The meaning of the saying is, pick up a berry, pick up a box. Study of the level of formation of moral feelings in older preschoolers

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They said only very briefly about the proverbs “Gather a berry and pick up a box”, “If you don't bend to the ground - the fungus won't get into the box” - they said only very briefly that you need to be hardworking and be able to work. The children did not compose the essence of the stories, but revealed only the meaning of the proverbs. They did not come up with any actions and deeds of children or people in labor to substantiate these proverbs, they did not say anything about the importance of labor in people's lives.

At the third stage of the ascertaining experiment, we conducted a survey of parents in order to determine the importance for parents of the formation of moral feelings in children.

The parents' survey included the following questions:

Are you happy about your child's help?

Does he help you in everyday life, in the country, in common affairs?

Are your loved ones or neighbors happy about your child's help?

What feelings does being able to help people develop?

Does your child have friends in the yard, among the children of your acquaintances?

Do children care for each other? And your child personally?

How long have you read fairy tales and stories about kindness, friendship, sensitivity to your child?

Do you remember the proverbs and sayings about kindness, modesty, sensitivity, friendship, love?

What elements of folk wisdom are embedded in them, and what feelings arise in this case?

How often do you go out into nature with your child, go to the library and hobby groups?

Do you tell your child about the city, region, country, and the world around you?

What impressions does the child have from walks by the sea, in the forest, from trips to other cities?

Do you dedicate your child to what holidays we have in our homeland?

Do you allow your child to keep animals or birds at home?

What, in your opinion, moral feelings develop in contact with peers-friends in games, in hobbies?

What feelings do you develop when caring for pets?

How important is working together with your child for you?

And what moral feelings does frequent communication of a child with a book generate? What books would you like to read with your child?

Does the child already have the urge to visit the library?

Analyzing the answers, we determined that parents almost never ask their children to help them, that children do not have permanent responsibilities at home, few take care of animals, only a few people keep rare birds and purebred dogs. Due to the heavy workload, parents have no time to visit corners of nature, a library, museums with their child; some parents do not even know if the child has strong friends to whom he aspires. Most parents, of course, take great care of their children, buying them books, toys, but few try to determine in advance the moral benefits of what they read. They rarely tell children about their hometown, country, holidays, explaining this by the lack of time. And although some parents have already taken care of the hobbies of their son or daughter, others said: "He himself will choose a hobby when he grows up." A sufficient number of parents have not yet thought about the moral feelings of their children, believing that their child is familiar with the general rules of behavior, and the rest will be done in the process of upbringing in kindergarten. Some parents said, "that their child is already very kind and helpful, and this is often not worth doing."

From the answers it is clear that in this regard, children do not seek to help their parents in their work, they know little about fiction, which describes the upbringing of moral feelings, about possible hobbies, about the city, homeland, have few friends, do not show special care and sensitivity to pets do not often try to help other children and people.

More than half of parents do not know what moral feelings and how they should be formed by the older preschool age. Not all parents realize that for the formation of such feelings as kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity, mutual assistance, hard work, empathy, compassion, friendliness, love for the homeland, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions in the family.

We singled out indicators of the level of formation of moral feelings of preschoolers, which, in our study, are criteria for assessing the formation of moral feelings of older preschoolers:

Indicators of the child's moral behavior:

shows kindness and sensitivity to children and people,

does he care about comrades, about younger children,

does it help adults

rejoices in the successes of friends,

does he show concern for the older generation,

does he value the trust of others,

is it polite to the people around you,

shows pity, compassion for animals,

does not he boast of his skills and successes,

can agree on joint activities, mutual assistance,

Collecting berries, like other gifts of the forest, since ancient times has been a task for those members of the tribe who could not cope with more laborious work. If the men were busy hunting and building shelters from the weather, the women - the keepers of the hearth, could not only butcher the mammoth, but also sew clothes and bring firewood for this very hearth, the children went for the easiest prey. Of course, it is so difficult to name the berries that they were looking for in a dense thicket, however, this vegetation is not biting, it does not run away from a person, and it is easy to bring it to dwellings.

Everyone knows that children are curious and restless people. It has always been difficult for them to concentrate on finding berries. In addition, the search for edible gifts of nature is a tricky science and without special knowledge it is not easy to find edible food and not get poisoned in the forest. The children were taught by old men. They revealed the secrets of berry fields, taught survival, and also gave moral instructions so that young people would work for the good of the tribe, and not have fun while walking.

Such a quiet hunt aroused respect among the tribesmen. The gatherers were considered guests of the forest. The people have preserved sayings and jokes, which say that a person bows to every berry and every mushroom. He expresses his gratitude to nature.

Over the centuries, interest in berries has not disappeared, but the veneration of forests, enshrined in the transfer of their ownership to landowners, has greatly changed its shape. One of the main tasks that they began to solve when sending young people for berries was fighting the bad habit of eating berries on the spot... The hay girls suffering from vitamin deficiency did not want to bring baskets of berries to the ladies and preferred to gorge themselves on this delicacy for the future. The problem was solved gracefully: while picking berries, the girls had to sing songs - and they delight the ear, and they will not get lost in the forest, and they will not be able to devour berries by both cheeks.

The meaning of phraseological units

As mentioned above, learning to pick berries was an important and challenging process. It was only after the child succeeded in this socially important work that it began to master new crafts. This phraseological unit sounds like the first recommendation of an older member of the tribe to his very young relative. Mentors often suggest building on past experience. This is exactly how, proposing to use the skills obtained during the collection of berries, and they created this well-established phrase.

This phraseological unit means that to achieve a positive result, you need to show patience... Any business must be done carefully, paying attention to the little things that will make up the final product. Do not miss the opportunity to improve the result, make additional amendments, and rush.

A phraseological unit is used if it is required:

  • give instruction to a person who is not inclined to work long and carefully. He is asked to show deliberation and achieve a tangible result of efforts.
  • to cheer up someone who is working on a large project. He is told that his efforts will not be in vain, and over time he will be able to achieve his goal.

They try not to compare money with the berries mentioned in the phraseological unit. You need to have a certain cynicism to draw an analogy between the labor of the gatherers, who provide the entire tribe with food, and a specific hoarder. Our people are not like that.

November 3rd 2008 at

Vanya had a grandmother - kind, friendly. She talked to the kids cheerfully, she would console and make everyone laugh. She talked to the old people judiciously. A friendly smile was always on her face. The old people said: "At least what a misfortune, but this old woman will think okay, she will say quietly." One old man once said to Vanya:
- Your grandmother is made of songs, made of proverbs.
- My grandmother knows how to draw, - said Vanya.
- This is a special case. Your grandmother has the title of "master of painting". She knows how to do plastering and painting, and knows all kinds of paint, and understands wood species. In the club, the artists consulted with her on what paint to use to make it durable and beautiful.
Once Vanya tried to find out:
- Grandma, what did you talk about with Mitya the parquet flooring engineer? You nodded your head and said: “It’s true, work loves not a good fellow, but a non-polite one”. You also said: "The eyes are afraid, the hands are doing." What did Mitya tell you about?
- Mitya talked about his work. Really curious.
Mitya is an artist. But he does not work with paint, not with brushes. He decorates boxes, tables, cabinets with a wooden pattern.
Mitya has thin planks made of wood of various species at hand. There is mahogany, black oak, cinnamon wood. Each tree has its own color.
These boards were sawn into squares, checkers, circles. And Mitya glue the pattern on a box or cabinet with these checkers. He sits these wooden leaves together with glue.
Sometimes the pattern is simple: the stripes go from top to bottom, but Mitya came out beautifully and elegantly. The path is black, brown, then the path is black, then red, white.
These tracks are repeated in the same order. Thanks to the transparency of the colored wood, any item appears richly decorated.
Recently, the master instructed Mitya to glue the tabletop - the top board of the table - and said:
- This is an order from the academy. The deadline is two weeks.
Mitya set to work eagerly. I thought about the drawing and one day I finished the upper corner and I myself was delighted with my work.
For a whole week Mitya was glad that he was entrusted with such an important job. Wakes up early in the morning and lies in bed until noon. In his imagination he sees the work finished, admires it, throws up his hands with joy: dressing, dancing and singing. He would sit down at the table for a minute, pick up the necessary boards, but joy washes him away. He runs into the street, meets friends: - Think, guys, professors and academicians will admire my art.
In the evening he will run to the cinema.
For a week, the work has not moved a half-dollar. On Saturday evening Mitya was suddenly tired of having fun. He took off the newspaper, which covered the board, and was embarrassed and frightened. The finely crafted pattern stood alone like a flower against the bare ground.
Mitya threw up his palms:
- What have I done! The deadline is one week. I won't have time for anything ...
An hour later the master, passing by the courtyard, saw Mitya sitting on the porch.
- Mitka, are you crying?
“Master, I betrayed your trust.
- Go show me your work.
We went into Mitya's room. Looking at the countertop, the master said:
- What you have done has been done excellently and beautifully.
- Master, dear, what areas do I need to grab every day in order to meet the deadline? The work will be a mess, but I'm used to it beautifully and thoroughly.
- Listen to me, Mitya. I am your boss and I give you a work rate: every day, glue and finish on the board as much as your palm will cover. No less, no more. And the work will move forward, and you will carry out the finishing slowly, according to your taste.
Mitya diligently, like a student, began to carry out the lesson given by the master.
At first, Mitya did not believe that with such a small rate he would have time to finish the job on time. Fit the plates to one another carefully - the mosquito of the nose will not undermine. But he will glance over how much empty space remains, and he will be frightened. However, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.
And Mitya's hands were golden.
The palm quietly moved along the board, and following the movement of the artist's hand, the board turned into a blooming garden.
Mitya finished work a day ahead of schedule. He smoothed it with an iron and turned it out with a wolf's tooth [When polishing wood, sometimes they used wolf's or bear's teeth, which, without scratching the wood, helped to grind it out (polish) it.].
The master admired the work for a long time, then silently hugged Mitya ...
The grandmother finished her story with the words: “Pick one berry - you’ll pick up a box”.

  • Choose from the story all the proverbs and explain their meaning. How do they help to understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work? Do you agree that Shergin wanted to express his love for folk culture?

Work loves not a young man, but an unmoved one... If a person is hardworking, then his work will develop well.
The eyes are afraid, the hands are doing... It is said when you have to get down to work that has no end in sight.
The mosquito of the nose will not erase... There is nothing to complain about.
Pick up a berry - pick up a box... By doing a little, you get all the work done.

  • Talk to a friend about the phrase "Nose mosquitoes". Explain its meaning. Record your conversation.

How do you understand the expression "a mosquito will not grind your nose"?
- R the work is so perfect that not the slightest flaw can be found in it.

Choose a synonym for a proverb.
- Flawless, perfect, flawless, exemplary, perfect, invulnerable.

You know where that expression came from?
- In the old days, one of the most respected professions was the profession of a joiner and carpenter. At that time in Russia and buildings were made of wood, and furniture, and part of the instrument. In general, wood products were everywhere. And the most skillful craftsmen were considered those who could fit the parts to each other so that there was no gap, no gap.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №1

st.Kushchevskaya Krasnodar Territory


according to GEF

Thing: literary reading

according to the program "School of Russia" class: 3


Working with proverbs and phraseological units. "

february 2014

Topic: "The work of BI Shergin" Pick a berry - pick up a box ".

Working with proverbs and phraseological units ”.

Purpose: to get acquainted with the new section, the biography of B.V. Shergin and his work"Pick one berry - pick a box"

Planned results:

Personal UUD: to form educational motivation, focusing on moral norms.

Regulatory UUD: develop the ability to highlight a learning goal, plan tasks, monitor and evaluate your results.

Communicative UUD:develop an experience of interacting with peers.

Planned results: students will get acquainted with the biography of the author BV Shergin; with his work "Gather a berry - you will pick up a box"; learn to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, state and argue their point of view; evaluate yourself and your comrades.

Equipment: presentation "BVShergin"; berries for reflection, test cards, cards with the names of proverbs and phraseological units.

During the classes:

Slide captions:

Topic: “Acquaintance with the section. BV Shergin "Pick a berry - pick up a box"

Vocabulary work The Academy is a higher institution. I licked it out with a wolf's tooth - rubbed it to a shine. The parquet flooring is a master who makes patterns from the planks.

Rules for working in a group 1. Listen to your friend to the end. 2. Talk only to the point. 3. Remember: the result of the whole group depends on your work. 4. Work together. 5. Elect a secretary and a presenter for the group. 6. Good mood - success at work.

Painting work

Painting work

Restore the chain of events in the story: "And one day I finished the upper corner" "For a week, the work has not advanced a half-dollar." The grandmother finished her story with the words: “Pick one berry - you’ll pick up a box”. Recently, the master instructed Mitya to glue the tabletop. " "Every day, glue and trim on the board as much as your palm will cover."

(then you will reap) (do not catch a fish from the pond) (walk boldly) (you will not catch a single one) (love and carry sledges) (will fly out - you will not catch) What will you sow ... Without difficulty ... Did the job ... You will chase two birds with one stone ... to ride ... The word is not a sparrow ... The game "Kuzovok" Continue proverbs:

Finish the sentences Today in the lesson I got acquainted with ... I found it interesting ... I was surprised ...


P / p No.


Student response

Correct answer

Grandma's grandson's name is Ivan.

The work "Gather a berry - pick up a box" was written by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin.

The master instructed Mitya to glue the tabletop.

The master admired the work for a long time, then silently hugged Mitya ...

The grandmother finished the story with the words "Business is time - fun is an hour."

Test "Do you agree with ..."

Put in front of the statement "+", or "-".