What is the profession of a jeweler. Profession jeweler

Every man knows that in order to win the heart of a beloved woman, one must not only surround her with love and attention, but also give gifts from time to time. And what gift could be better than an exclusive piece of jewelry made by a professional jeweler according to an individually designed sketch. Such jewels acquire a special value and are passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms.

Every man knows that in order to win the heart of a beloved woman, one must not only surround her with love and attention, but also give gifts from time to time. And what gift could be better than an original gold ring, a silver brooch or a chic diadem made of platinum and diamonds? Only an exclusive piece of jewelry made by a professional jeweler according to an individually designed sketch. Such jewels acquire a special value and are passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms.

In a word, jewelers are exactly those people who make women happier and more beautiful, and make men feel generous and attentive. That is why the representatives jeweler profession have always occupied a special place in society. In addition, the work of a jeweler has always aroused increased interest among ordinary people because:

  • firstly, they work with very expensive materials (precious metals and stones),
  • secondly, it is not clear to which category of specialists they should be attributed - either to artisans, or to the creative intelligentsia,
  • thirdly, painstaking work with miniature elements and details of jewelry involuntarily evokes feelings of respect and reverence.

So who are jewelers really, what are the features of their activities, and where can one get professional knowledge and skills? You will find answers to all these questions in the framework of this article, which is dedicated to goldsmiths.

Who is a jeweler?

– a qualified specialist engaged in the development of design, manufacture and repair of various jewelry: rings, chains, pendants, diadems, brooches, pendants, tie clips, cufflinks, earrings, etc.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin jocellum (jewel). And this word, without further ado, indicates what the goldsmith does. The profession originated at the time when humanity discovered gold and silver. Already five thousand years ago, jewelry art was at a fairly high level of development, as evidenced by gold jewelry found during excavations of the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser. Despite some primitiveness of these ornaments, even today they amaze the imagination with their beauty and originality.

The skill of modern jewelers and the huge number of methods and methods for processing precious stones and metals that exist today allow craftsmen to create real works of art that attract attention not only for their value, but also for the originality of every detail. It should be noted that the huge variety of ways to make jewelry has led to the fact that the profession of a jeweler is divided into several narrow specializations, whose representatives are engaged in any one area of ​​activity: a chain jeweler, a filigree jeweler, a bracelet jeweler, a jeweler-designer, a jeweler- gem cutter, etc.

It is natural that jeweler duties completely dependent on the specialization of the master. Depending on the field of activity, the duties of the master may include:

  • sketch development;
  • casting, processing, assembly and repair of metal elements;
  • applying ornaments, patterns and fonts;
  • stone processing;
  • fitting the frame and inserting precious and semi-precious stones;
  • applying enamel, lacquer or other coating;
  • adjustment of the sizes of rings, chains and bracelets.

What personal qualities should a jeweler have?

Often enough jeweler's work associated with the manufacture of miniature elements, so the presence of such personal qualities as perseverance, patience and attention to detail is of great importance. In addition, in this profession there is nothing to do for those people who do not have artistic taste, as well as:

It is impossible not to mention the professional knowledge and skills of jewelers, without which a specialist will not be able to make even the simplest ring. A true professional is well versed in the variety of precious and semi-precious stones and metals, owns various methods for making jewelry elements from ingots, knows the properties of materials and the features of the component parts of jewelry, knows how to read drawings and use a special tool. In addition, a jeweler very often has to use in his work the skills of a variety of working specialties (including a turner, a locksmith, a shareholder, a grinder, etc.).

Benefits of being a jeweler

It's no secret that jewelry is a good investment, which is why they are very popular among the population, regardless of the economic and political situation in the world. Therefore, the main the advantage of being a jeweler There has always been, is and will be demand. After all, if a person has a financial opportunity, he will invest his money in a beautiful and original jewelry with great pleasure, and not in a bank cell.

It is generally accepted that a person who works with jewelry is, by definition, a rich person. And this belief to some extent corresponds to reality, since jewelers earn quite decently (the average monthly salary of jewelers in Russia fluctuates between 50-60 thousand rubles). At the same time, there is no upper limit of income, since customers are ready to pay up to several thousand dollars for the manufacture of exclusive jewelry. However, jewelers can count on such payment for their services far from the first year of their professional activities.

An important factor that influenced the choice of profession, many jewelers say is the opportunity to realize their creative potential and demonstrate to people their vision of an ideal piece of jewelry. That is why many professionals tend to open their own jewelry workshops and engage in the manufacture of exclusive jewelry rather than mass-produced items.

Disadvantages of being a jeweler

But some of the benefits we mentioned have a downside as well. And the most important disadvantage of the jeweler profession we can safely call the discrepancy between the desires of the customer and the appearance of the finished product. After all, the master makes most of the jewelry to order (that is, he simply brings to life the dream of a particular person), and his vision does not always coincide with the requirements of the client, and this is not only professional dissatisfaction, but also material losses.

Another disadvantage of this profession is a direct consequence of difficult working conditions. Let's start with the fact that the master spends all his working time sitting, which cannot but affect the general state of health. In addition, working with small elements makes the specialist strain his eyes, which over time, his vision begins to deteriorate. Well, and most importantly, casting blanks, cutting stones, soldering elements, etc., very often causes industrial injuries, from which even the most experienced craftsman is not immune.

Where can you get a job as a jeweler?

Become a Jeweler is possible only by studying at a specialized technical school, college or university. The method of obtaining a profession by self-education in this case is almost completely excluded, since a specialist must possess not only a theoretical base (and it is very problematic to get it on your own, since there is very little special literature in the public domain), but also practical skills, which can be acquired only with the presence of special equipment and tools (by the way, quite expensive).

What to choose, secondary special or higher educational institution? It depends on the goals you want to achieve. If you plan to work for a long time in the staff of a jewelry workshop and engage in the manufacture of mostly mass-produced products, then you can opt for any college or technical school that specializes in training these specialists. If you are talented and ambitious, then, of course, you need to strive to enter one the best universities in Russia, on the basis of which it provides training in such specialties as "Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts", "Technology of artistic processing of materials" or "Artistic design of jewelry". These universities today include:

  • Moscow State University of Art and Industry S.G. Stroganov;
  • Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art;
  • High School of Folk Arts (Institute);
  • Magnitogorsk State University;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.

A jeweler is a specialist in the production and repair of jewelry. This is a complex and painstaking work that requires almost surgical precision, attention to detail and perseverance.




entry barrier


A jeweler is a master in the field of jewelry making. He usually works with precious metals, but there are also craftsmen who work with cheaper materials from which jewelry is made.

The first jewelry created by human hands appeared almost simultaneously with primitive people. At first they were made from hewn stone, then from bronze. The first more perfect jewels were products from Ancient Egypt. The earliest ones were found in the pyramid of one of the pharaohs - Djoser. They were massive and rough jewels. Over time, the craftsmanship was honed and the jewelry acquired a more sophisticated look. They began to be supplemented with various stones, giving them bizarre, ornate forms. The jewelry industry has evolved. In Russia, skilled craftsmen of precious metals were held in high esteem. They were entrances to the royal chambers and produced products at the request of the masters. Ordinary peasants could not afford such luxurious things, so decorations were made from ribbons, bronze and cheaper materials. In our time, precious metals such as gold, platinum, and silver have long become the basis for jewelry. In Soviet times, cupronickel was also used. The choice and design of jewelry attracts with its brilliance and beauty. Almost every person acquires this kind of value.


The production of jewelry is a delicate and very complex work. The master must master a huge number of different techniques and techniques, while possessing a delicate artistic taste. In the manufacture of products, several processes are commonly used at once. The most widely used are forging, casting, embossing and the creation of granular metal surfaces. They also use embossing, engraving, cutting out a picture, filigree and much more. There is a huge number of jewelry processes, all of which are perfectly mastered by every jeweler. This profession is so complex and multifaceted that specialists in the following industries stand out from it:

  • Jewelry bracelet.
  • Engraver. A craftsman who creates unique jewelry to order. He puts inscriptions and engravings on the product.
  • Fixer. Fixing inserts in jewelry, creating wax models.
  • Filigree. This master uses the technique of openwork or soldered patterns in products.
  • Installer. His responsibilities include assembly after pre-processing and final processing of products. This master must have the maximum level of accuracy in his work.
  • Chain jeweler.

All these directions involve subtle and unique work. They use several techniques at once, requiring skill and a good level of instrument proficiency.

What specialties to study

Jewelery is a rather rare specialty for training in educational institutions. In order to become a master, you should choose the following areas:

  • jewelry business;
  • arts and crafts and folk crafts;
  • jeweler.

These specialties are very rare, but not in great demand.

Where to study

For training, it is recommended not to choose universities, but master jewelers or jewelry factories. Here you can learn from the experience of specialists and subsequently find a job. There are few higher educational institutions in Russia where jewelry is taught, but we can distinguish:

  • Moscow State University of Art and Industry S.G. Stroganov.
  • St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design.
  • Moscow State Textile University. A. N. Kosygin.
  • Togliatti State University.
  • Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.
  • Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky.

In these universities, you can study both the theoretical part of working with metals and learn all the practical skills of processing and creating jewelry.

What you have to do at work and specialization

A master jeweler performs a large number of different types of work every day. They are aimed at giving metals beauty, shape and grace. Every day a jeweler performs the following types of work:

  • Designing and creating a sketch of the future product. Modeling is included in this activity. The form, external features and finishing options are thought out. Everything is developed depending on the technique that the master owns.
  • Creating a decoration blank. It includes casting, mounting and further processing of all metal components of the jewelry.
  • Applying engravings, patterns and drawings to jewelry. It is a painstaking and creative process. The ornament must be made in accordance with the approved sketch.
  • Installation and fixing of stones. their processing. This is the beginning of the final stage of jewelry processing.
  • Application of a protective coating, which includes work with enamel, clay, spraying, etc.

These processes are very complex and painstaking. Not every person is able to master them all and learn how to put them into practice. After all, they require a number of personality traits.

Who is suitable for this profession

This profession requires a number of qualities. Chief among them is perseverance. After all, the work of a jeweler involves a constant stay in a sitting position for painstaking work. For every jewelry maker, the firmness of the hand is also important. Each of his movements must be clear and conscious, the slightest error can ruin the entire product. Therefore, the jeweler must have an excellent ability to determine distance and size by eye. A good craftsman is a real creator, so only creative people with good taste and imagination tend to choose this profession. Accuracy is especially important when making jewelry. A true professional should be able to concentrate on the work process for a long time.


The profession of a jeweler is quite in demand. New vacancies appear quite often. Each jewelry store has one or more jewelers. In cities, there are a lot of workshops for the manufacture and repair of jewelry. This caused a rather large demand for jewelry craftsmen who know all the subtleties and nuances of the production processes.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The range of earnings of a jeweler directly depends on the demand and place of employment. So a novice master receives 15-25 thousand rubles a month. Experienced and popular jewelers can earn 30-100 thousand rubles a month. Upper limits are available only in Moscow. In other cities of Russia, the maximum earnings reach 80,000 rubles.

Is it easy to get a job

Getting a job is pretty easy. After graduation, many quickly find their niche. Jewelers for the most part do not have a higher education, but were trained directly by the master or at the jewelry factory. Such specialists are also highly valued because they have the most valuable skills - practice.

How is a career usually built?

Jewelry craftsmen usually start their journey from factories and plants. This is where they get the much-needed practical skills. With each stage of improving their skills, they are assigned a certain category. VII is considered the highest. It allows you to move to a higher paying job or start moving up the career ladder. Professionals can become shift supervisors, heads of departments or departments. It all depends on the desire for promotion and career growth.

Prospects for the profession

Jewelers have a lot of options. A sufficiently high level of income allows you to constantly grow and develop. Having received a discharge, it is worth starting to produce author's products. They will give an opportunity to participate in exhibitions and receive individual orders. As a result, this makes it possible to open your own workshop or a salon of author's jewelry.

If you do not aspire to your own business, then you can easily climb the career ladder at a jewelry manufacturing plant, up to the director of this enterprise.

Profession "jeweler" sounds proud. However, about fifteen years ago, high school students dreamed of faceless, but promising specialties. For example: "manager", "economist". In choosing a profession, of course, one should rely on such concepts as being in demand, prestige, and high pay. But do not forget about personal abilities and inclinations.

Fortunately, today everything fell into place. Most applicants strive to choose exactly the specialty that will allow them not only to live comfortably in the future, but also provide an opportunity to enjoy work. The jeweler profession, along with other creative specialties, is experiencing a rebirth today.

What does this word mean? Who is a jeweler? Where to get a profession "jeweler"? What is included in the scope of its activities?


Profession "jeweler" implies the presence of artistic skills, the ability to capture the aesthetic preferences of the customer. A person who has this specialty is able to perform manipulations on mounting jewelry. He knows how to fix the inserts in the product and carry out other operations for the manufacture and repair of jewelry.

In addition, such a specialist is able not only to be a hired employee, but also to open his own business. Namely, a jewelry workshop. Approximately such a concept is given in specialized courses.

In any training center, the future student will answer the question of what prospects the profession of "jeweler" gives: high wages, demand. But, of course, not everyone can master this creative specialty. Just like not everyone can become an astronaut, a lawyer or a long-distance train.

The profession of a jeweler, whose training in Russia is provided both on a paid basis and on a budgetary basis, has both advantages and disadvantages. Consider the pros and cons of the working days of a goldsmith.


In theory, anyone can become a jeweler. In addition, its advantage is the possibility of continuous development. Anyone who is not afraid of painstaking work and work with stones and metals, having received an education, can safely apply for a place in one of the jewelry enterprises.

If there is an artistic gift, you should think about a more serious education. You can choose a university whose list of programs includes training in jewelry design.

Thus, two types of specialists can be distinguished. The first create, create something new. Their work is similar to the skill of a sculptor or painter. And, of course, it is impossible to learn it without having artistic abilities. The second ones are restored, put into proper shape, evaluated, performed in a pawnshop.


The craft of a jeweler has its downsides. And first of all, they include a sedentary lifestyle. Jewelers strain their eyesight every day, they get, albeit minor, but injuries to their hands. Chemical burns are also possible. To all of the above, it is worth adding a lot of responsibility.

A jeweler who appraises expensive items has no right to make a mistake. After all, it can lead to huge costs, loss of reputation of the enterprise.

An applicant who has decided to become a jeweler should answer the following questions:

  1. Does it suit your personality?
  2. Do you have enough perseverance?
  3. Will you be able to become a specialist in a narrow focus (for example, work exclusively with cold enamel).
  4. Can you appraise jewelry?

Like any other specialty, the profession of "jeweler" requires the presence of special personal qualities. Reviews are sometimes negative. But they leave it, as a rule, those who chose this profession by mistake, without analyzing their own abilities in time.

We figured out what the profession of "jeweler" is. Where to study? What is the cost of education?

Higher education institutions

The profession "jeweler", which is briefly described above, implies the presence of a complex of knowledge and skills. You can buy them at the relevant university. The basics of jewelry are also taught at the college. And finally, you can take specialized courses, the duration of which will be only a few weeks.

Those who approach the development of the profession thoroughly should choose one of the universities below:

  1. Moscow branch of the Higher School of Economics.
  2. Artistic and industrial academy. Stroganov.
  3. Moscow State University of Design and Technology.
  4. Moscow Research Technological University.

There are not so many universities that provide education in the profession of "jeweler". But there are many higher educational institutions that have a design faculty. After graduation, you can continue your studies in the jewelry profile.

Stroganov Academy

In 2016, one of the most prestigious universities in the country launched a training program for additional education in the direction of "jewelry art". Course participants are necessary for the production of a full-fledged piece of jewelry. They get acquainted with all the stages of manufacturing such products: from a sketch to working with metal and stone.

The course also includes lectures that reveal the legal and legal aspects, issues related to copyright. As a test - a collection made by one's own hands.

After receiving the appropriate diploma, the newly minted jeweler is not only able to create a sketch, but also has the knowledge of gemology necessary for further work. Training includes 72 Cost - 95 thousand rubles.


The branch provides training in several areas, including the specialty "artistic metal". Those who dream of becoming a jeweler should make a choice in favor of this specialty. The university has both a paid department and a budget one.

The curriculum, in addition to general disciplines, includes lectures and practical classes on the history of jewelry, materials science, design, the basis of composition, gemology, and computer graphics. The cost of education per year is 193 thousand rubles.

You can also get a job in college. In this case, the study period will be four years.

College named after Carl Faberge

This educational institution positions itself as a leader in the training of professionals in the field of jewelry manufacturing. The college provides additional education in such areas as laser soldering, 3D modeling, engraving, casting, and the creation of wax models. Students of this educational institution participate in prestigious international competitions.

Other educational institutions:

  1. College of Entrepreneurship No. 11.
  2. Polytechnic College. Ovchinnikov.
  3. Art and Industrial College. Vasnetsov.


Often a person graduates from a university, spends several years on a job that does not give him any pleasure or well-being, and only then decides (if he has the courage) to change his profession. For example, become a jeweler.

In this case, there is no need to submit documents to the Academy. Stroganov or another educational institution listed above. It is enough to complete specialized courses. Finding information about them is not difficult. However, it is better to opt for an additional education program offered by reputable universities. Along with them, there are also training centers that train personnel for the jewelry industry. Among them:

  1. British Higher School of Design.
  2. Author's courses at MSTU im. Kosygin.
  3. Russian Academy of Crafts.
  4. glass academy.

The course of study lasts from five to twelve months. Students master the basic spectrum of knowledge, which in the future allows them to occupy their niche in the jewelry industry. And finally, there is another way to gain knowledge in this area. Namely, to become an apprentice of an experienced jeweler.


It is difficult to answer the question of how much a jeweler earns. It all depends on the specialization and experience of the master. Depending on the workload, the region in which the specialist works, and other factors, the jeweler's earnings range from thirty to one hundred thousand rubles.

Every man knows that in order to win the heart of a beloved woman, one must not only surround her with love and attention, but also give gifts from time to time. And what gift could be better than an exclusive piece of jewelry made by a professional jeweler according to an individually designed sketch. Such jewels acquire a special value and are passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms.

Every man knows that in order to win the heart of a beloved woman, one must not only surround her with love and attention, but also give gifts from time to time. And what gift could be better than an original gold ring, a silver brooch or a chic diadem made of platinum and diamonds? Only an exclusive piece of jewelry made by a professional jeweler according to an individually designed sketch. Such jewels acquire a special value and are passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms.

In a word, jewelers are exactly those people who make women happier and more beautiful, and make men feel generous and attentive. That is why the representatives jeweler profession have always occupied a special place in society. In addition, the work of a jeweler has always aroused increased interest among ordinary people because:

  • firstly, they work with very expensive materials (precious metals and stones),
  • secondly, it is not clear to which category of specialists they should be attributed - either to artisans, or to the creative intelligentsia,
  • thirdly, painstaking work with miniature elements and details of jewelry involuntarily evokes feelings of respect and reverence.

So who are jewelers really, what are the features of their activities, and where can one get professional knowledge and skills? You will find answers to all these questions in the framework of this article, which is dedicated to goldsmiths.

Who is a jeweler?

– a qualified specialist engaged in the development of design, manufacture and repair of various jewelry: rings, chains, pendants, diadems, brooches, pendants, tie clips, cufflinks, earrings, etc.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin jocellum (jewel). And this word, without further ado, indicates what the goldsmith does. The profession originated at the time when humanity discovered gold and silver. Already five thousand years ago, jewelry art was at a fairly high level of development, as evidenced by gold jewelry found during excavations of the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser. Despite some primitiveness of these ornaments, even today they amaze the imagination with their beauty and originality.

The skill of modern jewelers and the huge number of methods and methods for processing precious stones and metals that exist today allow craftsmen to create real works of art that attract attention not only for their value, but also for the originality of every detail. It should be noted that the huge variety of ways to make jewelry has led to the fact that the profession of a jeweler is divided into several narrow specializations, whose representatives are engaged in any one area of ​​activity: a chain jeweler, a filigree jeweler, a bracelet jeweler, a jeweler-designer, a jeweler- gem cutter, etc.

It is natural that jeweler duties completely dependent on the specialization of the master. Depending on the field of activity, the duties of the master may include:

  • sketch development;
  • casting, processing, assembly and repair of metal elements;
  • applying ornaments, patterns and fonts;
  • stone processing;
  • fitting the frame and inserting precious and semi-precious stones;
  • applying enamel, lacquer or other coating;
  • adjustment of the sizes of rings, chains and bracelets.

What personal qualities should a jeweler have?

Often enough jeweler's work associated with the manufacture of miniature elements, so the presence of such personal qualities as perseverance, patience and attention to detail is of great importance. In addition, in this profession there is nothing to do for those people who do not have artistic taste, as well as:

It is impossible not to mention the professional knowledge and skills of jewelers, without which a specialist will not be able to make even the simplest ring. A true professional is well versed in the variety of precious and semi-precious stones and metals, owns various methods for making jewelry elements from ingots, knows the properties of materials and the features of the component parts of jewelry, knows how to read drawings and use a special tool. In addition, a jeweler very often has to use in his work the skills of a variety of working specialties (including a turner, a locksmith, a shareholder, a grinder, etc.).

Benefits of being a jeweler

It's no secret that jewelry is a good investment, which is why they are very popular among the population, regardless of the economic and political situation in the world. Therefore, the main the advantage of being a jeweler There has always been, is and will be demand. After all, if a person has a financial opportunity, he will invest his money in a beautiful and original jewelry with great pleasure, and not in a bank cell.

It is generally accepted that a person who works with jewelry is, by definition, a rich person. And this belief to some extent corresponds to reality, since jewelers earn quite decently (the average monthly salary of jewelers in Russia fluctuates between 50-60 thousand rubles). At the same time, there is no upper limit of income, since customers are ready to pay up to several thousand dollars for the manufacture of exclusive jewelry. However, jewelers can count on such payment for their services far from the first year of their professional activities.

An important factor that influenced the choice of profession, many jewelers say is the opportunity to realize their creative potential and demonstrate to people their vision of an ideal piece of jewelry. That is why many professionals tend to open their own jewelry workshops and engage in the manufacture of exclusive jewelry rather than mass-produced items.

Disadvantages of being a jeweler

But some of the benefits we mentioned have a downside as well. And the most important disadvantage of the jeweler profession we can safely call the discrepancy between the desires of the customer and the appearance of the finished product. After all, the master makes most of the jewelry to order (that is, he simply brings to life the dream of a particular person), and his vision does not always coincide with the requirements of the client, and this is not only professional dissatisfaction, but also material losses.

Another disadvantage of this profession is a direct consequence of difficult working conditions. Let's start with the fact that the master spends all his working time sitting, which cannot but affect the general state of health. In addition, working with small elements makes the specialist strain his eyes, which over time, his vision begins to deteriorate. Well, and most importantly, casting blanks, cutting stones, soldering elements, etc., very often causes industrial injuries, from which even the most experienced craftsman is not immune.

Where can you get a job as a jeweler?

Become a Jeweler is possible only by studying at a specialized technical school, college or university. The method of obtaining a profession by self-education in this case is almost completely excluded, since a specialist must possess not only a theoretical base (and it is very problematic to get it on your own, since there is very little special literature in the public domain), but also practical skills, which can be acquired only with the presence of special equipment and tools (by the way, quite expensive).

What to choose, secondary special or higher educational institution? It depends on the goals you want to achieve. If you plan to work for a long time in the staff of a jewelry workshop and engage in the manufacture of mostly mass-produced products, then you can opt for any college or technical school that specializes in training these specialists. If you are talented and ambitious, then, of course, you need to strive to enter one the best universities in Russia, on the basis of which it provides training in such specialties as "Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts", "Technology of artistic processing of materials" or "Artistic design of jewelry". These universities today include:

  • Moscow State University of Art and Industry S.G. Stroganov;
  • Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art;
  • High School of Folk Arts (Institute);
  • Magnitogorsk State University;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.

Today there are many factories for the manufacture of jewelry. The most popular specialization is the jeweler-assembler, who assembles simple items. The profession of a jeweler at an enterprise does not differ in special creativity, it is more like a regular job at a factory. However, initial experience is necessary, only after processing simple rings and earrings, you can proceed to works of art.

The types of profession include: an engraver (applying inscriptions on a product), a fashion designer (making exclusive jewelry), a jewelry designer.

The work of a specialist is inextricably linked with the "dexterity" of the hands. In his arsenal there are both standard tools (jigsaw, graver, file) and home-made ones.

Professional equipment costs several thousand dollars, but it can be used to turn the most daring design ideas into reality.

In jewelry stores and shops, specialists are also in demand. They are engaged in the evaluation and repair of products, adjust the rings to the required size, insert the fallen stones. In addition to fine work with precious metal, the profession of a jeweler requires physical strength. True, women are more predisposed to such work due to patience, perseverance and accuracy.

The salary of a jeweler depends on the number and complexity of orders. On average, a competent specialist earns about $ 2,000, but the figure can be higher.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of being a jeweler


  • way of self-expression, creative work;
  • high wages;
  • demand for skilled professionals.


  • sedentary work;
  • concentration on small details can ruin your eyesight;
  • very high customer expectations are not always met.

Regardless of the economic and political situation in the world, jewelry will not lose its popularity. A jewelry maker will always be in demand. One of the main requirements for a specialist is good vision. In addition, you need to be psychologically stable, because the work of a jeweler requires scrupulousness, which not everyone can withstand.

Previously, the art of stone and metal processing was passed down from generation to generation. The most famous in the world is the Tiznit dynasty, whose representatives have been transmitting skills for several centuries. The first jewelers appeared in Ancient Greece.

The most famous master is Carl Faberge. His works are known all over the world, the first of which he created for the wife of Alexander III almost 130 years ago. The most expensive Faberge egg was sold at auction for $18 million.