How to entertain a birthday party. Putting entertainment for a small adult company. Comic tasks for guests at the table, cheerful funny drinking contests, games, quizzes, jokes, jokes for a small cheerful company adults, without leaving

When guests come to you on your named, then at the beginning of the holiday all fun and satisfied. But the hour passes the other, and guests begin to be sad. They get bored, and they begin to look at the clock. What to do so that this does not happen? How to entertain your guests at the birthday of an adult at the table? We know how and how to entertain and help you. And so, let's see what we offer.

Candy - a way to cheer up guests!
Games and contests are good, but someone from the guests does not like to participate in such events, and someone does not want to get up because of the table. But the cries and for everyone, and all guests will gladly play along with the lead.
What are the crochets you can spend? See further examples.
First, there is an interesting crurch that can be held before drinking another wineglass. Words are simple and all remember them quickly. The presenter reads the first 2 lines. Men shout a third line, and women fourth. It turns out such an interesting game.
Text for the Crochets:

Secondly, there are cries for men and for women. If you have a man's name, then such an alkalon is suitable for you:

Comic lottery - a way to give guests with gifts!
For any holiday, be it a birthday or anniversary, guests bring gifts. BUT B. lately And the culprits of the celebration give their guests gifts to be fun, and they remember the holiday.
To carry out such lotteries simply:
Make a beautiful card, write poems with a gift. All the cards put in the bag, and each guest takes out the queue of one card and reads the verse. And gets your gift.
Examples for comic lottery:

Games at the table.
You can play games at the table. And for frequent, such games are obtained by more alive and more fun. What can you play? But what:

Game 1.
All guests are distributed with words: yes and no, and the same signs have the jubilees. The jubilee turns to guests with his back. The presenter asks a question about the jubileis and all guests and the jubilees raise one tablet. That is, they answer the question. When all guests raised the signs. That jubilee turns his sign that she raised. Guests who answered correctly go to the second round of the game. And so as long as someone one wins.
Examples of questions:
- Is it true that the birthday room in childhood was painted blonde?
- Is it true that a birthday boy drinks 5 grams to sleep?
- Is it true that the birthday girl uses his charm to help her help her?
- Is it true that the birthday girl loves to sing songs in the shower?

Game 2.
And for this game you need cards. Each card Write a beautiful verse. All the cards fold in the bag, and the guests take out one card. When they took out the card, turning to the birthday girl, read it.
Examples of poems for the card:

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Dear friends, do you like to visit? And take guests? It is no secret that most of the holidays take place according to the "Olivier - Hot - Cake - Thank you for invited." How to entertain guests on the day of birth, so that the feast does not turn into boring gatherings with the discussion of everyday problems?

It is worth trying to enter the atmosphere of celebration notch fun. A good joke, told at a good moment, of course, can make everyone smile. But it is better not to be limited to and try to use other entertainment. So, contests and games at the birthday of adults ...


Chairs are put in a circle so that the sitting turned out to face the inside of the circle. The whole company is divided into women's and men's half. Girls sit on the chairs and close their eyes. Men do not rush to their back and every girl in a whisper in the ear. For example: "You have a very charming smile!", "With your appearance in the company becomes warmer!" In this case, it is worth showing its resourcefulness, observation and desire to make a pleasant. So you can go through two or three circles - it all depends on the number of people. The whisper is not always recognizable, so sometimes it remains a mystery who is the author of the words. It does not take place and a slight touch of hand.

After that, men and women change places. Now representatives of the strong half of humanity closes their eyes and receive their portion of compliments. Women are better not to skip on good words. As practice shows, men love this part of the game. Although it is not even a game, but the real practice for learning to accept and say compliments.

Hike in Zoo

How to entertain guests at the bottom of birth, if everyone has a little dressed at the table? You can use short, but funny entertainment called "Hike to Zoo". Guests are in the circle and take hands. The lead in a whisper in the ear calls each participant a certain animal. By the condition of the game, a person who heard his beast should sit down, and the neighbors should be alert and do not let it do it.

The meaning of the game is that everything is called the same animal, but no one is guessed about it. After that, the presenter tells how he walked around the zoo and which animals saw. The climax occurs when the specified animal is called and everything is in the floor.


There are entertainment and games at the birthday of adults, which is very powerful if the birthday girl is a man. Make a gift for him, which is called the "touch of butterflies". Celebration culprit sits on a chair and closes his eyes. Excellent if there is a shirt with short sleeves.

The girls surround the birthday and at the same time the tips of their fingers are very easily touching it. For effect, you can enable a pleasant calm melody. According to the reviews of those who participated in this entertainment, sitting on a chair, sensations are really similar to the touch of butterflies. Be sure the man will once again repeat.

Race Buratino

All guests are divided into two groups. Each of them is given the top cover from the matchbox. The task is to, without touching the lid by hand, transfer it from the player to the player. You can transmit the subject only with the help of the nose. The team that will cope with the first task becomes the winner and may require a loser group to fulfill any wish (sing a song, to dance, tell on a joke, etc.).

If during the transfer the lid the box fell to the floor, then it is allowed to raise it with your hands. In other cases, it is impossible to touch boxes.


For this game at the birthday of adults, there will be chairs for all participants except one that is leading. The chairs put on the ring close to each other so that the knees of the neighbors come into contact, and the players themselves sat very close to each other.

A person who was chosen by lead, tie the eye bandage. After that, all other players sit on the chairs. Driving goes in a circle and sit down to someone's knees, without touching it with his hands. After that, the leading pronounces: "Hmmm". A participant in the game that he sits on his knees meets a changed voice: "Hmmm".

The task of leading to guess the name of the person. If the first time it cannot do this, then repeats again: "Hmmm". The second player jerks him again in response. Watering is given three such attempts to find out a person. If he guess right, the role of the leading turns to the opened player, if not, he will have to drive again.

Hot potato

For the game you will need potatoes (small ball, lemon, stone or any other small object). All participants of the event are sitting on the chairs, put in the ring, face inside the circle. Whose chose the leading turns away or closes the eyes. From this point on, potatoes are transmitted in a circle.

As soon as the lead shouted the word "hot!", The transfer of potatoes stops. The person who has remained in his hands should, at the request of the lead, transfer the potatoes to the next player with a bizarre way. The presenter may wish, for example, so that the player gives the potato under its left foot, shivering, grunt or circling on one leg.

If the player fell again, he transmits potatoes, first after performing the old desire for the lead and new one. Thus, "fines" can accumulate.

This game can be done to the music. Then the signal will not be the word "hot!", But stop music (as in the game with the missing chair).

Burnt predictions

Talking on the eve of the holiday, how to entertain guests at the bottom of birth or any other celebration, do not forget about calm needless options. After all, not all guests love moving games and contests. For a variety you can use five-minute entertainment with balloons.

They are bought in an amount corresponding to the number of guests. Inflate in advance by placing a piece of leaf with a written prediction in each ball. Such "prophecies" can be ridiculous, absurd or, on the contrary, serious.

Prediction options can be different: "Tomorrow you will have unexpected guests in black," "If you don't stop there is a salad, then you will face 5 kg," "This night is waiting for a meeting with aliens" and so on. It is worth showing a fantasy and some knowledge of people who will arrive at the celebration.

When all guests are in the room, declared about the "seriousness" of the upcoming events and balls are launched into the air. Everyone catches one ball with prediction and shoves it to read.

Baby competition

Adult entertainment and games on birthday can be with the use of children's attributes, for example, as in this game. In the classic version two people participate in it. But at the request, the number of players can be increased. In advance, it is necessary to prepare two (or more) identical children's bottles with a nipple. They are filled with any liquid (water, milk, juice, beer).

At the signal, all the "babies" begin to empty their bottle. Wins one who first will drink all the contents. In this cheerful, fast and tasty competition, there are usually many wishing to participate, so it is better to immediately stock up with several bottles.

Dancing - repeats

This entertainment is suitable for any holiday. And it fascinates not only children, as many people might think. To start and support entertainment, you do not necessarily select the music yourself and ask dance movements. All this is already invented and mounted in a special video Collection Such dance-dangling. You just have to click the button and invite everyone to dance. By the way, do not forget to include a video camera - the resulting cheerful video can be given to each of the guests.

Although we are talking about adult entertainment, I think it will not prevent that children also have their own dancing-repeat . If such a thing is available in home use, then any children's holiday Easy to make fun. Children often include such dances, even when they have no company - because constant movement is their normal state

Of course, all the games described above and entertainment on an adult festival are not the only possible. If you like to spend time fun and interesting, then you may be useful for you to use books and collections on this topic. Always have a good directory at hand - a great way out for company. Especially for you Selection of books with festive games. They have ready-made phantas, as well as a description of the original (for example, terrible) entertainment. It can be useful for both family holiday and a corporate party.

Let this described games and contests help you solve the problem to entertain your guests at the bottom of birth. And what games adults at the bottom of birth (or other holidays) do you know?

Cheerful rest to you! Nadezhda Gorryunova

Anyone celebration Be sure to be games and! After the games and the mood improves and the company becomes more friendly. And pleasant memories of your festivalwill stay for a long time in the soul of guests. Therefore, we must think in advance. This article presents calm contests - Drink.

Game that I have in pants
(On the sheets of paper they are written below the shown phrases. Consistent with the guests as the answer to the question of what I have in the pants?. Can I still make answers and for women that I have under a skirt?)

The collective farmers gathered a big crop of cucumbers
Sanitary treatment required
Happiness goes dry and comfortable
There is still powder in the powder and berries in the buttocks
Not porn but ignore
Conscience did not spend the night
Just for the currency
Ended the shelf life
An experienced mentor is required
What you get laugh, then you will make
Repair needed
Any expensive, very expensive
Intimate not to offer
All in an adult!

Russian roulette.

Highly spectacular. That is why it is carried out only once. Repeat it is in the audience, where at least one person is familiar with the nuances of the game, reduces the impression.
Men present at the evening are invited to demonstrate their ability to romantic and reckless actions. As sometime in Knight's tournaments, each of them can devote participation in this contest for the beloved lady.
Men become a row. The hostess alternately comes to each, holding a vase with eggs in his hands. Boiled eggs, with the exception of one. Each of the men must take an egg and break it about his forehead. Here you need a certain courage, and the courage - what if you will get a raw egg?
Real Russian Roulette! The situation is increasing the greater, the fewer eggs remain in the vase. Usually, the ladies are very worried about the safety of worthy external view participants of the "tournament". They begin to give advice, how it is more convenient to get up, break; Stretch napkins.
For gamesOf course, a certain props required, but, given that the New Year's table is covered almost everywhere, there should be no problems with its preparation. The number of eggs is determined by the number of those present at the party. The secret is that there are no raw eggs in a vase. All of them are welded hard.

Competition "Guess Vodka".

Take out several glasses. Speak that in glasses water and only in one vodka. A task to guess who in a glass of vodka. Stacks and straws are involved. They have to drink through the straw and do not show the sight that the rest in the jury guess. Who had vodka. Voting is held. Focus is that everyone has vodka.

Competition Guess the concept.

Leaf and knobs are heard, concepts are written on the sheet (good mood, gold autumn, children's happiness, first snow, bitter tears, etc.) Participants are watching their concept, turn the sheet and paint how they represent this concept.

Pouring game. "Who are we really?"

It is written on cards (for women and men separately), guests, the most bold, are pulling in turn and read loudly.
Host: Each of us thinks that he is such a difference, but at the very case ... Now we find out ... (proposes to pull the card):

I am a spiritual, modest guy, do not walk and do not drink. I read the poems yourself, I sing songs for the night. Ten drops of Valeriana I will accept - and on the barrel, so that no one sleep is a serene to disturb me.

I, in kind, all cool, anyone envies me. I change foreign cars, as if horse cowboy.

All friends consider me a reference to beauty. What shoulders, what hands! And look at your feet! Nothing that is a crypic, and a little bit of chrome: Kosolapiy girls run for me a crowd!

Talking I master, pour, like a bird. I know everything about everything: who from where? What how much? I love it, I find out the news first. I wonder everyone with me - I'll open the soul.

I am beautiful! There is no dispute. Knows this whole light. Protant, like a wasting, and I will walk greatly. What kind of eyebrows, what kind of eyes! And a smile - as if in a fairy tale!

Fidget I am so so stupid! I'm not tired. All day well, how yul i! What am I doing? I do not know. Only there and here flashed. Helping and preventing, praising and quarreling.

I spend the time in the fun and I love the company, because I adore in the center to be attention. I choose the outfits carefully, carefully. And dancing to fall very wonderful.

I'm sitting above books, I do not look. I do not hear the radio - with white magic a friend. Man I am interesting, reversible my famous. I'll take a moment, I will take off - even the fees will not take.

I am such a business, modernly I think. Governor, deputies, mayors - these are my friends. After all, such a time that without a bottle does not pass. Now I break the head, where would the sponsor find?

Man I am not reliable, I take a debt - I do not give. Better I do not trust our property your own. From the scatleton, I suffer from every hour. Now I don't remember what I told you now.

Oh, I'm siren and poor! I'm not sorry for anyone. I get a little money - because Tosca-sadness. That is why I look into the bottle, I get on the back of the head. But I hope very soon all things will go to the way. Because in the garden I dig a valuable treasure!

Packaging Competition "Let's drink and not Strastim!"
(All words belong to the lead.)

Let's drink, drink, and not Strastim, and snacking snacks, and let the salad will probably, and then again Nallem.

(And we will pour in the dishes, from which in the usual life none of the guests do not drink. Guests are invited to choose one card with the inscription, from which they will drink.)!

Solid so that there was a gait, from thimble drink vodka.

So that the legs were danced, drink out of the spoon.

So that you have not pushed out, drink from tea spoon.

Be strong, do not get sick - drink from the bucket of vodka.

You are surprised by us: Drink from the tube for the third time.

But you are beautiful, deftly, bumping vodka from carrots. (In the purified vegetable there is a small deepening.)

Lucky is lucky today - you got to drink from the saucer.

For happy days - from the hem of the bread.

Something came for you - I had to drink from the kule.

So that in life there was a love stream - make a sip out of the flasks.

Drink now with your hands, support, men!

For the character of gold - from the jar, drink beer.

You block three spars - from a big basin.

Happiness in life to you family - from the cup drink coffee.

Something you are not very drunk - here is the choice of glasses.

So as not to eat tablets - a pin in the mouth of a pipette.

To always be healthy - a sip from the floor of Paul Liton.

So that you appreciated the boss - Nallem we are full kettle.

So that I loved you my wife - from the glasses drink to the bottom.

Want you do not want to - from the ball of air bubble.

For the happiness of your Milkoy - Break from the bottle.

Invite Tamatu? Not everyone can afford it to afford both for financial reasons, and because of the small area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment: it would be where to turn around, and where too Tamada. MirSovetov offers simple, but very interesting plans, how not to give guests to get bored.

What should I start?

First of all, it is necessary to understand which contingent will be attended by the holiday. It comes from what holiday :, Anniversary of an adult, family holidays type, christmas, Easter ... Just from who will attend your guest and depends on how you will entertain them.

Most. simple way Will play desktop and "drinking" games. And this is true there is a difference: board games We play at the table, they are very traditional (lotto, candy, cards, and the like), and we play the table in front of the table - their huge set. Sometimes you can apply fantasy. For example, combine the game of cards and desires - the loser quacket, sings the song on the karaoke on the choice of winners. It all depends only on what people will be attended by your holiday.

Do not forget to make a clear script, highlight at least a couple of days to write it. Pick up music, good, it is now quite simple thanks to the Internet. The task of hospitable hosts to entertain guests and make their pastime as enjoyable as possible.

After writing a clear scenario, think prematurely than you will give the winners. It is very important! Play for something much more exciting than just "for interest." Buy small but not devoid of humor, gifts that will be pleasant to everyone. If children and adults are going to play, then there are two options:

  1. Buy gifts in two directions: for an adult and child, and during the game just watch who won and give the appropriate.
  2. Buy monotonous gifts "for all" (soft toys, big candies and the like) and come up with a name for each surprise. For example, giving an adult candy on a stick, you can announce a gift in this way: "And you get free pleasure all night!"

Traditional games

Here we want to familiarize you with the most popular games both desktop and a feast. Perhaps they are well known for you. But it is not necessary to neglect what everyone is familiar, perhaps, just from such entertainment, no one will refuse.

Lotto. Participants are distributed cards with numbers, the presenter pulls out the barrels from the bag marked by numbers. Clearly define who will be the winner: who the first will close the whole map or who first closes one band from the card. This game is suitable for children of school age, and for adults.

Falca. This game is able to entertain all guests from Mala to Great. All participants are folded into a hat or a bag of small things, who have something: hacides, beads, rings, handles. One of the guests is chosen, he turns away and the question is asked him: "What does this phantha do?". Then the twisted responding, his answer is the task for the phanta: it can be a told anecdote, and dance, and meowing. Phanta returns the owner and when the hat is empty, the tasks begins.

Crocodile. In different regions, it may be called somehow otherwise, but the meaning is always alone. First by drawing the participant, who will show the word, and the participant who falsits him. During the game, the showing can not speak, all the funny words, items and animals he should show only by faith and gestures. Wins the one who fastestly gave the word correctly. This game will also entertain the entire multi-year company and will be interesting to children, and adults.

Card games. Here really is a flight for fantasy. You can start with a simple "fool" and finish the game "I believe, I do not believe" or "Witch", which will also come to the taste and children including.

Unusual games

In fact, in this point, the main thing is to apply fantasy, add a little to your own raisin. Entertainment can indeed be a huge set, and your guests are definitely not covered by house.

For example, one of the very fun games is the following option: You, as a owner, distribute cutlery, which can somehow eat: from teaspoons to crap. Then guests on saucers are puree or soup, and participants are starting to eat. Who ate everything first, he won.

A very exciting game, which, however, requires small efforts to prepare for it. It is necessary to take several boxes, preferably by the number of guests, put there "prize" - a handle, fruit, candy, and anything. Then wrap it in wrapping paper, and put a riddle to the top. You need to make several layers of paper, the top of everyone will be crowned with riddles. Who guess all the riddles, he gets a surprise placed in a box.

We also recommend very fascinating fun, which is called "maternity hospital". Rules are simple: Men's and female half are divided into two teams, one half will represent a woman, the second man. Everyone must imagine that a woman gave birth, and her husband came to spend, but, as it happened earlier, he was not allowed in the hospital. And now he is trying to learn from his wife the main news by gestures. Give the male half of the card, on which the main questions will be written: who gave birth? How much weight? Stomach hurts? When will you write down? What to bring to an extract? And the like questions. A man comes out, women solve. The game will trust and will not allow you to miss a minute.


Games carrying competitive character are also enormous. And it is not surprising, it is always interesting not to just play, but also compete, and perfectly deservedly, applying a seammer and a quick reaction, get a gift. Contests are also popular due to the fact that during their holding it is possible to move a little so much.

Competition with chairs. Familiar and love, probably with kindergarten. Recall a fairly simple rules. 4-5 people are selected, chairs or stools are taken, which in number should be less than one piece. Then the fast music turns on, the participants go around the chairs. Music turns off sharply - participants are sitting. Who did not have a chairs, he retired.

Dwarfs and giants. This competition will also be interested in everything from Mala to Great. The participants tell the rules: with the word "dwarfs" they should squat, with the word "giants" - stretch, stand on the tiptoe, pull hands up. The lead holds a rehearsal, where together with the participants in pronounced words arises or sits down. When the real game begins, the rules can be complicated and confused a little more and, of course, to cheer guests: the lead sits down, while says the word "Giant"; The master pronounces such words "magniatory", "potatoes", "Karlovy Vary". Who was wrong - he retired. Whoever was not mistaken, the winner.

Fight in the ring. For this contest, boxing gloves and 2 volunteers who came to visit the lady of the heart are needed. They are invited to beat the honor of their women, gloves are issued. Further, everything is as it should be: Participants are preparing for battle, pressed, warm up, before the start, the host reminds about the rules of boxing and in the most culminating moment gives parties on candy wrapped in a candy. And reports that the honor of the lady of the heart is the one who will turn the first to deploy candy. And do it in boxing gloves oh how difficult it is, therefore laughter and fun are guaranteed.

In total, that we have listed, enough to entertain guests not for one hour. And believe me, they will not have to miss. The main thing is your openness to everything new and mood. And just from this will depend on the guests will be treated for innovations. And anyway, it is better than overeating, gossip at the table, an infinite discussion of politics and the situation in the country. Let's make it easily more positive and bright colors!

As sang in the Soviet cartoon crocodile gene "Unfortunately, a birthday only once a year!", Therefore, it is simply necessary to do this event cheerful and bright.

Buy cake and invite guests only half of the case. Organize a holiday that will remember everything, that's what is needed. The atmosphere should be not only solemn, this day should be filled with fun and joy.

Raise the mood at the birthday day as the very birthday and its guests will help inective contests.

Merry contests for adult company

Competitions imply entertainment not only for participants, but also for observers. It is important that people with humor come to fulfill the tasks felt relaxed. The lead also gives an example how to behave.
Positive mood, smiles, dancing and humor and fun contests - everything you need for an unforgettable birthday for adults: friends, relatives, close and colleagues.

"Gifts for guests"

It's no secret that the birthday girl will give a lot of gifts. Why not take care of a guest? Competition "Gifts for guests" is quite fun and interesting. The main thing is that he will leave each participant a present in memory of this day.

Various gifts are reported on the thread. The task of guests with tied eyes cut the thread and get your gift.

Necessary attributes: Small gifts, threads, scissors, eye dressings.

Prizes every guest will receive already during participation, if it tries well.


A few pairs must participate in the competition that will fight against each other. Rivals will have to stand on all fours face to each other. On the backs of the participants you need to attach sheets with words. The task of the opponent is to read someone else's inscription and save their own gaze.

The winner will be the one who quickly cope with the task. To tear off the floor of the palm and knees is strictly prohibited. The person who will hold a contest must follow the compliance with the rules and define the winners.

Necessary attributes: Sheet of paper and markers that can be written word.

As a prizes, you can make thematic gifts - the bell, horseshoe or something like that.

"Merry Farm"

Competition was created for teams with a large number of participants. The minimum number of teams is two. Players in each team should be at least four.

Each teams get the name - the name of a animal that usually lives on the farm. It can be pigs, horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens or pets - cats, dogs. Command participants must remember their name and sound that publish these animals.

The presenter will have to tie the eye to participants, and mix them with each other. The task of each team is the fastest of others to get together. Make them can only on rumor. Everyone has to bust or meow. Depending on the belonging to a specific team, to let yourself know and find other participants. The team wins, whose players will gather faster and take each other's hands.

Necessary attributes: Dense eye bandages, preferably black.

As prizes, it is better to choose animal figures or small soft toys. You can also distribute candy or cookies in the form of beasts. A low-budget version - Cutting "Cow" for winners.

"Dance Poy"

A fun competition for the birthday of "Dance Poy" will raise the mood not only to the participants, but also to the audience. Merry music is included, and participants are distributed with numbers with numbers. The maximum number of players is ten.

Under the music, participating will have to draw a fifth point in the figure, which they came across, constantly repeating it. The participant wins, the "dance" of which the most prompt spectators.

Necessary attributes: Sheets of paper on which numbers are written, the music you want to enable.

Every prizes will suit anything. You can give a diploma of the most dance pope.


Competition "Obzhorka" is not a low-budget, but it is worth it. You need to purchase cream cakes equal to the number of participants. Under the bottom of the cake plays the key or any other thing to be found.

Players behind their backs bind hands. Their task of mouth get a thing hidden in the cake.

Necessary attributes: Light cakes (cream or whipped cream), handing for hands.

As a prize, you can give another cake or pastry.

"Other thoughts"

This competition was assigned to themselves many leading weddings and corporate events, as he always passes with a bang and causes a storm of positive emotions.

The leading should prepare song trimming in Russian. They will reflect the thought of the participants. It is best to alternate male vocals with female not to confuse.

The host holds the palm above the head of one of the guests, the music immediately turns on, and everyone hears what the participant thinks about.

Necessary attributes: Musical cuts with words.

Please note that the fragments of the songs are chosen correctly.

The prizes are not needed, because almost everything and the winner will not have to determine.

"With replenishment!"

To participate need a couple: men and women. The task of this competition does not find winners, but to cheer guests.

A man and a woman allegedly fall into a situation where they become parents. The new daddy really wants to know who he was born, set many questions. With his wife, it is possible to communicate only through a dense soundproof glass. The task of a woman answering questions a man with gestures.

Prizes can be given not for victory, but for participation.


To participate in the competition you need to attract two girls. Prepared and already inflated balloons should be scattered around the hall. For each girl, it is best to fasten the mentor who will follow the successes and achievements.

The task of girls to the music burst as many balls as possible, however, to do it with hands according to the rules of the competition forbidden. Wins the one that burst more balls for a certain time.

Necessary attributes: bandages to tie hands, balloons.

A prize for the winning girl can be any trifle: hygienic lipstick, comb, mug or plate.

"Congratulations to the birthday"

Competition is held for all sitting at the table. Everyone in turns must wish something like one birthday. It is impossible to repeat.

The participant wins the participant who will say more congratulations. The rest are depicted one by one, if you can not remember something new and original.

"While the match is burning"

While the match is burning, the participant must tell his story of the acquaintance with the birthday girl as colorful. All guests take part.

Matches are lit in turn: one shoes, the other lights up. When everyone hurry, stutter and stutter will become extremely fun. Or maybe someone shakes something superfluous? It is interesting to listen and have fun.

"Flying gait"

The birthday name is removed in one end of the hall, and the guests go to another. Each of the guests includes different music, which they must demonstrate their gait.

Going to the birthday of a flying gait, the task of the guest to kiss the celebration of the celebration and return back. The competition implies a maximum of attention to the person who will have a birthday, and the music gait of the participants will lose the mood to everyone.

"Defective Congratulations"

It is necessary to prepare a lot of postcards in advance on which there are congratulations in verses. The more difficult rhyme, the better.

Each participant is given two candy, which according to the rules of the competition must be placed behind both cheeks. The task of the participant is to read congratulations on the expression. The prize will receive the one who will make the most prompt guests.

As a prize for participation, Chupa Chups is perfect.

"Poisonous bite"

All participants in the contest allegedly biting a poisonous snake in the leg. Since life is full of fun, they should not despair, but to dance.

Dancing participants first find out that they have no legs. We can not move in numbers of body, but you need to continue to dance. And so with fifth to the head. Wins the one whose dance was the most incendiary in spite of everything.

Incentive prizes and the chief present for the victory must be made unequivocal. For example, for participation - mugs, and for victory - a bottle of champagne.

"Find on the rumor"

It's time to check the birthday girl on how well he knows his guests. Voices of loved ones and friends can be found out of thousands. Let's try? The birthday name turns back to guests.

Each guest calls the name of the jubilee in turn. You need to learn whose voice. Since the participants will change their voices, it will be very fun.

Now you understand, thanks to what entertainment is a birthday, will be unforgettable?

You need to choose more likely contests in advance. Prepare all the necessary attributes, as well as prizes.

Decide those who will hold contests. It is best to choose the most funny person from the whole company, which can be able to progress the people and attract the attention of the public. Birthday will be perfectly, if each will take part in the players and competitions.

Do not forget to come in excellent mood, it will certainly be transferred to everyone around. Give a smile to people and get them in return. The exchange of positive energy will configure everyone to the right direction.

Follow multiple simple but helpful tips:

  • Clearly formulate the conditions, explain the tasks to the participants, ask if they understood you.
  • All contests write on paper. So you will not forget their sequence, what they conclude, which presents for them are prepared, as well as attributes. This will ensure convenience personally to you.
  • Do not forced to participate in those people who do not want to do this. Everyone can have their reasons for each, perhaps a person is shy, and maybe his mood has not yet overtake that high level when you want to rejoice at yourself and share this joy, win and be involved in everything.
  • Decide in advance with the budget that will be directed to the purchase of prizes. They are better to buy more than less. It is impossible to allow you to leave someone without a deserved prize.
  • Between each competition, do not forget to pay attention to the birthday man. Dilute the evening with jokes, congratulations and dancing.
  • Alternate moving companions with mental, give participants to rest. You can first hold a dance, and then the competition at the table.
  • When conducting feel confident. If the fear of speeches is the leading, then what to talk about the participants.
  • Support the participants and ask for this observing guests. The unity of invited to everyone will benefit, especially if not everyone is familiar with each other.
  • If you have this opportunity, then participate yourself. You are applying for all guests. Have fun in full.
  • Praise and thank you for participation.

No matter how many years have you become, it is the birthday of a holiday that remains loved at any age. Spend it, breaking over the full program, because exactly bright moments Entertaining and beautiful our life.

Throw the rules like "the main thing is not a victory - the main part of participation," go to the end, defeat, get prizes. Let them not be too valuable, but very pleasant. It is from such little victories that big.

And in conclusion, we suggest you to see the test for real men called "Earth in the Illuminator" as well as other fun competition for adults on the video: