Pictures on the wall. Why do you dream about pictures? Dream Interpretation Seeing paintings on the wall in a dream

Why do you dream about the picture?

Miller's Dream Book

If a picture appears in front of you in a dream, it means that trouble will happen to you and you will be deceived.

If in a dream you paint a picture in oil, it means that you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If you damaged a painting in a dream, it means... You will have to make significant efforts to protect your rights.

Buying paintings in a dream is a prediction of unworthy speculation.

Seeing your portrait on a family tree in a dream promises you prosperity and satisfaction, but at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of mutual understanding.

If you dream that you are surrounded by the best engravings of ancient and modern masters, it means that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements, in comparison with which your real successes seem miserable.

Visiting an art gallery in a dream means disagreement. You will begin to make efforts to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with your soul for completely different people.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Freud's Dream Book

The picture symbolizes a woman or female genital organs.

The large picture symbolizes an adult woman.

A small picture - symbolizes a girl or a minor girl.

A large painting surrounded by small paintings symbolizes a mother and her children (daughters).

If a man looks at a picture, he strives for sexual contact with a certain woman.

If he tries to steal a painting, he strives to achieve his goal by any means, even not entirely decent ones, up to and including the threat of violence or blackmail.

If a woman looks at a painting, she dreams of a connection with another woman.

If a man paints a picture, he is prone to sex with elements of sadism.

If a woman paints a picture, she prefers to engage in self-satisfaction, since a relationship with a man is unpleasant for her.

If you somehow spoil the picture, you are striving to break the existing sexual relationship.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Family dream book

The picture is a dream of misfortune and deception.

If in a dream you paint a picture in oil, you will have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If you damaged a painting in a dream, you will have to make significant efforts to protect your rights.

Buying paintings portends speculation.

Engraving by ancient and modern masters means that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements.

Visiting an art gallery is a dream of disagreement.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A picture in a dream is a symbol of idealized, simplified ideas. Typically, such dreams indicate your tendency towards some kind of idealism or suggest that someone in your environment is embellishing the facts, thereby misleading you. If you have any financial affairs or serious transactions planned in the coming days, then this dream encourages you to more soberly assess what is happening in order to avoid unnecessary disappointments in the future.

A portrait of a familiar person in a dream is a sign that in reality you do not have a completely accurate idea about him.

Your portrait means erroneous ideas about your own person.

Why do you dream about the picture?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you are sick, the picture is the wrong treatment; in all other cases - to deception, troubles, material losses.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a picture or pictures in a dream is a sign of sadness that will be brought by hypocritical friends. A picture hanging on the wall in someone's room foreshadows deception in the sphere of business interests.

Looking at paintings in a museum or exhibition hall is a harbinger of trouble in the family. A damaged and unsuccessfully restored painting means that you will have to make every effort to defend your unfairly violated rights.

Seeing a world-famous painting in a dream foretells cheerful memories or good news. If in a dream you look at a copy of a painting by a famous artist or its reproduction, then in reality you will experience deep sadness over the irreparable loss of a loved one.

An excursion to an art gallery portends disagreements in the family and discord among colleagues, in which you will play the role of a buffer and at the same time a peacemaker, trying to establish mutual understanding between the opposing sides.

Buying a painting in a dream predicts friendship with an insidious and two-faced person who will try to drag you into unworthy speculation.

Selling paintings means convicting a friend of selfish interests and unworthy behavior.

Painting a picture in a dream means success in business if your work was a success; if not, you are in danger of participating in a risky venture, which will turn into a complete failure, bringing you losses and repentance for your own imprudence.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Pictures are hypocritical friends, pleasure.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream you looked at paintings - you will soon receive an anonymous letter or note.

Buying a painting predicts minor family troubles.

If you dreamed that you were selling a painting, big unexpected expenses await you.

Drawing a picture in a dream is a rash act that will lead to big expenses.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Esoteric dream book

The picture is that the unknown will be revealed. Your curiosity will be rewarded.

Paint a picture - your talent “grows”. The efforts are not in vain.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A picture in a dream can portend trouble and deception.

Visiting an art gallery in a dream means disagreements in the family. You are trying to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with all your heart for completely different people.

If you dream that you are surrounded by the best works of ancient and modern masters, you are obsessed with a passion for achievements, in comparison with which real successes seem primitive.

Painting an oil painting in a dream means participating in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If you damage a painting, it means that soon you will have to stubbornly defend your rights.

Seeing your portrait on a family tree in a dream foretells prosperity and satisfaction in life and at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of mutual understanding.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

The picture is fun, a memory.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Modern dream book

Pictures seen in a dream predict deception and trouble among your friends.

If you dream that you are painting a picture, you will take part in a non-profit enterprise.

Damaging paintings in a dream means that you will use rude methods to protect your rights, but you will be forgiven for this.

Buying paintings is a prediction of worthless speculation.

To dream that your portrait appears and disappears on your family tree means that you will be rich and happy, but you will be disappointed in your relationships with people and upset by the lack of mutual understanding.

If you dream that you are surrounded by masterpieces of old and new masters, in reality you will have a passionate desire to achieve great success, in comparison with which your current success will seem like child's play.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Eastern dream book

Damaging paintings in a dream means that you will use rude methods to protect your rights, but you will be forgiven for this.

If you buy paintings, your business activity will not bring the expected result.

If you dream that you are in a room with masterpieces of painting hanging on the walls, perhaps you feel a burning desire to achieve even greater success than you currently have.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

hypocrisy of friends.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does the Picture mean in a dream - Satisfaction from work. Remember the picture in every detail. Try to embellish it.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Everyday dream book

You dreamed of a Picture - you will make some kind of discovery. Your passion for antiquity will bring you satisfaction.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Painting - You see a painting in a dream - you were fascinated and experienced deep disappointment; you are not deceiving - but you will be deceived; you help others, but you yourself are in trouble. It’s as if you are painting a picture with oil paints - due to your carelessness and inexperience, you can get involved in a matter of dubious nature; stay away from people who paint your future in bright colors, who scold everyone, and tell you only nice things.

A girl dreams that she is painting an oil painting - perhaps this girl’s lover is planning treason. It’s as if you were buying a painting - you will assume that in difficult times there is no great sin in speculation and will go for a speculative deal; but chances are you will be called to account when the troubled waters recede. You dream of engravings by world-famous masters - the dream speaks of your dissatisfaction; you feel that you can do more - you are able to conquer cities and countries, but you have to fire cannons at sparrows.

You see yourself in an art gallery - you will be faced with many opinions on one issue; all opinions will look convincing; the choice will not be easy. It’s as if you froze in admiration in front of some picture - the dream portends sadness for you. A young woman dreams that she is delighted with some painting - even her friends consider this woman a bluestocking. You accidentally ruined the picture - in real life they will try to infringe on your rights; you will have to fight for yours.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

You dreamed of a Picture - you will receive a lot of joy and satisfaction from a job well done. Imagine an artist's studio. You come to visit him and see a painting on his easel. The artist invites you to pick up your brushes and complete the painting yourself. You follow this advice and apply a few bright finishing strokes with a confident hand. After this, the picture as if by itself turns into a real masterpiece. You look at it carefully, trying to see as many details and details as possible (imagine that the picture depicts something pleasant for you).

Why do you dream about the picture?

Ancient Russian dream book

Seeing pictures is a sign of deception, flattery and trickery; painting pictures portends success in an enterprise; Selling paintings is a sign of false friendship; Buying paintings means making friends with a treacherous and evil person.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a Picture mean in a dream? 1. As a rule, a picture in a dream illustrates something from our everyday life. The interpretation of the dream depends on whether the picture is drawn or a reproduction. A picture that you draw yourself in a dream should have a stronger emotional effect. 2. The condition of the painting is as important as the prevailing colors of paint (see Colors). And the depicted object can suggest what exactly in life should be considered in more detail.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Painting - The scene depicted gives an indication of some episode of your life. A familiar, clear picture - sadness about the past time. An art gallery is the need for choice, decision making.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Russian dream book

What does a picture mean in a dream? What is it for, a card is a reminder of a past event; you should compare the image with the events of today and find analogies.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Jewish dream book

What does a Painting mean in a dream - Standing in front of a painting If you had a dream on Monday night, the dream means: you will discover that you have been deceived for a long time. On the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - means that you will be flattered for selfish purposes. On Saturday or Sunday night - to attempts to satisfy your curiosity. Tear the picture A dream you had on Monday night means that you will be able to avoid a big disaster. If you dreamed about it on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, you will soon be freed from painful memories; on Saturday or Sunday night - to a quarrel with an old acquaintance.

Draw a picture On Monday night - you will be very lucky, your long-time dream will come true; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - your affairs will soon begin to gradually improve; on Saturday or Sunday night is a warning that you may say a lot of unnecessary things about things that you intended to hide.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Women's dream book

Painting – A painting in a dream can portend trouble and deception. Visiting an art gallery in a dream means disagreements in the family. You are trying to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with all your heart for completely different people. If you dream that you are surrounded by the best works of ancient and modern masters, you are obsessed with a passion for achievements, in comparison with which real successes seem primitive. Painting an oil painting in a dream means participating in some dubious and risky enterprise. If you damage a painting, it means that soon you will have to stubbornly defend your rights. Seeing your portrait on a family tree in a dream foretells prosperity and satisfaction in life and at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of mutual understanding.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you saw yourself depicted in a picture (photo) in a dream, the gods are actively helping you in solving all your problems. It’s worth saying thank you to them for this - draw a yellow circle in one corner of the room, a black square in the other, a white triangle in the third, and a blue wavy line in the fourth. After this, place a lit candle in each corner and burn one of your hairs in each corner.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were drawing (photographing) something, you will have heart problems in the near future. To strengthen your heart, rub corn oil on your chest before going to bed.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream book of catchphrases

PICTURE (drawing, portrait) – “such a picture” (such a situation); “I am returning your portrait” - a situation of separation, quarrel; "interesting picture" See add. paint.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Old Russian dream book

fun, memory.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream book of the future

If you see a picture, deception and hypocrisy of friends awaits you; if you are painting in oil, you will have to take part in a dubious and risky business; if you visit an art gallery in a dream, it means disagreements that you yourself will sow in your home: you will make efforts to establish peace at home, but deep down in your soul you will begin to strive for completely different people.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Idiomatic dream book

“This is the picture” - this is the situation; “I am returning your portrait” - a situation of separation, quarrel.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Looking at pictures means your business is being discussed behind your back.

To draw an abstract picture - you do not have a clearly defined goal, so it is difficult to get a good result.

Drawing pictures means an interesting business project ahead.

Admiring the paintings means going to a party or other social event.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Online dream book

The dream book interprets the picture as a hint; its plot is a reflection of a life situation that haunts you.

If you have already seen it before, you will indulge in nostalgic memories.

You are busy acquiring it - you will work hard, but will not receive the reward in the amount you expected from the sale

If you dreamed that you were framing a picture, set boundaries for yourself, get less than you need.

You set it on fire - there will be a struggle for your own interests.

You damage the paintings - you will have to resort to not entirely fair methods of struggle, but you don’t need to worry about it.

Why do you dream about the picture?

Solomon's Dream Book

The pictures are hypocrisy, lying friends.

Why do you dream about the picture?

An old English dream book

Seeing pictures in a dream is not good; it portends falsehood and deception.

No matter how beautiful the pictures may seem to you in a dream, this dream predicts the treachery of treacherous people, slander against you and a threat to your reputation.

If you love someone and think about him or her as a future life partner, the dream warns that this person is insincere, no matter how loving he (or she) may seem to you. The dream compels you: try to identify the motives of your loved one’s actions. For family people, this dream foreshadows the infidelity of a life partner.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream a picture appears in front of you- it means that trouble will happen to you at the same time and you will be deceived.

This means that you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If you damaged a painting in a dream- Means. You will have to make significant efforts to protect your rights.

Big picture- symbolizes an adult woman.

Small picture- symbolizes a girl or a minor girl.

A large painting surrounded by small paintings- symbolizes a mother and her children (daughters).

Your portrait- means erroneous ideas about one’s own person.

Solomon's Dream Book

Paintings- hypocrisy, lying friends.

Dream book for a bitch

Burn- you will have to defend your rights.

New family dream book

Painting- dreams of trouble and deception.

If in a dream you paint an oil painting- you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If in a dream you damaged a painting- you will have to make significant efforts to protect your rights.

Buying paintings- portends speculation.

Buying paintings by ancient and modern masters- mean that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements.

Visit to an art gallery- dreams of disagreements.

Modern combined dream book

Pictures seen in a dream- predict deception and troubles among your friends.

If you dream that you are painting a picture- You will take part in a non-profit enterprise.

Damaging paintings in a dream means that you will use rude methods to protect your rights, but you will be forgiven for this.

Buy paintings- prediction of worthless speculation.

To dream that your portrait appears and disappears on your family tree- means that you will be rich and happy, but you will be disappointed in your relationships with people and upset by the lack of mutual understanding.

If you dream that you are surrounded by masterpieces of old and new masters- in reality you will have a passionate desire to achieve great success, in comparison with which your current success will seem like child's play.

Eastern women's dream book

Spoiling paintings in a dream- means that you will use rude methods to protect your rights, but you will be forgiven for this.

Buy paintings- your business activity will not bring the expected result.

If you dream that you are in a room with masterpieces of painting hanging on the walls- perhaps you have a burning desire to achieve even greater success than you currently have.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you are sick, picture- incorrect treatment; in all other cases- to deception, troubles, material losses.

Children's dream book

If a painting depicts a person, how do you see him in the painting?- means what you think about him.

If a man is depicted- the way he looks means your assessment of your own mind.

If the painting shows a woman- then her appearance reflects your attitude towards your own moral qualities.

If the painting depicts a still life (that is, some fruits, vegetables, jugs, and so on)- then at the moment you are most interested in relationships with the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a picture or pictures in a dream- a sign of sadness that hypocritical friends will bring. A picture hanging on the wall in someone's room- portends deception in the sphere of business interests.

Look at paintings in a museum or exhibition hall- a harbinger of trouble in the family. Damaged and unsuccessfully restored painting- means that you will have to make every effort to defend your unjustly violated rights.

Seeing a world famous painting in a dream- foretells cheerful memories or good news. If in a dream you are looking at a copy of a painting by a famous artist or its reproduction- then in reality you will experience deep sadness over the irreparable loss of a loved one.

Excursion to an art gallery- portends disagreements in the family and discord among colleagues, in which you will play the role of a buffer and at the same time a peacemaker, trying to establish mutual understanding between the opposing sides.

Buying a painting in a dream- predicts friendship with an insidious and two-faced person who will try to drag you into unworthy speculation.

Sell ​​paintings- convict a friend of selfish interests and unworthy behavior.

Paint a picture in a dream- means success in business if your work was successful; if not- you are in danger of participating in a risky undertaking that will turn into a complete failure, bringing you losses and repentance for your own imprudence.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Paintings- hypocritical friends, pleasure.

Women's dream book

Painting in a dream- may portend trouble and deception.

Visit an art gallery in a dream- to disagreements in the family. You are trying to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with all your heart for completely different people.

If you dream that you are surrounded by the best works of ancient and modern masters- you are obsessed with a passion for achievements, in comparison with which real successes seem primitive.

Painting an oil painting in a dream- to participate in some dubious and risky enterprise.

If you damage the painting- this means that soon you will have to stubbornly defend your rights.

Seeing your portrait on a family tree in a dream- portends prosperity and satisfaction in life and at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of mutual understanding.

General dream book

In your dream you looked at pictures- you will soon receive an anonymous letter or note.

Buying a painting- predicts minor family troubles.

If you dreamed that you were selling a painting- large unforeseen expenses await you.

Draw a picture in a dream- to a rash act that will lead to big expenses.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a picture in a dream- to sadness; see a painting by a famous artist- to cheerful memories or good news.

Insert a picture into a frame- means limiting your intentions, achieving less than you wanted; buy a painting- make an important decision.

Damaged painting- to a gross invasion of your privacy; damage it yourself- to bold undertakings; the fall of a painting from the wall means the end of dreams.

Seeing an artist in a dream- a warning against illusions and vain hopes; be him- to strong love.

English dream book

Seeing pictures in a dream- not good, it portends falsehood and deception.

No matter how beautiful the pictures may seem to you in a dream- this dream predicts the treachery of treacherous people, slander against you and a threat to your reputation.

If you love someone and think of him as a future life partner- the dream warns that this person is insincere, no matter how loving he (or she) may seem to you. The dream compels you: try to identify the motives of your loved one’s actions. This dream is for family people- portends the infidelity of a life partner.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See yourself depicted in a painting- to a long life.

Pictures to see- to deception.

Lunar dream book

Painting- a fun memory.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Paintings- a sign of deception, flattery and trickery; paintings to draw- portends success in the enterprise; sell paintings- there is a sign of false friendship; buy paintings- means making friends with a treacherous and evil person.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Painting- fun, memory.

Collection of dream books

Painting- to a rich lover, wealth.

See picturesque- to deception; draw yourself- to success.

If you see the picture- deception and hypocrisy of friends awaits you; if you are painting in oil- you have to take part in a dubious and risky business; if you visit an art gallery in a dream- to the disagreements that you yourself will sow in your home: you will make efforts to establish peace at home, but in the depths of your soul you will begin to strive for completely different people.

View the paintings- they discuss your affairs behind your back.

Draw an abstract picture- you don’t have a clearly defined goal, so it’s difficult to get
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Doubting Thomas"

Unbeliever Thomas once came to the sage. He was haunted by the realization that many people believe in the divine origin of the world, in the plan of the “Creator.”
- How will you prove to me that God created the world? - he asked, not doubting for a second that the sage simply would not have any compelling arguments.

“I will come to you in a couple of weeks, and you will understand everything yourself,” answered the sage.
And then the sage ordered a grandiosely beautiful painting from the best painter. Seascape.
Taking the finished canvas, he went to visit the unbelieving Thomas.

-What a wonderful picture! – Foma admired. – Who is its author?

- What a ridiculous joke! – Foma laughed.
“After all, I see perfectly well that the technique here is ideal, that there is a wonderful and brilliant execution of the plan!”
The author of this picture simply cannot help but have it!

- Here you are, Foma, unable to even believe that this painting has no author.
At the same time, you want me to believe that our entire beautiful planet with seas, oceans, forests, mountains, numerous animals and changes of seasons, with everything that makes up the most grandiose picture of all possible, that all this was created by chance and does not have the Creator's plan?

Painting is an art for the elite. Pictures can speak, but not many people can hear them. But for those lucky ones who understand the language of fine art, they will reveal all the mysteries and secrets encrypted on the canvases by the artists. Pictures can delight, they can cause bewilderment and hostility, and they can also come to us in a dream. Why do you dream, for example, of “Girl on a Ball” or “Mona Lisa”? What does “The Ninth Wave” or “The Whore of Babylon” prophesy? Does the painting “Unequal Marriage” foreshadow troubles in family life? There are answers to all these questions, and they are stored in the dream book! Let's remember all the details of our dream and find out what this or that picture is about in our dreams!

Sketch written by nature

If you dreamed that you were painting a still life on the wall, the interpretation of the dream is as follows: you are passionate about something and take actions without thinking them through properly. Stop and think about whether you are doing everything right, Miller’s dream book recommends.

To dream of your marriage partner drawing or hanging a sketch of a landscape on the wall is a sign of lies and insincerity, and there is also a high probability that betrayal has entered your family life, warns Tsvetkov’s dream book.

A picture painted in a pastoral style, seen in a dream, denotes an easy and pleasant walk with a person you like.

I dreamed that you prepared a gift for someone - a living picture of flowers and butterflies - to fun and good luck.

A long time ago, in the time of Christ...

I dreamed of a picture of a biblical story hanging on the wall of the living room - for the arrival of unexpected guests, Miller’s dream book warns. If the plot is calm and peaceful - the guests will bring you joy, the crucifixion of Christ or the beating of someone is depicted - do not expect anything more than vanity and trouble.

A dream in which you look at ancient frescoes predicts the renewal of old connections and contacts.

I dreamed of a reproduction of an icon by Andrei Rublev - in real life you committed a bad act, and now you suffer from it - Tsvetkov’s dream book gives an interpretation.

“After all, there were fighting fights...”

If you dreamed that you received a canvas depicting military battles as a gift - in reality you will find a “war” with envious people who are plotting intrigues against you and spreading gossip, Miller’s dream book predicts.

Drawing a picture in a dream where the main characters are soldiers means a promotion.

If you dreamed of a painting by the famous seascape painter Aivazovsky or any other depicting a raging sea - the Eastern Dream Book gives the following interpretation: your goals and plans are not honest and unprincipled, you are trying to appropriate for yourself what does not belong to you. Your subconscious mind resists, which is why you have dreams like this.

Is it a nose or a cap?

If you dream that you were sent a living painting as a gift, in which an abstraction is depicted with flowers - you are standing at a crossroads in life. You have a difficult choice to make, and you are afraid of making a mistake. The Islamic dream book invites you to remember which flowers predominated in the picture; if they are light, the actions are correct, do as you decide. Dark flowers - take your time, think again.

You dreamed of a painting with a surreal image, something from Salvador Dali, for example - someone is trying to deceive you, the dream book warns. Most likely one of my colleagues.

Art Gallery

You dream that you are in an art gallery looking at exhibits hanging on hay - in real life you are worried about the fact that you are not doing your own thing.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

To see that you were painting a picture means that you are too impressionable and like to dream.

However, in reality your dreams collapse like houses of cards, which brings you great grief.

If swindlers or swindlers dreamed of pictures, then they will repent of their sins.

To see that you went to an exhibition of paintings - then soon you will visit some too hypocritical society.

See also: why do you dream about an exhibition, why do you dream about painting, why do you dream about an artist.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Picture in the dream book:

If you dreamed about a picture, then trouble and deception await you.

If in a dream you paint an oil painting, then you will take part in some very dubious and risky business.

Why dream of seeing how a painting was damaged - then you will need to make great efforts to protect your rights.

If you see that you bought a painting, then you will have to face speculation.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dreamed of a picture, then sadness awaits you because of your hypocritical friends.

Why dream of seeing a picture that was hanging on the wall in someone’s room - then you will be deceived in the area of ​​your business interests.

If you see that you were looking at paintings in a museum or at an exhibition, then misfortune awaits you in the family.

If you dreamed of a damaged picture, then you will be forced to make every effort to defend your legal rights.

Family dream book

Why do you dream about a painting in modern times:

If you dreamed of expensive tapestries, this means that your life will be full of pleasures and you will be quite happy.

If a young woman dreams of a room hung with tapestries, this means that she will marry a high-ranking person.

See also: why do you dream about a carpet, why do you dream about a picture, why do you dream about weaving.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about the picture according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of exquisite tapestries in the interior of a luxuriously furnished home, then you are striving for a prosperous life, which seems to have been created for you, but circumstances invariably prevent this.

Seeing that you are buying a tapestry without haggling about the price - this portends a big profit.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about the Picture - dream analysis:

Seeing a Picture in a dream:

If you dreamed of expensive tapestries, then you are clearly created for a luxurious life.

If you dreamed of dirty, dusty tapestries, this means the complete satisfaction of all desires.

If a girl dreamed of a room hung with tapestries, then she will soon marry a rich and noble man.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Picture, what does it mean:

Expensive antique tapestries mean that you dream of a luxurious life; your wishes will come true if the tapestries are not worn or torn.

If you see an old or torn tapestry, then your prospects are not the best. If the tapestry from your dream is new, clean, then this means that you will be able to fully realize your fantastic plans.

Only for women - If a girl sees in a dream a living room whose walls are hung with tapestries, then she will soon marry a wealthy man who will fulfill all her desires.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about the Picture, what does it mean:

Seeing a picture is a very bad sign. As a rule, such a dream means that you will be deceived, and not just deceived, but deceived in a difficult life situation for you.

If you dreamed of a painting you are painting in oil, you can soon expect a dubious and risky offer, which you should definitely refuse, no matter how tempting it may be.

If you dreamed that you accidentally damaged a painting, in reality such a dream may mean that someone will denigrate you in the eyes of your loved ones and you will have to either make excuses or leave, slamming the door. To see that you are buying a painting, then most likely you will be caught in unworthy and/or illegal actions.

If you see that you went to an art gallery, then your personal life will be at risk of falling apart due to your disagreements with your partner. At the same time, you will do everything possible to achieve reconciliation, but you yourself will suffer due to the lack of freedom and will of choice.

Seeing that there are valuable, ancient or modern paintings around you means that you are striving for something unattainable, and by comparing your goals with real achievements, you earn yourself an inferiority complex.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why do you dream about a painting in a dream:

In general, to draw or see pictures in a dream means that you are very impressionable and like to dream. However, in reality your dreams crumble like houses of cards, which greatly upsets you. Seeing yourself in a picture in a dream is a sign of deception, flattery and trickery.

Drawing a picture portends success in an enterprise. Buying a painting in a dream means that you should not enter into dubious transactions, because... they are doomed to fail. Giving a picture in a dream that you painted means that you will perform a noble deed that will not go unnoticed.

If you are presented with a painting as a gift in a dream, then in reality you will receive a generous gift or monetary compensation. If, on the contrary, you paint a portrait from life, this foretells you a new acquisition, perhaps a new acquaintance.

Why dream of seeing that you are in a room from the walls of which masterpieces are looking at you, then perhaps you feel a burning desire to achieve even greater success than now.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does the Picture mean:

If you dreamed about the Picture, then you will face insults and ridicule.

See also: why do you dream about a picture, why do you dream about drawing, why do you dream about a drawing.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

What is the meaning of the picture?

If you dreamed about the Picture, then they will begin to treat you not quite fairly. You need to watch your words so that your enemies do not distort them and use them against you.

If you dreamed of a Picture of you, this means gossip, bullying and the spread of ridiculous rumors about you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see a Painting in a dream:

Painting - To see that you were looking at funny Paintings means you have a great sense of humor.

Seeing Pictures in a magazine means that someone will provoke you into insults.

A half-pornographic picture in a dream means that you will experience fun in the company of your lover or beloved.

Seeing yourself depicted in a painting in a dream speaks of a possible meeting with a mocking person who does not mince words.

Lunar dream book

What does the picture mean in a dream:

you will be treated unfairly. Watch your words so that ill-wishers do not distort them and use them against you.

All sorts of visions appear to us in our dreams. For example, paintings. The dream book can tell a lot of interesting things about what a vision of this kind means. And since the topic is interesting, you should pay attention to it.

According to Miller

This is perhaps the most popular dream book. The picture that appears in a vision warns a person that trouble may happen to him in the near future or that he will be deceived by those whom he trusted.

Seeing yourself painting with oil on canvas is a sign of participating in a rather risky and dubious business. If something like this is really planned, then it is better to abandon the idea. A dream in which a person somehow damaged a painting is also not good. Most likely, he will have to make a lot of efforts to protect his rights.

But there is also a good interpretation that this dream book gives. A picture in which a person saw his portrait, and a well-drawn one at that, promises prosperity and satisfaction. If he doesn’t like the image, then he will be disappointed in friendships and lose the understanding of his family.

A visit to an art gallery promises controversy. To improve relationships with others, you will have to make a lot of effort. And all because the dreamer’s soul strives for other people. And if a person saw himself surrounded by the best engravings of ancient masters, it means that he is obsessed with the idea of ​​achieving some incredible success. You shouldn’t get too hung up on this, because if you constantly raise the bar for yourself, you can completely stop taking your victories seriously, even those that are actually significant.

According to Freud

The book of interpretations of the great psychologist also explains what the pictures that appear in a dream mean. The dream book assures: such a vision personifies a woman. But the exact interpretation depends on some nuances. For example, a large painting represents an adult woman. And small, respectively, a young girl.

A large painting surrounded by several smaller ones symbolizes a mother and her daughters. And if a man dreams of a vision and he looks at the image with interest for a long time, it means that he is striving for a relationship with a certain woman. When he attempts to steal a painting, this personifies his desire to achieve the desired goal by any means.

For a girl, such a vision hints at her predisposition to contacts with other representatives of the fair half of humanity.

But if the dreamer, regardless of gender, ruined the picture (torn it, set it on fire, broke the frame), it means that in reality he seeks to break off relations with his soulmate.

Universal book of interpretations

This is also a rather interesting dream book. A picture on the wall usually symbolizes an idealized and simplified view of everything that surrounds the dreamer. Whether it's people, life or work. Such visions indicate that a person is inclined to idealize. If not, then, most likely, someone close to him likes to embellish reality. What misleads the dreamer. In general, if some important matter is planned in the near future, then it is better to take off your rose-colored glasses, give up hopes for the best and soberly assess the situation in order to avoid disappointments later.

Is the painting hanging in a strange, unfamiliar room? This promises deception in the field of business or business interests. Was a person looking at works of art in an exhibition hall? This is a sign of troubles or problems that will affect the family. But if a person managed to see a famous, easily recognizable picture in his dream, it means that he will be told some good news. Or funny memories will happen in life. The main thing is that it is an original, and not a copy or reproduction. After all, such a vision promises the loss of a loved one.

But this is not all that the dream book foretells. A picture in a frame that a person bought is a harbinger of friendship with a two-faced and insidious evil-wisher. In the near future, you should not be too trusting, open, and especially not establish close relationships with an unfamiliar person.

Book of interpretations of the 21st century

This dream book can also tell you something interesting. Not everyone can draw a picture in reality. But in a dream - quite. If a person saw himself drawing something beautiful and beautiful, it means that in reality he is also a dreamer and a dreamer. Perhaps he is making plans that are too big and unrealizable. And it wouldn't hurt for him to become more realistic.

If a person notices that a lot of bright and rich colors were used in his creation, then this personifies his fatigue from gray everyday life. An urgent “reboot” is needed. It wouldn't hurt to take a vacation or a few days off to add those bright colors to your life. If vacation is not planned in the near future, then you should at least find yourself a new hobby.

I had to draw someone’s portrait and even managed to see who became the model? This means that you have to explain yourself to this person. Did the dreamer paint a landscape? Soon he will make a profitable purchase. And still life foretells popularity. The main thing is that the dreamer does not draw an icon. Since such a vision foreshadows harsh and difficult life trials.

By the way, if a person noticed a picture that depicted a caricature with him in the leading role, it means that in real life he will become the subject of jokes from his friends.

Book of interpretations of the white magician

If a person drew in a dream, then, most likely, in real life he prefers solitude to a sociable pastime. Because he doesn’t like it when his feelings, thoughts and peace are disturbed. The dreamer's nature is probably dreamy and impressionable. But it’s still better to start a relationship - friendly, personal, or at least correspondence. Because at one point it can get boring and having a good friend won't hurt.

But to see how someone else draws is a source of envy. Things are going extremely well for someone close to the person. And it turns out better, more correct and more beautiful. However, envy is not the best solution. A person, tracking the successes of others, completely forgets about his own life. It wouldn't hurt for him to be happy for people and take care of himself. And most importantly, we must understand that everyone cannot live the same way. Everyone has his own path.

If the dreamer understands that he is posing for an artist, it means that too many feelings and emotions have accumulated in his soul. And it’s time to spend them on something (or someone).

By the way, if a person loves someone, perceives him as a life partner, and suddenly he dreams of a heavy frame, it means that his ideas about this person are not entirely correct. It is unlikely that the other half is sincere. Even if it seems like the relationship is perfect. In general, the dream book advises trusting less and trying to trace the motives of a loved one’s actions.

Painted flowers

The concept of “paintings” is quite broad. A dream book can give an accurate interpretation only to a vision whose details a person clearly remembers. As practice shows, people often dream of painted flowers. The universal book of interpretations assures: this is a sign of meeting a wonderful person. He will become not only an interesting interlocutor for the dreamer, but also a reliable friend.

The depicted spreading tree with flowers growing on it foreshadows financial profit. Maybe it will be a lottery win, a nice gift, an inheritance or a bonus. However, before you start spending the money you receive, it is better to carefully consider the expenses.

That's not all the pictures of flowers mean. Medea's dream book assures: if they were large and bright red, then in the near future a person will have a whirlwind romance that will turn their established life upside down. But this is by no means a bad thing. Perhaps the dreamer needs such a shake-up.

But if the flowers in the picture were clearly artificial, then you should prepare for disappointment and destruction of hopes. Red roses foreshadow romance in a relationship, peonies - making a dream come true. A flower in a pot usually promises family happiness and strong, friendly relationships with relatives.

About portraits

People often see such pictures in visions. The dream book can tell you a lot of interesting things about portraits. If a person looked at a picture of an amazingly beautiful woman, it means that while enjoying beauty in real life, one must remember about moderation.

Did the dreamer's acquaintance act as a model for the portrait? This means that in reality the sleeper has the wrong idea about him. An acquaintance is not what he seems (and this can be in both the good and bad sense of the word). But if you had to see your own portrait, then it’s time to understand yourself.

By the way, G. Ivanov’s dream book interprets such a vision differently. He says that in real life a person will have to face a psychic attack or even damage. Did the dreamer notice how the artist draws him, and does he do it quite well? This means that a person’s desire for leadership definitely makes sense. You need to continue to act, and success will be just around the corner.

The main thing is that the portrait does not come to life. Otherwise, you will have to prepare for the fact that one of your loved ones gets sick. It’s better to try to prevent this and tell your family about the vision and its interpretation.

It happens that portraits are dreamed of by people who are dealing with their significant other towards marriage. And based on their experiences, they receive images of their loved ones. This can also be explained by the dream book. A painting as a gift, which depicts a loved one in wedding attire (be it the bride or groom), warns of problems before the engagement. However, the main thing is that the dreamer does not destroy the portrait. Because it promises unhappiness and a break in relationships.

English dream book: paint with paints

There were a lot of paintings and all of them were painted in watercolors? This is a desire to immerse yourself in your deepest fantasies. A person likes his fictional world so much that he is ready to live in it. But in fact, you shouldn’t be afraid to try to make your plans come true. The dreamer has every chance to turn what he wants into reality.

But that’s not all that the dream book tells. An artist paints a picture with watercolors and then sells it to a person? This is for stability. If the dreamer himself created, drew, mixed paint, it means that he will receive everything he needs for peace and well-being very soon. But mixing different colors of gouache with each other promises a lack of stability.

But the vision in which a person created a picture with a pencil is well explained. This means well-being in the family and good changes. If the pencil is also sharply sharpened, then you should expect success and prosperity. Not only in relationships with people, but also at work.

Canvas frame

The vision in which this item appears can also be explained by the dream book. A picture that a person first drew, and then decided to frame it, but it didn't fit (or broke), says something interesting. Most likely, the person considered the dreamer's friend will turn out to be not a reliable support, but an ordinary scoundrel. A friend is in need, and this is the same case.

This is not all that the universal dream book tells. Drawing a picture and then inserting it with force into the frame means putting a lot of effort in reality. There is probably an important matter or event coming up. And for everything to go as it should, a person will have to try.

Was the frame strong and of good quality? This means that nothing can shake the dreamer’s well-being. Frame broken? It is worth preparing for losses, losses or separation.

A beautiful and carved frame made of expensive wood promises a secure and prosperous future. A person will stop counting money and will be able to buy himself whatever he wants. A rough, but thick and reliable-looking frame also promises well-being, but it will not have the sophistication that the dreamer’s romantic nature likes so much.

Other interpretations

There are also a lot of interesting visions, in the center of the plot of which are paintings. The most unusual of them are worth noting in the end. And Miller’s dream book will again help to interpret them.

A picture depicting a deceased person foreshadows spiritual help and necessary material support from loved ones. If the dreamer looked at a portrait of an unfamiliar person, then someone who will help him out will suddenly appear in his life. It will be unexpected and selfless.

If a portrait of a political figure suddenly appears in a vision, then in life you will have to deal with stress and conflicts. Did the painting depict an athlete? It wouldn't hurt to improve your health. But it portends a prosperous life period.

If a person gave someone a painting signed with his autograph, then no good should be expected. Usually such a vision is a harbinger of trouble. By the way, if a person burns a painting, then in reality he will experience fear. It’s better to direct the dream in a different direction. And not burn the picture, but cut it up. Such a vision portends reliable protection from troubles.

In general, as you can see, there are a lot of interpretations, and they all depend on a lot of different nuances. Only by taking them into account can a precise definition of vision be given.