In what fairy tales are golden rejuvenating apples found? What role do apples play in fairy tales? Write

My favorite fruit is apples. And, probably, not only for me, but for many people.

They loved apples, and the tree itself - the apple tree - has always been, since the days of Adam and Eve. Everyone remembers that the apple in the Bible was forbidden fruit.

And in the myths of Ancient Greece, not just an apple - it is an apple of discord. The apple of discord, a golden apple with the inscription "the most beautiful" was planted by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding of Peleus and the goddess Thetis.

The Goddess of Discord did this on purpose, due to the fact that she was not invited to the wedding. Goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite simultaneously wanted to get this apple for themselves. The Paris court decided to award the apple to the most worthy. Hera promised Paris power and wealth. Athena - wisdom and military glory. Aphrodite - to marry the most beautiful woman. Paris thought and said that the most worthy is the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite, fulfilling her promise, helped Paris to kidnap the most beautiful woman - Elena. But Elena is a married woman. Her husband is King Menelaus. With this kidnapping, the Trojan War began ...

Since ancient times, many fairy tales and other literary works have been created, where an apple or an apple tree plays their roles, along with the heroes.

Immediately, the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" comes to mind. Remember how the apple tree hid the girl and the boy from the geese - Baba Yaga's swans.

In the fairy tale "Khavroshechka": Khavroshechka planted bones from a cow, and a magic apple tree grew up with liquid apples, which helped the heroine to successfully get married and leave her evil stepmother.

In a fairy tale "About a silver saucer and a pouring apple" the apple acts as a clairvoyant. "An apple is rolling on a silver platter, and on a silver platter all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields ..." Well, exactly, a modern computer!

Such images are depicted in Russian folk tales because in European culture the apple tree is a symbol of eternal life. It is believed that the apple tree is the patroness of women.

The apple tree branch participates in ancient wedding ceremonies. It is stuck into a wedding loaf or into a wedding baked chicken. And the bride's wreath was decorated with apple-tree flowers.

Since ancient times, apples have meant vitality, beauty, wisdom, happiness, good luck.

The Russian classics did not pass by the theme of the apple tree and its fruits.

Firstly, A.S. Pushkin in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs":

“And to the princess a liquid one.

Young, golden

The apple is flying straight ...

Full of ripe juice

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy - golden

It’s like honey!

You can see through the seeds ... "

The princess tasted the apple and died. Why did Pushkin choose an apple, and not a pear, peach or carrot? Yes, because the apple in Pushkin's mind is a philosophical symbol of temptation, the forbidden fruit.

Have V. Zhukovsky in "The Tale of Ivan - Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf".

"Cuddling up to the apple tree, Ivan - Tsarevich

Sits, does not move, does not breathe, waits:

What will happen? Sitting on an apple tree, Firebird

The narwhal got down to business

A dozen apples. "

Modern children's storytellers also did not ignore this amazing fruit.

The tale of K. Ushinsky "The story of one apple tree".

“An apple tree grew in the forest; in the fall, a sour apple fell from her. The birds ate the apple, and ate the grains. "

"And such a pretty apple tree succeeded that people from other gardens came to take shoots from it for clothespins."

“Leaves have long since flown from the trees, and only one single apple still hung on the top of the wild apple tree. This autumn, the Hare was running through the forest and saw an apple. "

In this tale, the Crow, the Hare and the Hedgehog are trying to share one apple, and the sensible Bear helped them in this matter.

E. Uspensky's fairy tale "Down the Magic River"

“There was a saucer on the table (at Baba-Yaga's), and the old woman kept looking at it. And an apple was rolling on a saucer.

And what's that? The boy asked.

This is an apple - on a saucer, - answered Baba - Yaga. - A gift to me from Vasilisa the Wise. "

And not only in prose they sing about the apple tree, but also in poetry.

Here is a favorite of children for several generations poem by I. Tokmakova "Apple tree".

Little apple tree

In my garden.

White - white

Everything is in bloom.

I put on a dress

With a white border.

Little apple tree

Make friends with me.

The Russian people have put together a lot of proverbs, sayings and riddles about the apple tree and apples.

Proverbs and sayings about apple and apples.

As the apple tree is, so are the apples.

From an apple tree - an apple, and from a spruce - cones.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Such tightness that there is nowhere for an apple to fall.

Sections: Literature

Lesson type:combined

Lesson type: lesson - research

Lesson objectives:

1. Study of the material based on the results of students' research activities: the symbolism of the apple in Russian literature and painting as the wonderful past of the native country.

2. Practicing skills for the use of additional literature for the independent acquisition of knowledge, the development of the mental activity of students.

Didactic tasks of the lesson: help students to independently develop conditions and formulate definitions of the basic concept-symbols associated with an apple; teach them to receive information about this concept; to develop skills in working with literary text, critical and popular science literature; comprehend the position of different authors.

Pedagogical tasks:

literature: to acquaint students with the peculiarities of the process of scientific cognition, the stages of research activity; teach them to distinguish between problems, formulate and select useful hypotheses, interpret data, draw conclusions; to interest students in research activities, the search for new problems, questions. To cultivate a tender reverent feeling for the heritage of the past, to familiarize with various types of art; the ability to see not only beauty, but also the mystery of being.

Biology: the importance of apples in human life.

Lesson plan:

1. Determination of the goals and objectives of the lesson, motivation of students.

2. Introductory speech of the teacher (statement of the problem, direction of research search).

3. Students' speeches (detailed answer, theses, excerpts from works, etc.).

4. Questions to the speakers (students, teacher).

5. Answers to questions, speeches of opponents.

6. Discussion discussion of the problematic issue.

7. Closing remarks from the teacher.


1. Literature teacher:

Each of us probably remembers these wonderful lines from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs." How juicy and appetizing the insidious apple is described, which I so want to try, which the gullible princess did - and died.

But why exactly an apple, chose our favorite poet for the implementation of the treacherous plans of an envious stepmother?

2. Biology teacher:

They are familiar with him in Mother Russia since childhood, they crunch like an apple from summer to spring. Apple orchards are the most beloved - and what to say - the most persistent in the "unkind" climate of Russia.

Literature teacher:

It is no coincidence that in Russian folk tales so many plots are associated with the apple tree and apples. It is on this tree that the firebird most often flies to peck at the golden apples;

It is apples that restore health and youth, and sometimes give immortality;

It is the apple tree and apples that evil forces seek to turn around in order to seduce gullible fairy-tale heroes and destroy them ...

Of course, Pushkin knew about this: after all, next to him was a wonderful storyteller - Arina Rodionovna. That is why the apple in his tale is traditionally folklore.

Where does this tradition come from? Where are its roots?

What is the symbolism of the apple in Russian literature and art?

Why is the apple tree called the tree of life? Today we will try to answer this and other questions in the lesson.

Different groups were preparing for the lesson: writers, artists, biologists.

Each group dealt with specific questions on the topic of the lesson.

Let's turn to the 1st group of writers and listen to them.

3. Researchers:

1st group:literary scholars:

From the myths:

The apple symbol is the fruit of the tree of life, the world tree, that is, the axis of the world, the Universe ... Since ancient times, the apple has entered the myths of the peoples of the world, and this suggests that it, like the egg, is associated with the worldview of an ancient man.

1) An almost perfectly round shape was associated with ideas about the world, the Universe, space; 2) golden delicate color, apple “blush” - with beauty, health and youth; 3) smooth, satin skin, hiding juicy fruit - with mystery and wealth; 4) sweetness and aroma - with pleasure and delight. It is not surprising that many peoples saw an extraordinary fruit in the apple - the fruit of the tree of life. And the tree of life in the myths of almost all peoples is at the same time a world tree, that is, the axis of the world, the Universe ... It is here, under the world tree, that human destinies are decided, under it the gods gather for great advice, they come here for advice and knowledge; immortality and health are sought here. The moon and the sun are hidden in the branches of the tree. In the myths of some peoples, the tree of the world (life) could not be an apple tree, but an oak, ash, beech or mulberry tree. But whatever this tree was, the fruit plucked from it, among the European peoples most often turned out to be an apple ... (an apple in translation from the Romance languages \u200b\u200bmeans “the fruit of paradise).

Apples of eternal youth.

At the end of the world, on the banks of the Ocean River, the ancient Greeks placed a wonderful garden with golden apples that belonged to the goddess Hera (Gaia herself presented her with this wedding gift). Gold apples give eternal youth, and therefore Hera instructed them to vigilantly guard the dragon Ladon and the four sister-nymphs, the Hesperides. As we know, Hercules managed to steal these wonderful apples, overcoming many obstacles - this was his eleventh feat. And although Eurystheus gave apples to the hero, and Hercules, in turn, to Pallas Athena, they again returned to the Hesperides, for these beautiful fruits should always remain in the cherished garden. Eternity and immortality are the lot of gods, not mortals.

Only the souls of the righteous and heroes fell into the extraordinary apple orchards of the ancient Greek paradise. The modest and quiet Scandinavian goddess Idunn is the owner of a magic basket filled with apples of youth.

From the Bible:

With the spread of Christianity, the symbolism of the apple loses its ambiguity. In the Bible, it becomes a symbol of the fall of mankind. It is not surprising that all painters and sculptors, from the Middle Ages to the present, depict Eve under an apple tree entwined with a snake (remember the dragon Ladon), or with an apple in her hand. The apple gave knowledge and led to sin. It was deliberately forbidden fruit, but Eve dared and not only plucked and tasted it herself, but also passed on her “knowledge” to Adam. The consequence was the expulsion from paradise to earth and the entire long and difficult path of mankind.

Thus, the apple played a fatal role of its kind.

The apple of discord from ancient myths later served as the reason for the outbreak of a long, bloody Trojan War, as a result of which many glorious heroes died.

In Greek myths, the apple was used more than once as insidious. subject of temptation.

Now let's listen to the artists.

Group 2: painters.

This interpretation was consolidated by the artists: referring to the plot of the Fall, they depicted on their canvases and frescoes the Gardens of Eden with tree of knowledge good and evil. strewn with tempting fruits. These trees are especially expressive in Jan Bruegel Velvetny (“Paradise”), V. Titian (“Adam and Eve”), P. Rubens (“Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden”), Jan van Scorel (“Adam and Eve”) and dr.

Sometimes an orchard or tree is replaced by a branch with an apple or even one apple in the hands of Eve, and sometimes by Adam (A. Dürer. "Adam and Eve"; H.B. Green. "Adam", "Eve"; Jan Gossart. " The Fall ”, etc.).

The apple often accompanies the infant Christ (G. Bellini. "Madonna and Child"; A. Altdorfer. "Mary and Child"; Lucas Cranach the Elder. "Madonna and Child under the Apple tree", etc.): it is an allegory that Christ redeems all the sins of humanity.

The optimistic and light nature of the apple, laid down by myths (immortality, health, beauty, wealth), is generously manifested in folk tales around the world, where the apple acts primarily as the fruit of life and immortality.

1st group: writers.

From fairy tales:

Often, many peoples repeat the motive of the long-awaited birth of a child, thanks to the eaten apple, as in Italian with kazke "Apple and Peel".

Why do you think one was born ruddy and the other white?

Let's turn to a group of biologists.

Group 3: biologists.

About vitamins.

Apples have the most valuable nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties.

From a biological point of view, the seed in an apple is also very useful. What do writers think about this? What role could a seed in an apple play from a literary point of view?

1st group: writers.

From fairy tales:

In the Georgian fairy tale "Ivan-Zarya" the river brings apples as a gift to a childless family. In fairy tales an apple was not only the beginning of a new life, but also health and youth.

In Russian folk tales, the plot about m refrigeratorikh (Russian folk tale "The Witch and the Solntseva Sister"), (German fairy tale "Vulture-Bird"), (Georgian fairy tale "Five Brothers and Sister").

The prevalence of such a plot speaks of its great popularity.

Do apples really have the properties of rejuvenating the human body? Let's turn to a group of biologists. What will they tell us about this? (About masks ...)

Group 3: biologists.

(about creams, masks, research).

1st group: writers.

From fairy tales:

But in the German fairy tale "The White Snake" a golden apple from the tree of life also gives love - the apple's ability to evoke love reminds of the custom of many peoples to decorate brides with apple-tree flowers.

We meet the ancient custom of throwing apples as a sign of love for each other in the fairy tales of many peoples: (Latvian fairy tale "Princess on a Glass Mountain"), 2 (German fairy tale "Iron Hans"), 3 (French fairy tale "Magic Whistle and Golden Apples" ), 4 (Norwegian fairy tale "The Princess from the Crystal Mountain").

In Slavic fairy tales, the heroes do not abandon them, but solemnly bring an apple to their betrothed: 1 (the Russian fairy tale "Khavroshechka"), 2 (the Ukrainian fairy tale "Grandfather's daughter and the golden apple tree").

Sometimes an apple foreshadows the betrothedas in the Danish fairy tale “The Golden Apple”: And in the touching Russian fairy tale “The Handless,” the unfortunate heroine, having tasted a golden apple from an unfamiliar garden, became the bride of her master.

Thus, in myths, wonderful apple trees with golden apples grow either at the end of the earth or in the afterlife and belong to gods or supernatural beings, and in fairy tales, apple trees are close to the human world and their masters are kings. They act here as keepers of a magical, sacred tree that gives light, warmth and beauty.

An apple tree with golden fruits is, as it were, a tree of fate (a connection with the tree of life), on which well-being, love, the birth of children depend, as in the Italian fairy tale "Shepherd - a small sprout". In the Syrian fairy tale "About crying and laughing apples" apples in the hands of a good man laugh happily and roll towards him, and in the hands of an insidious deceiver they cry, sob and strive to run away from him ...

The apple tree and its fruit play the role of fortune tellers, they know about everything that happens in the world, show all its beauty (Russian "The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Pouring Apple").

In many tales the apple tree saves from trouble: "Geese-swans", in the Persian tale "Yusuf Shah, Peri and Malek-Ahmad", from dragons (Albanian tale "Beauty of the Earth").

An apple can lead, like an egg and a bun, to the right place - the Georgian fairy tale "Daughter of the Sun"), it can feed and cheer - the Ukrainian fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Red Maiden - a clear star"). It can become a magic talisman that opens a treasure (Bulgarian fairy tale “Death to the Fates”). But an apple tree and apples can also bring troubles: grief, illness, death. (Remember the apple of discord, the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, etc.) Sometimes they can play a cruel joke with fairy-tale characters: “Ivanushka plucked an apple, ate it, and at the same moment horns grew on his head - big and heavy, his head they lean towards the ground ”(Russian fairy tale“ The Punished Princess ”). About the same Romanian tale “Doctor Toderash”. True, then the same apples help the heroes to punish kings and princesses for the injustice.

Group 2: painters.

Many artists have captured apple trees, turned their paradise gardens into apple trees. S. Botticelli's “Spring” Lucas Cranach the Elder “Golden Age” The apple tree is here - the center of the world, and the tree of life, the personification of health, youth, happiness; E. Bern-Jones "Ominous Head" - the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The apple is often a symbol of youth, health and beauty. It is no coincidence that many artists depict their models with an apple in their hands (Raphael. "Portrait of a young man with an apple"; VL Borovikovsky. "Portrait of EI Arsenyeva", "Portrait of Skobeeva"). The apple becomes an obligatory attribute of graces (Raphael. "Three Graces"), Venus (A. Bronzino. "Allegory"). A beautiful apple with a wormhole speaks of the fragility of youth and beauty, as in M.M. de Caravaggio “Fruit Basket”.

An interesting reading of the apple tree as a tree of life is given by the artist D. Zhilinsky in the painting “Under the old apple tree”. Under the apple tree, generously strewn with fruits, there are figures symbolizing the three ages of human life.

The word of biologists: (about zoned apple varieties).

Questions for students and answers to problematic questions

Output. Thus, if we try to generalize the meanings that the apple tree carries in the works of artists, and even earlier in fairy tales, then in the end two main ones will remain: life and youth.

These meanings are refracted in painting, in literature.

In W. Shakespeare's Sonnet about the Apple (No. 93), the apple becomes a symbol of the deceit that lies in beauty. In D. Golsworthy's wonderful story "The Blossom of the Apple Tree", the apple tree becomes a polysemantic symbol of youth, beauty, love, temptation, and grief, and the whole work breathes the aroma of an extraordinary apple tree ... S. Yesenin associates an apple tree with joy (“Everything we carry an apple of joy ... "), with a soul (" It's good for the autumn freshness of the soul - shake off the apple tree with the wind ... ") and of course withtraditional Russian Savior: "Your meek Savior smells of apple and honey in the churches ...". Here, as we can see, a logical, typically Russian "apple" row is built: Joy-Soul-Savior. But its roots, no doubt, are from the tree of life,

I. Bunin in “Antonovskiye Apples” connects the image of apples with the wonderful, in his opinion, past of his native country, which is perceived as a kind of “Golden Age”.

The wonderful POTENT APPLE FROM THE THIRTY kingdom, which is hidden not far and wide, but in our memory and soul, continues to illuminate us with its radiance, give life-giving juices to our imagination and awaken irrepressible curiosity.

Well, that's why it's rejuvenating, to be able to do all this ...


Literature lessons - an appendix to the magazine "Literature at school".

NOU secondary school "Rosinka"

"Rejuvenating apples" from the distant kingdom.

The meaning of apples in myths and tales of the peoples of the world

Scientific adviser:

The study used the following methods :


1. Analysis of literary sources.

2. Analysis and comparison of the literary image.

3. Generalization of research results.


1. Questioning of students.

2. Modeling: prepare the development of a lesson for extracurricular reading

Practical relevance this work will have the development of a lesson on extracurricular reading.

Chapter 1. The image of an apple in world art culture

1.1. Studying the botanical features of the apple

Fruit (lat. fructus - fetus) - juicy, usually edible, fruit of a tree or shrub. "Fruit" is commonly referred to as any fruit that consists of pulp and seeds and is formed from the ovary of a flower.

According to botanists, all fruits containing seeds are fruits.

Fruits are an important component of human and animal food.

Apple- the fruit of the apple tree, which is eaten fresh, serves as a raw material in cooking and for the preparation of drinks.

In addition to the delicious taste, apples have very useful and medicinal (medicinal) properties. Apples are the most common fruit in our country and it is very nice that apples are extremely useful and necessary for our health. The beneficial and medicinal properties of apples are explained by their medicinal composition. Apples contain vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, pectins, sugars, organic acids. Also, apples contain a large number of trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, copper, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, chromium and zinc. The fruit contains 84-90% water.

Apples contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.

Apples lower blood cholesterol levels due to their pectin and related fiber content. One apple with a peel contains 3.5 grams. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily value of fibers required by the body. Insoluble fiber molecules attach to cholesterol and promote its removal from the body, thereby reducing the risk of vascular blockages and heart attacks.

Useful properties of apples. Apple treatment

The apple has long been included in the myths of the peoples of the world, and this suggests that it, like an egg, is associated with the worldview of an ancient person. Ancient people, indeed, put a certain meaning into this image. An almost ideal round shape was associated with ideas about the world, the Universe, space; golden delicate color, apple "blush" - with beauty, health and youth; smooth satin skin that hides juicy fruit - with mystery and wealth; sweetness and aroma - with pleasure and delight. It is not surprising that many peoples saw an extraordinary fruit in the apple - the fruit of the tree of life. And the tree of life in the myths of almost all peoples is at the same time the world tree, that is, the axis of the world, the Universe. In myths, such a tree was most often an apple tree or apples.

So, for example, in the extraordinary gardens of the ancient Greek paradise, wonderful golden apples grew, giving eternal youth.

In Scandinavian mythology, the magic apple of the goddess Iduna (the owner of the magic basket filled with the apples of youth) is the personification of the time of year between March and September; the eating of apples by the gods filled them with new strength, gave them eternal youth.

Medieval legends told that Alexander the Great, who was looking for "living water" in India, once found himself in an apple orchard and learned that those who eat apples from this garden gain longevity.

In many myths, apples are associated with paradise or the Garden of Eden. The old name for the apple tree "silver bough" comes from the belief that apples grow on silvery branches and have the properties of immortality.

According to Irish belief, an apple is a fruit that ensures immortality: if you cut it in two, you can see a five-pointed star - a pentagram, symbolizing the five states from birth to death, and then a new birth.

The ancient Germans believed that apple trees enjoyed the protection of all gods - even lightning did not touch them - and therefore they surrounded their homes with apple orchards.

The expression "apple of discord" is based on a myth: the goddess of discord Eris, offended by the gods, stole one of the apples of the Hesperides (giving immortality). And with the inscription "The Most Beautiful" she threw it to the wedding feast. A dispute arose between three goddesses: Hero, Athena and Aphrodite. The Trojan youth Paris was chosen as the judge between them. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite who bribed him; For this, Aphrodite made the wife of King Menelaus, the beautiful Helen, to fall in love with the young man. To avenge such an insult, the Greeks began a long-term war with the Trojans. The memory of this myth is the expression "apple of discord", meaning any cause of disputes and strife. They also sometimes say "apple of Eris", "apple of Paris".

In Christianity, the apple symbolizes, on the one hand, temptation and the fall, on the other, in connection with the Virgin Mary and Christ, the new Adam and salvation.

In the Bible, the apple becomes a symbol of the fall of mankind, and it is depicted in the hands of Adam or Eve. The apple was a forbidden fruit, but Eve not only picked the apple and tasted it herself, but also passed it on to Adam. The consequence was the expulsion from paradise to Earth. Thus, the apple played a fatal role here. Taking on the role of the forbidden fruit, the apple became an expression of original sin. "Adam's apple" is an Adam's apple that only men have, according to legend, a piece of the forbidden fruit that got stuck in Adam's throat. One of the most common monastic sayings in the Middle Ages was: "Mala mali malo mala contulit omnia mundo" (Latin), that is, "The apple brought all evil to the world."

In the Bible you can find many places in which you cannot find an explanation: what kind of apples are we talking about; only grenades are mentioned several times. Therefore, in the story of Eve's seduction by the Serpent, it is not said about an apple tree, but about a certain tree: “we can only eat the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of paradise” (Genesis 3: 1-6).

The apple in the role of the forbidden fruit of paradise began to be called later, after which it began to be considered a symbol of the knowledge of Good and Evil, a starting point for the subsequent creation of a "scale" of assessments and moral norms. And brought people closer to the gods. In Chinese symbolism, "a monkey with an apple in his mouth" means the fall.

1.3. Features of the image in fairy tales (Russian folk, foreign)

Magical plants are often used in fairy tales.

The apple tree and apples are central to many Russian fairy tales. Firstly, the apple tree was associated with the Russian people with fertility, wealth, kindness.

For example, in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" an apple tree helps a girl who rescues her brother. When the girl just went in search of her brother to Baba Yaga, she helped the apple tree, picking ripe apples, straightened her branches, and on the way back the apple tree covered the girl and her brother in its branches.

Apples are often used as a healing power in a fairy tale. For example, from the tale about "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" we learn that there were "rejuvenating" apples in Russia: if you eat three of them, you immediately become young and beautiful.

Another tale tells of a young man who dreamed of being rich, smart and marrying a tsar's daughter. Then he was taken to an apple tree on which hung three apples: one wrinkled yellow - the apple of wisdom, the other, red and liquid - the apple of wealth, and the third, still green and unripe, - the apple of happiness. The young man chose yellow and wrinkled, because he was not stupid and guessed that if you are a wise person, then you can arrange your wealth and happiness, if you are happy, but poor and stupid, then this is somehow really stupid, but if you are rich, but stupid and unhappy - then generally no good. The king marveled at the young man's wisdom and gave his daughter and half his kingdom as a wife. Thus, apples in this tale could give a person some qualities, that is, they had magical properties that improve a person's life, transform it, and also affect character and worldview.

Thus, in Russian fairy tales, the apple acted as a symbol of youth and wisdom.

Based on these tales, we can conclude that apples were one of the most common magic fruits in Russian fairy tales, and the apple tree was a magic plant.

Often, many peoples repeat the motive of the long-awaited birth of a child thanks to an eaten apple, as, for example, in italian fairy tale "Apple and Peel"... ... The nobleman's family had no children for a long time. One day he met a wizard on the street.

“- Signor is a magician, how should we be? We really want a son.

The wizard handed him an apple and said:

"Give this apple to your wife, and in exactly nine months she will have a wonderful boy."

The prediction came true, but two boys appeared : “One by a noble lady who ate a peeled apple, and the other by a maidservant who ate the peel. The servant's face is as ruddy as an apple peel, while the lady's is as pale as a peeled apple. "

Very often in fairy tales, an apple is not only a symbol of the beginning of life, but also a symbol of health and youth.

In Russian folk tales, there is an interesting plot about rejuvenating apples: "The king is very outdated and his eyes have become impoverished, but he heard that there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water in the thirtieth kingdom ..." The tale of rejuvenating apples and living water ").

1.4. The image of an apple and an apple tree in selected works of classical literature

For example, in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes":

"And to the princess a liquid,

Young, golden

The apple is flying straight ...

Full of ripe juice

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy golden

As if it was overflowing with honey!

You can see through the seeds ... "

How juicy and appetizing the insidious apple is described, which I so want to try, which the trusting princess did - and died. Why did our beloved poet choose the apple to carry out the evil designs of his stepmother? Of course, Pushkin knew that the apple is a philosophical image, a symbol of temptation. The apple in his tale is traditionally folklore, it is the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

The image of an apple is also found in art. ("The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf").

“... Sitting on an apple tree, the Firebird

The narwhal got down to business

A dozen apples ... "

Again before us is the image of an apple and a feather, lost at the apple tree by the Firebird, which opens the hero to the world of adventure, helping to get the blessings of life: wealth, a beautiful bride. The apple tree again here acts as a tree of fate, on which well-being and love depend.

1.5. A survey study of paintings in which the image of an apple occurs

Confirmation of these conclusions can be found in the works of painting. On canvases and frescoes, artists often depicted paradise apple orchards (V. Titian "Adam and Eve", P. Rubens "Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden", etc.).

The apple on many canvases is a symbol of the Fall (J. Gossaert "The Fall"), often an apple next to the Christ Child (F. Bellini "Madonna and Child".

"Apple Trees in Bloom" is a symbol of pure, light and long-lasting love, sung in works representing the romantic trend in art.

Apple flowers - spring, the beginning of the year, the beginning of love; flower of a young girl.
Like the orange blossom (a symbol of fertility), the apple blossom was used as a decoration for brides.


In addition to the delicious taste, apples have very useful and medicinal (medicinal) properties. Apples are the most common fruit in our country and it is very nice that apples are extremely useful and necessary for our health. The beneficial and medicinal properties of apples are explained by their medicinal composition.

The apple at all times has had a great symbolic meaning.

The apple has long been included in the myths of the peoples of the world, and this suggests that it is associated with the worldview of an ancient man. Ancient people, indeed, put a certain meaning into this image.

Apple is a symbol of life, birth, immortality.

An apple is a symbol of quarrel and dispute.

The apple is a forbidden fruit, a symbol of knowledge.

The apple tree and apples are central to many fairy tales.

Often apples act in a fairy tale as healing power.

Apples in fairy tales not only symbol of the beginning of life, but also a symbol of health, youth ("rejuvenating apples").

The image of the apple tree and the apple is also reflected in literary tales, as its roots are in folklore and mythology.

The image of the apple tree and the apple is reflected in literature and painting, as the roots are in mythology and folklore. Chapter 2. An experimental study aimed at determining the role and meaning of the image of an apple and an apple tree in literature.

2.1. Organization and research methods

This research was carried out on the basis of the educational institution of the non-governmental school "Rosinka". The study involved students in grades 5-11, teachers and employees of the non-governmental school "Rosinka".

purpose - to determine the role and meaning of the image of an apple and an apple tree in literature

The following were delivered tasks:

1. Determine the role and meaning of the image of apples and apple trees in literature.

2. Develop and conduct an extracurricular reading lesson.

To implement the set tasks, we used the following methods:

1. Questionnaire - in order to determine the role and meaning of the image of an apple and an apple tree in literature. Using the developed questionnaire (see Appendix).

2. Modeling:development of a lesson for extracurricular reading,

Sequencing during the study:

1.Experiment-based questioning

2. Processing of personal data.

3. Writing primary conclusions (the most significant research results).

And the created Power Point presentation will help to visually present everything.


Thus, the data obtained as a result of our research allowed us to make the following findings:

ü Almost everyone admitted that they love apples

ü The healing properties of apples are known to almost all respondents.

ü Many have noted that apples contain iron.

ü Almost all respondents noted that "rejuvenating apples" perform "the function of rejuvenation" in fairy tales.

ü Most of the respondents do not believe in the magical healing power of apples.

ü Almost everyone wants to gain immortality by eating the "rejuvenating apple".

ü None of the respondents could answer the question, what is the meaning of the image of the “rejuvenating apple” in the works.


Thus, in most myths, fairy tales, the apple has such properties that were appreciated by people, therefore:

1) an apple is a symbol of eternal youth and immortality (rejuvenating properties);

2) an apple is the fruit of the tree of life, the tree of knowledge (affects the fate of heroes, a symbol of the beginning of life, a symbol of prosperity).

But it also happens like this:

1) an apple is a symbol of temptation, the fall;

2) an apple - portends danger;

3) an apple is the fruit of the tree of fate.

The conducted research confirmed the hypothesis that the frequent occurrence of this image in myths, folk tales, and even literary tales is not accidental. This symbol, rooted in the history of the people, is filled with the deepest philosophical and human meaning, it is a reflection of the worldview and culture of the people, their wisdom. It is no coincidence that the image of an apple is preserved in folk traditions and culture today.

« One apple a day - and you don't need a doctor» ( english proverb).

« The apple bush does not live empty» ( russian proverb)

« The apple seed knows its time» ( russian proverb).

A wonderful liquid apple from the distant kingdom, which is hidden not far and wide, but in our memory and soul, continues to feed us with life-giving juices, awakening imagination, curiosity ... Well, that's why it's rejuvenating, that's why it is the fruit of the tree of knowledge ... Thus, if we try to generalize the meanings that the apple tree carries in the works of artists, and even earlier in fairy tales, then in the end there will be two main ones: life and youth.

List of sources of information

1. Alpatov S. Russian folklore. M., 2000, 145 p.

2. Great reference book for the student. 5-11 grades. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Bustard, 2000. - 839 p.

3. Town in a snuffbox / Comp. ... - M .: True, 19s.

4. Kuhn and the myths of Ancient Greece / - M .: Eksmo Publishing House, 20s.

5. Queens are creatures. Encyclopedia. M., 1997, 547 p.

6. Nightingale apples from the distant kingdom. Supplement to the journal "Literature Lessons at School", No. 5, 2001.

7. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist (Linguistics) / Comp. - M .: Pedagogika, 1984, - 423 p.

8. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young literary critic. - M: Pedagogika, 1984 .-- 669 p.

9. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov. http: // slovari. ***** /

10. Fruit. http: // ru. wikipedia. org /

11. Apple and peel . Fairy tales. Italian fairy tales. http: // www. detki. biz /

12. Apple tree and apples. Useful and healing (medicinal) properties of apples. Why apples are useful. Apple treatment. http: // www. ***** /


Attachment 1.

Application form

Dear friend!

We ask you to take part in the survey, thereby you will help in writing the project "Rejuvenating apples" from the distant kingdom. "

We ask you to answer all questions of the questionnaire, following the instructions for the questions.

Filling out the form is easy and does not take a lot of time. Please read the question and all the proposed options for it. Circle the number of the answer that matches your opinion. If there are no ready-made answers or none of them suits you, please write your thoughts on the specially designated lines.

The value of our research will depend on how thoroughly and fully you answer all the questions. Therefore, we ask you to take the filling out of the questionnaire seriously and sympathetically.

Thanks in advance for participating in the study.

1. Do you love fairy tales?

2.Do you love apples?

3. Do you know the healing properties of apples? If so, please list these properties.

4. Do you know the expression "rejuvenating apples"?

5. Do you know Russian folk tales, works of art in which rejuvenating apples are found? If so, name them (name the author).


6. Have you met "rejuvenating apples" in the fairy tales of the peoples of the world? If so, please list them.


7. What function do “rejuvenating apples” perform in fairy tales?

Bring people youth, health and happiness

· Patients, having eaten "rejuvenating apples", recover

· Old people, having eaten "rejuvenating apples", immediately get twenty years younger

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

8. Why do you think apples are "rejuvenating" and not "old"?


9. Would you like to gain immortality by eating a rejuvenating apple?

10. wrote "the tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ..." Is there a grain of truth in the tale of "rejuvenating apples"? Do you believe in their healing power?

11. What do you think is the significance of the image of the "rejuvenating apple" in the works?


12) Indicate your age.

1) 10 or more

Appendix 2

Table number 1 "" Table of processing the data of the questionnaire "


Do you like fairy tales?

Do you like apples?

Do you know the healing properties of apples? If so, list these properties.

Do you know the expression "rejuvenating apples"?

Do you know Russian folk tales, works of art in which "rejuvenating apples" are found? If so, name them (name the author).

Swan geese

Have you met "rejuvenating apples" in the fairy tales of the peoples of the world? If so, please list them.

I do not remember.

What is the function of "rejuvenating apples" in fairy tales?

Old people, having eaten "rejuvenating apples", are immediately younger by 20 years.

Why do you think the apples are "rejuvenating" and not "aged"?

Because they are young.

Would you like to gain immortality by eating a rejuvenating apple?

wrote "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ..." Is there a grain of truth in the tale of "rejuvenating apples"? Do you believe in their healing power?

What do you think is the meaning of the image of the "rejuvenating apple" in the works?

Appendix 3.

Extracurricular Reading Lesson

"Apple symbolism in Russian literature"

Each of us probably remembers these wonderful lines from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs." How juicy and appetizing the insidious apple is described, which I so want to try, which the trusting princess did - and died.

But why did our beloved poet choose the apple for the implementation of the treacherous plans of the envious stepmother?

They are familiar with him in Mother Russia since childhood, they crunch like an apple from summer to spring. Apple orchards are the most beloved - and what to say - the most persistent in the "unkind" climate of Russia.

In addition to the delicious taste, apples have very useful and medicinal (medicinal) properties. Apples are the most common fruit in our country and it is very nice that apples are extremely useful and necessary for our health. The beneficial and medicinal properties of apples are explained by their medicinal composition. Apples contain vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, pectins, sugars, organic acids. Also, apples contain a large number of trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, copper, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, chromium and zinc. The fruit contains 84-90% water.

And it is no coincidence that in Russian folk tales so many plots are associated with the apple tree and apples. It is on this tree that the firebird most often flies to peck at the golden apples;

It is apples that restore health and youth, and sometimes give immortality;

It is the apple tree and apples that evil forces strive to turn around in order to seduce gullible fairy-tale heroes and destroy them ...

Of course, Pushkin knew about this: after all, next to him was a wonderful storyteller - Arina Rodionovna. That is why the apple in his fairy tale is traditionally folklore.

Where does this tradition come from? Where are its roots?

What is the symbolism of the apple in Russian literature and art?

Why is the apple tree called the tree of life? Today we will try to answer this and other questions in the lesson.

Let's turn to the myths:

The apple symbol is the fruit of the tree of life, the world tree, that is, the axis of the world, the Universe ... The apple has long been included in the myths of the peoples of the world, and this suggests that it, like the egg, is associated with the worldview of an ancient man.

1) An almost perfectly round shape was associated with ideas about the world, the Universe, space; 2) golden delicate color, apple “blush” - with beauty, health and youth; 3) smooth, satin skin hiding juicy fruit - with mystery and wealth; 4) sweetness and aroma - with pleasure and delight. It is not surprising that many peoples saw an extraordinary fruit in the apple - the fruit of the tree of life. And the tree of life in the myths of almost all peoples is at the same time a world tree, that is, the axis of the world, the Universe ... It is here, under the world tree, that human destinies are decided, under it the gods gather for great advice, they come here for advice and knowledge; immortality and health are sought here. The moon and the sun are hidden in the branches of the tree. In the myths of some peoples, the tree of the world (life) could not be an apple tree, but an oak, ash, beech or mulberry tree. But whatever this tree was, the fruit plucked from it, among the European peoples most often turned out to be an apple ... (an apple in translation from the Romance languages \u200b\u200bmeans “the fruit of paradise).

Apples of eternal youth.

At the end of the world, near the banks of the Ocean River, the ancient Greeks placed a wonderful garden with golden apples that belonged to the goddess Hera (Gaia herself presented her with this wedding gift). Golden apples give eternal youth, and therefore Hera instructed them to vigilantly guard the dragon Ladon and the four nymph sisters Hesperides. As we know, Hercules managed to steal these wonderful apples, overcoming many obstacles - this was his eleventh feat. And although Eurystheus gave apples to the hero, and Hercules, in turn, to Pallas Athena, they returned to the Hesperides, for these beautiful fruits should always remain in the cherished garden. Eternity and immortality are the lot of gods, not mortals.

Only the souls of the righteous and heroes fell into the extraordinary apple orchards of the ancient Greek paradise. The modest and quiet Scandinavian goddess Idunn is the owner of a magic basket filled with the apples of youth.

From the Bible:

With the spread of Christianity, the symbolism of the apple loses its ambiguity. In the Bible, it becomes a symbol of the fall of mankind. It is not surprising that all painters and sculptors, from the Middle Ages to the present, depict Eve under an apple tree entwined with a snake or with an apple in her hand. The apple gave knowledge and led to sin. It was a deliberately forbidden fruit, but Eve dared and not only plucked and tasted it herself, but also passed on her “knowledge” to Adam. The consequence was the expulsion from paradise to earth and the entire long and difficult path of mankind.

Thus, the apple played a fatal role of its kind.

The apple of discord from ancient myths later served as the reason for the outbreak of a long, bloody Trojan War, as a result of which many glorious heroes died.

In Greek myths, the apple was used more than once as an insidious object of temptation.

This interpretation was consolidated by the artists: referring to the plot of the Fall, they depicted on their canvases and frescoes the Gardens of Eden with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. strewn with tempting fruits. These trees are especially expressive by Jan Bruegel Velvet (“Paradise”), V. Titian (“Adam and Eve”), P. Rubens (“Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden”), Jan van Scorel (“Adam and Eve”) and dr.

Sometimes an orchard or tree is replaced by a branch with an apple or even one apple in the hands of Eve, and sometimes by Adam (A. Durer. “Adam and Eve”;. “Adam”, “Eve”; Jan Gossart. “The Fall”, etc. ).

The apple often accompanies the infant Christ (J. Bellini. "Madonna and Child"; A. Altdorfer. "Mary and Child"; Lucas Cranach the Elder. "Madonna and Child under the Apple tree", etc.): it is an allegory that Christ atone for all the sins of humanity.

The optimistic and light nature of the apple, laid down by myths (immortality, health, beauty, wealth), is generously manifested in folk tales around the world, where the apple appears primarily as the fruit of life and immortality.

From fairy tales:

Often many peoples repeat the motive of the long-awaited birth of a child, thanks to the eaten apple, as in the Italian fairy tale "Apple and Peel".

Why do you think one was born ruddy and the other white?

Apples have the most valuable nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties.

From a biological point of view, the seed in an apple is also very useful. What do writers think about this? What role could a seed in an apple play from a literary point of view?

From fairy tales:

In the Georgian fairy tale “Ivan-Zarya”, the river brings apples as a gift to a childless family. In fairy tales, an apple was not only the beginning of a new life, but also health and youth.

In Russian folk tales there is an extremely interesting plot about rejuvenating (Russian folk tale “The Witch and the Solntseva sister”), (German fairy tale “Vulture-bird”), (Georgian fairy tale “Five brothers and sister”).

The prevalence of such a plot speaks of its great popularity.

From fairy tales:

But in the German fairy tale "The White Snake" the golden apple from the tree of life also grants love - the apple's ability to evoke love reminds of the custom of many nations to decorate brides with apple-tree flowers.

We meet the ancient custom of throwing apples as a sign of love for each other in the fairy tales of many peoples: (Latvian fairy tale “Princess on a Glass Mountain”), 2 (German fairy tale “Iron Hans”), 3 (French fairy tale “Magic Whistle and Golden Apples” ), 4 (Norwegian fairy tale "The Princess from the Crystal Mountain").

In Slavic fairy tales, the heroes do not abandon them, but solemnly bring an apple to their betrothed: 1 (Russian fairy tale "Khavroshechka"), 2 (Ukrainian fairy tale "Grandfather's daughter and a golden apple tree").

Sometimes an apple portends a betrothed, as in the Danish fairy tale "The Golden Apple": And in the touching Russian fairy tale "The Handless" the unfortunate heroine, having tasted a golden apple from an unfamiliar garden, became the bride of her master.

Thus, in myths, wonderful apple trees with golden apples grow either at the end of the earth or in the afterlife and belong to gods or supernatural beings, and in fairy tales, apple trees are close to the human world and their masters are kings. They act here as keepers of a magical, sacred tree that gives light, warmth and beauty.

An apple tree with golden fruits is, as it were, a tree of fate (a connection with the tree of life), on which well-being, love, the birth of children depends, as in the Italian fairy tale “Shepherd - a small sprout”. In the Syrian fairy tale "About crying and laughing apples" apples in the hands of a good man laugh happily and roll towards him, and in the hands of an insidious deceiver they cry, sob and strive to run away from him ...

The apple tree and its fruit play the role of fortune tellers, they know about everything that happens in the world, show all its beauty (Russian "The Tale of a Silver Saucer and a Pouring Apple").

In many tales the apple tree saves from trouble: "Geese-swans", in the Persian tale "Yusuf Shah, Peri and Malek-Ahmad", from dragons (Albanian tale "Beauty of the Earth").

An apple can lead, like an egg and a bun, to the right place - the Georgian fairy tale "Daughter of the Sun"), it can feed and cheer - the Ukrainian fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Red Maiden - a clear star"). It can become a magic talisman that reveals a treasure (Bulgarian fairy tale “Death to the Fates”). But an apple tree and apples can also bring troubles: grief, illness, death. (Remember the apple of discord, the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, etc.) Sometimes they can play a cruel joke with fairy-tale characters: “Ivanushka plucked an apple, ate it, and at the same moment horns grew on his head - big and heavy, his head they lean towards the ground ”(Russian fairy tale“ The Punished Princess ”). About the same Romanian tale “Doctor Toderash”. True, then the same apples help the heroes to punish kings and princesses for the injustice.

Many artists have captured apple trees, turned their paradise gardens into apple trees. S. Botticelli's “Spring” Lucas Cranach The Elder “Golden Age” The apple tree is here - both the center of the world, and the tree of life, the personification of health, youth, happiness; E. Burne-Jones "Ominous Head" - the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The apple is often a symbol of youth, health and beauty. It is no coincidence that many artists depict their models with an apple in their hands (Raphael. "Portrait of a young man with an apple";. "Arsenyeva", "Portrait of Skobeeva"). The apple becomes an obligatory attribute of Graces (Raphael. "Three Graces"), Venus (A. Bronzino. "Allegory"). A beautiful apple with a wormhole speaks of the fragility of youth and beauty, as in the still life of M. M. de Caravaggio "Fruit Basket".

An interesting reading of the apple tree as a tree of life is given by the artist D. Zhilinsky in the painting “Under the Old Apple Tree”. Under the apple tree generously strewn with fruits, there are figures symbolizing the three ages of human life.

Output. Thus, if we try to generalize the meanings that the apple tree carries in the works of artists, and even earlier in fairy tales, then in the end two main ones will remain: life and youth.

These meanings are refracted in painting, in literature.

In W. Shakespeare's Sonnet about the Apple (No. 93), the apple becomes a symbol of the deceit that lies in beauty. In D. Galsworthy's wonderful story “The Blossom of the Apple Tree”, the apple tree becomes a polysemantic symbol of youth, beauty, love, temptation, and grief, and the whole work breathes the aroma of an extraordinary apple tree ... S. Yesenin associates an apple tree with joy (“Everything we carry an apple of joy ... "), with soul (" It's good to shake off the apple tree with the wind ... "), and, of course, with the traditional Russian Savior:" Your meek Savior smells of apple and honey in the churches ... ". Here, as we can see, a logical, typically Russian "apple" row is built: Joy-Soul-Savior. But its roots, no doubt, are from the tree of life,

I. Bunin in “Antonovskiye Apples” connects the image of apples with the wonderful, in his opinion, past of his native country, which is perceived as a kind of “Golden Age”.

The wonderful POTENT APPLE FROM THE THIRTY kingdom, which is hidden not far and wide, but in our memory and soul, continues to illuminate us with its radiance, give life-giving juices to our imagination and awaken irrepressible curiosity.

Well, that's why it is rejuvenating, in order to be able to do all this ...

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. http: // slovari. ***** /

Fruit. http: // ru. wikipedia. org /

Apple tree and apples. Useful and healing (medicinal) properties of apples. Why apples are useful. Apple treatment. http: // www. ***** /

See: p. 127. Town in a snuffbox / Comp., Entry. Art. and approx. ... - M .: True, 19s.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

basic secondary school No. 53 in Bikin

District scientific and practical conference

"The world of my hobbies".


MBOU OSH number 53


« One apple a day - and you don't need a doctor". It is believed that an apple is a symbol of health, restoration of vitality. Let's take a look at the encyclopedic dictionary: "An apple is a juicy, usually multi-seeded, non-opening fruit of plants." “Apple peel contains up to 30% wax, and the wax contains ursolic acid. This substance has an active biological effect, stimulates the work of the heart, exhibits antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. "

Of course, people did not know the exact data that the apple has beneficial properties, but long-term observations of how it has a beneficial effect on health formed the basis of popular wisdom.

"The apple never falls far from the tree" -this expression is known to us as an allegory (allegory). For example, a daughter acts the same way as her mother, has the same character traits, behaves the same way. This expression is based on bad and vicious actions, obscene and disgusting behavior. This proverb is most often used by the people as irony.

"There is nowhere for an apple to fall." So they say when there are a large number of people in any place, and as a result it becomes crowded. For example, about a transport filled with people, you can say: "There is nowhere for an apple to fall," that is, it is very crowded here.

A wonderful liquid apple from the distant kingdom, which is hidden not far and wide, but in my memory and soul, continues to illuminate me with its radiance, to give life-giving juices to my imagination and awaken irrepressible curiosity. That is why I asked myself the question: "What does the image of an apple hide?"

3. The image of an apple in fairy tales

Who among us doesn't like fairy tales? Undoubtedly, they like not only children, but also adults, as they can find answers to many questions. In fairy tales, we often recognize ourselves, we can see a lot of our real life and just plunge into an amazing world full of wonders and magic.

Fairy tales are, one might say, a literary heritage for the youngest, for children. It is in them that the light nature of the apple is reflected: immortality, health, beauty, wealth, and this is the kindest and best sown into the soul of a child from early childhood.

In the Italian fairy tale "Apple and Peel" a childless nobleman had no children for a long time, but one day he met a magician on the street:

“- Signor is a magician, how should we be? We really want a son.

The wizard handed him an apple and said:

"Give this apple to your wife, and in exactly nine months she will have a wonderful boy." The prediction came true, and two boys appeared: “One by a noble lady who ate a peeled apple, and the other by a maidservant who ate the peel. The servant's face is as ruddy as an apple peel, while the lady's is as pale as a peeled apple. "People of the upper class, allowing themselves only the best, did not know that all the nutrients are found in the peel of an apple. And ordinary peasants, who plant apple trees with their own hands and collect fruits from them in the fall, without even knowing their useful properties, still eat an apple with a peel, and therefore they themselves are healthy and blush, and their children are born the same.

In the Georgian fairy tale “Ivan-Zarya”, the river brings apples as a gift to a childless family: “ As soon as she filled the jug to the top, she saw that the river was carrying three apples. She liked the apples, she reached for them, took them out and carried them home. She gave one to her husband, ate the other herself, and divided the third equally with her husband. "... And then three sons were born to her.

Very often in fairy tales, an apple is not only a symbol of the beginning of life, but also of health and youth.

In Russian folk tales, there is an interesting plot about rejuvenating apples: "The king is very outdated and his eyes have become impoverished, but he heard that there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water in the thirtieth kingdom ..." ("The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water").

Rejuvenating apples, helping to rejuvenate, get rid of ailments, we meet in other fairy tales. "(Solntseva's sister) let him go to his homeland to visit and gave him a brush, a comb and two rejuvenating apples for his journey: no matter how old a person is, and if he eats an apple, he will instantly rejuvenate."(Russian folk tale "The Witch and the Solntseva Sister"). "... As soon as she tasted these apples, she instantly recovered and jumped out of bed." (German fairy tale "Vulture-bird"). "The children took the eyeballs, brought them to their mother, put them to the eye sockets, and the mother regained her sight." (Georgian fairy tale "Five brothers and sister").

The plot about the healing properties of apples is very popular in fairy tales.

But in the German fairy tale "White Snake", a golden apple from the tree of life also grants love: "They shared the apple of life and ate it together: and her heart was filled with love for him, they lived in serene happiness to the very old age."

The apple's ability to evoke love is also reflected in the folk tradition of decorating brides with apple-tree flowers.

We meet the ancient custom of throwing apples as a symbol and sign of love for each other in the fairy tales of many peoples of the world. “The fool galloped and flew up the mountain. Threw a diamond apple to the princess's lap ... " (Latvian fairy tale "The Princess on the Glass Mountain"). "The princess came out and threw a golden apple to the knights ..." (German fairy tale "Iron Hans"). "The princess brought golden apples in a basket:" Whoever catches, the groom will be! " - she said " (French fairy tale "The Magic Whistle and Golden Apples").

In some fairy tales, the apple is not thrown, it must be pulled out by force from the betrothed.

"Whoever rides a horse three times on a horse to the top of Crystal Mountain and vomits a golden apple from the hands of the king's daughter three times, the king gives her to wife ..." (Norwegian fairy tale "The Princess from the Crystal Mountain").

The apple tree and apples occupy a central place in many Russian fairy tales, where the apple is not thrown or pulled out, but solemnly presented to the betrothed.

“I saw liquid apples in the garden, began to touch the girls:“ Girls, beauties, which one of you brings me an apple, she will marry me ” (Russian fairy tale "Tiny - Khavroshechka").

And in the touching Russian fairy tale "No Hand" the unfortunate heroine, having tasted the golden apple, became the owner's bride.

An interesting detail is connected with the gardens where golden apples grow. In myths, wonderful apple trees grow either at the end of the earth or in the afterlife and belong to gods or supernatural beings (remember: "... at the end of the world, near the banks of the Ocean River ..., the dragon Ladon and the Hesperides guard the garden ..."). In fairy tales, apple trees are close to the human world and their masters are kings, who act as keepers of the magic, sacred tree. The kings themselves sometimes do not even eat apples, this is a symbol of wealth. "The king treasured the apple tree as with his own eyes, and he himself did not pick apples, and did not give to others." (Georgian fairy tale "Pashkunji"). “There was a tree in that garden with golden apples. When the apples were ripe, they were counted ... " (German fairy tale "The Golden Bird").

And since wealth and prosperity are associated with the innermost dreams and aspirations of the people, the description of apples is always bright and poetic: “And that apple tree was not simple: in the morning the leaves were blooming, at noon the branches were covered with color, in a day the fruits were poured, but they were so sweet, tasty and juicy - you will swallow your tongue” (Moldovan fairy tale "Lace, light, in front, darkness, creep behind").

Therefore, apples are often stolen. This motif is also popular in folk tales.

Most often, birds are the mysterious apple thieves. "... He (the prince) sees - the Firebird has settled on an apple tree and pecks at golden apples" (Russian fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"). Sometimes monsters or snakes become the kidnappers of apples, as in the Romanian fairy tale "The Hero of the Pryslya and the Golden Apples". Sometimes the birds that fly to the apple tree are enchanted princesses. And often one of them becomes the bride of the prince, as a pledge of which she leaves him an apple (Bulgarian fairy tale "Golden apples and nine pavings"). Sometimes the feather, lost by the Firebird at the apple tree, opens up a world of amazing adventures, where the hero manages to get all the blessings of life: a horse, wealth, beauty, etc. (Russian fairy tale "Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf", German fairy tale "Golden Bird ").

Thus, the apple tree with golden fruits again acts as a tree of fate (the tree of life - in myths), on which well-being, love, the birth of people, life, and maybe punishment depend.

The image of the apple tree and its fruit as a fortuneteller is also interesting in fairy tales. "An apple is rolling on a saucer, pouring on a silver one, and on a saucer all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields ..." (Russian fairy tale "The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Pouring Apple"). This ability of the apple again reminds of its connection with both the tree of knowledge and the tree of life.

An apple can bring to the right place: "His wife gave him an apple and said:" Roll this apple and follow him, lead him to the right place ... " (Georgian fairy tale "Daughter of the Sun"); an apple can feed and cheer, as in the Ukrainian fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Red Maiden", it can become a magic talisman that revives the treasure (the Bulgarian fairy tale "Death to the Fates").

But an apple and an apple tree can also bring troubles: grief, illness, death (in myths it is the apple of discord, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil).

"Ivanushka plucked an apple, and at the same moment horns grew on his head ..." (Russian fairy tale "The Punished Princess"). "The boy took out an apple, gave it to him (the boy), he bit it and died right there ..." (Georgian fairy tale "The Earth will take its toll").

Thus, if we try to generalize the meanings that the apple tree and apples carry in fairy tales, then two main ones can be distinguished:

Life and youth;

A temptation that carries danger.

We have highlighted these meanings in myths as well.

4. The image of the apple and the apple tree in literature

The image of the apple tree and the apple is also reflected in literary tales, as its roots are in folklore and mythology.

For example, in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes":

And to the princess liquid,

Young, golden

The apple is flying straight ...

Full of ripe juice

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy golden

As if it was overflowing with honey!

You can see through the seeds ...

How juicy and appetizing the insidious apple is described, which I so want to try, which the trusting princess did - and died. Why did our beloved poet choose the apple to carry out the evil designs of his stepmother? Of course, Pushkin knew that the apple is a philosophical image, a symbol of temptation. The apple in his tale is traditionally folklore, it is the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

The image of an apple is also found in art ("The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"):

... Sitting on an apple tree, Firebird

The narwhal got down to business

A dozen apples ...

The apple tree again here acts as a tree of fate, on which well-being and love depend.

You can see that the apple is one of the "heroes" of literature. In Russia, this is the most common fruit. That is why he often acts not only in the role of a "positive hero", bringing good, benefit, symbolizing well-being, health, but also a "negative" hero, bringing evil, troubles, grief, illness and death.

The apple is a symbol of perfection (due to its rounded shape), beauty, divine gift. This is the most popular, democratic and beloved fruit in the world, as well as unusually healing. Even Hippocrates prescribed apples against intestinal diseases, heart and kidney ailments. And in the manuscripts found in the Egyptian pyramids and tombs, their medicinal properties are praised.

All of the above shows that the popularity of the apple image in literature in Russia is not accidental.

5. Results of the survey of students

I conducted a survey among students of 5 "b", 5 "a" and 9 "b" classes of our school. Questions were asked, the answers to which allowed me to draw the following conclusion: the guys know quite well the fairy tales in which the image of the apple occurs.

Out of 66 respondents 63 answered "yes", and only 3 children answered "no".

To the second question "Do you know Russian folk tales, works of art in which rejuvenating apples are found?", 62 people answered "yes", 4 people answered "no".

To the third question "What function do rejuvenating apples perform in fairy tales?" the guys answered as follows: rejuvenating apples bring youth and health to people; an old man, having eaten a rejuvenating apple, immediately becomes younger by several years.

III... Conclusion

Having studied a small part of the history of the development of the apple image, we can conclude that this image is bright and ambiguous.

It is believed that an apple is a symbol of health, restoration of vitality and vigor. Therefore, on the basis of this useful property, all kinds of folk wisdom, beliefs, and proverbs arose.

This image is multifaceted, versatile, and each writer, poet understands it in his own way. This is good and evil. It's black and white. This image is eternal. And, perhaps, in the future, more than one generation of poets will use it in their works.

Thus, in most myths, fairy tales, the apple has such properties that were appreciated by people, therefore:

1) an apple is a symbol of eternal youth and immortality (rejuvenating properties);

2) an apple is the fruit of the tree of life, the tree of knowledge (affects the fate of heroes, a symbol of the beginning of life, a symbol of prosperity).

But it also happens like this:

1) an apple is a symbol of temptation, the fall;

2) an apple portends danger;

3) an apple is the fruit of the tree of fate.

The research carried out confirmed the hypothesis that the frequent occurrence of this image in myths, folk tales and even literary tales is not accidental. This symbol, rooted in the history of the people, is filled with the deepest philosophical and human meaning, it is a reflection of the worldview and culture of the people, their wisdom. It is no coincidence that the image of an apple is preserved in folk traditions and culture today.

A wonderful liquid apple from the distant kingdom, which is hidden not far and wide, but in our memory and soul, continues to give us life-giving juices, awakening imagination, curiosity ... Well, that's why it's rejuvenating, that's why it is the fruit of the tree of knowledge ...

Thus, if we try to generalize the meanings that the apple tree carries in the works of writers, and even earlier in fairy tales, then in the end two main ones will remain: life and youth.

IV.List of references

1. A scarlet flower. Fairy tales of Russian writers. - L .: Children's literature, 1989.

2. Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. - Barnaul: Day, 2002.

3. The Brothers Grimm. Fairy tales. - Tashkent: Yulduzcha, 1987.

4. From the life of words. - M .: Children's literature, 1973.

6. Kuhn and the myths of Ancient Greece. - Simferopol: Renome, 1999.

7. Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia. In 2 volumes - Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987.

8. Persian folk tales. - M .: Nauka, 1987.

9. Pushkin's works. T. 2. - M .: Pravda, 1963.

10. Russian folk tales. - M .: Assistance, 1994.

11. Russian folk tales in processing. - M .: Petrushka, 1993.

12. Svetlanov's legends. - M .: Children's literature, 1988.

13. Nightingale apples from the distant kingdom. Supplement to the journal "Literature Lessons at School", No. 5, 2001.

14. Fedosov dictionary of the Russian language. - Lipetsk: Yunves, 2004.

V... application

The results of the survey of students MBOU OOSh № 53.

1 question: "Do you know the expression" rejuvenating apples "?

Question 2: "Do you know Russian folk tales, works of art in which rejuvenating apples are found?"

3 question: "What function do rejuvenating apples perform in fairy tales?"

Apple symbolism in fairy tales


The apple in the culture of different nations has a different symbolic meaning. Ancient Greeks, Scandinavians, Iranians composed myths about this fruit. Also, the apple plays a huge role in the Bible. We learn a lot about the culture of different peoples, about their idea of \u200b\u200bthe world from fairy tales. Russian, French, Polish fairy tales did not ignore the apple.

The apple symbolism in fairy tales of different nations is the theme of our work.

This topic is relevant, because it allows you to study the relationship of cultures of different peoples, which is especially important in the modern world, in which the borders between countries and continents are blurred.

The study of fairy tales will show that different peoples have in common in the perception of the world, in relation to life.

This leads to the problem of research: what is the symbolism of the apple in the tales of different peoples?

Research objectives:

Explore Russian, Danish, Polish, German, Armenian folk tales

Compare fairy tales in terms of apple symbolism.

Hypothesis: the apple in the tales of different nations has a similar symbolic meaning.

Chapter I. Apple - a symbol of immortality and eternal youth

In different cultures, the apple is a symbol of immortality and eternal youth. This is evidenced by folk rituals. In ancient times, an apple was considered a symbol of fertility, health, love, beauty. An apple is an emblem of a marriage union, healthy offspring.

This meaning is also seen in fairy tales. Let's take a closer look at Russian fairy tales. For example, the tale "About rejuvenating apples and living water". Its plot is that in a certain kingdom there was a king, and he had three sons. If an old man eats this apple and drinks water of life, he will become younger. Then the king ordered his sons to go to this garden, get him an apple and pour water from the well. The first son went, but immediately fell into a trap and did not return. The second son went and did not return. Then the third son went. It was he who brought water and an apple to the king, and saved his brothers.

A similar meaning is observed in the tale "Healing Apple". Its plot is similar to the plot of the fairy tale "About rejuvenating apples and living water". To save the main character, he must be brought a magic apple. The first son cannot get an apple, the second too. And the third brings a magic healing apple to the king and saves him from death.

Chapter II. Apple - help to find a betrothed

Let's turn to the Chinese fairy tale "Gifts for a Beauty":

“By the very East Sea, in the Valley of Roses, near the city of Wonsan, there lived an intelligent and beautiful girl. Her name was An Ran Du. Three friends fell in love with her.

An Ran Du thought for a long time who to marry her. She went to an old sage who lived at the Black Dragon Pass. The sage gave her three gold coins and ordered them to be given to the young men. Let them buy gifts for her, and whose gift will be better, he will become her chosen one.

An Ran Du did just that, saying:

Buy wedding gifts. Whose is better, I will marry. All of you must return in a year.

All three of them went far - beyond the Great Wall of China, beyond the Mongolian deserts and steppes.

One bought a wonderful mirror. If you look in the mirror, at the same moment you will see who you want and find out what he is doing.

“I will always see An Ran Du, and then she will always see me, wherever I am,” the young man thought.

Another friend bought a magic camel. As soon as you sit on this camel, you will immediately find yourself where you wish. The young man decided that he did not need to look for the best gift - after all, if you just wish, you will immediately be near the beautiful An Ran Du.

And the third young man bought a magic apple. If you get sick, eat this apple and you will be healthy right away.

Suddenly An Ran Du will fall ill, he thought. "Then the gift will come in handy."

A year later, all the young men gathered in the appointed place, told each other about their gifts. They all missed the beauty very much and decided to look in the mirror to see her.

They looked and turned pale: An Ran Du was dying. All three of them sat on a camel and at the same moment found themselves at the house of An Ran Du. We entered the house and stood at her bedside. Tears flowed from An Ran Du's eyes when she saw the young men.

They brought gifts, but why do I need them now? - she said.

Then the third youth gave her an apple and asked her to eat it. An Ran Du ate the apple and recovered immediately. She asked everyone to tell about their gift. I listened to the stories and asked the young men:

Who should I marry? All of you helped me equally with your gifts. Decide for yourself.

The young men thought for three days and three nights. And so nothing was decided. After all, if there were no apple, how would they have saved the life of a loved one? But without a mirror, how would they know about An Ran Du's illness? And if not for a wonderful camel, how would they have done it in time?

Then An Ran Du decided for herself.

If I make the right choice, ”she said,“ the ancient bell, which was always rung when it was necessary to solve an important matter, will ring itself. You are true comrades and loyal friends, you proved it with your gifts, and only together you were able to save me. But I will marry the one who gave me the magic apple. When choosing gifts, you thought of yourself, and the owner of the wonderful apple thought only of me. Your gifts remained with you, but he lost his apple. And I have to marry him.

At the same moment, the ringing of an ancient bell was heard in the air. And the beautiful An Ran Du married a young man who gave her an apple. "

In this fairy tale, the apple not only possesses healing, saving power, but also gives loving hearts the joy of being together, leads them to a wedding. It helps the girl to understand who really loves her.

Yabloko helps the heroine of the Russian folk tale "Kroshechka-Khavroshechka" to find her fiancé.

Its plot is that the mistress of Kroshechka-Khavroshechka had three big daughters: the older one-eyed, the middle two-eyed and the younger treg-eyed. Tiny little havroshechka cleaned up every day, washed, and the sisters sat and looked. They killed a cow, and the little havroshechka buried its bones - and a beautiful, beautiful apple tree grew up in the garden. Large and juicy apples hung on it. Once a fellow drove by, he saw wonderful apples. He told them to get an apple, and the one that gets the apple he will make his wife. The sisters began to jump for apples. And the most ripe, the most beautiful upstairs were not available. The apple tree beat them with branches, tangled their hair, pricked their eyes. Little havroshechka came up to the apple tree, she bent her branches. Tiny-Khavroshechka picked an apple and gave it to the fellow. Kroshechka-Khavroshechka began to live with the young man and make good money.

Based on the text of the tale, we can safely say that the apple tree is a fair and kind tree. The tree prevented the callous and rude sisters from getting the apples, and the kind and hardworking Kroshechka - Khavroshechka helped, tilted the branches.

In good hands, an apple acquires magical power. For example, in the fairy tale "The Silver Saucer and the Pouring Apple" the youngest daughter Mashenka, the "silent shy", the worker, the kind girl, can see different wonderful pictures with the help of an apple and magic words:

“Mashenka sat down in the corner of the room, rolled a pouring apple on a silver saucer, sings and says:

Roll, roll, pouring apple, on a silver saucer, show me both cities and fields, show me forests and seas, show me mountains, the height and beauty of heaven, all dear Mother Russia.

Suddenly there was a silver ringing. The whole room was flooded with light: an apple rolled on a saucer, pouring on a silver one, and on a saucer all the cities are visible, all the meadows are visible, and the shelves in the fields, and the ships on the seas, and the height of the mountains, and the beauty of heaven: the sun is clearly rolling after the bright month, the stars gather in a round dance, the swans sing songs in the backwaters. "

The envious sisters killed Mashenka in order to take the magic apple and silver saucer from her. But in vain. In their evil hands, the liquid apple has lost its magic power: “The father says to them:

Roll the apple on a saucer, maybe the apple will show where our Mashenka is.

Sisters died, but we must obey. We rolled the apple on a saucer - the saucer does not play, the apple does not roll, neither forests, nor fields, nor mountains of height, nor the heavens of beauty are visible on the saucer. "

But in fairy tales, good often wins, Mashenka came to life thanks to the living water from the royal well.

And so the tsar admires the miracles: “The apple is rolling on a saucer, pouring on a silver one, and on a saucer the whole sky is flaunting; the sun is clearly rolling behind the bright month, the stars are gathering in a round dance, the swans are singing songs in the cloud.

The king is surprised at miracles, and the beauty bursts into tears, says to the king:

Take my pouring apple, a silver saucer, only have mercy on my sisters, do not ruin them for me.

The king raised her and said:

Your saucer is silver, but your heart is gold. Do you want to be my dear wife, a good queen of the kingdom? And for your sisters' sake, I will have mercy.

They arranged a feast for the whole world: they played in such a way that the stars fell from the sky; they danced so hard that the floors were broken. That's the whole story ... "

Thus, one of the main meanings of an apple in folklore is immortality and eternal youth. The apple gives people health, restores strength, makes the old young, helps the girl find her betrothed.

Chapter III. Apple - a symbol of death

An apple does not always bring goodness, youth, health, it does not always give life. In a number of tales, the apple appears in the opposite symbolic meaning: it is the fruit that brings death.

So, in the famous fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", it is the apple that causes the main character's mortal sleep.

Snow White's mother dies. Soon, her father-king will marry a callous, heartless woman.

The magic mirror, which told her stepmother that she was the most beautiful, said that Snow White was the loveliest and sweetest of all. Stepmother doesn't like this and wants to get rid of Snow White. The queen “made a poisonous, venomous apple. The apple looked wonderful, full-bodied, with ruddy barrels, so everyone, looking at it, wanted to taste it, but just take a bite and you will die. " Disguised as a peasant woman, she takes the poisoned apple and heads for Snow White. “Snow White really wanted to taste this wonderful apple, and when she saw that the peasant woman was eating her half, she could not refrain from this desire, reached out her hand from the window and took the poisoned half of the apple. But as soon as she bit off a piece of it, she fell dead on the floor. "

The prince, in love with Snow White, begs the dwarves to give him the coffin with her body. The good dwarfs took pity and gave him Snow White's coffin.

“The prince ordered his servants to carry the coffin on their shoulders. They carried him and stumbled over a twig, and from this concussion the piece of the poisoned apple that she had bitten jumped out of Snow White's throat.

As a piece of apple jumped out, she opened her eyes, lifted the lid of the coffin and herself rose in it, alive and well. "

We see a similar development of events in A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs".

The princess, taking an apple from a blueberry,

The door quietly locked

I sat down under the window behind the yarn

Wait for the owners, and looked

Full of ripe juice

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy golden

As if it was overflowing with honey!

The seeds are visible through and through ...

She wanted to wait

Until lunchtime, I could not stand it,

I took the apple in my hands,

I brought it to the scarlet lips,

Bit by bit

And she swallowed a piece ...

Suddenly she, my soul,

I staggered without breathing

She lowered her hands,

I dropped the rosy fruit,

Eyes rolled

And she is under the image

I fell head on the bench

And she became quiet, motionless ...

The plot of this work is inspired by the tales of his nanny Arina Rodionovna.

The apple brings death in the gypsy fairy tale "Magic Apples". Its plot is as follows: “one gypsy camp borrowed money from a sorcerer, and when the time came to give it back, it turned out that there was nothing, there were many children, but no husband. Then one day an old hunchbacked woman brought a basket of apples, and said that no one should eat these apples. But the children of the gypsy ran up all at once and grabbed them. And as soon as they took a bite, they immediately disappeared. And no matter how long she didn’t look for them, from that time she didn’t see her children anymore. ”

Consequently, in a number of fairy tales, the apple is a symbol of death. A hero who eats an apple received from an evil person (an old woman, a witch) either dies or disappears. Why is it the old woman who presents the heroes with such a terrible "gift"? This is due to the fact that the old man is closer to the threshold of life, and the old woman often appears in the form of a witch, a witch (remember, for example, Babu Yaga).

This means that, according to popular beliefs, an old man stands on the border between the world of the dead and the world of the living. Therefore, he can either save or destroy. Very often the heroes are helped by an apple, which carries either life or death. Baba Yaga in a fairy tale gives Ivan Tsarevich an apple that will show the way to his goal. And in another, having treated him to an apple, he mercilessly kills.

In the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", a boy kidnapped by Baba Yaga, sitting at the window in her hut, plays with silver apples.

What is the meaning of this scene? Suppose that in this case the fake, inanimate, dead apples indicate that the hero is destined to die soon. After all, while the boy is busy playing, Baba Yaga drowns the bathhouse in order to kill the boy and his sister: “Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you off, put you in the oven, fry and eat you, she will roll on your bones, ”says the kind mouse.

But in the same tale, the apple tree acts as the savior of children. It is she who closes them with her branches from the swan-geese, because the girl and the boy tasted her apples: “The girl and her brother ran again. And the geese - the swans came back to meet, just about to see. What to do? Trouble! There is an apple tree ...

Apple tree, mother, hide me!

Eat my forest apple. The girl ate it quickly and said thank you. The apple tree covered it with branches, covered it with leaves ”.

It follows from this that the apple brings both death and life.

apple fairy tale culture symbol


Studying various fairy tales, we tried to find in each some kind of symbol in which the apple appears. We studied many fairy tales of different peoples, as well as the works of famous writers such as: A.S. Pushkin, brothers Grimm. Through detailed reading of these books and analysis of episodes, we have derived several basic symbols "the symbol of immortality and eternal youth" and "the symbol of death." In both those and other fairy tales, we saw characters similar in description, who acted in different ways, changing the purpose of the apple in fairy tales.

Internet sources

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