Internal air temperature in rooms. Calculation of thermal insulation thickness

GOST 30494-96








1 DEVELOPED State Design and Research Institute SantekhNIIproekt (GPKNII SantekhNIIproekt), Research Institute of Building Physics (NIIstroyfiziki), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Housing (TsNIIEPzhilishcha), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Educational Buildings (TsNIIEP educational buildings), Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. Sysin, Association of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics Engineers (ABOK)

INTRODUCED Gosstroy of Russia

2 ACCEPTED Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (INTKS) December 11, 1996

State name

Name of the state construction management body

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Urbanization and Construction of Georgia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for Construction and Architectural and Construction Control of the Ministry of Economy and Trade

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Communal Services of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan


GOST 30494-96






Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the serviced area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

Period of the year

The name of a room

Air temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %






acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more


Living room

The same, in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (probability 0.92) minus 31°C

Bathroom, combined toilet

Facilities for recreation and study sessions

Inter-apartment corridor

Lobby, staircase


Living room

*NN - not standardized

Note - Values ​​in brackets refer to homes for the elderly and disabled

Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the service area of ​​public buildings

Period of the year

Name of the premises or

Air temperature, °C

Resulting temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s






acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more


Bathrooms, showers

Children's preschool institutions

Group changing room and toilet:

for nursery and junior groups

for nursery and junior groups

for middle and preschool groups

Premises with permanent occupancy

*NN - not standardized

Note - For preschool institutions located in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (provision 0.92) minus 31°C and below, the permissible design air temperature in the room should be taken 1°C higher than that indicated in the table.

The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be no more than 2.5 °C for optimal and no more than 3.5 °C for acceptable values.

3.5 When ensuring microclimate indicators at various points in the service area, the following is allowed:

The air temperature difference is no more than 2°C for optimal performance and 3°C for acceptable performance;

The difference in the resulting room temperature along the height of the serviced area is no more than 2 °C;

Change in air speed - no more than 0.07 m/s for optimal indicators and 0.1 m/s - for acceptable ones;

Change in relative air humidity - no more than 7% for optimal indicators and 15% for acceptable ones.

3.6. In public buildings, during non-working hours, it is allowed to reduce the microclimate indicators, provided that the required parameters are ensured by the beginning of working hours.

4 Control methods

4.1 Measurement of microclimate indicators during the cold season should be carried out at an outside air temperature of no higher than minus 5°C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.

4.2. For the warm period of the year, microclimate measurements should be performed at an outside air temperature of at least 15 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.

4.3 Measurement of temperature, humidity and air speed should be carried out in the service area at a height:

0.1; 0.4 and 1.7 m from the floor surface for preschool institutions;

0.1; 0.6 and 1.7 m from the floor surface when people are in the room primarily in a sitting position;

0.1; 1.1 and 1.7 m from the floor surface in rooms where people mainly stand or walk;

In the center of the service area and at a distance of 0.5 m from the inner surface of the external walls and stationary heating devices in the rooms indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Measurement locations

Type of buildings

Selecting a room

Measurement location


In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each, having two external walls or rooms with large windows, the area of ​​which is 30% or more of the area of ​​​​the external walls

In the center of the planes spaced from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating device by 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at the height specified in 4.3

Apartment buildings

In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each in apartments on the first and last floors

Hotels, motels, hospitals, childcare centers, schools

In one corner room on the 1st or top floor

Other public and administrative

In every representative room

The same, in rooms with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, measurements are carried out in areas whose dimensions are regulated in 4.3

In rooms with an area of ​​more than 100 m2, measurements of temperature, humidity and air velocity should be carried out in equal areas, the area of ​​which should not exceed 100 m2.

4.4. The temperature of the inner surface of walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings should be measured at the center of the corresponding surface.

For external walls with light openings and heating devices, the temperature on the inner surface should be measured in the centers of areas formed by lines extending the edges of the light opening slopes, as well as in the center of the glazing and heating device.

4.6 The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be calculated for the points indicated in , using the formula

Where tsu1 And tsu2 - temperatures, °C, measured in two opposite directions with a ball thermometer (Appendix).

4.7 Relative humidity in the room should be measured in the center of the room at a height of 1.1 m from the floor.

4.8 When manually recording microclimate indicators, at least three measurements should be taken with an interval of at least 5 minutes. with automatic registration, measurements should be carried out within 2 hours. When comparing with standard indicators, the average value of the measured values ​​is taken.

Measuring the resulting temperature should begin 20 minutes after installing the ball thermometer at the measurement point.

4.9 Microclimate indicators in premises should be measured using devices that have been registered and have the appropriate certificate.

The measuring range and permissible error of measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of the table.

Requirements for measuring instruments



Calculation of the resulting room temperature

Resulting room temperature tsu at air speed up to 0.2 m/s should be determined by the formula

Where tp- room air temperature, °C;

tr- radiation temperature of the room, °C.

The resulting room temperature should be taken at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s equal to the temperature of a ball thermometer with a sphere diameter of 150 mm.

At air speed from 0.2 to 0.6 m/s tsu should be determined by the formula

. (A.2)

Radiation temperature tr should be calculated:

according to the temperature of the ball thermometer according to the formula

, (A.3)

Where tb- temperature according to a ball thermometer, °C

T- a constant equal to 2.2 for a sphere diameter of up to 150 mm or determined according to Appendix B;

V- air speed, m/s.

by temperatures of internal surfaces of fences and heating devices

, (A.4)

Where Ai- area of ​​the internal surface of fences and heating devices, m2;

ti- temperature of the inner surface of fences and heating devices, °C.



Ball thermometer device

A ball thermometer for determining the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere made of copper or other heat-conducting material, blackened on the outside (the degree of emissivity of the surface is not lower than 0.95), inside which either a glass thermometer or a thermoelectric converter is placed.

A ball thermometer for determining the local asymmetry of the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere, in which one half of the ball has a mirror surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not higher than 0.05), and the other half has a blackened surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not lower than 0.95).

The temperature of the ball thermometer measured at the center of the ball is the equilibrium temperature from radiative and convective heat exchange between the ball and the environment.

Recommended sphere diameter is 150 mm. The thickness of the walls of the sphere is minimal, for example, made of copper - 0.4 mm. The mirror surface is formed by the galvanic method by applying a chrome coating. Gluing polished foil and other methods are allowed. Measurement range from 10 to 50 °C. The time the ball thermometer remains at the measuring point before measurement is at least 20 minutes. The measurement accuracy at temperatures from 10 to 50 °C is 0.1 °C.

When using a sphere of a different diameter, the constant T should be determined by the formula

, (B.1)

Where d- sphere diameter, m.

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In any construction, the question immediately arises: “What thickness should the thermal insulation of the wall and roof be?”

The thickness of the insulation, or more precisely the thermal resistance, is calculated according to SP 50.13330.2012.

At the end of the article you can download a program in Excel to calculate the thickness of thermal insulation and the same file contains all the necessary tables.

Initial data for calculating the thickness of thermal insulation

To calculate the required thickness of thermal insulation, the following data is required:

1) Design temperature of internal air;

2) Duration and average temperature of the heating period;

3) The name of the enclosing materials (or as they call it “pie”) and their thermal conductivity parameters;

Estimated indoor air temperature

For residential and public buildings it is assigned in accordance with GOST 30494-2011 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters:

Table 1 (GOST 30494-2011) - Optimal and permissible standards for temperature and relative air humidity in the serviced area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

Period of the year The name of a room Air temperature, °C Relative humidity, %
optimal acceptable optimal acceptable, no more
Cold Living room 20-22 18-24 (20-24) 45-30 60
Living room in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (probability 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 21-23 20-24 (22-24) 45-30 60
Kitchen 19-21 18-26 Not standardized Not standardized
Toilet 19-21 18-26 Not standardized Not standardized
Bathroom, combined toilet 24-26 18-26 Not standardized Not standardized
Facilities for recreation and study sessions 20-22 18-24 45-30 60
Inter-apartment corridor 18-20 16-22 45-30 60
Lobby, staircase 16-18 14-20 Not standardized Not standardized
Storerooms 16-18 12-22 Not standardized Not standardized
Warm Living room 22-25 20-28 60-30 65
Note - Values ​​in parentheses refer to homes for the elderly and disabled.

Table 2 (GOST 30494-2011) - Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the service area of ​​preschool institutions

Period of the year The name of a room Air temperature, °C Relative humidity, %
optimal acceptable optimal acceptable, no more
Cold Group changing room and toilet:
for nursery and junior groups 21-23 20-24 45-30 60
19-21 18-25 45-30 60
for nursery and junior groups 20-22 19-23 45-30 60
for middle and preschool groups 19-21 18-23 45-30 60
Lobby, staircase 18-20 16-22 Not standardized Not standardized
Warm Group bedrooms 23-25 18-28 60-30 65

1 In the kitchen, bathroom and pantry, air parameters should be taken according to table 1.

2 For preschool institutions located in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (provision 0.92) minus 31 °C and below, the permissible design air temperature in the room should be taken 1 °C higher than that indicated in Table 2.

Table 3 (GOST 30494-2011) - Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the service area of ​​public and administrative buildings

Period of the year Room name or category Air temperature, °C Relative humidity, %
optimal acceptable optimal acceptable, no more
Cold 1 20-22 18-24 45-30 60
2 19-21 18-23 45-30 60
3a 20-21 19-23 45-30 60
3b 14-16 12-17 45-30 60
3v 18-20 16-22 45-30 60
4 17-19 15-21 45-30 60
5 20-22 20-24 45-30 60
6 16-18 14-20 Not standardized Not standardized
Bathrooms, showers 24-26 18-28 Not standardized Not standardized
Warm Premises with permanent occupancy 23-25 18-28 60-30 65

For work premises, the internal temperature is regulated by GOST 12.1.005-88 System of occupational safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area:

Table 1 (GOST 12.1.005-88) Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the working area of ​​industrial premises

Period of the year Category
Temperature, ° C Relative humidity,
optimal acceptable optimal acceptable
on workers
in the workplace
permanent fickle permanent fickle
Cold Light - Ia 22 — 24 25 26 21 18 40 — 60 75
Light - Ib 21 — 23 24 25 20 17 40 — 60 75
Moderate - IIa 18 — 20 23 24 17 15 40 — 60 75
Moderate - IIb 17 — 19 21 23 15 13 40 — 60 75
Heavy - III 16 — 18 19 20 13 12 40 — 60 75
Warm Light - Ia 23 — 25 28 30 22 20 40 — 60 55
(at 28°C)
Light - Ib 22 — 24 28 30 21 19 40 — 60 60
(at 27°C)
Moderate - IIa 21 — 23 27 29 18 17 40 — 60 65
(at 26°C)
Moderate - IIb 20 — 22 27 29 16 15 40 — 60 70
(at 25°C)
Heavy - III 18 — 20 26 28 15 13 40 — 60 75 (at 24 ° C
and below)

This data is duplicated by GOST tables in SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises and SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.

The calculated temperature is taken according to the minimum value from these tables.

Operating conditions of the structure

Depending on the mode of operation of the interior and the environment, operating conditions are divided into 2 groups (A and B).

The humidity conditions of the premises are determined according to Table 1 SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings

Table 1 (SP 50.13330.2012) - Humidity conditions in building premises

The temperature and humidity of indoor air can be found in the tables of GOST 30494-2011 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters and GOST 12.1.005-88 System of occupational safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area (tables are given in the article above).

Humidity zones of the territory of Russia should be taken according to the Humidity Zone Map of Appendix B SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings.

Figure 1. Map of humidity zones

Based on these data, according to Table 2 of SP 50.13330.2012, operating conditions for enclosing structures are assigned.

Table 2 (SP 50.13330.2012) - Operating conditions of enclosing structures

Humidity conditions

premises of buildings

(according to table 1 SP 50.13330.2012)

Operating conditions A and B in the humidity zone (according to Appendix B)
dry normal wet
Dry A A B
Normal A B B
Damp or Wet B B B

This indicator is necessary when choosing the thermal conductivity coefficient and directly affects the thickness of the insulation because By absorbing moisture, the insulation loses its heat-insulating properties.

Duration and average temperature of the heating period

Outdoor air parameters can be found in SP 131.13330.2012 Construction climatology, Updated edition of SNiP 23-01-99*.

The average outside air temperature, as well as the duration of the heating period, are taken according to Table 3.1 SP 131.13330.2012 for a period with an average daily outside air temperature of no more than 8 °C, and when designing medical treatment facilities, children's institutions and boarding homes for the elderly no more than 10 °C WITH;

For example, for the city of Ufa, the duration of the heating period with an average daily air temperature below 8 °C is 209 days, while the average temperature of the heating period is minus 6 °C. For medical and preventive care institutions, children's institutions and nursing homes for the elderly, you need to look at data for the average daily air temperature below 10 ° C (224 days, minus 5 ° C, respectively).

If a given village is not on the list, then they either take the nearest point that is on the list, or use meteorological observation data.

Name of enclosing structures

First of all, it is necessary to determine what materials the enclosing wall will be made of. At the design stage, we set some parameters right away, for example, the thickness of the masonry is determined by strength calculations, the brand of brick is assigned, the material of the main insulation is assigned, and its thickness is calculated by the selection method.

Any material has thermal conductivity. Thermal conduction is the process of transferring heat from hotter parts of the body to cooler ones. Thermal conductivity is measured in W/(m °C). For enclosing structures, the lower this figure, the better.

Thermal resistance is the body's ability to prevent the spread of heat. Thermal resistance and thermal conductivity are inversely proportional and the higher this indicator, the “warmer” the wall. Thermal resistance is measured in (m² °C)/W.

For calculations, we need to know all the components of the wall or roof structure, their thickness, and the thermal conductivity parameters of the components. The structure of a wall or roof is usually called a “pie”, i.e. A roofing pie is a layer-by-layer description of the roofing components.

Thin layers that do not particularly affect the thermal conductivity of the structure, but are necessary for other purposes, such as vapor barrier, can be ignored when calculating the thermal resistance of the structure.

Calculation of thermal insulation thickness

First of all, it is necessary to determine GSOP (degree-days of the heating period, °C ∙ day/year). This parameter is determined by formula 5.2 SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings:

GSOP = ( t V - t from) z from,

Where t c - calculated internal air temperature, taken at minimum temperatures according to GOST 30494-2011, GOST 12.1.005-88 (see above);

t from, z from - average outside air temperature, °C, and duration, days/year, of the heating period, adopted according to the set of rules for a period with an average daily outside air temperature of no more than 8 °C, and when designing medical and preventive care, children's institutions and boarding houses for the elderly no more than 10 °C (accepted according toSP 131.13330.2012 Construction climatology).

Table 3 (SP 50.13330.2012) - Basic values ​​of the required heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures

Buildings and premises, coefficients A And b Degree-days of the heating period, °С day/year Basic values ​​of the required heat transfer resistance (m 2 ∙ °C)/W of enclosing structures
Stan Coverings and ceilings over driveways Attic floors over unheated crawl spaces and basements Windows and balcony doors, shop windows and stained glass Lanterns
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Residential, medical and children's institutions, schools, boarding schools, hotels and hostels 2000 2,1 3,2 2,8 0,3 0,3
4000 2,8 4,2 3,7 0,45 0,35
6000 3,5 5,2 4,6 0,6 0,4
8000 4,2 6,2 5,5 0,7 0,45
10000 4,9 7,2 6,4 0,75 0,5
12000 5,6 8,2 7,3 0,8 0,55
a 0,00035 0,0005 0,00045 0,000025
b 1,4 2,2 1,9 0,25
2 Public, except for those mentioned above, administrative and domestic, industrial and other buildings and premises with damp or wet conditions 2000 1,8 2,4 2,0 0,3 0,3
4000 2,4 3,2 2,7 0,4 0,35
6000 3,0 4,0 3,4 0,5 0,4
8000 3,6 4,8 4,1 0,6 0,45
10000 4,2 5,6 4,8 0,7 0,5
12000 4,8 6,4 5,5 0,8 0,55
a 0,0003 0,0004 0,00035 0,00005 0,000025
b 1,2 1,6 1,3 0,2 0,25
3 Production with dry and normal modes * 2000 1,4 2,0 1,4 0,25 0,2
4000 1,8 2,5 1,8 0,3 0,25
6000 2,2 3,0 2,2 0,35 0,3
8000 2,6 3,5 2,6 0,4 0,35
10000 3,0 4,0 3,0 0,45 0,4
12000 3,4 4,5 3,4 0,5 0,45
A 0,0002 0,00025 0,0002 0,000025 0,000025
b 1,0 1,5 1,0 0,2 0,15

1 Values ​​for GSOP values ​​different from the tabulated ones should be determined using the formula

where GSOP is the degree-day of the heating period, °C day/year, for a specific location;

a, b- coefficients, the values ​​of which should be taken according to the table data for the corresponding groups of buildings, with the exception of column 6, for the group of buildings in pos. 1, where for the interval up to 6000 °C ∙ day/year: A = 0,000075, b= 0.15; for the interval 6000 - 8000 °C ∙ day/year: A = 0,00005, b= 0.3; for the interval of 8000 °C ∙ days/year and more: A = 0,000025; b = 0,5.

2 The normalized value of the normalized heat transfer resistance of the blind part of balcony doors must be at least 1.5 times higher than the normalized value of the normalized heat transfer resistance of the translucent part of these structures.

3 * For buildings with excess sensible heat of more than 23 W/m 3, the normalized values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance must be determined for each specific building.

The thermal resistance of a wall section can be determined using formula E.6 SP 50.13330.2012:

where α in is the heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the enclosing structure, W/(m 2 ∙ °C), adopted according to Table 4 of SP 50.13330.2012;

Table 4 (SP 50.13330.2012) - Heat transfer coefficients of the internal surface of the enclosing structure

Inner surface of the fence Heat transfer coefficient α in, W/(m 2 ∙ °C)
1 Walls, floors, smooth ceilings, ceilings with protruding ribs in relation to height h edges to distance A, between the faces of adjacent edges h/a ≤ 0,3 8,7
2 Ceilings with protruding ribs at the ratio h/a > 0,3 7,6
3 Windows 8,0
4 Rooflights 9,9
Note— The heat transfer coefficient α in the inner surface of the enclosing structures of livestock and poultry buildings should be taken in accordance with SP 106.13330.

α n is the heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the enclosing structure, W/(m 2 ∙ °C), adopted according to Table 6 of SP 50.13330.2012;

Table 6 (SP 50.13330.2012) - Heat transfer coefficients of the outer surface of the enclosing structure

External surface of enclosing structures Heat transfer coefficient for winter conditions, α n, W/(m 2 ∙ °C)
1 External walls, coverings, ceilings over passages and over cold (without enclosing walls) undergrounds in the Northern construction-climatic zone 23
2 Floors over cold basements communicating with outside air, floors over cold (with enclosing walls) undergrounds and cold floors in the Northern construction-climatic zone 17
3 Attic floors and over unheated basements with light openings in the walls, as well as external walls with an air gap ventilated by outside air 12
4 Ceilings over unheated basements and technical, underground spaces not ventilated with outside air 6

R s- thermal resistance of the layer of a homogeneous part of the fragment, (m 2 ∙ °C)/W, determined for unventilated air layers according to table E.1 SP 50.13330.2012, for material layers according to formula E.7 SP 50.13330.2012

δ s— layer thickness, m;

λ s— thermal conductivity of the layer material, W/(m ∙ °C), accepted based on test results in an accredited laboratory; in the absence of such data, it is assessed according to Appendix C SP 50.13330.2012.

Table E.1 (SP 50.13330.2012)

Air layer thickness, m Thermal resistance of a closed air layer, m 2 ∙ °C/W
horizontal with heat flow from bottom to top and vertical horizontal with heat flow from top to bottom
at air temperature in the layer
positive negative positive negative
0,01 0,13 0,15 0,14 0,15
0,02 0,14 0,15 0,15 0,19
0,03 0,14 0,16 0,16 0,21
0,05 0,14 0,17 0,17 0,22
0,1 0,15 0,18 0,18 0,23
0,15 0,15 0,18 0,19 0,24
0,2 — 0,3 0,15 0,19 0,19 0,24
Note— When covering one or both surfaces of the air gap with aluminum foil, the thermal resistance should be doubled.

By increasing the thickness of the insulation we increase the thermal resistance R s, and using the selection method we ensure that R0 was greater than the required thermal resistance.

Why is such a thickness of insulation needed?

If we try to calculate an ordinary house made of brick (wall thickness 2 bricks, 510 mm) or a house made of timber, we will see that for many regions such houses are not suitable for thermal engineering calculations, but living in such houses is quite comfortable, there is no condensation on the walls and many people think that they are “warm”. However, the thickness of thermal insulation is now selected for economic reasons, and not for technical properties. Those. You will feel the difference in the thermal resistance of the wall with your wallet, and not with the microclimate of the room. A house insulated according to the standards will spend less resources on heating and subsequently such investments will pay off by saving money during operation.

Moreover, if you are building a private house for yourself and expect to use it for a long time, then you can use a thickness of insulation greater than the calculated one, which will pay off in the future.

In Europe there is a standard for “passive houses” or energy efficient houses. The thermal resistance of such walls is 2 times higher than our standards require, despite the fact that the climate in Europe is warmer.

Russia also has energy efficiency standards for houses (see Table 15 SP 50.13330.2012). If we design insulation exactly according to the standards, we will get a building of energy efficiency class C. By increasing the thickness of the insulation and applying other developments in the field of energy efficiency (modern windows and doors, heat recovery), we can increase the energy efficiency class of the building.

In it you will also find reference information: calculated coefficients and temperatures, a map of humidity zones.

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GOST 30494-2011.
Residential and public buildings.

GOST 30494-2011



Indoor microclimate parameters

Residential and public buildings. Microclimate parameters for indoor enclosures

ISS 13.040.30

Date of introduction 2013-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by the "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The procedure for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by OJSC SantekhNIIproekt, OJSC TsNIIPromzdanii

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (MNTKS), (Minutes No. 39 of December 8, 2011) Voted for adoption:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97Abbreviated name of the national standardization body
AzerbaijanAZState Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture
ArmeniaA.M.Ministry of Urban Development
Russian FederationRUMinistry of Regional Development
UkraineU.A.Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine
MoldovaM.D.Ministry of Regional Development

(Amendment. IUS N 7-2016).

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 12, 2012 N 191-st, the interstate standard GOST 30494-2011 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2013.

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly published index “National Standards”.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of the changes is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the parameters of the microclimate of the serviced area of ​​residential premises (including dormitories), kindergartens, public, administrative and domestic buildings, as well as the air quality in the serviced area of ​​these premises and establishes general requirements for optimal and permissible microclimate and air quality indicators. This standard does not apply to the microclimate parameters of the working area of ​​industrial premises.

2 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms with corresponding definitions apply:

2.1 acceptable microclimate parameters: Combinations of values ​​of microclimate indicators, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause a general and local feeling of discomfort, deterioration of well-being and decreased performance with increased stress on the thermoregulatory mechanisms and do not cause damage or deterioration in health.

2.2 Air quality

2.2.1 air quality: The composition of air in a room, which, with prolonged exposure to a person, ensures the optimal or acceptable state of the human body.

2.2.2 optimal air quality: The composition of air in a room, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, ensures a comfortable (optimal) state of the human body.

2.2.3 acceptable air quality: The composition of air in a room, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, ensures an acceptable state of the human body.

2.3 local asymmetry of the resulting temperature: The difference in the resulting temperatures at a point in the room, determined by a ball thermometer for two opposite directions.

2.4 room microclimate: The state of the internal environment of a room that has an impact on a person, characterized by air temperature and enclosing structures, humidity and air mobility.

2.5 serviced area of ​​the premises (habitat area): The space in the room, limited by planes parallel to the floor and walls: at a height of 0.1 and 2.0 m above the floor level - for people standing or moving, at a height of 1.5 m above the floor level - for sitting people (but not closer than 1 m from the ceiling with ceiling heating), and at a distance of 0.5 m from the internal surfaces of external and internal walls, windows and heating appliances.

2.6 optimal microclimate parameters: A combination of microclimate indicator values ​​that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, ensure a normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress on the thermoregulation mechanisms and a feeling of comfort for at least 80% of people in the room.

2.7 premises with permanent occupancy: A room in which people stay for at least 2 hours continuously or 6 hours in total during the day.

2.8 radiation temperature of the room: Area-averaged temperature of the internal surfaces of room enclosures and heating devices.

2.9 resulting room temperature: A complex indicator of room radiation temperature and room air temperature, determined according to Appendix A.

2.10 air speed: Air velocity averaged over the volume of the serviced area.

2.11 ball thermometer temperature: The temperature at the center of a thin-walled hollow sphere, characterizing the combined influence of air temperature, radiation temperature and air velocity.

2.12 warm season: A period of the year characterized by an average daily outdoor temperature above 8 °C.

2.13 cold season: A period of the year characterized by an average daily outdoor temperature of 8 °C or lower.

3 Classification of premises

This standard adopts the following classification of public and administrative premises:

  • premises of the 1st category: premises in which people, lying or sitting, are in a state of rest and relaxation;
  • premises of the 2nd category: premises in which people are engaged in mental work and study;
  • premises of category 3a: premises with large numbers of people, in which people are mainly in a sitting position without street clothes;
  • premises of category 3b: premises with large numbers of people, in which people are mainly in a sitting position in street clothes;
  • premises 3 in category: premises with large numbers of people, in which people are mainly in a standing position without street clothes;
  • premises of the 4th category: premises for outdoor sports;
  • premises of the 5th category: premises in which people are scantily clad (locker rooms, treatment rooms, doctors' offices, etc.);
  • premises of the 6th category: premises with temporary occupancy of people (lobbies, dressing rooms, corridors, stairs, bathrooms, smoking rooms, storage rooms).

4 Microclimate parameters

4.1 In the premises of residential and public buildings, optimal or acceptable microclimate parameters in the serviced area should be ensured.

4.2 Parameters characterizing the microclimate in residential and public premises:

  • air temperature;
  • air speed;
  • relative humidity;
  • resulting room temperature;
  • local asymmetry of the resulting temperature.

4.3 Required microclimate parameters: optimal, acceptable, or combinations thereof should be set depending on the purpose of the room and the period of the year, taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents*.

* In the Russian Federation there are also

4.4 Optimal and permissible microclimate parameters in the serviced area of ​​residential premises (including dormitories), kindergartens, public, administrative and household buildings should be taken for the corresponding period of the year within the limits of the parameter values ​​given in Tables 1-3:

Table 1

in the service area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

Period of the year The name of a room Air temperature, °C Relative humidity, %
optimal permissible optimal permissible optimal permissible no more optimal no more permissible no more
ColdLiving room20-22 18-24
19-20 17-23
45-30 60 0,15 0,2
Living room in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (probability 0.92) minus 31 °C and below21-23 20-24
20-22 19-23
45-30 60 0,15 0,2
Kitchen19-21 18-26 18-20 17-25 Not standardizedNot standardized0,15 0,2
Toilet19-21 18-26 18-20 17-25 Not standardizedNot standardized0,15 0,2
Bathroom, combined toilet24-26 18-26 23-27 17-26 Not standardizedNot standardized0,15 0,2
Facilities for recreation and study sessions20-22 18-24 19-21 17-23 45-30 60 0,15 0,2
Inter-apartment corridor18-20 16-22 17-19 15-21 45-30 60 Not standardizedNot standardized
Lobby, staircase16-18 14-20 15-17 13-19 Not standardizedNot standardizedNot standardizedNot standardized
Storerooms16-18 12-22 15-17 11-21 Not standardizedNot standardizedNot standardizedNot standardized
WarmLiving room22-25 20-28 22-24 18-27 60-30 65 0,2 0,3
Note - Values ​​in parentheses refer to homes for the elderly and disabled.

table 2

Optimal and permissible norms of temperature, relative humidity and air speed
in the service area of ​​preschool institutions

Period of the year The name of a room Air temperature, °C Resulting temperature, °C Relative humidity, % Air speed, m/s
optimal permissible optimal permissible optimal permissible, no more optimal, no more permissible, no more
ColdGroup changing room and toilet:
for nursery and junior groups21-23 20-24 20-22 19-23 45-30 60 0,1 0,15
19-21 18-25 18-20 17-24 45-30 60 0,1 0,15
for nursery and junior groups20-22 19-23 19-21 18-22 45-30 60 0,1 0,15
for middle and preschool groups19-21 18-23 18-22 17-22 45-30 60 0,1 0,15
Lobby, staircase18-20 16-22 17-19 15-21 Not standardizedNot standardizedNot standardizedNot standardized
WarmGroup bedrooms23-25 18-28 22-24 19-27 60-30 65 0,15 0,25

1 In the kitchen, bathroom and pantry, air parameters should be taken according to table 1.

2 For preschool institutions located in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (provision 0.92) minus 31 °C and below, the permissible design air temperature in the room should be taken 1 °C higher than that indicated in Table 2.

Table 3

Optimal and permissible norms of temperature, relative humidity and air speed
in the service area of ​​public and administrative buildings

Period of the year Room name or category Air temperature, °C Resulting temperature, °C Relative humidity, % Air speed, m/s
optimal permissible optimal permissible optimal permissible, no more optimal, no more permissible, no more
Cold1 20-22 18-24 19-20 17-23 45-30 60 0,2 0,3
2 19-21 18-23 18-20 17-22 45-30 60 0,2 0,3
3a20-21 19-23 19-20 19-22 45-30 60 0,2 0,3
3b14-16 12-17 13-15 13-16 45-30 60 0,3 0,5
3v18-20 16-22 17-20 15-21 45-30 60 0,2 0,3
4 17-19 15-21 16-18 14-20 45-30 60 0,2 0,3
5 20-22 20-24 19-21 19-23 45-30 60 0,15 0,2
6 16-18 14-20 15-17 13-19 Not standardizedNot standardizedNot standardizedNot standardized
Bathrooms, showers24-26 18-28 23-25 17-27 Not standardizedNot standardized0,15 0,2
WarmPremises with permanent occupancy23-25 18-28 22-24 19-27 60-30 65 0,15 0,25

The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be no more than 2.5 °C for optimal and no more than 3.5 °C for acceptable values.

4.5 Calculation of the resulting temperature is given in Appendix A.

4.6 When ensuring microclimate indicators at various points in the service area, the following is allowed:

  • the difference in air temperature is no more than 2 °C for optimal indicators and 3 °C for acceptable ones;
  • the difference in the resulting room temperature along the height of the serviced area is no more than 2 °C;
  • change in air speed - no more than 0.07 m/s for optimal indicators and 0.1 m/s - for acceptable ones;
  • change in relative air humidity - no more than 7% for optimal indicators and 15% for acceptable ones.

4.7 In residential and public buildings, according to regulatory and technical documents*, during the cold period of the year, during non-working hours, it is allowed to reduce the microclimate indicators, taking the air temperature below the standard, but not below:


  • 15 °C - in residential premises;
  • 12 °C - in public, administrative and domestic premises.

The normalized temperature must be ensured before use.

5 Air quality

5.1 The air quality in the premises of residential and public buildings is ensured in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents* with the required level of ventilation (the amount of air exchange in the premises), ensuring the permissible values ​​of carbon dioxide content in the premises. By reducing air exchange, the energy consumption of the ventilation system is reduced, as well as the energy efficiency of ventilation systems is increased.

* Valid in the Russian Federation.

The required air exchange in a room can be determined in two ways:

  • based on specific air exchange rates;
  • based on the calculation of air exchange necessary to ensure acceptable concentrations of pollutants.

The air flow rates of ventilation systems taken to ensure air quality depend on the number of people in the room, their activities, technological processes (emissions of pollutants from household and office equipment, from building materials, furniture, etc.), as well as from heating and ventilation systems.

The use of the second method, based on the balance of hazards in the room, makes it possible to determine air exchange taking into account outdoor air pollution and a given level of air quality (comfort) in the room.

In this case, the defining harmful substance is carbon dioxide ( CO2), exhaled by people. The equivalent of harmful substances emitted by fences, furniture, carpets, etc. is also considered carbon dioxide ( CO) By .

Requirements for indoor air quality should be taken according to the design specifications in accordance with Table 4.

Table 4

Classification of indoor air

Table 5

5.2 The amount of outside air supplied into the room by the ventilation system per person to ensure a given air quality depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the outside air and the efficiency of air distribution in the room.

The basic amount of outside air per person is given in Table 4.

Depending on the efficiency of the air distribution system, the required outdoor air flow L, m³/h, in the ventilation system should be determined by the formula

L = η L δ, (1)

Where η - efficiency coefficient of the air distribution system, determined by calculation or accepted according to Table 6;

L δ- estimated minimum amount of outside air, m³/h.

Approximate values ​​of the efficiency coefficient are given in Table 6.

Table 6

Air distribution system efficiency factors

5.3 For children's institutions, hospitals and clinics, air quality indicators of class 1 should be adopted.

For residential and public buildings, as a rule, the air quality class should be taken; Optimal air parameters for these buildings may be accepted according to the design specifications, taking into account outdoor air pollution and the source of indoor air pollution.

6 Control methods

6.1 During the cold season, microclimate measurements should be performed at an outside air temperature of no higher than minus 5 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.

6.2 During the warm season, microclimate measurements should be performed at an outside air temperature of at least 15 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.

6.3 Measurement of temperature, humidity and air speed should be carried out in the service area at a height:

  • 0.1; 0.4 and 1.7 m from the floor surface - for preschool institutions;
  • 0.1; 0.6 and 1.7 m from the floor surface - when people stay in the room mainly in a sitting position;
  • 0.1; 1.1 and 1.7 m from the floor surface - in rooms where people mainly stand or walk;
  • in the center of the service area and at a distance of 0.5 m from the inner surface of the external walls and stationary heating devices - in the rooms indicated in Table 7.

Table 7

Measurement locations

BuildingSelecting a roomMeasurement location
Single-familyAt least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m² each, having two external walls or rooms with large windows, the area of ​​which is 30% or more of the external wall areaIn the center of the planes spaced from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating device by 0.5 m, and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at the height specified in 5.3
Apartment buildingsIn at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m² each in apartments on the first and last floors
Hotels, motels, hospitals, childcare centers, schoolsIn one corner room on the first or last floor
Other public and administrativeIn every representative roomIn the center of planes spaced 0.5 m from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating device in rooms with an area of ​​100 m² or more, measurements are carried out in areas whose dimensions are regulated in 5.3

In rooms with an area of ​​more than 100 m², measurements of temperature, humidity and air velocity should be carried out in equal areas, the area of ​​which should not exceed 100 m².

6.4 The temperature of the inner surface of walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings should be measured at the center of the corresponding surface.

For external walls with light openings and heating devices, the temperature on the inner surface should be measured in the centers of the areas formed by lines extending the edges of the slopes of the light opening, as well as in the center of the glazing and heating device.

6.5 The resulting room temperature should be calculated using the formulas specified in Appendix A. Air temperature measurements are carried out in the center of the room at a height of 0.6 m from the floor surface for rooms with people in a sitting position and at a height of 1.1 m in rooms with people in a sitting position in a standing position, either by the temperatures of the surrounding surfaces of the fences (see Appendix A), or by measurements with a ball thermometer (see Appendix B).

6.6 Local asymmetry of the resulting temperature t asu, °C should be calculated for the points specified in 5.5 using the formula

t asu = tsu1tsu2, (2)

Where tsu1 And tsu2- temperatures, °C, measured in two opposite directions with a ball thermometer according to Appendix B.

6.7 Relative humidity in the room should be measured in the center of the room at a height of 1.1 m from the floor.

6.8 When manually recording microclimate indicators, at least three measurements should be taken with an interval of at least 5 minutes; with automatic registration, measurements should be taken within 2 hours. When compared with standard indicators, the average value of the measured values ​​is taken.

Measuring the resulting temperature should begin 20 minutes after installing the ball thermometer at the measurement point.

6.9 Microclimate indicators in premises should be measured using devices that have been registered and have the appropriate certificate.

The measuring range and permissible error of measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of Table 8.

Table 8

Requirements for measuring instruments

Appendix A (mandatory).
Calculation of the resulting room temperature

The resulting room temperature should be taken at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s equal to the temperature of a ball thermometer with a sphere diameter of 150 mm.

Resulting room temperature tsu, °C, at air speed up to 0.2 m/s should be determined by the formula

tsu = (t p + t r) / 2, (A.1)

Where t p- room air temperature, °C;

t r- radiation temperature of the room, °C.

At air speed from 0.2 to 0.6 m/s tsu, °C, should be determined by the formula

tsu = 0,6t p + 0,4t r, (A.2)

Radiation temperature t r, °C, should be calculated:

According to the temperature of the ball thermometer according to the formula

t r = t b + t mV(t bt p) , (A.3)

Where t b- temperature according to a ball thermometer, °C;

m- constant equal to 2.2 for a sphere diameter of up to 150 mm;

V- air speed, m/s;

Based on the temperatures of the internal surfaces of fences and heating devices according to the formula

= Σ( A i t i) / Σ A i, (A.4)

Where A i- area of ​​the internal surface of fences and heating devices, m²;

t i- temperature of the inner surface of fences and heating devices, °C.

Appendix B (mandatory).
Ball thermometer device

A ball thermometer for determining the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere made of copper or other heat-conducting material, blackened on the outside (the degree of emissivity of the surface is not lower than 0.95), inside which either a glass thermometer or a thermoelectric converter is placed.

A ball thermometer for determining the local asymmetry of the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere, in which one half of the ball has a mirror surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not higher than 0.05), and the other half has a blackened surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not lower than 0.95).

The temperature of the ball thermometer measured at the center of the ball is the equilibrium temperature from radiative and convective heat exchange between the ball and the environment.

Recommended sphere diameter is 150 mm. The thickness of the walls of the sphere is minimal, for example, made of copper - 0.4 mm. The mirror surface is formed by the galvanic method by applying a chrome coating. Gluing polished foil and other methods are allowed. Measuring range from 10 °C to 50 °C. The time the ball thermometer remains at the measuring point before measurement is at least 20 minutes. The measurement accuracy at temperatures from 10 °C to 50 °C is 0.1 °C.

When using a sphere of a different diameter, the constant m should be determined by the formula

m = 2,2(0,15 / d) 0.4 , (B.1)

Where d- sphere diameter, m.


SP 60.13330.2010* "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"

* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Valid.

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises

EN 13779-2007* Ventilation for non-residential buildings. Performance requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems (EN 13779-2007)

Key words: room microclimate, optimal parameters, acceptable parameters, air temperature, air speed, relative air humidity, resulting room temperature, local asymmetry of the resulting temperature, air quality

From the moment a person built himself a dwelling with a roof, walls, floor and ceiling, he tried, as far as possible, to create more and more comfortable conditions inside this dwelling, which we now call a microclimate. The industrial and then technological revolutions caused the rapid growth of technologies that provide indoor comfort. However, as opportunities grow, so do needs; advanced technologies of yesterday become the norm of today.

The modern standard for indoor microclimate parameters in our country is given in GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters".

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.

Serviced area of ​​the premises(habitat zone) - space in a room, limited by planes parallel to the floor and walls: at a height of 0.1 and 2.0 m above the floor (but not closer than 1 m from the ceiling with ceiling heating), at a distance of 0.5 m from internal surfaces of external and internal walls, windows and heating devices.

Premises with permanent occupancy- a room in which people stay for at least 2 hours continuously or 6 hours in total during the day.

Room microclimate- the state of the internal environment of a room, affecting a person, characterized by indicators of air temperature and enclosing structures, humidity and air mobility.

Optimal microclimate parameters- a combination of values ​​of microclimate indicators that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, provide a normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress on the thermoregulation mechanisms and a feeling of comfort for at least 80% of people in the room.

Acceptable microclimate parameters- combinations of values ​​of microclimate indicators, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause a general and local feeling of discomfort, deterioration of well-being and decreased performance with increased stress on the thermoregulatory mechanisms do not cause damage or deterioration in health.

Cold season- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outside air temperature of 8 °C and below.

Warm period of the year- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outside air temperature above 8 °C.

Radiation temperature of a room is the area-averaged temperature of the internal surfaces of room enclosures and heating devices.

Resulting room temperature- a complex indicator of the radiation temperature of the room and the air temperature of the room, determined according to Appendix A.

Ball thermometer temperature- temperature in the center of a thin-walled hollow sphere, characterizing the combined influence of air temperature, radiation temperature and air speed.

Local asymmetry of the resulting temperature- the difference in the resulting temperatures at a point in the room, determined by a ball thermometer for two opposite directions.

Air speed- air velocity averaged over the volume of the serviced area.

This GOST 30494-96 established parameters characterizing the microclimate of premises:

air temperature;

air speed;

relative humidity;

resulting room temperature;

local asymmetry of the resulting temperature;

and indicated the optimal and acceptable norms for them (Tables 1.1 and 1.2).

Relative humidity in the room should be measured in the center of the room at a height of 1.1 m from the floor.

The resulting room temperature t su at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s should be determined by the formula

t su = 0.5 t p + 0.5 t r

where t p is the air temperature in the room, °C;

t r - radiation temperature of the room, °C.

At air speed from 0.2 to 0.6 m/s t su should be determined by the formula

t su = 0.6 t p + 0.4 t r .

Radiation temperature t r should be calculated from the temperatures of the internal surfaces of fences and heating devices

t r =  (A i t i) /  A i ,

where A i is the area of ​​the internal surface of fences and heating devices, m 2 ;

t i - temperature of the inner surface of fences and heating devices, °C.

Table 1.1

Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the serviced area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

Period of the year

The name of a room

Air temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %




acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more

Cold -

Living room

The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period minus 31 ° C and below

Bathroom, combined toilet


Facilities for recreation and study sessions

Inter-apartment corridor

Lobby, staircase


Living room

The following classification is given for the premises of public buildings:

Table 1.2

Optimal and permissible norms of temperature, relative humidity and air speed

in the service area of ​​public buildings

Period of the year

Air temperature, °C


humidity, %

Travel speed

air, m/s




acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more


Premises with permanent occupancy

Requirements for indoor microclimate parameters are also reflected in the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Residential Buildings and Premises” SanPiN

Heating and ventilation systems must ensure acceptable microclimate and indoor air conditions. The optimal and permissible microclimate parameters in residential buildings are given in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3

Optimal and permissible microclimate parameters in residential buildings

Name of premises

Air temperature, 0 C

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s


let's say - May





Cold season

Living room

The same, in the areas of the coldest five-day period ≤ -31 0 C

Bathroom, combined toilet

Inter-apartment corridor

Lobby, staircase


Warm period of the year

Living room

N/N - not standardized.

For water heating, the surface temperature of heating devices should not exceed 90 0 C. For devices with a heating surface temperature of more than 75 0 C, it is necessary to provide protective barriers.

I like


Date of introduction 1999-03-01


  1. DEVELOPED by the State Design and Research Institute SantekhNIIproekt (GPKNII SantekhNIIproekt), Research Institute of Building Physics (NIIstroyfiziki), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Housing (TsNIIEPzhilishcha), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Educational Buildings ( TsNIIEP educational buildings), Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. Sysin, Association of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics Engineers (ABOK).

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

  1. ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on December 11, 1996.

Name of state/Name of state construction management body
Republic of Azerbaijan / State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic
Republic of Armenia / Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia
Republic of Belarus / Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus
Georgia / Ministry of Urbanization and Construction of Georgia
Republic of Kazakhstan / Agency for Construction and Architectural and Construction Control of the Ministry of Economy and Trade
Kyrgyz Republic / Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic
Republic of Moldova / Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation / Gosstroy of Russia
Republic of Tajikistan / State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan
Republic of Uzbekistan / State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  2. ENTERED INTO EFFECT on March 1, 1999 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated January 6, 1999 No. 1

Application area

This standard establishes the microclimate parameters of the serviced area of ​​residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings. The standard establishes general requirements for optimal and permissible microclimate parameters and control methods.
The standard does not apply to the microclimate indicators of the working area of ​​industrial premises.
The requirements set out in sections 3 and 4 regarding permissible microclimate parameters (except for local asymmetry of the resulting temperature) are mandatory.

Definitions, classification of premises

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Serviced area of ​​the premises (habitat area)- space in the room, limited by planes parallel to the floor and walls: at a height of 0.1 and 2.0 m above the floor level (but not closer than 1 mt of the ceiling with ceiling heating), at a distance of 0.5 m from the internal surfaces of the external and internal walls, windows and heating devices.
Premises with permanent occupancy- a room in which people stay for at least 2 hours continuously or 6 hours in total during the day.
Room microclimate- the state of the internal environment of a room, affecting a person, characterized by indicators of air temperature and enclosing structures, humidity and air mobility.
Optimal microclimate parameters- a combination of values ​​of microclimate indicators that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, provide a normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress on the thermoregulation mechanisms and a feeling of comfort for at least 80% of people in the room.
Acceptable microclimate parameters- combinations of values ​​of microclimate indicators, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause a general and local feeling of discomfort, deterioration of well-being and decreased performance with increased stress on the thermoregulatory mechanisms do not cause damage or deterioration in health.
Cold season- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outside air temperature of 8 °C and below.
Warm period of the year- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outside air temperature above 8 °C.
Radiation room temperature- area-averaged temperature of the internal surfaces of room enclosures and heating devices.
Resulting room temperature- a complex indicator of the radiation temperature of the room and the air temperature of the room, determined according to Appendix A.
Ball thermometer temperature- temperature in the center of a thin-walled hollow sphere, characterizing the combined influence of air temperature, radiation temperature and air speed.
Local asymmetry of the resulting temperature- the difference in the resulting temperatures at a point in the room, determined by a ball thermometer for two opposite directions.
Air speed- air velocity averaged over the volume of the serviced area.
Classification of premises
Premises of category 1 - premises in which people, lying or sitting, are in a state of rest and relaxation.
Premises of category 2 - premises in which people are engaged in mental work and study.
Premises Categories include premises with large numbers of people, in which people are predominantly in a sitting position without outdoor clothing.
Premises of category 3b - premises with large numbers of people, in which people are mainly in a sitting position in street clothes.
Premises of the 3rd category are premises with large numbers of people, in which people are predominantly in a standing position without street clothing.
Premises of category 4 - premises for outdoor sports.
Premises of category 5 - premises in which people are scantily clad (locker rooms, treatment rooms, doctors' offices, etc.).
Premises of category 6 - premises with temporary occupancy of people (lobbies, dressing rooms, corridors, stairs, bathrooms, smoking rooms, storage rooms).

Microclimate parameters

3.1 In the premises of residential and public buildings, optimal or acceptable microclimate standards in the serviced area should be ensured.
3.2 Required microclimate parameters: optimal, acceptable or combinations thereof - should be established in regulatory documents depending on the purpose of the room and the period of the year.
3.3 Parameters characterizing the indoor microclimate:
air temperature;
air speed;
relative humidity;
resulting room temperature;
local asymmetry of the resulting temperature.
3.4 Optimal and permissible microclimate standards in the serviced area of ​​​​the premises (in the established design parameters of outdoor air) must correspond to the values ​​​​given in tables 1 and 2.
Table 1
Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the serviced area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

  • NN - not standardized
    Note - Values ​​in parentheses refer to homes for the elderly and disabled
table 2
Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the service area of ​​public buildings

    • NN - not standardized
      Note - For preschool institutions located in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (provision 0.92) minus 31 °C and below, the permissible design air temperature in the room should be taken 1 °C higher than that indicated in the table.

The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be no more than 2.5 °C for optimal and no more than 3.5 °C for acceptable values.

3.5 When ensuring microclimate indicators at various points in the service area, the following is allowed:
- air temperature difference is no more than 2 °C for optimal indicators and 3 °C for acceptable ones;
- the difference in the resulting room temperature along the height of the serviced area is no more than 2 °C;
- change in air speed - no more than 0.07 m/s for optimal indicators and 0.1 m/s - for acceptable ones;
- change in relative air humidity - no more than 7% for optimal indicators and 15% for acceptable ones.
3.6 In public buildings, during non-working hours, it is allowed to reduce the microclimate indicators, provided that the required parameters are achieved by the beginning of working hours.

Control methods

4.1 Measurement of microclimate indicators during the cold season should be carried out at an outside air temperature no higher than minus 5 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.
4.2 For the warm period of the year, microclimate measurements should be performed at an outside air temperature of at least 15 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.
4.3 Measurement of temperature, humidity and air speed should be carried out in the service area at a height:
- 0.1; 0.4 and 1.7 m from the floor surface for preschool institutions;
- 0.1; 0.6 and 1.7 m from the floor surface when people are in the room primarily in a sitting position;
- 0.1; 1.1 and 1.7 m from the floor surface in rooms where people mainly stand or walk;
- in the center of the serviced area and at a distance of 0.5 m from the inner surface of the external walls and stationary heating devices in the rooms indicated in Table 3.
In rooms with an area of ​​more than 100 m2, measurements of temperature, humidity and air velocity should be carried out in equal areas, the area of ​​which should not exceed 100 m2.
4.4 The temperature of the inner surface of walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings should be measured at the center of the corresponding surface.

Table 3
Measurement locations

Type of buildings Selecting a room Measurement location
Single-family In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each, having two external walls or rooms with large windows, the area of ​​which is 30% or more of the area of ​​​​the external walls In the center of the planes spaced from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating device by 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at the height specified in 4.3
Apartment buildings In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each in apartments on the first and last floors
Hotels, motels, hospitals, childcare centers, schools In one corner room on the 1st or top floor
Other public and administrative In every representative room The same, in rooms with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, measurements are carried out in areas whose dimensions are regulated in 4.3

For external walls with light openings and heating devices, the temperature on the inner surface should be measured in the centers of areas formed by lines extending the edges of the light opening slopes, as well as in the center of the glazing and heating device.
4.5 The resulting room temperature should be calculated using the formulas specified in Appendix A. Air temperature measurements are carried out in the center of the room at a height of 0.6 m from the floor surface for rooms with people in a sitting position and at a height of 1.1 m in rooms with people in a sitting position in a standing position, either by the temperatures of the surrounding surfaces of the fences (Appendix A), or by measurements with a ball thermometer (Appendix B).
4.6 The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be calculated for the points specified in 4.5 using the formula

t asu = t su 1 - t su 2, (1)

where t su 1 and t su 2 are temperatures, °C, measured in two opposite directions with a ball thermometer (Appendix B).
4.7 Relative humidity in the room should be measured in the center of the room at a height of 1.1 m from the floor.
4.8 When manually recording microclimate indicators, at least three measurements should be taken with an interval of at least 5 minutes; with automatic registration, measurements should be taken within 2 hours. When compared with standard indicators, the average value of the measured values ​​is taken.
Measuring the resulting temperature should begin 20 minutes after installing the ball thermometer at the measurement point.
4.9 Microclimate indicators in premises should be measured using devices that have been registered and have the appropriate certificate.
The measuring range and permissible error of measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of Table 4.

Table 4
Requirements for measuring instruments

APPENDIX A Calculation of the resulting room temperature (mandatory)

The resulting room temperature tsu at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s should be determined by the formula


where t p is the air temperature in the room, °C;
t r - radiation temperature of the room, °C.
The resulting room temperature should be taken at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s equal to the temperature of a ball thermometer with a sphere diameter of 150 mm.
At air speed from 0.2 to 0.6 m/s t su should be determined by the formula

t su = 0.6 t p + 0.4 t k (A.2)

Radiation temperature tr should be calculated:
according to the temperature of the ball thermometer according to the formula


where t b - temperature according to a ball thermometer, °C;

m is a constant equal to 2.2 for a sphere diameter of up to 150 mm or determined according to Appendix B;
V - air speed, m/s. by temperatures of internal surfaces of fences and heating devices

, (A.4)
where A i is the area of ​​the internal surface of fences and heating devices, m2;
t i - temperature of the inner surface of fences and heating devices, °C.

APPENDIX B Ball thermometer device (reference)

A ball thermometer for determining the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere made of copper or other heat-conducting material, blackened on the outside (the degree of emissivity of the surface is not lower than 0.95), inside which either a glass thermometer or a thermoelectric converter is placed.
A ball thermometer for determining the local asymmetry of the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere, in which one half of the ball has a mirror surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not higher than 0.05), and the other half has a blackened surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not lower than 0.95).
The temperature of the ball thermometer measured at the center of the ball is the equilibrium temperature from radiative and convective heat exchange between the ball and the environment.
Recommended sphere diameter is 150 mm. The thickness of the walls of the sphere is minimal, for example, made of copper - 0.4 mm. The mirror surface is formed by the galvanic method by applying a chrome coating. Gluing polished foil and other methods are allowed. Measurement range from 10 to 50 °C. The time the ball thermometer remains at the measuring point before measurement is at least 20 minutes. The measurement accuracy at temperatures from 10 to 50 °C is 0.1 °C.
When using a sphere of a different diameter, the constant t should be determined by the formula
m = 2.2 (0.15 / d) 0.4 , (B.1)
where d is the diameter of the sphere, m.

Key words: microclimate, optimal and permissible indicators, technical requirements, test methods