Feng Shui company name. Correct Feng Shui company name with examples

The name of the company is the first thing that potential clients, suppliers and other partners pay attention to. Therefore, choosing it is an important step for building a successful business. The name must be unique, catchy and memorable in order to stand out from competitors and evoke a positive reaction from consumers.

Below are tips for choosing an LLC name, examples of business names from different industries, and legal restrictions.

How to choose a company name that brings good luck?

When choosing a name, a company should take into account the reaction of customers. If it is understandable to the consumer, evokes positive emotions and thus contributes to sales growth, then it can be considered successful.

It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • The company name should not mislead the client. For example, you should not call Bogatyr LLC if the company sells flowers.
  • It is better to abandon name options tied to the location of the company. This may become a problem if the sales geography expands and may require renaming.
  • The name does not have to be directly related to the organization's activities or products. It is better to focus on memorability and ease of pronunciation.

Advice: When using foreign words in the LLC name, clarify their meaning so that consumers do not have problems with interpretation.

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To find out whether the energy of the LLC name corresponds to the type of activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to represent each letter of the name as a number and sum until a single digit number remains. Example:

  • “Magnet” - 5 (M) + 1 (A) + 4 (G) + 6 (H) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) = 19.
  • 19 is 1+9 = 10.
  • 10 is 1+0 = 1.

Having made the calculations, you need to turn to the decoding:

  • 1 - a good choice for companies engaged in innovative developments, new technologies, etc.;
  • 2 - suitable for medical and educational organizations, design firms, hairdressing salons, cleaning companies;
  • 3 - for business in the field of entertainment, catering, advertising;
  • 4 - a number that brings good luck to large LLCs whose activities are related to agriculture, mechanical engineering, design, and construction;
  • 5 - the energy of the five favors the field of sports and recreation (sale of equipment, sanatorium complexes, fishing supplies);
  • 6 - will bring good luck in the creative industries, floristry, decor, cosmetology and medicine;
  • 7 - suitable for companies producing expensive and exotic products;
  • 8 - contributes to the success of accounting, auditing business and everything related to finance;
  • 9 - promises good luck to charitable and educational organizations.

LLC name - examples (list)

Let's look at options for different companies.

Construction company names

In this area, it is important to create a sense of reliability in clients. The most popular prefixes in the names of construction companies are “house” and “build”. List of examples:

  • "DobroStroy";
  • "Your home";
  • "ZhilStroy";
  • "MasterStroy";
  • "Comfort Town".

Law Firm Names

The name should instill confidence in the client that his problem will be solved by competent specialists. The sonorous surnames of the founders and words related to law and law are often used. List of examples:

  • "Smirnov and Partners";
  • "Your right";
  • "Hand of Themis";
  • "Code of honor";
  • "Letter of the law".

Names of transport organization

The name of the transport company, as a rule, should evoke associations with the road, delivery and cargo. List of examples:

  • "Cargo Technologies";
  • Vesta-Trans;
  • "Azimuth";
  • "Alfa Logistic";
  • "Steam Trans".

Travel company names

Associations with the sea, sun and relaxation would be appropriate. If the company is highly specialized (only last minute tours, trips to certain countries, etc.), this should be reflected in the name. List of examples:

  • "Let's go with us";
  • "Fire Tours";
  • "Fly Asia";
  • "Tropic Tour";
  • "Holiday Time".

Accounting company names

For a positive perception of the company, you should choose solid names that directly or indirectly indicate the type of activity. You can play with the words “audit”, “expert”, “balance sheet”, “accounting”, etc. List of examples:

  • "Audit Premier";
  • "Predicate";
  • "BukhBuro";
  • "Audit 911";
  • "Phoenix Account".

Names of medical organization

Clients understand medical terms and health-related words best. List of examples:

  • "Best Clinic";
  • "Good Doctor";
  • "Harmony of Health";
  • "Family doctor";
  • "Paracelsus".

Furniture company names

The company name can be associated with luxury, comfort, style or home furnishings. List of examples:

  • "Trio-Interior";
  • "Pan Divan";
  • "Chair and table";
  • "Mebellion"
  • "33 chests of drawers."

Advice: if you are planning to open a business, check out.

What is unacceptable to use in a company name?

According to the norms of Russian legislation, prescribed in Article 1473 of the Civil Code, the following cannot be used in the name of an LLC:

  • offensive designations and words towards individuals or groups of the population;
  • full or abbreviated names of foreign countries - for example, Sweden LLC;
  • names of public associations;
  • names of state authorities and local governments;
  • the words “Russian Federation”, “Russia” without special permission;
  • names that are intellectual property and protected by copyright law.

In general, the following requirements apply to LLC names:

  1. The full name of the enterprise must consist of letters of the Russian alphabet - transcription is used for foreign words, Roman and Arabic numerals can also be included.
  2. In the constituent documents, the name must be written in Cyrillic; the Latin alphabet is used only when filling out forms in a foreign language.
  3. The unique name of the LLC is indicated in quotation marks and follows the legal form; An example is the limited liability company “Health Key”.

In addition to what is prohibited by law, the following is not recommended in the name:

  • use long and difficult to pronounce words - they are difficult to remember, and they often look overly formal;
  • abuse abbreviations - the name may turn out to be faceless;
  • speculate on the names of popular brands - as a rule, names like “Adibas” and “Dolci Gobana” only cause distrust among customers;
  • use adjectives “selected”, “exclusive”, “elite” - often they have the opposite effect, and the name looks cheap in the eyes of consumers.

Where can I order a name for my organization?

Often, businessmen entrust the development of a name for their company to professionals in the field of naming - this is the name of the process of creating an original name for an organization. The specialist’s task is to come up with a commercially successful name that will be used as a marketing tool.

You can turn to numerous design studios for help by entering the phrase “order naming” in a search engine. Freelance copywriters also provide this service. You can find a contractor for an order or hold a competition among authors, for example, on the website freelance.ru.

Let's sum it up

When coming up with an LLC name, it is recommended to focus on ease of pronunciation, memorability and originality. If you need a name that brings good luck, you can create it based on the principles of numerology. The name must not be offensive or violate intellectual property rights. You can order a company name from a studio that provides naming services.

It is impossible to register a company without a name. You will also not be able to open a bank account, enter an invoice or conclude a contract. The company name is an important component of the image and success of a business. It should be easy to remember, evoke only positive emotions among clients and partners, and also have a resource for the development of a separate brand. In the future, the LLC name will work for the owner, providing a certain level of income.

The name largely determines the prospects for business development. Some entrepreneurs take a lot of time and effort to get ahead, while others are lucky. There are statistics of positive changes in the financial condition of a company after a name change. The LLC name should be a strong marketing tool. Experienced specialists have long developed the principles and rules for composing the optimal business name.

But don’t rush to choose a name or use the first one that comes to mind. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of words in a person’s life. Many will remember the words of Captain Vrungel: “As you name the ship, so it will sail.” The second part of the article provides important information on the energy of words. It describes how to choose the right company name so that it reflects the scope of activity and contributes to prosperity.

How to name a brand

The term "brand" comes from the Old Norse word "fire", which means successful trade or service. A brand is a high-quality product with a good reputation, which is known to a wide range of consumers and is capable of creating a holistic image of the product in people’s minds. It has a unique name and symbolism. A brand can be any product or service: product, design, service, sign, etc.

If there are no plans to expand the business, for example, opening a small store in a small town, there are fewer requirements for the name, which allows you to follow the general rules. You can survey future clients about the name or offer to choose it from a list compiled by the owner.

Successful businessmen spare no expense in creating and promoting brands, the rights to which will become a source of income. A memorable logo and a good name guarantee the success and prosperity of the company in a highly competitive market. A beautiful name should be a commercial proposition, be based on a positive image of the product and offer unique opportunities to meet consumer requirements.

A successful LLC name will help save time when significantly expanding your business.

Basic principles for choosing a name

A brand is not a product, and its name should not be a description of the characteristics and essence of the product. It should highlight an important difference between the product and its competitors.

The name should express the company's value, create and maintain a connection between the product and the consumer. Almost any name can be a successful brand if efforts are made to unify it. For example, Marlboro reflects the area, Coca-Cola reflects the composition. The name should be related to the specifics of the product and focused on further development, regardless of the product situation.

  1. You should not give a direct description of the product - the name should highlight, not describe. To reveal the characteristics of a product, advertising and marketing are used; repeating information in the name will be unnecessary. A descriptive name will limit marketing opportunities when competitors have copies of the product. In the future, the trade name may become an unbranded product. A striking example is the name of the first antibiotics with penicillin - Terramycine, Vibramycine. Modern drugs are produced under patented brands - Tagamet, Zantac.
  2. A successful name may not reflect the characteristics of the product at all. This makes it unique for a long time (Apple).
  3. The name must take into account the time factor and remain unique for a long period. Poor examples include Radiola, which means “heat” in Latin, but is actually a non-heating household appliance. Sport 2000 is a reference to the year, which in the future may give the impression of being old-fashioned. EuropAssitance - binding to the region, which prevents expansion to other continents. Silhouette (silhouette) began to promote yoghurts for the health of the body, and not for weight loss. This principle is especially important for medium-sized businesses.
  4. The name must provide promising development in the international market. For example, the American brand CGE is often confused with its rival GE; Nike is not eligible for registration in a number of Arab countries.

Recently, the following methods of creating a brand name have been especially popular:

  • syllables or letters from the names (surnames) of the founders;
  • surname + prefix К°, off;
  • displaying the subject of the product in part of the name without direct mention (water, sea - Aqualor, Morenasal, Dolphin, Aquamaris).

Ideas for names can be found on specialized websites that generate lists of suitable names for free. You can also use the paid services of naming agencies, who will select a creative name that will bring good luck.

What name will bring good luck to an LLC?

When choosing a name for a company, the reactions and emotions of potential consumers of the product are taken into account. It must be understandable to the target audience. To make sure the name is successful, you can conduct a survey among future clients.

Naming experts have come up with several important rules:

  • The names on the list should be simple, pleasant and not misleading to consumers (the Vityaz florist shop, the Elena the Beautiful restaurant are inappropriate).
  • The name does not need to reflect information about the product. The main thing is that it should be easy to pronounce and evoke positive emotions.
  • It is not recommended to tie the name to a geographical location. This will allow you to quickly expand your business in the future without renaming.
  • If there are foreign words in the name, their meaning and interpretation should be clarified. Chevy Nova was renamed for the South American auto market, as it literally translated “doesn’t drive.”
  1. Use of full names and surnames. When selling a company, problems arise or negative personal associations may form among consumers.
  2. Use words that are complex or have a negative meaning.
  3. Use templates and hackneyed phrases.
  4. The Civil Code prohibits the use of full or abbreviated names of the state, authorities and local self-government, public associations, and contrary to the principles of morality and humanity.

The use of the words “Russian Federation”, “Russia” and derivative words requires special permission and an additional state fee (10-50 thousand rubles) is paid.

The name of a company that does not plan large-scale development may indicate the type of activity (production or installation of air conditioners - “Breeze”). A sense of proportion is important. Names that are difficult to remember or pronounce will not bring success in business: Moskavtotransservice, Stroypromkonsalt. But a draft beer store can safely be called with a definition of the characteristics of the product.

Directions for creating successful company names

A consonant name indicating the type of activity will be an ideal option for companies with great prospects. It should consist of 1-2 simple words. Consistency with well-known brands will negatively impact profits and may lead to lawsuits for copyright infringement.

It is important to understand that Omsk Furniture will not be in demand in Moscow. The name should be easily readable in common languages ​​of the world. The words must at least remotely indicate the activities of the LLC - the consumer must understand what is being offered to him.

An abbreviation would not be the best option for a name, as it confuses potential customers and depersonalizes the company. However, there is an exception to all rules: BMW (Bavarian Motor Plant).

Owners initials

The first option for the name is always the initials of the owners. The option is good if the person is respected and famous among others.

Popular companies are named by the names of the owners or their initials: TM “Mersedes”, “Honda”, “Tinokov”. You can recall the famous company “Siemens”, founded by Werner van Siemens and “Phillips” - the name of the founders of the business.

Play on words

A good option might be a merger of two words or an acronym made from the first sounds. The world company Lego comes from the Danish phrase leg godt - “play well.” Additionally, the name is translated from Latin as “collecting.” The brand name was created by a non-professional, but its popularity is growing every year.

A good example would be FaceBook. The method is convenient for quickly creating a name. StroyGrand is a universal name that is easy to remember.

The sports shoe manufacturer Adidas is named after the company's owner, Adolf Dassler.

Good examples of names indicating the location of the company are ZIL (Likhachev Plant), KamAZ (Kama Automobile Plant).

Often names are boring and unappealing to clients. A creative name popularizes the brand.

Fictional and historical characters

Beautiful names of companies that have earned worldwide recognition were sometimes named after mythical or historical characters. A notable example is "Canon" - a modified name for the Buddhist deity Kwanon. The owners of Blue Ribbon Sports changed their name to Nike Inc in honor of the Greek goddess of victory.

There are also companies on the Russian market named after famous characters - “Napoleon”, “Lincoln”. Many brands have proven to be tools of popularity for their developers. Successful brands have made their owners legends.

Associations and environment

History has known successful variants of a name with a word that describes a natural phenomenon or an abstract concept that evokes associations with the company’s product. “Hyundai” translates as “modernity”, and “Samsung” means “3 stars”.

The name according to Feng Shui, which provides for a harmonious combination of symbols with a positive meaning, can be roughly included in this category. There is a limit on the number of letters - no more than 5. The last one must be a vowel. A good example would be the Sony brand. The name comes from the Latin sonus - “sound”, and in English it sounds like sunny - “sunny”. However, in Japanese, sonny is a loss. This was the main reason for the abandonment of one letter n in the middle of a word.

Examples of names of transport companies

A successful transport company must have a beautiful name that makes it stand out from its competitors. You can use English words:

  • artway - art + road;
  • arrive - to arrive;

It is allowed to combine the initials of co-owners or parts of their surnames. The company name should sound easy: Azimu, AutoTrans, VestOl, TransLogistic, Rota Leasing, Inteltrans, TransAlyans. When creating a unique LLC name, you can work in the following directions:

  • connect the prefixes (auto-, trans-) and part of the name (AlRosa, RusAl);
  • associations with speed, transportation, road (Trajectory, Fast transportation);
  • resort to metaphors or play on words (Avis - bird);
  • use derivative words from “express”, “trans”, “speed”;
  • apply abbreviations (BNK - Fast, Reliable, Qualitative);
  • neologism is a new word.

Whatever activity the company is engaged in, its name should be easy to pronounce and quickly remembered, be harmonious, not have multiple interpretations, exclude floating stress and negative associations when pronunciated, and evoke pleasant visualizations.

Construction company name

The name of the construction company should create a feeling of trust, reliability and comfort (UyutDom, Domstroy). Similarities with competing companies and their abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible.

The name of the LLC in this area can reflect the profile of the proposed work (StroyMaster, GarantElit, StreamHouse). You can try to play on the profile word: build - Build-ka, StroyMig, PoStroy. Today there are names with prefixes (Derwold&Co).

A large number of new construction companies on the Internet does not negate the importance of the name and the principles of its composition.

Law firm name

A good lawyer must be reliable, inspire confidence and trust in clients. Similar requirements apply to law firms. The title should not be long, which interferes with quick memorization (“Right”).

The owner often combines their names in Russian or a foreign language: Yukov, Spencer and Kaufmann, SayenkoKharenko. A foreign basis can be used in the slogan: Avellum - A (the first letter of the Greek alphabet) + vellum (parchment for legislative acts).

  • use no more than 3 words;
  • the search should begin with Russian words, then Latin;
  • neologisms must be deciphered in the company slogan to indicate the scope of activity;
  • an abbreviation of a name consisting of several words should be euphonious;
  • avoid legal terms - banal and hackneyed;
  • do not use a common name to avoid difficulties in registering a trademark.

The name of a law firm should reflect the professionalism and personal values ​​of its employees and owners. Particular attention is paid to the color scheme and graphic design of the unique logo.

Furniture manufacturing company name

The product of a company in this field of activity should evoke a sense of style, leadership, luxury, and comfort. When choosing a name, use the following methods:

  • use georeference: Eden;
  • play with foreign words: glass (glass) - Sunglass;
  • furniture base: Mebelink, MebelStyle;
  • highlighting the scope of activity: Soft lines, Interior;
  • emphasis on positive associations: Formula of Comfort, Residence;
  • add prefixes or symbols: Prima-M, Glebov and Co;
  • play with the words: Furniture, Mebelius;
  • foreign base: MebelStyle;
  • use first or last name: Furniture from Ivanov.

Accounting company name

The name should indicate solidity, evoke trust and positive emotions. It is strictly forbidden to play on humorous names (BukhAccountingConsultingAudit - BUKA). The name should make clear the type of activity and seriousness of the organization: ExpertPlus, Glafbukh, guarantor, Balance, Accountant, Your accountant. It is allowed to play with foreign words: TaxOff, Account.

Modern names often contain abbreviations (Accounting Reporting Tax Returns - BOND), parts of the names of the owners in a euphonious form.

How to come up with a monetary name for an LLC, taking into account the energy of words

Each letter has a digital analogue, the vibration of which it obeys. This is clearly visible in the table.

To determine the energy of the name, the numerical names of the letters are combined to obtain a common number. For a clear example, let’s look at the name “Elite”:

4 (E) + 4 (L) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) + 1 (A) = 12

After the calculation, you can proceed to deciphering the name:

  • UNIT - the beginning of the beginning. It brings good luck to companies introducing new and unusual products to the market. The names are suitable for innovative developments and new technologies. The new brand will be easy to promote and will gain the trust and support of consumers. The star patron of the unit is considered the Sun, which symbolizes courage and power.
  • TWO is suitable for organizations whose purpose is to care for people (kindergarten, school, clinic). The figure is favorable for cleaning companies, landscaping companies (landscape design, gardening), hairdressing salons, manicures, etc. The patron of the deuce is the Moon, filled with femininity and sophistication.
  • TROIKA improves the welfare of businesses in the entertainment sector: restaurants, bowling alleys, cinemas, children's play centers, attractions, cultural palaces, etc. Helps in the production and supply of food products: cafes, pizzerias. Troika will ensure the success of acting studios, advertising agencies, and design studios. Her patron is Jupiter, the fusion of opposites, their interaction and unification. Thus, the name will convey balance and perfection.
  • FOUR is the number of large companies, a symbol of the birth of organized matter and creation. Will bring profit and success to agricultural, forestry, woodworking organizations. Many successful metallurgical and engineering plants have names that are consonant with the four. It is ideal for design bureaus and construction companies. The protector will be Uranus, stable and manageable.
  • FIVE has favorable energy for companies in the field of recreation and sports: fishing and sports stores, fitness clubs, SPA, baths and saunas, sanatoriums. Will promote the active development of tourism organizations and guides. Will bring profit to the dealership of cars or spare parts for them. The patron is Mercury, leading to change and perfection.
  • SIX is ideal for creative or artistic activities (artists, art salon). Good energy for an antique store, selling flowers and souvenirs. Everything that can decorate a house and bring comfort to its owner (furniture, decor stores) will be included in their number. Success is guaranteed for beauty salons, clothing salons, cosmetologists, and medical centers. Venus will help in development. Six reflects the ideal of human perfection.

  • SEVEN is the elite. It is favorable for expensive stores and elite clubs, companies with unusual and expensive products. Suitable for travel companies with exotic resorts or unusual forms of recreation. The star patron will be Neptune, symbolizing the spiritual and cultural basis of things.
  • EIGHT is the patron of large financial companies with large cash flow. Brings good luck to banks, accounting and auditing companies. Saturn will help, combining extreme materialism and infinity.
  • NINE will help charitable organizations and private educational organizations. Suitable for psychological rehabilitation centers and practicing psychologists. Patron - Mars, the end of the old and the beginning of the new.

So, before opening any business, you need to calculate everything, both literally and figuratively.

Examples of successful names

To see the importance of the energy component, you can consider several examples of successful companies:

  • Sberbank - 1+2+6+9+2+1+6+3=30 3+0=3;
  • Ochakovo - 7+7+1+3+7+3+7=35 3+5=8;
  • Russian Sea - 3;
  • Euroset - 1;
  • Megafon - 6;
  • Tape - 1;
  • Gazprom - 8;
  • Yandex - 9;
  • Pharma - 2;
  • Magnet - 1.

If the name is chosen taking into account the laws of numerology, then the success of the company is guaranteed; they should not be neglected. Use the recommendations above and consider your chosen name options.

Any successful business cannot function fully without a beautiful name. Determining it is a complex task that requires taking into account many nuances. Regardless of the field of activity, the name of the LLC should be simple, harmonious and evoke positive associations. The name of the company should make people want to cooperate with it.

Be sure to take into account the scale of the business: it is inappropriate to call large companies fairy-tale characters or words in a diminutive form. An associative word would be an excellent option.

If you can’t find a beautiful name on your own, you can contact agencies that specialize in naming. For their services, specialists can demand up to 30 thousand rubles. A free source of ideas will be sites with name generators that will provide a list of suitable names.

Remember that the name determines the marketing policy and product promotion on the market.

In this article you will learn:

The name of the company plays an important representative role, being the calling card of the business. In addition to following the rules of naming, it is also important to name a company according to Feng Shui, and examples of successful stories in world history confirm that the energy balance of a word has a beneficial effect on business development.

How to choose a company name according to Feng Shui

When choosing a company name, you need to take into account that this word will be repeated often, it will become a kind of mantra carrying strong energy. Based on this concept, it can be determined that the main component is the positive emotions that should arise when this name is mentioned. It is not necessary for the word to accurately describe the type of activity of the company, but there must be associations.

For young developing companies, it is especially useful to choose names with increasing energy from syllable to syllable. As an example, we can name the Mercedes company, where the sound gradually increases from the very beginning and ends with a shock sound.

You can name a company to make it successful using a more complex Feng Shui approach. According to this teaching, each letter has a numerological meaning and, in addition, belongs to one of the 5 elements (Fire, Wood, Water, Soil and Metal). The auspiciousness of the name can be determined using diagrams of destruction and creation of the elements and numerological tables.

Use of owner's initials

The initials of the owner of the company can be a good option if this person has a good reputation and is respected. In this case, the energy of the name will work to promote and develop his business. For those who are just starting their career, this option is not recommended, as it will require more effort.

Although variants with initials and owner's names are more often used for creative fields where personality is so important, there is no need to be afraid of using them in other areas. Such names are well suited not only for a fashion house, design studio or bakery, but also for a real estate agency, repair company and automobile concern.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, it is dangerous to sell companies whose names use the initials of the owners, as this destroys the energy of the family. This also works in the opposite direction - when acquiring a company with that name, it is better to change it.

Name of fictional or historical characters

History provides many successful examples in which naming is associated with the use of historical characters. It is important to study the nature of the chosen personality in advance in order to better understand whether this name will suit the chosen line of business.

A business name that brings good luck can also be the name of a fictional character. In this case, you need to work out the character of this character, make him as lively and interesting as possible, one that will become the personification of the conceived ideas.

Successful examples

An excellent example of the correct name for a company according to Feng Shui is the history of the Toyota brand. The basis was the name of the creator of the famous car brand - Toyoda, as the company was originally called. However, then it was decided to rebrand, and the Toyota company gained worldwide fame; only one letter changed. The fact is that in Japanese spelling the word Toyoda consists of 10 letters, and Toyota - of 8, and 8 is considered a lucky number. Many people attribute the company’s incredible success on the global market to this seemingly small change.

If we continue the automotive theme, we can cite another popular brand as an example. The creators of the Mitsubishi automaker believed that associations with jewelry would bring success in business and they were not mistaken. The name of this company literally means “3 diamonds”, and car enthusiasts all over the world highly appreciate the merits of these cars.

You can also notice that in these names the principle of ascending energy of syllables is observed.

Typical mistakes of a manager

Don’t assume that coming up with a good company name is easy. Businessmen often believe that they should not pay special attention to this, and when they understand the importance of the issue, they are faced with new problems of re-registering a business and reshaping their existing opinion.

You cannot rely solely on your opinion; in such a responsible situation, it is recommended to consult with experts in naming and Feng Shui if you want your business to be successful.

Name the company correctly- means taking the first step towards success. Managers set different goals for this. Some people want to promote a brand, others want to perpetuate their name or create a name from the names of their partners.

Some people completely avoid the meaning of the new name. What really matters is how the company shows itself later. Her activities will glorify any name. But there are still some guidelines in his choice.

  1. To begin with, the sphere is determined the company's activities and the range of its clients. For example, if a company provides services or sells premium goods, then there is no need to use the words “economy” or “cheap goods” in the name.
    This will discourage customers who want high quality and expensive services and products. The title should provide a clear guide to the content of the activity.
  2. Using names does not provide specifics in informing the client. Moreover, this is inappropriate in the name of a construction organization.
  3. The name should be easy to pronounce and read. If you “break your tongue” about it, then clients will come up with it themselves. And this already introduces the risk of misinformation. They will simply confuse you with someone else.
  4. Comfortable name. If a potential client hears it, even by chance, and becomes interested, he may become your client. For example, a person is looking for good deals on buying housing in a cottage community.
    What attracts him in the first place? Remoteness from the bustle of the city, picturesque nature. Therefore, he will probably be interested in housing companies with names like “Birch Grove” or “Golden Dune”.
  5. Please indicate your occupation in the title. When choosing a company, the client wants certainty.

Choosing a name for a construction company (examples)

Future employees can help. This will force them to delve deeper and think about the concept of the enterprise and unite the team with a common idea.

This kind of brainstorming will give many options from which you can choose the best by voting. For example, when choosing a name for a construction organization, it is necessary to emphasize the high level of service and reliability in cooperation.

Therefore, from the options - Domostroy, Capital Developer, Eternal Fortress, VashDomStroy, StroyDomServis, MigDomStroy, the name StroyNadezhServis is suitable. It reflects the company's main goals for working with clients.

This is a reliable home construction service. “ZhilStroy” is a suitable name for a house construction company, “Masterok” is a company selling construction tools.

Choosing a company name based on its owner's name

This option occurs. But then the owner should just make his name famous like Ford, Porsche and the like. If you are confident that you can turn the desired name into a brand, go ahead and name the company with your name or one you personally chose.

Assigning a company name upon registration

When registering a company need to know for sure, what will you name your brainchild? For people who will use the company’s services, it is important to understand by the name the nature of the activity and services provided. The name should be easy to read and harmonious.

If, for example, there are already 4 companies in the city with the same name, then it is better to name the fifth company differently. Such companies differ only in their registration number.

But people will not understand the registration number of your organization and can easily confuse it with competitors and go to them.

Another aspect against identical names. If the namesake company commits fines in front of clients and gets a bad reputation, then the shadow may fall on you. Therefore, when registering in the state register, choose a meaningful, meaningful and original name for the new company.

The use of abbreviations for better memorability and convenient perception of the name

When registering they legitimize both the full name of the organization and an abbreviated version. The first is used for document preparation, and the second option is used for business correspondence and internal use. The law requires that the full name must be in Russian.

But the shortened version may include foreign words. After all, many companies operate in the international market. All names must be officially registered, otherwise they will not be valid in the documents. The use of abbreviations shortens and makes the name more informative.

The words Russia and Moscow are prohibited from being used. To use them, you need permission from the Government and payment of a state fee.

When coming to government agencies to register a company, you need to have several options in stock to avoid repetitions of existing ones.

Regulatory acts

Choosing an organization name is certainly an important aspect. Preference is given to the most incredible names. But there are regulations that regulate this. When choosing the name of a new organization, familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

There are special rules for naming an LLC:

  • The name reveals the organizational and legal form;
  • You can use foreign words in Russian pronunciation;
  • An indication of territorial affiliation with the Russian Federation or a specific region of it;
  • You cannot use the names of proprietary brands of other organizations;
  • It is necessary that the name does not contradict the principles of humanity and morality.

Definition of its main concept in the name of the company

Each construction company has its own profile activities in a wide range of construction works. Some are engaged in construction, others are in the repair of buildings and facilities. If possible, the profile should be “viewable” in the title.

This will make it easier for a client to choose your company. ZhilStroy, RegionStroy, UniversalStroy, StroyMaster, StroyGarant - these names show what the company does and how it does it - with a guarantee, universally.

The leaders are so reverent concern the future of their business that they resort to the services of astrologers and Feng Shui specialists to help them choose the right “magical” name for the enterprise.

They trust the development of a special logo that attracts good luck in business. Color is of particular importance, the shades of which are used to decorate all advertising projects and even the company’s office premises.

What is quality naming?

Naming is the area of ​​expertise in choosing a brand name. Many years of development and research have made it possible to identify a number of fundamental points in choosing a company name. Reflection of activities in names like “Windows-Grad” - production of windows in a broad aspect.

Abbreviated, capacious and sonorous names are well remembered and interest the client. For example, a company that installs ceilings and doors is PiD. The territorial affiliation of the organization may also be in the name - “Saratov Windows”.

Prohibited names

In fact, all techniques and phrases prohibited in naming are reflected in the relevant articles of the Civil Code. This:

  • Prohibited to use full and abbreviated names of states;
  • You cannot use the names of government structures Russian Federation and its subjects;
  • You cannot use the names of international, intergovernmental and public organizations;
  • Obscene, immoral, offensive for any segment of society, words cannot be included in the official name of the company;
  • Words similar in sound and spelling to well-known brands should also be excluded. This is a copyright violation.

Failure to comply with these standards may threaten the owner of the company with claims and litigation, as a result of which he may lose his well-known and well-known brand.

How to name a construction company

If you work with ordinary people, the name should not scare them away. It should be simple, concise and understandable. In this case, you should not resort to foreign words.

The company name is an integral image element of any business. Many entrepreneurs, when registering a company, do not pay due attention to this issue: they have more important things to do, and coming up with a name is not a problem. As a result, almost every city has its own “Aphrodites” and “Window Worlds”, and sometimes several companies with overlapping “original” names. Meanwhile, the name is a face, part of the brand, which should be associated by customers with a specific manufacturer, service, or store. It is advisable, even at the stage of developing a business idea, to think about what to name the company so that it is successful.

How to choose a name for a company

Uniqueness is an important, but not the only criterion for a company name. Marketers have developed a whole set of rules for naming - the process of creating names for companies and their products:

  1. “Brevity is the sister of talent” is also useful in the case of the company name: it should be concise for easy memorization and recognition by potential and current clients. A word of one or two syllables is preferable to a long compound name.
  2. When choosing a name, think about your clients - whether they will be comfortable using the phrase you have imagined. It should be easy to pronounce, there should be no doubt about the emphasis, it should fit well on the ear, and have an unambiguous spelling. If you decide to use a non-existent word, don’t overdo it: test it for adequacy of perception.
  3. Avoid ambiguous expressions and words that cause negative associations. An example of not the most successful use is the word “escort” in the name of a taxi service.
  4. Look into tomorrow: if there is a possibility of business development to an international level, the name should be “user friendly” for foreign clients and partners. How to name a company so that it sounds good in different languages ​​- take a word with an international root. Don't forget to check its significance in the countries of your future market. A good option is made-up words and abbreviations.
  5. Try to distance your name from the names of competing companies, avoid resemblance to well-known brands.
  6. It will be great if the name of the company has at least some relation to the profile of its activities or is neutral in nature.

How you can and cannot name a company

Before you start pouring out ideas on how to name an LLC, do not forget that in addition to the “creative” component in the name of commercial organizations there are legal nuances.

  1. If you intentionally or unknowingly "borrow" someone else's properly registered name, you risk getting into big trouble. Large well-known companies have all brand elements patented as trademarks, and this on your part is a violation of copyright.
  2. A name that is suspiciously similar to the name of a competing company can also land you in court. The concepts of identity and degree of confusion, which civil law operates in this case, do not have a clear interpretation. Therefore, the question of originality or borrowing of your “invention” is decided at the discretion of the judge.
  3. “Mere mortals” are not allowed to name their companies using the word “Russia”, mentioning federal subjects and authorities, official names of foreign states, international and public organizations and derivatives from their names.
  4. The name of the company should not be offensive, obscene, or violate legal and moral standards.
  5. The name of the LLC should not be misleading regarding the scope of its activities.

Apart from the indicated “forbidden” techniques, the rest of the imagination in creating names is not limited to anything. In naming, there are many ways to create unique names, the most common of which are:

  1. “Mercedes”, “Ford”, “Heinz” are the most famous examples of names that show how a company can be called using proper names. The names of company founders, their family members, and lovers are immortalized in the history of many famous brands. You can do the same, but remember about uniqueness: it will work out great if you have an unusual name or your surname can be used in an original way in the name.
  2. Mention of the field of activity. Compose the name of the company from words that characterize the goods and services that you offer (“furniture”, “auto”, “construction”). Marketers recommend avoiding words in compound names with which naming is oversaturated: “super”, “ultra”, “plus”, “express” and others.
  3. Acronyms, hybrids, abbreviations. You can take several words and make an abbreviation out of them, cut and “glue” parts of words, cut off the ending, etc.
  4. Transcription from other languages. From foreign words written in Cyrillic and adapted to the Russian “ear”, bright and memorable names are obtained.
  5. Pure creativity. Just make up your own word. A name that does not make sense and does not even remotely hint at the field of activity has a right to exist if it sounds good and attracts attention.

Naming: professional approach

It is important for an entrepreneur not so much to find a “beautiful” name as to figure out what to name the company so that it generates income. A well-chosen name is a full-fledged marketing tool: it helps positioning and recognition of the company in the market, promoting the goods and services offered.

In order for the name to be not just a “sign”, but to become a brand that works for you, you need to do a lot of work, which in marketing is called naming. The process of creating a trademark or company motto begins long before the actual search for suitable words.

Naming includes several stages:

  1. Analysis of the company: field of activity, development concept, etc. It is necessary to understand what the features and advantages of the company in question are. What goods and services will it produce, what are their price categories, quality, and benefits for the buyer.
  2. Target audience analysis. The problem of what to name a store, say, women's clothing, involves completely different implementation options, if it is a youth brand or a boutique for ladies of an “elegant” age - the difference is fundamental. Therefore, you need to find out who the company’s potential clients are: their age, gender, social status, income level. What are the characteristics of the purchasing behavior of this consumer segment? The image being formed must be purposefully designed for a specific audience, its values, colloquial vocabulary, etc.
  3. Market research of similar companies. It is important to identify the main competitors, evaluate their names, and study consumer reactions to popular brands. Note the pros and cons of “brethren” in the niche, analyze advertising channels and promotion methods.
  4. Formulating naming requirements. Based on the previous analysis, a list of wishes for the future name is compiled: what idea it should reflect, preferred and prohibited words, number of words/letters and other details.
  5. Generation of ideas. This is the most creative part of naming – options that meet the stated requirements are presented “on the fly.” The greater the number of proposed names, the greater the choice, the main thing is that the riot of imagination does not go beyond the outlined parameters.
  6. Selection of your favorite options. Each of them is analyzed for compliance with the main criteria of the “correct” name: brevity, readability, euphony, variability of spelling, meaning, etc. As a result, several options remain that are subject to further examination.
  7. Testing the name on real people representing the target consumer group. Do they like the proposed option, is it easy to remember, what associations does it evoke, does it increase trust in the company - that is, the opinion of what is the best name for the company is sought directly from the company’s potential clients.
  8. Legal examination of titles: whether they comply with current legislation and whether they violate copyright.

Where to order naming

Serious businesses are sensitive to their image, and large companies entrust the development of their corporate identity to professional naming agencies. The service is not cheap: ordinary entrepreneurs who do not have “space” budgets cannot afford it. Most people have to cope on their own. But it turns out that coming up with an original, “catchy” name for a company on your own is not so easy. There is a problem: where to get ideas for inspiration? Where can you “spot” interesting thoughts?

An excellent solution is to brainstorm and choose the most successful option from the mass of creative ideas. And if professional copywriters act as idea generators, don’t even doubt that the result will satisfy you 100%. Can't think of a suitable name for your company? Don’t know what to name your online store, choose a domain for your website, or write a slogan? You can order naming online on the TurboText copywriting exchange! For a nominal fee you will receive hundreds of original titles, “tailored” to your requirements. All you have to do is decide on the winner and get a unique brand at your disposal.

So, to order naming on TT, you first need to register on the site. Then you select the “Naming” tab and click “Create Order”.

Now you need to choose what exactly you need - a domain name, title or slogan.

Don't forget to check the boxes wherever necessary.

Ready! Now all that remains is to consider the proposed options to choose the best one.