Installation of plumbing in a private house. Do-it-yourself water supply for a private house: rules for arrangement and the best schemes

Water supply at home is an objective condition for the normal living of its inhabitants. SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Consumer water consumption rate" regulates water consumption in the range from 80 to 230 liters. per day per person. Consumption depends on the availability of centralized water supply, sewerage, a bath or shower, the presence of a column for heating water and other factors.

In multi-storey and communal buildings, this issue is resolved by connecting to the central water supply system. For a private country house or cottage, you have to provide water supply yourself.

Of course, once you can bring water from an external source in the amount of needs, it will not be difficult. But how to provide a family with water for a long time?

This article will help to solve this problem, in which the types of water supply, schemes, systems and methods for their construction are structured in detail. It also indicates the nuances of doing the main types of work with your own hands.

Types and methods of water supply of a private house

From the standpoint of the dependence of the source of water supply on external factors, two fundamentally different types of water delivery to the user can be distinguished:

Centralized water supply at home

In fact, the same autonomous, but within the region. In this case, the user does not need to take care of arranging the source of water supply. It is enough to connect (crash) to the central water main.

Connecting the house to the central water supply

All actions are reduced to the phased implementation of a number of requirements, including:

  • appeal to the regional municipal organization MPUVKH KP "Vodokanal" (Municipal enterprise "Department of water supply and sewerage"), which controls the central highway;
  • obtaining the technical characteristics of the tie-in. The document contains data on the place where the user's pipe system is connected to the main and its depth. In addition, the diameter of the main pipes is indicated there and, accordingly, instructions for choosing home piping. It also indicates the water pressure indicator (guaranteed water pressure);
  • get an estimate for connection, which is developed by a utility or contractor;
  • control the execution of work. Which are also commonly performed by UPKH;
  • perform a system test.

Advantages of central water supply: convenience, simplicity.

Disadvantages: fluctuations in water pressure, questionable quality of incoming water, dependence on central supplies, high cost of water.

Autonomous water supply at home

It is possible to independently provide water supply to a summer house, private or country house using autonomous water supply. In fact, this is an integrated approach, which includes activities for the installation of a water supply system, starting with providing a source of water supply, ending with its discharge into the sewer.

An autonomous water supply system can be represented as two component subsystems:

  • water delivery: imported, groundwater, from an open source;
  • supply to consumption points: gravity, using a pump, with the arrangement of a pumping station.

Therefore, in a generalized form, two water supply schemes can be distinguished: gravity (storage tank with water) and automatic water supply.

Using the container (water tank)

The essence of the autonomous water supply scheme at home is that water is supplied to the tank using a pump or filled manually.

Water flows to the user by gravity. After all the water from the tank has been used, it is refilled to the maximum possible level.

Its simplicity speaks in favor of this method, it is suitable if water is required from time to time. For example, in a dacha that is not often visited or in a utility room.

Such a water supply scheme, despite its simplicity and cheapness, is too primitive, inconvenient and, moreover, creates significant weight on the interfloor (attic) floor. As a result, the system has not found wide distribution, it is more suitable as a temporary option.

Using the automatic water supply system

This diagram demonstrates the operation of a completely autonomous water supply system for a private house. Water is supplied to the system and to the user using a system of components.

It is about her that we will talk in more detail.

You can implement a completely autonomous water supply of a private house on your own by implementing one of the schemes. There are several device options to choose from:

1. Water from open sources

These can be surface sources: ponds, rivers, lakes. In some cases, such sources may be water purification systems. But, in our country they are not yet common.

Important! Water from most open sources is not suitable for drinking. It can only be used for irrigation or other technical needs.

Obtaining water from an open source requires the creation of sanitary protection of water intake points and is regulated by the provisions of SanPiN "Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water pipes for domestic and drinking purposes."

2. Water from underground sources: basins and aquifers

This water is, in most cases, suitable for consumption.

How to conduct water in a private house with your own hands

A step-by-step guide to choosing and installing water supply in a country cottage or in a country house from A to Z

The house water supply scheme consists of the following elements:

  1. water source;
  2. pipe system;
  3. pump, hydraulic accumulator, automation relay;
  4. filters;
  5. fittings, valves, non-return valves and plumbing fixtures;
  6. water heating equipment (for hot water supply);
  7. sewerage.

Element 1. Water source

Starting to provide autonomous water supply, it is necessary to determine the source of water supply and equip it.

Among the subspecies of autonomous water supply with an underground source of water supply, there are:

1.1 ordinary well;

1.2 Abyssinian well;

1.3 well "on sand";

1.4 artesian well.

The final choice will depend on the type and characteristics of the soil, the depth of the water, and the productivity of the water vein.

1.1 Ordinary well

A traditional well is preferred when the water vein is at a depth of 4-15 m. These are the so-called interlayer water sources. In addition to the depth of occurrence, it is important to determine the performance of the core. The incoming water should be sufficient to meet the needs of the family and/or household. Through the well, it is possible to ensure the flow of water at the level of 500 liters / day.

The undoubted advantages of the well are:

  • independence from electricity supplies. So in the event of a power outage, water can be taken with a bucket;
  • long service life (up to 50 years), which is proven in practice;
  • low cost of work;
  • the simplicity of the device.

It should be noted that in view of the shallow depth of water intake, it may be of low quality. This is due to the likelihood of groundwater entering the well. Also, the well is characterized by drops in water level.

Important! When equipping a well, you need to properly position it in terms of distance from ground buildings. It should not be located close to buildings, the optimal distance is 5 m (it will prevent erosion of the foundation of the building). At the same time, the distance to direct sources of pollution (gutter, toilet, other sources) should be at least 50 m.

To dig a well, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • take a water sample;

Important! Before you arrange a well on your site, try the water from your neighbors, or even better, hand it over for analysis. It may happen that the water will be unusable and all efforts will be in vain.

  • obtain a conclusion on the quality of the soil and the depth of the aquifer. In practice, wells are often dug "by eye";
  • determine where to dig the well. To do this, you can attract specialists, use special devices - indicator frames. And you can watch the dew for several months. The largest accumulation of dew in a certain place indicates the proximity of water;
  • choose building material for finishing the walls of the well (mine). The most commonly used materials for this purpose are:

Reinforced concrete rings, which are made in factories or cast independently. Their diameter is 1-1.5 m.p., and the estimated service life is up to 50 years. The obvious advantage of using rings is the possibility of deepening up to 20 m, high speed and greater safety of work. In addition, rings are installed as work progresses;

Small-piece materials: brick, rubble stone. This material is suitable only for wells with a depth of no more than 3-4 m. Its use significantly increases the complexity of the work;

Processed logs. For finishing the shaft, wells are suitable for logs made of wood that is resistant to staying in conditions of high humidity. These include oak, larch, pine. The diameter of the logs must be at least 120 mm.

  • dig a well shaft. To reduce the cost of work, this is usually done manually. You can determine the size of the mine in this way: measure the diameter of the concrete circles, measure their thickness and add 10-15 cm to the backfill. Then, with a circle diameter of 1 m and a thickness of 10 cm, the shaft diameter will be 1.4 m. If you plan to use another material, for example, brick, then it is enough to indicate the desired well diameter and add two material thicknesses to it;
  • finish the well - internal and external.

1.2 Abyssinian well

Water supply of a country house from an Abyssinian well or well-needle is the easiest way to get water at minimal cost. To do this, just follow a series of actions:

  • check the water
  • choose a place under the well;
  • hammer a well-needle;
  • install a check valve and a pump (manual or automatic).

The reason for the increased popularity of wells is the purity of the incoming water, tightness, ease of drilling, the ability to connect a pump, and a long service life (up to 30 years), a significant amount of incoming water - more than 1000 l / day. Among the disadvantages are the shallow depth of clogging and dependence on the composition of the soil.

1.3 Well "on the sand"

In this case, water also comes from interstratal sources. A sandy well makes it possible to obtain cleaner water, since the aquifers are located after the loam that filters the water.

Thus, a well is used if the depth of the aquifer reaches 40 m.

The well has a shorter service life (up to 10 years) and allows you to get up to 50 cubic meters. water per day. The well is distinguished by ease of drilling, less excavation.

A detailed description of how to make a well with graphic visualization is presented in the video

1.4 Artesian well

Allows you to use water from considerable depths. The depth of the well reaches 150 m, which makes it possible to obtain high quality water. The unlimited supply of water is also an argument in favor of an artesian well. At the same time, the service life of the well increases compared to the previous option up to 50 years.

The method of drilling an artesian well is identical to the previous one. The only difference is that the mechanical drilling method is used: auger, rotary, core or shock-rope. The design of the well is shown in the diagram.

Important! According to the law, artesian water is a strategic reserve of the state. Therefore, there is a need to register an artesian well.

Element 2. Pipes for water supply

Water supply cannot be organized without the installation of an extensive pipe system, both external and internal, and a water tank.

For wiring, galvanized, polyethylene, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes are used.

Important! Using plastic pipes will prevent rust and leakage. They are also more convenient to give the desired shape. Estimated service life of a polypropylene pipe is 50 years.

External pipes are laid in the ground.

Important! The depth of pipe laying depends on the level of soil freezing (indicated in SNiPs, for central Russia, the depth is about 1.5 m.). Pipes are located below this value. In this case, the system is not threatened by freezing and, as a result, deformation.

Advice. To prevent stagnation of water in the pipe, it must be laid at an angle to the house.

Next, one end of the pipe is inserted into the house (for this, a hole is left in the foundation into which a steel pipe is placed. It will prevent the water supply pipe from deforming if the house shrinks). The second one is lowered into the well.

Element 3. Pump or pumping station for water supply

The pump can be installed in the house (basement or utility room)

And it can be installed in a caisson or pit (directly above the well). The diagram shows the installation of a submersible pump and a surface pump in the caisson.

To get a caisson, you need to dig a hole 2-3 m deep. Lay a sand-gravel cushion on the bottom and fill it with concrete. It is convenient to lay out the walls with bricks. A pump is installed in the caisson, and the contour of the caisson is poured with concrete (a layer of about 0.4 m).

There are two types of pumps:

Submersible pumps. They are immersed in water (a well, a well) and raise water. For convenience, these pumps are equipped with automation, which allows you to pump water from home.

surface pumps. They are pumping stations equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and a relay.

The hydraulic accumulator performs the functions of a water tower.

Relay - regulates the pressure of the pumping station.

The principle of operation of the surface pump

The principle of operation is as follows: the pump supplies water to the accumulator, which accumulates it. After the water is turned on in the house, the pressure in the system decreases. After reaching a critical level of 2.2 bar, the relay turns on, which in turn turns on the pump. The pump supplies water to the accumulator until the pressure is restored at around 3 bar. After that, the relay turns off the pump.

You can choose a pump based on the following data:

  • depth of water (bottom of a well or well);
  • the height of the water in the source shaft;
  • height of the draw point;
  • the volume of water consumed (m.cube).

The water intake pipe of the pump is lowered into the source. To avoid clogging of the pipe, filters are installed on its edge.

Important! The pipe is installed at a distance of 20-40 cm from the bottom (gravel pad). The distance is determined by the height of the water at the source.

Advice. So that the pipe in a traditional well does not move, it must be fixed to a special pin located at the bottom.

Element 4. Filters for the water supply system

Cleaning the water entering the pipe system is an important aspect of the water supply at home. Two types of filters are used for cleaning:

The first is installed on the edge of the pipe placed in the well. It purifies water from mechanical impurities;

The second is directly in the house and can be a complex multi-stage filter system. The scheme of water purification in the figure.

Element 5. Fittings, valves and plumbing

These are the elements that are necessary for hermetically connecting pipes to each other and to other devices.

Important! To prevent rupture of the system and water leakage, try to use only high-quality shut-off valves.

Plumbing fixtures include: taps, drain tanks, water locks (siphons). Don't skimp on their quality either.

Element 6. Water heating equipment

They will be needed if there is a need for hot water supply, i.e. almost always.

Important! To equip hot water supply, it is necessary to provide for a separate outlet to the heater.

In this case, there are several options for choosing heating equipment:

  • double boiler. It will simultaneously heat water for heating and domestic needs;
  • single boiler. Designed exclusively for heating water for the needs of users. A boiler is required for such a boiler. In this case, the boiler can be accumulative or flowing. In the first case, it becomes possible to heat a large volume of water;
  • electric storage water heater, which allows to satisfy the need for hot water of a significant number of users;
  • several instantaneous water heaters. They will heat water for each consumer separately. Such a system allows more rational use of electricity for heating water.

Element 7. Sewerage

After the place for draining the used water is determined, the process of arranging the water supply can be considered complete.

Water drainage is a mandatory component and the more water is consumed, the more it needs to be diverted. So you need to approach this stage responsibly. There are also two options here:

  • crash into the central sewer;
  • equip your own autonomous sewer. A septic tank or septic tank is designed to collect water. Concrete and plastic septic tanks are shown in the photo. And their volume and quantity (total volume) depends on the amount of water consumed.

The video substantiates the rules for the construction of a septic tank for a country house.

The process of water supply from design to construction is shown in the video


As you can see, there are different water supply schemes for a private house, from simple to complex, respectively, some will cost less, while others will cost more. Also, the cost of water supply is affected by the structural solidity, i.e. you will need a water supply device that works periodically (temporarily) or year-round - in winter and summer. In any case, the implementation of each system is possible with your own hands, but requires knowledge and skills.

Modern suburban and suburban areas are unthinkable without amenities. Electricity, sewerage and running water are now available in almost every one of them. Most of the construction work on laying networks can be done independently. For example, to provide water, a do-it-yourself water supply scheme in a private house will help.

Making a scheme

The water supply in a private house can be conditionally divided into two parts: an external main and internal wiring to consumption points. Water can be supplied from several sources:

  • well;
  • well;
  • operating main water supply.

Inside the house, water supply to such objects should be provided:

  • kitchen sinks;
  • toilet bowls;
  • baths;
  • wash basins;
  • shower cabins;
  • bath rooms;
  • conclusions for watering the garden or garden.

The water supply scheme of a private house should take into account all the nuances of the location and place of water intake, as well as the location of the pipes entering the premises and tracing inside to consumption points.

Depending on the number of consumers and their location, internal wiring can be carried out in two ways:

  • sequential;
  • collector.

With a serial scheme, consumers are connected to the network through tees mounted on a single main pipe. This option is suitable for small houses with a minimum number of subscribers. It turns out economically and simply, but the pressure in a remote area and on the upper floors, with the simultaneous use of several cranes, is noticeably reduced.

Plumbing in a private house with a large number of points of consumption or with their location on the second floor, it is desirable to equip the second option. The collector circuit involves the connection of the so-called "combs" - collectors. In this case, each subscriber is powered from his output personally. In this case, the pressure is the same everywhere, but, of course, the cost of the water supply system will be higher, since a separate outlet to each consumer is required.

It is advisable to mount two collectors in the water supply system: separately for distributing hot and cold water.

Inside the new house or in its basement, it will be necessary to allocate and equip a separate room or place in which it will be necessary to install a water management system. It includes:

  • node of input of an external highway;
  • pumping station;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • collectors;
  • shutoff valves - taps;
  • boiler.
Tip: "It is convenient to install a water distribution system in the boiler room if there is enough free space."

After the scheme for laying the water supply network is finally thought out and executed in the form of a drawing on paper, and this is very useful in further work, we proceed to the installation of mounting holes.

In a wooden house, an electric drill with the required diameter of a drill or crown will help with this, and in a stone house, a hammer drill. Particular attention should be paid to laying the main pipe. In the place of its passage from the street into the room, a piece of a metal pipe should be laid - a kind of coupling through which water should be laid. Subsequently, the gap between them is sealed with mounting foam. The same metal glasses are also laid when making holes in the interroom and interfloor passages.

Do-it-yourself plumbing installation

After the water distribution scheme in a private house has been drawn up and all the nuances have been taken into account, it's time to start planning the purchase of the necessary materials and equipment. We will need two sets: for an external connection device and for distributing water supply pipes inside a private house.

Types of pipes depending on the material

In a modern autonomous water supply system, several types of pipes are used:

  • metal: copper or steel;
  • polypropylene;
  • from metal-plastic;
  • from low pressure polyethylene - HDPE.

Copper pipes are the most expensive, but have many advantages. They are practically resistant to corrosion, they are not affected by harmful radiation and temperature changes. Self-assembly of such material can only be performed by a specialist. Steel pipes are gradually going out of fashion. Only an experienced welder can lay a water supply from them. It is no coincidence that old iron water pipes are being replaced with plastic ones.

Polypropylene is the most common material for laying domestic plumbing today. Such pipes are used both for the external main and for arranging the internal water supply network. Here, the differences are only in diameter. Welding of joints is carried out with a special apparatus, which can be purchased or rented at a hardware store. You will also need a cutter to make cuts of the desired length.

For distributing hot water, special heat-resistant products are chosen.

Metal-plastic is a symbiosis of aluminum and plastic. Assembling a water pipe from this material will not require anything other than wrenches and a cutter. Minus - do not withstand high: over 95 ° C, and low: below -5 ° C, temperatures. As a result, such pipes are not used as external piping. HDPE pipes are assembled manually on couplings, similar to metal-plastic installation. They are mainly used for organizing an external highway.

Pipe diameter

When planning your water supply, decide what diameter of pipes will be used, the throughput of the entire system will depend on this. Usually guided by the value of the speed of passage of water, which should be at least 2 m / s.

Here is a brief table of the dependence of the optimal pipe diameter on the length of the network:

  • up to 10 m - 15 mm;
  • 10-15 m - 20 mm;
  • 15-30 m - 25 mm;
  • over 30 m - 32 mm.

Welding of polypropylene pipes

If a water pipe made of metal-plastic and HDPE is assembled by tightening special nuts on corners, taps and other fittings, then a special apparatus for welding them will help to make wiring from polypropylene pipes. Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Adapters-heaters of the required diameter are inserted into the apparatus.
  2. The pipes are cut into segments of the required length, the connecting elements are prepared: couplings, angles, taps, tees, etc.
  3. The joints are degreased, for this it is convenient to use special alcohol wipes.
  4. On the turned on device, the heating mode recommended in the documentation for polypropylene is set.
  5. When the indicator on the device goes out, signaling the optimal heating for welding, a pipe section and a docking element should be placed on different sides of the device.
  6. After holding for a few seconds (according to the instructions), the elements of the water supply are removed and firmly pressed against each other. The time of heating and holding in a stationary state depends on the thickness of the pipe and is always indicated in the instructions for the device.

It is better to carry out work with an assistant, and put a thermal insulating material under the apparatus to protect the floor from high temperatures.

Plumbing in the house

Pipe laying around the house starts from consumption points to the input node or collectors. Installation is carried out using special clips or other fastenings to the walls. At the same time, they maintain an optimal gap from structures of 20-25 mm. To ensure the laying and optimal operation of pipelines, various plumbing fittings are used:

  • corners;
  • fitting;
  • couplings;
  • cranes;
  • tees.

We connect the pumping station to the internal water supply

When using a well, water is supplied to the house by an automatic system consisting of several important elements:

  • pump;
  • water storage - hydraulic accumulator;
  • control automation.

If all the elements are assembled into a single mechanism, we have a pumping station in front of us. It has fittings:

  • to obtain water from a well or well;
  • for supplying water to the internal network.

When the station is turned on, the pump pumps water into the accumulator. When a certain pressure is reached, the automation switches off the pump.

When the water is consumed, the pressure gradually drops to a certain value, after which the automation restarts the pump.

Tip: “When connecting the station, do not forget to put shut-off valves at the inlet and outlet to consumers. This will help to cut off the apparatus for repair work.

Hydroaccumulator - what is it and why is it needed

The second version of the water supply is spaced. In this case, the pump is used of a submersible type and is located in a well or well. At the same time, only a hydraulic accumulator and automation are installed in the distribution unit. The advantages of this system are its low noise level and the ability to use a large capacity hydraulic accumulator. A hydraulic accumulator, as the name implies, accumulates water and ensures that it is at elevated pressure.

This is what allows you to supply liquid to any point of the water supply. Inside the battery there is a rubber chamber, into which water is supplied by a pump, and around it in a metal cylinder - air. By pumping water into the chamber, the pump compresses the air in the cylinder. When the tap is opened, the pressure drops due to the fact that the air gap squeezes water out of the chamber.

Water filters

To protect the system from mechanical impurities, a coarse filter is mounted at a distance of 50-100 cm from the pumping station or hydraulic accumulator. It is a glass with a filter element. It is easy to control its pollution, everything is clearly visible through the transparent wall.

Installing the collector and boiler

After the filter, other water supply units are installed. First, a tee is mounted, dividing the flow into two parts:

  • cold water collector;
  • line leading to the boiler.

After the boiler, a second collector is installed, designed to separate the heated water flows.

The system is equipped with stopcocks, and a safety valve and an expansion tank are also installed in the hot water supply line. The device of a water supply system in a private house is difficult only at first glance. Having thoroughly understood the process, it is easy to do all the work with your own hands, without involving masters from outside. This will not only save money, but will also become a separate pride of the owner.

Do-it-yourself water supply for a private house

Many land owners get confused, and as a result they find the wrong advice and materials. This is due to the mixing of similar concepts, such as a private house and a summer residence. In fact, the buildings are completely different purposes:

  • dacha - a summer house or a temporary building, not multi-storey, does not have special internal communications and a complex heating and plumbing system, is not intended for permanent residence. Often, a simple water supply with a submersible pump and a surface hose connection is used to supply water to the premises;
  • a private house is a permanent dwelling, it can be located in a village, outside the city or a cottage microdistrict. The building can have from one to four floors with a basement, each of which must be provided with water and heating. Therefore, the water supply system will be much more complicated, and the usual water supply scheme for a private house from a well will not work.

The process of arranging an autonomous water supply system includes many stages, from planning to maintenance. In order for the water supply of a private house to be uninterrupted, of high quality and the system does not cause problems as a whole, it is necessary to think over every detail of the connection, develop an installation project and calculate the material.

Drawing up a preliminary connection structure should not be ignored, even if water is only led to the bathroom or kitchen. Having drawn up a detailed project, you can correctly calculate the materials and avoid problems during installation.

The water supply scheme should be developed taking into account:

  • number of points of water consumption;
  • estimated number of collectors;
  • boiler volume;
  • number of filters and pumps;
  • location and distance to each element of the water supply.

On the plan, it is necessary to mark the exact locations of consumers and appliances, as well as indicate the length of the pipeline through the premises of the dwelling.

The project should be drawn up on a single scale according to the measurements of the structure. And the more accurate it is, the faster you can determine how many materials you need to work.

There are two options for marking pipes:

  • consistent;
  • collector.

Features of a serial connection

The sequential method is suitable for a small house with 2-3 tenants due to its low power. The principle of operation is as follows: water enters the building through the water supply, inside the building, a tee is mounted near each water intake point, which drains the liquid to the end consumer.

If several taps are in use at the same time, then the water pressure to the far tee will be weaker than to the near one.

Collector connection type

The collector circuit allows water to be supplied to each point with the same pressure because the water pipes are diverted from the collector and branch out to all taps and mixers.

To lay lines in this way, more pipes will be required compared to a serial connection, but this is much more practical and convenient.

Development of a scheme and connection plan

A typical private house water supply scheme consists of the following components:

  • water source, that is, wells;
  • pump station or pump. With its help, the internal pipeline is connected to a well or other source;
  • a hydraulic accumulator to control the readings of the pressure level in the system;
  • stopcock to stop the water supply in case of leakage or scheduled repairs;
  • to divide the flow of incoming water between domestic and technical needs (watering the garden, outdoor shower, etc.), it is necessary to use a tee;
  • filtration systems, which are equipped with a pipe that drains water into the house, to purify the liquid from impurities;
  • a tee that separates the water flow into cold and heated water.

Further, the pipe for cold water is immediately connected to the corresponding manifold, and for hot water, first to the water heater (boiler, boiler). After that, both systems branch out throughout the building. Most often they are carried out together, with the exception of utility rooms, where there is no need for hot water.

Plumbing in a private house: how to choose and install pipes

The quality of the materials from which the pipes are made is of great importance for the water supply system, since the service life of the structure depends on them.

There are several types of pipes

  • Copper. They are characterized by high resistance to ultraviolet, corrosion, and bacteria. Easily tolerate pressure drops and high temperatures. Their disadvantage is their high cost.
  • Metal-plastic. Their base is made of aluminum, and the edges and core are covered with a polyethylene ball. The inner shell prevents rust and does not allow dirt and mineral deposits to stick, and the outer shell protects the product from exposure to sunlight (when laying on the surface) and condensation. Such pipes can be deformed at high (95°C) and low (minus) temperatures, therefore, thermal insulation with a heating cable for outdoor systems is required.
  • Steel pipes are durable but, despite this, they are subject to rust. The installation process is laborious, since to connect the parts it is necessary to cut a thread on each element of the tube or fasten it by welding.
  • Polypropylene. They are most in demand because they are easy to install, do not oxidize, have reliable connections and can last over 50 years.

An important point is the selection of pipes by diameter, since the device and functioning of the water supply depends on it.

The dimensions (diameters) of pipes should be selected according to the length of the pipeline:

  • for a line longer than 30 m - 32 mm will do;
  • for pipelines of medium length (less than 30 m), 25 mm should be used;
  • for short wiring up to 10 m - 20 mm.

It is not difficult to conduct water supply to a private house using plastic pipes, but nevertheless, fasteners must be carried out according to a certain technology.

The following fittings are used as connecting elements-fittings: couplings, angles, tees, stopcocks, elbows and flange fasteners (it is better to prepare them in advance with a margin).

  1. Pipes are cut with special scissors (it will be convenient to use a KRAFTOOL pipe cutter) into pieces, taking into account the gaps for entering the fitting.
  2. Lay out on a hard surface in the order of assembly.
  3. To fix the parts with a felt-tip pen, the bonding points are marked.
  4. On polyfusion welding, a nozzle of the desired diameter is installed (under the pipe). The end of a plastic pipe and a fitting are mounted on it. The device warms up to 260-300 ° C (the heating time depends on the size of the tube and is indicated on the back of the welding box). Then both ends are removed and fixed at the same time. In this position, the pipe and fitting are held for 15-20 seconds until completely solidified.

To breed pipes in the premises begin from the place of water intake. First, a ball valve is placed between the mixer and the pipe, it makes it possible to shut off the water in case an accident occurs or repairs are needed. After that, the line is led to the collector.

Pipelines are diluted according to certain rules.

  • When installing pipes (to make them easier to repair), it is necessary to retreat 20-25 mm from the walls.
  • Installation of drainage taps is carried out with a slight inclination in the direction of the subsequent mixer or tap.
  • Pipes for water supply are attached to the walls with clips, which are attached to all corner fixtures, in other areas - the gap between them is allowed from 1.5 to 2 meters.
  • To combine polypropylene pipes at an angle, Unidelta or other HDPE fittings and tees with identical diameters are used.

Source for water supply: which one to prefer

The water supply scheme of a private house can be implemented in several ways:

  • From the central highway;
  • From the well.

Connection to the central water supply requires permission from the relevant authority, and this is not always possible for private houses. If you decide to use this option, please note that the pressure in the central water supply has already been determined initially, and when using several devices at the same time, the water pressure in the far one will be lower than in the closer one. Therefore, try to place consumers as compactly as possible.

The well makes it possible to provide the site with water without the official permission of the state services, but this option is only suitable for seasonal use, therefore it is not suitable for permanent residences.

The water supply system of a private house from a well allows you to use better quality water than a well. But to lift it, you need good pressure, so you will have to use more powerful equipment, for example, the OPTIMA (Optima) 4SDm 3/18 1.5kW deep electric pump pumps liquid with a high sand content, filtering it out without threatening the unit.

The water supply system of a private house: how to organize

Basically, pumping stations are used for arranging water supply. They are designed to pump water from a source directly into a system or tank. Additional water purification filters are also used.

The system includes:

  • pumps;
  • storage tanks;
  • hydraulic accumulators;
  • various water heaters (boilers, boilers, heating elements).

Place the complex closer to consumers, in the basement or basement. A pipe coming from the water intake is brought to it, with a fitting made of bronze or brass, with a diameter of 32 mm. Next, the drain drain and the check valve are connected in turn.

Then all the required components are connected using a connection, which is popularly called "American".

  1. A ball valve is connected to open / close the water supply.
  2. Next, a coarse filter is connected to remove coarse particles. Protects against rust and sand.
  3. After that, the pumping station system is equipped with a hydraulic tank or a hydraulic accumulator, including a pressure switch. But if the electric pump itself is in the well, and the special equipment is inside the building, you need to install the relay on the top of the pipe, and the tank on the bottom.
  4. Then an automation sensor is mounted to protect the pump from running dry and timely shutdown.
  5. The process ends with the installation of a fine (soft) filter.

Selection of a hydraulic accumulator for a pumping station

The hydraulic tank is a hermetic container with two sections. One holds water and the other holds air. With its help, the pressure in the system is continuously maintained, and, if necessary, the operation of the pump is regulated.

It is necessary to choose a container model in accordance with the number of residents and daily water consumption. Its volume can be from 25 to 500 liters. For example, Wester WAV 200 Top is designed for 200 liters of liquid, and Unipress is designed for 80 liters.


Do-it-yourself water treatment in a country house is quite possible without outside help, and for this it is not necessary to hire professionals. Follow the advice of experts, and there will be no problems during installation.

If you decide to entrust the work of a construction company, the recommendations of specialists will help you control the actions of the installers, independently draw up a water supply scheme for a private house and participate in the development of the project. As a result, this will help to avoid shortcomings in the work and related problems in the future.

In order for life in a private house to be comfortable, it is necessary that the sewers function smoothly. Having a sewerage system, you can equip a bathroom, a toilet, a washing machine in the house. To install a water pipe, you must also take care of the sewer system, through which dirty water will be removed.

Today, the plumbing system and sewerage are installed in several ways. Our company offers customers an individual approach to choosing a system, based on the characteristics of the house itself. We install sewerage from a well or a well, depending on the site, for very little money.

Plumbing schemes

Most often, water is extracted from a well, which is punched in the kitchen. This option is perfect for a small family. In this case, an electric pump is installed in the well, with the help of which water is supplied to the tank, and from there the water is already used for its intended purpose in the old proven way.

But still it is best to choose another, more practical option. Here, a special automatic station will be needed, which is connected either to a well or to a well. If connected to a well, then it is necessary to install a filter with a water heater in the cottage in order to purify and heat the water.

Plumbing installation

Automatic water supply stations of a private wooden house are usually installed in basements - these are sewers. If there is a bathhouse on the site, then another well can be pierced, which is supplied with an electric pump for water supply.

When sewers are equipped in an open area, it must be insulated. A pipe is also subject to insulation, which is best, especially for regions with cold winters, to bury. The pipe is buried quite to a great depth, often two meters deep. Under the sewers, you can install both plastic pipes and metal pipes. If we talk about the pipes that lead to the bath, they can be heated with a special electric cable.

Now there is no clean water anywhere. Even in wells and wells, water has all sorts of impurities and sand. To clean it with a filter, you must first make a special laboratory analysis, and after that the specialist will tell you what type of filter under the sewer needs to be installed. If you approach this issue responsibly, you can end up with very clean and safe water to use.

Arrangement of wiring from a well

Installing a sewer from a well is very simple, without spending a lot of money. There are two conditions for distributing. Firstly, the well must have the correct device: masonry, log cabin or concrete rings. And secondly, sewers must be insulated. In order to maintain the required water pressure, you need to properly select and install a fairly powerful pump. You can also install an automatic pumping station. It is better to install pipes for this type of wiring from metal-plastic, which are resistant to rust, flexible and easy to install.

In our company you can easily purchase all the necessary equipment for sewerage and plumbing installations. Our experts will help you choose it, as well as make a wiring project, carry out all the necessary measurements, and calculate the costs. We will also install plumbing in a short time, and we will definitely provide guarantees for operation.

Sewerage in a wooden house

It is good to live in your own house, there are no neighbors who stomp from above, you are not afraid to flood the neighbors from below. easier. Only for a more comfortable stay, it is necessary to provide a wooden house with water and a toilet. It is only necessary for the treatment of waste water.

Sewerage is installed in wooden houses in several ways. Everyone chooses the option that they can financially master. Its type depends on the area of ​​the wooden house.

It is more or less easy to install sewers in a house, the main thing is installation and design. But the sewer will still make you tinker. It is necessary to design well not only the sewage disposal system itself so that the residents do not feel uncomfortable, but also take care that polluted water does not enter the groundwater.

If city communications pass near the house, then the best option would be to breed it, brought to it. But more often, the owners themselves need to take care of creating an entire sewer with a wastewater treatment plant.

As a rule, wood sewerage is equipped in several ways.

  1. The simplest way to solve this issue is a cesspool. This method is one of the most convenient, but if we talk about a house in which few people permanently live, because. the volume of the pit is designed for no more than 1 cubic meter. water per day. Although, it must be said that technologies do not stand still and today it is possible to equip a cesspool of a larger volume, and even with a special filtration system. The disadvantage of the pits is that it constantly needs to be emptied by calling a team of sewers with special equipment. Such cleaning is quite expensive, and it will have to be carried out quite often.
  2. With the help of a single-chamber septic tank, which looks like a container made of plastic or metal, where waste water accumulates. In this tank, the water is purified and after that they are safely discharged through pipes. By this method there will be no violations of sanitary and hygienic standards. But this option also has a drawback - this is the periodic pumping out of the accumulated sludge from the bottom of the tank.
  3. With the help of a two-chamber septic tank. This option is one of the newest, which makes it possible to fully automate sewers. A two-chamber septic tank has the following structure: two tanks connected to each other in which water is purified. In the first tank, water settles and a solid mass accumulates, which is then cleaned by chemical and biological methods. This almost purified water enters the second tank and, when discharged into the soil, it is already completely clean and environmentally friendly.

Organization of the sewer system of a wooden house

The very first stage of the sewage system is the calculation of water consumption, which depends on the number of residents and equipment (toilet, kitchen sink, shower or bath, washing machine and dishwasher). It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the waste water settles for about three days, after which it enters another tank. If up to 150 liters of water is needed per person per day, then a family of four will require a septic tank of 1.8 cubic meters.

The sewerage system consists of external and internal sections. The outer section is pipes and a septic tank, and the inner one is plumbing equipment, a riser and a sewer path system. It would be better if the home sewer is equipped with pipes made of modern materials.

Arrangement of home sewerage

First of all, you need to take care of the place where the septic tank will be located. If it is a sealed tank, then a sewerage system in a wooden structure can be safely installed. If a cesspool is used for waste water, then it must be equipped no closer than five meters from the house and twenty meters from a well or well.

The pipes that go to the septic tank are installed with a slope of 2-4 cm per meter. They do this so that there is no stagnation in the pipes. The trench should be 60-120 cm deep (the depth depends on the climatic features of the region). Pipes must be insulated. The seams are sealed.

For sewerage, risers are first installed, to which plumbing equipment is attached. The top of the riser is installed above the roof to provide traction (so that there are no unpleasant odors).

For toilet bowls, pipes having a diameter of 50 mm are used. An important point for residents: you can’t throw paper into the toilet, because. the cleaning system cannot process cellulose!

Proper arrangement of the water supply system and sewerage will provide residents of wooden houses with a comfortable life.

Even in the most provincial village houses, not to mention modern country cottages, you can significantly increase the level of comfort by simply installing plumbing in a private house. We will not assure you that this is such a simple matter, especially if the house has already been built and for a long time, and not only at the planning stage, but still, many plumbing installation works can be done independently without resorting to the help of specialists. Within the framework of this article, we will try to tell you how to conduct plumbing in a private house, while we will only touch on work inside the house without taking into account the arrangement of the water supply source.

Do not neglect such an important point as drawing up a water supply scheme. Do not invent excuses for yourself: yes, I just need to get into the kitchen and the bathroom. Immediately, as soon as you decide to make a water pipe in a private house, draw a diagram of its laying around the house, taking into account all the elements: water consumers, collectors, boiler, filters and a pump. Designate the location of all elements and the path of laying pipes around the house. It is advisable to plot the distance on the diagram. This will greatly facilitate the task of calculating the number of pipes for the water supply.

The piping scheme can be done in two ways:

  1. Serial connection of consumers.
  2. collector connection.

Serial connection suitable only for a small country house with a small number of water consumers, where 1 - 2 people live. For full-fledged country houses and cottages with permanent residence, such a system will not work. It consists in the following: water flows through the main pipeline throughout the house, a tee is placed near each water consumer with a tap in its direction. It turns out that if you use several consumers at once at the same time, at the most remote of them there will be a very low pressure that will not be able to satisfy the needs.

Collector connection consists in diverting individual pipes from a common collector to each consumer separately. This provides almost the same pressure at every point in the house. Of course, there will still be some pressure losses associated with the distance from the pumping station, but these losses are much less than with a series connection.

The choice of a collector wiring system significantly increases the cost of plumbing in a private house. Mainly due to more pipes. But it's worth it. Next, we will consider the collector system.

Any private house water supply scheme consists of the following elements:

  1. Source of water intake (well, well).
  2. Pumping station. From the water source, a pipe is laid in the ground and connected to the pump. Before connecting it to the pump, there must be a check valve so that the water does not return back.
  3. A hydraulic accumulator into which water is pumped.
  4. After the accumulator on the outlet pipe, it makes sense to put a tee with a stopcock. One pipe will go for domestic needs, and the other for technical needs (garden, garden, car wash, etc.).
  5. A pipe with water for household needs is connected to a water treatment and water treatment system, since water from an underground source may contain harmful impurities.
  6. After the filter systems, a tee is mounted with a division into cold water and future hot.
  7. The cold water pipe is connected to the cold water manifold. Shut-off valves are installed here for each line that will go to its consumer.
  8. The hot water pipe is connected to the water heater.
  9. The hot water pipe from the water heater is connected to a hot water collector, from which pipes radiate throughout the house.

Other additional elements may be present in the plumbing system, but the typical diagram and connection sequence remain unchanged.

Installation of plumbing in a private house

In work related to the laying of water supply in a private house, the most dusty and difficult is making holes in the walls or floor for the pipeline. Otherwise, cutting and connecting pipes, connecting to consumers, connecting to a collector, installing a pumping station and connecting filter systems, although they will take a lot of time, will not require much physical effort. So do-it-yourself plumbing of a private house is quite a feasible task even for a beginner. The main thing is that the desire is unshakable, then everything is on the shoulder.

The choice of material for pipes

The first step is to decide what pipe material we will use.

  • Copper pipes the best and most expensive. Corrosion is not amenable, they are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, they are indifferent to microorganisms, they do not notice increased pressure, they do not react to changes in ambient temperatures, they are also not afraid of harmful impurities in water, and in addition, they instantly give off heat. In general, a dream - not pipes. One downside is the price.

  • Metal-plastic pipes are aluminum pipes protected on both sides (inside and outside) with a layer of polyethylene. The smooth surface of polyethylene does not allow deposits to accumulate and prevents the development of rust. The outer layer protects against UV radiation and condensation. Significant disadvantages of such pipes are: fear of high temperatures over 95 ° C (deformed), sensitive to freezing of water, pipes with fittings cannot be bent.

  • Steel pipes- the good old version. They are durable, strong, but at the same time they are afraid of rust. It is also important that for installation it is necessary either to cut a thread on each pipe element for connection, or to weld pipes, which is a very time-consuming process.

  • Polypropylene pipes Recently, they have become very popular when conducting plumbing in a private house. This is due to the fact that they have excellent performance, do not oxidize, are durable (up to 50 years), relatively easy to install, and the connections do not require frequent checks, which makes it possible to hide pipes under plaster. Of the shortcomings, only one can be distinguished - the need for a special electric welding machine for connecting pipes to each other.

Important! If your choice is polypropylene pipes, please note: reinforced pipes (fiberglass, aluminum or other material) are required for hot water supply.

Considering the number of pipes required for laying the collector system, the price for plumbing in a private house largely depends on the material of these pipes. So, when choosing, be guided by the price / quality ratio and do not forget about your budget.

The choice of the diameter of the pipes of the internal water supply

The correct diameter is just as important as the pipe material. This is due to the fact that too small a pipe diameter can lead to flow turbulence, which means that water in the pipes will move with noise, leaving a lot of lime deposits on the walls. The maximum speed of water advancement in the pipeline is 2 m / s, based on this, and it is necessary to select the diameter of the pipes.

The pipe diameter also depends from pipeline length:

  • For a pipeline with a length of less than 30 m, pipes with a diameter of 25 mm are suitable.
  • For a pipeline longer than 30 m, it is better to use pipes with a diameter of 32 mm.
  • For a short pipeline with a length of less than 10 m, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm can be used.

The correct arrangement of the water supply system in a private house largely depends on the correctly selected diameter of the collector pipe, so that it ensures the full simultaneous use of several consumers at once. To determine it, it is necessary to perform simple calculations: for example, one tap with water passes 5-6 l / min through itself, we calculate how many and which consumers we can turn on simultaneously throughout the house.

  • A pipe with a diameter of 25 mm (1 inch) passes through itself 30 l / min;
  • 32 mm (1.25 in.) pipe flows 50 l/min;
  • 38 mm (1.5 in.) pipe - flows 75 l/min.

If the family is large, many people live in the house at the same time, and there are few water points, quite often there will be situations when they will use the sink in the kitchen, the bathroom, the toilet, and the washing machine at the same time. The consumption of these devices per minute must be summed up - the diameter of the collector pipe will depend on this.

If the family is small, and there are many consumers of water around the house, then the calculation is made differently. It is necessary to calculate water consumption at the points of water intake and reduce it by 25 - 40%. This will be an approximate family expense.

Consider the connection of pipes to each other using the example of polypropylene pipes.

For cold water we use pipes with a diameter of 25 mm, a wall thickness of 2.8 mm.

For hot water we use reinforced pipes with a diameter of 25 mm, wall thickness of 3.2 mm.

Polypropylene pipe welding technology:

  1. We cut the pipes into segments of the required size using special scissors. Be sure to keep the blade strictly perpendicular.
  2. We mark the depth of welding on the pipes - in our case 16 mm.
  3. We clean the place of welding with the help of wet alcohol wipes from dust and dirt.

  1. We install nozzles of the desired diameter on a special welding machine.
  2. We turn on welding and set the temperature to 260 ° C. When it warms up, the lights will turn off.

  1. We slide the parts of the pipes that we want to weld onto the nozzles for welding to a depth up to the drawn mark. At the same time, we do not turn the pipes, we do not make twisting movements.
  2. As soon as they brought the pipes to the nozzles and started moving along the nozzles, we count 7 seconds. After the expiration - remove the nozzles, the second person must hold the welding machine.
  3. We connect the pipes to each other without making rotational movements - quickly and evenly. Hold for a few seconds.

The result should be a smooth and beautiful perpendicular connection. If you are not satisfied with the result, cut off the section with the connection and repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

Before using freshly welded pipes, they must be allowed to cool slightly.

Plumbing in a private house

After the pipes are interconnected, you can start laying pipes inside the house. We recommend starting from the water consumer.

To begin with, we connect the pipe to the consumer using an adapter for a threaded connection, install a ball valve between the adapter and the faucet hose, which is necessary to shut off the water if repairs are suddenly needed, then we lay it towards the collector. There are a few simple rules to follow here:

  • It is desirable that pipes do not pass through building structures (walls and partitions). But if this is not possible, when laying a pipe in a wall, it must be enclosed in a special glass.
  • So that the pipes can be easily repaired, it makes sense to place them at a distance of 20 - 25 mm from the wall.
  • When installing drain taps, make a slight slope towards the tap.
  • When bypassing the outer corner, the pipe is located at a distance of 15 mm, the inner corner - 30 - 40 mm.
  • Pipes are fixed to the walls with special clips. Be sure to fix in each corner joint, on a straight section we place clips at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m.
  • To connect polypropylene pipes at an angle, including 90 °, special HDPE fittings, tees with the same and transitional diameters are used.
  • The fewer turns and corners in the line, the less pressure is lost.

When connecting a pipe to a collector, shut-off valves must be installed to enable the consumer to be disconnected from the system, including for the purpose of repair.

Connecting the pumping station to the internal water supply

The connection of a private house to the water supply is carried out by means of a pumping station, which pumps water from a source: a well or a well.

The pumping station is best located in the house, basement, basement or in a heated technical room. This will protect it from freezing and make it possible to use the water supply even in severe frost.

From the source of water intake to the pumping station, a pipe approaches, which ends with a brass fitting with an adapter for a diameter of 32 mm.

We connect a tee with a drain tap to this fitting in order to be able to turn off the water supply to repair the water supply. Then we connect a non-return valve so that the water does not return back. If you want to rotate the pipe to direct it towards the station, then use a 90 ° angle.

  • We connect a ball valve to turn off / turn on the water supply.
  • Next is a coarse mesh filter.
  • The finished pumping station must have a pressure switch and a damping tank. But if your pump is located in the water intake (well, well), and the rest of the equipment is in the house, then we connect a pressure switch on top of the pipe, and a damper tank or hydraulic accumulator on the bottom.
  • Sensor that protects the pump from "dry running".
  • We connect a fine filter to the remaining connection.
  • Next comes the transition to a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm.

Before further work, check the serviceability of the connection: start the pump - whether pumping will go on or not. If not, then somewhere something was connected incorrectly or the accumulator was pumped over.

What is a hydraulic accumulator and why is it needed

The hydraulic accumulator is a sealed tank divided into two sections. One contains water, the other contains pressurized air. This unit is necessary in order to ensure stable pressure in the water supply system and turn the pump on and off when necessary.

For example, the accumulator is completely filled with water, the pressure in the system is 3 bar. When someone opens a faucet in the house, uses water, it leaves the accumulator, the pressure drops, the relay trips and the pump starts. Water is pumped up again, the pressure becomes 3 bar.

The volume of the tank can be different: from 25 liters to 500 liters, it is selected depending on the needs of the family.

Installing a water supply system in a private house does not necessarily imply the presence of a hydraulic accumulator. You can use a large storage tank and install it on the highest floor of the house. Water will flow to consumers under pressure created by its weight. But such a system is not enough to make the washing machine work.

Water from the source must be checked in the laboratory for impurities and soluble salts. Depending on the results, various filter systems and water treatment units, iron removers, etc. are selected.

Immediately after the accumulator, water must flow into the water treatment system. These devices must be located at a distance of 0.5 - 1 m from the accumulator.

Installation of collectors and boiler

After the filter systems, the water should be separated into two streams: one - to the collector with cold water, the second - will go to the water heater.

Before the collector with cold water, be sure to install shut-off valves and a drain valve. On each pipe in the collector too. The number of pipes depends on the number of water consumers in the house.

The laying of water supply to a private house would be incomplete without the provision of hot water.

On the pipe that leads to the water heater, we install a safety valve, an expansion tank and a ball drain valve immediately below the boiler.

At the outlet of hot water and a water heater, we also install a ball valve. Then we connect the pipe to a collector with hot water, from which we spread pipes throughout the house.

On this, the installation of a water supply system in a private house with your own hands can be considered complete. Do not forget to first check the operability of the system and the absence of leaks in all parts of the water supply. If the results are positive, you can safely use it.

Plumbing in a private house: video - review