The watermelon cut is beautiful. How to cut a watermelon correctly? What can be made from a watermelon, how to decorate a watermelon with your own hands

There are dozens of ways to cut watermelons. Next, we will consider the most popular and simple methods.

Traditional way

Most often, watermelons are cut as follows:

  • cut off both “butts” of the berry;

  • place the watermelon on a plate vertically;

  • cut it into not too wide slices.

In this case, a very sweet, seedless center remains in the center of the watermelon. It is most often given to children. This cutting method is considered traditional and is characterized by maximum simplicity. However, eating such watermelon slices, unfortunately, is not very convenient. In this case, during eating, watermelon juice often begins to flow down the chin and hands. In any case, for serving, for example, a holiday table, this cutting method is, of course, completely unsuitable.

Cut the watermelon beautifully into cubes

To make eating the pulp of this sweet berry convenient, you should try cutting it into cubes. This method is considered the simplest and fastest. In this case, the watermelon is cut like this:

  • the peel is removed from the pulp (like potatoes);

  • The watermelon is cut into two parts.

Next, one of the halves needs to be placed on a plate and first cut into strips lengthwise. Then each strip should also be cut lengthwise into two or three parts. Next, the pulp is simply divided into cubes. The same should be done with the other half of the watermelon. The resulting cubes need to be placed on a plate. You can eat them with either a fork or a spoon.

Watermelon slices on a crust

Now let's see how to properly cut a watermelon using this method. This is a less simple, but at the same time more beautiful way of slicing. To serve watermelon on the crust:

  • cut it into four equal parts;

  • cut each quarter into two more pieces;

  • Carefully separate the rinds from the pulp, being careful not to break them;

  • cut the pulp into strips of equal width (along each piece).

Now place the cut pieces back into the peels, arrange them in a checkerboard pattern and serve the watermelon.

How to cut a watermelon correctly: triangles

This is also a very easy way to cut. In this case, the watermelon is first cut crosswise and then simply cut into traditional slices. The result is delicious triangles. With this method, you need to try to cut the watermelon into the thinnest possible slices of absolutely the same thickness. In this case, the triangles will look very beautiful on the table.

Watermelon ice cream

This method is very suitable for a large company. To make “ice cream” from a watermelon, you must first cut it into two halves. Next, each half:

  • peel;

  • lay on the board with the flat side down;

  • cut into several strips lengthwise and crosswise.

The result will be long watermelon columns. To make “ice cream” out of them, cover the half of the watermelon cut in this way with a large cup (you should try to choose a container with a diameter equal to the diameter of the half) and turn it over. This way the columns will be inside the plate. Now you just need to stick a thin stick into each of them.

Watermelon without peel in balls

You can cut watermelon in this beautiful way using a special spoon. The berry itself should first be divided into two parts. Instead of a nauset, you can also use ordinary baking molds. With their help, it will be easy to cut a watermelon into stars, hearts, etc.

What to do if you don't have a knife?

Sometimes it happens that you have a watermelon at hand, but you don’t have a knife. Of course, such a situation cannot be considered too common. But you never know what happens in life. So, how to cut a watermelon without a knife? In this case, you can simply use, for example, a clean clove. With these simple “tools,” you simply cut the rind down the center of the diameter of the watermelon. Next, hit the berry hard with your palm. As a result, it will split into two equal parts. You can eat a watermelon “cut” in this way with a spoon.

Oud invite your guests: the original way

So, we found out how to properly cut a watermelon. Finally, let's look at another - very original - cutting technique. In order to surprise guests, in this case you will need not one, but two watermelons.

One of the berries should be cut into two halves. Next, you need to remove the pulp from each half. It can be cut into cubes and set aside.

You need to carefully cut off the rind from the second watermelon. At the end of this procedure, the pulp should be rubbed with the hard side of a new dishwashing sponge. This is necessary in order to remove knife marks. Next, the pulp is simply placed in one of the peels from the first watermelon and covered with the second.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn are a wonderful time, which is rich in an abundance of delicious fruits and vegetables. Take, for example, such a wonderful berry as watermelon: all children and adults love it, it is the most popular dessert on any table in the fall. However, not everyone is aware that there are rules with recommendations for cutting this fruit, which help to elegantly decorate a banquet and complement the festive feast with an original dessert design. Therefore, many will be interested in learning about the special methods that are used even by chefs around the world to cut watermelon.

Special knife and tools for beautifully slicing watermelon

In order for the process of cleaning the giant berry to go smoothly, without delays, it is important to use special tools, various innovative knives designed to facilitate the processing of products. If you want to professionally cut various shapes from watermelon and other fruits, you should buy such devices. They will help you not only quickly deal with the fruit, but also perfectly decorate any banquet. Check out some special tools that will help you properly cut this giant berry:

  • A special stand that allows you to preserve the original shape of the cut fruit so that the berry does not fall apart.
  • Watermelon pulp separator in the form of a round cutter with a handle.
  • An innovative Angurello watermelon slicer that quickly and easily cuts the giant berry into rectangular pieces. To do this, the fruit must be cut in half.
  • A knife in the shape of a chamomile, which in one motion cuts a whole melon berry into slices.
  • A round spoon that is used to scoop out ice cream.
  • Special knives for carving – shaped cutting of fruits and vegetables, the use of which results in real works of art (animals, flowers, baskets, etc.).

Ways to originally cut watermelon for a festive table with photos

For any housewife, a holiday at her home is a whole event, preparation for which is carried out carefully: it is important to provide for all the details, prepare all the dishes deliciously, and decorate them beautifully. Watermelon sometimes becomes almost the most important dessert on the holiday table, capable of attracting the admiring glances of guests thanks to its unique cutting methods. These original methods are not a complicated task; it is just important to know a few simple secrets. Take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with them in the photo recommendations below.

Into equal slices

There are several ways to cut a huge melon fruit into identical slices; it will look equally beautiful and neat when serving. Guests will be pleased not only to eat a wonderful summer dessert, but also to admire the exquisite presentation of the dish to the table. You, as the hostess of the banquet, will receive a lot of pleasant compliments about your culinary abilities. Check out the methods for cutting the giant berry into equal slices below:

  • In the traditional way, which does not involve miniature pieces:
  1. Cut the fruit into equal halves, ensuring that the line along which you will cut clearly coincides with the direction of the stripes on the watermelon and passes through the tail.
  2. Take one half and cut into large slices. Make sure that you cut smoothly, according to the lines from the pattern on the berry.
  3. Stock up on a huge dish while eating the giant berry, cut into such huge pieces. This is necessary so as not to stain yourself and the entire table.
  • The classic way, thanks to which you get neat little slices:
  1. Cut the melon in half.
  2. Cut each half of the giant berry again into halves lengthwise, as the picture goes.
  3. Take each part and cut so that you get pieces in the shape of isosceles triangles.
  4. Beautifully arrange the pieces in tiers on a large, neatly shaped dish that you'll want to put in your mouth right away.

  • Using the “watermelon under the lid” method, which looks original and is served in the form of pieces assembled into a whole fruit:
  1. Cut off the top part of the berry with the tail (which you use at the end as a lid).
  2. Take a long knife and make about six equal vertical cuts halfway through the fruit.
  3. Next, cut the resulting pieces horizontally to make miniature cubes.
  4. Cover the ready-to-eat dessert with the cap that was cut from the fruit earlier and serve. If you couldn’t eat the giant berry completely in one go, then with the help of such an improvised lid it will be convenient for you to store the fruit in the refrigerator so that the pulp does not dry out.

Beautiful cubes for decorating a buffet table

If you are planning a modern European-style feast that looks like a buffet table, it is best to cut the melons into small cubes without a crust, so that it is convenient for guests to eat such a delicacy using skewers. It will look aesthetically pleasing, neat and will not require additional waste space. You will see that making cubes from this berry is absolutely not difficult, and to do this, read the step-by-step description of this method of cutting watermelon below.

  1. Cut the berry into four equal parts.
  2. Separate each quarter from the rind using a long, sharp knife.
  3. Do not remove the pulp, but cut directly on the peel in parallel lines lengthwise and crosswise, so you will get many pieces.
  4. When you place the dessert on a large plate, cut each sliced ​​piece into 2-3 more pieces.
  5. Try to insert multi-colored skewers into each cube so that it looks not only beautiful, but also practical for guests when they take the berry to eat.

Festive cutting into triangles without peel

The outer shell of the fruit is an undesirable part of the melon served at the festive table. It is better to get rid of the skin immediately when preparing the giant berry for serving, so that guests can eat the dessert civilly without piling up leftovers on their plates. Next, you will learn how to properly cut a watermelon into beautiful triangles, the slices of which can be aesthetically placed in the rind itself, without putting the dessert on a common dish.

  1. Cut the berry in the direction of the pattern into equal halves.
  2. Repeat the same process with each half of the fruit to make four equal parts.
  3. Take one such part and use a long knife to cut the flesh of the watermelon from the rind without removing the inside.
  4. Cut slices of equal thickness directly into the peel.
  5. To get a beautiful result, move the slices apart one at a time in different directions.
  6. If you need the sliced ​​dessert to stand firmly on the table, cut the bottom off the outside of the skin.
  7. Serve.


There are many other wonderful methods for cutting a watermelon without using special equipment, but all of them are aimed at maximizing the decoration of any table with such a dessert. Eating this berry should not be associated with the fact that you will get dirty. Carefully cut the fruit into beautiful slices so that your guests will truly enjoy an aesthetically presented meal. Watch below two videos about how to easily cut a watermelon in 30 seconds and how to prepare and cut a huge berry before serving in Uzbekistan.

How to quickly cut a watermelon in 30 seconds

How professionals cut a watermelon

There are many different recommendations on how to cut a watermelon into cubes, bars, regular slices and even stars. At first glance, it may seem that some of these methods are incredibly complicated, but once you try and get the hang of it, you will see the opposite.

Watermelon is not only a tasty and healthy delicacy. This is a whole symbol of fertile autumn, which gives us such generous gifts. It will decorate any occasion, be it a beach party or a luxurious wedding. Unusual slices look especially impressive. But besides a spectacular appearance, convenience is also important. If you are thinking about it, the tips and photo examples presented in this article will help you get inspired.

When thinking about how to cut a watermelon correctly and beautifully, many imagine one of the two most common methods. The first involves cutting into slices, like an orange, and the second recommends cutting round slices from the watermelon, starting from the top, and then cutting them in half. However, there are still many interesting ways of slicing. They also deserve attention.

Convenient blocks

Once upon a time it was customary to cut a watermelon in a circle into equal slices. This method is not very convenient, especially in the case of particularly large specimens. It is difficult to cut it, and eating huge skibs is inconvenient. But recently another wonderful method has gained well-deserved popularity - cutting into bars, with which we will begin our review of methods. How to cut a watermelon beautifully and quickly using a regular knife is clear from the following illustration.

Cut the fruit in half, turn one of the halves over and cut with a sharp long knife, making cuts perpendicular to the board. This watermelon can be served on a wide platter, tray, or plate. It is convenient to take the bars, remove the seeds from them and eat them.

Even cubes

This method is often used when watermelon is planned to be served at a buffet table. You can insert bamboo skewers into the cubes and guests won’t have to get their fingers dirty. Watermelon cubes are often used to prepare snacks, combining them, for example, with feta, cheese, salted salmon, spinach and olives.

How to cut watermelon into cubes? This is quite easy to do. First, cut the fruit into flat round slices, as you would cut sausage. Then cut off the peel. Cut the slice into strips and then into cubes. For this procedure it is better to use a wide, sharp knife.

Figured pieces for salad cocktails and decoration

You may also find other ways of cutting watermelon into cubes or other shapes useful. Using regular cookie cutters, you can get almost any shape you want. If you are interested in this method, choose laconic simple shapes without small details: stars, hearts, diamonds, circles.

Work on a large, flat surface. First, cut a circle from the watermelon, removing the seeds as much as possible. Using a mold, cut out the shapes and let the excess juice drain. These figures can be used to decorate fruit cakes, ice cream, sorbets and other desserts. Watermelon figurines also go well with salty appetizers of cheese, fish, and grilled vegetables.

Special spoon for balls

Once upon a time, we could see such things only in foreign TV series about the beautiful life. Today, a special spoon with which you can cut balls from the pulp of watermelon and melon is available to everyone. You can buy it at kitchen supply stores.

Such a spoon will be very useful for those who are wondering how to cut a watermelon quickly and beautifully. Watermelon balls look impressive in many desserts. Spoons that have two attachments are especially good. Then you can easily get the balls of the right size. They can also be served as an independent snack, placed in a basket or vase cut from watermelon peel.

Ice cream on a skewer

If you think that curly cutting is beyond your capabilities, but you want something unusual, try to master the following simple method. All you need to do is cut the watermelon into triangles and insert ice cream skewers into the rind.

If you like this method, you won't even need to worry about the aspect ratios. Cut the watermelon the way that is most convenient for you, without worrying about it. Bright fruit ice cream will look impressive and appetizing in any case.

Children will especially enjoy these treats. They are not as easy to get dirty as regular large slices, and in design they resemble the ice cream so beloved by children. In addition, it will be easier for you to get rid of the seeds. This idea can be very useful for those who are planning a party for kids.

Slicer for even slices

If you're deciding how to cut a watermelon, methods, explained tips, and special accessories will help you find fresh ideas. For lovers of traditional slicing, a slicer can be very useful.

With its help, you can quickly cut the fruit evenly and beautifully. It's easy to use. Place the washed watermelon on the base, place the slicer on top, grab the handles and lower it down. In order to cut ripe fruit into slices, you will need some effort, but the knives installed in the slicer are quite sharp. They will easily cope with the peel and will not destroy the delicate pulp.

When choosing a watermelon, consider the diameter of the slicer: the watermelon must fit in a circle, otherwise you won’t get even slices.

Knife-tongs and cutting methods

The following accessory is very common abroad. It consists of paired knives that can not only cut watermelon into slices, but also use it as tongs. They can be used to place watermelon on plates.

This knife allows you to cut slices from a watermelon cut in half. They turn out smooth and identical. This device will also help those who are wondering how to cut a watermelon into cubes. To do this, you will first need to walk along the watermelon, and then across it.

Serving watermelon

It is important not only how to cut the watermelon into cubes, balls or shaped bars, but also how to serve it to the table. If you've already mastered simple slicing techniques, you might like the idea of ​​serving watermelon slices in a rind container.

For this you will most likely need the peel from another watermelon. It is difficult to cut the flesh and keep the peel intact.

Carefully scoop out the pulp with a long-handled spoon. Try not to damage the peel. Then turn the watermelon vessel over to drain the excess juice. Think about the decor in advance. It could be a basket or a teapot, a turtle or even a shark's head with an open toothy mouth. For work, you will need both a long, sharp knife and a short one, which can be used to cut out small parts. You can attach various decorative elements using toothpicks.

Watermelon as an art object: what is carving

If you have already gotten your hands on cutting watermelon into shapes, and balls, hearts and stars no longer seem like an impossible task, perhaps you should try something more advanced? Today, such an art direction as carving is becoming increasingly popular. It involves figured carving of fruits and vegetables (and in the case of watermelon, even berries). To work, a carver uses a variety of tools similar to those used by a cabinetmaker. The following illustration shows a work in the carving style, carved from a single watermelon and decorated with branches with small flowers.

In his work, the artist can use layer coloring: the top layer of the watermelon is dark green, followed by a soft greenish crust, and underneath it an almost white layer. These colors are used to highlight the rich, ripe flesh. Of course, such work requires considerable skill, but even for those who are unable to carve, such beauty can be a source of inspiration.

So, we bought a sweet, tasty, and, most importantly, ripe watermelon (detailed instructions for choosing such a watermelon). How can you cut it beautifully and quickly now? Some of you may say that he does not cut the watermelon, but breaks it on his knee (head, ground), and then eats it with a spoon. The method is, of course, fast, but the result is unpredictable. I offer several ways to cut watermelon into neat slices or pieces. Everything is very easy, varied and cute.

Just in case, let me remind you that first you need to wash the watermelon well (you can even wash it with soap and rinse with boiled water). The cutting knife must also be clean. This way we will protect ourselves and our loved ones from various microorganisms that love juicy and sweet watermelon pulp as much as we do.

At a social reception:
- Why don’t you eat watermelon?
- It gets your ears dirty...

Cut the watermelon crosswise into two parts. Cut off the tops. Place half of the watermelon, cut top down, on a plate. Cut into segments, like a cake. The watermelon falls apart on the plate like a “rose”. We do the same with the second part. If the watermelon is small, then you can cut the whole fruit rather than halves in this way.

How to cut watermelon into classic semicircles (with rind)

Cut the watermelon crosswise into two halves. Cut each half into two more pieces. Place the watermelon quarters, flesh side down, and cut into equal semicircular slices.

Cut the watermelon lengthwise into two parts. Then we cut the halves again lengthwise into two more parts. Cut each quarter into small slices.

How to Slice Watermelon for a Party (without the rind)

Large slices

This method requires a large, sharp knife. Cut off the tops of the watermelon. Place the watermelon vertically and peel it with a knife to remove the rind and white pulp. Cut the peeled fruit lengthwise into two parts. Cut the half into slices. In one fell swoop, cut all these slices in half. We repeat the procedure with the other half.

In small slices

Almost the same, but more suitable for large watermelon or for cutting into small slices. See the video for the differences.

How to cut watermelon into pieces for a large company (without rind)

American way

Cut the watermelon crosswise into two halves. Place the half, flesh side down, on a cutting board. Cut off the top. Cut off the rind and white flesh. Cut the half into slices. Holding the cut half with your hand, we cut it again, but perpendicular to the cuts made. Cover everything with a dish on top and carefully turn the cutting board over. Large peeled pieces of watermelon end up on a plate. If necessary, repeat the procedure with the second half of the watermelon.

Jewish way

Almost the same thing, but without unnecessary movements. Suitable for small watermelon. So, cut the watermelon crosswise into two parts. Cut off the tops. Cut off the rind and white flesh. Place the half, cut off top, in a bowl, not on a cutting board. We cut the watermelon lengthwise and crosswise. Ready!

How to slice a watermelon at a picnic (without the rind)

These methods are perfect both for home use and for slicing watermelon on the go, when you don’t want to bother with watermelon rinds.


Cut the watermelon crosswise. Cut the resulting halves again. Using a knife, separate the pulp, and without removing it from the crust, first cut it into slices, and then cut the slices on the sides into cubes. Pour the cubes into a plate. This cutting method is perfect for.

In slices

Cut the watermelon lengthwise into two parts. Cut the resulting halves lengthwise again. Using a knife, separate the pulp and cut it into slices right in the crust. For beauty, we move the slices apart alternately in different directions. To make the watermelon “plate” stand more securely, you can cut off part of the rind on the bottom before slicing the pulp.

In small slices

We cut the slices obtained in the previous method lengthwise. It turns out twice as many small triangles.

Triangular pieces

Cut the watermelon lengthwise. Cut the watermelon pulp lengthwise, holding the knife at a slight angle. Use a knife to separate the pulp from the crust in a circle. Again we cut the pulp lengthwise and at an angle, but we start doing this from the other top of the watermelon. We cut the pulp crosswise. The resulting small triangle pieces can be eaten directly from half a watermelon or put the required amount on a plate.

How to cut a watermelon in 30 seconds

I will not describe this method in words. It's faster to watch it than to read it.

Of course, these are not all the ways to cut something like watermelon. For example, it can be cut into shapes (using molds) or balls (with a noisette spoon).

You can use a special cutting device.

You can even cut a cylinder out of a watermelon, and then cut it randomly.

I think, friends, you know other ways to cut watermelon. Share them in the comments!

Watermelon is a berry whose pulp contains useful substances such as glucose, sucrose and some fructose. Watermelon is grown in ninety-eight countries around the world. Usually it is eaten only fresh and in the hot season, as this berry quenches thirst well.

Serving watermelon

Many of us have wondered how to properly cut a watermelon? We will try to briefly highlight the answer to this question in this article. There are many ways to serve and cut watermelon, it all depends on the event at which this berry will be used.

How watermelon is cut in different countries

How to cut a watermelon correctly? Let's find out how they do it in Moldova. Before eating this berry, be sure to wash it. In the future, everything is simple: cut the watermelon in half into two equal halves. Next, take one half of our berry and divide it into slices. The watermelon is cut, and you can start the meal. And this is where the problem arises. The fact is that the slices turn out to be too large, and when you bite into it, your whole face gets dirty with juice, which you will have to wipe off with napkins or simply rinse with water.

People in Ukraine know well how to cut a watermelon correctly. This method is even easier than the first. We cut off the round layers of the watermelon and then cut these circles into sectors. One circle is usually cut into four sectors. Each sector fits easily into the oral cavity.

How to properly cut a watermelon “Caucasian style”? It is divided into four quarters. Take each quarter of the watermelon separately. Using a knife, separate the pulp from the rind and cut it into even slices directly into the watermelon rind. This cutting method is also convenient because if you take this watermelon with you outdoors, you don’t need any additional utensils to decorate it. The pulp will hold perfectly in its own peel.

How to serve watermelon? Let us suggest one of the methods used by bartenders of leading restaurants in our country. This method is used at parties and wedding events. In this case, we need a very sharp knife. Cut off the tops of the watermelon - the so-called lids. Next, place the fruit vertically and peel it off. We divide the peeled berries into two equal parts and cut each half into equal slices.

Chef's secret

Absolutely every person, not only in our country, but throughout the world, would probably like to know how to beautifully cut a watermelon. Many people know how to do this with a regular sharp knife. Chefs use the Carving master class set (a set of knives for cutting figures from vegetables and fruits). With this kit you can make anything - from swans to castles. There are many ways to serve watermelon. Let's look at the most common ones.

How to cut a watermelon beautifully? Photos and short descriptions will help you cope with this without difficulty.

The first method is "Basket"

For this option you will need an ice cream scoop and a sharp knife. Cut the watermelon from the center into two equal halves. Using an ice cream scoop, we make beautiful, even balls from the pulp of our berries. You will need all the watermelon pulp. From the remaining crust we make something like a basket. After you and I have cut a basket out of the peel, you fill it with the previously cut balls. Everything is easy and quite simple. In addition to balls, such baskets can be filled with triangles or cubes of pulp - as you like.

You can also make a hedgehog out of a watermelon, the technology is the same as for the basket, only you turn the rind over and cut the pulp into cubes. They need to be pinned onto toothpicks or skewers, and the result will be a prickly but harmless hedgehog. Not only watermelon pulp, but also other berries and fruits can be pricked onto the thorns.

The second method is "Watermelon ice cream"

The recipe is very simple. The watermelon is peeled from the dense green rind and cut into uniform triangles. Next, our slices are pierced with popsicle sticks and served, usually to children. Most often, the “watermelon ice cream” is topped with melted chocolate and sprinkled with nuts, then placed in the freezer for fifteen to twenty minutes.

The third method is "Hot Red Guard"

The secret of the name lies not only in the interesting method of preparation, but also in the color of the berry itself. Watermelon has a green rind combined with red flesh, which is similar in color to a soldier's uniform. And the “hot Red Guard” is prepared as follows. The watermelon is cut into equal slices, preferably in a triangular shape, sprinkled with spices and coated with honey. The slices are then grilled for a few minutes, after which the slices are removed from the heat and placed in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Watermelon using Carving master class technique

This method should be given special attention, since carving fruits and vegetables is an ancient tradition, but it came to us quite recently and has taken a fairly strong position. But in fact, those masterpieces that are obtained in the hands of a master deserve deep respect. Sculptures carved from watermelon and other fruits can decorate any celebration. They invariably attract people's attention, and their silhouettes remain in the memory for a long time, making the celebration truly unforgettable. You can endlessly carve sculptures from watermelon. Its rind is easy to cut, and the craftsman can create intricate patterns without any extra effort. The fruit combines colors such as red, white and green, which ultimately adds contrast to the sculpture. This activity will appeal not only to you, but also to your children, as it brings people closer together and perfectly develops their imagination.

Ripe, juicy watermelon is always perfect as a dessert. And if it is beautifully, neatly cut and decorated, it also becomes a decoration for any table. Some craftsmen create amazing figures from this berry. But you can cut a watermelon beautifully at home, without special skills or special kitchen appliances. Master class on cutting and several options for serving watermelon.


  • sharp long knife - 1 piece;
  • watermelon - 1 piece;
  • mint sprigs, fresh berries, coconut flakes (optional, for additional decoration).
The cutting will look more impressive if you take an oblong-shaped watermelon. Before slicing, wash the watermelon well and dry it with a napkin or paper towel.
Place the watermelon on its side so that it is convenient for you to cut it. Take a knife and cut off the “lids” evenly on both sides.

Then cut it in half lengthwise. Do the same with the resulting halves.

Separate the pulp from the crusts of each resulting quarter. To do this, carefully run a knife in the place where the flesh begins to lighten, along the entire crust.

Turn the watermelon pieces with the long side facing you and cut the flesh crosswise into slices. Choose the size of the slices according to your desire.

Place the slices on the watermelon rind in a checkerboard pattern so that each one moves slightly to the side.

Then follow your imagination. Decorate with fresh berries, fruits, or sprinkle with coconut flakes. Mint sprigs work very well as a garnish for serving.

If you have a special round recess for vegetables and fruits, then you can organize serving in portions, in vases or glasses.

Watermelon is a summer sweet treat that is loved by both adults and children. The main thing is that the watermelon is ripe and sweet. Let's talk about how to choose it and cut it correctly.

Time to buy watermelons

When determining when to buy watermelons, you should take into account where they came from. Typically this sweet product is delivered:

  • Winter and spring– from Southeast Asia
  • Spring and early summer– from Israel, Greece and Turkey
  • July August– from China and Central Asia
  • Late August – early September– watermelons from the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, Krasnodar region

The most delicious watermelons in winter are those brought from Thailand. It is considered safe to buy ripe watermelon from Israel and Turkey; they do not use any means for the growth and ripening of these fruits. The Astrakhan watermelons, beloved by many, appear on sale later than everyone else. Watermelons ripened in the Astrakhan steppes will only be available for sale in late August - early September. In the Astrakhan region, trial harvesting of watermelons occurs in early August, selective harvesting of these fruits occurs in the middle of the month, and sales begins around August 25th. Yes, exactly in early September the buyer has every chance to buy a real delicacy from the Astrakhan region.

If at an earlier date you are assured that there are real ripe Astrakhan watermelons on the counter, then they are either deceiving you about the place where the watermelon was grown, or, what is much worse, the watermelon is stuffed with drugs to accelerate ripening. This product is harmful to health.

Rules for choosing watermelons

How to choose a watermelon? Of course, it must be safe for health and have excellent taste.

Watermelon selling place– a supermarket or a specially designated place for sale (market, market place). It is strictly forbidden to buy watermelons along the roads; poisoning by toxic substances is possible. The product must have a certificate indicating the place where the watermelon was grown.

Watermelon weight. It is believed that the best weight for a watermelon is five to seven kilograms. This is evidence that nitrate fertilizers were not used when growing watermelon. However, the weight of a watermelon is determined by its variety and place of growth. The best Astrakhan watermelons, which are sold at the appropriate time for their ripening, are watermelons weighing 7-11 kg.

Appearance of a watermelon. How to choose the right ripe and sweet watermelon? Make sure the watermelon is not damaged. Numerous harmful microorganisms can enter through a damaged crust. Under no circumstances should you buy watermelon in pieces! Sliced ​​watermelon spoils very quickly, especially if stored outside the refrigerator. Watermelon should have a glossy surface. To select Astrakhan watermelons, the contrast of light and dark stripes is important.

The watermelon has a dry and yellow tail. This is a sign of its ripeness. A green tail indicates the immaturity of this berry. You should not buy a watermelon where the tail has been cut off; this may be an indication that the quality of the watermelon is being hidden from the buyer.

Presence of a yellow or orange spot on the side of the watermelon, in the place where the watermelon came into contact with the ground, also indicates that the watermelon is ripe. An immature one will have a white spot.

Watermelon shape. According to it, watermelons are divided into so-called “boys” - they are elongated, and “girls” - these are flattened and round. Experts believe that “girl” watermelons are sweeter.

Sound when tapping and pressing on a watermelon. This sound should be clear and clear. And if you press on a juicy and ripe (not overripe) watermelon, you can hear a crunch.

How to quickly cut a watermelon

Types of cutting watermelon:


  • Cut across. Simply cut the watermelon crosswise and eat the flesh with a spoon.
  • The usual (classic) method. Cut the watermelon lengthwise. After cutting off the tops, cut it into 1-2 cm slices.
  • Cake method. The tops of the watermelon are cut off and it is cut in half. The halves are cut like pieces of cake.
  • For serving to guests. As usual, the tops are cut off and the watermelon is cut into 4 pieces lengthwise. Using a long flexible knife, the pulp is separated from the crust; it is not removed from the slices, but is cut and served on the crust as if on a plate.
  • For the salad. In this case, the watermelon is cut into cubes. The watermelon is cut in half, the rind is removed from half of the watermelon, and it is placed with the flesh side down. Holding the knife parallel, cut circles, they are then cut into sticks, which are turned into cubes by cutting crosswise.

Types of cutting and decorating watermelon for the festive table

Watermelon is the perfect product to demonstrate your design skills. You can offer various cutting options for the holiday.

Slicing into balls. Scooping out the watermelon pulp in the form of balls can be done with an ordinary spoon with sharp edges, but it is more convenient to do this with a noisette spoon. The balls can simply be placed in a vase. Or you can use half the rind of the same watermelon in the form of a vase-basket for them. You can also make a vase-ship from the peel by inserting skewers with “sails” pinned on them from the same peel.

Figured cutting. It's easy to make using a variety of cookie cutters. To do this, you need to cut the watermelon into pieces and cut out figures from them. These sweet and juicy figures can be served with cream or dessert sauces.

Ice cream triangles. To do this, watermelon is cut into triangular pieces into which ice cream sticks are stuck. The result is a bright, calorie-free “seal.” You can top this “ice cream” with chocolate glaze, sprinkle with nuts, etc.

You can give watermelon cubes and bars the appearance of original cakes or sushi by decorating them with other fruits, herbs and cream.

Special skills and tools (at least the presence of Thai and carving knives) will be required carving(artistic cutting) of watermelon. Using this method you can get beautiful and elegant watermelon bouquets.

Time and methods of storing watermelon

A whole good watermelon can be stored in a cool, ventilated area for a very long time (2-3 months). How long does a cut watermelon last in the refrigerator? Shelf life is very short - no more than a day and only at a temperature of 2-5 degrees C and air humidity of 85-87%. Watermelons should not be stored next to other fruits and vegetables; storing them near melons, tomatoes and bananas is strictly not recommended.

How to cut a watermelon - video

Cutting watermelon into cubes

Cutting watermelon into triangles

At a social reception:
- Why don’t you eat watermelon?
- It gets your ears dirty...

Watermelon slices in Astrakhan style (with rind)

Cut the watermelon crosswise into two parts. Cut off the tops. Place half of the watermelon, cut top down, on a plate. Cut into segments, like a cake. The watermelon falls apart on the plate like a “rose”. We do the same with the second part. If the watermelon is small, then you can cut the whole fruit rather than halves in this way.

Watermelon in classic semicircles (with rind)

Cut the watermelon crosswise into two halves. Cut each half into two more pieces. Place the watermelon quarters, flesh side down, and cut into equal semicircular slices.

Watermelon in traditional slices (with rind)

Cut the watermelon lengthwise into two parts. Then we cut the halves again lengthwise into two more parts. Cut each quarter into small slices.

Watermelon slices for party (without rind)

Large slices

This method requires a large, sharp knife. Cut off the tops of the watermelon. Place the watermelon vertically and peel it with a knife to remove the rind and white pulp. Cut the peeled fruit lengthwise into two parts. Cut the half into slices. In one fell swoop, cut all these slices in half. We repeat the procedure with the other half.

In small slices

Almost the same, but more suitable for large watermelon or for cutting into small slices.

American way

Cut the watermelon crosswise into two halves. Place the half, flesh side down, on a cutting board. Cut off the top. Cut off the rind and white flesh. Cut the half into slices. Holding the cut half with your hand, we cut it again, but perpendicular to the cuts made. Cover everything with a dish on top and carefully turn the cutting board over. Large peeled pieces of watermelon end up on a plate. If necessary, repeat the procedure with the second half of the watermelon.

Jewish way

Almost the same thing, but without unnecessary movements. Suitable for small watermelon. So, cut the watermelon crosswise into two parts. Cut off the tops. Cut off the rind and white flesh. Place the half, cut off top, in a bowl, not on a cutting board. We cut the watermelon lengthwise and crosswise. Ready!

Watermelon on a picnic (without rind)

These methods are perfect both for home use and for slicing watermelon on the go, when you don’t want to bother with watermelon rinds.


Cut the watermelon crosswise. Cut the resulting halves again. Using a knife, separate the pulp, and without removing it from the crust, first cut it into slices, and then cut the slices on the sides into cubes. Pour the cubes into a plate. This cutting method is perfect for salad.

In slices

Cut the watermelon lengthwise into two parts. Cut the resulting halves lengthwise again. Using a knife, separate the pulp and cut it into slices right in the crust. For beauty, we move the slices apart alternately in different directions. To make the watermelon “plate” stand more securely, you can cut off part of the rind on the bottom before slicing the pulp.

In small slices

We cut the slices obtained in the previous method lengthwise. It turns out twice as many small triangles.

Triangular pieces

Cut the watermelon lengthwise. Cut the watermelon pulp lengthwise, holding the knife at a slight angle. Use a knife to separate the pulp from the crust in a circle. Again we cut the pulp lengthwise and at an angle, but we start doing this from the other top of the watermelon. We cut the pulp crosswise. The resulting small triangle pieces can be eaten directly from half a watermelon or put the required amount on a plate.

Of course, these are not all the ways to cut something like watermelon. For example, it can be cut into shapes (using molds) or balls (with a noisette spoon).

You can use a special cutting device.

You can even cut a cylinder out of a watermelon, and then cut it randomly.

I think, friends, you know other ways to cut watermelon. Share with us!

There are so many ways to beautifully cut a watermelon for a festive evening. Many of them can be done using an ordinary kitchen knife, which every housewife has in her home. But there is a special device that easily and simply cuts the fruit in different ways, beautifully and quickly.

But before you get acquainted with it, you will learn how to cut a watermelon with a regular kitchen knife.

What does etiquette say?

For official celebrations, watermelon is served cut into pieces with a rind. They should not be too large so that they can be easily placed in the mouth.

It is served at the very end for dessert. The berry goes well with ice cream, fruit juices and sweets.

The main thing is to cut it correctly in order to enjoy this tasty and healthy berry, and not think about how not to get dirty with the juice.

You need to take it with special chopsticks or a regular fork.

Some people prefer to dip the pieces into salad dressing or ice cream. But this can only be done at an informal event.

For a festive table at home, this giant berry can be cut into triangles, bars, cubes and other ways, and in combination with ice cream and desserts, served without crust in the form of small cubes, hearts or balls.

Cutting watermelon for desserts and children's table

A simple and sweet berry can become unusual and interesting if it is cut in a special way and served with desserts, such as fruit.

Here's how to give your watermelon slices a unique look:

  1. cut in half, then into long circles around the entire perimeter;
  2. then again, for convenience, it is worth cutting into halves;
  3. and this is where the fun begins! You need to take metal cookie cutters in the shape of hearts, stars, or just rings and cut them into slices, like a piece of cookie dough.

For small children, hippos and bears are suitable; for teenagers, stars, sponges and hearts or just circles are suitable. They need to be placed in vases with ice cream, desserts, or simply placed on a dish. The dessert is very tasty with watermelon balls, strawberries and raspberries, as well as with creamy ice cream, strawberries cut into halves, and sugar cookies.

This cutting option will help you decorate a children's table or a holiday dessert.

How to cut correctly and beautifully for a party

For a bright and creative party, you can beautifully cut the fruit and serve it on a tray in the midst of the dance evening. It’s a great refresher in the heat, you just need to cut it correctly.

To do this, you should take a small berry so that it is convenient to eat later. Many people do not know how to easily and correctly cut such a watermelon, but in fact it is very simple. First, you need to wash it and cut off the top with the tail and the bottom so that it stands stable on the tray.

Then you need to put it down and cut it vertically with a sharp and long knife into 8 equal parts.

You should get elongated slices, and to prevent the berry from falling apart on the tray, make cuts 23 times the length of the slices. After this, the dessert can be served on a tray and eaten.

Cutting sweet and juicy “striped berries” for the holiday table

Today there are many ways to cut berries for a large holiday table. Some of them are used in restaurants and made using special devices, others are also available at home.

So, let's start with the simple ones.

They can be made using a regular kitchen knife.

  1. Cut the watermelon into triangles with a rind. To do this, you need to take a large watermelon and cut it into halves. Then put it on its side and cut into thin circles, which are then divided into halves. After that, each of them is cut into 3 parts. You will get 3 triangles with a crust. They need to be placed on a large flat plate and served. This method is suitable for any table and holiday;
  2. How Easily and quickly cut a large watermelon into cubes. To do this, you need to cut the berry in half, then into thick circles, and then divide them into halves. The thicker the width of the circles, the larger the squares will be. Then you need to use a long knife to cut the circles into even vertical sticks, each of which is cut horizontally so that you get cubes. The thinner the sticks, the more cubes you get and the smaller their size. They can be placed in a salad bowl or attached with other vegetables, cut in the same way into sticks. This cutting method is suitable for a holiday table with sushi and seafood delicacies;
  3. How beautifully and correctly cut watermelon into elongated slices. This is the simplest method that is used for home parties. It is suitable for any style of celebration. Large watermelon should be carefully cut into large and thin slices. After this, cut into halves and serve on a large flat platter. You need to eat it by putting it on a plate and dividing it into 3 parts, which you can take with a fork or your hands by the crust. A small fruit is cut into slices like this: rinse the watermelon under water and remove the tail and bottom, then cut it in half with a large and sharp knife vertically and cut into slices. They need to be placed on a large flat dish and served;
  4. There is another method that is used to decorate desserts with watermelon. For cutting you will need a Parisian round ice cream scoop. It allows you to make balls from the berries that look beautiful in a vase with dessert.

How to use a watermelon cutter or how to cut using a device

Many housewives still don’t know if there is a device in stores that cuts watermelons on its own. In fact, there is such a device and it’s called a watermelon cutter. The device consists of a metal circle, divided into a certain number of sectors, and two handles on the sides. The watermelon cutter is suitable for berries of any size.

To cut a watermelon with it, you simply need to place it on a low and stable surface and, leaning all your weight on the handles, move your hands downwards. The berry is cut into even and beautiful slices, and the middle can be cut into flat circles for desserts.

Here are the main ways to beautifully cut a watermelon or decorate a dessert with it at home. With them you can serve this “striped berry” in a truly original way.