News and analytical portal "electronics time". Dimmable LED lamps Dimmable LED lamps

If you skip the details and explanations, the circuit for adjusting the brightness of the LEDs will appear in its simplest form. This control is different from the PWM method, which we will look at a little later.
So, an elementary regulator will include only four elements:

  • power unit;
  • stabilizer;
  • variable resistor;
  • directly the light bulb.

Both the resistor and the stabilizer can be purchased at any radio store. They are connected exactly as shown in the diagram. Differences may lie in the individual parameters of each element and in the method of connecting the stabilizer and resistor (with wires or soldering directly).

Having assembled such a circuit with your own hands in a few minutes, you can make sure that by changing the resistance, that is, by rotating the resistor knob, you will adjust the brightness of the lamp.

In an illustrative example, the battery is taken at 12 Volts, the resistor is 1 kOhm, and the stabilizer is used on the most common Lm317 microcircuit. The good thing about the circuit is that it helps us take our first steps in radio electronics. This is an analog way to control brightness. However, it is not suitable for devices that require finer adjustments.

The need for brightness controls

Now let’s look at the question in a little more detail, find out why brightness adjustment is needed, and how you can control the brightness of LEDs differently.

  • The most famous case where a dimmer for multiple LEDs is needed is in residential lighting. We are used to controlling the brightness of the light: making it softer in the evening, turning it on at full power while working, highlighting individual objects and areas of the room.
  • It is also necessary to adjust brightness in more complex devices, such as TV and laptop monitors. Car headlights and flashlights cannot do without it.
  • Adjusting the brightness allows us to save electricity when we are talking about powerful consumers.
  • Knowing the adjustment rules, you can create automatic or remote control of the light, which is very convenient.

In some devices, it is not possible to simply reduce the current value by increasing the resistance, since this may lead to a change in the white color to greenish. In addition, an increase in resistance leads to an undesirable increase in heat generation.

The way out of a seemingly difficult situation was PWM control (pulse width modulation). Current is supplied to the LED in pulses. Moreover, its value is either zero or nominal - the most optimal for glow. It turns out that the LED periodically lights up and then goes out. The longer the glow time, the brighter it seems to us that the lamp shines. The shorter the glow time, the dimmer the light bulb shines. This is the principle of PWM.

You can control bright LEDs and LED strips directly using powerful MOS transistors or, as they are also called, MOSFETs. If you need to control one or two low-power LED light bulbs, then ordinary bipolar transistors are used as keys or the LEDs are connected directly to the outputs of the microcircuit.

By rotating the rheostat knob R2, we will adjust the brightness of the LEDs. Here are LED strips (3 pcs.), which are connected to one power source.

Knowing the theory, you can assemble a PWM device circuit yourself, without resorting to ready-made stabilizers and dimmers. For example, such as is offered on the Internet.

NE555 is a pulse generator in which all timing characteristics are stable. IRFZ44N is the same powerful transistor capable of driving high power loads. The capacitors set the pulse frequency, and the load is connected to the “output” terminals.

Since the LED has low inertia, that is, it lights up and goes out very quickly, the PWM control method is optimal for it.

Ready-to-use dimmers

A regulator that is sold ready-made for LED lamps is called a dimmer. The frequency of the pulses created by them is high enough so that we do not feel flickering. Thanks to the PWM controller, smooth adjustment is possible, allowing you to achieve maximum brightness or dimming of the lamp.

By installing such a dimmer into the wall, you can use it like a regular switch. For exceptional convenience, the LED brightness control can be controlled by a radio remote control.

The ability of lamps based on LEDs to change their brightness opens up great opportunities for holding light shows and creating beautiful street lighting. And it becomes much more convenient to use a regular pocket flashlight if you can adjust the intensity of its glow.

A modern dimmer for LED lamps has a complex electrical circuit, the work of which is to adjust. In addition, it serves as surge protection, acts as a load distributor and saves electrical resources, extending the life of the lamps.

Regulators for 220 V LED lamps are similar in functionality and structure to models for other light sources. In general, this is a switch with an adjustment wheel or buttons. The housing has circuit connections for connecting wires. The functionality of the regulator is to cut off the voltage amplitude. By turning the wheel or pressing buttons, the brightness of the lamp, and therefore the entire lighting, changes. Dimmers for LED lamps have their own characteristics:

  • The dimmer cannot be used to adjust the brightness of each lighting cycle. It's better to do this periodically. If you need less brightness of the light each time you turn it on, you need to install lower power lamps in the lighting fixtures;
  • To operate a dimmer with LED lamps, you definitely need a choke. This is due to the fact that such models are designed for less power;
  • LED lamps have 10 times less power than conventional light sources, which requires the use of low-power dimmers for them;
  • and finally, their main difference is adjustment. The brightness of LED lamps is regulated not by decreasing or increasing the current, but by changing its pulses in the electrical network.

It is these features that indicate why LED lamp dimmers cannot be installed with other types of lamps. The switch and lamps must be compatible.

Difference in management

There are different types of dimmers for, which differ in their control:

  • Mechanical control is performed by a button or wheel. The mechanism can be rotary, push or turn-push. Turning the wheel or pressing a button changes the brightness of the lighting;
  • electronic control has a switch that has a touch or infrared sensor;
  • acoustic adjustment occurs due to the presence of a sensor that responds to loud sounds, for example, a person’s voice. The disadvantage of such control is an unplanned change in the brightness of the lighting due to the sound of accidentally falling objects;
  • Remote adjustment is performed via the control panel. With this dimmer it is convenient to adjust or turn on the lighting without leaving your seat.

Of all the models considered, the rotary switch can be considered the most reliable. Its mechanism is simple and affordable. When performing installation, it is easiest to find components. Legrand is considered one of the main and popular manufacturers of dimmers.

Difference by installation type

Modern models of LED dimmers have a wide range, which differ in the type of installation:

  • modular models are mounted on a DIN rail and placed in the distribution board. They are controlled through remote regulators. In addition to changing the brightness of the lamps, the switch has additional functions;
  • monoblock models are quite common. They can be installed instead of a regular switch, but they must have a PWM function;
  • Depending on the type of installation, regulators are available for hidden and external electrical wiring.

What is PWM?

PWM stands for pole width modulation. It is used to adjust the glow of LED lamps. The principle of operation of a PWM generator is to generate a high-frequency current of about 200 Hz, which is required for the operation of an LED lamp. A change in the brightness of the glow occurs from a change in voltage, width and time of the positive pulse. An electrical signal is generated at the output of the PWM generator, while the frequency and magnitude of the current do not change.

LED lamp compatibility

To find out which dimmer you need to purchase, you need to determine its compatibility with the light source. Since LED lamps are adjustable and unregulated, not every dimmer can be installed in the circuit. Some manufacturers produce LED lamps that work with a specific regulator. Their compatibility can be determined using tables available from sellers of this type of product. Before installing a dimmer, you need to study the technical characteristics of the light sources:

  1. Unregulated lamps cannot be installed together with a dimmer. This will lead to their poor performance, and if they fail, the seller or manufacturer will refuse warranty service.
  2. Dimmable lamps often operate with standard regulators, which operate on the principle of phase cutoff. But here you need to know that the quality of lighting dimming is affected by the number of LEDs on the switch. Most regulators require a minimum load of 20-45 watts for optimal operation. If 1 incandescent lamp is enough to achieve such power, then 2 or 3 LED lamps with a voltage of 220 V will have to be connected.
  3. If you only need to use 1 LED lamp for lighting, it is better to use a low voltage regulator. It is designed to regulate low-voltage LED lighting, which has a magnetic transformer.

When purchasing an LED lamp, you need to pay attention to the packaging. Manufacturers indicate on it whether a regulator can be used. This could be an inscription or a round icon.

Calculation of the maximum number of lamps

When choosing a regulator for DIY installation on home lighting, you need to take into account its power. It will not be possible to calculate the maximum number of 220 V LED lamps using the principle of calculating conventional light sources. The easiest way is to consult a specialist or, if you use 1 220 V lamp to illuminate the room, take it with you to the store and test it for performance by connecting it to a regulator.

But if the decision is made, let's look at the differences between conventional and 220 V LED light sources:

  • the number of conventional light sources can be calculated by dividing the maximum power of the regulator by the power of one lamp;
  • to calculate the maximum number of 220 V LED light sources, you need to divide the maximum power of the regulator by 10. Divide the resulting result by the power of the LED lamp.

Self-installation of the regulator

The process of connecting the regulator with your own hands is quite simple:

  1. Turn off the power supply at the electric meter.
  2. At the installation site, you need to trim the electrical wiring and strip the ends of the wires.
  3. Apply electricity to the network and use a tester or probe to find the phase wire. After this, the electricity must be turned off again.
  4. On the regulator, connect the phase wire to the connector with the letter L, and insert the other wire into the connector with the letter N. After this, clamp the wires with clamps and check the strength of the connection.
  5. After the entire circuit is assembled, set the dimmer level by adjusting it with the adjusting bolts.
  6. Attach the decorative casing on top and, after applying voltage, test the operation of the system.

At this stage, if all lighting fixtures are working normally, installing the controller yourself can be considered complete.

Homemade regulator

The homemade dimmer circuit is quite simple. If you have a soldering iron at home and you can solder radio components yourself, of course, it is advisable to have at least minimal radio skills.

To make a regulator with your own hands, you will need a copper wire, a triac, two capacitors, a dynistor, variable and constant resistors, as well as a soldering iron with solder. Install the radio components on the textolite board, and solder them together with a wire as indicated in the diagram.

The principle of operation of a homemade circuit is to supply current from a variable resistor to a non-polar capacitor. In turn, it charges and releases energy to the lamp. If the circuit is assembled correctly and all parts are functional, the regulator should work.

By installing a dimmer on 220 V LED lighting yourself, the owner will take a step towards creating high-tech housing.

In contact with

ElPromEnergo Group of Companies designs and installs lighting systems that provide for the economical use of enterprise funds. A dimmable LED lamp is a solution that will allow you to save on three levels at once:
By reducing power consumption by 2-3 times;
Regulating the intensity of the light flux;
Flawless operation for 10 years or more without repairs or additional maintenance costs.

To adjust the brightness, dimmable LED lamps are used (to dim). The best models from Russian manufacturers with high-quality diodes from world-famous brands are presented in our catalog.

The amount of energy that can be saved with LED lighting is already staggering, although its potential has not yet been fully explored or used to its full potential. Chinese authorities have calculated that it is enough to switch 1/3 of the country to LED lighting to reduce electricity costs by 100 million kW. In addition to the colossal sums of money that will be deposited in the budget, the environmental situation will significantly improve. Switching to energy-efficient diodes will reduce annual CO2 emissions by approximately 30 million tons.

Dimmable LED luminaires in the catalog

LED lamp ECOLED-38L Trade IP65

LED lamps are used for lighting production facilities, warehouses, and industrial areas. A high degree of dust and moisture protection IP65 allows the lamps to be used in a variety of types of premises. The lamp has a universal mount, adjustable in two planes.

RUB 3,654.00

In stock*

Dimmable luminaires

Smoothly increasing or decreasing light using a special device is called dimming. Not all lighting devices are suitable for installation in such networks. This problem does not exist with incandescent and halogen lamps, and LED lamps are not dimmable in all cases - this is their only, albeit relative, disadvantage. Therefore, when choosing lamps, you need to find out whether this model will work in tandem with a dimmer.

As for the dimmers themselves, there are 2 ways to purchase them:
Buy a lamp, floor lamp, table lamp with a built-in device;
Buy only a dimmer.

Dimmed LED lamps are not afraid of strong surges in mains voltage, this is another of their significant advantages. Outwardly, they are similar to ordinary diodes - all the differences are hidden inside. Employees of offices, warehouses, and other facilities do not require special skills to use the lamps. Workers can set the intensity themselves. You can control the devices using the included remote control or use a Wi-Fi network for this.

Dimmers for LEDs

Dimmable LED lights use special dimmers. Their design and dimming technology are slightly different from devices connected to incandescent lamps: in this case, the brightness of the glow changes due to an increase or decrease in the current passing through the device. If you use such a device with a conventional LED, the efficiency and color of the glow will drop sharply.

The mechanism of operation of LED dimmers is expressed in the supply of constant current pulses to the LED. The amplitude value is equal to the optimal current level. The brightness of the light depends on the width of the pulses. To achieve an even glow that eliminates the flickering effect, pulses are supplied at a high frequency, which can reach 300 kHz. It is not always convenient to use devices dimmable by your own control systems. The modules inside the system have to be divided into 3 parts, which include the light sources themselves, the power supply with the control system. Personnel must be provided with access to flow control, which further complicates the structure and ultimately increases costs.

The most acceptable and convenient option is the introduction of special dimmable LED lamps into a traditional 220 V AC network. The devices are controlled by publicly available dimmers designed for connection to incandescent lamps.

Advantages of dimmers

Economical energy consumption is the first and main advantage of dimmable lamps and the dimmers themselves. A high-tech control system allows you to set the light to maximum saving mode, and do this in the entire illuminated area, in part of it, or in all rooms in the enterprise. Already economical LEDs will consume even less electricity. This fact all the more needs to be taken into account during a period of significant growth in energy prices.

Other advantages of dimmable lamps:
Installation of lamps and devices is carried out in an already operating network; there is no need to upgrade or add other components;
Wide range of models for installation on residential, commercial and industrial sites;
A significant reduction in energy consumption makes it possible to increase the number of luminaires connected to one network by approximately 10 times;
Wide range of lighting brightness;
Simple and intuitive control - you can do without installing an additional low-current line and complex controllers;
LED lighting can be combined with natural light to maintain lighting at the desired level.

The scope of application of dimmable diodes is much wider than that of incandescent lamps. The intensity of the luminous flux can be changed over a wide range (from 0 to 100%, for comparison: for incandescent and halogen lamps the minimum indicator starts at 10%, although in both cases lighting at the lower values ​​is used extremely rarely, and the zero indicator is achieved purely theoretically), without affecting color temperature. This property, as well as the absence of a flickering effect with the ability to save tens of thousands of rubles annually on electricity costs, makes dimmable LEDs one of the most suitable types of lighting in the residential, commercial, industrial sector, as well as in the design of professional lighting and photography.

Constant light sensors K2110 / K2111

Constant light sensors K2110 / K2111 are designed to maintain a given level of illumination in a room by adjusting the power of artificial lighting depending on the level of natural light entering the room through the windows. The sensors work only with electronic dimmable electronic ballasts standard 1-10V fluorescent lamps or LED lamps.

Light sensor K2110 - regulation only Sensor K2111 - regulation and disconnection from the 220V network

Regulation occurs by changing the output control voltage within 1-10V. If the level of natural light is sufficient to provide the illumination specified by the installer in the working area of ​​the room (usually at the level of the desktop) and artificial light is not needed, the control voltage of the sensor smoothly decreases to the level of 1V. In this case, sensor-controlled lamps operate at 2-5% of the rated luminous flux, while consuming on average 6 times less electricity (fluorescent lamps) or 12 times less (LED lamps). For example, a pair of lamps K22-158U2 in 100% power mode it consumes 108 W, in minimum power mode - 16.4 W, i.e. only 8.2 W per lamp! LED lamp for suspended ceiling - 28W and 2.3W, respectively!

If there is not enough natural light, then the K2110 sensor will “add” the required amount of artificial light to ensure the specified level of illumination in the work area. The output voltage of the sensor in regulation mode varies from 1V (minimum power mode) to 10V (maximum power mode).

From 50 to 100 pieces of lamps can be connected to one light sensor using the 1-10V control input. This amount depends on the design of the 1-10V input of the electronic ballast or LED driver, or more precisely, on their power consumption. For example, about 50 pieces of standard electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps can be connected, and 85 pieces of MeanWell LED drivers.

Fig 1. Control circuit for dimmable ballasts (ECG) using light sensor K2110

The sensor is installed on the ceiling. The sensing element must point downwards.

The sensor has a tuning resistor, with which you can set the light level in the room. The sensor maintains this illumination by increasing or decreasing the proportion of artificial light in the room.

Light sensor modifications:

K2110 - only control the luminous flux (power) without disconnecting the load, power comes from the ballasts connected to it, i.e. no external power source is required. Overall dimensions: 35x35x20 mm.

K2111 - control of luminous flux and automatic disconnection of load (luminaires) from the 220V network built-in relay 250V 10A at a control voltage level of 1V, i.e. when the given illumination can be maintained exclusively by natural light. Sensor supply voltage: 24V AC /DC (modification K2111-24) or 12V DC (modification K2111-12). Overall dimensions: 48x35x20 mm.

Fig 2. Control circuit for dimmable ballasts (EPG) using a K2111-24 light sensor with automatic disconnection from the network when there is a sufficient level of natural sunlight

Fig. 3. An example of using K2110/K2111 sensors for lighting school classrooms (fluorescent lamps with lamps of the T5 K22-135U2 1x35W series). The specific power consumption of this solution is 6.5 W/sq.m at 400 lux for a standard class with an area of ​​51 sq.m or 1.62 W/sq.m/100 lux!!!

These photographs clearly show how the K2110 sensors work on a sunny day: lamps located near the windows operate in minimum power mode (5% of the nominal value). The second and third rows of lamps also operate in economical modes (approximately 20% and 60% of the rated power, respectively). In this room, ordinary 4x18W lamps were installed during reconstructiondimmable electronic ballasts TF8418ETD Let us remind you that in the minimum power mode, fluorescent lamps consume 4-6 times less electricity!


1. If the sensor has a mechanical shutter to cover the photocell, know that this is a primitive sensor that consists of a regular photoresistor. Its parameters strongly depend on the number of lamps it controls (usually up to 5 pieces) and the control voltage level rarely drops below 5V. That is, in fact, this is not a 1-10V sensor, but a 5-10V sensor and, accordingly, it performs regulation in a limited range from 100 to 50% of the light flux. In addition, photoresistors are subject to rapid degradation and after 1-2 years the control parameters will deteriorate.

2. If there is no mechanical curtain, then the sensor is electronic and this is correct. Please note the actual adjustment range. Our K2110 / K2111 sensors are able to reduce the control voltage to 1.1V, i.e. the full control range is 1.1 - 10V. This is probably one of the best indicators in the class, which means the sensors will save more energy, for example, on a sunny day.

3. Compare sensor prices correctly. Sensors with a mechanical shutter can cost less than 1,000 rubles, but they will save much less energy than professional electronic ones. You can compare the price of our sensors, for example, with DIM MICO from Osram. The difference will be noticeable! K2111 sensors have no analogues on the market!


Sometimes there are cases when, due to miscalculations in the choice of lamps, the illumination in the room turns out to be significantly higher than required, for example, 700 lux instead of 400 lux. The K2110 light sensor is designed to regulate from “norm” and down and sometimes cannot completely remove excess light using the built-in regulator.

In this case, the problem can be solved by installing an additional trimming resistor with a calculated resistance of R = 100 kOhm / n parallel to the 1-10V sensor output, where n is the number of electronic ballasts or LED drivers in the control circuit of one sensor. For example, a sensor controls 5 lamp drivers.

100/5 = 20 kOhm. We choose any trimming resistor close in value, for example, 24 kOhm or 30 kOhm. By connecting a resistor to the 1-10V line, in the dark By rotating the handle, we adjust the illumination at table level to 400 lux. All! Now the K2110 sensor will adjust the illumination from the set value down.

Did you know that it is possible to set a lighting scenario in an apartment, private house, office or public space? This can be arranged using special electrical installation devices - dimmers. These devices provide a sequential or alternating change in the power supplied to the light source, as a result of which the brightness of its glow is adjusted. In addition to controlling the flow of light, dimmers also perform other functions: they help save energy and increase the service life of 220 V LEDs.

What is a dimmer and why is it needed?

A dimmer (dimmer) is a multifunctional switch that controls the brightness of incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent lamps and LED lamps. Popular dimmers are equipped with microcontrollers that significantly expand the functionality of these devices.

A dimmer is a multifunctional switch that controls the brightness of lamps.

A single dimmer controls the operation of one lamp. The dimmers installed by the group control a variety of light sources. If there are several lamps in one zone, they can be connected to one dimmer, which changes the brightness of each of them.

Virtually all dimmers have the ability to switch, but not all are equally suitable for incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent lamps. Also, not all 220 V LED lamps can adjust the brightness of the light. If you connect such a lamp to a dimmer, it will work unstably or even lead to equipment failure. Therefore, before buying an LED, pay attention to its markings, the inscriptions on the box and in the manual, or ask the seller whether it will be connected to a dimmer.

Work principles

The dimmer operates like a rheostat. When the resistance of an electrical circuit changes, the current or voltage indicator changes. As the resistance increases, the voltage of the electric current drops. The light intensity of the lamps in the dimmer is regulated by a set of resistors included in the design of this device. Requests for the degree of illumination of a room at different times of the day may change. The dimmer helps create the optimal lighting level.

The dimmer works on the rheostat principle

If the design of the lamp does not have the possibility of dimming, then a dimmer operating on the PWM (pole width modulation) principle is suitable for it. True, such a device is quite expensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The dimmer has undoubted advantages:

  • provides comfortable lighting at any time of the day;
  • fits perfectly into modern design;
  • plays an important role in zoning space with the help of light;
  • provides the effect of presence in the house due to periodic switching on and off of the light;
  • has the ability to connect and control within the Smart Home system;
  • easy to install;
  • allows you to save electricity.

The dimmer fits perfectly into modern design

Note! If incandescent lamps and LED lamps operate in a soft, dim mode, their service life increases by 10–15 times!

In addition to its advantages, a dimmer, like any electrical appliance, has disadvantages:

  • humming of lamps and failure of the device in the event of a decrease in the minimum load;
  • critical attitude towards the environment (possibility of overheating when the temperature rises);
  • impossibility of increasing the maximum load without using a power amplifier;
  • inability to connect inductive and capacitive loads;
  • Efficiency is too low when switching to night mode.

One of the disadvantages of a dimmer is the inability to increase the maximum load without using a power amplifier

Device Features and Functions

Dimmers differ in range, power (maximum load) and method of regulating lighting.

A dimmer for LED lamps regulates the firing order, brightness, blinking and dimming mode, and in some cases even the color of the LEDs. Using a dimmer, light sources can be switched off automatically. The device operates remotely or according to a preset program that regulates the time the lights are turned on and off. The dimmer is installed instead of a regular switch.

Using a dimmer, light sources can be switched off automatically

Types of dimmers for LED lamps

Dimmers are classified according to design, installation location, control principle, current load, installation method and other parameters.

Depending on the location of installation, dimmers are divided into wall-mounted, remote and modular.

  • Wall dimmers are mounted on the walls in rooms instead of switches.
  • Remote dimmers in the form of a small block are installed in close proximity to the lamps.
  • Modular dimmers are mounted in an electrical panel on a DIN rail. Automatic protection switches, RCDs and other devices are connected to it.

At the installation location

Wall dimmers are mounted on walls in rooms instead of switches
Remote dimmers in the form of a small block are installed in close proximity to the lamps Modular dimmers are mounted in the electrical panel on a DIN rail

There are also dimmers for external and hidden wiring.

According to control principle

Based on the control principle, dimmers are divided into mechanical, touch and remote.


A mechanically controlled dimmer is the very first and simplest device. On its body there is a wheel or buttons with which you can adjust the brightness of the LED lamps. As a rule, to start the device you need to press a handle, which is a large round button, and the light is controlled by turning this handle. To turn off the lighting, you do not need to return the handle to its original position.

A mechanically controlled dimmer is the very first and simplest device

Mechanical models also include keyboard and push-button models. Such dimmers, like regular switches, are equipped with a power disconnect key.


A dimmer with touch (contact) control looks more solid and modern. To control the light, just touch the touch display. But such a device is more expensive than a mechanical one.

Dimmer with touch control looks more solid and modern

Since there are no moving elements in the design of the touch dimmer, it is the most reliable compared to mechanical analogues.


A remote-controlled dimmer has a remote control that operates via radio or infrared channel. Using a radio channel, you can control the lighting from anywhere in the house, and even from the street. The infrared channel operates in the same way as on a TV, that is, to control the light, the remote control must be pointed directly at the dimmer.

A remote-controlled dimmer has a remote control that operates via radio or infrared channel

A type of remote control of a dimmer is control via a wireless Wi-Fi network. This method allows you to turn lights on and off, as well as control electrical appliances from a smartphone or tablet. Similar systems are used in Smart Home technology.

In addition, the dimmer can be activated by clap or voice. This control principle is called acoustic. It can also be classified as remote.

Which dimmer is better to choose

The choice of a dimmer is influenced by such factors as the technical parameters of the device, interior design, personal taste preferences of the apartment owner, as well as his financial capabilities. If you are not willing to overpay, purchase a mechanical dimmer with a wheel, button or touch control. If you prefer comfort and convenience, then your choice is a remote-controlled dimmer. If you never leave your smartphone, choose a dimmer with Wi-Fi control.

Review of popular manufacturers

In any case, you need to choose devices from well-known manufacturers offering a full range of electrical equipment. Such manufacturers include Makel, Schneider, Legrand.


Turkish manufacturer Makel produces dimmers in two versions:

  1. Mechanical (rotary) - control is carried out using a large knob-button;
  2. Touch - activated by touching the top or bottom of the key.

Some Makel dimmer models can also be controlled remotely using an infrared receiver.

Makel dimmers are available in a wide range of colors and have different wattages

Makel dimmers are available in a wide range of colors and have different powers. Smooth adjustment and extreme ease of operation make the use of these devices as comfortable as possible.


The Schneider Electric company is a famous manufacturer of electrical installation devices. Dimmers of this brand are presented in several lines and are made in seven colors. All of them have an elegant design. The use of high-quality, proven materials ensures a long service life of electrical devices. Schneider dimmers are protected against overheating, overload and short circuit.

Schneider dimmers have an elegant design

The presence of special guides and mounting tabs makes it easy and quick to install the devices. The manufacturer provides an 18-month warranty on its products. The company is constantly developing new and improving manufactured devices. The Schneider line of electrical installation devices includes both exclusive and budget models.


The Legrand company produces electrical installation devices created on the basis of innovative technologies and complying with European quality standards, as well as state standards of the Russian Federation. Dimmers of this brand have the following advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • uninterrupted operation;
  • reliability;
  • impeccable appearance.

The Legrand company produces electrical installation devices based on advanced technologies

Legrand dimmers are available in milky white, cream and aluminum colors. You can purchase these devices in specialized online stores or directly on the manufacturer’s website.

European brands are more expensive, Chinese brands are cheaper. But certified Chinese products are also of good quality. To avoid running into fakes, you should not buy electrical installation devices in markets and random retail outlets.

Video: Making a dimmer for LED lamps with your own hands

Connecting the device to the LEDs

We present to you a traditional diagram for connecting a dimmer to an LED lamp. If you connect several lamps, they must be connected in series. Please note that the dimmer is always placed in the gap of the phase wire rather than the neutral wire.

The cable coming from the junction box is connected to the terminal marked “L and arrow up”. The other wire is connected to the terminal marked “N and sloping arrow”.

The presented circuit allows you to easily replace a standard LED lamp switch with a dimmer.

Traditional circuit for connecting a dimmer to one LED lamp

  1. Strip the wires and find the phase using the indicator.
  2. Before installing the device, do not forget to turn off the electricity in the house.
  3. Connect the wires to the terminals as described above.
  4. Clamp the wires, adjust the bolts and put on the frame.
  5. Connect power supply and check system operation.

If you connect several lamps, they must be connected in series

When connecting a standard dimmer to LED lamps, you should find out whether there is enough power for the operation of this device. Usually, instead of one incandescent light bulb, you can use two or three 220 V LED lamps. If there is insufficient load, the operation of LED lighting sources will be incorrect and they will quickly burn out.

If you add a semiconductor device triac (symmetrical triode thyristor) to a simple dimmer connection circuit, the functions of the device will expand significantly. At the same time, it will save electricity.

If you add a triac semiconductor device to a simple dimmer connection circuit, the functions of the device will expand significantly

Adding other elements allows you to control the light flux more smoothly, reduce the level of interference in the electrical network, etc.

Video: Example of a dimmer and its connection

Let's summarize: using a dimmer improves comfort in the home space, allows you to create different lighting options and helps save energy. These devices are relatively inexpensive and can be assembled with your own hands.