The main indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. Assessment of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise What is the result of financial and economic activities

Information base for the analysis of indicators for evaluating business performance

The well-being of the enterprise depends on the efficiency of the main economic activity, this is an important condition for its continuous functioning, which in modern conditions serves as a guarantee of survival and the basis for the stable position of the enterprise.

Evaluation of business performance has an impact on the economic, investment and production activities of the enterprise, so it is necessary to analyze the indicators for evaluating business performance.

In this regard, we will consider the methodology for analyzing indicators for assessing business performance and determine the information base for such an assessment.

The main information base for evaluating business performance is financial statements. The purpose of financial statements is to present information about the financial position, results of operations and changes in the financial position of the company. This information is needed by a wide range of users to make economic decisions.

The balance sheet is a document that reflects the results of the calculation and double decomposition of the company's capital at the reporting date. Capital is the only independent and backbone indicator of the balance sheet, which determines the composition and grouping of all its articles and final indicators. Therefore, it would be more correct to say that the balance reflects the state of capital, and not a certain financial state.

The financial result is the main criterion for business efficiency. In addition, a company's net income shown on the income statement is the upper limit of the funds that can be distributed as dividends to shareholders.

Assessing the performance of the business as a whole over the past period is the most important task solved by using data from the income statement.

In this way, information about past transactions and other events is provided, which is extremely important for users in making economic decisions.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the enterprise on the basis of information from the financial statements of the enterprise, it should help in determining the criteria aspects on the basis of which it is possible to draw conclusions regarding the objective efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise.

"Reporting is based on the facts that have already happened and reflects the state of capital at the reporting (already past) date and its changes for the reporting (already past) period" . Therefore, the predictive reporting function is not the main one, but a side one. Forecasts, among other things, are based on past events, on already accumulated resources.

In the context of evaluating the performance of an enterprise, the purpose of accounting reports is to provide users with useful information. At present, almost all enterprises have recognized the feasibility and necessity of meeting the information needs of numerous users, which can be grouped into three main groups:

  1. Working directly at this enterprise;
  2. Those outside the business but having a direct financial interest in the business;
  3. Having an indirect interest in the business.

Information about the financial position of the enterprise is presented in the form of a balance sheet, balance sheet. This report shows assets i.e. what the enterprise owns and sources of its financing from accounts payable or equity. The balance serves as an indicator for assessing the financial condition of the enterprise. It is intended to assist the user in assessing the ability of an enterprise to meet its obligations.

Assets include equipment, long-term accounts receivable, current accounts receivable, inventories, cash and bank accounts, and advance expenses. Liabilities (liabilities) include equity, short-term loans and liabilities, accounts payable, debts to the budget and personnel of the enterprise.

Assets give a certain idea of ​​the economic potential of the enterprise, liabilities show the amount of funds received by the enterprise and their sources. The structure of the asset balance can be represented in the form of a diagram shown in fig. one.

Rice. 1. The structure of the asset balance

The liabilities side of the balance reflects the sources of funds of the enterprise on a certain date. They are divided into sources of own funds (capital and reserves), long-term liabilities (credits and loans) and short-term liabilities (credits, loans, settlements and other liabilities).

The sources of own funds include: authorized capital, additional capital, reserve, accumulation and social funds, targeted financing and retained earnings of previous years. Borrowed funds include: long-term and short-term loans and borrowings, accounts payable, other liabilities.

The structure of the balance sheet liability can be represented as a diagram shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. The structure of the balance sheet liability

Reporting - a set of information about the results and conditions of the enterprise for the past time, submitted by the relevant economic entity for the purpose of analysis, control and management of activities. The financial statements contain information about the sold products, works and services, the costs of their production, the state of economic assets and the sources of their formation, and the financial results of the work.

Methodology for analyzing indicators for assessing the effectiveness of an enterprise

The assessment of business performance is based on the data of the balance sheet and income statement, which present the most important results of the business entity. However, depending on the purpose of the assessment, different users are interested in certain indicators of financial results. The main managers of the enterprise are interested in the amount of profit received and its structure, as well as factors influencing its size. Tax office - the amount of taxable profit. Shareholders - net profit and the amount of dividends paid per share, the possibility of making a profit in the near and foreseeable future. However, regardless of the purpose of the assessment, the performance indicators of the economic activity of the enterprise are a criterion aspect of the company's performance.

To assess the performance of a commercial enterprise, it is not enough to use the analysis of absolute profit values, since the presence of profit does not mean that the enterprise is working well. The absolute amount of profit does not allow us to judge the degree of profitability of an enterprise, transaction, idea. Many commercial enterprises that have received the same amount of profit have different sales volumes, different costs.

"To determine the effectiveness of the costs incurred, to assess the effectiveness and economic feasibility of the enterprise's activities, it is not enough just to determine the absolute indicators, it is necessary to use a relative indicator" . Therefore, to assess the level of work efficiency, the result - profit - is compared with the costs or resources used, which allows you to get a more objective picture. Comparison of profit with costs or resources is characterized by profitability indicators. "Profitability is a relative indicator of economic efficiency that shows the efficiency, profitability, profitability of an enterprise or entrepreneurial activity. This indicator characterizes the level of return on costs and the degree of use of funds" . Thus, profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the financial results and performance of the enterprise.

There are profitability indicators used to assess the effectiveness of advanced resources and costs used in economic activity, and indicators on the basis of which the profitability and efficiency of capital use are determined.

The return on capital characterizes the amount of profit from each ruble invested in the enterprise's funds.

The main indicators of return on capital are:

  • profitability of assets (property);
  • profitability of current assets;
  • return on equity.
  • return on investment.

The profitability of the property is calculated as follows:

P property \u003d Profit at the disposal of the enterprise / Average value of assets * 100%

This indicator reflects how many units of profit are received from a unit of asset value, regardless of the source of funds raised. This indicator serves to determine the efficiency of using the capitals of various organizations and industries, since it gives an overall assessment of the profitability of capital invested in production, both own and borrowed, attracted on a long-term basis.

Under the profit at the disposal of the enterprise understand the profit remaining after the payment of taxes and repayment of expenses attributable to net income.

The profitability of current assets can be determined by the formula:

P current assets \u003d Profit at the disposal of the enterprise / Average value of current assets * 100%

An indicator of assessing the degree of return on invested capital is the return on equity. The return on equity is expressed as the ratio of net profit (Pch) to sources of equity (Is). This indicator characterizes the amount of profit per ruble of own funds. The return on equity ratio also plays an important role in assessing the level of quotation of the company's shares on the stock exchange.

Return on equity (Rsk) is expressed by the formula:

Rsk \u003d Pch / Is * 100%

If an enterprise focuses its activities on the future, it needs to develop an investment policy. In this case, investment refers to long-term financing. Information about the funds invested in the enterprise can be calculated from the balance sheet as the sum of own sources of funds and long-term liabilities or as the difference between the total amount of assets and short-term liabilities. Return on investment (Ri) is calculated as follows:

Ri \u003d Pdn / (B - Ok) * 100%

where Pdn is profit before tax,

B - balance sheet currency,

OK - short-term liabilities.

The indicator of return on investment is considered in the practice of financial analysis as a way to assess the "skill" of financial managers in managing investments. Since the company's management cannot influence the amount of taxes paid, for a more accurate calculation of the indicator, the numerator uses the amount of profit before income taxes.

The difference between the profitability of all assets and equity is due to the involvement of external sources of financing. If the borrowed funds bring more profits than paying interest on this borrowed capital, then the difference can be used to increase the return on equity. However, in the event that the return on assets is less than the interest paid on borrowed funds, the impact of the funds raised on the activities of the enterprise should be assessed negatively.

Return on sales and return on costs are also calculated. Return on sales (Rp) characterizes the ratio of net profit (Pch) to the amount of sales proceeds (VR), expressed as a percentage:

Rp \u003d Pch / Vr * 100%

The profitability of sales is an estimated indicator of the production and economic activities of a business entity. It reflects the level of demand for products, works and services, how correctly the business entity determines the product range and product strategy.

Return on costs (Rz) characterizes the ratio of net profit to the sum of production and sales costs (R), expressed as a percentage:

Rz \u003d Pch / Z * 100%

Return on costs demonstrates the efficiency of economic activity in general, the calculation takes into account the cost, selling and administrative expenses. The cost-effectiveness indicator shows how many kopecks of profit fall on the ruble of expenses.

The dynamics of changes in profitability indicators depends, on the one hand, on factors affecting the value of the numerator of the profit indicator, on the basis of which it is calculated: sales profit, taxable, net. On the other hand, it depends on the factors influencing the value of the denominator: the sum of assets, investments, sales, total cost. The main factor in the growth of profitability is the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the enterprise's economic activities.

Practical aspects of the analysis of business performance indicators

Consider a practical example of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of an enterprise. To do this, we will analyze the profit indicators of a conditional enterprise in order to evaluate the income received by the enterprise, reduced by the amount of expenses incurred, in the context of reporting and analytical data. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the enterprise's business will be carried out based on the position that the dynamics of profit indicators of an economic entity characterizes its business activity and financial independence. The positive dynamics of absolute profit indicators creates the basis for self-financing of the economic activity of the enterprise on the principles of economic calculation.

The summary analytical table shows the dynamics of the company's profit indicators for 3 years.

Dynamics of profit indicators of the enterprise for three years


absolute change

Growth rate

Cost price

Gross profit

Selling expenses

Management expenses

Profit (loss) from sales

Other income

other expenses

Profit before tax

Income tax and other similar payments

Net income (retained earnings)

Now let's analyze business performance indicators for this conditional enterprise.

Analyzing the data in the table, it should be noted that the company has demonstrated an improvement in key profit indicators over a three-year period. Gross profit was an exception, since, starting from 2014, administrative expenses are partly recognized as part of the cost, partly transferred to selling expenses. The result was a significant cost growth rate that outpaced revenue growth and a decline in gross profit.

The increase in revenue in 2015 compared to 2013 amounted to almost 1.8 billion rubles, the growth rate reached a level of 34.62%. The cost price increased by more than 2 billion rubles, the growth rate was 43.5%. However, taking into account the internal reasons for the increase in the cost price, it can be judged that there is no negative structural influence of this factor. At the same time, it is not possible to objectively assess the ratio of the dynamics of profit from sales, the growth of which amounted to 21.28%, an increase of 93.7 million rubles, compared with commercial and administrative expenses, for the same internal reasons. However, given the lag in the growth rate of profit from sales from the growth rate of revenue, it can be judged that the company did not use internal reserves to increase the final financial result, a relative reduction in cost, as well as the rational optimization of commercial and administrative expenses.

Over the analyzed period, other expenses and income showed a strong decline, but other expenses in 2015 almost doubled other income, which affected the slowdown in the growth rate of profit before tax, which amounted to only 11.38%.

It should also be noted that the net profit of the enterprise for the analyzed period increased by 57 million rubles, the growth rate was 19.75%, which, against the background of lower tax payments, indicates the successful use of preferential mechanisms to reduce tax payments and improve the efficiency of the financial discipline of the enterprise.

For the period from 2013 to 2015, there are no probabilistic or stochastic fluctuations in terms of profit from sales, profit before tax and net income. This indicates the effective economic activity of the enterprise as a whole and the implementation of a consistent policy regarding economic development as an independent economic entity. In addition, for this period there is no steady negative trend in all indicators of profit, which characterizes the maintenance of the profitability of the enterprise by the presence of prospects for economic activity in the future.

Further, it is necessary, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, its scope of economic activity and characteristics of indicators, to assess the effectiveness of the business, taking into account the factors of increasing sales and net profit and factors that prevented a more significant increase in profits. If enterprise performance evaluation showed the unsatisfactory state of the business, appropriate conclusions should be drawn about the unfavorable prospects of the organization.

As an example of the factors of increase or decrease in sales and net profit, we give the following:

  • significant expansion or contraction of activities;
  • change in the structure of income and expenses;
  • change in the financial policy of the enterprise;
  • increase or decrease costs.

Profitability indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise. Profitability is a relative indicator of the level of profitability of production activities. Unlike profit, which characterizes the absolute results of activities, profitability shows the ratio of the effect to the amount of costs incurred, thereby determining the level of financial security and strength of the position.

Using formulas (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6), we calculate the profitability indicators based on the data above and present the results in the table.

Analyzing the results of the calculations, it should be noted the negative change in all profitability indicators in 2015, both in comparison with 2014 and in comparison with 2013. Therefore, business performance evaluation shows the unsatisfactory state of economic activity of the enterprise.

When evaluating business performance, it should be taken into account that the level and dynamics of profitability indicators at an enterprise are objectively influenced by the entire set of internal production and economic factors:

  • the level of organization of economic activity;
  • the structure of capital and its sources;
  • degree of use of available resources;
  • volume of sales;
  • the amount of costs incurred.

The profitability of property, which characterizes the return on each ruble invested in the assets of the enterprise, makes it possible to judge the decrease in the operating efficiency of the enterprise. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the extremely low value of the indicator, which indicates an insufficient level of rationalization of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, since the overall assessment of the profitability of capital invested in production, both own and borrowed, attracted on a long-term basis, is a little more than 6 kopecks for every ruble invested.

The profitability of current assets, which demonstrates the ability of the enterprise to provide a sufficient amount of profit in relation to the current assets used, allows us to conclude that the return on the use of current assets is relatively low.

The return on equity, which makes it possible to determine the real efficiency of the use of capital invested by the owners of the enterprise, indicates a fairly high return on equity compared to other indicators. It should be noted that the observed negative dynamics of changes in this indicator in the long term can significantly complicate the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

The return on investment, which characterizes the profitability of capital investments and is a financial and economic reflection of the competitiveness of the enterprise, in connection with the observed dynamics of the decrease in the indicator, makes it possible to judge the decrease in the potential level of competitiveness of the enterprise. At the same time, the long-term nature of the company's activities partially explains the long periods of negative dynamics, but is not a factor that neutralizes unfavorable prospects.

The dynamics of profitability of sales, which characterizes the economic efficiency of the main activity of the enterprise, indicates a slight decrease in demand for the results of economic activity. Despite a slight increase in the profitability of sales in 2014, in 2015 this indicator decreased, which suggests that the economic activity of the enterprise is not sufficiently objectified and the need to revise the strategy for further development is necessary.

The dynamics of return on costs, which determines the efficiency of economic activity as a whole, demonstrates a similar trend as the return on sales. It should be noted that the decrease in the value of this indicator is a consequence of a decrease in the efficiency of using own and borrowed funds for the implementation of the main economic activity of the enterprise.

Thus, it can be judged that the decrease in profitability indicates that the enterprise has difficulties that the enterprise is experiencing in relation to the effective implementation of the main economic activity. It can be judged that there is an objective need to revise the company's policy on major commercial issues in order to increase the amount of profit received.

Based on the results of the assessment of indicators, in order to improve the efficiency of the business, the enterprise needs to find possible ways to increase the efficiency of using net profit.


Analysis of indicators for evaluating business performance in the framework of the analysis of financial statements is necessary for managing the main economic activity of an enterprise based on making informed management decisions.

Information base for the analysis of indicators business performance evaluations serves as financial statements, which provide information about the financial position, results of operations and changes in the financial position of the company. The balance sheet shows assets, i.e. what the enterprise owns and sources of its financing from accounts payable or equity. The balance serves as an indicator for assessing the financial condition of the enterprise. For the purposes of evaluating business performance, financial statements are the main source of information that contains the entire set of information about the results and operating conditions of the enterprise over the past time.

Business performance assessment according to financial statements is used to analyze, control and manage the business activities of the enterprise.

Analysis of business performance indicators is not an end in itself.

Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn about possible ways to improve the efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise. The methodology for analyzing indicators for evaluating business performance makes it possible to identify possible directions, ways of developing and improving the economic activity of an enterprise in accordance with the results obtained.


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  1. General characteristics of the analysis of the PCD of the enterprise………………………..4

1.1 The concept and principles of analysis of PCD……………………………………………4

1.2 Types of PCD analysis…………………………………………………………….6

1.3 Method of PCD analysis………………………………………………………..9

  1. Analysis of FCD JSC "Center for Informatics" …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.1 General characteristics of the organization……………………………………….19

2.2 ………………………………………20

2.3 Liquidity analysis…………………………………………………………..24

2.4 ………………………………………..26

2.5 Business analysis………………………………………………..28

2.6 Profitability analysis……………………………………………………….30

2.7 Summary……………………………………………………………………….32





At present, with the transition of the economy to market relations, the independence of enterprises, their economic and legal responsibility is increasing. The importance of the financial stability of business entities is sharply increasing. All this significantly increases the role of the analysis of their financial condition: the availability, placement and use of funds.

The results of such an analysis are primarily needed by owners, as well as creditors, investors, suppliers, managers and tax authorities. In this paper, a financial analysis of the enterprise is carried out precisely from the point of view of the owners of the enterprise, that is, for internal use and operational financial management.

home purpose of this work - to investigate the financial condition of the enterprise JSC "Center for Informatics", identify the main problems of financial activity and give recommendations on financial management.

Based on the goals set, it is possible to formulate tasks:

  • Analysis of the dynamics of balance sheet items
  • Analysis of property status
  • Liquidity analysis
  • Financial stability analysis
  • Business activity analysis
  • Profitability analysis

To solve the above problems, the annual financial statements of JSC "Center for Informatics" for 1997 were used.

Thus, this paper describes the theoretical issues of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the company and carried out a practical analysis of the enterprise.

1. General characteristics of the analysis of FCD of the enterprise

1.1 Concept and principles of PCD analysis

The content and the main target of financial analysis is the assessment of the financial condition and the identification of the possibility of improving the efficiency of the functioning of an economic entity with the help of a rational financial policy. The financial condition of an economic entity is a characteristic of its financial competitiveness (ie solvency, creditworthiness), the use of financial resources and capital, the fulfillment of obligations to the state and other economic entities.

In the traditional sense, financial analysis is a method of assessing and forecasting the financial condition of an enterprise based on its financial statements. It is customary to distinguish two types of financial analysis - internal and external. Internal analysis is carried out by employees of the enterprise (financial managers). External analysis is carried out by analysts who are outsiders to the enterprise (for example, auditors).

Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise has several goals:

Determining the financial position;

Identification of changes in the financial condition in the spatio-temporal context;

Identification of the main factors causing changes in the financial condition;

Forecast of the main trends in financial condition.

Analysis of the financial condition is based on certain principles.

  1. state approach.

When evaluating economic phenomena and processes, it is necessary to take into account their compliance with state economic, social, international policies and legislation.

  1. scientific character.

The analysis should be based on the provisions of the dialectical theory of knowledge, taking into account the requirements of the economic laws of the development of production.

  1. Complexity.

The analysis requires a comprehensive study of causal relationships in the economy of the enterprise.

  1. Systems approach.

The analysis should be based on understanding the object of study as a complex dynamic system with a structure of elements.

  1. objectivity and accuracy.

The information used for analysis must be reliable and objectively reflect reality, and analytical conclusions must be substantiated by accurate calculations.

  1. Effectiveness.

The analysis must be effective, that is, actively influence the course of production and its results.

  1. Planning.

For the effectiveness of analytical activities, the analysis must be carried out systematically.

  1. Efficiency.

The effectiveness of the analysis greatly increases if it is carried out promptly and analytical information quickly affects the managerial decisions of managers.

  1. Democracy.

It involves participation in the analysis of a wide range of workers and, consequently, a more complete identification of on-farm reserves.

  1. Efficiency.

The analysis must be effective, i.e., the costs of its implementation must have a multiple effect.

1.2 Types of PCD analysis

In view of the versatility, the analysis of the financial condition must be differentiated into types.

Analysis of economic activity is classified:

By industry:

  • sectoral, the specifics of which take into account the characteristics of individual sectors of the national economy (industry, agriculture, transport, etc.)
  • intersectoral, which takes into account the interconnections and structure of economic sectors and is the methodological basis for a general analysis of economic activity

Based on time:

  • preliminary (prospective), - carried out before the implementation of business operations to justify management decisions
  • operational, carried out immediately after the completion of business transactions for the prompt identification of shortcomings in the process of financial and economic activity. its purpose is to provide the function of management - regulation.
  • subsequent (retrospective, final), is carried out after the commission of economic acts. It is used to control the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

On a spatial basis:

  • on-farm, studies the activities of an economic entity and its structural divisions
  • inter-farm, analyzes the interaction of the enterprise with contractors, competitors, etc. and allows you to identify best practices in the industry, reserves and shortcomings of the organization.

By control objects

  • technical - economic analysis, which studies the interaction of technological and economic processes and establishes their impact on the economic results of the enterprise.
  • financial and economic analysis, which pays special attention to the financial results of the enterprise, namely, the implementation of the financial plan, the efficiency of using equity and borrowed capital, profitability indicators, etc.
  • socio-economic analysis, which studies the relationship of social and economic processes to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources, labor productivity, etc.
  • economic - statistical analysis is used to study mass social - economic phenomena.
  • economic - environmental analysis explores the interaction of environmental and economic processes for a more rational and careful use of environmental resources.
  • marketing analysis, which is used to study the external environment of the enterprise, raw materials and sales markets, etc.

According to the method of studying objects:

  • comparative analysis, uses the method of comparing the results of financial and economic activities by periods of economic activity.
  • factor analysis is aimed at identifying the magnitude of the influence of factors on growth and the level of performance indicators.
  • diagnostic, aimed at identifying violations in the mechanism of the functioning of the organization by analyzing typical signs that are characteristic only for this violation.
  • marginal analysis is a method for evaluating and justifying the effectiveness of management decisions based on cause-and-effect relationships between sales volume, production cost and profit.
  • economic - mathematical analysis allows you to identify the most optimal solution to the economic problem with the help of mathematical modeling.
  • stochastic analysis is used to study stochastic dependencies between the studied phenomena and the processes of financial and economic activity of an enterprise.
  • functional - cost analysis is focused on optimizing the performance of functions that are performed at various stages of the product life cycle.

By subjects of analysis:

  • internal analysis, which is carried out by special structural divisions of the enterprise for the needs of management.
  • external analysis, which is carried out by government agencies, banks, shareholders, investors, counterparties, audit firms based on the financial and statistical reporting of the enterprise.
  • complex analysis, in which the activities of the organization are studied comprehensively.
  • thematic analysis, in which certain aspects of the activity that are of greatest interest at a given time are studied.

1.3 PCD analysis technique

The methodology for analyzing financial and economic activities is a set of analytical procedures used to determine the financial and economic condition of an enterprise.

Experts in the field of analysis give different methods for determining the financial and economic condition of an enterprise. However, the basic principles and sequence of the procedural side of the analysis are almost the same with slight differences.

Detailing the procedural side of the methodology for analyzing financial and economic activities depends on the goals set and various factors of information, methodological, personnel and technical support. Thus, there is no generally accepted methodology for analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, however, in all significant aspects, the procedural aspects are similar.

Information support is important for analysis. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Informatization and Information Protection", an enterprise may not provide information containing a trade secret. But usually for making many decisions by potential partners of the company, it is sufficient to conduct an express analysis of financial and economic activities. Even to conduct a detailed analysis of financial and economic activities, information constituting a commercial secret is often not required. To conduct a general detailed analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, information is required according to the established forms of financial statements, namely:

form No. 1 Balance sheet

form No. 2 Profit and loss statement

form No. 3 Statement of capital flows

form No. 4 Statement of cash flows

form No. 5 Appendix to the balance sheet

This information, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 1991 No. 35 "On the list of information that cannot be a trade secret" cannot be a trade secret.

Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is carried out in three stages.

At the first stage, a decision is made on the appropriateness of the analysis of financial statements and its readiness for reading is checked. The problem of the appropriateness of the analysis allows you to solve the familiarization with the audit report. There are two main types of audit reports: standard and non-standard. A standard audit report is a unified summary document containing a positive assessment of the audit firm on the reliability of the information presented in the report and its compliance with current regulations. In this case, the analysis is expedient and possible, since the reporting in all significant aspects objectively reflects the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

A non-standard audit report is drawn up in cases where the audit firm cannot draw up a standard audit report for a number of reasons, namely: some errors in the company's financial statements, various uncertainties of a financial and organizational nature, etc. In this case, the value of the analytical conclusions drawn up on the basis of these statements is reduced.

Checking the readiness of statements for reading is of a technical nature and is associated with a visual check of the availability of the necessary reporting forms, details and signatures on them, as well as the simplest accounting check of subtotals and balance sheet currency.

The purpose of the second stage is to get acquainted with the explanatory note to the balance sheet, this is necessary in order to assess the conditions for the functioning of the enterprise in this reporting period and take into account the analysis of the factors whose impact led to changes in the property and financial position of the organization and which are reflected in the explanatory note.

The third stage is the main one in the analysis of economic activity. The purpose of this stage is to evaluate the results of economic activity and the financial condition of an economic entity. It should be noted that the degree of detail of the analysis of financial and economic activities may vary depending on the goals.

At the beginning of the analysis, it is advisable to characterize the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, indicate industry affiliation and other distinguishing features.

Then, the state of “sick reporting items” is analyzed, namely loss items (form No. 1 - lines 310, 320, 390, form No. 2 lines - 110, 140, 170), long-term and short-term bank loans and loans outstanding in lines ( form No. 5 lines 111, 121, 131, 141, 151) overdue receivables and payables (form No. 5 lines 211, 221, 231, 241) as well as overdue bills (form No. 5 line 265).

If there are amounts under these items, it is necessary to study the reasons for their occurrence. Sometimes information in this case can only be provided by further analysis and final conclusions can be drawn later.

The analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise consists in general of the following main components:

  • Analysis of property status
  • Liquidity analysis
  • Financial stability analysis
  • Business activity analysis
  • Profitability analysis

These components are closely interconnected and their separation is necessary only for a clearer separation and understanding of the conclusions on the analytical procedures for analyzing the financial and economic activities of the organization.

Analysis of property status consists of the following components:

  • Analysis of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet
  • Analysis of indicators of property status

When analyzing the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet, the dynamics of their condition in the analyzed period is traced. It should be borne in mind that under conditions of inflation, the value of analysis in absolute terms is significantly reduced, and in order to neutralize this factor, analysis should also be carried out in terms of relative indicators of the balance sheet structure.

When assessing the dynamics of property, the state of all property is traced as part of immobilized assets (I section of the balance sheet) and mobile assets (II section of the balance sheet - stocks, receivables, other current assets) at the beginning and end of the analyzed period, as well as the structure of their growth (decrease).

The analysis of indicators of property status consists in the calculation and analysis of the following main indicators:

Analysis of the company's liquidity is based on the calculation of the following indicators:

  • Maneuverability of functioning capital. Characterizes that part of own working capital, which is in the form monetary funds, i.e. funds with absolute liquidity. For a normally functioning enterprise, this indicator is usually changes in range from zero to one. Ceteris paribus, the growth of the indicator in dynamics is considered as a positive trend. An acceptable indicative value of the indicator is set by the enterprise independently and depends, for example, on how high the daily need of the enterprise for free cash resources is.
  • Current liquidity ratio. Gives a general assessment of the liquidity of assets, showing how many rubles of the company's current assets account for one ruble of current liabilities. The logic of calculating this indicator is that the company repays short-term liabilities mainly at the expense of current assets; therefore, if current assets exceed current liabilities, the enterprise can be considered as successfully functioning (at least theoretically). The amount of excess and is set by the current liquidity ratio. The value of the indicator may vary by industry and type of activity, and its reasonable growth in dynamics is usually regarded as a favorable trend. In Western accounting and analytical practice, the critical lower value of the indicator is given - 2; however, this is only an indicative value, indicating the order of the indicator, but not its exact normative value.
  • Quick liquidity ratio. By semantic purpose, the indicator is similar to the current liquidity ratio; however, it is calculated for a narrower range of current assets, when the least liquid part of them - inventories - is excluded from the calculation. The logic behind this exclusion is not only that inventories are significantly less liquid, but, more importantly, that the cash that can be raised in the event of a forced sale of inventories can be significantly lower than the cost of acquiring them. In particular, in a market economy, a typical situation is when, during the liquidation of an enterprise, they receive 40% or less of the book value of inventories. In Western literature, an approximate lower value of the indicator is given - 1, however, this estimate is also conditional. In addition, when analyzing the dynamics of this coefficient, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that caused its change.
  • Absolute liquidity ratio (solvency). It is the most stringent criterion for the liquidity of an enterprise; shows what part of short-term debt obligations can be repaid immediately if necessary. The recommended lower limit of the indicator given in Western literature is 0.2. In domestic practice, the actual average values ​​of the considered liquidity ratios, as a rule, are significantly lower than the values ​​mentioned in Western literary sources. Since the development of industry standards for these coefficients is a matter of the future, in practice it is desirable to analyze the dynamics of these indicators, supplementing it with a comparative analysis of available data on enterprises that have a similar orientation of their economic activity.
  • The share of own working capital in covering reserves. Characterizes that part of the cost of inventories, which is covered by own working capital. Traditionally, it is of great importance in the analysis of the financial condition of trade enterprises; the recommended lower limit of the indicator in this case is 50%.
  • Inventory coverage ratio. Calculated by correlating the value of "normal" sources of coverage of reserves and the amount of reserves. If the value of this indicator is less than one, then the current financial condition of the enterprise is considered as unstable.

One of the most important characteristics of the financial condition of an enterprise is the stability of its activities in the light of a long-term perspective. It is related to the overall financial structure of the enterprise, the degree of its dependence on creditors and investors.

Financial stability in the long term is characterized, therefore, by the ratio of own and borrowed funds. However, this indicator gives only a general assessment of financial stability. Therefore, in the world and domestic accounting and analytical practice, a system of indicators has been developed.

  • Equity concentration ratio. Characterizes the share of the owners of the enterprise in the total amount of funds advanced in its activities. The higher the value of this ratio, the more financially stable, stable and independent of external loans the enterprise. An addition to this indicator is the concentration ratio of attracted (borrowed) capital - their sum is equal to 1 (or 100%).
  • Financial dependency ratio. It is the inverse of the equity concentration ratio. The growth of this indicator in dynamics means an increase in the share of borrowed funds in the financing of the enterprise. If its value is reduced to one (or 100%), this means that the owners fully finance their enterprise.
  • Equity maneuverability ratio. Shows what part of equity is used to finance current activities, i.e. invested in working capital, and what part is capitalized. The value of this indicator can significantly vary depending on the capital structure and industry sector of the enterprise.
  • Long-term investment structure ratio. The logic for calculating this indicator is based on the assumption that long-term loans and borrowings are used to finance fixed assets and other capital investments. The coefficient shows what part of fixed assets and other non-current assets is financed by external investors, i.e. (in a sense) belongs to them, and not to the owners of the enterprise.
  • The ratio of own and borrowed funds. Like some of the above indicators, this ratio gives the most general assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise. It has a fairly simple interpretation: its value of 0.25 means that for every ruble of own funds invested in the assets of the enterprise, there are 25 kopecks. borrowed money. The growth of the indicator in dynamics indicates an increase in the dependence of the enterprise on external investors and creditors, i.e., a slight decrease in financial stability, and vice versa.

The indicators of the business activity group characterize the results and efficiency of the current main production activity.

The generalizing indicators for assessing the efficiency of the use of enterprise resources and the dynamism of its development include the indicator of resource efficiency and the coefficient of sustainability of economic growth.

  • Resource productivity (turnover ratio of advanced capital). It characterizes the volume of sold products per ruble of funds invested in the activities of the enterprise. The growth of the indicator in dynamics is considered as a favorable trend.
  • Coefficient of sustainability of economic growth. Shows the average rate at which an enterprise can develop in the future, without changing the existing ratio between various sources of financing, capital productivity, production profitability, etc.

When analyzing profitability, the following main indicators are used, which are used in countries with market economies to characterize the profitability of investments in activities of a particular type: return on advanced capital and return on equity. The economic interpretation of these indicators is obvious - how many rubles of profit fall on one ruble of advanced (own) capital. When calculating, you can use either the total profit of the reporting period, or net profit.

2. Analysis of the FCD JSC "Center for Informatics"

2.1 General characteristics of the organization

JSC "Center of Informatics" was established on March 20, 1993 and registered by the Decree of the Head of the Administration of Pyatigorsk No. 235.

JSC "Center of Informatics" is a commercial organization whose purpose is to make a profit by carrying out the following activities:

  • Training Services
  • Sale of computers and office equipment
  • Office equipment repair
  • Software production

2.2 Analysis of property status

At the beginning of the analysis of the property status of JSC "Center for Informatics" it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the company's balance sheet items.

Table 1 Analysis of balance sheet items of JSC Center for Informatics


At the beginning, thousand rubles

At the end, thousand rubles

Absolute change, thousand rubles

Relative change,%


1. Non-current assets

1.1 Intangible assets

1.2 Fixed assets

1.3 Construction in progress

1.4 Long-term financial investments

1.5 Other non-current assets

Section 1 Total

2. Current assets

2.1 Stocks and costs

2.2 Accounts receivable

2.3 Cash and cash equivalents

2.4 Other current assets

Section 2 total

Total assets


1. Equity

1.1 Authorized and additional capital

1.2 Funds and reserves

Section 1 Total

2. Raised capital

2.1 Long-term liabilities

2.2 Short-term liabilities

Section 2 total

Total liabilities

The increase in the balance sheet of JSC "Center of Informatics" indicates an increase in the production potential of the company.

The growth of intangible assets (from 2,536 thousand rubles to 31,125 thousand rubles) is due to an increase in the volume of software produced for their own needs, as well as an increase in the qualifications of specialists.

Fixed assets decreased slightly (from 124,300 thousand rubles to 94,562 thousand rubles - by 24%) (mainly due to the disposal of obsolete computer equipment).

Long-term financial investments increased from 65296 thousand rubles. up to 154,700 thousand rubles. (by 137%) due to the growth of the company's investments in promising areas of software development.

Current assets of JSC Center for Informatics increased by 244% (from 32,152 thousand rubles to 110,653 thousand rubles). This dynamics is mainly due to the growth of reserves (from 32,152 thousand rubles to 110,653 thousand rubles).

The analysis of the liability indicates a sharp increase in the short-term liabilities of the company, which significantly weakens the financial stability of the organization.

For a more complete analysis of the property situation, it is necessary to calculate special indicators.

Table 2 Summary table of analytical indicators of the group of property status




Back to top


1.2 Share of fixed assets in assets

1.3 Share of the active part of fixed assets

1.4 Depreciation rate of fixed assets


1.5 Depreciation coefficient of the active part of fixed assets


1.6 Refresh rate

1.7 Dropout rate


As a result of the analysis of indicators of property status, the following main trends were identified:

The amount of economic assets at the disposal of the enterprise increased from 224,909 thousand rubles. up to 391482 thousand rubles. which can be qualified as a positive development.

The active part of fixed assets is about 50%, which indicates some excessive capitalization of assets

Depreciation of fixed assets increased slightly (from 21% to 30%), but nevertheless remains at a normal level

The wear rate of the active part of fixed assets also increased (from 13% to 32%)

The renewal rate was 27%, and the retirement rate was 37%, which indicates a somewhat unfavorable dynamics in the value of fixed assets.

2.3 Liquidity analysis

To analyze the liquidity of JSC "Center for Informatics" it is necessary to calculate the following indicators.

Table 3 Summary table of analytical indicators of the liquidity group




Back to top


2.1 The amount of own working capital

2.2 Maneuverability of own working capital

2.3 Current ratio

2.4 Quick liquidity ratio

2.5 Absolute liquidity ratio

2.6 Share of working capital in assets

2.7 The share of own working capital in their total amount

2.8 Share of inventories in current assets

2.9 Share of own working capital in covering stocks

2.10 Reserve coverage ratio

The value of own current assets of JSC "Center of Informatics" is negative (at the end of the analyzed period - 113242), which indicates an extremely illiquid position of the organization.

This state is confirmed by liquidity ratios.

So the current liquidity ratio with a rate of more than 2 was only 0.5, the quick ratio with a rate of more than 1 was only 0.002, and the absolute liquidity ratio is generally close to zero.

The reserve coverage ratio decreased from 0.13 at the beginning of the period to -0.69 at the end, which suggests that if at the beginning “normal” sources covered reserves by 13%, now reserves are financed by 69% with short-term debt.

This suggests that if the company does not change the dynamics of indicators in a favorable direction in the near future, then it will have serious problems in settlements with creditors.

2.4 Financial sustainability analysis

Let's calculate the analytical indicators that characterize the financial stability of the Center for Informatics JSC.

Table 4 Summary table of analytical indicators of the financial stability group




Back to top


3.1 Equity concentration ratio

3.2 Financial dependency ratio

3.3 Equity flexibility ratio

3.4 Long-term investment structure ratio

3.5 Long-term leverage ratio

3.6 Debt structure ratio

3.7 Debt to Equity Ratio


After analyzing the financial stability of JSC "Center of Informatics" it can be stated that over the analyzed period, the financial stability of the enterprise has decreased. This is evidenced by the dynamics of the following indicators:

  • The equity concentration ratio decreased from 0.73 to 0.43, while the normative value was over 0.6.
  • The coefficient of financial dependence increased from 1.36 to 2.34, while the norm was less than 1.4.
  • The debt to equity ratio also increased from 0.36 to 1.34.

JSC "Center of Informatics" practically does not use long-term borrowed capital when financing assets, which also negatively affects the financial stability of the company.

2.5 Business analysis

To determine business activity, we calculate the following key indicators.

Table 5 Summary table of analytical indicators of the business group




Back to top


4.1 Sales proceeds

4.2 Net income

4.3 Labor productivity

4.4 Return on assets

4.5 Turnover of funds in settlements (in turnover)

4.6 Turnover of funds in settlements (in days)


4.7 Inventory turnover (in turnovers)

4.8 Inventory turnover (in days)


4.9 Accounts payable turnover (in days)


4.10 Operating cycle time


4.11 Length of financial cycle


4.12 Collection ratio of receivables

4.13 Equity turnover

4.14 Total capital turnover

Analyzing the calculated indicators, we can conclude that the business activity of the Informatics Center JSC is not bad. This is evidenced by the dynamics of the following indicators:

  • ? Sales revenue increased by 48% (from 200,153 thousand rubles to 295,447 thousand rubles)
  • ? The net profit of the enterprise increased by 46% (from 27553 to 40436 thousand rubles)
  • ? The return on fixed production assets (capital productivity) increased from 1.61 to 2.70 rubles.
  • ? The turnover of funds in settlements increased from 935.29 vol. at the beginning until 1597 about. per year at the end.

However, along with this, some indicators of business activity have a negative trend:

  • Inventory turnover decreased (from 4.67 to 3.10 per year)
  • Accordingly, the operating cycle has increased - from 77 days to 116 days.
  • Significantly increased the duration of the financial cycle (from 3 to 56 days)

Thus, the main indicators of business activity are not bad, but the negative dynamics of the above indicators raises the question of the need to take measures in this area.

2.6 Profitability analysis

To determine the profitability of the company, we calculate the following analytical indicators.

Table 6 Summary table of analytical indicators of the profitability group




Back to top


5.1 Net income

5.2 Profitability of products

5.3 Profitability of core business

5.4 Return on total capital

5.5 Return on equity

5.6 Payback period of equity


After analyzing the profitability of JSC "Center for Informatics" we can say that the company is profitable.

Profitability is determined by the dynamics of the following indicators:

  • Net profit increased from 27553 thousand rubles. up to 40436 thousand rubles.
  • Product profitability is 21%.
  • The profitability of the main activity is 27%.
  • Return on equity increased from 17% to 24%
  • The payback period of equity has decreased from 6 years to 4 years, which is a favorable trend.

2.7 Summary

In conclusion, the analysis of the financial and economic activities of JSC "Center for Informatics" can be noted as follows.

The financial position of the organization as a whole is normal. There was an increase in the amount of economic resources at the disposal of the enterprise. JSC Center for Informatics is expanding its production and technical base. A slight decrease in the volume of fixed assets can be noted, which, however, is not a negative phenomenon in this case, since the composition of fixed assets will soon be replenished.

A significant skew in the structure of the company's assets and liabilities poses a particular danger to the financial position of JSC "Center for Informatics". So, in assets, an excessively large share is occupied by inventories, and in liabilities - accounts payable, which negatively affects the liquidity and financial stability of the organization.

Analyzing business activity indicators, we can conclude that business activity is normal. A small negative point here is a slight decrease in inventory turnover and an increase in operating and financial cycles, which, however, is temporary and transitory.

The profitability indicators of JSC Center for Informatics are at a normal level - the payback period for equity capital has accordingly decreased, which is definitely a positive point.

Thus, the main recommendation for improving the financial condition of the enterprise is to eliminate the imbalance in the assets and liabilities of the company, which will undoubtedly increase the financial stability of the Informatics Center JSC. It is also necessary to maintain the positive dynamics of business activity and profitability in the future.


In conclusion of the course work, the following main points should be noted.

The analysis of financial and economic activity occupies a significant place in enterprise management in developed countries.

PCD analysis allows solving many important tasks:

  • ? Determine the real financial condition of the enterprise
  • ? Identify reserves for increasing production efficiency
  • ? Develop measures for the most complete identification of identified reserves
  • ? To substantiate the decisions made in the field of economics and finance and more.

The analysis of financial and economic activity affects many aspects of the economic life of the company. This is the reason for the significant variability of the procedural side of the analysis. Depending on the goals set, the methodological and information support of the analysis depends.

At Russian enterprises, the analysis function is still being implemented rather poorly, although recently the need for its implementation is objective.

The analysis of financial and economic activity can significantly increase the efficiency of management, the competitiveness of the company in the market and provide prospects for its development.


Table 8 The system of indicators for assessing the financial and economic situation of the enterprise

Name of indicator

Calculation formula

Reporting form

Line numbers(s), count(r.)

1.1 The amount of economic funds at the disposal of the organization

Net balance result

Assessment of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise


The relevance of the topic of the thesis lies in the fact that the assessment of the financial condition becomes the main basis for making managerial decisions. In modern economic conditions, the activity of each economic entity is the subject of attention of a wide range of participants in market relations (organizations and individuals) interested in the results of its functioning. Based on the reporting and accounting information available to them, these persons seek to assess the financial position of the enterprise. The main tool for this is the assessment of the financial condition, the main purpose of which is to obtain a small number of key parameters that give an objective and accurate picture of the financial condition of the enterprise, with which you can objectively assess the internal and external relations of the analyzed object: to characterize its solvency, efficiency and profitability, development perspectives, and then make informed decisions based on its results.

Assessment of the financial condition makes it possible to assess: the property condition of the enterprise; the degree of entrepreneurial risk, in particular the possibility of paying off obligations to third parties; capital adequacy for current activities and long-term investments; the need for additional sources of funding; ability to increase capital; rationality of attraction of borrowed funds; the validity of the policy of distribution and use of profits, etc.

Financial condition is the most important characteristic of the economic activity of an enterprise in the external environment. It determines the competitiveness of the enterprise, its potential in business cooperation, assesses the extent to which the economic interests of the enterprise itself and its partners in financial and other relations are guaranteed. Therefore, we can assume that the second main task of the analysis is to show the state of the enterprise for external consumers, the number of which increases significantly with the development of market relations.

Conducting an assessment of the financial condition on the basis of the enterprise's reporting is necessary to justify the choice of a business partner, determine the degree of financial stability and business activity of the enterprise in terms of entrepreneurial risk.

From the foregoing, it follows that right now it is advisable to turn to the issue of studying the financial condition as a basis for making managerial decisions.

The value of the graduation project for the organization under study is determined by the fact that it develops in unstable environmental conditions, in the face of increasing competition, which requires a financial analysis of the organization's activities and further development of a sequence of actions to improve management.

The purpose of the thesis is the study of financial and economic activities and the development of a project of measures to improve the financial condition of the enterprise "RIK" LLC.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

consider the concept and identify the essence of the financial condition of the enterprise;

to characterize the features of the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise;

designate a methodology for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise,

give a general description of the enterprise,

analyze the financial condition of RIK LLC,

develop measures to improve the financial condition of RIK LLC,

calculate the effectiveness of the proposed measures,

calculate the impact of performance indicators on the performance of the enterprise,

The subject of the thesis is the process of assessing the financial condition of the enterprise.

The object of the thesis is LLC "RIK".

The theoretical basis for the study of the thesis was the fundamental developments presented in the works of domestic and foreign authors on the problem under study, namely such as: Abryutina M.S., Bakanov M.I., Ionova A.F., Savitskaya G.V., Sheremet A.D., and others.

The information sources for the study of the thesis are the internal data of LLC "RIK" and information obtained in the course of independently conducted research on the analysis of the financial condition.

In the process of research, the following scientific methods were used: monographic, analytical, calculation, abstract-logical, comparisons, methods and techniques of accounting: accounts, documentation, evaluation, balance sheet and reporting.

The structure of the work: introduction, three chapters with paragraphs that reveal the main tasks of the work, conclusion, list of references, conclusion, appendix.

1. Theoretical foundations for assessing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise

.1 The concept and essence of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

financial project theoretical

Let us consider the approaches to determining the financial condition of an enterprise that exist in the economic literature.

Kovalev V.V. gives the following definition: the financial condition of an economic entity is a characteristic of its financial competitiveness (i.e. solvency, creditworthiness), the use of financial resources and capital, the fulfillment of obligations to the state and other economic entities.

Borisov A.B. under the financial condition of the enterprise understands the timely economic analysis of the results of the enterprise, which comprehensively assesses its compliance with the goals and objectives facing the enterprise at this stage and is a necessary element of management. Such an analysis is aimed at identifying the magnitude and change over time of economic indicators that characterize the production, circulation, consumption of products, goods, services, the efficiency of resource use, the quality of the product. In the course of diagnostics, the causes and possible consequences of the observed, studied factors are identified.

Lisovsky A.G. under the concept of financial condition, it implies the definition of indicators that give a picture of the state of the enterprise, its profits and losses, changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, in settlements with debtors and creditors based on the available accounting documentation.

Raizberg B.A. interprets this definition: the financial condition of an enterprise is one of the branches of economic analysis associated with the study of production, financial, trading activities of firms, firms, households.

Buryakovsky V.V. understands the definition of the financial condition of an enterprise as follows: it is the process of studying the main results of the financial activity of an enterprise in order to identify reserves for further increasing its market value.

Let's give a more general definition of the financial condition of the enterprise:

Under the financial condition of the company refers to its ability to finance its activities. It is characterized by the provision of financial resources necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise, their appropriate placement and effective use, financial relationships with other legal entities and individuals, solvency and financial stability.

Assessment of the financial condition is an essential element of financial management. Almost all users of financial statements of enterprises use the methods of analysis and assessment of the financial condition to make decisions on optimizing their interests. The results of assessing the financial condition of an enterprise are of paramount importance for a wide range of users, both internal and external to the enterprise - managers, partners, investors and creditors.

Assessment of the financial condition of an enterprise is a way of accumulating, transforming and using information of a financial nature. The assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise is carried out using a set of methods and working methods (methodology) that allow structuring and identifying the relationship between the main indicators.

Based on data about the past performance of an enterprise, a financial assessment is aimed at reducing uncertainty about its future condition.

Thus, the assessment of the financial condition is not only the main component of any of the management functions (forecasting and business planning; coordination, regulation, accounting and control; stimulation; assessment of business conditions, etc.), but is itself a type of management activity that precedes the adoption management decisions to maintain business at the required level.

The successes and failures of the enterprise should be considered as the interaction of a number of factors: external (the enterprise cannot influence them at all or the influence can be weak), internal (as a rule, they depend on the organization of the enterprise itself).

In the economic literature, external factors that have a strong influence on the financial condition of an enterprise include:

-the size and structure of the needs of the population;

-the level of income and savings of the population, and, consequently, its purchasing power (this can also include the price level and the possibility of obtaining a consumer loan, which significantly affects entrepreneurial activity);

-political stability and direction of domestic policy;

-the development of science and technology, which determines all components of the process of production of goods and its competitiveness;

the level of culture, manifested in the habits and norms of consumption, preferences for some goods and a negative attitude towards others.

No less significant are the internal factors that determine the development of the enterprise and are the result of its work.

In general, they can be represented by four groups.

Enterprise strategy. A strategy is a means of achieving the desired results (goals).

The principles of the company's activities are among the most important categories of management. They are understood as the main fundamental ideas, ideas about management activities, arising directly from the laws and patterns of management.

Resources and their use. Resources are everything that can be used by an enterprise to achieve its goals, to meet its own needs and the needs of the subjects of the external environment.

Quality and level of marketing. Marketing is a system of planning, pricing, promoting and distributing ideas, goods and services to meet the needs, wants and desires of individuals and organizations.

Other internal factors that can negatively affect financial stability are as follows:

-the occurrence of losses of the enterprise associated with the unsatisfactory formulation of work on the market, the inability of the product to successfully compete with other similar products of competitors, untimely updating of the range of commercial products;

-a sharp increase in the level of sales costs, which can be caused by a variety of reasons, starting with an irrational management structure, bloated management staff, the use of expensive technologies, tools and labor items, etc.;

-loss of the level of production culture and the culture of the enterprise in general, which includes a qualified staff, the technical level of production, the psychological atmosphere of the management personnel and the entire team of the enterprise, its confidence in effective work;

-the presence of work incentives for the personnel of the enterprise

-sources of financing.

Financial management of enterprises is one of the most important parts of the system of financial management and economics. Recently, the management of the financing of the enterprise's activities has received a deeper theoretical basis and effective forms of practical implementation. For the correct organization of financing the activities of the enterprise, it is necessary to classify the sources of financing. Sources of financing - existing and expected sources of obtaining financial resources, a list of economic entities capable of providing such resources. The most reliable are their own sources of business financing. The main own sources of financing of entrepreneurial activity in any commercial organization are net profit and depreciation.

In addition to own sources of financing, there are borrowed funds. Borrowed capital - capital received in the form of a debt obligation.

So, many factors acting in different directions can lead to the destruction of the organizational, economic and production mechanism of the enterprise.

In a classical market economy, as noted by foreign researchers, 1/3 of the blame for the bankruptcy of an enterprise falls on external factors and 2/3 on internal ones. Domestic researchers have not yet carried out such an assessment, however, it is not without reason to assume that modern Russia is characterized by an inverse proportion of the influence of these factors.

Thus, the financial condition of the enterprise is understood as its ability to finance its activities. The financial condition is influenced by external and internal factors. External factors that have a strong impact on the financial condition of the enterprise include: the size and structure of the needs of the population; the level of income and savings of the population; political stability and direction of domestic policy; the development of science and technology, the level of culture, manifested in the habits and norms of consumption, preferences for some goods and a negative attitude towards others. No less significant are internal factors: the strategy of the enterprise, the principles of the company, resources and their use, the quality and level of marketing.

1.2 The role and importance of analysis in the evaluation of financial and economic activities

The purpose of the analysis of the financial condition is to reduce uncertainty about the future state of the enterprise.

For internal users, which primarily include the heads of the enterprise, the results of the analysis of the financial condition are necessary to assess the activities of the enterprise and prepare decisions on adjusting the financial policy of the enterprise.

For external users - partners, investors and creditors - information about the enterprise is necessary for making decisions on the implementation of specific plans for this enterprise (acquisition, investment, conclusion of long-term contracts).

With the help of the analysis of the financial condition, the following tasks are sequentially solved:

1.Determination of the financial condition of the enterprise at the current moment.

2.Identification of trends and patterns in the development of the enterprise for the period under study.

.Identification of factors that negatively affect the financial condition of the enterprise.

.Identification of reserves that the company can use to improve its financial condition.

When analyzing the financial analysis of an enterprise, its main characteristics are studied:

property position. The property of an enterprise is what it owns: fixed capital and working capital, expressed in cash and reflected in the independent balance sheet of the enterprise.

Financial stability, solvency and liquidity. The financial stability of an enterprise is determined by the degree of provision of reserves and costs by own and borrowed sources of their formation, the ratio of own and borrowed funds and is characterized by a system of absolute and relative indicators.

To determine the financial condition of the enterprise, an assessment of the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise is used. Solvency reflects the ability of the enterprise to answer for all its debts at a given time and solely at the expense of property in cash. Liquidity is the ability of an economic entity to quickly turn assets into cash and thus pay off debts. Those. liquidity is a way to maintain solvency.

Business activity analysis is a separate block in the system of complex financial analysis of the organization's activities. In the most general terms, such an analysis involves both a qualitative assessment (the reputation of the company and its management, its business history, competitiveness, the breadth of sales markets, the presence of stable customers, consumers), and a quantitative assessment, including the calculation of absolute and relative indicators. Absolute indicators include the volume of sales, the value of the company's assets, its losses, the duration of the production and commercial cycle, etc. 4. Financial results: profit and profitability.

The financial results of the enterprise are characterized by the amount of profit received and the level of profitability. The greater the amount of profit and the higher the level of profitability, the more efficiently the enterprise operates, the more stable its financial condition.

The profit of the enterprise is the main goal of entrepreneurial activity. The profit of the enterprise for a period of time is the difference between the income of the enterprise for a given period and its costs that caused the receipt of these incomes. In the process of profit analysis, it is necessary to study the composition of profit, its structure, dynamics for the reporting year.

Profitability is one of the main qualitative indicators of production efficiency at an enterprise, characterizing the level of return on costs and the degree of use of funds in the process of production and sale of products (works, services). Profitability indicators more fully than profit characterize the final results of management, because their value reflects the ratio of the effect to the invested capital or consumed resources.

The practice of financial analysis has already developed the main types of analysis (method of analysis) of financial statements. Among them, 6 main methods can be distinguished:

horizontal (temporal) analysis - comparison of each reporting position with the previous period;

vertical (structural) analysis - determination of the structure of the final financial indicators with the identification of the impact of each reporting position on the result as a whole;

trend analysis - comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the trend, i.e. the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator, cleared of random influences and individual characteristics of individual periods. With the help of the trend, possible values ​​of indicators are formed in the future, and, therefore, a prospective predictive analysis is carried out;

analysis of relative indicators (coefficients) - calculation of relations between individual positions of the report or positions of different forms of reporting, determination of interrelations of indicators;

comparative (spatial) analysis is both an on-farm analysis of summary reporting indicators for individual indicators of an enterprise, branches, divisions, workshops, and an inter-farm analysis of the indicators of a given enterprise in comparison with those of competitors, with average industry and average economic data;

Factor analysis - analysis of the influence of individual factors (reasons) on the performance indicator using deterministic or stochastic research methods. Moreover, factor analysis can be both direct (analysis itself), when the effective indicator is divided into its component parts, and reverse (synthesis), when its individual elements are combined into a common effective indicator.

The life of an organization, enterprises are constantly changing situations and complex problems.

To organize reliable financial management, it is necessary to understand the real movement of affairs in an enterprise, to know what it does, to have information about its markets, customers, suppliers, competitors, the quality of its products, further goals, etc.

One of the means of coordinating the work of the enterprise and monitoring its funds is the analysis of the financial condition. It allows you to answer many questions regarding the movement of funds in the company, the quality of their management and the market position that the organization acquires as a result of its activities.

The movement of material assets in the enterprise determines the movement of funds. A financial analyst must understand that any sector of the economy has its own characteristics and, as a result, different financial needs and financial strategy from others. In heavy engineering or construction, the production and sales cycle is much longer than in the service sector (for example, in consulting agencies, travel companies or the bakery industry).

The difference in the duration of the financial and production cycle is reflected in the change in the degree of risk to which each of the industries is exposed, and also affects the formation of the structure and method of financing a particular commercial activity.

In the process of supply, production, marketing and financial activities, there is a continuous process of capital circulation, the structure of funds and sources of their formation, the availability and need for financial resources and, as a result, the financial stability of the enterprise change.

The ability of an enterprise to make payments on time, finance its activities on an extended basis, withstand unforeseen shocks and maintain its solvency in adverse circumstances indicates its sound financial condition, and vice versa.

The essence of evaluating the effectiveness of the economic activity of an enterprise is manifested primarily in its goals and objectives.

The main purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the economic activity of an enterprise is to increase the efficiency of its work on the basis of a systematic study of all types of activities and generalization of their results.

From the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the economic activity of the enterprise, its main tasks follow:

determining the assessment of the real financial condition of the organization;

assessment of the main factors affecting the economic activity of the organization;

assessment to improve the efficiency of the organization's economic activities.

Thus, when analyzing the financial analysis of an enterprise, its main characteristics are studied: property status, financial stability, solvency and liquidity, business activity, financial results: profit and profitability. The practice of financial analysis has already developed the main types of analysis (method of analysis) of financial reports: horizontal (temporal) analysis; vertical (structural) analysis; trend analysis; analysis of relative indicators (coefficients); comparative (spatial) analysis; factor analysis.

1.3 Methodology for assessing the financial and economic condition of the enterprise

The methodology for analyzing the financial condition includes: analysis of property status; analysis of financial stability, solvency and liquidity; business activity analysis; analysis of financial results (profit and profitability).

Property analysis.

The main source of information for the analysis of the financial condition is the balance sheet of the enterprise (form No. 1 according to OKUD). To analyze the structure and dynamics of capital, horizontal and vertical balance sheet analysis is used.

The following formulas are used for horizontal analysis:

Absolute change.

A i=A 2-A 1

where? i - absolute change in assets,

A 2- value at the end of the year,

A 1- value at the beginning of the year.

P i=P 2-P 1,

where? i - absolute change in liabilities,

P 2- value at the end of the year,

P 1- value at the beginning of the year.

Analyzing the dynamic series of absolute changes in indicators, we determine the direction of development (growth, decrease).

relative change.

where TrAi is the growth rate of assets.

where ТрПi is the growth rate of liabilities.

The growth rate shows the percentage of the comparable level to the base or previous level of the dynamics series and allows you to determine the direction and nature of the relative change in the indicator.

Vertical analysis allows you to draw a conclusion about the structure of the balance in the current state, as well as analyze the dynamics of this structure.

where dAi is the share of the type of assets,

VB - balance currency.

where dPi is the share of the type of liabilities.

The vertical analysis of the balance sheet shows the structure of the enterprise's funds and their sources, when the amounts for individual items or sections are taken as a percentage of the balance sheet currency.

Financial stability, liquidity and solvency.

Absolute indicators of the financial condition are indicators characterizing the degree of provision of reserves and costs with the sources of their formation.

A generalizing indicator of financial independence is the surplus or shortage of sources of funds for the formation of reserves and costs, which is determined as the difference between the value of sources of funds and the value of reserves and costs. First of all, to assess the financial condition, they study the sufficiency of funds for the formation of reserves.

To check the stability according to this criterion, calculations of the total amount of reserves and costs, the availability of own working capital, the availability of own and long-term borrowed sources of reserves and costs or functioning capital, the total value of the main sources of reserves and costs are performed:


where Z is the total amount of reserves and costs,

ZAP - stocks,

VAT - value added tax.

SOS \u003d SK - VnA,

where SOS is the availability of own working capital,

SC - equity,

VnA - non-current assets.


where CF - functioning capital,

DP - long-term liabilities of the formation of reserves and costs.

where VI is the total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs,

TO - short-term liabilities.

The indicators of the availability of sources of formation of reserves and costs correspond to the indicators of the availability of reserves and costs by sources of formation. Using these indicators, you can determine a three-component indicator of the type of financial situation (formula (11)):

where S (Ф) is a three-component indicator of the type of financial situation,

F- surplus (+) or shortage (-) of enterprise funds.

It is possible to distinguish 4 types of financial situations:

Absolute financial independence. This type of situation is extremely rare, represents an extreme type of financial stability, i.e. three-component indicator of the type of financial situation: S = (1,1,1).

Normal dependence of the financial condition, which guarantees solvency, i.e. S = (0,1,1).

An unstable financial condition, associated with a violation of solvency, but in which it is still possible to restore balance by replenishing sources of own funds, by reducing receivables, accelerating inventory turnover, i.e. S = (0,0,1).

Crisis financial condition, in which the company is completely dependent on borrowed sources of financing.

Equity capital and long-term and short-term loans and borrowings are not enough to finance working capital, that is, replenishment of reserves comes from funds generated as a result of a slowdown in the repayment of accounts payable, i.e. S = (0,0,0).

When analyzing the financial condition, the liquidity analysis of the balance sheet is used. To determine the liquidity of the balance sheet, it is necessary to compare the totals for assets and liabilities.

The first group of the most liquid assets includes cash and short-term financial investments (securities). The second group of quickly realizable assets includes receivables, finished products, goods shipped and other assets. The third group of slowly realizable assets includes the articles of section 2 of the asset “Inventories and costs” (with the exception of “Expenses of future periods”), as well as the articles from section 1 of the asset of the balance sheet “Long-term financial investments” (reduced by the amount of investments in the authorized capital of other enterprises) and "Settlements with suppliers". The fourth group of hard-to-sell assets includes the articles of section 1 of the balance sheet asset “Fixed assets and other non-current assets”, with the exception of the articles of this section that are included in the previous group (from the article “Long-term financial investments” - “investments in the authorized capital of other enterprises”).

Liabilities of the balance are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment.

The most urgent liabilities include creditors' debt (articles of section 5 of the liabilities side of the balance sheet), as well as loans that were repaid on time from certificate 2 (f. No. 5).

Short-term liabilities include short-term loans and borrowings. Long-term liabilities include long-term loans and borrowings. Permanent liabilities include the articles of section 3 of the liabilities side of the balance sheet “Sources of own funds” (capital and reserves).

To maintain the balance of assets and liabilities, the total of this group is reduced by a value under the item "Deferred expenses" - line 216 - and increased by lines 630-660 of the balance sheet.

The balance is considered to be absolutely liquid if the following ratios exist: the most liquid assets are greater than the most urgent liabilities; quickly realizable assets are greater than short-term liabilities; Slowly realizable assets are greater than long-term liabilities, hard-to-sell assets are less than permanent liabilities.

In the case when one or more of the system's inequalities have a sign opposite to that fixed in the optimal variant, the liquidity of the balance to a greater or lesser extent differs from the absolute one.

At the same time, the lack of funds for one group of assets is compensated by their surplus for another group in valuation, in a real situation, less liquid assets can replace it with more liquid ones. .

In addition to absolute indicators, relative indicators are used.

A set or system of coefficients is used to assess financial stability. Let's name the most important of them:

Working capital ratio:

where Koss is the ratio of own working capital,

Characterizes the degree of security with own working capital of the enterprise, necessary for financial stability. The minimum value of the coefficient is 0.1, the recommended value is 0.6.

The ratio of the provision of material reserves with own funds.

where K omz - coefficient of provision of material reserves with own funds

It shows what part of the tangible current assets is financed by equity.

The level of this coefficient, regardless of the type of activity of the enterprise, should be close to 1, or rather > 0,6¸ 0,8.

The coefficient of maneuverability of equity capital.

where Km is the coefficient of equity capital maneuverability.

It shows how much of the equity capital is used to finance current activities, i.e. invested in working capital. The value of this indicator can vary significantly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise and the structure of its assets.

For industrial enterprises, the maneuverability coefficient should be ³ 0,3.

Financial stability ratio.

where KFU is the coefficient of financial stability.

The coefficient reflects the share of long-term sources of financing in the total volume of the enterprise. Or shows what part of the property of the enterprise is formed at the expense of long-term financial resources. The coefficient value should be ³ 0.5.

The coefficient of financial leverage.

where Kfr - coefficient of financial leverage,

KP - short-term liabilities,

DP - long-term liabilities.

The coefficient of financial leverage must be less than 0.7. This coefficient shows how much borrowed funds the company has attracted for each ruble of its own funds.

Imagine the calculation of liquidity and solvency indicators.

General indicator of liquidity.

where L1 - absolute liquidity ratio,

KFV - short-term financial investments.

DZ1-receivables (payments for which are expected within 12 months),

ZAP - stocks,

P - deferred expenses,

VAT - value added tax,

DZ2 - receivables (payments for which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date),

ZiK - loans and credits,

ZU - debt to participants for the payment of income,

PC - other credit obligations,

TO - long-term liabilities,

DBP - deferred income,

Res - reserves.

With its help, the company's ability to pay short-term obligations on time using current assets available is quantified. The level of this coefficient must be >1.

where A2 is the absolute liquidity ratio.

Shows what part of the short-term debt the organization can repay in the near future at the expense of cash. The level of this coefficient should be > 0.2-0.7

Solvency ratio.

This ratio shows how much the company's current debts are covered by its current assets. The optimal value is not less than 0.5.

The above list of financial stability ratios shows that there are a lot of such ratios, they reflect different aspects of the state of the assets and liabilities of the enterprise.

Business activity.

Analysis of business activity allows you to characterize the results and efficiency of the current main production activities.

Consider the indicators of business activity.

Equity turnover ratio.

where BP is the proceeds from the sale of products.

The ratio shows the rate of turnover of equity capital.

The sharp increase in the ratio reflects the increase in sales. A significant decrease in the coefficient reflects the tendency for part of the equity to become inactive.

Total capital turnover ratio.

This indicator reflects the rate of turnover of the entire capital of the enterprise.

Cash turnover ratio.

where DS is cash.

This indicator shows the rate of turnover of funds.

Working capital turnover ratio.

This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of the use of enterprise funds.

Profit and profitability.

Dynamics of changes in the net profit indicator.


where? NP - absolute change in net profit,

NP2 - value at the end of the year,

NP1 - value at the beginning of the year.

Return on assets (ratio of economic profitability). It characterizes the overall level of profit generated by all assets used by the enterprise.

where KPa - profitability ratio of all used assets;

A - the average cost of all used assets in the period under review.

Return on equity ratio (financial profitability ratio). It characterizes the overall level of profit generated by the enterprise's own capital, and serves as a measure for evaluating the effectiveness of its use in this enterprise.

The calculation of this indicator is carried out according to the following formula:

where KRSK - return on equity ratio;

PE - the amount of net profit in the period under review;

SC - the average amount of equity in the period under review.

Product profitability - is measured by the ratio of profit from the production and sale of products to its total cost and is expressed as a percentage.

It is calculated for each type of product separately and in general for all marketable products of the enterprise.

where RP is the profitability of products,

PE - profit from sales,

C is the cost of production.

Return on sales is the ratio of a company's net profit to sales.

Based on the study of methodological approaches to the analysis of the financial condition, the report proposes an analysis according to the algorithm presented in Appendix A.

Under the financial condition of the company refers to its ability to finance its activities. External factors that have a strong impact on the financial condition of the enterprise include: the size and structure of the needs of the population; the level of income and savings of the population; political stability and direction of domestic policy; the development of science and technology, the level of culture, manifested in the habits and norms of consumption, preferences for some goods and a negative attitude towards others. Internal factors include: the strategy of the enterprise, the principles of the firm, resources and their use, the quality and level of marketing.

Let's note the main types of analysis of financial reports: horizontal (temporal) analysis; vertical (structural) analysis; trend analysis; analysis of relative indicators (coefficients); comparative (spatial) analysis; factor analysis.

The methodology for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise includes: analysis of the property status; analysis of financial stability, solvency, liquidity; business activity analysis; analysis of financial results. Based on this algorithm, an analysis of the financial condition of RIK LLC will be carried out in the next chapter of the graduation project.

2. Evaluation of the financial and economic activities of RIK LLC

.1 General characteristics of the LLC "RIK" enterprise

LLC "RIK" is a factory for the production of high-quality and inexpensive furniture from solid wood of valuable species. In the production of such furniture, natural wood of valuable species of oak, alder, pine, environmentally friendly varnishes and paints from leading German companies are widely used.

Full corporate name of the Company: Limited Liability Company "RIK", abbreviated corporate name: LLC "RIK".

Address: 107078, Moscow, st. Leningradsky proezd, d1.

The purpose of the company's activity is the implementation of market relations and making a profit based on meeting the needs of citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations in the products and goods, services rendered and work performed in the areas determined by the subject of activity.

At the moment, the factory has its own production base, the area of ​​​​which is about 2500 sq.m. and developed infrastructure. The main activity of the enterprise is the serial production of cabinet (bedrooms, hallways, living rooms, cabinets, coffee tables) and upholstered furniture from solid wood of valuable species. The assortment list is periodically updated based on the analysis of demand for the products of the furniture factory. A feature of the assortment policy of the enterprise in question is the production of furniture for various functional purposes.

Production departments include: blank shop, furniture assembly shop, laboratory, software department, quality department.

The development of new models is carried out by the own design group of the furniture factory RIK LLC. At the same time, each produced model is focused on maximum customer satisfaction. Each model takes into account convenience, functionality and aesthetic appearance. Employees of the design department translate extraordinary solutions into a product: they evaluate the possibilities, select materials and accessories, and make the first samples of new furniture. Some of the most "running" models can simply be refined to meet the needs of the market.

The factory's products are of high quality and reliability, excellent value for money and furniture characteristics.

Furniture is produced on the basis of the latest European technologies and high-quality equipment, using fittings and finishing materials made in Italy and Germany. The furniture of the factory is very comfortable and durable, because it is made of natural wood of valuable species (oak, beech, ash). All furniture is certified and meets European quality standards.

Large selection, quality, modern design, thanks to these factors, the factory's products are still in stable demand in the market of Russia and neighboring countries. The factory cooperates with Moscow, the Moscow Region, the Urals, Western Siberia, the Krasnodar Territory, and Kazakhstan.

The RIK LLC enterprise produces products in large volumes and is looking for new channels for the sale of products. The factory invites other companies to cooperate and considers issues of partnership and production development.

The products of the furniture factory "RIK" LLC are liked by both ordinary buyers and people with exquisite taste. A large assortment, quality, elegant and modern design, these are the factors that contribute to the constant demand for factory furniture in the markets of Moscow and other cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Quality is the main indicator of the factory. The high quality of finished furniture is the merit of a special production cycle that allows you to control the process of furniture production: from sawing wood and drying it, to making furniture panels and facade parts on ultra-precise German and Italian machines. All employees of the factory are highly qualified, experienced and have been working in the field of furniture production for many years.

The furniture of the RIK LLC factory has won first places at furniture exhibitions more than once.


The enterprise uses a full production cycle from sawing and drying wood to the sale of finished products;

In the manufacture of furniture, only certified, environmentally friendly raw materials and components are used;

High level of quality and reliability;

Favorable ratio of consumer value and its cost;

Constant increase in the range of manufactured products in accordance with the trends of the consumer market.

In general, the main indicators that qualitatively distinguish the products of the furniture factory RIK LLC from competitors include:

The optimum ratio of price and quality;

the possibility of element-by-element dialing;

a significant and constantly updated range of furniture, taking into account market needs;

delivery of furniture both disassembled and assembled;

providing a guarantee for all manufactured cabinet furniture.

Technological processes for the production of furniture are determined by its design features and at individual stages of production may differ from each other, but correspond to the general principles of wood processing. The technological process of furniture production begins with cutting dry lumber with a moisture content of (8 ± 2)% into rough blanks, which, after machining, acquire the required dimensions and become parts.

Wood-based board materials, materials made of pressed wood, glued, bent and bent-glued wood are processed similarly. Then, parts and assemblies are finished with paints and varnishes.

An important role in the choice of equipment, as well as in determining the degree of mechanization of sections, is played by the type of production, which determines the productivity of individual workshops and the enterprise as a whole. For example, for the individual production of furniture, the use of separate machines with low productivity is typical. For serial or mass production of furniture, high-performance machines, semi-automatic and automatic lines are used, which reduce the share of manual labor in the workshop, as well as reduce the cost of production due to significant volumes of products.

Assembly of parts into units, and units into a specific product is carried out in a certain sequence, which is determined by the design feature of a particular type of furniture. At large furniture enterprises, furniture is assembled on assembly lines, which greatly simplify operations and increase labor productivity. The supply of parts to the assembly line is carried out by traverse trolleys.

For each conveyor, the number of workers and the rhythm of work are fixed, which is determined by calculating the time spent on the technological operation.

The sequence of assembly operations includes mounting furniture fittings on vertical and horizontal walls and doors, forming the frame of the product, fastening the back wall with holes for screws or brackets. All fixings of elements are carried out with manual pneumatic tools. Then the frame of the product is installed in a vertical position in order to hang the doors and adjust them. This operation is carried out with the help of assembly slipways, which are a frame-welded structure on which the support bars are mounted. If necessary, the position of these strips is changed, which ensures the correct angles and high-quality connection of horizontal panels with vertical ones, and hence the required geometric shapes of the product.

Table 1 presents the financial and economic indicators of RIK LLC:

Table 1 Financial and economic indicators of RIK LLC

Name of indicators Unit Value of indicator Growth rate, %change 2009201020112010/2009*100%2011/2010*100%1. Ex. from real., total.r.78714136182139047173.01102.12. Number of personnel people 626262100100 incl. working personnel people 4747471001003. Average output: 1 working t.r. 127021962243173.01102.11 working t.r. PCB boards 297603011530255101.19100.46 incl. working personnel

5. Average annual salary of 1 working person, t.r. working personnel r.474,9476,8479,9100,4100,656. Cost price, total r.63789121096122312189.8101.07. Costs per 1 ruble of sales, rub. Profit from sales, r.615610128599.2210.79. Net profit thousand rubles 492488102899.2210.710. Product profitability% Return on sales%

The table shows that in 2010 there was a decrease in the main financial results of the enterprise (profit, profitability), and in 2011 there was an improvement in all financial indicators of the enterprise (income, output, profit, profitability).

An important place in solving the issues of organizing the main production is occupied by the characteristics of the technological equipment park in terms of the degree of its progressiveness (Table 2).

Table 2. The composition of the equipment in RIK LLC

Workshop, area Type of products, works, services Name of equipment Quantity units of equipment. Specific weight of owls. equipment, %Main production shop1. Production of cabinet furnitureEdge banding machines3100Postforming2100Drilling and filler machines31002 Production of upholstered furnitureEdgebanding machines2100Postforming1100Format cutting machines21003. Manufacture of custom-made furnitureCNC panel saws3100CNC routers3100

All equipment is state of the art as the researched company is committed to improving production efficiency.

The enterprise has a monthly planning of sales volumes in accordance with the applications received by the enterprise from consumers.

RIK LLC pursues a pricing policy, the most important principles of which are:

?scientific justification of prices;

?target orientation of prices;

?continuity of the pricing process;

?unity of the process of pricing and control over compliance with prices.

Prices are set on the basis of production costs and based on the analysis of competitors' prices (no higher than those of the closest competitors).

Potential buyers are both individuals and legal entities (both large and small enterprises).

The share of RIK LLC in the market is 5%.

An analysis of the market in which the company operates is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Market characteristics

№IndicatorsUnit. change LLC "RIK" Diva-FurnitureFurniture-Moscow1 Market capacity ths. rub.1390471 036 217800 0262Market share%1,108,196,3233 enterprises incl. by districtmed.1324Volume of sales of products, services per 1 inhabitant, rub. deadlines for isp. services, productsd.343.56 Level of satisfaction of demand for services, products%9089.9689.92

As you can see, RIK LLC is inferior to competitors in terms of volume and market share. However, despite this, the deadlines for fulfilling customer requests are lower than those of competitors, and therefore, the company has the opportunity to expand its business due to the high satisfaction of demand for the company's services.

RIK LLC uses a zero-level channel (also called a direct marketing channel), which consists of a manufacturer selling services directly to consumers.

Expenses for the sale of LLC "RIK" products include the costs of: distribution, product distribution, sales promotion (advertising on the Internet, image creation, demand formation), other expenses for sale.

The company employs 62 people.

The company consists of two main divisions. The organizational sector provides the general management of the company, the study of demand and the sale of finished products, and the management of financial flows.

The manufacturing sector is the one that directly manufactures the company's products.

Thus, the main activity of LLC "RIK" is the mass production of cabinet (bedrooms, hallways, living rooms, cabinets, coffee tables) and upholstered furniture from solid wood of valuable species. The factory's products are of high quality and reliability, excellent value for money and furniture characteristics. Prices are set on the basis of production costs and based on the analysis of competitors' prices (no higher than those of the closest competitors). Potential buyers are both individuals and legal entities (both large and small enterprises). RIK LLC uses a zero-level channel (also called a direct marketing channel), which consists of a manufacturer selling services directly to consumers.

Management in LLC "RIK" is carried out by administrative methods (based on discipline, power, penalties), economic and socio-psychological methods.

RIK LLC uses a clear system of regulations and various standards.

The administrative influence is expressed in the form of orders, instructions, instructions, which are legal acts of a non-normative nature.

A disciplinary sanction is applied in case of violation of labor discipline.

Economic management methods include: planning, which determines the program of the enterprise; remuneration of employees of the organization.

Socio-psychological methods of personnel management include: authority (the authority of the boss is used), persuasion (impact on the system of norms and values ​​of the employee); formation of a psychological climate in the team.

LLC "RIK" makes the following basic requirements for its employees:

-work in the company is for full-time employees the only source of income from labor activity and a place of constant labor activity;

-employees of the company constantly take care of their health and performance and do not abuse the disease as a reason for absence from work. They lead a healthy lifestyle, consistent with the image of the company - refrain from smoking. Alcohol abuse is incompatible with company work;

-employees of the company take every possible care of observing the interests of the company, contribute to the preservation and enhancement of its image, do not allow discredit by their actions and deeds;

-employees of the company refuse any cooperation with competitors, which may directly or indirectly cause damage to the company (moral or material), except when such actions are caused by official necessity and approved by management.

Personnel motivation plays a significant role, in order to improve the efficiency of personnel work, the management of RIK LLC uses a bonus system or a piece-rate remuneration system. In general, comfortable working conditions are provided for each employee of the furniture factory LLC "RIK".

Management of the activities of RIK LLC is entrusted to the General Director. He independently decides the issues of the enterprise, acts on its behalf, has the right to sign official documents and dispose of the property of the enterprise, hires and dismisses employees. The General Director has material and administrative responsibility for the reliability of statistical and accounting data.

In accordance with the market production orientation of the company, the general director appoints a commercial director who must organize marketing research, advertising and sales of products. The financial director exercises financial control over the activities of the factory, he is in charge of the financial department, accounting and economic department.

The chief designer leads the development of new types of furniture and the production of furniture.

The technical director manages the production cycle of RIK LLC.

The personnel department deals with the issues of hiring, dismissal of employees, organization of their training.

The organizational structure of the organization, indicating the main organizational, production and management units, is shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1 - Organizational structure of RIK LLC

The organizational structure of management of RIK LLC is linear-functional.

Linearly fynktsionalnaya ctpyktypa obecpechivaet takoe pazdelenie yppavlencheckogo tpyda, VARIATIONS kotopom lineynye zvenya yppavleniya ppizvany komandovat, a fynktsionalnye - koncyltipovat, pomogat in pazpabotke konkpetnyx voppocov and podgotovke cootvetctvyyuschix pesheny, ppogpamm, planov.

Advantages: high competence of functional managers; reduction of duplication of efforts and consumption of material resources in functional areas; improved coordination in functional areas; high efficiency with a small variety of products and markets; maximum adaptation to the diversification of production; formalization and standardization of processes; high level of capacity utilization.

Disadvantages: excessive interest in the results of the activities of "their" units, responsibility for the overall results only at the highest level; problems of interfunctional coordination; excessive centralization; increase in decision-making time due to the need for approvals; response to market changes is extremely slow; the scale of entrepreneurship and innovation is limited.

Table 4 shows the structure of the number of personnel of RIK LLC.

Table 4. Personnel structure of RIK LLC in 2011

As you can see, in the personnel structure, the largest share is made up of workers.

Including workers of the main production make up 66.1% of the total number of personnel.

The distribution of the heads of the enterprise (organization) by management levels is presented in table 5.

Table 5. Distribution of managers of an enterprise (organization) by management levels

Level of managementNumber, persons Share, %Higher14.8Medium523.8Lower1571.4Total:21100

As we can see from the table, a large percentage of managers in RIK LLC are low-level managers 74%. Because a very large burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of these managers.

Table 6. Distribution of managers of an enterprise (organization) by level of education

Level of managementNumber of staff with education, people average secondary prof. weight,% -28.671.410009.5

As we can see from the table, the majority of managers have a higher education;

Thus, management in RIK LLC is carried out by administrative methods (based on discipline, power, penalties), economic and socio-psychological methods. Personnel motivation plays a significant role, in order to improve the efficiency of personnel work, the management of RIK LLC uses a bonus system or a piece-rate remuneration system. In general, comfortable working conditions are provided for each employee of the furniture factory LLC "RIK". The company employs 62 people. The organizational structure of management of RIK LLC is linear-functional. In the personnel structure, the largest share is made up of workers. A larger percentage of managers in LLC "RIK" are low-level managers 74%. Most of the leaders have a higher education, all of them have specialized education, 2 have an academic degree.

2.2 Evaluation of the financial and economic activities of RIK LLC

Let's carry out a vertical and horizontal analysis of the balance sheet of RIK LLC based on the company's financial statements presented in Appendix B. Let's analyze the capital structure of RIK LLC in 2009-2011. (the table is presented in Appendix B).

During the analyzed period, the equity capital of RIK LLC increased annually: in 2010, the increase amounted to 8193 thousand rubles. (the growth rate was 1505.3%), and in 2011 by 1261 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 114.4%). As part of equity capital, the amount of the authorized capital did not change, and the amount of additional and reserve capital in 2010 increased by 8164 thousand rubles. (20012.2%) and 1241 thousand rubles. (115.1%) respectively.

During the analyzed period, the borrowed capital of RIK LLC also increased annually: in 2010, the increase amounted to 10,086 thousand rubles. (the growth rate was 453.8%), and in 2011 by 11460 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 188.6%).

As part of borrowed capital, the amount of debt to suppliers and contractors in 2010 increased by 9804 thousand rubles. (the growth rate was 454.6%), and in 2011 it increased by 11,487 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 191.4%), the amount of debt to state off-budget funds in 2010 increased by 266 thousand rubles. (the growth rate was 575%), and in 2011 it decreased by 28 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 91.3%), debt to other creditors in 2010 increased by 16 thousand rubles. (the growth rate was 153.3%), and in 2011 it increased by 1 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 102.2%).

Based on the data presented, it can be concluded that the capital of RIK LLC increased during the analyzed period: in 2010 it increased by 18,279 thousand rubles. (the growth rate was 632.3%), and in 2011 it increased by 12,721 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 158.6%).

The capital structure of RIK LLC in 2008-2010 we will present in appendix D.

For the analyzed period, the share of equity capital of LLC "RIK" in 2010. increased by 23.44% (the growth rate was 238.1%), and in 2011 it decreased by 11.27% (the growth rate was 72.1%). Reducing the share of equity has a negative impact on the activities of the enterprise. With the composition of equity capital, the share of authorized and reserve capital for the analyzed period of time decreased, while the share of additional capital increased. In the composition of the equity capital of RIK LLC, the majority is additional capital. The share of additional capital in 2010 increased by 36.59% (the growth rate was 3165%), and in 2011 it decreased by 10.36% (the growth rate was 72.6%).

The share of borrowed capital of RIK LLC in 2010 decreased by 23.44% (the growth rate was 71.8%), and in 2011 it increased by 11.27% (the growth rate was 118.9%). The share of debt to suppliers and contractors is high in the composition of borrowed capital: in 2010 it decreased by 22.63% (the growth rate was 71.9%), and in 2011 it increased by 11.97% (the growth rate was 120, 7%), the share of debt to state off-budget funds is decreasing annually: in 2010 it decreased by 0.15% (the growth rate was 90.9%), and in 2011 it decreased by 0.63% (the growth rate was 57.6 %). The share of debt to other creditors in 2010 decreased by 0.66% (the growth rate was 24.3%), and in 2011 it decreased by 0.08% (the growth rate was 64.4%). Thus, in the structure of capital prevails during 2009-2011. borrowed capital.

In 2010, the following changes occurred in non-current assets: the amount of fixed assets increased by 5519 thousand rubles. (growth rate 6301.1%), the amount of construction in progress increased by 4153 thousand rubles, the total value of non-current assets increased by 9672 thousand rubles. (growth rate 10967.4%). In 2011, the following changes occurred in non-current assets: the amount of fixed assets increased by 6355 thousand rubles. (growth rate 213.3%), but the value of construction in progress decreased by 3365 thousand rubles. (growth rate 19%), the total value of non-current assets increased by 2990 thousand rubles. (growth rate 130.6%).

In 2010, the following changes took place in current assets: the amount of reserves increased by 1237 thousand rubles. (growth rate 2434%), the amount of receivables for the payment period of more than 12 months increased by 300 thousand rubles. (growth rate of 400%), the amount of accounts receivable for a payment period of less than 12 months increased by 6,740 thousand rubles. (growth rate 883.7%), the value of VAT increased by 32 thousand rubles. (growth rate 223.1%), the amount of cash increased by 298 thousand rubles. (growth rate 112.9%).

In 2011, the following changes took place in current assets: the amount of reserves increased by 9036 thousand rubles. (growth rate of 800.5%), the amount of receivables for the payment period of more than 12 months increased by 300 thousand rubles. (growth rate of 175%), the amount of receivables for a payment period of less than 12 months decreased by 1600 thousand rubles. (growth rate 78.9%), the value of VAT decreased by 10 thousand rubles. (growth rate 82.8%), the amount of cash increased by 2005 thousand rubles. (growth rate 177%). The total value of current assets in 2010 increased by 8607 thousand rubles. (growth rate 357.3%), and in 2011 by 9731 thousand rubles. (growth rate 181.4%).

Let us consider the asset structure of the balance sheet of RIK LLC in 2008-2011. in appendix E.

In 2010, the following changes occurred in non-current assets: the share of fixed assets increased by 23.24% (growth rate 996.5%), the share of construction in progress increased by 19.13%, the share of non-current assets increased by 42.36% (growth rate growth of 1734.5%). In 2011, the following changes occurred in non-current assets: the share of fixed assets increased by 8.91% (growth rate 134.5%), but the share of construction in progress decreased by 16.84% (growth rate 12%), the share of non-current assets decreased by 7.92% (growth rate 82.4%).

In 2010, the following changes occurred in current assets: the share of inventories increased by 4.4% (growth rate 384.9%), the share of accounts receivable with a maturity of more than 12 months decreased by 1.07% (growth rate 63.3% ), the share of receivables with a maturity of less than 12 months increased by 9.96% (growth rate 139.8%), the share of VAT decreased by 0.49% (growth rate 35.3%), the share of cash decreased by 55, 16% (growth rate 17.9%). In 2011, the following changes occurred in current assets: the share of inventories increased by 24.05% (growth rate 504.7%), the share of accounts receivable with a maturity of more than 12 months increased by 0.19% (growth rate 110.3% ), the share of receivables with a maturity of less than 12 months decreased by 17.58% (growth rate 49.8%), the share of VAT decreased by 0.13% (growth rate 52.2%), the share of cash increased by 1, 39% (growth rate 111.6%). The assets are currently dominated by inventories (30%), as well as a large share of fixed assets 34.7%. In the assets of RIK LLC in 2009-2011. current assets prevailed (more than 60%), the share of non-current assets was 2.59-44.95%. During the analyzed period of time increased the share of non-current assets.

Thus, in 2009-2011. LLC "RIK" revealed the predominance of borrowed capital over its own, and in which the debt to suppliers and contractors prevails. In the assets of RIK LLC in 2009-2011. dominated by current assets. Let us consider the indicators characterizing the degree of availability of reserves and costs by the sources of their formation in RIK LLC for 2008-2010. in table 7.

Table 7. Analysis of the provision of reserves and costs with the sources of their formation in RIK LLC for 2009-2011, thousand rubles.

Indicator 2009 2010 2011 Total inventory and costs (CV)79134810374Own working capital (COC)494-985-2,714Own and long-term borrowed sources of inventory and costs, or total operating capital (CF)494-985-2714Total veel. main sources. formation of stocks and costs (VI)33451195221683

Let's calculate a three-component indicator of the type of financial situation according to the formula 11.

Fs (2009) = 494-79 = 415 thousand rubles.

ft (2009) = 494-79 = 415 thousand rubles.

Fo (2009) = 3345-79 = 2851 thousand rubles.

S (2009) =(1,1,1) - stable financial condition.

Fs (2010) = -985- 1348 = -2333 thousand rubles.

ft (2010) = -985- 1348 = -2333 thousand rubles.

Fo (2010) = 11952-1348=12937 thousand rubles

S (2010)

Fs (2011)

ft (2011) = -2 714- 10374 = -13088 thousand rubles.

Fo (2011) = 21683- 10374=24397 thousand rubles

S (2011) =(0,0,1) - unstable financial condition.

In 2010-2011 an unstable financial condition was revealed, associated with a violation of solvency, but in which it is still possible to restore balance by replenishing sources of own funds, by reducing accounts receivable, and accelerating inventory turnover.

We will analyze the liquidity of the balance sheet of RIK LLC for 2009-2011. in table 8.

Table 8. Calculation of the liquidity of the balance sheet of LLC "RIK" for 2009-2011, thousand rubles.

Naimenovanie2009 god2010 god2011 godAktivA1 most liquid aktivy230626044609A2 aktivy86076006000A3 quick-slow-moving aktivy179174811074A4 difficult to realize aktivy89976112751Itogo34342171334434PassivP1 most urgent obyazatelstva2 85 112 93 724 Short-397P2 obyazatelstva000P3 Long passivy000P4 Permanent passivy5838 77610 037Itogo34342171334434

We will evaluate the liquidity of the balance sheet of RIK LLC (table 9).

Table 9. Liquidity analysis of the balance sheet of RIK LLC for 2009-2011, thousand rubles

In 2009-2011 when comparing the results for groups of assets and liabilities, the conditions under which the balance sheet is considered absolutely liquid are not met, therefore the balance sheet is not sufficiently liquid and there is a threat of a decrease in financial stability.

Let's calculate the relative coefficients of financial stability, liquidity and solvency.

Let's calculate the coefficients of financial stability.

The coefficient of provision with own working capital is calculated by the formula (12).




We calculate the ratio of material reserves with own funds using the formula (13).

Komz (2009) = = 476.8.



We calculate the coefficient of maneuverability of equity capital according to the formula (14).

Km (2009) = = 0.019.

Km (2010) = = -0.037.

Km (2011) = = -0.1.

The financial stability ratio is calculated by the formula (15).




The coefficient of financial leverage is calculated by the formula (16).

Kfr (2009) = =4.9.

Kfr (2010) = =1.5.

Kfr (2011) = = 2.4.

Let's calculate the total liquidity indicator using the formula (17).

L12009 == 0.98.

L22010 == 0.54.

L32011 == 0.45.

The absolute liquidity ratio is calculated by the formula (18).

L22009 == 0.8.

L22010 == 0.2.

L22011 == 0.19.

Solvency ratio is calculated by the formula (19).



Kp (2011) = = 0.89.

Let's summarize the indicators in table 10

Table 10. Indicators of financial stability, liquidity and solvency of RIK LLC for 2009-2011

IndicatorPeriodChange in 2010 to 2009Change in 2011 to 2010200920102011Absol.Relative,% Absolute.Relative,%Coefficient of own current assets (0.1-0.6 )7.6-1.4-0.7-9-180.750.0Mat. own funds reserves (0.6-0.8)476.813.11.4-463.72.7-11.710.7 ³ 0.3)0.02-0.04-0.1-0.06-200.0-0.06250.0 Financial stability ratio ( ³ 0.5) Financial leverage ratio (<0,7)4,91,52,4-3,430,60,9160,0Общая ликвидность (норм. значеениее?1)0,980,540,45-0,4455,1-0,0983,3Абсолютная ликвидность (нормативноее значеениее? 0,2)0,80,20,19-0,625,0-0,0195,0Коэффициент платежеспособности(<0,5)1,20,90,89-0,375,0-0,0198,9

The table shows that in 2010-2011. the relative indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise, liquidity and solvency are deteriorating. Most of the coefficients do not meet the standard.

Thus, the analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise, liquidity and solvency showed that in 2010-2011. an unstable financial condition was revealed, in which the enterprise is completely dependent on borrowed sources of financing. Calculation of the liquidity of the balance sheet of RIK LLC for 2009-2011. showed that the balance sheet is not sufficiently liquid and there is a threat of a decrease in financial stability. In 2010-2011 the relative indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise, liquidity and solvency are deteriorating.

Most of the coefficients do not meet the standard.

Calculate business activity indicators

The equity turnover ratio is calculated using the formula (20).




The total capital turnover ratio is calculated using the formula (21).


Ksk (2010) = = 6.3.


The cash turnover ratio is calculated by the formula (22).

Kds (2009) == 34.1.

Kds (2010) = = 52.3.

Kds (2011) = = 30.2.

The turnover ratio of working capital is calculated by the formula (23).




Let's summarize the indicators in table 11

Table 11. Indicators of business activity of RIK LLC for 2009-2011

IndicatorPeriodChange in 2010 to 2009Change in 2011 to 2010200920102011 capital22.96.34.0-16.727.4-2.264.4 Cash turnover ratio34.152.330.218.2153.2-22.157.7Working capital turnover ratio23.511.46.4-12.148.4-5.056.3

In 2010, the growth rate of the equity turnover ratio was 11.5%, the growth rate of the total capital turnover ratio was 27.4%, the growth rate of the cash turnover ratio was 153.2%, the growth rate of the working capital turnover ratio was 48.4 %.

In 2011, the growth rate of the equity turnover ratio was 89.3%, the growth rate of the total capital turnover ratio was 64.4%, the growth rate of the cash turnover ratio was 57.7%, the growth rate of the working capital turnover ratio was 56.3 %.

We calculate the dynamics of changes in the net profit indicator using the formula (24)

state of emergency (2010)=488-492=-4 thousand rubles

state of emergency (2011)=1028-488=540 thousand rubles

The profitability ratio of assets is calculated by the formula (25).




The return on equity ratio is calculated using the formula (26).




We summarize the indicators in table 12.

Table 12. Financial results of RIK LLC for 2009-2011

Indicator Sourming by Incentence2010. By 2009, 2009, by 2010 G.20000 G.2011 G.Absolvenitative,% Absolutety,% 12345678Force from implementation6156101285-5-0,8675110,092888,028-4-0,8540110,08-4-0.8540110.8CH assets14.32.23.0-12.08-84.30.7379232.8 equity84.45.610.2-78.83-93.44.6814884.2

Net profit in 2010 slightly decreased by 4 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 99.2%). And in 2011 it increased by 540 thousand rubles. (growth rate was 210.7%). This positively characterizes the work of the enterprise in 2011. For 2009-2011. indicators of profitability of assets and capital have decreased. Thus, in the assets of RIK LLC in 2009-2011. dominated by current assets. Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise, liquidity and solvency showed that in 2010-2011. an unstable financial condition was revealed, in which the enterprise is completely dependent on borrowed sources of financing. Calculation of the liquidity of the balance sheet of RIK LLC for 2009-2011. showed that the balance sheet is not sufficiently liquid and there is a threat of a decrease in financial stability. In 2010-2011 the relative indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise, liquidity and solvency are deteriorating. Most of the coefficients do not meet the standard. Analysis of business activity and financial results of RIK LLC for 2009-2011 revealed a decrease in all indicators of business activity, a decrease in the profitability of assets and capital.

2.3 Problems of financial and economic activity of RIK LLC

The problem of strengthening the financial condition of many existing enterprises in various sectors of the economy and fields of activity is becoming quite relevant at this point in time. Hundreds of banks and other financial companies, thousands of industrial and commercial firms, especially small and medium ones, have already ceased to exist. The analysis showed that the main reason for this was the inept management of them, i.e. low qualifications of most financial services, both middle and top management, and in many enterprises they simply do not exist.

It is necessary to trust more competent specialists - in economic and financial matters, in marketing research, financial planning, etc. - it means to determine the goal, to know and soberly assess the available resources and be able to use them to achieve goals, to be able to formulate a task, bring it to the immediate performer and control the execution, be able to make decisions, plan, manage, analyze. Intuition and even talent alone are not enough here, knowledge is needed.

Consider the general problems of enterprises related to the organization of management, bottlenecks and problem areas, their relationship and impact on the financial result of the enterprise. There are several such problem areas - at the level of marketing, sales, production, supply. Almost all of them lead to the following main problems: overstocked raw materials, materials, work in progress, finished products, increased costs and loss of market share, which, in turn, lead to a decrease in working capital, loss and shortfall in profits. Let's follow some cause-and-effect chains. Inaccuracies in the forecast and acceptance of customer orders without taking into account the possibilities and production schedules lead to both frequent changes in the sales plan and the need to reschedule production. Private rescheduling of production leads to the fact that the logistics department creates buffer stocks of raw materials and materials, and an increase in stocks of raw materials and materials leads to a decrease in working capital (the age-old problem of enterprises is a lack of funds). The imperfect inventory replenishment methodology also “contributes” to the increase in stocks of raw materials and materials.

Frequent rescheduling of production also leads to the fact that production is in a fever, the deadlines for fulfilling orders are broken. On the one hand, failure to meet deadlines leads to an increase in inventories of work in progress and, again, to a decrease in working capital. On the other hand - to changing orders or refusing orders from customers. The consequence of this is a change in the sales plan, an increase in stocks of finished products and a decrease in working capital. This example already shows the formation of a vicious circle of cause and effect, which with each turn increases the pressure on the enterprise. The next consequence of frequent changes in the production plan is frequent changeovers, and these are additional costs and an increase in cost. An increase in cost means a loss, a shortfall in profit.

As you can see, the main bottleneck that escalates the original problems to other levels is production planning and management. So, having analyzed the financial activity of the enterprise step by step, it is possible to identify both positive and negative aspects in the activity of the enterprise. “To see the problem is not the main thing, the most important thing is how to solve it for the benefit of the enterprise…”

The capital of the enterprise was formed from the authorized capital and accounts payable, neither short-term nor long-term borrowed funds were involved, and if we compare this with a sufficiently large margin of financial stability of the Olvia enterprise, we can conclude that the financial and credit policy of the enterprise is ineffective.


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1 General characteristics of the enterprise "Kaltsru" LLC

LLC "Kalcru" is a fashionable Italian company known all over the world. The company unites 3 Italian brands Calzedonia, Intimissimi, Tezenis.

Calzedonia has been in existence for over twenty years and was founded in 1986 in Vallese di Oppeano, a suburb of Verona, with the aim of creating a completely new way of selling tights and swimwear for women, men and children through a franchise network.

Calzedonia is an Italian manufacturer of hosiery and swimwear, one of the leaders in the global industry. The basis of the brand's success is an extensive range of products, the attention of the company's designers to fashion trends, as well as the optimal ratio of price and quality. The brand has more than 2,700 branded stores in many countries of the world, opened thanks to the principle of selling products through a franchise network. Calzedonia is statistically ranked among the brands with the lowest rates of negative consumer reviews in the hosiery and swimwear categories.

Tailoring: Italy, Southeast Asia

Assortment of OOO "Kaltsru": underwear (for everyday wear, for special occasions, for open wear, for home and sleep), stockings, tights, socks, stockings, leggings, swimwear, swimming trunks, shorts for women, men and children

Stores: Calzedonia Group owns more than 1500 branded stores in Italy and over 1300 in other countries - France, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, Mexico, Great Britain, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia , Spain, Turkey, Cyprus and Russia

Objects in the regions of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tolyatti, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, Voronezh

Goal: brand products should help customers become stylish, increase self-esteem and mood

Audience: The Calzedonia brand targets an audience of consumers aged 15 to 50.

Location: St. Petersburg, Moskovsky Prospekt, 137, TG Elektra.

Deliveries are made from the city of Moscow, which is an intermediary manufacturing plant in Italy. Deliveries under contracts are made by direct appointment by the store and the supplier. This makes it possible to reduce the selling price by 10 to 15%, which makes this store more attractive.

2 Analysis of the production and sale of services by LLC "Kaltsru" store "Calzedonia»

In this paragraph, it is mandatory to analyze the indicators of the dynamics of the volume of sales of services for 2 years of the organization's activities.

The main tasks of analyzing the volume of production and sales of products are:

  • determining the dynamics of growth and the degree of fulfillment of the plan in terms of the volume and range of services sold;
  • assessment of structural shifts in the composition of products and their impact on economic performance indicators.

The analysis of indicators of the volume of production and the volume of sales of products (services) begins with the identification of deviations in actual values ​​for each type of activity (or assortment group) from the previous period.

Table 2.2.1

Indicators of the dynamics of changes in the turnover of products, works, services of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store


1. Trade turnover
2. Basic growth
3. chain gain
4. Base growth rate
5. chain growth rate

The trade turnover in 2013 increased compared to 2012 by 3983.94 thousand rubles, respectively, the chain growth rate was 30.71%.

Table 2.2.2

The structure of the assortment and turnover of products of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store

Continuation of table 2.2.2


stockings, socks, stockings.

Men's socks
Children's tights, socks.
Women's tights
Swimwear, swimming trunks, beachwear

Trade turnover in 2013 increased by 3983.94 thousand rubles. or by 30.71% (from 12971.75 thousand rubles to 16955.69 thousand rubles).

Many factors can influence the change in the volume of services, incl. the number of employees and the annual output of one worker.

An example of calculating the dynamics of indicators affecting the volume of products, works, services is given in table 2.2.3

Table 2.2.3

Calculation of the dynamics of indicators that affect the volume of services provided by Calzru LLC for the Calzedonia store



in thousand rubles


1. Trade turnover thousand roubles. 12971,75 16955,69
2. Average number of employees people
3. Trade turnover

for one


thousand roubles.

According to Table 2.2.3, we can conclude that due to the increase in turnover in 2013, the turnover per 1 employee increased by 663.99 thousand rubles.

3 Analysis of production resources

3.1 Analysis of material resources

Analysis of material resources includes: analysis of fixed assets.

The analysis of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets involves the study of the composition, condition and movement of fixed assets, the availability of movable and real estate objects that are leased, mothballed fixed assets, the procedure for calculating depreciation on fixed assets, as well as studying the composition of the number of maintenance personnel and the formation of maintenance costs and maintenance of fixed assets. The analysis reveals the ratio of the active and passive parts of fixed assets.

The calculation of the cost and structure of fixed assets is given in Table 3.1.1.


Cost and structure of fixed assets as of December 31, 2013

Type of OS or OS group

OS cost (thousand rubles)

Initial Residual Coefficient

active part

Passive part

Active part, incl.
Retail store equipment
Commercial household inventory

Based on table 3.1.1, we can conclude that the largest wear rate for commercial equipment, which amounted to 33.31%.

The calculation of changes in the volume of fixed assets is given in table 3.1.2.

Table 3.1.2

Change in the volume of fixed assets of Calzru LLC of the Calzedonia store



in thousand rubles


1. Initial cost

for the beginning of the year

2. Enter OF thousand
3. Retirement OF thousand
4. Initial cost

at the end of the year

5. Average annual volume of OF thousand

Based on the data in Table 3.1.2. it can be concluded that the disposal of fixed assets for 2013 amounted to 123.53 thousand rubles and increased by 35.74 thousand rubles.

When analyzing production space, it is also necessary to consider the amount of space occupied.

The calculation of these production and other areas is given in table 3.1.3

Table 3.1.3

Data of production and other areas as of December 31, 2013

Type of premises

Area, m2)

fact. Spanish

1. Commercial premises:
1.1. - shopping room
2. Utility rooms:
2.1. - warehouse

Thus, from the table we can see that the actual used area is somewhat less than the actual available area.

Calculate the indicator of effective use of space:

K int. Spanish areas = 80/100=0.8.

Thus, 80% of the available space is used directly for work.

3.2. Working capital analysis

Based on the balance of the enterprise, the composition and structure of working capital is analyzed, and the most significant elements of working capital are identified. For them, a separate analysis of the elements included in it is carried out, for example: among all stocks, the most significant are identified, in receivables - the largest debtors and the maturity of their debts, etc. At the same time, an analysis is made of changes in the structure or composition, and the causes of the most significant structural shifts are identified.

The calculation of the composition and structure of working capital is given in table 3.2.1

Table 3.2.1

The composition and structure of the working capital of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store

at the beginning of the year thous.rub.

at the end of the year thous.rub.

v %

at the beginning of the year thous.rub.

at the end of the year

Reserves, incl.
Future spending
circulation funds, incl.
Accounts receivable short-term

According to table in 2013, a decrease in the amount of working capital from 2108.81 to 1667.95 thousand rubles is visible. This happened under the influence of an increase in cash by 116.79 thousand rubles, a decrease in inventories by 486.1 thousand rubles.

Turnover ratio K about \u003d RU / O cf,

This coefficient characterizes the efficiency of the use of resources available at the enterprise.

K ob2012 \u003d 12971.75 / ((2489.58 + 2108.81) / 2) \u003d 12971.75 / 2299.195 \u003d 5.64

K ob2013 = 16955.69 / ((2108.81 + 1667.95) / 2) = 16955.69 / 1888.38 = 8.97

3.3 Labor force analysis

The analysis of the efficiency of the use of labor resources provides for the study of the dynamics of the number of employees, including by category, the study of the use of working time, the identification of reserves for the growth of labor productivity, the dynamics and efficiency of the use of incentive systems, labor motivation.

Calculation of the average number of the enterprise and its structure is given in table


The average headcount and its structure of employees of LLC "Kaltsru" of the store "Calzedonia"

Opening at

Number, pers.


1. Employees, incl. 6 100 6 100 0 0,00

Table continued

1.1. manager 1 14,3 1 14,3 0 0,00
1.2. administrator 1 17,8 1 17,8 0 0,00
1.3. seller-cashier 2 23,3 2 23,3 0 0,00
1.4 shop assistant 2 44,6 2 44,6 0 0,00
2. Average headcount 6 100,0 6 100,0 0 0,00

The number of store employees did not increase during the analyzed period.

The calculation of the actual and standard balance of working time per worker is given in Table


Balance of working time of one main worker

time fund

Deviation in days


1. calendar fund

working time

2. Number of days off

and holidays

3. Nominal Fund

working time

4. Absences from work, including:
4.1. - regular and

additional vacation

4.2. - due to illness
4.3. - absenteeism
5. Useful Fund of Working Time

From the table, we can conclude that the useful working time fund decreased by 4 days, due to an increase in the number of days off, holidays in 2013, as well as an increase in absenteeism by 3.33%.


Actual and normative balances of intra-shift working time of one worker of LLC "Kaltsru" store "Calzedonia"

Naming of expenditures


Working time balance





1. Preparatory and final work Min.
2. Operational work Min.
3. Workplace maintenance Min.
4. Rest and personal needs Min.
5. Normalized breaks for organizational and technical reasons Min.
6. Losses due to organizational and technical reasons Min.
7. Losses due to violation of labor discipline Min.
Total Min.

According to table it can be concluded that company employees spend more time on preparatory and final work, the excess is 5 minutes compared to the norm.

Analyzing the use of the wage fund of employees, first of all, it is necessary to consider the dynamics and structure of the wage fund of the base enterprise for the period under review.

The calculation of the wage fund is given in table


Calculation of the payroll fund of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store


in thousand rubles

1.2. administrator
shop assistant
Total payroll for all categories:

Based on the data in Table, it can be seen that the payroll for all categories for 2012 and 2013 has not changed.

In order to analyze the efficiency of the use of labor resources and wages, it is necessary to compare the growth rates of labor productivity and the growth rates of the average annual wage.

The calculation of the comparison of the wage growth rate and the labor productivity growth rate of one employee is given in Table


Comparison of the growth rate of average wages and the growth rate of labor productivity of one employee of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store



in thousand rubles

1. Revenue

from sales

thousand roubles
2. population


3. Annual productivity of 1 employee thousand roubles.
4. payroll fund thousand roubles.
5. Average annual


pay 1 worker

thousand roubles

Based on table we can conclude that the average annual salary of 1 employee is 249 thousand rubles.

4. Analysis of the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise (organization)

4.1. Analysis of the cost of production and sales of products, works, services

Analysis of production costs allows you to identify reserves to reduce the cost of production and its implementation.

The cost of production is the most important indicator of the economic efficiency of its production. It reflects all aspects of economic activity, accumulates the results of the use of all production resources. The financial results of the enterprise, the rate of expanded reproduction, the financial condition of the enterprise depend on its level.

An example of the calculation of costs for the production and sale of products, works, services by cost items is given in table


Cost of goods sold by Calzru LLC of the Calzedonia store


in thousand rubles

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
1. Cost of goods in purchase prices thousand roubles.
2. Distribution costs, incl. thousand roubles. 5297,118

Table continued

2.1 Electricity thousand roubles.
2.2 Salary thousand roubles.
2.3 Payroll accruals thousand roubles.
2.4 Depreciation thousand roubles.
2.5 Public Utilities thousand roubles.
2.6 Rent thousand roubles.
2.7 Services of third-party org. thousand roubles.
2.8 other expenses thousand roubles.
3. Full cost thousand roubles.
3.1 Variable thousand roubles.
3.2 Constant thousand roubles.

From table it can be seen that the cost in 2013 increased by 3417.94 thousand rubles. or by 30.47%.

4.2. Analysis of the financial results of the economic activity of the enterprise (organization).

Financial analysis is a method of accumulation and use of information of a financial nature, with the aim of:

  • assess the current and prospective financial condition of the enterprise;
  • assess the possible and appropriate pace of development of the enterprise from the standpoint of their financial support;
  • identify available sources of funds and assess the possibility and expediency of their mobilization.

In the process of analyzing financial results, the dynamics of the financial result by type of activity and the factors that influenced it are studied. It is necessary to analyze the structure of profit by income from ordinary activities and other income. And also to analyze the structure of commercial and administrative expenses and their impact on the company's profit. The calculation of the dynamics of financial results is given in Table


Calculation of the dynamics of financial results


Trade turnover
Item at purchase price
Gross profit
Distribution costs
Profit from sales
other expenses
balance sheet profit
income tax
Net profit

Based on the data in Table it can be seen that net profit increased by 449.52 thousand rubles, or by 32.75%.

4.3. Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise

Profitability is the degree of profitability, profitability, profitability.

The calculation of the profitability of production and sales of products, works, services is given in table


Profitability analysis

Product profitability increased by 0.22% in 2013, and sales profitability in 2013 increased by 0.31%.

2.5. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise

Financially stable is an enterprise that, at the expense of its own property, covers the funds invested in assets (fixed assets, intangible assets, working capital).

When analyzing financial stability, they study:

  • composition and placement of assets and liabilities of the enterprise;
  • dynamics and structure of sources of financial resources;
  • accounts payable;
  • availability and structure of working capital;
  • accounts receivable.

Table 2.5.1

Vertical and horizontal analysis of the balance sheet of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store

Name of indicator

as of December 31, 2012

as of December 31, 2013

Horizontal Analysis

Vertical Analysis



As of December 31, 2012

As of December 31, 2013

1. Non-current assets
Intangible assets 1100
Research and development results 1200
Intangible exploration assets 1300
Tangible Exploration Assets 1400
fixed assets 1500
Financial investments 1700
Deferred tax assets 190

Continuation of table 2.5.1

Total for section 1.

2. Current assets
Value added tax on acquired valuables 1220

Accounts receivable

Financial investments 1240


Other current assets 1260
Total for section 2. 1200
Balance 1600
3. Capital and reserves -
Authorized capital
Own shares repurchased from shareholders 1320
Extra capital 1350

Continuation of table 2.5.1

Reserve capital 1360
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 1370
Section 3 Total 1300
4.Long-term obligations
Borrowed funds 1410
Deferred tax liabilities 1420
Other liabilities 1450
Section 4 total 1400
5. Current liabilities
Borrowed funds 1510
Accounts payable 1520
revenue of the future periods 1530
Other liabilities 1550
Section 5 total 1500
Balance 1700

Based on the data of horizontal and vertical analysis, we can reveal that over the year the balance sheet decreased by -564.39 thousand rubles, which amounted to 21.55%. The fixed assets of the enterprise decreased by 123.53 thousand rubles (in percentage terms - 24.23 %), inventories decreased by 486.1 thousand rubles. (in percentage terms - 37.4%).

Based on a vertical analysis, it was revealed that the share of non-current assets in the balance sheet in 2013 was 18.8%, and current assets 81.2%.

Analysis of the composition and placement of the assets of the enterprise is presented in table 2.5.2.

Table 2.5.2

Analysis of the composition and placement of assets of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store


in thousand rubles


1. Non-current assets, incl. thousand roubles.
1.1. fixed assets thousand roubles.
2. Current assets, incl. thousand roubles.
2.2. Accounts receivable thousand roubles
2.3 Cash thousand roubles

Based on the data in Table 2.5.2, it was found that the largest deviation was in stocks - it decreased by 37.4%, it is also clear that accounts receivable decreased compared to the previous year.

Table 2.5.3

Analysis of the structure of liabilities of OOO "Kaltsru" of the store "Calzedonia"


Share in % 2012

Share in % 2013

1. Own funds, incl. thousand roubles
1.1. Authorized capital thousand roubles
1.2. Undestributed profits thousand roubles
2. short-term obligations thousand roubles
2.1 Borrowed funds thousand roubles
2.2 Accounts payable thousand roubles
2.3 revenue of the future periods thousand roubles -
Total: thousand roubles

After analyzing the structure of liabilities, it was revealed that the largest share in the balance sheet currency is occupied by own funds - 55.6% in 2012, and, accordingly, 64.2% in 2013. The deviation was 8.6%.

2.6. Analysis of the competitiveness of services

Competition is understood as the competitiveness of economic entities, when their independent actions effectively limit the ability of each of them to unilaterally influence the general conditions for the circulation of goods in the relevant commodity market.

The main factors affecting the competitiveness of the Calzedonia store relative to its main competitors:

  • the price of the goods;
  • the quality of the goods sold;
  • store location;
  • range;
  • service speed;
  • qualification of employees;
  • quality of service.

The main competitors of the Calzedonia store are:

  • Internet store "Lamoda"
  • Candy shop.

We will conduct a comparative analysis and evaluation of the main competitors.

The ranking is determined in the following way:

  • the average price of the product (relative to all the companies represented; 1 point - the highest, 5 points - the lowest);
  • the quality of the goods sold (1 point - low, 5 points - the highest);
  • location of the store (1 point - remote from the center of St. Petersburg, 5 points - in the center of St. Petersburg, near the metro);
  • assortment (1 point - limited, small assortment, 5 points - constantly expanding assortment)
  • service speed (1 point - low speed, 5 points - high speed);
  • qualification of workers (1 point - unskilled workers, without education and work experience, 5 points - skilled workers, with higher education and work experience)
  • quality of service (1 point - low, 5 points - the highest)

Table 2.6.1

Comparative analysis of competitors


2 3 1 5


5 3 5 2


5 5 4 3


5 4 4 3

Service Speed

3 5 4 2

Qualification of employees

3 2 4 2

Quality of service

3 5 5 4

Sum of points

26 27 27 21

Average score

3,7 3,85 3,85 3

Based on the table, we can conclude that the store under study has an average rating among competitors, there are reserves for increasing competitiveness (indicators "price", "employee qualifications", "service speed" and "service quality"). Improving these indicators will help the company to expand into wider markets.

2. 7 Analysis of the organizational structure of the management of LLC "Kaltsru" store "Calzedonia».

The general manager of the store is the general manager. He organized a chain of stores. All line and functional managers are subordinate to him. Let's take a closer look at the Calzedonia store.

The manager is subordinate to the director. He determines the prospects for the development of the store, looks for new suppliers, ensures high quality products and improves its range.

Also subordinate to the store manager is a personnel specialist. He is engaged in providing the store with personnel of workers and employees of the required professions and specialties. Provides reception, accommodation and placement of young professionals and workers, accepts workers on recruitment, dismissal and transfer. Participates in the organization of advanced training of specialists and prepares them for work in managerial positions, sends them to trainings. It studies and summarizes the results of work with personnel, analyzes the causes of turnover, absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline, etc.

As in any other enterprise, taking into account the receipt of funds, the chief accountant is responsible for paying bills, calculating wages and submitting reports. Under his supervision is an accountant.

Subordinate to the manager are four managers who are specialists in their department. They make an order for goods, and also monitor the work of the store and staff.

Sales consultants, in turn, work with buyers, communicate with them, help them decide on the choice of clothing, talk about its properties and purpose, draw up documents for the sale for cash, escort buyers to the checkout. Cashiers, then, break through the check for payment for the goods.

This organizational structure can be attributed to the linear-functional management structure. The advantage of this form of management is the qualitative division of labor in management, in which line managers retained the right to give orders and make decisions with the participation and assistance of functional workers. The disadvantage in such an organizational structure of management is the constant need to coordinate the decisions made, which is caused by the solution of production problems, due to new goals of functioning and requiring certain knowledge. This leads to a slowdown in the timing of the sale of goods, which leads to an increase in management costs. Also, the duration of the working day can be attributed to the minus in this area of ​​work, it is 9, and sometimes 12 hours. At the same time, it turns out that there are five working days and two days off per week.

Table 2.7.1

Advantages and disadvantages of the Calzedonia linear store management system



  • Training of personnel before taking on official duties;
  • When hiring, preference is given to a candidate with experience, which allows you not to spend money on training;
  • Rapid adaptation of staff in an informal setting;
  • Accounting for the opinions of staff.
  • Lack of long-term personnel planning;
  • Lack of a clear personnel policy;
  • Lack of personnel reserve;
  • Age limit;
  • Lack of movement of personnel to ensure interchangeability in the workplace;
  • Lack of encouragement of staff initiative;
  • Partial lack of financial incentives.
  • Relatively low wages for long working hours;
  • Lack of holidays for some groups of employees.

These shortcomings are a minus of the organization of the personnel management system of the store. The elimination of these disadvantages could lead to the solution of many problems, such as sick leave, vacation. Management needs to pay attention to the above shortcomings, because in the end, they affect the final result of the store.

Lack of a clear personnel policy: for the rational use of the labor reserve, for the timely provision of personnel to the organization, for the effectiveness of personnel work, it is necessary to clearly define the main areas of work with personnel (requirements for personnel, remuneration, material incentives).

Lack of long-term planning: recruitment is carried out only at the moment when there is an urgent need to fill vacancies. At the same time, a number of mistakes are made: a delay in providing the trading process with the necessary personnel, the recruitment of personnel that does not quite meet the requirements due to the urgent need for admission.

Lack of personnel reserve: the shortage of workers is especially noticeable during holidays and illness. This is reflected in the end result of the store's activities during this period of time (there are failures in work, existing staff have to work overtime).

Lack of encouragement of the employee's initiative and material incentives: motivation is the process of inducing activities to achieve the goals of the organization. Labor motivation is the desire of an employee to satisfy his needs (to receive certain benefits) through labor activity. In the absence of staff motivation, the interest in achieving the maximum result is minimal. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage the initiative of employees and financially interest them in their work.

Age qualification: the age qualification, of course, has a number of advantages (energy, less susceptible to diseases, not married) and a number of disadvantages. Such a selection weeds out more experienced applicants. Education and competence often cannot replace experience.

The shortcomings of the personnel management system, one way or another, affect the final result of the financial and economic activities of the store. To eliminate them, the following measures must be taken:

  • Adhere to a personnel strategy focused on attracting medium and high-skilled workers;
  • In order to avoid mistakes, the management should, in parallel with planning the general development trends of the store, predict the need for staff, search in advance for a suitable candidate who would meet all the requirements of the position. The reserve of time will allow you to more carefully evaluate each of the applicants and choose the most worthy one who can bring maximum benefit.
  • Make the age limits more flexible and, first of all, take into account the professional qualities of the applicant, and not his age.
  • Care should be taken to form a reserve of personnel, because over time, the lack of people who can replace any employee causes significant damage.
  • Apply material incentives for labor, which ensures higher productivity of employees.
  • It is necessary to apply attestation of employees - a comprehensive assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the personnel, its compliance with the requirements of the position. This would allow management to draw a fairly reliable conclusion about the possibility of rewarding or punishing the employee.

In order for the enterprise to develop and the staff to improve, it is necessary to contribute to the development of positive results of the activities of each individual employee.

8. Conclusions on the analytical part

Thus, analyzing all of the above, the company LLC "Kaltsru" store "Calzedonia" sells hosiery, beachwear, swimwear for women, men and children.

There is an increase in trade turnover by 30.71%, which in value terms amounted to an increase of 3983.94 thousand rubles. Considering the structure of the assortment and the turnover of Kaltsru LLC of the Calzedonia store, we found that in 2013 the turnover per 1 worker also increased by 663.99 thousand rubles.

According to the analysis of the cost and structure of fixed assets of Calzru LLC of the Calzedonia store, it was found that the largest wear coefficient for commercial equipment. The wear rate was 33.31%, in the future it is required to update the trading equipment, or upgrade. An analysis of data on production and other areas was also carried out. It was revealed that the actually used area is somewhat less than the actual available area. Having calculated the indicator of useful use of space, it was found that 80% of the available space is used directly for the performance of work.

From a comparative analysis of competitors, we can conclude that the Calzedonia store has an average rating among competitors, there are reserves for increasing competitiveness (indicators "price", "employee qualification", "service speed" and "service quality"). Improving these indicators will help the company to expand into wider markets.

Based on the foregoing, I believe that the Calzedonia store needs to increase its competitiveness in the market, namely the quality of customer service. To this end, a set of measures can be proposed, which will be described in the next chapter.

Analysis of the financial statements of the enterprise allows you to identify the relationship and interdependence between the various indicators of its financial and economic activities included in the reporting. The results of the analysis allow interested persons and organizations to make management decisions based on an assessment of the current financial situation and activities of the enterprise in previous years and its potential for the coming years.

To analyze the financial condition of a commercial enterprise, a system of absolute and relative indicators is used, as well as financial ratios related to their measurement. The most important of them are indicators characterizing:

Solvency - the ability of the enterprise to pay off its obligations;

Financial stability - the state of financial resources, their distribution and use, ensuring the development of the enterprise based on the growth of profits and capital while maintaining solvency and creditworthiness under conditions of an acceptable level of risk;

Business activity - efficiency of use by the enterprise of the means;

Profitability (profitability) - the level of profit relative to the invested funds or costs of the enterprise;

Efficiency of own (share) capital use.

The calculation of financial ratios is based on the determination of the ratios between individual reporting items. The general methodology for such an analysis is to compare the calculated coefficients with industry average norms, generally accepted standard coefficients, or similar activity data for a number of years.

Compilation of a comparative table for the last two years with the identification of absolute and relative (in percent) deviations for the main reporting indicators;

Calculation of relative indicators for several years as a percentage in relation to the base year;

Calculation of indicators for a number of years as a percentage of any final indicator (for example, to the balance sheet total, the volume of sales);

The study and analysis of coefficients, the calculation of which is based on the existence of certain relationships between individual reporting items.

The wide distribution and use of coefficients is of interest due to the fact that they eliminate the distorting effect on the reporting material of inflation, which is especially important when analyzing in the long term.

Solvency analysis

The solvency index characterizes the ability of the enterprise to fulfill its debt obligations. The calculation and analysis of this indicator is of great importance for the enterprise, since its low potential may be the reason for the termination of its payments. The analysis examines the current and long-term solvency.

Current solvency can be determined from the balance sheet by comparing the amount of its means of payment with term obligations. The best option is when the company always has free cash sufficient to pay off existing obligations. But the enterprise is also solvent in the case when it does not have enough free cash or it does not exist at all, but the enterprise is able to quickly realize its assets and pay off creditors.

The most means of payment include cash, short-term securities, part of receivables, for which there is confidence in its receipt. Term liabilities include obligations and debts subject to repayment: short-term bank loans, accounts payable for goods and services to the budget. The solvency of the enterprise is indicated by the ratio of means of payment to urgent obligations. If this ratio is less than 1, then it is likely that the company will not be able to pay off its short-term debt on time. This issue can be resolved in the process of analyzing additional information about the timing of payment of accounts payable, receipt of receivables, etc.

The solvency of the enterprise is estimated by liquidity indicators. There are two concepts of liquidity. According to one of them, liquidity refers to the ability of an enterprise to pay its short-term obligations. According to another concept, liquidity is the willingness and speed with which current assets can be turned into cash. At the same time, the degree of depreciation of current assets as a result of their rapid sale should also be taken into account.

A low level of liquidity is the lack of freedom of action for the administration of an enterprise. A more serious consequence of low liquidity is the company's inability to pay its current debts and obligations, which may lead to the forced sale of long-term financial investments and assets and, ultimately, to non-payments and bankruptcy.

Solvency is often determined by the liquidity of the balance sheet. Analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet consists in comparing the funds of the asset, grouped by the degree of their liquidity and arranged in descending order of liquidity, with the liabilities of the liability, grouped by their maturity and in ascending order.

Depending on the degree of liquidity, that is, the rate of conversion into cash, the assets of the enterprise are divided into the following groups:

And 1 - the most liquid. These include all cash (cash and accounts) and short-term financial investments. Cash is absolutely liquid.

And 2 - quickly implemented. This includes accounts receivable and other current assets.

A 3 - slowly implemented. These include stocks, with the exception of the items "Deferred expenses", as well as "Long-term financial investments".

And 4 - difficult to implement. These are intangible assets, fixed assets, construction in progress.

Liabilities are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment.

P 1 - the most urgent. These include accounts payable and other short-term liabilities.

P 2 - short-term. These include borrowed funds from the "Short-term liabilities" section.

P 3 - long-term. This includes long-term borrowings and other long-term liabilities.

P 4 - constant. They include the statutory fund and other items from the "Capital and reserves" section, as well as "Deferred income", "Consumption funds" and "Reserves for future income and expenses".

To maintain the balance of assets and liabilities, the total of this group is reduced by the sum of the items "Deferred expenses" and value added tax.

The balance is considered absolutely liquid if A1? P1, A2? P2, A 3? P 3, A 4? P 4. In the case when one or more inequalities of the system have a sign opposite to that fixed in the optimal variant, the liquidity of the balance to a greater or lesser extent differs from the absolute one. At the same time, the lack of funds in one group of assets is compensated by their excess in another group, although compensation takes place only in terms of value, since in a real payment situation, less liquid assets cannot replace more liquid ones.

It is advisable to present the balance sheet items summarized in groups in the form of Table 6.

Such an assessment of liquidity is not final, since each passive group of the balance sheet may turn out to be provided with completely different active values ​​than those indicated in the comparable group.

For a more accurate assessment of the liquidity of the balance sheet, it is necessary to analyze the following liquidity indicators:

The current liquidity ratio is calculated as the ratio of current (current) assets to current liabilities:

Current assets include inventories less deferred expenses, cash, accounts receivable and short-term investments. Current liabilities include borrowed funds (Section "Current Liabilities") and accounts payable.

The resulting figure is compared with the average for groups of similar enterprises. It can be assumed that the higher this ratio, the better the position of the enterprise. But, on the other hand, an overestimated coefficient may indicate an excessive diversion of the enterprise's own funds into various types of its assets, excess inventories.

Theoretically, the value of this indicator in the range of 2 ... 2.5 is considered sufficient, but depending on the forms of calculation, the turnover rate of working capital, the duration of the production cycle, this value may be significantly lower, but they are evaluated positively at a value greater than 1.

Table 6. Analysis of the liquidity of the enterprise

For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year

For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year

Payment surplus or deficiency -A - P

Amount, thousand rubles

Amount, thousand rubles

Amount, thousand rubles

Amount, thousand rubles

For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year

A 1 - the most liquid

A 2 - quickly implemented

A 3 - slowly implemented

A 4 - difficult to implement

The quick liquidity ratio determines the ability of an enterprise to fulfill its current obligations from quickly liquid assets:

It shows what part of short-term liabilities can be immediately repaid at the expense of cash, funds in short-term financial investments, as well as proceeds from settlements with customers.

The value of this coefficient, equal to 0.8 ... 1, is considered optimal. With an equal indicator of total liquidity for two enterprises, the financial position is preferable for one of them that has a higher quick liquidity ratio.

The absolute liquidity ratio is calculated as the ratio of cash, short-term financial investments to current liabilities. It characterizes the ability of the enterprise to immediately pay off its short-term obligations at the expense of cash and easily realizable short-term financial investments. Theoretically, this indicator is considered sufficient if this value is higher than 0.2 ... 0.25:

To assess current liquidity, net working capital is also used, which represents the excess of current assets over current liabilities. There will be a shortage of working capital when current liabilities exceed current assets.

The calculation of liquidity ratios is the most critical stage of the analysis, so it is necessary to use information for a number of years, which will allow us to identify trends in their change.

To assess long-term solvency (more than one year), the most important is profit and the ability to earn, since these are the factors that determine the financial health of the enterprise.

To assess the ability of the enterprise to constantly make a profit from its activities in the future, the cash adequacy ratio of the KP is calculated. It reflects the company's ability to earn cash to cover capital expenditures, increase working capital and pay dividends. The numerator and denominator use data for 3-5 years.

The coefficient KP 1 equal to one means that the enterprise is able to function without resorting to external financing.