Icon of St. Alexandra - meaning, history, what it helps with. Personalized icons of Saint Alexanders in the Orthodox Church

Saint Alexandra's Day is celebrated according to the church calendar simultaneously with the feast of the Great Martyr George - April 23. This date has been known since the 10th century; it was recorded in the Typikon of the Great Church. The date is associated with the death of the saint on April 21, 303, but commemoration began two days later.

Orthodox Saint Alexandra is mentioned in the life of the Great Martyr George the Victorious as the queen and wife of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (303) - an ardent follower of idolatry and persecutor of Christianity, according to whose orders all churches were to be destroyed, church books were to be burned, and church property was to go to the state. Every Christian had to make sacrifices to the emperor and the pagan gods. Refusal was subject to torture, imprisonment and death penalty.

At a meeting between the king and the princes about the murder of innocent Christians, Saint George was not afraid to speak out against this outrage. The spears with which they drove the saint out of the meeting became soft as tin and did not harm the martyr. Georgy was sentenced to ride on the wheel. After the execution of the sentence, the Angel of the Lord healed his wounds. Each time, after the sophisticated tortures and torments that Diocletian invented for St. George the Victorious in revenge for his strong Christian faith, the great martyr was miraculously healed, calling out to God in prayer. With God's help, he raised the dead and cast out demons from idols. Observing the exploits of St. George the Victorious, Saint Alexandra believed in Christ and began to openly confess her faith. At the feet of the martyr, she boldly ridiculed the pagan gods, thereby incurring the wrath of her husband.

For their refusal to serve idols, Diocletian imposed a death sentence on Christ's confessors in the form of beheading by the sword. Saint Alexandra meekly followed George, reading prayers to herself and looking at the sky. On the way, she asked for rest and, leaning on the building, died quietly. This happened on April 21, 303 in Nicomedia.

Patroness of Russian monarchs

Saint Alexandra was especially revered in the family of Russian monarchs as the patroness of two empresses: Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of Nicholas I, and Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of Nicholas II. During their reign, a number of churches were built and consecrated in Moscow in the name of Queen Alexandra.

Temple in honor of the Great Martyr in Peterhof

In 1854, construction began on the Church of St. Alexandra on Babi Gon. At the ceremonial laying on August 11, with the participation of Emperor Nicholas I, a stone was laid from the holy banks of the Jordan. In the future, this temple will become a favorite place for prayer for the imperial family. The five-domed stone church was distinguished by its unique beauty. In the architecture of the temple, one of the most beautiful elements of ancient Russian architecture was used - “kokoshniks”.

The carved wooden iconostasis - a gift from Emperor Nicholas I - was a real decoration of the church. A lot of money was spent on the construction of the temple. Transporting materials up the mountain required significant costs. Nicholas I and members of the royal family were present at the solemn consecration of the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra. In his speech at the end of the Divine Service, the emperor thanked everyone who participated in the construction.

The Church of St. Alexandra on the Babigon Heights was designed for approximately 500 people praying. The church had a tabernacle made of red Siberian jasper, utensils made of precious stones, gold and silver.

Temple destruction

Divine services in the church in the name of St. Alexandra took place until 1940, until a proposal was made to turn this holy place into an entertainment club. But the war did not allow the plans to be implemented. The temple was repeatedly shelled, and bomb attacks caused significant damage to the church.

After the war, the temple was transferred to the state farm workshop, and the basement was adapted for a vegetable storage. Only in 1991 the building was returned to the diocese. At the beginning of the restoration, the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra was a sad sight: the five-domed completion was lost, the head of the large dome and small domes was missing, the bell tower tent with the dome was demolished, the picturesque decoration of the temple and the carved iconostasis disappeared, the spiral staircase was destroyed, there were no windows or doors .

Restoration of the temple

In 1998, for the first time after such a long break, a Divine service was performed in the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra. This significant event took place on the patronal holiday. And a year later, from April 1999, services in the temple began to be held regularly. Work is still underway to restore its original appearance.

Other temples in the name of St. Alexandra

In St. Petersburg there is also the Putilov Church, built in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the martyr Queen Alexandra. In 1925 it was closed, the domes and crosses were demolished. Later, the church was turned into a club, in 1940 it was transferred to the regional motor transport school, and after the war - to a haberdashery enterprise.

In the 90s, the process of returning the building of the Russian Orthodox Church began. In 2006, the 100th anniversary of the Putilov Church was celebrated. In the same year, the first service after an 80-year break was held. Now in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Martyr Queen Alexandra, services are held regularly.

In honor of the holy martyr, many military schools in the capital were consecrated before the revolution. On Znamenka there used to be the Alexander Military School. Its church was built in honor of Saint Alexandra. In 1833, the temple at the Alexandrinsky Palace in Neskuchny Garden was consecrated in the name of Alexandra of Rome. In 1895-1899, the Church of the Holy Martyr Queen Alexandra was erected in the village. Muromtsevo, Vladimir region. There are also temples consecrated in her honor abroad. For example, in Armenia, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, Hungary.


Saint Alexandra, whose icon is located in St. Petersburg in Peterhof, in the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior on Spilled Blood), the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the St. Nicholas Monastery in Saratov and in other churches in Russia and beyond, she was an example of love for God and piety. The Great Martyr is usually depicted on icons in royal clothes and a crown, often with a cross in her hand. There are many single images.

We also see the face of Queen Alexandra on other icons and church paintings. Thus, the martyr is depicted on the “Selected Saints” icon, which is located in the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Art named after. Andrey Rublev. The icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Queen Alexandra is located in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. The image of the martyr is in Bryullov’s mosaic in the main iconostasis of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior on Spilled Blood) and in other places.

What does the saint help with?

They pray to Empress Alexandra of Rome for the salvation of the soul and deliverance from all evil, strengthening faith. The Great Martyr will help all those who suffer, seeking answers to complex life questions, and will protect them from betrayal. The strong marital effect of icons depicting a saint, which helps to strengthen the bonds of marriage and maintain good relationships in the family.

Orthodox Christians often wonder when the day of the Angel Alexander is according to the church calendar. This is a very popular Christian name not only in Russia, but also in other CIS countries. It comes from a Greek word that means “protector”, “protector”.

Each name has its own saint or saint, who patronizes the one who is also called (usually this is the name given at the baptism of a child). To determine when to celebrate the day of remembrance of the heavenly patron, you need to find a list of all the saints with your name and choose the one whose day of memory is celebrated closest to the date of birth of the person in question.

One should not confuse the patron and the Guardian Angel, since the latter is a heavenly being who follows a person during his earthly journey. It protects from sinners and evil and is assigned to every believer after the sacrament of baptism. It is to him that Christians read special morning prayers, for example, “Angel of God, my holy Guardian.”

Therefore, it is incorrect to call the day of remembrance of your heavenly patron the day of the Angel, since it is not known for certain whether these entities even have names. A more accurate definition for this date would be name day.

Some foreign names are not in the Orthodox calendars, then you should choose the closest Slavic version of the name, for example, for a girl: Svetlana is Photinia in Greek, and for a boy: Stanislav is Stachy, and so on. It is possible to baptize a child under a name that is different from what is written on the birth certificate. In this case, the name given at baptism will be the name of the patron.

When are Alexander and Alexandra’s name days according to the Orthodox calendar?

There is more than one saint or saint who bore this ancient name. This name has a centuries-old history, so there are several options for patrons.

Male names

A great many martyrs bearing the name Alexander suffered for the Christian faith. Among them were saints, reverends, who, by example throughout their lives, testified to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and continued His teaching on earth.

His memorial day is celebrated on December 6 and September 12. He was canonized by the church thanks to his victories in the name of the people of Rus', which he achieved with faith in God.

After fervent prayers, the saint and the Russian army were able to miraculously win a victory at the Neva, which took place on July 15, 1240. The famous Battle of the Ice glorified Alexander Nevsky.

Not every Russian prince possessed such powerful faith, courage and foresight; the prince was able to protect and strengthen Rus', he fulfilled the task assigned to him by God.

Venerable Alexander Svirsky

Memorial Days are celebrated on April 30 and September 12. Alexander Svirsky led a modest and harsh life; in his youth he entered a monastery and devoted himself entirely to serving the Heavenly Father.

He founded several monasteries, performed godly deeds and fervently prayed.

Holy Martyr Alexander of Rome

Martyr's Day is celebrated on May 26. This is a righteous person who has chosen the divine path of serving God.

He confronted the enemies of Christianity in the fourth century. The martyr was raised in the spirit of Christianity and boldly professed this faith all his life.

Hieromartyr Alexander of Jerusalem, bishop

He was famous for his learning and wisdom.

Martyr Alexander of Pidny

Born a pagan, he came to the Lord and persisted in his faith during the great Maximian persecution.

Female names

Among women we will also point out several saints.

Martyr Alexandra of Rome, Nicomedia, Empress

Martyr's Day of Remembrance is celebrated on May 6th. She was the wife of Emperor Diocletian, but she professed Christianity secretly. One day, having seen the suffering of Saint George, the empress decided to openly take the side of the true God.

Her husband handed his wife a death sentence, which she courageously accepted in the name of righteous faith. But she was not destined to die at the hands of the executioner, since miraculously the martyr died quietly in her sleep on the way to execution.

Alexandra (Romanova), Empress, Passion-Bearer

Memorial Days are celebrated on February 4 (movable date), June 17 (movable date), February 5, February 11, July 17. Alexandra Romanova, born Princess Alice, converted to Orthodoxy after her marriage.

As the wife of Emperor Nicholas II of All Russia, she came to the Orthodox faith at an adult age. But as a child she embarked on the divine path, and subsequently did good deeds and never refused to help the suffering. The empress was brutally executed by the revolutionaries.


You should not just celebrate the day of remembrance of your saint, but try to imitate his good deeds and inherit his good qualities. To do this, you need to know the life of your patron and pray to him every day, seeking consolation and peace, and there must be an icon of the patron saint in the house.

The day of remembrance of the patron saint is your name day, on this day you should go to church for a service.

HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME ALEXANDER.- Comes from the ancient Greek words “alex” - to protect and “andros” - husband, man, that is, “protector of people”, “courageous protection”.

“Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most internally proportional.” (P. A, Florensky)


Alexander of Adrianople, bishop, martyr, November 4 (October 22).
Alexander the African, martyr, April 23 (10).
Alexander the warrior, martyr, June 23 (10).
Alexander of Egypt, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, March 28 (15).
Alexander of Egypt, warrior, martyr, July 22 (9).
Alexander of Jerusalem, Patriarch, Hieromartyr, May 29 (16), December 25 (12).
Alexander Kalutinsky (Kalitsky), blacksmith, martyr, October 11 (September 28).
Alexander Komansky, bishop, martyr, August 25 (12). By God's direction, he was elected bishop from among the coal sellers. He pleased God with humility and good deeds. He died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century.
Alexander of Constantinople, Patriarch, September 12 (August 30).
Alexander of Constantinople, venerable, first leader of the monastery of the “Unsleepless”, March 8 (February 23), July 16 (3). At first he was a warrior, then he became a monk, founded 9 monasteries and was the first to establish in them the rite of “non-sleeping”, that is, the constant performance of divine services, both day and night.
Alexander Kushtpsky, abbot, June 22 (9).
Alexander (in schema Alexy) Nevsky, Grand Duke, June 5 (May 23), September 12 (August 30), December 6 (November 23). Prince of Novgorod, then Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. With victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights (Battle of the Ice, 1242), he secured the western borders of Rus'. Through skillful policies he eased the burdens of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
Alexander of Nikopol (Armenian), martyr, July 23 (10).
Alexander Oshevensky, abbot, May 3 (April 20).
Alexander of Perga (Pamphylia), farmer, martyr, August 14 (1).
Alexander of Pidnsky, presbyter, martyr, March 26 (13).
Alexander the Roman, martyr, son of the martyr Felicata of Rome, February 7 (January 25).
Alexander of Rome, martyr, May 26 (13).
Alexander of Rome, martyr, son of the martyr Claudius of Rome, August 24 (11).
Alexander I of Rome, pope, martyr, March 29 (16).
Alexander Svirsky, reverend, April 30 (17), September 12 (August 30).
Alexander of Sebaste, martyr, March 22 (9).
Alexander of Sidsky (Pamphylian), priest, martyr, March 28 (15).
Alexander Solunekiy (Thessalonian), November 22 (9).
Alexander Khotovitsky, protopresbyter, martyr, on the Sunday after February 7 (January 25).
Alexander of Aegean, martyr, June 2 (May 20).







ALEXANDER'S PLANT.- Chestnut, gladiolus, lilac.


MAIN CHARACTER TRAITS OF ALEXANDER.- Intuition, will, activity, determination. Smart and witty.


ALEXANDER'S THINKING.- Synthetic type of thinking. He has a reliable memory and a simply frightening curiosity.

ALEXANDER'S MORALITY.- Capable of questionable actions.

ALEXANDER'S TYPE.- To understand Alexander, you need to know that his totem animal is a crab, which attacks with claws, backs away, drags its victim, and if the fight is unequal, buries itself in the sand.

CHARACTER OF THE NAME ALEXANDER.- Alexander is a likeness, reflection, symbol of the Universe. When he receives sufficient nutritional material for the formation of personality, he becomes a genius.

ALEXANDER'S FATE.- Alexander is so deep in himself that... strives to escape from reality, hiding in the depths of his subconscious. Or, if he has the courage, he will try to remake this reality, adjust it to suit himself. At the same time, he will not stop until he reaches a dead end.

ALEXANDER'S PSYCHE.- Has a vivid imagination. Often tries to justify his actions in advance, especially when he is scared or afraid of condemnation. Complex natures are Alexandra with patronymics Nikolaevich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Borisovich and Semenovich.

ALEXANDER'S HEALTH.- Average, easily overtired. He suffers from stomach problems, so he must take care of his digestion.

SEX AND LOVE ALEXANDER.- It is mainly speculative in nature. Alexander tends to dream about love instead of living it. There is something childish in his sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth. It's not easy for women with him.

ALEXANDER'S MARRIAGE AND FAMILY.- Successful serious relationships and marriages with Anna, Valentina, Varvara, Vera, Veronica, Daria, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalya, Oksana, Polina, Tamara. Relationships with Ekaterina, Elena, Zinaida, Lydia and Svetlana can be very difficult.

ALEXANDER'S PASSIONS AND HOBBIES.- Alexander is artistic, it’s as if he is playing some vital role, looking forward to the moment when he can become himself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all, since fate always takes Alexander to the rapids of life!

IMPLEMENTATION IN SOCIETY AT ALEXANDER.- He is not attracted to science, or rather, he studies only for himself. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate the pedagogical process well. He does not tolerate coercion. Artistic nature. Can become a talented actor, director, entertainer, or television worker. Among the Alexanders there are travelers, sailors, lawyers, and people who have retired from society.

ALEXANDER'S CAREER AND BUSINESS.- Alexander persistently achieves his goal. He can become the head of a team and skillfully manage it, while relying on the most capable people, entrusting them with the most difficult matters. Fair.

GREAT PEOPLE.- The name Alexander was borne by many Russian princes, tsars, emperors, the great commander Suvorov, the great poets Pushkin and Blok. And also Abdulov, Alyabyev, Bogomolets, Borodin, Butlerov, Varlamov, Vasilevsky, Vedernikov, Gauk, Herzen, Glazunov, Godunov, Gradsky, Griboedov, Humboldt, Dargomyzhsky, Delvig, Demyanenko, Dovzhenko, Dolukhanyan, Dumas, Zhigulev, Zatsepin, Zbruev, Ivanov, Kalyagin, Korzhakov, Korneychuk, Kuprin, Lebedev, Lebed, Lodygin, Lukashenko, Malinin, Martynov, Maslyakov, Menshikov, Mikhailov, Myagchenkov, Onassis, Ostrovsky, Parkhomenko, Peresvet, Pirogov, Pozharov (Ostuzhev), Pokryshkin, Polezhaev, Popov , Radishchev, Sveshnikov, Serafimovich, Serov, Sklyar, Scriabin, Sokurov, Solzhenitsyn, Sumarokov, Sumbatov-Yuzhin, Sukhovo-Kobylin, Tvardovsky, Fadeev, Fersman, Flyarkovsky, Kholminov, Tsfasman, Chistyakov, Shirvindt, Shchuplov, Eiffel, Yakovlev.

Many wonderful things are associated with the name of the superman Alexander the Great. For example, his mother Olympias, a beautiful priestess and mistress of sacred snakes, assured that she gave birth to him not from the lame, one-eyed Philip of Macedon, but from a deity to whom she surrendered at night in the temple!.. At the age of 12, he turned out to be the only rider who managed to tame the obstinate, the fierce stallion Bucephalus, who became the young king’s friend and comrade-in-arms. His plans were limitless: he even wanted to ascend to heaven, but the sacred eagle did not let him there.

I have two Alexanders in my family - my husband and my eldest son. Despite the fact that they are not related to each other by blood (it just so happens), they are sooooo similar! Especially in terms of deepening into oneself, sometimes they will leave so much that you won’t wait to come back)))) Curiosity is also beyond measure - they simply devour any information to enormous volumes!

Saint Aleksandra, su-pru-ga im-pe-ra-to-ra Dio-kli-ti-a-na, was a secret chri-sti-an-koy. Seeing the firmness of the faith of St. George during his torment, she decided to open the witness about his faith in Jesus Christ. She went to the place where St. Ge-or-gia, fell to the feet of the ve-li-to-mu-che-ni-ka and announced herself in front of everyone as a Christian. The embittered Dio-kli-ti-an drove Tsa-ri-tsu to death. Saint Alexandra courageously accepted this speech and meekly went to the place of execution, praying for casting your gaze to the sky. On the way, she, having become tired, woke up and again allowed her to rest a little. Leaning against the wall of a building, she quietly died. Her peaceful end after April 21, 303, but they commemorate her one day since the Great -ko-mu-che-ni-kom Ge-or-gi-em, 23 ap-re-la according to the church-cov-no-mu ka-len-da-ryu.

The Complete Life of the Martyr Alexandra, Roman Empress

Holy Tsar Aleksandra, about my supposed death, someone was for-pi-sa-but in the holy acts of -th Ge-or-gia, created immediately after his death, s-up-to-beat, one-on-one, much-nothing- a crown a few years later, in 314.

Over the years, many events have happened. Im-pe-ra-tor Dio-kli-ti-an in 305 resigned from the throne, and power passed to his co-grand-vi-te-lyu Mak -si-mi-a-nu Ga-le-riu (305-311), fa-na-ti-ku of the language, rude-bo-mu and same-sto-to-wo-i-nu . His wife was the daughter of the holy queen Alek-san-dra - the holy mu-che-ni-tsa Va-le-ria, whom Dio-kli-ti-an you married her against her will back in the years of your reign. Saint Alexandra raised her daughter in Christian goodness. When Ga-le-riy died, the em-per-ra-tor Mak-si-min began to reach out for her hand. Having received a refusal, he sent Saint Va-le-ria to Syria, where she lived with her mother. After the death of Mak-si-mi-n in 313, mother and daughter arrived in Niko-mi-dia, hoping at the mercy of them-per-ra- to-ra Li-ki-niya (313-324). Together with the holy equal of Tsar Kon-stan-ti-n, he signed the Edict of Milan, which was granted to the -sti-a-we have freedom of faith, but secretly remained an enemy of Christianity. Li-ki-niy came to the Kaz-thread of the holy queen Alek-san-dru and her daughter Va-le-ria. They were decapitated, and they were thrown into the sea.

For many centuries, the Orthodox Church has preserved the memory of the feat of Queen Alexandra, who was the wife of the Roman emperor. On the icons, Saint Alexandra is depicted in royal robes, her young beautiful face expresses calm. In the face of martyrdom, she managed to maintain her dignity and strong faith, serving as an example for many generations of Christians.

Wife of Emperor Diocletian

In Orthodoxy there are many icons dedicated to various saints with the name of Alexander. But the most famous, perhaps, is the wife of Emperor Diocletian. She lived at the end of the 3rd century and suffered at the beginning of the 4th century. Her name is closely connected with St. George the Victorious, even the holiday is established on the same day. The woman’s feat is known from the life of the saint. Seeing his torture, she could no longer hide her faith, which was unacceptable at court.

A noisy crowd surrounded the place where the bound George was tortured. The queen began to pray to the Lord to help her approach him. She openly admitted that she was a Christian, which shocked everyone, including the emperor. This hurt him greatly, because Diocletian considered his former military leader nothing more than a powerful sorcerer.

The icon of the martyr Alexandra does not show her suffering. She is depicted in a renewed state, like all saints. There are both half-length and full-length icons. You can recognize Alexandra of Rome by several signs:

  • in her right hand the empress holds a cross;
  • the left hand is either pressed to the chest or with an open palm facing forward;
  • on the head there is a crown;
  • long rich clothes, usually red and blue.

The Empress can stand against the background of a city with a river, or simply against a golden background. This color is typical for many icons; it denotes the radiance of eternity, heavenly abodes, and sometimes God himself. Thus, icon painters report that the saints reside where there is no more pain, suffering and death.

Death of a Saint

Many people are probably asking the question: where did the saints get the courage and strength to endure torment? The answer is simple - the source of strength and all blessings is the Lord. Much is written in the Bible about how the relationship between God and man should be built: for example, Christ said that one must ask - and the one who asks will receive, knock - and then the door will be open. That is, the believer must take the initiative himself and not be passive.

The martyr Alexandra did not experience the suffering that befell George. She died quietly on the way to the place of execution. A good example of the fact that God does not give tests that a person cannot bear.

Alexandra Fedorovna

At the very beginning of this century, the Russian Orthodox Church officially recognized the family of the last Russian emperor, including his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, as saints. The German-born princess was not initially approved as a candidate for the crown, but Nicholas was stubborn. He managed to connect his life with his beloved. They lived together, and the whole family also suffered.

There is a separate icon of Queen Alexandra, and there is also an image in which her husband and children are represented. The Empress earned the love of the people during her lifetime, although there are also critics who do not spare the foreign princess. For example, Rasputin’s close connection with the royal family caused a lot of noise. But time puts everything in its place - only a virtuous life becomes the basis for canonization.

  • On a number of icons, the queen holds a palace in one hand and a cross in the other. Her clothes are embroidered with double-headed eagles, and she wears a snow-white scarf on her head. There are images that have a very strong portrait resemblance, there is makeup on the face, expensive jewelry on the neck. Probably, these are not quite canonically consistent icons, and it is better to refrain from purchasing them, since they are more like a photograph, and the icon should show the soul of a person.

When babies are born, it is customary to order measured icons; they are made according to the baby’s height. Such images become family heirlooms, which the child will eventually be able to pass on to his own children.

Other holy wives

Orthodoxy knows many saints with the name Alexander. You can choose a patroness for yourself according to your personal desire, having familiarized yourself with the life.

  • Among the 7 virgins who suffered for their faith under Diocletian, there was one under the name of Alexandra. The women had already reached old age, but this did not stop the torturers. Having learned that they were Christians, they were subjected to humiliating tortures and then drowned in the lake.
  • The pious noblewoman Agafya, who lived in the 18th century, is known from icons as the Venerable Alexandra. Being from a wealthy family, the woman was looking only for the silence of monastic life. Having lost her young daughter, she regarded this as a sign to finally leave for a monastery. Mother Alexandra was a nun of Diveevo, helped the poor, built churches, and prayed a lot.

Christening gift

Many people believe that a personalized icon will be a guardian angel for the baby. If the child is named after the martyr Alexandra, then such an image in the house will really not hurt. It is not at all necessary to hang it over the crib - it is not a talisman. Many are sure that it is enough to buy a candle in the temple, hang “strong” icons at home - and happiness is guaranteed. But such “Christians” will be disappointed. It is impossible to pay off the Lord - he does not need candles or money.

Protection for a child is God's grace, which resides everywhere on earth, and not just around consecrated objects. In order for a child to be healthy, it is necessary to pray, attend services, and participate in the life of the church community. The Lord favors those who keep His commandments in their hearts and do not come to the temple a couple of times a year. Alexandra’s personal icon may well be in the home iconostasis. Just understand that the board with the image itself has no power.

Holy teachers

What do the saints remind us of? Although the faces on the icons are devoid of the imprints of everyday life - wrinkles, fatigue, these were all living people, made of flesh and blood. But they were able to confess their faith in such a way that even after death, miracles happened through their prayers. The icon of Saint Alexandra reminds that a woman must maintain virtue, be faithful, modest, and obedient to the Lord. Then for her loved ones she will be able to become that inspiring force that can lead them to God.

First prayer to the Holy Martyr Queen Alexandra

O glorious passion-bearer, divinely crowned Queen Alexandro Novaya, our speedy helper and intercessor and tireless prayer book for us.

Standing before the image of your saints and you, as I live, visually, crouching, we pray to you: accept our petitions and lift them up to the Throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, as you have great and glorious boldness towards Him; ask everyone who flocks to you, and everyone who honors your holy memory, for eternal salvation and temporary prosperity, for quick deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. She, our child-loving mother and queen, you who stand before the Throne of God know our needs, spiritual and everyday, look at us with your maternal eye, and with your prayers turn away from us hesitations with every wind of teaching, the increase of evil and ungodly customs; establish in all faiths concordant knowledge, mutual love and like-mindedness; Yes, to everyone: in words, writings and deeds, glorified in our midst is the All-Holy Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the One God, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity, to Him be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to the holy Queen-Martyr Alexandra nova

O holy queen-martyr Alexandro Novaya, merciful intercessor of the orphans, crusader mother, with your generous right hand illuminate us, who are now praying to you, and ask from the All-Bountiful and Most Merciful God, His name is Love, rich mercies and awaken: in your existing marriage - purity and holy guardian love; children of small children and youth - a wise nurturer; the orphaned and mournful - a compassionate comforter; the sins of those overwhelmed by the compassionate physician; from tempted enemies - a strong protector; and to all who ask for your intercession - merciful intercessor before God and the Queen of Heaven; Most of all, pray to our holy mother and queen to grant us the grace of the All-Holy Spirit; May we be protected and saved by it in this life, and with you we will be worthy to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever, to whom glory befits, together with His All-Good Father and the Holy Most Generous Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.