figure and a fighter. He acquired fundamental knowledge in the natural sciences. The accustomed to rely only on his own mind and energy, he despises people who have received everything only on the right of birth. The main character stands for a strong breaking of the entire state and economic system of Russia. Bazarov is not alone in their thoughts, these ideas begin to own the minds of many people, even representatives of the nobility, begin to realize the problems that are crowned in society. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Opponent Evgenia in the dispute of the warring parties, calls people like, ignorant "boobs", who do not have support from the people, he believes that their number "four people with half a half". However, at the end of the work of Pavel Petrovich leaves Russia, thereby recovering from public life, recognizing his defeat. He is not able to fight the spirit of revolutionary population, with his hatred of the existing order. Representatives of the "traditional mistake" of life can no longer deny the existence of a problem, the split has already occurred, and the only question is how the warring parties will coexist in the new world.

In what situations a person feels lonely in society? Can a person win in fighting society? Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?

In the environment of people, a person can feel more lonely than alone with him. This happens if the feelings, actions and the image of such a person's thoughts differ from the generally accepted norm. Some people adapt, and their loneliness is not in the eyes, others cannot accept such a situation. Such a person is the main hero of the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". The gentle, but he is inherent excessive torment and self-confidence. He excitedly defends his position, which sets all those present against him, they even declare him crazy. It is impossible to say that he is surrounded by stupid people. However, Famusov and the characters of his circle represents the ability to adapt to the existing living conditions and to extract the maximum material benefit. He feels lonely in the society of people living in such laws capable of dealing with their conscience. The caustic replicas of the main character can not force people to think about what they can make mistake, on the contrary, they set up all against. Thus, a lonely person makes it unlike others, the failure to live by established rules societies.

How does the society relate to people who are very different from him? Can a person win in fighting society?

The society rejects people, one way or another different from it. This happens to the main hero of the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". It is not able to put up with the norms of social life, he pours its indignation to the "rotten society of insignificant people," boldly expresses his position in relation to the fastened right, state device, service, education and upbringing. But others do not understand or do not want to understand it. There are no such people as the easiest way to not be noticed that the Magic Society does, accusing him to madness. His thoughts are dangerous for their usual life of life. Agreeing with life position, the surrounding will have to either recognize themselves with racies, or change. None nor the other for them is unacceptable, so the easiest way to recognize such a person inequiencies and continue to enjoy the usual way of life.

How do you understand the phrase "little person"? Do you agree with the fact that a person forms society? Do you agree with the statement: "Inequality degrades people"? Is it possible to call any person a person? Do you agree that "there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character?

The main hero of the story of A.P. Chekhov "Death of an official" worms exposes itself to humiliation, demonstrates a complete refusal of human dignity. Evil is presented in the story not in the form of a general who brought a person to such a state. The general is described in the work is quite neutral: it only reacts to the actions of another character. Problem little man Not in evil people, it is much deeper. Chinovantia and Roleppience so much in the habit that people themselves are ready to defend their right to defend their right to demonstrate respect and their negativeness. Worms suffer from humiliation, but from what is fear of incorrect interpretation of his actions, from the fact that it may be suspected in disrespect for those who are higher than its rank. "Did I dare to laugh? If we laugh, so no, then, and respect for people ... will not ... "

How does the society affect the opinion of a person? Is it possible to call any person a person? Do you agree that "there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character?

Society, or rather a company of society, plays a decisive role in the behavior of many people. A bright example of a person who thinks and coming according to the standard is the hero of the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon".

The chameleon we are familiar to the person ready to be ready and instantly, in favor of the circumstances, change their views on the opposite. For the main character in life there is the most important rule: the interests of the power of having above all. The main character who adheres to this rule falls into the comical situation. Becoming a witness of violations, he must take action, finfing the owner of a dog who busting a person. During the proceedings, it turns out that the dog can belong to the general. During the story, five or six times change the answer to the question ("Whose dog"?), And the reaction of the police officer is changed for the same time. We do not even see in the work of the general, but his presence is felt physically, his mention plays the role of a decisive argument. The power of power, the power is clearly found in the behavior of the shapes of subordinates. They are the keepers of this system. Chameleon has a belief that determines all his actions, his understanding of "order", which you need to protect all the forces. Thus, it can be concluded that the society has a huge impact on the opinion of a person, moreover, a person blindly believing in the rules of such a society is a brick of the system, does not give a vicious circle to break.

The problem of the confrontation of personality and power. What person can be called dangerous to society?
M.Yu.lermonts. "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young scramble and a removed merchant Kalashnikov."

Conflict in "Song ..." M.Yu. Lermontov occurs between Kalashnikov, in which the best features of the representative of the people were reflected, and the autocratic authorities represented by Ivan the Terrible and Kiribayevich. Ivan Grozny himself violates the rules of a fistful battle declared themselves as it, "Who will beat whom, the king will reward, and who will be broken, God will forgive," and Kalashnikov himself. In the work we see the impossible for the era of Ivan the Grozny struggle for their rights, defending interests in the name of justice. This struggle is not only Kalashnikov with Kiribayevich. Kiribayevich tramples the overall human law, and Kalashnikov speaks of the face of the whole "People of Christian" "for the Holy Trouble-Mother."

What is dangerous personality for the state? Are the interests of society always correspond to the interests of the state? Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?

Master's novel, who represents a story about the duel of the poor philosopher Yeshua Ga-Nozri and the powerful procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. Ga-Nozri is an ideologist of good, justice, conscience, and the prosecutor is the ideas of statehood.

Ga-Nozri his sermon of universal ownership, love to neighbor, freedom of personality, according to Pontius Pilate, undermines the sole power of Caesar and thereby turn out to be more dangerous than the Killer of Varrava. Pontius Pilate sympathizes Yeshua, he even takes a weak attempt to save him from execution, but no more. Patilius and weak Pontius Pilate, afraid of the Kaifa Donzer, who was afraid to lose the power of the governor of the Jews and for this, the transmission "twelve thousand mons of repentance and remorse." Calls it a "broomstorm".

Life for Oblomovtsy is "silence and imperturbative calm", which, unfortunately, is sometimes violated by the troubles. It is especially important to emphasize that among the troubles, in one row with "diseases, losses, quarrels", work is provided for them: "They demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love. Thus, the inertness of Oblomov, lazy stagnation in a bathrobe on the sofa of his Petersburg apartment in the Goncharovsky Roman is fully generated and motivated by the social and domestic structures of the patriarchal-landlord.